Exh 8AAGENDA ITEM 8A MARCH 25, 2002 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Professional Services Agreement with the Consulting, Planning and Engineering firm of Ivey, Harris & Walls, Inc. to perform revisions to the Comprehensive Plan Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) as required by the Department of Community Affairs. SUBMITTED BY: Sonya Doerr, AICP, Community Development Director $r3c~J DATE: March 18, 2002 BACKGROUND: In April of 2001, the Community Development Board recommended the fine of Ivey, Hams & Walls, Inc. to make certain required revisions to the City's Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR). The City adopted its first EAR in September of 1997, and upon review by the Department of Community Affairs (DCA), the report was found to be insufficient in that it did not address all required EAR issues. The EAR is required by the State's Growth Management laws, as set forth within F. S., Chapter 163, and the schedule for preparation of a jurisdiction's EAR is established by DCA. (The next EAR schedule will require the City of Atlantic Beach to adopt an EAR by October Ol, 2008.) The objective of this process is to evaluate the success orfailure of the local Comprehensive Plan and identify needed amendments to the Plan. Accordingly, this process must be completed so that the City can proceed with needed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. Irr June of 1999, the City was awarded a $10,000 Technical Assistance Grant to be used to address needed revisions. These funds were budgeted in the previous budget year for the purpose of hiring a consultant to assist with this effort; however, the funds did not get carried over to the current budget year. Attached is a proposed Scope of Work, which identifies issues to be addressed in the revised EAR. Staff is continuing to finalize terms of the work agreement with Ivey, Hams & Walls, but requests approval to execute the agreement so that work on this project can proceed immediately. BUDGET RECOMMENDATION: Provide $10,000 fimding for the EAR revision along with mid-year budget adjustments. RECOMMENDATION: Motion to authorize City Manager to negotiate and execute a Professional Services Agreement with Ivey, Hams & Walls, Inc. in the amount of $10,000.00 to make required revisions to the City's Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) as adopted by Resolution 97-34. ATTACHMENTS: Scope of Work and Consultant's proposed Professional Services Agreement. REVIEWED BY CITY MANPtF~ . AGENDA ITEM 8A MARCH 25, 2002 DEPARTMENT AFFAIRS "Helping Floridians create safe, vibrant, sustainable communities" IAW(ON CHILES JAMES F. MURLEY Governor Secretary November 19, 1998 Mr. George Worley Community Development Director City of Atlantic Beach 300 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 Deaz Mr. Worley: The Department has completed its 90-day final review of the City of Atlantic Beach's Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) adopted on September 22, 1998 by Resolution 97-34. The Department has determined the adopted EAR to be insufficient because it does not adequately address the requirements of Rule 9J-5.0053, F.A.C., and Chapter 163.3191, Part II, F.S. The issues identified in the preliminary 60-day finding letter, dated October 20, 1998, require the City's attention. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Susan Poplin, AICP, Planner IV at (850) 487-4545. Sincerely, J. Thomas Beck, Chief Bureau of Local Planning JTB/sp cc: Mr. Brian Teeple, Northeast Florida Regional Planning Council 2555 SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARD • TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-2100 Phone: 850.488.8466/Suncom 278.846.6 FAX: 850.921.0781/Suncom 291.0781 Internet address: http://www.state.fl.us/comaff/dca. html aORIDAKflS CRHN SWAMP 5011tH aORIDA RECOVERYOFFI~ Aln afGiBd ShR CaMem Fidd ORia keadCddcd BUk Conrem Fidd ORKe P.O.Bar 4022 27960vatem Hipfway, 8uiR212 155 Ead Summerlin 8600 N.W.361h Strcet __._ .. _._Mardlhm..Eanda iiDSM12I2] R:utnw fkdda iifliplddl M' flirvih iilc9./~f2 AGENDA ITEM 8A MARCH 25, 2002 IVEY, HARRIS &.WALLS, INC. Planning, Engineering, Landscape Architecture & Environmental Services 7899 Baymeadows Way, Suite 5 Jacksonville, Florida 32256 PROFESSIONAL. SERVICES AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT, made and entered into this_ day of _,.2002_, by and between IVEY, HARRIS & WALLS, INC. (IH&W) and the CLIENT, the City of Atlantic Beach, is for the Professional Services described under Item 2 of this AGREEMENT. CLIENT: ADDRESS: PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT NUMBER: 1. Location and Description of Project: City of Atlantic Beach 2. Description and type of Professional Services, to be provided byiH&W: See attached "Scope of Services." 