02-10-20 Regular Commission Meeting Speaker form/HandoutsWELCOME CSF To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. Date: LA/?" SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Name: Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records (law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address:tnzo e City: *9 ,icL 3 ?2 3.3 Phone No.: i16-6-2 'Cc& Z E-mail: osc/-td Q r,e.).4-ccs9/. 2— PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) Atlantic Beach Resident 0 Atlantic Beach Property Owner 0 Atlantic Beach Business Owner PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: 7 I wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: o Agenda Item No. and/or cC55Topicnotontheagenda:j't o e fiej/&._ o I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. I am in support of the above agenda item. o I am opposed to the above agenda item. o 1 do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item o I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item FW: Form submission from: Contact Us V\k/Kda`t.t 21/a/z0 Corbin, Shane Fri 1/31/2020 5:20 PM To:Glasser, Ellen <eglasser@coab.us>; Brenna Durden <bdurden@Ilw-law.com>; FYI Original Message From: Will Fricke [mailto:wfricke(@icma.org] Sent: Friday, January 31, 2020 5:15 PM To: Corbin, Shane <scorbin@coab.us> Cc: Survey Research <surveyresearch@ICMA.org> Subject: RE: Form submission from: Contact Us Hi Shane On our 2018 Municipal Form of Government survey, 22.3% of cities (873/3,925) reported having residency requirements for their Chief Appointed Official (the survey term for city manager). We don't have a stat on cost of living bonus/living within a certain mileage. Closest thing I have is from our 2018 CAO Salary survey - 57.8% of CAOs have their salary increases based, at least in part, on a cost of living adjustment. Will Fricke Assistant Program Manager Global Program Management Research and Development 202 962 3517 office icma.org Original Message From: "icma.org" <icma@icma.org> Sent: Friday, January 31, 2020 2:49 PM To: Survey Research <surveyresearch@ ICMA.org> Subject: Form submission from: Contact Us Submitted on Friday, January 31, 2020 - 14:49 Submitted by anonymous user: Submitted values are: To serve you better, please select what kind of assistance you need.: Survey Research Name: Shane Corbin Email Address: scorbin@coab.us Nortli Florida Transportation Planning Organization PLAN • FUND • MOBILIZE CaII to Order Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Introductions Public Comment 1444444- redid -dui/ 1110/20 Meeting Agenda Thursday, February 13, 2020 10 a.m. Consent Agenda 1. North Florida TPO Minutes of December 12, 2019 These minutes are ready for review and approval. 2. CAC Membership Approval Requested Approval is requested forJames Green, representing Duval County At -Targe. His application is included in Section 2. Approval is requested for Bill Fonferek, representing Duval County At -large. His application is included in Section 2. Approval is requested for Tia V. Keitt, representing Duval County At -Targe. Her application is included in Section 2. Approval is requested for Kenneth Marsh, representing the Beaches. His application is included in Section 2. Agenda A. Finance Committee Report November Monthly Financial Statement December Monthly Financial Statement B. FDOT Requests Amending the FY 2019/20 — FY 2023/24 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) A copy of the request is included in Section B, which includes the following projects: Duval County 428489-1— US 1 (SR 5) @ Prudential Drive Bridge No. 720087 APPROVE APPROVE Information Only ACTION ITEM 447067-1 —JAXPORT International Cargo Terminal Modernization Seaport Capacity Project Clay County 446154-1— US 17 from Ball Road to Black Creek Trail Bike Path/Trail C. Amendment of the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) for ACTION ITEM FY 2018/19 through FY 2019/20 A summary of the amendment is included in Section C. D. DRAFT 2020 List of Priority Projects (LOPP) A draft LOPP is included in Section D. Approval will be requested at the March meeting. E. Requested Studies for FY 2020/21 Unified Planning Work Program