07-17-19 Minutes Budget WorkshopMINUTES Budget Workshop Meeting Wednesday, July 17, 2019 - 5:30 PM Commission Chamber ATTENDANCE: Present: Also Present: Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1 Cindy Anderson, Commissioner - Seat 2 Blythe Waters, Mayor Pro Tem / Commissioner - Seat 3 Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 Brittany Norris, Commissioner - Seat 5 Joe Gerrity, City Manager (CM) Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Attorney (DCM CALL TO ORDER Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 5:31 pm. CM Gerrity introduced Melissa Burns, the new City Finance Director. He also stated he and DCM Hogencamp will be doing most of the presenting at this meeting due to the City's Finance Department being in transition. Commissioner Norris arrived at 5:35 pm. Commissioner Waters arrived at 5:35 pm. 1. FY 2019 ACCOMPLISHMENTS CM Gerrity gave an overview of the Fiscal Year 2019 accomplishments. Established priorities Funded the Selva Preserve purchase Secured over two (2) million dollars in Federal Grants from Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMPG) as a result of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Hurricane Irma Hired a state lobbyist and secured $300,000.00 in appropriations for Aquatic Park improvements. Established a Workplace Climate Committee Established a City Engineer position Budget Workshop July 17, 2019 Page 1 of 8 Building Department accomplishments: Maintained their International Organization for Standardization (ISO) flood insurance ratings. Lobby remodeling Recreation Department accomplishments: Instituted a successful summer intern programs at the two (2) City centers The second year of planning for the Jazz Festival is ongoing Shakespeare in the Park is resuming The 16th Annual Arts in the Park Arts Festival Coordination of a City-wide bicycle tour Distributed $35,000 to non-profit organizations in the City City Clerk accomplishments: Set up iCompass software program for agenda management Scanning and disposing of old records Assisted in the transition to Special Magistrate from the Code Enforcement Board Assisted in standardizing City boards and committees Scanned 45,000+ pages of documents for electronic storage Finance Department accomplishments: New Financial Director, Melissa Burns Paperless billing system implemented in utility billing Human Resources accomplishments: Earned a First Coast Worksite Wellness Counsel Award Reduced Worker Compensation claims resulting in a premium savings for the upcoming year Implemented an employee benefit platform software program Information Technology (IT) accomplishments: Improved website accessibility for people with disabilities Implemented a ransom ware awareness campaign Improved the online application process Budget Workshop July 17, 2019 Page 2 of 8 Planning Department accomplishments: Completed the Land Development Regulations re -write Adopted a new pervious surface and stormwater provisions Performed a coastal vulnerability assessment Developed the Mayport Road Facade and Public Art Grant Program Leadership and Energy Environmental Design (LEED) was submitted and the City is awaiting certification Secured help from the Federal Government and continued work on the Parks Master Plan Involvement with Special Magistrate Established a new zoning district in Selva Marina Police Department accomplishments: Achieved accreditation Participated in hosting events and initiatives including Citizens Police Academy, elementary school activities, Mobile Police Athletic League, Toy Drive, Career Day, Surfing with Police, meals for shut-ins, Cocoa & Caroling, and MemorialNeterans Day activities. Public Utilities accomplishments: Updated the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System Considerable saving due to in-house functions of jobs that previously had been contracted out. Public Works replaced two (2) bridges and used Staff to improve the trails in Howell Park Built an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible walking path, placed new sand in play areas, installed ADA ramps and lighting at Russell Park A Skate Road sidewalk has been completed Completed 10th Street beach walkover Resurfaced the tennis courts at Donner Park and made one exclusively a Pickleball Court. 2. FY 2020 OVERVIEW CM Gerrity listed the budget highlights for the next fiscal year (2020). 