03-25-19 Special Called MeetingMINUTES
�.' Special Called Meeting of the City Commission
Monday, March 25, 2019 e 5:30 PM
Commission Chamber
Present: Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4
Blythe Waters, Mayor Pro Tem / Commissioner - Seat 3
Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1
Brittany Norris, Commissioner - Seat 5
Cindy Anderson, Commissioner - Seat 2
Also Present: Joe Gerrity, City Manager (CM)
Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA)
Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC)
Lori Diaz, Records Clerk
Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM.
Commissioner Waters arrived at 5:33 PM.
A. City Attorney Procedural Reminders
CA Durden explained that the appellant, Mr. Carr, requested the start time of this meeting
be changed from 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM, which changes the total procedural time frame to
55 minutes for this meeting. CA Durden recommended changing the time frame for City
staff overview and documentation from 20 minutes to 10 minutes in total. CA Durden
stated the same change will apply to the appellant, Mr. Carr, who will be allowed 10
minutes in total. It was explained that the total time allowed for both staff and the
appellant includes presentation and rebuttal combined.
The appellant, Mr. Carr, has also requested to allow the public to speak. CA Durden
stated that past practice in these types of hearings is not to allow any new testimony per
the City Code. CA Durden stated that if the Commission wishes to grant Mr. Carr's
request it is mandatory that Mr. Carr be sworn -in and state on the record that he is
requesting the public be allowed to speak, whether they are for or against the appeal. The
public comments will be considered by both the Commission and staff in their
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March 25, 2019
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CA Durden stated her advice to the Commission, should they allow Mr. Carr's request,
is that it would still meet due process requirements. This is not an obligation on the part
of the Commission but it will require a consensus from the Commission to allow the
There was a brief discussion to clarify the appellant's request, public notice procedures
for this hearing, and time limitations for the hearing.
Mayor Glasser asked Mr. Carr if he was going to request to allow the public to speak.
Mr. Carr responded that he is requesting the public be allowed to speak.
Gregory Carr, the appellant, took the floor and City Clerk Bartle administered the Oath
to the appellant.
CA Durden questioned Mr. Carr, for the record, if he is requesting the public be allowed
to speak at this hearing, whether they are for or against the appeal. Mr. Carr responded
CA Durden questioned Mr. Carr, for the record, if he is requesting the Commission to
consider any public comments made in their deliberations of his appeal, and consent to
those comments being considered by the Commission. Mr. Carr responded 'Yes'.
CA Durden questioned Mr. Carr, for the record, if he consents to allow City staff to
rebut/respond to any public comments provided. Mr. Carr responded 'Yes'.
Mayor Glasser asked how the Commission wanted to proceed.
MOTION. To allow for public comment.
Motion: Cindy Anderson
,Second: Brittany Norris
Brittany Norris (Seconded By)
Cindy Anderson (Moved By)
Candace Kelly
Blythe Waters
Ellen Glasser
Motion passed 4 to 1.
B. Disclosure of Ea Parte Communications, if any
Commissioner Norris stated she met with Mr. Carr last Friday at his property and this
will not influence her vote. The decision will be made based on the evidence heard during
this hearing.
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Commissioner Anderson stated she met with Mr. Carr last Friday at his property and
will base her decision upon the evidence heard at this hearing.
City Clerk Bartle administered the Oath to all persons who stood signifying they will
provide testimony.
D. City Staff Overview, Documentation and Presentation/Testimony
Planner Brian Broedell addressed the Commission. Mr. Broedell provided slides
explaining and showing that the variance request was to increase the maximum structural
projection permitted into required rear yards from 4 feet to 7 feet to allow an open porch
in the rear yard. As detailed in the agenda packet, Mr. Broedell reviewed Sec. 24-83, the
site context and detail, the proposed plan, the need for variance, analysis and concerns,
and grounds for decision. The applicant states the reason for the variance request for a
porch is to provide cover from rain.
