02-20-19 Minutes Commisison Workshop:. MINUTES
Commission Workshop Meeting
Wednesday, February 20, 2019 - 6:00 PM
Commission Chamber
Present: Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1
Cindy Anderson, Commissioner - Seat 2
Blythe Waters, Mayor Pro Tem / Commissioner - Seat 3 (arrived 6:28 pm)
Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 (arrived 7:08 pm)
Brittany Norris, Commissioner - Seat 5
Absent: Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA)
Also Present: Joe Gerrity, City Manager (CM)
Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM)
Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC) (arrived 7:16 pm)
Scott Williams, Director of Public Works (PWD)
Shane Corbin, Community Development Director (PCDD)
Phyllis Nadeau, Associate City Clerk/Recording Secretary
Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.
A. Discussion on use of city -owned rights-of-way
CM Gerrity gave a brief overview of current city -owned rights-of-way and uses.
PCDD Corbin gave a PowerPoint presentation including examples of streets and
sidewalks throughout the City, the Comp Plan policy for tree protection, and the rights-
of-way (ROW) tree planting program. He spoke about the Environmental Stewardship
Committee (ESC) recommendations for enhancement of public spaces, the identification
of eight (8) planting sites, all detailed on the slides. Mr. Corbin reviewed Sec. 19-2
Permits and Revocable Licenses, the Benefits of Street Trees, and the local government's
liability. He reviewed other issues - random objects in ROW, utilities and infrastructure,
and maintenance and staff.
PWD Williams addressed the issues involved with plantings in the ROW, such as
requiring more employee man-hours for maintenance, storm prep and clean-up.
Commission Workshop
February 20, 2019
Mayor Glasser invited questions and discussion from the Commissioners. All questions
were answered.
A lengthy discussion ensued about which species of trees are better for new plantings in
ROW (low -maintenance), the amount of maintenance needed for trees currently planted
in the ROW and if the maintenance of those plants/trees in ROW lies with the City or
with the property owner.
Commissioner Norris pointed out that the discussion was veering into two separate
issues, i.e., whether to plant trees/plants in ROW and the maintenance of trees/plants
already planted in the ROW.
Commissioner Waters arrived at 6:28 P.M.
Discussion continued about ROW tree plantings, and not interfering with sidewalk
projects and existing underground utilities.
Bruce Andrews spoke about his research of other communities and their streetscape standards
for design enhancements of streets/ROW. Mr. Andrews spoke about the use of the Tree
Mitigation Fund and planting the right trees in the right place.
Judith Leroux agreed with Mr. Andrews about streetscape standards and spoke about planting
in the ROW and the use of the Tree Mitigation Fund.
Discussion ensued about proposed policy changes to Chapter 23 regarding planting in the ROW.
The preference now is to allow only the City to plant in a ROW as opposed to private citizens
planting in a ROW. The City is responsible for the ROW.
Discussion continued and there were questions about the proposed planting schedule for the
eight (8) sites identified. Mr. Corbin stated they will start with Johansen and Donner Parks first,
then City Hall.
Commissioner Kelly arrived at 7:08 P.M.
City Clerk Bartle Arrived at 7:16 P.M.
Mayor Glasser asked the Commissioners to state their views on ROW planting:
Commissioner Norris is for planting in the ROW in accordance with current policy/rules.
Commissioner Waters agrees with drafting policy to avoid interference with sidewalks and
utilities for ROW planting and increased use of native plants/trees.
Commissioner Kelly agrees with planting in the ROW.
Commission Workshop
February 20, 2019
Commissioner Anderson agrees with planting trees in the ROW, and citizens should be given
the opportunity to plant trees in the ROW following an established process.
Mayor Glasser spoke about creating a policy/guidelines for ROW planting.
1B. Commission Roundtable - Open Discussion
Mayor Glasser opened discussion and referred to the City Commission Priorities
(handout on file), as follows:
1. Environmental Leadership.
2. Flood and Storm Resilience.
3. Mayport Road Corridor Improvements.
4. Beach -to -Marsh Parks Master Plan.
5. Neighborhood Improvement and Community Identity.
6. Parking and Mobility.
Discussion ensued about placement of historical markers throughout the City and the
upcoming placement of an information kiosk at Town Center, Neptune Beach.
Commissioner Norris provided an update on single use plastics. She will be sending out
a survey to local businesses for their input on this topic.
There was discussion about rules/guidance for Boards/Committees and whether or not
the creation of sub -committees is permissible. The consensus was that establishment of
a sub -committee that is not specified by ordinance must be brought before the
Commission first for approval.
Discussion ensued about Roberts Rules, the public meeting process, and the voting
Mayor Glasser stated the Youth Council will give a presentation at the next Commission
meeting. After the presentation they will sit on the dais to shadow the Commission for
the remainder of the meeting.
A discussion ensued about the election schedules.
CM Gerrity spoke about JEA street lights that will be converted to LED fixtures.
Commission Workshop
February 20, 2019
There was no further discussion and Mayor Glasser adjourned the meeting at 7:54 p.m.
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Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk
E en Glasser, Mayor
Date Approved: j -/-®- i
Commission Workshop
February 20, 2019