1. Workshop on August 8, 2019 (second workshop) 2. Final Budget Hearing on September 23, 2019 CM Gerrity reminded everyone that the budget is passed by Ordinance; therefore, there will be two (2) readings and two (2) Public Hearings. Budget Workshop July 17, 2019 Page 3 of 8 CM Gerrity listed the City's budget highlight goals: 1. Maintaining the lowest millage rate in Duval County at 3.2285 (this budget does meet that goal) 2. No increase in General Funds positions 3. A three (3) percent salary increase for all employees 4. Purchase of four (4) police vehicles 5. 18th Street safety and beautification enhancements in the parking area ($125k). These enhancements have not yet been determined 6. Purchase a water plant ground storage tank for improvement in restoring utilities and more pumps for infrastructure ($1M) 7. Funding for Mayport Complete Streets Project ($200k) 8. Pipe replacements on Seminole Road ($400k plus $400k from fiscal year 2018-2019) 9. Aquatic Garden Stormwater Mitigation Project ($2M) 10. Donner Road improvements ($1.16M) CM Gerrity stated funding sources have been identified for all of these projects. All questions were answered. 3. DEPARTMENTAL OVERVIEWS CM Gerrity listed the pending Commission/Departmental Requests (not yet funded): 1. Aquatic Dog Park improvements 2. Widening of the 18th Street walkover and end zone beautification 3. Park Maintenance - bicycle playground (Safety Town) and walking path down Selva Marina 4. Seminole Road entrance enhancements 5. Russell Park basketball court rehabilitation 6. Storage building for Police Department and Public Works for vehicles and equipment 7. Flyover mural 8. Branding/wayfinding signage implementation 9. Tree planting 10. Lifeguard station CM Gerrity explained that some of these things can be done from this year's budget. He stated the City does have some funding sources and predicts the City will have $80,000 available in the Tree Protection Fund, $339,000 available in the Convention Development Tax Fund, 83,000 in the Local Option Gas Tax Fund, and the City's share of the Better Jacksonville Tax Share should be around $1.4 million. There was some discussion about the City's aide to government agencies ($4,500), i.e. donations that benefit the elderly such as Dial -A -Ride, Counsel on Aging, Neptune Beach Senior Center, the Beaches Emergency Aide Ministry, etc. CM Gerrity announced the City's Recreation Department will continue the internship program. The IT Director position has been eliminated due to a reorganization. This position now falls under DCM Hogencamp, but the IT Department will, most likely, be reporting to the City Finance Director. Budget Workshop July 17, 2019 Page 4 of 8 Discussion ensued about potential IT security issues and making sure the City's systems are secure. All questions were answered. A. Governing Body (pp 25-27) One percent (1%) salary increase for governing body 150k legal budget New accounting position in Finance IT Director position cut due to re -organization Continuing Recreation internship program B. City Administration (pp 29-30) Legal Counsel (p 36) City Clerk (p 31) City Manager (p 32) Finance (p 33) Information Technology (p 34) Human Resources (p 35) Mayor Glasser asked if there were any questions regarding any item listed under 3B of the agenda. Commissioner Anderson asked to get a definition of "Special Pay." Human Resources Director, Kathy Barian, explained Special Pay and the process involved. Mayor Glasser spoke about legal counsel budgeting, the Commission's management of legal counsel regarding work flow/availability, and the possibility of getting in-house counsel in the future. A lengthy discussion ensued about the feasibility for the City to hire in-house counsel. C. Planning and Building (pp 43-44) Planning (45, 49-50) Community Development Block Grant (p 46) Building (pp 47-48) CM Gerrity stated the Planning Department is still working on the Parks Master Plan and Branding/Wayfinding/Signage. The only major expense in the Planning Department is the replacement of a 2002 Jeep, which comes out of their own particular fund. D. General Government (pp 37-39) Convention Development Tax (p 40) General Government Capital Project Fund (p 41) Half-Cent Discretionary Sales Tax (p 42) Budget Workshop July 17, 2019 Page 5 of 8 Commissioner Anderson asked about the City's Operating expenses doubling since last year and the Capital Outlay under the Convention Development Tax Fund. All questions were answered. E. Public Safety (pp 51-52) Police (pp 53-59; 62-63) Fire (pp 60-61) CM Gerrity reiterated there are four (4) police cars built into this budget, the first payment of a computerized dispatch program, an all -terrain vehicle (ATV), and a purchase for animal control. The police department is also instituting a body camera program. Discussion ensued about the cost of the parking kiosks and whether the