527 ATLANTIC BEACH CT - FINAL TERMITE Wid TurnerJacksonville,Florida Main Office Pest Baymeadows Way Ste.12•Jacksonville,Florida 32256-8248 TMPest (904)355-5300.904-353-1488(Facsimile) Control St.Marys,Ga.•Daytona Beach,Fla.•Melbourne,Fla. Ocala,Fla.•Orlando,Fla.•Port St.Lucie,Fla.•Tampa,Fla. Toll Free:800-225-5305•www.tumerpest.com CERTIFICATE OFA�COMPLIANCE FOR TERMITE PROTECTION BUILDER: O osi"C /yoivu 5 PERMIT NUMBER: reg,/!t — 0 r>0 7 LOT NO. Oqq BLOCK _ SECTION SUBDIVISION ADDRESS 5 a 7 ,44/a4+, c .8 COCA C. Method of Termite Prevention Treatment u or.. (a-r e S- Gal (soil barrier oo treatm bait ystem, other) Pursuant to Section 104.2.7 of the Florida Building Code and Chapter 482 Florida Statute 482.226 This building has received a complete treatment for the prevention of subterranean termites.Treatment is in accordance with the rules and laws established by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. An annual inspection and re- newal of the annual termite protection contract is necessary for continued protection. Call th numbe above for i pection and contract renewal VA S-is- !r 5-(s-(? Authorized signature of Treatment Date Date (Must be original signature) Call Turner @ 1-800-225-5305 for your Lawn,Pest Control&Termite needs today.