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07-11-19 CE Special Magistrate Agenda Packet City of Atlantic Beach Agenda Code Enforcement Special Magistrate Meeting Thursday, July 11, 2019 - 2:00 p.m. Commission Chamber City Hall, 800 Seminole Road Page(s) 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES None 4. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH 5. OLD BUSINESS A. CASE #: 17-286 NAME: Ossi Klotz, LLC ADDRESS: 1830 Mayport Road CE 1830 Mayport Road Case #17-286 Case Detail Report #17-286 5 - 45 B. CASE #: 17-287 NAME: Ossi Klotz, LLC Address: 1850 Mayport Road CE 1850 Mayport Road Case #17-287 Case Detail Report #17-287 47 - 99 C. CASE #: 18-073 NAME: Ossi Klotz, LLC ADDRESS: 1844 Mayport Road CE 1844 Mayport Road Case #18-073 Case Detail Report #18-073 101 - 161 D. CASE #: 18-113* NAME: Willie Johnson Estate ADDRESS: 1921 Mealy Street CE 1921 Mealy St. Case #18-113 Case Detail Report #18-113 163 - 210 E. CASE #: 18-204 NAME: William Dutter 211 - 253 Page 1 of 672 Code Enforcement Special Magistrate - 11 Jul 2019 ADDRESS: 177 Pine Street CE 177 Pine Street Case #18-204 Case Detail Report #18-204 F. CASE #: 18-320 NAME: Devajyoti Ghose ADDRESS: 317 East Coast Drive CE 317 East Coast Drive Case# 18-320 Case Detail Report #18-320 255 - 330 G. CASE #: 18-322 NAME: Sandra Pischly ADDRESS: 1044 Hibiscus Drive CE 1044 Hibiscus St Case #18-322 Case Detail Report #18-322 331 - 352 H. CASE #: 19-002 NAME: James Douglas Thompson ET AL ADDRESS: 221 Seminole Road CE 221 Seminole Road Case #19-002 Case Detail Report #19-002 353 - 379 I. CASE#: 14-00000980 NAME: Douglas Scott Wayne ADDRESS: 198 Poinsettia Street CE 198 Poinsettia Street Case #14-00000980 Lien Case Detail Report #14-00000980 381 - 518 J. CASE #: 17-603 NAME: Larry E. Clement ADDRESS: 115 S. Saratoga Circle CE 115 Saratoga Circle Case #17-603 Lien Case Detail Report #17-603 519 - 567 6. NEW BUSINESS A. CASE #: 19-056* NAME: Lucas Tree Service ADDRESS: 715 Seminole Road CE 715 Seminole Road Case #19-056 Case Detail Report #19-056 569 - 592 B. CASE #: 19-056* NAME: Bhatti Babur ADDRESS: 715 Seminole Road CE 715 Seminole Road Case #19-056 593 - 616 Page 2 of 672 Code Enforcement Special Magistrate - 11 Jul 2019 Case Detail Report #19-056 C. CASE #: 19-018 NAME: B B McCormick and Sons Inc ADDRESS: 1198 Mayport Road CE 19-018 1198 Mayport Rd Case #19-018 Case Detail Report #19-018 617 - 631 D. CASE #: 19-023* NAME: Ida Parker ADDRESS: 15 Forrestal Circle CE 15 Forrestal Cir Case #19-023 Case Detail Report #19-023 633 - 650 E. CASE #: 19-095* NAME: Susan Albrecht ADDRESS: 539 Selva Lakes Circle CE 539 Selva Lakes Circle Case #19-095 Case Detail Report #19-095 651 - 672 7. ADJOURNMENT * Homesteaded Properties Please note: This meeting will be videotaped. To view the meeting video, contact Lori Diaz, Records Clerk at 247-5810 or If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the Code Enforcement Special Magistrat e with respect to any matter considered at any meeting, such person may need a record of the proceedings, and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26 of the Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk's Office not less than three (3) days prior to the date of this meeting at (904) 247 -5800 or 800 Seminole Road. Page 3 of 672 Page 4 of 672 All, c-2, 6CODEENFORCEMENTVIOLATIONACTIONTRACKING - CASE #: 0 r t FIRST INSPECTION: L 2 '"l 50 I / ACTION: NOV REG XNOV CERT NOV POST SECOND INSPECTION: ACTION: NOV REG 0 NOV CERT 0 NOV POST THIRD INSPECTION: ACTION: NOV REG NOV CERT NOV POST PROPERTY ADDRESS OF VIOLATION: 13o /24,--, , PROPERTY OWNER: 1 eta ZV SEND LETTER(S) TO: (Please check('1) and explain all that apply) OFFICER: Deborah White PROPERTY OWNER AT:0 ADDRESS (ABOVE) DIFFERENT MAILING ADDRESS AS FOLLOWS: o / x 33a- 33 z33 TENANT(NAME) AT THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: VIOLATION(S): (Please check ( and explain all that apply) IPMC:SECTION(S) Otr- 5 AB CODE: SECTION(S) SAME AS ATTACHED NOTICE OF VIOLATION DATED: REMEDY FOR COMPLIANCE: 72,19.Lt diA- I '--6 eb-yt.4-it_42_ Cc j40-- T O REMOVE BOAT,CAMPER,TRAILER,JET SKI'S STORED IN YARD/RIGHT OF WAY O CEASE STORING BOAT, CAMPER,TRAILER,JET SKI'S STORED IN YARD/RIGHT OF WAY O REMOVE ROTTING/COLLAPSING FENCE REMOVE DISCARDED HOUSEHOLD ITEMS STORED IN YARD REMOVE INOPERABLE/UNLICENSED VEHICLE(S) STORED IN YARD/RIGHT OF WAY O MOWING THE YARD/VACANT LOT 5 DAYS ,Er10DDAYS SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Mail copy of Notice to: O Other: Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 5 of 672 629 ROEERi ST ROBERT ST a E 185071844 a `\ mo ' 27 =l 1820 EDGM 5T o A g e n d a I t e m # A . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 6 o f 6 7 2 FOR LEASE CHEAP RENT! WAREHOUSE Starting @ $500.00 mo 904-247-034 904- c A g e n d a I t e m # A . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 7 o f 6 7 2 a 7 DAYS gwv - AWEEK g i i_ i ry aY' J3e 1..4v ,:.. i'vi r_ v •' _- ..x .. : v c w SrT=.:., Y" I'lillilil, Fill IIIII: III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP A g e n d a I t e m # A . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 8 o f 6 7 2 Fee Wo t— I A g e n d a I t e m # A . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 9 o f 6 7 2 51,,L1N:rjr,, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH N r 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 PHONE (904)247-5800 r Jl llf CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 70131710000216913446 12/5/2017 OSSI KLOTZ LLC PO BOX 330833 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Real Estate Number: 172075 0200 Case Number: 17-286 Location of Violation: 1830 MAYPORT ROAD, Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property referenced above to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach, Code of Ordinances,to wit: VIOLATION(S) IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by repairing and/or replacing roof and all rotted fascia or soffit within thirty(30) days of the receipt of this notice. To avoid having this case be referred to the Code Enforcement Board, all listed violations on this notice must be in compliance on or before the date established by Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement. The Board may impose fines up to two hundred fifty ($250.00) per day for continuing violations. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. It is our goal to keep our neighborhoods looking well maintained while protecting property values and your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at(904) 247-5855 if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, jat-62C—LL Deborah White CODE ENFORCEMENT Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 10 of 672 Property Appraiser-Property Details Page 1 of 2 OSSI KLOTZ LLC . Primary Site Address Official Record Book/Page Tile# PO BOX 330833 1830 MAYPORT RD 06980-00157 9417 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Atlantic Beach FL 32233 1830 MAYPORT RD Property Detail Value Summary RE# 172075-0200 2017 Certified ISIBIAEtcatess Tax District USD3 Value Method CAMA CAMA Property Use 2792 Service Garage/Vehicle RP Total Building Value $103,218.00 $95,278.00 of Buildings 2 Extra Feature Value $9,537.00 _ $9,537.00 r For full legal description see Land Value(Market) $60,616.00 $60,616.00 Legal Desc Land&Legal section below Land Value Mork.) $0.00 0.00 Subdivision 00000 SECTION LAND Just(Market)Value $173,371.00 $165,431.00 Total Area 8464 Assessed Value $173,371.00 $165,431.00 The sale of this property may result in higher property taxes.For more information go Cap Diff/Portability Amt $0.00/x.00 $0.00/$0.00 to Save Our Homes and our Property Tax Estimator.'In Progress'property values, 0.00 See below exemptions and other supporting information on this page are part of the working tax Taxable Value $173,371.00 See belowrollandaresubjecttochange.Certified values listed in the Value Summary are those certified in October,but may include any official changes made after certification Learn how the Property Appraiser's Office values orooerty. Taxable Values and Exemptions—In Progress If there are no exemptions applicable to a taxing authority,the Taxable Value is the same as the Assessed Value listed above in the Value Summary box. County/Municipal Taxable Value SJRWMD/FIND Taxable Value School Taxable Value No applicable exemptions No applicable exemptions No applicable exemptions Sales History Book/Page Sale Date I Sale Price peed Instrument Type Code 1 Oualified/Unaualined Vacant/Improved 06980-00157 19/28/1990 I $275,000.00 SW-Special Warranty I Unqualified Vacant 109849-01630 111/29/2000 I $485,000.00 I WD-Warranty Deed I Unqualified Improved 111606-01927 ( 1/26/2004 $485,000.00 I WD-Warranty Deed I Unqualified Improved 112109-01007 110/5/2004 I $550,000.00 I WD-Warranty Deed I Unqualified Improved Extra Features LN Feature Code Feature Description 11 Bldg. Length I Width I Total Units I Value 1 PVCC1 I Paving Concrete 11 0 0 17,178.00 I$8,833.00 2 FCBC1 Fence Chain Barbed 11 10 10 1177.00 I$704.00 Land&Legal Land Le••I LN I cock I Use Description I Zoning I Front I Depth I Category I Land Units I Land Tvoe I Land Value LN I Legal Description 1 1000 I COMMERCIAL ACG 10.00 10.00 I Common 111,021.00 I Square Footage)$60,616.00 1 117-2S-29E.25 2 PT GOVT LOT 3 RECD O/R 12109- 1007 3 I BEING PARCEL 4 r Buildings Building 1 Building 1 Site Address 1830 MAYPORT RD Unit Element Code Detail Atlantic Beach FL 32233 I Exterior Wall 15 115 Concrete Blk Exterior Wall 16 6 Vertical Sheet I Building Type i2702-SERV GAR/VEH RP I Roof Struct 19 9 Rigid Fr/Bar] li fYear Built 11977 I Roofing Cover 14 4 Built Up/T&G 75 8`S LBullding Value I$30,060.00 Interior Wall I 1 1 Masonry Min Int Flooring I 3 3 Concrete Fin bfJffi Gross 'Heated Effective I Heating Fuel I 1 1 None Area I Area Area Heating Type I 1 1 None Area 1688 i 1688 1688 Air Cond I 1 1 None Total 1688 11688 1688 I Comm Htg&AC 10 0 None IComm Frame 13 3 C-Masonry I 1 I I 12/4/2017 Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 11 of 672 U.S. Postal Service i.] CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT I? (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) m For delivery Information visit our website at www.usps.comc r-R D Postage $ Certified Fee n-I Postmark Return Receipt Fee Here CD (Endorsement Required) O Restricted Delivery Fee E ( Endorsement Required) r- Total Postage&Fees ITI Sent To Z Q---1 ED Street,Apt.No.; or PO Box No. City,State,ZIP+4 PS Form 3800.August 2006 See Reverse for Instructions SENDER: COMPLETE THIS 7L CTION CUMF"_ETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Signature Print your name and address on the reverseX Agent so that we can return the card to you. Addressee Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Received by(Printed Name) C. Oate of `eliivvery or on the front if space permits. EOR 0,t0,, 1 / q 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1. 1 s If YES,enter delivery address below: No I -2S LLo-r7 11111111 111111 11 1 I I I I II I I 3. Service Type Adult Signature Priority Mail Express® 0 Registered Mail'^' 0 Adult Signature Restricted Delivery 0 Registered Mail Restricted 9590 9402 2805 7069 3566 03 0 Certified Mail® Delivery Certified Mail Restricted Delivery 0 Return Receipt for Collect on Delivery Merchandise 2. Article Number(Transfer from service label) 0 Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Confirmation'^' Mail 0 Signature Confirmation 701-R013 17 10 0002 1691 3446 Mail Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery 10) PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 12 of 672 CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING 5/31/2018 Case Number: 17-286 OSSI KLOTZ LLC Certified Mail Return Receipt: P.O.BOX 330833 70131710000216914313 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Property Address: 1830 MAYPORT ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances.It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on July 10, 2018 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known as 1830 MAYPORT ROAD, RE#172075-0200, 17-2S-29E .25 PT GOVT LOT 3 RECD O/R 12109-1007 BEING PARCEL 4. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to$250.00 per day for the first violation and$500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to. verify compliance at(904)247-5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at(904)247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. ATTEST: Donna L.Bartle, City Clerk Deborah White,Code Enforcement Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 13 of 672 6,i,I CERTIFIED Mitt,.L __. City of Atlantic Beach neopostig FIRST-CLASS MAILSeminoleRoad ii 800 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233:III 1 05/31/2018 46; 11 IIIIIIIII1 US POSTAGE $06.67.2 7013 1710 0002 1691 4313 ZIP 32233 5Mil. it2 041L11240784 J/J1/2U16 uase 1,4 um per: ii- , Y. 0,114,*.7 i, '1 ,1 47t OSSI KLOTZ LLC C, P.O. BOX 330833 7( F.ETLIR14 TO NDER 1 1:,-----..ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 LiNAELE TO -f-:OP iiikfcri' c: 22334j3 2 ,,MZ ,C AS1 11111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111M1111111h1/14320933iiilIIIiiHIMIIIIII1iii1i23:3- C iT 17,- lo E s: o fa e 15. It4 II a-i: CL ki) t 91 c, LLI alL., ; 5 cN1CaM CC C 2 4C 2 i--- 4 43 cp _ ...t: :Et 0 •;:t 11111 g 0 . e 5 .s CD c -.T. W1-10 ij 0) I Tif @0fg-13 ia 111 rZZ1 .6: 1) =L-, L -- L'2 ro LI z E 0°_ ..! LI- >1 °6„ NI 1-. z..... . CL rr cice, a 5E iiiE 0 It 27 '') E Cli 11 it 21)1 61 ? El- 12 %-ct3e) O 9- U.° 2 02 Is % w ccw co co 0 0 0. ETEh T69T 2000 OTLT ETOL A g e n d a I t e m # A . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 1 4 o f 6 7 2 F-7-.--1-f ,; Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 15 of 672 3 0 y''":rit CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACHv ' 800 SEMINOLE ROAD T.-.0ATLANTICBEACH,FL 32233 J440PHONE (904) 247-5800 POSTING AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF MAILING REGULAR MAIL Case Number: 17-286 Pursuant to Chapter 162, Florida Statutes and Sec. 2-147, City of Atlantic Beach City Code of Ordinances, I, Deborah White, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach, hereby affirm a Notice of Hearing, a copy of which is attached, was mailed regular mail and was posted at the following locations: 1) Date Posted: 6lartlyots/ Location: 1830 MAYPORT ' 1, Atlanti Beach, Florida 2) Date Posted: 6 d-c d v i Location: ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 eborah White, Code Enforcement County of Duval State of Florida The/foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me this 06 ' day of A 20 (f , by Deborah White,who is personally known to me as Code Enfor;lent for the City of Atlantic Beach. Person taking acknowledgement: Notary Stamp/Seal) 4D1_, Notary Public, tate of Flori, 0TONI GINDLESPERGER f 14 . MY COMMISSION#FF 924951 , s..•..•41,:Q EXPIRES:October 6.2019 Banded Thrs No^v public 00r?n;c'±rs i Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 16 of 672 t L rJ 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACHice ., x sS' 800 SEMINOLE ROAD V r ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 T' PHONE (904) 247-5800 AFFIDAVIT OF NONCOMPLIANCE I, Deborah White, Code Enforcement Officer for the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Division, verify that the property referenced below was inspected on 7/ 2/2018 and property remains in violation: CASE NUMBER: 17-286 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1830 MAYPORT RD REAL ESTATE NUMBER: 172075 0200 17-2S-29E .25 PT GOVT LOT 3 RECD O/R 12109-1007 BEING PARCEL OWNER OF RECORD WHOSE NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS IS: OSSI KLOTZ LLC PO BOX 330833 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 c 2//1,0,k I,/ / Date ignature COUNTY OF DUVAL STATE OF FLORIDA- I I, pI- IIISn. N (1 c AC•LL , a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, hereby certify that Deborah White, personally known to me to be the affiant in the foregoing affidavit, personally appeared before me this day and having been by me duly sworn deposes and says that the facts set forth in the above affidavit are true and correct. Witness my hand and official seal this the , d day of ,/ O/Y. PHYLLIs H.NADEAU ION i GG 7170584:7,... ;,:) MY COMMISS C / i E)(pIRES: pubGcth 4BondedTlvuNotary Notary blic,State of Florida Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 17 of 672 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ORDER CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, Petitioner vs. OSSI KLOTZ LLC, Respondent First Class and Certified Mail Return Receipt PO BOX 330833 Requested: 70170660000038566849 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1830 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Case Number: 17-286 Real Estate Number: 172075 0200 Legal Description: 17-2S-29E .25 PT GOVT LOT 3 RECD O/R 12109-1007 BEING PARCEL ORDER IMPOSING FINE THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Board on July 10, 2018, and the Board having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That the Respondent owns the property located at 1830 MAYPORT RD,Atlantic Beach, Florida. 2. That notice was sent by Certified Mailing and that Respondent was present at the hearing. William Corely, Esquire represented Ossi Klotz 3. That notification of the violations of the City of Atlantic Beach, were made and served on the Respondent as evidenced in this hearing. Board finds Respondent in violation and allows 90 days to achieve complaince. Failure to comply will result in a $250.00 per day fine for the first day and $ 250.00 every day thereafter the violation continues to exist. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW THAT the Respondent is NOT IN COMPLIANCE and has failed to correct such violation as of this hearing date. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is Ordered: Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 18 of 672 THAT the Respondent is found in violation for non-compliance and must obtain compliance on or before October 10, 2018. Failure to comply will result in fines of$250.00 for the first day and $250.00 for every day thereafter while the violation continues to exist. In addition, any fine shall also include the administrative costs to the City incurred in prosecuting this case. THAT the Respondent is responsible for contacting the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection of compliance. THAT failure to pay all accumulated fines will result in a lien being placed against the property at 1830 MAYPORT RD for the total assessment plus costs incurred for the filing of the lien. All lien amounts are to be made payable at an interest rate of ten (10) percent per annum from date of certification until paid. DONE AND ORDERED THIS July 10, 2018. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ATTEST: Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk By: Louis Keith, Vice Chairman Executed this oZ 44- day of Zell 20 /6. PLEASE NOTE: Florida Statutes, Section 162.11, states that an appeal of this order shall be filed in circuit court within thirty(30)days of this order's execution. U.S. Postal Service"" CERTIFIED MAIL® RECEIPT u- Domestic Mail Only 1 For delivery information.visit our website at . Ln Certified Mail Fee f'rl Extra Services&Fees(check cox,add fee as appropriate) Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ O 0 Return Receipt(electronic) $ 0 Certified Mall Restricted Delivery $ Post Here c3 0 Adult Signature Required $ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ 1:3 Postage D $ Total Postage and Fees N Sent To a o 'Street 7 6eeranvnpt.xw..a Z City,State,ZIP+41, PS Form 3800,April 2015 Pss 7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 19 of 672 v,I\1 r SI 0606 City of Atlantic Beach neoposct'i, 800 Seminole Road 07/24/2018 0 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 S POSTAGE $0l6. 7- t' 7017 0660 0000 3856 6849 k ZIP 32233 4%,( 1116: 041Li1240784 OSSI KLOTZ LLC, Respondent First Class an. C) t \ \ PO BOX 330833 RPn11estpd: 701 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 4IXIE 3 2 2 DE 1 0008/26/ 13 RETURN TO SENDER CLA=MED UNABLE TO FORWARD JviC BC: ± Z245199 77157-07'.0.3-ZE.-29 I 32233>5 461' 11,Illilllllnhilludilllililiillil'pidli,lpllulh+llll I A g e n d a I t e m # A . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 2 0 o f 6 7 2 Page 1 of 2 s J''',„ ff „ a CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA rl NOTICE OF HEARING J' 10/18/2018 Case Number: 17-286 OSSI KLOTZ LLC Certified Mail Return Receipt: PO BOX 330833 70171000000069910650 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1830 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on November 28, 2018 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known 1830 MAYPORT RD, RE#172075 0200, 17-2S-29E .25 PT GOVT LOT 3 RECD O/R 12109-1007 BEING PARCEL. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to $250.00 per day for the first violation and $ 500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904)247-5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 21 of 672 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVER" Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Signature 0 Agent Print your name and address on the reverse X Addressee so that we can return the card to you. Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Deliver or on the front if space permits. t" Zf. 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is d ive r te . * IfY , n r e 0 O E CU)TZ j 1l - 2 2018 N b 14- Z 3. Service a Priority Mail Express® 71 O 11111 III IIIIII I I I II II I I III AdultSignat cklesnbtaDeIN9f9"P 7 eFritailTRestrcted U Certi ec f 71 i1®r.{{ r y,, q 9590 9402 2997 7094 0519 55 Certified'Olthl R AthC iC eceiptapr 0 Collect on Delivery Merchandise 0 Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Confirmationre N 017 1000 0000 6991 0650 0 Insured Mail 0 Signature Confirmation 0 Insured Mail Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery i l (over$500) ca PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt bn Q 0C0 Qp 15. y •, Iim i CL 3i '7-.. W N N U r V m Ii CC iii c l U J H 1N , 2 2 0 fsi c4 CCS Z1fl o P_ {1II !:j to 010 H m aco E -0 V O ri Y m¢ ¢ 3 y 3 cM y214 2 0590 T669 0000 0001 2.10L A g e n d a I t e m # A . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 2 2 o f 6 7 2 Page 1 of 2 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ORDER CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, Petitioner vs. OSSI KLOTZ LLC, Respondent First Class and Certified Mail Return Receipt PO BOX 330833 Requested: 70171000000069911121 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1830 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Case Number: 17-286 Real Estate Number: 172075 0200 Legal Description: 17-2S-29E .25 PT GOVT LOT 3 RECD O/R 12109-1007 BEING PARCEL ORDER IMPOSING FINE THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Board on November 28, 2018, and the Board having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That the Respondent owns the property located at 1830 MAYPORT RD,Atlantic Beach, Florida. 2. That notice was sent by Certified Mailing and that Respondent was represented by William Corley, Attorney. 3. That notification of the violations of the City of Atlantic Beach, was made and served on the Respondent as evidenced in this hearing. 4. That by Order dated July 10, 2018, the Respondent was found in violation of IPMC 304.7 and allowed to comply by August 2, 2018 by obtaining the services of a licensed roofing contractor to obtain a permit and an approved final inspection of the roof Failure to comply would result in a $250.00 per day fine for the first day and $250.00 every day thereafter until full compliance was achieved. 5. That Respondent was not in compliance as of November 28, 2018. 6. That due to a shortage of roofing workers, the Respondent will be allowed until March 12, 2019 to come into compliance. Failure to comply will result in a $250.00 per day fine for the first day and $250.00 every day thereafter the violation continues to exist. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW THAT the Respondent is NOT IN COMPLIANCE and has failed to correct such violation as of November 28, 2018. Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 23 of 672 Page 2 of 2 ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is Ordered: THAT the Respondent is found in violation for non-compliance and must obtain compliance on or before March 12, 2019. Failure to comply will result in fines of$250.00 for the first day and $250.00 for every day thereafter while the violation continues to exist. In addition, any fine shall also include the administrative costs to the City incurred in prosecuting this case. THAT the Respondent is responsible for contacting the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection of compliance. THAT failure to pay all accumulated fines will result in a lien being placed against the property at 1830 MAYPORT RD for the total assessment plus costs incurred for the filing of the lien. All lien amounts are to be made payable at an interest rate of ten (10) percent per annum from date of certification until paid. DONE AND ORDERED THIS November 28, 2018. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ATTEST: A, 6- Lori Diaz, Records C By: Benj ian deLuna, Chairman Executed this /2, day of December , 2018. PLEASE NOTE: Florida Statutes, Section 162.11, states that an appeal of this order shall be filed in circuit court within thirty(30) days of this order's execution. Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 24 of 672 7017 1000 0000 6991 1121 T `11 3 m1 !a m m to VVYCIF ml n C g -N: .6., seas33mcn t: ,i-4 a a DSSw N "o: a 1 2• g a• H a rt a g aaD mai ga' m = — f vC 5th o s o to i 11 5 z. z % T.. > 5. o g N bC 1^_ m mH N J m m igF` D 13F a c ''.1o'2° 3 y N N 5 m N Qao e'n w SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Signature Print your name and address on the reverse X , — 0 Agent so that we can return the card to you. 0 Addressee Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Re.-ivkt-.y(Printed -me) C. Date of Delivery or on the front if space permits. 1-$7---t` - 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is de every address different from item 1? 0 Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No IQ__o--r2_. i 7 - Z5( Mini II I II I I I I III I I III I I 3. Service Type 0 Priority Mail Express® 0 Adult Signature Registered Mal"" Adult Signature Restricted Delivery 0 Registered Mail Restricted 9590 9402 2997 7094 0516 34 o Certified Mail® Delivery o Certified Mail Restricted Delivery 0 Return Receipt for O Collect on Delivery Merchandise 2. Article Number(Transfer from service label) Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Confirmation'. nail 0 Signature Confirmation 7 017 1000 0000 6991 1121 lo) Il Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt A g e n d a I t e m # A . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 2 5 o f 6 7 2 1 7f.j.,'Aa`J r/J, t 1st\ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD r ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 904) 247-5800 J J„1__...--:. 11/1 r MEMO To: Shane Corbin From: Dan Arlington Subject: 1800— 1850 Mayport Road Date: December 20, 2018 Copy: Code Enforcement Please fmd attached notice,dated March 9,2018. This case, including five buildings,began with a failed electrical safety inspection on 2/15/2018 and, given the circumstances,has gone on too long. I have asked several times for floor plans for the five buildings, as a starting point for safety inspections,and access to the buildings. To date,we have plans for and have inspected one building. Based on previous inspections,we have substantial evidence of insufficient fire-rated separation walls and unpermitted and uninspected electrical wiring; conditions that constitute a Dangerous Building, per IMPC, Section These conditions are in addition to leaking roofs, lack of water, and sanitary facilities,posted address numbers that do not match City and JEA records, and other unpermitted work throughout the five-building site. I understand that there are numerous code cases against these buildings coming due at the January 8, 2019 and March 12,2019 Code Enforcement Board Meetings. The five buildings on this site are considered Dangerous Buildings and after the Code Enforcement Board Meeting, on January 8, I intend to require access to all areas of the five buildings. Discovery of dangerous conditions will require the buildings to be closed and vacated until corrected. If you wish,I can attend the Code Enforcement Board Meeting and testify. 1 Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 26 of 672 1=1 Ij CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD cy' Y ".. iity : \ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING o;,l]r' 1/30/2019 Case Number: 17-286 OSSI KLOTZ LLC Certified Mail Return Receipt: PO BOX 330833 70171000000069911268 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Property Address: 1830 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article H, Section 6-16. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on March 12,2019 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 1830 MAYPORT RD,RE#172075 0200, 17-2S-29E .25,PT GOVT LOT 3 RECD 0/R 12109-1007,BEING PARCEL 4 International Property Maintenance Code / City Code of Ordinances IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 1/25/2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 1830 MAYPORT RD. During the inspection,the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: The building is currently covered in a tarp. The roof system of the building is in need of repair to ensure a watertight structure. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 27 of 672 7017 1000 0000 6991 1268 3 ca. CTO CD CD i cu fill JdC1co = 3Nr‹.--„,,,) Paw m ON co msm amn SvM Dg - 4 m - n r--) y— i , D c4o1)z 69 ON rt c r r, 1) a C 4. 33 l0 F rN m o g d m agTIg 0101C 9 mN a I. w o tO.- n N i\ y ; ; CD n al 4 CERTIFIEDf j City of AtlanticQQ L CD Cr cp 800 Seminole Road c Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233III#11111111111111111I EOPOST FipsT-c css mA,L US3POSTAGE$O®.8O°a 7017 1000 0000 6991 126i e'ZIP 32233 041 M11299654 I 1 cor. f SI) OSSI KLOTZ LLC L,/ o O BOX 330833 r ter_ , „ D_ co ATLANTIC BEACH, a l 3-22 uH, FL 32233 88'83 /19/19 0 RRTI1RN! Tn sPNnFR I iUWCLAIMEDUN8ETOtOR WARD 2?-3 V7q- -8C: 3 2 2 3 3 5 46199 4013n3S31438-@2889-31-47wiiliiiiit;itli l lifiiiii}iiii il ffi liiiiti1iiiiiiiiiitjifii i A g e n d a I t e m # A . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 2 8 o f 6 7 2 1_,J-'V f CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA tv NOTICE OF HEARING Jiil 2/28/2019 Case Number: 17-286 OSSI KLOTZ LLC POSTED ON PROPERTY AND PO BOX 330833 ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1830 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on March 12,2019 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall,Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 1830 MAYPORT RD, RE#172075 0200, 17-2S-29E .25,PT GOVT LOT 3 RECD O/R 12109-1007, BEING PARCEL 4 International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 1/25/2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 1830 MAYPORT RD. During the inspection,the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: The building is currently covered in a tarp. The roof system of the building is in need of repair to ensure a watertight structure. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 29 of 672 PI, 1D. ITJ2 (ZC,c` `-'( hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and aurate. J-e)- .-.6AngelaIri , Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: ADC51(: (a0\ Lori Diaz, Records Clerk0 Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 30 of 672 rs L•''NJ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH s\ 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 PHONE (904) 247-5800 NOH POSTING AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF MAILING REGULAR MAIL Case Number: 17-286 Pursuant to Chapter 162, Florida Statutes and Sec. 2-147, City of Atlantic Beach City Code of Ordinances,I, Angela Irizarry, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach, hereby affirm a Notice of Hearing, a copy of which is attached, was mailed regular mail and was posted at the following locations: 1) Date Posted: P \ 2_% t 2O l l Location: 1830 MAYPORT RD, Atlantic Beach, Florida 2) Date Posted: 31 k I2dl Location: ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Angela Irizaril/Code Enforcement County of Duval State of Florida The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me this I day of Mari -, 20 tC\ , by Angela Irizarry,who is personally known to me as Code Enforcement for the City of Atlantic Beach. Person taking acknowledgement: 7 Notary Stamp/Seal) A C) Vl CICt Notary Public, Stat f Florida LORI DIAZ Mit COMMON I GG 276336 Vi„--14.--)1 p ES:Notiember 13,2022 74th esBonded ThNNotary PitleUndelwieers Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 31 of 672 S,y1;l-,,+.,. Building Permit Application)r,Updated 10/9/18 City of Atlantic Beach Building Department 800 Seminole Road,Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 L INFORMATION GHTED IN GRAY r Phone: (904) 247-5826 Fax: (904) 247-5845 Email: HIGFIISREQUIRED. Job Address: /ef3a AP y pc)el— /2O4 j Permit Number: Legal Description /7 -2 8 - 9 6- . ....?s- RE# / 7.2e 2.$ — 2 a 0 Valuation of Work(Replacement Cost)$ 5,poo ov Heated/Cooled SF No --He Class of Work: ONew DAddition DAlteration ORe air OMove PJDemo Pool C 7np ori uDLti Use of existing/proposed structure(s): I Commercial OResidential If an existing structure,is a fire sprinkler system installed?: fYes ® No r,l? 1 1 2019Willtree(s)be removed in association with proposed proiect?Wes(must submit separate Tree Removal Permit) ESNoDescribeindetailthetypeofworktobeperformed: jfl , % mow.71ceriaAi0Fiii;io/2 vy 0,u 4yj.-'.,,i; Florida Product Approval# A//n for multiple products use product approval formPropertyOwnerInformation Name 033/ 4-'/2TZ Ltd Address fo4./S"/12,4#fiek,:T 44 .feeiT:5City /9-T44/jr/.e ‘664e,A State F/ Zip 3.2.2 33 Phone c./9 ,2 7- 5335/E-Mail . e7A/0TZ. ? AAA5SJ-A2 •l'c)/Y1 Owner or Agent(If Agent, Power of Attorney or Agency Letter Required) n/a Contractor Information Name of Company ,MASTCA. .43 ki/Di,t/Q e f/T4ler ; - Qualifying Agent f -4,e) d- ..J .Qra NAddressVM/ /04 i 7 w3 City M7.Alijii-COfficePhone ( B465/e4 State //– Zip 3.2.23y2,3'' 9'i9. Job Site Contact Number 9011 Vb3 7,9 s'State Certification/Registration# CBi /2 3-3-0 sil E-Mail ..i'64ILA e c7-0154.1g641 Architect Name& Phone# /Ul/ fig '//° 5)ill Engineer's Name& Phone# ,tf//1 Workers Compensation Insurer///ir14ic A)t T,D,i19/ I'i4/SepepAke LD OR Exempt o Expiration Date 07/0/4,2!//9 Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all the laws regulatingconstructioninthisjurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING,SIGNS,WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS,TANKS,and AIR CONDITIONERS,etc. NOTICE:In addition to the requirements of this permit,there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county,andtheremaybeadditionalpermitsrequiredfromothergovernmentalentitiessuchaswatermanagementdistricts,state agencies, orfederalagencies. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with allapplicablelawsregulatingconstructionandzoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER ORA ORN EFORE RECORDING YOUR NOT.CE OF COMMENCEMENT. S,igdature of Owron r Agent' Signature of Contractor) Signed and sworn to(or affirmed)before me this/9 rlday of Signed and sworn to (or affirmed)before me this---)_ 2 Qday of f_,L :m ocx , 020'/t , by \J}:F .D. 4I e7-Z 1;941-4499i , ,;>?0/9 , by J-4 r) C J$h,uSO4) V apt , y ( na>_4t ,9t. re of Notary) z :x - a NOTARY PUBLIC GY LISA A.BINDERo )<,, STATE OF FLORIDA NOTARY PUBLICPersonallyKnownORW -- - i Comm#FF189043 personally Known OR aP yProducedIdentification /hCE 14 b STATE OF FLORIDAExpires1/12/2019 Produced Identification ., ' i i•.,._ . Cocnmft FF189043 tt Exnirac 1/19!3n,n Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 32 of 672 Page 1 of 2 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ORDER CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, Petitioner vs. OSSI KLOTZ LLC, Respondent First Class and Certified Mail Return Receipt PO BOX 330833 Requested: 70171000000069911343 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1830 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Case Number: 17-286 Real Estate Number: 172075 0200 Legal Description: 17-2S-29E .25, PT GOVT LOT 3 RECD O/R 12109-1007, BEING PARCEL 4 THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Board on March 12, 2019, and the Board having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That the Respondent owns the property located at 1830 MAYPORT RD,Atlantic Beach, Florida. 2. That notice was sent by Certified Mailing and that Respondent was represented by William Corley, attorney, at the hearing. 3. That notification of the violations of the City of Atlantic Beach, were made and served on the Respondent as evidenced in this hearing. 4. That by Order dated July 10, 2018, the Respondent was found in violation of IPMC 304.7 and allowed to comply by August 2, 2018 by obtaining the services of a licensed roofing contractor to obtain a permit and an approved final inspection of the roof. Failure to comply would result in a $250.00 per day fine for the first day and $250.00 every day thereafter until full compliance was achieved. 5. That Respondent was not in compliance as of November 28, 2018. 6. That due to a shortage of roofing workers, the Respondent will be allowed until March 12, 2019 to come into compliance. Failure to comply would result in a 250.00 per day fine for the first day and $250.00 every day thereafter the violation continued to exist. 7. That Respondent was not in compliance as of March 12, 2019. 8. At the March 12, 2019 hearing, the Respondent reported that it intends to partially demolish the building and have submitted a permit application to the building department of the City of Atlantic Beach to demolish the east/west protruding portion of the building. 9. The demolition work must be completed within 90 days from issuance of permit 10. Failure to comply will result in a $250.00 per day fine for the first day and $250.00 every day thereafter the violation continues to exist Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 33 of 672 Page 2 of 2 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW THAT the Respondent is NOT IN COMPLIANCE and has failed to correct such violation as of this hearing date. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is Ordered: THAT the Respondent is found in violation for non-compliance and must obtain compliance on or before 90 days after issuance of the demolish permit. Failure to comply will result in fines of$250.00 for the first day and $250.00 for every day thereafter while the violation continues to exist. In addition, any fine shall also include the administrative costs to the City incurred in prosecuting this case. THAT the Respondent is responsible for contacting the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection of compliance. THAT failure to pay all accumulated fines will result in a lien being placed against the property at 1830 MAYPORT RD for the total assessment plus costs incurred for the filing of the lien. All lien amounts are to be made payable at an interest rate of ten (10) percent per annum from date of certification until paid. DONE AND ORDERED THIS March 12, 2019. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ATTEST: OftAk Lori Diaz, Records Clerk By: Be ' in de Luna, Chairman Executed this IZ day of March , 2019. PLEASE NOTE: Florida Statutes, Section 162.11, states that an appeal of this order shall be filed in circuit court within thirty(30) days of this order's execution. Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 34 of 672 Pits y1,'jP J Page 1 of 2 S Sf CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING 1--__________---/1.--1-05119'''r 5/31/2019 Case Number: 17-286 OSSI KLOTZ LLC Certified Mail Return Receipt: PO BOX 330833 70171000000069911428 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Property Address: 1830 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on July 11,2019 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 1830 MAYPORT RD, RE#172075 0200, 17-2S-29E .25, PT GOVT LOT 3 RECD O/R 12109-1007, BEING PARCEL 4. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 5/28/2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 1830 MAYPORT RD. During the inspection,the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: The roof system of the building is in need of repair to ensure a watertight structure. On March 22, 2019 a demolition permit was issued. As of May 30, 2019 the building has not been demolished and the roof has not been repaired. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 35 of 672 Page 2 of 2 I, hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true anddccurate. C)jitj-- Angela Ir Ce— ry, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: h:51_ Lori Diaz, Records Clerk Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 36 of 672 t y‘.PJr.Page 1 of 2 1;it :j CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING JR19 5/31/2019 Case Number: 17-286 OSSI KLOTZ LLC Certified Mail Return Receipt: PO BOX 330833 70171000000069911428 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1830 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on July 11,2019 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 1830 MAYPORT RD, RE#172075 0200, 17-2S-29E .25, PT GOVT LOT 3 RECD 0/R 12109-1007, BEING PARCEL 4. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 5/28/2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 1830 MAYPORT RD. During the inspection, the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: The roof system of the building is in need of repair to ensure a watertight structure. On March 22, 2019 a demolition permit was issued. As of May 30, 2019 the building has not been demolished and the roof has not been repaired. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 37 of 672 Page 2 of 2 I, CCQ, hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and`eccurate. Angela I Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: Lori Diaz, Records Clerk Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 38 of 672 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH J l 800 SEMINOLE ROAD r ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 PHONE (904) 247-5800 r.4JS3 9'1' NOH POSTING AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF MAILING REGULAR MAIL Case Number: 17-286 Pursuant to Chapter 162, Florida Statutes and Sec. 2-147, City of Atlantic Beach City Code of Ordinances, I,Angela Irizarry, Code Enforcement Officer,City of Atlantic Beach, hereby affirm a Notice of Hearing, a copy of which is attached, was mailed regular mail and was posted at the following locations: 1) Date Posted: 1 Location: 1830 MAYPORT RD, Atlantic Beach, Florida 2) Date Posted: VS\ Location: ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 In, a.— AIIMIIIIN Mb. Angela Irizar 0 ode Enforcement IIIP III County of Duval State of Florida Theoregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me this t_ day of (1 V 20 11 , by Angela Irizarry,who is personally known to me as Code Enforcement for the City of Atlantic Beach. Person taking acknowledgement: IL(Notary Stamp/Seal) b56 Notary Public, State of ' or •a Ny_ LORIDIAZ 1 r' MyCOMMISSION/GG216336 s-7i. ; E *gartertDet 13,2022 Ettot' Bonded lduNoisy PvoletlnderwMtt Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 39 of 672 4rvlplr, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH mily 800 SEMINOLE ROAD 45,. XATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 PHONE (904)247-5800 AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE I, Angela Irizarry, Code Enforcement Officer for the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Division, verify that the property referenced below was inspected on 7/1/2019 and is now in compliance: CASE NUMBER: 17-286 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1830 MAYPORT RD REAL ESTATE NUMBER: 171090-0040 17-2S-29E .25, PT GOVT LOT 3 RECD O/R 12109-1007, BEING PARCEL 4 Atlantic Beach, Florida OWNER OF RECORD WHOSE NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS IS: OSSI KLOTZ LLC PO BOX 330833 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 G1 \ 20 1 ATh,_Date Signature COUNTY OF DUVAL STATE OF FLORIDA I, dkny,c,L.-40 , a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, hereby certify that An rizarry, personally known to me to be the affiant in the foregoing affidavit, personally appeared before me this day and having been by me duly sworn deposes and says that the facts set forth in the above affidavit are true and correct. Witness my hand and official seal this the Z., day of 2 _1_,_. LA-tb-tarL O'i. L ( , 11YC• t3G Notary Public,State of Florida 0 Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 40 of 672 CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE FAX EMAIL OWNER OSSI KLOTZ LLC PO BOX 330833 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 CHRONOLOGY VIOLATION TYPE USER NAME OBSERVED DATE CORRECTED DATE LOCATION REMARKS NOTES Roofs and Drainage Deborah White 12/4/2017 IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. VIOLATIONS Description: ROOF Status: PENDING CODE BOARD Type: CODE ENFORCEMENT Subtype: COMMERCIAL Opened: 12/4/2017 Closed: Last Action: 7/26/2019 Fllw Up: 7/26/2019 Site Address: 1830 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Site APN: 172075 0200 Officer: Angela Irizarry Details:The East/West damaged portion of the building was demolished on 6/25/2019. This demolition resolves to code violation. Recommend Respondent be found in compliance. Respondent has been working with the Planning department to redevelop the entire site and change the use. A formal complete variance application will be considered at the July 16th Community Development Board meeting. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 1 of 5 CASE DETAILS Case Number 17-286 A g e n d a I t e m # A . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 4 1 o f 6 7 2 CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Lori Diaz 7/26/2019 CODE BOARD ORDER Lori Diaz 7/23/2019 CODE BOARD AGENDA Lori Diaz 7/4/2019 5/30/2019 NOH POST AND AFF Angela Irizarry 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 6/26/2019 7/1/2019 Signed green card has not been received MEETING WITH RESPONDENT Angela Irizarry 6/25/2019 6/25/2019 Met with Jeff Klotz, Williams Corley, Dan Arlington, Shane Corbin and Shawn Henderson at the property to discuss action on code violations and future plans for the property. MISC NOTES/ACTION Angela Irizarry 6/25/2019 6/25/2019 EAST/WEST protruding portion of building was demolished NOTICE OF HEARING Lori Diaz 5/30/2019 5/29/2019 CODE BOARD ORDER Lori Diaz 3/27/2019 3/26/2019 Board finds that the Respondent is in violation for non- compliance. Ossi Klotz, LLC reported that they intend to partially demolish the building and have submitted a permit application to the building department to demolish the east / west protruding portion of the building. The demolition work must be completed within 90 days. . Failure to comply will result in a $250.00 per day fine for the first day and $250.00 every day thereafter the violation continues to exist. SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Lori Diaz 3/27/2019 3/26/2019 CODE BOARD MEETING AGENDA Lori Diaz 3/1/2019 2/28/2019 NOH POST AND AFF Angela Irizarry 2/28/2019 2/28/2019 NOTICE OF HEARING Lori Diaz 1/31/2019 1/30/2019 SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Lori Diaz 12/10/2018 12/12/2018 Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 2 of 5 CASE DETAILS Case Number 17-286 A g e n d a I t e m # A . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 4 2 o f 6 7 2 CODE BOARD ORDER Lori Diaz 12/3/2018 12/12/2018 William Corely, Esquire represented Ossi Klotz. Shawn Henderson, construction superintendent was also present. Board finds Respondent in violation and continued the case until the March 12, 2019 meeting to achieve compliance. Failure to comply will result in a $250.00 per day fine for the first day and $250.00 every day thereafter the violation continues to exist. CODE BOARD MEETING AGENDA Lori Diaz 11/18/2018 11/20/2018 MEETING WITH RESPONDENT Angela Irizarry 11/1/2018 11/1/2018 Met with Shawn Henderson from the Klotz Company & Dan Arlington, Building Official COAB. The building addresses of the physical building do not line up with the addresses in the property appraisers database. Dan Arlington requested that a complete survey showing each building and the individual units in each building be submitted to the City so that the addressed and number of units can be clarified and matched with what JEA has on file. Dan will approve roof permits but no permits for interior repairs will be issued until the Owner submits a current survey of all buildings delineating each individual unit. CERT MAIL RECEIPT RECEIVED Angela Irizarry 10/29/2018 11/2/2018 RCVD SIGNED GREEN CARD FOR NOH. NOTICE OF HEARING Lori Diaz 10/14/2018 10/16/2018 CODE BOARD ORDER Valerie Jones 7/22/2018 7/24/2018 William Corely, Esquire represented Ossi Klotz Board finds Respondent in violation and allows 90 days to achieve complaince. Failure to comply will result in a $250.00 per day fine for the first day and $250.00 every day thereafter the violation continues to exist. LETTER RETURNED FROM POST OFC Deborah White 7/12/2018 7/17/2018 noh letter returned Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 3 of 5 CASE DETAILS Case Number 17-286 A g e n d a I t e m # A . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 4 3 o f 6 7 2 CODE BOARD MEETING AGENDA Valerie Jones 7/5/2018 7/2/2018 AFFIDAVIT OF NON COMPLIANCE Valerie Jones 7/2/2018 7/2/2018 POSTING NOH AND AFFIDAVIT Valerie Jones 6/19/2018 6/27/2018 CERT MAIL RECEIPT RECEIVED Deborah White 6/10/2018 7/26/2018 notice returned and property posted NOTICE OF HEARING Valerie Jones 5/26/2018 5/31/2018 OTHER Deborah White 2/1/2018 2/15/2018 email fron Kimberly Leroux, property manager, they are working on getting roofs done HAND DELIVERY NOTICE FORM AND NOV Deborah White 1/9/2018 1/9/2018 LETTER RETURNED FROM POST OFC Valerie Jones 12/27/2017 12/27/2017 NOV CERT Valerie Jones 12/4/2017 12/5/2017 REPAIR/REPLACE ROOF INCLUDING ROTTED FASCIA/SOFFITT 30 DAYS INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES CEB INSPECTION DW 7/2/2018 7/2/2018 VIOLATION CONTINUES No work has been done, no permits applied for or issued to do required work to obtain compliance. CEB INSPECTION AI 10/15/2018 10/17/2018 VIOLATION CONTINUES CEB INSPECTION AI 11/26/2018 11/26/2018 VIOLATION CONTINUES INITIAL INSPECTION DW 12/4/2017 12/4/2017 VIOLATION FOUND INSPECTIONS Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 4 of 5 CASE DETAILS Case Number 17-286 A g e n d a I t e m # A . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 4 4 o f 6 7 2 REINSPECTION DAW 2/13/2018 2/13/2018 VIOLATION CONTINUES REINSPECTION DW 2/12/2018 7/31/2018 VIOLATION CONTINUES FINANCIAL INFORMATION Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 5 of 5 CASE DETAILS Case Number 17-286 A g e n d a I t e m # A . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 4 5 o f 6 7 2 Page 46 of 672 CODE ENFORCEMENT VIOLATION ACTION TRACKING - CASV 1"I 'Z)1 FIRST INSPECTION: [ 4 zoo ACTION: 0 NOV REG XNOV CERT 0 NOV POST SECOND INSPECTION: ACTION: NOV REG 0 NOV CERT 0 NOV POST THIRD INSPECTION: ACTION: 0 NOV REG 0 NOV CERT 0 NOV POST PROPERTY ADDRESS OF VIOLATION: 7cD //60-- r- da-711/ PROPERTY OWNER: V. 0 I /2c f Z SEND LETTER(S)TO: (Please check('/) and explain all that apply) OFFICER: Deborah White PROPERTY OWNER AT: 0 ADDRESS (ABOVE) DIFFERENT MAILING ADDRESS AS FOLLOWS: 4o ° x 330S' 3 3 33 TENANT(NAME) AT THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: VIOLATION(S): (Please check ( and explain all that apply) MC:SECTION(S) /OTS AB CODE: SECTION(S) O SAME AS ATTACHED NOTICE OF VIOLATION DATED: REMEDY FOR COMPLIANCE: 44tRV t-- - dt# 1 C614-1 -4-4 C.J 'e4-e-Xo REMOVE BOAT,CAMPER,TRAILER,JET SKI'S STORED IN YARD/RIGHT OF WAY CEASE STORING BOAT,CAMPER,TRAILER,JET SKI'S STORED IN YARD/RIGHT OF WAY REMOVE ROTTING/COLLAPSING FENCE REMOVE DISCARDED HOUSEHOLD ITEMS STORED IN YARD REMOVE INOPERABLE/UNLICENSED VEHICLE(S) STORED IN YARD/RIGHT OF WAY MOWING THE YARD/VACANT LOT 0 5 DAYS X1 10 DAYS SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: O Mail copy of Notice to: O Other: Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 47 of 672 Property Appraiser-Property Details Page 1 of 2 OSSI KLOTZ LLC Primary Site Address Official Record Book/Page Tile# PO BOX 330833 1850 MAYPORT RD 03563-00345 9417 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Atlantic Beach FL 32233 1850 MAYPORT RD Property Detail Value Summary RE# 172075-0000 12017 Certified _2018 In Prowess_ Value Method Income IncomeTaxDistrictUSD3 PProperty Use 4899 Warehouse/Flex Space Total Building Value $0.00 0.00 of Buildings 1 Extra Feature Value $0.00 0.00 Legal Dela For full legal description see Land Value(Market) $40,728.00 $40,728.00 Land&Legal section below Land Value(Aoric.1 $0.00 0.00 Subdivision 00000 SECTION LAND Just(Market)Value $128,900.00 $129,300.00 Total Area 11026 Assessed Value $128,900.00 $129,300.00 The sale of this property may result in higher property taxes.For more information go Cap Diff/Portability Amt $0.00/$0.00 $0.00/$0.00 to Save Our Homes and our Property Tax Estimator.'In Progress'property values, Exemotlons $0.00 See below exemptions and other supporting information on this page are part of the working tax roll and are subject to change.Certified values listed in the Value Summary are those Taxable Value $128,900.00 See below certified in October,but may include any official changes made after certification Learn how the Property Aooraiser's Office values Droverty, Taxable Values and Exemptions—In Progress If there are no exemptions applicable to a taxing authority,the Taxable Value is the same as the Assessed Value listed above in the Value Summary box. County/Municipal Taxable Value SJRWMD/FIND Taxable Value School Taxable Value No applicable exemptions No applicable exemptions No applicable exemptions Sales History IBook/Page i Sale Date Sale Price Deed Instrument True Code Qualified/Unauallfied 1 Vacant/Improved 03563-00345 17/23/1973 $1,800.00 WD-Warranty Deed i Unqualified Improved 03786-00324 18/30/1974 $22,000.00 WD-Warranty Deed I Unqualified Improved 94319-00871 12/1/1977 $100.00 I QC-Quit Claim Unqualified I Improved 06876-00136 4/2/1990 I$100,000.00 I MS-Miscellaneous Unqualified I Improved 06980-00157 9/28/1990 I$275,000.00 I SW-Special Warranty Unqualified Improved 09849- 01630 11/29/2000 I$485,000.00 WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified Improved 11606-01927 1/26/2004 I$485,000.00 WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified I Improved 112109-01007 10/5/2004 I $550,000.00 I WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified Improved 4. Extra Features 1 LN Feature Code I Feature Description I Bldg. I Length I Width I Total Units I Value 1 PVCC1 I Paving Concrete I 1 0 10 15,500.00 I$6,768.00 2 WMCC1 I Wall Masonry/Concrt 11I 0 j 0 160.00 122.00 Land&Legal Land Legal I LN I cgde I Use Description I&Ansi I Front I Depth I Category I Land Units I J.and Tvoe I Land Value I LN I Legal Description 1 11000 I COMMERCIAL I ACG 0.00 i 0.00 Common 7,405.00 I Square Footage)$40,728.00 it 1 117-2S-29E.17 2 PT GOVT LOT 3 RECD O/R 12109- 1007 3 I BEING PARCEL 2 Buildings Building 1 Building 1 Site Address I Element Code Detail IF1850MAYPORTRD Atlantic Beach FL 32233 I Exterior Wall 15 15 Concrete Blk IRoof Struct 4 j 4 Wood Truss Building Type 4809-WHSE FLEX IRoofing Cover 4 4 Built Up/T&G r BAs Year Built 1977 I Interior Wall 1 1 Masonry Min I Building Value 112,094.00 I Int Flooring 3 j 3 Concrete Fin 1_ Heating Fuel 1 1 None IsAOF 25 Gross I Heated Effective Heating Type 1 1 None 4niVArea1AreaAreaIAirCond111None 12/4/2017 Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 48 of 672 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 PHONE (904)247-5800 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 70131710000216913262 12/5/2017 OSSI KLOTZ LLC PO BOX 330833 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Real Estate Number: 172075 0000 Case Number: 17-287 Location of Violation: 1850 MAYPORT ROAD, Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property referenced above to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach, Code of Ordinances,to wit: VIOLATION(S) IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by repairing and/or replacing roof and all rotted fascia or soffit within thirty (30) days of the receipt of this notice. To avoid having this case be referred to the Code Enforcement Board, all listed violations on this notice must be in compliance on or before the date established by Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement. The Board may impose fines up to two hundred fifty ($250.00) per day for continuing violations. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. It is our goal to keep our neighborhoods looking well maintained while protecting property values and your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at(904) 247-5855 if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Deborah White CODE ENFORCEMENT Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 49 of 672 U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL., RECEIPT ai (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) mFor delivery information visit our website at rzlT' Postage $ Certified Fee Return Receipt Fee Postmark C (Endorsement Required) Here O Restricted Delivery Fee 0 (Endorsement Required) r-R QIN- Total Postage&Fees $ r-1 Sent To J....? Lli i._(0•1-7— D Street,Apt.No or PO Box No. City,State,Z1P+4 PS Form 3800,August 2006 See Reverse for Instructions SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Signature Print your name and address on the reverse X eot 0 Agent so that we can return the card to you. B. Vim" Addressee Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece,Received by(Printed Name) Cate D jivery or on the front if space permits. B apV dsv I j ' ZU{ 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No 1?-2 S7 iGLO-1-7 111111111111111IIDI'I 'IIIII I I I I II I I III 30. Service Type Adult Signature 0 Priority Mail Express® 0 Registered Mail,. Adult Signature Restricted Delivery 0 Registered Mail Restricted 9590 9402 2805 7069 3565 66 0 Certified Mail® Delivery 0 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery 0 Return Receipt for Collect on Delivery Merchandise 2. Article Number(Transfer from service label) CICollect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature ConfirmationT"' Mail Signature Confirmation 7D13 171D 0002 1.691 Mail Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery o) PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 50 of 672 White, Debbie From: Kim Leroux <> Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2018 11:23 AM To: White, Debbie Cc: Lisa Binder Subject:1850 Mayport Road Debbie, pursuant to our conversation, I just wanted to stress to you the importance and that this is a priority of ours to get this roof repaired/replaced as quickly as possible. We are in the process of receiving bids which is happening this week. Once a contract is signed, I will send it over to you for your information. Unfortunately, we lost the battle with the insurance companies so we are proceeding with the roof replacement/repairs regardless. The hurricane incentives did not come our way; although we are still working on it. I will keep you posted and updated. Thank you for assisting. Best regards, Kimberly Leroux Commercial Property Manager American Management Group 645 Mayport Road#5,Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 P)904-247-5334 ext 338 This e-mail may contain information that is confidential,privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure and is intended for the addressee only. Unintended recipients are prohibited from taking action on the basis of information in this e-mail. If you are not an intended recipient of this e-mail,do not disclose,duplicate or redistribute this message or its contents to any other person by any means. Please delete it and any attachments and immediately notify The Klotz Group of Companies, LLC that you have received it in error. 1 Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 51 of 672 CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD J j-.CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING 5/31/2018 Case Number: 17-287 OS SI KLOTZ, LLC Certified Mail Return Receipt: P.O. BOX 330833 70131710000216914160 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1850 MAYPORT ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances.It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on July 10, 2018 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known as 1850 MAYPORT ROAD, RE#172075-0000, 17-2S-29E .25 PT GOVT LOT 3 RECD O/R 12109-1007 BEING PARCEL 4. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to$250.00 per day for the first violation and$500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904) 247-5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at(904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. ATTEST: d76/444L9// Donna L.Bartle,City Clerk Deborah White,Code Enforcement Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 52 of 672 7013 1710 0002 1691 4160 o m m r1 3 ooh o 0 3m °m o 0 n C o oi m =O .„ 2 A y CngT 1 N n m m _ n) lv u; . a vii r# 11111133 CA m 3 n o III CERTIFIED MAILTM i City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 322C33 neopost'Y FIRST-CLASS, MAIrfz05/31 2018 US POSTAGE $06.6726.7` ,,V 7013 1710 0002 1691 4160i' } Z1P32233 1L11240784 OSSI KLOTZ, LLC Y!P.O. BOX 330833 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 k F T tt '1 _ l. TO `F,u O R 7i7, f UNABLE. O .t.0RK fA$. R1. pwr:FiC: 3221' 35461'49 i73n`-116.67-•33-46 ,m 7 7 2 2 ,G AiSiI,.11„i,i,f„ti,i„f,I„,,,,ff„lf„f1f„i,,,,,i,,,f,t,,.t ,,t,II d A g e n d a I t e m # B . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 3 o f 6 7 2 CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD y CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING 6/28/2018 Case Number: 17-287 OSSI KLOTZ LLC POSTED ON PROPERTY AND PO BOX 330833 ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1850 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on July 10,2018 at 6: 00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road,to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known 1850 MAYPORT RD, RE#172075 0000, 17-2S-29E.25 PT GOVT LOT 3 RECD O/R 12109-1007 BEING PARCEL. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound,tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to $250.00 per day for the first violation and $500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904)247-5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at(904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. ATTEST: 1.26/te-t-' l/6,4 C761-k Donna L.Bartle,City Clerk Deborah White, Code Enforcement Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 54 of 672 51.J-1-yrfv, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH rJii SI" 800 SEMINOLE ROAD s ATLANTIC BEACH PHONE (904) 247- 5800FL32233 1.5t47 z 471Ji319 POSTING AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF MAILING REGULAR MAIL Case Number: 18-064 Pursuant to Chapter 162, Florida Statutes and Sec. 2-147, City of Atlantic Beach City Code of Ordinances, I, Deborah White, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach, hereby affirm a Notice of Hearing, a copy of which is attached, was mailed regular mail and was posted at the following locations: 1) Date Posted: /00 (g Location: 1850 MAYPORT RD, Atlantic Beach, Florida 2) Date Posted: 6 /IV Location: ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 jdati44.._ ii,..,&.. Deborah White, Code Enforcement County of Duval State of Florida The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me this day of 2t`—'-' 201P , by Deborah White,who is personally n to me as Code Enforcement for the City of Atlantic Beach.CI Person taking acknowledgement: Notary Stamp/Seal) Notary Public, State of F or •a y. TON GINDLESPERGER a,, MY COMMISSION#FF 92? 95 EXPIRES:October 6,2019 y=.-..;o Pu'olicUndenrri:ers gar Bonded T!`ru Nn!ary Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 55 of 672 r. S rJy'lir CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH r sA 800 SEMINOLE ROAD Jr) ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 PHONE (904) 247-5800 J;ils AFFIDAVIT OF NONCOMPLIANCE I, Deborah White, Code Enforcement Officer for the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Division, verify that the property referenced below was inspected on 7/2/2018 and property remains in violation: CASE NUMBER: 17-287 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1850 MAYPORT RD REAL ESTATE NUMBER: 172075 0000 17-2S-29E .25 PT GOVT LOT 3 RECD O/R 12109-1007 BEING PARCEL OWNER OF RECORD WHOSE NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS IS: OSSI KLOTZ LLC PO BOX 330833 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 7/V/20/ / 1, /, ..., Date Signature COUNTY OF DUVAL STATE OF FLORIDA PI, ---?11\11 I I I S r • N tJQa a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, hereby certy that Deborah White, personally known to me to be the affiant in the foregoing affidavit, personally appeared before me this day and having been by me duly sworn deposes and says that the facts set forth in the above affidavit are true and correct. Witness my hand and official seal this the 0,n day of 020/ff. f: ; PHYLLIS H.NADEAU E MY COMMISSION t GG 227058 4:-,• a EXPIRES:June 11,2022 D' // 37reZ1‘626f °!:• Bonded Thru Notary Pudic Under* lers J r' Notary/ublic,State of Florida Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 56 of 672 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ORDER CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA, Petitioner vs. OSSI KLOTZ LLC,Respondent First Class and Certified Mail Return Receipt PO BOX 330833 Requested: 70170660000038566856 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1850 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Case Number: 17-287 Real Estate Number: 172075 0000 Legal Description: 17-2S-29E .25 PT GOVT LOT 3 RECD O/R 12109-1007 BEING PARCEL ORDER IMPOSING FINE THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Board on July 10, 2018, and the Board having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That the Respondent owns the property located at 1850 MAYPORT RD,Atlantic Beach, Florida. 2. That notice was sent by Posting and that Respondent was present at the hearing. William Corley, Esquire, represented Ossi Klotz 3. That notification of the violations of the City of Atlantic Beach,were made and served on the Respondent as evidenced in this hearing. Board finds Respondent in violation and allows 90 days to achieve complaince. Failure to comply will result in a $250.00 per day fine for the first day and $250.00 every day thereafter the violation continues to exist. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW THAT the Respondent is NOT IN COMPLIANCE and has failed to correct such violation as of this hearing date. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is Ordered: Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 57 of 672 THAT the Respondent is found in violation for non-compliance and must obtain compliance on or before October 10, 2018. Failure to comply will result in fines of$250.00 for the first day and $250.00 for every day thereafter while the violation continues to exist. In addition, any fine shall also include the administrative costs to the City incurred in prosecuting this case. THAT the Respondent is responsible for contacting the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection of compliance. THAT failure to pay all accumulated fines will result in a lien being placed against the property at 1850 MAYPORT RD for the total assessment plus costs incurred for the filing of the lien. All lien amounts are to be made payable at an interest rate of ten (10) percent per annum from date of certification until paid. DONE AND ORDERED THIS July 10, 2018. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ATTEST: Pelmet Gee..;• ,. Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk By: Louis Keith, Vice Chairman Executed this 14 day of ,/'!.ti 20 lb. PLEASE NOTE: Florida Statutes, Section 162.11, states that an appeal of this order shall be filed in circuit court within thirty(30)days of this order's execution. U.S. Postal Servicer"" CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT a Domestic Mail Only For delivery information,visit our website at'. 3 L I f) Certified Mail Fee cU m Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ Q 0 Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark Ej Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here Adult Signature Required $ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ O Postage Total Postage and Fees O lam- Sent To 7 _2 8LLD I 7 0 Street and Apt.No.,orP15113 i No. City,State,ZIP+46 PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 58 of 672 Page 1 of 2 rs=\J J jlf CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD J+ i_ t2 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA i.- -- ...„_. ,.-.)r NOTICE OF HEARING 10/18/2018 Case Number: 17-287 OSSI KLOTZ LLC Certified Mail Return Receipt: PO BOX 330833 70171000000069910667 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Property Address: 1850 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on November 28,2018 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known 1850 MAYPORT RD, RE#172075 0000, 17-2S-29E .25 PT GOVT LOT 3 RECD O/R 12109-1007 BEING PARCEL. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to $250.00 per day for the first violation and $500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904)247-5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 59 of 672 suouonnsu!roi aspanay aas .1406-000-Z0-0ESL NSd S 1.0Z 11.11*'008E wJod Sd d o Hm Cla ape+d/Z'eJel$NIQ al SA CD r N oN d#o • ye 1894$ p r- 07— 1 Cr— y N seed pue e6eysod mei0 IDO e6e;sod O Nan!Is0 peioplsed em1eu61S>I^Pv pennbed einleu6!S 31npv O C elOH Aenilej Peloulsed I!ew Pe61Ye3 O n Em,,,..,sod o!uw,eIe)Id!eoed turmoil FrO 1doopmw ltheoeu tuned wepdadde se ay ppe xoq arevp)seed g S03!AJ9S 8113(3 . S .A eej'mini Pel1!UeO -D C woo•sdsn•MMm le atlsgam pro t!s!n•uol4eutrolu!kran!iap pod DB_ Afu0 Hew agsawoo Q' 1dI333a ®1IYIN a31d111:133 Wie3Inaeg Ie1sod •g•fl SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY I P "-`y Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Signa• Print your name and address on the reverse X 0 Agent s so that we can return the card to you.0 Addressee it A Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece,B. Receiv=• by(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery or on the front if space permits. A i! I_ o 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is : .ry address different from item 1? • Yes If enter delivery address below: 0 No rt l(LT?_ rA 257 MIS 111 I I I III 11111111 I I I II I I III 3. Service Type Priority Mau Express® CI Adult Signature Registered MELVA Adult Signature Restricted Delivery 0 Registered Mail Restricted 9590 9402 2997 7094 0520 37 0 Certified Mall® Delivery Certified Mall Restricted Delivery 0 Return Receipt for Collect on Delivery Merchandise I Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Confinnatlon^" 7 017 1000 0000 6991 0667 Insured Mail Signature Confirmation Insured Mail Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery I (over$500) PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt 1 A g e n d a I t e m # B . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 6 0 o f 6 7 2 Page 1 of 2 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ORDER CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA, Petitioner vs. OSSI KLOTZ LLC, Respondent First Class and Certified Mail Return Receipt PO BOX 330833 Requested: 70171000000069911114 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1850 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Case Number: 17-287 Real Estate Number: 172075 0000 Legal Description: 17-2S-29E .25 PT GOVT LOT 3 RECD O/R 12109-1007 BEING PARCEL ORDER IMPOSING FINE THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Board on November 28, 2018, and the Board having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That the Respondent owns the property located at 1850 MAYPORT RD,Atlantic Beach, Florida. 2. That notice was sent by Certified Mailing and that Respondent was represented by William Corley,Attorney. 3. That notification of the violations of the City of Atlantic Beach, was made and served on the Respondent as evidenced in this hearing. 4. That by Order dated July, 10 2018, the Respondent was found in violation of IPMC 304.7 and allowed until August 2, 2018 to comply by obtaining the services of a licensed roofing contractor to obtain a permit and an approved final inspection of the roof. Failure to comply by August 2, 2018 would result in a $250.00 per day fine for the first day and $250.00 every day thereafter until full compliance was achieved. 5. That Respondent was not in compliance as of November 28,2018. 6. That due to a shortage of roofing workers, the Respondent will be allowed until January 8, 2019 to come into compliance. Failure to comply will result in a $250.00 per day fine for the first day and $250.00 every day thereafter the violation continues to exist. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW THAT the Respondent is NOT IN COMPLIANCE and has failed to correct such violation as of November 28, 2018. Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 61 of 672 Page 2 of 2 ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is Ordered: THAT the Respondent is found in violation for non-compliance and must obtain compliance on or before January 8, 2019. Failure to comply will result in fines of$250.00 for the first day and$250.00 for every day thereafter while the violation continues to exist. In addition, any fine shall also include the administrative costs to the City incurred in prosecuting this case. THAT the Respondent is responsible for contacting the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection of compliance. THAT failure to pay all accumulated fines will result in a lien being placed against the property at 1850 MAYPORT RD for the total assessment plus costs incurred for the filing of the lien. All lien amounts are to be made payable at an interest rate of ten (10) percent per annum from date of certification until paid. DONE AND ORDERED THIS November 28, 2018. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ATTEST: C.404 4,-0-- Lori Diaz,Records ClerBy: Benj4de Luna, Chairman Executed this /7 day of December , 2018. PLEASE NOTE: Florida Statutes, Section 162.11, states that an appeal of this order shall be filed in circuit court within thirty(30)days of this order's execution. Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 62 of 672 U.S. Postal Service- CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only r a 1-1For delivery information,visit our website at www.usps.come. 1-3 IT' Certified Mail Fee 0: $ Extra Seryices&Fees(cheat box,add fee asElReturnReceipt(hardcopy) $ appropriate) t73 0 Return Receipt(electronic) $ Certified Mat Restricted Delivery $ Postmark cj Adult Signature Required $ Here 0 Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ O Postage O $ 1-9Total Postage and Fees N SenJI-QTT 1-1__2_. Box No. 61),,&tate,ZIP+4 i PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02000.9047 See Reverse for Instructions SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Complete items 1,2,and 3. A Sign. ure qC'Print your name and address on the reverse X , Ant so that we can return the card to you.V H,. IIAttach this card to the back of the mailpiece,B R - .by(P ted C. Date of Deliver or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address diffAFent from item 1? 0 Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No 1(L©T2-- 1crz1 - Zc IIID 111 111111 I I I I 111 111 I I 3. Service Type Priority Mail Express® Adult Signature Registered Mail'. Adult Signature Restricted Delivery Registered Mail Restricted 9590 9402 2997 7094 0516 41 0 Certified Mail® Delivery Certified Mail Restricted Delivery 0 Return Receipt for Collect on Delivery Merchandise n,.+....Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Cortfirmationm 7 017 1000 0000 6991 1114 all 0 Signature Confirmation ail Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery I lover>Do()) PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 63 of 672 Page 1 of 2 rLyr el CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD 13' 4 ilin-ls‘2 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 5 iii;NOTICE OF HEARING 1.•Jill x- 11/29/2018 Case Number: 17-287 OSSI KLOTZ LLC Certified Mail Return Receipt: PO BOX 330833 70171000000069910971 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1850 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on January 8, 2019 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known 1850 MAYPORT RD, RE#172075 0000, 17-2S-29E .25 PT GOVT LOT 3 RECD O/R 12109-1007 BEING PARCEL. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to $250.00 per day for the first violation and $500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904) 247-5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 64 of 672 r I City of Atlantic Beach NEopp4800Seminole Road11111111111111111111111114111 ST 11/ Rsr. Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 29.120 US PpSTgGEd 7017 1000 0000 6991 0971 i5: f' v b 7U H - 7 2019 ZIP 32233041M11299654 R R L AI i_...„....„ A 11/29/2018 Case Number: 17 bri.X:i.t 3 2 2 u c :i.2 LI/ , OSSI KLOTZ LLC Cer c PO BOX 330833 701; ru '. o S e Nt toblozi si;rl ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 J 11:-. C i r''...':...: .44. 6C" s'233546 y. v ilow 3Z=Z33>5461 1,111{111i714i47: J99; Tj;jj+1I3. I.—i}^*.:_ 2g J T 1 1.1.1+/f.IO/P.IIi{A.IP +a y d r Q 1 Em y NIiEm V „ m iii UdNCOa Ilk 3 N W m l U U V Q 5 191919 4919 llre 4- L 1 N W .Eu. o o A C "d w 2 - C V a a t u-cA Q C N W \ n Sc ' T u g ¢ vo CU E-4 ry L V tl n n ¢ w Z + ftp 1/4, 0 Q. ccd g °¢ ¢ i,, ad1- W [ C m E N a c m C.'nr a m m U .n u7 ao 190 .0 G U.60 T669 0000 000T /.T02. A g e n d a I t e m # B . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 6 5 o f 6 7 2 J CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH r;) 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 904) 247-5800 MEMO To: Shane Corbin From: Dan Arlington Subject: 1800— 1850 Mayport Road Date: December 20, 2018 Copy: Code Enforcement Please find attached notice,dated March 9, 2018. - This case, including five buildings,began with a failed electrical safety inspection on 2/15/2018 and, given the circumstances, has gone on too long. I have asked several times for floor plans for the five buildings, as a starting point for safety inspections, and access to the buildings. To date,we have plans for and have inspected one building. Based on previous inspections,we have substantial evidence of insufficient fire-rated separation walls and unpermitted and uninspected electrical wiring; conditions that constitute a Dangerous Building, per IMPC, Section These conditions are in addition to leaking roofs, lack of water, and sanitary facilities,posted address numbers that do not match City and JEA records, and other unpermitted work throughout the five-building site. I understand that there are numerous code cases against these buildings coming due at the January 8, 2019 and March 12,2019 Code Enforcement Board Meetings. The five buildings on this site are considered Dangerous Buildings and after the Code Enforcement Board Meeting,on January 8, I intend to require access to all areas of the five buildings. Discovery of dangerous conditions will require the buildings to be closed and vacated until corrected. If you wish,I can attend the Code Enforcement Board Meeting and testify. 1 Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 66 of 672 s rs ""'' CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD I CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 5 :. yr NOTICE OF HEARING PI-D1119'?' 12/28/2018 Case Number: 17-287 OSSI KLOTZ LLC POSTED ON PROPERTY AND PO BOX 330833 ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1850 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on January 8, 2019 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known 1850 MAYPORT RD, RE#172075 0000, 17-2S-29E .25 PT GOVT LOT 3 RECD O/R 12109-1007 BEING PARCEL. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to $250.00 per day for the first violation and $500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904) 247-5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 67 of 672 ATTEST: Lori Diaz, Records Clerk IF Angela Iriz.0y, Code Enforcem a' Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 68 of 672 r?i>.L'rJV CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH sem P sA 800 SEMINOLE ROAD N____ ti ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 PHONE (904)247-5800 POSTING AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF MAILING REGULAR MAIL Case Number: 17-287 Pursuant to Chapter 162, Florida Statutes and Sec. 2-147, City of Atlantic Beach City Code of Ordinances,I,Angela Irizarry,Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach, hereby affirm a Notice of Hearing, a copy of which is attached, was mailed regular mail and was posted at the following locations: 1) Date Posted: `Z! ?$ I k Location: 1850 MAYPORT RD, Atlantic Beach, Florida 2) Date Posted: I --\-2--% 11 Location: ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 N1 Angela Iriz. , Code Enforceme 4 County of Duval State of Florida The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me this day of , )pC ,i2 o sr 201 3 by Angela Irizarry,who is personally known to me as Code Enforcement for the City of Atlantic Beach. Person taking acknowledgement: Notary Stamp/Seal) A' C Notary Public,State of F r rid I.0"•' . LORI DIAZ I MY COMMISSION I GG 276336 SI EXPIRES:November 13,2022 r°• Bonded ThruNotaryPiticUrdenwrters Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 69 of 672 Law Offices William E. Corley, III 3050 Tamaya Blvd., No. 105 Jacksonville, FL 32246 Tel. 904-451-0296 Via Hand Delivery January 3, 2019 Code Enforcement Board City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Re: City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement v. Ossi Klotz LLC Case Nos. 17-285, 17-287, 17-288 Hearing Date: January 8, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. Dear Board Members: Enclosed please find my Objection to Constitutionally Defective Hearing Notice as to each of the three referenced cases set for hearing on January 8, 2019. As to Case Nos. 17-285 and 17-288,the roofs have been repaired, so those cases should be dismissed as moot at the hearing. As to Case No. 17-287,the property owner has elected the "board up and hold for future repairs" option to which it is entitled under the Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. Therefore, Case No. 17-287 should also be dismissed at the hearing. For your information,the roof on the building in Case No. 17-287 cannot yet be repaired due to a supply chain problem with the materials. As a matter of cooperation and compromise, we are prepared to offer at the hearing a settlement of Case No. 17-287 as follows: if the Board will defer Case No. 17-287 to the March hearing date, we will undertake to have the roof on that building repaired by the end of February 2019. I look forward to seeing you all at the hearing on January 8,2019 at 6:00 p.m. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Very truly yours, William E. Corley, III Enclosures (as noted) Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 70 of 672 BEFORE THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA Case No. 17-287 Code Enforcement Department of the City of Atlantic Beach,Florida 800 Seminole Road. Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 v. OSSI KLOTZ LLC,Respondent P.O.Box 330833 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Property Address: 1850 Mayport Road Atlantic Beach, Florida OBJECTION TO CONSTITUTIONALLY DEFICIENT HEARING NOTICE AND NOTICE OF ELECTION TO BOARD UP AND HOLD PROPERTY FOR FUTURE REPAIRS Respondent OSSI KLOTZ LLC, by and through its undersigned attorney, gives notice of the following: OBJECTION TO CONSTITUTIONALLY DEFICIENT HEARING NOTICE 1.Respondent received via U.S. Mail a Notice of Hearing in Case No. 17-287, dated November 29, 2018 for a hearing set for 6:00 p.m. on January 8, 2019 (the"Notice of Hearing"). A duplicate of the Notice of Hearing, but dated December 28, 2018, was posted on the subject property on or about January 2, 2019. A copy of the Notice of Hearing is attached as Exhibit A hereto. The Notice of Hearing states the following: IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 71 of 672 The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to $250.00 per day for the first violation and $500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904)247-5855. 2. The Notice of Hearing is constitutionally deficient for two reasons: first, because it fails to include "the sworn statement of the code inspector setting forth the nature of the violation and reference to the appropriate code or ordinance"(emphasis added)required by Sec. 2-147(b)(2) of the Code of Ordinances; and second, because it fails to cite correctly and completely the controlling Ordinance of the City of Atlantic Beach. 3. The failure of the Notice of Hearing is constitutionally deficient because it fails to include the required sworn statement of the code inspector "setting forth the nature of the violation." In fact, the Notice of Hearing does not state the nature of the alleged violation at all. It merely cites to Sec.304.7 of the IPMC,without stating at all what the alleged facts are regarding the condition of the property in question. Further, the Notice of Hearing neither is made under oath and notarized, nor does it contain a statement that the statements made in the Notice of Hearing are made under the penalties for perjury. Therefore, as a matter of law, the Notice of Hearing fails to comply with "sworn statement" requirement of Sec. 2-147(b)(2) of the Code of Ordinances, and must be struck down as a nullity. 4. On separate grounds,the Notice of Hearing is constitutionally deficient because it fails to recite correctly and completely the controlling Ordinance of the City of Atlantic Beach. By Ordinance No.6-120,Code of Ordinances,the City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Management Code ("IPMC"). 5.Section 110.1 of the IPMC,as adopted by the City of Atlantic Beach, states: 2 Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 72 of 672 The code official shall order the owner or owner's authorized agent of any premises upon which is located any structure, which in the code official's or owner's authorized agent judgment after review is so deteriorated or dilapidated or has become so out of repair as to be dangerous,unsafe, insanitary or otherwise unfit for human habitation or occupancy, and such that it is unreasonable to repair the structure, to demolish and remove such structure; or if such structure is capable of being made safe by repairs,to repair and make safe and sanitary,or to board up and hold for future repair or to demolish and remove at the owner's option; or where there has been a cessation of normal construction of any structure for a period of more than six months,the code official shall order the owner or owner's authorized agent to demolish and remove such structure, or board up until future repair. Boarding the building up for future repair shall not extend beyond one year, unless approved by the building official. (Emphasis added). 6.The failure of the Notice of Hearing to include Section 110.1 of the IPMC makes the Notice of Hearing constitutionally deficient because it fails to give Respondent notice of its option to elect to board up the subject property and to hold it for future repairs. That failure to give that notice violates the Due Process Clause of Art. I, Sec. 9 of the Florida Constitution, and the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United State Constitution. 7. That failure to give that notice is material, because the Notice of Hearing creates the false impression that the Respondent's only course of action is to make the specified repairs. As a practical matter, that option can be difficult or impossible to perform under circumstances when access to roofing companies is limited by excessive demand, or when making repairs is impractical due to the attendant expense. 8.As a matter of law, Respondent has the option to not make the repairs,but to instead board the building in compliance with the IPMC, and hold the building for future repairs. 9. In this case, Respondent hereby elects the option to board up the building and hold it for future repairs. Accordingly, Case No. 17-287 is moot. 3 Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 73 of 672 WHEREFORE, Respondent OSSI KLOTZ LLC requests that the Code Enforcement Board either (a) dismiss Case No. 17-287 for lack of constitutionally sufficient notice, or (b) dismiss Case No. 17-287 as moot. Dated: January 3, 2019 V(Ite'e JAr/JI William E. Corley, III, Esquif Florida Bar No. 0363979 Attorney for OSSI KLOTZ LLC 3050 Tamaya Blvd.,No. 105 Jacksonville, FL 32246 Tel. 904-451-0296 E-mail: CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that true copies of the foregoing were furnished to: the Code Enforcement Board of The City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233; and to Angela Irizarry, Code Enforcement Office, City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 by hand delivery this 3 day of January, 2019. William E. Corley, III 4 Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 74 of 672 EXHIBIT A-NOTICE OF HEARING Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 75 of 672 Page 1 of 2 s 1-4.\-Pl:r>, CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD JS A{ S) CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA v NOTICE OF HEARING tor319r 11/29/2018 ;/ Case Number: 17-287 OSSI KLOTZ LLC Certified Mail Return Receipt: PO BOX 330833 70171000000069910971 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1850 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on January 8, 2019 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known 1850 MAYPORT RD, RE#172075 0000, 17-2S-29E .25 PT GOVT LOT 3 RECD 0/R 12109-1007 BEING PARCEL. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to $250.00 per day for the first violation and $500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904) 247-5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 76 of 672 Page 2 of 2 ATTEST: tr, Lori Diaz, Records Clerk Angela y, Code Enf ent Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 77 of 672 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ORDER CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA,Petitioner vs. OSSI KLOTZ LLC,Respondent First Class and Certified Mail Return Receipt PO BOX 330833 Requested: 70171000000069911169 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1850 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Case Number: 17-287 Real Estate Parcel Number: 172075 0000 Legal Description: 17-2S-29E .25 PT GOVT LOT 3 RECD O/R 12109-1007 BEING PARCEL 2 THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Board on January 8, 2019, and the Board having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That the Respondent owns the property located at 1850 MAYPORT RD, Atlantic Beach, Florida. 2. That notice was provided by Posting on the subject property and that Respondent's legal counsel, William Corley, was present at the hearing. 3. That notification of the violations of the Code of Ordinance of the City of Atlantic Beach, was made and served on the Respondent as evidenced in this hearing. 4. That by Order dated July 10, 2018, the Respondent was found in violation of IPMC 304.7 and allowed until August 2, 2018 to comply by obtaining the services of a licensed roofing contractor to obtain a permit and an approved final inspection of the roof. Failure to comply by August 2, 2018 would result in a $250.00 per day fine for the first day and $250.00 every day thereafter until full compliance was achieved. 5. That Respondent was not in compliance as of November 28,2018. 6. That due to a shortage of roofing workers,the Respondent was allowed until January 8, 2019 to come into compliance. Failure to comply would result in a$250.00 per day fine for the first day and $250.00 every day thereafter the violation continues to exist. 7. That as of January 8,2019, the Respondent was not in compliance. 8. That Respondent's counsel filed a document with the Code Enforcement Board on January 8, 2019 entitled"Objection to Constitutionally Deficient Hearing Notice and Notice of Election to Board Up and Hold Property for Future Repairs". 9. That additional time is necessary for the Board's attorney to consider the issues raised in the document filed by Respondent. 10. That counsel for Respondent stated that Respondent would come into compliance by performing the necessary roof repairs and having said repairs inspected prior to the Board's next meeting on March 12, 2019. 11. That this case needs to be continued to the Board's next meeting on March 12, 2019 at which time appropriate fmes will be determined. 01086937-2 Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 78 of 672 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW THAT the Respondent's property is NOT IN COMPLIANCE with the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances and that this case needs to be continued. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is Ordered: THAT this case is continued to March 12, 2019 for further action. DONE AND ORDERED THIS January 8,2019. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ATTEST: 004 L r,ri Pdiaz, 'ecor s C erk Ben' • de Luna, Chairman Executed this /5 day of January_ , 2019. PLEASE NOTE: Florida Statutes, Section 162.11, states that an appeal of this order shall be filed in circuit court within thirty(30) days of U.S. Postal Service- this order's execution. CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only For delivery information,visit our website at"r Certified Mail Fee E $ Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ 0 Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark O 0 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here cm 0 Adult Signature Required $ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ p Postage Total Postage and Fees N Sent T I-1 °KIML IZOStreetadpt.No.,or O Box No. 01086937-2 Page 2 of 2 city,State,ZIP+4® PS Form 3800, 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 79 of 672 W. _ jj - I, 3Nh 031100 lV 010d'SS3tlOOV Ntln13N 3111 d0 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Signature Print your name and address on the reverse X 0 Agent so that we can return the card to you. 0 Addressee II this card to the back of the mailpiece,B. Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No WZ5I `1 - 2- 1 I I III 1111111 I I III 11111 3. Service Type 0 Adult Signature 0 Priority Mail Express® 0 Registered Mail'" Adult Signature Restricted Delivery 0 Registered Mail Restricted 9590 9402 2997 7094 0515 66 O Certified Mail® Delivery 0 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery 0 Return Receipt for Collect on Delivery Merchandise 0 Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Confirmation"7 017 1000 0000 6991 1169 1 Insured Mail Signature Confirmation Insured Mail Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery over$500) PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt I A g e n d a I t e m # B . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 8 0 o f 6 7 2 A'V' j CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD 1.-- s2 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA t' Z. NOTICE OF HEARING f1-4 1/30/2019 Case Number: 17-287 OSSI KLOTZ LLC Certified Mail Return Receipt: PO BOX 330833 70171000000069911299 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Property Address: 1850 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article H, Section 6-16. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on March 12,2019 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 1850 MAYPORT RD,RE#172075 0000, 17-2S-29E .17, PT GOVT LOT 3 RECD O/R 12109-1007, BEING PARCEL 2 International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 1/25/2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 1850 MAYPORT RD. During the inspection,the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: Roof and fascia is in need of repair to ensure a watertight building. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 81 of 672 7017 1000 0000 6991 1299 i; 'e) inPO n nermio; aD1 H 5E= 3 O 0 la O- N v ;To a 2 , cn n nm CI- p 1n c n N y o m C mr p,.i r)/ o o m a c 3 n r; II c CERTIFIED MAIL® cr 03 City of Atlantic Beach JEOPO5T FIRST-CLASS MAIL AIro, 800 Seminole RoadI 11/1/01111 I011 III ll )1/30/2019 Q 0 US POSTAGE$006.80° 2 . Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 P 7017 1000 0000 6991 129* - ZIP 32233 041M11299654 g 5 p c cp Po OSSI KLOTZ LLC C-4 cr Certified Mail Retu cPOBOX330833 70171 NIXIEATLANTICBEACH, FL 32233 v e 1 0 3 119/i y ri RFTURN TCI cF NrfER Prope UNCLAIMED i o UNABLE TO ;=ORWARD i vim;,:BC: 32233546199 1538-19098-31-3$ 3t illjiiilii' s 'i' ii i ' i'i'ii' i ii'•iiili liifiliiii.i iili 1 j l ii fill I It i( 1 A g e n d a I t e m # B . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 8 2 o f 6 7 2 CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Vr NOTICE OF HEARING 2/28/2019 Case Number: 17-287 OSSI KLOTZ LLC POSTED ON PROPERTY AND PO BOX 330833 ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1850 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations.The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on March 12,2019 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall,Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 1850 MAYPORT RD,RE#172075 0000, 17-2S-29E .17,PT GOVT LOT 3 RECD O/R 12109-1007,BEING PARCEL 2 International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 1/25/2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 1850 MAYPORT RD. During the inspection,the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: Roof and fascia is in need of repair to ensure a watertight building. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 83 of 672 I, T-`t1 Q_VCS — `Z_c•-r r`A hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true andcurate. OLJNZ(`—. Angela Irizarry, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: AO7AT il Lori Diaz,Records Clerk0 Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 84 of 672 SI,AiIr'' CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH zs 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 3223315v PHONE (904) 247-5800 40E1911' POSTING AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF MAILING REGULAR MAIL Case Number: 17-287 Pursuant to Chapter 162, Florida Statutes and Sec. 2-147, City of Atlantic Beach City Code of Ordinances, I, Angela Irizarry, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach, hereby affirm a Notice of Violation, a copy of which is attached, was mailed regular mail and was posted at the following locations: 1) Date Posted: 42,-- 12C ) L 9_ Location: 1850 MAYPORT RD, Atlantic Beach, Florida 2) Date Posted: I l 1 2_0 L C\ Location: ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 6 .....- Angela Iriza11 ode Enforceme i galy County of Duval EA State of Florida The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me this 1___day of `(Y o,- 20 let, by Angela Irizarry,who is personally known to me as Code Enforcement for the City of Atlantic Beach. Person taking acknowledgement: Notary Stamp/Seal) ar Notary Public, State of Flor',;v' 1.. •ys• "y: LORI DIAZ l YY COIIOSSION#GO 276336 i .,,P•moo.,' p. EXPIRES'Novambsr 13,2202222 Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 85 of 672 Page 1 of 2 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ORDER CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, Petitioner vs. OSSI KLOTZ LLC, Respondent First Class and Certified Mail Return Receipt PO BOX 330833 Requested: 70171000000069911367 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1850 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Case Number: 17-287 Real Estate Number: 172075 0000 Legal Description: 17-2S-29E .17, PT GOVT LOT 3 RECD O/R 12109-1007, BEING PARCEL 2 THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Board on March 12, 2019, and the Board having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That the Respondent owns the property located at 1850 MAYPORT RD,Atlantic Beach, Florida. 2. That notice was sent by Posting on the subject property and that Respondent was represented by William Corley, attormey, at the hearing. 3. That notification of the violations of the City of Atlantic Beach, were made and served on the Respondent as evidenced in this hearing. 4. That by Order dated July 10, 2018, the Respondent was found in violation of IPMC 304.7 and allowed until August 2, 2018 to comply by obtaining the services of a licensed roofing contractor to obtain a permit and an approved final inspection of the roof. Failure to comply by August 2, 2018 would result in a $250.00 per day fine for the first day and $250.00 every day thereafter until full compliance was achieved. 5. That the Respondent was not in compliance as of November 28,2018. 6. That due to a shortage of roofing workers, the Respondent was allowed until January 8, 2019 to come into compliance. Failure to comply would result in a 250.00 per day fine for the first day and $250.00 every day thereafter the violation continues to exist 7. That as of January 8, 2019,the Respondent was not in compliance. 8. That the Respondent's counsel filed a document with the Code Enforcement Board on January 8, 2019 entitled OBJECTION TO CONSTITUTIONALLY DEFICIENT HEARING NOTICE AND NOTICE OF ELECTION TO BOARD UP AND HOLD PROPERTY FOR FUTURE REPAIRS. 9. That additional time was necessary for the Board's attorney to consider the issues raised in the document filed by Respondent. 10. That this case was continued to the Board's next meeting on March 12, 2019 at which time appropriate fines would be determined. Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 86 of 672 Page 2 of 2 11. At this hearing, Respondent reported that the roof was completed and all that was required was a final inspection by the Building Inspector. 12. That the Respondent continues to be in violation for non-compliance and must obtain compliance by requesting a final inspection on the roof repair from the Building Inspector on or before March 31, 2019 and provide the inspection results to the Code Enforcement Officer. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW THAT the Respondent is NOT IN COMPLIANCE and has failed to correct such violation as of this hearing date. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is Ordered: THAT the Respondent is found in violation for non-compliance and must obtain compliance on or before March 31, 2019. Failure to comply will result in fmes of$250.00 for the first day and $250.00 for every day thereafter while the violation continues to exist. In addition, any fine shall also include the administrative costs to the City incurred in prosecuting this case. THAT the Respondent is responsible for contacting the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection of compliance. THAT failure to pay all accumulated fmes will result in a lien being placed against the property at 1850 MAYPORT RD for the total assessment plus costs incurred for the filing of the lien. All lien amounts are to be made payable at an interest rate of ten (10) percent per annum from date of certification until paid. DONE AND ORDERED THIS March 12, 2019. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ATTEST: h Lori Diaz, Records Cle By: Benj de Luna, Chairman Executed this I 2.. day of March , 2019. PLEASE NOTE: Florida Statutes, Section 162.11, states that an appeal of this order shall be filed in circuit court within thirty(30) days of this order's execution. Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 87 of 672 CERTIFIED MAILS City of Atlantic Beach O$1' FIRST-CLASS MAIL jc 1800 Seminole Road 12019r- nom++ QAtlanticBeachFlorida32233 i iOSTAGE 006.802 7017 1000 0000 69911 i 041M1 299654 k...., ,\ \i(3.,„_________ VS. Y.1.7 OSSI KLOTZ LLC, Respondent NI xi- 3•E PO BOX 330833 RETURN TO SENDERATLANTICBEACH, FL 32233 a TrE P?=' - of OlM UNABLE TO FORWARD iR iii Bl": 3223354E1av Yia u_aaouz _`E_z0 . i 1111"1"11111111`1‘11"'"1"1;1! st t11 twill"1" 1P !IPH 33>546I 11 ; , , rrrr ,r r R r i li3223:3-093333 E v N2 a° I— CLd 3 N IIIio 0U i W •y f0 J o' 1 fg, g 5 ,.,, 13,. 0, .. E: 2 sr)^ m qq Y QM' O I aQ i I, d P 1 ' 4 fi1 0 a¢ ¢ Q a Veh2zE ? wWEm U O LL 0 e,u a• .,,F240(73Kn C3 2.9ET T669 0000 000T 2.702. A g e n d a I t e m # B . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 8 8 o f 6 7 2 Page 1 of 2 01`.41j. 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDAsA . I-. ii /ill NOTICE OF HEARING 13— 5/31/2019 Case Number: 17-287 OSSI KLOTZ LLC Certified Mail Return Receipt: PO BOX 330833 70171000000069911435 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1850 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on July 11,2019 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 1850 MAYPORT RD, RE#172075 0000, 17-2S-29E .17, PT GOVT LOT 3 RECD O/R 12109-1007, BEING PARCEL 2. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 1/25/2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 1850 MAYPORT RD. During the inspection, the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: Roof and fascia is in need of repair to ensure a watertight building. As of 5/30/2019 the roof has been repaired. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 89 of 672 Page 2 of 2 I, e_,Vc hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accu te. Angel arty, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: 9:ner)Lori Diaz, Records Clerk U.S. Postal Service'" CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only For delivery information,visit our website at".r-4 it Certified Mail Fee Cr $ Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ Return Receipt(electronic) O Postmark Q Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here cp p Adult Signature Required $ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ CI Postage O $ Total Postage and Fees N Sen D Sire tin t.Noo,or PCI Box . City,State,ZIP+45 PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 90 of 672 Page 1 of 2 r','` r., \ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA rI NOTICE OF HEARING 1), J,31 f. 5/31/2019 Case Number: 17-287 OSSI KLOTZ LLC Certified Mail Return Receipt: PO BOX 330833 70171000000069911435 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Property Address: 1850 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on July 11,2019 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 1850 MAYPORT RD, RE#172075 0000, 17-2S-29E .17, PT GOVT LOT 3 RECD 0/R 12109-1007, BEING PARCEL 2. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 1/25/2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 1850 MAYPORT RD. During the inspection,the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: Roof and fascia is in need of repair to ensure a watertight building. As of 5/30/2019 the roof has been repaired. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 91 of 672 Page 2 of 2 I, eX. hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and acce. 0) L-- Angel2rry, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: Lori Diaz, Records Clerk U.S. Postal Service"' CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only For delivery information,visit our website at°. 0^ Certified Mail Fee Q" $ Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) O [' Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark 0 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here Adult Signature Required $ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ p Postage O $ Total Postage and Fees ra r- Sen O B'tret an/Wt.No.,or P[7 Bo ----- r- City,State,ZI15+4e PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530- 02- 000- 9047 See Reverse for Instructions Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 92 of 672 0yLy,.' f, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACHPrV t;„J800 SEMINOLE ROAD f ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 PHONE (904) 247-5800 4-1•05119 NOH POSTING AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF MAILING REGULAR MAIL Case Number: 17-287 Pursuant to Chapter 162, Florida Statutes and Sec. 2-147, City of Atlantic Beach City Code of Ordinances, I, Angela Irizarry, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach, hereby affirm a Notice of Hearing, a copy of which is attached, was mailed regular mail and was posted at the following locations: 1) Date Posted: 1 Location: 1850 MAYPORT RD, Atlantic Beach, Florida 2) Date Posted: 1 1, ( Location: ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Angela Iriz , Code Enforcement County of Duval State of Florida The oregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me this 1 day of L1\\12019byAngelaIrizarry,who is personally known to me as Code Enforcement for the City of Atlantic Beach. Person taking acknowledgement: z. — cl 4'( Notary Stamp/Seal) U Notary Public, State of Florid te6i N gyp' MYcoars ON#00276336 i if• pMathOMwreis Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 93 of 672 Page 94 of 672 CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE FAX EMAIL OWNER OSSI KLOTZ LLC PO BOX 330833 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Lori Diaz 7/26/2019 CHRONOLOGY VIOLATION TYPE USER NAME OBSERVED DATE CORRECTED DATE LOCATION REMARKS NOTES Roofs and Drainage Deborah White 12/4/2017 IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. VIOLATIONS Description: ROOF Status: PENDING CODE BOARD Type: CODE ENFORCEMENT Subtype: COMMERCIAL Opened: 12/4/2017 Closed: Last Action: 7/26/2019 Fllw Up: 7/26/2019 Site Address: 1850 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Site APN: 172075 0000 Officer: Angela Irizarry Details:Roof has been repaired. Staff recommends the Respondent be found in compliance. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 1 of 5 CASE DETAILS Case Number 17-287 A g e n d a I t e m # B . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 9 5 o f 6 7 2 CODE BOARD ORDER Lori Diaz 7/23/2019 CODE BOARD AGENDA Lori Diaz 7/4/2019 NOH POST AND AFF Angela Irizarry 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 6/26/2019 7/1/2019 NOH not received by respondent NOTICE OF HEARING Lori Diaz 5/31/2019 5/31/2019 SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Lori Diaz 3/27/2019 3/26/2019 CODE BOARD ORDER Lori Diaz 3/24/2019 3/26/2019 Board finds THAT the Respondent is in violation for non- compliance and must obtain compliance by requesting a final inspection on the roof repair from the Building Inspector on or before March 31, 2019 and provide results to Code Enforcement. CODE BOARD MEETING AGENDA Lori Diaz 3/1/2019 2/28/2019 NOH POST AND AFF Angela Irizarry 2/28/2019 2/28/2019 CMRR RETURNED FROM PO Angela Irizarry 2/11/2019 2/11/2019 CEB Order returned - Return to Sender, Unclaimed, Unable to Forward CMRR RETURNED FROM PO Angela Irizarry 2/7/2019 2/7/2019 Notice of Hearing dated 11/29/2018 for the 1/9/2019 meeting was returned by post office. NOTICE OF HEARING Lori Diaz 1/31/2019 1/30/2019 CODE BOARD ORDER Lori Diaz 1/23/2019 1/18/2019 Case continued until March 12, 2019 to allow Respondent time to complete repair. SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Lori Diaz 1/23/2019 1/23/2019 CERT MAIL RECEIPT RECEIVED Angela Irizarry 1/3/2019 1/3/2019 CEB Order - Signed Green Card Received CODE BOARD MEETING AGENDA Lori Diaz 12/28/2018 12/27/2018 Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 2 of 5 CASE DETAILS Case Number 17-287 A g e n d a I t e m # B . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 9 6 o f 6 7 2 NOH POST AND AFF Angela Irizarry 12/28/2018 12/28/2018 SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Lori Diaz 12/10/2018 12/12/2018 CODE BOARD ORDER Lori Diaz 12/3/2018 12/12/2018 Due to shortage of roofing workers, Respondent granted extension until January 8, 2019 to complete repair. NOTICE OF HEARING Lori Diaz 11/29/2018 11/29/2018 PERMIT ISSUED/OBTAINED Angela Irizarry 11/19/2018 11/19/2018 Roof Permit issued. CODE BOARD MEETING AGENDA Lori Diaz 11/18/2018 11/20/2018 PERMIT APPLIED FOR Angela Irizarry 11/13/2018 11/13/2018 RE-ROOF PERMIT APPLIED FOR MEETING WITH RESPONDENT Angela Irizarry 11/1/2018 11/1/2018 Met with Shawn Henderson from the Klotz Company & Dan Arlington, Building Official COAB. The building addresses of the physical building do not line up with the addresses in the property appraisers database. Dan Arlington requested that a complete survey showing each building and the individual units in each building be submitted to the City so that the addressed and number of units can be clarified and matched with what JEA has on file. Dan will approve roof permits but no permits for interior repairs will be issued until the Owner submits a current survey of all buildings delineating each individual unit. CERT MAIL RECEIPT RECEIVED Angela Irizarry 10/29/2018 11/6/2018 RCVD SIGNED GREEN CARD FOR NOH NOTICE OF HEARING Lori Diaz 10/14/2018 10/16/2018 PERMIT APPLIED FOR Angela Irizarry 10/5/2018 10/5/2018 APPLIED FOR TORCH DOWN ROOF PERMIT CODE BOARD ORDER Valerie Jones 7/22/2018 7/24/2018 William Corley, Esquire, represented Ossi Klotz Board finds Respondent in violation and allows 90 days to achieve complaince. Failure to comply will result in a $250.00 per day fine for the first day and $250.00 every day thereafter the violation continues to exist. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 3 of 5 CASE DETAILS Case Number 17-287 A g e n d a I t e m # B . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 9 7 o f 6 7 2 CODE BOARD MEETING AGENDA Valerie Jones 7/5/2018 7/2/2018 AFFIDAVIT OF NON COMPLIANCE Valerie Jones 7/2/2018 7/2/2018 POSTING NOH AND AFFIDAVIT Valerie Jones 6/19/2018 6/28/2018 CERT MAIL RECEIPT RECEIVED Deborah White 6/10/2018 7/26/2018 noh returned property posted NOTICE OF HEARING Valerie Jones 5/26/2018 5/31/2018 EMAIL SENT Valerie Jones 1/23/2018 1/23/2018 DW was contacted by Annette Peyton (904-505-4442), she requested all code issues regarding this address. DW emailed her at HAND DELIVERY NOTICE FORM AND NOV Deborah White 1/9/2018 1/9/2018 LETTER RETURNED FROM POST OFC Valerie Jones 12/27/2017 12/27/2017 NOV CERT Valerie Jones 12/4/2017 12/5/2017 INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES CEB INSPECTION DW 7/2/2018 7/2/2018 VIOLATION CONTINUES No work has been done, no permits applied for or issued to do required work to obtain compliance. CEB INSPECTION AI 10/15/2018 10/17/2018 VIOLATION CONTINUES CEB INSPECTION AI 1/7/2019 1/7/2019 VIOLATION CONTINUES INITIAL INSPECTION DW 12/4/2017 12/4/2017 VIOLATION FOUND INSPECTIONS Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 4 of 5 CASE DETAILS Case Number 17-287 A g e n d a I t e m # B . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 9 8 o f 6 7 2 REINSPECTION DW 2/13/2018 2/13/2018 VIOLATION CONTINUES FINANCIAL INFORMATION Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 5 of 5 CASE DETAILS Case Number 17-287 A g e n d a I t e m # B . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 9 9 o f 6 7 2 Page 100 of 672 J CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACHPrOkfr;:, 1 A800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 PHONE (904)247-5800 r '3 ,} CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 70170660000038566153 March 8, 2018 OSSI KLOTZ LLC 645 Mayport Road, Suite 5 PO BOX 330833 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Real Estate Number: 172236 0010 Case Number: 18-073 Location of Violation: 1800, 1842, 18944, 1846, 1848 MAYPORT RD, Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property referenced above to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach, Code of Ordinances, to wit: VIOLATIONS International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) as adopted by City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances Sec 6-16) Sec. 6-16. Adoption of Florida Building Code. There is hereby adopted, subject to any modifications, changes and amendments set forth in this article, and for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the construction, alteration, removal, demolition, equipment, use and occupancy, location and maintenance of buildings and structures, including permits and penalties, that certain building code known as The Florida Building Code established by Florida Statutes Chapter 553, Part VII, as amended from time to time so that the latest edition of the Florida Building Code shall apply and the International Property Maintenance Code, most recent edition. in the office of the city clerk, and the same are adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length in this article, and the provisions thereof shall be controlling in the construction of all buildings and other structures within the city.(Commercial building partitions seperating rental units improperly installed without permits, work done without required permits, plumbing to illegal baths not to code, etc.) IPMC Section 108.1.5 10. Any building or structure, because of a lack of sufficient or proper fire resistance-rated construction, fire protection system, electrical system, fuel connections, mechanical system, plumbing system or other cause, is determined by the code official to be a threat to life or health. exposed romex on exterior of building installed without a permit and not to code, light fixtures hanging loose supported by wiring, electrical service cables, plywood wall installed to separate units not rated and done without required permits, plumbing improperly installed and partitions and what appears to be two bathrooms added without required permits, rotted exterior walls, etc.) IPMC Section (A) 108.2.1 Authority to disconnect service utilities. The code official shall have the authority to authorize disconnection of utility service to the building, structure or system regulated by Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 101 of 672 this code and the referenced codes and standards set forth in Section 102.7 in case of emergency where necessary to eliminate an immediate hazard to life or property or when such utility connection has been made without approval. The code official shall notify the servicing utility and, whenever possible, the owner and occupant of the building, structure of the decision to disconnect prior to taking such action. If not notified prior to disconnection the owner or occupant of the building structure of service system shall be notified in writing as soon as practical thereafter. (No new utilitity connections until full compliance is approved on units 1840, 1844, 1846,1848) 1842 currently occupied if vacated service shall not be restored without full complaince with this notice) IPMC Section 108.1.5 8. Any building or structure has been constructed, exists or is maintained in violation of any specific requirements or prohibition applicable to such building or structure provided by the approved building or fire code of the jurisdiction, or of any law or ordinance to such an extent as to present either a substantial risk of fire, building collapse or any other threat to life and safety. unpermitted, building, interior alterations, electrical and plumbing work including inadequate partitions, addition of two bathrooms etc.) IPMC Section 108.1.5 6. The building or structure, or any portion thereof is clearly unsafe for its use or occupancy. IPMC Sec. 604 Electrical facilities. Sec. 604.1 Facilities required. Every occupied building shall be provided with an electrical system in compliance with the requirements of this section. 605.2 Receptacles. Every habitable space in a dwelling shall contain at least two separate and remote receptacle outlets. Every laundry area shall contain at least one grounded-type receptacle or a receptacle with a ground fault circuit interrupter. Every bathroom shall contain at least one receptacle. Any new bathroom receptacle outlet shall have ground fault circuit interrupter protection. All receptacle outlets shall have the appropriate faceplate cover for the location. (Electrical systems is not in compliance with applicable code, work done without required permits, missing required electrical current overcurrent protection and means of disconnect) IPMC Sec. 601.2 Mechanical and Electrical Responsibility. The owner of the structure shall provide and maintain mechanical and electrical facilities and equipment in compliance with these requirements. A person shall not occupy as owner-occupant to permit another person to occupy any premises which does not comply with the requirements of this chapter. . (Electrical systems is not in compliance with applicable code,work done without required permits or inspections) IPMC Sec. 504.3 Plumbing system hazards. Where it is found that a plumbing system in a structure constitutes a hazard to the occupants or the structure by reason of inadequate service, inadequate venting, cross connection, back siphonage, improper installation, deterioration or damage or for similar reasons, the code official shall require the defects to be corrected to eliminate the hazard. (two added bathrooms without required permits or inspections as required on north and south units.) IPMC Sec. 304.3 Premises identification. Buildings shall have approved address numbers placed in a position to be plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Address numbers shall be Arabic numerals or alphabet letters. Numbers shall be a minimum of 4 inches (102 mm) in height with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch individual rental units and meter cans must be properly marked) FLORIDA BUILDING CODE (FBC) Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, demolish, or change the occupancy of a Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 102 of 672 building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. (no permits for the electrical or plumbing work or inspections added two bathrooms without permits) IPMC Sec. 304.1 General. The exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. IPMC Section (A) 108.1.2 Unsafe equipment. Unsafe equipment includes any boiler, heating equipment, elevator, moving stairway, electrical wiring or device, flammable liquid containers or other equipment on the premises or within the structure which is in such disrepair or condition that such equipment is a hazard to life, health, property or safety of the public or occupants of the premises or structure. IPMC 703.1 Fire-resistance-rated assemblies. The required fire-resistance rated of fire-resistance-rated walls, fire stops, shaft enclosures,partitions and floors shall be maintained. (wood frame wall installed to separate units 2 and 3 without approval or permits as required) IPMC Section 108.1.5 6. The building or structure,or any portion thereof is clearly unsafe for its use or occupancy.(electrical and plumbing systems have been altered and added to without permits or inspections not to code) Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinance -Section 24-160. - Dumpsters, garbage containers and refuse collection areas and above ground tanks. (b) Within commercial zoning districts, dumpsters, trash receptacles, above ground tanks and similar structures and containers shall be screened from view by fencing or landscaping, or shall be located so that these are not visible from adjacent properties or streets. Above-ground tanks used to store hazardous, chemical or explosive materials may remain unscreened upon determination by the Director of Public Safety that a threat to security and public safety may result from screening such tank(s)from view. (Dumpster is not screened as required) IPMC Sec. 304.6 Exterior walls. All exterior walls shall be free from holes, breaks, and loose or rotting materials; and maintained weatherproof and properly surface coated where required to prevent deterioration. (Rotted exterior wood deteriorated and open areas exposing the interior of the building to the elements) IPMC Sec 304.2 Protective treatment. All exterior surfaces including but not limited to, doors and window frames, cornices,porches,trim,balconies,decks and fences, shall be maintained in good condition. Exterior wood surfaces, other than decay-resistant woods, shall be protected from the elements and decay by painting or other protective covering or treatment. Peeling,flaking and chipped paint shall be eliminated and surfaces repainted. All siding and masonry joints, as well as those between the building envelope and the perimeter of windows,doors and skylights, shall be maintained weather resistant and water tight. All metal surfaces subject to rust or or corrosion shall be coated to inhibit such rust and corrosions and all surface with rust or corrosion and shall be stabilized and coated to inhibit future rust and corrosion. Oxidation stains shall be removed from exterior surfaces. Surfaces designed for stabilization by oxidation are exempt from this requirement (Exterior wood surfaces need to be painted) Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 103 of 672 This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by obtaining the services of State of Florida licensed contractor to remove all unpermitted work and to obtain permits and inspections to bring property in to compliance with applicable building, existing building, electrical plumbing and mechanical codes and install the proper enclosure around your dumpster within fifteen (15) days of the receipt of this notice. In addition, no new electrical service connections will be permitted until full compliance is met with all the provisions of this notice. To avoid having this case be referred to the Code Enforcement Board, all listed violations on this notice must be in compliance on or before the date established by Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement. The Board may impose fines up to two hundred fifty ($250.00) per day for continuing violations. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. It is our goal to keep our neighborhoods looking well maintained while protecting property values and your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at(904) 247-5855 if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, U.S. Postal Service'' CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT 7/1-74tDomestic Mail Only rl• For delivery information,visit our website at'. WL, a Ln• Certified Mail Fee Deborah White CODE ENFORCEMENT R1 Extra Receipt Services&Fees(check car,add fee as appropnate) Return R (hardcoPY) $ C3 Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here OEl Adult Signature Required cc: Dan Arlington, Building Official Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ C:1 Postage Total Postage and Fees 3NSentTo1 1 " lr S.1 l Street andApt.No.,or Box No. N City,state,ZlP+46 PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530 02-0w-9047 See Reverse for Instructions Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 104 of 672 White, Debbie From: Percell, Brittany Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 10:30 AM To: White, Debbie Cc: Corbin, Shane; Gindlesperger,Toni Subject:RE: Fine Acrual CE liens Attachments: Edgar& Rbert Street.xlsx Debbie, Please see attached. Brittany From:White, Debbie Sent:Tuesday, March 27, 2018 3:37 PM To: Percell, Brittany<> Cc:Corbin, Shane<>; Gindlesperger,Toni<> Subject: Fine Acrual CE liens Brittany, I need fine total accrual as of today for the following Case#13-000000123 27 Edgar Street 100.00 per day commencing October 31, 2013 until July 22, 2014 including 10% interest and $10.00 recording fee Case#13-00000122 40 Robert St aka 1840 1844 Mayport Road 100.00 per day commencing July 31, 2013 until September 2, 2014 including 10% interest and$10.00 recording fee Any questions, please let me know. Thanks, Debbie Debbie White Code Enforcement City of Atlantic Beach 904)247-5855 1 Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 105 of 672 Month Fee Per Day Number of Days Total Due For the Month Total Amount Due for Year Jul-13 $100.00 1 100.00 Aug-13 $100.00 31 3,100.00 Sep-13 $100.00 30 3,000.00 Oct-13 $100.00 31 3,100.00 Nov-13 $100.00 30 3,000.00 Dec-13 $100.00 31 3,100.00 15,400.00 Jan-14 $100.00 31 3,100.00 Feb-14 $100.00 28 2,800.00 Mar-14 $100.00 31 3,100.00 Apr-14 $100.00 30 3,000.00 May-14 $100.00 31 3,100.00 Jun-14 $100.00 30 3,000.00 Jul-14 $100.00 31 3,100.00 Aug-14 $100.00 31 3,100.00 Sep-14 $100.00 2 200.00 24,500.00 39,900.00 Total 1,540.00 2013 Interest 2,450.00 2014 Interest 10.00 Recording Fee 43,900.00 Total Amount Due Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 106 of 672 That, of course, is not helpful. Again, I'll follow up soon. Scott Burr& Forman LLP Logo] AL * DE * FL * GA *MS * NC * TN M. Scott Thomas * Partner Suite 3000 * 50 North Laura Street * Jacksonville, Florida 32202 direct 904-232-7233 * fax 904-485-8945 * main<> *<> The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above. If you are not the intended recipient,please do not read, copy, use, forward or disclose this communication to others; also,please notify the sender by replying to this message, and then delete this message from your system. Thank you 2 Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 107 of 672 UT200U05 City of Atlantic Beach 3/27/18 Predefined Miscellaneous Customer Information 11 :33 :03 Customer ID . . : 75011 Name . . : DE ANGELIS, JESSICA L Type information, press Enter . R R User R Numeric R Freeform Def . / Value Misc Spec Desc. 0 Information 0 Code 0 2 Decimals 0 Date Note Dr Lic # 0 ****************78-0 DOB 0 05-18-1996 SSNhusband 0 SSN/wife 0 *******0979 Employer 0 CONRAN INVESTIGATION Bus Phone 0 904- 396-6500 OtherAdult 0 ENA NATER,CHARLENE Rent/Own 0 RENT STAINFIELD,VICTORIA Landlord 0 SANDY DEANGLIS BARON Landlord # 0 904-524-9719 F3=Exit F4=Prompt F6=Unprotect F12=Cancel F19=Image Documents Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 108 of 672 UT470I01 City of Atlantic Beach it z t f to Account History - Combined Inquiry 11:32:31 Customer ID: 75011 Name: DE ANGELIS, JESSICA L Location ID: 8712 Addr : 780 AQUATIC DR Cycle/route . . . . : 03 18 Amount due 00 Initiation date . . : 8/01/17 Pending 00 Termination date . : Customer/location status : A Type options, press Enter . 5=Display Trn Trn/Due Description Trn/Pry Reference Running Opt Type Date Bill Comment Amount Date/Num Balance L2 PMT 3/15/18 BILL2PAY 03151899 63.52-00 BL BILL 3/07/18 CYCLE BILL 63.52 3/14/18 63.52 L2 PMT 2/12/18 BILL2PAY 02121899 60.88-00 BL BILL 2/06/18 CYCLE BILL 60. 88 2/14/18 60.88 L2 PMT 1/19/18 BILL2PAY 01191899 60. 88- 00 BL BILL 1/08/18 CYCLE BILL 60.88 1/14/18 60.88 L2 PMT 12/20/17 BILL2PAY 12201799 71.63-00 BL BILL 12/08/17 CYCLE BILL 71.63 12/14/17 71. 63 More. . . F3=Exit FS=Adjustments F7=Pending F8=Charges F9=Print history F10=Change view F11=Payments F12=Cancel F24=More keys Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 109 of 672 Vg Ly e` ; 'tl J CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACHs, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233lipl 2 01119 PHONE (904)247-5855 HAND DELIVERY Date: April 13, 2018 From: Deborah White, Code Enforcement Officer Name of Addressee: Ossi Klotz Address of Delivery: 1850 and 1844 Mayport Road Atlantic Beach, Florida Received BB . i Printed Na 1//41/AAk. CO/GL Date Served: J 3 //r Time: 9% '- Alt Notice Served By: Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Officer: NOV 1840, 1842, 1844, 1846,1848 Mayport Road q4, Al( r- 10 -/ Y Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 110 of 672 id lrCITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH sA 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ti ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 PHONE (904) 247-5800 r 1-01119 HAND DELIVERED April 13, 2018 OSSI KLOTZ LLC 645 Mayport Road, Suite 5 PO BOX 330833 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Real Estate Number: 172236 0010 Case Number: 18-073 Location of Violation: 1800, 1842, 18944, 1846, 1848 MAYPORT RD, Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property referenced above to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach, Code of Ordinances, to wit: VIOLATIONS International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) as adopted by City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances Sec 6-16) Sec. 6- 16. Adoption of Florida Building Code. There is hereby adopted, subject to any modifications, changes and amendments set forth in this article, and for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the construction, alteration, removal, demolition, equipment, use and occupancy, location and maintenance of buildings and structures, including permits and penalties, that certain building code known as The Florida Building Code established by Florida Statutes Chapter 553, Part VII, as amended from time to time so that the latest edition of the Florida Building Code shall apply and the International Property Maintenance Code, most recent edition. in the office of the city clerk, and the same are adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length in this article, and the provisions thereof shall be controlling in the construction of all buildings and other structures within the city.(Commercial building partitions seperating rental units improperly installed without permits, work done without required permits, plumbing to illegal baths not to code, etc.) IPMC Section 108.1.5 10. Any building or structure, because of a lack of sufficient or proper fire resistance-rated construction, fire protection system, electrical system, fuel connections, mechanical system, plumbing system or other cause, is determined by the code official to be a threat to life or health. exposed romex on exterior of building installed without a permit and not to code, light fixtures hanging loose supported by wiring, electrical service cables, plywood wall installed to separate units not rated and done without required permits, plumbing improperly installed and partitions and what appears to be two bathrooms added without required permits, rotted exterior walls, etc.) Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 111 of 672 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE (FBC) Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. (no permits for the electrical or plumbing work or inspections added two bathrooms without permits ) IPMC Sec. 304.1 General. The exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. IPMC Section (A) 108.1.2 Unsafe equipment. Unsafe equipment includes any boiler, heating equipment, elevator, moving stairway, electrical wiring or device, flammable liquid containers or other equipment on the premises or within the structure which is in such disrepair or condition that such equipment is a hazard to life, health, property or safety of the public or occupants of the premises or structure. IPMC 703.1 Fire-resistance-rated assemblies. The required fire-resistance rated of fire-resistance-rated walls, fire stops, shaft enclosures, partitions and floors shall be maintained. (wood frame wall installed to separate units 2 and 3 without approval or permits as required) IPMC Section 108.1.5 6. The building or structure, or any portion thereof is clearly unsafe for its use or occupancy.(electrical and plumbing systems have been altered and added to without permits or inspections not to code) Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinance -Section 24-160. - Dumpsters, garbage containers and refuse collection areas and above ground tanks. (b) Within commercial zoning districts, dumpsters, trash receptacles, above ground tanks and similar structures and containers shall be screened from view by fencing or landscaping, or shall be located so that these are not visible from adjacent properties or streets. Above-ground tanks used to store hazardous, chemical or explosive materials may remain unscreened upon determination by the Director of Public Safety that a threat to security and public safety may result from screening such tank(s) from view. (Dumpster is not screened as required) IPMC Sec. 304.6 Exterior walls. All exterior walls shall be free from holes, breaks, and loose or rotting materials; and maintained weatherproof and properly surface coated where required to prevent deterioration. (Rotted exterior wood deteriorated and open areas exposing the interior of the building to the elements) IPMC Sec 304.2 Protective treatment. All exterior surfaces including but not limited to, doors and window frames, cornices, porches,trim, balconies, decks and fences, shall be maintained in good condition. Exterior wood surfaces, other than decay-resistant woods, shall be protected from the elements and decay by painting or other protective covering or treatment. Peeling, flaking and chipped paint shall be eliminated and surfaces repainted. All siding and masonry joints, as well as those between the building envelope and the perimeter of windows, doors and skylights, shall be maintained weather resistant and water tight. All metal surfaces subject to rust or or corrosion shall be coated to inhibit such rust and corrosions and all surface with rust or corrosion and shall be stabilized and coated to inhibit future rust and corrosion. Oxidation stains shall be removed from exterior surfaces. Surfaces designed Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 112 of 672 IPMC Section (A) 108.2.1 Authority to disconnect service utilities. The code official shall have the authority to authorize disconnection of utility service to the building, structure or system regulated by this code and the referenced codes and standards set forth in Section 102.7 in case of emergency where necessary to eliminate an immediate hazard to life or property or when such utility connection has been made without approval. The code official shall notify the servicing utility and, whenever possible, the owner and occupant of the building, structure of the decision to disconnect prior to taking such action. If not notified prior to disconnection the owner or occupant of the building structure of service system shall be notified in writing as soon as practical thereafter. (No new utilitity connections until full compliance is approved on units 1840, 1844, 1846, 1848) 1842 currently occupied if vacated service shall not be restored without full complaince with this notice) IPMC Section 108.1.5 8. Any building or structure has been constructed, exists or is maintained in violation of any specific requirements or prohibition applicable to such building or structure provided by the approved building or fire code of the jurisdiction, or of any law or ordinance to such an extent as to present either a substantial risk of fire, building collapse or any other threat to life and safety. unpermitted, building, interior alterations, electrical and plumbing work including inadequate partitions, addition of two bathrooms etc.) IPMC Section 108.1.5 6. The building or structure, or any portion thereof is clearly unsafe for its use or occupancy. IPMC Sec. 604 Electrical facilities. Sec. 604.1 Facilities required. Every occupied building shall be provided with an electrical system in compliance with the requirements of this section. 605.2 Receptacles. Every habitable space in a dwelling shall contain at least two separate and remote receptacle outlets. Every laundry area shall contain at least one grounded-type receptacle or a receptacle with a ground fault circuit interrupter. Every bathroom shall contain at least one receptacle. Any new bathroom receptacle outlet shall have ground fault circuit interrupter protection. All receptacle outlets shall have the appropriate faceplate cover for the location. (Electrical systems is not in compliance with applicable code, work done without required permits, missing required electrical current overcurrent protection and means of disconnect) IPMC Sec. 601.2 Mechanical and Electrical Responsibility. The owner of the structure shall provide and maintain mechanical and electrical facilities and equipment in compliance with these requirements. A person shall not occupy as owner-occupant to permit another person to occupy any premises which does not comply with the requirements of this chapter. . (Electrical systems is not in compliance with applicable code,work done without required permits or inspections) IPMC Sec. 504.3 Plumbing system hazards. Where it is found that a plumbing system in a structure constitutes a hazard to the occupants or the structure by reason of inadequate service, inadequate venting, cross connection, back siphonage, improper installation, deterioration or damage or for similar reasons, the code official shall require the defects to be corrected to eliminate the hazard. (two added bathrooms without required permits or inspections as required on north and south units.) IPMC Sec. 304.3 Premises identification. Buildings shall have approved address numbers placed in a position to be plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Address numbers shall be Arabic numerals or alphabet letters. Numbers shall be a minimum of 4 inches (102 mm) in height with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch individual rental units and meter cans must be properly marked) Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 113 of 672 CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA r) NOTICE OF HEARING 5/31/2018 Case Number: 18-073 OSSI KLOTZ LLC Certified Mail Return Receipt: PO BOX 330833 70131710000216914436 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1844 MAYPORT ROAD aka 40 Roberts Street) ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances.It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on July 10,2018 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known as 1844 MAYPORT ROAD, RE#172236-0010, 17-2S-29E .30 DONNERS R/P N 1/2 LOT 3,N 100FT LOT 4 BLK 4. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances Section 108.1.5 1. Any door, aisle, passageway, stairway, exit or other means of egress that does not conform to the approved building or fire code of the jurisdiction as related to the requirements for existing buildings. Section 108.1.5 10. Any building or structure, because of a lack of sufficient or proper fire resistance-rated construction, fire protection system, electrical system, fuel connections, mechanical system, plumbing system or other cause, is determined by the code official to be a threat to life or health. Section 108.1.5 8. Any building or structure has been constructed, exists or is maintained in violation of any specific requirements or prohibition applicable to such building or structure provided by the approved building or fire code of the jurisdiction, or of any law or ordinance to such an extent as to present either a substantial risk of fire,building collapse or any other threat to life and safety. IPMC Section (A) 108.2.1 Authority to disconnect service utilities. The code official shall have the authority to authorize disconnection of utility service to the building, structure or system regulated by this code and the referenced codes and standards set forth in Section 102.7 in case of emergency where necessary to eliminate an immediate hazard to life or property or when such utility connection has been made without approval. The code official shall notify the servicing utility and,whenever possible,the owner and occupant of the building, structure of the decision to disconnect prior to taking such action. If not notified prior to disconnection the owner or occupant of the building structure of service system shall be notified in writing as soon as practical thereafter. Section 24-160. -Dumpsters, garbage containers and refuse collection areas and above ground tanks. (b) Within commercial zoning districts, dumpsters, trash receptacles, above ground tanks and similar structures and containers shall be screened from view by fencing or landscaping, or shall be located so that these are not visible from adjacent properties or streets. Above-ground tanks used to store hazardous, chemical or explosive materials Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 114 of 672 may remain unscreened upon determination by the Director of Public Safety that a threat to security and public safety may result from screening such tank(s)from view. Section 108.1.5 6.The building or structure,or any portion thereof is clearly unsafe for its use or occupancy. IPMC Sec. 604 Electrical facilities. Sec. 604.1 Facilities required. Every occupied building shall be provided with an electrical system in compliance with the requirements of this section. 605.2 Receptacles. Every habitable space in a dwelling shall contain at least two separate and remote receptacle outlets. Every laundry area shall contain at least one grounded-type receptacle or a receptacle with a ground fault circuit interrupter. Every bathroom shall contain at least one receptacle.Any new bathroom receptacle outlet shall have ground fault circuit interrupter protection. All receptacle outlets shall have the appropriate faceplate cover for the location.IPMC Sec. 304.6 Exterior walls. All exterior walls shall be free from holes, breaks, and loose or rotting materials; and maintained weatherproof and properly surface coated where required to prevent deterioration. Sec. 6-16. Adoption of Florida Building Code. There is hereby adopted, subject to any modifications, changes and amendments set forth in this article, and for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the construction, alteration, removal, demolition, equipment, use and occupancy, location and maintenance of buildings and structures, including permits and penalties, that certain building code known as The Florida Building Code established by Florida Statutes Chapter 553, Part VII, as amended from time to time so that the latest edition of the Florida Building Code shall apply and the International Property Maintenance Code, most recent edition. in the office of the city clerk, and the same are adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length in this article, and the provisions thereof shall be controlling in the construction of all buildings and other structures within the city. IPMC Sec. 504.3 Plumbing system hazards. Where it is found that a plumbing system in a structure constitutes a hazard to the occupants or the structure by reason of inadequate service, inadequate venting, cross connection, back siphonage, improper installation, deterioration or damage or for similar reasons, the code official shall require the defects to be corrected to eliminate the hazard. IPMC Sec. 304.3 Premises identification. Buildings shall have approved address numbers placed in a position to be plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Address numbers shall be Arabic numerals or alphabet letters. Numbers shall be a minimum of 4 inches(102 mm)in height with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch(12. 7 mm). IPMC Sec 304.2 Protective treatment. All exterior surfaces including but not limited to, doors and window frames,cornices,porches,trim,balconies,decks and fences, shall be maintained in good condition.Exterior wood surfaces, other than decay-resistant woods, shall be protected from the elements and decay by painting or other protective covering or treatment. Peeling, flaking and chipped paint shall be eliminated and surfaces repainted. All siding and masonry joints, as well as those between the building envelope and the perimeter of windows, doors and skylights, shall be maintained weather resistant and water tight. All metal surfaces subject to rust or or corrosion shall be coated to inhibit such rust and corrosions and all surface with rust or corrosion and shall be stabilized and coated to inhibit future rust and corrosion. Oxidation stains shall be removed from exterior surfaces. Surfaces designed for stabilization by oxidation are exempt from this requirement. FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct,enlarge,alter, repair, remove, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair,remove,convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings,electrical,gas,mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. IPMC Sec. 304.1 General. The exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health,safety or welfare. 703.1 Fire-resistance-rated assemblies. The required fire-resistance rated of fire-resistance-rated walls, fire stops, shaft enclosures,partitions and floors shall be maintained. Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 115 of 672 The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to $250.00 per day for the first violation and$500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904)247-5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at(904)247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. ATTEST: GOl V1410,V6 Donna L.Bartle,City Clerk Deborah White,Code Enforcement U.S. Postal Service„, CERTIFIED MAILTr RECEIPT Frio (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) 2- For delivery Information visit our website at www.usps.comu a D-' Postage $ r7 Certified Fee ru Postmark 0 Return Receipt Fee Here O (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee 0 ( Endorsement Required) r N Total Postage&Fees r-q m Sent To gt_ILIZ. IS u13 Street,Apt.No.; or PO Box No. City,State.ZIP+4 bur See Reverse for Instructions PS Form Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 116 of 672 LAJ,f,1G. CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD r '. - `_ `J CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING 6/28/2018 Case Number: 18-073 OSSI KLOTZ LLC POSTED ON PROPERTY AND PO BOX 330833 ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Property Address: 1844 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on July 10,2018 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road,to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known 1844 MAYPORT RD, RE#172236 0010, 17-2S-29E .30 DONNERS R/P N 1/2 LOT 3,N 100FT LOT 4 BLK 4. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances Section 108.1.5 10. Any building or structure, because of a lack of sufficient or proper fire resistance- rated construction, fire protection system, electrical system, fuel connections, mechanical system, plumbing system or other cause,is determined by the code official to be a threat to life or health. IPMC Section (A) 108.2.1 Authority to disconnect service utilities. The code official shall have the authority to authorize disconnection of utility service to the building, structure or system regulated by this code and the referenced codes and standards set forth in Section 102.7 in case of emergency where necessary to eliminate an immediate hazard to life or property or when such utility connection has been made without approval. The code official shall notify the servicing utility and, whenever possible, the owner and occupant of the building, structure of the decision to disconnect prior to taking such action. If not notified prior to disconnection the owner or occupant of the building structure of service system shall be notified in writing as soon as practical thereafter. Section 108.1.5 8. Any building or structure has been constructed, exists or is maintained in violation of any specific requirements or prohibition applicable to such building or structure provided by the approved building or fire code of the jurisdiction, or of any law or ordinance to such an extent as to present either a substantial risk of fire,building collapse or any other threat to life and safety. Section 108.1.5 6. The building or structure, or any portion thereof is clearly unsafe for its use or occupancy. Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 117 of 672 t., ' s='`'`,/, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ii: S- ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 3-22 r PHONE (904)247- 580033 POSTING AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF MAILING REGULAR MAIL Case Number: 18-073 Pursuant to Chapter 162, Florida Statutes and Sec. 2-147, City of Atlantic Beach City Code of Ordinances, I, Deborah White, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach, hereby affirm a Notice of Hearing, a copy of which is attached, was mailed regular mail and was posted at the following locations: 1) Date Posted: U/ dT Location: 1844 MAYPORT RD, Atlantic Beach, Florida C)-1//(2) Date Posted: Location: ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 C2(}-4- Deborah Deborah White, Code Enforcement County of Duval State of Florida The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me this day of A ' 20 (F, by Deborah White,who is personally o n to me god• Enfor, i ent for the City of Atlantic Beach. 1111 Person taking acknowledgement: n/' Notary Stamp/Seal) 0o Notary Public, State of Florid 6 4;,,, TONI GINDLESPERGER x; MY COMMISSION*FF 924951 EXPIRES:October 6, 2019 Public UnderwritersiayaeBondedThruNo`an/ Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 118 of 672 Js CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH y 800 SEMINOLE ROAD s r ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 PHONE (904)247-5800 t:e•J r AFFIDAVIT OF NONCOMPLIANCE I, Deborah White, Code Enforcement Officer for the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Division, verify that the property referenced below was inspected on 7/22/2018 and property remains in violation: CASE NUMBER: 18-073 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1844 MAYPORT RD REAL ESTATE NUMBER: 172',36 0010 17-2S-29E .30 DONNERS R/P N 1/2 LOT 3,N 100FT LOT 4 BLK 4 OWNER OF RECORD WHO FOR •.s - OSSI KLOTZ LLC DATE re t Urgent[ PO BOX 330833 ATLANTIC BEACH, I While TIME A MYouWerP.M. 7/2/20/( M e Dut OF tDatePHONE5 /c. 6 m AREA CODE TO SEE YOU ~ 1COUNTYOFDUVALTELEPHONEDNUMBER STATE OF FLORIDA EXTENSIONCAMEalPLEASECALL I, l1lS II. Mai RETURNED YOUR CALL WILL CALL AGAINIll*ite aforesaid, hereby certify that Debora MESSAGE WANTS TO SEE YOU 11111 ingaffidavit, personally appeared befor all says that the facts set forth in the above y. Q n Witness my hand and ofl L a _ te1 i' yrs MSIlGirNEtiD , Iiiiiii II1ilziza,t i`i fWadrift- 9711 Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 119 of 672 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ORDER CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, Petitioner vs. OSSI KLOTZ LLC, Respondent First Class and Certified Mail Return Receipt PO BOX 330833 Requested: 70170660000038566887 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1844 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Case Number: 18-073 Real Estate Number: 172236 0010 Legal Description: 17-2S-29E .30 DONNERS R/P N 1/2 LOT 3,N 100FT LOT 4 BLK 4 ORDER IMPOSING FINE THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Board on July 10, 2018, and the Board having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That the Respondent owns the property located at 1844 MAYPORT RD, Atlantic Beach, Florida. 2. That notice was sent by Certified Mailing and that Respondent was present at the hearing. William Corley, Esquire,represented Ossi Klotz. 3. That notification of the violations of the City of Atlantic Beach, were made and served on the Respondent as evidenced in this hearing. Board fords Respondent in violation and allows 90 days to achieve compliance. Failure to comply will result in a $250.00 per day fine for the first day and $250.00 every day thereafter the violations continues to exist. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW THAT the Respondent is NOT IN COMPLIANCE and has failed to correct such violation as of this hearing date. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is Ordered: Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 120 of 672 THAT the Respondent is found in violation for non-compliance and must obtain compliance on or before October 10, 2018. Failure to comply will result in fines of$250.00 for the first day and $250.00 for every day thereafter while the violation continues to exist. In addition, any fine shall also include the administrative costs to the City incurred in prosecuting this case. THAT the Respondent is responsible for contacting the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection of compliance. THAT failure to pay all accumulated fines will result in a lien being placed against the property at 1844 MAYPORT RD for the total assessment plus costs incurred for the filing of the lien. All lien amounts are to be made payable at an interest rate of ten (10) percent per annum from date of certification until paid. DONE AND ORDERED THIS July 10, 2018. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ATTEST: f2,/-45 Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk By: Louis Keith, Vice Chairman Executed this =x' day of 20 . PLEASE NOTE: Florida Statutes, Section 162.11, states that an appeal of this order shall be filed in circuit court within thirty(30) days of this order's execution. Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 121 of 672 U.S. Postal Service- CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT N Domestic Mail Only 43 For delivery information,visit our website at'. D _ Ij Certified Mail Fee D $ fTl Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ D Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark 0 Certified Mall Restricted Delivery $ Here D Adult Signature Required $ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ D Postage D $ Total Postage and Fees D Sent To V Lu •F D Street and Apt.Pro.,or Pb Box No. N City,State,ZIP+4® PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-024oa9047 See Reverse for Instructions SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Signature Print your name and address on the reverse 0 Agent so that we can return the card to you. X Adgresse Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Received by(Printed Name) C. ae C7oronthefrontifspacepermits. 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? N.Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: No 1 10T2 10 -613 I I'I I I' I 1111 I 11111111I I I 1111111 3. Service Type 0 Priority Mail Express® 0 Adult Signature Registered MaiIT"' 0 Adult Signature Restricted Delivery 0 Registered Mail Restricted 9590 9402 3831 8032 5667 17 0 Certified Mail® Delivery 0CertifiedMailRestrictedDeliveryReturn Receipt for Collect on Delivery Merchandise 9 Article Number(Transfer from service label) 0 Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature ConfirmationtM ail 0 Signature Confirmation 7 017 0660 0000 3856 6887 ail Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 122 of 672 Page 1 of 3 CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD J 1` CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA N NOTICE OF HEARING 10/18/2018 Case Number: 18-073 OSSI KLOTZ LLC Certified Mail Return Receipt: PO BOX 330833 70171000000069910629 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1844 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on November 28, 2018 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known 1844 MAYPORT RD, RE#172236 0010, 17-2S-29E .30 DONNERS R/P N 1/2 LOT 3,N 100FT LOT 4 BLK 4. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances Section 108.1.5 1. Any door, aisle, passageway, stairway, exit or other means of egress that does not conform to the approved building or fire code of the jurisdiction as related to the requirements for existing buildings. Section 108.1.5 10. Any building or structure, because of a lack of sufficient or proper fire resistance- rated construction, fire protection system, electrical system, fuel connections, mechanical system, plumbing system or other cause,is determined by the code official to be a threat to life or health. Section 108.1.5 8. Any building or structure has been constructed, exists or is maintained in violation of any specific requirements or prohibition applicable to such building or structure provided by the approved building or fire code of the jurisdiction, or of any law or ordinance to such an extent as to present either a substantial risk of fire,building collapse or any other threat to life and safety. Section 108.1.5 6. The building or structure, or any portion thereof is clearly unsafe for its use or occupancy. IPMC Section (A) 108.2.1 Authority to disconnect service utilities. The code official shall have the authority to authorize disconnection of utility service to the building, structure or system regulated by this code and the referenced codes and standards set forth in Section 102.7 in case of emergency where necessary to eliminate an immediate hazard to life or property or when such utility connection has been Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 123 of 672 Page 2 of 3 made without approval. The code official shall notify the servicing utility and, whenever possible, the owner and occupant of the building, structure of the decision to disconnect prior to taking such action. If not notified prior to disconnection the owner or occupant of the building structure of service system shall be notified in writing as soon as practical thereafter. Section 24-160. -Dumpsters, garbage containers and refuse collection areas and above ground tanks. (b) Within commercial zoning districts, dumpsters, trash receptacles, above ground tanks and similar structures and containers shall be screened from view by fencing or landscaping, or shall be located so that these are not visible from adjacent properties or streets. Above-ground tanks used to store hazardous, chemical or explosive materials may remain unscreened upon determination by the Director of Public Safety that a threat to security and public safety may result from screening such tank(s) from view. IPMC Sec. 604 Electrical facilities. Sec. 604.1 Facilities required. Every occupied building shall be provided with an electrical system in compliance with the requirements of this section. 605.2 Receptacles. Every habitable space in a dwelling shall contain at least two separate and remote receptacle outlets. Every laundry area shall contain at least one grounded-type receptacle or a receptacle with a ground fault circuit interrupter. Every bathroom shall contain at least one receptacle. Any new bathroom receptacle outlet shall have ground fault circuit interrupter protection. All receptacle outlets shall have the appropriate faceplate cover for the location. IPMC Sec. 304.6 Exterior walls. All exterior walls shall be free from holes, breaks, and loose or rotting materials; and maintained weatherproof and properly surface coated where required to prevent deterioration. Sec. 6-16. Adoption of Florida Building Code. There is hereby adopted, subject to any modifications, changes and amendments set forth in this article, and for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the construction, alteration,removal, demolition, equipment,use and occupancy, location and maintenance of buildings and structures, including permits and penalties, that certain building code known as The Florida Building Code established by Florida Statutes Chapter 553, Part VII, as amended from time to time so that the latest edition of the Florida Building Code shall apply and the International Property Maintenance Code, most recent edition. in the office of the city clerk, and the same are adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length in this article, and the provisions thereof shall be controlling in the construction of all buildings and other structures within the city. IPMC Sec. 504.3 Plumbing system hazards. Where it is found that a plumbing system in a.structure constitutes a hazard to the occupants or the structure by reason of inadequate service, inadequate venting, cross connection, back siphonage, improper installation, deterioration or damage or for similar reasons,the code official shall require the defects to be corrected to eliminate the hazard. IPMC Sec. 304.3 Premises identification. Buildings shall have approved address numbers placed in a position to be plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Address numbers shall be Arabic numerals or alphabet letters. Numbers shall be a minimum of 4 inches (102 mm) in height with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch 12.7 mm) IPMC Sec 304.2 Protective treatment. All exterior surfaces including but not limited to, doors and window frames, cornices, porches, trim, balconies, decks and fences, shall be maintained in good condition. Exterior wood surfaces, other than decay-resistant woods, shall be protected from the Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 124 of 672 Page 3 of 3 elements and decay by painting or other protective covering or treatment. Peeling, flaking and chipped paint shall be eliminated and surfaces repainted. All siding and masonry joints, as well as those between the building envelope and the perimeter of windows, doors and skylights, shall be maintained weather resistant and water tight. All metal surfaces subject to rust or or corrosion shall be coated to inhibit such rust and corrosions and all surface with rust or corrosion and shall be stabilized and coated to inhibit future rust and corrosion. Oxidation stains shall be removed from exterior surfaces. Surfaces designed for stabilization by oxidation are exempt from this requirement. FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. IPMC Sec. 304.1 General. The exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. 703.1 Fire-resistance-rated assemblies. The required fire-resistance rated of fire-resistance-rated walls, fire stops, shaft enclosures,partitions and floors shall be maintained. The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to $250.00 per day for the first violation and $500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904)247-5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. ATTEST: pelOGvx/t. 1447tee- Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Angela arry, Code Enf ent Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 125 of 672 U.S. Postal Service'"" CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT ti Domestic Mail Only For delivery information,visit our website at®. rl 0, Certified Mail Fee I3 Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark 0 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here O 0 Adult Signature Required $ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ CI Postage O $ Total Postage and Fees r-R IN- Sent ToK] j\T Z L56,o1 ? Street and Apt.No.,or P)box Itfo. pity Mate;flP+4+ PS Form 3800 A•ril 2015 PSN 7530.02.000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Signature Print your name and address on the reverse X i 0 Agent so that we can return the card to you.0 Addressee Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Received Printed Name) C. Date.f Delivery or on the front if space permits.ermits.1 II1. Article Addressed to: D. Is deliv e ff f 11e • = If YES,enter delivery address below: . 0 TZ 2018 I' U II III IIIIII I I I II I II III 30 Adult. Service Type f' rypExpress®$ auAdultSigntrestCU1ivu Re isterailimViailRestricted 9590 9402 2997 7094 0520 68 0 Certified Mail® Delivery Certified Mail Restricted Delivery 0 Return Receipt for Collect on Delivery Merchandise 0 Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Confirmation'" 17 1000 0000 6991 0629 Insured Mail Signature Confirmation Insured Mail Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery over$500) PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt 1 Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 126 of 672 Page 1 of 2 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ORDER CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, Petitioner vs. OSSI KLOTZ LLC, Respondent First Class and Certified Mail Return Receipt PO BOX 330833 Requested: 70171000000069911084 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1844 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Case Number: 18-073 Real Estate Number: 172236 0010 Legal Description: 17-2S-29E .30 DONNERS R/P N 1/2 LOT 3,N 100FT LOT 4 BLK 4 ORDER IMPOSING FINE THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Board on November 28, 2018, and the Board having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That the Respondent owns the property located at 1844 MAYPORT RD,Atlantic Beach, Florida. 2. That notice was sent by Certified Mailing and that Respondent was represented by William Corley,Attorney. 3. That notification of the violations of the City of Atlantic Beach was made and served on the Respondent as evidenced in this hearing. 4. That by Order dated July 10, 2018, the Respondent was found in violation of IPMC Sections 108.1.5 1, 108.1.5 10, 108.1.5 8, 108.1.5 6, 108.2.1, 304.6, 504.3, 304.3, 304.2, 304.1, 305.1, 703.1, FBC Section 105, City of Atlantic Beach Ordinance Section 6-16 and 24-160; and allowed until August 2, 2018 to comply by obtaining the services of a licensed roofing contractor to obtain a permit and an approved final inspection of the roof Failure to comply by August 2, 2018 would result in a $250.00 per day fine for the first day and $250.00 every day thereafter until full compliance was achieved. 5. That Respondent was not in compliance as of Novembe 28, 2018. 6. That due to an alleged shortage of roofing workers, the Respondent will be allowed until March 12, 2019 to come into compliance. Failure to comply will result in a$250.00 per day fine for the first day and $250.00 every day thereafter the violation continues to exist. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW THAT the Respondent is NOT IN COMPLIANCE and has failed to correct such violation as of November 28, 2018. Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 127 of 672 Page 2 of 2 ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is Ordered: THAT the Respondent is found in violation for non-compliance and must obtain compliance on or before March 12, 2019. Failure to comply will result in fines of$250.00 for the first day and $250.00 for every day thereafter while the violation continues to exist. In addition, any fine shall also include the administrative costs to the City incurred in prosecuting this case. THAT the Respondent is responsible for contacting the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection of compliance. THAT failure to pay all accumulated fines will result in a lien being placed against the property at 1844 MAYPORT RD for the total assessment plus costs incurred for the filing of the lien. All lien amounts are to be made payable at an interest rate of ten (10) percent per annum from date of certification until paid. DONE AND ORDERED THIS November 28, 2018. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA OD ENFOR EMEN_ T_BOARD _ - ATTEST: o-o o , o l x s a" a s 0 }z r''' i t Dom C 8888 70ci 1mE mm's ¢ INA '`het,: LLI U ani o nINAk1'r)in¢ m i / p l g Lori Diaz, Records Cle 2 m a LU U m m IZ 8 m Executed this ( day of December , 2018. _ T 4 AT _ . C_ . • u Pg1g3186-7 U.S. Postal Service"' 28 o N 7) orTp LL, a-o a CERTIFIED MAIL® RECEIPT N= c8 >» c> ¢ 1C oo d aa8888==1 Domestic Mail Only cri 0 For delivery information,visit our website at®. rq C m U r, a lv 1 rn p" Certified Mail Fee d o d o E CO p o 1J T N Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate)m p Q Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ V C O O p Retum Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark rR CI Here en CD ._O Er Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ y 03 U C O Z f Adult Signature Required $ cti Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ p Z 13 r a N. Postage W i _ RNp „ O O O OI. - C Cl- CV ' O Cd Total Postage and Fees a in CD -p:t kCE i N rq O I O Imo' Sent TtW 1 O Al c N -Ocr, a '-1 3r- 7 3 L,, N -gyp O CO Street and Apt.No.,or PO Elox Na a y =.c a Lo O M N r - L E c' 8 g 1 r E bity,State,ZIP+46 Z Uavv)) Q `o Q t PS Form 3800,Aril 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions ) • • • ada. O Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 128 of 672 SS‘ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH r s) 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 904) 247-5800 0111.9:V MEMO To: Shane Corbin From: Dan Arlington Subject: 1800— 1850 Mayport Road Date: December 20, 2018 Copy: Code Enforcement Please find attached notice, dated March 9, 2018. This case, including five buildings, began with a failed electrical safety inspection on 2/15/2018 and, given the circumstances, has gone on too long. I have asked several times for floor plans for the five buildings, as a starting point for safety inspections, and access to the buildings. To date, we have plans for and have inspected one building. Based on previous inspections, we have substantial evidence of insufficient fire-rated separation walls and unpermitted and uninspected electrical wiring; conditions that constitute a Dangerous Building, per IMPC, Section These conditions are in addition to leaking roofs, lack of water, and sanitary facilities, posted address numbers that do not match City and JEA records, and other unpermitted work throughout the five-building site. I understand that there are numerous code cases against these buildings coming due at the January 8, 2019 and March 12, 2019 Code Enforcement Board Meetings. The five buildings on this site are considered Dangerous Buildings and after the Code Enforcement Board Meeting, on January 8, I intend to require access to all areas of the five buildings. Discovery of dangerous conditions will require the buildings to be closed and vacated until corrected. If you wish, I can attend the Code Enforcement Board Meeting and testify. 1 Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 129 of 672 Page 1 of 4 CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD JS7 `' SJ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA r NOTICE OF HEARING 0E19 1/30/2019 Case Number: 18-073 OSSI KLOTZ LLC Certified Mail Return Receipt: PO BOX 330833 70171000000069911312 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1844 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on March 12,2019 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known 1844 MAYPORT RD, RE#172236 0010, 17-2S-29E .30 DONNERS R/P N 1/2 LOT 3,N 100FT LOT 4 BLK 4. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances Section 108.1.5 10. Any building or structure, because of a lack of sufficient or proper fire resistance- rated construction, fire protection system, electrical system, fuel connections, mechanical system, plumbing system or other cause, is determined by the code official to be a threat to life or health. Nature of Violation: Exposed romex on exterior of building installed without a permit and not to code, light fixtures hanging loose supported by wiring, elctrical service cables, plywood wall installed to separate units not rate and done without required permits, plumbing improperly installed and what appears to be two bathrooms added without required permits, rotted exerior walls, etc. Section 108.1.5 8. Any building or structure has been constructed, exists or is maintained in violation of any specific requirements or prohibition applicable to such building or structure provided by the approved building or fire code of the jurisdiction, or of any law or ordinance to such an extent as to present either a substantial risk of fire,building collapse or any other threat to life and safety. Nature of Violation: Unpermitted building interior alteratoins, electrical and plumbing work including inadequate partitions, addition of two bathrooms. Section 108.1.5 6. The building or structure, or any portion thereof is clearly unsafe for its use or occupancy. Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 130 of 672 Page 2 of 4 IPMC Section (A) 108.2.1 Authority to disconnect service utilities. The code official shall have the authority to authorize disconnection of utility service to the building, structure or system regulated by this code and the referenced codes and standards set forth in Section 102.7 in case of emergency where necessary to eliminate an immediate hazard to life or property or when such utility connection has been made without approval. The code official shall notify the servicing utility and, whenever possible, the owner and occupant of the building, structure of the decision to disconnect prior to taking such action. If not notified prior to disconnection the owner or occupant of the building structure of service system shall be notified in writing as soon as practical thereafter. Nature of Violation: No new utility connections until full compliance is approved. Unit 1842 was occupied, if vacated, service shall not be restored without full compliance with this notice. Section 24-160. -Dumpsters, garbage containers and refuse collection areas and above ground tanks. (b) Within commercial zoning districts, dumpsters, trash receptacles, above ground tanks and similar structures and containers shall be screened from view by fencing or landscaping, or shall be located so that these are not visible from adjacent properties or streets. Above-ground tanks used to store hazardous, chemical or explosive materials may remain unscreened upon determination by the Director of Public Safety that a threat to security and public safety may result from screening such tank(s) from view. Nature of Violation: Dumpster is not screened as required IPMC Sec. 604 Electrical facilities. Sec. 604.1 Facilities required. Every occupied building shall be provided with an electrical system in compliance with the requirements of this section. 605.2 Receptacles. Every habitable space in a dwelling shall contain at least two separate and remote receptacle outlets. Every laundry area shall contain at least one grounded-type receptacle or a receptacle with a ground fault circuit interrupter. Every bathroom shall contain at least one receptacle. Any new bathroom receptacle outlet shall have ground fault circuit interrupter protection. All receptacle outlets shall have the appropriate faceplate cover for the location. Nature of Violation: Electrical systems is not in compliance with applicable code, work done without required permits or inspections. missing required electrical current overcurrent protection and means of disconnect IPMC Sec. 304.6 Exterior walls. All exterior walls shall be free from holes, breaks, and loose or rotting materials; and maintained weatherproof and properly surface coated where required to prevent deterioration. Nature of Violation: Rotted exterior wood, deteriorated and open areas exposing the interior of the building to the elements Sec. 6-16. Adoption of Florida Building Code. There is hereby adopted, subject to any modifications, changes and amendments set forth in this article, and for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the construction, alteration, removal, demolition, equipment, use and occupancy, location and maintenance of buildings and structures, including permits and penalties, that certain building code known as The Florida Building Code established by Florida Statutes Chapter 553, Part VII, as amended from time to time so that the latest edition of the Florida Building Code shall apply and the International Property Maintenance Code,most recent edition. in the office of the city clerk, and the same are adopted Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 131 of 672 Page 3 of 4 and incorporated as fully as if set out at length in this article, and the provisions thereof shall be controlling in the construction of all buildings and other structures within the city. Nature of Violation: Commercial building partitions seperating rental units improperty installed without permits,work done without required permits, plumbing to illegal baths not to code, etc. IPMC Sec. 504.3 Plumbing system hazards. Where it is found that a plumbing system in a structure constitutes a hazard to the occupants or the structure by reason of inadequate service, inadequate venting, cross connection, back siphonage, improper installation, deterioration or damage or for similar reasons,the code official shall require the defects to be corrected to eliminate the hazard. Nature of Violation: Two added bathrooms without required permits or inspections as required on north and south units IPMC Sec. 304.3 Premises identification. Buildings shall have approved address numbers placed in a position to be plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Address numbers shall be Arabic numerals or alphabet letters. Numbers shall be a minimum of 4 inches (102 mm) in height with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch 12.7 mm) Nature of Violation: Individual rental units and meter cans must be properly marked. IPMC Sec 304.2 Protective treatment. All exterior surfaces including but not limited to, doors and window frames, cornices, porches, trim, balconies, decks and fences, shall be maintained in good condition. Exterior wood surfaces, other than decay-resistant woods, shall be protected from the elements and decay by painting or other protective covering or treatment. Peeling, flaking and chipped paint shall be eliminated and surfaces repainted. All siding and masonry joints, as well as those between the building envelope and the perimeter of windows, doors and skylights, shall be maintained weather resistant and water tight. All metal surfaces subject to rust or or corrosion shall be coated to inhibit such rust and corrosions and all surface with rust or corrosion and shall be stabilized and coated to inhibit future rust and corrosion. Oxidation stains shall be removed from exterior surfaces. Surfaces designed for stabilization by oxidation are exempt from this requirement. Nature of Violation: Exterior wood surfaces need to be painted. FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. Nature of Violation: No permits for the electrical or plumbing work or inspections added two bathrooms without permits IPMC Sec. 304.1 General. The exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. 703.1 Fire-resistance-rated assemblies. The required fire-resistance rated of fire-resistance-rated walls, fire stops, shaft enclosures,partitions and floors shall be maintained. Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 132 of 672 Page 4 of 4 Nature of Violation: Wood frame wall installed to separate units 2 and 3 without approval or permits as required STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 4/12/2018 the Building Official conducted an inspection of the premises located at 1844 MAYPORT RD. During the inspection, the Building Official observed that the property was in violation of the sections listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. As of January 29, 2019 the Respondent has not scheduled an inspection to verify the items listed above have been brought in to compliance. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. i, f--1 f 1C, e ic, "izk zC(1 hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true andcurate. tsSA, 0 GL / Angela Irizarry Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach U.S. Postal Service' ru CERTIFIED MAIL® RECEIPTATTEST: Domestic Mail Only For delivery information,visit our website at www.usps.cortr®. 0-' Certified Mail Fee Er Lori Diaz, Records Clerk Entre SBrvice=&Fees(check box,add lee as appropriate) O Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ O Return Receipt(electronic) $ O 0 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Postmark Adult Signature Required $ Here 0 Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ P1 1-3 triM1t• or FaBox At.3 City,State,ZIP+4+ PS Form 3800,A•ri12015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 133 of 672 MAIL® 0` , plat 4 POST r IRST-CLASS MAIL 1 City of Atlantic Beach ITIC: Riiiiiil II 30/2019 n 41 's 800 Seminole Road s POSTAGE U b•80- Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 ZIP 32233 7017 1000 0000 6991 1 041M11299654 1Ji13.11/ Case N imher• i R-07'30/2019 B22 DE I nay'.L / IS/19 i i SSI KLOTZ LLC Certifie K rT"R ri T C i Ji)r R fl_ OBOX 330833 7017101 tiasrrs: 3: E TO FORWARD t`` "TT ANTIC RF ACPu FT 2'?22 i 3C. 92233546199 1438-01926-31- 47 is 1l ss sl i sssi i is sisis lil ls it a i< i22 :'-rt:31%16` L 1s1.1,11j'1i11111 ti, ! I11 ! i 1 ! e A g e n d a I t e m # C . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 1 3 4 o f 6 7 2 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Jam' ss_ 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 PHONE (904) 247-5800 NOH POSTING AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF MAILING REGULAR MAIL Case Number: 18-073 Pursuant to Chapter 162, Florida Statutes and Sec. 2-147, City of Atlantic Beach City Code of Ordinances, I, Deborah White, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach, hereby affirm a Notice of Hearing, a copy of which is attached, was mailed regular mail and was posted at the following locations: 1) Date Posted: 20 Location: 1844 MAYPORT RD, Atlantic Beach, Florida 2) Date Posted: c_5\\ ' 2.o t Location: ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLAN BEACH, FL 32233 r / 1111.' Angela Iriz rry, ' • •e Enforcement County of Duval State of Florida The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me this i day of Mar O 20 t , by Angela Irizarry,who is personally known to me as Code Enforcement for the City of Atlantic Beach. Person taking acknowledgement: Notary Stamp/Seal) Notary Public, State of Florid LWCOMMisSION#GG 276336NDIAZ 41,1 EXPIRES:November 1%2022 ai o`: gqndedllruNotelyPtafc Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 135 of 672 Page 1 of 4 CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD I; 4 S CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING tJi69r 2/28/2019 Case Number: 18-073 OSSI KLOTZ LLC Certified Mail Return Receipt: PO BOX 330833 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1844 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on March 12,2019 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known 1844 MAYPORT RD, RE#172236 0010, 17-2S-29E .30 DONNERS R/P N 1/2 LOT 3,N 100FT LOT 4 BLK 4. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances Section 108.1.5 10. Any building or structure, because of a lack of sufficient or proper fire resistance- rated construction, fire protection system, electrical system, fuel connections, mechanical system, plumbing system or other cause,is determined by the code official to be a threat to life or health. Nature of Violation: Exposed romex on exterior of building installed without a permit and not to code, light fixtures hanging loose supported by wiring, elctrical service cables, plywood wall installed to separate units not rate and done without required permits, plumbing improperly installed and what appears to be two bathrooms added without required permits,rotted exerior walls, etc. Section 108.1.5 8. Any building or structure has been constructed, exists or is maintained in violation of any specific requirements or prohibition applicable to such building or structure provided by the approved building or fire code of the jurisdiction, or of any law or ordinance to such an extent as to present either a substantial risk of fire,building collapse or any other threat to life and safety. Nature of Violation: Unpermitted building interior alteratoins, electrical and plumbing work including inadequate partitions,addition of two bathrooms. Section 108.1.5 6. The building or structure, or any portion thereof is clearly unsafe for its use or occupancy. Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 136 of 672 Page 2 of 4 IPMC Section (A) 108.2.1 Authority to disconnect service utilities. The code official shall have the authority to authorize disconnection of utility service to the building, structure or system regulated by this code and the referenced codes and standards set forth in Section 102.7 in case of emergency where necessary to eliminate an immediate hazard to life or property or when such utility connection has been made without approval. The code official shall notify the servicing utility and, whenever possible, the owner and occupant of the building, structure of the decision to disconnect prior to taking such action. If not notified prior to disconnection the owner or occupant of the building structure of service system shall be notified in writing as soon as practical thereafter. Nature of Violation: No new utility connections until full compliance is approved. Unit 1842 was occupied,if vacated, service shall not be restored without full compliance with this notice. Section 24-160. -Dumpsters, garbage containers and refuse collection areas and above ground tanks. (b) Within commercial zoning districts, dumpsters, trash receptacles, above ground tanks and similar structures and containers shall be screened from view by fencing or landscaping, or shall be located so that these are not visible from adjacent properties or streets. Above-ground tanks used to store hazardous, chemical or explosive materials may remain unscreened upon determination by the Director of Public Safety that a threat to security and public safety may result from screening such tank(s) from view. Nature of Violation: Dumpster is not screened as required IPMC Sec. 604 Electrical facilities. Sec. 604.1 Facilities required. Every occupied building shall be provided with an electrical system in compliance with the requirements of this section. 605.2 Receptacles. Every habitable space in a dwelling shall contain at least two separate and remote receptacle outlets. Every laundry area shall contain at least one grounded-type receptacle or a receptacle with a ground fault circuit interrupter. Every bathroom shall contain at least one receptacle. Any new bathroom receptacle outlet shall have ground fault circuit interrupter protection. All receptacle outlets shall have the appropriate faceplate cover for the location. Nature of Violation: Electrical systems is not in compliance with applicable code, work done without required permits or inspections. missing required electrical current overcurrent protection and means of disconnect IPMC Sec. 304.6 Exterior walls. All exterior walls shall be free from holes, breaks, and loose or rotting materials; and maintained weatherproof and properly surface coated where required to prevent deterioration. Nature of Violation: Rotted exterior wood, deteriorated and open areas exposing the interior of the building to the elements Sec. 6-16. Adoption of Florida Building Code. There is hereby adopted, subject to any modifications, changes and amendments set forth in this article, and for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the construction, alteration,removal, demolition,equipment,use and occupancy,location and maintenance of buildings and structures, including permits and penalties, that certain building code known as The Florida Building Code established by Florida Statutes Chapter 553, Part VII, as amended from time to time so that the latest edition of the Florida Building Code shall apply and the International Property Maintenance Code,most recent edition. in the office of the city clerk, and the same are adopted Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 137 of 672 Page 3 of 4 and incorporated as fully as if set out at length in this article, and the provisions thereof shall be controlling in the construction of all buildings and other structures within the city. Nature of Violation: Commercial building partitions seperating rental units improperty installed without permits,work done without required permits,plumbing to illegal baths not to code,etc. IPMC Sec. 504.3 Plumbing system hazards. Where it is found that a plumbing system in a structure constitutes a hazard to the occupants or the structure by reason of inadequate service, inadequate venting, cross connection, back siphonage, improper installation, deterioration or damage or for similar reasons,the code official shall require the defects to be corrected to eliminate the hazard. Nature of Violation: Two added bathrooms without required permits or inspections as required on north and south units IPMC Sec. 304.3 Premises identification. Buildings shall have approved address numbers placed in a position to be plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Address numbers shall be Arabic numerals or alphabet letters. Numbers shall be a minimum of 4 inches (102 mm) in height with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch 12.7 mm) Nature of Violation: Individual rental units and meter cans must be properly marked. IPMC Sec 304.2 Protective treatment. All exterior surfaces including but not limited to, doors and window frames, cornices, porches, trim, balconies, decks and fences, shall be maintained in good condition. Exterior wood surfaces, other than decay-resistant woods, shall be protected from the elements and decay by painting or other protective covering or treatment. Peeling, flaking and chipped paint shall be eliminated and surfaces repainted. All siding and masonry joints, as well as those between the building envelope and the perimeter of windows, doors and skylights, shall be maintained weather resistant and water tight. All metal surfaces subject to rust or or corrosion shall be coated to inhibit such rust and corrosions and all surface with rust or corrosion and shall be stabilized and coated to inhibit future rust and corrosion. Oxidation stains shall be removed from exterior surfaces. Surfaces designed for stabilization by oxidation are exempt from this requirement. Nature of Violation: Exterior wood surfaces need to be painted. FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. Nature of Violation: No permits for the electrical or plumbing work or inspections added two bathrooms without permits IPMC Sec. 304.1 General. The exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. 703.1 Fire-resistance-rated assemblies. The required fire-resistance rated of fire-resistance-rated walls, fire stops, shaft enclosures,partitions and floors shall be maintained. Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 138 of 672 Page 4 of 4 Nature of Violation: Wood frame wall installed to separate units 2 and 3 without approval or permits as required STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 4/12/2018 the Building Official conducted an inspection of the premises located at 1844 MAYPORT RD. During the inspection, the Building Official observed that the property was in violation of the sections listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. As of January 29, 2019 the Respondent has not scheduled an inspection to verify the items listed above have been brought in to compliance. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, CSQ Q 1Z9 f-hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. Angela IrizarryZara' Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: Lori iaz,Records Clerk cy Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 139 of 672 Page 1 of 2 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ORDER CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA,Petitioner vs. OSSI KLOTZ LLC, Respondent First Class and Certified Mail Return Receipt PO BOX 330833 Requested: 70171000000069911374 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1844 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Case Number: 18-073 Real Estate Number: 172236 0010 Legal Description: 17-2S-29E .30 DONNERS RIP N 1/2 LOT 3,N 100FT LOT 4 BLK 4. THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Board on March 12, 2019, and the Board having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That the Respondent owns the property located at 1844 MAYPORT RD, Atlantic Beach, Florida. 2. That notice was sent by Posting on the subject property and that Respondent was represented by William Corley at the hearing. 3. That notification of the violations of the City of Atlantic Beach, were made and served on the Respondent as evidenced in this hearing. 4. That by Order dated July 10, 2018, the Respondent was found in violation of IPMC Sections 108.1.5 1, 108.1.5 10, 108.1.5 8, 108.1.5 6, 108.2.1, 304.6, 504.3, 304.3, 304.1, 305.1, FBC Section 105, City of Atlantic Beach Ordinance Section 6-16 and 24-160; and allowed until August 2, 2018 to comply by obtaining the services of a licensed roofing contractor to obtain a permit and an approved final inspection of the roof. Failure to comply by August 2, 2018 would result in a $250.00 per day fine for the first day and $250.00 every day thereafter until full compliance was achieved. 5. That Respondent was not in compliance as of November 28,2018. 6. That due to an alleged shortage of roofing workers,the Respondent was allowed until March 12, 2019 to come into compliance. Failure to comply would result in a $250.00 per day fine for the first day and $250.00 every day thereafter the violation continued to exist. 7. That the Respondent was not in compliance as of March 12, 2019. 8. That the Respondent was given 10 days to board the building while the proposed site plan for future construction is reviewed by the City of Atlantic Beach, FL Failure to board the building within 10 days will result in a fine of$250.00 for the first day and $250.00 per day thereafter. Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 140 of 672 Page 2 of 2 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW THAT the Respondent is NOT IN COMPLIANCE and has failed to correct such violation as of this hearing date. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is Ordered: THAT the Respondent is found in violation for non-compliance and must obtain compliance on or before March 22, 2019 by boarding the building. Failure to comply will result in fines of$250.00 for the first day and $250.00 for every day thereafter while the violation continues to exist. In addition, any fine shall also include the administrative costs to the City incurred in prosecuting this case. THAT the Respondent is responsible for contacting the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection of compliance. THAT failure to pay all accumulated fines will result in a lien being placed against the property at 1844 MAYPORT RD for the total assessment plus costs incurred for the filing of the lien. All lien amounts are to be made payable at an interest rate of ten (10) percent per annum from date of certification until paid. DONE AND ORDERED THIS March 12, 2019. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ATTEST: Lori Diaz,Records Cler9 By: Ben',r,' in de Luna, Chairman U.S. Postal Service'' Executed this 12_ day of March , 2019. CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT r- Domestic Mail Only f'rlFor deliveryinformation,visit our website at`.PLEASErida Statutes, Section r_a 62.11states Othat an TE: appeal this order shall R pp 0... Certified Mail Fee be filed in circuit court within thirty(30) days of Extra Services&Fees(check box,add lee as appropriate)this order's execution. o Retum Receipt(hardcopy) $ 0 Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark 0 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here D Adult Signature Required $ Aduh Signature Restricted Delivery$ I= Postage Total Postage and Fees f- Sent To r-9 1=1 Street an A t.Na,o b fox Mo. City,State,ZIP+45 Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 141 of 672 Irizarry,Angela From: Arlington, Daniel Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 3:52 PM To: Sean Johnson; Lisa Binder Cc: Jones, Mike;Irizarry,Angela Subject: RE: Mayport You wrote: Dan I am just following up on the meeting on 4/9/19 on the Mayport Warehouses. 1850 Mayport Road I am just confirming the roof inspection on 1850 is passed and there are no more actions required. The roof is inspected and approved. On the interiors we need to remove the walls between D and E. Either remove the wall or provide a legal electric service to the space and a 1-hour rated wall. We need to replace the fire wall between A and B. You can leave them as one unit, if the electric complies. It may already. Inspection required. The aftermarket electric work needs to be professionally removed and secured. Yes, all electric must meet code and be approved by building inspector and JEA. JEA needs to be called to verify the electric is routed correctly and safely. They need to verify each space is approved and meters match spaces and addresses. 1844 Mayport Road Fish Jax can stay as long as the electrical is removed from the adjacent building and inspected. A firewall must be constructed and permitted and inspected in the adjacent warehouse to the South. Yes, and maybe the west. We still need to inspect those units. 1830 Mayport Road A demolition permit has been issued for the front portion of the building. Yes. Permit: DEM019-0009. Paid for and issued. 1820 Mayport Road Can you confirm a demolition permit has been issued for the unit. It was applied for and approved, but not paid for or issued. $129.00. I see no demo permit for 1850 Mayport, now a moot point. Hope this helps, 1 Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 142 of 672 Davi Arlington Dan Arlington, CBO Building Official City of Atlantic Beach, Florida darlington( 904) 247-5813 From:Sean Johnson [] Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 3:16 PM To:Arlington, Daniel <>; Lisa Binder<> Subject: Mayport Dan I am just following up on the meeting on 4/9/19 on the Mayport Warehouses. 1850 Mayport Road I am just confirming the roof inspection on 1850 is passed and there are no more actions required. On the interiors we need to remove the walls between D and E. We need to replace the fire wall between A and B. The aftermarket electric work needs to be professionally removed and secured. JEA needs to be called to verify the electric is routed correctly and safely. 1844 Mayport Road Fish Jax can stay as long as the electrical is removed from the adjacent building and inspected. A firewall must be constructed and permitted and inspected in the adjacent warehouse to the South. 1830 Mayport Road A demolition permit has been issued for the front portion of the building. 1820 Mayport Road Can you confirm a demolition permit has been issued for the unit. Best Regards, Sean Johnson 904-463-7895 2 Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 143 of 672 LAP. r Page 1 of 4 s CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA i NOTICE OF HEARING c 131=1 5/31/2019 Case Number: 18-073 OSSI KLOTZ LLC Certified Mail Return Receipt: PO BOX 330833 70171000000069911442 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1844 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on July 11,2019 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known 1844 MAYPORT RD, RE#172236 0010, 17-2S-29E .30 DONNERS R/P N 1/2 LOT 3,N 100FT LOT 4 BLK 4.The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances Section 108.1.5 10. Any building or structure, because of a lack of sufficient or proper fire resistance- rated construction, fire protection system, electrical system, fuel connections, mechanical system, plumbing system or other cause, is determined by the code official to be a threat to life or health. Nature of Violation: Exposed romex on exterior of building installed without a permit and not to code, light fixtures hanging loose supported by wiring, elctrical service cables, plywood wall installed to separate units not rate and done without required permits, plumbing improperly installed and what appears to be two bathrooms added without required permits, rotted exerior walls, etc. Section 108.1.5 8. Any building or structure has been constructed, exists or is maintained in violation of any specific requirements or prohibition applicable to such building or structure provided by the approved building or fire code of the jurisdiction, or of any law or ordinance to such an extent as to present either a substantial risk of fire, building collapse or any other threat to life and safety. Nature of Violation: Unpermitted building interior alteratoins, electrical and plumbing work including inadequate partitions, addition of two bathrooms. Section 108.1.5 6. The building or structure, or any portion thereof is clearly unsafe for its use or occupancy. IPMC Section (A) 108.2.1 Authority to disconnect service utilities. The code official shall have the authority to authorize disconnection of utility service to the building, structure or system regulated by Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 144 of 672 Page 2 of 4 this code and the referenced codes and standards set forth in Section 102.7 in case of emergency where necessary to eliminate an immediate hazard to life or property or when such utility connection has been made without approval. The code official shall notify the servicing utility and, whenever possible, the owner and occupant of the building, structure of the decision to disconnect prior to taking such action. If not notified prior to disconnection the owner or occupant of the building structure of service system shall be notified in writing as soon as practical thereafter. Nature of Violation: No new utility connections until full compliance is approved. Unit 1842 was occupied, if vacated, service shall not be restored without full compliance with this notice. Section 24-160. -Dumpsters, garbage containers and refuse collection areas and above ground tanks. (b) Within commercial zoning districts, dumpsters, trash receptacles, above ground tanks and similar structures and containers shall be screened from view by fencing or landscaping, or shall be located so that these are not visible from adjacent properties or streets. Above-ground tanks used to store hazardous, chemical or explosive materials may remain unscreened upon determination by the Director of Public Safety that a threat to security and public safety may result from screening such tank(s) from view. Nature of Violation: Dumpster is not screened as required IPMC Sec. 604 Electrical facilities. Sec. 604.1 Facilities required. Every occupied building shall be provided with an electrical system in compliance with the requirements of this section. 605.2 Receptacles. Every habitable space in a dwelling shall contain at least two separate and remote receptacle outlets. Every laundry area shall contain at least one grounded-type receptacle or a receptacle with a ground fault circuit interrupter. Every bathroom shall contain at least one receptacle. Any new bathroom receptacle outlet shall have ground fault circuit interrupter protection. All receptacle outlets shall have the appropriate faceplate cover for the location. Nature of Violation: Electrical systems is not in compliance with applicable code, work done without required permits or inspections. missing required electrical current overcurrent protection and means of disconnect IPMC Sec. 304.6 Exterior walls. All exterior walls shall be free from holes, breaks, and loose or rotting materials; and maintained weatherproof and properly surface coated where required to prevent deterioration. Nature of Violation: Rotted exterior wood, deteriorated and open areas exposing the interior of the building to the elements Sec. 6-16. Adoption of Florida Building Code. There is hereby adopted, subject to any modifications, changes and amendments set forth in this article, and for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the construction, alteration, removal, demolition, equipment, use and occupancy, location and maintenance of buildings and structures, including permits and penalties, that certain building code known as The Florida Building Code established by Florida Statutes Chapter 553, Part VII, as amended from time to time so that the latest edition of the Florida Building Code shall apply and the International Property Maintenance Code, most recent edition. in the office of the city clerk, and the same are adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length in this article, and the provisions thereof shall be controlling in the construction of all buildings and other structures within the city. Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 145 of 672 Page 3 of 4 Nature of Violation: Commercial building partitions seperating rental units improperty installed without permits, work done without required permits, plumbing to illegal baths not to code, etc. IPMC Sec. 504.3 Plumbing system hazards. Where it is found that a plumbing system in a structure constitutes a hazard to the occupants or the structure by reason of inadequate service, inadequate venting, cross connection, back siphonage, improper installation, deterioration or damage or for similar reasons,the code official shall require the defects to be corrected to eliminate the hazard. Nature of Violation: Two added bathrooms without required permits or inspections as required on north and south units IPMC Sec. 304.3 Premises identification. Buildings shall have approved address numbers placed in a position to be plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Address numbers shall be Arabic numerals or alphabet letters. Numbers shall be a minimum of 4 inches (102 mm) in height with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch 12.7 mm) Nature of Violation: Individual rental units and meter cans must be properly marked. IPMC Sec 304.2 Protective treatment. All exterior surfaces including but not limited to, doors and window frames, cornices, porches, trim, balconies, decks and fences, shall be maintained in good condition. Exterior wood surfaces, other than decay-resistant woods, shall be protected from the elements and decay by painting or other protective covering or treatment. Peeling, flaking and chipped paint shall be eliminated and surfaces repainted. All siding and masonry joints, as well as those between the building envelope and the perimeter of windows, doors and skylights, shall be maintained weather resistant and water tight. All metal surfaces subject to rust or or corrosion shall be coated to inhibit such rust and corrosions and all surface with rust or corrosion and shall be stabilized and coated to inhibit future rust and corrosion. Oxidation stains shall be removed from exterior surfaces. Surfaces designed for stabilization by oxidation are exempt from this requirement. Nature of Violation: Exterior wood surfaces need to be painted. FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. Nature of Violation: No permits for the electrical or plumbing work or inspections added two bathrooms without permits IPMC Sec. 304.1 General. The exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. 703.1 Fire-resistance-rated assemblies. The required fire-resistance rated of fire-resistance-rated walls, fire stops, shaft enclosures,partitions and floors shall be maintained. Nature of Violation: Wood frame wall installed to separate units 2 and 3 without approval or permits as required Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 146 of 672 Page 4 of 4 STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 4/12/2018 the Building Official conducted an inspection of the premises located at 1844 MAYPORT RD. During the inspection, the Building Official observed that the property was in violation of the sections listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. As of May 30, 2019 the Respondent has not scheduled an inspection to verify the items listed above have been brought in to compliance. At the 3/12/2019 meeting the building was ordered boarded up and the tenant vacated. The south end of the building was boarded but the tenant remains in the north end. Building plans have been submitted to City of Atlantic Beach but have been denied. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, ( l (15 c . v-Laf ' hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. CjjraSit- Th U.S. Postal Service`" CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT ru Angela Irizarry Domestic Mail Only For delivery information,visit our website at®. Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach r- a- Certified Mail Fee ATTEST: Ir $ 13 Extra Services&Fees(check box,a$tee as appropriate) 0 Return Receipt(hardcopy) Postmark I= 0 Return Receipt(electronic) $ Here 0 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ 0Adult SignatureRequired $ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ Lori Diaz, Records Clerk o Postage Total Postage and Fees r- Sent 5-013 b`fiee and•pt. o r PO Box No. N City,State,ZIP+44 PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 147 of 672 4y, JPagelof4 j---:;>> 3. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA u VI r:NOTICE OF HEARING r 5/31/2019 Case Number: 18-073 OSSI KLOTZ LLC Certified Mail Return Receipt: PO BOX 330833 70171000000069911442 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Property Address: 1844 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on July 11,2019 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answerand be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known 1844 MAYPORT RD, RE#172236 0010, 17-2S-29E .30 DONNERS R/P N 1/2 LOT 3,N 100FT LOT 4 BLK 4.The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances Section 108.1.5 10. Any building or structure, because of a lack of sufficient or proper fire resistance- rated construction, fire protection system, electrical system, fuel connections, mechanical system, plumbing system or other cause,is determined by the code official to be a threat to life or health. Nature of Violation: Exposed romex on exterior of building installed without a permit and not to code, light fixtures hanging loose supported by wiring, eletrical service cables, plywood wall installed to separate units not rate and done without required permits, plumbing improperly installed and what appears to be two bathrooms added without required permits, rotted exerior walls,etc. Section 108.1.5 8. Any building or structure has been constructed, exists or is maintained in violation of any specific requirements or prohibition applicableto such building or structure provided by the approved building or fire code of the jurisdiction, or of any law or ordinance to such an extent as to present either a substantial risk of fire, building collapse or any other threat to life and safety. Nature of Violation: Unpermitted building interior alteratoins, electrical and plumbing work including inadequate partitions,addition of two bathrooms. Section 108.1.5 6. The building or structure, or any portion thereof is clearly unsafe for its use or occupancy. IPMC Section (A) 108.2.1 Authority to disconnect service utilities. The code official shall have the authority to authorize disconnection of utility service to the building, structure or system regulated by Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 148 of 672 Page 2 of 4 this code and the referenced codes and standards set forth in Section 102.7 in case of emergency where necessary to eliminate an immediate hazard to life or property or when such utility connection has been made without approval. The code official shall notify the servicing utility and, whenever possible, the owner and occupant of the building, structure of the decision to disconnect prior to taking such action. If not notified prior to disconnection the owner or occupant of the building structure of service system shall be notified in writing as soon as practical thereafter. Nature off Violation: No new utility connections until full compliance is approved. Unit 1842 was occupied, if vacated, service shall not be restored without full compliance with this notice. Section 24-160. -Dumpsters, garbage containers and refuse collection areas and above ground tanks. (b) Within commercial zoning districts, dumpsters, trash receptacles, above ground tanks and similar structures and containers shall be screened from view by fencing or landscaping, or shall be located so that these are not visible from adjacent properties or streets. Above-ground tanks used to store hazardous, chemical or explosive materials may remain unscreened upon determination by the Director of Public Safety that a threat to security and public safety may result from screening such tank(s) from view. Nature of Violation: Dumpster is not screened as required IPMC Sec. 604 Electrical facilities. Sec. 604.1 Facilities required. Every occupied building shall be provided with an electrical system in compliance with the requirements of this section. 605.2 Receptacles. Every habitable space in a dwelling shall contain at least two separate and remote receptacle outlets. Every laundry area shall contain at least one grounded-type receptacle or a receptacle with a ground fault circuit interrupter. Every bathroom shall contain at least one receptacle. Any new bathroom receptacle outlet shall have ground fault circuit interrupter protection. All receptacle outlets shall have the appropriate faceplate cover for the location. Nature of Violation: Electrical systems is not in compliance with applicable code, work done without required permits or inspections. missing required electrical current overcurrent protection and means of disconnect IPMC Sec. 304.6 Exterior walls. All exterior walls shall be free from holes, breaks, and loose or rotting materials; and maintained weatherproof and properly surface coated where required to prevent deterioration. Nature of Violation: Rotted exterior wood, deteriorated and open areas exposing the interior of the building to the elements Sec. 6-16. Adoption of Florida Building Code. There is hereby adopted, subject to any modifications, changes and amendments set forth in this article, and for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the construction, alteration, removal, demolition, equipment,use and occupancy, location and maintenance of buildings and structures, including permits and penalties, that certain building code known as The Florida Building Code established by Florida Statutes Chapter 553, Part VII, as amended from time to time so that the latest edition of the Florida Building Code shall apply and the International Property Maintenance Code,most recent edition. in the office of the city clerk, and the same are adopted. and incorporated as fully as if set out at length in this article, and the provisions thereof shall be controlling in the construction of all buildings and other structures within the city. Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 149 of 672 Page 3 of 4 Nature of Violation: Commercial building partitions seperating rental units improperty installed without permits,work done without required permits, plumbing to illegal baths not to code, etc. IPMC Sec. 504.3 Plumbing system hazards. Where it is found that a plumbing system in a structure constitutes a hazard to the occupants or the structure by reason of inadequate service, inadequate venting, cross connection, back siphonage, improper installation, deterioration or damage or for similar reasons,the code official shall require the defects to be corrected to eliminate the hazard. Nature of Violation: Two added bathrooms without required permits or inspections as required on north and south units IPMC Sec. 304.3 Premises identification. Buildings shall have approved address numbers placed in a position to be plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Address numbers shall be Arabic numerals or alphabet letters. Numbers shall be a minimum of 4 inches (102 mm) in height with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch 12.7 mm) Nature of Violation: Individual rental units and meter cans must be properly marked. IPMC Sec 304.2 Protective treatment. All exterior surfaces including but not limited to, doors and window frames, cornices, porches, trim, balconies, decks and fences, shall be maintained in good condition. Exterior wood surfaces, other than decay-resistant woods, shall be protected from the elements and decay by painting or other protective covering or treatment. Peeling, flaking and chipped paint shall be eliminated and surfaces repainted. All siding and masonry joints,as well as those between the building envelope and the perimeter of windows, doors and skylights, shall be maintained weather resistant and water tight. All metal surfaces subject to rust or or corrosion shall be coated to inhibit such rust and corrosions and all surface with rust or corrosion and shall be stabilized and coated to inhibit future rust and corrosion. Oxidation stains shall be removed from exterior surfaces. Surfaces designed for stabilization by oxidation are exempt from this requirement. Nature of Violation: Exterior wood surfaces need to be painted. FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. Nature of Violation: No permits for the electrical or plumbing work or inspections added two bathrooms without permits IPMC Sec. 304.1 General. The exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. 703.1 Fire-resistance-rated assemblies. The required fire-resistance rated of fire-resistance-rated walls, fire stops, shaft enclosures,partitions and floors shall be maintained. Nature of Violation: Wood frame wall installed to separate units 2 and 3 without approval or permits as required Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 150 of 672 Page 4 of 4 STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 4/12/2018 the Building Official conducted an inspection of the premises located at 1844 MAYPORT RD. During the inspection, the Building Official observed that the property was in violation of the sections listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. As of May 30, 2019 the Respondent has not scheduled an inspection to verify the items listed above have been brought in to compliance. At the 3/12/2019 meeting the building was ordered boarded up and the tenant vacated. The south end of the building was boarded but the tenant remains in the north end. Building plans have been submitted to City of Atlantic Beach but have been denied. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, 052-L0.. 2.\'ZCf(i hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. 01/41) &94- 5 U.S. Postal Servicer CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT Angela Irizarry Domestic Mail Only For delivery information,visit our website at D.Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach Er Certified Mail FeeATTEST: a- $ XI11 Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) 0 Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ UU O 0 0 Return Receipt(electronic) $ IM Postmark V VLij(1--- Ii Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here 0 Adult Signature Required $ t 0 Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ Lori Diaz,Records Clerk C.3 o Postage o $ Total Postage and Fees S Sent R_ 2 O Sties and Pt. o., r PO Box No. N pity,state,Z1P+44 PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530.02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 151 of 672 0).:_vi-,-,, il CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACHs J 800 SEMINOLE ROADs ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Zr: filly PHONE (904) 247-5800 x,13 >? NOH POSTING AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF MAILING REGULAR MAIL Case Number: 18-073 Pursuant to Chapter 162, Florida Statutes and Sec. 2-147, City of Atlantic Beach City Code of Ordinances, I, Deborah White, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach, hereby affirm a Notice of Hearing, a copy of which is attached, was mailed regular mail and was posted at the following locations: 1) Date Posted: -I I 1 1 Q L Location: 1844 MAYPORT RD, Atlantic Beach, Florida 2) Date Posted: 1 t I ( Location: ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 n ora nforcement c_____ --Zo County of Duval State of Florida The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me this 1 day of 3-U` 7 20 IO , by Angela Irizarry,who is personally known to me as Code Enforcement for the City of Atlantic Beach. Person taking acknowledgement: ii:-.eNotaryStamp/Seal) u icNota State of Floa LORI DIAZ 3tom" ., UY COMMISSION/GG 276336 PP/ EXPIRES:November 13,2022 O',^?.' Banded Thu Notary Public Underwriters J Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 152 of 672 CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE FAX EMAIL OWNER OSSI KLOTZ LLC PO BOX 330833 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 VIOLATION TYPE USER NAME OBSERVED DATE CORRECTED DATE LOCATION REMARKS NOTES Dangerous Structure Deborah White 3/8/2018 Section 108.1.5 1. Any door, aisle, passageway, stairway, exit or other means of egress that does not conform to the approved building or fire code of the jurisdiction as related to the requirements for existing buildings. Dangerous Structure 10 Deborah White 3/8/2018 Section 108.1.5 10. Any building or structure, because of a lack of sufficient or proper fire resistance-rated construction, fire protection system, electrical system, fuel connections, mechanical system, plumbing system or other cause, is determined by the code official to be a threat to life or health. VIOLATIONS Description: unsafe elec, plbg unpermitted work, rot etc.Status: PENDING CODE BOARD Type: CODE ENFORCEMENT Subtype: COMMERCIAL Opened: 3/8/2018 Closed: Last Action: 3/27/2019 Fllw Up: 3/27/2019 Site Address: 1844 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Site APN: 172236 0010 Officer: Angela Irizarry Details:Unpermitted work was removed. There is only one tenant in the building using the entire space which alleviates the need for the firewalls. Recommend Respondent be found in compliance. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 1 of 9 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-073 A g e n d a I t e m # C . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 1 5 3 o f 6 7 2 Dangerous Structure 8 Deborah White 3/8/2018 Section 108.1.5 8. Any building or structure has been constructed, exists or is maintained in violation of any specific requirements or prohibition applicable to such building or structure provided by the approved building or fire code of the jurisdiction, or of any law or ordinance to such an extent as to present either a substantial risk of fire, building collapse or any other threat to life and safety. Dangerous Struture 6 Deborah White 3/8/2018 Section 108.1.5 6. The building or structure, or any portion thereof is clearly unsafe for its use or occupancy. Disconnect Utility Authorization Deborah White 3/8/2018 IPMC Section (A) 108.2.1 Authority to disconnect service utilities. The code official shall have the authority to authorize disconnection of utility service to the building, structure or system regulated by this code and the referenced codes and standards set forth in Section 102.7 in case of emergency where necessary to eliminate an immediate hazard to life or property or when such utility connection has been made without approval. The code official shall notify the servicing utility and, whenever possible, the owner and occupant of the building, structure of the decision to disconnect prior to taking such action. If not notified prior to disconnection the owner or occupant of the building structure of service system shall be notified in writing as soon as practical thereafter. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 2 of 9 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-073 A g e n d a I t e m # C . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 1 5 4 o f 6 7 2 Dumpster Enclosures Deborah White 3/8/2018 Section 24-160. - Dumpsters, garbage containers and refuse collection areas and above ground tanks. (b) Within commercial zoning districts, dumpsters, trash receptacles, above ground tanks and similar structures and containers shall be screened from view by fencing or landscaping, or shall be located so that these are not visible from adjacent properties or streets. Above-ground tanks used to store hazardous, chemical or explosive materials may remain unscreened upon determination by the Director of Public Safety that a threat to security and public safety may result from screening such tank(s) from view. Electrical Equip Deborah White 3/8/2018 IPMC Sec. 604 Electrical facilities. Sec. 604.1 Facilities required. Every occupied building shall be provided with an electrical system in compliance with the requirements of this section. 605.2 Receptacles. Every habitable space in a dwelling shall contain at least two separate and remote receptacle outlets. Every laundry area shall contain at least one grounded-type receptacle or a receptacle with a ground fault circuit interrupter. Every bathroom shall contain at least one receptacle. Any new bathroom receptacle outlet shall have ground fault circuit interrupter protection. All receptacle outlets shall have the appropriate faceplate cover for the location. Exterior Walls Deborah White 3/8/2018 IPMC Sec. 304.6 Exterior walls. All exterior walls shall be free from holes, breaks, and loose or rotting materials; and maintained weatherproof and properly surface coated where required to prevent deterioration. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 3 of 9 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-073 A g e n d a I t e m # C . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 1 5 5 o f 6 7 2 FIRE-RESISTANCE RATED ASSEMBLIES Deborah White 3/8/2018 703.1 Fire-resistance-rated assemblies. The required fire-resistance rated of fire-resistance- rated walls, fire stops, shaft enclosures, partitions and floors shall be maintained. Florida Building Code Deborah White 3/8/2018 Sec. 6-16. Adoption of Florida Building Code. There is hereby adopted, subject to any modifications, changes and amendments set forth in this article, and for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the construction, alteration, removal, demolition, equipment, use and occupancy, location and maintenance of buildings and structures, including permits and penalties, that certain building code known as The Florida Building Code established by Florida Statutes Chapter 553, Part VII, as amended from time to time so that the latest edition of the Florida Building Code shall apply and the International Property Maintenance Code, most recent edition. in the office of the city clerk, and the same are adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length in this article, and the provisions thereof shall be controlling in the construction of all buildings and other structures within the city. Plbg systems & fixtures Deborah White 3/8/2018 IPMC Sec. 504.3 Plumbing system hazards. Where it is found that a plumbing system in a structure constitutes a hazard to the occupants or the structure by reason of inadequate service, inadequate venting, cross connection, back siphonage, improper installation, deterioration or damage or for similar reasons, the code official shall require the defects to be corrected to eliminate the hazard. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 4 of 9 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-073 A g e n d a I t e m # C . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 1 5 6 o f 6 7 2 Premises Identification Deborah White 3/8/2018 IPMC Sec. 304.3 Premises identification. Buildings shall have approved address numbers placed in a position to be plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Address numbers shall be Arabic numerals or alphabet letters. Numbers shall be a minimum of 4 inches (102 mm) in height with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch (12.7 mm) Protective Treatment Deborah White 3/8/2018 IPMC Sec 304.2 Protective treatment. All exterior surfaces including but not limited to, doors and window frames, cornices, porches, trim, balconies, decks and fences, shall be maintained in good condition. Exterior wood surfaces, other than decay-resistant woods, shall be protected from the elements and decay by painting or other protective covering or treatment. Peeling, flaking and chipped paint shall be eliminated and surfaces repainted. All siding and masonry joints, as well as those between the building envelope and the perimeter of windows, doors and skylights, shall be maintained weather resistant and water tight. All metal surfaces subject to rust or or corrosion shall be coated to inhibit such rust and corrosions and all surface with rust or corrosion and shall be stabilized and coated to inhibit future rust and corrosion. Oxidation stains shall be removed from exterior surfaces. Surfaces designed for stabilization by oxidation are exempt from this requirement. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 5 of 9 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-073 A g e n d a I t e m # C . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 1 5 7 o f 6 7 2 CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES NOH POST AND AFF Angela Irizarry 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 NOH LTR Lori Diaz 5/31/2019 5/31/2019 CODE BOARD ORDER Lori Diaz 3/27/2019 3/26/2019 SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Lori Diaz 3/27/2019 3/26/2019 CODE BOARD MEETING AGENDA Lori Diaz 3/1/2019 2/28/2019 NOH POST AND AFF Angela Irizarry 2/28/2019 2/28/2019 CERT MAIL RECEIPT RECEIVED Angela Irizarry 2/25/2019 NOTICE OF HEARING Lori Diaz 1/31/2019 1/30/2019 CHRONOLOGY SWO Florida Bldg Code Deborah White 3/8/2018 FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. Unsafe Conditions Deborah White 3/8/2018 IPMC Sec. 304.1 General. The exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 6 of 9 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-073 A g e n d a I t e m # C . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 1 5 8 o f 6 7 2 SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Lori Diaz 12/10/2018 12/12/2018 CODE BOARD ORDER Lori Diaz 12/3/2018 12/12/2018 William Corley, Esquire, represented Ossi Klotz. Shawn Henderson, construction superintendent was also present. Board finds Respondent in violation and continued the case until the March 12, 2019 meeting to achieve compliance. Failure to comply will result in a $250.00 per day fine for the first day and $250.00 every day thereafter the violations continues to exist. CODE BOARD MEETING AGENDA Lori Diaz 11/18/2018 11/20/2018 MEETING WITH RESPONDENT Angela Irizarry 11/1/2018 11/1/2018 Met with Shawn Henderson from the Klotz Company & Dan Arlington, Building Official COAB. The building addresses of the physical building do not line up with the addresses in the property appraisers database. Dan Arlington requested that a complete survey showing each building and the individual units in each building be submitted to the City so that the addressed and number of units can be clarified and matched with what JEA has on file. Dan will approve roof permits but no permits for interior repairs will be issued until the Owner submits a current survey of all buildings delineating each individual unit. CERT MAIL RECEIPT RECEIVED Angela Irizarry 10/29/2018 11/2/2018 RCVD SIGNED GREEN CARD NOTICE OF HEARING Lori Diaz 10/14/2018 10/16/2018 LETTER RETURNED FROM POST OFC Toni Gindlesperger 8/23/2018 8/26/2018 CERT CBO (REFUSED) Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 7 of 9 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-073 A g e n d a I t e m # C . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 1 5 9 o f 6 7 2 CODE BOARD ORDER Valerie Jones 7/22/2018 7/24/2018 William Corley, Esquire, represented Ossi Klotz Board finds Respondent in violation and allows 90 days to achieve compliance. Failure to comply will result in a $250.00 per day fine for the first day and $250.00 every day thereafter the violations continues to exist. LETTER RETURNED FROM POST OFC Deborah White 7/12/2018 7/17/2018 noh returned CODE BOARD MEETING AGENDA Valerie Jones 7/5/2018 7/2/2018 AFFIDAVIT OF NON COMPLIANCE Valerie Jones 7/2/2018 7/2/2018 POSTING NOH AND AFFIDAVIT Valerie Jones 6/19/2018 6/28/2018 CERT MAIL RECEIPT RECEIVED Deborah White 6/10/2018 7/26/2018 noh returned property posted NOTICE OF HEARING Valerie Jones 5/29/2018 5/31/2018 NOV HAND DELIVERED Deborah White 4/13/2018 4/13/2018 NOV WAS DELIVERED DURNING A MEETING AT THE SITE. WE REVIEWED ALL THAT WAS NEEDED TO REPAIR BUILDING 1850 MAYPORT TO GET THE ELECTRICITY TURNED ON NOV CERT Valerie Jones 3/8/2018 3/13/2018 INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES CEB INSPECTION AI 10/15/2018 10/16/2018 VIOLATION CONTINUES CEB INSPECTION AI 1/29/2019 1/29/2019 VIOLATION CONTINUES INSPECTIONS Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 8 of 9 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-073 A g e n d a I t e m # C . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 1 6 0 o f 6 7 2 INITIAL INSPECTION DW 3/8/2018 3/8/2018 VIOLATION FOUND insp with dan Arlington and toni gindlesperger REINSPECTION DW 5/3/2018 6/12/2018 VIOLATION CONTINUES FINANCIAL INFORMATION Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 9 of 9 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-073 A g e n d a I t e m # C . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 1 6 1 o f 6 7 2 Page 162 of 672 3/29/2018 Print Preview Dispatch Information Request ID Number: 908 Request Location: Mealy St. and Dutton Date Printed: 3/29/2018 9:07:24 AM Island Road West Assigned to: White, Debbie 32233 Priority: Normal Request Type: Atlantic Beach Problem Reporting and Tracking Z l Mc.Q . Request Original Request Information Date Submitted: 3/26/2018 Original Notes:Abandoned,blighted property. This house on the corner of Mealy St. and Dutton Island has boarded up windows, dirt yard,tarped roof, and overall is a house that should be demolished or completed renovated. It brings down the property values of all homes in the area. Several months ago I wrote about it, and the response was that the estate was in probate. The neighborhood should not have to wait on this any longer before it is addressed. It';s been a disgrace for over 3 years. That is too long. Start Stop Work Performed f it 17 ` Total Time: Parts Used/Follow Up Needed Signature Date 1/1 Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 163 of 672 lir ___ Duva1 County Public Records Search-Intemet Explorer p _ .: . 1i sic..ea on re P'vOen.Y Oescnoco below and re taxpayer named below reat..ea sxamptlays)let a nonestead n he aggregate smart off $8.11963 .a 2005-2414 gook i Page 1 7344 578 Go arts) In atx Oland hoer 5196 011(9)(x). 5196161(1 Na)and S 193 155 F kma Statutes recce n rtereby gads ttat the resp l(s)named below was not tegaly witted to rece,ve sad eacmcbon sl or Instrument Number '2015243283 Go lrntat nio because sad persorys)deceased on June 28.2404 t The statutes prawlte 101 rersarery of u1, ad taxes by means of a udnp a S0%bendy and 15% rawest ret levy year(X teas*tern en prof 10 yeas tam On persons)WhO ryas nal meted ta.t SearchResults graniwl a tromestesd las ere ptce,This boo ewe Mat oorslauie a fen On ell reel{tree sy specAcaay ad3essed and tegaty cwted by sad tauyayer n en Sale Cl Fonda 1M1M1l e Johnson Estate ADDRESS 1921 Meay St 1,011 O/1 rr:UL u la ONLYRecordDate: 10/22/2015 Atlantic Beach FL 32233 1 0000w:opr3tTv USO3. 24.9217-2S-29E phRcE11Ot j Book Type: OR-Official Record,: DESCRwT1oa Lewd Subdrnsiorl Book I Page: 17344/578 N 498 La t N 498 o'E art tat 5 Bat 3 Tax Year/ ye I Amount of Penalty on Interest on Assessment Tax due Penalty an i-terest on TOTALInstrument2015243283Datetax , Va' exe^tpted . tax tax tax wridatron tram assessment.assessment Number: due I exempted exempted exempted value wrorglut limaabon ! YrrrtabOn (3.4.5• 1 assessment 7.8.9) 1 2 3 , 4 5 6 imrm 97b 8 Number Of 1 2014 525.000 $47839 $000 $000 $14.171 $27117 $000 $000 $749.56 Pages 2013 525 000 5480 76) $000 S0 00 $12 476 $239.92- $000 $000 $720.68 2012 —S25.000 $450 97 SO 00 SO 00 114.093 $254 22 SO 00 $000 $705 19 Doc Type: LN -LIEN 2011 525.000 6449 80 SO 00 SO 00 $16.698 $300 43 SO 00 50 00 $750.23 Grantor:DUVAL COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISER 2010 25 000 $454 86 SO 00 $000 $20.418 5371 49 50 00 5000' $826 35 2009 525.000 $41589 SO 00 SO 00 525.5421 6424 91 $000 $000 $840 80 Grantee:JOHNSON WILLIE ESTATE 2008 25000 $405.05 $000 $000 530.0831 $48741 $000 $000 $89246 2007 525 000 S409 90 S0 00 $000; $28.6171 $469 21 S0 00 50 CO 587911 Consideration: 50.00 2006 525.000 5447 73 SO 00 50 00 525.211 $451 CO SO 00 SO 00 $898 23 CaseNumber: 2005 25.000- $45706 $000 S000 521,877 $39996 $000 $000 $857.02 Legal PT Ll PT L5 B3 food Description: LEWIS SD SOoa SO 00 of AUX 0 SOW Pages: 0 06 l 5000 Foreign Case 000 Number: 5409 Doclegals/ PT Li PT L5 B3 LEWIS SD SOCO_ sow? Parcel4: NOTICE TO COLLECTOR Ten$044 WIRY Mks to re were exerrlpled and a calnlatad homestead exemption Column 10 total $8.`11 valaeon The merest slat be based cn the taxes esenpled tom re date ti tan become due lot each assessment trxa satstaaThei Clof n s ben Tax Fees and costs paid by Hoperty Appraiser 20 OG Collector shad also collect arty lees and costs attch On Prcpe,ty Appraser or Fees and casts pad 5Y Tar Collector 0 OCinTaxCollectorhasmassedmfang1152ten.or oase[trtg sa,-+e. TOTAL DUE 58.139 63 thdw poles d ea.xry.t down,,rat I Nava raaa re brpon9 nctce d U.ten aro but the(70.5 YAW In 4 Ye true r prepared by$craw dew tun the Wale'hers OKSamSon leased or at rlJr¶11. +Cl ofnth PePe vas try ssomedye• CO 7 7 I1, S/u 10 2ri S A g e n d a I t e m # D . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 1 6 4 o f 6 7 2 Account Detail Page 1 of 2 e ii 1 A. Login Is for County Staff Only dei Property Tax Search i.r Account Detail Login lWelcome Account Detail r 1 Property Tax Search L J Search Results , Tangible Tax Search J r 1 Important Notice Local Business Tax Search J r Collection Cart 1 The information contained herein does not constitute a title search and should not be relied on as such.There may be additional L J balances that do NOT display on this website:unpaid liens,installment accounts or deleted accounts. r 1 Tax Collector Home l I To better serve property owners,homestead and other exemption-related liens filed by the Property Appraisers Office have been added to the Tax Collector's software.These exemption-releated liens are now viewable and payable online.These lien types may be researched at the Clerk of Courts website tt Property Tax Account Details Pay Current Taxes Account I Property Type Last Update I No Current Taxes. O \ 172352-0000 REAL ESTATE 9/22/2018 2:13:21 PM O JOHNSON WILLIE SITUS: JOHNSON WILLIE ESTATE 1921 MEALY ST 32233 Pay Delinquent Taxes PO BOX 5083 d JACKSONVILLE,FL Select a payment 32247 USD3 option: V Code Escrow Code 2017- $1,447.92 Legal Description I 2014- $749.55 24-92 17-2S-29E LEWIS SUBDIVISION N 49FT LOT 1,N 49FT OF E 3FT LOT 5 BLK 3 2013- $720.67 2012- $705.20 Nuisance and Demolition Liens 2011- $750.22 Nuisance and Demolition Liens ar T included in th operty Tax bill.These liens 2010- $826.35 must be paid separately.Plea call(904)255-7000 for i formation regarding these 2009- $840.80 specific lien types. No Nuisance or Demolition Uens Found CAI, 11 e 2008- $892.46 S Om 00 2007- $879.10 Q.-1 S 2006- $898.23 Property Tax Bills 2005- $877.01 Tax Year I Folio I Owner Name I Amount Due I I ADD TO CART 2017 1345492.0000 JOHNSON WILLIE ESTATE 1,447.92 2016 ) 1343758.0000 JOHNSON WILLIE ESTATE 0.00 2015 ) 1342109.0000 JOHNSON WILLIE ESTATE 0.00 Cart:$0.00 2014 ) 1335638.0001 JOHNSON WILLIE 749.55 2014 1335638.0000 JOHNSON WILLIE 0.00 2013 ) 1334018.0001 JOHNSON WILLIE 720.67 TotalI $9,587.51 9/26/2018 Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 165 of 672 Account Detail Page 2 of 2 Tax Year 1 Folio (( Owner Name Amount Due 2013 1334018.0000 JOHNSON WILLIE 0.00 2012 ) 1333760.0001 JOHNSON WILLIE 705.20 2012 ) 1333760.0000 JOHNSON WILLIE 0.00 2011 1333273.0001 JOHNSON WILLIE 750.22 2011 1333273.0000 JOHNSON WILLIE 0.00 2010 ) 1333560.0001 JOHNSON WILLIE 826.35 2010 ) 1333560.0000 JOHNSON WILLIE 0.00 2009 ) 1333212.0001 JOHNSON WILLIE 840.80 2009 1333212.0000 JOHNSON WILLIE 0.00 2008 ) 1332088.0001 JOHNSON WILLIE 892.46 2008 1332088.0000 JOHNSON WILLIE 0.00 2007 ) 1331877.0001 JOHNSON WILLIE 879.10 2007 ) 1331877.0000 JOHNSON WILLIE 0.00 2006 ) 1300172.0001 JOHNSON WILLIE 898.23 2006 1300172.0000 JOHNSON WILLIE 0.00 2005 ) 1298654.0001 JOHNSON WILLIE 877.01 2005 3 1298654.0000 JOHNSON WILLIE 0.00 2004 3 1291423.0000 JOHNSON WILLIE 0.00 TotalI $9,587.51 Unpaid Tax Certificates Tax Folio Certificate CertificateCertificate TDA Year Year Number Holder Name Number 2017 1345492.0000 2018 20809.000 CYPRESS TAX 0 LLC Copyright 2018 by Thomson Reuters Privacy Statement Terms Of Use v. 9/26/2018 Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 166 of 672 Property Appraiser- Property Details Page 1 of 2 , JOHNSON WILLIE ESTATE,Primary Site Address Official Record Book/Page Tile# PO BOX 5083 1921 MEALY ST 04996-00237 9417 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32247 Atlantic Beach FL 32233 1921 MEALY ST Property Detail Value Summary RE# 172352-0000 2017 Certified 2018 In Progress, Tax District USD3 Value Method CAMA CAMA Property Use 0100 Single Family Total Building Value $50,473.00 49,525.00 of Buildings 1 Extra Feature Value $0.00 0.00 For full legal description see Land Value(Market) $30,576.00 24,843.00 Legal Desc. Land&Legal section below Land Value(Agric.l $0.00 0.00 Subdivision 03139 LEWIS S/D Just(Market)Value $81,049.00 74,368.00 Total Area 3895 Assessed Value $62,485.00 68,733.00 The sale of this property may result in higher property taxes.For more information go Cap Diff/Portability Amt $18,564.00/$0.00 $5,635.00/$0.00 to Save Our Homes and our Property Tax Estimator.'In Progress'property values, Exemptions $0. 00 See below exemptions and other supporting information on this page are part of the working tax roll and are subject to change.Certified values listed in the Value Summary are those Taxable Value $62,485.00 See below certified in October,but may include any official changes made after certification Learn how the Property Appraiser's Office values property. Taxable Values and Exemptions—In Progress If there are no exemptions applicable to a taxing authority,the Taxable Value is the same as the Assessed Value listed above in the Value Summary box. County/Municipal Taxable Value SJRWMD/FIND Taxable Value School Taxable Value No applicable exemptions No applicable exemptions No applicable exemptions Sales History Book/Page (Sale Date I Sale Price Deed Instrument Type Code Oualified/Unqualified Vacant/Improved 04996-00237 111/2/1979 I$19,800.00 WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified Improved Extra Features .J No data found for this section i'. Land&Legal Land Leal Land Land LN Legal Description LN Code Use Description Zoning Front Depth Category Units Land Type Value 1 24-92 17-2S-29E Front 1 0101 ACS MD 8 19 UNITS PER ARG 49.00 78.00 Common 49.00 Footage $24,843.00 2 LEWIS SUBDIVISION 3 N 49FT LOT 1,N 49FT OF E 3FT LOT 5 4 BLK 3 Buildings Building 1 Building 1 Site Address Element Code Detail 1921 MEALY ST Unit Atlantic Beach FL 32233 Exterior Wall 26 26 Alum/Vinyl Roof Struct 3 3 Gable or Hip Building Type 0101-SFR 1 STORY Roofing Cover 3 3 Asph/Comp Shng BAS Year Built 1963 Interior Wall 5 5 Drywall Building Value $49,525.00 Int Flooring 14 14 Carpet Int Flooring 8 8 Sheet Vinyl Gross Heated Effective Heating Fuel 4 4 ElectricTvceAreaAreaArea Heating Type 3 3 Frcd Not Ductd J Base Area 864 864 864 Air Cond 2 2 Wall Unit Finished Open 15 0 4Porch Total 879 864 868 Element Code Stories 1.000 Bedrooms 12.000 Baths 11.000 I Rooms/Units 11.000 I propertySearch/Basic/Detail.aspx?RE=1723520000 4/19/2018 Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 167 of 672 CODE ENFORCEMENT VIOLATION ACTION TRACKING - CASE #: I C% DATE CLOSED: NOTES: FIRST INSPECTION: 4 /( 7 O ACTION: NOV REG ;, SOV CERT NOV POST SECOND INSPECTION: ACTION: 0 NOV REG 0 NOV CERT 0 NOV POST THIRD INSPECTION: ACTION: NOV REG 0 NOV CERT 0 NOV POST PROPERTY ADDRESS OF VIOLATION: 1 Z- ( G0_l L V PROPERTY OWNER: \k) I t i e- O k (VS O r ES cct-e SEND LETTER(S)TO: (Please check (J) and explain all that apply) OFFICER: Deborah White 2( PROPERTY OWNER AT: 0 ADDRESS (ABOVE) Ji DIFFERENT MAILING ADDRESS AS FOLLOWS: P C Dix 5683 322-47 O TENANT(NAME) AT THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: VIOLATION(S): (Please check (J) and explain all that apply) O IPMC:SECTION(S) O AB CODE: SECTION(S) O SAME AS ATTACHED NOTICE OF VIOLATION(( DATED: REMEDY FOR COMPLIANCE: t A_A0e.D C C Q- e A DC aSn( 1L- G-r SOCA (n L©o.S . d L ' • ' O REMOVE BOAT,CAMPER,TRAILER,JET SKI'S STORED IN YARD/RIGHT OF WAY O CEASE STORING BOAT, CAMPER,TRAILER,JET SKI'S STORED IN YARD/RIGHT OF WAY O REMOVE ROTTING/COLLAPSING FENCE O REMOVE DISCARDED HOUSEHOLD ITEMS STORED IN YARD O REMOVE INOPERABLE/UNLICENSED VEHICLE(S) STORED IN YARD/RIGHT OF WAY lVIOWING THE YARD/VACANT LOT YS SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: O Mail copy of Notice to: Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 168 of 672 1r6 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH as 11.1s 800 SEMINOLE ROAD I r) ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 NoPHONE (904)247-5800 s3 / POSTED ON PROPERTY AND ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 6/5/2018 JOHNSON WILLIE ESTATE P.O. BOX 5083 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32247 Real Estate Number: 172352 0000 Case Number: 18-113 Location of Violation: 1921 MEALY STREET, Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised,Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property referenced above to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach, Code of Ordinances,to wit: VIOLATION(S) IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. IPMC 302.4 Weeds. All premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds or plant growth in excess of twelve (12) inches. All noxious weeds shall be prohibited. Weeds shall be defined as all grasses, annual plants and vegetation, other than trees or shrubs provided; however,this term shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens. IPMC Sec. 304.13.1 Glazing. All glazing materials shall be maintained free from cracks and holes. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by repairing windows, roof, fascia, soffit and loose siding,and mowing lawn within ten(10)days of the receipt of this notice. To avoid having this case be referred to the Code Enforcement Board, all listed violations on this notice must be in compliance on or before the date established by Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement. The Board may impose fines up to two hundred fifty ($250.00) per day for continuing violations. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. It is our goal to keep our neighborhoods looking well maintained while protecting property values and your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at(904) 247- 5855 if you have any questions or need additional information. Sin e ely, Tom Gindlesperger CODE ENFORCEMENT Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 169 of 672 rj 1-`''-1-- rJ 3 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH o' 1w J 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 PHONE (904)247-5800 rt rliil 975 liy, f.. -:t: r CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 70170660000038566610 WILLIE JOHNSON ESTATE P.O. BOX 5083 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32247 Real Estate Number: 172352 0000 Case Number: 18-113 Location of Violation: 1921 MEALY STREET, Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property referenced above to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach, Code of Ordinances,to wit: VIOLATION(S) IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. IPMC 302.4 Weeds. All premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds or plant growth in excess of twelve (12) inches. All noxious weeds shall be prohibited. Weeds shall be defined as all grasses, annual plants and vegetation, other than trees or shrubs provided; however, this term shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens. IPMC Sec. 304.13.1 Glazing. All glazing materials shall be maintained free from cracks and holes. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by repairing windows, roof, fascia, soffit and loose siding, and mowing lawn within thirty (30) days of the receipt of this notice. To avoid having this case be referred to the Code Enforcement Board, all listed violations on this notice must be in compliance on or before the date established by Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement. The Board may impose fines up to two hundred fifty ($250.00) per day for continuing violations. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 170 of 672 0 CERTIFIED MAIL® e ., " City of Atlantic BeachIII I li ii°' I pneoost° FIRST-CLASS MAIL o 4' i 800 Seminole RoadI 04/20/2018 y V~ Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 US POSTAGE .V70 L46%, Ac, la, 0 1 0660 0000 3856 6610 ZIP 32233 Q,IX\e 041L11240784 OOa) W o U O iT!? _ 7Q,V 1 /000UUVUUJ83000. 20180) ..-2,3 ml 0 WILLIE JOHNSON ESTATE RETURN TO SENDER i 71 P.O. BOX 5083 N C, 4* M E DO >~ is€ti ABLE T O ;O °ir r`+w R DoJACKSONVILLEFL32247 rLIN ,B 32233546 99 1738- 94e13- 20- 415a ;c y p j a ya a@ t g32..7.435.' f .. 4 1/1Y,4illiffljffhillipi ipilli,19#F {ii 1,11i iOillip,ll ! L i SSS i b 5 xQ s.... 0 o N w Ni iUgp y CS v 4 E m o y , cC 3 v bbp o O a 3 . „=t a'r 3 N Z ,7 W0asat o ".o W a D,3It CO . O O ...1 O g m N W LIII;;i;iII0 Tl N O 0 O V C7 W c, 5: .T S ALLs cr ¢ n CL I— testi -. Cd 12),-7 ,2 „,' W Z a iuEE8m15 a ;m co U B00000$ $ 0 o n Kn` ; a 0T99 959E 0000 0990 z'IOZ A g e n d a I t e m # D . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 1 7 1 o f 6 7 2 1-ism-r, e, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH sty 800 SEMINOLE ROAD c)ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 PHONE (904) 247-5800 1,01319 POSTING AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF MAILING REGULAR MAIL Case Number: 18-113 Pursuant to Chapter 162, Florida Statutes and Sec. 2-147, City of Atlantic Beach City Code of Ordinances, I, Deborah White, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach, hereby affirm a Notice of Violation, a copy of which is attached, was mailed regular mail and was posted at the following locations: 1) Date Posted: O 1 Location: 1921 ME• LY ST,Atlantic Beach, Florida i 2) Date Posted: CSS L Z- 1. ( 7) Location: ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 44 Illk AL on' Gindle . • ler,-CO-Cie En i c> I ent County of Duval State of Florida The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me this day of 20 , by Toni Gindlesperger,who is personally known to me as Code Enforcement for the City of Atlantic Beach. Person taking acknowledgement: Notary Stamp/Seal) Notary Public, State of Florida 1 V,99 c\ G Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 172 of 672 White, Debbie From: Amy Crane <> Sent: Wednesday,June 20, 2018 9:07 AM To: White, Debbie V Subject: Code Compliance Question l Hi Ms. White -- I submitted a citizen complaint about the property at the southwest corner of Mealy Rd. and Dutton Island Road West approximately two years ago. The response I received indicated that the property was perhaps in probate...or tied up through an estate situation, I believe. Today, the house still stands empty, with boarded up windows, a broken chain link fence, an overgrown dirt yard, etc. On more than one occasion, I have stopped to pick up the trash that litters the yard. Can you please tell me what the status is on that house? It clearly should be removed or majorly renovated. The nature of my complaint is twofold. It is situated on the corner of a road that people are using to travel to a wonderful community asset: Dutton Island Preserve.Secondly, a good deal of development is taking place around it, and it really brings down the efforts of the residents living in the area. I'd greatly appreciate an update. Many thanks -- Amy Crane (904-536-0216) 1 Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 173 of 672 CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD r CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA r NOTICE OF HEARING Ji3,9~ 8/1/2018 Case Number: 18-113 JOHNSON,WILLIE ESTATE Certified Mail Return Receipt: P.O. BOX 5083 70171000000069910407 JACKSONVILLE,FL 32247 Property Address: 1921 MEALY ST ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on September 11, 2018 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known 1921 MEALY ST,RE#172352 0000, 24-92 17-2S-29E LEWIS SUB N 49FT LOT 1,N 49'OF E 3'LOT 5 BK3. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. IPMC 302.4 Weeds. All premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds or plant growth in excess of twelve(12)inches.All noxious weeds shall be prohibited. Weeds shall be defined as all grasses, annual plants and vegetation, other than trees or shrubs provided; however, this term shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens. IPMC Sec. 304.13.1 Glazing. All glazing materials shall be maintained free from cracks and holes. The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to $250.00 per day for the first violation and $500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904)247-5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 174 of 672 ATTEST: 44 Or Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk IIIVernentToniGindlesperger, Code E U.S. Postal Service`" CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only For delivery information,visit our website at®. Q" Certified Mail Fee a Extra Servicess&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ 0 Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here O 0 Adult Signature Required $ Adult Signature Restvcted Delivery$ O Postage O $ Total Postage and Fees N Sent T 1 Street and Apt. o., 116.1N6. N L`ity,state,ZIP+46 PS Form 3800 A•ril 2015 PSN 7530.02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Sig _ lyPrintyournameandaddressonthereverseX 0 Agent so that we can return the card to you. Addressee Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Rece' • b (Pureed e C. Date of Delivery or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: No bv1i K) 1 ?-113 N cu ti I 111 I III 111111IIIII I I I 111 I I I I I I 3. Service Type 0Priority Mail Express® 0 Adult Signature 0 Registered Mail'. 0 Adult Signature Restricted Delivery 0 Registered Mail Restricted 9590 9402 2997 7094 0521 50 0 Certified Mail® Delivery 0 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery 0 Return Receipt for 0 Collect on Delivery Merchandise 2. Article Number(Transfer from service lahe)l 0 Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Confirmation"" Mail 0 Signature Confirmation 7 017 1000 0000 6991 0407 alI Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 175 of 672 lAj fJv CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD J` s * CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA J V Vsa NOTICE OF HEARING 8/10/2018 Case Number: 18-113 JOHNSON,WILLIE ESTATE Certified Mail Return Receipt: P.O.BOX 5083 70171000000069910483 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32247 Property Address: 1921 MEALY ST ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on September 11, 2018 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known 1921 MEALY ST,RE#172352 0000,24-92 17-2S-29E LEWIS SUB N 49FT LOT 1,N 49'OF E 3'LOT 5 BK3. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. IPMC 302.4 Weeds. All premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds or plant growth in excess of twelve(12)inches. All noxious weeds shall be prohibited. Weeds shall be defined as all grasses, annual plants and vegetation, other than trees or shrubs provided; however, this term shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens. IPMC Sec. 304.13.1 Glazing. All glazing materials shall be maintained free from cracks and holes. The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to $250.00 per day for the first violation and $500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904)247-5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 176 of 672 ATTEST: I 4,4., ;J /JiL C' CE J ' j er ,er Code Enfor•''nt Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Toni Gindlesp g U.S. Postal Service fT1 RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only"' jjivejtormapjtjjCERTFIED MAILat wwW 0 a it check box,add ap„mpnate) 13 Extra _rvices&Fees( ardcoPY) Postmark CA 0 Retum Receipt(h Return Receipt( electronic) $ Here cenreed Mal Restnctad Delivery $ r:30 nature ReOuired $-gdutt Sig gdutt Signature Restricted Delivery$- in C3 Total postage and Fees NSent • rq O Siiee and" or Pb l o. City,State,ZIP+4. PS Form 3800,Aril 2015 PSN 7530-02-000- 9047Reverse for Instructions SENDER:COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION OP!DELIVERY Complete items 1,2, and 3.Also complete A. Sign.t£ 4r1item4ifRestrictedDeliveryisdesired. Agent Print your name and address on the reverseX _Addressee so that we can return the card to you. B. R ed Print d C. Date of Delivery Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No Sbk\ SAN M— 1 Ic—‹ 1 [ CA 3. Service Type 0 Certified Mail 0 Express Mail 0 Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise nd Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) Yes 9 art ir,io rd..,,.,...- 7017 1000 0000 6991 0483 PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 177 of 672 11;J. . CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD r) ,- 1.1` CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING 8/27/2018 Case Number: 18-113 JOHNSON WILLIE ESTATE POSTED ON PROPERTY AND P.O. BOX 5083 ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL JACKSONVILLE,FL 32247 Property Address: 1921 MEALY ST ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on September 11, 2018 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known 1921 MEALY ST, RE#172352 0000,24-92 17-2S-29E LEWIS SUB N 49FT LOT 1,N 49'OF E 3'LOT 5 BK3. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. IPMC 302.4 Weeds. All premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds or plant growth in excess of twelve(12)inches. All noxious weeds shall be prohibited. Weeds shall be defined as all grasses, annual plants and vegetation, other than trees or shrubs provided; however, this term shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens. IPMC Sec. 304.13.1 Glazing. All glazing materials shall be maintained free from cracks and holes. The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to $250.00 per day for the first violation and $500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904)247-5855. Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 178 of 672 You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. ATTEST: 41‘110.4-tet. i /1 4.. 41. pair Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Toni Gindlesperger, Code Enforcem:r t I Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 179 of 672 i rL JrJ J, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Is' iii; 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 PHONE (904) 247-5800 1.44.01119>' POSTING AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF MAILING REGULAR MAIL Case Number: 18-113 Pursuant to Chapter 162, Florida Statutes and Sec. 2-147, City of Atlantic Beach City Code of Ordinances, I, Toni Gindlesperger, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach, hereby affirm a Notice of Hearing, a copy of which is attached,was mailed regular mail and was posted at the following locations: 1) Date Posted: 8/a 7 ( 5 Location: 1921 MEALY ST,Atlantic Beach,Florida 0 2) Date Posted:0 Z7 '0 Location: ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTI .ACH, FL 32233 G"-- ,.--94. -C1V-11111• Toni Gindlesperger, Code Enforce ii nt County of Duval State of Florida The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me this Z / day of 141)0.A 20 15, by Toni Gindlesperger,who is personally known to me as Code EnforceOjnt for the City of Atlantic Beach. eizia iPersontakingacknowledgement: Notary Stamp/Seal) Notary Public, State of Florida 01 •,;DEBORAH A.WHITE t • MY COMMISSION a FF 191513 w' EXPIRES: 21,2019 Eos Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 180 of 672 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ORDER CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, Petitioner vs. JOHNSON, WILLIE ESTATE, Respondent P.O. BOX 5083 Property Address: 1921 MEALY ST JACKSONVILLE, FL 32247 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Case Number: 18-113 Real Estate Number: 172352 0000 Legal Description: 24-92 17-2S-29E LEWIS SUB N 49FT LOT 1,N 49'OF E 3'LOT 5 BK3 ORDER IMPOSING FINE THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Board on September 11, 2018, and the Board having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That the Respondent owns the property located at 1921 MEALY ST,Atlantic Beach, Florida. 2. That notice was sent by Posting and that Respondent was not present at the hearing. However, great granddaughter Shaina DeSisso, 1037 Regas Dr. S., Atlantic Beach, Florida was present and spoke at the hearing. 3. That notification of the violations of the City of Atlantic Beach, were made and served on the Respondent as evidenced in this hearing. 4. That a witness, Shaina DeSisso, informed the Board of the situation after the death of Willie Johnson. 5. Case needs to be continued. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW THAT Board orders the case be continued. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is Ordered: The case is continued to November 28, 2018. e re- 5 MQ-L-3 DONE AND ORDERED THIS September 11, 2018. 30 7 2e Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 181 of 672 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ATTEST: a1141 et at/id:et' Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk By: BiezAtZIluna, Chairman Executed this I day of 2018. PLEASE NOTE: Florida Statutes, Section 162.11, states that an appeal of this order shall be filed in circuit court within thirty(30)days of this order's execution. Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 182 of 672 Page 1 of 2 yA.Ptrj J, CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD c) 4s f CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 3 . :1 e, NOTICE OF HEARING J;,19f" 10/18/2018 Case Number: 18-113 JOHNSON, WILLIE ESTATE Certified Mail Return Receipt: P.O. BOX 5083 70171000000069910605 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32247 Property Address: 1921 MEALY ST ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on November 28, 2018 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known 1921 MEALY ST, RE#172352 0000, 24-92 17-2S-29E LEWIS SUB N 49FT LOT 1,N 49'OF E 3'LOT 5 BK3. International Property Maintenance Code / City Code of Ordinances IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. PMC 302.4 Weeds. All premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds or plant growth in excess of twelve(12)inches. All noxious weeds shall be prohibited. Weeds shall be defined as all grasses, annual plants and vegetation, other than trees or shrubs provided; however, this term shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens. IPMC Sec. 304.13.1 Glazing. All glazing materials shall be maintained free from cracks and holes. The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to $250.00 per day for the first violation and $500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904)247-5855. Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 183 of 672 C) a 0 0 0 7017 1000 0000 6991 0605 o H o o 0 0 op sv01-3 CD c v rn ae, m.n A) I?i 5- n x N tZ % E y'.S cG •'' N Sy O r .v 6? ? a m c n c H CD r. c. O 0 m W 3 w m N a ; 3? K 3 mcn ed 0 co 0 N 8 a a m ;Y 1D 3 cn y m N 51 c m o a'y I " 7 CD n O CD Ri 0 JJ DJ m n.T ID- i 1 ,,..p ,... ,.., H S $ gVa pv 0 (-17'O OqI8tq . i. F CD O 05 u O ( M Cr m o co 0 nmO0 O O G; O CD oO n A) CA 0 C s.cD rn N C CD O a P I-h tn ly COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY O 1: c E• 0 0SENDER: COMPL. Tyrs SECTION cam. Complete items 1,2,and 3. A Signa Il C3 t i Agent O O 0 Print your name and address on the reverse X Addressee m O m so that we can return the card to you. wi- _C. Date of 0 cd o ¢;Ived I' nt Delivery Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, o .. or on the front if space permits. Q- -o gQ 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address• erent from item 1? 0 Yes co co If YES,enter delivery address below: ID No 4 CD CD D;1-ii\i01\) \b— X1 o NO \"k CD CeDr sv II i llllll IIII III I II I IIII I I I II 111111111111 03. 0 Adulice Type t SSignature 0 Priority Mail ignature Restricted Delivery 00 Registered Registered Mss® Restricted CD CD C CD CD -h 9590 9402 2997 7094 0520 82 certified Mall® cep ODelivery O Certified Mall Restricted Delivery Return Receipt for Collect on Delivery Merchandise 0 Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature ConfirmationTM 0 Insured Mall 0 Signature Confirmation 017 1000 0000 6991 0605 0 insured Mail Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery over$500) A g e n d a I t e m # D . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 1 8 4 o f 6 7 2 jCODE• ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA I NOTICE OF HEARING 11/14/2018 Case Number: 18-113 JOHNSON WILLIE ESTATE POSTED ON PROPERTY AND P.O. BOX 5083 ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL JACKSONVILLE, FL 32247 Property Address: 1921 MEALY ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on November 28, 2018 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known 1921 MEALY ST, RE#172352 0000, 24- 92 17-2S-29E LEWIS SUB N 49FT LOT 1,N 49'OF E 3'LOT 5 BK3. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. IPMC 302.4 Weeds. All premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds or plant growth in excess of twelve (12) inches. All noxious weeds shall be prohibited. Weeds shall be defined as all grasses, annual plants and vegetation, other than trees or shrubs provided; however, this term shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens. IPMC Sec. 304.13.1 Glazing. All glazing materials shall be maintained free from cracks and holes. The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to $250.00 per day for the first violation and $500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904)247-5855. Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 185 of 672 You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. ATTEST: A')-zzrz-et, QA/ Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Angela Irizarry, Code Enforcem Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 186 of 672 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH rj F 800 SEMINOLE ROAD O ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 V 2 v~ PHONE (904)247-5800 3.21>'" POSTING AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF MAILING REGULAR MAIL Case Number: 18-113 Pursuant to Chapter 162, Florida Statutes and Sec. 2-147, City of Atlantic Beach City Code of Ordinances,I,Angela Irizarry, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach, hereby affirm a Notice of Hearing, a copy of which is attached, was mailed regular mail and was posted at the following locations: 1) Date Posted: Hi/5-12 0i Location: 1921 MEALY ST,Atlantic Beach, Florida 2) Date Posted: it // 2 O/g Location: ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Angela Iriz. r • , Code Enfor• •m;nt al County of Duval State of Florida The foregoing.Affidavit was acknowledged before me this / Sfh day of NO err her^ 20 /0 , by Angela Irizarry,who is personally known to me as Code Enforcement for the City of Atlantic Beach. Person taking acknowledgement: G'a of Stamp/Seal) Notary Public, State of Florida o DONNA L.BARTLE 4.)....N.\: MY COMMISSION#GG 078627 ia •; EXPIRES:May14,2021 f es.''.•` Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters 4 Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 187 of 672 Page 1 of 2 A'`Jfjo CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD s.',; CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA r NOTICE OF HEARING J;110 11/29/2018 Case Number: 18-113 JOHNSON, WILLIE ESTATE Certified Mail Return Receipt: P.O. BOX 5083 70171000000069910964 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32247 Property Address: 1921 MEALY ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on January 8, 2019 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known 1921 MEALY ST, RE#172352 0000, 24-92 17-2S-29E LEWIS SUB N 49FT LOT l,N 49'OF E 3'LOT 5 BK3. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. IPMC 302.4 Weeds. All premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds or plant growth in excess of twelve(12) inches. All noxious weeds shall be prohibited. Weeds shall be defined as all grasses, annual plants and vegetation, other than trees or shrubs provided; however, this term shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens. IPMC Sec. 304.13.1 Glazing. All glazing materials shall be maintained free from cracks and holes. The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to $250.00 per day for the first violation and $500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at (904) 247-5855. Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 188 of 672 Page 2 of 2 You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. ATTEST: 1167j\Cl2( Lori Diaz, Records Cler Angela IrZury, Code Enfo ent SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELI'/ERY Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Sign. u IIPrint your name and address on the reverse Xsothatwecanreturnthecardtoyou. rdirApi/ /OP pr Agent II Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece,B ed ., -r ad C. Addressee C. Date of Deliveryoronthefrontifspacepermits. 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 YesIfYES,enter delivery address below: No 111111111111 III I 11 311 II 111111111111 1 111 III du risSi 9ultu Pr eRestricted Delivery Reg ereda M rens® 9590 9402 2997 7094 0517 71 Certified Mail® Registered Mall Restricted Certified Mall Restricted DeliveryCollectonDelivery Return Delivery MerchadiReceipt for Merchandise2. Article Number(Transfer from service label) Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Confirmation*"1017 1000 0 0 6991 0964 0 Insured Mail 0 Insured Mail Restricted PSDelivery 0 Signature Confirmation over$Spp Restricted Delivery PS Form 3811,July 2015 N 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 189 of 672 12/26/2018®-USPS Tracking®Results FAQs > ( Tracking® Track Another Package + Tracking Number: 70171000000069910964 Remove X Your item was delivered at 9:02 am on December 13, 2018 in JACKSONVILLE, FL 32207. U.S. Postal Service'" f Delivered CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only December 13, 2018 at 9:02 am 1: 1- 0 For delivery information,visit our website at www.usps.com5'. Delivered JACKSONVILLE, FL 32207 rl o- Certified Mail Fee Q $ D Get Updates \/ 0 Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) Q Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ P Q Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark 0 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here 0 Adult Signature Required $ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ p Postage Text & Email Updates o $ v Total Postage and Fees 11.' Tracking History Streetanc 4 o.,or ffoxNo. City,&tate,ZIP+44 PS Form 3800,A•ril 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions December 13, 2018, 9:02 am Delivered JACKSONVILLE, FL 32207 Your item was delivered at 9:02 am on December 13, 2018 in JACKSONVILLE, FL 32207. Reminder to Schedule Redelivery of your item December 7, 2018, 1:55 pm Available for Pickup JACKSONVILLE, FL 32207 December 7, 2018, 1:55 pm Arrived at Unit 1/3 Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 190 of 672 12/26/2018®-USPS Tracking®Results JACKSONVILLE, FL 32207 December 4, 2018 In Transit to Next Facility November 30, 2018, 10:07 pm Departed USPS Regional Facility JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER November 29, 2018, 10:15 pm Arrived at USPS Regional Facility JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER Product Information CD CD See Less /\v Can't find what you're looking for? Go to our FAQs section to find answers to your tracking questions. FAQs ( 2/3 Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 191 of 672 Page 1 of 2 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ORDER CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, Petitioner vs. JOHNSON WILLIE ESTATE, Respondent First Class and Certified Mail Return Receipt P.O. BOX 5083 Requested: 70171000000069911022 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32247 Property Address: 1921 MEALY ST ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Case Number: 18-113 Real Estate Number: 172352 0000 Legal Description: 24-92 17-2S-29E LEWIS SUB N 49FT LOT 1,N 49'OF E 3'LOT 5 BK3 ORDER CONTINUING CASE THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Board on November 28, 2018, and the Board having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That no representative for the Estate of Willie Johnson appeared at the hearing. 2. That notice was sent by Posting. 3. The new owner of the property appeared. His name is Desmond Demps Brooks. Mr. Allan Winter, attorney, appeared with Mr. Brooks as his attorney and provided additional testimony. 4. That notification of the violations of the City of Atlantic Beach,was made and served on the Respondent as evidenced in this hearing. 5. As a result of new ownership, case needs to be continued. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW THAT the case be continued until the January 8, 2019 meting. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is Ordered: That case is continued to January 8, 2019. DONE AND ORDERED THIS November 28, 2018. Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 192 of 672 7017 1000 0000 6991 1022 v. -.i E. m e» n 11. Cr '"'' b CD 01 r-i 0-4 d m w w a z O n C 7 N CD y 174ilksarncno ir H co N m d d 3 m. a s "-mD F oa m a a P P.w II 0 5 , Cr1 a H a P a D g $ " in m 3 -n 4. rn n Z .5'"' N v o V" r s a a B o o p c p a , 3 o' m — X 0 C o 0cp`r " S S g g 5 , o; 3 0 (n n ;S CrJ O / t V oV o o r co a lb CI Iv xS, CD I cig m 2 w Ivi CA A • C:) F .;* 0 r.t., I:, it. 5)+, ilikmIMI y r oo C4 1 o (D d iN y o0 . CD a x 0 a e- 0 v O 90 SENDER: CO PLETE TrlIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY O Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Signet ,_ CZ .JQ Print your name and adt>h,)ss on the reverse x f/ _,i el Agent 0 so that we can return the card to you. el ill"' Addressee moi Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. -rr•'- '' ' if ame C. Date of Delivery yoronthefrontifspacepermits. d l~ 1. Article Addressed to:C. Is de address different from item 1? 0 Yes 0' c UNES, dee* delivery address below: No l" Z CJv'= L IEC 2 2018 nn tri 03. Adult Service T 0 Priority Mail Express® 1 \\11111111111111111111111 11111111111 0 Adult Sign ieStricted Delivery 00 Registered Malin" Registered Mail Restricted ery H r 9590 9402 2997 7094 0518 25 0 i' 3victed Delivery ReturnReceipt for O 0 Collect ery Merchandise 9- Arfirin M„mke..T....-s------ -- • • ••Ilea ery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature ConfimiatlonTM 7 017 3,000 0000 6991 1022 ure 0 Signature Confirmation ure sstricted Delivery Restricted Delivery I (over PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt i A g e n d a I t e m # D . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 1 9 3 o f 6 7 2 0.,:vi,-,- R CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ii:; CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 01119%' NOTICE OF HEARING 1/30/2019 Case Number: 18-113 JOHNSON WILLIE ESTATE Certified Mail Return Receipt: P.O. BOX 5083 70171000000069911237 JACKSONVILLE,FL 32247 Property Address: 1921 MEALY ST ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on March 12,2019 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 1921 MEALY ST, RE#172352 0000, 24-92 17-2S-29E, LEWIS SUBDIVISION, N 49FT LOT 1,N 49FT OF E 3FT LOT 5, BLK 3 International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions.Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. IPMC Sec. 304.13.1 Glazing. All glazing materials shall be maintained free from cracks and holes. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 1/25/2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 1921 MEALY ST. During the inspection,the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: House is in need of repairs to include roof, soffit, fascia, loose siding and windows. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 194 of 672 note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I iln, ,(G : Ze 0rr---f hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and aCcurate. IIc.;,1 or 1Ili gela I *Z , Code E ement Officer;Cit of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: t c.i.:..z--- Cli i. ir Lori Diaz, Records Clerk 4111 U.S. Postal Service'"" CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT r` m Domestic Mail Only ri For delivery information,visit our website at www.usps.com5. rl p"' Certified Mail Fee 0 $ a Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) O 0 Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark t Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here ci 0 Adult Signature Required $ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ O Postage O $ Total Postage and Fees r-.4 c3 Ap7.Na,or PO Box Na i— City,State,ZIP+4• PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 195 of 672 0 .1t4o- 1City of Atlantic Beach 1 11 1 III Ill 1 1 ,rEsIo3072 os- r19POSTAGE$ 0FIR0ST- CLA8SS 0MA0IL 800 Seminole Road4.1 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Arti 1"- ZIP 32233 7 0 1 7 1000 0000 6 9 9 1 1 2 041M11299654 A \ JI Ld•-•A... vw.vv a•..auw.,v.• ... 91 fOHNSON WILLIE ESTATE Cer NI_ ;:1-.E z ,.. P.O. BOX 5083 701 RETURN TO SENDER U ttr-! 4,7M-F-21 tJACKSONVILLE, FL 32247 U N ABLE TO FOR WARD PrA4c 3 CI 32233546199 0538-049437-31-46 Iil. 0 1:i-;::•::-.:ii-.::Spipi3t*,,,•Nfti 61 rillithilliquiliwddIdiriiirliiiiii1igitihiti1]1111.13 II A g e n d a I t e m # D . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 1 9 6 o f 6 7 2 2/27/2019®-USPS Tracking®Results FAQs ) ( Tracking® Track Another Package -I- TrackingTracking Number: 70171000000069911237 Remove X This is a reminder to arrange for redelivery of your item or your item will be returned to sender. Delivery Attempt Reminder to Schedule Redelivery of your item Get Updates \/ n CD CD n e- Text & Email Updates Tracking History Reminder to Schedule Redelivery of your item This is a reminder to arrange for redelivery of your item or your item will be returned to sender. February 12, 2019, 10:27 am Available for Pickup JACKSONVILLE, FL 32247 February 12, 2019, 10:26 am Arrived at Unit JACKSONVILLE, FL 32207 February 10, 2019 In Transit to Next Facility 1/3 Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 197 of 672 2/27/2019®-USPS Tracking®Results February 6, 2019, 3:24 am Departed USPS Regional Facility JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER January 31, 2019, 11:13 pm Arrived at USPS Regional Facility JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER Product Information u See Less " Can't find what you're looking for?cpCDQ Go to our FAQs section to find answers to your tracking questions. FAQs (htps:// The easiest tracking number is the one you don't have to know. 2/3 Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 198 of 672 CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD t1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING 2/28/2019 Case Number: 18-113 JOHNSON WILLIE ESTATE POSTED ON PROPERTY AND P.O. BOX 5083 ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL JACKSONVILLE,FL 32247 Property Address: 1921 MEALY ST ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on March 12,2019 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 1921 MEALY ST, RE#172352 0000, 24-92 17-2S-29E, LEWIS SUBDIVISION, N 49FT LOT 1,N 49FT OF E 3FT LOT 5,BLK 3. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. IPMC Sec. 304.13.1 Glazing. All glazing materials shall be maintained free from cracks and holes. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 1/25/2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 1921 MEALY ST. During the inspection,the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: House is in need of repairs to include roof, soffit, fascia, loose siding and windows. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 199 of 672 2Ct I `"I hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. Angela Iriz , Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: 0tLoriDiaz, Records Clerk Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 200 of 672 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH zt\ 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 yr PHONE (904) 247-5800 JF31 r NOH POSTING AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF MAILING REGULAR MAIL Case Number: 18-113 Pursuant to Chapter 162, Florida Statutes and Sec. 2-147, City of Atlantic Beach City Code of Ordinances,I, Angela Irizarry, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach, hereby affirm a Notice of Hearing, a copy of which is attached, was mailed regular mail and was posted at the following locations: 1) Date Posted: Z1Z-11 Lai Location: 1921 MEALY ST,Atlantic Beach,Florida 2) Date Posted: Location: ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 0 Angela Co nforce II en County of Duval State of Florida The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me this day of ma(C} 20 9 , by Angela Irizarry,who is personally known to me as Code Enforcement for the City of Atlantic Beach. Person taking acknowledgement:itcy3LLNotaryStamp/Seal) Notary Public, State of Flori it :: LORI ova z MY COMMISSION 8 GG 278336 eco= SIRES:November 13,2022 Bonded Thu McWY Pubic llnde mllera Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 201 of 672 S.:L‘lf` Page 1 of 2 al -414 OW, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA inA s NOTICE OF HEARING tart c-P 5/31/2019 Case Number: 18-113 JOHNSON WILLIE ESTATE Certified Mail Return Receipt: P.O. BOX 5083 70171000000069911459 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32247 Property Address: 1921 MEALY ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on July 11,2019 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 1921 MEALY ST, RE#172352 0000, 24-92 17-2S-29E, LEWIS SUBDIVISION, N 49FT LOT 1,N 49FT OF E 3FT LOT 5, BLK 3. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. IPMC 302.4 Weeds. All premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds or plant growth in excess of twelve (12) inches. All noxious weeds shall be prohibited. Weeds shall be defined as all grasses, annual plants and vegetation, other than trees or shrubs provided; however, this term shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens. IPMC Sec. 304.13.1 Glazing. All glazing materials shall be maintained free from cracks and holes. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 5/30/2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 1921 MEALY ST. During the inspection, the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: House is in need of repairs to include roof, soffit, fascia, loose siding and windows. Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 202 of 672 Page 2 of 2 If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received, the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, F'\r\QC.-\cz. V k f(hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and agate. Angela I 1 ::\'''N1?- 5).---- Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach f ` Q — o i l"'1 , 4 g - n z 0 2 - NJ ( 0 = m 88 5P o m ATTEST: a -':. 14 7D 03 til 3 O a - r m m '` m C) JA -2L 0 ..... i, c D O ttttttttttttt-. 72Lva‘O N o m o m w nNDrNi5/ w 5/t.. y Lori Diaz, Records Clerk f FA D 3 8 . tea' t-i7 co .....4 =.- mw fpO a ? Z D u 0 l cam- •,--, (1 w Cn D 2 CO tt V y • to p cn a 0 — 00 y O a 7 0 0-. p SOM o A N — d 2 i6o L , i T R. m E' a) m U.S. Postal ServiceTM c V) CERTIFIED MAILS RECEIPT E L' Domestic Mail Only 000000P tri b'S 'igg' P W p 0Fordeliveryinformation,visit our website at®. Els-»»5 y xi w 8 00$-8.>>" mm Zi Er Certified Mail Fee Er s ??g t E e rr Q ama :'1 Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) a m a g 6- 10? matiD Retum Receipt(hardcoPY) $ a a i5/. C, 1 mReturnReceipt(electronic) $4 toDPostmarkC) D AdrtifiSd Mau eestricted Delivery $ Hera m Ql OD Adult Signature Resricte $ F .Zm O-. Adutt Signature Restricted Delivery$ D Postage D $0 c' s\\ iE z O D Total Postage and Fees y 7$v 3m 5/717 33-o ` , Um j n liegg0Z..a \1 ` fa 0 m ZIt` Sent To m t D $beet(dAp r"pCj fox No. ii 3,3,ifl- City,State,ZIP+4 i o'Zy I 7 7 m PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-904a7See m See Reverse for Instructions Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 203 of 672 Page 204 of 672 CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE FAX EMAIL ADDITIONAL CONTACT 1 SHAINA DESISSO 1037 REGAS DR S ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 DELOLELY07@GMAIL.COM OWNER JOHNSON WILLIE ESTATE P.O. BOX 5083 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32247 VIOLATION TYPE USER NAME OBSERVED DATE CORRECTED DATE LOCATION REMARKS NOTES Roofs and Drainage Toni Gindlesperger 4/19/2018 IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. VIOLATIONS Description: HOUSE IN DISREPAIR Status: PENDING CODE BOARD Type: CODE ENFORCEMENT Subtype: RESIDENTIAL Opened: 4/19/2018 Closed: Last Action: 7/26/2019 Fllw Up: 7/26/2019 Site Address: 1921 MEALY ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Site APN: 172352 0000 Officer: Angela Irizarry Details:Desmond Demps claims he obtained property in October from the family estate. He needs funds to make the repairs to the home and stated that he inquired into a home equity line of credit and stated the bank told him he had to wait 6 months before he was eligible. He was eligible in April. Mr. Demps testified in January that he would be getting a loan to make repairs to the house as soon as he is eligible. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 1 of 6 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-113 A g e n d a I t e m # D . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 2 0 5 o f 6 7 2 CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Lori Diaz 7/26/2019 CODE BOARD ORDER Lori Diaz 7/23/2019 CODE BOARD AGENDA Lori Diaz 7/4/2019 5/30/2019 CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 6/6/2019 6/17/2019 Rcvd signed green card for NOH for 7/11/2019 meeting. NOTICE OF HEARING Lori Diaz 5/30/2019 5/30/2019 MISC NOTES/ACTION Angela Irizarry 5/15/2019 Checked for permits. No permit applications have been filed. SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Lori Diaz 3/27/2019 CHRONOLOGY Weeds Toni Gindlesperger 4/19/2018 11/1/2018 IPMC 302.4 Weeds. All premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds or plant growth in excess of twelve (12) inches. All noxious weeds shall be prohibited. Weeds shall be defined as all grasses, annual plants and vegetation, other than trees or shrubs provided; however, this term shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens. Window Glazing Toni Gindlesperger 4/19/2018 IPMC Sec. 304.13.1 Glazing. All glazing materials shall be maintained free from cracks and holes. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 2 of 6 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-113 A g e n d a I t e m # D . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 2 0 6 o f 6 7 2 CODE BOARD ORDER Lori Diaz 3/24/2019 CE Officer Irizarry presented the case history and displayed photos. She reviewed Mr. Demps obtained the property in October 2018, has to wait six months (April 2019) before applying for the HELOC (Home Equity Line of Credit) in order to make the necessary repairs. Mr. Demps is not present to provide an update on permits, work, etc., and Officer Irizarry stated she will continue this case and put him back on the next meeting agenda. CODE BOARD MEETING AGENDA Lori Diaz 3/1/2019 2/28/2019 NOH POST AND AFF Angela Irizarry 2/28/2019 2/28/2019 Posted meeting notice for 3/12/19 meeting MISC NOTES/ACTION Angela Irizarry 2/25/2019 2/27/2019 Checked tracking on for NOH letter. Letter is still awaiting pick up. NOTICE OF HEARING Lori Diaz 1/31/2019 1/30/2019 MISC NOTES/ACTION Angela Irizarry 1/9/2019 1/9/2019 Mr. Demps and his atty attended CEB meeting to update Board on the status of the repairs on the home. Mr. Demps reported he has been approved for a HELOC loan but must have ownership of the house for 6 months before the bank will issue the loan funds. Mr. Demps took possession of the home in October. CODE BOARD MEETING AGENDA Lori Diaz 12/28/2018 12/28/2018 CERT MAIL RECEIPT RECEIVED Angela Irizarry 12/24/2018 12/17/2018 NOH Green Card SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Lori Diaz 12/10/2018 12/12/2018 CODE BOARD ORDER Lori Diaz 12/3/2018 12/12/2018 Desmond Demps Brooks, Owner and Allan Winter, Esquire were present and spoke at the hearing. Board orders the case be continued until the January 8, 2019 meeting. NOTICE OF HEARING Lori Diaz 11/29/2018 11/29/2018 Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 3 of 6 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-113 A g e n d a I t e m # D . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 2 0 7 o f 6 7 2 CODE BOARD MEETING AGENDA Lori Diaz 11/18/2018 11/20/2018 NOH POST AND AFF Angela Irizarry 11/15/2018 11/15/2018 MISC NOTES/ACTION Angela Irizarry 11/14/2018 11/14/2018 Checked USPS. Letter not shown as delivered. Status is still awaiting pick up. NOH POST AND AFF Angela Irizarry 11/14/2018 11/15/2018 NOTICE OF HEARING Lori Diaz 10/14/2018 10/16/2018 CODE BOARD ORDER Lori Diaz 9/23/2018 9/19/2018 Great granddaughter Shaina Desisso, 1037 Regas Dr. S. Atlantic Beach, Florida was present and spoke at the hearing. Board orders the case be continued. CODE BOARD MEETING AGENDA Lori Diaz 9/6/2018 8/31/2018 POSTING NOH AND AFFIDAVIT Toni Gindlesperger 8/26/2018 8/27/2018 CERT MAIL RECEIPT RECEIVED Toni Gindlesperger 8/12/2018 NOTICE OF HEARING Lori Diaz 7/28/2018 7/26/2018 CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT RECEIVED CMRRR Toni Gindlesperger 7/2/2018 7/2/2018 OTHER Toni Gindlesperger 6/12/2018 WHEN POSTING PROPERTY , THERE WAS A STRONG DEAD ORDER AND WE HAD THE POLICE COME OUT AND WALK THE PROPERTY. NOTHING FOUND AND ONLY ONE WINDOW COULD BE SEEN THRU, CEILINGS HAVE FALLEN, MOLD AND WATER DAMAGE POSTING AFFIDAVIT FOR NOV Toni Gindlesperger 6/5/2018 6/5/2018 NOTICE OF VIOLATION POST Valerie Jones 5/30/2018 6/5/2018 NOV CERT Valerie Jones 4/19/2018 4/20/2018 Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 4 of 6 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-113 A g e n d a I t e m # D . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 2 0 8 o f 6 7 2 INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES CEB INSPECTION AI 10/17/2018 10/17/2018 VIOLATION CONTINUES Tarps on roof, areas of missing siding. No permits for repair on file. CEB INSPECTION AI 11/26/2018 11/26/2018 VIOLATION CONTINUES Windows were repaired and grass has been mowed. Blue tarp on roof. CEB INSPECTION AI 1/7/2019 1/7/2019 VIOLATION CONTINUES INITIAL INSPECTION TGIN 4/17/2018 4/17/2018 VIOLATION CORRECTED OVER GROWN WEEDS, ROOF, SOFFIT, FASCIA,AND LOOSE SIDING INSPECTION TGIN 9/11/2018 9/11/2018 VIOLATION CONTINUES REINSPECTION TGIN 6/12/2018 6/12/2018 VIOLATION CONTINUES REINSPECTION TGIN 7/12/2018 7/12/2018 VIOLATION CONTINUES REINSPECTION DW 5/29/2018 5/29/2018 VIOLATION CONTINUES INSPECTIONS FINANCIAL INFORMATION Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 5 of 6 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-113 A g e n d a I t e m # D . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 2 0 9 o f 6 7 2 Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 6 of 6 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-113 A g e n d a I t e m # D . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 2 1 0 o f 6 7 2 Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 211 of 672 Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 212 of 672 Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 213 of 672 White, Debbie From: Susan Perry <> Sent: Saturday,June 23, 2018 1:06 PM To: White, Debbie Subject: 177 Pine St. Attachments: 20180623_112230 jpg; 20180623_111632.jpg; 20180623_111619jpg; 20180623_ 111550jpg Hi, Debbie-the roof extension is rotted and has water intrusion. This is impacting my home. The owners claim not their property but if you follow the fence line, it clearlt belongs to them. So does the the survey. I need some help. I don't want my property ending up like 196 Poinsettia. Thanks Sue Perry 179 Pine St 1 Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 214 of 672 IA`J s CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACHIII 800 SEMINOLE ROAD 1 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 f\\,,,.._ar 904) 247-5800 June 26, 2018 Mr. William Dutter 1742 Ocean Grove Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Re: 177 Pine Street Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Mr. Dutter, It has come to our attention that some of the exterior wall coverings and trim, at the referenced property, have not been maintained and have deteriorated to the point that they are no longer structurally sound or weather resistant. These conditions violate Sections 304.1 and 304.2 of the International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) and should be corrected as soon as possible. The IPMC is adopted by the Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances, Section 6-16. Please contact me within ten(10) days of receipt of this letter to verify corrective action is taking place, or is scheduled to take place in the near future. It is our goal to keep our neighborhoods looking well maintained while protecting property values and your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated. Please contact me, at(904) 247-5813, if you have any questions, wish to meet on site, or need additional information. Sincerely, Dan Arlington City Building Official cc: Susan Perry; Debbie White, Code Enforcement Officer 1 Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 215 of 672 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD i st1 f ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 c.) PHONE (904)247-5800Jr OP, CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 70170660000038566702 6/28/2018 WILLIAM M DUTTER 1742 OCEAN GROVE DRIVE ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233-5845 Real Estate Number: 170635 0100 Case Number: 18-204 Location of Violation: 177 PINE STREET, Atlantic Beach, Florida Mr. Duffer, It has come to our attention that some of the exterior wall coverings and trim, at the referenced property, have not been maintained and have deteriorated to the point that they are no longer structurally sound or weather resistant. These conditions violate Sections 304.1 and 304.2 of the International Property Maintenance Code IPMC) and should be corrected as soon as possible. The IPMC is adopted by the Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances, Section 6-16. Please contact me within ten (10) days of receipt of this letter to verify corrective action is taking place, or is scheduled to take place in the near future. It is our goal to keep our neighborhoods looking well maintained while protecting property values and your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated. Please contact me at (904) 247-5813, if you have any questions,wish to meet on site or need additional information. Sincerely, G----r-CD U.S. Postal Service'M CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT ru Domestic Mail OnlyC7 Dan Arlington N0 For delivery information.visit our website at°. City Building Official Certified Mai FeedFica Ln L $ m Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) 0 Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ O Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ cc: Susan Perry; Debbie White, Code Enforcement Officer O Adult Signature Required $ Here ID Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ ilk Postage 0 $ a Total Postage and Fees C:3 $ N Sent To • r-4 W Ai avn PLOW r y1etancfAptorrtiFibX N. .ley-dean -110JQ 1(J(.,0(1._ctry stat.',ZiA«di-. hL Qeach 3aa3PSForm3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 216 of 672 11/16/2018®-USPS Tracking®Results ALERT: DUE TO WILDFIRES IN CALIFORNIA, USPS SERVICES ARE IMPACTED IN THOSE ARE... FAQs > ( Tracking® Track Another Package + Tracking Number: 70170660000038566702 Remove X Expected Delivery on MONDAY by2JULY 20180 8:OOpm Ti CD CD CD_ Cr w Delivered July 2, 2018 at 1:24 pm Delivered, Left with Individual ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Tracking History July 2, 2018, 1:24 pm Delivered, Left with Individual ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 1:24 pm on July 2, 2018 in ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233. July 2, 2018, 9:41 am Out for Delivery ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 July 2, 2018, 9:31 am Sorting Complete ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 1/3 Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 217 of 672 Property Appraiser- Property Details Page 1 of 2 DOTTER WILLIAM M 'Primary Site Address Official Record Book/Page Tile# 1742 OCEAN GROVE DR 177 PINE ST 05093-00685 9416 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233-5845 Atlantic Beach FL 32233 HARRIS ELSIE D 177 PINE ST Property Detail Value Summary RE# 170635-0100 2017 Certl(ied 2018 In Progress Tax Dhtrl t USD3 Value Method CAMA CAMA Property Use 0100 Single Family Total Building Value $64,827.00 74,159.00 of Buildings 1 Extra Feature Value $460.00 442.00 For full legal description see Land Value(Market) $119,000.00 $129,500.00 Legal Desc. Land&Legal section below Land Value(Aerie.) $0.00 0.00 Subdivision 03115 SALTAIR SEC 03 Just(Market)Value $184,287.00 $204,101.00 Total Area 2588 Assessed Value $154,836.00 $170,319.00 The sale of this property may result in higher property taxes.For more information go Cap Diff/Portabfity Amt $29,451.00/$0.00 $33,782.00/$0.00 to Save Our Home and our Property Tax Estimator.'In Progress'property values, LICIIIIMIME $0,00 See below exemptions and other supporting information on this page are part of the working tax Taxable Value $154,836.00 See belowrollandaresubjecttochange.Certified values listed in the Value Summary are those certified in October,but may include any official changes made after certification Learn how the Property Appraiser's Office values property. Taxable Values and Exemptions—In Progress If there are no exemptions applicable to a taxing authority,the Taxable Value is the same as the Assessed Value listed above in the Value Summary box. County/Municipal Taxable Value S)RWMD/FIND Taxable Value School Taxable Value No applicable exemptions No applicable exemptions No applicable exemptions Sales History ,, Book/Page I Sale Date 1 Sale Price l Deed Instrument Type Code Oualified/Unqualified j Vacant/Improved 05093-00685 14/4/1980 I $42,000.00 WD-Warranty Deed I Unqualified I Improved 05245- 00146 110/27/1980 j$12,000.00 WD-Warranty Deed I Unqualified I Vacant 05330-00288 5/4/ 1981 I $44,100.00 WD-Warranty Deed I Unqualified I Improved 05625-01783 2/ 13/1983 I$53,900.00 WD-Warranty Deed I Unqualified I Improved 11230-02177 16/27/2003 I$143,900.00 WD-Warranty Deed I Qualified I Improved 11388-02459 16/27/2003 I$100.00 WD-Warranty Deed I Unqualified I Improved 4- Extra Extra Features LN I Feature Code I Feature Description I Bldg. 1 Length I Width Total Units ,....iValue 1 I FPPR7 I Fireplace Prefab 1 1 0 0 1.00 442.00 4, Land&Legal LandI.Ns Use Description Zoning Front Depth,Category I Units I T value Legal ' Legal DescriptionILandLandLandlLN 1 10- 16 16-2S-29E RES MD 8-19 UNITS PER10101AC ARS-2 25.00 100.00 Common 1.00 I Lot 129,500.00 2 SALTAIR SEC 3 3 S1/2 LOT 677 Buildings Building 1 Building 1 Site Address I Element 1 Code 1 Detail177PINEST 1- 1 Atlantic Beach FL 32233 I Exterior Wall 16 16 Vertical Sheet I Roof Struct 3 13 Gable or Hip Building Type 0105-TOWNHOUSE I Roofing Cover 3 13 Asph/Comp Shng I Year Bulk 1981 I Interior Wall 5 j 5 Drywall b ens R Fw 1 Building Value $74,159.00 I Int Flooring 14 114 Carpet I 4-1IntFlooring88SheetVinyl UM I Gross Heated Effective I Heating Fuel 4 !4 Electric Area Area Area I Heating Type 4 14 Forced-Ducted Base Area 1 510 1 510 510 I Air Cond 13 13 Central Finished Open 1 12 1 0 4 Porch 1 i i i I I I https://paopropertysearch.coj.netBasic/Detail.aspx?RE=1706350100 6/28/2018 Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 218 of 672 v 2 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH A r 800 SEMINOLE ROAD a d'e ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 904)247-5800 r r July 12,2018 Mr. William Dutter 1742 Ocean Grove Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Ms. Susan Perry 179 Pine Street Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Re: 177 and 179 Pine Street,Atlantic Beach,Florida, 32233 To whom it may concern, We sent the attached letter to Mr. Dutter, on June 26, 2018,regarding the lack of maintenance of the common wall between the two referenced properties (Townhouse construction, Zero lot line) The letter was based on a site plan for the original design and construction of the building, also attached,that shows the areas requiring maintenance on Mr. Duffer's side of the property line. Mr. Dutter informed me that there may be other documents determining the responsibility of maintenance for the common wall and/or common property. This letter is to inform you that the City of Atlantic Beach is not the final arbitrator in personal disputes over property lines or maintenance agreements. Other documents or entities,unknown to the City,may take precedence. It is our goal to keep our neighborhoods looking well maintained while protecting property values and your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated. Please contact me, at(904) 247-5813, if you have any questions,wish to meet on site, or need additional information. Sincerely, Dan Arlington City Building Official cc: Debbie White, Toni Gindlesperger, Code Enforcement. Attached: Letter, dated 6/26/18; Survey, dated 8/25/ 80. 1 Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 219 of 672 m x dig. \ 9......._ m R E 414 a i 4`;'•= ttlza= 24° 9 2 u W 4)d wxi v 7fi til. Zu Si , 9 A o cQ 44 t- il ve 1 7zV'0 0 1.: 7 ZI i LI 4 Kofia NI P j Dn p W N4 - s a g • 7 4 111 N lk% fl L s 9 a t J 0.'' ' 4.1 x ifi r.i9 kl I Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 220 of 672 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 PHONE (904)247-5800 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7017 0660 0000 3856 7006 8/1/2018 DUTTER WILLIAM M 1742 OCEAN GROVE DR ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233-5845 Real Estate Number: 170635 0100 Case Number: 18-204 Location of Violation: 177 PINE ST, Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property referenced above to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach, Code of Ordinances,to wit: VIOLATION(S) IPMC Sec. 304.6 Exterior walls. All exterior walls shall be free from holes, breaks, and loose or rotting materials; and maintained weatherproof and properly surface coated where required to prevent deterioration. IPMC Sec. 304.1 General. The exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. IPMC Sec 304.2 Protective treatment. All exterior surfaces including but not limited to, doors and window frames, cornices, porches, trim, balconies, decks and fences, shall be maintained in good condition. Exterior wood surfaces, other than decay-resistant woods, shall be protected from the elements and decay by painting or other protective covering or treatment. Peeling, flaking and chipped paint shall be eliminated and surfaces repainted. All siding and masonry joints, as well as those between the building envelope and the perimeter of windows, doors and skylights, shall be maintained weather resistant and water tight. All metal surfaces subject to rust or or corrosion shall be coated to inhibit such rust and corrosions and all surface with rust or corrosion and shall be stabilized and coated to inhibit future rust and corrosion. Oxidation stains shall be removed from exterior surfaces. Surfaces designed for stabilization by oxidation are exempt from this requirement. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by repairing rotted deteriorated siding and trim. Paint exterior to prevent more deterioration within ten (10) days of the receipt of this notice. To avoid having this case be referred to the Code Enforcement Board, all listed violations on this notice must be in compliance on or before the date established by Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement. The Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 221 of 672 Board may impose fines up to two hundred fifty ($250.00) per day for continuing violations. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. It is our goal to keep our neighborhoods looking well maintained while protecting property values and your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247-5855 if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, cLip Toni Gindlesperger fre---- CODE ENFORCEMENT U.S. Postal Servicer" U.S. Postal Service" CERTIFIED MAIL® RECEIPTdDomesticMailOnlyCERTIFIEDMAIL® RECEIPT im For deliveryinformation,visit our website at o CC3 Domestic Mail Only M1 141-4 For delivery information,visit our website at®. D n O g IiiiiiiiiMinCertifiedMailFeemExtraServices&Fees(check bar,add fee as appropriate)CSD j 0 Return Receipt(harcicopy) $ m y- /'t- ^ 0 0 Return Receipt(electronic) $Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as a,propdate) \() vW" 0 0 Certified Mall Restricted Delivery $ Postmark Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ 0 Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark 0 0Aduk Signature Required $ Here0 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here Aduk Signature Restricted Delivery$ D 0 Adult Signature Required $ O Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ c3Postage J o 1 OTotal Postage and Fees f/ Q/Sent Tomi U 1 g _ zOStreetandApt.No.,or p0 Box No.N Sent To D M1 r- U / __J__QCfK s- z City,State,2IP+46I= Stregt c(Apt.Ncr;gtPb^pip/ l C/ M1 1 `-- 1 ' J` tr PS FormState,ZIP+4° 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02 000-S047City, p See Reverse for Instructions PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERYh°+ Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Signatur- Print your name and address on the reverse Agentsothatwecanreturnthecardtoyou. X 3 r i 40• Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, by(Printed AddresseeDpB. Received C. gate of Deliveryoronthefrontifspacepermits. Relive"1. Article Addressed to: I/CsE nt Yes iB 4 ZO 4 If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No CC©pN Sec +6 CT? R&D6 AUG %t'r_r2018 t uiA €.- 15 11111111l1Ill'IIIIIIII II'IIII III IIIIIII IIII 3. eIt t 0 Priority M el Express® OD blt ntr itlery6e9644fe arm Registered Mail Restricted95909402383180325650860CertifiedMail® DeliveryoCertifiedMailRestrictedDelivery0ReturnReceipt for 0 Ar Help Nr imher(Transfer from service label) 0 Collect on Delivery Merchandise 0 Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Confirmationrm70170660 000 3856 715 0 1 Insured Mail Signature Confirmation Insured Mail Restricted Delivery Restricted Deliveryover$500) PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530- 02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 222 of 672 7/1/2019®-USPS Tracking®Results FAQs > ( Tracking® Track Another Package -I- TrackingTracking Number: 70170660000038567150 Remove X Expected Delivery on WEDNESDAY by8AUGUST 2018 0 8:OOpm i® G Delivered cp cr August 8, 2018 at 5:41 pm Delivered, Left with Individual ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Tracking History Product Information See Less " Can't find what you're looking for? Go to our FAQs section to find answers to your tracking questions. FAQs ( 1/2 Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 223 of 672 Gindlesperger,Toni From: Gindlesperger,Toni Sent: Wednesday,August 15, 2018 2:18 PM To: William Dutter' Cc: Arlington, Daniel Subject: RE: 177 PINE ST Thank you, Keep me posted on the progress. Toni Gindlesperger Code Enforcement City of Atlantic Beach 904-247-5855 TGIN@COAB.US From:William Dutter[] Sent:Wednesday,August 15,2018 1:56 PM To:Gindlesperger,Toni<> Subject: Re: 177 PINE ST Ownership of the wall is being disputed at this time. As far as I am concerned, Ms. Perry took ownership of the wall, when she declared the fence that I installed was on her property (of which was in line with the wall that you mentioned above). I am in the process of legal proceedings concerning this problem and I will contact you as soon as it is determined who is responsible for the said wall and who is responsible for the repairs of that wall. (as you are probably aware, that may take some time.) Thank you, William M. Dutter On Wed,Aug 15, 2018 at 10:09 AM, Gindlesperger,Toni <> wrote: Mr. Dutter, See attached for the Certified Letter Receipt for Ms. Perry as requested. We are still needing a copy of the documentation for the ownership of the wall. You had met with our Building Official Dan Arlington to discuss the repairs and you brought up the past dealings with Ms Perry and stated she owned the damaged wall. If you could please provide that to us we will include it in our case file. Thank you, Toni Gindlesperger Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 224 of 672 Code Enforcement City of Atlantic Beach 904-247-5855 TGIN@COAB.US 2 Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 225 of 672 IMPORTA7 MESSAGE FOR A.M. DATE eY L3 TIME 8 .73 P.M. OF PHONE f (y LI FAX AREA CODE 1 O (wEXTE`pa5 6 U MOBILE AREA CODE NUMBER TIME TO CALL TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL CAME TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU RUSH 4 RETURNED YOUR CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION MESSAGE SIGNED Office Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 226 of 672 IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR 1 a A.M. DATE TIME P.M. OF PHONE fr /" /"AREA CODE y CFAXFFF K MOBILE AREA CODE NUMBER TIME TO CALL TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL CAME TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU RUSH I RETURNED YOUR CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION MESSAGE SIGNED Office lE o Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 227 of 672 Gindlesperger,Toni From: Arlington, Daniel Sent: Wednesday,August 29, 2018 9:16 AM To: Susan Perry Cc: Gindlesperger,Toni;White, Debbie Subject: RE: 177 Pine St Sue, A Code Enforcement letter was sent to Mr. Dutter on August 1, 2018, giving him ten days to respond. I see no response in the file, so this case should be scheduled for the November Code Enforcement Board. I copied the Code Enforcement Officers, here, in case I missed something. I'm sorry it's such a slow process, but this case is moving. Sincerely, Part Arliogtov. Dan Arlington, CBO Building Official City of Atlantic Beach, Florida darlington(a 904) 247-5813 From:Susan Perry [] Sent:Wednesday,August 29, 2018 8:33 AM To:Arlington, Daniel<> Subject: 177 Pine St Good Morning, Dan- AB phone service is down. Has any progress been made on this? Dutter is absolutely refusing to repair it and I am seriously concerned about the damage to my home. Thanks. Sue Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 228 of 672 IMPORTAIN T MESSAGE ) FOR 1 DATE S xl P.M. 7€„ X 111 OF UUr PHONE 41661 AREA CODE NUMBER EXTENSION FAX MOBILE AREA CODE NUMBER TIME TO(ALL TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL CAME TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU RUSH RETURNED YOUR CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION MESS VCE SIGNET) Office DEOT Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 229 of 672 ITANT MESSAGE FOR 6) A.M. TIME P.M. M 7 5- : j tzi2 OF T PHONE 4, 6'‘66OFAX AREA CODE ENSION C MOBILE AREA CODE NUMBER TO CALL TELEPHONED P ASE CA CAME TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU RUSH RETURNED YOUR CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION MESSAGE ; 7 ? 1--) L n l SIGNED Office DEPOT Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 230 of 672 Page 1 of 2 rr CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD 2 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 15 NOTICE OF HEARING 10/ 18/2018 Case Number: 18-204 DUTTER, WILLIAM M Certified Mail Return Receipt: 1742 OCEAN GROVE DR 70062150000229721114 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233-5845 Property Address: 177 PINE ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on November 28, 2018 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known 177 PINE ST, RE#170635 0100, 10-16 16-2S-29E SALTAIR SEC3 S1/2 LOT677. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC Sec. 304.6 Exterior walls. All exterior walls shall be free from holes, breaks, and loose or rotting materials; and maintained weatherproof and properly surface coated where required to prevent deterioration. IPMC Sec 304.2 Protective treatment. All exterior surfaces including but not limited to, doors and window frames, cornices, porches, trim, balconies, decks and fences, shall be maintained in good condition. Exterior wood surfaces, other than decay-resistant woods, shall be protected from the elements and decay by painting or other protective covering or treatment. Peeling, flaking and chipped paint shall be eliminated and surfaces repainted. All siding and masonry joints, as well as those between the building envelope and the perimeter of windows, doors and skylights, shall be maintained weather resistant and water tight. All metal surfaces subject to rust or or corrosion shall be coated to inhibit such rust and corrosions and all surface with rust or corrosion and shall be stabilized and coated to inhibit future rust and corrosion. Oxidation stains shall be removed from exterior surfaces. Surfaces designed for stabilization by oxidation are exempt from this requirement. IPMC Sec. 304.1 General. The exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 231 of 672 Page 2 of 2 The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to $250.00forperday recurs first r if tla ion and 500 ation is00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then t corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could bepresentedtotheCodeEnforcementBoardeveniftheviolationhasbeencorrectedpriortotheBoard hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact AtlanticBeachCodeEnforcementandarrangeforaninspectiontoverifycomplianceat (904) 247-5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. ATTEST: din A. 0 A.... Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Angela Iriz: • , Code Enfor 6 ent 4111 U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAILTP., RECEIPT r (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) ra R For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.comaa M. ru Postage $IU f1J Certified Fee Cl Postmark D ReturnReceipt Fee — Hee D ( Endorsementent Required) Restricted Delivery Fee D (Endorsement Required) 1 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Total Postage&Fees $ Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Sig . -, it a Sent T - p 1 Print your name and address on the reverse Agent X i D 1 4, so that we can return the card to you. I/ Address D Street,Apt.N. Attach this card to the back of the mail leve eived by(Printed = — . IP. : • :_' i 1-‘- r PO Box No. p r City,State,ZIP+4 or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 17 0 Yes PS Form 3800.August 2006 see Re if YES,enter delivery address below: No pu /8,_z o T z 4 - NX)1 I 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 3. Service 0 AdultSignatuAdult re Restricted Delivery Rr stared MailI Express®Mail 1 VII 9590 9402 2997 7094 0519 62 Certified Mall® Deity'ery 0 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery 0 Return Receipt for 0 Collect on Delivery Merchandise nr.;^io nt„mbar(Transfer from service label) CICollect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Confirmation' 1 Insured Mail 0 Signature Confirmation 7006 215 D 0002 2972 1114 3 Insured Mail Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery over$500) PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 232 of 672 Page 1 of 2 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ORDER CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, Petitioner vs. DUTTER WILLIAM M, Respondent First Class and Certified Mail Return Receipt 1742 OCEAN GROVE DR Requested: 70171000000069911145 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233-5845 Property Address: 177 PINE ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Case Number: 18-204 Real Estate Number: 170635 0100 Legal Description: 10-16 16-2S-29E SALTAIR SEC3 S1/2 LOT677 ORDER CONTINUING CASE THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Board on November 28, 2018, and the Board having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That the Respondent owns the property located at 177 PINE ST, Atlantic Beach, Florida. 2. That notice was sent by Certified Mailing and that Respondent was present at the hearing. Also, Sue Perry, owner of adjacent attached property was present and spoke. 3. That notification of the violations of the City of Atlantic Beach, was made and served on the Respondent as evidenced in this hearing. 4. That Respondent and Sue Perry are in a civil dispute over the ownership of the area where repairs are needed. A civil court case is pending and trial is set for January 15, 2019. 5. Case needs to be continued until the March 12, 2019 meeting to allow civil proceedings to be resolved. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW THAT case be continued. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is Ordered: That case is continued to March 12, 2019. DONE AND ORDERED THIS November 28, 2018. Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 233 of 672 Page 2 of 2 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ATTEST: Lori iaz, Recor s Cler By: Benj in de Luna, Chairman Executed this l 2 day of December , 2018. PLEASE NOTE: Florida Statutes, Section 162.11, states that an appeal of this order shall be filed in circuit court within thirty(30) days of this order's execution U.S. Postal Service"' CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPTLnDomesticMailOnly r4For delivery information,visit our website at n. ra O" Certified Mail Fee Q' $ Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ C:1 Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark O Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here at Adult Signature Required $ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ O Postage l $ Total Postage and Fees aSLT1e=g-- Street and Apt.No.,or PO Box No. City,State,ZIP+49 PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-024oa9047 See Reverse for Instructions Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 234 of 672 7/1/2019®-USPS Tracking®Results FAQs ) ( Tracking° Track Another Package + Tracking Number: 70171000000069911145 Remove X Your item was picked up at the post office at 9:21 am on December 20, 2018 in ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233. 6/ Delivered December 20, 2018 at 9:21 am Delivered, Individual Picked Up at Post Office ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 cp CD_ Q n Tracking History u Product Information See Less /\ Can't find what you're looking for? Go to our FAQs section to find answers to your tracking questions. FAQs ( 1/2 Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 235 of 672 Irizarry,Angela From: William Dutter <> Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2019 8:44 PM To: Irizarry,Angela Subject: Update - 177 Pine Street Angela: I wanted to touch base with you and update you on our property at 177 Pine Street. We have signed a contract with Super Siders and Trim, Inc., Jeremy Mines-owner. He is to start work on May 1, 2019. I will not be attending the Code Enforcement Board meeting on Tuesday, March 12th. I am undergoing Radiation Treatment @ Mayo Clinic and having some difficulty with the side effects resulting from the treatment. If there is anything else we must do, please let me know. Thank you for your time and consideration with this matter. Bill Dutter 1742 Ocean Grove Dr. Ph: 904-233-5629 1742 Ocean Grove Dr. Ph: 904-233-5629 i Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 236 of 672 Page 1 of 2 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ORDER CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA,Petitioner vs. DUTTER WILLIAM M, Respondent First Class and Certified Mail Return Receipt 1742 OCEAN GROVE DR Requested: 70171000000069911336 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233-5845 Property Address: 177 PINE ST ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Case Number: 18-204 Real Estate Number: 170635 0100 Legal Description: 10-16 16-2S-29E, SALTAIR SEC 3, S1/2 LOT 677 THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Board on March 12,2019, and the Board having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That the Respondent owns the property located at 177 PINE ST,Atlantic Beach,Florida. 2. That notice was sent by Certified Mailing and that Respondent was not present at the hearing. 3. That notification of the violations of the City of Atlantic Beach, were made and served on the Respondent as evidenced in this hearing. 4. That Sue Perry,witness, was present and testified. 5. Due to reported illness,the Respondent was allowed until May 31,2019 to complete repairs. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW THAT the Respondent is NOT IN COMPLIANCE and has failed to correct such violation as of this hearing date. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is Ordered: THAT the Respondent is found in violation for non-compliance and must obtain compliance on or before May 31, 2019. Failure to comply will result in fines of$250.00 for the first day and $250:00 for every day thereafter while the violation continues to exist. In addition, any fine shall also include the administrative costs to the City incurred in prosecuting this case. Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 237 of 672 Page 2 of 2 THAT the Respondent is responsible for contacting the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection of compliance. THAT failure to pay all accumulated fines will result in a lien being placed against the property at 177 PINE ST for the total assessment plus costs incurred for the filing of the lien. All lien amounts are to be made payable at an interest rate of ten(10)percent per annum from date of certification until paid. DONE AND ORDERED THIS March12, 2019. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ATTEST: Lon Diaz, Recor s C1er By: Benj join de Luna, Chairman Executed this )2_ day of March 2019. PLEASE NOTE: Florida Statutes, Section 162.11, states that an appeal of this order shall be filed in circuit court within thirty(30) days of this order's execution. U.S. Postal Service`"' CERTIFIED MA- LR ECEIPT Domestic Mail Onlyrn fT I For delivery information,visit our website at®. Cr Certified Mail Fee Er 0 Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ D 0 Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark 0 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here D Adult Signature Required $ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ D Postage D $ Total Postage and Fees a tr T lc 2QL D Sireet ancIApt IVo. or is 11:7 No. Imo- City,State,Z/P+44 PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530.02.000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 238 of 672 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Complete items 1,2,and 3. j t f Print your name and address on the reverse IElr 0 Agent so that we can return the card to you. El Addresse( Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, lipd a e) C. Date of Deliver) or on the front if space permits. 711 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is deliv a. r differehtfrOm item 1? 0 Yes If YE-denrde ry address below: 0 No L''';‘,1-1— Cs N C t-1 STT&2 t 5s 204 W a c-2 APR - 3,, 201 98. Nib\/ I I I I III 111111 I I I I III I I (I( 3. Service Type 0 Adult Signature Priority Mail Express® 0 Registered MaiIT"' Adult Signature Restricted Delivery Registered Mail Restrict( 9590 9402 2997 7094 0514 05 0 Certified Mail® Delivery O Certified Mail Restricted Delivery 0 Return Receipt for Collect on Delivery Merchandise Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature ConfirmationT'2. Article Number(Transfer from service label) Insured Mail Signature Confirmation 7017 1000 0000 6991 1336 0 Insured Mail Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery over$500) PS Form 3811_.luly 21115 PSN 75th-n9_flrin_onR1 hnmestic Return Rereint A g e n d a I t e m # E . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 2 3 9 o f 6 7 2 1r CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 1\2\.); NOTICE OF HEARING J.i119r 1/30/2019 Case Number: 18-204 DUTTER WILLIAM M Certified Mail Return Receipt: 1742 OCEAN GROVE DR 70171000000069911220 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233-5845 Property Address: 177 PINE ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on March 12,2019 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 177 PINE ST, RE#170635 0100, 10-16 16-2S-29E, SALTAIR SEC 3, S1/2 LOT 677. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC Sec. 304.6 Exterior walls. All exterior walls shall be free from holes, breaks, and loose or rotting materials; and maintained weatherproof and properly surface coated where required to prevent deterioration. IPMC Sec 304.2 Protective treatment. All exterior surfaces including but not limited to, doors and window frames, cornices, porches, trim, balconies, decks and fences, shall be maintained in good condition. Exterior wood surfaces, other than decay-resistant woods, shall be protected from the elements and decay by painting or other protective covering or treatment. Peeling, flaking and chipped paint shall be eliminated and surfaces repainted. All siding and masonry joints, as well as those between the building envelope and the perimeter of windows, doors and skylights, shall be maintained weather resistant and water tight. All metal surfaces subject to rust or or corrosion shall be coated to inhibit such rust and corrosions and all surface with rust or corrosion and shall be stabilized and coated to inhibit future rust and corrosion. Oxidation stains shall be removed from exterior surfaces. Surfaces designed for stabilization by oxidation are exempt from this requirement. IPMC Sec. 304.1 General. The exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 240 of 672 STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 1/25/2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 177 PINE ST. During the inspection, the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: The siding on the south side of the shared wall between units has deteriorated and needs to be replaced to prevent water intrusion into the building. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, " }t .C-\Q ,Cl - 700i-c hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and a)ccurate. Qi0c\-c\idCi1/4-1 gela Irizarry, C Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach I s I o 0cc a m cc m m v C1--to E m 7 6 0 p a 6 ccs E o 0 2-1g i m m ATTEST: V N Ef, V O E3 08 11'A'aEIA11'mtn¢ EWrolTD z o• 1IH Lori Diaz,Records Clerki•-_ i I 8 2 tdkw co 8 U.S. Postal Service'" cc t p. • _a g m u i CERTIFIED MAIL® RECEIPT w 2 , 'm R;=d o y 212 «gDomesticMailOnlyLmwao ru Ili s O. O. orn g w= m S$ i; m ra For delivery information,visit our website at www usps. comw. O m I p c..$$ o; oUc oi Wt C O — Cr Certified Mail Fee I Fli IT' $ ru Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) m co O 0 Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ g 0 Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark j - r 6 0 0 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here m , N U) r ,, Adult Signature Required $i' O m O E Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ r T O O O Postage t_--) CI izi p w vi d' c I= co II $ 1) M• f( a/ 1 V Y. r i 0 r rq Total Postage and Fees t„• T ,) e m N y f f c9 a 0 street and Apt.No.,or Pb Box No. t. J r' to•m , O o o ao nom= N E O 7 a t n. ca 0 cocm e 0 t ra 4 City,State,ZIP+4 O C V V 2 8 O) 1 [N- U a, m L ty 4,- PS r_ r-9 qv PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9017 See Reverse for Instructions m O.-. +''Y Q L 2 O Aro .c iim Cn pE C+_.' cUC O v O IZ dr° nQodr a co cn r a Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 241 of 672 FOR J( 21I DATE (012-7 111 TIME 3 A 5 A M OF TELEPHONED CAME TO SEE YOU PHONE RETURNED YOUR CALL CELL PLEASE CALL FAX WILL CALL AGAIN Message WANTS TO SEE YOU bili - 233 - 5(02°1 Pile Stree+ (lriI_ reScheoiule July 11th Ap Not Wednesdamornir y mixt/rat-ionsiFanns oaf Until the I(oth A-9711 T-3002 SIGNED Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 242 of 672 ryL`J CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD iiiit f CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA r't\-).:*7..1 NOTICE OF HEARING 0;319 " 5/31/2019 Case Number: 18-204 DUTTER WILLIAM M Certified Mail Return Receipt: 1742 OCEAN GROVE DR 70171000000069911466 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233-5845 Property Address: 177 PINE ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on July 11,2019 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 177 PINE ST, RE#170635 0100, 10- 16 16-2S-29E, SALTAIR SEC 3, S1/2 LOT 677. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC Sec. 304.6 Exterior walls. All exterior walls shall be free from holes, breaks, and loose or rotting materials; and maintained weatherproof and properly surface coated where required to prevent deterioration. IPMC Sec 304.2 Protective treatment. All exterior surfaces including but not limited to, doors and window frames, cornices, porches, trim, balconies, decks and fences, shall be maintained in good condition. Exterior wood surfaces, other than decay-resistant woods, shall be protected from the elements and decay by painting or other protective covering or treatment. Peeling, flaking and chipped paint shall be eliminated and surfaces repainted. All siding and masonry joints, as well as those between the building envelope and the perimeter of windows, doors and skylights, shall be maintained weather resistant and water tight. All metal surfaces subject to rust or or corrosion shall be coated to inhibit such rust and corrosions and all surface with rust or corrosion and shall be stabilized and coated to inhibit future rust and corrosion. Oxidation stains shall be removed from exterior surfaces. Surfaces designed for stabilization by oxidation are exempt from this requirement. IPMC Sec. 304.1 General. The exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 3/12/2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 177 PINE ST. During the inspection, the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: The siding on your side of the shared wall between units was deteriorated and required replacement to prevent water intrusion into the building. At the March 12, 2019 the Code Enforcement Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 243 of 672 Board ordered that the repairs be completed no later than May 31, 2019. A building permit was obtained to repair the siding and the project passed by final inspection by the building inspector on May 22, 2019. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received, the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, V , 0 1'aaer hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and curate. 0)\1\-tc94-- ---‘-f - FS'-'Angela Irizarry, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach 0 " Cl) ATTEST: Z c = D o m o co H r.a5O—D gm D D co N O c, . E. , m N UthG-- _' p D o N o ID O Q •N `i D 3 M CD 411N Fol s o- E —1 Lori Diaz, Records Clerk C 01 z D ; — (` W F 0' g . ii Q' ,• ccoo m lJ I 3.o a n • to Li i c - N — m 2 o m m U.S. Postal Service'8 o g 8 CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT Er n Domestic Mail Only loopoop For delivery information,visit our website at®. m m P w n mac ra p^ Certified Mail Fee v-@. m g m c c`< k` y Q Extra Services&Fees(check box,add tee as appropriate) z•z f-, a Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ a m N a y D Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark o , . . n. j 0 In D Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here m. g a p, m n D Adult Signature Required $ r3 a S m w Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ 2 g 1mnz D Postage o a m. p D Total Postage and Fees 3 0 O g 3. m r—1 CD m g oximoT f 3 m ox, agEgiviii. D N _ -B0 TT L1 4 R _ D S eet and pt. o.,or PO x No. c m oE.o' K j 0 •• m o City,State,ZIP+4® 0 N 0 C CO m o 7530-02-W0-9047PSForm3800,April 2015 PSN 753Po2- 0-9047 See Reverse for Instructions g 9 0 m Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 244 of 672 CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE FAX EMAIL COMPLAINTANT Sue Perry 179 Pine St Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 (904)233-5629 OWNER DUTTER WILLIAM M 1742 OCEAN GROVE DR ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233-5845 (904)233-5629 DUTTSB@GMAIL.COM VIOLATION TYPE USER NAME OBSERVED DATE CORRECTED DATE LOCATION REMARKS NOTES Exterior Walls Deborah White 6/28/2018 IPMC Sec. 304.6 Exterior walls. All exterior walls shall be free from holes, breaks, and loose or rotting materials; and maintained weatherproof and properly surface coated where required to prevent deterioration. VIOLATIONS Description: siding Status: PENDING CODE BOARD Type: CODE ENFORCEMENT Subtype: RESIDENTIAL Opened: 6/28/2018 Closed: Last Action: 7/26/2019 Fllw Up: 7/26/2019 Site Address: 177 PINE ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Site APN: 170635 0100 Officer: Angela Irizarry Details:Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Respondent be found In Compliance. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 1 of 9 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-204 A g e n d a I t e m # E . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 2 4 5 o f 6 7 2 CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Lori Diaz 7/26/2019 CODE BOARD ORDER Lori Diaz 7/23/2019 CODE BOARD AGENDA Lori Diaz 7/4/2019 6/14/2019 CHRONOLOGY Protective Treatment Deborah White 6/28/2018 IPMC Sec 304.2 Protective treatment. All exterior surfaces including but not limited to, doors and window frames, cornices, porches, trim, balconies, decks and fences, shall be maintained in good condition. Exterior wood surfaces, other than decay-resistant woods, shall be protected from the elements and decay by painting or other protective covering or treatment. Peeling, flaking and chipped paint shall be eliminated and surfaces repainted. All siding and masonry joints, as well as those between the building envelope and the perimeter of windows, doors and skylights, shall be maintained weather resistant and water tight. All metal surfaces subject to rust or or corrosion shall be coated to inhibit such rust and corrosions and all surface with rust or corrosion and shall be stabilized and coated to inhibit future rust and corrosion. Oxidation stains shall be removed from exterior surfaces. Surfaces designed for stabilization by oxidation are exempt from this requirement. Unsafe Conditions Toni Gindlesperger 8/1/2018 IPMC Sec. 304.1 General. The exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 2 of 9 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-204 A g e n d a I t e m # E . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 2 4 6 o f 6 7 2 TELEPHONE CALL Angela Irizarry 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 Spoke with Mr. Dutter. He will be out of the county on the 11th and was worried about not being in attendance to defend himself. I advised Mr. Dutter that they next meeting would not be until September. He did not want to this issue to drag on until September. I advised him that he was on the agenda for follow up and for me to report that he was in compliance with the Board order. He was ok with remaining on the agenda but if his neighbor, Mrs. Perry is present and is allowed to speak, he would like the opportunity to defend himself before any decisions are made based on her testimony. MISC NOTES/ACTION Angela Irizarry 6/27/2019 6/27/2019 Mr. Dutter stopped by city hall and left a message for me to call him. He wanted to reschedule his hearing date since he will be out of the country. CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 6/7/2019 6/7/2019 Recvd signed green card for NOH for 7/11/2019 meeting NOTICE OF HEARING Lori Diaz 5/30/2019 5/30/2019 MISC NOTES/ACTION Angela Irizarry 5/22/2019 5/22/2019 Building inspector Rick Bell performed final Siding inspection per building department files. Result was PASSED SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Lori Diaz 3/27/2019 3/26/2019 CODE BOARD ORDER Lori Diaz 3/24/2019 3/26/2019 The Board found the Respondent in violation for non- compliance and must obtain compliance by completing the repairs on the home on or before May 31, 2019. Failure to comply will result in fines of $250 per day for the first day and $250 per day for every day the violation continues to exist. PERMIT ISSUED/OBTAINED Angela Irizarry 3/19/2019 3/19/2019 Per building files, siding permit was issued. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 3 of 9 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-204 A g e n d a I t e m # E . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 2 4 7 o f 6 7 2 EMAIL RECEIVED Angela Irizarry 3/11/2019 3/11/2019 From: William Dutter [] Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2019 8:44 PM To: Irizarry,Angela <> Subject: Update - 177 Pine Street Angela: I wanted to touch base with you and update you on our property at 177 Pine Street. We have signed a contract with Super Siders and Trim, Inc., Jeremy Mines-owner. He is to start work on May 1, 2019. I will not be attending the Code Enforcement Board meeting on Tuesday, March 12th. I am undergoing Radiation Treatment @ Mayo Clinic and having some difficulty with the side effects resulting from the treatment. If there is anything else we must do, please let me know. Thank you for your time and consideration with this matter. Bill Dutter 1742 Ocean Grove Dr. Ph: 904-233-5629 PERMIT APPLIED FOR Angela Irizarry 3/8/2019 3/8/2019 Applied for siding permit CODE BOARD MEETING AGENDA Lori Diaz 3/1/2019 2/28/2019 TELEPHONE CALL Angela Irizarry 2/25/2019 2/25/2019 Received call from Sue Perry. She is concerned that Mr. Dutter has not started the repairs yet. I advised Ms. Perry that Mr. Dutter has been noticed for the March 12, 2019 CEB meeting and the Board would be reviewing the case on that day. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 4 of 9 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-204 A g e n d a I t e m # E . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 2 4 8 o f 6 7 2 CERT MAIL RECEIPT RECEIVED Angela Irizarry 2/5/2019 2/5/2019 RE: Notice of Hearing for 3/12/19 meeting: Per Tracking Number: 70171000000069911220 Your item was delivered at 9:19 am on February 5, 2019 in ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233. Status Delivered February 5, 2019 at 9:19 am Delivered ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 NOTICE OF HEARING Lori Diaz 1/31/2019 1/30/2019 TELEPHONE CALL Angela Irizarry 1/31/2019 1/31/2019 Spoke with Mr. Dutter. He stated that he is obtaining bids to make the repairs. He stated that he intends to replace all of the siding. I reminded Mr. Dutter that this job will require a permit from the building permit and because it is a rental property, the permit must be pulled by a licensed contractor. TELEPHONE CALL Angela Irizarry 1/18/2019 1/18/2019 Per Mr. Dutter - Case was postponed due to issue with the judge. He stated he would notify me when he has the new hearing date. CODE BOARD ORDER Lori Diaz 12/10/2018 12/12/2018 William Dutter and Sue Perry, complainant were both present. Parties are in a civil dispute over the ownership of the area where repairs are needed. A civil court case is pending on January 15, 2019. Board continued case until March 2019 meeting to allow civil proceedings to be resolved. SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Lori Diaz 12/10/2018 12/12/2018 Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 5 of 9 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-204 A g e n d a I t e m # E . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 2 4 9 o f 6 7 2 CODE BOARD MEETING AGENDA Lori Diaz 11/18/2018 11/20/2018 CERT MAIL RECEIPT RECEIVED Angela Irizarry 10/29/2018 10/24/2018 NOH GREEN CARD RECEIVED NOTICE OF HEARING Lori Diaz 10/14/2018 10/16/2018 MISCELLANOUS NOTES/ACTION Toni Gindlesperger 9/19/2018 9/19/2018 VISITED SITE AFTER NUMERIOUS CALLES FROM SUE PERRY CONCERNING THAT NOTHING WAS BEEING DONE. EMAIL RECEIVED Toni Gindlesperger 8/15/2018 8/15/2018 Email from William Dutter: Ownership of the wall is being disputed at this time. As far as I am concerned, Ms. Perry took ownership of the wall when she declared the fence that I installed was on her property (of which was in line with the wall that you mentioned above). I am in the process of legal proceedings concerning this problem and I will contact you as soon as it is determined who is responsible for said wall and who is responsible for the repairs of that wall. (as you are probably aware, that may take some time. ) Thank you. William M. Dutter CMRR RECEIVED W/SIGNATURE Angela Irizarry 8/8/2018 11/16/2018 COPY OF NOV FOR MR. DUTTER THAT WAS COPIED TO MS. PERRY WAS RECEIVED BY MS. PERRY ON 8/8/18 MEETING WITH RESPONDENT Toni Gindlesperger 8/6/2018 REQUESTED THAT WE SEND A REGISTERED LETTER TO MS PERRY FROM CODE AND THE BUILDING OFFICIAL HE WOULD LIKE A COPY OF THE RECEIPT FROM MS PERRY NOV CERT Toni Gindlesperger 8/6/2018 SEND TO SUSAN PERRY MR DUTTER HAS REQUESTED A COPY OF THE RETURNED RECEIPT BUILDING OFFICIAL AND CODE ENFORCEMENT LETTER 7017 0660 0000 3856 7150 Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 6 of 9 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-204 A g e n d a I t e m # E . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 2 5 0 o f 6 7 2 CMRR RECEIVED W/SIGNATURE Angela Irizarry 8/4/2018 11/16/2018 PER USPS.COM NOV DELIVERED ON 8/4/2018 NOV CERT Toni Gindlesperger 8/1/2018 8/1/2018 MISC LETTER/CORRESPONDENCE Dan Arlington 7/12/2018 7/12/2018 Follow up letter from Dan Arlington sent to both Mr. Dutter and Ms. Perry stating City of Atlantic Beach is not final arbitrator in personal disputes over property lines or maintenance agreements. Letter included copy of 6/26 letter sent to Mr. Dutter and a survey dated 8/25/1980. CMRR RECEIVED W/SIGNATURE Angela Irizarry 7/2/2018 11/16/2018 According to - LETTER FROM BLDG DEPT DELIVERED 7/2/2018 MISC LETTER/CORRESPONDENCE Dan Arlington 6/28/2018 6/28/2018 Letter from Dan Arlington notifying Mr. Dutter that some of the exterior wall coverings and trim have deteriorated and are no longer structurally sound or weather resistant. Sent Certified Mail EMAIL RECEIVED Deborah White 6/23/2018 6/23/2018 Email from Susan Perry Hi Debbie, the roof extension is rotted and has water intrusion. This is impacting my home. The owners claim not their property but if you follow the fence line, it clearly belongs to them. so does the survey. I need some help. I don''t want my property ending up like 196 Poinsettia. Thanks Sue Perry 179 Pine Street INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES CEB INSPECTION AI 10/17/2018 10/16/2018 VIOLATION CONTINUES INSPECTIONS Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 7 of 9 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-204 A g e n d a I t e m # E . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 2 5 1 o f 6 7 2 CEB INSPECTION AI 11/26/2018 11/26/2018 VIOLATION CONTINUES COMPLIANCE INSPECTION AI 6/3/2019 INITIAL INSPECTION TG 8/1/2018 6/28/2018 INSPECTION TG 9/20/2018 9/19/2018 VIOLATION CONTINUES SHANE CORBIN AND I VISITED THE SITE AND TOOK PICTURES INSPECTION TG 9/19/2018 9/19/2018 VIOLATION CONTINUES VISITED SITE WITH SHANE TO REVIEW CASE INSPECTION TG 9/27/2018 9/26/2018 VIOLATION CONTINUES NO PERMITS HAVE BEEN APPLIED FOR REINSPECTION AI 1/18/2019 1/18/2019 Left message for Mr. Dutter for status of civil case FINANCIAL INFORMATION Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 8 of 9 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-204 A g e n d a I t e m # E . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 2 5 2 o f 6 7 2 Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 9 of 9 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-204 A g e n d a I t e m # E . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 2 5 3 o f 6 7 2 Page 254 of 672 CODE ENFORCEMENT VIOLATION ACTION TRACKING-CASE#: I a--26 1 DATE CLOSED: NOTES: PROPERTY ADDRESS OF VIOLATION: 31 7 —E.---(Ass-4. \ PROPERTY OWNER: IME-' V C1.314 t t V 1 r e- k o s SEND LETTER(S)TO: (Please check(4) and explain all that apply) OFFICER: 111 PROPERTY OWNER AT: ADDRESS (ABOVE) CO J 7 e-SS( 0 ^ \ cy AIFFERENT MAILING ADDRESS AS FOLLOWS: Y f'1 A Y Z Z( j Z 1ST INSPECTION: /&// ACTION: 24C111JRTESY NOV REG NOV CERT 2ND INSPECTION: 6/2-67,8 ACTION: XNOV REG NOV CERT NOV POST 3RD INSPECTION: ACTION: NOV CERT NOV POST NOH LTR VIOLATION(S): (Please check (V) and explain all that apply) IPMC: SECTION(S) 3©Z - e)radiAs q AB CODE: SECTION(S) OTHER:SECTION(S) rYN. I o U S CORRECT VIOLATION BY rim p IT _ n a d ("" pQr- rn_c_4- q-nr C,L)k don -Q._ 5 DAYS 10 DAYS 30 DAYS 60 DAYS 90 DAYS 0 OTHER SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: COMPLAINTANT NAME &PHONE: ADDRESS: COMPLAINT: Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 255 of 672 Building Permit Application Updated 12/8/17 I City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road,Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 Phone:(904)247-5826 Fax:(904)247-5845 D 1E -00JobAddress: 317 East Coast Drive,Atlantic Beach FL 32233 Permit Number: f _ SO 33 Legal Description RE# Valuation of Work(Replacement Cost)$ 5500 Heated/Cooled SF Non-Heated/Cooled Class of Work(Circle one): New Addition Alteration Repair Move Demo Pool Window/Door Use of existing/proposed structure(s)(Circle one): Commercial Residential If an existing structure,is a fire sprinkler system installed?(Circle one): Yes No N/A Submit a Tree Removal Permit Application if any trees are to be removed or Affidavit of No Tree Removal Describe in detail the type of work to be performed: Backyard:Rebuild hurricane-damaged lip of retention area next to East Coast Drive.Removal of dead sod,replacement of sod with crushed coquina/dredge shell over weed mat.Placement of large flagstones and crushed coquina over a 200sf area adjacent to back patio previously covered with sod.Clean out French drain. Total impermeable surface on the property will remain under 2500sf(50%),increasing from 2295sf to 2495sf. Florida Product Approval# for multiple products : roduct approval-fierm Property Owner Information C,orfihck Nisi t- Camino ,z,V-- Name:Devajyoti Ghose Address:9637 Percussion Way City:Vienna State:VA Zip 22182 9 gl-9911 Z Phone:(703)786-0902 Ur i(ol Mit(o Owner or Agent(If Agent,Power of Attorney or Agency Letter Required) SZo -2'9'U -S 2 c I Contractor Information Name of Company: Florida Pro Lawn Care Qualifying Agent: Darnell Jackson Address 1015 Atlantic Blvd,Unit 510 City Atlantic Beach State FL Zip 32233 Office Phone `1Q4- 32-I - ci I Sl Job Site/Contact Number State Certification/Registration # E-Mail Architect Name & Phone # Engineer's Name Rick Carper & Phone # (904)545-3125 Workers Compensation Cxcmpt/In3urcr/Lco3c Employees/Expiration Date Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated.I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all the laws regulationg construction in this jurisdiction.I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK,PLUMBING,SIGNS, WELLS,POOLS, FURNACES,BOILERS,HEATERS,TANKS,and AIR CONDITIONERS,etc.NOTICE:In addition to the requirements of this permit,there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county,and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts,state agencies,or federal agencies. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT:I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOU NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. gna ure of Owner or Agent) Signature of Contractor) including contractor)eir Signed and sworn to(or affirmed)before me this / day of Signed and sworn to(or affirmed)before me this day of iUIJ1„ , r;0l/ ,byr :r! ( Ael4L. / . by Laa, j/i./ 7 r//' Arita Sign; re of otary) Signature of Notary) 1 Personally Known OR Personally Known OR Produced Identi v; 1.'4/.. Mary Elizabeth Kelso I Produced Identification i+•NOTARY PUBLIC of . Commonwealth of Virginia My Comm ssioR . # 121355EAiresL :.l August 31, 2019 Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 256 of 672 Gindlesperger,Toni From: Gindlesperger,Toni Sent: Monday,June 11, 2018 4:45 PM To: Corbin, Shane Subject: RE: 315 3rd I opened a code case but did not send them a letter.They have applied for a permit and it is in review. They were working with us so I saw no reason to write a letter. My mistake, now it is in the building departments hands. Toni G Original Message From: Corbin,Shane Sent: Monday,June 11, 2018 1:35 PM To: Gindlesperger,Toni<> Subject: 315 3rd Were you able to get the violation letter out to this owner for impervious surface/storm water? Thanks, Shane Sent from my iPhone I S ( O033 pypliect (f)/& /t CQC c3Ct g Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 257 of 672 Gindlesperger,Toni From: Corbin, Shane Sent: Monday,June 25, 2018 2:27 PM To: White, Debbie;Gindlesperger,Toni Cc: Williams, Scott Subject: 317 3rd Please issue a citation to 317 3rd street for putting rock in their rock in their required storm water retention. Thank you, Shane I zol Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 258 of 672 y'Nr% CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 1 800 SEMINOLE ROAD s ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 up)PHONE (904)247-5800 DRI9r CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 70170660000038566696 6/27/2018 DEVAJYOTI GHOSE 9637 PERCUSSION WAY VIENNA, VA 22182 Real Estate Number: 172551 0000 Case Number: 18-201 Location of Violation: 317 EAST COAST DR, Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property referenced above to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach, Code of Ordinances,to wit: VIOLATION(S) IPMC 302.2 Grading and drainage. All premises shall be graded and maintained to prevent the erosion of soil and to prevent the accumulation of stagnant water thereon, or within any structure located thereon. f)Building restrictions. Building restrictions within the RS-2 zoning district shall be: (1)Maximum impervious surface: Fifty(50)percent. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by making corrections for permit application to receive a permit or remove flagstones/pavers from retention and surrounding areas within five(5) days of the receipt of this notice. To avoid having this case be referred to the Code Enforcement Board, all listed violations on this notice must be in compliance on or before the date established by Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement. The Board may impose fines up to two hundred fifty ($250.00) per day for continuing violations. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. It is our goal to keep our neighborhoods looking well maintained while protecting property values and your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247-5855 if you have any questions or need additional information. Si erely, cv 4) 0‘-)-- Q_—__: Al ( AILAO------(2-? 5(___, I:) - k Toni GindlespergerrA 1/4- 0\ CODE ENFORCEMENT s Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 259 of 672 U.S. Postal Service" CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT D Domestic Mail Only p For delivery information,visit our website at 13 PFr" ICIAL USE Certified Mail Fee RI Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ O Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark D Certified Mal Restricted Delivery $ Here C3 ['Adult Signature Required $ O Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ Postage 11 Total Postage and Fees L7 $ f`- Sent To („I] O5 / ) ( '20 I Ej Street and Apt.No.,or pb Box No. r- City,State,ZIP+46 PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02.000.9047 See Reverse for Instructions SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Si. ature In Print your name and address on the revers- (_ — A j , » 0 Agent so that we can return the card to you. r 0 Addressee Attach this card to the back of the mailpipe, y R ved b I(•rint d ,ame) C. Date of Delivery or on the front if space permits. J o H D S1^ 1. Article Addressed to: r. I rr ess d n r.,e es H65e ZD 1 ` Ss I. Ao JUL 2 2018 II I 1 ISI IIII I III II III 11111I O C ulry JIngDGparIIExpress® ilRestricted9590940238318032566885 Att fn Brept!e p Certified Mail Restricted Delivery 0 Return Receipt for Collect on Delivery Merchandise 2. Article Number(Transfer from service label) 0 Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature ConfirmationT"' ail 0 Signature Confirmation70170660000038566696ailRestrictedDeliveryRestrictedDelivery PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 260 of 672 Property Appraiser- Property Details Page 1 of 2 GHOSE DEVAJIYOTI Primary Site Address Official Record Book/Page Tile# 9637 PERCUSSION WAY 317 EAST COAST DR 17674-01826 9416 VIENNA,VA 22182 Atlantic Beach FL 32233 GHOSE MARGARET 317 EAST COAST DR Property Detail Value Summary RE# 172551-0000 2017 Carolled 2018 In Proaress Tax District I USD3 Value Method CAMA CAMA fPropertyUse 0100 Single Family Total Building Value $580,648.00 $582,160.00 of Buildings 1 Extra Feature Value $0.00 0.00 For full legal description see Land Value(Market) $363,120.00 $408,510.00 Legal Desc Land&Legal section below Land Value(Hark:.) $0.00 0.00 Subdivision 03146 ATLANTIC BEACH TERRACE Just(Market)Value $943,768.00 $990,670.00 i Total Area 4981 Assessed Value $943,768.00 $990, 670.00 The sale of this property may result in higher property taxes.For more information go Cap DWI/Portability Amt $0.00/$0.00 $0.00/$0.00 to Save Our Homeg and our Property Tax Estimator.'In Progress'property values, Exemptions $0.00 See below exemptions and other supporting information on this page are part of the working tax roll and are subject to change.Certified values listed in the Value Summary are those Taxable Value $943,768.00 See below certified in October,but may include any official changes made after certification I-earn how the Property Aoaraiser's Office values Property. Taxable Values and Exemptions—In Progress If there are no exemptions applicable to a taxing authority,the Taxable Value is the same as the Assessed Value listed above in the Value Summary box. County/Municipal Taxable Value SJRWMD/FIND Taxable Value School Taxable Value No applicable exemptions No applicable exemptions No applicable exemptions Sales History Book/Page 1 Sale Date 1 Sale Price l Deed Instrument True Code Oualifled/Unauallfed Vacant/Improved 17674-01826 8/10/2016 I $1,160,000.00 WD-Warranty Deed Qualified Improved 17111-00951 3/ 26/2015 I $419,000.00 I SW-Special Warranty Unqualified Improved 17110-02338 3/25/2015 $350,000.00 I WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified Improved 14917-01807 6/22/2009 $100. 00 I QC-Quit Claim Unqualified Improved 105589-00137 10/1/1982 $50,000.00 I WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified Improved Extra Features No data found for this section Land&Legal Land Legal LandUng Land LN Legal Description Value RES LD 3 7 UNITS PER I Front 1 15 34 16-2S-29E N Use Zoning Front DepthCategory Land Type 1 0100AC I ARS-2 51.00 100.00 Common 51.00 IFootage $408,510.00 2 ATLANTIC BEACH TERR S/D PT OF 3 LOT 25 I p Buildings Building 2 Building 2 Site Address I Element I Code Detail no building address found Exterior Wall 11 11 Board&Batt1--'.-1—"--r- r.-1—( 1 Building Type 0108-SFR CLASS 2 Exterior Wall 8 8 Horizontal Lap1----- 1 Roof Struct 3 3 Gable or Hip p 5 Year Built 2016 r It LBuilding Value 582,160.00 I Roofing Cover 12 12 Modular Metal I Interior Wall 5 5 Drywall I _ m t—" ar 1Gross Heated Effective I Int Flooring 12 12 Hardwood DM Area Area Area I Heating Fuel 4 4 Electric Finished upper 2007 2007 1907 I Heating Type 4 4 Forced-Ducted Dry 1 I Air Cond 3 3 Central Finished Open 75 0 22Porch Element Code IBalcony6009 I j Baths I 3.000 6/27/2018 Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 261 of 672 White, Debbie From: Corbin, Shane Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 2:59 PM To: White, Debbie Subject: 317 East Coast 0// Please restart the code case for stormwater violations on this property. Thanks, Shane Shane Corbin MUP, MPA, GCRED Director of Planning and Community Development 800 Seminole Road City of Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 904) 247-5817 1(D /(/ IF. f lal()A9('‘ LAir evel mov, 1 Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 262 of 672 sr Permit Reviews City of Atlantic Beach 6/8/2018 6/11/2018 6/18/2018 ZONING Brian Broedell APPROVED Notes: 6/8/2018 6/14/2018 6/18/2018 BUILDING Building APPROVED W/CONDITIONS Notes: 1.NOC 2.Ok to issue permit when all involved departments have approved their reviews. 6/8/2018 6/13/2018 6/18/2018 PUBLIC WORKS Public Works DENIED Received 6/11/18 Notes: Flagstone must be removed from City right-of-way. Documentation shows impervious areas are at 49.1%. This area is a designated area for water retention. Water retention must be 20'x17'and at least 12"deep or 22'x17'and at least 6"deep. See Conditions of Approval that will be printed on Permit. See Attachment-Letter emailed to Property Owner. 6/8/2018 6/12/2018 6/18/2018 PUBLIC UTILITIES Public Utilities NOT APPLICABLE Received 6/11/18 TO DEPARTMENT Notes: Printed:Thursday, 27 September,2018 2 of 2 4 TWIT Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 263 of 672 RESIDENTIAL OTHER PERMIT PERMIT NUMBERcCityofAtlanticBeachRES018-0033 PERMIT TYPE: RESIDENTIAL OTHER SUBDIVISION/COMM SITE:ATLANTIC BEACH TAX MAP NO: 1725510000 PERMIT SUB TYPE : SINGLE OR TWO FAMILY TERRACE BLDG USE GROUP: RESIDENTIAL OTHER JOB ADDRESS: 315 317 EAST COAST DR DESCRIPTION: Backyard Replacing Sod w/Coquina& Flagstone, ETC ZONED AS: TOTAL SQFT:0 SPRINKLERS: TOTAL WORK VALUE: $5,500.00 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: BUILDING USE: APPLICANT:PHONE: MAILING ADDRESS: , FAX: CONTRACTOR: PHONE: MAILING ADDRESS: , FAX: OWNER: GHOSE DEVAJYOTI PHONE:(703)786-0902 MAILING ADDRESS: 9637 PERCUSSION WAY VIENNA,VA 22182 FAX: ARCHITECT:PHONE: MAILING ADDRESS: , FAX: COMMENTS FEES DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QUANTITY PAID AMOUNT BUILDING PERMIT 455-0000-322-1000 0 80.00 BUILDING PLAN CHECK 455-0000-322-1001 0 40.00 STATE DBPR SURCHARGE 455-0000-208-0600 0 2.00 STATE DCA SURCHARGE 45500002080700 0 2.00 ZONING REVIEW SINGLE AND TWO FAMILY USES 001-0000-329-1003 0 50.00 TOTAL:$174.00 ALL WORK TO CONFORM TO THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE(IBC). A 24 HOUR NOTICE IS REQUIRED FOR ALL INSPECTIONS. Building Official: Issued By:Jamie Davidson Smith Date:8/21/2018 iPrinted:Thursday,September 27, 2018 1 of 1 Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 264 of 672 k`' RESIDENTIAL OTHER PERMIT PERMIT NUMBER IMF City of Atlantic Beach RESO18-0033 PERMIT TYPE: RESIDENTIAL OTHER SUBDIVISION/COMM SITE:ATLANTIC BEACH TAX MAP NO: 172551 0000 PERMIT SUB TYPE : SINGLE OR TWO FAMILY TERRACE BLDG USE GROUP: RESIDENTIAL OTHER JOB ADDRESS:315 317 EAST COAST DR DESCRIPTION: Backyard Replacing Sod w/Coquina& Flagstone, ETC ZONED AS: TOTAL SOFT:0 SPRINKLERS: TOTAL WORK VALUE: $5,500.00 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: BUILDING USE: APPLICANT:PHONE: MAILING ADDRESS: , FAX: CONTRACTOR: PHONE: MAILING ADDRESS: , FAX: OWNER: GHOSE DEVAJYOTI PHONE: (703)786-0902 MAILING ADDRESS:9637 PERCUSSION WAY VIENNA, VA 22182 FAX: ARCHITECT:PHONE: MAILING ADDRESS: , FAX: COMMENTS FEES DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QUANTITY PAID AMOUNT BUILDING PERMIT 455-0000-322-1000 0 80. 00 BUILDING PLAN CHECK 455-0000-322-1001 0 40.00 STATE DBPR SURCHARGE 455-0000-208-0600 0 2.00 STATE DCA SURCHARGE 45500002080700 0 2.00 ZONING REVIEW SINGLE AND TWO FAMILY USES 001-0000-329-1003 0 50.00 TOTAL:$174.00 ALL WORK TO CONFORM TO THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE(IBC). A 24 HOUR NOTICE IS REQUIRED FOR ALL INSPECTIONS. Building Official: Issued By:Jamie Davidson Smith Date:8/21/2018 Printed:Thursday,September 27,2018 1 of 1 Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 265 of 672 r Permit Inspections City of Atlantic Beach Permit Number: RESO18-0033 Description: Backyard Replacing Sod w/Coquina & Flagstone, ETC Applied:6/8/2018 Approved:8/13/2018 Site Address:315 317 EAST COAST DR Issued:8/21/2018 Finaled: City,State Zip Code:Atlantic Beach, Fl 32233 Status: ISSUED Applicant:<NONE> Parent Permit:Owner: GHOSE DEVAJYOTI Parent Project:Contractor:<NONE> Details: LIST OF INSPECTIONS SEQ SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE TYPE INSPECTOR RESULT REMARKS ID CO PUBLIC Emanuel Brown UTILITIES Notes: ELEVATOR FINAL Mike Jones Notes: ELEVATOR ROUGH Mike Jones Notes: DRIVEWAY Scott Williams Notes: FRAMING FINAL Mike Jones Notes: RIGHT OF WAY Jim Pfohl Notes: SIDEWALK Scott Williams Notes: BACKFLOW CROSS Malcolm CONNECTION Clemons Notes: BONDING Mike Jones Notes: Printed:Thursday, 27 September, 2018 1 of 5 Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 266 of 672 sr Permit Inspections City of Atlantic Beach BRICK FLASHING Mike Jones Notes: CC BUILDING Mike Jones Notes: CC PUBLIC WORKS Scott Williams Notes: CC ZONING Derek Reeves Notes: COURTESY INSPECTION Mike Jones Notes: EXTERIOR SIDING Mike Jones Notes: FIRE WALL Mike Jones Notes: FIREPLACE FINAL Mike Jones Notes: FIREPLACE ROUGH Mike Jones Notes: FLASHING Mike Jones Notes: FOUNDATION FOOTING Mike Jones Notes: FRAMING ROUGH Mike Jones Notes: GLAZING Mike Jones Notes: GRADE BEAMS Mike Jones Notes: Printed:Thursday, 27 September, 2018 2 of 5 Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 267 of 672 f7 y Permit Inspections City of Atlantic BeachN HOUSE WRAP Mike Jones Notes: INSULATION GEEING Mike Jones Notes: INSULATION Mike Jones WALLS Notes: LINTEL BEAM Mike Jones Notes: MASONRY COLUMNS Mike Jones Notes: MASONRY WALLS Mike Jones Notes: WATER CONNECTION Emanuel Brown Notes: PARKING Mike Jones Notes: PILINGS Mike Jones Notes: PRELIMINARY INSPECTION Mike Jones Notes: RETAINING WALL Mike Jones FOOTING Notes: ROOF DRAIN Mike Jones Notes: ROOF DRY IN Mike Jones Notes: Printed:Thursday,27 September,2018 3 of 5 Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 268 of 672 rt Permit Inspections s> City of Atlantic Beach JRI>` ROOF FINAL Mike Jones Notes: ROOF IN PROGRESS Mike Jones Notes: ROOF SHEATHING Mike Jones Notes: SCRATCH COAT Mike Jones Notes: SEWER CONNECTION Unassigned Notes: SHEAR WALL Mike Jones Notes: SHOWER PAN Mike Jones Notes: SIDING IN PROGRESS Mike Jones Notes: SILT FENCE Jim Rigsbee Notes: STEEL REBAR Mike Jones Notes: STUCCO LATHE Mike Jones Notes: TIE BEAM Mike Jones Notes: TIE DOWN FRAMING Mike Jones Notes: WALL SHEATHING Mike Jones Notes: I Printed:Thursday, 27 September, 2018 4 of 5 Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 269 of 672 rAi,440, 14 Permit Inspections 11 City of Atlantic Beach WINDOW DOOR Mike Jones INSTALL Notes: WINDOW DOOR FINAL Mike Jones Notes: Printed:Thursday,27 September, 2018 5 of 5 9 Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 270 of 672 Permit Reviews City of Atlantic Beach Permit Number: RESO18-0033 Description: Backyard Replacing Sod w/Coquina& Flagstone, ETC Applied:6/8/2018 Approved:8/13/2018 Site Address: 315 317 EAST COAST DR Issued:8/21/2018 Finaled: City, State Zip Code:Atlantic Beach, Fl 32233 Status: ISSUED Applicant:<NONE> Parent Permit:Owner:GHOSE DEVAJYOTI Parent Project:Contractor: <NONE> Details: LIST OF REVIEWS SENT DATE RETURNED DUE DATE TYPE CONTACT STATUS REMARKS DATE Review Group: 1ST REVIEW SUBMITTAL APPROVED 7/27/2018 7/27/2018 Permit Tech COMPLETENESS W/CONDITIONS Notes: JUST SUBMITTED COPIES OF OLD PERMIT AND SURVEY 7/27/2018 8/1/2018 8/10/2018 PUBLIC WORKS Public Works DENIED Received 7/30/18 Notes: Provide a detailed plan of the changes being made. See Conditions of Approval that will be printed on Permit. See Attachment-Letter emailed to Property Owner. Review Group:2ND REVIEW 8/ 10/2018 8/10/2018 SUBMITTAL Permit Tech APPROVED COMPLETENESS W/CONDITIONS Notes: written detailed plan 8/10/2018 8/10/2018 8/24/2018 PUBLIC WORKS Public Works APPROVED W/CONDITIONS Notes: 1)Only allowed to add an extra 25 SF to existing survey. 2)All backyard flagstone must be removed,except for 25 SF(if desired). 3)See Conditions of Approval that will be printed on Permit. Review Group:AUTO SUB TTAL 6/8/2018 COMPLETENESS Permit Tech TENESS Notes: Printed:Thursday,27 September, 2018 1 of 2 Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 271 of 672 M7- Permit Conditions City of Atlantic Beach Permit Number: RESO18-0033 Description: Backyard Replacing Sod w/Coquina& Flagstone, ETC Applied: 6/8/2018 Approved:8/13/2018 Site Address: 315 317 EAST COAST DR Issued:8/21/2018 Finaled: City,State Zip Code:Atlantic Beach, Fl 32233 Status: ISSUED Applicant: <NONE> Parent Permit:Owner:GHOSE DEVAJYOTI Parent Project:Contractor:<NONE> Details: LIST OF CONDITIONS SEQ NO ADDED DATE REQUIRED DATE SATISFY DATE TYPE STATUS DEPARTMENT CONTACT REMARKS 1 6/14/2018 ON SITE RUNOFF INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS Scott Williams Notes: All runoff must remain on-site during construction. 2 I 6/14/2018 I ROLL OFF CONTAINER I INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS Scott Williams Notes: Roll off container company must be on City approved list(Advanced Disposal,Realco Recycling,Shapell's,Inc.,Republic Services, Donovan Dumpsters). Container cannot be placed on City right-of-way. 3 6/14/2018 RIGHT OF WAY RESTORATION INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS Scott Williams Notes: Full right-of-way restoration,including sod,is required. 4 6/14/2018 RUNOFF INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS Scott Williams Notes: All runoff must remain on-site. Cannot raise lot elevation. 5 6/14/2018 DOCUMENT IMPERVIOUS AREA INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS Scott Williams Notes: Strongly suggest thorough documentation of impervious areas be recorded. Printed:Thursday, 27 September,2018 1 of 2 Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 272 of 672 t, Permit Conditions City of Atlantic Beach 6 8/13/2018 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL WORKS PUBLIC WORKS Scott Williams Notes: Only allowed to add an extra 25 SF to existing survey. 7 8/13/2018 ADDITIONAL OMK ENTS PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS Scott Williams Notes: All backyard flagstone must be removed,except for 25 SF(if desired). 00 Printed:Thursday, 27 September,2018 2 of 2 i TRA,, Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 273 of 672 Property Appraiser- Property Details Page 1 of 2 GHOSE DEVAJIYOTI Primary Site Address Official Record Book/Page 1111.# 9637 PERCUSSION WAY 317 EAST COAST DR 17674-01826 9416 VIENNA,VA 22182 Atlantic Beach FL 32233 GHOSE MARGARET 317 EAST COAST DR Property Detail Value Summary RE# 172551-0000 2017 CertlNed 2018 Ip Progress_ Tax District USD3 Value Method CAMA CAMA Proue l Use 0100 Single Family Total Building Value $580,648.00 $582,160.00 of Buildings 1 Extra Feature Value $0.00 0.00 For full legal description see Land Value(Market) $363,120.00 $408,510.00 Legal Desc. Land&Legal section below Land Value(Aerk:1 $0.00 0.00 Subdlvlsloe 03146 ATLANTIC BEACH TERRACE Just(Market)Value $943,768.00 $990, 670. 00 Total Area 4981 Assessed Value $943,768.00 $990,670.00 The sale of this property may result in higher property taxes.For more information go Cap Diff/Patablilty Amt $0.00/$0.00 $0.00/$0.00 to Save Our Homes and our Property Tax Estimator.'In Progress'property values, UMBlitinna $0.00 See below exemptions and other supporting information on this page are part of the working tax roll and are subject to change.Certified values listed in the Value Summary are those Taxable Value $943, 768.00 See below certified in October,but may include any official changes made after certification Learn how the ProDerty Appraisers Office values DroDerty. Taxable Values and Exemptions—In Progress If there are no exemptions applicable to a taxing authority,the Taxable Value is the same as the Assessed Value listed above in the Value Summary box. County/Municipal Taxable Value SJRWMD/FIND Taxable Value School Taxable Value No applicable exemptions No applicable exemptions No applicable exemptions Sales History IBook/Page I Sale Date I Sale Price Deed Instrument Tvoe Code I Oualifled/Unqualified I Vacant/Improved 17674-01826 18/10/2016 $1,160,000.00 WD-Warranty Deed I Qualified Improved 17111-00951 13/26/2015 I $419,000.00 SW-Special Warranty I Unqualified Improved 17110-02338 13/25/2015 I $350,000.00 WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified Improved 14917-01807 16/22/2009 I$100.00 QC-Quit Claim I Unqualified I Improved 05589-00137 110/1/1982 I $50,000.00 WD-Warranty Deed I Unqualified Improved Extra Features No data found for this section 1 Land&Legal Land Leal 1I I Land i Land LN I Legal DescriptionLNIcd_ I Use Description Zoninq I Front Depth Category Ung Land Trim I Value 1 15-34 16-2S-29E I RES W 3-7 UNITS PER I I I Front10100 AC ARS-2 51.00 100.00 Common 51.00 Footage $ 408,510.00 2 ATLANTIC BEACH TERR S/D PT I 9 OF 3 LOT 25 Buildings Building 2 Building 2 Site Address I Element I Code ; Detail no building address found--Jj -—,- r' s `,I Exterior Wall 11 11 Board&Batt Building Type 0108-SFR CLASS 2 Exterior Wall 8 8 Horizontal Lap F . i Year Built 2016 Roof Struct 3 3 Gable or Hip i 1 Building Value 582,160.00 Roofing Cover 12 12 Modular Metal 1 S r Interior Wall 5 5 Drywall 7 Li I Int Flooring 12 12 Hardwood 0 1-x.; MI6 Tvoe Gross Heated (Effective I— „_, Area I Area Area I Heating Fuel 4 4 Electric Finished upper 12007 2007 1907 I Heating Type 4 4 Forced-Ducted story 1 I Air Cond 3 3 Central Finished Open 75 0 122 Porch I Balcony 60 10 1 9 I Element I Code I I I I I Baths 13.000 https://paopropertysearch.coj.netBasic/Detail.aspx?RE=1725510000 9/27/2018 Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 274 of 672 rS"`'.N' , CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH t.,; 3 # r4tit t I1 800 SEMINOLE ROAD 0 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 al, PHONE (904) 247-5800 vJ131, 1> CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 70131710000216913743 9/27/2018 DEVAJYOTI GHOSE, Respondent 9637 PERCUSSION WAY VIENNA, VA 22182 Real Estate Number: 172551 0000 Case Number: 18-320 Location of Violation: 317 EAST COAST DR, ATLANTIC BEACH TERR S/D PT OF Atlantic Beach, Florida NOTICE OF VIOLATION - NOTICE OF HEARING Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property referenced above to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach, Code of Ordinances,to wit: VIOLATION(S) International Property Maintenance Code as adopted by Chapter 6, City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances Sec. 302.2 Grading and drainage. All premises shall be graded and maintained to prevent the erosion of soil and to prevent the accumulation of stagnant water thereon, or within any structure located thereon. City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances Sec. 24-106. Residential, single-family district (RS-2) (f) Building restrictions. Building restrictions within the RS-2 zoning district shall be: (1) Maximum impervious surface: Fifty (50)percent. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by removal of all items placed in your required retention area and restore it to it's approved state in accordance with permits issued and approvedi inspections within five (5) days of the receipt of this notice. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board, on November 28, 2018, at 6:00 pm in Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chambers, 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, Florida, to answer and be heard to the above listed alleged violations on the property known as 315 and 317 East Coast Drive, RE#172551-0000,Lot 25, PT OF Atlantic Beach Terrace S/D. The Board may impose fines up to two hundred fifty ($250.00) per day for the first violation and 500.00 per day for repeat violations If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 275 of 672 corrected in the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904)247-5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five (5) days of the receipt of this notice at(904) 247-5821. Please not the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event of an appeal should be secured at your expense. ATTEST: 0~74, ai()5e- Deborah White, Code Enforcement Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk cc: Scott Williams,Public Works Director U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL,. RECEIPT m (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) P- m For delivery Information visit our website at®m D, ra Postage $ Certified Fee de flJ Return Receipt Fee O (Endorsement Required)Here O Restricted Delivery Fee Endorsement Required) ra Total Postage&Fees rq Sent To rR O Street,Apt.No.; or PO Box No. City,State,ZIP+4 PS Form 3800.August 2006 See Reverse for Instructions Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 276 of 672 CERTIFIED MAIL,M to, f City of Atlantic Beach FIRST-cuss LL °neopost i 800 Seminole Road b9/27/2018 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 1 1 11 HI r ' US POSTAGE $06.672 7013 1710 0002 1691 3743 ZIP 32233 041L11240784 070131710000216913743 NIXIE 207 5E 1 8610/30/ 18 DEVAJYOTI GHOSE, Respondent RETURN TO SENDER 9637 PERCUSSION WAY NO MAIL RECEPTACLE llNABLE TO FORWARD TTP.NN A VA 11121 OriQR917ARRRp91R7II111 NMRRr• a771.1SaF, 49 x1S3R- 11 ' 17 _7R _3g 2.21E23s 1, i, It; i" ! 1ii,i„,i,,,i.m ii,,, ii,il.i,,...,.,. 'i.,i""-i'-'ilii•iiiiili"ilil•11'1111"1"11•!'•11'1'1.-iiii.ii' A g e n d a I t e m # F . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 2 7 7 o f 6 7 2 rvika, CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD 1%CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING 11/15/2018 Case Number: 18-320 GHOSE DEVAJYOTI POSTED ON PROPERTY AND 9637 PERCUSSION WAY ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL VIENNA, VA 22182 Property Address: 317 EAST COAST DR ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on November 28, 2018 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known 317 EAST COAST DR, RE#172551 0000,ATLANTIC BEACH.TERR S/D PT OF. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC Sec. 302.2 Grading and drainage. All premises shall be graded and maintained to prevent the erosion of soil and to prevent the accumulation of stagnant water thereon, or within any structure located thereon. f) Building restrictions. Building restrictions within the RS-2 zoning district shall be: (1)Maximum impervious surface: Fifty (50)percent. Sec. 24-106. Residential, single-family district (RS-2) (f) Building restrictions. Building restrictions within the RS-2 zoning district shall be: (1)Maximum impervious surface: Fifty (50)percent. Sec. 24-163. (b) Recreational vehicles stored or parked on any residential lot shall be subject to the following provisions: (2) Recreational vehicles, boats or boat trailers or other type of trailer shall not be parked or stored closer than fifteen (15) feet from the front lot line and shall be parked in a manner that is generally perpendicular to the front property line such that length is not aligned in a manner that extends across the front of the lot it being the intent that recreational vehicles, boats and trailers that are parked forward of the residence and should not excessively dominate the front of the lot. The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to $250.00 per day for the first violation and $500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 278 of 672 hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904) 247-5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. ATTEST: 0004,n.6& \ /1414, Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Angela Iri y, Code Enforc- t t Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 279 of 672 r-s y''`'r' CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH u- ; .. 1f 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 r PHONE (904)247-5800 POSTING AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF MAILING REGULAR MAIL Case Number: 18-320 Pursuant to Chapter 162, Florida Statutes and Sec. 2-147, City of Atlantic Beach City Code of Ordinances,I,Angela Irizarry, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach, hereby affirm a Notice of Hearing, a copy of which is attached, was mailed regular mail and was posted at the following locations: 1) Date Posted: i/ A5120/6." Location: 317 EAST COAST DR, Atlantic Beach, Florida 2) Date Posted: if/S-40/ Location: ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 16 k 1 4P Angela Iriz , Code Enfor 1 : t County of Duval State of Florida The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me this /5* day of NO 6 11h r 20 13 , by Angela Irizarry,who is personally known to me as Code Enforcement for the City of Atlantic Beach. Person taking acknowledgement: 4-1442GL V'414-47 Notary Stamp/Seal)Y Stam /Seap ) Notary Public, State of Florida z'::;'''''''';',:••.,% DONNA L.BARTLE MY 078627 a EXPIRCOMMISSIONES:May 14GG 2021 F:r:L ' Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 280 of 672 TO: DATE: November 24, 2018 Code Enforcement Board City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Rd. Atlantic Beach FL 32233 FROM: Devajyoti Ghose 9637 Percussion Way Vienna VA 22182 cc: Ms. Kira Mauro/Nishant Ghose 317 East Coast Drive Atlantic Beach FL 32233 REF: Case Number: 18-320 Property Address: 317 East Coast Drive,Atlantic Beach FL 32233 Dear Ms. Bartle and Ms. Irizarry: This is with reference to the upcoming hearing scheduled for November 28, 2018. I would like to respectfully submit that we have now completed the required improvements per Building Permit Number RESO18-0033 and that we are, to the best of our knowledge, in compliance with respect to the Atlantic Beach City Code ordnance. Per our understanding, with reference to the survey of LOT 25 as recorded in PLAT BOOK 15, Page 34 of the current Public Records of Duval County (attached)we are in compliance with the City code—no more than 50% of the lot is covered by impervious material. After the work was completed, my daughter-in-law Ms. Kira Mauro was handed a Permit Conditions document on November 15, 2018 that states in the Notes section at the end that All flagstone must be removed except for 25 sq.ft if desired." We do not believe that this condition is an accurate interpretation of the 50% impervious area rule per the City Code ordnance and does not accurately reflect the survey referred to in the Public Records. While our intent is to fully to comply with the City ordnance and we have undertaken considerable expense to do so), we respectfully contend that we are, in fact, currently compliant pending a final inspection. We have not scheduled a final inspection because the work was completed recently. IAA li l 1 Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 281 of 672 Since I am not resident in Florida,my daughter in-law Ms. Kira Mauro,who lives at the property address,will represent me at the hearing. I have attached all the relevant documents in chronological order that we received/submitted them. Please let me know if you have any questions. I can be reached at(703)786-0902. My daughter-in-law Kira Mauro may be reached at (520)270-5251 Respectfully, Yours truly, iC.,ci-airtc,Iiiyiealth of Virginia Devajyoti h.-e sirc ficrUr cing instrument was acknowledge 703)786-0902 i7`U,cre me this day ,1 tLJtary Puo(ic,.,or;lm ss ori . It7t^ 51 y u v rya . e` o... .•'l,+r".' >,E?,ia 2 Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 282 of 672 Comp. By:SRW Date: 6/22/2015 Public Works Department City of Atlantic Beach Permit No: 15-SFR-1379 Address: 317 East Coast Required Storage Volume Criteria: Section 24-66 of the City of Atlantic Beach's Zoning,Subdivsion, and Land Development Regulations requires that the difference between the pre-and postdevelopment volume of stormwawter runoff be stored on site. Volume of Runoff is defined as follows: V=CAR/12 Where: V=Volume of Runoff C=Coefficient of Runoff A=Area of lot in square feet R=25-yr/24-hr rainfall depth(9.3-inches for Atlantic Beach) Predevelopment Runoff Volume: Lot Area(A) = 5,000 ft2 Runoff Coefficient Area Lot Area Description ft) ft2) C" Wtd"C" Impervious 1,249 5,000 1.00 0.25 Pervious 3,751 5,000 0.20 0.15 Runoff Coefficient(C)= 0.40 Runoff Volume V= 0.40 x 5,000 x 9.3 12 V= 1,549 ft3 Postdevelopment Runoff Volume: Lot Area(A) = 5,000 ft2 Runoff Coefficient Area Lot Area Description ft2)ft) C" Wtd"C" Impervious 2,295 5,000 1.00 0.46 %ISA= 45.9% Pervious 2,705 5,000 0.20 0.11 Runoff Coefficient(C)= 0.57 Runoff Volume V= 0.57 x 5,000 x 8.3 12 V= 2,198 ft3 Required Storage Volume DV= Postdevelopment Runoff Volume-Predevelopment Runoff Volume DV= 2,198 1,549 DV= 649 ft3 Retention 1639 Sea Oats Drrve 15-Redd-1053 0122/2015 Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 283 of 672 r r.`/ i Comp. By:SRW Date: 6/2212015 Public Works Department City of Atlantic Beach Permit No: 15-SFR-1379 Address: 317 East Coast Provided Storage: Elevation Area Storage ft) ft2) ft) 8.0 275 0 BOTTOM 15 X 18 9.0 340 308 TOB 17 X 20 Elevation Area Storage ft) ft2) ft') O BOTTOM O TOB Elevation Area Storage ft) ft)ft3) 0 BOTTOM O TOB Inground storage=A"d"pf A=Area= 340.0 d=depth to ESHWT= 5.0 pf=pore factor= 0.? Inground Storage= 510.0 ft' Required Treatment Volume= 649 ft' Supplied Treatment Volume= 818 ft' Recent on 1639 Soa Oats Drive 1 S-Radd-1053 0122/2015 Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 284 of 672 3/2- 2- Building Permit Application JOB rupn 12/8i17 City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road,Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 Phone:(904)247-5826 Fax:(904)247-5845 n Ge Q Job Address: 317 East Coast Drive,Atlantic Beach FL 32233 Permit Number: l?,W0'U -0 O 3.3 Legal Description RE# Valuation of Work(Replacement Cost)$ 5500 Heated/Cooled SF Non-Heated/Cooled Class of Work(Circle one): New Addition Alteration Repair Move Demo Pool Window/Door Use of existing/proposed structure(s)(Circle one): Commercial Residential If an existing structure,is a fire sprinkler system installed?(Circle one): Yes No N/A Submit a Tree Removal Permit Application if any trees are to be removed or Affidavit of No Tree Removal Describe in detail the type of work to be performed: Backyard:Rebuild hurricane-damaged lip of retention area next to East Coast Drive,Removal of dead sod,replacement of sod with crushed coquina/dredge shell over weed mat.Placement of large flagstones and crushed coquina over a 200sf area adjacent to back patio previously covered with sod.Clean out French drain.Total impermeable surface on the property will remain under 2500sf(50%),increasing from 2295sf to 2495sf. Florida Product Approval#for multiple products rave(-fer+n Property Owner Information Ca i 4 dr' k);s hest- Gin()cNe— N Ghose Address:9637 Percussion Way City:Vienna State:VA Zip 22182 9g1-9C11 Z Phone:(703)786-0902 CIU r Ir s /v Owner or Agent(If Agent,Power of Attorney or Agency Letter Required) Si U -7.-qt) —S 2 S i Contractor Information c Name of Company: Florida Pro Lawn Care Qualifying Agent: _ Darnell Jackson Address 1015 Atlantic Blvd,Unit 510 City Atlantic Beach State FL Zip 32233 Office Phone 'lQk - 3 I- h I Fl Job Site/Contact Number State Certification/Registration # E-Mail Architect Name & Phone # 0Engineer's Name Rick Carper & Phone # (904) 545-3125 aWorkersCompensationE„c,,,pt/insw,./Lee,e,yece/EAplt.,tk,n Dote Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated.I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all the laws regulationg construction in this jurisdiction.I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK,PLUMBING,SIGNS, WELLS,POOLS,FURNACES,BOILERS,HEATERS,TANKS,and AIR CONDITIONERS,etc.NOTICE:In addition to the requirements of this permit,there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county,and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts,state agencies,or federal agencies. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT:I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY ri RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INCE D. Z TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE a d0d z o RECOR ING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. p m o z Y y ( I V UOU G p q,,, , Signature of Owner or Agent) Signature of Contractor) including contractor) O a 0 Q Signed and sworn to(or affirmed)before me this /' day of Signed and sworn to(or affirmed)before me this CA fN N 00e: ,,U I] ,bYl l' 1 -E IRPt`;tl'ri 1.)D by O a ~ W 1)(04 1.1 'd I`'}'L 0 O °; W Sign6 re of Notary) Signature of Notary) W a Q m 71_ w a p Personally Known OR I )Personally Known OR W () N W I I Produced Identi' 4, Mary Elizabeth Kelso I I Produced Identification cc 4:.,.. ..*. ii;"-';., NARY PUBLICLU Commonwealth of Virginia cc Reg. #121355 My Commission Expires 1,5, August 31, 2019 Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 285 of 672 11/2 ..)-- Building Type 0108-SFR CLASS 2 Year Built 2016 Building Value $582,160.00 Gross Heated 1•:ffeclive Te Area Arca Area Finished upper story 2007 2007 1907 1 Finished Open Porch 75 0 22 Balcony 60 0 9 Finished Garage 400 0 200 Base Area 1457 1457 1457 Finished Open Porch 168 0 50 B Total 4242 3464 3667 go ii t04 ftPeo ti ) 1 4iitS , 4., \ ID 0, 177.iii‘ it 261 ii c]7 I ii ItilL 111mob lb r R 1 Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 286 of 672 SITE PLAN LOT 25 AS SHOWN ON PLAT OF ATLANTIC BEACH TERRACE AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 15, PAGES 34 OF THE CURRENT PUBLIC RECORDS OF DUVAL COUNTY, FL. 20S' 30 I X lv1 I vGRAPHICSCALEiv5e6011330 h 5,). el t( IAT 26 Ft iSpr l 19.92' 20.00' g / Zv// IN FEET ) 19.97' l\ 1 Inch 30 rt 1',s' L2 w 1Y FAUN j 4 ^C5 '^ m ° 1, 1-4- 5.00' V. .n i1• EF 1a a COWED 4 J s10.00' O'` A • F 31.51) 1.PAqIN 0l 0 l 0 LOT CAM) a n6,000 9 - E 107 o IO 1 7.0, , ' . S 1a , A 1107 1' , ss O Ci 10.00' e• 0 ILD7 5.00' Vi I L1p'fiTQ111'NW ••, 6161•110 rigagi a VM0 L1.Istaill. FAIN 20.00•0 20.05' 20.08' I 40STREET 3RD MD L I.SEARIT.z MC OASIS ON M 1.131 WC 9 LOT 2S AS KM M5371Cr L DRAMA0 RLVADO{5 f1Da1 NIXONAM 5416 OM ASMAMI/DADA/ I M LAMS SPAN 1E1[011 10 1014 0100 204 Y AD 001110 01 M 306*19144X1 RAR MM III R LLS COM2MT) MAIN 120077.FARM MMPI 040S0 DATES.AAMC 1 1011 M 3.000 toll ow..CM MS STE PLM ARE SCA=OT CP M FLNA FIR son NO ANL RR afFE04 OMl1.M FIRM M0MA11CM M0 DOPIU110IS ON TNS 701E PLAN Ma VMO Oil FOS OARS 3P TO AAD NO.I0040 M DATE O 141 3111 RAM.Da 1141 MAK e131 9OSECRA r1 R[M0OMS MYER 13S CAR INAT WILL 91.1131001 SAD M09M1110L MOANS WOULD SE YAC[TO 0E CONLA11T6 ROOD PlA10 NA4AIf1An REPOSITOM. OVARRAIT 0 MOM SO94 ODYAL TDIRIR. A 0.005 IMS ITOTR01CSD 10101 AM SAND ON RAW IDOL L,0 00/3010.240 FISKOATOI)ON UTUT01 0 NO YNO301OA1,0110 MUT 11)051 STOW 101 LOCATED UAW SMC 5119 0 SNS 9R MAK B.AOOT01;00404345 540,94 AMT 14310 MCRNATOI QOM TO 0K IMP 443/01 R(O3T 9 PR01S700 AAO IS NOT 111)09110 1,1 M 907041 IUMIER 4 T.013 NM R WOOED 10 K WOW AT A SCALL OF 1'-S0'O1}14111. a WKS C 2A10S 1011110 AS 1111000 4410 M MIma RO1N1M (0071 Hort MINN 01IC051K0 a 1107 0NC1050. FINISH FLOOR TO BE I.J FT. ABOVE THE ELEVATION 10 UI O.N1MO 911115...CO TO 3413.05 AM TO MNAN 0441414'.SWAI709,ANO IPTCOS.10 AWAY FROM BUILDING AND OA'FT ABOVE THE GRADE M 090441 AM M RET 4O G[OIAL PAR/1 T/OKCF ADJACENT TO MALANG FINISH GRADING MUST MAINTMN THE II.MS 911 PLAN 1 OA1 FOIL M LANDS al MCKIM R IS N01 A 0TR01111 OF 0111 Mora EAMISTS OR F1QD041 CF 040.0144111 DOSING DRAINAGE PATTERN MO N07 BLOCK DRAINAGE 12.1)15 SR 21.41 NAS NOT 141000 TO 1I1M*R CM OGS0 MY vellum 040*OSWITAULI S1T7M.S ARCA%WART NAOTAT1 FLOW OR IMPACT ABUTTING PROPERTY. ON 41.0011)0441 LAM Cr MT X1041 KAK.140 MAL 01 LOGS'.ACOC1,MARES.MID 10/.3904 OR 01101 04 1 MO 141 Ll4t1R 4305.31.0 11091104 9 MOT M RLIPOOKI 1 OF M t001100 il'.MDS•00944504 9 NAM 1451010 KAMMS MO 0514.10 AM 00IT7CAL 1044 PUT 04161 I.195 111 21.1 9 5530 OR 00044201 AA'701 0 01 M 1311)141. It 9010 NO 1/50.01043.I MY.AS 0911111100M AM POPDWIMM 10 11a PMm MOP(TY ISM ALL am.. SMS AM 1401/4 TO M'OIR161101 N.113 9 NOT A K AMMM,SPIKY 11).701911 90470440 O 1(150 10101 AM 44331 OI M 0443111.3004 74_A14 046 MK 00104 100 NFO MA11W/L 4100313 ONLY TIO TIS NOT TO OE FOLIO UPON X44 CONSTRUCTION FM COKER LOCATION 440/01 05101904 ROM 10 M MOR 0Pa4TR SR OF 1ON15UC10.PLANS NOK 9 A NA.0AS 0 SOK SM ML SOFWALPS.ALL 90/1)410 440 4/.10014 SNAIL AT A 1914X..LQT 1111011 CANAL COUNTY A 0 ADA R4CMOS.0I00 SOTS 044.II NO NOW MMI M M P0111O4 OF M 0405.0 1104 TIIANSY1193 0110.01 M 04KWAY.ROM 9141 ALSO Nin MI RIOIMOO11 ALS.4LA4 N071 MAT U1)1)TCS 1110 MKS,yawl LTC)9141 MOT R/ASSAILED MOM M 940044. It A/C PADS NUR MANIA.7 ARA1 1901 MY.30.011 UK MC CAN NOT 040104/NM A 0140401 Ll110441)DUE 70 04114/70111P0R5. PREPARED FOR:OSSI HOMES CERTIFIED TO:OSSI HOMES n- ---1m. BARTRAM TRAIL SURVEYING. INC. v..-_:-.:w4, ,,=. LAND SURVEYORS - PLANNERS - LAND DEVELOPMENT CONHOLTINI'H A it 1601 COUNTY ROAD 315 HuITt NO. 100 (904 284-2224 M envy 099340. FL 32043 FAX (904) 2M-2250 Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 287 of 672 LU1 'v I MpROVED) x1'S nc 1 1 YARD INLET 1 M J2s 2. otiv Oo 1 11) o 11.9 x o > l? >9 3.57X4.2' i- 1 SOWR 1 12. 1[1 5. 00'rril c.n2..7' O.00' 2-.,. R ,,,-J 3'x3' x/c F Crr 7- PORCr. o STORY µE 9OA i; iA1F.F. raEv. 13 t o 3 o X17 G 0 4 4' a Cr' o CO 0 X COVERED 0 5. 00'9. 92' ragman 0 2o. o.... uoill WIN SX R. L.V \`' ` o11- 2• 20 a o 4 3.67' O SIDEWAY rye. 21. 0 , pUND 0 1% rigall *. ...0' III UNDERGROUND RS E TANK SOI. 0 IIIIUIII '•' 1/2• I. P• 8T5 5.RELBB 9 , o s 4 L1 241 a,.. ,,lB 4921 0 AL.' 1, 4 CY I q ow: 1 4 - - I FIND N b41- & DISK 9.2 OP N E 20E00' FWD t DiS a.EV- s-34 L 2 . 08' s5a Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 288 of 672 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH WNER / BUILDER AFFIDAVIT I. FLORIDA STATUTES; CHAPTER 489, FLORIDA STATUTES, PART 1 "CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTING"REQUIRES OWNER/BUILDER TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE LAW: DISCLOSURE STATEMENT FOR SECTION 489.103(7),FLORIDA STATUTES: STATE LAW REQUIRES CONSTRUCTION TO BE DONE BY LICENSED CONTRACTORS. YOU HAVE APPLIED FOR A PERMIT UNDER AN EXEMPTION TO THAT LAW. THE EXEMPTION ALLOWS YOU,AS THE OWNER OF YOUR PROPERTY,TO ACT AS YOUR OWN CONTRACTOR EVEN THOUGH YOU DO NOT HAVE A LICENSE. YOU MUST SUPERVISE THE CONSTRUCTION YOURSELF. YOU MAY BUILD OR IMPROVE A ONE—OR TWO FAMILY RESIDENCE OR A FARM OUTBUILDING. YOU MAY ALSO BUILD OR IMPROVE A COMMERCIAL BUILDING AT A COST OF$25,000.00 OR LESS. THE BUILDING MUST BE FOR YOUR USE AND OCCUPANCY. IT MAY NOT BE BUILT FOR SALE OR LEASE. IF YOU SELL OR LEASE A BUILDING YOU HAVE BUILT YOURSELF WITHIN ONE YEAR AFTER THE CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE,THE LAW WILL PRESUME THAT YOU BUILT IT FOR SALE OR LEASE,WHICH IS IN VIOLATION OF THIS EXEMPTION. YOU MAY NOT HIRE AN UNLICENSED PERSON AS YOUR CONTRACTOR YOUR CONSTRUCTION MUST BE DONE ACCORDING TO THE BUILDING CODES AND ZONING REGULATIONS. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE SURE THAT PEOPLE EMPLOYED BY YOU HAVE LICENSES REOUIRED BY STATE LAW AND BY COUNTY OR MUNICIPAL LICENSING ORDINANCES. II. INJURY LIABILITY; SINCE OWNERS MAY BE LIABLE FOR INJURIES TO WORKERS THEY HIRE, THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT SUGGESTS WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE BE PURCHASED. III. IRS WITHHOLDING; OWNERS HIRING WORKERS BECOME EMPLOYERS AND SHOULD ALSO OBSERVE IRS WITHHOLDING TAX AND/OR FORM 1099 REQUIREMENTS ON THE WORKERS THEY EMPLOY ON THEIR IMPROVEMENT TRADES. IV. PENALTY; UNLICENSED CONTRACTORS CANNOT BE EMPLOYED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. OWNERS BEING SUBJECT TO $5,000 PENALTY UNDER FLORIDA STATUTE NO. 455-228(1). AN"OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE"IS NOT ADEQUATE. THE OWNER SHOULD PHYSICALLY SEE THE COUNTY "CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY" OR THE FLORIDA "CONTRACTORS CERTIFICATE TO ASCERTAIN IF A PERSON IS A LICENSED CONTRACTOR. TELEPHONE THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT(247-5826)IF IN DOUBT. V.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT;I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THE ABOVE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT AND THAT I COMPLY WITH ALL THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ISSUANCE OF AN OWNER-BUILDER PERMIT. 7 317 East Coast Dr,Atlantic Beach FL 32233 J7 T 9b - 0'102-- ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER Devajyoti Ghose PRINT NAME 1 t; cam. SIGNATURE 1 DATE Before me this - n day of , (l&fl 201X in the county of Fairfax, State of Virginia,has personally appeared Neon by himself/herself and affirms that all statements and declarations are true and accurate Notary Public at Large,State of1/I Lti/ )A County of -(e x rt. 144";.,Mary Elizabeth Kelso NOTARY PUBLICPersonallyKnown Produced ldent cation- OF ", Commonwealth OI Vlrlpinla Rey, *121355 4 A4d IA: August 3i 201!es Notary Signature; /.i F.NLIXVOwnc,.ouihkr Affad.vit; , a,. Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 289 of 672 D `Z),- i .trir6:, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Department of Public Works itr 1200 Sandpiper Lane Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 904) 247-5834 PUBLIC WORKS PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS Date: 6/14/18 Applicant: Florida Pro Lawn Care Permit it:RES018-0033 Email: Not Provided Review Status: DENIED Property Owner: Devajyotil Ghose Site Address: 317 East Coast Drive Email: THIS PLAN REVIEW IS ONE OF MULTIPLE DEPARTMENT REVIEWS Correction Items must be submitted to the Building Department at 800 Seminole Road. Submittals that respond to only one or a few correction items will not be accepted. Revisions may not be submitted until ALL departments have completed their respective reviews. Revisions must be submitted to the Building Department and must respond to EACH department review. PUBLIC WORKS CORRECTION ITEMS: Flagstone must be removed from City right-of-way. Documentation shows impervious areas are at 49.1%. This area is a designated area for water retention. Water retention must be 20'x17'and at least 12" deep or 22'x17' and at least 6" deep. PUBLIC WORKS CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: The following comments will be printed on your permit as Conditions of Approval) All runoff must remain on-site during construction. Roll off container company must be on City approved list (Advanced Disposal, Realco Recycling, Shapell's, Inc., Republic Services, Donovan Dumpsters). Container cannot be placed on City right-of-way. Full right-of-way restoration, including sod, is required. Provide construction site management plan, including location of silt fence, dumpster, portable toilet. Right-of-Way Permit is required if using right-of-way for construction parking. All runoff must remain on-site. Cannot raise lot elevation. Strongly suggest thorough documentation of impervious areas be recorded. Scott Williams, Public Works Director Page 1 of 2 0:\Public Works\ADMIN\PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS\RESO18-0033(FE Pro Lawn).docx Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 290 of 672 Resubmittal Notes: All revisions and changes shall clearly stand out from the rest of the drawing on the sheet as a revision by way of completely encircling the change with "clouding". The revision shall also be identified as to the sequence of revision by indicating a triangle with the revision sequence number within it and located adjacent to the cloud. The revision date and revision sequence number shall also be indicated in a conspicuous location in the title block for each sheet on which a revision for that sequence occurs. For projects still in the initial review stage and permit pending, all sheets with revisions shall be inserted into each set of drawings. The original sheets must be clearly marked "VOID" but are to be left within the set of drawings. Complete new sets of drawings will not be accepted. ADDITIONAL ITEMS MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING UPON NEW INFORMATION AND CLARITY OF FINAL PLANS SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW. Page 2 of 2 0:\Public Works\ADMIN\PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS\RES018.0033(FL Pro Lawn).docx Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 291 of 672 Id Z 0.ay;, v.CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 11 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233 on PP' REVISION REQUEST/CORRECTIONS TO PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS Date 2.67//1 Revision to Issued Permit Corrections to Comment Permit# Project Address 311-- CQci - LYS A3 FL 3 Z Z 3 3 Contractor/Contact Name G uN 4 is Ord' ( h o'SG 52.e. --Z- 0 - SZ-S) ( / t K) ki ` kiru e M c l .rot Phone 171 - /Z (N) Email dog.c4 o SQsto 9/lice i I. co AN tn'ic I+av,4-51nse e rhA;1.cop, Description of Proposed Revision/Corrections: Permit Fee Due$ A 1\ Fairs reit-ION/tat fin." c h-)rye- u r-F -tu 6c. rzs4-orrot fnIIowi 5 work. T, v(ouj les()- 6L Sdu' O and Wore' re-t<^-ti cs., (Arc< ev1A; .4 4 tQJ c't 2) x H' Otr.a 12 Gta.( Additional Increase in Building Value$ NJIr Additional S.F. N/A By signing below,I . i f A /" Ck<)rb affirm the Revision is inclusive of the proposed changes. printed name) ZQQ/wig Sign. ure of Con. • or/Agent(Contractor must sign if increase in valuation) Date Office Use Only) Approved Denied Not Applicable to Department Revision/Plan Review Comments Department Review Required: Building Planning &Zoning Reviewed By Tree Administrator Public Works Public Utilities Public Safety Date Fire Services Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 292 of 672 IMPROVED) tk / - 15'1'x1' PLASTIC YARD INLET L2cc:_a... f i 1M1 q fa'. b .•,.77.9 X b 1 01 ;b O tici...` }6` 20 STEP 9 1 ! 3.57'X4, 2L 6R _ N 2. 1 SHO 0t1 1 7.12. - j 0,t7 J.0 I v Al' a` t6• 1_ 3'X3' A, 00.5 22.2 i0 z o 1 s s I. T RDESTORY4ABOARD b F.F. £LEV. 13.57 m4 4 F OUSE X31719 P N $ g gyp' CD I a O ! o v. • I o x o COVERED 0 0ENTRY n 92, o fl0' k 1q.O' i a 73 i 20.0 b• X \ 5. 00 p • 11 NM' 20' B.R.L.M \ O" + 3.67•gym - 1 1• SIDEWALK I `' ti OROUNO. Rai1 1; ? NE TANK oft.O p. 1 [ AYT p • DT5s8 8991 f , h 1 1 A 11124e. 121.P. 7• y r r M EOP kame. 9.2 + EOP # •-. 1 s .34 20. 05 20.00' AMAis Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 293 of 672 i 1 ")_, SITE PLAN LOT 25 AS SHOWN ON PLAT OF ATLANTIC BEACH TERRACE AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 15, PAGES 34 OF THE CURRENT PUBLIC RECORDS OF DUVAL COUNTY, FL. S' GRAPHIC SCALE 2U/ X /D A,4e 30 06150 leBO LOT 26 5 C l 19.92' 20.00' O 7e. / IN VERT ) 9.97' 1 inch 30 It r 15' 1_2 W 1 YAlMil Q AA . EI11.. r C Z 11 5.00' Ile 7 J I.GO.VfD ^IE10.00' o WS . w O RO s T.-3ACADTT) 8. 000Sq. n MO b 6 J 1110.0!00O0000 I-c I 100 E 'yVd10.00' . 1tfj& Y. 5.00' IrL1'• rr "•• 04 20. 00F• 0' 20.05' 20. 08' i 4DSTREET 3RD @NOL1EJnII1 1.03003 S ME 13010 W M MP 304 Of LOT 33 AS woo 03370'0 1 01UNA=I11VAT101S 510111*MOP 316 MID W ASTM/CD 030.0. 1 710 LAAOI 5100.1 11101 LIE 1•114,11113/00 300•C AS 0016113)CM M Ro00.0.1)1161 M1S YY(1111 M)C0MTY 13, 11001).RAMI,A1K 3,7011 011 ROOD E041 110. 1 TM 5R1Y171.•11 AMA1CA10WMlOrt 0 M fIAl A.rows.limos AMD NI MON 100101(!MET 1116/10.M 040043/1611 AND OOMA001'd 001 511 PIM MI/ALO OAT fa 0AR1 00 10 AM NC1010 M OATS 01 MS 511 RAN.111 11A?000(101 0A100017 043010/7 K101 MS OAT('MAT My 1040110E 11.7.0 14003300.1101116 1110A13 R WOE TO M CO AP•rlY1 8000 11A(30043001011 04051011. 0103110011 O 1134I13 1003 PEVA/10310410 FLOM YAPS 11010100 1016004 ARE IABD 04 NAW 1100 1 MO 0100100,330/71.10ATICOM 03 U10ARS•NO VP01001T1,0110 10331 THOU 11011 101E LOCA1(0 104010 TM/CORE co- MS 11MS1RRAN 000011,00.0011 110/01 ANY.0T7d 1/OMAIKM 300(0 TO N1 NK 04/01 0111031 II 700457(0 AND 11 NOT 313010110 0i M 501110 50110001 7.MS 004 R WOOED TO K AMP*1 A SCALE 0 1'-30'03 1113110 El PIMPS•MOOS 0016113)AS 11/100/10.10 M WW1.671.6001 MAR 30411 001041 L.NC010I0•NOT 01CLOl0 A113531 FLOOR 10 BE I 3 111.ABOVE DIE ELEVATION 10 PT. 3430 111100 A004:00 10 1117•310$7.17,TO 1 5315 RA1I.IIL 01073114.AAD 03401/0/ AWAY 0RO0/BLOOM ANO 0.B'VT ABOVE THE GRADE p 0101501 AK W RET A10 OE04L PMR TION? 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T(904) 264- 22 E>(2.-- Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 294 of 672 I 3 ) 1._ Building Type 0108-SFR CLASS 2 Year Built 2016 Building Value $582,160.00 Gross Heated Effective Tvoe Area Area Area Finished upper story 2007 2007 1907 Finished Open Porch 75 0 22 Balcony 60 0 9 Finished Garage 400 0 200 Base Area 1457 1457 1457 Finished Open Porch 168 0 50 Total 4242 3464 3667 r k I C 6 ' j41:\ t" ill;111 I1111: i OW 26 i 1 7 ft 0 tfk i5 oi 1 . 416 i 0 C ...4u 0 Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 295 of 672 Ht fl *Alto CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH r 800 SEMINOLE ROAD 1:51,01 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5814 RESIDENTIAL OTHER - SINGLE OR TWO FAMILY RESIDENTIAL OTHER MUST CALL BY 4PM FOR NEXT DAY INSPECTION: 247-5814 PERMIT INFORMATION: PERMIT NO: RESO18-0033 Description: Backyard Replacing Sod w/Coquina&Flagstone, ETC Estimated Value:5500 Issue Date: 8/21/2018 Expiration Date: 2/17/2019 PROPERTY ADDRESS: Address: 315 317 EAST COAST DR RE Number. 172551 0000 PROPERTY OWNER: Name: GHOSE DEVAJYOTI Address: 9637 PERCUSSION WAY VIENNA, VA 22182 GENERAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: Address: Phone: Name: Florida Pro Lawn Care Address: 1015 Atlantic Blvd Unit 510 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Phone: PERMIT INFORMATION: Please see attached conditions of approval. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOU PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county,and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts,state agencies,or federal agencies. _ A notice of Commencement is only required for work exceeding an estimated value of 2,500. For HVAC work,a Notice of Commencement is only required when HVAC work exceeds and estimated value of$7,500. Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 296 of 672 1N/2_)_. t Number Alm Cash Register Receipt Receipt 11 k City of Atlantic Beach R6101 DESCRIPTION I ACCOUNT QTY PAID PermitTRAK 174.00 RESO18-0033 Address: 315 317 EAST COAST DR APN: 172551 0000 174.00 BUILDING 80. 00 BUILDING PERMIT 455-0000-322-1000 I 0 80. 00 BUILDING PLAN REVIEW 40.00 BUILDING PLAN CHECK I 455-0000-322-1001 0 40.00 STATE SURCHARGES 4.00 STATE DBPR SURCHARGE 455-0000-208-0600 0 2.00 STATE DCA SURCHARGE 45500002080700 1 0 2.00 ZONING PLAN REVIEW 50. 00 ZONING REVIEW SINGLE AND TWO FAMILY 001-0000-329-1003 0 550.00 USES TOTAL FEES PAID BY RECEIPT: R6101 174.00 III Of ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE RD ATLANTIC BEAC,FL 32233 08 21 2016 10:35:52 CREDIT CARD VISA SALE Card:;XXXXXXXxXXXX4233 Chip(art CHASE VISA AID: A0000000031010 ATC: 0008 ARQC.151157A95 396188D 5EQ a: 2 Batch u: 664 INVOICE 2 Approval Code: 06579C Entry Method Chip Read Mode: Issuer SALE AMOUNT 5114.00 CUSTOMER COP. 018 Paid By: GHOSE DEVAJYOTI Cashier: CB Pay Method: CREDIT CARD 06579C Printed:Tuesday,August 21,2018 10:36 AM 1 of 1 Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 297 of 672 I V), NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT PREPARE IN DL':'t Permit No.!» IS C' fax Folio No. State of t'Lc. i County of v A L- To whom it may concern: The undersigned hereby informs you that improvements will be made to certain real property,and in accordance with Section 713 of the Florida Statutes,the following information is stated In this NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. Legal description of property being improved: iv..b.Z Address of property being improved: 3 U g t J r A N 7)(- 13 1,A Cil_ 1 L tt3 2 1 General descrocon ofimprovements: (kb S h..1.11i Tel lZrt :r,3 •v` Owner LVA-J'YOit / CiHDSC- Address '11' 3 11 iZC- C Si 0/‘.1 W L 1s 7 )_ t c L Owner's interest in site of the improvement 1 ev.ties°'^z t'1"1:4-y.rit tl't c_. r tc'- *• Fee Simple Titleholder(if other than owner) Name Address Contractor 11.-C. A 1 fz r- LAY ,(\i C-A R 121 Address 1Ci 5 AIL( .111L- aL' iJ C t.7 ist.17)z. Itr;AL,/ Phone No. (5 U L1) 311 -4;51 Fax No. Surely(if any) Address Amount of bond$ Phone No. Fax No. Name and address of any person making a loan for the construction of the improvements. Name r ' Address Phone No. Fax No. Name of person within the State of Florida,other than himself,designated by owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served: Name ivlStIANI frihQCy/K 11- A t\1Au V. Address i'3 C S e A c-N Phone No. ( el .i-I t, 5 2 S Fax No. In addition to himself,owner designates the following person to receive a copy of the LIenor's Notice as provided in Section 713.06(2)(b),Florida Statutes.(Fill In at Owners option). Name NtSgAty; (,110 i:it2H lH{it• Address1 1' GC*R i71?d , /1i t_Att Ac h FL 12-13 Phone No. (S 24o 5;2- S it Fax No. Expiration date of Notice of Commencement(the expiration dale is one(1)year from the date of recording unless a o, . different dale Is specified): 75-N THIS SPACE FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY OWNER o a; Signed: J TE Z ZO Eldora me this ,. •1"N.r'Sf -416 - . . . In the Counyotr latrog, hlc of Flo hes peva ally appeared rdi{- U t_( (ji0 S f herein by or o x Z I)himself/herself and affirms that all statements and declarations herein m o .N • 3'1hundaceuleaE11 T E o if ata Puhhc el Lar ,Slateounty or '1 t"gec 111, r'. e a1 C e .pally Known or Produced tden'fricatfon Vi.C6 re) A 3-3) Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 298 of 672 I - zZ MyFloridaCounty Payment Service Page 1 of 1 77: S7 ACCLAIM - Beaches - Receipt Your payment has been successfully processed ACCLAIM - Beaches Receipt Number: 22832433 10/10/2018 11:41 AM Service Information Payment Amount Transaction ID: 3598415 Amount: $10.00 Last Name: maurO Service Fee: $0.35 First Name: lora Total: $10.35 Credit Card Info Name on Card: MAURO KIRA Card Number: 4233 There is a non-refundable 3.5%fee per transaction to provide this service. This service fee is charged by Your Credit Card Statement will display the vendor name of for billing details. For Information on refunds or for general inquiries,please call customer support on(877)326 8689. r n_..t-a--_...-a.. ......./.....{fin +..nvintrlraarr•int do 10/10/2018 Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 299 of 672 3. xs-Is'.i.rt' RONNIE FUSSELL Receipt#: 3487429SNECgCwa 4.,.°...•: * cu F f y Clerk of the Circuit Court c h' _. 501 W Adams ift Jacksonville,FL 32202Ilytl 41. 1, Tel.(904)255-2000 c Trans#: 3598415 Cashier Date:10/10/2018 11:45:05AM CUSTOMER INFORMATION TRANSACTION INFORMATION PAYMENT SUMMARY Date Received: 10/10/2018 11:35:42AM Total Fees: 10.00 KIRA MAURO Location: BEACH Payments:Pa ments: 10.00 Return Code: OVER THE COUNTER Balance Due: 0.00 Trans Type: Recording Cash Tendered: Cashier: SGORSHA Change: 0 00 Payment 10.00 CREDIT Official Record NOTICE COMMENCEMENT BK/PG: 18559/197 DOC#:2018241452 Pages: 1 Date: 10/10/2018 11:45:05AM Grantor:GHOSE DEVAJYOTVGrantee: FLORIDA PRO LAWN CARE Recording $10 1st page, $8.50 each add')- 1 10.00 Page 1 of 1 10/10/2018 11:45:07AM Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 300 of 672 lei A.,...._ rSyL Jrr CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD JI xto CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA so f1 rF 04e NOTICE OF HEARING 11/15/2018 Case Number: 18-320 GHOSE DEVAJYOTI POSTED ON PROPERTY AND 9637 PERCUSSION WAY ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL VIENNA,VA 22182 Property Address: 317 EAST COAST DR ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on November 28, 2018 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known 317 EAST COAST DR, RE#172551 0000,ATLANTIC BEACH TERR S/D PT OF. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC Sec. 302.2 Grading and drainage. All premises shall be graded and maintained to prevent the erosion of soil and to prevent the accumulation of stagnant water thereon,or within any structure located thereon. f) Building restrictions. Building restrictions within the RS-2 zoning district shall be: (1)Maximum impervious surface: Fifty (50)percent. Sec. 24-106. Residential, single-family district (RS-2) (f) Building restrictions. Building restrictions within the RS-2 zoning district shall be: (1) Maximum impervious surface: Fifty(50)percent. Sec. 24-163. (b) Recreational vehicles stored or parked on any residential lot shall be subject to the following provisions: (2) Recreational vehicles, boats or boat trailers or other type of trailer shall not be parked or stored closer than fifteen (15) feet from the front lot line and shall be parked in a manner that is generally perpendicular to the front property line such that length is not aligned in a manner that extends across the front of the lot it being the intent that recreational vehicles, boats and trailers that are parked forward of the residence and should not excessively dominate the front of the lot. The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to $250.00 per day for the first violation and $500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 301 of 672 yo/i4.— hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904) 247-5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. ATTEST: 9414/net. J/.41t-0( Donna L. Bartle,City Clerk Angela Iri y,Code Enforc me t Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 302 of 672 v4 01k.c. vr-A., Permit conditions City of Atlantic Beach Permit h Jrnber:RES018-4033 if P.rpla -g ce4,00..C.3. ....n4&I,I-c Agoied 61112014 ACCrowell WU/IIMM SI, • , 11S 3:7 FAST COAST DR tssued VZI/Xna F naled CR., ..:e i D LOr.i, At-ant 4 Sesch,ri 3/233 SUM MO 3 4F.3-in, •srtiosit eitertl PerrIvt 1>re'• I KOS(DEVAIYCITI Pamir Prooct ar •NONE, Desli. UST OF COINENTIONS St 3 S3 ADDED DATE i REQUI RED DATE SATISFY Dan TYPE STATUS i DEPARTMENT CONTACT REMARKS 77-1 VI'c oct lam w.4140•1 MINNIIIIIIIMI t...,,Asse.•, A 4.•ti low 4mmousep-1 Ott eppr000d kat 1,4"hrh,.-." 4.14-4kt.44v,..L-g,sh,,,p4,0 I. ..-. 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I7 ' ' r).' u- 1 ,ri ..'I.••" i t4'--r-'1% ,4•-i- -. --.. . .-iv .-.. • 1 14-• ..,, . 40 .0,, ',., T'-' ,„, ' . / i• • , \ ' lib„All 1 - • ••• • kr•,, i k\- A g e n d a I t e m # F . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 3 0 5 o f 6 7 2 Page 1 of 2 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ORDER CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, Petitioner vs. GHOSE DEVAJYOTI, Respondent First Class and Certified Mail Return Receipt 9637 PERCUSSION WAY Requested: 70171000000069911077 VIENNA, VA 22182 Property Address: 317 EAST COAST DR ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Case Number: 18-320 Real Estate Number: 172551 0000 Legal Description: ATLANTIC BEACH TERR S/D PT OF ORDER CONTINUING CASE THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Board on November 28, 2018, and the Board having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That the Respondent owns the property located at 317 EAST COAST DR, Atlantic Beach, Florida. 2. That notice was sent by Certified Mailing and that Respondent was not present at the hearing. 3. That Respondent's daughter-in-law, Kara Mauro, who lives at 317 East Coast Drive,Atlantic Beach, Florida testified about the property. 4. That notification of the violations of the City of Atlantic Beach, was made and served on the Respondent as evidenced in this hearing. 5. Case needs to be continued until March 12, 2019 to allow the Respondent time to apply for a variance or achieve full compliance. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW THAT case be continued. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is Ordered: That case is continued to March 12, 2019. DONE AND ORDERED THIS November 28, 2018. Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 306 of 672 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERYQ C4 Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Signa ure P4 O Print your name and address on the reverse X p so that we can return the card to you. addresseeAttachthiscardtothebackofthemailpiece,B. Received by(Pri N e4'' H or on the front if space permits. p C. Date of DeliveryW1. Article Addressed to: I Z D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 10 Ye 2-0 /S w If YES,enter delivery address below: No c4 p4 1i IS-32o Pq 0-0 c) C cog itIIIIIII IIII IIIiIIII I I 11 11 11111 I I III O° 3. Ad Sia43 lure `'.r may// I Rregi Bred MEzress® Adult Sig D6lfvary Registered Mail ReactedO U 9590 9402 2997 7094 0516 89 Certified M Delivery0CertifiedMailRestrictedDelivery0ReturnReceipt forU0CollectonDeliveryMerchandise MI) 0 Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Conmmtion*Mtil10000000699110777InsuredMail0SignatureConfirmation H U 3 Insured Mail Restricted Delivery Restricted Deliveryi (over$500) t S Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt 06 O N 4-, i.., O v7 'b U O sN, OtU ' , Q O = E m VI N m t CL AI T' VDg U t lilt c-) 0 0 0 2 0 OQ z o a N wCID Q r'0 'C3 fn sill.;U m Da X( te a N i a Cr ai :, I Q m m i t.<14 a d a w a ° .o NW rm o o ct v a or nPli,(1 a.OT 1669 0000 0001 t'_'COL A g e n d a I t e m # F . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 3 0 7 o f 6 7 2 rA',J CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD J i 1' a Sp'-S) CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING 1/30/2019 Case Number: 18-320 GHOSE DEVAJYOTI Certified Mail Return Receipt: 9637 PERCUSSION WAY 70171000000069911275 VIENNA, VA 22182 Property Address: 317 EAST COAST DR ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on March 12,2019 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 317 EAST COAST DR, RE#172551 0000, 15-34 16-2S-29E, ATLANTIC BEACH TERR S/D PT OF, LOT 25 International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC Sec. 302.2 Grading and drainage. All premises shall be graded and maintained to prevent the erosion of soil and to prevent the accumulation of stagnant water thereon, or within any structure located thereon. Sec. 24-106. Residential, single-family district (RS-2) (f) Building restrictions. Building restrictions within the RS-2 zoning district shall be: (1)Maximum impervious surface: Fifty (50)percent. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 1/25/2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 317 EAST COAST DR. During the inspection,the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: Impervious Surface Violation- flagstone has been placed in the dedicated water retention area of your property. The addition of this flagstone raises the impervious surface area of the property to over 50% of the lot. Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 308 of 672 You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, C.--..-. ' P,t c( ZCk [ ul hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true andccurate. r, S..,,-A------ 6 in i Angela I 1)arry,CO N co rn tri Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach M,rn 1 i n d i LIC) Nt 2 I1 ti - a ®v f) o ry ATTEST: w 1D ttl re...)eZe,co d iia X 1,;1. 0 Lori Diaz, Records Cl- LL co F. 1,1Z xfil p l Z CJS V I itI;tFru i.) U.S. Postal Service'"" m7 CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT s: ' Q- Ln as t-! Domestic Mail Only CD I-- < Iq For delivery information,visit our website at''. CZ1 CI sl 7 in x O i Q- Certified Mail Fee l t`j IT $ iii, ..... . , I,i _ a D 3. LU rti =.Extra Services&FeeS(check box,add fee as appropriate) I LI D Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ D 0 Return Receipt(electronic) $ W D n ''P+ O Postmark E i 4 1..)Certified Mail ResMcted Delivery $ Here ttico0AdultSignatureRequired $ 0 Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ t'- N D Postage CI O Cl.) r o 4.1 0 st.. F, 11- 1-1 Total Postage and Fees U 4Fir1l e 1(itr- A , _ C lin , D Street andApt No.,or Pe Box In l;!City,State,ZIP+4e lP Y y i`1 PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions M IV in V N n5•t••! N m O D cw C) Ix . i2 t1) _ c O CV O u_ I rimr o cc Q N Q ro OZ o0 c U 114.4QyA U 5 O N x w Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 309 of 672 r\i`p CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA j3 --- —$ Vr NOTICE OF HEARING Case Number: 18-320 2/28/2019 GHOSE DEVAJYOTI POSTED ON PROPERTY AND 9637 PERCUSSION WAY ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL VIENNA,VA 22182 Property Address: 317 EAST COAST DR ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on March 12,2019 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall,Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 317 EAST COAST DR, RE#172551 0000, 15-34 16-2S-29E, ATLANTIC BEACH TERR S/D PT OF,LOT 25. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC Sec. 302.2 Grading and drainage. All premises shall be graded and maintained to prevent the erosion of soil and to prevent the accumulation of stagnant water thereon, or within any structure located. thereon. Sec. 24-106. Residential, single-family district (RS-2) (f) Building restrictions. Building restrictions within the RS-2 zoning district shall be: (1)Maximum impervious surface: Fifty(50)percent. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 1/25/2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 317 EAST COAST DR. During the inspection,the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: Impervious Surface Violation-flagstone has been placed in the dedicated water retention area of your property. The addition of this flagstone raises the impervious surface area of the property to over 50%of the lot. Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 310 of 672 You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I,Q .__. __ k --eatc C hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. O Angela Irizarry, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: 1-vat Lori Diaz, Records Clerk Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 311 of 672 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH J 800 SEMINOLE ROAD r)ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 PHONE (904) 247-5800 NOH POSTING AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF MAILING REGULAR MAIL Case Number: 18-320 Pursuant to Chapter 162, Florida Statutes and Sec. 2-147, City of Atlantic Beach City Code of Ordinances, I, Angela Irizarry, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach, hereby affirm a Notice of Hearing, a copy of which is attached, was mailed regular mail and was posted at the following locations: 1) Date Posted: 2\2 i V.9 Location: 317 EAST COAST DR,Atlantic Beach, Florida 2) Date Posted: 3 J 1 12Ot Location: ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 0 Ot imiN Angela Iriz ae ode Enforcement11111 County of Duval State of Florida The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me this day of ()Aar(4,1 20 1 q, by Angela Irizarry,who is personally known to me as Code Enforcement for the City of Atlantic Beach. Person taking acknowledgement: Notary Stamp/Seal) tit I . UAk Notary Public, State of Flor' 4%.1Mf6 GG 276336 D2ES:November 13.2022 7 Bonded Thu tar/Pubic Warier* Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 312 of 672 Page 1 of 2 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ORDER CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, Petitioner vs. GHOSE DEVAJYOTI, Respondent First Class and Certified Mail Return Receipt 9637 PERCUSSION WAY Requested: 70171000000069911381 VIENNA, VA 22182 Property Address: 317 EAST COAST DR ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Case Number: 18-320 Real Estate Number: 172551 0000 Legal Description: 15-34 16-2S-29E, ATLANTIC BEACH TERR S/D PT OF, LOT 25 THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Board on March 12, 2019, and the Board having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That the Respondent owns the property located at 317 EAST COAST DR, Atlantic Beach, Florida. 2. That notice was sent by Certified Mailing and that Respondent was not present at the hearing. 3. That notification of the violations of the City of Atlantic Beach, were made and served on the Respondent as evidenced in this hearing. 4. Kara Mauro, daughter-in-law of Respondent, was in attendance and testified. 5. That case should be continued until May 31, 2019 to the allow the Respondent time to pursue a variance under the new City of Atlantic Beach Ordinance 90-19-238 adopted on February 25, 2019. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Case is continued until May 31, 2019 to the allow the Respondent time to pursue a variance under the new City of Atlantic Beach Ordinance 90-19-238 adopted on February 25,2019. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is Ordered: Case is continued until May 31, 2019 to the allow the Respondent time to pursue a variance under the new City of Atlantic Beach Ordinance 90-19-238 adopted on February 25,2019. Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 313 of 672 0CNa drxo 7017 1000 0000 6991 1381 0 z m o y Z H o`" -8,„ `" m c. a.--'em cn E iii mnd ? o onC r. (,) Cil a.y o o m . x Zm . a s min g 9 9 K 2 @ E Z. Li: ' 13 CD r4. (11) 0 8yumrm ma' a o • N C7 SON P n igz m 11.1 t• m w Q-vo H W cw o °N 3 O 1.-+ si ' SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY H—] Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Signature p O Print your name and address on the reverseX 0 Agent so that we can return the card to you.0 Addressee Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece,B. Received.•(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery d H or on the front if space permits.Co h ti tc' D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes h~ Z t If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No APR — 1 2019 V I I I III 11111111IIIIIII I I I I I I V I I I 3. Service Type IDPriority Mail Express® H 1 Adult Signature Registered Mail I~JQ El Signature Restricted Delivery 0 Registered Mail Restricted CD 9590 9402 2997 7094 0513 51 Certified Mail® Delivery O O N Certified Mall Restricted Delivery 0 Return Receipt for Collect on Delivery Merchandise Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature ContirmationTM N 7 017 1000 0000 6991 1381 iI 0 Signature Confirmation II Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery I (over$500) I PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt A g e n d a I t e m # F . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 3 1 4 o f 6 7 2 Irizarry,Angela From: Irizarry,Angela Sent: Monday,June 03, 2019 3:19 PM To: Williams, Scott Subject: FW: RES018-0033 - 317 East Coast Drive Scott, FYI...I haven't been by there yet but they have finally removed the flagstone except for the 25sf allowed under the permit. From: Kira Boonyea [] Sent: Monday,June 03, 2019 12:40 PM To: devajyoti ghose<> Cc: Irizarry,Angela <>; Corbin, Shane<>;;; Nishant<> Subject: RES018-0033 - 317 East Coast Drive Good morning everyone, At this point the topic is moot as all of the flagstone has been removed, excepting the 25sf explicitly allowed under condition #s 6 and 7of the original permit#RES018-0033. Since this was done we have been in compliance with both the permit and the order from the city. Angela and Shane, if we need to schedule any inspection for the order compliance separate from the final inspection for permit#RES018-0033, let's do that now. I have already left a message on the Inspection Line with all information required to schedule the permit's final inspection. When the landscape architect comes forward with a workable plan for the backyard, we will proceed with a new permit application if the design requires one. I have attached photographs dated this morning showing that the excess flagstones are gone. Thank you all, Kira Mauro 520-270-5251 1 Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 315 of 672 t c L e 7 t, lit r x 1'1- '` J ti t t t .1 S a A te. ,, „ Art,q_l i 1 ri g, ,,, t:J r yam(.; 1 a ?•1w +k -,1 -'~r r 1/4 *,,..3 ' Vit. rr i t._j_ 23 t'` zi.- cad? ti w... r + a f y N.y, J , On May 29, 2019, at 3:05 PM, devajyoti ghose<> wrote: Thank you. Doc Ghose. On May 29, 2019, at 2:54 PM, Irizarry,Angela<>wrote: 3 Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 316 of 672 Kira Boonyea <kira7kira(>; kira mauro<>; Nishant Ghose> Subject: Re: FW: 317 East Coast Drive Hello Shane - I wanted to follow up about our discussions regarding the backyard at 317 East Coast Drive getting it back in compliance. We have asked Brett Godard of Godard Design to come up with an acceptable design that will comply with City regulation-he has said that he will have a design by the end of this month. We will ask you to review it and,provided it is approved, we plan to remove the flagstones and replace them with a compliant design. To save on costs,we would like to remove the flagstones and remodel the backyard as one project and not as two separate projects. In order to do so could you please allow us another 45 days to complete everything. Please let us know if this is acceptable. My number is (703)786- . 0902. Thank you and best regards. Sincerely, Devajyoti Doc) Ghose On Tue,Nov 27, 2018 at 11:51 AM Irizarry,Angela<>wrote: Attached is the survey you sent us and the calculations used to determine the impervious surface. Scotts comments are below. From: Williams, Scott Sent: Tuesday,November 27, 2018 11:40 AM To: Irizarry,Angela<> Cc: Bartle, Donna<>; Corbin, Shane<> Subject: RE: 317 East Coast Drive Angela, The following is another take-off that I did this morning of 317 East Coast Drive. I told them that they had 27 S/F left to build on but the new take-off shows only 19 S/F. There is one mistake on the survey that I circled in red. The 60' should be 47'. If you have any other question, please get with me. 5 Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 317 of 672 Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Your email communications, including your email address, may therefore be subject to public disclosure. 7 Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 318 of 672 Sj''r CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD s CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING N tJ;3I9r' 5/31/2019 Case Number: 18-320 GHOSE DEVAJYOTI Certified Mail Return Receipt: 9637 PERCUSSION WAY 70171000000069911473 VIENNA, VA 22182 Property Address: 317 EAST COAST DR ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on July 11,2019 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 317 EAST COAST DR, RE#172551 0000, 15-34 16-2S-29E, ATLANTIC BEACH TERR S/D PT OF, LOT 25. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC Sec. 302.2 Grading and drainage. All premises shall be graded and maintained to prevent the erosion of soil and to prevent the accumulation of stagnant water thereon, or within any structure located thereon. f) Building restrictions. Building restrictions within the RS-2 zoning district shall be: (1)Maximum impervious surface: Fifty (50) percent. Sec. 24-106. Residential, single-family district (RS-2) (f) Building restrictions. Building restrictions within the RS-2 zoning district shall be: (1) Maximum impervious surface: Fifty (50)percent. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 5/30/2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 317 EAST COAST DR. During the inspection, the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: Impervious Surface Violation - flagstone has been placed in the dedicated water retention area of your property. The addition of this flagstone raises the impervious surface area of the property to over 50%of the lot. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received, the case may Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 319 of 672 be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. P-V‘I, Q Q.1 1IR- hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true anticcurate. C.. Angela I arry, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: Lori Diaz, Records Clerk U.S. Postal Service' CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT ril Domestic Mail Only For delivery information,visit our website at®.1-1 rl Certified Mail Fee E $ Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ O Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark LJ,—, Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here a Adult Signature Required $ 0 Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ IM Postage o O $ Total Postage and Fees rl en e5r , 320 I Street and Apt.No.,or Pb=.x o. City,State,ZIP+46 PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02.000.9047 See Reverse for Instructions Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 320 of 672 7/1/2019®-USPS Tracking®Results FAQs > ( Tracking® Track Another Package + Tracking Number: 70171000000069911473 Remove X Your item was picked up at the post office at 11:21 am on June 12, 2019 in VIENNA, VA 22180. C Delivered June 12, 2019 at 11:21 am Delivered, Individual Picked Up at Post Office VIENNA, VA 22180 m CD Get Updates \/a a- Text & Email Updates v Tracking History u Product Information u See Less " Can't find what you're looking for? Go to our FAQs section to find answers to your tracking questions. FAQs ( 1:2 Agenda Item #F. 11 Jul 2019 Page 321 of 672 Page 322 of 672 CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE FAX EMAIL ADDITIONAL CONTACT 1 Scott Williams Public Works Director , OWNER GHOSE DEVAJYOTI 9637 PERCUSSION WAY VIENNA, VA 22182 DOC.GHOSE@GMAIL.COM PRIOR OWNER OSSI DEVELOPMENT INC 1112 3RD ST STE 4 NEPTUNE BEACH, FL 32266 VIOLATION TYPE USER NAME OBSERVED DATE CORRECTED DATE LOCATION REMARKS NOTES Grading and Draining Deborah White 9/27/2018 IPMC Sec. 302.2 Grading and drainage. All premises shall be graded and maintained to prevent the erosion of soil and to prevent the accumulation of stagnant water thereon, or within any structure located thereon. VIOLATIONS Description: Modified Storm Water retention violation Status: PENDING CODE BOARD Type: CODE ENFORCEMENT Subtype: RESIDENTIAL Opened: 9/27/2018 Closed: Last Action: 7/26/2019 Fllw Up: 7/26/2019 Site Address: 317 EAST COAST DR ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Site APN: 172551 0000 Officer: Angela Irizarry Details:Homeowner modified storm water retention filled in area with coquina. Subsequently obtained a permit to allow ONLY 17% coquina and has not returned retention in compliance with permits. Permit # RESO 18-0033 issued but not complied with.. Staff recommends Respondent be found in Compliance. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 1 of 8 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-320 A g e n d a I t e m # F . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 3 2 3 o f 6 7 2 CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Lori Diaz 7/26/2019 CODE BOARD ORDER Lori Diaz 7/23/2019 CODE BOARD AGENDA Lori Diaz 7/4/2019 6/14/2019 CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 6/26/2019 CHRONOLOGY Heavy Vehicle Store (fyd)Valerie Jones 10/15/2018 Sec. 24-163. (b) Recreational vehicles stored or parked on any residential lot shall be subject to the following provisions: (2) Recreational vehicles, boats or boat trailers or other type of trailer shall not be parked or stored closer than fifteen (15) feet from the front lot line and shall be parked in a manner that is generally perpendicular to the front property line such that length is not aligned in a manner that extends across the front of the lot it being the intent that recreational vehicles, boats and trailers that are parked forward of the residence and should not excessively dominate the front of the lot. Impervious Surface Deborah White 9/27/2018 (f) Building restrictions. Building restrictions within the RS-2 zoning district shall be: (1)Maximum impervious surface: Fifty (50) percent. Residential Lot Coverage Deborah White 9/27/2018 Sec. 24-106. Residential, single-family district (RS-2) (f) Building restrictions. Building restrictions within the RS-2 zoning district shall be: (1) Maximum impervious surface: Fifty (50) percent. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 2 of 8 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-320 A g e n d a I t e m # F . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 3 2 4 o f 6 7 2 EMAIL RECEIVED Angela Irizarry 6/3/2019 6/3/2019 From: Kira Boonyea [] Sent: Monday, June 03, 2019 12:40 PM To: devajyoti ghose <> Cc: Irizarry,Angela <>; Corbin, Shane <>;;; Nishant <> Subject: RES018-0033 - 317 East Coast Drive Good morning everyone, At this point the topic is moot as all of the flagstone has been removed, excepting the 25sf explicitly allowed under condition #s 6 and 7of the original permit #RES018-0033. Since this was done we have been in compliance with both the permit and the order from the city. Angela and Shane, if we need to schedule any inspection for the order compliance separate from the final inspection for permit #RES018-0033, let’s do that now. I have already left a message on the Inspection Line with all information required to schedule the permit’s final inspection. When the landscape architect comes forward with a workable plan for the backyard, we will proceed with a new permit application if the design requires one. I have attached photographs dated this morning showing that the excess flagstones are gone. Thank you all, Kira Mauro 520-270-5251 NOTICE OF HEARING Lori Diaz 5/30/2019 5/30/2019 Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 3 of 8 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-320 A g e n d a I t e m # F . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 3 2 5 o f 6 7 2 EMAIL RECEIVED Angela Irizarry 5/28/2019 5/28/2019 From: devajyoti ghose [] Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2019 7:56 AM To: Irizarry,Angela <>; Corbin, Shane <> Cc: Williams, Scott <>; Bartle, Donna <>;; Kira Boonyea <>; kira mauro <>; Nishant Ghose <> Subject: Re: FW: 317 East Coast Drive Hello Shane - I wanted to follow up about our discussions regarding the backyard at 317 East Coast Drive getting it back in compliance. We have asked Brett Godard of Godard Design to come up with an acceptable design that will comply with City regulation - he has said that he will have a design by the end of this month. We will ask you to review it and, provided it is approved, we plan to remove the flagstones and replace them with a compliant design. To save on costs, we would like to remove the flagstones and remodel the backyard as one project and not as two separate projects. In order to do so could you please allow us another 45 days to complete everything. Please let us know if this is acceptable. My number is (703)786-0902. Thank you and best regards. Sincerely, Devajyoti Doc) Ghose Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 4 of 8 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-320 A g e n d a I t e m # F . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 3 2 6 o f 6 7 2 EMAIL SENT Shane Corbin 5/28/2019 5/28/2019 From: Corbin, Shane Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2019 9:14 AM To: devajyoti ghose <>; Irizarry,Angela <> Cc: Williams, Scott <>; Bartle, Donna <>;; Kira Boonyea <>; kira mauro <>; Nishant Ghose <> Subject: RE: FW: 317 East Coast Drive Hello Mr. Ghose, As we discussed, you are welcome to attend one of our development review meetings to discuss your plans. However, we are not able to grant an extension administratively due to an existing board order for compliance. You will have to request an extension at the July Special Magistrate meeting. A meeting notice will be mailed to you soon. Thank you, Shane CMRR RECEIVED W/SIGNATURE Angela Irizarry 4/1/2019 4/1/2019 Rcvd signed green card for CEB order from March 12 meeting SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Lori Diaz 3/27/2019 3/26/2019 Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 5 of 8 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-320 A g e n d a I t e m # F . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 3 2 7 o f 6 7 2 CODE BOARD ORDER Lori Diaz 3/24/2019 3/26/2019 Kara Mauro, daughter-in-law of Respondent, was in attendance. Board continued to case until May 31, 2019 to the allow the Respondent time to pursue a variance under the new COAB Ordinance adopted on 2/25/2019. CODE BOARD MEETING AGENDA Lori Diaz 3/1/2019 2/28/2019 NOH POST AND AFF Angela Irizarry 2/28/2019 3/1/2019 CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 2/25/2019 2/27/2019 Per Tracking Number: 70171000000069911275 Your item could not be delivered on February 25, 2019 at 12:14 pm in VIENNA, VA 22182. It was held for the required number of days and is being returned to the sender. Status Alert February 25, 2019 at 12:14 pm Unclaimed/Being Returned to Sender VIENNA, VA 22182 OTHER Angela Irizarry 2/11/2019 2/11/2019 SUBMITTED VARIANCE APPLICATION NOTICE OF HEARING Lori Diaz 1/31/2019 1/30/2019 CMRR RECEIVED W/SIGNATURE Angela Irizarry 1/4/2019 1/4/2019 Code Board Ordered Signed Green Card received. SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Lori Diaz 12/10/2018 12/12/2018 Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 6 of 8 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-320 A g e n d a I t e m # F . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 3 2 8 o f 6 7 2 CODE BOARD ORDER Lori Diaz 12/3/2018 12/12/2018 Kara Mauro, daughter-in-law of Respondent, was in attendance. Board finds Respondent in violation and continued the case until March 12, 2019 to allow the Respondent time to apply for a variance or achieve full compliance . MISC LETTER/CORRESPONDENCE Angela Irizarry 11/27/2018 11/27/2018 Rcvd Letter from Owner stating they believe they are in compliance with 50% impervious rule with the flagstone installed. Sent to Scott Williams for review and comment. TELEPHONE CALL Angela Irizarry 11/19/2018 11/19/2018 Rcvd. call from Mr. Devajyoti, owner. Forwarded his information to Scott Williams to discuss calculations for 50% impervious surface area. CODE BOARD MEETING AGENDA Lori Diaz 11/18/2018 11/20/2018 MEETING WITH TENANT/OCCUPANT Angela Irizarry 11/15/2018 11/15/2018 Met with daughter in law for Mr. Devajyoti who resides in the home. They believe they are in compliance with the 50% impervious surface ord. They plan to appeal the calculations with public works. CMRR RETURNED FROM PO Angela Irizarry 10/29/2018 11/15/2018 Return to Sender No Mail Receptacle Unable to Forward NOTICE OF HEARING Lori Diaz 10/14/2018 9/27/2018 DW did the NOH letter herself on 09.27.2018 OTHER Deborah White 9/27/2018 Meeting with Shane and Scott to proceed with nov/noh for nov 28, 2018 CEB NOV CERT Deborah White 9/27/2018 9/27/2018 INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES CEB INSPECTION AI 10/17/2018 10/17/2018 VIOLATION CONTINUES INITIAL INSPECTION DW 9/27/2018 9/27/2018 VIOLATION FOUND Scott Williams, PW INSPECTIONS Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 7 of 8 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-320 A g e n d a I t e m # F . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 3 2 9 o f 6 7 2 FINANCIAL INFORMATION Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 8 of 8 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-320 A g e n d a I t e m # F . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 3 3 0 o f 6 7 2 E — 3zZ J't1 K'__-.0,0s).,- STOP WORK J CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT (904) 247-5826 NOTICE This building has been inspected and work regarding: Xv General Construction Mechanical Concrete and Masonry Electrical Plumbing Gas Piping IS NOT ACCEPTED AND MUST CEASE CORRECT AS NOTED BELOW, BEFORE ANY FURTHER WORK: rpm. inVick )'!C tAi14 iNN 00 0+ Y ftl4i '' t poi pev 1'•' 1o& re14t 41 70 1S4 C* 19 t. t i&kw A ADDRESS: 1041# blew ' Si , p . a . Please contact our department regarding this notice within 10 days. If you do not, this violation will be forwarded to the CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD. The posting of this placard by its contents shall serve as due notice. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE Inspector: Yr ` Date: /0 . 2 ' ,a oI 4/ Agenda Item #G. 11 Jul 2019 Page 331 of 672 1 _.141j. City of Atlantic Beach a 800 Seminole Road rjre) Atlantic Beach, FL, 32233 Var Phone: 904-247-5800 Notice of Violation November 06, 2018 PISCHLY SANDRA ESTATE CASE NO. 18-322 1044 HIBISCUS ST REAL ESTATE NO. 171002 0065 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 RETURN RECEIPT: VIOLATION LOCATION: 1044 HIBISCUS ST Dear Property Owner, Please be advised, Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property referenced above to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: 1. Fences No Permit-Sec.24-157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions. Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically being within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. ACTION REQUIRED WITHIN five(5) DAYS OF THE RECEIPT OF THIS NOTICE: Please apply for a permit for the new wooden fence or have the fence removed. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation(s) by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Board resulting in fines up to two-hundred fifty 250.00) per day. Upon completion of action required it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. If you have any questions contact Code Enforcement at 904-247-5855. Sincerely, Angela Irizarry Code Enforcement Agenda Item #G. 11 Jul 2019 Page 332 of 672 s /- City of Atlantic Beach rf 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL, 32233 Phone: 904-247-5800 Notice of Violation November 06, 2018 LANCE PISCHLY CASE NO. 18-322 411 Ashcroft Landing Dr. REAL ESTATE NO. 171002 0065 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32225 RETURN RECEIPT: VIOLATION LOCATION: 1044 HIBISCUS ST Dear Property Owner, Please be advised, Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property referenced above to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: 1. Fences No Permit-Sec.24-157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions. Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically being within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. ACTION REQUIRED WITHIN five (5) DAYS OF THE RECEIPT OF THIS NOTICE: Please apply for a permit for the new wooden fence or have the fence removed. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation(s) by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Board resulting in fines up to two-hundred fifty 250.00) per day. Upon completion of action required it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. If you have any questions contact Code Enforcement at 904-247-5855. Sincerely, Angela Irizarry Code Enforcement Agenda Item #G. 11 Jul 2019 Page 333 of 672 City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road v5_. • ;' Atlantic Beach, FL, 32233 Phone: 904-247-5800 Notice of Violation (Return Receipt) December 03,2018 LANCE PISCHLY CASE NO. 18-322 411 Ashcroft Landing Dr. REAL ESTATE NO. 171002 0065 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32225 RETURN RECEIPT: 7018 2290 0001 0116 2518 VIOLATION LOCATION: 1044 HIBISCUS ST Dear Property Owner, Please be advised,Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property referenced above to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: 1. Fences No Permit-Sec. 24-157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions. Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically being within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. ACTION REQUIRED WITHIN five(5) DAYS OF THE RECEIPT OF THIS NOTICE: Please apply for a permit for the new wooden fence or have the fence removed. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation(s) by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Board resulting in fines up to two-hundred fifty 250.00) per day. Upon completion of action required it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. If you have any questions contact Code Enforcement at 904-247-5855. Sincerely, Angela Irizarry Code Enforcement Agenda Item #G. 11 Jul 2019 Page 334 of 672 rs-L`fr City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL, 32233 Phone: 904-247-5800 Notice of Violation (Return Receipt) December 03, 2018 LANCE PISCHLY CASE NO. 18-322 411 Ashcroft Landing Dr. REAL ESTATE NO. 171002 0065 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32225 RETURN RECEIPT: 7018 2290 0001 0116 2518 VIOLATION LOCATION: 1044 HIBISCUS ST Dear Property Owner, Please be advised, Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property referenced above to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: 1. Fences No Permit-Sec. 24-157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions. Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically being within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. ACTION REQUIRED WITHIN five (5) DAYS OF THE RECEIPT OF THIS NOTICE: Please apply for a permit for the new wooden fence or have the fence removed. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation(s) by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Board resulting in fines up to two-hundred fifty 250.00) per day. Upon completion of action required it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. If you have any questions contact Code Enforcement at 904-247-5855. Sincerely, U.S. Postal Service ' GA1 m CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only fLn ru For delivery information,visit our website at . Angela marry 4yC. r..: Code Enforcement Certified Mad Fee a Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee es appropriate) 0 Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ e3 0 Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark im 0 Certified Mall Restricted Delhrery $ Here O 0 Adult Signature Required y 0 Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ Postage Er ru $ ru Total Postage and Fees r-9 Sent To ll1 Street and-Al o. drib-110 .:ti City,state,Z/P+4+ 1 1 PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN'530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions Agenda Item #G. 11 Jul 2019 Page 335 of 672 j Jr,,, CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD J r 7- 4 t CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING J;11>f" 1/30/2019 Case Number: 18-322 PISCHLY SANDRA ESTATE Certified Mail Return Receipt: 1044 HIBISCUS ST 70171000000069911305 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Property Address: 1044 HIBISCUS ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on March 12,2019 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 1044 HIBISCUS ST, RE#171002 0065, 18-34 17-2S-29E .087,ATLANTIC BEACH SEC H, S 37FT LOT 6 BLK 188 International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances Sec. 24-157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions. Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically being within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 1/25/2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 1044 HIBISCUS ST. During the inspection,the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: Fence was installed on the property without obtaining a permit from the City of Atlantic Beach. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #G. 11 Jul 2019 Page 336 of 672 note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, tr,fle C; 2 7c1Nr hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true andccurate. Q1\ Qo Angela' zany, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: Lori Diaz, Records Clerk U.S. Postal Service- CERTIFIED MAIL® RECEIPT lrl 0 Domestic Mail Only R'11-1 For delivery information,visit our website at°. Ir Certified Mail Fee Extra Services&Fees(check box,add lee as appropriate) 0 Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ 0 Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark O Certified Mal Restricted Delivery $ Here t= Adutt Signature Required $ 0 Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ MI Postage O $ r Total Postage and Fees r- Se 1-Rb., 1c-3Zit Si eei and L ,or Box No. City,state,ZIP+4+ PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #G. 11 Jul 2019 Page 337 of 672 11'1-liv7ric CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING 2/27/2019 Case Number: 18-322 PISCHLY SANDRA ESTATE POSTED ON PROPERTY AND 1044 HIBISCUS ST ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1044 HIBISCUS ST ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on March 12,2019 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 1044 HIBISCUS ST, RE#171002 0065, 18-34 17-2S-29E .087,ATLANTIC BEACH SEC H, S 37FT LOT 6 BLK 188. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances Sec. 24-157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions. Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically being within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 1/25/2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 1044 HIBISCUS ST. During the inspection,the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: Fence was installed on the property without obtaining a permit from the City of Atlantic Beach.. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please Agenda Item #G. 11 Jul 2019 Page 338 of 672 note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, J2 tC. t 7C f I hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and a ate. Angela Irizarry, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: Lori Diaz,Records Clerk Agenda Item #G. 11 Jul 2019 Page 339 of 672 lrs ' '' CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Jv ss. 800 SEMINOLE ROAD 0 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 r PHONE (904) 247-5800 l'.-/-r E1!Y NOH POSTING AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF MAILING REGULAR MAIL Case Number: 18-322 Pursuant to Chapter 162, Florida Statutes and Sec. 2-147, City of Atlantic Beach City Code of Ordinances, I, Angela Irizarry, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach, hereby affirm a Notice of Hearing, a copy of which is attached, was mailed regular mail and was posted at the following locations: 1) Date Posted: 2%\ Lc) Location: 1044 HIBISCUS ST, Atlantic Beach, Florida 2) Date Posted:3\ k (7 L i Location: ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALLL_ 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 i NI, 4,„„,.... Angela Iriza)§%Ci,ode Enforcement' County of Duval IIII State of Florida The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me this 1 day of mote( k 20 Y C(, by Angela Irizarry,who is personally known to me as Code Enforcement for the City of Atlantic Beach. Person taking acknowledgement: Notary Stamp/Seal) OL a otary Public, State of Flo al a fp,. v ; ./.. y. LORI Mow 336w27636NISCOIMIISStONW216 EXPIRES:November 13,2022 f.............. Bonded Tivu Notary Pubic UndenwIlens Agenda Item #G. 11 Jul 2019 Page 340 of 672 Page 1 of 2 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ORDER CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA,Petitioner vs. PISCHLY SANDRA ESTATE, Respondent First Class and Certified Mail Return Receipt 1044 HIBISCUS ST Requested: 70171000000069911398 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1044 HIBISCUS ST ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Case Number: 18-322 Real Estate Number: 171002 0065 Legal Description: 18-34 17-2S-29E .087, ATLANTIC BEACH SEC H, S 37FT LOT 6 BLK 188 THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Board on March 12, 2019, and the Board having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That the Respondent owns the property located at 1044 HIBISCUS ST,Atlantic Beach, Florida. 2. That notice was sent by Posting on the subject property and that Respondent was not present at the hearing. 3. That notification of the violations of the City of Atlantic Beach, were made and served on the Respondent as evidenced in this hearing. 4. That the Respondent is in violation of Sections 24-157 and 24-17 of the City of Atlantic Beach Ordinances and must obtain compliance within 15 days of this hearing date. Failure to comply will result in a fine of$100 per day for the first day and$100 per day for every day thereafter until full compliance is achieved. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW THAT the Respondent is NOT IN COMPLIANCE with the provisions of Sections 24-157 and 24-17 of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances and has failed to correct such violation as of this hearing date. Agenda Item #G. 11 Jul 2019 Page 341 of 672 Page 2 of 2 ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is Ordered: THAT the Respondent is found in violation for non-compliance and must obtain compliance on or before March 27, 2019. Failure to comply will result in fines of$100 for the first day and $100 for every day thereafter while the violation continues to exist. In addition, any fine shall also include the administrative costs to the City incurred in prosecuting this case. THAT the Respondent is responsible for contacting the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection of compliance. THAT failure to pay all accumulated fines will result in a lien being placed against the property at 1044 HIBISCUS ST for the total assessment plus costs incurred for the filing of the lien. All lien amounts are to be made payable at an interest rate of ten(10)percent per annum from date of certification until paid. DONE AND ORDERED THIS March 12, 2019. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ATTEST: Lori Diaz, Records Clerk enj..• de Luna, Chairman U.S. p CERTExecutedthisdayofMarch ,2019. o' Do eesr;M oD A447j®REFor tsVery f 1474PLEASENOTE: Florida Statutes, Section ate Vs;t° Ceif; ur website162.11, states that an appeal of this order shallQ- ett .( J c° filed in circuit court within thirty(3 0)days of o Extrarra Se R$Fps this order's execution. o cRetun,' t(h` c Py() chock Q rcertrfreC Al"" Pt t tnete0. $ ePPruaaete) Rests Adt n tu R llvery $_ OQ ,.• kte°° ellvery$= t'°: ark Poe aFees 20usi anpj_' or#& e, 4Nao- t- • _ 11111 38 °, April 2°15 PSN 7530_02, See Ret,efse for InstrU " Agenda Item #G. 11 Jul 2019 Page 342 of 672 Page 1 012 0 LAI. rir, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA iii tJ NOTICE OF HEARING rJ s) t.Jstl!P 5/31/2019 Case Number: 18-322 PISCHLY SANDRA ESTATE Certified Mail Return Receipt: 1044 HIBISCUS ST 70171000000069911480 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1044 HIBISCUS ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on July 11,2019 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 1044 HIBISCUS ST, RE#171002 0065, 18-34 17-2S-29E .087, ATLANTIC BEACH SEC H, S 37FT LOT 6 BLK 188. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances Sec. 24-157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions. Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically being within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On May 30, 2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 1044 HIBISCUS ST. During the inspection, the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: Fence was installed on the property without obtaining a permit from the City of Atlantic Beach. On March 12, 2019, the Code Enforcement Board entered an order notifying you that you had 15 days to obtain the permit or fines would be assessed in the amount of$100/day. As of May 30, 2019 no permit has been applied for or obtained. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received, the case may Agenda Item #G. 11 Jul 2019 Page 343 of 672 CERTIFIED 4 , '41t,—, 0City of Atlantic Beach N o 800 Seminole Road 3i • i. . 4: 11 10 I US POSTAGE 4 • . N s Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 OSA Jt[_' ;. a 7017 1000 0000 6991 1480 ZIP 322 33V, 041M11299654 U O ( t N cn O 1 i i/31/2019 Case N b8 IY.LA1t Ut 1 OVOID/ Ltt1! ISCHLY SANDRA ESTATE f RRETURN Y t.Certil rNr, a, ta, 044 HIBISCUS ST 70171 UNABLE TO FORWARD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 BC! 32233546199 1.7 3 8 0 E 8' 8— 31_ 4•0 N i 3.22 3 3> 4 1 3i iz t11l < sti a4syaa.ss3. i1 v) O O a) czt O O O 0 0 0 vet o O O :1 0, oma - 4 a Ems : 1• 1J o cf) 3 0 W• M s4 J N2F y O C.) O 4, C) z Cf) Roc m vO 15,-,78-c-) O o a aUONaHh ri4U a) s, o cu 04 a)gig 03 Ct," •ti U . U Q" Q-7 W oa° v) cra WTi") OOO ab ic9 00 :giU a 0 0 O O 09$x [ [669 0000 000T LTOLo° 0 A g e n d a I t e m # G . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 3 4 4 o f 6 7 2 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH sty 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 J tr PHONE (904) 247-5800 NOH POSTING AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF MAILING REGULAR MAIL Case Number: 18-322 Pursuant to Chapter 162, Florida Statutes and Sec. 2-147, City of Atlantic Beach City Code of Ordinances, I,Angela Irizarry, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach,hereby affirm a Notice of Hearing, a copy of which is attached, was mailed regular mail and was posted at the following locations: 1 Date Posted: t Location: 1044 HIBISCUS ST, Atlantic Beach, Florida Posted:2) Date Location: ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Angela Irizarry, ode Enforcement , • County of Duval State of Florida The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me this ` day of A\/ 20 kg , by Angela Irizarry,who is personally known to me as Code Enforcement fdr the City of Atlantic Beach. Person taking acknowledgement: Notary Stamp/Seal) Nota Public, State of Florida 1 — LORI DIAZ 1r INoow SION:oc 276336 1 iq , • E *amber 13,2022 t.' Bonded nos Plait Undaeein, Agenda Item #G. 11 Jul 2019 Page 345 of 672 rj \,'Ilit, CODE ENFORCEMENT u" r .-" 9 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 1ip NOTICE OF HEARING J31}-9‘i- 7/1/2019 fir" 7/1/2019 Case Number: 18-322 PISCHLY SANDRA ESTATE POSTED ON PROPERTY AND 1044 HIBISCUS ST ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1044 HIBISCUS ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on July 11,2019 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 1044 HIBISCUS ST, RE#171002 0065, 18-34 17-2S-29E .087, ATLANTIC BEACH SEC H, S 37FT LOT 6 BLK 188. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances Sec. 24-157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions. Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically being within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On May 30, 2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 1044 HIBISCUS ST. During the inspection,the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: Fence was installed on the property without obtaining a permit from the City of Atlantic Beach. On March 12, 2019,the Code Enforcement Board entered an order notifying you that you had 15 days to obtain the permit or fines would be assessed in the amount of$100/day. As of May 30, 2019 no permit has been applied for or obtained.. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received, the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. Agenda Item #G. 11 Jul 2019 Page 346 of 672 You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, - N t lip A.c ` hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is trueanda I ate. Angela Iriz y, di Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: 1x5_..uld L • Lori Diaz,Records Clerk Agenda Item #G. 11 Jul 2019 Page 347 of 672 Page 348 of 672 CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE FAX EMAIL ADDITIONAL CONTACT 1 LANCE PISCHLY 411 Ashcroft Landing Dr. JACKSONVILLE, FL 32225 OWNER PISCHLY SANDRA ESTATE 1044 HIBISCUS ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 CHRONOLOGY VIOLATION TYPE USER NAME OBSERVED DATE CORRECTED DATE LOCATION REMARKS NOTES Fences No Permit Toni Gindlesperger 10/2/2018 Sec. 24-157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions. Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically being within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. VIOLATIONS Description: FENCE WITH OUT A PERMIT Status: PENDING CODE BOARD Type: CODE ENFORCEMENT Subtype: STOP WORK ORDER Opened: 10/2/2018 Closed: Last Action: 7/26/2019 Fllw Up: 7/26/2019 Site Address: 1044 HIBISCUS ST Atlantic Beach, Fl 32233 Site APN: 171002 0065 Officer: Angela Irizarry Details:Staff recommends imposition of fine as ordered at March CDB meeting. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 1 of 4 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-322 A g e n d a I t e m # G . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 3 4 9 o f 6 7 2 CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Lori Diaz 7/26/2019 CODE BOARD ORDER Lori Diaz 7/23/2019 CODE BOARD AGENDA Lori Diaz 7/4/2019 5/30/2019 CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 6/26/2019 NOTICE OF HEARING Lori Diaz 5/30/2019 5/30/2019 SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Lori Diaz 3/27/2019 3/26/2019 CODE BOARD ORDER Lori Diaz 3/24/2019 3/26/2019 The Board finds THAT the Respondent is in violation for non- compliance and must obtain compliance within 15 days. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $100 per day for the first day and $100 per day for every day thereafter until full compliance is achieved. CODE BOARD MEETING AGENDA Lori Diaz 3/1/2019 2/28/2019 NOH POST AND AFF Angela Irizarry 2/28/2019 2/28/2019 CMRR RETURNED FROM PO Angela Irizarry 2/6/2019 2/6/2019 Notice of Hearing dated 1/30/2019 for 3/12/2019 meeting returned by post office marked Return to Sender, Not Deliverable as addressed, Unable to Forward. NOTICE OF HEARING Lori Diaz 1/31/2019 1/30/2019 NOV CERT Angela Irizarry 12/3/2018 12/3/2018 Sent to Lance at alt address via cert and reg mail. NOV REG Angela Irizarry 11/6/2018 11/6/2018 STOP WORK ORDER POST Mike Jones 10/2/2018 10/2/2018 INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES INSPECTIONS Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 2 of 4 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-322 A g e n d a I t e m # G . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 3 5 0 o f 6 7 2 CEB INSPECTION AI 1/28/2019 1/28/2019 VIOLATION CONTINUES REINSPECTION AI 11/14/2018 11/14/2018 VIOLATION CONTINUES REINSPECTION AI 12/10/2018 12/14/2018 VIOLATION CONTINUES REINSPECTION AI 5/30/2019 5/30/2019 VIOLATION CONTINUES No permit has been applied for FINANCIAL INFORMATION Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 3 of 4 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-322 A g e n d a I t e m # G . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 3 5 1 o f 6 7 2 Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 4 of 4 CASE DETAILS Case Number 18-322 A g e n d a I t e m # G . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 3 5 2 o f 6 7 2 Irizarry,Angela From: Arlington, Daniel Sent: Wednesday,January 02, 2019 11:21 AM To: Irizarry,Angela;Johnston,Jennifer Cc:Bell, Rick Subject: FW: 221 Seminole Attachments: IMG_1357.JPG;ATT00001.txt; IMG_1358.JPG;ATT00002.txt;IMG_1360.JPG; ATT00003.txt I posted the attached SWO at 221 Seminole Road. New windows and fence. No permits found. Stickers still on windows. Workers were still on site. A SWO was posted on this house for roofing without a permit in August, 2018. Dan Arlington,CBO Building Official City of Atlantic Beach, Florida 904) 247-5813 Original Message From: Arlington, Daniel Sent:Wednesday,January 2, 2019 11:13 AM To:Arlington, Daniel<> Subject: 221 Seminole 1 Agenda Item #H. 11 Jul 2019 Page 353 of 672 iv ....,.. vor- i sT el p WORK ei CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT (904)247-5826 NOTICE l his building has been inspected and: LT General Construction Mechanical Concrete and Masonry Electrical Plumbing Gas Piping IS NOT ACCEPTED 4E,g440 CORRECT AS NOTED BELOW, BEFORE ANY FURTHER WORK cam - T_ It-- 4E.- ,-r C 46. ` R 4•.,F -v---' 1,1 P ADDRESS:i 5e_."‘ 144=1—c- I T2,s,- DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE Inspector: _ Pte•+ k t4ct s ADate: ailaz ct 1 mbairomp Failure to respond to this Notice within 10 days will result in this violation being forwarded to the 1.111115"1 CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD.N---y=y The posting of this Placard by its contents shall serve as due notice. Agenda Item #H. 11 Jul 2019 Page 354 of 672 yr rr j y]I,, 4 1'/./// API! i I 1 t/F.:' 7 "MOP::i....e.. :;. i rl i.!----.'-' .,,s.'.. .,..„,„e_. : .4" - --7 . s.,, ,. , t,;;7',if eitaii.„..„,:!.,,,fr f ati I r•.E..or k•` 4.!.% +*,'. dtC LA . fir. `r.y f. •• r ry• ,, f ¢. r. v til `•.` , lit.••. • . "s> •+ . r;„:, v, •40 41• le 221 i 7TKu v 411, 144k r cam. f r el r ••s• ' y ,— 4„..,,,,....;.7 3" _ e• VI rte . ry^ t 01a-----,. ....„,-...... ...--, ----',;iyi may. re. moi vt y51; 7 c ft p x i 4,—J Vti'. R M+ i e':11 I /4/44404i mb ei'it-„,„1.0,.. if r: .,,Y". IL r .,'b.tit3.iId'.•t; : 'C*tea ,?.Jas ry_,. meq'"9.'77.., ';::''' 0•••....--,,,51"1 _ 1- t ` \•_ , -7`f."1. 07-"';7i, a-' >.,.. a.+ ,. ,wir t'd_ 'i`rar.' !Y'L ''.,' 1iti•,t .'S;,4444,:t„,.. 44 FBr? .,5. •' P,a !' •. •t'' /'' ` s.+,sY+v.i $ x 'y ;,.'S Yr. '7f $ :- k ! _ d'' . _ w +•r. ut+` \ o L'.--' 4"47',.72.5c, 4 . 4 • y,.,r« t.e.rj'Ra., y,, 7, 1y, ' xtt yS.•,. I .."i« ^+'. i,, i-"`;i:. t..!.- 5,,,-;"".....:::::.‹ { .' 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LL ,I. 7 L." , r -,'•01• `'4." ,'"y. r• n* T le- Ai.'N'dy x 1 •F 5 4-=','Py(1 t• - r i yC :rl.. :f- "N a.. • ..4#`' / Mr7 / kT 'p,,r • 'P'- • ti' w+ 7':%' i•Y,./ ! i. .... :_."...v:. .a art"jic• ., R Y a I'+ ,' 91Mi'.,, 1 y, t;, S 6:'0, -•' I t h 'f , i,,,,4` F.• + r5 ps. y 4 • tr+ t s N 4%.' ;:-' 4- t e. 4 -1ta, .... 1 N' rC' =.. ll. 'fie ,4,--;-: 'C' 1 -vva.p f t'+h:k t —1 YS.4—:.'t.44.4••••••••..f.•. L ''` r. t , '. A g e n d a I t e m # H . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 3 5 5 o f 6 7 2 1-• It.:••• i• S• I,,,..''''• I i I I ' I''''. 4.;.,'7'' r-' i .P -.- 77- 1: 2 / / iiis - 4 • . -671 • ___ y,, .., , b .. . ,0ls7; .. y f''_,.. .,..i.-- i /',-/ •-• i . • -. t.\f• ' 7, c q- ... i,....- - -.- - N 1 1 '.e.t...:,• .,.--• z r1-: .;•.'-' 1)'•'. .: ' y.---..ii. • -.- -'I, I- I 4.0.-- °I. ' - ` r" •A 'it•,.k - _.---'- 7 -;‘•' ,,1F1.-- , --1,•::. :•.;:Ar,... r.,,, --,,,, .., it,:•..,,,..11,•,,-, ::=',t.. i.0\i ,,,,-).,.. , 7V4. N.t -, ....ti 1-7,•41.t,1-•,,4"1,,, . 11 i-•1 •..•-•.-F, :.'-'.•-• 7::4,21"...._.14:4IIIIIIg4eq..-- fr_ NON A A ' ii.''. ',/. I I 1c.'"..-APIllailr--"ner4074111i2 w k .0,--\ A.-,osgp• 0-',-,--7!-- P.'.1144k•-•'''',J-•••,-,‘ s-,, . -- .1\ ,,.•*,...-- 1 f 4,, ti• iiiiii#,,,,:u,•,„ ,., 41 .. / r. .. \v ., .v ./ f-F;' 14"^ ' I I1,IN 47....:,‘, . ., S. , 1T. ,A;ar!,14.,v,• i,\ •'' '• 4N. .‘..' ' fi•••,'...;.'' s ,4j,'.1 4r • 4•IT ,\. ..',...i I 0...'..1 1 Agenda Item #H. 11 Jul 2019 Page 356 of 672 WILD/A NOTIC OF ADDITIONS or CORRECTIONS DO NOT REMOVE FPA RIME JOB ADDRESS DATE 2 ? 1 t-A,w%c•L_E_ j<`c>. 4 ( y THIS JOB HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETED The following additions or corrections shall be made before the job will be accepted. I C..a- c C At3 c.- 2 4 - 15 1 r 1 tE-vv V f c)C G-v.T 1' Lk tr- v -) C'r'y ,14 ( g 5.00 REINSPECT FEE NO CHARGE It is unlawful for any Carpenter, Contractor, Builder or other persons, to cover or to cause to be covered, any part of the work with flooring, lath, earth or other material, until the proper inspector has had ample time to approve the installation. After additions or corrections have BLDG been made contact the Building Dept. ELEC at 247-5814 for an inspection. Office MECH hours are Monday through Friday PLMG 8:00 5:00 p.m. L Agenda Item #H. 11 Jul 2019 Page 357 of 672 1/18/2019 Property Appraiser-Property Details THOMPSON JAMES DOUGLAS +J Primary Site Address Official Record Book/Page Tile# 1170 FOLLY RD 221 SEMINOLE RD 17978-01282 9416 CHARLESTON,SC 29412 Atlantic Beach FL 32233 221 SEMINOLE RD Property Detail Value Summary RE# 170527-0000 2018 Certified 2019 In Pr.•ress Tax District USD3 Value Method CAMA CAMA Property Use 0100 Single Family Total Building Value $97,914.00 96,954.00 of Buildings 1 Extra Feature Value $0.00 0.00 Legal Desc. For full legal description see Land Value(Market) $185,000.00 $185,000.00 Land&Legal section below Land Value(Agric.) $0.00 0.00 Subdivision 03116 SALTAIR SEC 01 Just(Market)Value $282,914.00 $281,954.00 Total Area 4683 Assessed Value $282,914.00 $281,954.00 The sale of this property may result in higher property taxes.For more information go to Save Cap Diff/Portability Amt $0.00/$0.00 $0.00/$0.00 Our Homes and our Property Tax Estimator.'In Progress'property values,exemptions and Exemptions $0.00 See below other supporting information on this page are part of the working tax roll and are subject to change.Certified values listed in the Value Summary are those certified in October,but may Taxable Value $282,914.00 See below include any official changes made after certification Learn how the Property Appraiser's Office values property. Taxable Values and Exemptions—In Progress J If there are no exemptions applicable to a taxing authority,the Taxable Value is the same as the Assessed Value listed above in the Value Summary box. County/Municipal Taxable Value SJRWMD/FIND Taxable Value School Taxable Value No applicable exemptions No applicable exemptions No applicable exemptions Sales History IBook/Page I Sale Date I Sale Price I Deed Instrument Type Code Qualified/Unqualified I Vacant/Improved 17978-01282 4/19/2017 $100.00 QC-Quit Claim Unqualified Improved 17566-01876 5/18/2016 $100.00 MS-Miscellaneous Unqualified Improved 17599-01150 4/8/2016 100.00 QC-Quit Claim Unqualified Improved 16380-01432 5/16/2013 $180,000.00 SW-Special Warranty Unqualified Improved 16010-02471 7/24/2012 $100.00 CT-Certificate of Title Unqualified Improved 10600-00427 7/18/2002 $148,000.00 WD-Warranty Deed Qualified Improved 06280-00871 2/10/1987 $54,900.00 WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified Improved 04487-01066 10/ 12/ 1977 $28,000.00 WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified Improved 04432-00019 7/21/1977 $38,500.00 WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified Improved 04381-00473 5/ 6/1977 26,900.00 WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified Improved 04219-00306 8/4/1976 4,000.00 WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified Improved Extra Features J No data found for this section Land &Legal Land ILN I Code I Use Description I Zoning I Front I Depth I Category I Land Units I Land Type I Land Value I ILLNaI Legal Description I 1 10100 I RES LD 3-7 UNITS PER AC I ARS-2 150.00 1100.00 I Common 11.00 I Lot I$185,000.00 I 1 10-8 16-2S-29E I 2 SALTAIR SEC 1 I 3 LOT 487 I Buildings i Building 1 Building 1 Site Address I Element I Code I Detail221SEMINOLERD Atlantic Beach FL 32233 Exterior Wall 6 6 Vertical Sheet Exterior Wall 25 25 Modular Metal Building Type 0101-SFR 1 STORY Roof Struct 3 3 Gable or Hip Year Built 1976 Roofing Cover 3 3 Asph/Comp Shng x BAs 50 Building Value 96,954.00 Interior Wall 5 5 Drywall Int Flooring 12 12 Hardwood I Type I Gross Area I Heated Area I Effective Area I Int Flooring 11 11 Cer Clay Tile Base Area 1200 1200 1200 I Heating Fuel 4 4 Electric Total 1200 1200 1200 I Heating Type 4 4 Forced-Ducted 21 Air Cond 3 3 Central Element I Code Stories 1.000 Bedrooms 3.000 Baths 1.500 1/2 Agenda Item #H. 11 Jul 2019 Page 358 of 672 ot 40.4.0 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 4# 4 4 'It 800 SEMINOLE ROAD i ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 PHONE (904)247-5800 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7018 2290 0001 0116 7575 1/18/2019 THOMPSON JAMES DOUGLAS ET AL 1170 FOLLY RD CHARLESTON, SC 29412 Real Estate Number: 170527 0000 Case Number: 19-002 Location of Violation: 221 SEMINOLE RD, Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property referenced above to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach, Code of Ordinances,to wit: VIOLATION(S) Sec. 24-157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions. Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically being within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. Sec. 6-16. Adoption of Florida Building Code. There is hereby adopted, subject to any modifications, changes and amendments set forth in this article, and for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the construction, alteration, removal, demolition, equipment, use and occupancy, location and maintenance of buildings and structures, including permits and penalties, that certain building code known as The Florida Building Code established by Florida Statutes Chapter 553, Part VII, as amended from time to time so that the latest edition of the Florida Building Code shall apply and the International Property Maintenance Code, most recent edition. in the office of the city clerk, and the same are adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length in this article, and the provisions thereof shall be controlling in the construction of all buildings and other structures within the city. It has been noted that new windows and a new fence have been installed at the above property. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by obtaining a permit from the City of Atlantic Beach for the new windows and new wooden fence that has been installed on the property within ten (10) days of the receipt of this notice. To avoid having this case be referred to the Code Enforcement Board, all listed violations on this notice must be in compliance on or before the date established by Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement. The Board may impose fines up to two hundred fifty ($250.00) per day for continuing violations. Upon Agenda Item #H. 11 Jul 2019 Page 359 of 672 completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. It is our goal to keep our neighborhoods looking well maintained while protecting property values and your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at(904)247-5855 if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Angela Irizarry CODE ENFORCEMENT U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL® RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only r_ For delivery information,visit our website at r-1 Certified Mail Fee r-a $ Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) 0 Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ 0 0 Return Receipt(electronic) $ Po tmark Certified Mall Restricted Delivery $ ere p Adutt Signature Required $ 0 Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ Postage VIP Ir IU $ ru Total Postage and Fees Sent To I Street and Apt.No.,or PO box No. City,State,zIP+4+ PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions Agenda Item #H. 11 Jul 2019 Page 360 of 672 LA-Pt Jr, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH xss‘ 800 SEMINOLE ROADAr,ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 PHONE (904)247-5800 PI-05119 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7018 2290 0001 0116 7568 1/18/2019 THOMPSON JAMES DOUGLAS ET AL 1643 BOONE HALL DR CHARLESTON, SC 29407 Real Estate Number: 170527 0000 Case Number: 19-002 Location of Violation: 221 SEMINOLE RD, Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property referenced above to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach, Code of Ordinances,to wit: VIOLATION(S) Sec. 24-157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions. Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically being within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. Sec. 6-16. Adoption of Florida Building Code. There is hereby adopted, subject to any modifications, changes and amendments set forth in this article, and for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the construction, alteration, removal, demolition, equipment, use and occupancy, location and maintenance of buildings and structures, including permits and penalties, that certain building code known as The Florida Building Code established by Florida Statutes Chapter 553, Part VII, as amended from time to time so that the latest edition of the Florida Building Code shall apply and the International Property Maintenance Code, most recent edition. in the office of the city clerk, and the same are adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length in this article, and the provisions thereof shall be controlling in the construction of all buildings and other structures within the city. It has been noted that new windows and a new fence have been installed at the above property. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by obtaining a permit from the City of Atlantic Beach for the new windows and new wooden fence that has been installed on the property within ten (10) days of the receipt of this notice. To avoid having this case be referred to the Code Enforcement Board, all listed violations on this notice must be in compliance on or before the date established by Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement. The Board may impose fines up to two hundred fifty ($250.00) per day for continuing violations. Upon Agenda Item #H. 11 Jul 2019 Page 361 of 672 completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. It is our goal to keep our neighborhoods looking well maintained while roteprotecting Enforcement property values and your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Please contact at(904) 247-5855 if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, I II _ i • Angela n zarry CODE ENFORCEMENT U.S. Postal Service- CERTIFIED MAIL® RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only Il N For delivery information,visit our website at®. r1 Certified Mail Fee 1-9 Extra Services&Fees(check box,add lee as appropriate) ra Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ _ cl ['Return Receipt(electronic) $_._ Postmark O 0 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $_ Here Adult Signature Required $ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ _ CI Postage Q' ru $ i-u Total Postage and Fees 03 aSent To ''!! 1 r ire: r nd•,,' r? 1 et)iCity,State,ZIP+4 q PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions Agenda Item #H. 11 Jul 2019 Page 362 of 672 CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD s"\ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA C? NOTICE OF HEARING Vx1,31' 1/30/2019 Case Number: 19-002 THOMPSON JAMES DOUGLAS ET AL Certified Mail Return Receipt: 1170 FOLLY RD 70171000000069911206 CHARLESTON, SC 29412 Property Address: 221 SEMINOLE RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6- 16. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on March 12,2019 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 221 SEMINOLE RD, RE#170527 0000, 10-8 16-2S-29E, SALTAIR SEC 1,LOT 487 International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances Sec. 24-157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions. Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically being within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. Sec. 6-16. Adoption of Florida Building Code. There is hereby adopted, subject to any modifications, changes and amendments set forth in this article, and for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the construction, alteration, removal, demolition, equipment,use and occupancy, location and maintenance of buildings and structures, including permits and penalties, that certain building code known as The Florida Building Code established by Florida Statutes Chapter 553, Part VII, as amended from time to time so that the latest edition of the Florida Building Code shall apply and the International Property Maintenance Code, most recent edition. in the office of the city clerk, and the same are adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length in this article, and the provisions thereof shall be controlling in the construction of all buildings and other structures within the city. Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #H. 11 Jul 2019 Page 363 of 672 STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 1/25/2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 221 SEMINOLE RD. During the inspection,the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: New windows and a new wood fence were installed on the property without obtaining a permit from the City of Atlantic Beach. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. Ck O c r hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true andVccurate. C=- Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach A ST: 41 :1( gir Lori Diaz, RecordsC e r4111 U.S. Postal Service- CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only ru- For delivery information,visit our website at www.usps.com5. 0"" Certified Mail Fee a- $ n Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ O Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark 0 Certified Meil Restricted Delivery $ Here Adult Signature Required $ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ D Postage Total Postage and Fees 1t o rr\PSb 0 St eet and Apt.No.,or Pb Box No. City,State,ZIP+44 PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530- 02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #H. 11 Jul 2019 Page 364 of 672 j CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARDa s J CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING 2/28/2019 Case Number: 19-002 THOMPSON JAMES DOUGLAS ET AL POSTED ON PROPERTY AND 1170 FOLLY RD ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL CHARLESTON, SC 29412 Property Address: 221 SEMINOLE RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on March 12,2019 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall,Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 221 SEMINOLE RD, RE#170527 0000, 10-8 16-2S-29E, SALTAIR SEC 1, LOT 487. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances Sec. 24-157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions. Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically being within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. Sec. 6-16. Adoption of Florida Building Code. There is hereby adopted, subject to any modifications, changes and amendments set forth in this article, and for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the construction, alteration,removal, demolition, equipment, use and occupancy, location and maintenance of buildings and structures, including permits and penalties, that certain building code known as The Florida Building Code established by Florida Statutes Chapter 553, Part VII, as amended from time to time so that the latest edition of the Florida Building Code shall apply and the International Property Maintenance Code,most recent edition. in the office of the city clerk,and the same are adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length in this article, and the provisions thereof shall be controlling in the construction of all buildings and other structures within the city. Agenda Item #H. 11 Jul 2019 Page 365 of 672 STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 1/25/2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 221 SEMINOLE RD. During the inspection,the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: New windows and a new wood privacy fence were installed on the property without obtaining a permit from the City of Atlantic Beach.. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, ( NnSe- Z Q(1 1 , hereby swear and affirm that the above statement istrue and accurate. Angela Irizarry Code Enforcement Officer,City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: ijoiti. Lori Diaz, Records Cler Agenda Item #H. 11 Jul 2019 Page 366 of 672 S 1J`1:r' CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH tt. 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Stp r PHONE (904) 247-5800 1.740111c.) NOH POSTING AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF MAILING REGULAR MAIL Case Number: 19-002 Pursuant to Chapter 162, Florida Statutes and Sec. 2-147, City of Atlantic Beach City Code of Ordinances, I, Angela Irizarry, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach, hereby affirm a Notice of Hearing, a copy of which is attached, was mailed regular mail and was posted at the following locations: 1) Date Posted: Z.\2 ) 2c cik Location: 221 SEMINOLE RD,Atlantic Beach, Florida 2) Date Posted: Location: ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Nth Angela Ir. elt ode Enforcement County of Duval State of Florida The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me this day of oeyti 1,1 20 lc' , by Angela Irizarry,who is personally known to me as Code Enforcement for the City of Atlantic Beach. Person taking acknowledgement: KM1(Notary Stamp/Seal) Notary Public, State o rida low ouz 1 Yrs O GG 276336 EXPIRES:Now: bar 13.2022 tFO/Fb : Bonded Thu NotaryPublic j Agenda Item #H. 11 Jul 2019 Page 367 of 672 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ORDER CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, Petitioner vs. THOMPSON JAMES DOUGLAS ET AL, First Class and Certified Mail Return Receipt Respondent Requested: 70171000000069911404 1170 FOLLY RD CHARLESTON, SC 29412 Property Address: 221 SEMINOLE RD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Case Number: 19-002 Real Estate Number: 170527 0000 Legal Description: 10-8 16-2S-29E, SALTATR SEC 1, LOT 487 THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code.Enforcement Board on March 12, 2019, and the Board having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That the Respondent owns the property located at 221 SEMINOLE RD,Atlantic Beach, Florida. 2. That notice was sent by Posting on the subject property and that Respondent was not present at the hearing. 3. That notification of the violations of the City of Atlantic Beach, were made and served on the Respondent as evidenced in this hearing. 4. THAT the Respondent is in violation of Sections 24-157 and 24-17 of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances and must obtain compliance within 15 days. Failure to comply will result in a fine of$100 per day for the first day and$100 per day for every day thereafter until full compliance is achieved. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW THAT the Respondent is NOT IN COMPLIANCE with Sections 24-157 and 24-17 of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances and has failed to correct such violation as of this hearing date. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is Ordered: THAT the Respondent is found in violation for non-compliance and must obtain compliance on or before March 27, 2019. Failure to comply will result in fines of$100.00 per day for the first day and Agenda Item #H. 11 Jul 2019 Page 368 of 672 100.00 per day for every day thereafter while the violation continues to exist. In addition, any fine shall also include the administrative costs to the City incurred in prosecuting this case. THAT the Respondent is responsible for contacting the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection of compliance. THAT failure to pay all accumulated fines will result in a lien being placed against the property at 221 SEMINOLE RD for the total assessment plus costs incurred for the filing of the lien. All lien amounts are to be made payable at an interest rate of ten (10) percent per annum from date of certification until paid. DONE AND ORDERED THIS March 12,2019. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ATTEST: 0-1/C6LoriDiaz, Records Clerk By: Benj de Luna, Chairman Executed this ` Z day of March , 2019. PLEASE NOTE: Florida Statutes, Section 162.11, states that an appeal of this order shall be filed in circuit court within thirty(30) days of this order's execution. U.S. Postal Service- CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only For delivery information,visit our website at tit7; Et IT Certified Mail Fee Er a Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee es appropriate) 0 Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark Certfied Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here Eri 0 Adult Signature Required $ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ O Postage O $ Total Postage and Fees r- D Sheet or x filo. r` ffiryWrete;2Tp+a• PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02.000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions Agenda Item #H. 11 Jul 2019 Page 369 of 672 Page 1 of 2 it , 'J. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING 0;319%' 5/31/2019 Case Number: 19-002 THOMPSON JAMES DOUGLAS ET AL Certified Mail Return Receipt: 1170 FOLLY RD 70171000000069911497 CHARLESTON, SC 29412 Property Address: 221 SEMINOLE RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on July 11,2019 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 221 SEMINOLE RD, RE#170527 0000, 10-8 16-2S-29E, SALTAIR SEC 1, LOT 487. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances Sec. 24-157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions. Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically being within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. Sec. 6-16. Adoption of Florida Building Code. There is hereby adopted, subject to any modifications, changes and amendments set forth in this article, and for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the construction, alteration, removal, demolition, equipment, use and occupancy, location and maintenance of buildings and structures, including permits and penalties, that certain building code known as The Florida Building Code established by Florida Statutes Chapter 553, Part VII, as amended from time to time so that the latest edition of the Florida Building Code shall apply and the International Property Maintenance Code, most recent edition. in the office of the city clerk, and the same are adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length in this article, and the provisions thereof shall be controlling in the construction of all buildings and other structures within the city. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On May 30, 2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 221 SEMINOLE RD. During the inspection, the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: New windows and a new wooded fence were installed on the property without obtaining a Agenda Item #H. 11 Jul 2019 Page 370 of 672 Page 2 of 2 permit from the City of Atlantic Beach. On March 12, 2019 the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Board ordered that a permit be obtained within 15 days. As of May 30, 2019 no permit has been applied for or obtained. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received, the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. CQ,\O Zct r( y hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accufa> . Angela Iriz , Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: Lori Diaz, Records Clerk U.S. Postal Service'" CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only For delivery information,visit our website at'. OFFIC Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee asReturnReceipt(hardcopy) $ appropriate) O0 Return Receipt(electronic) $ Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Postmark c Adult Signature Required $ Here Adutt Signature Restricted Delivery$ MOM r To R La-002.Sheet and Apt.No.,or PO Box No. City,State,Z/P+44 PS Form 3800, 2015 PSN 7530.02-000.0047 See Reverse for Instructions Agenda Item #H. 11 Jul 2019 Page 371 of 672 i}`L''> CODE ENFORCEMENT r CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA r) Jii:NOTICE OF HEARING 7/1/2019 Case Number: 19-002 THOMPSON JAMES DOUGLAS ET AL POSTED ON PROPERTY AND 1170 FOLLY RD ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL CHARLESTON, SC 29412 Property Address: 221 SEMINOLE RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on July 11, 2019 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 221 SEMINOLE RD, RE#170527 0000, 10-8 16-2S-29E, SALTAIR SEC 1, LOT 487. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances Sec. 24-157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions. Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically being within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On May 30, 2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 221 SEMINOLE RD. During the inspection, the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: New windows and a new wooded fence were installed on the property without obtaining a permit from the City of Atlantic Beach. On March 12, 2019 the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Board ordered that a permit be obtained within 15 days. As of May 30, 2019 no permit has been applied for or obtained. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received, the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. Agenda Item #H. 11 Jul 2019 Page 372 of 672 You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, C-.- si- 12,f -i , hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and acc ate. Angela Iri , S2.---- --. Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: gi, .. eitia Lori Diaz,Records Cler Agenda Item #H. 11 Jul 2019 Page 373 of 672 V CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH aSJ800 SEMINOLE ROAD r)ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 jPHONE (904)247-5800ill: 40.il9 NOH POSTING AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF MAILING REGULAR MAIL Case Number: 19-002 Pursuant to Chapter 162, Florida Statutes and Sec. 2-147, City of Atlantic Beach City Code of Ordinances, I, Angela Irizarry, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach, hereby affirm a Notice of Hearing, a copy of which is attached, was mailed regular mail and was posted at the following locations: 1) Date Posted: I. t. Location: 221 SEMINOLE RD,Atlantic Beach, Florida 2) Date Posted: t Ci Location: ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 I01 400' illIl Angela Iriz 4 , Code Enforcem. , V County of Duval State of Florida The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me this_i____day of 'LA\ 20 1 a , by Angela Irizarry,who is personally known to me as Code Enforcement for the City of Atlantic Beach. Person taking acknowledgement: Notary Stamp/Seal) J Notary Public, State of Flori a \ ._) F••P" e., LORI DIAZ 2.•.- .4 MY WI 270336 s-io" EXPIRES:No n sr 13,2072 Agenda Item #H. 11 Jul 2019 Page 374 of 672 CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE FAX EMAIL OWNER THOMPSON JAMES DOUGLAS ET AL 1170 FOLLY RD CHARLESTON, SC 29412 PRIOR OWNER THOMPSON WALTER A 221 SEMINOLE RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 VIOLATION TYPE USER NAME OBSERVED DATE CORRECTED DATE LOCATION REMARKS NOTES Fences No Permit Angela Irizarry 1/18/2019 Sec. 24-157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions. Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically being within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. VIOLATIONS Description: per Dan Arlington -windows & fence installed without permits Status: PENDING CODE BOARD Type: CODE ENFORCEMENT Subtype: STOP WORK ORDER Opened: 1/2/2019 Closed: Last Action: 7/26/2019 Fllw Up: 7/26/2019 Site Address: 221 SEMINOLE RD Atlantic Beach, Fl 32233 Site APN: 170527 0000 Officer: Angela Irizarry Details:Staff Recommends fines be imposed as ordered at March 2019 CEB meeting Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 1 of 5 CASE DETAILS Case Number 19-002 A g e n d a I t e m # H . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 3 7 5 o f 6 7 2 CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES CMRR RETURNED FROM PO Angela Irizarry 2/7/2019 2/7/2019 Notice of Hearing dated 1/30/2019 for 3/12/2019 meeting returned by post office. Return to Sender, Attempted - Not Known, Unable to Forward CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 6/26/2019 7/1/2019 Per - Letter still in transit CODE BOARD AGENDA Lori Diaz 7/4/2019 6/14/2019 CODE BOARD MEETING AGENDA Lori Diaz 3/1/2019 3/1/2019 CHRONOLOGY Florida Building Code Angela Irizarry 1/18/2019 Sec. 6-16. Adoption of Florida Building Code. There is hereby adopted, subject to any modifications, changes and amendments set forth in this article, and for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the construction, alteration, removal, demolition, equipment, use and occupancy, location and maintenance of buildings and structures, including permits and penalties, that certain building code known as The Florida Building Code established by Florida Statutes Chapter 553, Part VII, as amended from time to time so that the latest edition of the Florida Building Code shall apply and the International Property Maintenance Code, most recent edition. in the office of the city clerk, and the same are adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length in this article, and the provisions thereof shall be controlling in the construction of all buildings and other structures within the city. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 2 of 5 CASE DETAILS Case Number 19-002 A g e n d a I t e m # H . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 3 7 6 o f 6 7 2 CODE BOARD ORDER Lori Diaz 3/27/2019 3/26/2019 The Board finds THAT the Respondent is in violation for non- compliance and must obtain compliance within 15 days. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $100 per day for the first day and $100 per day for every day thereafter until full compliance is achieved. CODE BOARD ORDER Lori Diaz 7/23/2019 NOH POST AND AFF Angela Irizarry 2/28/2019 2/28/2019 NOH POST AND AFF Angela Irizarry 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 NOTICE OF HEARING Lori Diaz 1/31/2019 1/30/2019 NOTICE OF HEARING Lori Diaz 5/30/2019 5/30/2019 NOV CERT Angela Irizarry 1/18/2019 1/18/2019 SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Lori Diaz 3/27/2019 3/26/2019 SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Lori Diaz 7/26/2019 Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 3 of 5 CASE DETAILS Case Number 19-002 A g e n d a I t e m # H . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 3 7 7 o f 6 7 2 STOP WORK ORDER POST Dan Arlington 1/2/2019 1/2/2019 From: Arlington, Daniel Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2019 11:21 AM To: Irizarry,Angela <>; Johnston, Jennifer <> Cc: Bell, Rick <> Subject: FW: 221 Seminole I posted the attached SWO at 221 Seminole Road. New windows and fence. No permits found. Stickers still on windows. Workers were still on site. A SWO was posted on this house for roofing without a permit in August, 2018. Dan Arlington, CBO Building Official City of Atlantic Beach, Florida (904) 247-5813 INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES REINSPECTION AI 1/31/2019 1/31/2019 VIOLATION CONTINUES INSPECTIONS FINANCIAL INFORMATION Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 4 of 5 CASE DETAILS Case Number 19-002 A g e n d a I t e m # H . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 3 7 8 o f 6 7 2 Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 5 of 5 CASE DETAILS Case Number 19-002 A g e n d a I t e m # H . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 3 7 9 o f 6 7 2 Page 380 of 672 Status: Non -Compliance City of Atlantic Beach Lien &Interest Calculation 198 Poinsettia July 2,2019 Fine Calculation Code Compliance Lien Date January 3, 2017 Compliance Calculation date July 2, 2019 Total Days in Violation 910 Total Days in Violation 911 Daily Fine $ 250.00 Calculated Fine $ 227,750.00 Interest Calculation (if necessary) Interest Rate 10% Amount $ 28,453.15 Miscellaneous Fees (if necessary) Filing Fee for Lien Total Due(Lien+Interest+ Fees) $ 256,203.15 Calculation by R. Caffey-City of Atlantic Beach - Finance Department 904.247.5807 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 381 of 672 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 904)247-5800 MEMO To: Whom it may concern. From: Dan Arlington Subject: 198 Poinsettia treet Date: March 7, 2019 Background. 196 and 198 Poinsettia Street are each one half of a townhouse type structure. The structure was built in 1983, it is a three-story wood-framed structure, and does not appear to comply with current building codes regarding fire-resistance-rated and structurally independent separation walls. Based on my on-site inspections of 198 Poinsettia, one half of the two-unit townhouse structure,the wood-framed walls, floor/ceiling assemblies, and roof are moisture damaged and deteriorated past the point of repair and must be demolished at least down to the slab. When demolished,the existing adjacent 196 Poinsettia will have to be protected from damage, supported where needed, and the newly exposed wall made weather proof, complying with the Florida Building Code. Please contact me, if you have any questions. Dan Arlington, CBO 904) 247-5813 1 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 382 of 672 Page 1 of 2 Js 4_,j e', CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA l ' A, IA v, NOTICE OF HEARING iiil Ji319' 5/31/2019 Case Number: 14-00000980 WAYNE DOUGLAS SCOTT Certified Mail Return Receipt: 198 POINSETTIA ST 70171000000069911701 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Property Address: 198 POINSETTIA ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on July 11,2019 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 198 POINSETTIA ST, RE#170636 0510, 10-16 21-2S-29E, SALTAIR SEC 3, N1/2 LOT 684. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC Sec. 304.1 General. The exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 3/7/2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 198 POINSETTIA ST. During the inspection,the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: The structure has been found irreparable and the damage deemed irreversible by Dan Arlington, COAB Building Official and an order to demolish has been issued. In accordance with IPMC Section 111.1 you have the right to appeal this determination.. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received, the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 383 of 672 Page 2 of 2 i:::I, ZQ,(r hereby swear and affirm that the above statement istrueandacerate. a\C\tr2P— Angela Iriy, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: At. / J :- Lori Diaz, Records E7 U.S. Postal Service"U.S. Postal Servicers CERTIFIED MAIL® RECEIPT CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT o Domestic Mail Only m Domestic Mail Only r- 1- 1Fordelivery information,visit our website at'^'. f` For delivery information,visit our website at®. I r--1 rR I- Certified Mail Fee 1 Q' Certified Mail Fee 1:1- Q" 21 Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) 0 I$ Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) l= Return Receipt(electronic) $ O Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ O Postmark Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here 0 D Q Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here 0 ['Adult Signature Required S Adult Signature Required $ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ O Postage O (Postage O $ CI •$ Total Postage and Fees Total Postage and Fees e t si •D C:tc_SV-AL. ,Jrestandt. o.,or Pb Bo No.O - tre n Apt.No., b BDOvo1dg City,State,ZIP+4m City,StateI PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions U.S. Postal Service'" U.S. Postal Service" CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT CERTIFIED MAIL® RECEIPT Domestic Mail OnlICyY ra Domestic Mail Only C- For delivery information,visit our website at''. For'. rq P For delivery information,visit our website at s -• T-R CrCertified Mail Fee Certified Madam Er Fee Cr A $ Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) 0 6dra Services&Fees(check box,add tee as appropriate) O Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ O Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark CI Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark Ezi Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here O Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here 0 Adult Signature Required $ ED Adult Signature Required $ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ _. O Postage p Postage 0CI $ O Total Postai-Rge and Fees Total Postage and Fees It ST, e t 0 eed p.No,o PO r o_ D N / 4 4 t A O SK d Apt.No.,or AO Box No.v/jfti cate,ZIP+4 City,State,ZIP+4° PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000.9047 See Reverse for Instructions PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02.000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 384 of 672 7V ,\ , CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH I ' 800 SEMINOLE ROAD IA r ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 904)247-5800 A.or '. CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7018 2290 0001 0116 7810 and POSTED ON PROPERTY AND ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL April 9,2019 WAYNE DOUGLAS SCOTT 198 POINSETTIA ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233-4018 Real Estate Number: 170636 0510 Case Number: 14-00000980 Location of Violation: 198 POINSETTIA ST, 10- 16 21-2S-29E, SALTAIR SEC 3,N1/2 LOT 684 Atlantic Beach,Florida Dear Property Owner: Our records indicate that you are the owner of the above referenced property. Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and are made part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. VIOLATION(S) IPMC, Section 108.1.1. An unsafe structure is one that is found to be dangerous to the life, health,property, or safety of the public or the occupants of the structure by not providing minimum safeguards to protect or warn occupants in the event of fire, or because such structure contains unsafe equipment,or is so damaged, decayed,. dilapidated, structurally unsafe or of such faulty construction or unstable foundation,that partial or complete collapse is possible. IPMC, Section 110.1 General. The code official shall order the owner or owner's authorized agent of any premises upon which is located any structure,which in the code official's or owner's authorized agent judgment after reivew is so deteriorated or dilapidated or has become so out of repair as to be dangerous,unsafe, insanitary or otherwise unfit for human habitation or occupancy,and such that it is unreasonable to repair the structure,to demolish and remove at the owner's option; or where there has been a sessation of normal construction of any structure for a period of more than two years,the code official shall order the owner or 1 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 385 of 672 owner's authorized agent to demolish and remove such structure, or board up until future repair. Boarding the building up for future repair shall not extend beyone one year,unless approved by the building official. NATURE OF VIOLATION: Based on inspections of the above referenced structure,I find the structure to be so deteriorated and so out of repair as to be dangerous to the public and deteriorated to the point that it is unreasonable to repair the structure. The building has been boarded for 12 months and has continued to decline.Due to the degree of deterioration and the threat of collapse,I hereby order the demolition and removal of this structure within thirty (30) days of receipt of this letter. Additionally,this structure is one half of a two-unit townhome. The other half(196 Poinsettia Street)is separately owned and will not be demolished. The parties responsible for demolishing and removing the structure on 198 Poinsettia Street will be responsible for supporting and weatherproofing the open portion of the remaining structure on 196 Poinsettia Street. Failure to comply with this notice will result in the City of Atlantic Beach taking emergency measures to correct this hazardous, unsafe condition by demolishing and removing the structure at your expense. A lien will be placed against the property for all fees incurred for the corrective action required to demolish and remove the structure in accordance with the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances section 12-2 (d) "After causing the condition to be remedied, the city manager or his designee shall certify to the director of finance the expense incurred in remedying the condition, whereupon the expense plus a charge equal to one hundred (100) percent of the expense to cover city administrative expenses shall become payable immediately, and a special assessment lien and charge will be made and recorded upon the property which shall be payable with interest at the rate of ten(10)percent per annum from the date of the certification until paid." It is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Building Department and arrange for a demolition permit and inspections to verify compliance. It is our goal to keep our neighborhoods looking well maintained while protecting property values and your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Please contact Atlantic Beach Building Department at (904) 247-5826 if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Dan Arlington, CBO Building Official City of Atlantic Beach 904)247-5813 cc: Benjamin A. Eppley Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Attention: Property Preservation X2303-048 1 Home Campus Des Moines, IA 50328 2 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 386 of 672 3 y`J Y, ._„ S, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH F 800 SEMINOLE ROAD 6 - N ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 904) 247-5800 401119'?9f' CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7018 2290 0001 0116 7964 and POSTED ON PROPERTY AND ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL April 26, 2019 Supplemental letter to Code Enforcement Letter, dated April 9, 2019. WAYNE DOUGLAS SCOTT 198 POINSETTIA ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233-4018 Real Estate Number: 170636 0510 Case Number: 14-00000980 Location of Violation: 198 POINSETTIA ST, 10-16 21-2S-29E, SALTAIR SEC 3, N1/2 LOT 684 Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Our records indicate that you are the owner of the above referenced property. Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and are made part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. VIOLATION(S) IPMC, Section 108.1.1. An unsafe structure is one that is found to be dangerous to the life, health, property, or safety of the public or the occupants of the structure by not providing minimum safeguards to protect or warn occupants in the event of fire, or because such structure contains unsafe equipment, or is so damaged, decayed, dilapidated, structurally unsafe or of such faulty construction or unstable foundation,that partial or complete collapse is possible. IPMC, Section 110.1 General. The code official shall order the owner or owner's authorized agent of any premises upon which is located any structure, which in the code official's or owner's authorized agent judgment 1 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 387 of 672 after reivew is so deteriorated or dilapidated or has become so out of repair as to be dangerous,unsafe, insanitary or otherwise unfit for human habitation or occupancy, and such that it is unreasonable to repair the structure,to demolish and remove at the owner's option; or where there has been a sessation of normal construction of any structure for a period of more than two years,the code official shall order the owner or owner's authorized agent to demolish and remove such structure, or board up until future repair. Boarding the building up for future repair shall not extend beyone one year,unless approved by the building official. IPMC, Section 110.3 Failure to comply. If the owner of a premises or owner's authorized agent fails to comply with a demolition order within the time prescribed,the code official shall cause the structure to be demolished and removed, either through an available public agency or by contract or arrangement with private persons,and the cost of such demolition and removal shall be charged against the real estate upon which the structure is located and shall be a lien upon such real estate. NATURE OF VIOLATION: Based on inspections of the above referenced structure,I find the structure to be so deteriorated and so out of repair as to be dangerous to the public and deteriorated to the point that it is unreasonable to repair the structure.The building has been boarded for 12 months and has continued to decline. Furthermore,this building will be a source of wind-borne debris during high winds, causing Imminent Danger to persons and property beyond the property lines. Due to the degree of deterioration,the threat of collapse,and Imminent Danger to persons and property,I hereby order the demolition and removal of this structure by June 1,2019. Additionally,this structure is one half of a two-unit townhome. The other half(196 Poinsettia Street) is separately owned and will not be demolished. The parties responsible for demolishing and removing the structure on 198 Poinsettia Street will be responsible for supporting and weatherproofing the remaining structure on 196 Poinsettia Street. Failure to comply with this notice will result in the City of Atlantic Beach taking emergency measures to correct this hazardous, unsafe condition by demolishing and removing the structure at your expense. A lien will be placed against the property for all fees incurred for the corrective action required to demolish and remove the structure in accordance with the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances section 12-2 (d) "After causing the condition to be remedied, the city manager or his designee shall certify to the director of finance the expense incurred in remedying the condition, whereupon the expense plus a charge equal to one hundred (100) percent of the expense to cover city administrative expenses shall become payable immediately, and a special assessment lien and charge will be made and recorded upon the property which shall be payable with interest at the rate of ten(10)percent per annum from the date of the certification until paid." It is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Building Department and arrange for a demolition permit and inspections to verify compliance. IPMC, Section 106.3 Prosecution of violation. -Any person failing to comply with a notice of violation or order served in accordance with Section 107 shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor or civil infraction as determined by the local municipality, and the violation shall be deemed a strict liability offense. If the notice of violation is not complied with,the code official shall institute the appropriate proceeding at law or in equity to restrain,correct or abate such violation,or to require the removal or termination of the unlawful occupancy of the structure in violation of the provisions of this code or of the order or direction made pursuant thereto. Any 2 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 388 of 672 action taken by the authority having jurisdiction on such premises shall be charged against the real estate upon which the structure is located and shall be a lien upon such real estate. IPMC, Section 111.1 Application for appeal.Any person directly affected by a decision of the code official or a notice or order issued under this code shall have the right to appeal to the board of appeals,provided that a written application for appeal is filed within 20 days after the day the decision,notice or order was served. An application for appeal shall be based on a claim that the true intent of this code or the rules legally adopted thereunder have been incorrectly interpreted,the provisions of this code do not fully apply, or the requirements of this code are adequately satisfied by other means. It is our goal to keep our neighborhoods looking well maintained while protecting property values and your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Please contact Atlantic Beach Building Department at (904) 247-5826 if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Dan Arlington, CBO Building Official City of Atlantic Beach 904)247-5813 cc: Benjamin A. Eppley Benjamin.A.Eppley@, Wells Fargo Home Mortgage via certified return receipt mail 7016 0910 0001 6799 4288 Attention: Property Preservation X2303-048 1 Home Campus Des Moines, IA 50328 Michael S. Spoliansky,Esq. via certified return receipt mail 7018 2290 0001 0116 7940 975 N. Miami Beach Blvd. Miami, FL 33162 Attorney for Wayne D. Scott Wells Fargo v. Wayne D Scott,et al Case No: 2018-CA-003401 Duval County Florida Brock& Scott,PLLC via certified return receipt mail 7018 2290 0001 0116 7957 2001 NW 64th St., Suite 130 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 Attorney for Wells Fargo Wells Fargo v. Scott Case No: 2018-CA-003401 Duval County Florida 3 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 389 of 672 11:11-\7\11, i--- v, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH J 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ci ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 904)247-5800 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7018 2290 0001 0116 7964 and POSTED ON PROPERTY AND ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL April 26,2019 Supplemental letter to Code Enforcement Letter, dated April 9, 2019. WAYNE DOUGLAS SCOTT 198 POINSETTIA ST ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233-4018 Real Estate Number: 170636 0510 Case Number: 14-00000980 Location of Violation: 198 POINSETTIA ST, 10-16 21-2S-29E, SALTAIR SEC 3,N1/2 LOT 684 Atlantic Beach,Florida Dear Property Owner: Our records indicate that you are the owner of the above referenced property. Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and are made part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16.. VIOLATION(S) IPMC, Section 108.1.1. An unsafe structure is one that is found to be dangerous to the life,health,property, or safety of the public or the occupants of the structure by not providing minimum safeguards to protect or warn occupants in the event of fire, or because such structure contains unsafe equipment, or is so damaged, decayed, dilapidated, structurally unsafe or of such faulty construction or unstable foundation,that partial or complete collapse is possible. IPMC, Section 110.1 General. The code official shall order the owner or owner's authorized agent of any premises upon which is located any structure,which in the code official's or owner's authorized agent judgment 1 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 390 of 672 after reivew is so deteriorated or dilapidated or has become so out of repair as to be dangerous,unsafe, insanitary or otherwise unfit for human habitation or occupancy, and such that it is unreasonable to repair the structure,to demolish and remove at the owner's option; or where there has been a sensation of normal construction of any structure for a period of more than two years,the code official shall order the owner or owner's authorized agent to demolish and remove such structure,or board up until future repair. Boarding the building up for future repair shall not extend beyone one year, unless approved by the building official. IPMC, Section 110.3 Failure to comply. If the owner of a premises or owner's authorized agent fails to comply with a demolition order within the time prescribed,the code official shall cause the structure to be demolished and removed, either through an available public agency or by contract or arrangement with private persons,and the cost of such demolition and removal shall be charged against the real estate upon which the structure is located and shall be a lien upon such real estate. NATURE OF VIOLATION: Based on inspections of the above referenced structure,I find the structure to be so deteriorated and so out of repair as to be dangerous to the public and deteriorated to the point that it is unreasonable to repair the structure. The building has been boarded for 12 months and has continued to decline.Furthermore,this building will be a source of wind-borne debris during high winds, causing Imminent Danger to persons and property beyond the property lines. Due to the degree of deterioration,the threat of collapse,and Imminent Danger to persons and property,I hereby order the demolition and removal of this structure by June 1,2019. Additionally,this structure is one half of a two-unit townhome. The other half(196 Poinsettia Street) is separately owned and will not be demolished. The parties responsible for demolishing and removing the structure on 198 Poinsettia Street will be responsible for supporting and weatherproofing the remaining structure on 196 Poinsettia Street. Failure to comply with this notice will result in the City of Atlantic Beach taking emergency measures to correct this hazardous, unsafe condition by demolishing and removing the structure at your expense. A lien will be placed against the property for all fees incurred for the corrective action required to demolish and remove the structure in accordance with the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances section 12-2 (d) "After causing the condition to be remedied, the city manager or his designee shall certify to the director of finance the expense incurred in remedying the condition, whereupon the expense plus a charge equal to one hundred (100) percent of the expense to cover city administrative expenses shall become payable immediately, and a special assessment lien and charge will be made and recorded upon the property which shall be payable with interest at the rate of ten(10)percent per annum from the date of the certification until paid." It is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Building Department and arrange for a demolition permit and • inspections to verify compliance. IPMC, Section 106.3 Prosecution of violation. -Any person failing to comply with a notice of violation or order served in accordance with Section 107 shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor or civil infraction as determined by the local municipality,and the violation shall be deemed a strict liability offense. If the notice of violation is not complied with,the code official shall institute the appropriate proceeding at law or in equity to restrain, correct or abate such violation,or to require the removal or termination of the unlawful occupancy of the structure in violation of the provisions of this code or of the order or direction made pursuant thereto. Any 2 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 391 of 672 action taken by the authority having jurisdiction on such premises shall be charged against the real estate upon which the structure is located and shall be a lien upon such real estate. IPMC, Section 111.1 Application for appeal. Any person directly affected by a decision of the code official or a notice or order issued under this code shall have the right to appeal to the board of appeals,provided that a written application for appeal is filed within 20 days after the day the decision,notice or order was served. An application for appeal shall be based on a claim that the true intent of this code or the rules legally adopted thereunder have been incorrectly interpreted,the provisions of this code do not fully apply, or the requirements of this code are adequately satisfied by other means. It is our goal to keep our neighborhoods looking well maintained while protecting property values and your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Please contact Atlantic Beach Building Department at (904) 247-5826 if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Dan Arlington,CBO Building Official City of Atlantic Beach 904)247-5813 cc: Benjamin A. Eppley Wells Fargo Home Mortgage via certified return receipt mail 7016 0910 0001 6799 4288 Attention: Property Preservation X2303-048 1 Home Campus Des Moines, IA 50328 Michael S. Spoliansky, Esq. via certified return receipt mail 7018 2290 0001 0116 7940 975 N. Miami Beach Blvd. Miami,FL 33162 Attorney for Wayne D. Scott Wells Fargo v. Wayne D Scott, et al Case No: 2018-CA-003401 Duval County Florida Brock& Scott,PLLC via certified•return receipt mail 7018 2290 0001 0116 7957 2001 NW 64th St., Suite 130 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 Attorney for Wells Fargo Wells Fargo v. Scott Case No: 2018-CA-003401 Duval County Florida 3 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 392 of 672 0 N-3'7,3 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH is, A `- J pp) 800 SEMINOLE ROAD s) ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 4 PHONE (904) 247-5800 February 6, 2019 Scott Wayne Douglas 198 Poinsettia St Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 RE: Code Enforcement Fines -198 Poinsettia St Case#14-00000980 Dear Property Owner: This letter is notification that there is a Code Enforcement Fine and Lien on your property referenced above. Fine accruing at two hundred fifty dollars ($250) per day. Fine, interest, and lien recording fee accrued thru today: $231,011.55 The property must be in full compliance and inspected to verify compliance to stop the recurring daily fine. If your property is now in compliance, please contact me at 904-247-5855 to request an inspection to verify full compliance has been achieved. If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, OUNS-\,Q_a_ \ • Angela Irizarry Code Enforcement Officer cc: Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 393 of 672 OR BK 17849 PAGE 1544 CbNCZZUSIONS OF LAW THAT the Respondent is not in compliance and has failed to comply with the Code EnforcementBoardOrderofNovember9,2016. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authoritygrantedinChapter162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of AtlanticBeach,Florida it is Ordered: THAT the Respondent is found in violation for non-compliance and a fine of$250.00 perdayisimposedcommencingJanuary3, 2017 and $250.00'every day thereafter the violationcontinuestoexist. In addition, any fine shall••-also include the administrative costs to the Cityincurredinprosecutingthiscase. THAT the Resporide.t Lis responsible_fox contactingacting_Enforcement Officer d:'b the City of Atlantic Beach Code1nnaq%nspetion.of compliance, THAT failure 10 pay'allaccnulated fines:will result in a lien`b g•placed against thePropertyat198PO1NSTITAS.T fQ the tg4ftses=ent plus costs inctM6i for the filing of thelien. All lien qtnoiuits are X be'madb paybLbi interest rate of ten:(10)pefromdateofc6rtificationuntilpaid,rcent per annum DONE AND ORDBR$D'TMS January 10,2.017: CITY OF'ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA CODE ENFORCFhENT BOARD ATTEST: rDayna . Williams, Secret - By*- de Luna, Executed this day of PLEASE NOTE: Florida Statutes 162 statesSection .1 1, that an appeal of r ,•. this order shall be FLOMA r'filed in circuit court within thirty (3 0) days of this order's OZZ FadCay low 'execution. appmeend daeaadand e . d. . pSMrI, the C0FAe h land a0I_; Ate..-f Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 394 of 672 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ORDER CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA,Petitioner CASE NO. 14-00000980 0 S g & 538 z [o1 A 61 vs.m1NN 0 WAYNE DOUGLAS SCOTT FIRST CLASS AND x x m nw 198 POINSETTIA ST CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 REQUESTED: 7012 2210 0001 1385 4531 c 1 Respondent Property Address: 198 POINSETTIA ST c g Atlantic Beach,FL Real Estate No. 170636-0510 Legal Description:Lot N1/2 Lot 684,Saltair Sec 3 ORDER IMPOSING FINE THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Board on January 10, 2017, and the Board having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1) That the Respondent owns the property located at 198 POINSETTIA ST, Atlantic Beach,Florida. 2) That notice was posted and sent by certified mail and that Respondent was not present at the hearing. 3) That notification of the violations of the City of Atlantic Beach,were made and served on the Respondent as evidenced in this hearing. IPMC Sec. 108.1.5 1.Dangerous Structure IPMC Sec. 108.1.5 2 Dangerous Structure 2 IPMC Sec. 304.6 Exterior Walls IPMC Sec. 307.1 Handrails&Guardrails IPMC Sec. 304.2 Protective Treatment IPMC Sec. 304.7 Roofs and Drainage IPMC Sec. 305.4 Stair,walking surfaces IPMC Sec. 304.10 Stairway,Deck,Porch,Balco IPMC Sec. 108.1.5 3 Unfit for Human Habitation IPMC Sec. 304.1 Unsafe Conditions Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 395 of 672 off. REQUEST FOR 1 NOTICE OF HEARING LETTER DATE: 2 I RE#: 1;7d6 3,b ' OT2 a CASE#: aty cPROPERTYADDRESSOFVIOLATION: / O aatAk-ftti LEGAL DESCRIPTION: L 2 GOT C 3 PROPERTY OWNER: SEND CERTIFIED LETTER(S)TO: (Please check O and explain all that annly) PROPERTY OWNER AT:h,l--( •(`nan a Sv o' ty ADDRESS (ABOVE) LV y,, rr \5) 5i, ) r,2144 q4- DIFFERENT MAILING ADDRESS AS FOLLOWS: TENANT, AT THE FOLD Tenant's Name) MEETING DATE: O 7 RE-INSPECTION DATE: VIOLATION(S): (Please check and explain all that apply) IPMC: SECTION(S) 1 30 2 grafi'//u.{..<r acc, iuy..y u f !f AME AS ATTACHED: NOTICE OF VIOLATION DATED: UN G DATED: REQUESTED REMEDY FOR COMPLIANCE: Optional Section SPECIAL INSTRUCTION: Mail copy of Notice to Other:i Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 396 of 672 JV it CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 PHONE (904) 247-5855 POSTING AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF MAILING REGULAR MAIL CASE# 14-00000980 Pursuant to Chapter 162,Florida Statutes and Sec. 2-147,City of Atlantic Beach City Code of Ordinances,I,Deborah White,Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach, hereby affirm a Notice of Hearing, a copy of which is attached,was mailed regular mail and was posted at the following locations: 1) Date Posted: k /7 / Location: 198 POINSETTIA ST 2) Date Posted: —11-141 Location: ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,Fl,32223,,3 pll 4t J-- µ"'M.fil. r Deborah White,Code Enforcement Officer County of Duval State of Florida The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me thisay of t1u 2016,by Deborah White,who is personally known to me as Code Enforcement Officer for the City of Atlantic Beach.Person taking acknowledgement:Notary Stamp/ Seal)Notary Pipe,State of Florida 21] 611 wnu, xwluuas 7,: ;i nYCCMAU551QVt FF EXPnES:Augusl],2W— f &MEiAry IMr/ Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 397 of 672 has F CASE ACTION FORM DATE:. N Compliance: I I Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 398 of 672 DRAFT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MINUTES 6:00 P.M.—JULY 12,2016 IN ATTENDANCE Members: Benjamin de Luna,Chair Brenna Durden,City AttorneyKirkHansenDaynaWilliams, SecretaryLouisKeithJeremyHubsch,Building&Zoning DirectorRichardLombardi Lindsay Norman Don Sasser Chair Ben de Luna called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.,followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Secretary Dayna Williams read the roll,finding a quorum was present. 1.Election of Vice Chair Item 1 was taken out of sequence and acted on later in the meeting. 2. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 1,2016. Motion: ADDrove the minutes of the Code Enforcement Meeting of June 1 2016 Moved by Norman, Seconded by Keith The motion was approved unanimously. 3. Administration of Oath to DefendantsiMmesses Chair de Luna gave the oath to the defendants and witnesses. 4.Consider Request for Rehearing,Case 16-244,the Cloister Condominium. Paul Eakin, 599 Atlantic Boulevard Suite 6, stated he is here on behalf of the Cloister of Atlantic Beach Condominium Association. He stated they filed a Request for Rehearing which centers around two documents which were attached to the request, ane being Exhibit 9 (a survey of the property) that was entered into evidence at the June 1, 2016 Code Enforcement Board Meeting; and is marked as Exhibit 1 for this meeting.Mr. Eakin stated it was not a full copy of the survey;he has since been able to procure a full copy of the survey and requested copies be submitted to the Board as Exhibit 2. He asked the Board if they had a copy of the Request for Rehearing and a copy of Exhibit 9 (aka Exhibit 1). Chair de Luna stated yes and explained their copy is comprised of the Request for Rehearing,the certificate of service,an amended certificate of service,and Exhibit 1 (which was Exhibit 9 at the prior Hearing on June 1,2016),Exhibit 2, and Exhibit 3. Mr. Eakra called his witness and asked him to state his name, address and occupation. Don Ford, 338 6t0 Street,stated he is the head of building and zoning for the City of Neptune Beach. Mr.Eakin asked the witness if he had ever worked for the City of Atlantic Beach. Mr. Ford stated yes, he was a budding official far 21 years in Atlantic Beach,part time in late 1985 and full time from 1986 until 2006. Mr.Eakin asked the witness if he had reviewed Ordinance 52-72-1 and had he ever dealt with that PUD Ordinance while working in AtlanticBeachandthewitnessstatedyes. Mr. Eakin asked Mr. Ford if he found information marked on Exhibit 2 that was not marked on Exhibit 1 former Exhibit 9). Mr. Ford stated yes, it appears that on Exhibit 1 the bottom portion of the page where the check and recheck notes had been cut off. Mr. Eakin asked if there is a notation on Exhibit 2 showing a final survey had been done,and,if so, what is the significance of a final survey to a building official dealing with a PUD. Mr.Ford stated there is a notation of a final survey, explaining he uses the survey to show the accuracyoftheapprovedplansforthePUD. Mr. Eakin asked,if a lock gate was called for in the Cloister PUD,would it Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 399 of 672 1 t be shown on this final survey, and the witness stated yes. Mr. Eakin asked Mr. Ford if he found a lock gate on the survey and he stated no. Mr.Lombardi asked for clarification of the difference between Exhibit I and Exhibit 2. Mr.Eakin stated if you look at the top of Exhibit 1 and the top of Exhibit 2 you will notice that the entire legal description is missing. Mr.Eakin stated you will also notice that at the bottom of the Exhibits,the notes and recheck notes are missing from Exhibit 1, which we consider to be critical as evidenced from the testimony of the witness. Ms. Durdea requested Mr.Eakin state for the record exactly what that language is. Mr.Eaton read the last line appearing on Exhibit I (former Exhibit 9), which is attached and made part of this Official Record. Mr.Eakin then read the notes from the bottom portion of Exhibit 2,which is attached and made part of this Official Record. Mr. Hansen asked if Exhibit 2 shows any indication of a gate on the north and. Mr. Ford stated there are no gates indicated on the plan at all. Mr. Sasser stated Exhibit 2 shows a masonry and wood wall on the south end of the final drawing and questioned if the wall was ever built. Mr.Ford agreed it was on the drawing,but stated he does not remember that wall. Mr.Keith questioned the illustration on the west side of Exhibit 2, marked as reserved for ingress and egress. Mr.Ford stated that is the fire department ingress and egress,in case the garage catches on fire. Chair de Luna referred to the evidence the Board heard at the June 1, 2016 Code Board Meeting, in particular the Commission minutes of March 12, 1973,which clearly state there was a restriction on the south end of the Cloister. Chau de Luna stated Mr. Ford had expressed concerns with the minutes or the interpretation of the minutes, and asked him to provide his input. Mr.Ford stated what he was concerned with was doing research on minutes to determine a violation. He stated minutes from meetings do not determine a violation, the only thing that will determine a violation is a strict adherence to the PUD. Cbair de Luna explained what the Board was faced with. He stated the Board has to use what information they have, which is the minutes and the subsequent conduct to make that determination. He stated the Board is using the minutes to determine there was a PUD and that there was a restriction. Chair de Loan stated the Board has not been shown any law that says you have to have a PUD,the actual official document. Mr.Eakin concluded his presentation. Ms. Darden stated, although Mr. Eakin did not speak to the second point he included in his Request for Rehearing, she wanted to bring it up to make it part of the Official Record. Ms.Durden stated the second point that was raised by Cloister states that Ordinance 52-72-1 (which is attached and made part of this Official Record as Exhibit 3)was never repealed by the City of Atlantic Beach, and therefore the new code provision could not be used for enforcement purposes,and the only Ordinance that could be regulating this 1973 Cloister PUD was the old 1972 Ordinance. Ms.Darden stated,during the June 1,2016 hearing,she opined to this Board that she felt the 1972 Ordinance had been superseded by the later provisions that are reflected in the Code today. Ms. Durden requested Ordinance 47-85-2 be submitted to the Board as Exhibit A. Ms. Darden explained that the Ordinance 47-85-2, approved by the City in 1985, established and adopted a new Code for the City of Atlantic Beach and expressly repealed all former ordinances, and she read Section 2 of Ordinance 47-85-2, which is attached and made part of this Official Record. Ms. Darden stated she did not want this hearing to go forth without.the Board taking into account both of Mr. Eakin's bases for hisrequest for rehearing. Motion: The Board moves to deny the reauest for rehearing Moved by Norman,Seconded by Sasser - Discussion ensued. VOTES: AYE: 5—SASSER,NORMAN,HANSEN,KUM,DE LUNA NAY: 1-LOMBARDI MOTION CARRIED Draft Minutes of the Code Enforcement Board on July 11,2016 Page 2 of 3 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 400 of 672 i 1 t Item 1 was taken out of sequence and acted on at this time. 1. Election of Vice Chair Chair de Luna asked if there were any volunteers. Motion: The Board moves to nominate Louis Keith Moved by de Luna,Seconded by Sasser The motion was approved unanimously. 5. Miscellaneous Business. Discussion ensued regarding upcoming meeting dates and Mr. Sasser requested the Board members be sent notification of upcoming meetings and the Agenda Packet at least ten days to two weeks ahead of time. Chair de Luna and Secretary Williams explained the regularly scheduled meetings are held the second Tuesday of every other month. Mr.Norman asked what procedure to follow if you could not attend a meeting. Ms.Darden stated you should send an email to Secretary Williams and she will communicate it to the Chair, due to the Sunshine Law. Adjournment Chair de Luna adjourned the meeting at 7:16 p.m. Benjamin de Luna,Chair Dayna L.Williams, Secretary Draft Minutes of the Code Enforcement Board on July 12,2016 Page 3 of 3 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 401 of 672 DRAFT i CITY OE ATLANTIC BEACH CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MINUTES 6:00 P.M.—SEPTEMBER 13,2016 IN ATTENDANCE Members: BenJamin de Luna,Chair Brenna Darden,City Attorney Don Sasser Deborah White,Code Enforcement Officer Lindsay Norman Dayna Williams,Secretary Richard Lombardi Louis Keith,Vice Chau ABSENT Kirk Hansen(Excused) Chair Ben de Luna called the meeting to order at 6:06 p.m.,followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Secretary Dayna Williams read the roll,finding a quomm was present. 1. Miscellaneous Business A. Introduction to the new Code Enforcement Officer. Chair de Luna explained the main purpose of this meeting was to be introduced to Deborah White, the new Code Enforcement Officer. He explained that she had been the Code Enforcement Officer before and it had been a very pleasant,great experience. B. Open Discussion. Ms.White introduced herself and described her extensive work experience and certifications. She provided the Board a sample agenda packet, stating she wanted to give the Board members an example and overview of the paperwork and documentation they will be receiving prior to each meeting. She explained the items included in the packet would be the agenda,the case history reports on each individual one, and a staff recommendation at the end of each case history. She stated she also does a PowerPoint presentation of the cases showing photos with dates)of the property. Mr.Norman inquired how the process works and asked her to walk him through the process and the steps taken. Ms.White stated the City is both reactive and proactive. She stated if she receives a complaint she will go and check it out and she also goes out and rides through the neighborhoods. She explained she first identifies if there is an issue and either leaves a courtesy notice (like a door hanger), or she sends a certified letter giving them a reasonable time to correct the violation. She then goes back to reinspect and if the violation is not corrected and in compliance, then a Notice of Hearing is sent and it comes before the Board. She stated in between there are conversations, meetings with people and so forth. She tries to work with everybody prior to coming to the Board. Discussion ensued. Mr. Lombardi remarked that most people are unaware they are violating a City Ordinance and he suggested exploring options to help educate the citizens, either through the newspaper or some other method. Ms. White stated we are starting to do something along those lines. She explained the City Manager's Assistant requested information on issues she could include in the City's newsletter every month. Ms.White provided her an article on the storage and puking of recreational vehicles,as it is one of the more prevalent issues she sees throughout the city. Mr. Norman said he is assuming our regular meeting schedule will return to normal and requested they be notified as early as possible should we need to schedule a meeting in an off month. Chair de Lana agreed and reiterated how pleased he is that Ms.White has returned. Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 402 of 672 City Attorney Durden stated since she arrived on the scene,we have had two meetings and it is her intention to be at all our meetings. She said if she has a conflict,her associate John Wallace may come in her place. Cbafr de Luna noted two parties is attendance and welcomed them to the meeting. Chris Jorgensen,92 W 3'a Street,expressed how delighted he was to have Ms.White back. Chair de Luna asked if there were any other comments or subjects the Board would like to discuss. He referred to the pamphlet the City Attorney provided to the Board members regarding the Sunshine Laws, and noted this is the forum to be able to discuss anything of concern. There was a brief discussion regarding the vacancies on the Board and Secretary Williams stated she would look into it and get back with the Board once she had more information. Adjournment Chair de Luna adjourned the meeting at 6:38 p.m. Benjamin de Luna,Chair Dayna L.Williams,Secretary Draft Minutes of the Code Enforcement Board on September 13,2016 Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 403 of 672 CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING October 17, 2016 CASE No. 14-00000980 POSTED ON PROPERTY AND ATLANTIC WAYNE DOUGLAS SCOTT BEACH CITY HALL 198 POINSETTIA ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 198 POINSETTIA ST Atlantic Beach,Florida Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on Wednesday, 11/9/2016, at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known as Lot N1/2 Lot 684, Saltair Sec 3, RE#170636-0510. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC Sec. 304.1 General. The exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. IPMC Sec 304.2 Protective treatment. All exterior surfaces including but not limited to, doors and window frames, cornices,porches,trim,balconies, decks and fences, shall be maintained in good condition. Exterior wood surfaces, other than decay-resistant woods, shall be protected from the elements and decay by painting or other protective covering or treatment. Peeling, flaking and chipped paint shall be eliminated and surfaces repainted. All siding and masonry joints, as well as those between the building envelope and the perimeter of windows, doors and skylights, shall be maintained weather resistant and water tight. All metal surfaces subject to rust or or corrosion shall be coated to inhibit such rust and corrosions and all surface with rust or corrosion and shall be stabilized and coated to inhibit future rust and corrosion. Oxidation stains shall be removed from exterior surfaces. Surfaces designed for stabilization by oxidation are exempt from this requirement. IPMC Sec. 304.6 Exterior walls. All exterior walls shall be free from holes, breaks, and loose or rotting materials; and maintained weatherproof and properly surface coated where required to prevent deterioration. Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 404 of 672 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ORDER CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA,Petitioner CASE NO. 14-00000980 VS. WAYNE DOUGLAS SCOTT FIRST CLASS AND 198 POINSETTIA ST CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 REQUESTED: 7012 2210 0001 1385 4234 Property Address: 198 POINSETTIA ST Atlantic Beach,FL Real Estate No. 170636-0510 Legal Description: Lot N1/2 Lot 684, Saltair Sec 3 ORDER IMPOSING FINE THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Board on November 9, 2016, and the Board having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1) That the Respondent owns the property located at 198 POINSETTIA ST, Atlantic Beach, Florida. 2) That notice was posted and sent by certified mail and that Respondent was not present at the hearing. 3) That notification of the violations of the l;' of Atlantic Beach,were made and se•t to Respondent as eviden j Baring. Unsafe Conditions IPMC Sec. 304.1 Dangerous Structures IPMC Sec.108.1.5 2 Exterior Walls IPMC Sec. 304.6 ' Protective Treatment IPMC Sec. 304.2 Roofs and Drainage IPMC Sec. 304.7 Handrails&Guardrails IPMC Sec. 307.1 Stairs and Walking Surfaces IPMC 305.4 Stairways,Deck,Porch, Balconies, IPMC 304.10 Unfit for Human Habitation Sec 105.1.5. 3 The aforemention o rty shall be corrected b g permits and completing all the required repairs and o ons to verify the dwelling is safe and habitable. Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 405 of 672 IP 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. SECTION 108.1.5 2. The walking surface of any aisle, passageway, stairway, exit or other means of egress is so warped, worn, loose, tom or otherwise unsafe as to not provide safe and adequate means of egress. Sec. 12-1. Nuisances (a) It shall be unlawful for any person or business,to do,perform,have, allow, suffer or permit any act, occurrence or condition within the city which constitutes a dangerous, unsafe, dilapidated or unsanitary condition,which may be injurious to the health and well being of the community. The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to $250.00 per day for the first violation and $ 500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904)247-5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure,please contact Dayna Williams, Secretary of the Code Enforcement Board within fne days of the receipt of this notice at(904)247-5810. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. ATTEST: Dayna IyWilliams, Secretary Deborah White, Code Enforcement Officer Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 406 of 672 USPS.col-USPS Tracking® Page 1 of 2 Fern atom Mlw IPPB MatlY Rplprl8lpnln ALERT: This Poedal Semon is monibmg WE pragreae M Humcane Madill Check M updates on session sermon areae may As ageaea.Reand Mom AEUx'.CCWs USPS Tracking° B"°N"° , FAQ.i'9rowu our FAQ. Gat Easy Tucking Upd.W r Sign up for My USPS. Tracking Number 701 22 21 00 00113 5540 28 Product & Tracking Information Available Actions PwUI Proxim. FUW..:Gnified Mel Text Updates DATE E 9ME STATUS OF ITEM LOGiNIN Email Updates Sepsamod17,2016.618 Nobc°LMfFb AWhorksd ATLANTIC P. Recipbnr AvtlbdQ BEACH,FL 0233 YW aro mlAad W manorymir hen m 5:18 pm on September 17.2018 in ATLANTO BEACH,FL 32233 and a nmbe war 1aft .use an aumorMeed mtipiarl to nod assitable. SepMmber to.Win,E. Dppgned USPS Fail JACKSONVILLE.FL 32203pm Septernbm l8'ID18'S'S3 Al at USPS Feel JACKSONVILLE.FL 32203 Track Another Package Manage Incoming Packages Total for peadi namlgr TRU all your packages"a deeFLWm No swell,nwroen ren6 , Trask u Sign up for My USPS a HOUPFUL LINKS CN A80,D$P3.CAM GTHERVFS SITES IEGAL INFORMATION Gail AWN USPS Hare BuaircwcuslumrGelewey Feed,Fdiq San 1. Neamxxm por.'n¢reuors Telmed Uea FAO. Untold Sal Updates Insp4yp Game FOIA Forma.Puollulbne Po.m Ergaer MFEAR Ad EEO OM G—.. Mrea NandrelPortsM.— G qa RewumeeMGW&yyn CripAMla O 2018 USPS.All Rglm R6ewwd. 10/14/2016 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 407 of 672 ti0r etl gg Poe e s cenn Fro O IFMonemengtflp Wretl) Po+ImaA O nen geaMttetl CelNery Fea EnogcementgeGutrepf A To el Po6h9e8 Few $' ft Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 408 of 672 CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING September 15, 2016 CASE No. 14-00000980 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT WAYNE DOUGLAS SCOTT REQUESTED: 198 POINSETTIA ST 7012 2210 0001 1385 4029 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 198 POINSETTIA ST Atlantic Beach,Florida Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hew allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on Wednesday,November 9,2016, at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known as Lot NI/2 Lot 684, Saltair Sec 3, RE#170636-0510. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC Sec. 304.1 General. The exterior nue shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not t ' ' l htic health,safety or welfare. IPMC Sec 304.2 Protective treatment. A j, doors and window frames, cornices,porches,mtained in good condition. Exterior wood surface: v otected from the elements and decay by pain" feeling, flaking and chipped paint shall be eli i masonry joints,as well as those between the b doors and skylights, shall be maintained weatb t T IO subject to rust or or corrosion shall be coated ace with rust or corrosion and shall be stabilized an 7 Jxidation stains shall be removed from exterior sw oxidation are exempt from this requirement. C IPMC Sec. 304.6 Exterior walls. ,-,.. I l reaks, and loose or rotting materials; and maintained weatherproa. _ where required to prevent deterioration. Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 409 of 672 IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. IPMC 108.1.5 2. The walking surface of any aisle, passageway, stairway, exit or other means of egress is so warped, wom, loose, tom or otherwise unsafe as to not provide safe and adequate means of egress. Sec. 12-1.Nuisances(a) It shall be unlawful for any person or business,to do,perform, have, allow, suffer or permit any act, occurrence or condition within the city which constitutes a dangerous,unsafe,dilapidated or unsanitary condition,which may be injurious to the health and well being of the community. Sec. 304.10. Stairways, decks,porches and balconies. Every exterior stairway,deck,porch and balcony, and all appurtenances attached thereto, shall be maintained structurally sound,in good repair, with proper anchorage and capable of supporting the impose loads. The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to $250.00 per day for the first violation and $500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904) 247- 5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure,please contact Dayna Williams, Secretary of the Code Enforcement Board within five days of the receipt of this notice at(904) 247-5810. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. ATTEST: Dayn L. Williams, Secretary Deborah White, Code Enforcement Officer Notice of Hearing-Case#14-00000980 Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 410 of 672 4 IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. IPMC 108.1.5 2. The walking surface of any aisle, passageway, stairway, exit or other means of egress is so warped, worn, loose, torn or otherwise unsafe as to not provide safe and adequate means of egress. Sec. 12-1.Nuisances(a) It shall be unlawful for any person or business,to do,perform,have, allow, suffer or permit any act,occurrence or condition within the city which constitutes a dangerous,unsafe, dilapidated or unsanitary condition, which may be injurious to the health and well being of the community. Sec. 304.10. Stairways, decks,porches and balconies. Every exterior stairway, deck,porch and balcony, and all appurtenances attached thereto, shall be maintained structurally sound, in good repair,with proper anchorage and capable of supporting the impose loads. The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to $250.00 per day for the first violation and $500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904) 247-5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure,please contact Dayna Williams, Secretary of the Code Enforcement Board within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904)247-5810. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. ATTEST: Dayn L. '1W-Williams, Secretary Deborah White, Code Enforcement Officer Notice of Hearing- Case#14-00000980 Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 411 of 672 REQUEST FOR NOTICE OF HEARING LETTER DATE: RE#: ATCASE#:4?ro PROPERTY ADDRESS OF VIOLATION: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ''' J/ PROPERTY OWNER: i(/Anor- SEND CERTIFIED LETTER(S)TO: (Please check and explain all that apply) ZM<0PERTY OWNER AT: ADDRESS(ABOVE) DIFFERENT MAH.ING ADDRESS AS FOLLOWS: TENANT, AT THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: fenant'sName) MEETINGDATE•1 VIOLATION(S): (Please check(J)and eaplaiyall thgt 1) n UPMC 11 AB CODE SECTION:V if ap ^ A' C VIPMC AB CODE SECTION:104A 2 0&%L- MrC AB CODE SECTION: IJVl IZ IPMC Ll AB CODE SECTION: IPMC AB CODE SECTION: IPMC LAB CODE SECTION: Z• SAME AS ATTACHED: NO TICE OF VIOLATION DATED: TICE OF HEARING DATED: Optional SectionSection SPECIAL INSTRUCTION: Mad copy of Notice to Other. Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 412 of 672 ant a • • Z,and 3.Also c"Plate X O.Data of De iv DomPlete darns t• Delivery is deli N 41t Pe,tnctad son the reverse red pint your nameretu the card to You. I lace. a reMb,I^sB1"that we can to the back o5 the male Attach this card ace Permits. aY Stunt 15 W It YES.entM delNerY aa"1 . ar On the 1. Mala Add--dto. Ice T1'PaE gagl0mn.d' eryiled Mall O Retem Fecdpt for Melcha^dlg0 r Islered C3 O.O.D. Insured Mail ea Fee) Yes 4. PesMvled Delira s 7013 1710 0002 1691 1626s.p.Mrwa 2. Awe pb-r mM eo. mRxelPt PS Poen 38l.FebNary¢ D04 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 413 of 672 r> CITY C is pgtt¢BQ r>v CeWiietl Fee O1= 7 (EnOogee t IrkflivJi319Enoorspmenlqoqeyl HNA August 5,2016 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RE °1e1Po°'ee s Fey, $ 70131710000216911626 m e WAYNE DOUGLAS SCOTT M1 -°"mao..H,. rai:ire--- 198 Poinsettia Street a%>r7- --..-. yyY---'--Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-0018 yV- - ---------------„- Real Estate No. 170636-0510 CASE NO. 14-00000980 Location of Violation: 198 POINSETTIA ST,Atlantic Beach,Florida Lot NI/2 Lot 684,Saltair Sec 3 Dear Property Owner: p / Please be advised,Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your properly referenced above to be in l / violation of the City of Atlantic Beach,Code of Ordinances,to wit: n VIOLATIONS IPMC Sec. 108.1.3. Structure unfit for human occupancy. A structure is unfit for human occupancy whenever the code official finds that such structure is unsafe,unlawful or because of the degree to which the structure is in disrepair or lacks maintenance, is unsanitary,vermin or rat infested,contains filth and contamination,or lacks ventilation,illumination,sanitary or heating facilities or other essential equipment required by this code,or because the location of the structure constitutes a hazard to the occupants of the structure or to the public.(Structure is in disrepair due to lack of maintenance,unsafe stairs,roof is deteriorated with open missing soffit,etc) IPMC SEC. 108.1. 5 2. The walking surface of any aisle, passageway, stairway, exit or other means of egress is so warped, worn, loose, torn or otherwise unsafe as to not provide safe and adequate means of egress. (stairs to dwelling are unsafe) IPMC Sec.301.3 Vacant Structures and Land All vacant structures and premises thereof or vacant land shall be maintained in a clean,safe,secure and sanitary condition as provided herein so as not to cause a blighting problem or adversely affect the public health or safety.(Property is currently vacant and not being maintained) IPMC 302A Weeds.All premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds or plant growth in excess of twelve (12) inches.All noxious weeds shall be prohibited.Weeds shall be defined as all grasses,annual plants and vegetation, other than trees or shrubs provided; however, this term shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens. IPMC Sec. 304.1 General.The exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 414 of 672 IPMC Sec 304.2 Protective treatment.All exterior surfaces including but not limited to, doors and window frames, cornices, porches,trim, balconies, decks and fences, shall be maintained in good condition. Exterior wood surfaces,other than decay-resistant woods, shall be protected from the elements and decay by painting or other protective covering or treatment. Peeling, flaking and chipped paint shall be eliminated and surfaces repainted.All siding and masonryjoints, as well as those between the building envelope and the perimeter of windows, doors and skylights, shall be maintained weather resistant and watertight. All metal surfaces subject to rust or corrosion shall be coated to inhibit such rust and corrosions and all surface with rust or corrosion and shall be stabilized and coated to inhibit future rust and corrosion. Oxidation stains shall be removed from exterior surfaces.Surfaces designed for stabilization by oxidation are exempt from this requirement. IPMC Sec. 304.6 Exterior walls. All exterior walls shall be free from holes, breaks, and loose or rotting materials; and maintained weatherproof and properly surface coated where required to prevent deterioration. (rotted wood siding, soffit, etc.) IPMC Sec. 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound,tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. IPMC Sec.304.10 Stairways,decks,porches and balconies. Every exterior stairway,deck,porch and balcony,and all appurtenances attached thereto, shall be maintained structurally sound,in good repair, with proper anchorage and capable of supporting the imposed loads.(rotted deteriorated collapsing stairs,no anchors,etc.) Sec. 12-1.Nuisances(a) It shall be unlawful for any person or business,to do,perform,have,allow, suffer or permit any act,occurrence or condition within the city which constitutes a dangerous,unsafe, dilapidated or unsanitary condition,which may be injurious to the health and wellbeing of the community. (dilapidated structure) This letter requests that the noted violations be corrected by maintaining the vacant structure including by keeping the premises clean,sanitary, mowed and secured.In addition,obtaining permits to repair/replace all rotted or deteriorated siding open soffit,stairs,railings,balconies, wood components and complete all work within twenty(20)days of the receipt of this notice. To avoid having this case be referred to the Code Enforcement Board,all listed violations on this notice must be in compliance on or before the date established by Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement. The Board may impose fines up to two hundred fifty($250.00)per day for continuing violations.Upon completing the corrective action required,it is you responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. It is our goal to keep our neighborhoods looking well maintained while protecting property values and your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at 904 247-5855 if you have any questions or need additional information. Page Number 2 August 5,2016 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 415 of 672 1 r Siuc er ely,, Q{ Deborah White CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER CC: Crossland Mortgage Corp. P.O.Box 57909 Salt Lake City,UT 84157-0909 Page Number 3 August 5,2016 i Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 416 of 672 m N N Cl' Posta aJ 4l a C-%, ee f a (E Rehm t) a August 5,2016 CERTIFIED MAIL RE-o 7013171000021E WAYNE DOUGLAS SCOTT 198 Poinsettia Street a"~ Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-4018 Real Estate No. 170636-0510 CASE NO. 14-00000980 Location of Violation: 198 POINSETTIA ST,Atlantic Beach,Florida Lot NI/2 Lot 684,Saltair Sec 3 Dear Property Owner: Please be advised,Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found you property referenced above to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach,Code of Ordinances,to wit: VIOLATIONS IPMC Sec. 108.1.3. Structure unfit for human occupancy. A structure is unfit for human occupancy whenever the code official finds that such structure is unsafe,unlawful or because of the degree to which the structure is in disrepair or lacks maintenance, is unsanitary,vermin or rut infested,contains filth and contamination,or lacks ventilation,illumination,sanitary or heating facilities or other essential equipment required by this code, or because the location of the structure constitutes a hazard to the occupants of the structure or to the public. (Structure is in disrepair due to lack of maintenance,unsafe stairs,roof is deteriorated with open missing soffit,etc) IPMC SEC. 108.1. 5 2. The walking surface of any aisle, passageway, stairway, exit or other means of egress is so warped,worn, loose, torn or otherwise unsafe as to not provide safe and adequate means of egress. (stairs to dwelling are unsafe) IPMC Sec.301.3 Vacant Structures and Land All vacant structures and premises thereof or vacant land shall be maintained in a clean,safe,secure and sanitary condition as providedhereinso as not to cause a blighting problem or adversely affect the public health or safety.(Property is currently vacant and not being maintained) IPMC 302.4 Weeds. All premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds or plant growth in excess of twelve(12) inches.All noxious weeds shall be prohibited.Weeds shall be defined as all grasses, annual plants and vegetation, other than trees or shrubs provided; however,this term shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens. ec. 304.1 General.The exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 417 of 672 i IPMC Sec 304.2 Protective treatment.All exterior surfaces including but not limited to, doors and window frames, cornices, porches,trim, balconies, decks and fences, shall be maintained in good condition. Exterior wood surfaces, other than decay-resistant woods, shall be protected from the elements and decay by painting or other protective covering or treatment. Peeling,flaking and chipped paint shall be eliminated and surfaces repainted.All siding and masonryjoints,as well as those between the building envelope and the perimeter of windows, doors and skylights, shall be maintained weather resistant and water tight. All metal surfaces subject to rust or corrosion shall be coated to inhibit such rust and corrosions and all surface with rust or corrosion and shall be stabilized and coated to inhibit future rust and corrosion. Oxidation stains shall be removed from exterior surfaces. Surfaces designed for stabilization by oxidation are exempt from this requirement. IPMC Sec. 304.6 Exterior walls. All exterior walls shall be free from holes, breaks, and loose or rotting materials; and maintained weatherproof and properly surface coated where required to prevent deterioration. (rotted wood siding, soffit, etc.) IPMC Sec. 304.7 Roofs and drainage.The roof and flashing shall be sound,tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. IPMC Sec.304.10 Stairways,decks,porches and balconies.Every exterior stairway,deck,porch and balcony,and all appurtenances attached thereto, shall be maintained structurally sound, in good repair, with proper anchorage and capable of supporting the imposed loads.(rotted deteriorated collapsing stairs,no anchors,etc.) Sec. 12-1.Nuisances(a) It shall be unlawful for any person or business,to do,perform,have,allow, suffer or permit any act,occurrence or condition within the city which constitutes a dangerous,unsafe, dilapidated or unsanitary condition,which may be injurious to the health and wellbeing of the community. (dilapidated structure) This letter requests that the noted violations be corrected by maintaining the vacant structure including by keeping the premises clean,sanitary,mowed and secured.In addition,obtaining permits to repair/replace all rotted or deteriorated siding open soffit,stairs,railings,balconies, wood components and complete all work within twenty(20)days of the receipt of this notice. To avoid having this case be referred to the Code Enforcement Board,all listed violations on this notice must be in compliance on or before the date established by Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement. The Board may impose fines up to two hundred fifty($250.00)per day for continuing violations.Upon completing the corrective action required,it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. It is our goal to keep our neighborhoods looking well maintained while protecting property values and iur cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at 147-5855 if you have any questions or need additional information. 1,cr 2 16 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 418 of 672 Deborah White CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER CC: Crossland Mortgage Corp. P.O.Box 57909 Salt Lake City,UT 84157- 0909 3 6 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 419 of 672 N C D 00 V) D m o 4* z N W N 00 r W O r.+ M A F• C:) t-+t-+ ^ V ' f l 1 CD O ff Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 420 of 672 c zd< e e 0 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 421 of 672 s 00 I 1 •QDa C4 00 rD per.: c- aas Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 422 of 672 WO D o 00 Ln D rn i fx. O U m M00 O ur) , ^V e-+ `^,J ti DO rf Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 423 of 672 N C) 0 00 o O 4t N L4 Q CD l0 rr+ 00 0 pmt C) V O rt Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 424 of 672 e: 0 00 A w i• Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 425 of 672 i 00L/) o m D O urn z V D W p A N CSD. — Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 426 of 672 00 i rri T' 00• LQe R s Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 427 of 672 r i 0 awnn 1J ryw F N Y 1 W C• N R Aw l9 N 6 SJ N IJ WW NInl p m u. o ZOm n s, a 3z r n nVIp p a r n o r S Y N r N 4A m w n i 3-n mr`Iz 4, r• TIC j3- I.. cm m m O W T A Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 428 of 672 Property Appraiser-Property Details Page 1 of 2 SCOTT WAYNE DOUGLAS Primary Site Address Official Record Book/Page Tile• 198 POINSETTIA ST 198 POINSETTIA ST 05707-00836 9416 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233-4018 Atlantic Beach FL 32233 198 POINSETTIA ST Property Detail Value Summary REV 1)0636- 0510 3015 Cartifletl 12016 in Peninsula Tax Dishn USD3 Value Method CAMA CAh1A PmMwvlbl 0100 Single FamilyTotal Building Value 599,26300 104,632.00 x a Buildings 1 EHra Feature Value 4542.00 499.00 For full legal description see Land Value(Market) $68,25000 68,)50.00 Legal DeSt. land 6 Legal section below fBand Value All $0.00 0.00 btlsumon,n 03115 SALTAIR SEC 03 Jun(Market)Value $168,555.00 5173,881.00 Total Area 2508 Assessed Value $111,728.00 5111,510.00 The sale of this pmiserty may result 1n higher property taxes.For more In(mmation go can Diff/Portability Amt $56,822.00/$0.00 561,321.00/$ OAgtoSaleOurHomesandourPmoenvTaxEstimamr.In Progress'progeny values, Exemptions $50,000.00 See below exemptions and other st nomng information on this page are pan of the working tare roll and are sauteed to change.Ceral values listed in Me Value Summary are Nose Taxable Value $61,728.00 See below barred in October,but may include any offcal changes made ager certification m how Me Frodeft Accrual(Ht'me valua[n hoed Taxable Values and Exemptions—In Progress+ If there are no exemptions applicable to a taxing authority,the Taxable Value is Ne same as the Assessed Value listed above in the Value summary box. County/Municipal Taxable Value S3RWMD/FIND Taxable Value School Taxable Value Assessed Value 112510.00 AaesSed Value ............ Homestead(W9 25,000.00 Homestead(Hx) 25,c00A0 Horns d Ill 25,000.00 forrysmad ending 196031(1xb)(HB) $ 25 pm Homestead Banding 196.031(lxb)(HB) Taxable Value 87,510.00 m F25 Om 00 Taxable Value 62,510.00 Taxable Value 62,510.00 Sales History__.._ Book/Page sale Date Sok Pries Deed Instrument M1m Cade g l IU Vaont/Impnpred ISM7 0063 1 10/3/1983 $541000.00 WD-Warranty Dred._... Unquelified Improved 10613400010 5/22/1986 $681000.00 WD Warranty redntyDUnqualified Improved 06769-01203 9/13/1989 $67,103M AG-Agrtementfor Dead UngwlRetl Improved DB1924xa64 10/ 4/1995 $75,100.00 1 CT-Certificate of Tdle unqualified Improved 08202M127 7/28/1995 $100.11(1 SN-SpaDal Warranty Unqualified! bprow:d 083591x1998 2/7/1996 $58,600.00 WD-Wananty Dead Ulpuallfsd lmproyed Extra Fast IW Feature Deaaiptlpn Rug. I tenpN WIBN Tated Units Value 1 Fell I Fireplace Prefab 11 I0 0 1.00 499.M Land&Legal - and Legal LN cooDae Desalptlpn Zg1000 From:DepN Category WM LEW 1 Lantl W usual DiarAyapn Unas Does Value 1 10-1621-26-29E 1 0101 RAGS MD 8 19 UNITS PER ARS 2 25. 00 100001 Common 0.50 Lot 68,750.00 2 Sill SEC 3 3 NV2LOT684 Buildings - Building 1 Building 1 Ste Address Element Code Detall 198 POINSETDA ST Atlantic Beach M 32233 Portion Wall 6 6 Vertical Sheat Roof Struct 1 1 Mat Building Type 0105-TOWNHOUSE IRoofing Cover 4 4 Built up/TBG Fymialtt _ 1983 Interior Wall 5 5Drywall BUWinp ValW $t"i'li A0 Int Flooring 14 14Caroef IntFicaung 12 12 Hardwood! 8/ 5/2016 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 429 of 672 PON FORM DATE: Action Taken: Compliance: Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 430 of 672 Details C Page 1 of 1 N..e 1 ny A[ I rneeeyeee....N I c6.i.apr 1 Il6CTw/erifysonuo an .... ......... Welcome:James J.Perkin. Account Deposit Customer Sersice Voucher Into Property salary Non-Pay Billing History Paymen[Nistory Usage History ACCOYOE INIOTIilion account Number. Nom.2n Loecmer Name: SCOTT WAYNE 3erd[e Andreae: IPS POINSETTIA ST Mailing Address: IBS POINSETTIA ST NCKSONVILLE,FL 32233 NT' Cy[N: I9 At stem ANve Pronel Namo: 9M1)3513 vnone2 Caere SM12)O%11 Nee Payment Oue:Ib PerIs Budget Paymem Somm Not on Suet resonant Program enum vaymem Amount FZ Pay SInto.: Ia on EZ Pay Coeaery O2016-JEA yi 3414,0 2A6 - haps:// WsSlsg/ o252fX2AzacYVsxxJeg°/g25... 8/4/2016 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 431 of 672 ServiceInfo Page 1 of I 7E,AVer1 Nmam Welcome!James J.Perkin Account Deposit Customer Service Voucher Info Property Safety Non-Pay Billing History rPayment History Usage History i Service lMormalion PIMgn MM NUlllbf. i i Hal61$CLU MRER.ELECTRIC ga<anmcteM: Rate Coda Metm Numtwr Motor Last Read Cut On Dab Cut DHDam RES10-E 38855780.SCLUMBER-NMRE 1212,1611'%%PM SR13003 I1 CeW 9®]016 JEP yyf i 1 I i 4. f a i 8/4/2016 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 432 of 672 UT200101 City of Atlantic Beach 8/09/16 Customer Master File Inquiry 08: 29: 99 Customer ID . . . . . . . . . . . .21969 Name SCOTT, WAYNE D. Mailing address . . . . . . . . . 198 POINSETTIA STREET Zip code 32233 ATLANTIC BEACH FL Delivery point . . . . . . . . . . Phone 904 - 7351306 Drivers license number . . . . 0 FL Social security number . . . . . 8011 Attention/doing business as . . . Old Account Number . . . . . . . . E-mail address . . . . . . . . . . Customer name type . . . . . . . P PERSON Group number Deposit sponsor ID Display auto pay information Y CHECKING ACCOUNT Display additional information V YES F3=Exit FS=Services F6=Service orders F7=Cust misc info FB=Alt address F9=Change history F10=Payment plans F12=Cancel F29=More keys Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 433 of 672 BOOk 6309 PB 940 TO: Rgela3d Mortgage OR,940— 946 9600 NDger 63Rd. 1120 OacN 9606e677 St- Petersburg, PL 33702 Fibd A RmcOTded 03/27/ 96 02100003 P.M.OK Paeymcdby: CRQ95LRN0 MORTOAOE CORP. CLERK CIR%0T [QURT DUVAL CDU SALT 249.55 RLARNHCITY, OT 84153-0909 1909 BOTHER K OMOT'E 6142.34 p13 570-6007 INTANGIBLE TAX p Br,a Aaow TAB 3Jr nr Rwmd•[0MM swag "°' MORTGAGE 091-2037325-702 L n I0: 4934352 TFIS NIORTGAOB('SerndO lmtram a')u Pi.m March 20th, 1996 The M.Awn,is WANE D. ECOR, A SiNle Man wh,s mLLm u' 3709 BAN PABIA RD S #1L07• .TAC850MF3LLB, FL 32234 BY,ows').11tia Smmff ImYemW a gi.b I/\ CROBBLAWI MORTGAGE CORP. whichu mPaaad yal0aipleg BOdv dm lava of THE STATE OF W. mow aM, h P.O. DCO[ 57909, SALT LAXH CITY, OT 84157-0909IAada').601bMu owE1AA3Pl6e P0mW hof Seventy One Thousand TW MUMrtd Sixty eight and W/100--------1O (U.S.p 31, 268.00 >. Tbii dela u evideRW by lonanWa an. dlbd de amt Nk as 6U S—ily Ipmmml('NRb7,Mich M"v b1 mmlhlY MYmems.wibtbc Idl dek,Nm1 pdd avd pyAk m Mtll isc, 2026 Oni mnovd01 axhh sa ;(b)ft pa a mpaymm a(ibe hot mdmxxdMh Nae,wid t.111h and a plaftu , wunty sad wtlihradmM;(b)Ue (.) d W 6 bm en at with iN[mM, dvarcetl Pdm PNNOaM 6 b P1a5 Ne Instno of dd9 SxNn . Pat d PB:aad(6)tlx pedwemea AbY man x m. 9= d e vq w wdO 6u Ah"WIOMPWNAIam0mNdiPotDiapary03e, pOvOwer doO homy moMpge, gOm em ainaxy n Iadet 0c (Nl0wi0XdacOTdP10Rm110okdisDuvalCOm6y.P°"dv TMH N(mty 1/ 2 OF 3 684, SALTMR. SECTIOM 3, ACCORDING TO PLAT THEREOF RMCORO3O IN PLAT BOOR L0. PAGE 16 OF TME CITNEMP PUBLIC RBOOanS OF UOPn COUNTY. PLORIDA Item k: 170636-0510 tahichbO AemWMu of 198 POINTEMIA STREET, ATLARTIC BEACH IMai.t"I. PLMida 32x33 ItieraaM CPmpnY Adtlmn'); 1r Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 434 of 672 Book 6309 PB 941 J'BGPJBBL Wim a9 aw womt' mw a attc B, rata m me paµtr, avd YI uamNe. libb¢.appo eoav®.rcau.ror+Itia miue+l.oB emw WaN WvtoOu.wail Nb'ame isal Boum m.u nnonaa MEofBlefuWMAllwplrmtinadmaaufbalalsoawvewdbyIbicSemi"b b"Al AB of We farcywuy b kaad m m Pou 5ewuity Immuv®t a me'•Pm" ,BIMAcba COYLIU lha Betsowu kkwwvr wad a aW'E'bnebY mmeym sod hu Ba ti9am wattPl%,0mtEE,, mu.ey the Rapsry sod Ihet Be PEM,,rc m..buad,ccmp lot e¢tmbo¢v a ctc d Boloow """A"ad wBl data gmenlly ate aIle w ma Ropmy apwmdl marms ad dmads.mbjmw mr atom.1, paymt diMaopa,lmaat vd We Ou.4.Bock a "P47 Wbea doe to PTMA of,am immen m,w acb eviam,cd br me Nae ad lam cWtBu mW umw la Nine.2. M..k* Pgmmt d Tt, blo—W Cl Cha,ga. Bwrowm shill ioclade is ucb movdfy pay""'"'sreetbet with la pmcgW am w m Ect faM is the Not,scd soy blo cb ata®h.(s)laces ad lMW eue>mnl"ImdorwaLgwimmeRaputY, (h)kawboW Wymam m Wind tma m Ar Rmelry,ad(c)Pmmimns fw immosetgoimdOmerpuagtapha. k avY Jin w WbirA me taht mon MY a vmrtgabe wmsame pt®iw m the Seraeruya Wcltbr WlLae Desvloµmt('SmvmI 1of EE Y Wwfirb suchmmimv°mad havebcn.gaismA 1<odvfillalathellmMy Imtlamem,Elob sc m m( 11) smc aw imloh eilhm: (i)a a®Im ttl nImIW ow m if ioWvee Psmi®n a pW by lath w la SmestY,m Iii)t vuolWY sBUBc sd of a mwtl;aBe imu+om prm'iom S au SmidtYmmmaaishcidbythe3sueuy,u a m a aemmimd by am Secsuur. Bamp fat me mamnlr twtseMmescrtmtY.mea ilmu ue wld•s,uaw I¢me•am me sums Pvam Im0.8rt nncl'BsaaW pmlat.'leader may. of avy lime.callm em hoW matt(a Psuow Lets e M agmepam amomt art w Act o mas®m atom.S. Eoo a taNLm for Al sanow ammmudatoRea Fame Smkmrm -c—"M Am of 1P'ra, 12 U.S. C.Sutton 2611 a ft ad 0 tc u b 7A CPB pain 5500.ry Iber bbo a o" 6om lime m time empl tillIbacusbwnof®r<petmRa q MPA for umdripakd mebmamevu m divbwu,vems afore me Bottower' e royal is are rvdbble ume a[coumwT rota asd mawvms Ime BA me mon6a6e imm•M"pmmium If the mmwn heW by tevam fw BwoW Ivma mind ft uirovae Mlyl m be bold by MPA,]smu shall Jul wit maartaBorasmaquiadbrBlx'SPA. Ilmcamooemof t 6eW 69ItnAa m mY 4me aw ml sulficimt b pay B1e Fa[mW Ivp1 wben ave, Linder may odfr me ad m9iw Bnvowu w mail s@ me sbamab.w deStieocy u µmind by A.lbc Pmow Pmatam PMMaumdiuoml>mtY 6s al smvssrncdbr tis SemsitYlmslmem. If BartoWu rervin..m Leomu to fila pay a[afs0 sth sins.Brmawu's aawatBalaodireawit to bnlmcet®nobli tar al Pity W We S.. Pdy t cildl a bill mem mnt ii m. hu ml become cottEl m Pry m me S...",muY, ad feta icto b Pto , ufam my ezrem fords m Botm u. I M llietdy EEiot to n rmabma Ne of Bc Ropeny,w is uyuiriJw b!I<der,Bomwv's Wwum bila a csedad wiw avY ,n-•a®a01n$mr all imWlmeas Iw Lmc(a),( b),am(c).2.APPlktlioW a Pay..All mt. .Eder I.S.PM I ad 2 mall a app4m by 4 mStil :R9,mme mmtP+Pe im+veme pltmom m a ltd by Is t m bo Smmrvy w m to—WW ebtcV by me Sxretaty invadofla momhly oa,l ivwuwx pW,,E Saud,navyWu,epecul awemmems,kaxboW psymems w Btamd,,,&e.Dom ad omec baud iemYYlCe p®ilm' s,m mlmsd: Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 435 of 672 Hook 8309 pg 942 71>lldb.rn oobb ails the Noce;Y r D„m smwuali®of do to:mJW of IOe Nae; ro Ore rbarys dm Wm the Nor 4.Re.pleod W 11dIu eWN Yemenem.IlosrouR[ball umm d vv mvameob m N PmpertY.whedrer ww i¢ exis e m mtaWvemly eae:Rd,+yoa!m'hmYa,ns us,ad mdvDevcm,wclvdis8 fin.(w Wsll alm fmmam'IDio Ivww[e dl h mammtmd iu N nmwn sed fm bo Or,bob Ihn IeWt teams.ell Lrryms om w Ibe AopeM1y.wMDe oo.w ainmm m.+bss9¢rrolY tlOnn,, 9mw tb the esus r wla e"b and by tam and ND ivelade I=pyab 6or Of,adm a fmm a aePtlbl°b.t •dv.and aro In N sort of Ioa fbmaou shstl gii lend°Damdiem rm{n by mail.Leveler WY matt Paoof of loss if mf n ik Wompdy by Bin, p imwsva CmVM coaaaW u ambwiarY sd d inn m make'Ymem fin,sueb Ina d bbbly b I—kr,Inured of b Bavowm W m Ivo kr la^dY n¢m avY P^of the ivavavx Prmds wY be aWlird b41dc,et itc apmry etlm(a)m N rdtsam of roe mhUedeee ue0er IDs Nde ave this Smnriry ImmweN,first m ny of fsguw N duugd YIaWIY. smomm a . AM appLuuu b IDs arm ogg83.W 0 tho*aha(1 Ca"non or PonWw Rft"non NR of b"on Oof do luaRedn onobiblnramoum RquDd to W9 a iumaedle6l¢debedoea'miler roeNamie W Ihic SecmuY ImuwlwssM1Nl De Pad oft wiry Will,°Gild wrm. In dte.of folmloaum of Itis Sear,lmawat ar orbcr mmrnr of fide b m propmty dor ea{hgalNm dx indehrcdorse,all ri94 title ad mkrmt of B ower in iewraRe Pohdea in k c NII pain inch:puruhaRr. 5. trap , ltmmrYon. DfaiYevaem and prolMloa of N Bvsma'[ Wv Applinns.; I.snmDolds. Borrower Nll aaPY,muell®,nod me the Fogerty u Ba¢wEI•s aeu@ns o obi°,at9 or a allor e¢eulkn of this Sbutity Lmv®w W ii r cndmm b auapY the property a+ pn spat ®davx for m boorm arc Year ate[IDs avm of maPswY•volae[he 5metmy demmem Ais ttgairomet will cane ndm hudsbip for llotmwtt.a unto [aknmBeg enetmpema eYn wh"rh me bgad Bmowsi s mmol. Bcmpwc Adl mDh teeda d anYesRmalivgeircummarxeBorroweWllvinewdtnvearmmy,dmn{e a smPavuall9 a"—=°°Iffi PmpCiry w ilNwNproPCshroOgaorYc,rwonbm rXu sed em eaapld.ladur me foWmf N FWWY J pmp"t1 vraY a atmdoaM a Bin Inn is ie defwtt. leder mag IYC a uuble trio¢m Prmu evil Plexmre ash vums m aluvdoml ploPCny,mmlw YWI elm h whfsdt YBlamw,dluog rh Ing epplvmmpmave,yveswmYlY fol¢or®coramafalmnlimmslsmmnmmleder(m fated m pwitle Irma am aq mnmalal IvfomaDm)iv wlmamu xslh IDs urn evid N by the Noe.iwbdim.bol vin Ddld b.ropeunutioln rouaoieg Borrows'[otetWocY of the 110pn1Y m e xgwns fc udcbthe tlPmp¢ lncdold mcoNUea Dt mcrgcd lWr%1 aprablDc oss+ga in wraiog. Cbarga b Bemowa W hWUYve of Iadm's Ripti in N prop".Bonoxs Nll y aB W"emmnlad m mmaapil dam,fiver ad ImpmDOm aw am m ioddd Ie P.Wwb 2&atwKr(ball m Ihu6 obliyM1ms m 4mtdilssLLIoI&enph whrcL&owd ILC paYmC^I.If fsam myX wvrdd ndawClY aNm]soil°'[ivllm't iv Ibc Psvpny.W^^ leda'e remmu Boamwtr shag Promptly to®m lade rrmpts cviEea'ivg Ihea paYmm¢ If Bwfow fY1e 10 nWc Ihne yYmnm or the yYmem rmilrd DY petaA+mD 2,m fLils m RrfOw my eW co u ad am[wwaCahmlM ie Nu S[Mity lommmw,mlbaCm akyl prottedivg 0u mry eget Yaffil ltoda's tigltmnticnoPeM(an'h u n Pm'nf^B m hatlo WY.for metlmwoe m ro nfmm 6W m<gsleham),rime leder wY doWpYrAueserunevmrympante°.de voa(We Fogerty nil]ahr'e ri Iv Il, d'°[ p°y^e°t of Won,Deana iavrama ad ahu dwn memomdm WyiwaPh 2. AM am(vnra nonunion!by I uYa W mragrspb shill bcPam w h dOml dor of Borrower sd on seam"byfirS.Mly Inifloi That[moan 00 Eur in nrnm fmm Ac ilei,of dibusuwR.Y de Noe ram.aY Y de opDw of finde,shall bn dierelY not ant t nbk. YlRltesni rya.te iM Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 436 of 672 1311,fSc+CSY P.2L/M Book 8309 Pg 943 9. t oodmmtiov. Ibe prmeNe of aW awab a Gain for damage, wrm w roamr®al,m mmvatw aid mY rwd®®dov m oJsr dtivp of mY LmB of We PrtEerty,m fm mmeymz ry plats of hereay ev¢eaE andebaBbeNdbLmdmbde..»..Mie feB amwu of de AAebxdvv ihu retain m^Pvd soder de Nox and dna Sawvryfifata_lsadm ayoll appl9 eucpprorrademrd eawxdon of delalebfda+a evdo theNar my iia 5avdry Inmvmd,firer m amy dtliegmm ammvvm apptW in de oder Providrd m PaH&aPh 3. ams mea a p¢ryymmr a priaipd AmyfftpfpcmlhmF.Mwhch0acpp' fiboW gall ad ore14 m Ae Oue dde oP me movmlY Ymmn,wN m off+undir E aokbkZwhrth.4eeemm mid gewnrylpeedu9mrce6sovmmwou rm dedb WYallpamibdeamptgAYCdidwlhmvo. S.Pae. —Yr"Iko fes aal doltod alnrimd by lk Sareory. 9.Grandy rod Acm d H Bap[. al B t.lemdc my.area a liaibl by vgwle igmed by de S&Ntoy o de rax Of WY ,&W,re —immedime pyo i.fid od W smm wets by die Sramuy bfrfb mit 0m)Borfoasr dafmlta by ftmg b PY by NY my mo,h paymea rca1eM by div Smvmry loomed Prior b orlbeqIctldeofIhmemov®IY paYrsOr.a s()BOmowe dednhs by Suing,for a Paiw of dirty days, lm pdfmm my aner oblip4 mvmidJ io alisuhrlvrmmrm. Sartba9 aWt m e mmeLaA os .L ea x pofbbl t by a*o&law and wub We prim apps of lbepymeHimtmllafJltumaeameib9BiaSatyLmvwif: i)All mr prl M de A^PeBY,mr a krchoal iotaat I..amt oawwE JI a paJ o!dx P•Opmsy,6 eoN baduwixImrofinei(shed tlm py devise or ha'eml)by Ik Baeowa,aW fu) Ib< lhoputy If — —%mi by ds Pmrhoo a PamIH as his or bis pdaipm residon d de 9daamomtPl dw Amperty bu[htaMnd'n pm vet Stet approval ie emordame wid deSecrtwry. k)Na Walsd.if evrvmauvra Deet desmwld p®il Uadr b"wfrc immepua paymmf m mi.het lamer dxdm[rrgdbevrh lff e ,lemda sou and waive w Jgke aid minim m-Aa . d) Bepddimm of MW Sffob d .N vmY-rmmmaxs rzphtiovr iawm by dd S..Wy will limit Ladd's6pbioderadofwymwldfiWmavNuircimmrdiatepaynmHafdleeAbfadamifvpaid.IL6 Seemnsylesmurmtddesmm-.06macakndwor faclomrt tmapumipd Ey rcgWedoa of lk Sartury. le)hlmt2w Nd loved.wmy,o amov tlw sMWd dm SmmJy Iahtmed and tk Nod dwmd dvepY v kagiblc(Of tmmame mtld the Napmml Nweiq Ao ambo W days Som de dx pumf,lendb mag,at id op4mnmmswiWtmdogaWlNvgbparapaph9.re9oJe immmiak Pyf a is fall d aB seta sentm4 by six Scw4yra. A a+ieen smtmmm of mY aHhorimd aaem of de$marry dem mpd9mm m do day9 tom dr settkrcof,dcJideg b ivaae du 3avri y tapetum(and de Nac waw d Y.Jell k h mmbaaive f OfbaligibJiry.NolwitlaxmBmg eadedrcgWvg,ala opdwmay ms Id ecix by lemic whom thc tvvada qo(InOsavm ie m1elY ice m 1<Wer'a fiihm lm rmsis a mmyagc bamamspremhtm b de Smeary. IB.^:... ..Borrower hu a digLf m k rtiresdM J Irnkr tui rc9otel imo diemBmeowxlafiJnemryymemow[des eNa the Nae m fWa Src®tY ldb mmt Itis ripfrt applue eveel ager finerlom e9rveadimpartiwdtimtW.To aim We do Saudry lmmmm4 Bormaea daB xmtr b a hwP aum all mmuvt reAdr 1 alarivgBunuwer's xoom gmdem ImcmdmE. b de eamm dry art rft.Bpdom of Bmamwer wJcr tbu Srmdry Imremem,e coau and msnaple and rmso-mmy mbidYi ka and enemy prupaly esmciamd aid de frucmmrtW, og.upon deipvacmenr br Brvdawv,alis Samry Imm dOr ad de obppyom ort h salved dJl aemvim m<ffmaWlmHpsimolroQuiredimmeddepayoeofimhJl.xaweva.leoda is m[ mpermitminxran mrif:(i7ladmralamupLLMennuymxmahadeemmxmrmedmfBxalmauepdamdimpwtltwoYdmaimmWielclYPrrcedvgshemnweamemof•cmvem forslomrs POeaJimq.(u)andppmm T preclude(oa baurt w dllfemnt pdwvds a Nefumes.or(ur)rcinamamed wBl edveraly agar deprimi9 Wdelie ereaxd by dt$[miry tvamvxul. q 7 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 437 of 672 Book 9309 P9 944 Il.Boo.Not RA Frrbormo By lata No a m umn of W time of,a,mem w modfrmon d monotiao of 0e roma mM by did Seouiry Inmommot g woi by Isedv m aey emrmmm u iwren of Boaorm ahml rm orrau to ulna de lability of the migiml Bonoaar or Bomaa'e moemor it mbntt.leatr shill to,bo ammmd m commomot of me mmsP mtoodinp 4mvlry Iwmmml 4.raw MM amsm male by ibe mi'meal form. m u imam. way fokeanose by later m eaeMsieg ay ri I m rmWy aWB ms M a wirer of or prceky da menuc0fmy rippt m,mmy. 13. bluer and Aemdm Bnmy him,and 6 wtl Uabi4y:Cea,,ma.The mvemms aW ammo a(mid ses:miry Imumml mall bird and benefit ye near.evil anigm W 4+ma and Borrow,soblact m me pmornggnph 9.b. Bovora'a corcra t and amsandavBoumpmubejoinreal. Ay rbm msgBovs a Sromty Wumm[ me oomr the Note:(a)is or-Aping tln Stomd,biymmt mly m mofiM.pun mm aunty flat Bo.t i000m,it dK Pmpeafy mda ft I[m of dot Srruriry Ivmmmm;(b)it. onomE,obligmN m y fhe pm uatr my aaomoladeliom add rcgpd io)ficiews of ilia Smvity Immmm o0e Noemmmyl alar='e mumfimixtru Id.Numbs.Any mow m emory pawidrd for is suis5®riryry Iotwmm shell bo gircv by deliveuoS it or by=It% it by fust Clam mail rvim.,11 ter mgrmn um W ammo mdhod.ibe maw mem k dimard m me ynpmry Mum mry mho emrem Bnmra nun m I<nttfi My mdw m Imder mull br fust eks meJ m I<rA'l'i eddna sued bent W em Wtlrms I<oder dengmma by crow m Bornrn.Ary mdoe MliO d mf in this Sormitf lmwmmty hr6aara to lave bm pvm m Bopoar or I®-•bmmvm.'nodal In nis p ",h. 14. Govem Lr; Smoodidq. 13is g ,, Imlrmdoebml be gofmv{by federal law and tls lar of ftjmiWirdooiowbiWmeF=is leafed.Inde even Item my provifun err U of ihis Smnry Insumrm m rte¢NotemaBiroridappliuhkF=swL rm AiIX ebrB mt aHttt aherpmvisivmof ilia Sauory invomem n the NOMrhi un be dvm e(IM widow m emBiuiog Provlmm.1'o du eud Ur lrwiim of Ibis Srvtiry Iumommt and thr Nar m ds1mW tuber le. I5.Ber*rwer'm CoFy Bovowr dull be P.m Orc midomod mpy of Bin Sammy Eubmmn. Id. Awdg of Rab.I mora mmodd mil,mmYm and m,m,to leder m me team and mamas of ft P`oVm`Y.Boreorm mmorim leder or Lendefr nam m roBrn rin aero ad memo a Irrtby yawa ewm mum of me fmprav m pry de mm m Ieotic m leatla'r egem.Hawevm,prim m 11 h's mEw m BamwH of BaaarQ'e Ivech of ren mvemn a aparoem in m Samly Invmerl,eonowr shag colRn ren nccne W rem am mrmrt of de Pramtr a war fi rhe banmW Irmo mandd Bauder. This asigmeol of rma mmumW m abwlme auipemem eed ort err a^mgrmem fm eddidmd sewtiry mly. If Ieudr give more of btooh m Bdoown(a)m rad amivW by 9umower"be hind by Rarower m mmAm bt Ixmefit of later mty.m bt AWW m tlm sums temW by the Semmity Immwfut:(b)fordo"I W mhdN m mllax and dein¢all of me rem of ye Psapmyi ad(¢)ur8 teoerl Of m PrWmY mWl mY ad rue dw and 9n md m Iahr n lahr's rgmm Imdr'e wmtmdmavdm me amu. Bortowr W atm army my Prior asmgmeo o(me rme antl ben ort and wle mtperfoml am as Item wronld PnvM IeWa form mnoriog is ayghtsroda suis pmp pli ib. leads.yell ort be mpu Wmmw ape.uFe mnlmdof mtinam ye my mapedolb. mowitbuymfirmHowever,later kw,rll9 appmvW rmrver,nay do m bo f, due mea ie i hn,,o My fmot a ofumtbmlmcurtmwWnftdmtmitanythoSmYduetfitowsmWlofIeodv. ltii mwmmmm of mot M m¢Prapr'rY e1Wl Im®ioalc who mrddt a iW BY ye Samiy Imm m[m u PtidiufWl. NM-UI RM covwA .H."',aW Ie ,rudher¢wemm eW ya m dhows: 17.Farmlmre Prowdmm.B I.myr r,,WM immetlkte pryemt M fWl mdr Pmdmoph 9,laden may fmt ndnr ieava ere l Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 438 of 672 Bmmk 8309 PR 945 Wk BmuY9 feJemnml b7 ry&u1,.I abaB ba ditlW w nYna all enpeaaea baen a is pam1NB tln eaaaiim in flavaW ph17,Wbdin9.BLL mnl B®Yd w..woMk Nlwne7e fm wB w NFYkesidete. IB.RAuv.Upao AYmam aF eU ams rcmaf by Pois Saw:ry wauumwi,leatla abaB Noss Aia Scm:ry Imb®.ma wiaDwLNvge b BanwEf.BopoM aball W9 a%avclMlioa Can. 19.Aftwmye Fag.As NvA in 4v Smairy IVNmea and do N^'aumm p bra'"I i¢lude any as mnr V fog n by mappUU¢wmf. M.Wan w W SnnaNy lana f.If on,m an ac.ida¢x uecomtl by ee.mwm nad waded wgalbm wuh 0u' Snwdry ImYmm,ft Naemma of esb emb d "bni.,nnn A aw and da a®1 and np0.,tDe un'eoava Nd eBaaemaatl of bb Baa ty lann fu Ufbe 4da0)warapartofW,Sammy fuhmmf. IOeat applimble bnx(es)7 S] Ca$rnanbamR Gndmwe hyum Riga omclkn'+frl LJ Blamed Umf Drmin am Riche EJ Cwcioy Fquhy FJdn REHAB RIDER BY SIQ4BIOBAWW,Baamwtt amePm udagrcnmOtap NmwOle am io aNy aida(a) W yenwwcYmd,cofdcd M M SCOTP W.wv JOHN F. AIEBSAME Stacey 36 SIAM OF FLORIDA, DM . Cmya: lh B` nnB immaaan f. c IndgW bef m ffka March 30rh, 1996 by WAYNC N. SCQI'[ wboupuwmllybmwnw meawbo bar paoduvA MilitaryILI dqy JOHN F.A[MAME Way Pnbk,SIM 8 FWr MY Cmm e9bm feb.17,IBM Cantu Ha CC 348614 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 439 of 672 1'J 190e3569L hY F.e ie14 gook x309 Py 916 a.xn 093-2030325-703 boon is 193635E REHABILTfATION LOAN RIDER i{D$pI1 flXfAT10N WM MM IS mil Dna 30N &,d Mnich 1996 And is Ivolloo wd mm ed meR tx Uemd b mead mG -ppI nu 3avIP(p. D of TOM m Sa osY D S aiY im'uv:om")of me some due tla'e^bosswmEmoow'lmumnsm:m.v's Naem lead¢"1 of me Pme dxe eod wools&ftn oy desoribnd in dte S..0 loom and L-x 396 MINnMIA STREET. AT 11 11WIl, IL IDA 32233 Inaeq"till ADDITEONAL COV Wfl.In adldrnn m Poe wvcmua and Wnnn'o,•nutic m rnr SmuitY hMnn6i<m.Bnn°wrn and 4etln.fitmw ande .Enlom: A. L Bea'eak m m be dvse fa de Plows m aaosdtnce.Im dx R'b"iYtlOn inn Afy ID duW Mach 20, 3996 beman Bannrs avtllader.alis a®rsmen is ircospmed hY sefessn W lack a pn a oris Sxmily lwm ,No eduau sbD h vWc ndma Woad b3 a DiowHvdm®eu flvdua>;ps m Oe Admit SsmofnY of Housivp Fdenl Ho 4 eo o ob"-'DO Mg a FlpulO eod Dshm P.JaimrnL andw.m scAvvmle difi&e¢e,mumamvnmtdaeoy lmcR. I(the seluDRiudmuwt paped9 mmpk:,pufa map fm nt in a lochouq the I u wvd,00 fou 1.o to uhn me o.iob ebp m Nova Wesehe%Iiudm ImRmzmrns eodpnpoYfimhum,cw'erisdngaboo fo ane aft muecx m btndt a the smmBB6dm.M pi. mpntlM fix sect nnnu n eachuive rid000nn oees of me Pain od mill be added m str WinriW ieltWrcss.avtl aav 16Y me SmuitY Inahwvrni W h dm andYUAbleondellwiminumumasmlmenae. C. If Bonowee fill b mate eW pYmrnl m to Put wobugad..ovtivi Imo i.wm tlx comoesema, p tomeompnsbenndoRhabilnnonpofiml ®on Ie Ag .end umh Enloe enntinoa Em iodapm of 3a&M We IM mill,Al she o9nm of in&&MIL BV S[GN1N0 BF1AW,B3 zscpls'.vd s8>m m m°°B mntnlond In" Iimmi.Imv o. s0'rrr mom.. E°°°•' Sen)mn rr+6.Rmdilemn3rrm.YW-33m nemu Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 440 of 672 A3 03AI3O3N a.ldi0 p1aW3W'CliN3 3W 3J 3J1.3.d0 1N3W3O11o3N3 3000 H3V39 OLLNV'UV 11V3 3SV31d '3OII0N SIHI 01 ONINIVI83d NOIIVWHOM 'IVNOIIIOOV 3)111 (MOAN HO SNOI1S3flO ANV 3AVH OOA Al 'HOV39 OIINVIIV 10 3000 ALIO 3HI 30 NOIIVIOIA V 10 9'dV/AV OOA 3AVW Ol N30U0 NI 30110N A531Nf100 V SI SIHl 90110N SIH1 40 SAVo NIHIIIA A8 A1dWOO NV0 f101 V(I1ll013 IL)V38 OI1NH"LIV 4,13 000 3Hd. 30 OLia lti Oro) 0-310 A0 NOL p M V0NI0 S3SIW3Nd o11WdSNI 3Hl ss3anav wvana o aervmo Noi.LV301A 30 301ioN As3iunoo SS95'GbZ :3NOHd ZZ£ep1,01A VE9g 3nuepV puog aloulwas 008 NOISING LNRUD' 03N3 3(100 HOV3fl OI.LNV"I.LV 30 ALIO pltl%y ixnLd Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 441 of 672 Case History Report GY For Case ID: 14-00000980 v I Page 5 Re ort generated on Jan 7 2015 3.14.30 PM Case Type: RESIDENTIAL Alternate Description: Case Status: ACTIVE Last Status Change Date:09/ 22/2014 Case Manager:DEBORAH WHITE Case Created Date:03/ 28/2014 Case Origination: ROUTINE INSPECTION Case Established Date: 03/ 28/2014 Visibility: Public Primary Address: 198 POINSETTIA ST Location ID: 7970 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Case Notes Stop Work Note Category Date Order 03/28/2014 Dangerous stairs,rotted Collapsing hazard, no handrails,guardrails, Informational 03128/2014 Y unsafe condition,open soffit,rotted siding, protective treatment and overgrown yard LD1-Lot N 1/2 Lot 684,Saltair SEC Informational 03/28/2014 Y CD2-3 Related Parties Name Related Party Address Address Phone Phone Type Type Number Type WAYNE DOUGLAS SCOTT HISTORY Mailing OWNER OWNER Mailing History CONVERSION Violation Established Resolved Violation Status Short Description ViolaaUoonreet Data Date dress DANGEROUS STRUCTURE 2-IRMCSec.108.1.5 2 04/01/2014 08/06/2014 ACTIVE STAIRS DMIGEROU 198 POINSETTIA Sr E#erior Wal/s-IPMCsec 304.6 03/28/2014 08/06/2014 ACTIVE 198 POINSETTIA ST Pmheb've Treatment-IPMC Sec.304.2 03/28/2014 08/06/2014 ACTIVE IN POINSETTIA Sr RK-Recommendation CEB 03/28/2014 ACTIVE DEADLINE FOR CEB COMPLIANCE JANUARY 10, 198 POINSETTIA ST 2015 Roofs and Dminage-TPMCSee 3047 03/28/2014 08/ 06/ 2014 ACTIVE 198 POINSETTIA ST Unsafe Conditions-IPMC Sec.304.1 03/28/2014 08/06/2014 ACTIVE 198 POINSETTIA Sr Weeds-IPMCSea 302.4 03/28/2014 08/06/2014 ACTIVE OVERGROWN YARD 198 POINSETTIA ST 03/28/2014 08/06/2014 CLOSE-NO STARS 198 POINSETTIA ST VIOLATION INITIAL INSPECTION Inspector Resulted Inspector Inspection Insp Time Name Name Tlmestamp Min) Inspection Result status DEBORAH 03/28/2014 1 Code Compliance lnspedionComplered- WHITE 03/ 28/2014 Server User Name:ASPCUSTIATLBDAW Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 442 of 672 Case History Report For Case ID: 14-00000980 page 6 Report generated on Jan 7 2015 3.1430 PM Inspector Resulted Inspector Inspection Insp Time Ars on Result status Name Name Timestamp Min) Dem Inspection Comments: NOTICEOFVIOLATION Notice Related Party Recipient Address Assoc Document Tracking Name Association Type Level Address Type Issued Info NOTICEOF VIOLATION Notice Related Party Recipient Address Assoc. Document Tracking Name Association Type Level Address type Issued Into POS77NGAFFIOAVITFOR NOV Notice Related Party Recipient Address Assoc. Document Tracking Name Association type Level Address Type Issued Info REINSPECTION Inspector Resulted Inspector Inspection Insp Time Name Name TlInspection Result Status mestamp Min) Pe DEBORAH 07/25/2014 1 code Compliance Inspection Completed WHTE 08/ 06/2014 HITE Inspedion Comments: NOTICEOFHEARING Related Party Recipient Address Document Notice Name Association Type Level Address Assoc.Type Issued Tracking Info WAYNE Defendant To Mailing 10/1712014 7012 2210 0001 1385 3091 DOUGLASSCOTT CHECK STATUS OF CMRRR NOTICE Description Scheduled Date Result Date Time Sport Notice of hearing received 10/ 18/ 2014 10/18/2014 REINSPECTION Inspector Name Resulted Inspector Name Inspection Timestamp Insp Time(Min) Inspection Result Status DEBORAH WHITE DEBORAH WHITE 10/15/2014 VIOLATION CONTINUES-10/16/2014 Inspection Comments: Scheduled INITIAL INSPECTION Resulted Inspector inspector Inspection Inspection Result Status Name Name TlmaRl Insp Tme(Mln) DEBORAH DEBORAH 11/04/2014 VIOLATION CONTINUES-11/04/2014 WHITE WHITE Inspection Resulted Violations wntinue Comments: Resulted RECOMMENDATION: staff recemmends the Board find the property owner in violation anti order that compliance be achievetl by obtaining required permRs, wmplete malting all the required repairs by lanuary 10,2015,or a fine of$150.00 be imposed for the first day and$150.00 for every day thereafter the violation User Name:ASPNSTUITLBDAW Server .com Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 443 of 672 Case History Report For Case ID: 14-00000980 Report generated on Jan 7, 2015 3:14:30 PM Page 7 Resulted Inspector Inspector Inspection Name Name Timestamp Insp Trust(Min) Inspection Result Status continues to exists. The property owner is responsible for eentacting the City Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining an Inspection of rompliance. CODEBOARD HEETINGS Scheduled Start Date Calendar Type 11/ 17/2014 Meeting CES Order Related Party Recipient Address Document Notice Name Association Type Level Address Assoc Type Issued Tracking Into WAYNE Defendant To Mailing 11/21/2014 7012 2210 0001 DOUGLAS 1385 3015 SCOTT BOARD ORDER COMPLIANCE INSPECTION Inspector Name Restaged Inspector Name Inspection Timestamp Insp Time(Min) Inspection Result Status DEBORAH WHITE 01/12/2015 Inspection Comments: SMedukof cel,complalnce inspection NOTICEOFNEARING Related Party Recipient Address Document Notice Name Assodation Type Level Address Assoc.Type Issued Tracking Info WAYNE Defendant To Mailing 12/16/2014 7012 2210 D001 DOUGLAS 1385 3220 SCOTT REINSPECTION Resulted Inspector Inspector Inspection Name Name Tlmestamp Insp Time(Min) Inspection Result Status DEBORAH DEBORAH 01/ 07/2015 VIOLATION CONTINUES-01/07/2015 WHITE WHITE Inspection ResuRed Comments: Resu/Md RECOMMENDATION: Report status at hearing. Deadline for full compliance with November 17,2014 order is January 10,2015. Inspection of property on January 7, 2015 reveals no work has started on repairs. Staff recommends the Board find the property owner in violation of the order issued on November 17,2014 and impose the$150.00 per day fne commencing on January 11,2015 the first day and$150.00 for every day thereafter the vlokidons continues to exlsts. The property owner is responsible for contacting the CRY Cade Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection of compliance. COOEBOARDHEETINGS Scheduled StartDate Calendar Type 01/13/2015 Meeting Server User Name:ASpCUSTVNTLBDAW Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 444 of 672 m m o js CODE ENFORC n1 CITYOFATLANToNOTICEr O (Eqo egrvery Fy January 15,2015 N aF.. ,6 Fpy Q N V WAYNE DOUGLAS SCOTT 198 POINSETTIA STREET ri'N— ---- .... A ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property yy..,, Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on Tuesday, March 10, 2015, at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known as: Lot N1/2 Lot 684, Saltair Sec 3, RE#170636-0510. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC Sec. 304.1 General. The exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. IPMC 302.4 Weeds. All premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds or plant growth in excess of twelve (12) inches. All noxious weeds shall be prohibited. Weeds shall be defined as all grasses, annual plants and vegetation, other than trees or shrubs provided; however,this term shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens. IPMC Sec 304.2 Protective treatment. All exterior surfaces including but not limited to, doors and window frames, cornices, porches, trim, balconies, decks and fences, shall be maintained in good condition. Exterior wood surfaces, other than decay-resistant woods, shall be protected from the elements and decay by painting or other protective covering or treatment. Peeling, flaking and chipped paint shall be eliminated and surfaces repainted. All siding and masonry joints, as well as those between the building envelope and the perimeter of windows, doors and skylights, shall be maintained weather resistant and water tight. All metal surfaces subject to rust or or corrosion shall be coated to inhibit such rust and corrosions and all surface with rust or corrosion and shall be stabilized and coated to inhibit future rust and corrosion. Oxidation stains shall be removed from exterior surfaces. Surfaces designed for stabilization by oxidation are exempt from this requirement. Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 445 of 672 y IPMC Sec. 304.6 Exterior walls. All exterior walls shall be free from holes, breaks, and loose or rotting materials; and maintained weatherproof and properly surface coated where required to prevent deterioration. 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. SECTION 108.1.5 2. The walking surface of any aisle, passageway, stairway, exit or other means of egress is so warped, worn, loose, tom or otherwise unsafe as to not provide safe and adequate means of egress. The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to $250.00 per day for the fust violation and $500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904) 247-5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact Dayna Williams, Secretary of the Code Enforcement Board within five(5) days of the receipt of this notice at(904) 247-5810. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. ATTEST: Dayna L. Williams, Secretary Deborah White,Code Enforcement Officer Notice of Hearing-Case#14-00000980 Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 446 of 672 CERTIFIED MAILT,., RECEIPT IL AL W= E3 (Dom"fic Mail Only"No lnsum CO 00 Provideti Mm mmm Prime¢ s a eena;ea ree a o Emoa em,pse'p.;.°0e Po.«."' ORCEMENTBOARD o eeeo-iaeao>ineryr«NTIC BEACH,FLORIDA o ctrao,:¢meta a«m.a) CE OF HEARING true;voaieee a re« $ N CASE No. 1400000980 p %nae{Api CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT 14 REQUESTED:980 Of 7012 2210 0001 1385 3220 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 198 POINSETTIA ST Atlantic Beach,Florida Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Boardof the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on Tuesday,JANUARY 13, 2015, at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known as Lot N1/2 Lot 684, Saltair Sec 3, RE#170636-0510. International Property Maintenance Code/City of OrdinancesMaintenanceCode/Ciri Code of Ordinances IPMC Sec. 304.1 General. The exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health,safety or welfare. IPMC Sec 304.2 Protective treatment. All exterior surfaces including but not limited to, doors and window frames, comices, porches,trim, baloonies,decks and fences, shall be maintained in good condition. Exterior wood surfaces, other than decay-resistant woods, shall be protected from the elements and decay by painting or other protective covering or treatment. Peeling, flaking and chipped paint shall be eliminated and surfaces repainted. All siding and masonry joints, as well as those between the building envelope and the perimeter of windows, doors and skylights, shall be maintained weather resistant and water tight. All metal surfaces subject to rust or or corrosion shall be coated to inhibit such rust and corrosions and all surface with rust or corrosion and shall be stabilized and coated to inhibit future rust and corrosion. Oxidation stains shall be removed from exterior surfaces. Surfaces designed for stabilization by oxidation are exempt from this requirement. Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 447 of 672 IPMC Sec. 304.6 Exterior walls. All exterior walls shall be free from holes, breaks, and loose or rotting materials; and maintained weatherproof and properly surface coated where required to prevent deterioration. 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit min. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. SECTION 108.1.5 2. The walking surface of any aisle, passageway, stairway, exit or other means of egress is so warped, wom, loose, torn or otherwise unsafe as to not provide safe and adequate means of egress. The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to $250.00 per day for the first violation and $500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904) 247-5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure,please contact Dayna Williams, Secretary of the Code Enforcement Board within five days of the receipt of this notice at(904) 247-5810. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. ATTEST: Dayna .Williams, Secretary Deborah White,Code Enforcement Officer Notice of Hearing- Case 414-00000980 Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 448 of 672 ZrU. S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL,. RECEIPT m Ire iCIAL m N M P.m' $ VFORCEMENT BOARD Gnmea F«LANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA F«ewk HCE OF HEARING O ( Entlm«memM,V9 d)H. F. O 0 lF"+Weha%:o.agm, F. a«) CASE No. 14-00001099 NTOW PwIepeS Fen $ ru CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT ru REQUESTED: 7012 2210 0001 1385 3244 mvuenxo I 0 aq V64 Property Address: 824 SHERRY DR Atlantic Beach,Florida Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on Tuesday, January 13, 2015, at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known as Lots 67, 68, 69 (EX PT RECD O/R 12683 -2466), Saltair Sec 3, RE#170392-0000. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC Sec. 302.7 Accessory structures. All accessory structures, including detached garages, fences and walls, shall be maintained structurally sound and in good repair. The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to $250.00 per day for the first violation and $500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904) 247-5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure,please contact Dayna Williams, Secretary of the Code Enforcement Board within rive days of the receipt of this notice at(904) 247-5810. Please note the presence of a court reporter Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 449 of 672 for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. ATTEST: Dayna L. Williams, Secretary Deborah White,Code Enforcement Officer Notice of Hearing-Case#14-00001099 Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 450 of 672 t111- REQUEST FORV NOTICE OF HEARING LETTER DATE: j 6 A>/ BE#; CASE#:p0 PROPERTY ADDRESS OF VIOLATION: f ed'r uci.- LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PROPERTY OWNER: 0-0 SEN--D/ l' CCERTIFIED LETTER(S)TO: (Please check(J)and explain all that apply) YROPE RTY OWNER AT: P ADDRESS(ABOVE) DIFFERENT MAILING ADDRESS AS FOLLOWS: TENANT, AT THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: tenant's Name) MEETING DATE: VIOLATION(S): (Please check(q)and explain all that apply) J 9 IPMC AB CODE SECTION: 310 ge. ( f-.- C.O+-e4JYtB IE'IPMC AB CODE SECTION: 1 mil.O e I TMC AB CODE SECTION:3 vu" I3"IPMC AB CODE SECTION:f- IKIPMC AB CODE SECTION: /0 C . MC AB CODE SECTION: 1(SAME AS ATTACHED: NOTICE OF VIOLATION DATED: p40TICE OF HEARING DATED: Optional Section SPECIAL INSTRUCTION: Mail copy of Notice to 0 Other: Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 451 of 672 Case History Report For Case IO: 14-00000980 Report Generated on Nov 4, 2014 4:40:23 PM Page 9 Case Type: RESIDENTIAL Alternate Description: Case Status: ACTIVE Last Status Change Date:09/22/2014 Case Manager:DEBORAH WHITE Case Origination: ROUTINE INSPECTION Case Created Date:03/ 28/2014 Visibility: Public Case Established Date: 03/ 28/2014 Primary Address: 198 POINSETTIA ST Location ID: 7970 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Case Notes Stop walk Note Category Dab Order 03/28/2014 Dangerous stairs, rotted collapsing hazard, no handrails,guardrails, Informational 03/28/2014 Y unsafe condition,open soffit, rotted siding, protective treatment and overgrown yard LD1-Lot N 1/ 2 Lot 684,Sabir SEc Informational 03/28/2014 Y LD2-3 Related Parties Name Related Party Address Address Phone Phone TV" Type Number Type WAYNE DOUGLAS HISTORY OWNER Mailing SCOTT OWNER Mailing HMO CONVERSION Violation Established Date Resolved Dab Violation StMus Short Description Violation Street Address DANGEROUS SIRUCTURE2-IPMC Sec. 108.1.5 2 04/012014 08/06/2014 ACTIVE STAIRS DANGEROU 198 POINSETTIA ST E#eYor Walk-IFMCSsc 300.6 03/282014 08/06/2014 ACTIVE 198 POINSETTIA ST ftnecb'va Treaornnt-IPMCSec.304.2 03/28/2014 08/06/2014 ACTIVE 198 POINSETTIA ST Roof'and DraMage-IFMC Ssc.304.7 03/28/2014 08/06/ 2014 ACTIVE 198 POINSETTIA ST Unsafe Conditions-UI CSec.304.1 03/28/2014 08/06/2014 ACTIVE 198 POINSETTIA ST Weeds-IPMC Sec.302.4 03/28/2014 08/06/ 2014 ACTIVE OVERGROWN YARD 198 POINSETTIA ST 03/28/2014 08/06/2014 CLOSE-NO VIOLATION STAIRS 198 POINSETTIA ST INL7754L INSPEMON Inspector Resulted Inspector Inspection Insp Time Name Name Timesbmp Min) Inspection RwN Stabs DEBORAH 0328/2014 1 Code Compliance Inspection Completed- WHITE 03/ 28/2014 Inspection Comments: NO77CE OF VIOLA77ON Notice Related Party Recipient Address Awl Document Traddng Name Association TV"Level Address Type Issued Info Server User Name:ASPCUSTAATLBDAW Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 452 of 672 Case History Report For Case ID: 14-00000980 Report aenerated on Nov 4, 2014 4:40:23 PM Page 10 N07ICEOFVZOLATZON Notice Related Parry Recipient Address Assoc. Docimen: Trucking Name Association Type Level Address Type Issued Indo POSTINGAFFIDAVIT FOR NOV Notice Related Party Recipient AddrssAssoe Document Tnsrkbnp Name Association Type level Address Type Issued Info REINSPECTION Inspector Resulted Inspector Inspection Imp Time Name Name T$mesfamp Min) Inspection Result Status DEBORAH 07/25/2014 1 Code Compliance Inspection Completed- WHITE 08/ 06/2014 Inspection Commands: N077CFOFHEARING Notice Related Party Recipient AddressAesoe. Document Tracking Name Association Type level Address Type Issued Info CHECK STA TOS OF CMRRR NOTICE Description Scheduled Date Result Date Time Spent Notice of having receded 10/ 18/2014 10/18/2014 REINSPECTION Inspector Name Resulted Inspector Name Inspection Timestamp Insp Time(Mln) Inspection Result Status DEBORAH WHITE DEBORAH WHITE 10/15/2014 VIOLATION CONTINUES-10/16/2014 Inspection f mnMenta: SalreduAsd INITIAL INSPECTION Resulted Inspector Inspector Inspection Name Name Timestamp Insp Time(Min) Inspection Result Status DEBORAH DEBORAH 11/04/2014 VIOLATION CONTINUES-11/04/2014 WHITE WHITE Inspection RemNed ViaiMions continue Comments: R N&d RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board find the property owner in violator and order that compliance be achieved by obtaining required permits, complete making all the required repairs by January 10,2015,or a One of$150. 00 be imposed for the first day and$150.00 for every day thereafter the violation continues to exists. The property owner is responsible for contecdng the City Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection of compliance. CODEBOARD MEETINGS Scheduled Start Date Calendar Type 11/ 17/2014 Meeting CEO Oilier Server Name:atlb-rpt.aspgov.cem User Name:ASPOUSTiATUBDAW Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 453 of 672 n CEB Compliance Investigation Form Investigation# /V-1406 Deadline of CEB Order: C) Defendant/Owner: Address: Phone# Compliance/Status on Violations: Action Taken: Compliance: Legal Description: RE#: COMMENTS: F9CERTompliance Investigation Form.doc Oct 9 2009 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 454 of 672 U.S. Postal Service, MAILT. RECEIPT N CERTIFIEDOnly,No insuranm Comfige 0M N Po mge $ a Ce„,,, ,F„ NTIC BEACH,FLORIDA ORCEMENT BOARDMNmPewi01FMHae O (Enearemem PeywF. Pntrmea oeuvery Fn ORDER O (E na°Semen Peyuhe7) N Tuj Pwt s9 Fen $ A, Petitioner CASE NO. 14-00000980 N to N aPoBV No. FIRST CLASS AND CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT ATLANTIC BEACH, FL REQUESTED: 7012 2210 0001 1385 3015 Property Address: 198 POINSETTIA ST AtlanHe Beach,FL Real Estate No. 170636-0510 Legal Description: Saltair Sec 3 NI/2 Lot 684 ORDER IMPOSING FINE THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Board on November 17, 2014, and the Board having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1) That the Respondent owns the property located at 198 POINSETTIA ST , Atlantic Beach,Florida. 2) That notice was sent by certified mail and that Respondent was not present at the hearing. 3) That notification of the violations of the City of Atlantic Beach,were made and served on the Respondent as evidenced in this hearing. Unsafe Conditions IPMC Sec. 304.1 Dangerous Structures IPMC Sec. 108.1.5 2 Exterior Walls IPMC Sec. 304.6 Protective Treatment IPMC Sec. 304.2 Roofs and Drainage IPMC Sec. 304.7 Weeds IPMC Sec. 302.4 The aforementioned property shall be corrected by obtaining the required permits and complete all the required repairs. Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 455 of 672 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW THAT the Respondent WAYNE DOUGLAS SCOTT is not in compliance and has failed to correct such violation as of this hearing date. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach,Florida it is Ordered: THAT the Respondent is found in violation for non-compliance and must obtain compliance on or before January 10, 2015. Failure to comply will result in fines of$150.00 for the first day and $150.00 for every day thereafter while the violation continues to exist. In addition, any fine shall also include the administrative costs to the City incurred in prosecuting this case. THAT the Respondent is responsible for contacting the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection of compliance. THAT failure to pay all accumulated fines will result in a lien being placed against the property at 198 POINSETTIA ST for the total assessment plus costs incurred for the filing of the lien. All lien amounts are to be made payable at an interest rate of ten (10) percent per annum from date of certification until paid. DONE AND ORDERED THIS November 17, 2014. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ATTEST: I {nf 4k Dayn 'L.Williams, Secretary N By. Veda Harless,Chair Executed this Q SW day of 2014. PLEASE NOTE: Florida Statutes, Section 162.11, states that an appeal of Us order shall be filed in circuit court within thirty (30) days of this order's execution. Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 456 of 672 p ggent p. paaressee Hams 1.2.end 3I d woomP e X Is desired. C.Date of Deliaery Complete d pellyery an me reverse by(pf eee •) 4 I fl s'a Bed add Pdmyaur nam tmrd to Yo"' 9. tp pYee sothat" can return 01Ne mellPiece, dHfearrtb°rn" tia to the bark dl pdax: D.eaeMeN ort onthe"at H sPa"a If YFS.erM1er EeMeN nmoie adereeeed a' 9' SWO nIW M-1 p aym it lar Me a'aa,se p RQwwmdp C.O.D. p lrreamd Mea Yes npn 4. Pasuktea DeaWerVf(bra Fee) 2210 0001 1385 30917p12 z. a ad. mw label) Rawlnc es1 FnbNary 2DD4 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 457 of 672 o s m p°MN Ce°NIed FN Posh°r" Hage Pelum PMH.FiWNI u.n• O lE^ap181" O T°W PoemOe eFemN N p Bo Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 458 of 672 CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING October 17,2014 CASE No. 14-00000980 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT WAYNE DOUGLAS SCOTT REQUESTED: 198 POINSETTIA ST 7012 2210 0001 1385 3091 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Property Address: 198 POINSETTIA ST Atlantic Beach,Florida Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on Monday, 11/17/2014, at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known as Lot NI/2 Lot 684,Saltair Sec 3,RE#170636-0510. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC Sec. 304.1 General. The exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. IPMC 302.4 Weeds. All premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds or plant growth in excess of twelve(12) inches. All noxious weeds shall be prohibited. Weeds shall be defined as all grasses, annual plants and vegetation, other than trees or shrubs provided; however,this term shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens. IPMC Sec 304.2 Protective treatment. All exterior surfaces including but not limited to, doors and window frames, cornices, porches,trim, balconies,decks and fences, shall be maintained in good condition. Exterior wood surfaces, other than decay-resistant woods, shall be protected from the elements and decay by painting or other protective covering or treatment. Peeling, flaking and chipped paint shall be eliminated and surfaces repainted. All siding and masonry joints, as well as those between the building envelope and the perimeter of windows, doors and skylights, shall be maintained weather resistant and water tight. All metal surfaces subject to rust or corrosion shall be coated to inhibit such rust and corrosions and all surface with rust or corrosion and shall be stabilized and coated to inhibit future rust and corrosion. Oxidation stains Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 459 of 672 shall be removed from exterior surfaces. Surfaces designed for stabilization by oxidation me exempt from this requirement. IPMC Sec. 304.6 Exterior walls. All exterior walls shall be free from holes,breaks, and loose or rotting materials; and maintained weatherproof and properly surface coated where required to prevent deterioration. 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, fight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains,gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. SECTION 108.1.5 2. The walking surface of any aisle, passageway, stairway, exit or other means of egress is so warped, worn, loose, tom or otherwise unsafe as to not provide safe and adequate means of egress. The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to $250.00 per day for the first violation and $500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904)247-5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure,please contact Dayna Williams, Secretary of the Code Enforcement Board within five days of the receipt of this notice at(904) 247-5810. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. ATTEST: a t k,.„- Dayna .Williams, Secretary Deborah White,Code Enforcement Officer Notice of Hearing-Case#14-00000980 Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 460 of 672 REQUEST FOR r r NOTICE OF HEARING LETTER 6// o RE#:DATE: CASE#: PROPERTY ADDRESS OF VIOLATION: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PROPERTY OWNER: SEND CERTIFIED LETTER(S)TO: (Please check (J) and explain all that apply) PROPERTY OWNER AT: ADDRESS(ABOVE) DIFFERENT MAILING ADDRESS AS FOLLOWS: TENANT,AT THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: Tenant's Name) MEETING DATE: r RE-INSPECTION DATE: VIOLATION(S): (Please check (4) and explain all that apply) IPMC: SECTION(S) AB CODE: SECTION(S) SAME AS ATTACHED: NOTICE OFVIOLATION DATED: NOTICE OF HEARING DATED: REQUESTED REMEDY FOR COMPLIANCE: Olgional Sectionn SPECIAL INSTRUCTION: Mail copy of Notice to Other: Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 461 of 672 t r ' CASEACTIONR/M Investigation# DATE: NAME: I ADDRESS OF VIOLATION Action Taken: 6 Compliance: Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 462 of 672 J CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 PHONE (904)247-5855 POSTING AFFIDAVIT PROOF OF MAILING REGULAR US MAIL CASE # 14-00000980 Pursuant to Chapter 162,1' )rida Statutes and Sec. 2-147,City of Atlantic Beach City Code of Ordinances,I,Deborah White,Code Enforcement Officer,City of Atlantic Beach, hereby affirm a Notice of Violation, a copy of which is attached,was posted at the following locations and mailed first class mail: 1) Date Posted: 05/28/14 Location: `98 POINSETTIA ST TLANTIC BEACH. FLORIDA 32233 L 2) Date Posted: _05/28/14 7 Location: ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 3223 3 Deborah White,Code Enforcement Officer County of Duval State of Florida The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me thi;1 dy of MOW 2014, by Deborah White, who is personally known to me as Code Enforcement Offs er for the City of Atlantic +ch. Person taking ackna.-ledgement: of y Public tate of Florida 71Y71===11'340 h Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 463 of 672 S J j e CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 J11 9, PHONE (904)247-5855 May 28,2014 POSTED ON PROPERTY AND ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL Wayne Douglas Scott 198 Poinsettia St Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 RE: Notice of Violation, Citv of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances 198 Poinsettia St,Lot N 1/2 Lot 684, Saltair Sec 3 RE# 170636-0510, Case# 14-00000980,Unsafe stairs,overgrown yard,roof soffit falling, deteriorating roof. Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property referenced above to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach, Code of Ordinances, to wit: VIOLATION Violation Description IPMC 302.4 Weeds. All premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds or plant growth in excess of twelve(12)inches.All noxious weeds shall be prohibited. Weeds shall be defined as all grasses, annual plants and vegetation,other than trees or shrubs provided;however, this term shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens. Violation Description IPMC Sec. 304.1 General. The exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. Violation Description IPMC 302.4 Weeds. All premises and exterior property shall be Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 464 of 672 maintained free from weeds or plant growth in excess of twelve(12)inches. All noxious weeds shall be prohibited. Weeds shall be defined as all grasses, annual plants and vegetation,other than trees or shrubs provided; however, this term shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens. Violation Description IPMC Sec 304.2 Protective treatment. All exterior surfaces including but not limited to,doors and window frames, cornices,porches,trim,balconies,decks and fences,shall be maintained in good condition. Exterior wood surfaces,other than decay-resistant woods, shall be protected from the elements and decay by painting or other protective covering or treatment. Peeling, flaking and chipped paint shall be eliminated and surfaces repainted. All siding and mas,airy joints, as well as those between the building envelope and the perimeter of windows,doors and skylights, shall be maintained weather resistant and water tight. All metal surfaces subject to rust or or corrosion shall be coated to inhibit such rust and corrosions and all surface with rust or corrosion and shall be stabilized and coated to inhibit future rust and corrosion. Oxidation stains shall be removed from exterior surfaces. Surfaces designed for stabilization by oxidation are exempt from this requirement. Violation Description IPMC Sec. 304.6 Exterior walls. All exterior walls shall be free from holes,breaks, and loose or rotting materials; and maintained weatherproof and properly surface coated where required to prevent deterioration. Violation Description 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. Violation Description SECTION 108.1.5 2. The walking surface of any aisle, Page Number 2 198 POINSETTIA ST May 27,2014 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 465 of 672 i passageway, stairway, exit or other means of egress is so warped,worn, loose,tom or otherwise unsafe as to not provide safe and adequate means of egress. This letter requests that the noted violations be corrected by making the stairs safe within 10 days and mowing the overgrown yard,and repairing the roof and soffit within ten(10) days of the posting of this notice. To avoid having this case be referred to the Code Enforcement Board, all listed violations on this notice must be in compliance on or before the date established by Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement. The Board may impose fines up to two hundred fifty($250.00)per day for continuing violations. Upon completing the corrective action required,it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. It is our goal to keep our neighborhoods looking well maintained while protecting property values and your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at 904 247-5855 if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Deborah White CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER Page Number 3 198 POINSETTIA ST May 27,2014 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 466 of 672 4lTP x ao a Mo>i p 60 0 n 7 p N Wrt o y Vii n1 T1 e-r VI r n r W o o- NN r W TW A N 0 N v A O N n A k 460 m oyV o W 00 roW 00 -: A to Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 467 of 672 CODE ENFORCEMENT COVER SHEET G LOCATION: 0 G , - ti RESI 4e/COMM_ CASE NUMBER: v NAME: Xo--7 re COMPLAINTTYPE:mayDATE: VIOLATION: e ACTIO INITIAL INSPECTION 302 C/ DOOR HANGER COURTESY NOTICE MEETING WITH TENANT ON SITE INSPECTION_ NOTICE OF VIOLATION— 00' IOLATION REINSPECTION_ Sol lu CHECK STATUS OF CMRRR NOTICE ` POSTING NOV AND AFFIDAVIT MEETING WITH OWNER ON SITE NOTICE OF HEARING CODE BOARD MEETINGS OFFICER STATEMENT FORM POSTING NOH AND AFFIDAVIT TELEPHONE CALL TELEPHONE MESSAGE NOTICE OF REHEARING Zr/ORDER IMPOSING FINE W/COVERLTR AFF NON-COMP W/CONTEST LTR AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE FILE LIEN RECORD LIEN FILE TO CITY CLERK RELEASE OF LIEN h CE FINE MEMO TO FINANCE LIEN LETTER MEETING WITH RESPONDENT BUILDING PERMIT APPLIED FOR CLOSED CASE INTERNAL MEETING REFER TO CITY ATTY/LIEN COMPLIANCE MET OWNER OCCUPIED TENANT OCCUPIED VACANT Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 468 of 672 2? 7w---- Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 469 of 672 Primary Site Address OfBdal R600131 Boole/Pace Tile Prim SCOTT WAYNE DOUGLAS - 198 ary Site ST 05707-00836 9416 198 POINSETTIA Sr Atlantic Beach FL 32233 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 322331018 1 POINSETTIA ST Value Summary __. . .. 2013 Ce.O9N; 77701 Pro Detail up RE# 1)0G36O510 ValueMelM1od LAMA Tax VishiR 1913 Total Building Value $58,689.007.00 nrpcem Use O1m 51N(aE Extra Feature Value $57100 0Bildingss Lard Value(Markct) 555625005. 00IDeu.16 23-IS2¢[ eBa SALTAIR SEC3LaMValae(Parlc.) $000¢ Vbdsian 03115 SALTAIR 03 3ust(Market)Value $11488500 912. 00TWIAeL508AssessedValue $ 10920400B9L00mesaleofthsprupaMmayresultnhgherpmpmlytaxers.Far^are IdmlaUon go m Cap Diff/Vatabild,Amt $5 68100/qO. 0A0/50. 00saveDurHo. ad.1Prucertv Tax Eni,VWo WopMyvalues,eremp8ms and other Exemptions $50,000.00 ebxInformatdnlistedas'In progress'are sugeet W mange.louse numbers are part athe 2014 Taxable Value $59,209 00elmy working tax roll and will rt be minified sent tagger. as bm.toe Bgai Arora"i.Ys Offace flues amts Taxable Values and Exemptions—In Progress TAthereareadezellxarMaliplirabletoataxingauearlly,the Taxable Value Kers same as th Assessed Value listed above Ntbe Vase aad"Bal box. County/Municipal Taxable Value SIRWMD/FIND Taxable Value School Taxable Value Assad Value 110.M2.W Arse.,Value 110,892..00 Assessed Value .. _..._...... $110,842:00. rvom Mead Fxemgbn(fl%) E25 000.00 Hc d Exemption(H10............. ..45.0000 Horaesead.Fxemgbn(H10.._........... f25 800.00. Amend t HoniMhad(HB)425000.00 Amend 1 fbmestead(HB)- ............ 425,000.00, Taxable Value 65,842.00 Taxable Value 60,862.00 Taxable Value 60,842.00 Sales History _...._.. Book/page Sag Dobe SaMpr1[e Deed Cgge OualifiM/V/aualMM Varera/ImPoee6 0570700836 lo3/1983 $54,000.00 WD-Warrant,need UncuaGfieal ImpnO+ed 06139-00010 5/27/1986 $68,000.00 WD Warranty Deed unqualified Improved 106769-01203 9/13/1989 $62, 103. 00 AG-Agreamentfur Deed Unqualified ImpmsM 108192-00864 10/4/1995 $25,IWM CF-ragtlOmR of Title uns,xiiTnN Improved 08202- 00127 7/28/1995 $100.00 Sw-Spedal Warranty Unqualified Improved 08:0g00938 2n/1996 $59,600.00 WD-Warranty Dead Umualifed Imagined Extra Features LN T i4ae FeYue Dnoglbe sift. lanpM wI TOW UMb Value 1 WPR7 Rreplafe Prefab 1 0 D 1.00 510.00 IoM&Legal Lathal W Sgde sere DeDiptlon Tonlno ,..Fant Daptb rabeporY Wtl Unas {ffiIYR land value Lr1 legal D- 22-2% n 1 11 0100 R M 3-7 UNITS P61 AC I A l 1 25.00 100.00 ragman 125.00 Fmm Fodage $55,625.00 1 10- 16 21-25-29E 2 SALTNRSEC 3 3 111/2 LOT 684 Buildings Building 11 Bu8din9151N Address Element[ rode Detail 1%POINSETTIA ST Exterior Wall 6 6Wit Sheet SHing Atlantic Beaty R KM Ropfng 517umxe 3 3Gable orRt1 Building Type 0105-TOMIHIxI¢ending rn+ar 3 3Aspa/Comp S** V e year Beat Isis Intend,Wall 5 5 Dry.. Building Vance 2.717-00 Int Roomg 14 14 Gryet s Int Flowing 12 12 Ha,CwOLH Tme Geon Ilemd ERecWe magng Fuel 4 413ectax, Arm Are Arc Pleat)Type 4 4Fomed-Dl1@d 63 63 60 h4:// Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 470 of 672 tii CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 PHONE(904)247-5855 April 14,2014 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 70131710000216916652 Wayne Douglas Scott 198 Poinsettia St Atlantic Beach, FL 32233-4018 RE: Notice of Violation,City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances 198 Poinsettia St,Lot N 1/2 Lot 684, Saltair SEc 3 RE# 170636-0510, Case # 14-00000980,Unsafe stairs,overgrown, roof soffit falling, roof deteriorating. Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property referenced above to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach,Code of Ordinances,to wit: VIOLATION Violation Description IPMC 302.4 Weeds. All premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds or plant growth in excess of twelve(12)inches.All noxious weeds shall be prohibited. Weeds shall be defined as all grasses,annual plants and vegetation,other than trees or shrubs provided;however, this term shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens. Violation Description IPMC Sec. 304.1 General. The exterior of a:,tincture shall be maintained in good repair,structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. Violation Description IPMC 302.4 Weeds. All premises and exterior property shall be Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 471 of 672 maintained free from weeds or plant growth in excess of twelve (12)inches. All noxious weeds shall be prohibited. Weeds shall be defined as all grasses, annual plants and vegetation,other than trees or shrubs provided; however, this term shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens. Violation Description IPMC Sec 304.2 Protective treatment. All exterior surfaces including but not limited to, doors and window frames.cornices,porches,trim,balconies,decks and fences, shall be maintained in good condition. Exterior wood surfaces,other than decay-resistant woods, shall be protected from the elements and decay by painting or other protective covering or treatment. Peeling,flaking and chipped paint shall be eliminated and surfaces repainted. All siding and masonry joints,as well as those between the building envelope and the perimeter of windows, doors and skylights, shall be maintained weather resistant and water tight. All metal surfaces subject to rust or or corrosion shall be coated to inhibit such rust and corrosions and all surface with rust or corrosion and shall be stabilized and coated to inhibit future rust and corrosion. Oxidation stains shall be removed from exterior surfaces. Surfaces designed for stabilization by oxidation are exempt from this requirement. Violation Description IPMC Sec. 304.6 Exterior walls. All exterior walls shall be free from holes,breaks,and loose or rotting materials; and maintained weatherproof and properly surface coated where required to prevent deterioration. Violation Description 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound,tight and not have defects that admit min. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. Violation Description SECTION 108.1.5 2. The walking surface of any aisle, Page Number 2 198 POINSETTIA ST April 14,2014 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 472 of 672 passageway, stairway,exit or other means of egress is so warped,wom, loose,tom or otherwise unsafe as to not provide safe and adequate means of egress. This letter requests that the noted violations be corrected by repairing the stairs handrails within ten (10)days, and mowing the overgrown yard, repairing the roof and falling soffit within thirty(30)days of the receipt of this notice. To avoid having this case'be referred to the Code Enforcement Board,all listed violations on this notice must be in compliance on or before the date established by Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement. The Board may impose fines up to two hundred fifty($250.00)per day for continuing violations. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. It is our goal to keep our neighborhoods looking well maintained while protecting property values and your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at 904 247-5855 if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Deborah White CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER Page Number 3 198 POINSETTIA ST April 14,2014 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 473 of 672 G \ P rovlded) EPg ye s•QpSVIE N\No ^'A .Orepcstt+'w".o•Q'' U• '(\F f 00; om'eb CioyU co, aCww s avvCx r Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 474 of 672 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ORDER CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA,Petitioner CASE NO. 14-00000980 vs. WAYNE DOUGLAS SCOTT FIRST CLASS AND 198 POINSETTIA ST CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 REQUESTED: 7012 2210 0001 1385 4234 Property Address: 198 POINSETTIA ST Atlantic Beach,FL Real Estate No. 170636-0510 Legal Description: Lot N1/2 Lot 684, Saltair Sec 3 ORDER IMPOSING FINE THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Board on November 9, 2016, and the Board having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1) That the Respondent owns the property located at 198 POINSETTIA ST, Atlantic Beach, Florida. 2) That notice was posted and sent by certified mail and that Respondent was not present at the hearing. 3) That notification of the violations of the City of Atlantic Beach,were made and served on the Respondent as evidenced in this hearing. Unsafe Conditions IPMC Sec. 304.1 Dangerous Structures IPMC Sec. 108.1.5 2 Exterior Walls IPMC Sec. 304.6 Protective Treatment IPMC Sec. 304.2 Roofs and Drainage IPMC Sec. 304.7 Handrails & Guardrails IPMC Sec. 307.1 Stairs and Walking Surfaces IPMC 305.4 Stairways, Deck,Porch, Balconies, IPMC 304.10 Unfit for Human Habitation Sec 105.1.5. 3 The aforementioned property shall be corrected by obtaining permits and completing all the required repairs and obtain approved inspections to verify the dwelling is safe and habitable. Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 475 of 672 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW THAT the Respondent WAYNE DOUGLAS SCOTT is not in compliance and has failed to correct such violation as of this hearing date. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is Ordered: THAT the Respondent is found in violation for non-compliance and must obtain compliance on or before January 2, 2017. Failure to comply will result in fines of$250.00 for the first day and $250.00 for every day thereafter while the violation continues to exist. In addition, any fine shall also include the administrative costs to the City incurred in prosecuting this case. THAT the Respondent is responsible for contacting the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection of compliance. THAT failure to pay all accumulated fines will result in a lien being placed against the property at 198 POINSETTIA ST for the total assessment plus costs incurred for the filing of the lien. All lien amounts are to be made payable at an interest rate of ten (10) percent per annum from date of certification until paid. DONE AND ORDERED THIS November 9,2016. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ATTEST: rr.. J Dayn L. Williams, Secretary By: I) jatnin de Luna, Chairman Executed this IS° day of 1\DUe '''geR 2016. PLEASE NOTE: Florida Statutes, Section 162.11, states that an appeal of this order shall be filed in circuit court within thirty (30) days of this order's execution. Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 476 of 672 f CONCLUSIONS OF LAW THAT the Respondent is not in compliance and has failed to comply with the Code Enforcement Board Order of November 9,2016. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach,Florida it is Ordered: THAT the Respondent is found in violation for non-compliance and a fine of$250.00 per day is imposed commencing January 3, 2017 and $250.00 every day thereafter the violation continues to exist. In addition, any fine shallalso include the administrative costs to the City incurred in prosecuting this case. THAT the Respondent is responsible for contacting the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection of compliance. THAT failure to pay all accumulated fines will result in a lien being placed against the property at 198 POINSETTIA ST for the total assessment plus costs incurred for the filing of the lien. All lien amounts are to be made payable at an interest rate of ten (10) percent per annum from date of certification until paid. DONE AND ORDERED THIS January 10,2017. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA l CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD A_ThST: thit I Dayna v . Williams, Secretary By: Ben X, in de Luna, s. an Executed this tgIlf day of „itr,Wty 2017. PLEASE NOTE: Florida Statutes, Section 162.11, states that an appeal of STATE OF FLORIDA DUVAL COUNTYthisordershallbefiledincircuitcourtI,the undersigned city Clerk for ure, of Atlantic Beach, within thirty (30) days of this order's Duval County, do the w$V n and original as N execution. appears on record and fie kilnd correct t* othe Pity clickforA1iSAtlanticBeech.Wttness m hand andtheCityofAtlanticBeamFIulaJr :IVO I a' of MI5 / 410/J/ day of • i t. .. Yi,r:v• r Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 477 of 672 Page 1 of 2 Y:.'arooieyfy. I I III VIII VIII IIII'III'III III III 5 Print Date: Transaction J 1/19/2017 3:41:56 PM 3180762 Receipt#: 3089316 Ronnie Fussell Cashier Clerk Circuit Court Date: 1/19/2017 Duval County 3:41:54 PM 501 West Adams St RM 1051 KJEWELL) Jacksonville, FL 32202 904) 255-2000 Customer Information Transaction Information Payment Summary DateReceived: 01/19/2017 Source Code: BEACH 0 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Q Code: BEACH Return Code:Counter Total Fees 55.50 Counter Total Payments$55.50 Trans Type: Recording Agent Ref Num: 1 Payments IN CASH 55.50 3 Recorded Items BKIPG: 1784911543 CFN.-2017014772 LIEN Date.1119120173:41:52PM From:ATLANTIC7SEACH CITY OFTo:SCOTT WAYNEDOUGLAS INDEXING 2 0.00 RECORDING 1 2 18.50 BKPG: 17849/1545 CFN.•2017014773 L NI LIEN Date:1/19/20173:41:52 PM From:ATLANTIC BEACH CITY OF To: WEATBERBYKENNETHALLEN INDEXING 1 2 0.00 RECORDING 1 2 18.50 R LIEN BKPG: 17849/1547 CFN.-2017014774 Date:I119120173:41:52 PM file:///C:/Program%2OFites/RecordingModule/ n 1/19/2017 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 478 of 672 Page 2 of 2 From:ATLANTICBEA CHCITFOFTO: C BASS MORTGAGE LOANASSET BACKED CERTIFICATES INDEXING 2 0.00 RECORDING 2 18.50 0 Search Items 0 Miscellaneous Items file:///C:/Program%20Files/RerordingModule/default.htca 1/19/2017 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 479 of 672 6CCy Mp T 1 nn: NY ID Ibf 1 npnA I w' m Nt N pl ir. J L 21Jw NL N m.meN m ry o F= m a p o MI NEI N IVmN M 0 M M U 67 o y W Y o LL 6 Uc Q m v 7F0.W1 oz V a rya, ¢ OF 3 = ¢ Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 480 of 672 0 0 n yy 0 o A N -] ww ti0rr tz h)VA) N M) o Mil a' SAP o7 o W z K Nw u w rn r W µ I G N C A N Wcc N Lb mn2mn, W /Y OOm2 W D T p A ID W D m o y I ppO w W u n tv wI'i'vIWiN pM1 WO W W µ Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 481 of 672 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ORDER CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA, Petitioner CASE NO. 14-00000980 VS. WAYNE DOUGLAS SCOTT FIRST CLASS AND 198 POINSETTIA ST CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 REQUESTED: 7012 2210 0001 1385 4531 Respondent Property Address: 198 POINSETTIA ST Atlantic Beach,FL Real Estate No. 170636-0510 Legal Description: Lot N1/2 Lot 684, Saltair Sec 3 ORDER IMPOSING FINE THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Board on January 10, 2017, and the Board having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1) That the Respondent owns the property located at 198 POINSETTIA ST, Atlantic Beach,Florida. 2) That notice was posted and sent by certified mail and that Respondent was not present at the hearing. 3) That notification of the violations of the City of Atlantic Beach,were made and served on the Respondent as evidenced in this hearing. IPMC Sec. 108.1.5 1. Dangerous Structure IPMC Sec. 108.1.5 2 Dangerous Structure 2 IPMC Sec. 304.6 Exterior Walls IPMC Sec. 307.1 Handrails&Guardrails IPMC Sec. 304.2 Protective Treatment IPMC Sec. 304.7 Roofs and Drainage IPMC Sec. 305.4 Star,walking surfaces IPMC Sec. 304.10 Stairway,Deck,Porch,Balco IPMC Sec. 108.1.5 3 Unfit for Human Habitation IPMC Sec. 304.1 Unsafe Conditions Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 482 of 672 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW THAT the Respondent is not in compliance and has failed to comply with the Code Enforcement Board Order of November 9,2016. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach,Florida it is Ordered: THAT the Respondent is found in violation for non-compliance and a fine of$250.00 per day is imposed commencing January 3, 2017 and $250.00 every day thereafter the violationcontinuestoexist. In addition, any fine shall also include the administrative costs to the City incurred in prosecuting this case. THAT the Respondent is responsible for contacting the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection of compliance. THAT failure to pay all accumulated fines will result in a lien being placed against the property at 198 POINSETTIA ST for the total assessment plus costs incurred for the filing of the lien. All lien amounts are to be made payable at an interest rate of ten (10) percent per annum from date of certification until paid. DONE AND ORDERED THIS January 10, 2017. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ATTEST: L d ,a c J — Dayna . Williams, Secretary By: Be ' in de Luna, hairrnan Executed this Wit day of—:gAa y 2017. PLEASE NOTE: Florida Statutes, Section 162.11, states that an appeal of this order shall be filed in circuit court within thirty (30) days of this order's execution. Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 483 of 672 Case History Report-IBM Cognos Viewer Page 1 of 7 Case History Report For Case ID: 14-00000980 Page 1 Report generated on Jan 4 2017 6.5332 AM Case Type: RESIDENTIAL Alternate Description: Last Status Change Case Status: ACTIVE Date: 09/22/2014 Case Manager: DEBORAH WHITE Case Origination: ROUTINE INSPECTION Case Created Date: 03/28/2014 Visibility:Public Case Established Date: 03/28/2014 Primary Address: 198 POINSETTIA ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Location ID:7970 32233 Case Notes stopWork Note Category Date order 03/28/2014 Dangerous stairs,ratted Collapsing hazard,no handrails, Infomwtional 03/ 28/ 2014 Y guardrails,unsafe Condition,open soffit,rotted siding,protective treatment and overgrown yard LD1- Lot N 1/2 Lot 684,Sabah SEC Informational 03/28/2014 Y LD2-3 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board find the property owner Special 10/25/2016 N in violation and order that compliance be achieved by obtaining permits and completing all the required repairs and obtain approved inspection to verify the the dwelling is safe and habitable by January 2, 2016 or a fine of 250.00 be imposed for the first day and $250.00 for every day thereafter the violation continues to exists. The property owner is responsible for contacting the City Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection of compliance. Related Parties Name Related Party Type Address Address Type phone Nu ber Phone Type WAYNE DOUGLAS SCOTT HISTORY OWNER 198 POINSETTIA Sr Mailing OWNER 198 POINSETTIA ST Mailing History CONVERSION Violation Established Date Resolved DOW Violation Status Short Description Violation Street Address Lange stnumde-ITWSec:149L5 I. 03/28/2014 ACTIVE 198 POINSETTIA ST 21ANGEROUSSIRNCTUPE2-IPAfCSec ICA1.5 2 04/01/2014 ACTIVE STAIRS DANGEROU 198 POINSETTIA ST EHerw Wads-IFMCSer 309.6 03/ 28/2014 ACTIVE 198 POINSETTIA ST NmMrd//s A GkAV&8 S-IRW.56a 307.1 03/28/2014 ACTIVE 198 POINSETTIA ST Nuisarxe-CorM UMS-Sec 12-1(a) 03/28/2014 12/072016 CASE CLOSED 198 POINSETTIA ST NuisaiK a-O rcrgro an-Sec:11-1(11) 03/28/2014 09/14/2016 CASE CLOSED 198 POINSETTIA Sr gnosVie... 1/4/2017 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 484 of 672 Case History Report-IBM Cognos Viewer Page 2 of 7 AomcbW rreamAnt-IANC Sec 304.1 03/28/2014 ACTIVE 198 POINSETTIA ST 03/28/2014 12/07/2016 CASE CLOSED 198 POINSETTIA ST REC-Retornmendadon CEEB 03/ 28/2014 ACTIVE 198 POINSETTIA ST 10/25/2016 12/06/2016 ACTIVE 198 POINSETTIA Sr 01/ 03/2017 ACTIVE 1-3-2017 198 POINSETTIA ST Roofs "dDrafge-IANCSec 3047 03/ 28/2014 ACTIVE 198 POINSETTIA ST Stair, AaLnng"IaGeS-IANCS'ec 305.4 03/ 28/2014 ACTIVE 198 POINSETTIA ST 5f Riy,.OeoCAxULRako-IANCSec 304.10 03/28/2014 ACTIVE 198 POINSETTIA ST 10Ot1crNuman HaW0600-IANC SEC SOR.L5 3 03/28/2014 ACTIVE 198 POINSETTIA ST Unrale CMIDOrs-IPAKSec 304.1 03/28/2014 ACTIVE 198 POINSETTIA Sr 01/03/2017 ACTIVE 198 POINSETTIA Sr Want SYrtx'Nres A Land-11WC SeC:301.3 03/28/2014 09/14/2016 COMPLIANCE MET abandoned 198 POINSETTIA Sr Yaant SWCn//ES ant(arld-IANC 3191.3 03/28/ 2014 12/07/2016 COMPLIANCE MET 198 POINSETTIA ST Weeds-IANC Sec 3024 03/28/ 2014 09/14/2016 COMPLIANCE MET OVERGROWN YARD 198 POINSETTIA Sr 03/28/2014 12/07/2016 CLOSE-NO VIOLATION 198 POINSETTIA Sr REINSPECTION Inspector Resulted Impaction Name Inspector Name Tlmestamp Imp Time(Min) Inspection Result Stabs DEBORAH DEBORAH 01/03/ 2017 VIOLATION CONTINUES-01/ 03/2017 WHITE WHITE Inspection Comments:Rrlsd~ inspection for CEB agenda., Property same,overhead line drop attached to falling sof8tt appears to be unsafe,will contact IEA P0.57ING HOH AND AFFIDAVIT Related Party Recipient Addmsss Doutment Tracking Notice Name Association Type Level Addrss Assoc Type Issued Imo WAYNE Defendant To Mailing 12/27/ 2016 DOUGLASSCOTT ARMCEOFNEARI/YG Related Party Address Notice Association Recipient Assoc. Doormat Trecidnp Name Type Level Address Type Issued Into WAYNE Defendant To Mailing 12/08/ 2016 70062150 DOUGLAS 0002 2972 SCOTT 1572 NOTICEOFHEARIHG I O/cgi-binteognosisapi.dll?b_action-cognosVie... 1/4/2017 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 485 of 672 Case History Report-IBM Cognos Viewer Page 3 of 7 Related Party Recipient Address Document Treddnp Notice Name Association Type Level Address Assoc.Type Issued Into WAYNE Defendant To Mailing 01/03/2017 DOUGLASSCOTT CODEBOARDNEE77NGS scheduled Start Date Calendar Type 01/10/2017 Meaning INSPECTION Resulted Inspector Inspector Inspection Name Name Tdmestamp Insp Time(Min) Inspection Result Status DEBORAH DEBORAH 01/02/2017 VIOLATION CONTINUES-01/ 03/2017 WHITE WHITE Inspection Comments: Resulted Deadline for CEB order compliance Resulted Resulted property remains in violation and continues to detenorate. The overhead electiiml attached the the rotted falling soffitt is aeadn9 a hazardous condition.No Work has been done as of this date 1-3-2017 CFS Otder Related Party Redpient Address Document Tradi Notice Name Association Type Level Address Assoc.Type Issued Info WAYNE Defendant To Mailing 11/ 14/2016 DOUGLASSCOTT POSTING NOH AND AFFIDAVIT Related Party Recipient Address Doaunent Treddng Notice Name Association Type Level Address Assoc.Type Issued Info WAYNE Defendant To Mailing 10/17/2016 DOUGLASSCOTT REINSPEC7I0N Inspector Resulted Inspector Inspection Imp Time Name Name Timestamp Min) Impaction Result Status DEBORAH DEBORAH WHITE 09/09/2016 VIOLATION CONTINUES- WHITE 09/09/2016 Inspection Comments:4c./IeddN N07ICE0FHEARING Related Party Address Notice Association Recipient Asaao Doraanert TraildnR Name Type Level Address Type Issued Info WAYNE Defendant To Nailing 09/15/2016 70122210 DOUGLAS 0001 1385 SCOTT 4029 REMSPEC770N Inspector Resulted Inspector Inspection Imprimis Name Name Timestamp Min) Inspection Result Status 10/cgi-bin/cognosisapi.dll?b_action—cogno%Vie... 1/4/2017 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 486 of 672 Case History Report- IBM Cognos Viewer Page 4 of 7 DEBORAH DEBORAH WHITE 09/29/2016 VIOLATION CONTINUES- WHITE 09/29/2016 Inspection Comments:mad CODEB04RD MEETINGS Scheduled start Daft Calendar Type 11/09/2016 Meeting CEO Order Related Party Address Notice Association Recipient Assoc. Document Traddn g Name Type level Address Type Issued Info WAYNE Defendant To Mailing 11/ 15/2016 )012 2210 DOUGLAS 0001 1385 SCOTT 4234 INSPEC77ON Resaltotl Inspector Inspector Inspection Name Name Timstamp Insp Time(Min) Inspection Result status DEBORAH DEBORAH 08/04/2016 VIOLATION CONTINUES-08/ 04/2016 WHITE WHITE Inspection Comments:ResuRed Property is abandoned Ram~ Pmperty is abandoned,vacant IEA and water are active with no consumption or forwarding address. Notified Water Dept that he wasn't living in the house but gave no forwarding address both aaaums are on bill pay. Researched mortgage and will send notice to owner and bank Crosland Mortgage 9600 Koger Blvd#120,St. Petersburg,FL 33702 NOTICE OF VIOLA770N Related Party Address Notice Association Recipient Assoc. Document Name Type Level Address Type Issued TradKing Info WAYNE Defendant Cc Mailing 08/18/2016 DOUGLASSCOTT Defendant TO Mailing 08/18/2016 70131710000216911626 CHECK STATUS OF CMRRR NOTICE Description Scheduled Date Result Date Time spent 08/19/2016 08/ 19/2016 1 REINSPEC71ON Inspector Resulted Inspector inspection Imp Time Name Name Timstomp Min) Inspection Result Status DEBORAH DEBORAH WHITE 09/08/2016 VIOLATION CONTINUES- WHITE 09/ 08/ 2016 Inspection Comments:SVMdIAad INITIAL INSPEC770N Inspector Resulted Inspector Impectlon IMPTime Name Name Timestamp Min)Inspection Result status DEBORAH 03/ 28/2014 1 CODE/BOARD ORDER COMPLIANCE WHITE INSPECTION-03/28/2014 coPOSVie... 1/4/2017 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 487 of 672 Case History Report-IBM Cognos Viewer Page 5 of 7 Inspection Comments: N077CE OF VIOLA 77ON Notice Related Party Recipient Address Document Traddnq Name Association Type LAvel Address Assoc.Type Issued Info N017CF0FVIOLA770N Notice Related Party Recipient Address Document Trarddinq Name Association Type Level Address Assoc.Type issued Indo POS77NG AFFIDAVIT FOR NOV Notice Related Party Recipient Address Document Traddng Name Association Type Level Address Assoc Type Issued Info REINSPEC77ON Inspector Resulted Inspector Inspection Insp Time Name Name Tlmestamp Min)Inspection Stater DEBORAH 07/25/2014 1 CODE/BOARD ORDER COMPLIANCE WHITE INSPECTION-08/06/2014 Inspection Comments: N077CEOFNEARING Related Party Address Notice Association Recipient Assoc Document TraWrq Name Type Level Address Type Issued Indo WAYNE Defendant To Mailing 10/17/2014 70122210 DOUGLAS 00011385 SCOTT 3091 RE7N5PEC770N Inspector Resulted Inspector Inrpectlan Insp Time Name Name Tlmwtamp Min) Inspection Result status DEBORAH DEBORAH WHITE 10/ 15/2014 VIOLATION CONTINUES- WHITE 10/16/2014 Inspection Comments:SCINdWed CYIECKSTA7USOFCNRRR N077CE Description Scheduled Date Result Data Time Spent Notice of hearing ieoelved 10/18/2014 10/ 18/2014 1/4rML INSPEC77ON Resulted Inspector Inspector Inspection Name Name Tlmestamp InnspTime(Min) Inspection Result status DEBORAH DEBORAH 11/04/2014 VIOLATION CONTINUES-11/04/2014 WHITE WHITE Inspection Comments: Rawyted Vieladonls continue Resulted RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board find the property owner in violation and order Oct compliance be achieved by obtaining required permits,complete making all the required repairs by January 10,2015,or a fine of$150.00 be Imposed for the first day and 150.00 for every day thereafter the violation continues to adsts. The property owner is responsible for contacting the City Code Enforcement O fimr and obtaining an inspection of compliance. 10/cgi-bin/wgnosisapi.dlll?b_action-cognos V ie... 1/4/2017 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 488 of 672 Case History Report- IBM Cognos Viewer Page 6 of 7 CODEBOAROMEEI7/YGS Scheduled Start Date Calendor Type 11/17/2014 Meeting CEB Order Related Party Address Notice Association Recipient Assoc. Document Tracidng Name Type Level Address;Type Issued Info WAYNE Defendant To Mailing 11/14/2016 70122210 DOUGLAS 0001 1385 SCOTT 3015 N077CEOFNEARING Reletod Party Address Notice Association Recipient As Document Tracking Name Type Level Address Type Issued Info WAYNE Defendant To Mailing 12/16/2014 70122210 DOUGLAS 00011385 SCOTT 3220 BOARD ORDER COMPLIANCE INSPEC77ON Inspector Resulted Inspector Inspection IMPTlme Name Name Timodamp Min) Inspedfon Result Stohm DEBORAH DEUORAH WHITE 01/12/2015 CODE/BOARD ORDER COMPLIANCE WHITE INSPECTION-01/20/2015 Inspection Comments:SpryaWdad ceb complaince inspection REINSPECTION Resulted Inspector Inspector Inspection Name Name Tlmestomp Imp Time(Min) Inspection Raoult Status DEBORAH DEBORAH 01/07/2015 VIOLATION CONTINUES-01/07/2015 WHITE WHITE Inspection Comments: Resulted Resulted RECOMMENDATION: Report status at hearing. Deadline far full compliance With November 17,2014 order is January 10,2015. Inspection of property on January 7,2015 reveals no wok has started on repairs. Staff recommends the Board find the property owner In violation of the order Issued on November 17,2014 and impose the$150.00 per day fine commencing on January 11,2015 the first day and$150.00 for every day thereafter the violations continues to exists. The property owner is responsible for contacting the City Cade Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection of compliance. NOTICE OFHEARING RelatedParty Address Notice Association Recipient Assoc. Document Name Type Level Adder Type Issued Tracking Info WAYNE Defendant To Mailing 01/ 15/2015 70112000000203468231 ht(p:// O/egi-bin/cognosisapi.df?b_action=Cognos V ie... 1/4/2017 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 489 of 672 Case History Report-IBM Cognos Viewer Page 7 of 7 DOUGLASSCOTT REINSPECTION Inspector Resulted Inspector Inspection ImpTime Name Name Timestamp Min) Inspection Result Stabs John Markee John Markee 08/05/2015 VIOLATION CONTINUES- 08/05/2015 Inspection Comments:SchedWed violation conbues INSPEC77ON Inspector Resulted Inspector Inspection Imp Time Name Name Timestamp Min) Inspection Result Slabs John Markee John Markee 08/26/2015 VIOLATION CONTINUES- 08/ 26/2015 Inspection Comments:Sah6dzde0 TELEPNONECALL Scheduled Result Time Description Date Date Spent Had phone cunverst on with W.Scott and he stated to me that he was goug to speak 09/ 04/2015 09/ 04/2015 with the bank and try to situate some finances to repair his house. INSPECTION Inspector Resulted Inspector Inspection Insp Time Name Name Timestamp Min) Inspection Result Status John Markee John Markee 01/13/2016 VIOLATION CONTINUES- 01/ 14/2016 Inspection Comments:fdlspuley house looks tike same as in 2014 TFLEPNONEML Description Data Result Time Date Date Spent Lett a message reminding him of our previous conversation and requested he all 01/ 14/2016 01/ 14/2016 me back. Server Name:atib-ponsrp001.atib.doud.ld Use,Name:ATUiCIDWrUIDAW RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board find the property owner in violation of the Board Order November 9, 2016, and order that a fine of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.001 be imposed commencing on January 3, 2017 and for every day thereafter the violation continues to exists. The property owner is responsible for contacting the City Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection of compliance. 