UPWP) Denise Bunnewith will discuss the list of requested studies, which is included in Item E. F. Strategic Intermodal System (SIS) Update Information Only Autumn Martinage of FDOT will present an update on the Strategic Intermodal System SIS). G. Smart North Florida Update Information Only H. Executive Director's Report Information Only I. Secretary of Transportation's Report Information Only J. Authority Reports Information Only Information Only Information Only K. Old Business L. New Business North Florida TPO Certification 2020 Legislative Update 2020 Annual List of Priority Project 2020 Project priorities of the North Florida Transportation Planning Organization for inclusion in the new fifth year of the Florida Department of Transportation Work Program North Florida Transportation Planning Organization PLAN • FUND • MOBILIZE 2020 ANNUAL LIST OF PRIORITY PROJECTS 2020 LIST OF PRIORITY PROJECTS DRAFT FEBRUARY 2020 2 2020' ANNUAL. Lig OF PRIORITY PRQJECTS' Contents OVERVIEW PROJECT PHASING 5 5 2045 LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN 6 Resilience and Vulnerability 6 Regional System Safety Plan 6 Congestion Management Process 6 LIST OF PRIORITY PROJECTS PROCESS 6 REGION -WIDE PRIORITY PROJECTS 8 RESILIENCY, SAFETY AND OPERATIONAL PRIORITY PROJECTS 10 MASS TRANSIT PRIORITIES Jacksonville Transportation Authority 12 MASS TRANSIT PRIORITIES St. Johns County 13 TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATIVES PROGRAM (TAP) PROJECTS 14 TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATIVES PROGRAM (TAP) PROJECTS 15 SUNTRAILS PRIORITIES 16 TRANSPORTATION REGIONAL INCENTIVE PROGRAM (TRIP) PROJECT PRIORITIES 17 2020 LIST OF PRIORITY PROJECTS DRAFT FEBRUARY 2020 3 2020 ANNUAL LIST OF PRIORITY PROJECTS 2020 LIST OF PRIORITY PROJECTS DRAFT FEBRUARY 2020 4 2020 ANNUF&L LISJT OF F OVERVIE The North Florida Transportation Planning Organization (North Florida TPO) Transportation Improvement Program TIP) for Fiscal Years 2020/2021 through 2025/2026 begins with preparing a "List of Priority Projects" to be used in developing the Florida Department of Transportation's (FDOT) Tentative Five Year Work Program, The "List of Priority Projects" identifies potential projects to be funded in the new fifth year (2025/2026) of the FDOT Work Program. However, by creating the Strategic Intermodal System (SIS) and the Transportation Regional Incentive Program (TRIP) in Florida, the "List of Priority Projects" now includes potential projects to be funded in other years of the FDOT Work Program under the SIS and TRIP programs. The "List of Priority Projects" includes a prioritized listing of state highway, mass transit, aviation, intermodal, and Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) and Transportation Regional Incentive Program (TRIP) projects and was approved by the North Florida TPO Board June 14, 2018. The North Florida TPO expects all projects currently programmed in the FDOT Work Program to advance to the next development phase. This will ensure that implementing the 3-C planning process (continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive) in the North Florida TPO area is being implemented, as required by federal and state statutes. If FDOT cannot complete the programmed phase and advance the project to the next logical phase, it is incumbent that the agency provides an explanation to the North Florida TPO, PROJECT PHASING Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Preliminary Engineering (PE) Right -of -Way (ROW m Construction (CST) 2020 LIST OF PRIORITY PROJECTS DRAFT FEBRUARY 2020 5 2020 ANNUAL. LIST O:FPRIORITY PROJECTS' 2045 LONG NGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN On November 14, 2019 the North Florida TPO adopted Path Forward 2045, a fiscally constrained Long Range Transportation Plan for Clay, Duval, Nassau and St. Johns Counties. Concurrent with this effort the following documents were prepared: Resilience and Vulnerability The North TPO examined the vulnerability of major roads in the region. Vulnerability is ranked from low to high. The vulnerability rating of relevant facilities is indicated on the List of Region -Wide Priority