REZ-2001-01 (WQOP) Application FILE COPY APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT TO ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION City of Atlantic Beach • 800 Seminole Road •Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Phone: (904)247-5800 • FAX (904)247-5805 • http://www/ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us Date October 9,2001 File No. �t Z -ZC.)v j U/ Receipt 1. Applicant's Name New Covenant Educational Ministries,Inc. 2. Applicant's Address 391 14th Avenue,South,Jacksonville Beach,Florida 32250-4909 3. Property Location North of Atlantic Boulevard and East of the Intercoastal Waterway 4. Property Appraiser's Real Estate Number 172389-0000 5. Current Zoning Classification OR 6. Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use designation 7. Requested Action Rezone subject property to Special Purpose District as described in Exhibit"A" 8. Size of Parcel 2.5± 9.Utility Provider Septic Tank/Well 10. Statement of facts and special reasons for requested rezoning,which demonstrates compliance with Section 24-62 of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances,Zoning and Subdivision Regulations. (Attach as Exhibit A.) 11. Provide all of the following information: a. List of adjacent property owners within 300 feet of the property including name, mailing address and Property Appraiser's Real Estate number from most recently certified tax rolls. Address two (2) legal size envelopes to each property owner on the list. Do not include a return address. Each envelope must contain proper postage. The order of the envelopes must match the order in which the names appear on the list. b. Proof of ownership (deed or certificate by lawyer or abstract company or title company that verifies record owner as above). If the applicant is not the owner,a letter of authorization from the owner(s)for applicant to represent the owner for all purposes related to this application must be provided. c. Survey and legal description of property sought to be rezoned. (Attach as Exhibit B.) d. Required number of copies: five(5). e. Application Fee. • I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED WITH THIS APPLICATION IS CORRECT: Signature of owner(s)or authorized person if owner's authorization form is attached: Printed or typed name(s): Stev D' benow Signature(s): ADDRESS AND CONTACT INFORMATION OF PERSON TO RECEIVE ALL CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING THIS APPLICATION Name: Steven Diebenow Mailing Address: 1301 Riverplace Blvd.,Suite 1500,Jacksonville,FL 32207 Phone: 904-346-5550 FAX:904-396-0663 E-mail: Sdiebenow@rtlaw.com # 4833443v1 EXHIBIT "A" Special Purpose District-2 (SP-2) (a)Intent. This Special Purpose-2(SP-2)District is intended to permit a radio station,studio, antennae and related accessory structures. The application to rezone to SP-2 has been made in accordance with Section 24-62. (b) Permitted Uses. The uses permitted in the SP-2 District include the following uses or substantially similar uses,subject to approval of the ordinance creating this Special Purpose District: (1) Telecommunication and broadcast facilities subject to applicable Federal licensing requirements:. (2) Accessory Structures including buildings, equipment structures and parking. (c) Permitted Uses-by-Exception. None. (d) Minimum Lot or Site Requirements. One (1) acre. (e)Minimum Yard Requirements. Front Yard eight (8) feet, Side and Rear Yard none (0). (f)Building Restrictions. The maximum height is thirty-five(35)feet for buildings and such height as licensed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and approved by Federal