Exh 8BAGENDA ITEM 8B MARCH 25, 2002 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Engineering Contract - Stormwater Master Plan Update SUBMITTED BY: Robert S. Kosoy, P.E. Director of Public Works DATE: March 18, 2002 BACKGROUND: The Commission's Strategic Plan identified mapping and master planning as high priority concerns. The Sewer and Water Master Plans aze now complete, and a Stormwater Master Plan Update was included in the current fiscal yeaz's budget. The Stormwater Master Plan Update will include: 1) an update of the 1995 Stormwater Master Plan with a companion document 2) update and conversion of AutoCAD drainage maps and Primary Stormwater Management System maps to a Geographic Information System (GIS) 3) .evaluation of the system deficiencies and problems, including modeling for Hopkins Creek 4) formulation of a 10-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for the City's stormwater projects identified as part of this project A second Request for Proposals (RFPs) was advertised and staff received proposals on February 13, 2002. On February 25, 2002, the City Commission authorized staff to negotiate a contract with Camp, Dresser & McKee, Inc. Staff has negotiated a proposed contract with Camp, Dresser & McKee to complete the update, GIS. and 10-yeaz CIP effort, in the amount of $95,385. RECOMMENDATION: Awazd the contract for prepazation of the Stormwater Master Plan Update to Camp, Dresser & McKee in the amount of $95,385. Authorize the City Clerk to send notification of the awazd to the firm, and authorize City Manager to sign the contract with Camp, Dresser & McKee. ATTACHMENTS: Cover letter and Scope of Services from Camp, Dresser & McKee. BUDGET: Funds in the amount of $75,000 for the Stormwater Master Plan Update were budgeted in account 470-0000-538-6300. Additional funding to complete the modeling effort is available in the same account, since the Selva Marina Streets Project bid price for stormwater work was well un budget in this account. REVIEWED BY CITY MANA MAR-15-02 14:14 FROM-CbM Jacksonville 8658 Baypine Rbad,Suhe 200 JadBbmllle, Flbrlda 32256 tei: 904731-7109 fax: 904 731.0465 March 15, 2002 Mr. Robert S. Kosoy, P.E. Public Works Duector City of Atlantic Beach 1200 Sandpiper Lane Atlantic Beach, FL 32233-4318 904-791-0465 T^81 .AGENDA ITEM 8B MARCH 25, 2002 Subject: City of Atlantic Beach Scope of Services and Sudget -Revised Stormwater Management Master Plan Update Dear Mr. Kosoy: CDM is pleased to submit this revised scope of services for the City of Atlantic Beach Master Stormwater Management Plan Update (SWMPU) for your review and comments. This scope was developed based on our most recent conversations and has been modified to address your questions and comments. We trust that the enclosed proposal meets your expectations for a comprehensive scope of services thatwill contzx'bute to the successful development of an iznplementable SWMPL7. We are looking forwazd to working with you on flus project . Tf you have any questions or comments regarding Phis scope of services, please callus at (904) 731-7109. Tbonald 1~. Maurer; P.E., DEE Associate Camp Dresser & McKee Tne. Enclosures ronmhine.enbinceflno •conStN<tibn •Opetat(o115 AGENDA ITEM 8B MARCH 25, 2002 City of Atlantic Beach Stormwater Master Plan Update Scope of Services. March 14, 2002 BACKGROUND In 1995, the City of Atlantic Beach (City) developed a stormwater master plan (SWMP) that evaluated the level of service provided within its six primary surface water systems, namely: Selva Marina Canal, Hopkins Creek, Sherman Creek, Intracoastal Waterway, Puckett Creek, and the Atlantic Ocean. The SWMP also provided recommendations for improvements in areas where the stormwater system did not meet the established level of service (flooding occurs). Since the publication of the SWMP, the Selva Marina system has been re-evaluated and improvements are being implemented in the. core City improvements project (south of 12~ Street). Furthermore, other improvements are being implemented throughout the City in an effort to provide for the stated level of service. Before continuing with other improvements, the City would like to evaluate the systems that have not been improved, and rank the improvements that are needed. Therefore, the City has selected CDM to update the master stormwater plan. Hopkins Creek has been identified as one of the systems that would specifically be further modeled. In addition, the City needs its stormwater system maps to be converted from a CAD to a GIS based system. CDM will provide the following services to assist the City of Atlantic Beach (City) in updating