1021 Atlantic Boulevard UBEX-13-00100056 Newspaper Ad CCPUBLIC HEARING NOTICE
The CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION will hold a public hearing to consider and take action on the following item(s) on Monday, August 12, 2013, at 6:30 p.m. at 800 Seminole Road,
Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 in Commission Chambers:
CASE NO. UBEX-13-00100056
(Javier Perez, Cantina Maya Sports Bar & Grille)
Request for use-by-exception as permitted by Section 24-111(c)(3), to allow on-premises consumption of alcoholic beverages in accordance with Chapter 3 of the Municipal Code and a 4COP
SRX alcoholic beverage license issued by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Division of Alcohol and Tobacco.
CASE NO. UBEX-13-00100059
58 W 10th Street (Ted Jackrel, Moto Electric Vehicles)
Request for use-by-exception as permitted by Section 24-111(c)(10), to allow the sale of new and used automobiles, including electric vehicles also known as “street legal” golf carts.
All information related to the agenda item(s) listed above is available for review at the City of Atlantic Beach Department of Building and Zoning located at 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic
Beach, FL 32233, and may be obtained at this office, or by calling (904) 247-5826. Interested parties may attend the meeting indicated in this notice and state their opinions, or
written comments regarding the agenda item(s) may be submitted by mail to the address given above.
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the individual or agency sending this notice
not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at the address or phone number given above.