533 Atlantic Beach Ct RES18-0354 Struc Rev Revision Request/Correction to Comments "ALL INFORMATION grf arf�i, HIGHLIGHTED IN V `d City of Atlantic Beach Building Department GRAY IS REQUIRED. 800 Seminole Rd, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 �7 -oft'r Phone: (904) 247-5826 Email: Building-Dept@coab.us PERMIT#: ® Revision to Issued Permit OR ❑ Corrections to Comments Date: 7 Project Address: 53—? +TL,4- I(, tS � ✓/ Contractor/Contact Name: �-L 40 A4 6:,H �Jy i K S_.1.wC_ /'mo i! �'► c G, Contact Phone: lo*t,-713-172-F Email: W c./ r-C ".4cc Description of Proposed Revision/Corrections: Silz:.cr,..-I,( Pz:-v1 Ivr�N�✓ 4—',-,A affirm the revision/correction to comments is inclusive of the proposed changes. (printed name) • Will proposed revision/corrections add additional square footage to original submittal? W,No ❑ Yes (additional s.f.to be added: ) • Will proposed revision/corrections add additional increase in building value to original submittal? W,No El*Yes (additional increase in building value: $ ) (Contractor must sign if increase in valuation) *Signature of Contractor/Agent: t- - (Office Use Only) LTJ Approved ❑ Denied ❑ Not Applicable to Department Permit Fee D e$ ��( Revision/Plan Review Comments6,P11 4C7 7� C6�y 602 e 0ee-4- De artment Review Required: Building ening&Zoning Reviewed By Tree Administrator Public Works Public Utilities 7 'Ia Public Safety Date Fire Services Updated 10/17/18 REVISION BP# j2tS- CHRISTOPHER C. KATHE, INC. DATE__77 1. 10 /If CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS SIGNED J11 Y 420 OSCEOLA AVENUE JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FLORIDA 32250 Office(808)217-4707 FL P.E.No.36820 HI S.E.No. 11911 June 14,2019 Fisher& Simmons Architects,Inc. OFFICE ��I�� �O 4110 Ponte Vedra Boulevard PJ Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250 Attn: Terry Simmons Re: Exterior Wall Framing Clarification Roick Residence 533 Atlantic Beach Court Atlantic Beach, Florida E18-017 Dear Terry, The structural drawings, sheet S-1,date 07/10/2018, specify 2pcs 2"x6" SPF No.2 jack studs and 3pcs 2"x6" SPF No.2 full height studs each side of the 5'-6"rough opening for the double window at the First Level Kitchen overlooking the Summer Kitchen. The structural drawings, sheet S-1, also specify 3pcs 2"x6" SPF No.2 support studs at the adjoining 3ply 2"x12"porch header beam bearing. The multiple jack studs and full height studs each side of the Kitchen window provide vertical(axial) support for the imposed service loads from the window header beam simultaneously with providing lateral resistance to the building code prescribed wind loads. The end reaction from the window header beam is approximately 5390 lbs. The end reaction of the 3ply 2"x12"porch header beam is minimal and is approximately 1250 lbs. The plumbing subcontractor cut a 2"deep notch on the inside face of the multiple jack studs and full height studs at one side of the window opening. Additionally,the plumbing subcontractor cut the same 2"deep notch on the inside face of the porch header beam support studs. The remaining 3-1/4"to 3-1/2"depth of the multiple jack studs and full height studs of the Kitchen window is adequate to support the end reaction from the window header beam. The remaining 3-1/2' to 3-1/4"depth of the multiple porch header beam support is adequate to support the end reaction from the 3ply 2"x12"porch header beam. However,the lateral capacity of the multiple jack studs and full height studs of the Kitchen window has been compromised. Fortunately,the 2"deep notch on the inside face is located approximately 18"above the slab. At this location,the shear capacity of the notched studs is adequate. The bending moment capacity at 18"above the slab(end support) is adequate for the applied lateral wind loads assuming the extreme fiber tension 4 OFFICE COPY Page Two June 14, 2019 can be maintained. We recommend the contractor install 1pc Simpson MSTA24 flat strap at every other stud (locate the middle of the strap at the notch location)to maintain the extreme fiber tension continuity. Each strap shall be fastened with 18pcs l Od common wire nails OR 18pcs#9x 1-1/2" screws. Please contact us at(808)217-4707 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Christopher C. Kathe, P.E. Co. 2��� 1Z c�= © s OFFICE ("'Opy a B REVISED CHRISTOPHER C. KATHE, INC. jo CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 420 OSCEOLA AVENUE JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FLORIDA 32250 Office(808)217-4707 FL P.E.No.36820 HI S.E.No. 11911 February 07, 2019 Fisher& Simmons Architects, Inc. 4110 Ponte Vedra Boulevard Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250 Attn: Terry Simmons Re: Foundation Framing Clarification Roick Residence 533 Atlantic Beach Court Atlantic Beach, Florida E18-017 Dear Terry, The contractor may install one piece of Simpson MSTC40 flat strap at each side of the overhead garage door wall framing to the side/end of the exposed 8" CMU stemwall in lieu of the originally specified 1 pc of Simpson STHD 14 embedded strap. The Simpson MSTC40 flat strap shall be fastened to the exterior side face of the 8" CMU stemwall with l Opcs '/4"x2-3/4" WHW Tapcons and 22-16 common wire nails into the side of the 2"x6"jack studs wall framing. Please contact us at(808)217-4707 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Christopher C. Kathe, P.E. ei �oA -�-�- ` OFFICE COPY REVD CHRISTOPHER C. KATHE, INC. CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 420 OSCEOLA AVENUE JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FLORIDA 32250 Office(808)217-4707 FL P.E.No.36820 HI S.E.No. 11911 May 10, 2019 Fisher& Simmons Architects, Inc. 4110 Ponte Vedra Boulevard Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250 Attn: Terry Simmons Re: Window Header Framing Clarification Roick Residence 533 Atlantic Beach Court Atlantic Beach, Florida E18-017 Dear Terry, The contractor may install a 3 ply 2"x6" SYP No.2 roof header beam at the Second Level Guest Suite windows in lieu of the originally specified 3 ply 2"x 12" SYP No.2 roof header beam. The 3pcs of 2"x6" SPF No.2 mull studs provide support at the midspan of the roof header beam and allow for the reduction in the depth of the roof header beam. Please contact us at(808)217-4707 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Christopher C. Kathe, P.E. C/A elvW