their Stormwater Master Plan (Figure 1). • Update the 1995 Stormwater Master Plan with a companion document (SWMPU; Volume 2); • Update and convert Auto Cad drainage maps and Primary Stormwater Management System (PSWMS) maps to a Geographic Information System (GIS); • Evaluate system deficiencies and problems, including modeling for Hopkins Creek; and • Formulate a 10.yeaz Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for the Cit}~s stormwater projects identified as part of this project. A more detailed description of the various components of this project is provided below. The project scope consists of performing the preliminary engineering evaluation and providing recommendations for improved LOS. At the option of the City, a supplemental agreement may be negotiated to address the issues of providing permitting, funding and negotiation assistance, and construction plans and specifications development services. The specific tasks to perform the work are as follows: AGENDA ITEM 8B MARCH 25, 2002 Task 1 -Review Existing Report and Available Data and Idenizfy Problem Areas CDM will review the 1995 SWMP and problem azea location maps provided by the City (road closures from historic storms). CDM will meet with City staff to identify area location maps provided by the City where recommendations made in existing reports were implemented (either completely or partially). CDM will further obtain the following information from City staff: • Staff estimate of the level of service provided for City-identified problem areas, • CAD drawing of stonnwater basin boundaries, • CAD drawing of Citywide stormwater system (both open and closed), • Extent of information (data) on the stormwater system shown on the CD drawing, • Royal Palms stormwater letter report (Jones Edmunds' Report), • Location of stormwater outfalls to waters of the state, • NPDES permit and requirements, and • Survey data collected during the development of 1995 master plan. Based on the information furnished by the City, CDM will update the SWMP by generating a section in the SWMPU (Volume 2) companion document that discusses areas where additional data, further evaluation, and/or capital improvement project implementation maybe required. Task 2 -Review of 1995 Drainage Maps and Convert from CAD to GIS Based CDM will work with City of Atlantic Beach staff available topographical maps, engineering plans, and other previous stormwater studies as identified in Task 1 to update the extent of the watershed boundaries identified in the 1995 SWMP. CDM will then incorporate the digital information (ACAD graphics) available from the City of the drainage map and the available PSWMS. The GIS will be generated using State Plane NAD 83 coordinate system. If available, CDM will incorporate data available for the PSWMS in a database format. CDM's work on the stormwater facilities GIS will be compatible with the GIS format established for the water master plan and the water distribution system GIS. The following specific tasks will be performed: • Convert watershed boundary map from CAD to GIS based (Figure l,) • Convert digitally available PSWMS map from CAD to GIS based (essentially content of Abstorm.dwg file provided to CDM) • Using the templates provided to the City, populate the GIS data with digitally available data (Appendix A). This is generally XYZ coordinate and conduit size data. • Produce a 24" x 36" color graphic (5 copies) that shows the information and create a CD for City use. Task 3 - Stormwater Modeling for Hopkins Creek Based on the evaluation of the existing Master Plan and discussion with City staff, the most severe stormwater problem is in Hopkins Creek. Therefore, the modeling effort will focus on modifying the existing SWMM model that CDM has developed for the Hopkins Creek system as part of the City of Jacksonville Master Stormwater Management Plan. CDM has extended the model well into the Aquatic Gardens area and this model has already been calibrated. Specific subtasks necessary for the completion of this element are further described here. C:\Dacummb ad SCUin~\rkowyU.ocal Senmgs\Temporuy lvromet Film\OLK312WB_SWMPUpdah Swpe_Feutdoc 2 AGENDAITEM 8B MARCH 25, 2002 Task 3.1 -Field Reconnaissance Hopkins Creek CDM will meet with Cites staff to establish the location, type and invert elevation of primary stormwater structures (e.g., major culverts, bridges, weirs, lake controls, etc.) that are not currently incorporated in the Hopkins Creek model. Existing information will be utilized to the maximum extent possible, but if additional survey data are needed, CDM will define additional survey information