1011 Atlantic Boulevard 15-UBEX-1066 Application / 2 / dig- Sive/
City of Atlantic Beach • 800 Seminole Road •Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445
Phone: (904)247-5826 • Fax: (904)247-5845 • Website: www.coab.us
Date 1 12'1 12 01( File No. Receipt i �f- U&6(.-.- 16(o G
1. Applicant's Name gC %kK Sk`rL n
2. Applicant's Address (01 44 A. Q
Il (WI' 32 0$2- ffr--3. Property Location (O2.1 ^(wK4-tt 144 / iAA t4 4
4. Property Appraiser's Real Estate Number (77(,02-v040 Block No. Lot No. C
5. Current Zoning Classification ( 6 6. Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use designation
7. Requested Use-by-Exception ( Op Z 1 y- III (.3
8. Size of Parcel (J y S Sq ( T 9.Utility Provider hi i C b[r,Gk ti Ii ✓ , 4
10. Statement of facts and special reasons for the requested Use-by-Exception, which demonstrates compliance with
Section 24-63 of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances, Zoning and Subdivision Regulations. Attach as
Exhibit A. (The attached guide may be used if desired. Please address each item,as appropriate to this request.)
11. Provide all of the following information. (All information must be provided before an application is scheduled for any
public hearing.)
a. Site Plan showing the location of all structures,temporary and permanent,including setbacks,building height,
number of stories and square footage, impervious surface area, and existing and/or proposed driveways.
Identify any existing structures and uses.
b. Proof of ownership (deed or certificate by lawyer or abstract company or title company that verifies record
owner as above). If the applicant is not the owner,a letter of authorization from the owner(s)for applicant to
represent the owner for all purposes related to this application must be provided.
c. Survey and legal description of property sought to be rezoned. (Attach as Exhibit B.)
d. Required number of copies. (Two(2)copies of all documents that are not larger than 11 x 17 inches in size. If
plans or photographs,or color attachments are submitted,please provide eight(8)copies of these.)
e. Application Fee($350.00)
Signature of owner(s)or authorized person if owner's authorization form is attached:
Printed or typed name(s): 8 r c tih C(V tkgr
Signature(s): iV/1,•••"---.........---
APPLICATION Name: ar1Met S (vaso'
Mailing Address: (03 q JA 1 I ( O4L. pO%4 k Je drA t t d, p id<<Gik 3709).-
2 09). .
Phone:( C )23 -3V Ax: j 7 9<«-31i C E-mail: Sly G K r66)ici(A00 • co
The review of an application for a Use-by-Exception shall consider the following items. Please
address each of the following as applicable to your specific application.
1. Ingress and egress to property and proposed Structures thereon with particular reference to vehicular and
pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control and access in case of fire or catastrophe.
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2. Parking and Loading Spaces, where required, with particulK attention to the items in (1) above.
propel-- SNe ✓S (2-'4 b([l.igtjt sp.Qs.
3. The potential for any adverse impacts to adjoining properties and properties generally in the area resulting
from excessive noise, glare and lighting, odor, traffic and similar characteristics of the Use-by-Exception
being requested. t�
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4. Refuse,trash collection and service areas,with particular reference to items(1)and(2)above;
P,rr.pslee koi prep,ed-y pwc,lot a LA104.100'
5. Utilities,with reference to locations,availability and compatibility;
efift1 Skirt. 61011,1-
6. If adjacent uses are different types of uses, describe type of screening and buffering that will be provided
between your use and the adjacent use. (0,11 hdI;a C (s I It P/4 r 4 . y(
resp tc. &q krl4 In f-t M 6.A(I
7. Signs, if any, and proposed exterior lighting, with reference to glare, traffic safety, economic effects and
compatibilityin,,,d,yyharmony with properties in the District;(See Signs and Advertising,Chapter 17.)
Salk ori°14.44- kS 4properl-y o •fir. Slyk O"
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8. Required Yards and other Open Space. Show building setbacks and areas of open space on site plan.
9. General compatibility with adjacent properties and other property in the surrounding Zoning District as
well as consistency with applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. •JAL 44 c o h,,p 4 i•t l4
vit (t �I 1:1.+CIACC Sts t1A (,(471 . lift M. IL A 5r4✓ Id(aLed r 14II(,�
ren Pt.c W'I I I •
Other information you may wish to provide: IS-Vie arc. 1 {a 0)kr WI CIA iron .
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d . Cie“-1# Bier. Tl'tA urtit St( taj. .I-Lc owes .1-1.41 1tIcs. Gv4r,(
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