1013 Atlantic Boulevard UBE-2007-03 Staff Report CDB
July 17, 2007 Public Hearing
Use-by-Exception, Landshark Café
(File Number UBE-2007-03)
To: Community Development Board
From: Planning, Zoning and Community Development Department
Date: June 25, 2007
Subject: UBE-2007-03
Applicant: Landshark Café
1013 Atlantic Boulevard
Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233
Requested Change: Request for a Use-by-Exception to allow on-site consumption of Alcoholic Beverages in association with an existing restaurant (SRX special restaurant DABT license)
located within the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District.
Location: 1013 Atlantic Boulevard within the Atlantic Village Shopping Center
Surrounding Zoning: Commercial General (CG)
Surrounding Land Use: Various commercial uses.
This request seeks approval of a Use-by-Exception to allow for the on-premise consumption of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a full service restaurant, the Landshark Café. The
owners received a Use-by-Exception in 2006 for beer and wine, and wish to expand their 2-COP DABT license to a SRX, Special Restaurant DABT license, which allows for full alcoholic
beverage service. The SRX license is specifically for restaurants with more than 51% of sales in food. Staff recommends approval of this request, in that full beverage service would
seem to be a reasonable expansion of services for a successful restaurant, and this business seems to be a positive and well-received addition to the Atlantic Village center.
The Community Development Board may consider a motion to recommend approval to the City Commission of this Use-by-Exception to allow for the on-premise consumption of alcoholic beverages
in the Commercial General Zoning District in conjunction with an existing full service restaurant, the Landshark Café, within the Atlantic Village Shopping Center at 1013 Atlantic Boulevard,
(Provide findings of fact similar to the following, and attach conditions as may be appropriate.)
Approval of this Use-by-Exception is in compliance with the requirements of Section 24-63, Zoning and Subdivision and Land Development Regulations for the City of Atlantic Beach and
also Section 24-112, the Commercial General District Regulations.
The request is not contrary to public interest and is not detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of general public.
The proposed use is compatible with adjacent uses within the surrounding area.
The proposed use is consistent with the Commercial Future Land Use designation.
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