Aviation Commission (FAA) for antennae. (g) Special Requirements. Development within Special Purpose Districts shall be subject to the following provisions. (1)Accessory Uses shall be determined based upon the specific Use permitted within the Special Purpose District. Such Accessory Uses may include a single-family residence for the owner or operator of the Use permitted and such Buildings or Structures that are incidental and necessary to conduct the specifically permitted Use. (2) Where a specific permitted Use within a Special Purpose District is ceased or abandoned, the Zoning District designation shall remain SP-2, however, no future Use shall be permitted except in conformance with the requirements of this Section unless the Ordinance establishing this SP-2 District is amended. (3) Where a specific permitted Use within a Special Purpose District is ceased or abandoned, all structures, equipment, stored materials and any refuse shall be fully removed, at the property owner's expense, within twelve (12) months of receiving written notice from the City of Atlantic Beach in accordance with such order for removal. EXHIBIT "B" A PoseriaN OF UNStrlitYEyED SECTION 19, TO\NSHtr 2 SOCTIh, RAr:GE 39 LAST, ruaLIC RECORDS of DUVAL COV'TX, FWRJpA, MOItE ?ARiYCULARLY DiSCRIBIrl AS FO11 OwS: FOR A POINT Of 1LEFERINCi COMM1NCE AT THE INTERSECI1ON or THE C 7iEYt LL'VH OF ATLANTIC B UM-YARD WITH THE EAsrirtLY RIGHT OF WAY Y INV OF TUX INTIRCOASTAL WATERWAY, AND THENCE RUN NOM 74 DEGRms It bMINL' 3 EAST ALONG SAID arrrTC* UNE OF KITA-YnC DOCLZEVARD A D6TANCE Of SIL21 MT TO AN ANGLE POINT or SAID `at* Y.A.N> THENCE RUN NORTH 59 D£GRL'tt3 00 NI/Num 30 SECONDS !JEST ALONG SAID CENTER LINZ A D1.STANCE OF 1744 FTIT, =MCI RUN NOWTH 00 =nu= 39 MINUTES 10 SECONDS W+h'ST A DISTANCE OF 30 FEET TO THY NORIsLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID ATLANTIC BOULEYAXD TOR A POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE LANDS TO Es: CONVEYED EY MIS AESCRIlT iar THLNC COXI :Nut NORTH 041 DEGREES 59 MINUTES 1d S*CONDS �Jiwi`r A DISTANCE OF Can FEET TO TICE NOQYU LINE O7 AFORZMZNTIORID SZCT1ON 19; NCE 'RUN NORTH ss DLCRSES Zt M1 UT$S EAST, ALONG=I . I NOA'T't! UNE OF SICTION 19 A D1STANC* Or =,p= rzri; TI CE RUIN SOUTH 00 DEGJLEIS 39 7. ISS 10 SECONDS EAST A DLSTANOL OF C4j9 FEST TO TKE NOR'i'IiERLY BIGHT OF WAY UNE OP ATLAMmC 110(11-EVA9A AND THENCE RUN SQZTIII 19 D CREF.S 00 MINITIFS 33 SECC 4t S WEST ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE A raS TANGZ OF 300 Fes:r TO THE POINI OF Iik:Gr?*(ING. LESS AND Y CMI,TING FxOA! nut AEOvt Desai 316LD LANDS ANY PORTION DCSCRInD Di OFFICIAL RECORDS DOOR 1345, PACE 41 OF THE CURRENT rtrSLIC RECORDS OF DCVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA_ LajiooLv ND URVEYORS 5773 Normandy Blvd. Telephone(904)786-6400 Jacksonville,FL 32205 Fax(904)786-1479 E-mail ajohnsgleading.net PARCEL 129' SHEETS 3&4 Description for Jacksonville Transportation Authority FIRST COAST CATHOLIC,COMMUNICATIONS INC. A portion of unsurveyed Section 19,Township 2 South.Range 29 East,Duval County,Florida Lying North of Atlantic Boulevard(State Road No. 10) And a portion of the Bartolome De Castro Y. Ferrer Grant. Section 38,Township 2 South,Range 29 East.Duval County,Florida and being more particularly described as follows:Also being a portion of the lands described in Official Records Volume 7386,Page 1717 of the Current Public Records of said Duval County. For a Point of Reference Commence at the intersection of the West line of the Bartolome De Castro Y. Ferrer Grant,Section 38,Township 2 South,Range 29 East,Duval County,Florida with the Northerly