04-22-19 Minutes Commission WorkshopMINUTES °sem Commission Workshop Meeting � = Monday, April 22, 2019 - 5:30 PM Commission Chamber PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ATTENDANCE: Present: Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1 Cindy Anderson, Commissioner - Seat 2 Blythe Waters, Mayor Pro Tem / Commissioner - Seat 3 Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 Brittany Norris, Commissioner - Seat 5 Also Present: Joe Gerrity, City Manager (CM) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM) Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC) Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA) Phyllis Nadeau, Associate City Clerk/Recording Secretary CALL TO ORDER Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 5:31 PM. TOPICS A. Recycling CM Gerrity distributed copies of a Florida League of Cities (FLOC) mini -survey on Municipal Recycling and a list of Atlantic Beach businesses that have commercial recycling contracts (which are attached and made part of this Official Record as Attachment A). Mr. Gerrity explained there has been a dramatic change in the market and the demand for recycled materials, particularly glass, and stated here needs to be discussion on how our city wants to continue with recycling. Next, Mr. Gerrity spoke about the contract with Advanced Disposal Services Jacksonville, LLC, for which they are requesting an extension. The contract language states each term is seven (7) years and may be extended for an additional six (6) terms. Mr. Gerrity stated there has not been any guarantees about maintaining the current rates, and there needs to be discussion on a contract extension. There was a discussion about the pending Waste Management buy-out of Advanced Disposal. Mayor Glasser spoke about improving on commercial recycling and ways to increase that, adding more recycle bins throughout the City parks and buildings, eliminating glass from our recycling, and how other Florida cities are eliminating their recycling programs. Commission Workshop April 22, 2019 DCM Hogencamp spoke about the Beaches Go Green project of placing ash cans (for cigarette butts) at several locations throughout the Beaches Town Center, along the beach and at parks. Beaches Go Green will have a Recycling Workshop to present their education programs. A discussion ensued about the various types of recycling the City currently has, improving or eliminating glass recycling, the idea and possible cost savings of the City purchasing a glass crusher, and recycling costs should glass recycling be eliminated. CM Gerrity spoke about a pilot program to encourage recycling with the placement of bins at various locations for plastic bottles and aluminum cans. B. Advanced Disposal Services Jacksonville, LLC Contract Renewal There was a lengthy discussion about recycling incentives for commercial customers for cardboard, plastic and aluminum, a recycling glass crusher/compactor, and other types of recycling programs. CA Durden spoke about the contract, Section F - Change in Cost of Doing Business, and Section G - Unusual Changes of Costs. A lengthy discussion ensued about the commercial contract options with Advanced Disposal, the various types of recycling processes (dual -stream versus single -stream), whether the goal for the City is to remove a stream from the landfill or to reduce the City's carbon footprint, getting questions answered about how specific recycled materials are processed, and environmental hazards via carbon footprint versus lifecycle assessments. Mayor Glasser asked that the Commission come to an agreement with questions for follow-up at the upcoming workshop. It was agreed to ask the following questions. • What happens to recycled glass? • What is the cost of dual stream recycling? 2 PUBLIC COMMENT Sally Clemens spoke about proper recycling. ADJOURNMENT There was no further discussion. Mayor Glasser adjourned the meeting at 6:27 PM. Attest: ` /�,l/Gh?