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369 Aquatic Dr 2002 Building Permit
RECEIVED r J 10`x n 2 'f City of Atiantic Beach Bulldlna and 7-01-11r.9 City of Atlantic Beach - 800 Seminole Road- Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Phone: (904)247-5800 • FAX (904)247-5805 - http://www/ BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FOR SINGLE-FANIILY OR TWO-FAMILY (DUPLEX) CONSTRUCTION (INCLUDING NEW CONSTRUCTION, REMODEL, ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS, MOVING OR DEMOLITION) DATE f _2��. Z JOB ADDRESS 440TI �L• .3�2� APPLICANT fU� --r' ADDRESS T �/ PHONE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: BLOCK NUMBER LOT NUMBER / 'B ZONING DISTRICT CONTRACTOR tj Mlffi52 (SA4W F_ AS5 �;f�Od J STATE LICENSE NUMBER E ADDRESS PHONE 61U n ATLANTIC BEACH O aur�t�''�;� ` CITY STATE ZIP FAX77 5 DESCRIBE PROPOSED USE AND WORK TO BE DONE S Gi tC- ti PRESENT USE OF LAND OR BUILDING(S) � A� "44Z of 2 Z VALUATION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION I&::Q -V Is this an addition? If yes, what are the dimensions of the added space: feet by feet Will the added area be heated and cooled? /��) New electrical or increase in service? /Y New plumbing fixtures? 4Z� New fireplace? New heating/air conditioning? /y,!f2 Is approval or Homeowner's Association or other private entity required? O If yes,please submit with this application. PROCEDURE: (In order to expedite issuance of permits, please follow all steps and provide all information as appropriate.) STEP 1. Verify zoning designation and proper setbacks for the proposed construction. If you are unsure of this information,please contact the Planning and Zoning Department at 904-247-5817. In order to correctly verify zoning designation,please have Property Appraiser's Real Estate Number available. STEP 2. Contact the City of Atlantic Beach Department of Public Works to determine if a pre-construction or post-construction topographical survey is required. (If not required, written verification must be provided with this application.) The Department of Public Works is located at: 1200 Sandpiper Lane,Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 Telephone: (904)247-5834 0=8/02 I STEP 3. Please submit Energy Code Forms, Notice of Commencement, Owner/Contractor Affidavit if owner is contractor, and four (4) complete sets of construction plans to the Building Department, which is located at the Atlantic Beach City Hall, 800 Seminole Road,Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 Telephone: (904) 247-5826 In addition to construction and engineering detail, plans must contain the following information as appropriate for the type of work being performed. Scale of drawings should be sufficient to depict all required information in a clear and legible manner. 1. Current survey showing the property boundary with bearings and distances and the legal description. 2. Location of all structures, temporary and permanent, including setbacks, building height, number of stories and square footage. Identify any existing structures and uses. 3. Existing and/or proposed driveways. 4. If required by the Department of Public Works, a pre-construction'topographical survey. 5. Any significant environmental features, including any jurisdictional wetlands, CCCL,natural water bodies. 6. Impervious Surface area calculations. (Swimming pools may be excluded from total Impervious Surface.) 7. Other information as may be appropriate for individual applications. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED WITH THIS APPLICATION IS CORRECT. SIGNATURE OF OWNER DATE _ -r/2,9le I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF THE LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH, WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY FEDERAL,STATE OR LOCAL RULES, REGULATIONS,ORDINANCES,OR LAWS IN ANY MANNER,INCLUDING THE GOVERNING OF CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPERTY. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT IS CONTINGENT UPON THE ABOVE INFORMATION. BEING TRUE AND CORRECT AND THAT THE PLANS AND SUPPORTING DATA HAVE BEEN OR SHALL BE PROVIDED AS REQUIRED. SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR DATE �- ADDRESS AND CONTACT INFORMATION OF PERSON TO RECEIVE ALL CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING THIS APPLICATION (PLEASE PRINT) NAME ��� /ON k MAILING_ADPRESS LfL7L U / Cr PHONE�YY> f4r'_WJkt FAX E-MAIL SWORN AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF C2 ®©� STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DUVAL NOTARY'S SIGNATUREZ�-r�xc:%, P += tte MY COMMISS ON#trkia C 0947012 EXPIRES AS TO OWNER: rsonally known August 27,2004 