Projects. Supporting documentation is available at:http://pathforward2045.com/wp- content/uploads/2019/08/Resiliency-Phase-Il-Tech-Memo-1 Finalv3.pdf Regional System Safety Plan This plan was updated. It identifies high crash corridors, high crash intersections and corridors with a high incidence of bicycle and pedestrian crashes. High crash corridors are identified on the List of Region -Wide Priority Projects. Supporting documentation is available at: http://northfloridatpo.com/images/uploads/FINAL NFTPO RSSP NOV2019.v.3.pdf Congestion Management Process The Congestion Management Process was updated. Supporting documentation is available at: http://northfloridatpo.com/images/uploads/2019 NFTP CMP.pdf LIST OF PRIORITY PROJECTS PROCESS Develop List of Candidate Projects (January) 1. A list of candidate projects is developed from the following: Projects in the previous year List of Priority Projects not funded through construction. Local County/City submittals within the North Florida TPO area Local Port and Transit Authority submittals within the North Florida TPO area Congestion Management System Plan (considered when developing Path Forward 2040) Concurrency Management Systems Public Input 2020 LIST OF PRIORITY PROJECTS DRAFT FEBRUARY 2020 6 2. Project Ranking (February) Unless otherwise indicated, projects were initially prioritized in Path Forward 2045, the North Florida TPO's Long Range Transportation Plan adopted November 14, 2019 O TPO Staff works with local governments to develop. a preliminary List of Priority Projects to submit to the Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC), Citizens Advisory Committee (CACI and Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) Board for review and approval at the June TCC, CAC and TPO Board Meetings. o Mass transit, port and aviation projects are prioritized by the submitting agencies and are forwarded to the North Florida TPO to include in the LOPP Document. o Adopting the List of Priority Projects (March) 3 Following approval by the North Florida TPO, the List of Priority Projects is submitted to FDOT to use in developing the Five -Year Tentative Work Program. 2020 LIST OF PRIORITY PROJECTS DRAFT FEBRUARY 2020 7 2020 ANNUAL LIST OF PRIORITY PROJECTS. REGION -WIDE PRIORITY PROJECTS REGION -WIDE PRIORITY P Limits FUNDED PRIORITIES First Coast Expressway Clay and St. Johns Counties Bay Street/Hart Bridge Ramp Revitalization Project Duval County SRA 6/CR 208 SR 211 Edgewood Avenue Duval County SR 313 Extension St. Johns County SR 228 Normandy Boulevard Duval County CR 220 Clay County William Burgess Road Extension Nassau County US 17 Main Street Duval County CR 2209 St. Johns County CR 218 Clay County SR 115 Lem Turner Road Nassau County SR 10 Atlantic Boulevard Duval County Blanding Boulevard to NofSR16 NofSRl6toEofCR 2209 E of CR 2209 to CR 16A spur CR 16A spur_to 195 <_ A. Phillip Randolph Boulevard to Hart Expressway @I-95 US 17 to Cassat Avenue Under construction Under construction Construction 2022 Construction 2023 Remove ramp Interchange imrprovements Context sensitive solutions Status Completion 2025 Completion 2024 UNFUNDED" PRIORITIES SR 207 to US 1 Equestrian Center to US301 SR 21 to Henley Road Miner Road to Amelia Island Parkway New Berlin Road to Pecan Park Road CR 210 to International Golf Parkway Astor/Pine Tree to US 301 Duval County line to US 301 New road construction Widen to 4 -lanes with New buffered bike lanes and sidewalks Widen to 4 -lanes New road construction New Widen to 5 -lanes with multi -use trail Silversmith Creek Bridge Widen to 4 -lanes Widen to 4 -lanes with LOW multi -use trail Milling, resurfacing, railing and sidewalk construction New 2020 LIST OF PRIORITY PROJECTS DRAFT FEBRUARY 2020 8 2uguAN,NOAL,ILIS)Ir 4 GO DPROR4Y7-410 Rank Pro'ect ;Limits Descri .tion S ; tus NewRacetrackRoad St. Johns CR 209 Clay County SR 202 J. t Matti Boulevard Duval County Buccaneer Trail Nassau County St. Johns Paiktoray st Johns County SR AIA Mayport Road Duval County Cheswick Oaks Clay County US 1 St, Johns County SR 21 Blinding Boulevard CW/Duy.0 County SR 115 Southside Boulevard Duval County SR 200/SR AIA Nassau County US 17 Nassau Couqy SR 16 