Coral- Gables_Educational-Flyer-02 Green Ini t i a t i v e S e a l o f Sustainability City of Coral Gables Prohibition on PLASTIC BAGS FOR SPECIAL EVENTS Prohibited Use of Plastic Bags On Any Special Event Permitted by the City NEW REGULATION! Effective immediately, any entity or individual who has been issued a special event permit by the City of Coral Gables is prohibited from providing items in single-use carry out plastic bags during special events. Why this New Regulation? The City of Coral Gables is a leader in sustainability efforts. The ultimate goal of this new ordinance is to replace single-use carry out plastic bags with reusable, recyclable or compostable alternatives in order to reduce litter and pollutants on streets, parks, public spaces and waterways. How Does it Affect Me? If you’ve been granted a special event permit by the City of Coral Gables, you must comply with this new law immediately. For vendors selling or providing goods at farmers’ markets or during any special event, compliance with the ordinance is a condition of approval for the issuance of a special events permit and enforcement will begin immediately. Special event permittees in violation will be asked to cease use of single-use carry out plastic bags immediately and failure to do so will subject permitee to revocation of the permit. Continues on other side... Are There Any Exceptions? Yes , this new ordinance does not apply to special events permittees hosting a small private event of 100 people or less, such as a birthday party or family reunion. This ordinance also exempts: • Produce bags that protect food or merchandise from being damaged or contaminated by other food or merchandise when items are placed together in a reusable bag or recyclable bag. • Bags that hold prescription medications dispensed from a pharmacy or veterinary office. • Bags designed to be placed over articles of clothing on a hanger, including dry cleaning bags. • Door hanger bags. • Newspaper bags. • Garbage bags. • Pet waste bags. • Yard waste bags. • Bags of any type that a customer previously owned and brings to a store for his or her own use in carrying away store goods. What Can I Use Instead of Plastic Bags? To comply with this new law, special event permittees have the options of using: • Reusable bags designed for long-term use. • Recyclable paper bags that contain and display a minimum average of 40% post-consumer recycled material. • Compostable bags that conform and display an ASTM D6400 standard. Who Do I Call for More Information? For any questions, please contact the City of Coral Gables Sustainability Division at 305-460-5008 or visit www.coralgables.com/plasticbags ADA Notice: The City welcomes individuals with disabilities. To request a modification to a policy, practice or procedure or to request an auxiliary aide or service (such as a sign language interpreter) in order to participate in a City program, activity or event, please contact the City’s ADA Coordinator Raquel Elejabarrieta or the Director of the sponsoring department at least seven (7) days in advance where circumstances permit. ADA Coordinator Raquel Elejabarrieta may be reached by email: ada@coralgables.com, or by telephone: 305-722-8686 (voice) or 305-442-1600 (TTY/TDD). Download the City App Like us on Facebook Tweet with us Coralgables.com/CityApp Facebook.com/cityofcoralgables @CityCoralGables www.coralgables.com Subscribe to YouTube YouTube.com/coralgablestv Subscribe to e-News www.coralgables.com Get the in-telligent app www.in-telligent.com