Produced identification ` A( d BONDED THRU TROY FAIN INSURANCE,INC Type of identification produced AS TO CONTRACTOR: ❑ Personally known ❑ Produced identification Type of identification produced )2/28/02 NEW IMPERVIOUS SURFACE REGULATIONS On January 01, 2002, the City of Atlantic Beach enacted new regulations limiting the amount of Impervious Surface that can be developed on property. Within all residential Zoning Districts, the maximum amount of Impervious Surface area allowed is fifty percent (50%). Within all commercial and industrial Zoning Districts, the maximum amount of Impervious Surface area allowed is seventy percent (70%). The Zoning regulations define Impervious Surface as follows: Impervious Surface shall mean those surfaces that prevent the entry of water into the soil. Common Impervious Surfaces include, but are not limited to, rooftops, sidewalks, patio areas, driveways, parking Lots, and other surfaces made of concrete, asphalt, brick, plastic, or any surfacing material with a base or lining of an impervious material. Wood decking elevated two or more inches above grade shall not be considered impervious provided that the ground surface beneath the decking is not impervious. Pervious areas beneath roof or balcony overhangs that are subject to inundation by stormwater and which allow the percolation of that stormwater shall not be considered impervious areas. Swimming pools shall not be considered as Impervious Surfaces because of their ability to retain additional rain water, however, decking around a pool may be considered impervious dependingupon materials used. Information verifying Impervious Surface must be provided prior to issuance of Building Permits whenever new construction, includinlz buildinIZ renovations or additions, new driveways, decks or porches involves any increase in Impervious Surface area. RECDAAED--> ko U 0-71 1 C— �'`( l �% MAY 2 82on9 3-Q ad :A- �43din1. and Zo G' r Ve e-q i r Ig14 N( av ed �X I /ar K/`� City of Atlantic Bea h {� r�r;L S /(/t / — �inj vPon De t t /L p�ovel vomTance wi h applicable /OT zoni g, subdivision an other other I cal land development regulations, but does n t constitute approval for the issuance of permits. pliance �` / D e GCL /� with Florida Building Code and all oth t,�pplicah!e Q V�� /`Ga J ` local, State and Federal permitting c�uyrements ' must be verified by signature of the C t>�-�1 Atlantic /b1 Beach Building O cial prior to the i s ante of a �nr V ` Building Permit. Approved By: r Communi Developm rDirector Date: 111 ip � CtTi I �Ric , 4ar- /1m 1 S J/ til 2 /e Ajte A-) a- V ed a ctT � r o-422 04 ��-I. �A) a V ecl FROM :HUNT 11.1GTON I ITG. CO. TO • 1993x07-28 X7:27 #116 P•03:'03 MAP , SHOWING SUAv, ' y OF LOT BLOCK AS SHOWN ON � , MAP O P lis !►ECORDEO IN PUT BOOK S �c&s ,PAGE 7/, OF PUBLIC FIECOROS OF DUVAL CO FLA. FOR 4,Q 4T/C G�Ro ��t /D/,t/T✓�,{�7 uqE- Planning and Zoning'DePerhl.e This approval verifies compliance j,itr pliceh Zoning, subdivision and i1ca: I: development regulations. but doe' :iol 'on&ii approval for the issuance of pernq;�, Co. 4 ? with Florida Building Cdde anc: al . , ' local, State and Federa' permKtir, I /��� % must be verified by si luru r� " , , Beach Building Officl )r,,-- hf ;;uanCe Building Permit. App 8 2002 r— tate: - 0 Clt Y of Atlantic Beach Building and Zoning N /V 70 /ro'0.2"X/ /2.5 00' G'// -�= J-9 7' ��-� Dr z/- tout 'oR/✓ of a LDT 2 -p 0 ISO' /p.z• /o.z tori -X 7' ?7- ?•6' 3. sr' /a.z /S•2' r r N Ate.-9TY. FRAM£ -Tel ia.P iv J-1.G' 'r /f�- if to, V4' � 0 IDoT 3o-f- �pr3o-� toT3o_a ( t-oT3o-c � o �rea A&W Ave lif .��LLENOE,D' /-/4-8ts f/NAL SvRY Y ►•uo./- Q ' /o-42-&7 s aw 6vi�D//vv ST.(/�ur W.o /o-ea-T e� CHARLES BASSET & ASSOCIATES, INC. 215 CENTURY 21 DRIVE - (904) 724.9433 32216 SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS AND LAND PLANNERS JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA TME 5°vrct OF INFORMTiOp USED IN MARINA Tws SVRVEY WAS 3 7f 7/Q BEARING DATUM BASED ON FLOOD ZONE '•C " As BEST ASCERTAINED FROM TMC FLOOD INSURANCE RAIL MAP, COMI.IUNITr PANEL NO. � (l7_7-0245'v DATED —_ /2-/S-D3 MISS I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT rr.[ ^.OvC- LOT- NC ANp TTUL7 _ - _-- Y,•/.! G -L. �... WAS SURVEYED ev LEGEND: LOCATXD VP004 ILAyE AS wOWNy AND THAT T14111NE AFRE NO [NCROACNMCNT'i UPON iA1p. ,L4_ T ' TNI[ •uwvcr Tx C MINIM�JM T=C MNIGAI SYANCL 7*O$AS SZ.T FOR-T1d Sly THE FLORIDA •OARD OI LAND SURYCYORS PURSUANT TO SCCTIpN •72.0 PLORIOA AT11T Q Fo Mp -.c— D ST.f.o..Pvt RLEf S6 � y�C1ATcTnd>r • � Fe.lw.O►t •a_Y�'[ f �JJ"^ Q 0 Coot CVT SCLIjC /"F�0' CHARLIE, IS, SASSETT -X Ft-ec RCOIffCRCp SV+cVEYOA NO. Isle. ILA.- . FIELO pOOK NO. pAgC p ORDER NO_--lD-8S-7 nzx NO. ��