Clay County SRAIA St. Johns Cr SR 21 Blanding Boulevard Clay County SR 105 Heckscher Drive Duval County_ US 17 to Sandridge Road Sadler Road to Amelia Island Parkway @ CR 2104,, SR 10 Atlantic Boulevard to Dutton Island Road Widen to 4 -lanes Widen to 4 -lanes nte .cha ge mproverne., ts Intersection Improvements ewmterchange Context sensitive improvements New Challenger Drive to afid'AINWI'lafirdarinSA J of developer funded 2 - lane road CR210 Interchange improvements 11Knight ffiCZWeizto Alliterstafiena44: 7 Collins Road Jrnprgyernents Old Baymeadows Road Intersection re -design New to Baymeadows Road U 17Sadler iValAierifferseltiOn Improvements Moderate - High Vulnerability New New High Crash Corridor Moderate - High Vulnerability 7-Nu— e PROSECTS NO LONGER ON THE LIST' Duval County line to Intersection Harts Road i irrIPSPArrigli§ CR 218 to CR 15a Widen to 4 -lanes Oakridge Avenue MaigitarfaigfehA41i1Wraftat4WOP Valley Road SR 16 to CR 115 Widen to 4 -lanes Blanding Boulevard US 17 Main Trail enhancements Ferry Entrance 2020 LIST OF PRIORITY PROJECTS DRAFT FEBRUARY 2020 17t, High ra Corridor Moderate• High Vulnerability County pribritY, lowered No longer Polity priority ountytp i a County w. ue-nr't64 Cpriority lowered County priority lowered -41_ 9 2020; ANNUAL LIST OF PRIORITY PROJECTS RESILIENCY, SAFETY AND OPERATIONAL PRIORITY PROJECTS In 2019 the North Florida TPO updated the Regional System Safety Plan. Available on the TPO website www.northfloridatpo,com, this document identifies high crash corridors and intersections in the region as well as corridors with a high incidence of bicycle and pedestrian crashes. This list is prioritized by county. RESILIENCY, SAFETY AND OPERATIONAL PRIORITY PROJECTS Project _ Limits Description CLAY COUNTY Orange Park OOran e`Park'"". US 17 US 17 SR 220 US 17 CR 220 to 400 feet south of East West Parkway Copper Stone Drive to 400 feet south of Water Oak Lake Shore to US 17 @ SR 121 Kingsley Avenue SR 121 Kingsley Avenue @ Railroad Avenue a0 Construct sidewalk on east side of US 17 Construct sidewalk on east side of US 17 Construct sidewalk Add left turn lane from Kingsley Avenu Add left tum lane Jacksonville Jacksonville Jacksonville Jacksonville Jacksonville Jacksonville Jacksonville SR 115 Southside Boulevard SR 134-Timuquana Road/103rd Street SR 105 Zoo Parkway/ Heckscher Drive Baldwin Truck Stop Hogan Road to Southside Boulevard US 17 Roosevelt`Bouleva`rd to SR 21 Blanding Boulevard US 17 Main Street to Ferry Entrance 1-10 @ US 301` Neptune Beach Lem Turner Road US 1 Philips Highway Chaffee Road SR A1A/Third Street US 17 14th Street 14th Street SR AlA 1-295 to Nassau County line Greenland Road to SR 115 Southside Boulevard Old Plank Road to 1-10 SR 10 Atlantic Boulev rd to Segate Avenue, NASSAU COUNTY Intersection improvements Reduce lane widths to add protected bicycle lanes, add high visibility crosswalks and j Other safety_ improvements Add multi -use trail Add truck maneuverability/safety improvement/jug-handle Safety improvements Safety improvements including sidewalks and bike lanes Re -design for heavy truck traffic and add pedestrian safety improvements Resiliency improvements @ Pages Dairy Road Sadler Road @ Simmons Road 811,1115NSS1C"O;i Intersection improvements Intersection improvements Intersection ithprOVertients Mickler Road to Marshlanding Parkway SR 207 to King Street US 1 to SR A1A 2020 LIST OF PRIORITY PROJECTS DRAFT FEBRUARY 2020 Intersection improvements Complete street Multi -modal way & drainage 10 RESILIE 'COY, SAP TrY Pro'ect SR 16 PalmValleyRoad. Palm Valley Road US 1 SR AIA SR AIA San=Marco Avenue OPE °IA MAL, P<RI,O,RE*, fROJIRSIS Linft Des di o tion, US 1 @ International Golf Parkway MicklersRoad @ Roscoe BoulevardNilano Bridge San east' View} OtAr ALSidewalks (gaps; Intersection improvements east leg) Inter,Section _improve,menfs a Intersection improvements Old Moultrie Treasure Beach Road to San Julian Boulevard SR 16 to Bndge of Dons Stokes Landing Road to International Golf Parkway Add sidewalk on west side aAdtlshaedusepth, Add sidewalk on east side 2020 LIST OF PRIORITY PROJECTS DRAFT FEBRUARY 2020 11 2020 ANNUAL LIST OF PRIORITY PROJECTS