09-16-19 Commission WorkshopMINUTES Commission Workshop Meeting Monday, September 16, 2019 - 6:00 PM Commission Chamber ATTENDANCE: Present: Also Present: Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1 Cindy Anderson, Commissioner - Seat 2 Blythe Waters, Mayor Pro Tem / Commissioner - Seat 3 Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 Brittany Norris, Commissioner - Seat 5 Joe Gerrity, City Manager (CM) Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA) Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM) CALL TO ORDER Following the Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. 1. LEED FOR CITIES/COASTAL VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT AND ADAPTATION PLANNING A. LEED for Cities certificate presentation. Shane Corbin, Planning and Community Development (PCD) Director, gave a slide presentation about the LEED certification process. Mr. Corbin explained this idea resulted from the COAB Commission's 2018 Visioning Plan process. The Environmental Stewardship Committee (ESC) worked with the Planning Department in creating a roadmap for resiliency, equity, and sustainability goals for our city demonstrating our commitment to parks, green spaces, public beaches, and the maritime forest. Atlantic Beach received the LEED Silver Certification and is the first Florida city to receive this recognition. ESC member, Sarah Boren, addressed the Commission and gave a slide presentation showing the application and performance scoring process for certification. Ms. Boren also provided national comparison data. The ESC is prioritizing its next steps to continue improving scores. B. Coastal Vulnerability Assessment presentation PCD Director Corbin addressed the Commission stating that research is ongoing on how to deal with a plastics ban by conducting a survey of other Florida cities who have done this. He will schedule a workshop at a later date on this topic. Mr. Corbin spoke about the $40,000 grant received from FDEP last year for a Vulnerability Assessment. He reviewed the scope of work with the City Engineer, Commission Workshop September 16, 2019 Steve Swann, who has an extensive background in coastal engineering. Mr. Swann addressed the Commission and provided a slide presentation covering sea level rises and accelerated changes, sunny -day and nuisance flooding from regular weather and tides, and the vulnerability assessment data. Mr. Swann explained the projection models used for analysis and adaptation are for 25, 50, and 100 years. There was a brief discussion, followed by questions, all answered by staff. Mayor Glasser recognized Dr. David Lambert, UNF Environmental Center, and thanked him for his assistance to the COAB. C. Community Conversation on Adaptation Planning by NEFRC Mr. Corbin spoke about the process for Adaptation Planning, building community discussion, and sharing knowledge. Margo Moehring, NEFRC Policy Director, addressed the Commission and stated that University of Florida (UF) is writing a Vulnerability Assessment Scope for Neptune Beach which will include alignment with Jacksonville Beach and Atlantic Beach. Also, NEFRC has been facilitating discussions on resiliency issues since 2014, partnering with Taylor Engineering, Dr. Angela Schedel, who is an expert on Adaptation Planning. Dr. Schedel addressed the Commission and provided a summary of her career experience with the US Navy as a helicopter pilot, obtaining her PhD while teaching Engineering at the US Naval Academy, and specializes in sea level rise adaptation at Naval bases (worldwide) and economic effects. Dr. Schedel spoke about a book for Planning Guidance for communities to use as a road map in Adaptation Planning strategies and presented slides for reference. There was discussion about flood planning, legislation requiring property flood disclosure, and living shore lines, followed by questions, which were all answered by staff and NEFRC representatives. 2. DISCUSSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS Amanda Askew, Principal Planner, addressed the Commission and provided a slide presentation of the ESC recommendations. A. Plant palette - to be developed with Parks Master Plan Ms. Askew and Bruce Andrews, ESC board member, spoke about the proposed plant palette. In partnership with the National Park Service and the Florida Chapter of the American Landscape Society the COAB will be hosting a Parks & Trails Design Charrette for public input on October 29 and 30, 2019, at 6:00 PM in the Commission chamber. The proposed plant palette will be Florida friendly landscaping and low maintenance. Commission Workshop September 16, 2019 B. "Beach litter basket" program for beach walkers modeled after Palm Beach, Fla. Planner Askew spoke about the recommendation to start a six month pilot program at the Ahern and 18th Streets beach accesses, with a possible third location. The estimated cost for the pilot program is $1,000.00, requiring minimal signage and staff time, and to be funded from Planning Department's budget. 3. DISCUSSION ON OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES/CONCERNS There was discussion about eliminating the use of Round Up. CM Gerrity stated that COAB departments/staff no longer use it and the landscaping companies COAB contracts with have been advised to stop the use of it in the city. Mayor Glasser stated recycling containers have been placed on Atlantic Blvd., Russell Park, and Ahern St. with the goal to have them at all beach access locations. The COAB will collect from the locations and deposit the recycling in an Advanced Disposal (AD) container at Public Works for pick-up by AD. Mayor Glasser provided a handout relating to this topic. Commissioner Anderson exited the meeting at 7:32 PM. Mayor Glasser spoke about creating a voluntary program to encourage not smoking at COAB playgrounds and provided a handout relating to this topic. Legislation has not been passed in Florida for regulation at the local levels. Mayor Glasser spoke about aerial mosquito control in COAB which is operated by the City of Jacksonville, and a handout relating to this topic was provided. Discussion ensued about expanding the current notification process to allow more time to notify the COAB public and alternatives to the toxic spray chemicals. Commissioner Norris provided an update on the single -use plastics research and the proposed establishment of policy. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT Sarah Dark, ESC board member, spoke about the proposed plant palette and landscaping standards. Amy Palmer, ESC board member, thanked the Mayor and Commissioners for their leadership with the environment. ADJOURNMENT There was no further discussion and Mayor Glasser adjourned the meeting at 7:51 PM. Commission Workshop September 16, 2019 Attest: ovn,et J2/Jeifti& Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Ellen Glasser, Mayor 11_161 // Date Approved Commission Workshop September 16, 2019