E. Carr Documentation and Presentation/Testimony
Gregory Carr took the floor to address the Commission and reviewed his variance request
made on February 19, 2019 at the Community Development Board (CDB) meeting. Mr.
Carr stated that his application only took eleven minutes and there was never a reason
given for denial.
He referred to the slide 'Grounds for Decision' for approval or denial. Mr. Carr stated the
hardship is that his house was built approximately 6 to 10 feet further back than the other
houses in the neighborhood. He stated he likes to cook outside on his grill and smoker
and wants a covered patio, to be out of the rain and sun, just like his neighbors.
Public Comment
City Clerk Bartle stated there are six speaker cards. Mayor Glasser stated two minutes
will be allowed for each speaker.
Glenn Yeakel, 598 Clippership Ln. - stated Mr. Carr has been a great neighbor for thirty
years, credits him for following the required process, this is a reasonable request and he
is in favor of this request.
Ronalder Solomon, 550 Nautical Blvd. N. - credited Mr. Carr for going through the
proper process and stated the addition of the covered patio will be an increase of value
to Mr. Carr's property as well as the neighborhood.
Elizabeth Westbury, 592 Nautical Blvd. N. - stated Mr. Carr has been a great neighbor,
spoke in favor of approving the covered patio, and commended him for going through
the correct process.
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Don Ford, 338 6th Street - stated he is a retired Building Official, Planning and Zoning,
for 33 years and attended the meeting. He stated he was amazed at how fast this case was
reviewed and also that the CDB did not provide a reason for the denial. He suggested
perhaps more training is required. Mr. Ford disclosed he works with Ferguson Builders
and they are the proposed builders for the project.
Julie Beard, 586 Nautical Blvd. N. - concurs Mr. Carr is a great neighbor, this (covered
patio) would be an improvement, and would like to see the variance approved.
City Clerk Bartle reported there is one speaker form left and her understanding is that
unless this person voices their comments under oath, the comments cannot go on the
record. CCDurden agreed. Mayor Glasser extended the offer, but the person declined
and agreed to withdraw her speaker card.
F. Closing Comments by Staff and Carr
Brian Broedell - no further comments.
Gregory Carr - referred to a comment made at the CDB meeting, a Board member
stated that the 3 -foot overhang provided enough cover to use the grill and/or smoker
underneath. Mr. Carr stated he has T1-11 wood siding and confirmed with a local Fire
Department if 3 feet was adequate space/distance to use a grill and/or smoker. Their
response was 'No' and that he needed at least 10 feet away from his house.
Mr. Carr thanked Commissioners Norris and Anderson for meeting him at his property.
Commissioner Morris - inquired when Mr. Carr purchased the house. Mr. Carr
responded May 1980, he was the second owner.
Commissioner Norris stated the CDB minutes do not provide an explicit reason for
denying Mr. Carr's request. The second variance request was approved, based on three
conditions listed in Sec. 24-64(d). Commissioner Norris inquired of Mr. Broedell if the
minutes were correct and if Mr. Broedell knew why Mr. Carr's variance was denied.
Mr. Broedell responded that the minutes are correct, the grounds for denial was not
Commissioner Norris inquired about Mr. Carr's house being setback further than other
houses and if the current setback regulations were absent at the time of construction.
Mr. Broedell responded his reference only goes back to 1982 when the Zoning Code was
written. The house was built in 1976.
Commissioner Anderson - inquired of Mr. Broedell if the City had a recommendation
about approving or denying the variance.
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Mr. Broedell responded'No'.
Commissioner Anderson inquired if there was history of similar variances in this
Mr. Broedell responded that, in his two years, he was not familiar with other variances
in the neighborhood.
Commissioner Felly - inquired of Mr. Broedell if there have been any previous
variances given to this property.
Mr. Broedell responded'No'.
Commissioner Waters - stated satellite view of this neighborhood shows swimming
pools and she inquired of Mr. Broedell if code allows pools not to meet the setback
requirements because they are at ground level.