right-of- way line of Atlantic Boulevard(State Road No. 10)(a right-of-way of varying width); Thence South 89°30'37" West.,along said Northerly right-of-way line,a distance of 431.346 meters(1415.17 feet)to the Southeast corner of lands described in Official Records Volume 7386,Page 1717 of the Current Public Records of said Duval County for a POINT OF BEGINNING;Thence continue South 89'30'37"West,along said Northerly right-of- way line,a distance of 44.059 meters(144.55 feet)to an angle point in said Northerly right-of-way line as depicted on the Florida Department Of Transportation Right of Way Map Section 72100-2558,State Road No. 10,Sheet 5 of 6, Dated May 5, 1993 on file of record in the District Two Office in Lake City, Florida; Thence North 84°16'14"West,along said Northerly right-of-way line,a distance of47.662 meters(156.37 feet)to a point on the Westerly line of aforesaid lands described in Official Records Volume 7386.Page 1717;Thence North 00°29'23" West,departing said Northerly right-of-way line and along said Westerly line,a distance of 42.081 meters(138.06 feet);Thence North 89°30'37"East.a distance of 16.901 meters(55.45 feet);Thence South 00"2913" East,a distance of 36.527 meters(119.84 feet);Thence South 50°14'03"East.a distance of 4.792 meters(15.72 feet); Thence North 89.3017"East,a distance of 45.1 11 meters(148.00 feet);Thence North 00°29'23"West.a distance of 18.288 meters(60.00 feet);Thence North 89°30'37" East,a distance of 15.188 meters(49.83 feet);Thence South 27.56'34"East,a distance of 5.104 meters(16.75 feet);Thence South 00°29'23"East,a distance of 4.919 meters(16.14 feet);Thence North 89.30'37"East,a distance of4.267 meters(14.00 feet);Thence North 00.29'23" West,a distance of 9.449 meters(31.00 feet);Thence North 89°30'37"East,a distance of 3.962 meters(13.00 feet) to a point on the Easterly line of aforesaid lands described in Official Records Volume 7386,Page 1717;Thence South 00'29'23" East, along said Easterly line, a distanc' of 25.908 meters (85.00 feet) to the POINT OF BEGINNING Containing 1675.4763 Square Meters,(18034 Square Feet),more or less.g1 Azde Arnold J.Johns. AV Professional Su and Mapper Florida Registration No.4422 39dd 9:1'IMSIdH9 ZOt'iit'Zh06 9G:L0 i00Z/80/0i • GO 4 a�P 1 vr,rrn csnrc-,-1 - ^laini iniini nna WQOP AM 1600 Chinon of Pima.fixNo,Ina. 300.82 ali.54.2r. Area Before 2.953 Acres (128,630 Sq.Ft.) Acquisition 0.414 Acres (18,034 Sq.Ft.) • .chor Remainder 2.539 Acres (110,596 Sq.Ft.) • •• To er / / • \ / 55.45 In&9'3O37el 0 4F \<0 Anchor 4 7. 49.8) Well t,s9.30.37..1 5 E Studio n89•1340'23/*/ I tUEffina 156. 7 MIMIC Parcel 129 144.55 Atlantic Boulevard ACQUISITION SKETCH EO 39Vd 9:11IMSIdHO ZOVITVZ006 9S:LO TOOZ/80/01 - ,= wThrrn Crca+;a - iiPIPUOI1A1 etieuc Jneua IVIIGI iaUu - uwavo I v.uliA rage 10/08/2001 07:56 9042411402 CHRISWILL:G PAGE 04 POI 1 .N ` rs-- . 4 H% f • -71.111d'.1 J V • • • . r=• 3.114411 1•1591 5.1.1 • 1 •"r j v_ _ r00 �/' 1; September 26,2001 Jacksonville City Council Jacksonville Planning and Development Department Jacksonville,Florida 32202 Re: Zoning Exception Agent Authorization Ladies and Gentlemen: You are hereby advised that the undersigned, hereby authorized and empowers Rogers, Towers,Bailey,Jones&Gay,P.A.,to seek a zoning exception for the property described on the attached application,and in connection to file such applications,papers,documents,requests and other matters necessary to secure a zoning exception on our behalf. QCER• Nter �F� Its:ZcrTh- 0� ~ •PPDe aop\ODMAMHODMA/7ax;4Q02490 OPFDC.►mp,ODMNsuiooMivrw+1/02/9,I 90 39tId 9:11IMSIaHO ZOOTIGZ006 95:L0 t00Z/80/0I a6�d Ynrrn t.'ncat7q - ueieuuiU1 elleuc