3. The compensation to be paid IH&W for providing the Professional Services shall be: Time Charge plus identifiable .direct expenses. (See attached. Schedule of Hourly Rates). Time Charge plus identifiable direct expenses with an upset limit of $ , noY to be exceeded without prior approval by the CLIENT. (See attached Schedule of Hourly Rates). A lump-sum charge of $ ,plus identifiable direct expenses: A lump-sum. charge of $ IHYVAGREEME.OO[ AGENDA ITEM SA MARCH 25, 2002 4. GENERAL CONDITIONS. a. PAYMENT OF INVOICES -The CLIENT shall be invoiced on a monthly basis for work performed during the preceding month. Payment is due fifteen (15) days after receipt of invoice. If the CLIENT fails to make any payment due IH&W for services and expenses within thirty (30) days of the invoice date, the amount(s) due shall include a charge at the rate of one and one-half percent (1.5%) per month from the said thirtieth day. If IH&W employs. legal services to collect overdue amounts, the CLIENT agrees to pay all costs for collection, including reasonable attorney's fees, whether action be brought or not. The CLIENT acknowledges that the Professional Services agreed to and/or the resulting improvements shat( constitute a lien against the property and, in the event improvements are dedicated ,to public use or otherwise alienated by the CLIENT, then IH&W is entitled to a lien on all property abutting said improvements: If any invoice remains unpaid for 90 days or longer, IH&W reserves the right to discontinue any or all work on the subject property. b. NOTICE TO OWNER -If the CLIENT is not the fee Owner of the property, IH&W has the right to provide Notice to Owner, stating that IH&W's services constitute a lien on the property if invoices for IH&W's work are not paid by the CLIENT. c. FEE SCHEDULE - If this contract is not executed by IH&W and the CLIENT within 120 days of the date noted on page one, the fees quoted in this contract are subject to renegotiation. In addition, should the work described under Item 2 not be completed within one year of the CLIENT'S execution date of the contract noted on page three, .then hourly rates are subject to renegotiation. Any such hourly increases are limited to fifteen percent per annum. d. REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES -The CLIENT shall pay IH&W for identifiable direct. out-of-pocket expenses incurred for travel, mileage, toll .telephone calls, printing, reproduction, delivery, postage and express mailing costs and all other identifiable. direct expenses per the FIRM's direct reimbursable guideline sheet. e. TERMINATION - The obligation to provide further services under this AGREEMENT may be terminated by either party upon seven (7) days written notice, in the event of substantial failure by the other party to perform in accordance with the terms hereof through no fault of the terminating party. In the event this AGREEMENT is terminated prior to completion, IH&W shall be entitled to payment for services performed as of the date of termination, plus reimbursable expenses. f. CLIENT FURNISHED INFORMATION -CLIENT'S Responsibilities: If required, the CLIENT shall furnish, or direct IH&W to obtain at the CLIENT'S expense, surveys describing physical characteristics, legal limitations, .utility locations and a written legal. description of the site and services for geotechnical engineering, structural,. environmental tests, inspections and reports required by the law. IH&W shall consider all information supplied by the CLIENT as accurate, complete and correct. Additional work or revisions to completed work performed by IH&W as a result of AGENDA ITEM 8A MARCH 25, 2002 inaccurate, incomplete or incorrect information supplied by the CLIENT shall be paid for as additional services at prevailing IH&W hourly rates. This additional work will not be performed without prior written approval by CLIENT. g. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS -All original sketches, tracings, drawings, computations, details, design calculations, and other documents and plans prepared pursuant to this AGREEMENT are and remain the property of IH&W as instruments of service. Their use on other projects or this project must be approved in writing by IH&W. Reproducible copies of all documents shall be made available to the CLIENT as requested by the CLIENT. h. COST ESTIMATES -The CLIENT hereby acknowledges that estimates of probable construction costs, whether preliminary or final, cannot be guaranteed, and such estimates are not to be construed as a promise to design facilities within a cost limitation. IH&W shall not be held liable or financially accountable for cost overruns, errors or omissions resulting from work performed by others. i. SUB-CONSULTANTS - If authorized in writing by the CLIENT, IH&W shall furnish or obtain from other sub-consultants, services which are not considered normal or customary Basic Services. If contracted and billed through IH&W, the cost for additional services from others shall be billed at their actual cost .plus ten (10%) percent. The cost for additional services of IH&W personnel shall be billed at the hourly rates in effect at the time the additional work is performed. j. ADDITIONAL SERVICES -Any changes to .the attached Scope of Services initiated by the CLIENT shall be considered additional services. These services will be paid for in addition to the compensation for basic service and will either be billed at an hourly rate or negotiated as a lump sum. k. LIABILITY -The CLIENT agrees to indemnify IH&W from any and all liability, loss or damage .the CLIENT may suffer as a result of claims, demands, costs or judgments against the CLIENT arising out of the work undertaken in this contract should the liability, loss or damage be caused by or arise out of other than sole negligence of IH&W or iYs officers, agents; employees or othervvise. i. .This .contract does not imply or guarantee that efforts to obtain required permits and approvals will be successful ii. This contract is offered with the understanding of the relevant regulations of the local government, the State of Florida, and the United States as of the date of the signature by an officer of IH&W, of this contract. Regulations 3 IXWAGREEA1E.tloc AGENDA ITEM 8A MARCH 25, 2002 which become effective after thA signature date of this contract may affect the Scope of Services contained herein. In such an event, Ivey, Harris & Walls, Inc. is not bound to the fees contained herein. Both parties shall have full rights to renegotiate to reflect the effect of new. regulations on the relevant components of this contract. iii. Except as expressly provided herein, neither IH&W nor the CLIENT shall be liable to the other for any economic damages caused by termination of or failure to perform under this contract, whether such economic damages are based upon delay in completion of the project, failure to obtain permits, loss of anticipated sales of property, prospective profits, expenditures, contracts, investment, leases, property purchases, property improvements or other commitments made in anticipation of the services to be performed by IH&W, hereunder, or in reliance upon this contract or any other compensation or economic damages of any nature except for services actually performed and costs and commitments actually incurred by IH&W under this contract prior to the effective date of termination. iv. Risk Allocation-The CLIENT agrees to limit IH&W's professional liability to the CLIENT and all construction contractors and subcontractors on the project, due to the performance or nonperformance of this contract, such that the total aggregate liability of IH&W to all those named shall not exceed $50,000 or the total fees received in this AGREEMENT, whichever is greater. ' v. Claims, disputes or othermatters in question between the parties to this AGREEMENT arising out of or relating to AGREEMENT or breach thereof shall be resolved through mediation. vi. Unless otherwise provided in this AGREEMENT, IH&W shall have no responsibility for the discovery, prior presence, handling, removal or disposal of or exposure of persons to hazardous materials in any form at the Project site, including but not limited to asbestos, asbestos products,. polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) or other toxic substances. I. AUTHORIZATION -The signature below authorizes the work herein described and does so on behalf of the Owner(s) of the land or property in question and warrants that the CLIENT. either is the Owner or has authority to sign this AGREEMENT on behalf of the Owner(s). ~{ IMNAGREEME.doc AGENDA ITEM 8A MARCH 25, 2002 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this AGREEMENT is accepted on the date first above written subject to the terms and conditions stated and the general conditions attached hereto. CLIENT: NAME: TITLE: DATE: SIGNATURE: IVEY, HARRIS & WALLS, INC. NAME: TITLE: DATE: SIGNATURE: AGENDA ITEM SA MARCH 25, 2002 Revisions to the Evaluation. and Appraisal Report City of Atlantic Beach 1990 Comprehensive Plan Scope of Services The purpose of this contract shall be to perform services related to the revision of the City of Atlantic Beach Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR), adopted on September 22, 1997, by Resolution No. 97-34. The