08-08-19 Minutes Budget WorkshopATTENDANCE: Present: Also Present: MINUTES Budget Workshop Meeting Thursday, August 8, 2019 - 6:00 PM Commission Chamber Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1 Cindy Anderson, Commissioner - Seat 2 Blythe Waters, Mayor Pro Tem / Commissioner - Seat 3 Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 Brittany Norris, Commissioner - Seat 5 Joe Gerrity, City Manager (CM) Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM) Melissa Bums, Director of Finance CALL TO ORDER Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 1. REVIEW OF PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2019-2020 BUDGET City Manager Joe Gerrity presented a slide show titled Fiscal Year 2019-20 Budget Commission Workshop #2 August 8, 2019, which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as Attachment A. CM Gerrity reviewed the budget highlights. Previously the budget presented on July 17, 2019 reflected an approximate $79,000 shortfall. CM Gerrity explained there is an additional $92,000 in ad valorem revenue projected for FY 2019-20 and the proposed budget is now balanced with a surplus of $12,546. Commissioner Waters arrived at 6:03 p.m.) As detailed on the slides, CM Gerrity reviewed the Capital Projects and their funding sources. The City received approximately $2.3 million in Grants/Appropriations which helped with the completion of the projects. The next slide, Pending Commission/Departmental Requests, was taken out of sequence and will be returned to later. CM Gerrity continued with the slide titled Projected Fund Balances 9-30-20 and noted the potential projects. The General Fund Reserves reflect approximately $7.327 million, 53.4%. Budget Workshop August 8, 2019 CM Gerrity, DCM Hogencamp, and Finance Director Burns answered questions about the Sanitation Reserves, the Fire Department contract, Recycling, the Flyover Mural, the Tree Protection Fund, parking enforcement, Mayport Road/Complete Streets, Donner Road Improvements, bicycle lane/path accommodations, legal fees, City vehicle purchases, Professional and Contract services, managing employee overtime, and City buildings and employee/public safety upgrades. The Commission returned to Pending Commission/Departmental Requests and reviewed the projects not yet funded. 2. COMMISSION QUESTIONS/DISCUSSION Discussion ensued about the Aquatic Dog Park improvements, the Selva Marina median path, the Tree Protection fund, basketball/racquetball/tennis/pickleball courts, the Parks Master Plan, and a bicycle playground (Safety Town). CM Gerrity suggested setting aside $200,000 available from the Better Jax Fund (for road paving) to incorporate the bicycle Safey Town and the paved Selva Marina median path, with the balance to be used for paving additional streets. A lengthy discussion ensued about the costs related to the basketball court rehab, a bicycle playground, the dog park improvements, and the Selva Marina median path. CM Gerrity suggested using $100,000 from the Better Jax Fund, along with $100,000 from the Local Option Gas Tax Fund and designating those funds for Selva Marina median path, the dog park improvements, and the bicycle playground (Safety Town). The balance remaining can be used to pave additional streets. There was CONSENSUS from the Commission to accept this for the budget. Discussion ensued about the Flyover mural and there was CONSENSUS from the Commission to allocate $50,000 for the budget. Mayor Glasser provided copies and spoke about the requests for charitable contributions from Neptune Beach Senior Activity Center and Foundation, Dial -a -Ride, and Beaches Emergency Assistance Ministry. Mayor Glasser also provided copies of the Code, Sec. 2-2. - Charitable contributions prohibited. There was discussion about Code Sec. 2-2 and the process for approval. There was CONSENSUS from the Commission to direct staff to budget $2,000 each as a line item. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT Rick Carper spoke about the Russel Park basketball court, Dial -a -Ride, Senior Center, Beaches Resource Center, recycling, Advanced Disposal sanitation contract, contractual services, Town Center maintenance, Selva Marina median path, Marsh Fest, Parks Master Plan, Veterans Park amenities, and budget modifications. Budget Workshop August 8, 2019 CLOSING COMMENTS CM Gerrity stated Jerry Holland has requested to give a presentation at 5:30 PM, prior to the September 9, 2019 Budget Hearing meeting. This will be about Personal Property Tax. Following this presentation, CM Gerrity will provide a budget update to review changes. CM Gerrity inquired about the Commission's interest in the basketball court rehab for 80,000, funds to be allocated from the Better Jax Fund. There was CONSENSUS from the Commission to accept this for the budget. ADJOURNMENT There was no further discussion and Mayor Glasser adjourned the meeting at 7:45 PM. Attest: 0.