Mr. Broedell responded 'Yes' and that pools are subject to different setbacks.
Commissioner Waters - inquired of Mr. Carr why the neighbor directly behind him did
not come to speak.
Mr. Carr responded that he did not know that neighbor, it is a rental property, and there
is a six foot fence behind his house, along with trees behind that.
Mr. Carr commented about the CDB meeting and that his case took only 11 minutes. He
stated the second case lasted 38 minutes, and it was approved for a fence for a junk yard.
Mayor Glasser - reviewed the house was built in 1976, the Building Code was written
in 1982, and Mr. Broedell cannot confirm whether or not the setbacks were enforced
when this house was built.
Mayor Glasser inquired if staff was aware of other cases that have come before the CDB
of variances granted or not required because the code was not in place at the time the
property was built.
PCD Shane Corbin clarified, for example, that if the new code makes something non-
conforming, a variance could be required to make it conforming, then relief from the
new code is given. PCD Corbin stated he is not aware of other cases that would fall under
that example.
Discussion ensued about the Selva Marina area, the PVDs, and variances from the PUDs.
Mayor Glasser inquired is it typical for staff to not have a recommendation to the CDB.
Mr. Broedell responded 'Yes', no recommendations are given.
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G. Commission Deliberation and Action
Commissioner Anderson spoke in favor of granting the variance for reasons as follows:
® It's a small amount and simply to give Mr. Carr a roof/cover
® there's a big fence, behind the fence there are trees, and the rear neighbor will not
® other neighbors testified in favor, no objections raised
® no reason given by the CDB for denying variance
® #2 and #3 qualify as reasons for Approval (Grounds for Decision)
® the house is setback further than other houses
Commissioner Kelly spoke in opposition for reasons as follows:
® the fence and trees are temporary
® the neighbors are also temporary
® what is done permanently to the house last longer than neighbors and fences
Commissioner Waters stated the only reason for Denial would be #1 (Grounds for
Decision). She spoke about the neighbor behind this property and that it may not always
be a rental property. Commissioner Waters stated if approval is going to be considered
then amendments should be added that no sides can be built on the structure, and/or in
the event there is an addition to the front we ask for additional setbacks, and that people
need to have a better understanding of the Code when buying property with existing
MOTION. To reverse the decision of the CDB and approve ZVAR19-0002, based on
primarily #3 (Grounds for Decision - Approval) Exceptional circumstances preventing the
reasonable use of the property as compared to other properties in the area.
Commissioner Norris described the exceptional circumstances, explaining for some unknown
reason by the builder, his house wasn't properly placed on the lot compared to surrounding
properties: the owner purchased this house several years after construction: and we are inhibiting
him from enjoying the outdoor use of the property.
Motion: Brittany Norris
Second: Cindy Anderson
Commissioner Felly - stated the lot has been in existence for the past 50 years, that 3 feet
doesn't seem like a lot, agrees with the CDB decision to deny because there were not enough
extenuating circumstances.
Commissioner Norris - stated her reason for approval is because it did not meet any of the
reasons for denial (Grounds for Decision) and she reviewed each of the 7 reasons listed for
denial. The potential for setting a precedence is not on either of the lists for approval or denial.
Commissioner Waters - spoke about reasonable use of the property when considering outdoor
space and stated there is significant outdoor space in the front yard. She spoke about determining
what is permanent and not permanent as far as structure, fences, and trees, etc. Commissioner
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Waters stated that #1 is reasonable grounds for denial - adverse impact on light and air to
adjacent properties.
Commissioner Anderson - stated she is bothered that the CDB did not give a reason for denial.
When looking at the property, and the roof line, Commissioner Anderson stated the extension
of the roof will be lower than the existing 6 foot fence and the 30 foot trees behind the property.
Three feet is all that is being asked for, which will ensure that he is the required 10 feet from the
house for grilling/smoking purposes and safety. It was also noted there was no testimony
presented at the CDB meeting or at this meeting from anyone who objects to this request.
