1089 Atlantic Boulevard WAIV18-0002 PresentationRequest for a waiver to allow alterations to a nonconforming pylon sign in regards to height, width, and illumination at
1089 Atlantic Boulevard.
Site Context and Detail
Mayport Road
Atlantic Boulevard
Site Context and Detail
CG (Commercial General) Zoning
Atlantic Boulevard
Mayport Road
Site Context and Detail
Site Context and Detail
Site Context and Detail
Current Standards – Monument Signs
In 2002, the City of Atlantic Beach re-wrote its sign code which:
Reduced the maximum height for freestanding signs from 25 feet to 8 feet;
Increased the maximum sign width from 10 feet to 12 feet; and
Increased the maximum sign area from 80 square feet to 96 square feet.
Current Standards
The code changes enacted in 2002 created situations where a sign would need to be brought into conformance such as:
1. Any change to the structural supports or structural materials, including temporary relocation associated with routine maintenance of a property.
2. Any change which increases the illumination.
3. Any change which increases the height of a sign.
4. Any change, which alters the material used for the display area or face area by more than twenty-five (25) percent.
5. Any replacement required as the result of an accidental act or a weather-related act.
6. Any replacement of an abandoned sign.
7. Any change necessary for compliance with Florida Building Code requirements.
Proposed Plan
Replace the nonconforming sign display.
Need for a Waiver
Section 17-51(b) - existing nonconforming freestanding signs must be made conforming when illumination is increased.
Section 17-51(d) - existing nonconforming freestanding signs must be made conforming when a change is made to 25 % or more of the display.
Section 17-29(c) (1) – to exceed the maximum sign width of 12 feet to 13 feet.
Section 17-29(c) (1) – to exceed the maximum sign height of 8 feet to 24 feet.
Analysis and Concerns
2002 – New sign standards adopted reducing height but slightly enlarging the allowed width and square footage.
Sec. 17-51 Requiring all sings to become compliant by June 1, 2015 was removed from the code.
Signs in commercial corridors are becoming compliant with new standards.
A 97.5 square foot wall sign was recently approved for the business that is 33 feet tall
Analysis and Concerns
Grounds for Decision
Sec. 17-52. - Requests to waive certain terms of this chapter.
Requests to waive terms of this chapter may be made upon specific application to the city commission, with proper public notice required, provided that no waiver shall be requested
that would allow a prohibited sign, or any otherwise unlawful sign. The applicant requesting such waiver shall have the burden of demonstrating the need for the requested waiver,
and that the waiver is not in conflict with the intent of this chapter. The terms of any waiver to the provisions of this chapter shall be established by order of the city commission.
Waivers can be approved…
On a case-by-case basis.
When it is demonstrated that compliance with such provision(s) would be unreasonable, in conflict with the public interest, or a practical impossibility.
Upon evidence that an alternative to a specific provision(s) of this chapter shall be provided, which conforms to the general intent and spirit of these land development regulations.
In considering any request for a waiver from these land development regulations, the city commission may require conditions as appropriate to ensure that the intent of these land development
regulations is enforced.
Grounds for Decision