budget should include additional funds for the Police Department to hire part-time help. Chief Cook addressed the Commission and stated she will research the cost of hiring part-time Parking Specialists." F. Recreation (p 67) Commissioner Anderson asked about an increase in the budget under Recreation Programs and Special Events - "Other Current Charges". Cultural Arts and Recreation Director Timmy Johnson addressed the question stating the increase was due to Shakespeare in the Park and an increase in expenses for the Jazz Festival. G. Public Works (pp 69-70) Parks Maintenance (p 68), Streets (p 71), Administration (p 72), Fleet Maintenance p 78) Stormwater (pp 76-77) Local Option Gas Tax (p 73) Sanitation (p 74-75) CM Gerrity talked about not building a new dune walkover this year, but rather re -plank several of the City's existing walkovers. There are additional funds in the amount of 90,000 for the re -planking, and $90,000 will be carried over to build a street walkover on one of the streets the Commission has already designated. Mayor Glasser brought up budgeting for improvements to the dog park, and a lengthy discussion ensued. All questions were answered. Budget Workshop July 17, 2019 Page 6 of 8 H. Public Utilities (pp 79-86) CM Gerrity announced the Public Utilities Department received a six (6) month extension from St. Johns on the grant for the Septic -to -Sewer Project. He stated, since 2001, in the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), there has been a ground storage tank, and the tank will be installed this year. CM Gerrity asked the City's Public Utilities Director PUD), Bill Pittman, to speak to the Commission about the benefits of installing this tank. PUD Pittman addressed the Commission and explained the tank will give the City much more storage in the event of a hurricane and will provide better water quality. He explained there has been a lot of growth at the north end of the system (the Duval County side) due to three (3) large housing developments coming in. The City has two (2) smaller sized plants at the north end, and one plant is fairly old and toward the end of its life. This new tank will help provide adequate water not only for that end of the City but for the entire system as well. All questions were answered. PUD Pitman spoke about how valves work, valve replacements, and the importance of having a valve maintenance program as mandated by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). He also explained the "valve exercise program," which places the valves on a grid and enables the City to better locate them for repair or replacement. This should take about one (1) year to put in place. All questions were answered. Discussion ensued about the System Development Fund budget allocations. All questions were answered. 4. COMMISSION QUESTIONS/DISCUSSION Commissioner Kelly questioned CM Gerrity on sections of the budget report regarding maintaining a low millage rate, the LEEDs line item, recycling and brand initiatives. Commissioner Waters brought up her desire for the City to embrace glass recycling and went over all the potential benefits and would like to research further to determine if it is feasible. She also would like to see the beautification of the 18th Street parking lot and pointed positive outcomes for this project, and the idea of a community pool. Commissioner Norris seconded the idea of murals, more festivals/community involvement, and would like to see the Plaza bike path extended west of Main Street to connect with the West Plaza Grove, running into the marsh. Commissioner Anderson spoke about the beach parking and allocating funds to help solve that problem. Mayor Glasser spoke on recycling and suggested different ways to promote it, community/neighborhood identity, murals, and bicycle safety. Budget Workshop July 17, 2019 Page 7 of 8 City Manager Gerrity addressed some of the Commissioners previous questions and comments. CM Gerrity relayed that a call came in to the DCM asking the City to re -visit a roundabout at the five (5) points. A lengthy discussion ensued about the roundabout and the requirement for the City to use Eminent Domain and forced sale of property, questioning if the City's need is great enough for those measures. 5. PUBLIC COMMENT Rick Carper spoke about the Selva Marina Median and extending the reclaimed water for irrigation. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Glasser adjourned the meeting at 8:03 PM. Attest: o(Com-KA-or/Sa4teL. Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk El en Glasser, Mayor Approval Date: Budget Workshop July 17, 2019 Page 8 of 8