MASS TRANSIT PRIORITIES --Jacksonville Transportation Authority 1 2 Project* Vehicle Acquisition JACKSONVILLE TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY Para -Transit (CTC) 6 Brooklyn Station Autonomous Avenue U2C Agile Program U2C Extension 2 U2C Extension 3 U2C Extension 4 Commuter Rail Project Development ITS/Corridor Development/ Service Enhancement JRTC Amtrak Station Relocation Regional Passenger and Operations Enhancements Desc pIon 1ustification Annual SU funding with $2.5 toll credit matching Purchase para_transit equipment Skyway station U2C Conversion Various U2C routes throughout the Jacksonville area. The second phase of the U2C program. The third phase of the U2C program. The fourth phase of the U2C program. Additional Ferry Boat Promote transit oriented development, station area planning, and funding for Commuter Rail service on the Southeast Corridor. Develop/Implement a regional plan focused on transit and implement communications based elements Relocate Amtrak station from Clifford Lane to Prirne Osborn Convention Center site Plan, design and construct new passenger and operations facilities Replace new buses/rolling stock with CNG buses plus related equipment Required for ADA compliance Skyway station for access at the O&M center in Brooklyn. Conversion of infrastructure between Jefferson and JRTC stations to run U2C 1 autonomous transit vehicles. Autonomous transit routes at various locations around Jacksonville. The second at -grade extension of the U2C program. The third at -grade extension of the U2C program. The fourth at -grade extension of the U2C program. An additional boat is needed to increase capacity at the Mayport Ferry crossing. The project definition phase has been completed with good ridership projected, however, the corridor requires additional transit oriented policies to be competitive for federal funding Capacity constraints on major corridors suggest implementation of ITS to enhance mobility Immediate opportunity to restore intercity passenger service to Downtown Jacksonville Provide new facilities to enhance passenger experience and increase efficiency of operations These projects have been selected from the agency Transit Development Plan. 2020 UST OF PRIORITY PROJECTS DRAFT FEBRUARY 2020 12 20 L0 ANNUAL LISJT OF PRIF MASS TRANSIT PRI RITIES—St. Johns County 13 Projec Operating Assistance 5307 reventative ; x Maintenance Capitalized Operating Expense Operating Assistance CTD/Trip Equipment Grant Operating Assistance Block Grant Funds Operating and Capital Assistance FTA 5310 Operating and Capital Assistance FTA 5311 Capital Assistance STP Flex Rolling Stock Systerri'Planning '' Shelter Installation Security Maintenance Equipment Facility Maintenance escrfiption Justification Funding for operations Expand transit system to support additional and administration revenue miles and passengers Funding for preventative maintenance on vehicles Continuing Bus Operations Continuing Bus Operations Continuing Bus Operations Continuing Bus Operations Vehicle Acquisition Vehicle Acquisition an updates'' Bus shelters Maintain existing security equipment Shop equipment Repaif/Replace Facility Equipment These projects have been selected from the agency Transit Development Plan. Keep vehicles in service and facilitate • continued operations Match for FTA 5307 andsupport for current and expanded service Support current service and expand service Support current service and expand service Support current service and expand service Vehicles for route expansion ndpararensit vehicle replacements Paratransit vehicle replacement Update plans as a prerequisite to receiving state and federal funds System Improvements, permanent shelters Maintain and replace existing secun„ equipment at Transit Facilityand on uses Required to meet maintenance schedules Maintain t`r`ansit facility and grounds, 2020 LIST OF PRIORITY PROJECTS DRAFT FEBRUARY 2020 13 2020 ANNUALLIST'O:r'PRI.ORITY' PROJECTS: TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATIVES PROGRAM (TAP) PROJECTS The Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) was authorized under Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP -21). North Florida TPO Staff requested input from member counties, cities and authorities for proposed multi -use trail projects within the North Florida TPO area. Staff also requested input from the school boards and districts within the North Florida TPO area for the School Safety Walks projects. The following table includes multi- use Trail and School Safety Walks projects submitted for funding in FY 2025/2026, Rank Limits Estimated Cost Status IlAmelia Island Parkway Mu l -Use Trail, Phase 2, Nassau County McCoy's Creek Greenway Duval County Vilano Trail St. Johns County Bailey Road to' 14t' '1 $8761-07 " 'Con trsuctonf Street 23/24 SR A1A/Sth Street to $166,500 PE PE FY 19/20 Bailey Road SRA1A%Fletcher $756,196 FY 22/23 II Avenue to Via del Rey Via del Rey to 14th $1,167,327 FY 23/24 Street UNFUNDED PRIORITIES Black Creek Trail Extension across US 17 Bridge Clay County Nassau County.' Cedar Avenue Vilano Beach to Mickler Road Trail Head to Ball Road Study on-going 2020 LIST OF PRIORITY PROJECTS DRAFT FEBRUARY 2020 14 INS?©RSI A ION roject Name ALTERNATIVES PROGRAM (-AP) PGR© ECTS Louis Sheffield Elementary Duval County St. Johns County Limits Cost Estimate Dunns Creek Road from New Berlin Road $435,000 to Bardin Road (.84 miles) • Palm Valley Road from Walden Chase neighborhood to Valley Ridge Drive 2020 LIST OF PRIORITY PROJECTS DRAFT FEBRUARY 2020 15 SUNT 2020 ANNUAL LIST OF PRIORITY PROJECTS ILS PRIORITIES For the 2021 List of Priorities Projects the North Florida TPO will expand the SunTrails Priorities to include projects for which a preliminary feasibility study has been performed with cost estimates and for which local governments. Details will be provided in Fall 2020. Project Description/ProjectLIm West of 1-95 to City of St Augustine to Flaglef`I County Line Timucuan Trail Duval County Amelia Island Trail Nassau County Vilano Trail St. Johns County Huguenot Park to Ft. George River Phase II -Amelia Island Parkway Multi -Use Trail Segments 1 and 2 Cedar Avenue Vilano Beach to Mickler Road 8.7M 2.5M Study ongoing 2020 LIST OF PRIORITY PROJECTS DRAFT FEBRUARY 2020 16 f?'. IORrat PR01 EC; NSPORTATION REGIONAL INCENTIVE PROGRAIV TRIP) PROJECT PR ORDTQES The Transportation Regional Incentive Program (TRIP) is funded with Documentary Stamp funds. The North Florida TPO is the TRIP Agency for Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau and St. Johns Counties. This list is approved by the TRIP Agency which includes the North Florida TPO Board and one member of the Baker and Putnam County Commissions. These projects are not ranked. Duval Nassau Nassau St. Johns St. Johns Project Midpoint Parkway/Truck By - Pass, Phase 1 CR 218 CR 220 SR 202 J. Tumer Butler Boulevard US1 William Burgess Road William Burgess -Road US 17 Limits Description Construct new 2 -lane road Astor/Pine Tree to US 301 SR 21 to Knight 1365a @ Belfort Road @ SR 115 Southside Boulevard US 17 to Miner Road Miner Road to Mentoria Road Volusia County Line to Pomona Park/Feagle Avenue 1-95 @ SR 16 SR 16 @ International Golf Parkway Widen to 4 -lanes Widen to 4=lanes Intersection improvements Intersection Improvements:;: >; Construct new 2 -lane road Construct new 2 -lane road Widen to 4 -lanes Interchange improvements Intersection improvements 2020 LIST OF PRIORITY PROJECTS DRAFT FEBRUARY 2020 17 November 8, 2018 Greg Evans Secretary, District Two Florida Department of Transportation 1109 South Marion Avenue Lake City, Florida 32025-5874 Re: Request for Speed Limit Reduction SR 101 (Mayport Road) Dear Secretary Evans: Thank you very much for the opportunity to meet recently to hear my request, on behalf of the City of Atlantic Beach, to lower the 45 -mph speed limit on SR 101 Mayport Road). This letter provides supplemental information that we hope will form the basis to lower the speed to 40 -mph, which falls within FDOT's allowable range. Attachments are provided for your reference as follows: 1) Letter, dated January 22, 2018, to Senator Aaron Bean; 2) Guest editorial, dated February 22, 2018, to The Beaches Leader; 3) Letter, dated May 2, 2018, to Ed Siefert; and 4) Speed survey for the period of September 27-29, 2018. Mayport