in a memorandum for the City to provide. City will be responsible for furnishing CDM with additional survey information. Ci Wide CDM will visit the study area for observation of project infrastructure to define survey needs and existing maintenance conditions of the PSWMS infrastructure. This will include three days of field reconnaissance. Evaluation of the maintenance condition will include observations of maintenance concerns such as condition of culvert, vegetative accumulation, sediments, and erosion. CDM will use these observations in the refinement of the stormwater model for this study. CDM will consider the following for potential survey to be provided by the City: Ditches PSWMS ditches in the watersheds have already been modeled; however, secondary ditches that are important will be determined by CDM and the City and will be included in the survey request. Wetlands/Ponds Wetlands/Ponds provide storage for the runoff from the basin and the quantity of storage provided will have to be identified. Culverts Culvert crossings along the I'SWMS and roadway profiles above the main crossing will have to be considered for survey in order to identify flow overtopping the road. Flooding Areas Finish floor elevation for houses along City-identified flooding areas will be identified for survey. In addition, in areas where the model identifies flooding potential, finish floor elevations may also be identified for survey. Task 3.2 -Refine Existing Hopkins Creek Stormwater Model (Existing SWMM Model) and Simulate for Mean Annual, 5-, 10-, 25-, and 100-year24-hour Storm Events CDM will refine (as necessary) the existing Hopkins Creek hydrologic and hydraulic model (Figure 2). CDM will verify that the current model discretization of the sub-catchment areas and of the PSWMS will allow for the determination of the extent of the problem identified by the City of Atlantic Beach Staff and update the model accordingly. CDM will evaluate the existing model as it relates to the problem areas identified in Task 1 and decide with the City whether further discretization of the model is warranted. If the model is to be extended, CDM will add up to 4sub-catchments and up to 2 additional nodes and conduits to the existing model. C:\Doomoend andSmingstrYmoy\Lwal3ctm~gs\Tmiponrylnteme[Files\OLK312\AB_SWMPUPAaa Scope FinaLdoc '} AGENDA ITEM 8B MARCH 25, 2002 The hydraulic performance of the existing system will be evaluated by CDM under existing .(since this tributary is considered built out, an evaluation of future land use condition is not warranted) land use conditions using the Mean Annual, 5-,10-, 25-, and 100-year return periods for the 24-hour distribution. Design storm simulation results will be tabulated by CDM and compared to known structure elevations and street centerline elevation to determine the level of service provided by the stormwater management system. Comparing existing flooding deficiencies with known flooding problem locations will validate the model. If available, additional anecdotal and recorded high water marks for an available storm event will be used to verify the models. Peak flood stages will be presented in a tabular format for the five storms evaluated. The existing conditions will be compazed to the results developed for each of the alternative conditions. Task 3.3 Alternative Evaluations CDM will evaluate two alternatives to the existing hydraulic condition for Hopkins Creek and the City-identified problem areas (deficiencies). Each of the solutions will include a series of conveyance and/or storage upgrade that would improve the existing levels of service currently provided by the system. The alternative will build on each other and will provide the City a solution that can be implemented in phases (e.g., acquire land, construct storage, add pipe capacity). Tables will be generated to compaze the level of improvements provided by implementing each of the alternatives for the five storms. Task 4 -Develop Conceptual Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) CDM will suggest PSWMS improvements to enhance and increase future evels of service as well as potential improvements to water quality consistent with the Cit}/s NPDES permit with cost estimates based on future system requirements. For the Hopkins Creek system, CDM will develop a conceptual improvement plan to achieve various levels of street and building flooding protection throughout the system using the City's Level of Service goals. This improvement plan will include a mixture of conveyance and storage improvements that are sized to provide the appropriate levels of service under future (built out) land use conditions. A priority rating will be provided for each improvement with the level of improvement provided at each step of implementation. The project costs for the conceptual improvement plan will be estimated by CDM, including the costs of constrnction, land acquisition, legal, engineering, and appropriate contingencies. For the other systems, based on CDM knowledge of the azea, we anticipate that the type of Best Management Practices (BMPs) that can be implemented in each of the problem areas will be as follows: • In the Puckett Creek watershed, additional storage will likely have to be provided to improve the existing level of service (downstream systems have limited capacity and soils have limited infiltration potential). C:\Docwnrnb and Smin®\xkas^Y\LOCaI SC(Iwge\imipnnry lvkm<[Fila\OLK312WB_SRTMUpdatc_Scope_FuuLdoc A AGENDA ITEM 8B MARCH 25, 2002 In the other watersheds (e.g., Intracoastal Waterway and Sherman Creek), other facilities such as exfiltration trenches, swales and baffle boxes will be considered to augment treatment and storage in these areas. CDM will present the City with a list. of recommended capital improvement projects by problem area location with conceptual planning level estimates of project costs. Furthermore,. the recommended projects will be prioritized in order of importance based on discussions with the City. The capital improvement program will span a 10-year horizon for project implementation. Task 5 -Report Preparation and Presentation CDM will prepare and deliver five draft and five final copies of a report that describes the efforts in the above tasks. The report will contain the following sections: • Table of Contents • Introduction and Background • Data Evaluation and Problem Areas • Stormwater GIS • Hopkins Creek Analyses • Recommended 10-year CIP CDM will provide one set of the SWMPU, volume 2 on disk, with maps and drawings as Arview shapefiles with the coordinate system in state plane NAD 83, and text and tables in Microsoft Word format. GIS mapping shall coordinate with existing GIS water and sewer base maps. Task 6 -Meetings and Presents#ons CDM will participate in up to five regular progress meetings with the City during the course of completing the assignment. CDM will also meet once with the SJRMWD to present the recommended alternative and discuss potential permitting requirements. CDM will assist in two presentations of this plan to the City Administration and elected officials. BUDGET Total compensation to be paid by the City to CDM for the services, materials, supplies and other items or requirements necessary to complete the services as descnbed herein, shall be a lump sum amount as shown on Table 1 payable via partial payments. CDM will submit no more than one invoice statement to the City each calendar month covering services rendered during the invoiced time frame. Each invoice will be due and payable in accordance with the provisions of the Florida Prompt Payment Act. SCHEDULE The schedule to complete Tasks 1 through 6 will be completed within six months of the receipt of the Notice to Proceed (NTl?). CDM will submit a draft report, including a CIP estimate, within three months of the NTP. C:\Dxammts and Set[in~\rkocoy\Lwal Scmnys\Tcmporary ]ntcmct Fila\OLK312~ SWNIl'Updak_Swpc_Finai.da Table 1 City of Atlantic Beach Stormwater Management Master Plan Update Budget Estimate March 14, 2002 CDM Task Desrrintinn Senior Technical Project Design CAD PrincinaI Advisor Manager Engineer Desiener Operator 't'otal Total Loaded Hour Per Dollar Per Clerical Task Task 1.0 Review Existin Re ort and Available Data and Identif Problem Areas 2 4 10 60 18 18 10 122 $ 9,966 2.0 Review 1995 Draina a Ma sand Convert Data from CAD to GIS Based 2 4 12 24 18 100 20 180 $ 12,166 3.0 Stormwater Modelhr for Ho kips Creek 3.1 Field Reconaissance 0 2 12 24 8 0 2 48 $ 4,373 3.2 Refine Existin Model and Produce Existin H draulic Profile 4 8 20 80 40 32 10 .194 $ 16,033 3.3 Alternatlve Evaluation 2 4 ]2 80 40 24 4 166 $ 13,497 4.0 Conce foal Ca ital Im rovement Plan 2 8 24 60 30 10 4 138 $ 12,249 5.0 Re orCand Presentation 4 10 40 60 30 24 8 176 $ 15,598 6.0 Meetin s 2 4 24 32 10 8 8 88 $ 7,854 Total Labor Cost: $ 91,735 Total Hours IS 44 154 420 194 216 66 Hourl Raw Rate rom AB RFP Februar 2002 $52 $60 $40 $32 $24 $21 $15 Other Duect Costs Number Cost Total CADComuter GIS 80 $20.00 $1,60D Miaocom uter 150 $12.00 $1,800 Ex ress Service 10 $10.00 $100 Co ies 1,000 $0.15 $150 Total $3,650 Total Labor Cost $ 91,735 Other Direct Costs .$3,650 Total Bud et $95,385 AB SWfv]P_Updafe_HUdget_Pi,ul ~ G~1 (7 d C>• ~ N uNi H N .~j C ~1 N ~