Mayor Glasser - stated she agrees with many of the statements made and added that variances
are not a guarantee. A reason for denial could be based on #1 (Grounds for Decision - Denial).
Mayor Glasser referred to Sec. 24-64 where it states 'variances shall not be granted solely for
personal comfort or convenience' and this request seems to fall under this criteria. She noted
three feet is not a lot but it exceeds the required setback. Mayor Glasser expressed her respect
for the work the CDB does and going forward there needs to be clarity for the basis of their
Commissioner Norris - agrees that variances should not be granted for personal comfort or
convenience but her argument is for reasonable use of the property. She does not think there are
privacy concerns for the neighbor behind this property regarding the roof line extension, the
fence, and the trees.
Commissioner Waters - spoke about interpretation of 'reasonable', the expectation of
conforming to Code, use of property and outdoor space, room for a grill and smoker with or
without cover, and approval should have contingencies for additional setbacks as well as for not
allowing side walls to be built on the structure.
Commissioner Anderson - stated she agrees with Commissioner Norris' comments.
Commissioner Felly - agrees that variances shall not be granted solely for personal comfort or
convenience, or for relief from situations created by the property owner, which is not on the list
but is the basis of the text.
Mayor Glasser - no additional comments.
Roll Call Votes:
Brittany Norris (Moved By)
Cindy Anderson (seconded By)
Candace Kelly
Blythe Waters
Ellen Glasser
Motion to reverse the CDB decision failed 2 to 3.
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MOTION: To deny the request for variance ZVAiZ19-0002 on grounds that it can adversely
affect light and air to adjacent properties, and that the request is made on the grounds of personal
Mayor Glasser clarified this affirms the decision of the CDB, and denies the appeal based on
the conditions stated in the motion.
Commissioner Dorris inquired of CA Durden if this motion will lead to potential litigation
since originally the CDB did not provide a reason and now the Commission has provided a
CA Durden responded that it's hard to say whether or not the CDB had a reason for denying,
that it may not be reflected in the minutes but could be cited in the video. The applicant has the
duty to provide a transcript of the meeting and in this case it was not provided.
CA Durden explained that any decision that the Commission makes is subject to challenge in
court, whether it is a decision to affirm the decision of the CDB and deny the appeal, or a
determination to reverse the decision. CA Durden stated she has heard from both sides what she
believes to be valid basis for approval or denial. In these circumstances when there is discussion
and a basis for either one, CA Durden stated her experience has been that the decision that is
made will be upheld.
Commissioner Waters stated shelter can be provided in the 7 feet that is granted and there is
still reasonable use allowed within the limits of the Code. This does not meet the level of
exceptional circumstances. The permanent addition that would encroach on the 20 -foot setback
would permanently effect the adjacent neighbor.
Commissioner Anderson to clarify, CA Durden has heard grounds for approval and for denial
but 99% of the time the City does not appeal a decision by the City Commission, only the
applicant would make an appeal or litigate.
CA Durden responded she is not familiar with any time that the City would appeal its own
Commissioner Kelly - no further comments.
Commissioner Norris - no further comments.
Mayor Glasser agreed with Commissioner Waters comments.
In the final round of discussion, Commissioner Norris reiterated there were two reasons found
for approval and a single reason found for denial. There were no other comments from
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Roll Call Votes-.
Candace Felly (Seconded By) For
Blythe Waters (Moved day) For
Ellen Glasser For
Brittany Norris Against
Cindy Anderson Against
Motion to affirm the decision of the CDB for reasons stated passed 3 to 2. The appeal is
CA Durden stated the next step will be for PCD Director to prepare a draft order for review,
then it will be issued.
There being no further discussion, Mayor Glasser declared the meeting adjourned at 6:41 PM.
Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk
Ellen Glasser, Mayor
Approval Date: 1/0//17
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