EAR shall be revised and amended in accordance with the minimum requirements of Florida Statutes, Chapter 163.3191(2) (a) through (k) with specific responses to address comments and suggested revisions as transmitted by the Department of Community Affairs. Issues to be addressed shall include the following. (a) Population growth and changes in land area, including annexation, since the adoption of the original plan or the most recent update amendments. The EAR revision shall include current population estimates using 2000 Census data and Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEBR) data. Annexation and increase in population resulting from annexations since the original 1990 Comprehensive Plan adoption shall be addressed. (b) The extent of vacant and developable land. The report shall include a map showing where the vacant acres are and identify the future land use designations of such vacant lands. (c) The financial feasibility of implementing the Comprehensive. Plan and of providing needed infrastructure to achieve and maintain adopted level-of-service standards and sustain concurrency management systems through the capital improvements element, as well as the ability to address infrastructure backlogs and meet the demands. of growth on public services .and facilities. i. The current capital improvements plan including type of project, year planned and funding source; ii. Any existing or anticipated surpluses and shortfalls of funding for the capital improvements plan iii. All anticipated needed"facility projects for water, sewer, stormwater, solid waste, and transportation. The City's EAR implies that sewer, stormwater and .transportation are. priorities iv. Address how the City will fund needed projects including identified funding sources. Using the information above, the report should answer the question: Is our .current system capable of providing for needed improvements? AGENDA ITEM 8A MARCH 25, 2002 {d) The location of existing development in relation to the location of development anticipated in the original plan, or in the plan as amended. The report should include a supplemental table listing the acreage and type of development allocated on the future land use map. (Two maps, one showing the existing land uses and one showing the future land uses should be provided.) (e) Major issues of concern for the City of Atlantic Beach shall be identified and the potential social, economic, and environmental impacts related to these issues. The consultant shall coordinate with the Cities of Jacksonville, Neptune Beach and Jacksonville Beach, and other State and Federal agencies to identify major issues: These shall. include the Florida Department of Transportation, the Northeast Florida Regional Planning Council and the St Johns River Water Management District and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Issues to be addressed shall include, but not be limited to: i. Coastal Conservation ii. Hurricane Evacuation iii. Transportation iv. .Redevelopment v. Housing/Historic Preservation (f) Relevant changes to the State Comprehensive Plan, the requirements of this part, the minimum criteria contained in chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, and the appropriate Strategic Regional Policy Plan since the adoption of the original Comprehensive Plan. i. 9J-5.0055(2)(c) -Level of Service consistency on Florida Intrastate Highway System (FINS) with FDOT for concurrency ii. 9J-5.006(2)(8) -new requirement to analyze development and redevelopment based on hazard mitigation reports iii. 9J-5.006(3)(c)6 -new requirement to designate uses in wellhead protection areas if applicable iv. 9J-5.006(3)(c)8 -new requirement to protect historic properties; v. 9J-5.006(4)(b)6 - new.requirement to map Coastal High Hazard Areas (CHHA) vi. 9J-5.010(1)(a), (1)(c), (2)(f)3, (3)(b)1, (3)(b)3, and (3)(c)10 -new requirements to use Schimberg Center data on affordable housing and to develop objectives and policies to provide for affordable housing as well as a variety of housing types. 