Exh 8CAGENDA ITEM 8C MARCH 25, 2002 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION FOR THE CORE CITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT SUBMITTED BY: Robert S. Kosoy, Director of Public Works DATE: March 4, 2002 BACKGROUND: On February 25, 2002 the City Commission authorized staff to negotiate with the top ranked firm, GAI Consultants-Southeast, Inc., (GAZ), to provide Construction Engineering and Inspection for the Core City Improvements Project. A contract proposal in the amount of $242,276.45 has been negotiated with GAI, which includes a full time resident inspector for eighteen (18) months, support engineering, and survey and direct expenses. Attached is a detailed breakdown of scope of services and fees. This figure is 5.0% of the total engineering estimate for the construction contract. RECOMMENDATION: Award the contact for Construction Engineering and Inspection to GAI in the amount of $242,276.45. Authorize the City Clerk to send notification of the awazd to GAI and authorize the City Manager to sign the. contract with GAI. ATTACHMENTS: Scope of Services and Fee Schedule from GAI Proposals on file with the City Clerk BUDGET: Funding is available. from the Utility Revenue. Bond Construction Fund REVIEWED BY CITX 9043631115 GAS CONSULTANTS AGENDA ITEM 8C ~, MARCH 25, 2002 ~.vr~ou~~hrv ~, _ GAI Cottsuitante.Sputheatet, Fnc. 10199 Sourhyide Boulevard, Suite 103 March 15, 2002 f:ukrnn~ille, FL 32256 .hone: 904/.363•II10 Mr. Robert KOSOy, P.E. FAX: 904/363•tlt5 Director Department of Public Works City of Atlantic Beach 1200 Sandpiper Lane Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 CORE CITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Fee Proposal and Summary Scope of Services for Construction Engineering and Inspection Services Dear Mr. Kosoy: GAI ConsuftantsSoutheast, Inc. (GAISE) appreciates the opponunlty to work with you on this important project. We have included a Summary Scope of Services, which outlines our tasks for the referenced contract Our proposed fee is calculated as a lump sum, with monthly payout amounts shown as requested. Please note that our proposed fee is approximately 5% of the estimated construction cost. The FDOT typically budgets 15% of the estimated construction cost for CE & t services. The City of Jacksonville typically budgets between 6 - 8% for these services. GAISE has a track record of performing these services in a cost effective and efficient manner. GAISE is exerted to be working with the City of Atlantic Beach, and we look forward to helping you make the Core City Improvements Protect a success for aU stakeholders. Sincerely, GAI ConsuttantsSoutheast, Inc. ~.. Gregory T, Nettuno, P.E. Engineering Manager Pitc~burgh, PA Charleotnn. W V hhlladelFhia, PA Ft. Wayne. iN Uina del Mar, Chile Orlando, FL Boonc, NC Jacksonville, FL Richmond. VA AGENDA ITEM 8C MARCH 25, 2002 Exhibit A: Summary Scope of Services Page 1 Core City Improvement Project Preconstruction Activities • GAI-SE will review of the Contract Documents and provide recommendations to the City on issues related but limited to: constructibility; potential value engineering opportunities, innovative contracting methods (incentive/disincentive terms), control and. limitation of operations, public involvement. • GAI-SE will assist the City as required in the preparation of discussion items for the pre-bid conference. • GAI-SE will assist the City as required in the organizing, scheduling, and conducting of aPre-Construction Public Information Meeting. If requested, GA1-SE will .prepare Display Boards, Power Point presentations, and Project Information Handouts to illustrate the project scope, key events and typical construction activities. • Schedule and conduct a preconstruction conference for the project. Record significant information revealed and decisions made at this conference and distribute copies of theses minutes to the appropriate parties. Management Engineering Services • Maintain on a daily basis a complete and accurate record of afl activities and events relating to the project and a record of all work completed by the Contractor, including quantities of pay items in .conformity with Final Estimate preparation procedures and specifications. The Consultant shall immediately report apparent significant changes in quantity, time or cost as they are noted to the Director of Public Works. • Maintain a log of all materials entering into the work with. proper indication of the basis of acceptance of each shipment of material Maintain records of all sampling and testing accomplished and analyze such records required to ascertain acceptability of materials and completed work items. In general it is anticipated that the Contractor will be responsible for all Quality Control Inspection required by the Contract Documents. GAI-SE will assure