Exh 9BAGENDA ITEM 9B MARCH 25, 2002 STAFF REPORT City of Atlantic Beach Commission Meeting AGENDA ITEM: Speed Limit Recommendation on Mayport Road DATE: March 18, 2002 SUBMITTED BY: David E. Thompson, Chief of Police/DPS BACKGROUND: The City Commission requested a recommendation from the Police Department relative to the speed limit on Mayport Road. The purpose of this staffreport is to provide the recommendation for the speed limit, and to provide some historical and statistical information for review. Historically, Mayport Road has been the most dangerous street in the City of Atlantic Beach for many years. In the past when statistics were compiled, staff found that approximately 1/2 of all traffic crashes, more than 1/2 of the crashes with injuries, and more than 1/2 of the crashes resulting in fatalities occurred on Mayport Road. For this report, the police department did not cornpile numerous years of data because of the time that would necessary to do so (the data is not automated or it is not timely), the fact that FDOT already has many years of data, and because there is no reason to believe that the numbers have changed from previous yeazs. However, 2001 statistics were reviewed to provide up-to-date information. For the year 2001, there were 165 traffic crashes on Mayport Road including 120 during daytime hours, and 45 at night. Of these crashes, 4 involved pedestrians, 6 were on bicycles, and 9 were on motorcycles. It is evident to the police and to the public that Mayport Road is a frequent location for vehicle crashes. While a lower speed limit will not eliminate crashes, it certainly has the potential to prevent injuries and fatalities which aze correlated with increased speeds. The speed limit on Mayport Road was 35 miles per hour for many yeazs. At that time, there were raised, landscaped medians dividing the northbound and southbound traffic lanes, and there were only two lanes of traffic in either direction. FDOT eliminated the raised medians, added an additional travel lanes in either direction, and added a middle tum lane. At that time, they also raised the speed limit to 45 miles per hour. The Atlantic Beach Police Department voiced their objections, but the speed limit remains at 45 miles per hour. The roadway has been designated for many yeazs by FDOT at a failure rate relative to the volume oftraffic and the design ofthe roadway. The volume aftraflxc remains high, and the opening of the flyover may improve traffic flow, but it may also increase vehicular speeds. AGENDA ITEM 9B MARC$ 25, 2002 There are numerous businesses throughout the Mayport corridor, which require motorists to slow due to ingress and egress. The frequent variations in speeds often result in traffic crashes. A lower speed limit may help to reduce some of these accidents. Pedestrians must cross the roadway without the protection of walkovers or raised medians, and visibility problems with 7 lanes oftraffic aze frequently the cause of crashes. A number of citizens and citizen groups have expressed their concerns for the safety of vehicular, pedestrian, and cycling traffic on Mayport Road. In summary, the history of the roadway, the high number of traffic crashes, the nature and number ofthe businesses along the roadway, and the public concern for improving safety combine to justify the recommendation for reducing the speed limit on Mayport Road. BUDGET: The recommendation wiA not have any direct impact on the Atlantic Beach budget. RECOMMENDATIONS: To notify the FDOT of its recommendation to lower the speed Iimit on Mayport Road in Atlantic Beach to 35 miles per hour. ATTACHMENTS REVIEWED BY CITY ITEM NUMBER: