1089 Atlantic Blvd (Ashland Properties)63' NORTH Note Vi0W0E cawnNuws a Foot waao OR MASONRY PLANTING NOTES: FENCE OR W EVERIli$I HEDM AT NE OF PLANIINC ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL fl n. E) 612.4:) c' 1. The LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR in responsible for verifying project 18. Plant material son shall he 'native' sol that was removed from the () LANDSCAPE CALCULATIONS site canditlon' and all quantities Indicated an these plana before planting hole. If sol is badly contaminated, goad quality sol shall be used canDS nclE any CHwork LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR shall notidfy the n replacement after contaminated ..It has been completely removed from Z a LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT if sol conditions are poorly drains to plan tog area. - 0 m r determine le substitution of materials la necessary. R9. After sodding le completed, the entire Bide areae shall he watered by ^ Z m VVI -REQUIRED LANDSCAPE, INTERIOR VUA hand « I rigation system each day far two week.. After approximately ons Vil2. Sal testa shall be provided to evaluate various areas of the Z PUBLIC VUA: 25,980 SF. month of Installation, sodded areae *hall then be top dre...d w(th a 15-0-15 Q Z m landscape (especially the parking lot islands) for Q. ..liable commercial Blow -release fertilizer at a rate of 6.67 pounds per 1,000 square Q a J REQUIRED: 2,598 SF. nutrients, phosphorus content, bulk density, etc. Thle win earns feet of area In an evenly broad -cava pattern. -J J A /1 PROVIDED: 2,549 SF. to ensure proper plant selection aecording to prevailing *oil 20. The LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR Ie responsible for all fine grading a a conditions, what Ilma/sulphur apPlicatlane aro needed `If any) o U f TREES: 6 TREES (3 SHADE) and long -tarn survival of plan! material. preparation for planting. Apply pre -emergent to all beds prior to planting. f SHRUBS: 2,598 X 25% = 650 SF/9 SF/SHRUB = 72 SHRUBS 3. All plant material shall be Florida Grade No. 1 or better 21. Rough grades win be established by the omen general J s nunary grown in accordance to Florida Grades and Standards contractor at approximately 3 Inches below curb., sidewalk., .J a yp Latest 'Grades and Standards For Nuroery Planta, Part I ANO II, 'Flwlda hardocape amonittes, mowing aWpa and abutments. All materials N F(i/ SOUTH REQUIRED LANDSCAPE, STREET FRONTAGE napaAment of Agriculture And Consumer Services or To The Standard. shall be a minumim 30' from buildings or walks. W "' In the to American Standard for Numar Stack', America National 22. CONTRACTOR shall coordinate construction of planting areas D VUA FRONTAGE: 187 FT y P 9 Standards Institute. with Installation of Inigatlon system. REQUIRED: 1,870 SF. 4. All plant material shall be container grown or B&B. B&B 23. Where seeding may be required on the plana, germination rate V $ D PROVIDED: 1,328 SF. materials shall be 'hardened off' ot pruned during field shall be the maximum percentage required for the variety specified = S i. n production and hall be dug at least several weak. before at the rate of application specified.y. z \ Z TREES: 4 TREES (2 SHADE) planting is performed. 24. Sod areas shall be SPECIFIED Grass. Grass for sodding U In 0 SHRUBS: 187 LF X 75% = 140 LF/3' OC./SHRUB = 47 SHRUBS 5. Planta shall be sound, healthy and vigorous, well branched and - shall be freshly won Out In squares e foot wide by two feet long. I x ?: d 4 h ,A m densely fallated when In leaf. They all be free of disease, Sod hell be healthy, free of Insects and weeds, In naturally flourishing Q tel. �Vp_ A Insect.. eggs or larvae and hall haw healthwell developed root conditions. Dr brown and unfreah and will be rejected. (n NORTH REQUIRED LANDSCAPE, ADJACENT PROPERTY systema They shall be free from physical damage or adverse 25. Sod shall be laid and to and and aide to aide In a staggered O a / Cl 9 p -1 VUA FRONTAGE: 63 FT conditions that would prevent thriving growth. line to farm a uniform layer. All unewn edges hall be squarely (Q L J / ?m m REQUIRED: 315 SF. 6. All planta shall conform to the variation Indicated In the trimmed to allow close and firm fitting of each place. N x plant list. 26. After sodding is completed, the entire sad areae shall be LJ.� cn m PROVIDED: 388 SF. 7. Substitution of plant materials will not be permitted unless watered by hand or Irrigation system each day far two weeks. Z Z o r $ D TREES: I TREE (I SHADE) authorized In writing by the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. If proof Is Sodded areae hall than be top dressed with a commercial fertilizer J a �� ✓� ���•••fff % $P's; r SHRUBS: 182 LF X 75% = 137 LF/3' OC./SHRUB = 46 SHRUBS submitted that any plant specified In not obtainable, a proposal as directed herein t the rate of 12 pounds per 1000 square feet of Q will be considered for use of the nearest equivalent size or area In on evenly broad case pattem. "3 variety with corresponding ad)uatmwt of contract price. 27. The LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR to responsible for fully maintaining / Ate, i EAST REQUIRED LANDSCAPE, ADJACENT PROPERTY 8. Plant material locations and bed outlines shall be slaked or all plant material on site during and before planting, until the , 2 / y flagged on site by the CONTRACTOR and shall be adjusted If required work in accepted by the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT and/or owner. +++ + r + u VUA FRONTAGE: 71 FT �y* to fit actual as -built conditions an site and approved by the owner The LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR is responsible for removing tree stakes +O REQUIRED: 355 SF. or owners representative. after tree la established. PROVIDED'M, 360 SF. 9. All proposed tree planting locations aholl be staked or flagged 28. All plants hall be guaranteed by the LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR to `��'k� a 5N TREES: I TREE (I SHADE) before installation by the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT and approved by the be healthy plants and In flourishing condition of active growth for / ;k owner or ownare representative. ninety (90) days from final inspection and acceptance. All tinea ' p i9 .'% 10. The CONTRACTOR hall estimate the depth of the planting hole shall be guaranteed an additional one year from final inspection •%a* 1 by measuring the distance between the point where the topmast root and acceptance. %°A1-''�,g '4+ g, EAST REQUIRED LANDSCAPE, ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY emerges from the trunk and the bottom of the root ball. Rhe planting 29. The LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, owner or owners representative shall '•.:�++• VUA FRONTAGE: 142 FT hole hall be all h8y .h.11-ar than thin distance. No more than 2 to 3 have the right to reject an and all work which In his tf 2z re Inches of the root ball needs to be above the sol unless the site not most with the requirements of the t any done REQUIRED: 1,420 SF. q epectficatlena at any stage poorly drained. Poorly drained sal p are ea plantingq depths awn or of the project operation. V PROPOSED 26 840 SF PROVIDED: 1,565 SF. higher. Planting holm dug too deep are required to haw sail added to 30. In general, the work shall proceed an rapidly as the site TREES: 6 TREES (3 SHADE) the bottom and loosely compacted. If planting holes should fill with becomes available. Keep all areae of work dean, neat, and orderly BUILDING FOOTPRINT water as it is dug, position the bottom of the root ball above the at all time.. PROPOSED 26,840 SF water and mound sol to cover the aides of the ball. The hole hall 31. There will be special care to all existing trees to be i I TOTAL TREES REQUIRED: 18 TREES (10 SHADE) be at least 1.5 time. the diameter of the root ball. Wider holes shall retained on site to avoid construction damage. I BUILDING FOOTPRINT be used for compacted sol and wet often. 32. An automatic Irrigation system Is to be provided TOTAL TREES PROVIDED: Ie TREES (13 SHADE) g an p vided and i II 11. 9a sal shall he be tilled and large duds of sol broken up. The design must be submitted to the governmental agency, for review E TOTAL SHRUBS REQUIRED: 119 SHRUBS growing medium shall be sealed and firm at the Bene of herbicide g g g y, toplll aer a Herbicides may be mechanically Incorporated by mixing Into and a yowl, prior m installation. I TOTAL SHRUBS PROVIDED: 122 SHRUBS top layer at a depth of 1-3 inches. 33. Irpipigation system shall be fully automatic, providing 10076 O 12. All backflll around plant material shall be worked firmly by slicing coverage to all planting areas, with all pop up heads in lawn are.. LiI TOTAL GREEN AREA REQUIRED: 6,558 SF a shovel down Into the backflll 20 to 30 tlmoo around the tree ae you 34. IMgation station hall be set where there will he no mixing CD U, O 1 I I TOTAL GREEN AREA PROVIDED: 6,190 SF add backfill sol. Large dumps hall be broken up. Do not pack the of shrub and lawn areae, fixed spray heads with gear driven heads < Z backflll. Only atop firmly an backflll soil to atabilize the root ball. The ar impact.. Shrub risen hall be minimum 2.5' from EDP and (DEFICIT: 368 SF) top of the root ball hall remain 1 Inch (small trees) to 3 inches (large all heads minimum 2' from buildings. p B tree') or approximately 1OR above grade. Do not over -pack the loosened 35. A double check backflow, prevention (or approved equal); equal Cn _J U I! sol when wet. Add 10 to 20 gallons of water to the roothall and backflll. !o a DCA -100; to be mounted In a rectangular valva box (12'x 10') Q Fill in any holes or depressions with backfill sal. Do not attempt to an the service aide of the meter and Immediately adjacent to the W E. eliminate air pockets by compaction. Water infiltrating the backflll eon M m r- water meter. 03 will eliminate large air pockets. Z 36. After the seque spa plans approved by the governmental � 13. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR shall bear final responsibllty for agency any aubeaquant changes must be resubmitted Q � U ❑ proper surface drainage of planted areas. Any discrepancy In the for review and approval. J LLI F ' drawings, obstruction an the site, or prior to work done by any 37. Shade trees shall be planted minimum 4' from EDP and 25' from OHE. = Z Z other party, which the CONTRACTOR feels preclude. establishing 3& Do not plant trees below Normal Water Line I. (NWL) nes cicivildrawings. proper drainage shall be brought to the attention of the LANDSCAPE Sod all 4:1 or greater dopes. Seed all other disturbed areas. Q ARCHITECT for --*tion or relief of .aid reeponeibllity. 39. B&B strap Ing wire, and any synthetic material shall be removed prior O I I 14. When planting on slopes. set tree .o to pp Q ' rn SOD P 9 P p -mast root In the ball on 40 Ammulchering.for all newly planted trees below grade. the uphll aide to own with the sol. The side of the root ball an the 9 Y P provided at least (5) I downhill side will be well above the surrounding son. Sol shall cover the five feet in diem and not doser than 6) eIx Inches from tree trunk. I aides of the root ball. Mulch hall cover the edge of the roothall and not 41. Sal in fres Inland. shall have at leaat 16%% inches of suitable son piled on top. and he void of any construction debris amnsuitabls materlWa. SOD- ! 42. Trove must be a minimum (7.5) seven and one half feet from water lines. 15. Planting bad. hall be cut or edged to farts a uniform dean 43. IM atla0 will be provided with etthoran automatic inigatlan 'yatem or hose 3 DLC 3 DLC L . Ilea between beds and lawn araan. bibs within `50) fifty feet of all newly planted mote tela, arisen approved .. 16. After all plant matealal In a plant bed area has been Installed and alternate means of establishment of planted materials is provided. ! O approved, the areas between planta shall be raked to an own grade to 44. Shrubs shall not be planted closer than (2.5) two and one half feet conform (o pro finish grades, All planting bade and plant aaucen from any atructura. hall then be uniformly covered with a minimum four Inches of /2 grade 45, All ]o to aha11 be required to submit we photo of all specified plant or better of pine bark mini nuggets, me arlals and one group phot of each specified plant material. \ / 1_ i 17. Before fertilization a sol and/or foliar nutrient analysis hall be \ / ==-•i '- -- == performed to determine whether phosphorus fertilizer with 30R slow \ / •, ► raise.. nitrogen will be required. All planting bed areas shall be fertilized Slow LANDSCAPE \`• / ,��; 1 0� approximately 4-6 weeks after Installation. PLAN X / \ I. •t 4 ` O ArexNa A T.IL WQ '$DII.I IDP B VE BACWI-SALL a' ! \ D MOVE a/AMFTLL� B 5 Mw a/s S� (9nomRFlt t 3/4 YELLav sAfal \ v as z u s ouwuEn La Apex EEE wean 04.25.14 / \ I IVN 1 IVN Zt e�asrwc uevmokE sten w / \ 35 IVNf :_;` mknv sum kmvxim: c .veer a wmrsLxr.k.sc e Ea1M1Y 59A(Fa VEeilrlL SPLS(£S M. No W / \ 3 IVN � � � v ranrna-L IS cvkrAom em oon 3 LJ •' - arrryry m+vv NlhaA u� mler i NIX I ....... SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL 0 o zc °as� ..._... , , ce K rc ��$ __-- 8 0 187' SOUTH a ATLANTIC BOULEVARD STREET FRONTAGE �w^ STATE ROAD NO A -1-A AND 10) azAc Ow Aui-asrsan aeE ATFR ala S M MIIONT{C aaaa+TRl PLANT LIST 3/4'SeM TMIXUuMil 3/4' Alw ,�aI-S, L 1­SnCVyp�r�e croak euoaE rENso.eo Tnart awe au r® QTY SYM DESCRIPTION SIZE SPACING 'NOTES INCHES sox a�oru rauL m IM n n 5 0 UP ULMUS PARVIFOLIA -DRAKE ELM' 10'-12' X 5-6', 2' CAL., 4' CT., MATCHED AS SHOWN FYN, FF, WW, OHE IO ap ar N_ rmAkrrnr A' MIX W4 Sell. � ra Joe No. 16714 8 0 IAS ILEX X ATTENUATA 'EAST PALATKA HOLLY' 10'-12' X 3-4' 2' CAL., FTG, MATCHED AS SHOWN N. FYN, FF, WW 16 AEavE � 3011. m Lnsrm�ac �X-marY°i°v cam 5 0 LI LAGERSTROMEIA INDICA 'NATCHEZ CRAPE MYRTLE' 8' x 4', 3 TRK, 4' CT, MATCHED AS SHOWN FYN, FF, WW, OHE IO xrsrma Laax`OCK ea SOIL W DRAWN: OHM 36(TOTAL) '''`' rniav sxm atzrAcrm 26 m DLC LOROPETALUM CHINENSE 'DWF RED RAZZLEBERRY' IB' x IB', FULL. MATCHED 36' OC. - FYN, FF. WW - e oxI-Y - 53 L IS dein n vEarrrx meas s' rrmvx 53 O LJ LIGUSTRUM JAPONICA 'LIGUSTRUM' - IB' X 18', FULL, MATCHED 36' OC. N, FYN, FF, WW '/'" �verN - zvz-Pae m srtzL u<sweeL FErr� CHESNm. JOW m IEr,L 1WiE - 2 m POST MlOOt STM*: are W FMN SaE 87 <•',:.i IVN ILEX VOMITORIA 'SCHILLINGS HOLLY'" 16' X Ib', FULL, MATCHED 36' OC. N, FYN, FF, WW r PEa TraE xmrw.L okram srsrN u SOD PASPALUM NOTATUM 'ARGENTINE-BAHIA' -TSA FREE (WEED FREE) tiWO�� z> SCALE: 1: 20 SOD ALL 4:I SLOPES OR GREATER, 10' FROM EOP AND ALL DISTURBED ROW. COORDINATE FURTHER GRASSING WITH GENERAL CONTRACTOR. SELECTED SOD SPECIES MEETS ALL CURRENT LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION REQUIREMENTS. ANY VARIABLE WILL REQUIRE GOVERNMENT APPROVAL. I *PLANT LIST LEGEND: N -NATIVE, FYN- FLORIDA YARDS 8 NEIGHBORHOODS 2006, FF- FLORIDA FRIENDLY, WW- WATER WISE 2008, TREE PLANTING DETAIL L OHE - JEA OVERHEAD ELECTRIC (ACCEPTABLE PLANT LIST) NOT m acklE DRAWING NO.