REZ-2001-01 (WQOP) Staff Report CDB
December 18, 2001 Public Hearing
Rezoning, REZ-2001-01
To: Community Development Board
From: Planning, Zoning and Community Development Department
City of Atlantic Beach
Date: December 07, 2001
This item is continued from the October 17, 2001 regular meeting.
Subject: REZ-2001-01
Applicant: First Coast Catholic Communications, Inc.
391 14th Avenue South
Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250-4909
Requested Change: Rezoning from OR (Open Rural ) to SP (Special Purpose District) to bring zoning into compliance with the existing radio station use and adopted amendments to the
Zoning Regulations.
Location: North of Atlantic Boulevard and east of Intracoastal Waterway
Existing Zoning: OR (Open Rural)
Future Land Use: CON (Wetlands/Conservation)
Surrounding Zoning: CG and RG-1A
Surrounding Land Use: Intracoastal Waterway with associated wetland areas and major transportation facilities.
This rezoning request was submitted at the direction of staff to bring the existing radio station and broadcast facility operated by WQOP (Queen of Peace) radio station into conformity
with changes to the zoning regulations that were adopted on November 26, 2001. This use has existed on the site for over twenty years, and the property is zoned Open Rural (OR). The
adopted amendments to the zoning regulations have to eliminated the Open Rural zoning category.
The radio station was permitted as an approved Use-by-Exception within the OR zoning district. With adoption of the proposed amendments to Chapter 24, the radio station would continue
to be a legally permitted use, however, the zoning status of the property would be inconsistent with the City’s zoning and land development regulations. The existing use is not in
conflict with the Comprehensive Plan or the Future Land Use designation of Conservation, and as such, the zoning designation should be changed to “fit” the use of the property.
Because this use, the location of the property, and the history of the property are unique, Staff has recommended that the radio station property be rezoned to Special Purpose District.
Particular standards applicable to this site are set forth within the Special Purpose (SP) rezoning ordinance, which is provided with this report.
The Community Development Board may consider a motion to recommend approval to the City Commission of the REZ-2001-01, a rezoning to Special Purpose (SP) for lands as described within
attached Exhibit A, and as set forth within the application and supporting documents, and adopting the terms and conditions as set forth within the proposed ordinance, provided:
(Provide findings of fact similar to the following, and attach other conditions as may be appropriate.)
The request for rezoning has been fully considered after public hearing with legal notice duly published as required by law.
The rezoning to Special Purpose (SP) is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Future Land Use Designation of Conservation in that the use does not create adverse environmental
The rezoning to Special Purpose (SP) is consistent with the land development regulations for the City of Atlantic Beach.
The zoning district designation of Special Purpose (SP), and the specific use and special conditions as set forth herein are consistent and compatible with surrounding development.
The Community Development Board may consider a motion to recommend denial to the City Commission of the REZ-2001-01, a rezoning to Special Purpose (SP) for lands as described within
attached Exhibit A, provided:
(Provide findings of fact similar to the following, and attach other conditions as may be appropriate.)
The request for rezoning has not been considered after public hearing with legal notice duly published as required by law because _________________________________________.
The rezoning to Special Purpose (SP) is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Future Land Use Designation of Conservation because _____________________________.
The rezoning to Special Purpose (SP) is not consistent with the land development regulations for the City of Atlantic Beach because _________________________________________.
The zoning district designation of Special Purpose (SP), and the specific use and special conditions as set forth herein are not consistent and compatible with surrounding development
because ______________________________________________________.
F:\USERS\Planning\REZONING FILES\REZ-2001-01 CDB Staff Report.Doc