REZ-2001-01 (WQOP) Staff Report CC CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Rezoning of WQOP (Queen of Peace radio station) property SUBMITTED BY: Sonya Doerr, AICP, Community Development Director DATE: January 02, 2002 BACKGROUND: This rezoning to Special Purpose District (SP) will bring the existing radio station use into compliance with the amended zoning regulations. The property is zoned Open Rural (OR) with a Use-by-Exception, which permits the current use. The Open Rural District and Use-by-Exceptions within this district have been eliminated from the amended zoning regulations. The Community Development Board recommended approval of the rezoning at their December 18, 2001 meeting requesting that the following additional conditions be placed on the property. There shall be no onsite wetland impacts. Any additional construction shall require site plan approval by the Community Development Board prior to the issuance of any future Development Permits. The front (southernmost side) of the property shall be landscaped in accordance with Chapter 24-177. There shall be no signs, and any existing signs shall be removed. Since this item was considered by the Community Development Board, the Applicant has advised staff that FCC regulations require certain signs and notices to be placed upon communication towers. The Applicant also wishes to place a sign on the property identifying the radio station. Staff has no objection to this request, provided that any signage is limited to that needed to identify the radio station and that any such signage remain non-illuminated. A limitation of twelve (12) square feet in addition to that required by FCC regulations is proposed within the attached ordinance. The rezoning to Special Purpose specifically limits the use of this property to the existing radio station use. Any future change in use would require approval by the City Commission, and in the case that the existing use is ceased for more than twelve months, the establishment of any future use would also require approval of the City Commission and consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. RECOMMENDATION: Motion to approve Ordinance Number 90-02-171 (File Number REZ-2001-02), a rezoning to Special Purpose District (SP) for lands as described within attached Exhibit A, adopting the proposed ordinance and suggested findings. ATTACHMENTS: Proposed ordinance and supporting materials. REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: ___________________________