that the Quality Control objectives are achieved. • Once each month, prepare a comprehensive tabulation of the quantity of each pay item satisfactorily completed to date. Quantities shall be based on daily records or calculations. Calculations shall be retained and provided to the Director of Public Works. The tabulation will be used for verifying the Contractors monthly payment request. .AGENDA ITEM 8C MARCH 25, 2002 Exhibit A: Summary Scope of Services Page 2 Core City Improvement Project Provide to the Contractor interpretations of the plans, specifications and contract provisions. GAI-SE shall consult with the Director of Public Works when an interpretation involves complex issues or may have an impact on the cost of performing the work. When warranted, .GAI-SE may request an interpretation from the Design Engineer, after coordination and authorization by the Director of Public Works. Evaluate Value Engineering Change Proposals, in cooperation with the Engineer of Record and Director of Public Works, and provide conclusions as to whether or not proposed changes are structurally equal to the existing as well as estimated savings to the City and the Contractor. Analyze problems that arise on the project and review. all proposals submitted by the Contractor and prepare and submit a recommendation to the City appropriate justification and documentation. Analyze changes to the plans, specifications on contract provisions and extra work that appears to be necessary to carry out the intent of the contract when it is determined that a change or extra work in necessary and such work is within the scope and intent of the original contract. Recommend such changes to the City for approval When it is determined that a modification to the original contract for a project is required due to a necessary change in the character of the work, negotiate prices with the Contractor and prepare and submit for approval by the City a change order in accordance with City of Atlantic Beach requirements. In the event that the Contractor gives notice, either written or verbal, that it deems certain work to be performed is beyond .the scope of construction. contract and it intends to claim additional compensation, GAI-SE shall obtain written approval from the Director of Public Works for the contractor to continue this work. GAI-SE shall maintain accurate records of the costs involved in such work. These records shall include manpower. and. equipment times and materials installed (temporary or permanent) in the portion of the work dispute. In the event that the Contractor for the project submits a claim for additional compensation, analyze the submittal and prepare a recommendation to the City covering validity and reasonableness of charges and conduct negotiations leading to recommendations for settlement of the claim. Maintain complete and accurate records of work involved in claims. AGENDA ITEM 8C MARCH 25, 2002 Exhibit A: Summary Scope of Services Page 3 Core City Improvement Project In the event that the Contractor for a project submits a request for extension of the allowable contract time, analyze the request and prepare a recommendation to the City covering accuracy of statements and the actual effect of delaying factors on completion of controlling work items. Monitor the construction project to the extent necessary to determine whether construction activities violate the requirements of any permits. Notify the Contractor of any violations or potential violations and require immediate resolution of the problem. Violations will be reported to the City immediately. Maintain a complete log of all submittals of shop drawings, noting the dates of first submittal and subsequent reviews and resubmittals, approvals, or other disposition. GAI-SE will take note of and ensure that any changes are. properly carried through to construction and shalt further record, report, make recommendations and adjudicate upon any circumstances that affects the progress or cost of the. work. GAI-SE shall actively encourage all reviewers to accomplish reviews promptly. Shop drawings shall also include any .manuals or similar document outlining proposed construction procedures submitted by the Contractor. Provide coordination between the Contractor and utility companies to assure that conflicting utilities are removed, adjusted or protected in-place in a timely manner to minimize delays to construction operations. • Conduct a progress meetings as required .with .respective Contractor, subcontractor and/or utility companies to review plans, schedules, problems or other areas of concern. The results of these. meetings will be recorded with minutes distributed to all affected parties. • Conduct and document field reviews of the maintenance of traffic operation after normal working hours, weekends and holiddys Jf maintenance