10/cgi-bin/cognosimpi.dll?b_action7 cognos V ie... 1/4/2017 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 490 of 672 Wl service ,., CERTIFIED MAIL,,, RECEIPTDomeslieMs//On/YJ No Insu aelle,y,mormanoo ranreCoverage Provlded v1aX our vr96alle ai,. P9 Form a80,L qu9 uv p 0a5 I' See ppv¢rse for ingu4cllons Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 491 of 672 b n yr CEB Compliance Investigation Form Investigation# A ( JIBy Deadline of CEB Order: Defendant/Owner:+ y Address: / %A Phone# Compliance/Status on Violations: Action Taken: Compliance: Legal Description: RE#: COMMENTS: FACEMCompliance Investigation Form.doc Oct 9 2009 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 492 of 672 M may. M O of nf^ N of 1. m m SI d mN • ll Q rf 3 CtC n Wu. 0 ' dJulU' w tlf tLd_i m U N i( ofS q M3. m F m_' O t a v3 F f w ii O Q f o VE- WE- tJ ti oz _ Zy Z IH tryy m N ry 2 t ma f0 a d u_ till We t0 c a o o d u C d N WW y C l O aOD Q V p Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 493 of 672 CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING December 8,2016 CASE No. 14-00000980 CERTIFIED MAD:,RETURN RECEIPT WAYNE DOUGLAS SCOTT REQUESTED: 198 POINSETTIA ST 7006 2150 0002 2972 1572 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Property Address: 198 POINSETTIA ST Atlantic Beach,Florida Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on Tuesday, January 10, 2017, at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known as Lot NI/2 Lot 684, Saltair Sec 3, RE#1 70636-05 10. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC Sec. 304.1 General. The exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health,safety or welfare. IPMC Sec. 108.1.5 2. The walling surface of any aisle, passageway, stairway, exit or other means of egress is so warped, wom, loose, torn or otherwise unsafe as to not provide safe and adequate means of egress. IPMC Sec. 304.6 Exterior walls. All exterior walls shall be free from holes, breaks, and loose or rotting materials; and maintained weatherproof and properly surface coated where required to 1\ prevent deterioration. AIPMC Sec 304.2 Protective treatment. All exterior surfaces including but not limited to, doors and window frames,cornices,porches,trim,balconies,decks and fences, shall be maintained in good condition. Exterior wood surfaces, other than decay-resistant woods, shall be protected from the elements and decay by painting or other protective covering or treatment. Peeling, flaking and chipped paint shall be eliminated and surfaces repainted. All siding and masonry oints, as well as those between the building envelope and the perimeter of windows, doors and Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 494 of 672 skylights, shall be maintained weather resistant and water tight. All metal surfaces subject to rust or or corrosion shall be coated to inhibit such rust and corrosions and all surface with rust or corrosion and shall be stabilized and coated to inhibit future rust and corrosion. Oxidation stains shall be removed from exterior surfaces. Surfaces designed for stabilization by oxidation are exempt from this requirement. 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. IPMC Sec. 307.1 Handrails and guardrails. Every exterior and interior flight of stairs shall have a handrail on one side of the stair and every open portion of a stair, landing,balcony,porch, deck, ramp or other walking surface which is more than 30 inches(762 mm) above the floor or grade below shall have guards. Handrails shall not be less than 30 inches(762 mm)in height or more than 42 inches (1067 mm)in height measured vertically above the nosing of the tread or above the finished floor of the landing or walking surfaces. Guards shall not be less than 30 inches 762 mm)inches in height above the floor of the landing, balcony,porch, deck or ramp or other walking surface. IMPC 305.4 Stairs and walking surfaces. Every stair,ramp, landing,balcony,porch, deck or other walking surface shall be maintained in sound condition and good repair. IPMC Sec.304.10 Stairways, decks,porches and balconies. Every exterior stairway, deck,porch and balcony, and all appurtenances attached thereto,shall be maintained structurally sound,in good repair,with proper anchorage and capable of supporting the imposed loads. Sec. 105.1.3. Structure unfit for human occupancy. A structure is unfit for human occupancy whenever the code official finds that such structure is unsafe,unlawful or because of the degree to which the structure is in disrepair or lacks maintenance,is unsanitary,vermin or rat infested, contains filth and contamination,or lacks ventilation,illumination,sanitary or heating facilities or other essential equipment required by this code, or because the location of the structure constitutes a hazard to the occupants of the structure or to the public. The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to $250.00 per day for the first violation and $500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the conective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904)247- 5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure,please contact Dayna Williams, Secretary of the Code Enforcement Board within five days of the receipt of this notice at(904) 247-5810. Please note the presence of a court reporter Notice of Hearing-Case#14-00000980 Page 2 of 3 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 495 of 672 for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. ATTEST: d." km DaynaVL.Williams, Secretary Deborah Wbite, Code Enforcement Officer Notice of Hearing- Case#14-00000980 Page 3 of 3 Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 496 of 672 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 61 PHONE(904)247-5855 POSTING AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF MAILING REGULAR MAIL CASE# 14-00000980 Pursuant to Chapter 162,Florida Statutes and Sec. 2-147,City of Atlantic Beach City Code of Ordinances, I,Deborah White, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach, hereby affirm a Notice of Hearing,a copy of which is attached,was mailed regular mail and was posted at the following locations: 1) Date Posted: 1 2 iG Location: 198 POINSETTIA ST 2) Date Posted: I Location: ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Lu"ew—6 Deborah White, Code Enforcement Officer County of Duval State of Florida The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me this 2fday of2016, by Deborah White,who is personally known to me as Code Enforcement Officer for the City of Atlantic Beach. Person taking acknowledgement: Notary Stamp/Seal) wttuaxtw, w71"t Nota ublic, State of Florida L( ptp MY COMA85SIONiFF2. dt& E%PIKES:AUWs11, Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 497 of 672 CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING December 27, 2016 CASE No. 14-00000980 POSTED ON PROPERTY AND ATLANTIC WAYNE DOUGLAS SCOTT BEACH CITY HAIL 198 POINSETTIA ST ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Properly Address: POINSETTIA ST Atlantic Beach,Florida Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on Tuesday, January 10, 2017, at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known as Lot NI/2 Lot 684, Saltair Sec 3, RE#170636-0510. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC Sec. 304.1 General. The exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. IPMC Sec 304.2 Protective treatment. All exterior surfaces including but not limited to, doors and window frames,cornices,porches,trim,balconies,decks and fences, shall be maintained in good condition. Exterior wood surfaces, other than decay-resistant woods, shall be protected from the elements and decay by painting or other protective covering or treatment. Peeling, flaking and chipped paint shall be eliminated and surfaces repainted.All siding and masonry joints,as well as those between the building envelope and the perimeter of windows, doors and skylights, shall be maintained weather resistant and water tight. All metal surfaces subject to rust or or corrosion shall be coated to inhibit such rust and corrosions and all surface with rust or corrosion and shall be stabilized and coated to inhibit future rust and corrosion. Oxidation stains shall be removed from exterior surfaces. Surfaces designed for stabilization by oxidation are exempt from this requirement. IPMC Sec. 304.6 Exterior walls. All exterior walls shall be free from holes,breaks, and loose or rotting materials; and maintained weatherproof and properly surface coated where required to prevent deterioration. Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 498 of 672 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. SECTION 108.1.5 2. The walking surface of any aisle, passageway, -stairway, exit or other means of egress is so warped, wom, loose, tom or otherwise unsafe as to not provide safe and adequate means of egress. IPMC Sec. 304.1 General. The exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. Sec. 108.1.3. Structure unfit for human occupancy. A structure is unfit for human occupancy whenever the code official finds that such structure is unsafe,unlawful or because of the degree to which the structure is in disrepair or lacks maintenance,is unsanitary, vermin or rat infested, contains filth and contamination, or lacks ventilation,illumination,sanitary or heating facilities or other essential equipment required by this code, or because the location of the structure constitutes a hazard to the occupants of the structure or to the public. IPMC Sec.304.10 Stairways, decks,porches and balconies. Every exterior stairway, deck,porch and balcony,and all appurtenances attached thereto, shall be maintained structurally sound, in good repair,with proper anchorage and capable of supporting the imposed loads. 305.4 Stairs and walking surfaces.Every stair, ramp,landing, balcony,porch, deck or other walking surface shall be maintained in sound condition and good repair. IPMC Sec. 307.1 Handrails and guardrails. Every exterior and interior flight of stairs shall have a handrail on one side of the stair and every open portion of a stair,landing, balcony,porch, deck, ramp or other walking surface which is more than 30 inches (762 mm) above the floor or grade below shall have guards. Handrails shall not be less than 30 inches(762 mm)in height or more than 42 inches(1067 mm) in height measured vertically above the nosing of the tread or above the finished floor of the landing or walking surfaces. Guards shall not be less than 30 inches 762 mm)inches in height above the floor of the landing, balcony,porch, deck or ramp or other walking surface. The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to $250.00 per day for the first violation and $500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904)247-5855. Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 499 of 672 You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure,please contact Dayna Williams, Secretary of the Code Enforcement Board within five days of the receipt of this notice at(904) 247-5810. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. ATTEST: Da . Williams, Secretary Deborah White, Code Enforcement cer Agenda Item #I. 11 Jul 2019 Page 500 of 672 CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE FAX EMAIL COMPLAINTANT SMITH PAM , (904)735-1306 MORTGAGE CO/BANK/LIEN HOLDER Benjamin A. Eppley Wells Fargo Property Preservation/ Remediation Analyst Des Moines, IA 50328 (904)735-1306 BENJAMIN.A.EPPLEY@WELLSFARG O.COM Description: Status: LIEN Type: CODE ENFORCEMENT Subtype: RESIDENTIAL Opened: 3/28/2014 Closed: Last Action: 7/26/2019 Fllw Up: 7/26/2019 Site Address: 198 POINSETTIA ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Site APN: 170636 0510 Officer: Angela Irizarry Details:03/28/2014 Dangerous stairs, rotted collapsing hazard, no handrails, guardrails, unsafe condition, open soffit, rotted siding, protective treatment and overgrown yard LD1- Lot N 1/2 Lot 684, Saltair SEc LD2- 3 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board find the property owner in violation and order that compliance be achieved by obtaining permits and completing all the required repairs and obtain approved inspection to verify the the dwelling is safe and habitable by January 2, 2016 or a fine of $250.00 be imposed for the first day and $250.00 for every day thereafter the violation continues to exists. The property owner is responsible for contacting the City Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection of compliance. 7/5/2019 - Ownership has revered to bank. Dan Arlington, Building Official has deemed the house irreparable. Staff recommends the house violation been deemed irreparable or irreversible in nature and the fine capped at $5,000 in accordance with statutes. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 1 of 18 CASE DETAILS Case Number 14-00000980 A g e n d a I t e m # I . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 0 1 o f 6 7 2 CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE FAX EMAIL OWNER WAYNE DOUGLAS SCOTT 198 POINSETTIA ST Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 (904)735-1306 VIOLATION TYPE USER NAME OBSERVED DATE CORRECTED DATE LOCATION REMARKS NOTES Dangerous Structure 3/28/2014 Section 108.1.5 1. Any door, aisle, passageway, stairway, exit or other means of egress that does not conform to the approved building or fire code of the jurisdiction as related to the requirements for existing buildings. Dangerous Structure 2 4/1/2014 STAIRS DANGEROU SECTION 108.1.5 2. The walking surface of any aisle, passageway, stairway, exit or other means of egress is so warped, worn, loose, torn or otherwise unsafe as to not provide safe and adequate means of egress. Exterior Walls 3/28/2014 IPMC Sec. 304.6 Exterior walls. All exterior walls shall be free from holes, breaks, and loose or rotting materials; and maintained weatherproof and properly surface coated where required to prevent deterioration. Exterior Walls 3/28/2014 IPMC Sec. 304.6 Exterior walls. All exterior walls shall be free from holes, breaks, and loose or rotting materials; and maintained weatherproof and properly surface coated where required to prevent deterioration. VIOLATIONS Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 2 of 18 CASE DETAILS Case Number 14-00000980 A g e n d a I t e m # I . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 0 2 o f 6 7 2 Handrails & Guardrails 3/28/2014 IPMC Sec. 307.1 Handrails and guardrails. Every exterior and interior flight of stairs shall have a handrail on one side of the stair and every open portion of a stair, landing, balcony, porch, deck, ramp or other walking surface which is more than 30 inches (762 mm) above the floor or grade below shall have guards. Handrails shall not be less than 30 inches (762 mm) in height or more than 42 inches (1067 mm) in height measured vertically above the nosing of the tread or above the finished floor of the landing or walking surfaces. Guards shall not be less than 30 inches (762 mm)inches in height above the floor of the landing, balcony, porch, deck or ramp or other walking surface. Nuisance - Conditions 3/28/2014 12/7/2016 Sec. 12-1. Nuisances (a) It shall be unlawful for any person or business, to do, perform, have, allow, suffer or permit any act, occurrence or condition within the city which constitutes a dangerous, unsafe, dilapidated or unsanitary condition, which may be injurious to the health and well being of the community. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 3 of 18 CASE DETAILS Case Number 14-00000980 A g e n d a I t e m # I . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 0 3 o f 6 7 2 Nuisance - Overgrown 3/28/2014 9/14/2016 Sec. 12-1 Nuisances (b) It is hereby declared to be a nuisance, the enumerations of which are merely indications of the nature of the type of acts, occurrences and conditions, and shall not be deemed to be exclusive: (11) For any person or business to allow vegetation other than cultivated plants, shrubs or trees to exceed a height of more than twelve(12) inches on any developed lot, or within twenty (20) feet of any occupied residential property, business property or city right of way. Protective Treatment 3/28/2014 IPMC Sec 304.2 Protective treatment. All exterior surfaces including but not limited to, doors and window frames, cornices, porches, trim, balconies, decks and fences, shall be maintained in good condition. Exterior wood surfaces, other than decay-resistant woods, shall be protected from the elements and decay by painting or other protective covering or treatment. Peeling, flaking and chipped paint shall be eliminated and surfaces repainted. All siding and masonry joints, as well as those between the building envelope and the perimeter of windows, doors and skylights, shall be maintained weather resistant and water tight. All metal surfaces subject to rust or or corrosion shall be coated to inhibit such rust and corrosions and all surface with rust or corrosion and shall be stabilized and coated to inhibit future rust and corrosion. Oxidation stains shall be removed from exterior surfaces. Surfaces designed for stabilization by oxidation are exempt from this requirement. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 4 of 18 CASE DETAILS Case Number 14-00000980 A g e n d a I t e m # I . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 0 4 o f 6 7 2 Protective Treatment 3/28/2014 12/7/2016 IPMC Sec 304.2 Protective treatment. All exterior surfaces including but not limited to, doors and window frames, cornices, porches, trim, balconies, decks and fences, shall be maintained in good condition. Exterior wood surfaces, other than decay-resistant woods, shall be protected from the elements and decay by painting or other protective covering or treatment. Peeling, flaking and chipped paint shall be eliminated and surfaces repainted. All siding and masonry joints, as well as those between the building envelope and the perimeter of windows, doors and skylights, shall be maintained weather resistant and water tight. All metal surfaces subject to rust or or corrosion shall be coated to inhibit such rust and corrosions and all surface with rust or corrosion and shall be stabilized and coated to inhibit future rust and corrosion. Oxidation stains shall be removed from exterior surfaces. Surfaces designed for stabilization by oxidation are exempt from this requirement. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 5 of 18 CASE DETAILS Case Number 14-00000980 A g e n d a I t e m # I . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 0 5 o f 6 7 2 Recommendation CEB 10/25/2016 12/6/2016 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board find the property owner in violation and order that compliance be achieved by obtaining permits and completing all the required repairs and obtain approved inspection to verify the the dwelling is safe and habitable by January 2, 2016 or a fine of $250.00 be imposed for the first day and $250.00 for every day thereafter the violation continues to exists. The property owner is responsible for contacting the City Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection of compliance. Recommendation CEB 3/28/2014 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board find the property owner in violation and order that compliance be achieved by (insert action needed for compliance) by (date) or a fine of $100.00 be imposed for the first day and $100.00 for every day thereafter the violation continues to exists. The property owner is responsible for contacting the City Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection of compliance. Recommendation CEB 1/3/2017 1-3-2017 Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 6 of 18 CASE DETAILS Case Number 14-00000980 A g e n d a I t e m # I . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 0 6 o f 6 7 2 Recommendation CEB 1/3/2017 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board find the property owner in violation of the Board Order November 9, 2016, and order that a fine of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00 ) be imposed commencing on January 3, 2017 and for every day thereafter the violation continues to exists. The property owner is responsible for contacting the City Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection of compliance. Roofs and Drainage 3/28/2014 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. Stair, walking surfaces 3/28/2014 305.4 Stairs and walking surfaces. Every stair, ramp, landing, balcony, porch, deck or other walking surface shall be maintained in sound condition and good repair. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 7 of 18 CASE DETAILS Case Number 14-00000980 A g e n d a I t e m # I . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 0 7 o f 6 7 2 Stairway,Deck,Por ch,Balco 3/28/2014 IPMC Sec.304.10 Stairways, decks, porches and balconies. Every exterior stairway, deck, porch and balcony, and all appurtenances attached thereto, shall be maintained structurally sound, in good repair, with proper anchorage and capable of supporting the imposed loads. Stairway,Deck,Por ch,Balco 3/28/2014 IPMC Sec.304.10 Stairways, decks, porches and balconies. Every exterior stairway, deck, porch and balcony, and all appurtenances attached thereto, shall be maintained structurally sound, in good repair, with proper anchorage and capable of supporting the imposed loads. Unfit for Human Habitation 3/28/2014 Sec. 108.1.3. Structure unfit for human occupancy. A structure is unfit for human occupancy whenever the code official finds that such structure is unsafe, unlawful or because of the degree to which the structure is in disrepair or lacks maintenance, is unsanitary, vermin or rat infested, contains filth and contamination, or lacks ventilation, illumination, sanitary or heating facilities or other essential equipment required by this code, or because the location of the structure constitutes a hazard to the occupants of the structure or to the public. Unsafe Conditions 1/3/2017 IPMC Sec. 304.1 General. The exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 8 of 18 CASE DETAILS Case Number 14-00000980 A g e n d a I t e m # I . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 0 8 o f 6 7 2 Unsafe Conditions 1/3/2017 IPMC Sec. 304.1 General. The exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. Vacant Structures and Land 3/28/2014 9/14/2016 abandoned IPMC Sec. 301.3 Vacant Structures and Land All vacant structures and premises thereof or vacant land shall be maintained in a clean, safe, secure and sanitary condition as provided herein so as not to cause a blighting problem or adversely affect the public health or safety. Vacant Structures and Land 3/28/2014 12/7/2016 IPMC Sec. 301.0 Vacant Structures and Land. All vacant structures shall be maintained in a clean, safe, secure and sanitary condition as provided herein so as not to cause a blighting problem or adversely affect the public health or safety. Weeds 3/28/2014 9/14/2016 OVERGROWN YARD IPMC 302.4 Weeds. All premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds or plant growth in excess of twelve (12) inches. All noxious weeds shall be prohibited. Weeds shall be defined as all grasses, annual plants and vegetation, other than trees or shrubs provided; however, this term shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 9 of 18 CASE DETAILS Case Number 14-00000980 A g e n d a I t e m # I . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 0 9 o f 6 7 2 CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Lori Diaz 7/26/2019 CODE BOARD ORDER Lori Diaz 7/23/2019 CODE BOARD AGENDA Lori Diaz 7/4/2019 6/14/2019 CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 6/26/2019 NOTICE OF HEARING Lori Diaz 5/30/2019 5/30/2019 LIEN-ADD LIEN OR RECURRING CHARGE Angela Irizarry 2/6/2019 2/6/2019 Sent Updated Invoice $225,861.96 EMAIL SENT Deborah White 9/27/2018 9/27/2018 email to Ben Eppley Bank Rep for Wells Fargo to check status EMAIL SENT Deborah White 8/30/2018 8/30/2018 email sent to rep from Wells Fargo Ben Eppley EMAIL SENT Deborah White 8/20/2018 8/20/2018 ben eppley bank rep to check status EMAIL SENT Deborah White 7/12/2018 7/12/2018 email sent to check on status of banks progress on foreclosure and their intent on action to clean and rehab property Ben Eppley CHRONOLOGY Weeds 3/28/2014 12/7/2016 IPMC 302.4 Weeds. All premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds or plant growth in excess of twelve (12) inches. All noxious weeds shall be prohibited. Weeds shall be defined as all grasses, annual plants and vegetation, other than trees or shrubs provided; however, this term shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 10 of 18 CASE DETAILS Case Number 14-00000980 A g e n d a I t e m # I . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 1 0 o f 6 7 2 TELEPHONE CALL Toni Gindlesperger 4/16/2018 904-735-1306 LEFT A MESSAGE WITH MR. SCOTT , LETTING HIM KNOW THAT HE NEEDED TO CALL US AND THAT HIS HOME NEEDED BOARDED UP OR THE CITY WILL HAVE TO. OTHER Toni Gindlesperger 4/13/2018 4/13/2018 RECIEVED CALL FROM NEIGHBOR LINDA SPENCER 612-6299 THAT PEOPLE WERE LIVING IN THE HOUSE CALLED AND EMAILED POLICE POSTED ON HOUSE "DANGER THIS BUILDING DEEMED UNSAFE" OTHER Deborah White 2/20/2018 4/24/2018 power and water disconnected notified owner via telephone RECORD LIEN FILE TO CITY CLK 1/20/2017 1/20/2017 Plat book and page Doc#2017014772 or bk 17849 page1543 Notice of hearing received Left a message reminding him of our previous conversation and requested he call me back. Document #2017014772 OR BK 17849 Page 1543 Had phone converstion with Mr. Scott and he stated to me that he was going to speak with the bank and try to situate some finances to repair his house. FILE LIEN 1/19/2017 1/19/2017 Had phone converstion with Mr. Scott and he stated to me that he was going to speak with the bank and try to situate some finances to repair his house. Document #2017014772 OR BK 17849 Page 1543 Left a message reminding him of our previous conversation and requested he call me back. Notice of hearing received Plat book and page Doc#2017014772 or bk 17849 page1543 FILE LIEN 1/19/2017 1/19/2017 Had phone converstion with Mr. Scott and he stated to me that he was going to speak with the bank and try to situate some finances to repair his house. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 11 of 18 CASE DETAILS Case Number 14-00000980 A g e n d a I t e m # I . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 1 1 o f 6 7 2 FILE LIEN 1/19/2017 1/19/2017 Document #2017014772 OR BK 17849 Page 1543 Left a message reminding him of our previous conversation and requested he call me back. Notice of hearing received Plat book and page Doc#2017014772 or bk 17849 page1543 LIEN RECORDED W DUVAL CO CC Deborah White 1/19/2017 1/19/2017 CODE BOARD ORDER 1/17/2017 1/17/2017 CODE BOARD MEETING 1/10/2017 1/11/2017 NOTICE OF HEARING 1/3/2017 1/3/2017 POSTING NOH AND AFFIDAVIT 12/27/2016 12/27/2016 NOTICE OF HEARING 12/8/2016 12/8/2016 CODE BOARD ORDER 11/15/2016 11/15/2016 CODE BOARD ORDER 11/14/2016 11/14/2016 CODE BOARD ORDER 11/14/2016 11/14/2016 CODE BOARD MEETING 11/9/2016 11/10/2016 POSTING NOH AND AFFIDAVIT 10/17/2016 10/17/2016 NOTICE OF HEARING 9/15/2016 9/15/2016 CHECK STATUS OF CMRRR NOTICE 8/19/2016 8/19/2016 Plat book and page Doc#2017014772 or bk 17849 page1543 Notice of hearing received Left a message reminding him of our previous conversation and requested he call me back. Document #2017014772 OR BK 17849 Page 1543 Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 12 of 18 CASE DETAILS Case Number 14-00000980 A g e n d a I t e m # I . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 1 2 o f 6 7 2 CHECK STATUS OF CMRRR NOTICE 8/19/2016 8/19/2016 Had phone converstion with Mr. Scott and he stated to me that he was going to speak with the bank and try to situate some finances to repair his house. NOTICE OF VIOLATION 8/18/2016 8/18/2016 TELEPHONE CALL 1/14/2016 1/14/2016 Had phone converstion with Mr. Scott and he stated to me that he was going to speak with the bank and try to situate some finances to repair his house. Document #2017014772 OR BK 17849 Page 1543 Left a message reminding him of our previous conversation and requested he call me back. Notice of hearing received Plat book and page Doc#2017014772 or bk 17849 page1543 TELEPHONE CALL 9/4/2015 9/4/2015 Plat book and page Doc#2017014772 or bk 17849 page1543 Notice of hearing received Left a message reminding him of our previous conversation and requested he call me back. Document #2017014772 OR BK 17849 Page 1543 Had phone converstion with Mr. Scott and he stated to me that he was going to speak with the bank and try to situate some finances to repair his house. NOTICE OF HEARING 1/15/2015 1/15/2015 NOTICE OF HEARING 12/16/2014 12/16/2014 CODE BOARD MEETING 11/17/2014 11/17/2014 CHECK STATUS OF CMRRR NOTICE 10/18/2014 10/18/2014 Had phone converstion with Mr. Scott and he stated to me that he was going to speak with the bank and try to situate some finances to repair his house. Document #2017014772 OR BK 17849 Page 1543 Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 13 of 18 CASE DETAILS Case Number 14-00000980 A g e n d a I t e m # I . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 1 3 o f 6 7 2 CHECK STATUS OF CMRRR NOTICE 10/18/2014 10/18/2014 Left a message reminding him of our previous conversation and requested he call me back. Notice of hearing received Plat book and page Doc#2017014772 or bk 17849 page1543 NOTICE OF HEARING 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 POSTING AFFIDAVIT FOR NOV 5/27/2014 5/27/2014 NOTICE OF VIOLATION 5/5/2014 5/5/2014 NOTICE OF VIOLATION 3/28/2014 3/28/2014 INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES COMPLIANCE INSPECTION DW 8/20/2018 9/4/2018 VIOLATION CONTINUES power been off 6 months homestead exemption off, foreclose on liens INITIAL INSPECTION DAW 3/28/2014 3/28/2014 CODE/BOARD ORDER COM INITIAL INSPECTION DAW 11/4/2014 11/4/2014 VIOLATION Violations continue INSPECTIONS Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 14 of 18 CASE DETAILS Case Number 14-00000980 A g e n d a I t e m # I . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 1 4 o f 6 7 2 INITIAL INSPECTION DAW 11/4/2014 11/4/2014 VIOLATION RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board find the property owner in violation and order that compliance be achieved by obtaining required permits, complete making all the required repairs by January 10, 2015, or a fine of $150.00 be imposed for the first day and $150.00 for every day thereafter the violation continues to exists. The property owner is responsible for contacting the City Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection of compliance. INSPECTION DAW 1/12/2015 1/20/2015 CODE/BOARD ORDER COM ceb complaince inspection INSPECTION 8/26/2015 8/26/2015 VIOLATION INSPECTION 1/13/2016 1/14/2016 VIOLATION house looks the same as in 2014 REINSPECTION DAW 7/25/2014 8/6/2014 CODE/BOARD ORDER COM REINSPECTION DAW 10/15/2014 10/16/2014 VIOLATION Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 15 of 18 CASE DETAILS Case Number 14-00000980 A g e n d a I t e m # I . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 1 5 o f 6 7 2 REINSPECTION DAW 1/7/2015 1/7/2015 VIOLATION RECOMMENDATION: Report status at hearing. Deadline for full compliance with November 17, 2014 order is January 10, 2015. Inspection of property on January 7, 2015 reveals no work has started on repairs. Staff recommends the Board find the property owner in violation of the order issued on November 17, 2014 and impose the $150.00 per day fine commencing on January 11, 2015 the first day and $150.00 for every day thereafter the violations continues to exists. The property owner is responsible for contacting the City Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection of compliance. REINSPECTION DAW 9/9/2016 9/9/2016 VIOLATION REINSPECTION DAW 9/29/2016 9/29/2016 VIOLATION REINSPECTION DAW 1/2/2017 1/3/2017 VIOLATION Property remains in violation and continues to deteriorate. The overhead electrical attached the the rotted falling soffitt is creating a hazardous condition. No work has been done as of this date 1- 3-2017 Deadline for CEB order compliance REINSPECTION DAW 1/3/2017 1/3/2017 VIOLATION inspection for CEB agenda., Property same, overhead line drop attached to falling soffitt appears to be unsafe. Will contact JEA REINSPECTION 8/5/2015 8/5/2015 VIOLATION violation contiues REINSPECTION DAW 8/4/2016 8/4/2016 VIOLATION property is abandoned Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 16 of 18 CASE DETAILS Case Number 14-00000980 A g e n d a I t e m # I . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 1 6 o f 6 7 2 REINSPECTION DAW 8/4/2016 8/4/2016 VIOLATION Property is abandoned, vacant JEA and water are active with no consumption or forwarding address. Notified Water Dept that he wasn't living in the house but gave no forwarding address both accounts are on bill pay. Researched mortgage and will send notice to owner and bank. Crossland Mortgage 9600 Koger Blvd #120, St. Petersburg, FL 33702 REINSPECTION DAW 9/8/2016 9/8/2016 VIOLATION FINANCIAL INFORMATION DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT #CHECK #METHOD PAID BY CLTD BY $250 00100003543000 0 $228,250.00 $0.00 Total Paid for CE DAILY FINE: $228,250.00 $0.00 INTEREST 00100003543000 0 $51.85 $0.00 Total Paid for INTEREST: $51.85 $0.00 RECORDING FEE 00100003419003 0 $18.50 $0.00 Total Paid for RECORDING FEE: $18.50 $0.00 TOTALS:$228,320.35 $0.00 Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 17 of 18 CASE DETAILS Case Number 14-00000980 A g e n d a I t e m # I . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 1 7 o f 6 7 2 Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 18 of 18 CASE DETAILS Case Number 14-00000980 A g e n d a I t e m # I . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 1 8 o f 6 7 2 s 4114, A CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH t;', 800 SEMINOLE ROAD o ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 trof/PHONE (904) 247-5800 February 6, 2019 Larry Clement 551 Camelia Terrace Dr. Neptune Beach, FL 32266 RE: Code Enforcement Fines -115 S. Saratoga Circle Case#17-603 Dear Property Owner: This letter is notification that there is a Code Enforcement Fine and Lien on your property referenced above. Fine accruing at one hundred dollars ($100)per day. Fine, interest, and lien recording fee accrued thru today: $44,404.09 The property must be in full compliance and inspected to verify compliance to stop the recurring daily fine. If your property is now in compliance, please contact me at 904-247-5855 to request an inspection to verify full compliance has been achieved. If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, GiY\ s. P<,c,_ 41; k/-----6 Angela Irizarry Code Enforcement Officer Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 519 of 672 Month Fee Per Day Number of Days Total Due For the Month 1/2/2018 $100.00 30 3,000.00 2/1/2018 $100.00 28 2,800.00 3/1/2018 $100.00 30 3,000.00 4/1/2018 $100.00 30 3,000.00 5/1/2018 $100.00 31 3,100.00 6/1/2018 $100.00 30 3,000.00 7/1/2018 $100.00 31 3,100.00 8/1/2018 $100.00 31 3,100.00 9/1/2018 $100.00 30 3,000.00 10/1/2018 $100.00 31 3,100.00 11/1/2018 $100.00 30 3,000.00 12/1/2018 $100.00 31 3,100.00 1/ 1/2019 $100.00 31 3,100.00 2/1/2019 $100.00 6 600.00 40,000.00 Total 18.50 Recording Fee 10% Interest Rate 10.96 Daily Interest Charged 1/2/2018 Interest Inception Date 2/6/2019 Interest Calculation As of 400 Total Days of Accrued Interest 4,385.59 Total Calculated Interest 44,404.09 Total Amount Due Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 520 of 672 RONNIE FUSSELL Receipt#: 3333721ClerkoftheCircuitCourt U: . s 501 W Adams itir /* Jacksonville,FL 32202 Tel.(904)255-2000 r'' http://oncore.duvalc Trans#: 3435764 Cashier Date:2/26/2018 12: 12:27PM CUSTOMER INFORMATION TRANSACTION INFORMATION PAYMENT SUMMARY Date Received: 2/26/2018 12:09:25PM Total Fees: 18.50 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Location: BEACH Total Payments: 18. 50 Return Code: OVER THE COUNTER Balance Due: 0.00 Trans Type: Recording Cash Tendered: 18.50 Cashier: KJEWELL Change: 0.00 Payment ; ,. CASH 18.50 Official Record LIEN BK/PG: 18294/281 DOC#:2018044568 Pages:2 Date:2/26/2018 12: 12:27PM Grantor:ATLANTIC BEACH CITY OF/Grantee:CLEMENT LARRY E Recording $10 1st page, $8.50 each add'I -2 18.50 Print Date: 2/26/2018 12:12:30PM Page 1 of 1 Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 521 of 672 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REHEARING ORDER IMPOSING FINE / LIEN Doc#2018044568OR RK 18294 Page 281 Number Pages:2 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, Petitioner Recorded FUSSELL 1E2 PM, RONNIE CLERK CIRCUIT COURT DUVAL VS.COUNTY RECORDING $18.50 LARRY E. CLEMENT 551 CAMELIA TERRACE DRIVE Property Address: 115 S SARATOGA CIRCLE NEPTUNE BEACH, FL 32266 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Case Number: 17-603 Real Estate Number: 171768 0000 Legal Description: 31-13 38-2S-29E ATLANTIC BEACH VILLA UNIT 2 LOT 2 BLK 3 ORDER IMPOSING FINE THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Board on January 9, 2018 and the Board having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That the Respondent owns the property located at 115 SOUTH SARATOGA CIRCLE, Atlantic Beach, Florida. 2. That notice was sent by certified mail and that Respondent was not present at the hearing. 3. That notification of the violations of the City of Atlantic Beach, were made and served on the Respondent as evidenced in this hearing. Sec. 24-157. Fences, Walls and Similar Structures (c) Maintenance of fences. Fences that have been allowed to deteriorate to an excessive degree have a negative impact on property values and the quality of neighborhoods. Fences that are in a state of neglect, damage or disrepair, shall be repaired , replaced or removed. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW THAT the Respondent is NOT IN COMPLIANCE and has failed to correct such violation as of this hearing date. Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 522 of 672 ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is Ordered: THAT the Respondent is found in violation for non-compliance of November 14, 2017 Code Board Order that required compliance on or before January 2, 2018. That the respondent is fined 100.00 a day from January 2, 2018 until full compliance is achieved. In addition, the fine shall also include the administrative costs to the City incurred in prosecuting this case. THAT the Respondent is respdnsible for contacting the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection olcompliance. THAT failure to pay all accumulated fines will result in a lien being placed against the property at 115 SOUTH SARATOGA CIRCLE for the total assessment plus costs incurred for the filing of the lien. All lien amounts are to be made payable ',rt an interest rate of ten(10)percent per annum from date of certification until paid. DONE AND ORDERED THIS January 9, 2018 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ATTEST: Dayna T.Williams, Secretary By: Bee'amin de Luna, Chairman Executed this a % day of Se r muti 2018. PLEASE NO lE: Florida Statutes, Section 162.11, states that an appeal of this order shall be filed in circuit court within thirty(30)days of this order's execution. STATE OF FLORIDA DUVAL COUNTY I,the undersigned City Clerk for the City of Atlantic lea h. Duval County,Florida,do hereby certify the within and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original as It appears on record and file In the office of the City CNfk for Atlantic Beach.Witness my hand and official Mid the City of Atlantic Beach,Florida, this '23 rd day of nn FGbSaar- 20 Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 523 of 672 White, Debbie Subject:Meet Joe Clement 10 am 6353319 Start: Tue 1/30/2018 12:00 AM End: Wed 1/31/2018 12:00 AM Show Time As: Free Recurrence: none) Organizer: White, Debbie 1 Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 524 of 672 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REHEARING ORDER IMPOSING FINE / LIEN CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, Petitioner vs. LARRY E. CLEMENT 551 CAMELIA TERRACE DRIVE Property Address: 115 S SARATOGA CIRCLE NEPTUNE BEACH,FL 32266 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Case Number: 17-603 Real Estate Number: 171768 0000 Legal Description: 31-13 38-2S-29E ATLANTIC BEACH VILLA UNIT 2 LOT 2 BLK 3 ORDER IMPOSING FINE THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Board on January 9, 2018 and the Board having heard testimony under oath, received evidence,and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That the Respondent owns the property located at 115 SOUTH SARATOGA CIRCLE, Atlantic Beach, Florida. 2. That notice was sent by certified mail and that Respondent was not present at the hearing. 3. That notification of the violations of the City of Atlantic Beach, were made and served on the Respondent as evidenced in this hearing. Sec. 24-157. Fences, Walls and Similar Structures (c) Maintenance of fences. Fences that have been allowed to deteriorate to an excessive degree have a negative impact on property values and the quality of neighborhoods. Fences that are in a state of neglect, damage or disrepair, shall be repaired , replaced or removed. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW THAT the Respondent is NOT IN COMPLIANCE and has failed to correct such violation as of this hearing date. Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 525 of 672 ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is Ordered: THAT the Respondent is found in violation for non-compliance of November 14, 2017 Code Board Order that required compliance on or before January 2, 2018. That the respondent is fined 100.00 a day from January 2, 2018 until full compliance is achieved. In addition, the fine shall also include the administrative costs to the City incurred in prosecuting this case. THAT the Respondent is responsible for contacting the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection of compliance. THAT failure to pay all accumulated fines will result in a lien being placed against the property at 115 SOUTH SARATOGA CIRCLE for the total assessment plus costs incurred for the filing of the lien. All lien amounts are to be made payable at an interest rate of ten(10)percent per annum from date of certification until paid. DONE AND ORDERED THIS January 9,2018 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ATTEST: Dayna :Williams, Secretary By: Bp aurin de Luna, Chairman Executed this I9 day of "Sa.1a"we. 2018. PLEASE NOTE: Florida Statutes, Section 162.11, states that an appeal of this order shall be filed in circuit court within thirty(30) days of this order's execution. Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 526 of 672 cJ •` s) JV, r CASE ACTION FORM Investigation# DATE: at/ NAME: a_7-1 ADDRESS OF VIOLATION IIS 197I 4 Action Taken: 4-7/ A4L b.‘- ZI*--- t1-- 7,,e____ V c:77—/. , V tieki‘. ttp..i,..;.", l\i i> t p e_asiLt `- r) t m, ve.. - ri)--41-' k Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 527 of 672 White, Debbie Subject:Meet Joe Clement 10 am 6353319 Location: riverside 2627 riverside ave suite 300 Start: Tue 1/30/2018 12:00 AM End: Wed 1/31/2018 12:00 AM Show Time As: Free Recurrence: none) Organizer: White, Debbie 42-<, 331 Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 528 of 672 J i1IIr lJ1i, s .-!7;•,, 4 sr e. , 4; City of Atlantic Beach neoposc'' LA`' ^"a" A 800 Seminole Road Fil1 111 11 01/22/2018 t Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 US POSTAGE $06•b7° I. c•7013 1710 0002 1691 3217 Y ZIP 32233 J 4 041L11240784 LARRY E. CLEMENT First Class an T i 551 CAMELIA TERRACE DRIVEL v y NEPTUNE BEACH, FL 32266 R E;„R;; a;,;;,E;, S!:. _ 4i:F Tt 1 Ui LE f V F- (AWA .i 1 fir 7.,%- - - . - -___ r_ _ __ 4: 7,s _ _ 44# 4+ 44## # ## 4y #### # ### T' ## #+ £ ## z4T 7 34s5-44I IA14-t'i'`il i.1111414111AliiiiliiIIIViii'`'iii''i iii5lilliii liis y cam ..c,v b 1 A g e n d a I t e m # J . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 2 9 o f 6 7 2 r,, rj-J r w s CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH J 800 SEMINOLE ROAD 11 r ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 PHONE (904) 247-5855 January 30, 2018 HAND DELIVERED Larry E. Clement RE: Code Enforcement Board Order Imposing Fine - City of Atlantic Beach, Code of Ordinances 115 Saratoga Circle, Atlantic Beach, Florida RE 171768-000 Case # 17-603 Notice - Hand Delivery Case #17-603 Address of Delivery: Received by: e/(-'6-6Signed DATE: 1 " 3O - 2CJ/' i- , ( iii,eM„4 Print Name Delivered by: 11. 11-//4---,--4_>11/- — DATE:3"-Vld Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 530 of 672 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ORDER CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA,Petitioner vs. LARRY E. CLEMENT First Class and Certified Mail Return Receipt 551 CAMELIA TERRACE DRIVE Requested: 70131710000216913217 NEPTUNE BEACH,FL 32266 Property Address: 115 S SARATOGA CIRCLE ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Case Number: 17-603 Real Estate Number: 171768 0000 Legal Description: 31- 13 38-2S-29E ATLANTIC BEACH VILLA UNIT 2 LOT 2 BLK 3 ORDER IMPOSING FINE THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Board on January 9, 2018 and the Board having heard testimony under oath,received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That the Respondent owns the property located at 115 SOUTH SARATOGA CIRCLE, Atlantic Beach,Florida. 2. That notice was sent by certified mail and that Respondent was not present at the hearing. 3. That notification of the violations of the City of Atlantic Beach, were made and served on the Respondent as evidenced in this hearing. Sec. 24-157. Fences, Walls and Similar Structures (c) Maintenance of fences. Fences that have been allowed to deteriorate to an excessive degree have a negative impact on property values and the quality of neighborhoods. Fences that are in a state of neglect, damage or disrepair, shall be repaired , replaced or removed. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW THAT the Respondent is NOT IN COMPLIANCE and has failed to correct such violation as of this hearing date. Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 531 of 672 ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is Ordered: THAT the Respondent is found in violation for non-compliance of November 14, 2017 Code Board Order that required compliance on or before January 2, 2018. That the respondent is fined 100.00 a day from January 2, 2018 until full compliance is achieved. In addition, the fine shall also include the administrative costs to the City incurred in prosecuting this case. THAT the Respondent is responsible for contacting the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection of compliance. THAT failure to pay all accumulated fines will result in a lien being placed against the property at 115 SOUTH SARATOGA CIRCLE for the total assessment plus costs incurred for the filing of the lien. All lien amounts are to be made payable at an interest rate of ten(10)percent per annum from date of certification until paid. DONE AND ORDERED THIS January 9, 2018 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ATTEST: Dayna :Williams, Secretary By: B amin de Luna, Chairman Executed this 1911) day of -Sui 2018. PLEASE NOTE: Florida Statutes, Section 162.11, states that an appeal of this order shall be filed in circuit court within thirty(30) days of this order's execution. Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 532 of 672 White, Debbie Subject:Meet Joe Clement 10 am 6353319 Start: Tue 1/30/2018 12:00 AM End: Wed 1/31/2018 12:00 AM Show Time As: Free Recurrence: none) Organizer: White, Debbie 1 Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 533 of 672 L`1 S Jti; 1d J CASE ACTION FORM Investigation# DATE: //1-37/i/i/ NAME:Oi2g0,-.0—c-i- 3.1'.- 33 (/ ADDRESS OF VIOLATION 7/ Action Taken: RiA.,A- 4 44.4.1." d_r__ 7J_c_, -(_ -111,._ 14,Lato::_. — 4 0 ,977,-- v t6/ 4:d... dF..., Compliance: Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 534 of 672 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ORDER CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, Petitioner vs. LARRY E. CLEMENT First Class and Certified Mail Return Receipt 551 CAMELIA TERRACE DRIVE Requested: 70131710000216913217 NEPTUNE BEACH, FL 32266 Property Address: 115 S SARATOGA CIRCLE ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Case Number: 17-603 Real Estate Number: 171768 0000 Legal Description: 31-13 38-2S-29E ATLANTIC BEACH VILLA UNIT 2 LOT 2 BLK 3 ORDER IMPOSING FINE THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Board on January 9, 2018 and the Board having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That the Respondent owns the property located at 115 SOUTH SARATOGA CIRCLE, Atlantic Beach, Florida. 2. That notice was sent by certified mail and that Respondent was not present at the hearing. 3. That notification of the violations of the City of Atlantic Beach, were made and served on the Respondent as evidenced in this hearing. Sec. 24-157. Fences, Walls and Similar Structures (c) Maintenance of fences. Fences that have been allowed to deteriorate to an excessive degree have a negative impact on property values and the quality of neighborhoods. Fences that are in a state of neglect, damage or disrepair, shall be repaired , replaced or removed. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW THAT the Respondent is NOT IN COMPLIANCE and has failed to correct such violation as of this hearing date. Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 535 of 672 ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is Ordered: THAT the Respondent is found in violation for non-compliance of November 14, 2017 Code Board Order and must obtain compliance on or before January 2, 2018. Failure to comply will result in fines of$100.00 for the first day and $100.00 for every day thereafter while the violation continues to exist. In addition, any fine shall also include the administrative costs to the City incurred in prosecuting this case. THAT the Respondent is responsible for contacting the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection of compliance. THAT failure to pay all accumulated fines will result in a lien being placed against the property at 115 SOUTH SARATOGA CIRCLE for the total assessment plus costs incurred for the filing of the lien. All lien amounts are to be made payable at an interest rate of ten(10)percent per annum from date of certification until paid. DONE AND ORDERED THIS January 9, 2018 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ATTEST: Dayna L. Williams, Secretary By: Benjamin de Luna, Chairman Executed this day of 2018. PLEASE NOTE: Florida Statutes, Section 162.11, states that an appeal of this order shall be filed in circuit court within thirty(30) days of this order's execution. Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 536 of 672 fii.Api itit l" Case Number . x tg s Case Details x City of Atlantic Beach Description: Status: PENDING CODE BOARD Case Summary Type:CODE ENFORCEMENT Subtype: RESIDENTIAL Y, Opened: 2/15/2017 Closed: Last Action: 12/22/2017 Fllw Up: 1/2/2018 CASE OPEN MI Site Address: 115 S SARATOGA CIR ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 OPEN DA - 317 w COMPLETED Site APN: 171768 0000 Officer: Debbie White Details: January 9, 2018 5] INSPECTION` - 4 RECOMMENDATION: REPORT STATUS AT MEETING 1] VIOLATIONS IF VIOLATIONS CONTINUE IMPOSE THE$100.00 PER DAY FINE FOR THE FIRST DAY AND 100.00 EVERY DAY THEREAFTER UNTIL FULL COMPLAINCE IS ACHIEVED 15] ACTIONS 2 12 O ADDITIONAL SITES LINKED CASES CHRONOLOGY CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES CERT MAIL RECEIPT Deborah White 9/11/2017 9/13/2017 meeting cancelledRECEIVED CERT MAIL RECEIPT Deborah White 1/8/2018 RECEIVED Me., CODE BOARD MEETING AGENDA Dayna Williams 1/4/2018 CODE BOARD ORDER Dayna Williams 9/24/2017 9/ 13/2017 meeting cancelled CODE BOARD ORDER Valerie Jones 1/21/2018 LETTER RETURNED FROM Deborah White 8/ 23/2017 8/28/2017 NOH RETURNED FROM POST OFFICE PROPERTY TO BE POST OFC POSTED LETTER RETURNED FROM Valerie Jones 11/2/2017 11/2/2017 POST OFC Printed:Thursday,28 December,2017 1 of 3 1 A g e n d a I t e m # J . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 3 7 o f 6 7 2 51,,v-,,, rte' Case NumberCaseDetails City of Atlantic Beach 17-60 MEETING WITH Deborah White 8/10/2017 8/10/2017 MR. CLEMENT CAME INTO OFFICE AND HAS AGREED TO RESPONDENT REMOVE THE CHAIN LINK FENCE AND REPAIR WOOD FENC NOTICE OF HEARING Dayna Williams 8/11/2017 8/11/2017 NOTICE OF HEARING Valerie Jones 12/4/2017 12/5/2017 NOTICE OF HEARING Valerie Jones 10/11/2017 10/11/2017 NOTICE OF VIOLATION 2/15/2017 2/15/2017 NOTICE OF VIOLATION POST 4/18/2017 4/18/2017 POSTING NOH AND AFFIDAVIT Valerie Jones 8/24/2017 8/24/2017 POSTING NOH AND Valerie Jones 11/2/2017 11/2/2017 AFFIDAVIT CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE FAX EMAIL 551 CAMELIA TERRACE DR NEPTUNE OWNER LARRY E. CLEMENT 904)635-3319 BEACH, FL 32266 FINANCIAL INFORMATION INSPECTIONS INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED COMPLETED RESULT REMARKS NOTES DATE DATE CEB INSPECTION DW 1/2/2018 CEB DEADLINE FROM 11-14-2017 MEETING INSPECTION DAW 2/15/2017 2/15/2017 VIOLATION REINSPECTION DAW 3/23/2017 3/23/2017 VIOLATION REINSPECTION DAW 4/3/2017 7/13/2017 VIOLATION CONTINUES REINSPECTION DW 12/22/2017 12/22/2017 VIOLATION CONTINUES Printed:Thursday, 28 December, 2017 2 of 3 h A g e n d a I t e m # J . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 3 8 o f 6 7 2 6/1.:141:re, si3lCase NumberCaseDetails J yr17 603CityofAtlanticBeach VIOLATIONS VIOLATION TYPE USER NAME OBSERVED CORRECTED LOCATION REMARKS NOTES DATE DATE COLLAPSING WOOD AND CL Sec. 24-157. Fences, Walls and Similar Structures c) Maintenance of fences. Fences that have been allowed to deteriorate to an excessive degree Fence have a negative impact on property values and2/15/2017 Maintenance the quality of neighborhoods. Fences that are in a state of neglect, damage or disrepair, shall be repaired , replaced or removed. ATTACHMENTS Printed:Thursday, 28 December, 2017 3 of 3 A g e n d a I t e m # J . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 3 9 o f 6 7 2 CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD J' j z. 2 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA kJ* Vr NOTICE OF HEARING 12/5/2017 Case Number: 17-603 LARRY E. CLEMENT Certified Mail Return Receipt: 551 CAMELIA TERRACE DRIVE 70131710000216913309 NEPTUNE BEACH,FL 32266 Property Address: 115 S SARATOGA CIRCLE ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on January 9, 2018 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known 115 S SARATOGA CIRCLE, RE#171768 0000,31-13 38-2S-29E ATLANTIC BEACH VILLA UNIT 2 LOT 2 BLK 3 International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances Sec. 24-157. Fences, Walls and Similar Structures (c) Maintenance of fences. Fences that have been allowed to deteriorate to an excessive degree have a negative impact on property values and the quality of neighborhoods. Fences that are in a state of neglect,damage or disrepair, shall be repaired,replaced or removed. The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to $250.00 per day for the first violation and$500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required,it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904)247-5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact Dayna Williams, Secretary of the Code Enforcement Board within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247- 5810. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. ATTEST: ri Dayna L. Williams, Secretary Deborah White,Code Enforcement Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 540 of 672 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Signaigre i Print your name and address on the reverse X 11// ' '-' PE Agent so that we can return the card to you.L` IF' 0 Addresse Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. R- eived by(Printed Name C.P to of Deliver or on the front if space permits. 1 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No DEC 1 1 2017 III 1 III 111111IIIII II I I I 11 II III ci Service Type 0 Priority Mail Express® I Adult Signature 0 Registered Mail'. Adult Signature Restricted Delivery Registered Mail Restrict 9590 9402 2805 7069 3565 28 D Certified Mail® Delivery Certified Mail Restricted Delivery 0 Return Receipt for 0 Collect on Delivery Merchandise 2. Article Number(Transfer from service label) 0 Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Confirmation' 1691 Mail 0 Signature Confirmation 7013 1710 .0002 33139 Mail Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery JO) DC Cnrm f 11 _I.dh,oni c DQPI 7e'zn_no_nnn_onca hnmoctir Pat,vn Racain A g e n d a I t e m # J . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 4 1 o f 6 7 2 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ORDER CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA,Petitioner vs. LARRY E. CLEMENT First Class and Certified Mail Return Receipt 551 CAMELIA TERRACE DRIVE Requested: 70131710000216914856 NEPTUNE BEACH, FL 32266 Property Address: 115 S SARATOGA CIRCLE ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Case Number: 17-603 Real Estate Number: 171768 0000 Legal Description: 31-13 38-2S-29E ATLANTIC BEACH VILLA UNIT 2 LOT 2 BLK 3 ORDER IMPOSING FINE THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Board on November 14, 2017, and the Board having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That the Respondent owns the property located at 115 SOUTH SARATOGA CIRCLE,Atlantic Beach, Florida. 2. That notice was posted and sent by certified mail and that Respondent was not present at the hearing. 3. That notification of the violations of the City of Atlantic Beach,were made and served on the Respondent as evidenced in this hearing. Sec. 24-157. Fences, Walls and Similar Structures (c)Maintenance of fences. Fences that have been allowed to deteriorate to an excessive degree have a negative impact on property values and the quality of neighborhoods. Fences that are in a state of neglect, damage or disrepair, shall be repaired,replaced or removed. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW -` THAT the Respondent is NOT iN COMPLIANCE and has failed to correct such violation as of this hearing date. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is Ordered: Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 542 of 672 THAT the Respondent is found in violation for non-compliance and must obtain compliance on or before January 1, 2018 (30 days). Failure to comply will result in fmes of$100.00 for the first day and $100.00 for every day thereafter while the violation continues to exist. In addition, any fine shall also include the administrative costs to the City incurred in prosecuting this case. THAT the Respondent is responsible for contacting the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Officer and obtaining an inspection of compliance. THAT failure to pay all accumulated fines will result in a lien being placed against the property at 115 SOUTH SARATOGA CIRCLE for the total assessment plus costs incurred for the filing of the lien. All lien amounts are to be made payable at an interest rate of ten(10)percent per annum from date of certification until paid. DONE AND ORDERED THIS November 14, 2017. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ATTEST: 4 a , tait-- -,A)--, ,4.. ..)--zg.„.. DaYnaWilliams Secret ' B : BenJamin de Luna, Chairm 14 Executed this t` day of NO1/61etz- 20 I' . PLEASE NOTE: Florida Statutes, Section 162.11, states that an appeal of this order shall be filed in circuit court within thirty(30) days of this order's execution. Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 543 of 672 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVFPV Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Print your name and address on the reverse i.Agent so that we can return the card to you. 0 Addresse Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, R -wed by(Printed Naine) Cyr Iliver or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No Cramcd4l t'' 603 OR II II II1I I'I IIIIIIII III I VIII I I II I I I 3. Adult Signature RPriority d Express® MegistereeredMail 9590 9402 2805 7069 3553 54 Adult Signature Restricted Delivery 0 Registered Mail Restrict Certified Mail® Delivery Certified Mail Restricted Delivery Return Receipt for Collect on Delivery Merchandise t-Itt.••-.1-usr crronefar from service label) 0 Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Confirmation' 1710 0002 16 91 4856 0 Insured Mail Insured Mall Restricted Delivery Signature Confirmation Restricted Delivery over$500) PC l nrm ARi 1 _II ru Doti r;Dem 7a'n_no_nnn_onaa n.......,^.,.,D..•...,o......;.. A g e n d a I t e m # J . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 4 4 o f 6 7 2 s'"''' CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH S 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 ry\ PHONE (904)247-5800 r Vi319r POSTING AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF MAILING REGULAR MAIL Case Number: 17-603 Pursuant to Chapter 162, Florida Statutes and Sec. 2-147, City of Atlantic Beach City Code of Ordinances, I, Deborah White, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach, hereby affirm a Notice of Hearing, a copy of which is attached, was mailed regular mail and was posted at the following locations: 1) Date Posted: 3/20/720/7 Location: 115 S SARATOGA CIR,Atlantic Beach, Florida 2) Date Posted:7 Location: ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 A / .,c___„_,___ ___ N Debbie White, Code Enforcement County of Duval State of Florida 2d' The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me this OZ- day of / 0 20/7 ,by Debbie White,who is personally known to me as Code Enforcement for the City of Atlantic Beach. Person taking acknowledgement: Notary Stamp/Seal) Notary Pub tic tate of Florida r DAYNA H.WIWAMS MY COMMISSION#FF 217841 EXPIRES:August 7,2019BondedThruNotMYPubcUnderwrites r Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 545 of 672 CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING 11/02/2017 CASE No. 17-603 POSTED ON PROPERTY AND ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL LARRY E CLEMENT 551 CAMELIA TERRACE DR Property Address: 115 S SARATOGA CIR NEPTUNE BEACH,FL 32266 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic.Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on November 14, 2017 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known 115 S SARATOGA CIR, RE#171768 0000. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances Sec.24-157.Fences,Walls and Similar Structures(c)Maintenance of fences.Fences that have been allowed to deteriorate to an excessive degree have a negative impact on property values and the quality of neighborhoods. Fences that are in a state of neglect,damage or disrepair, shall be repaired,replaced or removed. The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to$250.00 per day for the first violation and$500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required,it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904) 247-5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact Dayna Williams, Secretary of the Code Enforcement Board within five days of the receipt of this notice at ( 904) 247- 5810. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. ATTEST: i7,64i(AZ 47- DaynWilliams, Secretary Deborah White, Code Enforcement Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 546 of 672 CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING 10/11/2017 CASE No. 17-603 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT 70131710000216914603 LARRY E CLEMENT 551 CAMELIA TERRACE DR Property Address: 115 S SARATOGA OR NEPTUNE BEACH,FL 32266 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on November 14, 2017 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known 115 S SARATOGA CIR, RE#171768 0000. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances Sec.24-157.Fences,Walls and Similar Structures(c)Maintenance of fences.Fences that have been allowed to deteriorate to an excessive degree have a negative impact on property values and the quality of neighborhoods. Fences that are in a state of neglect,damage or disrepair, shall be repaired,replaced or removed. The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to$250.00 per day for the first violation and$500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required,it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904) 247-5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact Dayna Williams, Secretary of the Code Enforcement Board within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247- 5810. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. ATTEST: 11\ I/ /I Da:' 0 illiams, Secretary DEBORAH WHITE,Code Enforcement Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 547 of 672 TM SL"Ly4l, 1:.. rI ASR City of Atlantic Beach i ! neopost,'' FIRST_CLASS MAIL 14 t , 800 Seminole Road 10/11/2017 Ntt.,J, - Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 US POSTAGE $06. 56° 7013 1710 0002 1691 4603IpiAt % 32233 4t' 041L11240784 7013171000u LARRY E CLEMENT I 551 CAMELIA TERRACE DR TM,T 'y,T v 3 `` n E , e e 2;9 2 ; , 7 1NEPTUNEBEACH, FL 32266 1 RETURN TO SENDER iUNCLAIMED U 9A F TO FORWARD 1 0 UNC 3C: 322335461+39 1438-01719-11- 46 3,. .aetS2ii M 11'1111'11111111"M411,111111"1"1111t111111illlitit A g e n d a I t e m # J . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 4 8 o f 6 7 2 CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING 10/11/2017 CASE No. 17-603 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT 70131710000216914603 LARRY E CLEMENT 551 CAMELIA TERRACE DR Property Address: 115 S SARATOGA CIR NEPTUNE BEACH,FL 32266 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on November 14, 2017 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known 115 S SARATOGA CIR, RE#171768 0000. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances Sec.24-157.Fences,Walls and Similar Structures(c)Maintenance of fences.Fences that have been allowed to deteriorate to an excessive degree have a negative impact on property values and the quality of neighborhoods. Fences that are in a state of neglect,damage or disrepair, shall be repaired,replaced or removed. The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to$250.00 per day for the first violation and$500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required,it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904)247-5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact Dayna Williams, Secretary of the Code Enforcement Board within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247- 5810. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. ATTEST: i //t_:_i _., Da :. 0 illiams, Secretary DEBORAH WHITE,Code Enforcement Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 549 of 672®-USPS Tracking®Results Page 1 of 4 USPS Tracking® Results FAQs > ( Track Another Package + Remove X Tracking Number: 70131710000216914603 I I In-Transit Product & Tracking Information See Available Actions Postal Product: Features: Certified Mail' DATE&TIME STATUS OF ITEM LOCATION November 2, 2017, 10: 14 Departed USPS Regional JACKSONVILLE FL am Facility DISTRIBUTION CENTER A Your item departed our USPS facility in JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER on November 2, 2017 at 10:14 am.The item is currently in transit to the destination. November 1, 2017, 4:39 Unclaimed/Being Returned ATLANTIC pm to Sender BEACH, FL 32233 Reminder to Schedule Redelivery of your item 11/2/2017 Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 550 of 672 r)41 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH s, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 O.t y r PHONE (904) 247-5855 POSTING AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF MAILING REGULAR MAIL CASE# 17-603 Pursuant to Chapter 162,Florida Statutes and Sec. 2-147, City of Atlantic Beach City Code of Ordinances,I, Deborah White, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach, hereby affirm a Notice of Hearing, a copy of which is attached,was mailed regular mail and was posted at the following locations: 1) Date Posted: August 24, 2017 Location: 115 S SARATOGA CIRCLE,ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 2) Date Posted: August 24, 2017 Location: ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 j / i Deborah White, Code Enforcement County of Duval State of Florida The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me this 24th day of August 2017 by Deborah White,who is personally known to me as Code Enforcement Officer for the City of Atlantic Beach. Person taking acknowledgement: Notary Stamp/Seal) Notary Piiblic, State of Florida ti k ; DAYNA H.WIWAIAS I •.1 NY COMMISSION#FF 217841 a {'-ff= EXPIRES:August 7,2019 er„h Bonded Tin Notary Pubic UM enrtiters Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 551 of 672 k,fi, CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 1 NOTICE OF HEARING August 24,2017 CASE NO. 17-603 POSTED ON PROPERTY AND ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL LARRY E CLEMENT 551 CAMELIA TERRACE DRIVE Property Address: 115 S SARATOGA CIRCLE NEPTUNE BEACH,FL 32266 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on September 12, 2017, at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known 115 S SARATOGA CIRCLE, RE#171768 0000. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances Sec. 24-157.Fences,Walls and Similar Structures(c)Maintenance of fences. Fences that have been allowed to deteriorate to an excessive degree have a negative impact on property values and the quality of neighborhoods. Fences that are in a state of neglect,damage or disrepair, shall be repaired,replaced or removed. The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to$250.00 per day for the first violation and$ 500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required,it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904) 247-5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact Dayna Williams, Secretary of the Code Enforcement Board within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247- 5810. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. ATTEST: 4 Dayna Williams, Secretary Deborah White, Code Enforcement Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 552 of 672 Vis . l J z:Cc''; 'CASE ACTION FORM Investigation# DATE: ?O/ 7 i NAM GLA-/ 1 1f) 1 7 ADDRESS OF VIOLATION Action Taken: 7 -- Yz"-' Compliance: Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 553 of 672 r 4 CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING August 3,2017 CASE No. 17-603 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT 70170660000038565118 LARRY E CLEMENT 551 CAMELIA TERRACE DR Property Address: 115 S SARATOGA CIR NEPTUNE BEACH ATLANTIC BEACH,FL FL, 32266 Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on September 12,2017, at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known 115 S SARATOGA CIR, RE#171768 0000. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances Sec.24-157.Fences, Walls and Similar Structures(c)Maintenance of fences.Fences that have been allowed to deteriorate to an excessive degree have a negative impact on property values and the quality of neighborhoods. Fences that are in a state of neglect,damage or disrepair,shall be repaired,replaced or removed. The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to$250.00 per day for the first violation and$500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required,it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904)247-5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact Dayna Williams, Secretary of the Code Enforcement Board within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247- 5810. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. A FEST: AiL — b. 'l'. L. illiams, Secretary DEBORAH WHITE,Code Enforcement Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 554 of 672 i1 City of Atlantic Beachl 'I._0 neopost'' ries IL A i 800 Seminole Road V~ 1E111111 1 111 08!03l2017 0 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 US POSTAGE $06.562 7017 0660 0000 3856 5118 1 ZIP 32233 t:t tS . . 041 L11240784 LARRY E CLEMENT 551 CAMELIA TERRACE DR N T nT E 322 D E 1 0,00S122117 NEPTUNE BEACH RETURN TO SENDER FL 32266 UNCLAIMED 9 MiC EC' 2 -"v45199 xesBe- le35e-e3 lir,ild ll,lillt+llliilatli,,i,,,lilt11,,M i Ieli,;I,11;ii lalitf, 7-'r.:77-: T--r-f, 1'61 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 111 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 111 1 11.11 ( d A g e n d a I t e m # J . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 5 5 o f 6 7 2 U11191 Compliance Investigation Form Investigation# Date of Request: ‘115-7/i Time of Request: Name of Person Making Request: JO Address: Phone #3J 3'9 Investigation Type: A4tj2 7e)-44- Location (Address) of Violation: i•r /44444‘ 46f4- 1 dt:‘&14-' Phone Number: Property Owner/Manager:6' 3Y- 3 3/ y Request Taken by:Investigator: Action Taken: 1/p 1, 6(15 Compliance: G9): t2)( Legal Description: RE#: F:\Code Enforcement\Compliance Investigation Form.doc Oct 9 2009 Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 556 of 672 L I oz 17z gomvj Pu(1 19 d +oN r 41 pe Z aaqumN 32-ed sial. a is olo0'S3IjIdX36lOZ`9 qNOISSIIM1WOO AW N3nd3631M° INt)1 0 . . iii uplaoid 3o a3u;S `aggnd Aau3ox pas/chums AauloN) 0 3uautapaimou)iau 2uplu3 uosaad gauag ai;uui;V jo An3 agraoj maul.aaojug apo sr : ii of u ttoun AIluuosaad 9oqM 'a;igt quaogaq Ai LIOZ Jo iivi MP atu aaojaq pa8paimoulau sum mitupWV uio2a.ao3 ata uppoi3 3o a;u3S IunnU Io Auno3 aaagl0 luawaaaoja apo3 'apgM quioga z i ZZ£ Z3 11DV1H DI.LAIV'I.LV QVOMI 3'IONHAI3S 008 TIVH AIID HDV111 3I.LisIV'I,LV :uoi;uaoj g palsod alga (Z) IIID VDO.LV'IVS s Sit :uoipuaoq 1,417z pa;sod alga (I) suoi;uaol utmopoJ alit le palsod sues puu Hutu auin8aa paiiuut sum'pagaugpu si gaignt jo Sdoa u 'uoi;uioiA jo aaitou u tuagju Sgaaaq gauag aEuui;V Jo Spa 'aaag3O;uautaaaolug apo3`antim quaogaq 'I'saauuuipaO3o apo3 '3I3 gauag ai3uul3V 30 SMD `LIi-Z •aas pile sa;n3u;S uppo13`Z9I aa;dugo o;;uunsand 09-L I # 3SVD rIIVIAI 11VrIf193119NIrIIVI I JO dOOld ably ZIAvaI3dv ONIISOd SS8S-LIZ 4,06) PI'IOHd U.G-,, ZZ£ 'Id`HDVag DI INIVVIIV N QVOII TIOAIII4I1S 008 r HaVIS DLLNV LV 30 AID s 3 CJ Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 557 of 672 0 Pr SS. si CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 0 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 art i r) PHONE (904) 247-5855 April 17, 2017 POSTED ON PROPERTY AND ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL LARRY E CLEMENT 551 CAMELIA TERRACE DR NEPTUNE BEACH, FL 32266 Real Estate No. 171768-0000 CASE NO> 17-603 Location of Violation: 115 S SARATOGA CIR,ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Dear Property Owner: Please be advised,Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property referenced above to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach,Code of Ordinances,to wit: VIOLATION Sec. 24-157. Fences, Walls and Similar Structures(c)Maintenance of fences. Fences that have been allowed to deteriorate to an excessive degree have a negative impact on property values and the quality of neighborhoods. Fences that are in a state of neglect, damage or disrepair, shall be repaired,replaced or removed.(Deteriorated,collapsing wood and chain link fencing) This letter requests that the noted violations be corrected by removing the collapsing,deteriorated wood and chain link fencing within ten(10)days of the receipt of this notice. To avoid having this case be referred to the Code Enforcement Board,all listed violations on this notice must be in compliance on or before the date established by Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement. The Board may impose fines up to two hundred fifty($250.00)per day for continuing violations. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. It is our goal to keep our neighborhoods looking well maintained while protecting property values and your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at 904 247-5855 if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Deborah White CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 558 of 672 G c) CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH a ;'' 1 800 SEMINOLE ROAD V , Ji ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 V ,\ PHONE(904) 247-5855 Jc- rFiJ February 15, 2017 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 70060100000107874605 LARRY E CLEMENT 551 CAMELIA TERRACE DR NEPTUNE BEACH,FL 32266 Real Estate No. 171768-0000 CASE NO. 17-603 Location of Violation: 115 S SARATOGA CIR, Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property referenced above to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach, Code of Ordinances,to wit: VIOLATION Sec. 24-157. Fences, Walls and Similar Structures (c)Maintenance of fences. Fences that have been allowed to deteriorate to an excessive degree have a negative impact on property values and the quality of neighborhoods. Fences that are in a state of neglect, damage or disrepair, shall be repaired , replaced or removed.(COLLAPSING WOOD AND CHAIN LINK FENCING) This letter requests that the noted violations be corrected by removing the dilapidated, collapsing wood and chain link fenceing within ten (10)days of the receipt of this notice. To avoid having this case be referred to the Code Enforcement Board,all listed violations on this notice must be in compliance on or before the date established by Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement. The Board may impose fines up to two hundred fifty($250.00)per day for continuing violations. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. It is our goal to keep our neighborhoods looking well maintained while protecting property values and your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at 904 247-5855 if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Deborah White CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 559 of 672 I Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 560 of 672 Property Appraiser- Property Details Page 1 of 2 CLEMENT LARRY E r Primary Site Address Official Record Book/Page Tile# 551 CAMELIA TERRACE DR 115 S SARATOGA CIR 12936-00715 9417 NEPTUNE BEACH, FL 32266 Atlantic Beach FL 32233 CLEMENT SHANNON K 115 S SARATOGA CIR Property Detail Value Summary RE# 171768-0000 2016 Certified 2017 In Progress laKIlioldst USD3 Value Method CAMA CAMA P_rooeitYr Use 0100 Single Family Total Building Value $84,378.00 $89,992.00 of Buildings 1 Extra Feature Value $0.00 0.00 For full legal description see Land Value(Market) $45,375.00 $45,375.00 Legal Desc. Land&Legal section below Land Value(Mirka $0.00 0.00 jgion 03125 ATLANTIC BEACH VILLA#02 lust(Market)Value $129,753.00 $135,367.00 Total Area 8259 Assessed Value $129,753.00 $135,367.00 _ The sale of this property may result in higher property taxes.For more information go Cap Diff/Portability Amt $0.00/$0.00 $0.00/$0.00 to Save Our Homes and our Property Tax Estimator.'In Progress'property values, Exemptions $0.00 See below exemptions and other supporting information on this page are part of the working tax Taxable Value $129,753.00 See belowrollandaresubjecttochange.Certified values listed in the Value Summary are those certified in October,but may include any official changes made after certification Learn how the Property Appraiser's Office values Property. Taxable Values and Exemptions—In Progress If there are no exemptions applicable to a taxing authority,the Taxable Value is the same as the Assessed Value listed above in the Value Summary box. County/Municipal Taxable Value SJRWMD/FIND Taxable Value School Taxable Value No applicable exemptions No applicable exemptions No applicable exemptions r Sales History Book/Page (Sale Date Sale Price I Deed Instrument Type Code I Qualified/Unaualified Vacant/Improved 12936-00715 112/1/2005 $155,000.00 ' WD-Warranty Deed I Qualified I Improved 10913-01574 12/5/2003 $100.00 QC-Quit Claim Unqualified I Improved 10860-01506 11/7/2003 $100.00 I CT-Certificate of Title Unqualified I Improved 09581-01758 2/23/1996 $29,000.00 I QC-Quit Claim Unqualified I Improved 03610- 00656 11/1/1973 $17,500.00 I WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified I Improved Extra Features No data found for this section Land&Legal Land Legal LN Code 7ning I Front I Depth(Category I Land Units!Land Tvoe Land Value LN Legal Description 11700 OFFDescription OFFICE ACPO 10.00 I 0.00 I Common 8,250.00 I Square Footage)$45,375.00 i 1 131-13 38-2S-29E 12 I ATLANTIC BEACH VILLA UNIT 2 13 I LOT 2 BLK 3 Buildings Building 1 Budding 1 Site Address Element Code Detail 115 S SARATOGA CIR Atlantic Beach FL 32233 Exterior Wall 20 20 Face Brick Exterior Wall 6 6 Vertical Sheet UST Building Type 0101-SFR 1 STORY Roof Stn ct 3 3 Gable or Hip riYearBuilt1963RoofingCover44BuiltUp/T&G ensnDoT Building Value $89,992.00 I Interior Wall 5 5 Drywall Int Flooring 11 11 Cer Clay Tile J IYN Gross Heated 1 Effective I Heating Fuel 4 4 Electric Area Area Area I Heating Type 4 4 Forced-Ducted Unfinished i Storage 93 0 37 I Air Cond 3 3 Central Addition 190 1190 171 Finished Open Element Code Porch 42 0 13 Stories 11.000 I 1 I 2/15/2017 Agenda Item #J. 11 Jul 2019 Page 561 of 672 City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road US POSTAGE . .. R ,- 06.56o I,-wq.....n neo/ 1poiWs A1 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 I I I 111111 I I 11 I I II 7006 0100 0001 0787 4605ZIP 32233N ...g.:6--r: 0411,11240784 t •F • LARRY E CLEMENT C, 1-1 H. 551 CAMELIA 'TERRACE Dlt al:xila r,.. ., a ir...4.. 4.0 L., .I.. X%I%J.ZJI A .6..1i 0 NEPTUNE BEACH, FL 32266 RE TURN TO SENDER 7. L4.114,47d Liz. --1.LI 1-1.210,VffAIK-1) 1 UNC SC: 322334E1 t 27 87-easse-16-19 i 32233>S 461, A g e n d a I t e m # J . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 6 2 o f 6 7 2 CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE FAX EMAIL OWNER LARRY E. CLEMENT 551 CAMELIA TERRACE DR NEPTUNE BEACH, FL 32266 (904)635-3319 VIOLATION TYPE USER NAME OBSERVED DATE CORRECTED DATE LOCATION REMARKS NOTES Fence Maintenance 2/15/2017 COLLAPSING WOOD AND CL Sec. 24-157. Fences, Walls and Similar Structures (c) Maintenance of fences. Fences that have been allowed to deteriorate to an excessive degree have a negative impact on property values and the quality of neighborhoods. Fences that are in a state of neglect, damage or disrepair, shall be repaired , replaced or removed. VIOLATIONS Description: dilapidated fencing Status: LIEN Type: CODE ENFORCEMENT Subtype: RESIDENTIAL Opened: 2/15/2017 Closed: Last Action: 7/4/2019 Fllw Up: 7/4/2019 Site Address: 115 S SARATOGA CIR ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Site APN: 171768 0000 Officer: Deborah White Details:January 9, 2018 RECOMMENDATION: REPORT STATUS AT MEETING IF VIOLATIONS CONTINUE IMPOSE THE $100.00 PER DAY FINE FOR THE FIRST DAY AND $100.00 EVERY DAY THEREAFTER UNTIL FULL COMPLAINCE IS ACHIEVED Staff recommends that fine reduction request be granted Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 1 of 5 CASE DETAILS Case Number 17-603 A g e n d a I t e m # J . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 6 3 o f 6 7 2 CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES CEB MEETING AGENDA Lori Diaz 7/4/2019 6/14/2019 MISC NOTES/ACTION Lori Diaz 5/30/2019 5/30/2019 Send letter acknowledging Owners request to be added to the Agenda to request a reduction in fines. LIEN-ADD LIEN OR RECURRING CHARGE Angela Irizarry 2/6/2019 2/6/2019 Sent Updated Invoce LIEN RECORDED W DUVAL CO CC Dayna Williams 2/26/2018 2/26/2018 HAND DELIVERY NOTICE FORM AND NOV Deborah White 1/30/2018 1/30/2018 Board order hand delivered board order hand delivered from mtg January 9th, 2018 imposing fine. MEETING WITH RESPONDENT Deborah White 1/30/2018 1/30/2018 10 am mtg with Joe clement on site CODE BOARD ORDER Valerie Jones 1/21/2018 1/23/2018 CERTIFIED COPY OF THE ORDER Dayna Williams 1/19/2018 2/26/2018 FILE SCANNED TO CITY CLERK Valerie Jones 1/14/2018 1/30/2018 ADD RECORDING FEE Deborah White 1/10/2018 5/31/2018 ADD LIEN OR RECURRING CHARGES Deborah White 1/9/2018 2/6/2018 CODE BOARD MEETING AGENDA Dayna Williams 1/4/2018 1/8/2018 CERT MAIL RECEIPT RECEIVED Deborah White 1/2/2018 1/2/2018 same NOTICE OF HEARING Valerie Jones 12/4/2017 12/5/2017 CHRONOLOGY Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 2 of 5 CASE DETAILS Case Number 17-603 A g e n d a I t e m # J . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 6 4 o f 6 7 2 POSTING NOH AND AFFIDAVIT Valerie Jones 11/2/2017 11/2/2017 LETTER RETURNED FROM POST OFC Valerie Jones 11/2/2017 11/2/2017 NOTICE OF HEARING Valerie Jones 10/11/2017 10/11/2017 CODE BOARD ORDER Dayna Williams 9/24/2017 9/13/2017 meeting cancelled CERT MAIL RECEIPT RECEIVED Deborah White 9/11/2017 9/13/2017 meeting cancelled POSTING NOH AND AFFIDAVIT Valerie Jones 8/24/2017 8/24/2017 LETTER RETURNED FROM POST OFC Deborah White 8/23/2017 8/28/2017 NOH RETURNED FROM POST OFFICE PROPERTY TO BE POSTED NOTICE OF HEARING Dayna Williams 8/11/2017 8/11/2017 MEETING WITH RESPONDENT Deborah White 8/10/2017 8/10/2017 MR. CLEMENT CAME INTO OFFICE AND HAS AGREED TO REMOVE THE CHAIN LINK FENCE AND REPAIR WOOD FENC NOTICE OF VIOLATION POST 4/18/2017 4/18/2017 INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES CEB INSPECTION DW 2/1/2018 2/8/2018 VIOLATION CONTINUES Meet with Joe Clement at the site and he has made some progress straightening the fence. Broken pickets still remain. Told him to call when complete. CEB INSPECTION DW 1/2/2018 7/31/2018 VIOLATION CONTINUES CEB DEADLINE FROM 11-14-2017 MEETING INSPECTION DAW 2/15/2017 2/15/2017 VIOLATION REINSPECTION DAW 3/23/2017 3/23/2017 VIOLATION INSPECTIONS Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 3 of 5 CASE DETAILS Case Number 17-603 A g e n d a I t e m # J . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 6 5 o f 6 7 2 REINSPECTION DAW 4/3/2017 7/13/2017 VIOLATION CONTINUES REINSPECTION DW 12/22/2017 12/22/2017 VIOLATION CONTINUES FINANCIAL INFORMATION DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT #CHECK #METHOD PAID BY CLTD BY $100 00100003543000 0 $40,000.00 $0.00 Total Paid for CE DAILY FINE: $40,000.00 $0.00 TOTALS:$40,000.00 $0.00 Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 4 of 5 CASE DETAILS Case Number 17-603 A g e n d a I t e m # J . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 6 6 o f 6 7 2 Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 5 of 5 CASE DETAILS Case Number 17-603 A g e n d a I t e m # J . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 6 7 o f 6 7 2 Page 568 of 672 1 ( S 34. inki )0- tel -- STOP CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT "' NOTICE This building has been inspected and: General Construction Meehan. Concrete and Masonry Electrica Plumbing Gas Piping IS NOT ACCEPTED CORRECT AS NOTED BELOW, BEFORE ANY FURTHER WORK I t'GG reino.fat vAN ot.,/kNed O/r' c,-7`/ , 1P/a4feI 1-7/4 S4 v,e (.ori;n 96'4 2'17 - 7 DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE n Inspector:_,!eTI-r-+c/ Date: 2/2-r!y Failure to respond to this Notice within 10 clays will result in this violation being forwarded to the CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD. The posting of this Placard by its contents shall serve as due notice. Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 569 of 672 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ti A p,; r ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 PHONE (904)247-5800 0 j;1,`r- CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7018 2290 00010116 7735/7018 2290 0001 0116 7742 3/18/2019 BHATTI BABUR 715 SEMINOLE RD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 LUCAS TREE SERVICE 205 EDGAR STREET SUITE 11 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Real Estate Number: 170404 0000 Case Number: 19-056 Location of Violation: 715 SEMINOLE RD, 10-16 16-2S-29E, SALTAIR SEC 3, LOT 95, AND Howell Park 10-16 16-2S-29E 1.540, SALTAIR SEC 3, LOTS 77 TO 79,85 TO 94 Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Babur Bhatti and Lucas Tree Service: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and are made part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6- 16. A code enforcement inspection at 715 SEMINOLE RD was conducted on 2/28/2019. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement found the following: NATURE OF VIOLATION: Between February 25,2019 and February 28, 2019 Lucas Tree Services was contracted to trim and remove trees at 715 Seminole Rd. Three of the trees that were removed, one 1) 10-inch palm tree and two (2)20-inch pine trees,were located on City property and were part of Howell Park. Section 23-31 of the Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances requires the City's permission and issuance of a permit prior to removing any tree on city property. No permit was issued for the removal of these three trees in Howell Park. These actions constitute violations of the following City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: 1. VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23-31. (b)Pruning or removal of city trees. It shall be unlawful to trim, prune, or remove any tree which is within the city's rights-of-way or upon any other city property without the permission of the city as evidenced by the appropriate permit. Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 570 of 672 2. VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23-23. Permits procedures. (a) (3) After-the-fact permits. Any person(s) engaging in the removal of regulated tree(s) or regulated vegetation prior to obtaining a permit will be required to apply for and obtain an after-the-fact permit, and meet mitigation requirements as assessed. 3. VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23-51. (d) Sanctions for failure to obtain a permit. (1) Regulated trees or regulated vegetation removed in violation of this chapter shall require an after-the-fact permit, the fee for which shall be two (2)times the normal established application fee specified in section 23-26. In addition, as a condition of the permit, the applicant shall immediately complete all remedial work as necessary to stabilize the site and mitigate all damage to the site and adjacent properties. (2) Regulated trees removed in violation of this chapter shall be assessed at two (2)times the normal established rate of mitigation specified in section 23-33. 4. VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23-33. Mitigation to be assessed. (b) Mitigation assessment. In general, mitigation shall be assessed according to the ratios given in the following table, such that the number of inches required to be replaced, relocated or preserved (first number) are proportional to the number the inches removed (second number): TABLE 1. STANDARD MITIGATION ASSESSMENT, CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY, (CLASSIFICATION OF REGULATED TREE): Private parcels - 1:2 (Protected) 1:1 (Heritage), Public parcels - 1:1 Protected) 2:1 (Heritage), Public rights-of-way, easements, etc.- 1:1 (Protected) 3:1 (Heritage), Environmentally sensitive areas - 2:1 (Protected) 3:1 (Heritage). c) General conditions. Mitigation shall be in the form of preservation of existing trees, relocation of existing trees that would otherwise be removed, or replacement with new trees, and shall occur within thirty (30) days, or prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy or other final approval, whichever time is shorter, unless a greater period is provided for good cause by the permit. The applicant assumes all duties and costs associated with mitigation. ACTION TO REMEDY: According to our calculations, a total of 50 inches in tree caliper were removed from Howell Park. In accordance with Section 23- 23, an after-the-fact permit must be applied for and mitigation requirements must be met. Please submit your tree permit application to the City of Atlantic Beach within 20 days from date of receipt of this notice. Your options to obtain compliance with this violation are outlined below: Tree planting — application to replant a total of one hundred (100) inches in tree diameter caliper. Planted legacy trees receive double credit. (Bald Cypress, Southern and Easter Red Cedars, Winged and Florida Elms; Live and Sand Live Oaks; Hickory; Pecan; Pignut Hickory; Loblolly Bay; Southern and Sweetbay Magnolias; Red and Florida Maples; and Tupelo); or Tree Fund Payment — application for payment into the City of Atlantic Beach Tree Fund in the amount of$14,800. Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 571 of 672 Should you disagree with the calculations noted above, you may: Appeal Calculations to Tree Subcommittee - The above figures were calculated using fifty (50) inches of tree caliper. You may file a written appeal to these calculations to the Tree Subcommittee; or Waiver for relief—You may apply for a waiver from the provisions of Chapter 23 to the City Commission. For consideration, you must demonstrate that compliance with these provisions would be unreasonable, in conflict with public interest, or a practical impossibility. The City Commission may approve the waiver upon showing good cause, and upon evidence that an alternative to the specific provision of this chapter can be provided, which conforms to the general intent and spirit of Chapter 23. If you have any questions or would like to discuss your options further, please contact Brian Broedell, Planner at 904- 247-5822 or Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to take one of the actions noted above by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day,per tree. I, c\eo Q_ I.Q Z-I hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. Sincerely, 0.".N31-QC>- Angela Irizarry CODE ENFORCEMENT Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 572 of 672 b. Any person(s)who maintains any land, building or premises upon which a violation exists. c. Any person(s)who knowingly commits,takes part, or assists in such violation. b) Building permits. No building permit shall be issued for a site unless and until a required tree or vegetation removal permit has been issued, or while any violation of this chapter exists on the subject site. c) Injunction. Any affected person(s) may seek an injunction against any violation of the provisions of this chapter and recover from the violator such damages as he or she may suffer including, but not limited to, damage to property as a result of development or failure to maintain, in violation of the terms of this chapter. d) Sanctions for failure to obtain a permit. 1) Regulated trees or regulated vegetation removed in violation of this chapter shall require an after-the- fact permit,the fee for which shall be two (2)times the normal established application fee specified in section 23-26. In addition,as a condition of the permit,the applicant shall immediately complete all remedial work as necessary to stabilize the site and mitigate all damage to the site and adjacent properties. 2) Regulated trees removed in violation of this chapter shall be assessed at two(2)times the normal established rate of mitigation specified in section 23-33. 3) If a lot, parcel, site or portion thereof, has been cleared such that the administrator is unable to determine with reasonable certainty the number and size of regulated trees and/or regulated vegetation removed in violation of this chapter, analysis of aerial photography or other such accepted scientific methodology shall be used to make a determination as to the loss of canopy and/or land cover for the purpose of assessing mitigation.A civil fine of five dollars($5.00) per square foot of canopy or land cover lost shall be assessed by the administrator, and shall be payable to the tree fund within seven 7)days of such assessment. No further work or development shall proceed until the city is in receipt of any such assessed fine. 4) Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 573 of 672 Any person(s) exhibiting a documented history of chronic or repeated violations of this chapter shall, upon third offense, be reported to the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation, as well as any other authority governing licensing, registration or certification of individuals or businesses. Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 574 of 672 Regulated tree shall mean any tree as follows: 1)Private regulated tree shall mean any tree on private property,except those species listed on the Atlantic Beach Prohibited Species List, meeting the following conditions: a. A DBH of six(6)inches or more on residentially zoned property that will be removed two (2) years prior to or two (2)years subsequent to construction valued at over ten thousand dollars 10,000.00); b. Trees defined as legacy trees by this chapter; c.A DBH of ten (10) inches or more, if zoned nonresidential. 2)Public regulated tree shall mean any tree on public property, except those species listed on the Atlantic Beach Prohibited Species List, meeting the following conditions: a. A DBH of six(6) inches or more. Sec. 23-31. -General prohibitions. SHARE LINK TO SECTIONPRINT SECTIONDOWNLOAD (DOCK) OF SECTIONSEMAIL SECTIONCOMPARE VERSIONS a)cExcessive or improper pruning. It shall be unlawful to engage in excessive or improper pruning techniques on trees intended for shade purposes where such trees are required pursuant to an approved tree protection plan.Trees intended for shade purposes shall be allowed to reach their mature canopy spread.This limitation shall not be construed to prohibit the trimming or pruning of trees that create a clear risk of danger to persons or property during flood, high wind or hurricane events. b) Pruning or removal of city trees. It shall be unlawful to trim, prune, or remove any tree which is within the city's rights-of-way or upon any other city property without the permission of the city as evidenced by the appropriate permit. TABLE 1.STANDARD MITIGATION ASSESSMENT CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION OF REGULATED TREE II Protected Heritage Private parrrls 1:2 1: 1 Public parcels 1:1 2:1 Public rights-of-way.easements.etc. 1:1 3:1 Environmentally sensitive areas 2:1 3:1 Historic corridor 2:1 3:1 Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 575 of 672 Sec 23-46. -Violations. SHARE LINK TO SECTIONPRINT SECTIONDOWNLOAD (DOCX) OF SECTIONSEMAIL SECTIONCOMPARE VERSIONS Violations, including failure to make proper application for a tree or vegetation removal permit as required by these provisions, or failure to implement any requirements or conditions of a tree or vegetation removal permit, shall be deemed a violation of this chapter, and shall be subject to code enforcement procedures as set forth within chapter 2, article V, division 2 of this Municipal Code of Ordinances and any other remedies available under applicable law. 1) Development activity. It shall be a violation of this chapter for any person(s) to engage in development or other activity, which has the potential to damage, destroy or remove, or cause the destruction or removal of any tree or vegetation as regulated herein, without complying with all applicable provisions of this chapter. Sec. 23-51.-Penalties. SHARE LINK TO SECTIONPRINT SECTIONDOWNLOAD(DOCX)OF SECTIONSEMAIL SECTIONCOMPARE VERSIONS a) General provisions. Any person(s)violating a provision of this chapter shall be punishable according to the law or in accordance with the findings of the duly appointed code enforcement board. 1) Violations of this chapter are considered irreparable and irreversible in nature. 2) Each day any violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. 3) Each regulated tree removed from a site in violation of these regulations shall constitute a separate offense. 4) Each acre or fraction thereof, of land cleared in violation of these regulations shall constitute a separate offense. 5) Person(s)charged with violations of this chapter may include: a. The owner, agent, lessor, lessee, contractor or any other person(s) using the land, building or premises where such violation exists. Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 576 of 672 0'-'1/2e, TREE REMOVAL CALCULATIONS A City of Atlantic Beachro J Community Development Department IF)800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 r»tJ 1319. Phone: (904)247-5826 Fax: (904) 247-5845 Email: Permit: Applicant: Address: Site Address: 715 Seminole Rd Phone: RE#: Email: TREE REMOVAL CALCULATIONS REMOVED Legacy(non-oak) Legacy(oak)Oaks Palms Others Total Protected Trees Removed: 0 0 0 10 40 50 Mitigation Needed: 0 0 0 20 80 100 Trees Removed: 10"Palm;2-20"Pines MITIGATION Legacy(non-oak) Legacy(oak)Oaks Palms Others Total Credit for Trees Preserved: 0 0 0 0 0 0 Credit for Trees Relocated: 0 0 0 0 0 0 Credit for Trees Planted: 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total: 0 0 0 0 0 0 Trees Preserved: None for credit. Trees Relocated: None for credit. Trees Planted: Planted Legacy Tree species receive DOUBLE credit when replacing non-Legacy Trees.The Legacy Tree list includes Bald Cypress; Southern and Eastern Red Cedars; Winged and Florida Elms; Live and Sand Live Oaks; Hickory; Pecan; Pignut Hickory; Loblolly Bay; Southern and Sweetbay Magnolias;Red and Florida Maples;and Tupelo. ADDITIONAL MITIGATION REQUIRED (Mitigation Needed--Total) Legacy(non-oak) Legacy(oak)Oaks Palms Others Total New Trees Planted: 0 0 0 20 80 100 or Payment Into Tree Fund**: 0.00 0.00 0.00 $2,960.00 $ 11,840.0 $14,800.0 0 0 or A Combination of the Above** At least 50%of mitigation must be onsite. Additional Notes: Mitigation is 1 inch preserved or planted for every 2 inches removed.Tree Fund rate is$148.00 per inch. Status is in accordance with the City of Atlantic Beach code of ordinances in effect at the time of application submittal. APPROVED DENIED I] TPO ADMINISTRATOR DATE Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 577 of 672 TREE AND VEGETATION REGULATIONS: General Provisions Sec. 23-30. Minimum tree requirements. Sec. 23-31. General prohibitions. Sec. 23-32. Tree protection during development and construction. a) Restrictions during construction. 1) Placement of materials,machinery,or temporary soils.It shall be unlawful for any person(s)to cause or allow the storage of construction materials,the use of heavy equipment or machinery, or the temporary storage of soil deposits within the tree protection zone of any tree or group of trees to be retained. 2) Disposal of waste materials. It shall be unlawful for any person(s) to cause or allow the disposal of waste materials such as paint, oil, solvents, asphalt, concrete, mortar or any other material harmful to the life of a tree within the tree protection zone of any tree or groups of trees,or where planting beds are to be situated. b) Burden of tree protection on property owner. The property owner(s)and their agent(s)shall ensure that any tree shown on the vegetation inventory for which a tree removal permit has not been obtained is to be protected.The property owner shall guarantee survival of retained trees and replacement trees for three(3)years from the date the city accepts the trees and landscaping as complete,unless a greater time period is required by a development order.If a retained or replacement tree dies during that time period,the property owner shall replace the tree in accordance with a remedial action as required by this chapter. c) Protective barriers and signage required Protective barriers and signage shall be installed around every tree or group of trees to be preserved prior to commencement of construction, in compliance with the guidelines in the Tree Protection Guide for Builders and Developers,published by the Florida Division of Forestry and/or any other reasonable requirements deemed appropriate by the administrator to implement this part. 1) Temporary protective barriers shall be placed at least six(6)feet from the base of any tree,and shall encompass at least fifty (50) percent of the area under the dripline of any tree or trees to be preserved or retained for mitigation credit,unless otherwise approved by the administrator. 2) Temporary protective barriers shall be at least three(3)feet high,and shall consist of either a wood fence with two-by-four posts placed a maximum of eight(8)feet apart with a two-by-four minimum top rail, or a mesh fence,or other similar barrier which will limit access to the protected area,unless otherwise approved by the administrator. 3) Waterproof, rigid sign(s) shall be affixed to each individual barricade, such that there is one (1) sign every fifteen (15) feet along the length of the barricade. The signs shall contain the following words, and will be made available by the city at the time of permit issuance. d) Adjacent properties.The property owner(s)or their agent(s)shall ensure protective barricading of all trees located on adjacent properties,that have root or branch systems that encroach upon the subject property,and that may potentially be impacted by development activities. Sec. 23-33. Mitigation to be assessed. Sec. 23-34. Maintenance and monitoring requirements. The applicant shall be responsible for maintaining the health of any replacement or relocation trees for three(3)years from planting. 1) Determination of success. The applicant shall determine the condition of each tree,three(3)years after the tree was relocated or planted.This determination shall be submitted to the city for approval within thirty(30)days of being made. Should any tree die or be in a state of decline within three(3)years of being planted or relocated,the applicant shall be required to replace the tree within sixty(60)days of that determination.The three-year monitoring and approval period shall begin anew whenever a tree is replaced. If that replacement tree is found not to be viable at the end of the second monitoring period,the applicant may pay the appropriate amount into the tree fund in lieu of planting a third replacement tree.If the applicant fails to replace the tree or to pay the appropriate amount into the tree fund within sixty 60)days,the applicant shall be in violation of this chapter. Sec. 23-35. Elimination of undesirable species. Sec. 23-36. Elimination of contagious diseased and pest-infested trees. Sec. 23-37. Payment in lieu of replacement/relocation. Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 578 of 672 d!aoaa wrilea ogsawo4 E906 000 ZO OESL NSd 9402 Ainr'[1.8£waodgd 7018 2290 0001 0116 7742 tianga()pa;ou sa Aanl a OOSS -- -- l a OPalo!lsaylleWP.SEL 9`C'CD ` 000 0622uo!l/ Lame 0 a Topp is IIen p 9T 0 L v n cnl w -!" j? 64 17 w iuonewe!/uo0 aan;eu6!S 'Lange()pa;ou;say AJan!Iap[Jo 1091100 aqe/aouuas woe a Suel as wri N =N es!pueyoJayj lan!Ia()uo 10,91100 1 1 JJ g N alp!+V c c d a a a m p O n Co/;dlaoay wn;ay Gan!Ia()pa;oplsay IIeW pa!ivaLana1. o 1- LZSE 817 8 56bb 7Ob6 0696 aWo N o1 co d= a ' -.e K c xi •aaiallsay I!eW paaa;s!6aa tian!a @MN pa!lInPVI0Pa;ou;say aanlu6lS llnS Iii II II II I III 1111 11 11111 11 111 ISI 111111 I I a m m P.R. n ` .m c O w l!eW Paaa;sl6ay aan;eu6lS 31nPHassaadx3geW,;Loud add ao!n a v x a$ v N $ $ oa, s oma o'b%64 n i z 8 o c et Z z M D r fi 0 3 oN :nnolaq ssaappe (aan!lap as;ua'S3A If p a saA wa;!woa;;ueiei p ssaappe tian!lap Si 'Q oi. 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I A g e n d a I t e m # A . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 7 9 o f 6 7 2 r_ . 1c, . Page1of2 J' , j v'\ Ss1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING 1 r 4/25/2019 Case Number: 19-056 LUCAS TREE SERVICE Certified Mail Return Receipt: 205 EDGAR STREET SUITE 11 70171000000069911411 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Property Address: 715 SEMINOLE RD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Special Magistrate on July 9, 2019 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 715 SEMINOLE RD, RE#170404 0000, 10-16 16-2S-29E, SALTAIR SEC 3, LOT 95, AND Howell Park 10-16 16-2S-29E 1.540, SALTAIR SEC 3, LOTS 77 TO 79,85 TO 94. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article H, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23-31. (b) Pruning or removal of city trees. It shall be unlawful to trim, prune, or remove any tree which is within the city's rights-of-way or upon any other city property without the permission of the city as evidenced by the appropriate permit. VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23- 23. Permits procedures. (a) (3) After-the-fact permits. Any person(s) • engaging in the removal of regulated tree(s) or regulated vegetation prior to obtaining a permit will be required to apply for and obtain an after-the-fact permit,and meet mitigation requirements as assessed. VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23-51. (d) Sanctions for failure to obtain a permit. (1) Regulated trees or regulated vegetation removed in violation of this chapter shall require an after-the-fact permit, the fee . for which shall be two (2) times the normal established application fee specified in section 23-26. In addition, as a condition of the permit, the applicant shall immediately complete all remedial work as necessary to stabilize the site and mitigate all damage to the site and adjacent properties. (2) Regulated trees removed in violation of this chapter shall be assessed at two (2) times the normal established rate of mitigation specified in section 23-33. VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23-33. Mitigation to be assessed. (b) Mitigation assessment. In general, mitigation shall be assessed according to the ratios given in the following table, such that the number of Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 580 of 672 Page 2 of 2 inches required to be replaced, relocated or preserved (first number) are proportional to the number the inches removed (second number): TABLE 1. STANDARD MITIGATION ASSESSMENT, CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY, (CLASSIFICATION OF REGULATED TREE): Private parcels 1:2 (Protected) 1:1 (Heritage), Public parcels - 1:1 (Protected) 2:1 (Heritage), Public rights-of-way, easements, etc.- 1:1 (Protected) 3:1 (Heritage), Environmentally sensitive areas - 2:1 (Protected) 3:1 Heritage). c) General conditions. Mitigation shall be in the form of preservation of existing trees, relocation of existing trees that would otherwise be removed, or replacement with new trees, and shall occur within thirty(30) days, or prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy or other final approval, whichever time is shorter, unless a greater period is provided for good cause by the permit. The applicant assumes all duties and costs associated with mitigation. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 2/28/2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 715 SEMINOLE RD. During the inspection,the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: Between February 25, 2019 and February 28, 2019 Lucas Tree Services was contracted to trim and remove trees at 715 Seminole Road. Three of the trees that were removed, one(1)palm tree and two 2) 20-inch pine trees, were located on City property and were part of Howell Park. No permit was issued for the removal of the three trees in Howell Park. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, PW_ \CC= i2 hereby swear and affirm that the above statement i e and atc'urate. Angela a Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: 611.01- Lori Diaz. Records Clerk Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 581 of 672 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Complete items 1,2,and 3. Print your name and address on the reverse I.,1 Agent so that we can return the card to you. Addressee Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, 1.1 eived (Pri to N., C. Date of Delivery or on the front if space permits. r(.,(.2,;'hi -G y 1. Article Addressed to: P. Is delivery address different from item 1? El Yes Li)CA q -o5 If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No I L I I III 111111 111111111111 O Service Type 0 Priority Mail Express® Adult Signature 0 Registered Mail'" 0 Adult Signature Restricted Delivery 0 Registered Mail Restricted 9590 9402 2997 7094 0513 20 0 Certified Mail® Delivery 0 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery 0 Return Receipt for 0 Collect on Delivery Merchandise r in Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Confirmatioarm 7017 1000 0000 6991 1411 Mail 0 Signature Confirmation Mail Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery I (over$500) PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 582 of 672 ries` Page 1 of 2 A So CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING 5/31/2019 Case Number: 19-056 BHATTI BABUR Certified Mail Return Receipt: 715 SEMINOLE RD 70171000000069911664 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 715 SEMINOLE RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Special Magistrate on July 11, 2019 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 715 SEMINOLE RD, RE#170404 0000, 10-16 16-2S-29E, SALTAIR SEC 3, LOT 95, AND Howell Park 10-16 16-2S-29E 1.540, SALTAIR SEC 3, LOTS 77 TO 79,85 TO 94. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23-31. (b) Pruning or removal of city trees. It shall be unlawful to trim, prune, or remove any tree which is within the city's rights-of-way or upon any other city property without the permission of the city as evidenced by the appropriate permit. VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23-23. Permits procedures. (a) (3) After-the-fact permits. Any person(s) engaging in the removal of regulated tree(s) or regulated vegetation prior to obtaining a permit will be required to apply for and obtain an after-the-fact permit, and meet mitigation requirements as assessed. VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23-51. (d) Sanctions for failure to obtain a permit. (1) Regulated trees or regulated vegetation removed in violation of this chapter shall require an after-the-fact permit, the fee for which shall be two (2) times the normal established application fee specified in section 23-26. In addition, as a condition of the permit, the applicant shall immediately complete all remedial work as necessary to stabilize the site and mitigate all damage to the site and adjacent properties. (2) Regulated trees removed in violation of this chapter shall be assessed at two (2) times the normal established rate of mitigation specified in section 23-33. VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23-33. Mitigation to be assessed. (b) Mitigation assessment. In general, mitigation shall be assessed according to the ratios given in the following table, such that the number of Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 583 of 672 Page 2 of 2 inches required to be replaced, relocated or preserved (first number) are proportional to the number the inches removed (second number): TABLE 1. STANDARD MITIGATION ASSESSMENT, CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY, (CLASSIFICATION OF REGULATED TREE): Private parcels 1:2 (Protected) 1: 1 (Heritage), Public parcels - 1:1 (Protected) 2:1 (Heritage), Public rights-of-way, easements, etc.- 1:1 (Protected) 3:1 (Heritage), Environmentally sensitive areas - 2:1 (Protected) 3:1 Heritage). c) General conditions. Mitigation shall be in the form of preservation of existing trees, relocation of existing trees that would otherwise be removed, or replacement with new trees, and shall occur within thirty (30) days, or prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy or other final approval, whichever time is shorter, unless a greater period is provided for good cause by the permit. The applicant assumes all duties and costs associated with mitigation. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 5/28/2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 715 SEMINOLE RD. During the inspection, the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: Between February 25, 2019 and February 28, 2019 Lucas Tree Services was contracted to trim and remove trees at 715 Seminole Road. Three of the trees that were removed, one (1)palm tree and two 2) 20-inch pine trees, were located on City property and were part of Howell Park. No permit was issued for the removal of the three trees in Howell Park. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, c cei t ZQY-C hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and4curate. U.S. Postal Servicenv Angela arry, CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT n Domestic Mail Only Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach For delivery information,visit our website at". Cr Certified Mail Fee Er ATTEST: Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) 0 Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark ut Io Certified Mall Restricted Delivery $ Here lo ,p 0 Adult Signature Required $ 0 Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ O Postage Lori Diaz, Records Clerk o $Total Postage and Fees s Ct Box0StretandApt.No.,or P No. r- City,State,ZIP+4+ PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 584 of 672 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Si.. • _ AgePrintyournameandaddressonthereverseX t so that we can return the card to you. ddressee Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece,B. Recd b (Printed Name) C. Dar of?Joh -ry or on the front if space permits. I = .1110 Co 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes If YES,enter delivery acfp s below: Q.14 CO L.2 iv J 111111111111111111111111 3. Service Type Adult Signature 0 Priority Mat Express® 0 Registered Mail•" dult Signature Restricted Delivery 0 Registered Mail Restricted 9590 9402 2997 7094 0511 39 n.Certified Mail® Delivery Certified Mail Restricted Delivery 0 Return Receipt for Collect on Delivery Merchandise ri c,.uo,..on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Confirmation•"' 17 1000 6991 1,664 Mail 0 Signature Confirmation Mail Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery 1 lover x000) PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 585 of 672 4' Vii, , , fr '\r f^ Page 1 of 2 u-, A }s CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Niriz-- On9'2 NOTICE OF HEARING 5/31/2019 Case Number: 19-056 LUCAS TREE SERVICE Certified Mail Return Receipt: 205 EDGAR STREET SUITE 11 70171000000069911626 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 715 SEMINOLE RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Special Magistrate on July 11, 2019 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 715 SEMINOLE RD, RE#170404 0000, 10-16 16-2S-29E, SALTAIR SEC 3, LOT 95, AND Howell Park 10-16 16-2S-29E 1.540, SALTAIR SEC 3, LOTS 77 TO 79,85 TO 94. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23-31. (b) Pruning or removal of city trees. It shall be unlawful to trim, prune, or remove any tree which is within the city's rights-of-way or upon any other city property without the permission of the city as evidenced by the appropriate permit. VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23-23. Permits procedures. (a) (3) After-the-fact permits. Any person(s) engaging in the removal of regulated tree(s) or regulated vegetation prior to obtaining a permit will be required to apply for and obtain an after-the-fact permit, and meet mitigation requirements as assessed. VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23-51. (d) Sanctions for failure to obtain a permit. (1) Regulated trees or regulated vegetation removed in violation of this chapter shall require an after-the-fact permit, the fee for which shall be two (2) times the normal established application fee specified in section 23-26. In addition, as a condition of the permit, the applicant shall immediately complete all remedial work as necessary to stabilize the site and mitigate all damage to the site and adjacent properties. (2) Regulated trees removed in violation of this chapter shall be assessed at two (2) times the normal established rate of mitigation specified in section 23-33. VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23- 33. Mitigation to be assessed. (b) Mitigation assessment. In general, mitigation shall be assessed according to the ratios given in the following table, such that the number of Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 586 of 672 Page 2 of 2 inches required to be replaced, relocated or preserved (first number) are proportional to the number the inches removed (second number): TABLE 1. STANDARD MITIGATION ASSESSMENT, CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY, (CLASSIFICATION OF REGULATED TREE): Private parcels 1:2 (Protected) 1:1 (Heritage), Public parcels - 1:1 (Protected) 2:1 (Heritage), Public rights-of-way, easements, etc.- 1:1 (Protected) 3:1 (Heritage), Environmentally sensitive areas - 2:1 (Protected) 3:1 Heritage). c) General conditions. Mitigation shall be in the form of preservation of existing trees, relocation of existing trees that would otherwise be removed, or replacement with new trees, and shall occur within thirty (30) days, or prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy or other final approval, whichever time is shorter, unless a greater period is provided for good cause by the permit. The applicant assumes all duties and costs associated with mitigation. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 5/28/2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 715 SEMINOLE RD. During the inspection, the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: Between February 25, 2019 and February 28, 2019 Lucas Tree Services was contracted to trim and remove trees at 715 Seminole Road. Three of the trees that were removed, one (1)palm tree and two 2) 20-inch pine trees, were located on City property and were part of Howell Park. No permit was issued for the removal of the three trees in Howell Park. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, crcic . 2Ctsr`hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and a'eirate. U.S. Postal Servicer" CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT Angela I ' , ti Domestic Mail Only Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach CI For delivery information,visit our website at`*. rq0 7- FACIAL USE0" Certified Mail Fee tr $ ATTEST:13 Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) 0 Return Receipt(hardcoPY) $ Ci Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark 1:3 1 Certified Mall Restricted Delivery $ Here V/ 1 0 Adult Signature Required $ 1 \ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ p Postage Lori Diaz, Records Clerk Total Postage and Fees 1-4N sent a Street and Apt.fillci.;A PO Box No. N City, tate,ZIP+46 PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 587 of 672 1 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THI5,SECTION ON DELIVERY Complete items 1,2,and 3. Print your name and address on the reverse 9ent so that we can return the card to you. 0 Addressee Attach this card to the bac1 of the mailpiece, ceiveo by( ri Na e) J C Date of Delivery or on the front if space permits. 4( , J is I I f` // ,IlC 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: No o 0lM.- 105(P' 11111111 11 I 11111111111111 3. Service Type Adult Signature 0 Priority Mail Express® 0 Registered Mail° Adult Signature Restricted Delivery 0 Registered Mail Restricted 9590 9402 2997 7094 0511 77 0 Certified Mail® Delivery Certified Mail Restricted Delivery 0 Return Receipt for Collect on Delivery Merchandise rr !,v.. r r n( i1 *on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Confirmation,M Aar' Signature Confirmation 7 017 1000 0000 6 9 91 1626 Nail Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery I over 4,000) PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt . Agenda Item #A. 11 Jul 2019 Page 588 of 672 CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE FAX EMAIL OWNER BHATTI BABUR 715 SEMINOLE RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 (904)241-3533 SUB CONTRACTOR LUCAS TREE SERVICE INC 205 EDGAR ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 (904)241-3533 VIOLATION TYPE USER NAME OBSERVED DATE CORRECTED DATE LOCATION REMARKS NOTES VIOLATIONS Description: per Derek Reeves - tree removal on City property Status: PENDING CODE BOARD Type: CODE ENFORCEMENT Subtype: STOP WORK ORDER Opened: 2/28/2019 Closed: Last Action: 7/26/2019 Fllw Up: 7/26/2019 Site Address: 715 SEMINOLE RD Atlantic Beach, Fl 32233 Site APN: 170404 0000 Officer: Angela Irizarry Details:Property owner has submitted an appeal to the Tree Board and is on the agenda for the July 18 Community Development Board to request a variance from the mitigation requirement. Staff recommends that this issued be deferred to the September meeting after the CDB makes a ruling. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 1 of 4 CASE DETAILS Case Number 19-056 A g e n d a I t e m # A . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 8 9 o f 6 7 2 Tree Mitigation Angela Irizarry 3/14/2019 Sec. 23-33. Mitigation to be assessed. (b) Mitigation assessment. In general, mitigation shall be assessed according to the ratios given in the following table, such that the number of inches required to be replaced, relocated or preserved (first number) are proportional to the number the inches removed (second number): TABLE 1. STANDARD MITIGATION ASSESSMENT, CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY, CLASSIFICATION OF REGULATED TREE Private parcels 1:2 1:1 Public parcels 1:1 2:1 Public rights-of-way, easements, etc. 1:1 3:1 Environmentally sensitive areas 2:1 3:1 (c) General conditions. Mitigation shall be in the form of preservation of existing trees, relocation of existing trees that would otherwise be removed, or replacement with new trees, and shall occur within thirty (30) days, or prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy or other final approval, whichever time is shorter, unless a greater period is provided for good cause by the permit. The applicant assumes all duties and costs associated with mitigation. Tree Penalties Angela Irizarry 3/14/2019 Sec. 23-51. (d) Sanctions for failure to obtain a permit. (1) Regulated trees or regulated vegetation removed in violation of this chapter shall require an after-the-fact permit, the fee for which shall be two (2) times the normal established application fee specified in section 23-26. In addition, as a condition of the permit, the applicant shall immediately complete all remedial work as necessary to stabilize the site and mitigate all damage to the site and adjacent properties. (2) Regulated trees removed in violation of this chapter shall be assessed at two (2) times the normal established rate of mitigation specified in section 23-33. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 2 of 4 CASE DETAILS Case Number 19-056 A g e n d a I t e m # A . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 9 0 o f 6 7 2 CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Lori Diaz 7/26/2019 SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Lori Diaz 7/24/2019 CODE BOARD ORDER Lori Diaz 7/23/2019 CODE BOARD ORDER Lori Diaz 7/21/2019 CODE BOARD AGENDA Lori Diaz 7/4/2019 6/14/2019 CODE BOARD AGENDA Lori Diaz 7/2/2019 5/30/2019 CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 6/26/2019 CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 6/6/2019 6/17/2019 Rcvd signed green card for NOH for 7/11/2019 meeting NOH LTR Lori Diaz 5/30/2019 5/30/2019 Renotice Lucas Trees with New Date NOTICE OF HEARING Lori Diaz 5/30/2019 5/30/2019 NOH letter to Homeowner NOTICE OF HEARING Lori Diaz 4/23/2019 4/25/2019 CHRONOLOGY Tree Permit Procedures Angela Irizarry 3/14/2019 Sec. 23-23. Permits procedures. (a) (3) After-the- fact permits. Any person(s) engaging in the removal of regulated tree(s) or regulated vegetation prior to obtaining a permit will be required to apply for and obtain an after-the-fact permit, and meet mitigation requirements as assessed. Tree Removal (Right of Way)Angela Irizarry 3/14/2019 Sec. 23-31. (b) Pruning or removal of city trees. It shall be unlawful to trim, prune, or remove any tree which is within the city''s rights-of-way or upon any other city property without the permission of the city as evidenced by the appropriate permit. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 3 of 4 CASE DETAILS Case Number 19-056 A g e n d a I t e m # A . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 9 1 o f 6 7 2 CMRR RECEIVED W/SIGNATURE Angela Irizarry 3/25/2019 3/25/2019 Rcvd Signed Green Card. NOV CERT Angela Irizarry 3/18/2019 3/18/2019 INSPECTIONS FINANCIAL INFORMATION Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 4 of 4 CASE DETAILS Case Number 19-056 A g e n d a I t e m # A . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 5 9 2 o f 6 7 2 1 ( S 34. inki )0- tel -- STOP CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT "' NOTICE This building has been inspected and: General Construction Meehan. Concrete and Masonry Electrica Plumbing Gas Piping IS NOT ACCEPTED CORRECT AS NOTED BELOW, BEFORE ANY FURTHER WORK I t'GG reino.fat vAN ot.,/kNed O/r' c,-7`/ , 1P/a4feI 1-7/4 S4 v,e (.ori;n 96'4 2'17 - 7 DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE n Inspector:_,!eTI-r-+c/ Date: 2/2-r!y Failure to respond to this Notice within 10 clays will result in this violation being forwarded to the CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD. The posting of this Placard by its contents shall serve as due notice. Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 593 of 672 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ti A p,; r ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 PHONE (904)247-5800 0 j;1,`r- CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7018 2290 00010116 7735/7018 2290 0001 0116 7742 3/18/2019 BHATTI BABUR 715 SEMINOLE RD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 LUCAS TREE SERVICE 205 EDGAR STREET SUITE 11 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Real Estate Number: 170404 0000 Case Number: 19-056 Location of Violation: 715 SEMINOLE RD, 10-16 16-2S-29E, SALTAIR SEC 3, LOT 95, AND Howell Park 10-16 16-2S-29E 1.540, SALTAIR SEC 3, LOTS 77 TO 79,85 TO 94 Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Babur Bhatti and Lucas Tree Service: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and are made part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6- 16. A code enforcement inspection at 715 SEMINOLE RD was conducted on 2/28/2019. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement found the following: NATURE OF VIOLATION: Between February 25,2019 and February 28, 2019 Lucas Tree Services was contracted to trim and remove trees at 715 Seminole Rd. Three of the trees that were removed, one 1) 10-inch palm tree and two (2)20-inch pine trees,were located on City property and were part of Howell Park. Section 23-31 of the Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances requires the City's permission and issuance of a permit prior to removing any tree on city property. No permit was issued for the removal of these three trees in Howell Park. These actions constitute violations of the following City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: 1. VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23-31. (b)Pruning or removal of city trees. It shall be unlawful to trim, prune, or remove any tree which is within the city's rights-of-way or upon any other city property without the permission of the city as evidenced by the appropriate permit. Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 594 of 672 2. VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23-23. Permits procedures. (a) (3) After-the-fact permits. Any person(s) engaging in the removal of regulated tree(s) or regulated vegetation prior to obtaining a permit will be required to apply for and obtain an after-the-fact permit, and meet mitigation requirements as assessed. 3. VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23-51. (d) Sanctions for failure to obtain a permit. (1) Regulated trees or regulated vegetation removed in violation of this chapter shall require an after-the-fact permit, the fee for which shall be two (2)times the normal established application fee specified in section 23-26. In addition, as a condition of the permit, the applicant shall immediately complete all remedial work as necessary to stabilize the site and mitigate all damage to the site and adjacent properties. (2) Regulated trees removed in violation of this chapter shall be assessed at two (2)times the normal established rate of mitigation specified in section 23-33. 4. VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23-33. Mitigation to be assessed. (b) Mitigation assessment. In general, mitigation shall be assessed according to the ratios given in the following table, such that the number of inches required to be replaced, relocated or preserved (first number) are proportional to the number the inches removed (second number): TABLE 1. STANDARD MITIGATION ASSESSMENT, CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY, (CLASSIFICATION OF REGULATED TREE): Private parcels - 1:2 (Protected) 1:1 (Heritage), Public parcels - 1:1 Protected) 2:1 (Heritage), Public rights-of-way, easements, etc.- 1:1 (Protected) 3:1 (Heritage), Environmentally sensitive areas - 2:1 (Protected) 3:1 (Heritage). c) General conditions. Mitigation shall be in the form of preservation of existing trees, relocation of existing trees that would otherwise be removed, or replacement with new trees, and shall occur within thirty (30) days, or prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy or other final approval, whichever time is shorter, unless a greater period is provided for good cause by the permit. The applicant assumes all duties and costs associated with mitigation. ACTION TO REMEDY: According to our calculations, a total of 50 inches in tree caliper were removed from Howell Park. In accordance with Section 23- 23, an after-the-fact permit must be applied for and mitigation requirements must be met. Please submit your tree permit application to the City of Atlantic Beach within 20 days from date of receipt of this notice. Your options to obtain compliance with this violation are outlined below: Tree planting — application to replant a total of one hundred (100) inches in tree diameter caliper. Planted legacy trees receive double credit. (Bald Cypress, Southern and Easter Red Cedars, Winged and Florida Elms; Live and Sand Live Oaks; Hickory; Pecan; Pignut Hickory; Loblolly Bay; Southern and Sweetbay Magnolias; Red and Florida Maples; and Tupelo); or Tree Fund Payment — application for payment into the City of Atlantic Beach Tree Fund in the amount of$14,800. Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 595 of 672 Should you disagree with the calculations noted above, you may: Appeal Calculations to Tree Subcommittee - The above figures were calculated using fifty (50) inches of tree caliper. You may file a written appeal to these calculations to the Tree Subcommittee; or Waiver for relief—You may apply for a waiver from the provisions of Chapter 23 to the City Commission. For consideration, you must demonstrate that compliance with these provisions would be unreasonable, in conflict with public interest, or a practical impossibility. The City Commission may approve the waiver upon showing good cause, and upon evidence that an alternative to the specific provision of this chapter can be provided, which conforms to the general intent and spirit of Chapter 23. If you have any questions or would like to discuss your options further, please contact Brian Broedell, Planner at 904- 247-5822 or Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to take one of the actions noted above by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day,per tree. I, c\eo Q_ I.Q Z-I hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. Sincerely, 0.".N31-QC>- Angela Irizarry CODE ENFORCEMENT Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 596 of 672 b. Any person(s)who maintains any land, building or premises upon which a violation exists. c. Any person(s)who knowingly commits,takes part, or assists in such violation. b) Building permits. No building permit shall be issued for a site unless and until a required tree or vegetation removal permit has been issued, or while any violation of this chapter exists on the subject site. c) Injunction. Any affected person(s) may seek an injunction against any violation of the provisions of this chapter and recover from the violator such damages as he or she may suffer including, but not limited to, damage to property as a result of development or failure to maintain, in violation of the terms of this chapter. d) Sanctions for failure to obtain a permit. 1) Regulated trees or regulated vegetation removed in violation of this chapter shall require an after-the- fact permit,the fee for which shall be two (2)times the normal established application fee specified in section 23-26. In addition,as a condition of the permit,the applicant shall immediately complete all remedial work as necessary to stabilize the site and mitigate all damage to the site and adjacent properties. 2) Regulated trees removed in violation of this chapter shall be assessed at two(2)times the normal established rate of mitigation specified in section 23-33. 3) If a lot, parcel, site or portion thereof, has been cleared such that the administrator is unable to determine with reasonable certainty the number and size of regulated trees and/or regulated vegetation removed in violation of this chapter, analysis of aerial photography or other such accepted scientific methodology shall be used to make a determination as to the loss of canopy and/or land cover for the purpose of assessing mitigation.A civil fine of five dollars($5.00) per square foot of canopy or land cover lost shall be assessed by the administrator, and shall be payable to the tree fund within seven 7)days of such assessment. No further work or development shall proceed until the city is in receipt of any such assessed fine. 4) Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 597 of 672 Any person(s) exhibiting a documented history of chronic or repeated violations of this chapter shall, upon third offense, be reported to the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation, as well as any other authority governing licensing, registration or certification of individuals or businesses. Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 598 of 672 Regulated tree shall mean any tree as follows: 1)Private regulated tree shall mean any tree on private property,except those species listed on the Atlantic Beach Prohibited Species List, meeting the following conditions: a. A DBH of six(6)inches or more on residentially zoned property that will be removed two (2) years prior to or two (2)years subsequent to construction valued at over ten thousand dollars 10,000.00); b. Trees defined as legacy trees by this chapter; c.A DBH of ten (10) inches or more, if zoned nonresidential. 2)Public regulated tree shall mean any tree on public property, except those species listed on the Atlantic Beach Prohibited Species List, meeting the following conditions: a. A DBH of six(6) inches or more. Sec. 23-31. -General prohibitions. SHARE LINK TO SECTIONPRINT SECTIONDOWNLOAD (DOCK) OF SECTIONSEMAIL SECTIONCOMPARE VERSIONS a)cExcessive or improper pruning. It shall be unlawful to engage in excessive or improper pruning techniques on trees intended for shade purposes where such trees are required pursuant to an approved tree protection plan.Trees intended for shade purposes shall be allowed to reach their mature canopy spread.This limitation shall not be construed to prohibit the trimming or pruning of trees that create a clear risk of danger to persons or property during flood, high wind or hurricane events. b) Pruning or removal of city trees. It shall be unlawful to trim, prune, or remove any tree which is within the city's rights-of-way or upon any other city property without the permission of the city as evidenced by the appropriate permit. TABLE 1.STANDARD MITIGATION ASSESSMENT CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION OF REGULATED TREE II Protected Heritage Private parrrls 1:2 1: 1 Public parcels 1:1 2:1 Public rights-of-way.easements.etc. 1:1 3:1 Environmentally sensitive areas 2:1 3:1 Historic corridor 2:1 3:1 Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 599 of 672 Sec 23-46. -Violations. SHARE LINK TO SECTIONPRINT SECTIONDOWNLOAD (DOCX) OF SECTIONSEMAIL SECTIONCOMPARE VERSIONS Violations, including failure to make proper application for a tree or vegetation removal permit as required by these provisions, or failure to implement any requirements or conditions of a tree or vegetation removal permit, shall be deemed a violation of this chapter, and shall be subject to code enforcement procedures as set forth within chapter 2, article V, division 2 of this Municipal Code of Ordinances and any other remedies available under applicable law. 1) Development activity. It shall be a violation of this chapter for any person(s) to engage in development or other activity, which has the potential to damage, destroy or remove, or cause the destruction or removal of any tree or vegetation as regulated herein, without complying with all applicable provisions of this chapter. Sec. 23-51.-Penalties. SHARE LINK TO SECTIONPRINT SECTIONDOWNLOAD(DOCX)OF SECTIONSEMAIL SECTIONCOMPARE VERSIONS a) General provisions. Any person(s)violating a provision of this chapter shall be punishable according to the law or in accordance with the findings of the duly appointed code enforcement board. 1) Violations of this chapter are considered irreparable and irreversible in nature. 2) Each day any violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. 3) Each regulated tree removed from a site in violation of these regulations shall constitute a separate offense. 4) Each acre or fraction thereof, of land cleared in violation of these regulations shall constitute a separate offense. 5) Person(s)charged with violations of this chapter may include: a. The owner, agent, lessor, lessee, contractor or any other person(s) using the land, building or premises where such violation exists. Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 600 of 672 0'-'1/2e, TREE REMOVAL CALCULATIONS A City of Atlantic Beachro J Community Development Department IF)800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 r»tJ 1319. Phone: (904)247-5826 Fax: (904) 247-5845 Email: Permit: Applicant: Address: Site Address: 715 Seminole Rd Phone: RE#: Email: TREE REMOVAL CALCULATIONS REMOVED Legacy(non-oak) Legacy(oak)Oaks Palms Others Total Protected Trees Removed: 0 0 0 10 40 50 Mitigation Needed: 0 0 0 20 80 100 Trees Removed: 10"Palm;2-20"Pines MITIGATION Legacy(non-oak) Legacy(oak)Oaks Palms Others Total Credit for Trees Preserved: 0 0 0 0 0 0 Credit for Trees Relocated: 0 0 0 0 0 0 Credit for Trees Planted: 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total: 0 0 0 0 0 0 Trees Preserved: None for credit. Trees Relocated: None for credit. Trees Planted: Planted Legacy Tree species receive DOUBLE credit when replacing non-Legacy Trees.The Legacy Tree list includes Bald Cypress; Southern and Eastern Red Cedars; Winged and Florida Elms; Live and Sand Live Oaks; Hickory; Pecan; Pignut Hickory; Loblolly Bay; Southern and Sweetbay Magnolias;Red and Florida Maples;and Tupelo. ADDITIONAL MITIGATION REQUIRED (Mitigation Needed--Total) Legacy(non-oak) Legacy(oak)Oaks Palms Others Total New Trees Planted: 0 0 0 20 80 100 or Payment Into Tree Fund**: 0.00 0.00 0.00 $2,960.00 $ 11,840.0 $14,800.0 0 0 or A Combination of the Above** At least 50%of mitigation must be onsite. Additional Notes: Mitigation is 1 inch preserved or planted for every 2 inches removed.Tree Fund rate is$148.00 per inch. Status is in accordance with the City of Atlantic Beach code of ordinances in effect at the time of application submittal. APPROVED DENIED I] TPO ADMINISTRATOR DATE Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 601 of 672 TREE AND VEGETATION REGULATIONS: General Provisions Sec. 23-30. Minimum tree requirements. Sec. 23-31. General prohibitions. Sec. 23-32. Tree protection during development and construction. a) Restrictions during construction. 1) Placement of materials,machinery,or temporary soils.It shall be unlawful for any person(s)to cause or allow the storage of construction materials,the use of heavy equipment or machinery, or the temporary storage of soil deposits within the tree protection zone of any tree or group of trees to be retained. 2) Disposal of waste materials. It shall be unlawful for any person(s) to cause or allow the disposal of waste materials such as paint, oil, solvents, asphalt, concrete, mortar or any other material harmful to the life of a tree within the tree protection zone of any tree or groups of trees,or where planting beds are to be situated. b) Burden of tree protection on property owner. The property owner(s)and their agent(s)shall ensure that any tree shown on the vegetation inventory for which a tree removal permit has not been obtained is to be protected.The property owner shall guarantee survival of retained trees and replacement trees for three(3)years from the date the city accepts the trees and landscaping as complete,unless a greater time period is required by a development order.If a retained or replacement tree dies during that time period,the property owner shall replace the tree in accordance with a remedial action as required by this chapter. c) Protective barriers and signage required Protective barriers and signage shall be installed around every tree or group of trees to be preserved prior to commencement of construction, in compliance with the guidelines in the Tree Protection Guide for Builders and Developers,published by the Florida Division of Forestry and/or any other reasonable requirements deemed appropriate by the administrator to implement this part. 1) Temporary protective barriers shall be placed at least six(6)feet from the base of any tree,and shall encompass at least fifty (50) percent of the area under the dripline of any tree or trees to be preserved or retained for mitigation credit,unless otherwise approved by the administrator. 2) Temporary protective barriers shall be at least three(3)feet high,and shall consist of either a wood fence with two-by-four posts placed a maximum of eight(8)feet apart with a two-by-four minimum top rail, or a mesh fence,or other similar barrier which will limit access to the protected area,unless otherwise approved by the administrator. 3) Waterproof, rigid sign(s) shall be affixed to each individual barricade, such that there is one (1) sign every fifteen (15) feet along the length of the barricade. The signs shall contain the following words, and will be made available by the city at the time of permit issuance. d) Adjacent properties.The property owner(s)or their agent(s)shall ensure protective barricading of all trees located on adjacent properties,that have root or branch systems that encroach upon the subject property,and that may potentially be impacted by development activities. Sec. 23-33. Mitigation to be assessed. Sec. 23-34. Maintenance and monitoring requirements. The applicant shall be responsible for maintaining the health of any replacement or relocation trees for three(3)years from planting. 1) Determination of success. The applicant shall determine the condition of each tree,three(3)years after the tree was relocated or planted.This determination shall be submitted to the city for approval within thirty(30)days of being made. Should any tree die or be in a state of decline within three(3)years of being planted or relocated,the applicant shall be required to replace the tree within sixty(60)days of that determination.The three-year monitoring and approval period shall begin anew whenever a tree is replaced. If that replacement tree is found not to be viable at the end of the second monitoring period,the applicant may pay the appropriate amount into the tree fund in lieu of planting a third replacement tree.If the applicant fails to replace the tree or to pay the appropriate amount into the tree fund within sixty 60)days,the applicant shall be in violation of this chapter. Sec. 23-35. Elimination of undesirable species. Sec. 23-36. Elimination of contagious diseased and pest-infested trees. Sec. 23-37. Payment in lieu of replacement/relocation. Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 602 of 672 d!aoaa wrilea ogsawo4 E906 000 ZO OESL NSd 9402 Ainr'[1.8£waodgd 7018 2290 0001 0116 7742 tianga()pa;ou sa Aanl a OOSS -- -- l a OPalo!lsaylleWP.SEL 9`C'CD ` 000 0622uo!l/ Lame 0 a Topp is IIen p 9T 0 L v n cnl w -!" j? 64 17 w iuonewe!/uo0 aan;eu6!S 'Lange()pa;ou;say AJan!Iap[Jo 1091100 aqe/aouuas woe a Suel as wri N =N es!pueyoJayj lan!Ia()uo 10,91100 1 1 JJ g N alp!+V c c d a a a m p O n Co/;dlaoay wn;ay Gan!Ia()pa;oplsay IIeW pa!ivaLana1. o 1- LZSE 817 8 56bb 7Ob6 0696 aWo N o1 co d= a ' -.e K c xi •aaiallsay I!eW paaa;s!6aa tian!a @MN pa!lInPVI0Pa;ou;say aanlu6lS llnS Iii II II II I III 1111 11 11111 11 111 ISI 111111 I I a m m P.R. n ` .m c O w l!eW Paaa;sl6ay aan;eu6lS 31nPHassaadx3geW,;Loud add ao!n a v x a$ v N $ $ oa, s oma o'b%64 n i z 8 o c et Z z M D r fi 0 3 oN :nnolaq ssaappe (aan!lap as;ua'S3A If p a saA wa;!woa;;ueiei p ssaappe tian!lap Si 'Q oi. 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I A g e n d a I t e m # B . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 6 0 3 o f 6 7 2 r_ . 1c, . Page1of2 J' , j v'\ Ss1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING 1 r 4/25/2019 Case Number: 19-056 LUCAS TREE SERVICE Certified Mail Return Receipt: 205 EDGAR STREET SUITE 11 70171000000069911411 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Property Address: 715 SEMINOLE RD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Special Magistrate on July 9, 2019 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 715 SEMINOLE RD, RE#170404 0000, 10-16 16-2S-29E, SALTAIR SEC 3, LOT 95, AND Howell Park 10-16 16-2S-29E 1.540, SALTAIR SEC 3, LOTS 77 TO 79,85 TO 94. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article H, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23-31. (b) Pruning or removal of city trees. It shall be unlawful to trim, prune, or remove any tree which is within the city's rights-of-way or upon any other city property without the permission of the city as evidenced by the appropriate permit. VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23- 23. Permits procedures. (a) (3) After-the-fact permits. Any person(s) • engaging in the removal of regulated tree(s) or regulated vegetation prior to obtaining a permit will be required to apply for and obtain an after-the-fact permit,and meet mitigation requirements as assessed. VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23-51. (d) Sanctions for failure to obtain a permit. (1) Regulated trees or regulated vegetation removed in violation of this chapter shall require an after-the-fact permit, the fee . for which shall be two (2) times the normal established application fee specified in section 23-26. In addition, as a condition of the permit, the applicant shall immediately complete all remedial work as necessary to stabilize the site and mitigate all damage to the site and adjacent properties. (2) Regulated trees removed in violation of this chapter shall be assessed at two (2) times the normal established rate of mitigation specified in section 23-33. VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23-33. Mitigation to be assessed. (b) Mitigation assessment. In general, mitigation shall be assessed according to the ratios given in the following table, such that the number of Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 604 of 672 Page 2 of 2 inches required to be replaced, relocated or preserved (first number) are proportional to the number the inches removed (second number): TABLE 1. STANDARD MITIGATION ASSESSMENT, CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY, (CLASSIFICATION OF REGULATED TREE): Private parcels 1:2 (Protected) 1:1 (Heritage), Public parcels - 1:1 (Protected) 2:1 (Heritage), Public rights-of-way, easements, etc.- 1:1 (Protected) 3:1 (Heritage), Environmentally sensitive areas - 2:1 (Protected) 3:1 Heritage). c) General conditions. Mitigation shall be in the form of preservation of existing trees, relocation of existing trees that would otherwise be removed, or replacement with new trees, and shall occur within thirty(30) days, or prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy or other final approval, whichever time is shorter, unless a greater period is provided for good cause by the permit. The applicant assumes all duties and costs associated with mitigation. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 2/28/2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 715 SEMINOLE RD. During the inspection,the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: Between February 25, 2019 and February 28, 2019 Lucas Tree Services was contracted to trim and remove trees at 715 Seminole Road. Three of the trees that were removed, one(1)palm tree and two 2) 20-inch pine trees, were located on City property and were part of Howell Park. No permit was issued for the removal of the three trees in Howell Park. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, PW_ \CC= i2 hereby swear and affirm that the above statement i e and atc'urate. Angela a Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: 611.01- Lori Diaz. Records Clerk Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 605 of 672 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Complete items 1,2,and 3. Print your name and address on the reverse I.,1 Agent so that we can return the card to you. Addressee Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, 1.1 eived (Pri to N., C. Date of Delivery or on the front if space permits. r(.,(.2,;'hi -G y 1. Article Addressed to: P. Is delivery address different from item 1? El Yes Li)CA q -o5 If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No I L I I III 111111 111111111111 O Service Type 0 Priority Mail Express® Adult Signature 0 Registered Mail'" 0 Adult Signature Restricted Delivery 0 Registered Mail Restricted 9590 9402 2997 7094 0513 20 0 Certified Mail® Delivery 0 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery 0 Return Receipt for 0 Collect on Delivery Merchandise r in Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Confirmatioarm 7017 1000 0000 6991 1411 Mail 0 Signature Confirmation Mail Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery I (over$500) PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 606 of 672 ries` Page 1 of 2 A So CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING 5/31/2019 Case Number: 19-056 BHATTI BABUR Certified Mail Return Receipt: 715 SEMINOLE RD 70171000000069911664 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 715 SEMINOLE RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Special Magistrate on July 11, 2019 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 715 SEMINOLE RD, RE#170404 0000, 10-16 16-2S-29E, SALTAIR SEC 3, LOT 95, AND Howell Park 10-16 16-2S-29E 1.540, SALTAIR SEC 3, LOTS 77 TO 79,85 TO 94. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23-31. (b) Pruning or removal of city trees. It shall be unlawful to trim, prune, or remove any tree which is within the city's rights-of-way or upon any other city property without the permission of the city as evidenced by the appropriate permit. VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23-23. Permits procedures. (a) (3) After-the-fact permits. Any person(s) engaging in the removal of regulated tree(s) or regulated vegetation prior to obtaining a permit will be required to apply for and obtain an after-the-fact permit, and meet mitigation requirements as assessed. VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23-51. (d) Sanctions for failure to obtain a permit. (1) Regulated trees or regulated vegetation removed in violation of this chapter shall require an after-the-fact permit, the fee for which shall be two (2) times the normal established application fee specified in section 23-26. In addition, as a condition of the permit, the applicant shall immediately complete all remedial work as necessary to stabilize the site and mitigate all damage to the site and adjacent properties. (2) Regulated trees removed in violation of this chapter shall be assessed at two (2) times the normal established rate of mitigation specified in section 23-33. VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23-33. Mitigation to be assessed. (b) Mitigation assessment. In general, mitigation shall be assessed according to the ratios given in the following table, such that the number of Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 607 of 672 Page 2 of 2 inches required to be replaced, relocated or preserved (first number) are proportional to the number the inches removed (second number): TABLE 1. STANDARD MITIGATION ASSESSMENT, CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY, (CLASSIFICATION OF REGULATED TREE): Private parcels 1:2 (Protected) 1: 1 (Heritage), Public parcels - 1:1 (Protected) 2:1 (Heritage), Public rights-of-way, easements, etc.- 1:1 (Protected) 3:1 (Heritage), Environmentally sensitive areas - 2:1 (Protected) 3:1 Heritage). c) General conditions. Mitigation shall be in the form of preservation of existing trees, relocation of existing trees that would otherwise be removed, or replacement with new trees, and shall occur within thirty (30) days, or prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy or other final approval, whichever time is shorter, unless a greater period is provided for good cause by the permit. The applicant assumes all duties and costs associated with mitigation. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 5/28/2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 715 SEMINOLE RD. During the inspection, the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: Between February 25, 2019 and February 28, 2019 Lucas Tree Services was contracted to trim and remove trees at 715 Seminole Road. Three of the trees that were removed, one (1)palm tree and two 2) 20-inch pine trees, were located on City property and were part of Howell Park. No permit was issued for the removal of the three trees in Howell Park. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, c cei t ZQY-C hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and4curate. U.S. Postal Servicenv Angela arry, CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT n Domestic Mail Only Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach For delivery information,visit our website at". Cr Certified Mail Fee Er ATTEST: Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) 0 Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark ut Io Certified Mall Restricted Delivery $ Here lo ,p 0 Adult Signature Required $ 0 Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ O Postage Lori Diaz, Records Clerk o $Total Postage and Fees s Ct Box0StretandApt.No.,or P No. r- City,State,ZIP+4+ PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 608 of 672 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Si.. • _ AgePrintyournameandaddressonthereverseX t so that we can return the card to you. ddressee Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece,B. Recd b (Printed Name) C. Dar of?Joh -ry or on the front if space permits. I = .1110 Co 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes If YES,enter delivery acfp s below: Q.14 CO L.2 iv J 111111111111111111111111 3. Service Type Adult Signature 0 Priority Mat Express® 0 Registered Mail•" dult Signature Restricted Delivery 0 Registered Mail Restricted 9590 9402 2997 7094 0511 39 n.Certified Mail® Delivery Certified Mail Restricted Delivery 0 Return Receipt for Collect on Delivery Merchandise ri c,.uo,..on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Confirmation•"' 17 1000 6991 1,664 Mail 0 Signature Confirmation Mail Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery 1 lover x000) PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 609 of 672 4' Vii, , , fr '\r f^ Page 1 of 2 u-, A }s CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Niriz-- On9'2 NOTICE OF HEARING 5/31/2019 Case Number: 19-056 LUCAS TREE SERVICE Certified Mail Return Receipt: 205 EDGAR STREET SUITE 11 70171000000069911626 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 715 SEMINOLE RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Special Magistrate on July 11, 2019 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 715 SEMINOLE RD, RE#170404 0000, 10-16 16-2S-29E, SALTAIR SEC 3, LOT 95, AND Howell Park 10-16 16-2S-29E 1.540, SALTAIR SEC 3, LOTS 77 TO 79,85 TO 94. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23-31. (b) Pruning or removal of city trees. It shall be unlawful to trim, prune, or remove any tree which is within the city's rights-of-way or upon any other city property without the permission of the city as evidenced by the appropriate permit. VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23-23. Permits procedures. (a) (3) After-the-fact permits. Any person(s) engaging in the removal of regulated tree(s) or regulated vegetation prior to obtaining a permit will be required to apply for and obtain an after-the-fact permit, and meet mitigation requirements as assessed. VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23-51. (d) Sanctions for failure to obtain a permit. (1) Regulated trees or regulated vegetation removed in violation of this chapter shall require an after-the-fact permit, the fee for which shall be two (2) times the normal established application fee specified in section 23-26. In addition, as a condition of the permit, the applicant shall immediately complete all remedial work as necessary to stabilize the site and mitigate all damage to the site and adjacent properties. (2) Regulated trees removed in violation of this chapter shall be assessed at two (2) times the normal established rate of mitigation specified in section 23-33. VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 23- 33. Mitigation to be assessed. (b) Mitigation assessment. In general, mitigation shall be assessed according to the ratios given in the following table, such that the number of Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 610 of 672 Page 2 of 2 inches required to be replaced, relocated or preserved (first number) are proportional to the number the inches removed (second number): TABLE 1. STANDARD MITIGATION ASSESSMENT, CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY, (CLASSIFICATION OF REGULATED TREE): Private parcels 1:2 (Protected) 1:1 (Heritage), Public parcels - 1:1 (Protected) 2:1 (Heritage), Public rights-of-way, easements, etc.- 1:1 (Protected) 3:1 (Heritage), Environmentally sensitive areas - 2:1 (Protected) 3:1 Heritage). c) General conditions. Mitigation shall be in the form of preservation of existing trees, relocation of existing trees that would otherwise be removed, or replacement with new trees, and shall occur within thirty (30) days, or prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy or other final approval, whichever time is shorter, unless a greater period is provided for good cause by the permit. The applicant assumes all duties and costs associated with mitigation. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 5/28/2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 715 SEMINOLE RD. During the inspection, the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: Between February 25, 2019 and February 28, 2019 Lucas Tree Services was contracted to trim and remove trees at 715 Seminole Road. Three of the trees that were removed, one (1)palm tree and two 2) 20-inch pine trees, were located on City property and were part of Howell Park. No permit was issued for the removal of the three trees in Howell Park. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, crcic . 2Ctsr`hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and a'eirate. U.S. Postal Servicer" CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT Angela I ' , ti Domestic Mail Only Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach CI For delivery information,visit our website at`*. rq0 7- FACIAL USE0" Certified Mail Fee tr $ ATTEST:13 Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) 0 Return Receipt(hardcoPY) $ Ci Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark 1:3 1 Certified Mall Restricted Delivery $ Here V/ 1 0 Adult Signature Required $ 1 \ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ p Postage Lori Diaz, Records Clerk Total Postage and Fees 1-4N sent a Street and Apt.fillci.;A PO Box No. N City, tate,ZIP+46 PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 611 of 672 1 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THI5,SECTION ON DELIVERY Complete items 1,2,and 3. Print your name and address on the reverse 9ent so that we can return the card to you. 0 Addressee Attach this card to the bac1 of the mailpiece, ceiveo by( ri Na e) J C Date of Delivery or on the front if space permits. 4( , J is I I f` // ,IlC 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: No o 0lM.- 105(P' 11111111 11 I 11111111111111 3. Service Type Adult Signature 0 Priority Mail Express® 0 Registered Mail° Adult Signature Restricted Delivery 0 Registered Mail Restricted 9590 9402 2997 7094 0511 77 0 Certified Mail® Delivery Certified Mail Restricted Delivery 0 Return Receipt for Collect on Delivery Merchandise rr !,v.. r r n( i1 *on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Confirmation,M Aar' Signature Confirmation 7 017 1000 0000 6 9 91 1626 Nail Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery I over 4,000) PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt . Agenda Item #B. 11 Jul 2019 Page 612 of 672 CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE FAX EMAIL OWNER BHATTI BABUR 715 SEMINOLE RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 (904)241-3533 SUB CONTRACTOR LUCAS TREE SERVICE INC 205 EDGAR ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 (904)241-3533 VIOLATION TYPE USER NAME OBSERVED DATE CORRECTED DATE LOCATION REMARKS NOTES VIOLATIONS Description: per Derek Reeves - tree removal on City property Status: PENDING CODE BOARD Type: CODE ENFORCEMENT Subtype: STOP WORK ORDER Opened: 2/28/2019 Closed: Last Action: 7/26/2019 Fllw Up: 7/26/2019 Site Address: 715 SEMINOLE RD Atlantic Beach, Fl 32233 Site APN: 170404 0000 Officer: Angela Irizarry Details:Property owner has submitted an appeal to the Tree Board and is on the agenda for the July 18 Community Development Board to request a variance from the mitigation requirement. Staff recommends that this issued be deferred to the September meeting after the CDB makes a ruling. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 1 of 4 CASE DETAILS Case Number 19-056 A g e n d a I t e m # B . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 6 1 3 o f 6 7 2 Tree Mitigation Angela Irizarry 3/14/2019 Sec. 23-33. Mitigation to be assessed. (b) Mitigation assessment. In general, mitigation shall be assessed according to the ratios given in the following table, such that the number of inches required to be replaced, relocated or preserved (first number) are proportional to the number the inches removed (second number): TABLE 1. STANDARD MITIGATION ASSESSMENT, CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY, CLASSIFICATION OF REGULATED TREE Private parcels 1:2 1:1 Public parcels 1:1 2:1 Public rights-of-way, easements, etc. 1:1 3:1 Environmentally sensitive areas 2:1 3:1 (c) General conditions. Mitigation shall be in the form of preservation of existing trees, relocation of existing trees that would otherwise be removed, or replacement with new trees, and shall occur within thirty (30) days, or prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy or other final approval, whichever time is shorter, unless a greater period is provided for good cause by the permit. The applicant assumes all duties and costs associated with mitigation. Tree Penalties Angela Irizarry 3/14/2019 Sec. 23-51. (d) Sanctions for failure to obtain a permit. (1) Regulated trees or regulated vegetation removed in violation of this chapter shall require an after-the-fact permit, the fee for which shall be two (2) times the normal established application fee specified in section 23-26. In addition, as a condition of the permit, the applicant shall immediately complete all remedial work as necessary to stabilize the site and mitigate all damage to the site and adjacent properties. (2) Regulated trees removed in violation of this chapter shall be assessed at two (2) times the normal established rate of mitigation specified in section 23-33. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 2 of 4 CASE DETAILS Case Number 19-056 A g e n d a I t e m # B . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 6 1 4 o f 6 7 2 CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Lori Diaz 7/26/2019 SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Lori Diaz 7/24/2019 CODE BOARD ORDER Lori Diaz 7/23/2019 CODE BOARD ORDER Lori Diaz 7/21/2019 CODE BOARD AGENDA Lori Diaz 7/4/2019 6/14/2019 CODE BOARD AGENDA Lori Diaz 7/2/2019 5/30/2019 CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 6/26/2019 CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 6/6/2019 6/17/2019 Rcvd signed green card for NOH for 7/11/2019 meeting NOH LTR Lori Diaz 5/30/2019 5/30/2019 Renotice Lucas Trees with New Date NOTICE OF HEARING Lori Diaz 5/30/2019 5/30/2019 NOH letter to Homeowner NOTICE OF HEARING Lori Diaz 4/23/2019 4/25/2019 CHRONOLOGY Tree Permit Procedures Angela Irizarry 3/14/2019 Sec. 23-23. Permits procedures. (a) (3) After-the- fact permits. Any person(s) engaging in the removal of regulated tree(s) or regulated vegetation prior to obtaining a permit will be required to apply for and obtain an after-the-fact permit, and meet mitigation requirements as assessed. Tree Removal (Right of Way)Angela Irizarry 3/14/2019 Sec. 23-31. (b) Pruning or removal of city trees. It shall be unlawful to trim, prune, or remove any tree which is within the city''s rights-of-way or upon any other city property without the permission of the city as evidenced by the appropriate permit. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 3 of 4 CASE DETAILS Case Number 19-056 A g e n d a I t e m # B . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 6 1 5 o f 6 7 2 CMRR RECEIVED W/SIGNATURE Angela Irizarry 3/25/2019 3/25/2019 Rcvd Signed Green Card. NOV CERT Angela Irizarry 3/18/2019 3/18/2019 INSPECTIONS FINANCIAL INFORMATION Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 4 of 4 CASE DETAILS Case Number 19-056 A g e n d a I t e m # B . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 6 1 6 o f 6 7 2 01.rL 1r'f CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH A 1.f 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 ti PHONE (904) 247-5800 1/18/2019 B B MCCORMICK AND SONS INC 124 CYPRESS LAGOON CT PONTE VEDRA BEACH, FL 32082 Real Estate Number: 170781 0000 Case Number: 19-018 Location of Violation: 1198 MAYPORT RD, Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and are made part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6- 16. A code enforcement inspection at 1198 MAYPORT RD was conducted on 1/15/2019. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 24-160. Dumpsters, garbage containers and refuse collection areas and above ground tanks. (b) Within commercial zoning districts, dumpsters, trash receptacles, above ground tanks and similar structures and containers shall be screened from view by fencing or landscaping, or shall be located so that these are not visible from adjacent properties or streets. Above-ground tanks used to store hazardous, chemical or explosive materials may remain unscreened upon determination by the Director of Public Safety that a threat to security and public safety may result from screening such tank(s) from view. NATURE OF VIOLATION: Two unscreened dumpsters are visible in the parking lot. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by repairing the existing dumpster enclosure and removing or screening the second dumpster located adjacent to Mayport Road within ten (10) days of the receipt of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Board resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at(904) 247-5855 if you have any questions or need additional information. Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 617 of 672 I, hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. Sincerely, Angela Irizarry CODE ENFORCEMENT Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 618 of 672 Jas -'' r1v't CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Stx 800 SEMINOLE ROAD r' s)ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 PHONE (904) 247-5800 r.1-05319' CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7018 2290 0001 0116 7971 4/29/2019 B B MCCORMICK AND SONS INC 124 CYPRESS LAGOON CT PONTE VEDRA BEACH, FL 32082 Real Estate Number: 170781 0000 Case Number: 19-018 Location of Violation: 1198 MAYPORT RD, 18-34 17-2S-29E 1.214,ATLANTIC BEACH SEC H, LOTS 1,2(EX R/W)LOTS 3 TO 5 BLK 46, LOTS 1,2 (EX R/W) LOTS 3 TO 5 BLK 47 Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and are made part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6- 16. A code enforcement inspection at 1198 MAYPORT RD was conducted on 4/29/2019. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 24-160. Dumpsters, garbage containers and refuse collection areas and above ground tanks. (b) Within commercial zoning districts, dumpsters, trash receptacles, above ground tanks and similar structures and containers shall be screened from view by fencing or landscaping, or shall be located so that these are not visible from adjacent properties or streets. Above-ground tanks used to store hazardous, chemical or explosive materials may remain unscreened upon determination by the Director of Public Safety that a threat to security and public safety may result from screening such tank(s) from view. NATURE OF VIOLATION: An unscreened dumpsters is still visible in the parking lot along Mayport Road. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by screening the dumpster located adjacent to Mayport Road within thirty (30) days of the receipt of this notice. A permit is required to install fencing or other screening enclosure. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Board resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 619 of 672 contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at(904) 247-5855 if you have any questions or need additional information. I, e l0. k2ZQ 2-i21 , hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurat Sincerely, 0-X\t&A- Angela Irizarry CODE ENFORCEMENT Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 620 of 672 os a ervice CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only tiFor delivery information,visit our website at''. rrAcc S g r P Certified Mail Fee Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark Certified Mal Restricted Delivery $ Here Adult Signature Required $ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ O Postage U U Total Postage and Fees a Sent To API 0 ffo o1 L Street and t: o.,or 65--111-ktcall-fd"" pity,$tate,20444 A g e n d a I t e m # C . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 6 2 1 o f 6 7 2 7/2/2019®-USPS Tracking®Results FAQs > ( Tracking Track Another Package + Tracking Number: 70182290000101167971 Remove X Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 3:42 pm on May 6, 2019 in PONTE VEDRA BEACH, FL 32082. G Delivered May 6, 2019 at 3:42 pm Delivered, Left with Individual PONTE VEDRA BEACH, FL 32082 CDa- Ell Tracking History Product Information u See Less ^ Can't find what you're looking for? Go to our FAQs section to find answers to your tracking questions. FAQs ( 1/2 Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 622 of 672 7/2/2019®-USPS Tracking®Results The easiest tracking number is the one you don't have to know. With Informed Delivery®, you never have to type in another tracking number. Sign up to: See images* of incoming mail. Automatically track the packages you're expecting. CDCD Q Set up email and text alerts so you don't need to enter tracking numbers. v Enter USPS Delivery InstructionsTM for your mail carrier. Sign Up NOTE: Black and white (grayscale) images show the outside, front of letter-sized envelopes and mailpieces that are processedgPRRAFRgPSIg R41 °/ 2/2 Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 623 of 672 1)....M:0,Page 1 of 2 J, .pir . , s CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA i.' ` v_} NOTICE OF HEARING Jiil)r 5/31/2019 Case Number: 19-018 B B MCCORMICK AND SONS INC Certified Mail Return Receipt: 124 CYPRESS LAGOON CT 70171000000069911633 PONTE VEDRA BEACH, FL 32082 Property Address: 1198 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on 7/11/2019 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 1198 MAYPORT RD, RE#170781 0000, 18-34 17-2S-29E 1.214,ATLANTIC BEACH SEC H, LOTS 1,2(EX R/W)LOTS 3 TO 5 BLK 46 , LOTS 1,2(EX R/W)LOTS 3 TO 5 BLK 47. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/ City Code of Ordinances Sec. 24-160. Dumpsters, garbage containers and refuse collection areas and above ground tanks. (b) Within commercial zoning districts, dumpsters, trash receptacles, above ground tanks and similar structures and containers shall be screened from view by fencing or landscaping, or shall be located so that these are not visible from adjacent properties or streets. Above-ground tanks used to store hazardous, chemical or explosive materials may remain unscreened upon determination by the Director of Public Safety that a threat to security and public safety may result from screening such tank(s) from view. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 5/31/2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 1198 MAYPORT RD. During the inspection, the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: Your property is located in a commercial zoning district and an unscreened dumpsters is visible in the parking lot along Mayport Road. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received, the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 624 of 672 Page 2 of 2 You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, 1e\Rv?.t.crl hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and a ate. 0\r Angela Iri y, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: U 8 ug i o o a 1 Q Q O } 2 6'a m3-15L-Ilk. 7 r i o8 aa mnlSWi. .=_es!).N U Lon Diaz, Records Clerk„ gip o o a I¢88¢2 t-0-0 LI E o 8 y 2zopo U.S. Postal Service"' s t c's CERTIFIED MAIL® RECEIPT a ror m 1 g.g' CD 0 CD Domestic Mail Only A M W+ c io dw m C C22 o ogfo ria For delivery information,visit our website at www°.ti rn $ o>- ging1 E I NeOin ¢ N= r r > >m a«fq-ovm ooccoM, U d X m o UCASo_ r9 ODEIDO Q^ Certified Mail Fee 0- $ Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ mm00 O 0 0 Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark a 8 to m O rn 0 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here Q. imum CO Adult Signature Required $ m 7 5 tTl O Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ 0 m O T - O m N O Postage W c Z---'oor a o.w szr 03 yNE i . n DTotal Postage and Fees 0N r ZN elpcis` l' N CM a N . N O treat andApt.No.,or PO Box No.W ,- N O o) o c O > E E y e E:73p City,State,ZIP+4e CO O 2 0 ° 2 gNi m 0 I— PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions m j a, 0 -o 0 E r ti a g c U c m in z M W m ,.'-. 74 TS E W aU , Q `. 8rd o 12 cn t\i N a a Agenda Item #C. 11 Jul 2019 Page 625 of 672 Page 626 of 672 CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE FAX EMAIL OWNER B B MCCORMICK AND SONS INC 124 CYPRESS LAGOON CT PONTE VEDRA BEACH, FL 32082 VIOLATION TYPE USER NAME OBSERVED DATE CORRECTED DATE LOCATION REMARKS NOTES Dumpster Enclosures Angela Irizarry 1/15/2019 Sec. 24-160. Dumpsters, garbage containers and refuse collection areas and above ground tanks. (b) Within commercial zoning districts, dumpsters, trash receptacles, above ground tanks and similar structures and containers shall be screened from view by fencing or landscaping, or shall be located so that these are not visible from adjacent properties or streets. Above-ground tanks used to store hazardous, chemical or explosive materials may remain unscreened upon determination by the Director of Public Safety that a threat to security and public safety may result from screening such tank(s) from view. VIOLATIONS Description: DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE Status: PENDING CODE BOARD Type: CODE ENFORCEMENT Subtype: RESIDENTIAL Opened: 1/15/2019 Closed: Last Action: 7/26/2019 Fllw Up: 7/26/2019 Site Address: 1198 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Site APN: 170781 0000 Officer: Angela Irizarry Details:Staff recommends Respondent be found in compliance. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 1 of 5 CASE DETAILS Case Number 19-018 A g e n d a I t e m # C . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 6 2 7 o f 6 7 2 CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Lori Diaz 7/26/2019 CODE BOARD ORDER Lori Diaz 7/23/2019 CODE BOARD AGENDA Lori Diaz 7/4/2019 5/30/2019 PERMIT ISSUED/OBTAINED Angela Irizarry 6/28/2019 6/28/2019 Permit issued for fence to screen dumpster PERMIT APPLIED FOR Angela Irizarry 6/4/2019 6/4/2019 Applied for permit for fence to put around dumpster CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 6/3/2019 6/3/2019 Per Status ?Delivered June 3, 2019 at 3:40 pm Delivered, Left with Individual PONTE VEDRA BEACH, FL 32082 NOTICE OF HEARING Lori Diaz 5/29/2019 5/29/2019 CHRONOLOGY Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 2 of 5 CASE DETAILS Case Number 19-018 A g e n d a I t e m # C . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 6 2 8 o f 6 7 2 CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 5/6/2019 5/6/2019 Per Tracking Number: 70182290000101167971 We attempted to deliver your item at 2:51 pm on May 3, 2019 in PONTE VEDRA BEACH, FL 32082 and a notice was left because an authorized recipient was not available. You may arrange redelivery by using the Schedule a Redelivery feature on this page or may pick up the item at the Post Office indicated on the notice beginning May 4, 2019. If this item is unclaimed by May 18, 2019 then it will be returned to sender. Status Delivery Attempt: Action Needed May 3, 2019 at 2:51 pm Notice Left (No Authorized Recipient Available) PONTE VEDRA BEACH, FL 32082 Schedule Redelivery CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 5/6/2019 5/6/2019 Tracking Number: 70182290000101167971 Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 3:42 pm on May 6, 2019 in PONTE VEDRA BEACH, FL 32082. Status Delivered May 6, 2019 at 3:42 pm Delivered, Left with Individual PONTE VEDRA BEACH, FL 32082 Get Updates NOV CERT Angela Irizarry 4/29/2019 4/29/2019 Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 3 of 5 CASE DETAILS Case Number 19-018 A g e n d a I t e m # C . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 6 2 9 o f 6 7 2 TELEPHONE CALL Angela Irizarry 1/28/2019 1/28/2019 Spoke with Travis Moore - Property Manager - Tenant is moving out and second dumpster will be leaving the property within 45 days. NOV REG Angela Irizarry 1/18/2019 1/18/2019 INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES INITIAL INSPECTION AI REINSPECTION AI 5/6/2019 5/6/2019 Certified letter has not been received yet. Rescheduling inspection. REINSPECTION AI 5/21/2019 5/24/2019 VIOLATION CONTINUES INSPECTIONS FINANCIAL INFORMATION Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 4 of 5 CASE DETAILS Case Number 19-018 A g e n d a I t e m # C . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 6 3 0 o f 6 7 2 Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 5 of 5 CASE DETAILS Case Number 19-018 A g e n d a I t e m # C . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 6 3 1 o f 6 7 2 Page 632 of 672 Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 633 of 672 Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 634 of 672 Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 635 of 672 i•-L l r y' CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH s, s- 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 lay PHONE (904) 247-5800 J;31s CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7018 2290 0001 0116 7988 4/30/2019 PARKER IDA L 15 FORRESTAL CIR N ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Real Estate Number: 171747 0000 Case Number: 19-023 Location of Violation: 15 FORRESTAL CIR, 30- 56 38-2S-29E, ATLANTIC BEACH VILLA UNIT 1, LOT 19 BLK 1 Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and are made part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6- 16. A code enforcement inspection at 15 FORRESTAL CIR was conducted on 4/29/2019. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 6-16. Adoption of Florida Building Code. There is hereby adopted, subject to any modifications, changes and amendments set forth in this article, and for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the construction, alteration, removal, demolition, equipment, use and occupancy, location and maintenance of buildings and structures, including permits and penalties, that certain building code known as The Florida Building Code established by Florida Statutes Chapter 553, Part VII, as amended from time to time so that the latest edition of the Florida Building Code shall apply and the International Property Maintenance Code, most recent edition. in the office of the city clerk, and the same are adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length in this article, and the provisions thereof shall be controlling in the construction of all buildings and other structures within the city. NATURE OF VIOLATION: Siding work was performed on the home without a valid City of Atlantic Beach building permit as required by the Florida Building Code. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by applying for and obtaining a valid building permit within ten (10) days of the receipt of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Board resulting in fines up to two hundred Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 636 of 672 fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at(904) 247-5855 if you have any questions or need additional information. I, 1Q l 1 hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and acc ate. Sincerely, a Angela Irizarry CODE ENFORCEMENT Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 637 of 672 I. . •os a ervice CERTIFIED MAIL® RECEIPT O Domestic Mail Only For delivery information,visit our website at''. 17 Certified Mail Fee Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) 0 Return Receipt(hardcopy) D Return Receipt(electronic) Postmark Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here 0 Adult Signature Required D Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ 3 Postage u u Total Postage and Fees 0 Sent To R- c=z3 street andApt.No.,or PC' No. gtx) eve-I-- City State,ZIP+44 4 I 2-0 A g e n d a I t e m # D . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 6 3 8 o f 6 7 2 J City of Atlantic Beach NEOPOST FIRST-CLASS MAW_ A 800 Seminole Road s e4130/2019 QQ US POSTAGE$OO6 U de Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 32233 JUN - 3 2019 7018 2290 0001 0116 7988 _. ' '44 — 041M11299654041MP299654 A\ 1. ,, PARKER IDA L u " .._- r i 2 2 DE 1 fi H`: 9; _Y i 15 FORRESTAL CIR N RETURN TO SENDER It ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 OUNA3LT(7) FORWARD 3C: 32233546199 1538-02939-01-39 c ,Ic 1 hill iiiiiiiitillsiellilsaitlitlillililis4iltnktt1\ Oi“I‘Ikt‘ 4'..4:2w1 Z e A g e n d a I t e m # D . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 6 3 9 o f 6 7 2 Page 1 of 2 S` A / jr fl CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA as:. A :J NOTICE OF HEARING J^x z J11r-P 5/31/2019 Case Number: 19-023 PARKER IDA L Certified Mail Return Receipt: 15 FORRESTAL CIR N 70171000000069911671 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 15 FORRESTAL CIR ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on July 11,2019 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 15 FORRESTAL CIR, RE#171747 0000, 30-56 38-2S-29E, ATLANTIC BEACH VILLA UNIT 1, LOT 19 BLK 1. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances Sec. 6-16. Adoption of Florida Building Code. There is hereby adopted, subject to any modifications, changes and amendments set forth in this article, and for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the construction, alteration, removal, demolition, equipment, use and occupancy, location and maintenance of buildings and structures, including permits and penalties, that certain building code known as The Florida Building Code established by Florida Statutes Chapter 553, Part VII, as amended from time to time so that the latest edition of the Florida Building Code shall apply and the International Property Maintenance Code, most recent edition. in the office of the city clerk, and the same are adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length in this article, and the provisions thereof shall be controlling in the construction of all buildings and other structures within the city. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 15 FORRESTAL CIR. During the inspection, the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: Siding work was performed on the home without a valid City of Atlantic Beach building permit as required by the Florida Building Code. Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 640 of 672 Page 2 of 2 If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received, the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. Angela •arty, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: Alva91, Lori Diaz, Records Clerk S U.S. Postal Service" CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only r- a4- 13 For delivery information,visit our website at www.usps.comx. p" Certified Mail Fee Er 11 Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) 0 Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ O 0 Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark 0 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here0AdultSignatureRequired $ 0 Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ O Postage r-R Total Postage and Fees N Sent TeR: ^r\' 7 MI 'Street and Apt.No.,or PO Box No. City,State,ZIP+46 PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 641 of 672 7/2/2019®-USPS Tracking®Results FAQs > ( Tracking® Track Another Package + Tracking Number: 70171000000069911671 Remove X This is a reminder to arrange for redelivery of your item or your item will be returned to sender. Delivery Attempt Reminder to Schedule Redelivery of your item Get Updates \/ m CD CD Q e- Text & Email Updates u Tracking History Product Information u See Less /\ Can't find what you're looking for? Go to our FAQs section to find answers to your tracking questions. FAQs ( 1/2 Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 642 of 672 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH A A 800 SEMINOLE ROAD s ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 zr PHONE (904)247-5800 1;.4,05119 NOH POSTING AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF MAILING REGULAR MAIL Case Number: 19-023 Pursuant to Chapter 162, Florida Statutes and Sec. 2-147, City of Atlantic Beach City Code of Ordinances,I,Angela Irizarry, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach, hereby affirm a Notice of Hearing, a copy of which is attached, was mailed regular mail and was posted at the following locations: 1) Date Posted: I Location: 15 FORRESTAL CIR, Atlantic Beach, Florida 2) Date Posted: 1 Location: ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Angela Ir. Z,, Code Enforceme 411) County of Duval State of Florida The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me this I, day of 3 t. 20 l q , by Angela Irizarry,who is personally known to me as Code Enforcement foithe City of Atlantic Beach. Person taking acknowledgement: Notary Stamp/Seal) fpi I , Notary Public, tate 4 lorida rsr u" LORI DIAZ MY COMMISSION 4;--Y1 DOMES: br 1 2022' Q1 f°S Bonded ihuNotify R kUnduwden Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 643 of 672 C` ` ' 1 'i, CODE ENFORCEMENT kj 2 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA yr NOTICE OF HEARING iJ1111 7/1/2019 Case Number: 19-023 PARKER IDA L POSTED ON PROPERTY AND 15 FORRESTAL CIR N ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Property Address: 15 FORRESTAL CIR ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 15 FORRESTAL CIR, RE#171747 0000, 30-56 38-2S-29E, ATLANTIC BEACH VILLA UNIT 1, LOT 19 BLK 1. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6- 16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances Sec. 6-16. Adoption of Florida Building Code. There is hereby adopted, subject to any modifications, changes and amendments set forth in this article, and for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the construction, alteration,removal, demolition, equipment,use and occupancy, location and maintenance of buildings and structures, including permits and penalties, that certain building code known as The Florida Building Code established by Florida Statutes Chapter 553, Part VII, as amended from time to time so that the latest edition of the Florida Building Code shall apply and the International Property Maintenance Code,most recent edition. in the office of the city clerk, and the same are adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length in this article, and the provisions.thereof shall be controlling in the construction of all buildings and other structures within the city. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 5/30/2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 15 FORRESTAL CIR. During the inspection,the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: Siding work was performed on the home without a valid City of Atlantic Beach building permit as required by the Florida Building Code. As of May 31, 2019 no permit application as been submitted to the City of Atlantic Beach.. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received, the case may Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 644 of 672 be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. CAI, 121Q Z«r C hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and aedurate. Angela Iri , Code Enforcement Officer, City o •tlantic Beach ATTEST: 1 - Nt311 I Lori Diaz,Records Cle 41/ Agenda Item #D. 11 Jul 2019 Page 645 of 672 Page 646 of 672 CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE FAX EMAIL ADDITIONAL CONTACT 1 Richard Parker , OWNER PARKER IDA L 15 FORRESTAL CIR N ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 VIOLATION TYPE USER NAME OBSERVED DATE CORRECTED DATE LOCATION REMARKS NOTES VIOLATIONS Description: per Angela Irizarry - siding work w/o permit Status: PENDING CODE BOARD Type: CODE ENFORCEMENT Subtype: STOP WORK ORDER Opened: 1/22/2019 Closed: Last Action: 7/26/2019 Fllw Up: 7/26/2019 Site Address: 15 FORRESTAL CIR Atlantic Beach, Fl 32233 Site APN: 171747 0000 Officer: Angela Irizarry Details:Staff Recommendation: Find the Respondent in violation for the time he was in violation and now in compliance. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 1 of 4 CASE DETAILS Case Number 19-023 A g e n d a I t e m # D . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 6 4 7 o f 6 7 2 CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Lori Diaz 7/26/2019 CODE BOARD ORDER Lori Diaz 7/23/2019 CODE BOARD AGENDA Lori Diaz 7/4/2019 6/14/2019 CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 6/26/2019 7/1/2019 Certified letter not delivered. PERMIT ISSUED/OBTAINED Angela Irizarry 6/14/2019 7/2/2019 Obtained permit for Windows and siding work NOTICE OF HEARING Lori Diaz 5/30/2019 5/30/2019 CHRONOLOGY Florida Building Code Angela Irizarry 1/22/2019 Sec. 6-16. Adoption of Florida Building Code. There is hereby adopted, subject to any modifications, changes and amendments set forth in this article, and for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the construction, alteration, removal, demolition, equipment, use and occupancy, location and maintenance of buildings and structures, including permits and penalties, that certain building code known as The Florida Building Code established by Florida Statutes Chapter 553, Part VII, as amended from time to time so that the latest edition of the Florida Building Code shall apply and the International Property Maintenance Code, most recent edition. in the office of the city clerk, and the same are adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length in this article, and the provisions thereof shall be controlling in the construction of all buildings and other structures within the city. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 2 of 4 CASE DETAILS Case Number 19-023 A g e n d a I t e m # D . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 6 4 8 o f 6 7 2 TELEPHONE CALL Angela Irizarry 5/14/2019 5/14/2019 Spoke with Mr. Parker, He stated that he is in Pennsylvania and his neighbor, who is getting his mail, told him he had a certified letter from COAB. He apologized for not taking care of this sooner. He stated he has been spending his off road time with sick family in Maine. He will be back in Atlantic Beach on the 27th and will take care of the permit before the end of the month. He is leaving again after that and will not be able to complete the work until September when he returns. NOV CERT Angela Irizarry 4/30/2019 4/30/2019 TELEPHONE CALL Angela Irizarry 1/23/2019 1/23/2019 Spoke with Richard Parker. He stated that he was unaware that the permit expired. He is a truck driver and is out of town until 2/20/2019. He will take care of the permit when he gets back. STOP WORK ORDER POST Angela Irizarry 1/22/2019 1/22/2019 INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES REINSPECTION AI 2/22/2019 2/22/2019 VIOLATION CONTINUES Check for permit. REINSPECTION AI 4/29/2019 4/30/2019 VIOLATION CONTINUES No permit on file REINSPECTION AI 5/10/2019 5/14/2019 VIOLATION CONTINUES REINSPECTION AI 6/3/2019 6/3/2019 VIOLATION CONTINUES INSPECTIONS FINANCIAL INFORMATION Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 3 of 4 CASE DETAILS Case Number 19-023 A g e n d a I t e m # D . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 6 4 9 o f 6 7 2 Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 4 of 4 CASE DETAILS Case Number 19-023 A g e n d a I t e m # D . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 6 5 0 o f 6 7 2 Print PreviewPage 1of 2 Request Type:Atlantic Beach Problem Request Location: 539 Selva Lakes Circle Reporting and Tracking Backyard Request 32233 Request ID Number:1100 Date Submitted:4/12/2019 Date Closed:(open) Date Printed:4/15/2019 8:28:12 AM Submitter Information:Michelle Arcuri Priority:Normal Assigned To:Irizarry, Angela Phone: (none specified) Email: Date/PersonComments 4/12/2019 11:57:48 AM Request assigned to Angela Irizarry. Kevin Hogencamp Reason: (None given) 4/12/2019 11:51:57 AM Request reassigned from General Administration to Code Enforcement. Kevin Hogencamp Reason: (None given) 4/12/2019 11:44:41 AM Your Request ID Number is 1100. Michelle Arcuri Welcome to the City of Atlantic Beach'sOnline Problem Reporting and Tracking form. This form will generate automatic emails to the appropriate City staff who can quickly address your needs. You will have the ability to track our progress on your issue. Should your problem require immediate attention, please call City Hall at 247-5800. For a Police emergency, dial 911. Contact Information Name Address Phone Number Email Address Under Florida law, email addresses are contained in the public record. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact the City by phone or in writing. Please Indicate Your Problem or Service Request by Checking the Appropriate Box Overhanging Tree Limbs / Shrubs / Weeds Description of the Problem or Request Overgrown weeds and shrubs in Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 651 of 672 Print PreviewPage 2of 2 backyard Location of the Problem or Request 539 Selva Lakes Circle Backyard Zip Code 32233 How would you like us to contact you? email Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 652 of 672 Case q .. cc1s SLANT c Izi_ sillit , 1OR10p CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 PHONE: 247-5855 COURTESY NOTICE OF VIOLATION i ‘ ii . \ I c., DATE TIME OWNER/OCCUP O, C‹ ADDRESS THE INSPECTION MADE OF THE ABOVE PREMISES THIS DATE DISCLOSED YOU WERE IN VIOLATION OF ORDINANCE:\ O- 2._1(t--)(-e LiVi )Ult,,,f) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA. YOU CAN COMPLY BY L \k:W\`i `"`(_\ JAl ' ) 3 \cki, c-_ r _2(._,-(- WITHIN DAYS OF THIS NOTICE THIS IS A COURTESY NOTICE IN ORDER TO MAKE YOU AWARE OF A VIOLATION OF THE CITY CODE OF ATLANTIC BEACH. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR WOULD LIKE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THIS NOTICE, PLEASE CALL ATLANTIC BACH CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICE. L---- CFS CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER RECEIVED BY Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 653 of 672 o t `i-r,„ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH A' sf800 SEMINOLE ROAD s ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 322337-5— ar PHONE (904) 247-5800 4/16/2019 ALBRECHT SUSAN E 539 SELVA LAKES CIR ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233-4361 Real Estate Number: 172027 5512 Case Number: 19-095 Location of Violation: 539 SELVA LAKES CIR, 43-11 17-2S-29E,SELVA LAKES UNIT 2, LOT 58Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and are made part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6- 16. A code enforcement inspection at 539 SELVA LAKES CIR was conducted on 4/16/2019. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 12-1 Nuisances (b) It is hereby declared to be a nuisance,the enumerations of which are merely indications of the nature of the type of acts, occurrences and conditions, and shall not be deemed to be exclusive: (11) For any person or business to allow vegetation other than cultivated plants, shrubs or trees to exceed a height of more than twelve (12) inches on any developed lot, or within twenty(20)feet of any occupied residential property, business property or city right of way. NATURE OF VIOLATION: Weeds and grass on the side and back of the yard are in excess of 12 inches in height. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by mowing the side and rear lawn within five (5) days of the receipt of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Board resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at(904) 247-5855 if you have any questions or need additional information. Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 654 of 672 I, Ay q 2-') , hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accuracy Sincerely, Angela Irizarry CODE ENFORCEMENT Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 655 of 672 UT200002 City of Atlantic Beach 4/17/ 19 Customer Master File Maintenance 11 : 50: 58 Customer ID 30359 Type information, press Enter. Name ALBRECHT, SUSAN E . Mailing address 539 SELVA LAKES CIR Zip code (F4) 32233 ATLANTIC BEACH FL Delivery point Phone 904 - 5360846 Drivers license number (F6) . . 0 FL Social security number (F6) . . . 0687 Attention/doing business as . . . Old Account Number E-mail address Customer name type P P=Person, C=Company Group number (F4) Enter Auto Pay information . . . Y Y=Yes, N=No Enter additional information . . Y Y=Yes, N=No F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Zip code maint F6=Unprotect F7=Misc cust info F8=Alt address F9=Change history F12=Cancel F24=More keys Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 656 of 672 rr r'I'`' CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 3 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 PHONE (904) 247-5800 05119 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7018 2290 0001 0116 7995 5/1/2019 ALBRECHT SUSAN E 539 SELVA LAKES CIR ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233-4361 Real Estate Number: 172027 5512 Case Number: 19-095 Location of Violation: 539 SELVA LAKES CIR, 43-11 17-2S-29 E,SELVA LAKES UNIT 2, LOT 58 Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and are made part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6- 16. A code enforcement inspection at 539 SELVA LAKES CIR was conducted on 4/16/2019. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 12-1 Nuisances (b) It is hereby declared to be a nuisance, the enumerations of which are merely indications of the nature of the type of acts, occurrences and conditions, and shall not be deemed to be exclusive: (11) For any person or business to allow vegetation other than cultivated plants, shrubs or trees to exceed a height of more than twelve(12) inches on any developed lot, or within twenty (20) feet of any occupied residential property, business property or city right of way. NATURE OF VIOLATION: Weeds and grass on the side and back of the yard are in excess of 12 inches in height. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by mowing the side and rear lawn within five (5) days of the receipt of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Board resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247-5855 if you have any questions or need additional information. Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 657 of 672 PI, I —QC. I , hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. Sincerely, Ok-)nEj( nCiL) Angela Irizarry CODE ENFORCEMENT Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 658 of 672 rL`I rJr, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH jSC) 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 r PHONE (904)247-5800 P-40E19 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7018 2290 0001 0116 8015 5/17/2019 ALBRECHT SUSAN E 539 SELVA LAKES CIR ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233-4361 Real Estate Number: 172027 5512 Case Number: 19-095 Location of Violation: 539 SELVA LAKES CIR, 43-11 17-2S-29E,SELVA LAKES UNIT 2, LOT 58Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and are made part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6- 16. A code enforcement inspection at 539 SELVA LAKES CIR was conducted on 5/17/2019. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 12-1 Nuisances (b) It is hereby declared to be a nuisance, the enumerations of which are merely indications of the nature of the type of acts, occurrences and conditions, and shall not be deemed to be exclusive: (11) For any person or business to allow vegetation other than cultivated plants, shrubs or trees to exceed a height of more than twelve(12) inches on any developed lot, or within twenty(20) feet of any occupied residential property, business property or city right of way. NATURE OF VIOLATION: Weeds and grass on the side and back of the yard are in excess of 12 inches in height. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by mowing the side and rear lawn within five (5) days of the receipt of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. This is the final request. Failure to correct the violation by the required date will result in this case being referred to the Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at(904)247-5855 if you have any questions or need additional information. Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 659 of 672 hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate Sincerely, 0.x\ ck3(vNia-Am Angela Irizarry CODE ENFORCEMENT Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 660 of 672 City of Atlantic Beach U.S. Postal Service"IA 800 Seminole Road CERTIFIED MAIL® RECEIPT Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Domestic Mail Only O;( % o For delivery information,visit our website at' OFF1C 11 AA 4,3 rR Certified Mail Fee r-0- $ Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee es appropriate) r-q 0 Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ ED 0 Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark cm 0 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here O 0 Adult Signature Required $ 0 Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ 0 Postage 0' ru $ nj Total Postage and Fees r- R rSent To ilk • Street an.Apt.No.,or•-• al- - j City,State,ZIP+4® PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02.000-9047 See Reverse for bistro(noes A g e n d a I t e m # E . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 6 6 1 o f 6 7 2 Page 1 of 2 S' ' Nrfc CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 41, 'eaf NOTICE OF HEARINGsa 5/31/2019 Case Number: 19-095 ALBRECHT SUSAN E Certified Mail Return Receipt: 539 SELVA LAKES CIR 70171000000069911695 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233-4361 Property Address: 539 SELVA LAKES CIR ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on July 11,2019 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 539 SELVA LAKES CIR, RE#172027 5512, 43-11 17-2S-29E,SELVA LAKES UNIT 2, LOT 58. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances Sec. 12-1 Nuisances (b) It is hereby declared to be a nuisance, the enumerations of which are merely indications of the nature of the type of acts, occurrences and conditions, and shall not be deemed to be exclusive: (11) For any person or business to allow vegetation other than cultivated plants, shrubs or trees to exceed a height of more than twelve(12) inches on any developed lot, or within twenty (20) feet of any occupied residential property, business property or city right of way. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 5/30/2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 539 SELVA LAKES CIR. During the inspection, the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: Weeds and grass on the side and back of the yard are in excess of 12 inches in height.. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received, the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 662 of 672 Page 2 of 2 You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, Purc\ ç\P :2(.\j hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. Angela Ir3'tarry, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: L i Diaz, Records Clerk U.S. Postal Servicer' CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT Domestic Mail OnlyEr For delivery information,visit our website at®. ra p Certrfied Mail Fee Q^ $ a Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropnate) Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ 0 Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark 0 Certified Mai Restricted Delivery $ Here Adult Signature Required $ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ O Postage Total Postage and Fees NSent T- 1 g0Streetando.,or b ffoz o. l i^ r r- City,State,ZIP+45 PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 663 of 672 7/2/2019®-USPS Tracking®Results FAQs > ( Tracking® Track Another Package + Tracking Number: 70171000000069911695 Remove X We attempted to deliver your item at 10:58 am on June 11, 2019 in ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 and a notice was left because an authorized recipient was not available. Delivery Attempt June 11, 2019 at 10:58 am Notice Left (No Authorized Recipient Available) ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 m 0_ Get Updates '/ ni C) Text & Email Updates Tracking History u Product Information u See Less ^ Can't find what you're looking for? Go to our FAQs section to find answers to your tracking questions. FAQs ( 1/2 Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 664 of 672 Nf r J'. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH r Sty 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 PHONE (904) 247-5800 Jltl re NOH POSTING AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF MAILING REGULAR MAIL Case Number: 19-095 Pursuant to Chapter 162, Florida Statutes and Sec. 2-147, City of Atlantic Beach City Code of Ordinances,I, Angela Irizarry, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach, hereby affirm a Notice of Hearing, a copy of which is attached, was mailed regular mail and was posted at the following locations: 1) Date Posted:l Location: 539 SELVA LAKES CIR, Atlantic Beach, Florida 2) Date Posted: Location: ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Angela Irizarry, Code Enforcement County of Duval State of Florida The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me this day of q- 3---1_,L\l/ 20 14, by Angela Irizarry,who is personally known to me as Code Enforcement for the City of Atlantic Beach. Person taking acknowledgement: Notary Stamp/Seal) kr- No ary Public, State of Florid tavola f MYCOMMON:oo218330 Mat November 13,2022 Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 665 of 672 S, , CODE ENFORCEMENT t a' o CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 2 K 7 NOTICE OF HEARING 7/1/2019 Case Number: 19-095 ALBRECHT SUSAN E POSTED ON PROPERTY AND 539 SELVA LAKES CIR ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233-4361 Property Address: 539 SELVA LAKES CIR ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on July 11,2019 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 539 SELVA LAKES CIR, RE#172027 5512,43-11 17-2S-29E,SELVA LAKES UNIT 2, LOT 58. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6- 16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances Sec. 12-1 Nuisances (b) It is hereby declared to be a nuisance, the enumerations of which are merely indications of the nature of the type of acts, occurrences and conditions, and shall not be deemed to be exclusive: (11) For any person or business to allow vegetation other than cultivated plants, shrubs or trees to exceed a height of more than twelve(12) inches on any developed lot, or within twenty(20) feet of any occupied residential property,business property or city right of way. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 5/30/2019 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 539 SELVA LAKES CR. During the inspection, the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: Weeds and grass on the side and back of the yard are in excess of 12 inches in height.. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received, the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 666 of 672 note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, . 1-\- Q-- 1.9•-• . 2---(41' hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. f 1)---- :)... iThAngelaIriza Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: 1> ibiti6b Oja,K. Lori Diaz, Records Clerk Agenda Item #E. 11 Jul 2019 Page 667 of 672 Page 668 of 672 CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE FAX EMAIL COMPLAINTANT Michelle Arcuri , (904)536-0846 OWNER ALBRECHT SUSAN E 539 SELVA LAKES CIR ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233-4361 (904)536-0846 CHRONOLOGY VIOLATION TYPE USER NAME OBSERVED DATE CORRECTED DATE LOCATION REMARKS NOTES Nuisance - Overgrown Angela Irizarry 4/12/2019 Sec. 12-1 Nuisances (b) It is hereby declared to be a nuisance, the enumerations of which are merely indications of the nature of the type of acts, occurrences and conditions, and shall not be deemed to be exclusive: (11) For any person or business to allow vegetation other than cultivated plants, shrubs or trees to exceed a height of more than twelve(12) inches on any developed lot, or within twenty (20) feet of any occupied residential property, business property or city right of way. VIOLATIONS Description: Overgrown Lawn Status: PENDING CODE BOARD Type: CODE ENFORCEMENT Subtype: RESIDENTIAL Opened: 4/15/2019 Closed: Last Action: 7/26/2019 Fllw Up: 7/26/2019 Site Address: 539 SELVA LAKES CIR ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Site APN: 172027 5512 Officer: Angela Irizarry Details:Staff recommends Respondent be given 10 days to mow the entire yard and if not completed within 10 days, recommend fines of $250/day. Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 1 of 4 CASE DETAILS Case Number 19-095 A g e n d a I t e m # E . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 6 6 9 o f 6 7 2 CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Lori Diaz 7/26/2019 CODE BOARD ORDER Lori Diaz 7/23/2019 CODE BOARD AGENDA Lori Diaz 7/4/2019 6/14/2019 CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 6/26/2019 NOTICE OF HEARING Lori Diaz 5/30/2019 5/30/2019 NOV CERT Angela Irizarry 5/17/2019 5/17/2019 Final Notice TELEPHONE MESSAGE Angela Irizarry 5/1/2019 5/1/2019 Received phone message from Susan Albrecht. She purchased a new lawn mower and has mowed most of the yard. She stated the areas along the fence still needs to be done but she is going to have to do them by hand. She is going out of town today and will be back on Sunday. She will work on the remaining tall areas when she gets back. TELEPHONE MESSAGE Angela Irizarry 5/1/2019 5/1/2019 Left telephone message regarding the grass being too tall and needing to me mowed. The voicemail name answers "Susan" TELEPHONE CALL Angela Irizarry 5/1/2019 5/1/2019 Spoke with Ms. Albrecht. She stated she purchased a new lawn mower and mowed most of the lawn. The back yard is too tall and she is hand pulling the weeds. TELEPHONE MESSAGE Angela Irizarry 4/17/2019 4/17/2019 Left message on Susan''s voicemail regarding the lawn being high and needing to be mowed. EMAIL SENT Angela Irizarry 4/17/2019 4/17/2019 Email sent to complaintant updating her on the case action. NOV REG Angela Irizarry 4/16/2019 4/16/2019 DOOR HANGER Angela Irizarry 4/12/2019 4/12/2019 INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES INSPECTIONS Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 2 of 4 CASE DETAILS Case Number 19-095 A g e n d a I t e m # E . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 6 7 0 o f 6 7 2 INITIAL INSPECTION AI 4/12/2019 4/12/2019 VIOLATION FOUND REINSPECTION AI 4/16/2019 4/16/2019 VIOLATION CONTINUES REINSPECTION AI 4/23/2019 4/30/2019 VIOLATION CONTINUES REINSPECTION AI 5/17/2019 5/17/2019 VIOLATION CONTINUES A portion of the lawn was mowed. The weeds that are too tall to mow are still present. REINSPECTION AI 5/28/2019 5/28/2019 VIOLATION CONTINUES FINANCIAL INFORMATION Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 3 of 4 CASE DETAILS Case Number 19-095 A g e n d a I t e m # E . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 6 7 1 o f 6 7 2 Printed: Friday, 05 July, 2019 4 of 4 CASE DETAILS Case Number 19-095 A g e n d a I t e m # E . 1 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 P a g e 6 7 2 o f 6 7 2