/i2tL �/ •��Z� Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk len Glasser, Mayor Mcg l -I 210N Approval Date: i Commission Workshop April 22, 2019 ATTACHMENT A .4'"l Qec- Florida League of Cities Center for Municipal Research & Innovation P, ,. MiniSurvey Series- Municipal Recycling The Center for Municipal Research & Innovation conducted a survey of the 412 municipalities in Florida regarding their residential recycling programs and possible implications from the state's 2020 75% Recycling Goal. The survey was conducted electronically from September 24- October 19, 2018 with a response rate of 51 % or 212 cities. Key Take-Aways Of municipalities who responded: • 78% of the cities that responded offer residential recycling services • Nearly 25% of the cities who offer these services pick up and transport recyclables themselves. • More than 90% of cities who offer recycling service contract with a vendor for sorting and processing of materials. • More than % of cities offering recycling utilize a single -stream processing method. • A vast majority of municipal recycling programs accept paper/cardboard (96%), plastic (96%), metal/aluminum {90%} and glass (89%). - The average percentage of contamination in recycling loads for responding cities is 17%. • Rates of contamination ranged from as low as 3% to as high as 40% in some cities. • Less than 15% of cities have ordinances banning single -use plastics. • Of cities that do have ordinances, the most commonly banned items are plastic straws, plastic shopping bags and polystyrene/Styrofoam. Page 2 of this report contains additional graphs of the data collected. Contact Research Analyst Liane Giroux at Igiroux __ficities.com for the survey questions or additional information. The FLC Center for Municipal Research & Innovation is the prima ry source of local government research and resources at the Florida League of Cities. The Center serves as a link between Florida's public policy researchers and municipal governments, bridging the gap between academics and public policy makers and administrators. More information on the Center can be found at www.floridaleagueofcities.com/Research Material.a spx. *Szw-veys are completed by members of each individual municipality and the FLC staff does not veri& or cross- reference responses with other sources. MINISURVEY SERIES -IVIUNICIPAL RECYCLIIUG PAGE 1 Cities that include recyclable materials in their curbside residential service vviw N1vvJuca L11c 1%J11WVV111!J owl residential recycling services in your city? SORTING & PROCESSING PICK-UP & TRANSPORT 24% -City Government -Vendor 96% 90% 96% al/Aluminum -Paper/Cardboard -Plastic -Other Cities with single -stream vs. dual -stream recycling service -Single-Stream -Dual-Stream -No response MINJSURVEY SERIES -MUNICIPAL RECYCLING PAGE ctive Customers ctive Sites ctive Services ;:)(JI:!LIIIL CI!:)IUIIIuI:;, Specific Customers: 99526, 96926,96380, 95572,94922,94176, 89837, 89834,89833 All Billing Cycles All Business Codes All Sales Reps )89833 ABC FINE WINE & SPIRITS #19 8989 SO ORANGE AVE ORLANDO FL (407) 450-7464 0001 ABC FINE WINE & SPIRITS #191 LEED: O 295 ROYAL PALM DR ATLANTIC BEFL (904) 591-3876 Service Type Size Quantity Start Date Stop Date 001 COMM FL RECYCLING CARDBO. 8.00Yard 1.00 6/1/07 189834 JD -ASG MGMT CO./MCDONALD 51S 3RD ST JACKSONVILLFL (904) 534-3265 0001 MCDONALDS LEED: O 435 ATLANTIC BLVD ATLANTIC BE FL (904) 534-3289 Service Type Size Quantity Start Date Stop Date 001 COMM FL RECYCLING CARDBO, 8.00Yard 1.00 6/1/07 )89837 AMERICAN LEGION 1127 ATLANTIC BLVD ATLANTIC BEFL (904) 111-1111 0001 AMERICAN LEGION LEED: O 1127 ATLANTIC BLVD ATLANTIC BE FL (555) 555-5555 Service Type Size Quantity Start Date Stop Date 001 COMM FL RECYCLING CARDBO. 8.00Yard )94176 HAPPYTRAILS4X4 490 LEVY RD 0001 HAPPYTRAILS 4X4 LEED: O 490 LEVY RD Service Type Size 001 COMM FL RECYCLING CARDBO. 8.00Yard 1.00 6/1/07 ATLANTIC BEFL (904) 222-8358 ATLANTIC BE FL (904) 222-8358 Quantity Start Date Stop Date 1.00 10/7/13 )94922 QUEST RESOURCE MANAGEMEI\PO BOX 560261 THE COLONYTX (877) 321-1811 0001 PIZZA HUT #4250 LEED: O 815 ATLANTIC BLVD ATLANTIC BE FL (904) 246-6300 Service Type Size Quantity Start Date Stop Date 001 COMM FRECYCLING CARDBO. 