2 AGENDA ITEM 8A MARCH 25, 2002 vii. 9J-5.012(2)(8) and (3)(c)9- new requirement to coordinate with county marina siting plan. viii. 9J-5.012(3)(c)5 -new requirement to address post disaster redevelopment. during the EAR process. ix. 9J-5.012(3)(c)8 -new requirement for infrastructure in the CHHA. x. 9J-5.013(1)(a)1 -new requirement to analyze groundwaters. xi. 9J-5.013(1)(a)5 -new requirement to identify important fish and shellfish communities; xii. 9J-5.013(2)(c) and (3) -new requirements to protect water quality and quantity, and wetlands. xiii. 9J-5.015(3)(b)1 and (3)(c)1 -new requirements to coordinate with school boards and new requirements to establish joint local planning agreements with any appropriate entities. xiv. 9J-5.019(4) and (5) -new requirements for a transportation element including goals, objectives, policies and maps. xv. Changes to the Northeast Florida Regional Planning Council's Strategic Regional Policy Plana (g) An assessment of whether the plan objectives within each element, as they relate to major issues identified through item (e) above,. have been achieved. The report shall include, as appropriate, an identification as to whether unforeseen or unanticipated changes in circumstances have resulted- in problems or opportunities with respect to major issues identified. in each element and the social, economic, and environmental impacts of the issue. (h) A brief assessment of successes and shortcomings related to each element of the plan. (i) Identify any actions or corrective measures, including whether plan amendments are anticipated to address the major issues identified and analyzed in the report. Such identification shall include, as appropriate, new population projections, new revised planning timeframes, a revised future conditions map or map series, an updated capital improvements element, and any new and revised goals, objectives, and policies for major issues identified within each element. (The submittal of plan amendments is not required along with the EAR.) Identify needed additional plan amendments. Based on the City's character and the major issues identified,. the City should the following minimum data and the need for related amendments should be addresses, as appropriate. 3 AGENDA ITEM 8A MARCH 25, 2002 i. Identification of CHHA based on best available data and subsequent adoption of needed maps. ii. Identification and use of available transportation data, and the subsequent need to adopt goals, objectives and policies establishing a transportation element. (This is a new requirement for all jurisdictions in an urban area of an MPO.) iii. Development of data for school siting and subsequent objectives and policies establishing where schools will be allowed and establishing a collocation policy. iv. Development of data on intergovernmental coordination and the subsequent need to adopt goals, objectives and policies to require establishment of additional interlocal agreements; v. Policies establishing post disaster redevelopment plan development, adoption and implementation. vi. Identification of any potable wells and wellhead protection areas (by map), and subsequent adoption of wellhead protection policies indicating allowed uses .within protection areas.; vii. Updated data on historic properties and the subsequent need to adopt goals, objectives and policies to protect historic properties. viii. Analysis of Schimberg Center Housing Data, development of updated population projections, the subsequent need to adopt goals, objectives and policies to address housing needs including affordable housing; ix. Objectives to develop a stormwater management plan including collection of data, and commitment to adopt subsequent objective and policies to address stormwater management needs. x. Analysis of resource data including wetlands and any environmentally sensitive lands, and the subsequent need to adopt goals, objectives and policies to protect their natural functions. (j) A summary of the public participation programs and activities undertaken by the, local government in preparing the report. The report should be revised to identify the public participation process. The process should allow adequate notice to residents, should provide for adequate public hearings and should identify how comments from residents are addressed. Examples should be provided. (k) The coordination of the Comprehensive Plan with existing public schools and those identified in the applicable 5-year school district. facilities work program adopted pursuant to F.S. 235.185. The assessment shall address, 4 AGENDA ITEM 8A MARCH 25, 2002 where relevant, the success orfailure of the coordination of the future land. use map and associated planned residential development with public schools and their capacities, as well as the joint decision making processes engaged in by the local government and the school board in regard to establishing appropriate population projections and the planning and siting of public. school facilities. (If the issues are not relevant, the local government shall demonstrate that they are not relevant.) The report should be revised to include this information. The. City should indicate if school. coordination issues described in column 1 Q) are relevant. If they are not the government must demonstrate so by appropriate information from the school board and the County. 5