Exh 9AAGENDA ITEM 9A MARCH 25, 2002 Mazch 18, 2002 MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jim Hanso rCiityl anager SUBJECT: City Manag is Report Tank Painting. The water tank at the City's water plant on 11~' Street has now been painted. Included in for the first time is an American flag painted on the eastern side (facing 11`s Street). Tree Ptantina; Seminole Road. City Staff is negotiating with the developer of several condominiums located on Seminole Road close to the Atlantic Boulevard intersection for. grass and landscaping to offset the damages done to the City right-of--way during the construction projects. The portion of Seminole Road between City Hall and Atlantic Boulevazd has long been discussed for beautification, particulazly the planting of several trees. If trees were to be added in the azea, it would be better to have them installed prior to the developer putting in sod, irrigation and possibly other landscaping. Consequently, staff is planning on purchasing several oak trees for this azea. The total City investment is estimated to be under $5,000 and will be paid from the Tree Fund. Request for City to Place Sian at Fletcher Hiah Ball field. The City has received a request to place a sign on the outfield fence of the Fletcher High School baseball field. The cost of the sign would be $300 for the first year with renewal fees of $100 per yeaz thereafter. Unless the Commission directs otherwise, I will advise the Booster Club that we do not have any funds budgeted for this type of advertising. Hazardous Waste Day. The City of Jacksonville conducted a Solid Waste "Amnesty" Collection Day on Saturday, Mazch 16a' in the City's Police Station pazking lot on Seminole Road. Traffic was much heavier than anticipated. Jacksonville officials estimated usage ranging from 300 to 500 vehicles for the day. The final tally was 589 vehicles. Citizens seemed to appreciate the opportunity for disposal of hazardous items. The only problem encountered was in having more hazardous materials to cart off than Jacksonville had estimated.