Road is a state road situated at the north end of a barrier island that is only accessible by bridge or ferry. It runs between SR 10 (Atlantic Boulevard) and Naval Station Mayport. It passes through residential and mixed commercial development in both Atlantic Beach and the City of Jacksonville. Small businesses, restaurants, churches, and schools are located along the corridor. As you know, several speed studies have been conducted over many years. These studies have all concluded that the 45 -mph speed limit is appropriate. Attachments 1-3 are two letters and a guest editorial that highlight our focused efforts on reducing the speed limit over the last year. We contend that past studies have failed to consider the larger picture of how speeding through our small town negatively impacts our community. We keep asking to lower the speed limit because our citizens keep telling us Mayport Road is unsafe! Ample anecdotal information exists that pedestrians and bicyclists feel like they risk their lives when they travel on Mayport Road. Just in the last month, a vehicle struck a 6th grader riding his bike to school, and another vehicle struck a disabled veteran on his recumbent bicycle. We believe that reducing the speed - even by just 5 -mph - will make the Mayport Road corridor safer for pedestrians and bicyclists and will send an important message to the public that we care. In the last year, two more studies were contracted by FDOT, largely at our request. An arterial safety safety study was completed in January 2018 that examined fatalities, volume of traffic, crash data, and field check through 2017. Along with a benefit -cost analysis and net present value analysis, several recommendations were made but we were disappointed that lowering the speed limit was not among them. More recently, a school zone study was completed in May 2018 at the Mayport Coastal Sciences Middle School. This school falls outside the border of Atlantic Beach but many students reside in our city. Ongoing concerns about speeding on Mayport Road were reignited after 12 -year old Hunter Cope was struck and killed by an impaired driver in March 2017. Crash trends, field checks and traffic patterns were evaluated, and we were very pleased that a reduced speed school zone was recommended. As discussed, we understand the need for enforcement, education and outreach along the Mayport Road corridor. We also understand that not all accidents are related to speed. Please be reminded that, 1) the Atlantic Beach Police Department (ABPD) does not have authority to enforce the Jacksonville section of Mayport Road, and 2) the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office (JSO) does not have a substation on the island so enforcement efforts are a function of resources and availability. Over the last year, we have increased our police presence along Mayport Road and all contacts are documented in the Arrive Alive system administered by the Florida Highway Patrol. We would be happy to provide detailed citation and crash data for your review. Attachment 4 includes two bar graphs that summarize the results of a speed survey conducted at our request by JSO over a three-day period in September. The survey captured data for speeding at a fixed location along Mayport Road in Jacksonville that directly abuts Atlantic Beach. Of 3244 vehicles, 2018 were travelling above the speed limit in a count by speed report. Of 3215 vehicles, 1989 were travelling above the speed limit in a separate count by hour report. Between the times of 4:00 am to 8:00 pm, the majority of cars passing the location were speeding. ABPD assembled a combined summary of crash data since 2013 by intersection. Of 873 crashes on Mayport Road, more than half (452) occurred in Atlantic Beach. Of these, 25 involved pedestrians, and 23 involved bicycles. For the top 15 intersections where crashes occurred, 9 were in Atlantic Beach. The highest number of crashes (106) occurred at the intersection of Mayport Road and Plaza Road in Atlantic Beach. As part of our efforts, I have met with other elected officials and area stakeholders to assure that our request does not run at cross-purposes to their