05-20-19 Minutes Commission WorkshopMINUTES
`J =� cConrlrrtission Workshop Meeting
Monday, May 20, 2019 - 6:00 ISM
Commission Chamber
Present: Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1
Blythe Waters, Mayor Pro Tem / Commissioner - Seat 3
Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4
Brittany Norris, Commissioner - Seat 5
Absent: Cindy Anderson, Commissioner - Seat 2
Also Present: Joe Gerrity, City Manager (CM)
Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA)
Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC)
Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM)
Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
A. North Beaches Parking Program
CM Gerrity reviewed that the last presentation by Mr. Rimmer was on the basic outline
of the Paid Parking Program. This workshop presentation is an update on the rate
structure that the City of Neptune Beach has established for the Town Center parking.
Mark Rimmer, RTA Consulting, 221 Hogan St., Jacksonville, addressed the
Commission and provided a slide presentation. Mr. Rimmer has been in the parking
business over 25 years, throughout Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and Tennessee. Mr.
Rimmer introduced his colleagues Ted Howser and Doug Gansen, who are also involved
in this Program.
Mr. Rimmer reviewed the numerous meetings held to develop a Paid Parking Program -
scheduled with both cities and merchants. He stated the kiosks have been ordered, the
software and programming is in process for program management, enforcement staff has
been hired and training for state certification is in process. Mr. Rimmer stated a draft
Ordinance and a draft Inter -local Agreement for the Parking Program has been submitted
to CM Gerrity.
Mr. Gerrity stated work on these draft documents is pending as he is awaiting direction
from the Commission.
Commission Workshop
May 20, 2019
The proposed rate structure is as follows:
® First 30 minutes are free.
® $1.00 per half-hour thereafter, maximum $6.00, up to 5:00 PM.
® Evening rates repeat from 5:00 PM and thereafter.
® Enforcement hours 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, midnight.
As a Pilot Program the rates can be adjusted and language is referenced in the proposed
draft Ordinance. Mr. Rimmer stated there will be ten (10) kiosks placed in the Town
Center. Payment at any kiosk can be done by cash or credit, by a phone app, online, and
there will also be merchant validation. Enforcement is done by license plate recognition.
The goal is to achieve traffic control, not revenue.
Mr. Rimmer stated the plan is to schedule a soft opening of the Program in June, to have
in place for the July 4th holiday. There will be representatives on the streets to help
customers at the kiosks. The website will have information about the kiosks, the payment
options, and license plate recognition enforcement.
Questions and discussion ensued about parking creep into neighborhoods, enforcement
options for resident parking, an employees parking program, discounts for residents,
private lots participation, merchant validations, free ADA parking, ability to adjust
enforcement hours, and data management.
Mr. Rimmer and Mr. Gerrity responded to all questions.
Consensus from the Commission was to proceed with the draft Ordinance and draft
Inter -local Agreement for the Parking Program.
Mayor Glasser opened Courtesy of the Floor for Item 1A.
Chris Rule spoke about parking creep into neighborhoods and is against registering
vehicles for visitors to residences.
B. Beach Parking Program
CM Gerrity reviewed the previous proposal for paid beach parking at 10th Street (7
spaces), 18th Street (54 spaces), and 19th Street (13-14 spaces). The goal is to achieve
traffic control and calming, not revenue. Mr. Gerrity asked how the Commission wished
to proceed.
Discussion and questions ensued about the PPSARC recommendation for paid parking
at these locations, resident access, reduced rates for residents, seasonal and/or day passes,
beach renourishment funding, varying street configurations, costs for
kiosks/software/enforcement, parking creep, continued enforcement of City parking
Ordinance, paid parking rate structure, beach valet service, and designated loading zone.
CM Gerrity and Mr. Rimmer responded to all inquiries.
Commission Workshop
May 20, 2019
CM Gerrity stated he would like to prepare a proposal for the Commission's review for
a Beach Parking Program that would duplicate the Town Center rates along with a 50%
discount for residents.
Consensus from the Commission was to proceed with a proposal for a Beach Parking
Mayor Glasser opened Courtesy of the Floor for Item 1B.
Scott Cairns spoke about the history of 10th Street parking being for residential and public use.
Perry Edsall spoke about parking creep on Sea Oats Drive, guest passes, and'No Parking' signs.
Paula O'Bannon spoke about enforcement hours, overnight parking, 1 st Street and 10th Street
parking, and repeat parking violations.
Sarah Dark spoke about 18th Street parking, parking creep, and enforcement of paid parking.
Discussion ensued about parking creep, calming traffic, painting/striping parking spaces,
simplifying paid parking, pedestrian safety, guest passes, and working towards solutions.
There was no further discussion and Mayor Glasser adjourned the meeting at 7:51 PM.
Q/ 00d4Z&
Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk
El n lasser, Mayor
Approval Date:
Commission Workshop
May 20, 2019