8.00Yard 1.00 8/29/14 )95572 B&K PROPERTIES 1649 NORTON HILL DR JACKSONVIUFL (904) 234-8262 0001 B&K PROPERTIES MAYPORT SQUt LEED: O 1487 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BE FL (904) 234-8262 Service Type Size Quantity Start Date Stop Date 001 COMM FL RECYCLING CARDBO 8.00Yard 1.00 7/17/15 )96380 WEST ROCK PO Box 9208 OLD BETHPA<NY (314) 292-3390 0009 PIER ONE IMPORTS 1353 LEED: O 950 MARSH IANDING PKWY JACKSONVILLFL (314) 292-3390 Service Type Size Quantity Start Date Stop Date 002 COMM FL RECYCLING SINGLE ! 8.00Yard 1.00 10/1/16 0010 PIER ONE IMPORTS #45 LEED: O 1071ATIANTIC BLVD ATLANTIC BE FL (904) 241-5401 Service Type Size Quantity Start Date Stop Date 002 COMM FL RECYCLING SINGLE ! 8.00Yard 1.00 12/1/17 )96926 THE WILLIAM THOMAS GROUP RAGTIME TAVERN SEAFOOD. CINCINNATI OH (888) 242-0510 0001 RAGTIME TAVERN #4404 LEED: O 207 ATIANTIC BLVD ATLANTIC BE FL (888) 242-0510 Service Type Size Quantity Start Date Stop Date 001 COMM FL RECYCLING CARDBO 8.00Yard 1.00 8/1/16 )99526 WASTE MANAGEMENT SUSTAIN415 DAY HILL RD WINDSOR CT (860) 290-1250 0001 PANERA BREAD PNR601781 LEED: O 899 ATLANTIC BLVD ATLANTIC BE FL (860) 290-1250 Service Type Size Quantity Start Date Stop Date 002 COMM FL RECYCLING CARDBO. 8.00Yard 1.00 6/1/17 All Customer Types All Service Types Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Separate (A/R Site) Consolidated Consolidated :U.STOMER 095215- ECOVA National Account : O Address: C/0 ECOVA PO BOX 2410 SPOKANE WA 99210 Phone :(509) 329-7840 Fax: ()- Intercompany: O Email: Global Suspend: D Contact Name : Sales Rep : Broker Sales Contract No.: BROKER Contract Signed : O Contract Date Expiration Date : Initial Term : 0 RenewalTerm : 0 P.O. No.: Tax Jurisdiction : Duval Cty FF Account Type: Receivables Alpha Sort: ECOVA Customer Type : BROKER Bill To Type: Separate (A/R Site) Credit Warning : $ 0.00 Credit Limit : $ 0.00 Currency: U.S. Dollar Broker: Ecova Charge Interest : 0 Collection Agent : Broker :ash on Demand : O Overdue Letters : O Promo Code: Existing Customer PULL (1) OR SUPPRESS (2): -UDE FROM PRICE INCREASE: RES!(1) OR NON RES(2): 2 1DE FROM FUEL SURCHARGE: NOT IN USE: SITE 0008 - LIL CHAMP #16316 LEED: 0 Closed Date Address: Suspended Date 2425 MAYPORT ROAD Contact Name SERVICE 001 Type : COMM FL RECYCLING CARDBOARi Size : 8.00 YD Quantity : 1.00 Bill Cycle: COMM MONTHLY ARR Average Call Time Estimated Call lime Compacted : D Default Facility: Default Material: Activity Contract No.: Contract Date : Contract Expiry Date Guaranteed Date : 11/01/2015 Signed: O Effective Charge Unit Amount Date 11- RECYCLE STANDARD SER Month A1- SMALL CONTAINER DELI' Service A4 - SMALL CONTAINER REMC Service B5 - EXTRA CONTAINER DUMI Service D1- REGULAR SERVICE Service Effective Date : 11/01/2015 Start Date : 11/0112015 Start Bill Date: 11/01/2015 Stop Date: Work Order: D PO Required : O Demurrage Days : 0 Daily Rate: $ 0.00 Service Category: Customer Owned: D Bill Up To Date $110.00 Business Type : COMMERCIAL Grid Location : I / 0.00 Mar 01, 2018 Tax Jurisdiction : FRANCHISE FEE EXEMPT Sales Rep: $125.00 Contract No.: Credit Warning : $ 0.00 ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 Contract Signed : O Credit Limit : $ 0.00 Phone: (509) 329-7840 Contract Date : Store I D: Fax: ()- Expiration Date : P.O. No.: Initial Term : 0 WO Copies: 1 Renewal Term : 0 Site Invoice Action Surcharges COMPLIANCE AND BUSINESS IMPACT CHARGE 7.90% COMPLIANCE AND BUSINESS IMPACT CHARGE NT 7.90% SERVICE 001 Type : COMM FL RECYCLING CARDBOARi Size : 8.00 YD Quantity : 1.00 Bill Cycle: COMM MONTHLY ARR Average Call Time Estimated Call lime Compacted : D Default Facility: Default Material: Activity Contract No.: Contract Date : Contract Expiry Date Guaranteed Date : 11/01/2015 Signed: O Effective Charge Unit Amount Date 11- RECYCLE STANDARD SER Month A1- SMALL CONTAINER DELI' Service A4 - SMALL CONTAINER REMC Service B5 - EXTRA CONTAINER DUMI Service D1- REGULAR SERVICE Service Effective Date : 11/01/2015 Start Date : 11/0112015 Start Bill Date: 11/01/2015 Stop Date: Work Order: D PO Required : O Demurrage Days : 0 Daily Rate: $ 0.00 Service Category: Customer Owned: D Bill Up To Date $110.00 Oct 16,2017 Mar31,2019 $125.00 Mar 01, 2018 $0.00 Nov 01, 2015 $125.00 Oct 01, 2017 $0.00 Nov 01,2015 Routing Maximum Lifts: 2.00 Schedule : Tue Thu Week Code: Every Week Routes : 2801- 124.00 4801- 98.00 Containers :