01-27-20 Commission Workshop City of Atlantic Beach Agenda Commission Workshop Monday, January 27, 2020 - 5:30 p.m. Commission Chamber City Hall, 800 Seminole Road Page(s) CALL TO ORDER 1. TOPICS 1.A. Infrastructure and Planning Projects Projects Timeline Infrastructure Projects Map 3 - 5 2. PUBLIC COMMENT ADJOURNMENT Please note: This meeting will be live-streamed and videotaped. The video recording will be posted within four business days on the City's website at www.coab.us. To access it, click on the Meeting Videos tab on the home page or contact the City Clerk at 247-5809 or dbartle@coab.us. Any person wishing to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk. For your convenience, forms for this purpose are available at the entrance to the Commission Chamber. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk’s Office by 5:00 PM, the Friday prior to the meeting. Page 1 of 5 Page 2 of 5 DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS JAN FEB MAR APR MAV JUN JUL AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC Donner Road Improvements -consrmtxion Public Works/PublicSafety Storage auiidirrg-Design & Constmction ma street Enhancements -Design &Construztinn um st Dune Wa|kever-constmctidn zmh st &15th St Dune walkover Irnprovernents 3 Backup Generators (Ci|v Hall,Public work,Carnelia st Isl Aquati Gavdens smrrrrwararlrrrprdverrrerrts-Phase I » Construction South serrrinala Road storrnwazer Upgrade —construction Howell Park aridge Replacemenb construction Donner Park-Parking lmproverrienls -Design &Cnllslructiorl ...._......l....___.....~.. PUBLICUTlll1'lES wrP :12 -Poable water Gvound storage Tank Completion uizlre Marshslde Septic-Tlrsewer Project SCADAupgrade ar Wastewatev ireazrnern Plan! Valve Maintenance and Hydrant Renlacernants a.._._.‘ scam:upgrade at Wate?reatment vlanu VVTPHigh service Pump 5.Miscellaneous Upgrades WWTP nrgester Eridge neplacemerrt WWTPclanlrer Drive Replacement crrv ENGINEER SLRAdamaherlPlanning CIP Develupmelll &lzerrrrerriermwazer,wastewater R Smrmwater HMGP Tier IIIGrams Avblicatialls Hopkins creek -oralrrage aasirr Cleanup Eflons LilsCleanup&Madarnixatinn Greenways Trail Routing (wl Planning] CDBG,LPA&HMGP GralllAdm'istra?oll obtain Flaodplasn Manager certi?cation water suvclvFacilities Work Plan -SIRWMD COAB-CONEImpmvemam Plan for Hopkins creek Drainage Septic-lo—Sewer nesrgrr:2.spacmcatiarrs -Phase In Donner Park-parking Expansion Daign 1 I I wwrP outvall lnzegrity Analysis Dlmon Island Rd in odnner Rd Drainage Improvement Analysis PLANNING &ZONING Parks Masxer Plan comprehensive Plan Amendment SlsnCode updare Cnmnlae Streets Policy Continues intd 2021 Continues mm2021 conrinues Into 2011 continue into 2021 conrlnues into 2021 Agenda Item #1.A.27 Jan 2020Page 3 of 5 Page 4 of 5 DMONO.uC.w.I_0<<0_.£_.AM.u_u0I__mO._.w II#W.1I_IU?v./.7_m_Mmu:<:uIO<_m_<:mZ._.mu NIVCW_I_nU<<O_N—.Awm._.O_»>0mm.L__lHv_ZAw UI._mI_IT_m...mZI.b»7_0m.<.—IH.7_I_Im . AI._MI?T.wI_IUczm<<\P_I—AO<m—N. WI._0I_IT_N.NO._IIUczm<<>_IXO<_mN:<:u_»O<m_<:mZ%m DIW>OvAC_Umm./=W_N}I_IAu.NI VI»PDC>I_I_AU0>_uUmZm_U—N>_Z>nM.m__<:u_»O<m_<:mZ._.mI DIwm_<:ZOrmWUmI_IAU_N_<_<<»PI_Im.M.L_UmW>U_m/l|\II.w._. 0IIO<<m_I_l_U)_N__A_w.~:U0m.»_m_u_I>0_m_<_mZ._. ADI—UO7_7_m_#.U>—#—AI.u>«MvA_ZQ_.<:uIO<m_<_mZ4.m 1]..5 0none.uCm_I_0C...:I_.:mw.u.»0I_m0._.m I.I<<I_I_.U“NI_v0.w>w_I_m<<\PI_Im_Nm._.O_M>n...mI_JP7_vA NI_<_>_u.wIm_U_mmm_u._._0.._.0.mm<<m_u UImO)_U>C_u0_»>_Um>I_I<<<<I_I_U UI/>\4I.UT:QT.m_m_M<_O_m.uC_<:u_»_m.u_I>0_m_<__mZ4 DI<<<<I_._U_U_0_mm.wm.»W?~=U0mn_N_U_l\P?um_<__MZI_I VI</>>\I_I_UnU_I.P.M__H_m_M—U_N_<m.»_m_ur>Om_<_mZI_. QI<»P_I/\m_<_b¢_7_I_Im7._>z0mI0_._.<<<_U—m mIT_<_U.N>Z4.m~_mmu_I>Om_<:m73IInU_I_I/\<<__Um MONO_U..O._@OnM _U.L_u:O<<O1Awma_U..._0:0C:::mw Agenda Item #1.A.27 Jan 2020Page 5 of 5