of traffic presents a potential hazard to the public. When needed to prevent delays in Contractor's operations, produce reports, verify quantity calculations, field measure for payment purposes and/or write communications. • Upon identification of a proposed .changed condition or construction contract change, the extent of change shall be analyzed and order of magnitude estimate of cost and time change, if any, will be prepared. Prior to receipt of the Contractor's estimate, prepare the fair cost estimate. AGENDA ITEM 8C MARCH 25, 2002 Exhibit A: Summary Scope of Services Page 4 Core City Improvement Project •' The Consultant shall have a videocassette camera (VHS) for cassette documentation of noteworthy incidents or events. • The Consultant shall have a digital camera for photographic documentation. of noteworthy incidents or events including: Preconstruction photographs Normal and exceptional progress of work Critical path activities Accidents showing damage Unsafe working conditions Unusual construction techniques Damaged equipment or materials Any activity which may result in claims • The taking of the photographs shall begin .the day prior to the start of construction and continue regularly throughout this project. Photographs. shall be taken the days of Conditional, Partial and/or Final Acceptance. All photographs shall be in high resolution. digital tormat and transmitted electronically to the Director of Public Works. • The Consultant will analyze the Contractor's CPM Schedule for completeness and flow of activities, to assure the schedule meets the requirements of the contract documents. This overview will validate that the schedule is furictional, the information provided is reasonable and the Contractor's plan for completing the project within the allowed. contract time, or earlier, is reasonable. • Contract. Modifications The Consultant will. assure all contract modifications have been incorporated in the latest approved schedule. Plannina: During the regular progress meetings, the Consultant will work with the Contractor on establishing a look ahead schedule. The anticipated work activities will be reviewed with all affected utility companies. The Consultant will use the look ahead schedule of anticipated work to determine whether the .Contractor's near term plan will resolve or mitigate any previously unanticipated conflicts or issues. Method of Compensation AGENDA ITEM 8C MARCH 25, 2002 Exhibit A: Summary Scope of Services Page 5 Core City Improvement Project GAI-SE will receive average lump sum monthly payments in accordance with Exhibit B. These payments will be considered full compensation for direct labor and expenses, overhead and profit. if contract time is extended beyond the duration envisioned in .this agreement, GAI-SE will be compensated at the previously established monthly rates for each additional month of service. If the construction duration is reduced, GAl-SE will only receive compensation for the months that services are provided. Additional Overtime (Resident Observer): The labor cost for the Resident Observer is calculated based on five, nine (9) hour workdays per week. If the Contractor's schedule dictates additional hours of oversight by the Resident Observer, GAI-SE will be compensated for this effort at a burdened rate of $ 67.44 per hour ($69.46 for 2003). Prior written approval by the Director of Public Works is required for any additional effort by the Resident Observer: GAI COnsultantsSoutheast, Inc. EzhlbitB City of Atlantic Beach Fee Detail Core City Drainage Improvements Pro}ed Position 2002 Hours Rate 2003 Hours Rate GAISE-Basic Costs Hours Rate eAISE-OTN1.6%of Basic Hours Costs Subconsultants Hours Costs Subconsultants Hours Costs Maximum Project Cost Project Mana er 40 $ 42.25 0 $ 43.52 40 $ 1 690.00 0 $ $ 1 690.00 Senior En sneer 150 $ 33.75 ~ 0 $34.76 150 $ 5062.50 0 $ $ 5062.50 CADD Desi ner 41 $ 20.00 0 - $ 20.60 41 $ 820.00 0 $ $ 820.00 Secretar 190 $ 14.00 83 $14.42 273 $ 3 856.86 0 $ $ 3,856.86 Sr. Ins ctor 1361 $ 20.75 1650 $21.37 3011 $ 63501.25 753 $ 7,937.66 $ 71438.91 0 $ - 0 $ - 0 $ 0 $ - $ - TOTAL MHr/COST 1782 1733 3515 $ 74930.61 753 $ 7,937.66 0 $9.00 0 $ $ 82,868.27 Overhead%/COST 150.00% $ 112,395.92 E 11,906.49 0.00% $ $ $ 124,302.41 Subtotal Salar Cost $ 187 326.53 19,844.15 $ $ $ 207,170.68 FCCM 0.000°k $ $ 0.009% $ 0.000°k $ $ Prem. OT 50%of OT 50% $ 3,968.83 0°k $ $ 3,968.83 Tot. Sal. Rel. Cost $ 187,326.53 $ 23,812.98 $ $ E 211,139.51 Fixed Fee 10.000°k $ 18,732.65 $ 1,984.42 0.0% $ $ $ 20,717.07 Ex ense Mobilization $ $ $ Expense(Lump Sum) $ 10,419.87 $ - E 10,419.87 Total Ex enses $ 10,419.87 E E 10,419.87 Surve GAISE E TOTAL COST $ 216,479.05 $ 25 797.40. $ $ E 242,276.45 Average Monthly Fee -Months 1- 8 $ 15,532.30 Avers a Monfh/ Fee -Months 9-18 $ 11,801.81 ~~ ~z AC Fee Detall-1 x~ .. ~~ o~ o~ N l7