(14 vn?0 lY Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Date Approved: 16/2//2_ ' El en lasser, Mayor Budget Workshop August 8, 2019 ATTACHMENT A 1 ATTACHMENT A 8-8-19 Minutes Fiscal Year 2019-20 Budget Commission Workshop #2 August 8, 2019 TLANTIC BEACH ATTACHMENT A 8-8-19 Minutes June Review state of proposed budget with Commissioners (individually) City Commission, City Manager June 23 to July 31 State Revenue Sharing Estimates provided Receive Certification of Taxable Value Department of Revenue Property AppraiserJuly1 July 17 Budget Workshop #1 DH, DF, CM, CC July 22 City Manager to propose millage rate on DR -420 and schedule a public hearing to consider the Tentative Millage and Tentative Budget. This information is to be presented to the property appraiser within 35 days from the date of certification City Manager August 2 Proposed Budget submitted to the City Commission CM, DF August 8 Budget Workshop #2 to present and finalize budget DH, DF, CM, CC August 20 Tax notifications to be mailed within 55 days of Certification, (TRIM notice of proposed property taxes). Property Appraiser August 18 to September 1 Advertise in newspaper for public hearing on adoption of Tentative Budget and Proposed Millage (The property appraiser also notified property owners) Director of Finance City Clerk Property Appraiser September 9 Hold Public Hearing to adopt the Tentative Budget and Millage (F.S. 200.065) City Commission September 21 Publish TRIM notice in newspaper Director of Finance September 23 Hold Final Hearing to approve Budget and Millage Rate City Commission TLANTIC BEACH ATTACHMENT A 8-8-19 Minutes FY 2019-2OBudget Highlights Maintains ad valorem rate of 3.2285 mills No increase in General Fund positions 3% salary increase for non -sworn personnel Negotiating contract for sworn personnel A balanced 2019-20 budget ATLANTIC BEACH ATTACHMENT A 8-8-19 Minutes A Balanced FY 2019-20 Budget As of July 17, the FY 2019-20 budget shortfall was ($79,471). An additional $92,017 in revenue is now projected in FY 2019-20. The proposed FY 2019-20 budget now has a surplus of $12,546. ATLANTIC BEACH ATTACHMENT A 8-8-19 Minutes Capital Projects Project Funding Source(s) Amoun Aquatic Gardens stormwater mitigation HMGP 1,500,000 State Appropriation 300,000 Stormwater Fund 200,000 TOTAL $2,000,000 ATTACHMENT A 8-8-19 Minutes ATLANTIC BEACH Capital Projects Project Funding Source(s) Amount Donner Road improvements Stormwater Fund 400,000 Local Option Gas Tax 325,000 CDBG 200,000 Better Jax 100,000 Utility Fund 100,000 Capital Projects Fund 35,000 TOTAL $1,160,000 ATLANTIC BEACH ATTACHMENT A 8-8-19 Minutes Capital Projects Project Funding Source(s) Amount Water plant ground storage improvements Seminole Road pipe replacement D Completing the Marshside septic -to - sewer project TOTAL (Utilities Fund) TOTAL (Stormwater Fund) System Development Fund SJRWMD Grant TOTAL 1,002,000 700,000 400,000 133,000 533,000 ATTACHMENT A 8-8-19 Minutes ATLANTIC BEACH Capital Projects Project Funding Source( Amount Dune walkover construction, improvements TOTAL (Convention Development Tax) 270,000 Three generators (City HMGP Hall, Public Works, Camelia Lift Station) 200,912 General, Stormwater and Utility Funds 67,170 TOTAL 268,082 Four police vehicles TOTAL (General Fund) 223,334 ATLANTIC BEACH ATTACHMENT A 8-8-19 Minutes Capital Projects Project Funding Source(s) Amount Participation in Complete TOTAL (Better Jax) Streets funding 200,000 SCADA upgrade at wastewater plant Public safety/public works TOTAL (Better Jax) storage building 18th Street enhancements TOTAL (Better Jax) TOTAL (Water & Sewer Funds) 150,000 150,000 125,000 Selva Preserve purchase TOTAL (Convention Development Tax) 118,457 payment ATTACHMENT A 8-8-19 Minutes ATLANTIC BEACH 1 Grants/Appropriations Grant Project Amount HMGP Aquatic/Hopkins Creek stormwater mitigation 1,500,000 State Appropriation Aquatic/Hopkins Creek stormwater mitigation CDBG Donner Road improvements 300,000 200,000 SJRWMD Septic -to -sewer conversion 133,000 107,710 HMGP Public works generator 49,605 43,897 Justice Assistance Grant Computer-aided dispatch and drone 64,783 HMGP funding requires a 25 -percent local match HMGP City Hall generator HMGP Camelia lift station generator ATTACHMENT A 8-8-19 Minutes ATLANTIC BEACH Pending Commission/Departmental Requests Department/Division Beautification Project Flyover mural Amount 100,000 Park Maintenance Russell Park basketball court rehab 80,000 Park Maintenance Aquatic Dog Park improvements 30,000 Public Works Glass crusher 25,000 City Manager Beach shuttle 20,000 Park Maintenance Donner Park bicycle playground ??? Park Maintenance Selva Marina median path ??? Tree Protection fund Tree planting ??? TOTAL $255,000+ 69,43E ATLANTIC BEACH ATTACHMENT A 8-8-19 Minutes Projected Fund Balances 9-30-20 Fund Potential Projects Projected Balance General Fund Reserves (Restricted) 3,426,806 General Fund Reserves (Unrestricted) Public Utilities Stormwater Reserves Better Jax Sanitation Drainage Transportation; quality of life / economic dev. / public facilities 3,900,316 4,609,903 1,583,543 1,203,738 443,049 100,000 81,638 Local Option Gas Tax Road and drainage systems Tree Protection Tree planting/preservation Convention Development Tax Park acquisition/dev.; lifeguard stations; ballfields; tourism promo Projected balance as of 9-30-20 TLANTIC BEACH ATTACHMENT A 8-8-19 Minutes General Fund Reserves At -A -Glance General Fund Operating Budget 13,707,224 of General Fund General Fund Reserves Restricted) 3,598,440 25% General Fund Reserves Unrestricted) 3,900,316 28.4% General Fund Reserves TOTAL 7,327,122 53.4% Projected balance as of 9-30-20