areas of responsibility. Those contacted have all expressed their support, but I do plan to update them on this request. Also, for your information, we are working with Jacksonville on the possible annexation of roughly one square mile that runs along Mayport Road into Atlantic Beach. This annexation will give Atlantic Beach greater control over enforcement along the corridor. This may be of interest to FDOT because we hope to advocate for a Complete Streets approach in that area that will be safer and more bicycle/pedestrian-friendly. I hope you will seriously consider this request. If I can provide additional information, please feel free to contact me by telephone at (904) 472-6262 or by email at eglasser@coab.us. Enclosures (4) Respectfully, Ellen Glasser Mayor EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SR 101 (Mayport Road) from SR 10 to Naval Base Arterial Safety Study The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) — District Two retained Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., as part of its Districtwide Safety Studies contract, to perform an arterial safety study for the section of SR 101 (Mayport Road) from SR 10 (Atlantic Boulevard) to Naval Station Mayport in Duval County, Florida as well as conduct an evaluation of existing vehicular speeds in comparison to the posted speed limit. The assessment was based on three years of crash data, observations made during a field review, a 48-hour vehicle speed study, and a benefit -cost and net present value analysis. Speed data was collected in four locations within the study limits and analyzed for off-peak conditions over the course of 48 hours. The results of the speed study show that the posted speed limit of 45 mph is appropriate based on both the 85`h percentile speed and the 10 -mph pace. Observations in the field indicate that several pedestrian safety measures have already been implemented including advanced pedestrian warning signs for signalized intersections, Yield to Pedestrians signs, and controller cabinet educational wraps. The corridor experienced 458 crashes from 2013 to 2015 with rear -end crashes accounting for nearly half of the total crashes. There were concentrations of vehicular crashes at Assisi Lane/Fleet Landing Boulevard and SR A1A/Mayport Crossing Boulevard, both of which also appeared on the Department's High Crash Intersection lists. Concentrations of non -motorist crashes occurred at Plaza Road and Levy Road/Donner Road. There were six fatal crashes during the study period of 2013 to 2015, all of which involved non - motorists, five pedestrians and one bicyclist. There were three fatal crashes from 2016 to 2017, two of which involved left -turn vehicular crashes and one of which was a pedestrian crash north of Plaza Road. The overall corridor experienced 25 percent dark condition crashes with the signalized intersections experiencing higher proportions. There are intersection lighting projects currently in the Department's Work Program which will install additional lighting at each signalized intersection on Mayport Road from SR 10 (Atlantic Boulevard) to Mayport Middle School. Recommendations were made to improve the overall safety of the corridor for motorists and non - motorists focusing on the following crash trends: rear -end crashes, mainline permissive left -turn crashes, nighttime crashes, and pedestrian crashes. Improvements include adaptive signal control (already programmed); traffic signal upgrades for flashing yellow arrow signal heads, backplates, and additional through heads; intersection lighting; leading pedestrian intervals; updated special emphasis crosswalks; revised Pedestrian warning signs meeting current standards for placement; Right Turning Vehicles Yield to Pedestrians signs at signalized intersections. It is estimated that the recommendations have the potential to reduce 32 crashes annually throughout the study limits resulting in an annual safety benefit of $3.8 million. The preliminary LRE estimates the total project cost at $8 million with design, construction, and contingency. The benefit -cost ratio is 3.97 and the net present value is $21 million. January 2018 Paged"