Exh 4AAGENDA ITEM 4A MARCH 25, 2002 DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233-5455 TELEPHONE: (904) 247-5828 FAX: (904) 247-5849 SUNCOM: 852-5828 http://ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us March 4, 2002 To: Jim Hansori, City Manager From: Timmy Johnson, Recreation Director Re: Usage Report, Community Center, February 2002 Jim, here is a recap of activity at the Adele Grage Community Center for the month of February 2002: Thoafar IRnnm Dl Group/Event No. of Mtgs/Events No. of People ABET Set Bldg/Performances Rehearsals and Workshops 26 595 Narcotics 4 80 Receptions/Board Meetings 1 15 Artlife Productions, Inc./ Jazz Fridays 1 25 Totals 32 715 Maatinn Renm IRoem Bl Group/Event No. of Mtgs/Events No. of People AA. Meeting 8 104 Board Meeting 1 5 State Attorneys Office 1 8 Knitting Club/Scrabble 2 18 Totals 12 135 Total Number of People using Theater- 715 Total Number of People using Meeting Room- 135 Total Number of People using Adele Grage- 850 AGENbA ITEM 4A MARCH 25, 2002 Summary of Donner Park activities: • Attended a meeting with H.U.D. to discuss final plans for Black History Month Program at FCCJ • Held USDA Commodities registration at the Center. Approximately forty-five families signed up to receive commodities food baskets. • Attended Fletcher High School Resource Center Board meeting to discuss a neighborhood partnership for child abuse prevention and to make families aware of the resources that the center offers. Held our Cheerleaders sleep over. Thinly-sa parents and friends of the Cheerleaders came out to assist the Cheerleaders for a dress rehearsal of their upcoming competfion. • Attended Black History celebration at FCCJ, Kent Campus. One of Donner Community Center's members won first place in the High School Spelling Bee. Three other Donner children placed in various levels of the Spelling Bee. • Donner Park Cheerleaders took first place of the FCCJ Cheerleading Competition. Seven teams competed in the event. • Set-up and managed Mission Fair booth at Palms Presbyterian Church. Each organization or group that benefits from there out reach mission had to present and explain their role as community center leaders. More then 300 people attended the event. • Held two 4H meetings for month of January. 28 children attended. Held basketball team registration and try-outs. Summary of Jordan Park activities: • Created points programs for Jordan children to attend Disney. trip with Habitat for Humanity. • Met with area churches to begin a reading library at Jordan Park. • Held registration for Jordan Park basketball camps. The age groups for the boys and girls at t3-12 and 13-16 years. Summary of Parks and Recreation Activties: • Set-up and coordinated Camp Out Under the Stars. (Cancelled Due to Inclement weather) • Attended Pre-bid meeting for Adele Grage Cultural. Center construction. • Attended final Recreation Advisory Meeting. Metwith City Manager on projects Typed correspondence, answered phone, and all other parks and recreation related activities. • Inspected Dutton Island • Submitted Grant for Dutton Island Phase III AGENDA ITEM 4A MARCH 25, 2002 City of Atlantic Beach, FL Utility Sales Report February 2002 Water Sales f3fa;S~n ,Sf` Atlantic Beach Buccaneer i Total Water Sales 2001 Gallons Actual Revenue Gallons Actual Revenue Accounts (000) Revenue Per 1,000 gl Accounts (000) Revenue Per 1,000 gl w ~ 5,202 44,357 $87,724 $1.98 5,182 49,569 $89,854 $1.81 2,582 30,922 $67,969 $2.20 2,562 34,163 $68,777 $2.01 7,784 75,279 $155,693 $2.07 7,744 83,732 $158,631 $1.89 Water Plant Production (ooo> (ooo) ', ..Atlantic Beach 53,278 48,371 Buccaneer 27,793 30,297 Total Production 81,071 78,668 Total Water Billed 75,279 83,732 Water Loss for month: 5,792 (5,064) Percentage Loss 7.14% -6.44% Total 12 mo. Avg. Loss 13.84% 12.92% Gallons Actual Revenue Gaftons Actual Revenue Sewer Sales Accounts (000) Revenue Per t,ooo gl Accounts (000) Revenue Per t,ooo gl s AtldntiC Beach 4,678 35,655 $139,856 3.92 4,600 38,994 $138,910 3.56 Buccaneer 2,483 28,900 $134,672 4.66 2,462 32,240 $137,039 4.25 Total Sewer Sales 7,161 64,555 $274,528 . $4.25 7,062 71,234 $275,949 $3.87 I Sewer Treatment Millions of Gallons W 66.0540 60.9440