02-10-20 Commission Workshop Adopted Minutesl�/Il RINNIU IL' !)
Commission Workshop IVleeting
IVIonday, February 10, 2020 � 5:30 PM
Commission Chamber
Present: Ellen Glasser, Mayor -Seat 1
Cindy Anderson, Commissioner - Seat 2 (District 1308)
Blythe Waters, Mayor Pro Tem / Commissioner - Seat 3 (District 1307)
Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 (District 1306)
Brittany Norris, Commissioner as Seat 5 (District 1312)
Also Present: Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA)
Shane Corbin, City Manager (CM)
Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC)
Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM)
Lori Diaz, Deputy City Clerk
Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M.
Commissioner Waters arrived at 5:35 p.m.
A. Comprehensive Plan Update
CM Corbin addressed the Commission and briefly reported on changes made to the
Comprehensive Plan. He introduced Planning and Community Development Director
(PCDD) Amanda Askew to detail updates and proposed changes to the plan.
PCDD Askew explained that the Comprehensive Plan is a guiding, long range instrument
for future growth in COAB. The City has taken first steps and presented the plan and
changes to the Community Development Board (CDB); the CDB suggested further
public input. PCDD Askew presented a slide show that outlined the purposed changes,
reasons for the purposed changes and long-range goals. The presentation slides and the
staff report are included in the agenda packet; PCDD Askew discussed the following:
• St. John's Water Management District Supply Plan; comprehensive plan for the
water supply
• Water Supply Facilities Work Plan
• Capital Improvement Projects
• Changes approved by the CBD
• Future Land Use Changes
• Residential Density
• Commercial Districts Floor Area and Impervious Surface Ratios
• Bonus Density for Affordable Housing for the Marsh Oaks Business District
Commission Workshop
February 10, 2020
• Transportation Element
• Safer Alternative Transportation Options
Mayor Glasser requested more information regarding the floor area ratio.
PCDD Askew defined the floor area ratio as the gloss square footage of the building
divided by the gross square footage of the property. She gave examples of how the floor
ratio would change by the number of stories a dwelling had and explained that this would
encourage redevelopment and high intensity reuse of a property.
Kirk Hansen, CDB Chairman, expressed concerns about floor to area ratios,
affordable housing, increased density, traffic congestion, and safety issues. He
requested additional public input.
CM Corbin suggested community workshops as a way to gather additional input from
the public.
Commissioner Waters questioned the mechanism to prevent large warehouse type
buildings and requirements for storm water retention.
PCDD Askew explained that the central business district has relaxed setbacks to
encourage community engagement. COAB code language could be amended to include
architectural features to deter warehouse type buildings. Land development regulations
could be written in the comprehensive plan to address architectural relief. Storm water
could either be stored above or below ground.
Commissioner Norris questioned if the floor to area ratio could be increased as an
incentive if the property were to provide additional upgrades.
PCDD Askew replied that increased incentives regarding floor to area ratio could be
incorporated in the COAB code language and supported as previously stated with
architectural relief code language.
Discussion ensured regarding:
• How COAB Code control mechanisms could support increased density and
pedestrian safety.
• Redevelopment of small parcels and mixed use redevelopment and floor to area
ratio requirements.
• Bonus density and percent amount for affordable housing.
• Proposed time limits for affordable housing incentives based on a specific
number of years.
• Incentives managed through deed restrictions.
• Family and income level information, included in the agenda packet, based on a
family of four.
• Traffic congestion on Mayport Road resulting from bonus density.
Commission Workshop
February 10,2020
Mayor Glasser discussed the need for affordable housing stating the Beaches Action
Team will host a University of Florida speaker to address the housing needs of the
beaches and she invited anyone interested to attend. She suggested inviting a speaker to
educate the Commission on housing related needs at the beach.
Commissioner Norris echoed support for inviting a speaker to address the Commission
highlighting the housing needs at the beaches. She offered supporting data from the
Cathedral Arts Project, Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) and Beaches
Action Team to CM Corbin regarding the need for affordable housing at the beach.
Commissioner Waters attested to how COAB businesses are affected by the lack of
affordable housing for staff.
Kirk Hansen expressed concern for an increasing percentage ratio of affordable
housing in regards to increased congestion.
Discussion ensued stating that the area for Affordable Bonus Density is currently limited
to the area on the map presentation displayed by PCDD Askew and attached in the
agenda. The percentage of units set aside for very low, low, and moderate income is still
under consideration. CM Corbin proposed a time frame of six weeks for open dialogue
and reflection on best practices regarding proposed changes.
Rich Trendel, Atlantic Beach resident and real estate developer, addressed the
Commission and gave his perspective regarding bonus density affordable housing. He
stated it was a financial challenge to offer comparable housing at an affordable rate on
Mayport Road. He stated that in order to lower the financial risk to developers there
would have to be an increase in the number of units. He offered knowledge recounting
that other cities similar in size to Jacksonville incorporate a number of smaller studio
options at the affordable rate. He stated that parking requirements and restrictions could
deter developers.
CM Corbin invited Mr. Trendel to work with the City regarding affordable housing incentives.
Mr. Trendel accepted CM Corbin's offer.
Mayor Glasser adjourned the meeting at 6:28 P.M.
Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk
Dated Approved
Ellen Glasser, Mayor
Commission Workshop
February 10,2020