09-23-19 Commission WorkshopATTENDANCE:
Also Present:
Commission Workshop Meeting
Monday, September 23, 2019 - 5:30 PM
Commission Chamber
Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1
Cindy Anderson, Commissioner - Seat 2
Blythe Waters, Mayor Pro Tem / Commissioner - Seat 3
Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4
Brittany Norris, Commissioner - Seat 5
Joe Gerrity, City Manager (CM)
Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA)
Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC)
Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM)
Nancy Pyatte, Recording Clerk
Following the Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, Mayor Glasser called the
meeting to order at 5:30 PM.
Mayor Glasser recognized the following people in attendance:
Former Atlantic Beach Commissioner John Stinson
Neptune Beach City Councilman Josh Messinger
Merchants Association President Emilie Christenson
Beaches Town Center Agency President Richard Arthur
Mark Rimmer and Doug Ganson representing RTA Consulting Inc.
Commissioner Waters arrived at 5:32 PM.
A. Review of Resolution Nos. 19-48 and 19-54
Principal Planner, Amanda Askew, gave a slide presentation and explained that
Resolution No. 19-48, which is to adopt the Interlocal Agreement (IA) for a Paid
Parking Program at Beaches Town Center, was deferred on September 9, 2019 in order
to add parking program details via a separate proposed Resolution No. 19-54.
The revised draft Resolution No. 19-48 includes an ending date for the pilot program
and summary report assessing the program. Ms. Askew spoke about the IA major
details as listed in the staff report which is part of the agenda. Both cities need to
approve the IA for administration of the paid parking program and Ms. Askew reported
Neptune Beach has approved their IA. Also reviewed was Exhibit A - IA for the Paid
Commission Workshop
September 23, 2019
Parking Program at Beaches Town Center, and Attachment A - Overview and Purpose
of the North Beaches Pilot Parking Management Program. The number of paid parking
spaces is 64 for Atlantic Beach and 229 for Neptune Beach.
Next Ms. Askew provided a detailed review of proposed Resolution No. 19-54 and
Exhibit A, North Beaches Pilot Parking Program Details as listed in the staff report
which is part of the agenda. Exhibit A specifies that this is an 18 month pilot program,
shows the data requested for the summary report, covers parking rates, hours of
operation, seasonal adjustments, special events, reporting issues/problems/complaints,
COAB resident registration, payments, and established parking zones and spaces.
Questions and discussion ensued about overnight parking restrictions, violations,
contesting citations, vehicle towing, designated employee parking lots, enforcement,
hours of operation, time limits, signage, and kiosk operations/use.
B. Overview of Parking and Pedestrian Safety Advisory Resource Committee
PPSARC) Recommendations - Presentation by John Stinson, Former PPSARC
Mr. John Stinson addressed the Commission. He stated the Beaches Town Center
BTC) Agency and merchants, and the cities of Neptune Beach and Atlantic Beach
have been working on paid parking for several years. He spoke about the PPSARC
participation and their recommendation to COAB to move forward with a paid parking
program for BTC. Everyone involved agrees the goals for BTC are to manage
customer turnover, improve access to BTC businesses, provide employee parking,
manage overflow parking, and prevent parking creep. Mr. Stinson stated many other
Florida cities now have successful paid parking programs. Mr. Stinson closed by
stating that he supports this program and that it makes good sense.
Discussion and questions ensued about the COAB resident discount, maintenance costs of
kiosks, and fee structure for program termination.
CA Durden addressed the Commission, referring to the IA, Exhibit A, 13. Termination and
explained the calculations are based upon the initial costs incurred by Neptune Beach
associated with implementing the program, and decrease each year thereafter.
Discussion continued about parking turnover, and the length of the pilot program.
CC Bartle stated there were no speaker cards.
Emilie Christenson, President of the Merchants Association, addressed the Commission. Ms.
Christenson stated she thinks the program can help or hinder, based on execution and
communication. She spoke about merchants and their ability to offer paid parking validation
for customers. Ms. Christenson stated she does this for her customers now. She stated that she
Commission Workshop
September 23, 2019
and her employees park at Bank of America in the designated employee spaces. Ms.
Christenson also spoke about overnight parking restrictions and not encouraging drunk drivers.
Mr. Stinson spoke about parking validation stating it could be counterproductive to turnover.
Mr. Rimmer clarified parking validation, valet parking, and hourly parking. The employee
parking program is tied into using Beachside Buggies for transportation to the offsite lots.
There was no further discussion and Mayor Glasser adjourned the meeting at 6:22 PM.
dpi b/Avidi
Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk
Sten Glasser, Mayor
Commission Workshop
September 23, 2019