02-25-19 If I Were Mayor Essay HandoutC I T Y O F A T L A N T I C B E A C H 'IF I WERE MAYOR' ESSAY CONTEST FOR ATLANTIC BEACH SIXTH -GRADERS THE ASSIGNMENT: Eligible essays must begin with, "If I were mayor, would ..." and be no longer than 350 words. Whether it is typed or neatly handwritten, the essay must clearly display the student's name, teacher and school at the top of each page. WHO CAN ENTER: Sixth -graders from public, private or home schools who live in Atlantic Beach or attend school in Atlantic Beach. ENTRY DEADLINE: .Jan. 11, 2019. TO ENTER: Email entries to khogencamp@coab.us or mail entries to City of Atlantic Beach, ATTN: Kevin Hogencamp, 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233. Questions? Call (994) 247-5894.