01-27-20 Commission Workshop Adopted MinutesATTENDANCE: Present: Also Present: MINUTES Commission Workshop Meeting Monday, January 27, 2020 - 5:30 PM Commission Chamber Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1 Cindy Anderson, Commissioner - Seat 2 (District 1308) Blythe Waters, Mayor Pro Tem / Commissioner - Seat 3 (District 1307) arrived at 5:34 PM Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 (District 1306) Brittany Norris, Commissioner - Seat 5 (District 1312) arrived at 5:32 PM Shane Corbin, City Manager (CM) Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA) Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM) Lori Diaz, Deputy City Clerk CALL TO ORDER Following the Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. 1. TOPICS A. Infrastructure and Planning Projects CM Corbin addressed the Commission and stated that included in the agenda packet is a spreadsheet with a list of projects by department and also included is a project map showing where the projects are located. He stated that as requested staff is providing a status of the larger Public Works and Public Utilities projects. City Engineer (CE) Steve Swann presented a PowerPoint titled 2020 Capital Projects Public Works & Public Utilities (which is attached hereto and made part of the official record as ATTACHMENT A). CE Swann reported on the major capital projects of the Public Works Department , including: Commissioner Norris arrived at 5:32 PM) Commissioner Waters arrived at 5:34 PM) 12th Street Dune Walkover Construction. Dune walkover- ramp will begin at the end of existing sidewalk and continue over the dune to the beach. Commission Workshop January 27, 2020 16th and 20th Street Dune Walkover Rehabilitation. These beautification projects will include re -decking and painting of walkovers. They are to take several weeks to complete and citizens will be notified of the process. Discussion and questions ensued regarding options, costs, citizen notification and time frames for the projects. Public Works Director (PWD) Scott Williams spoke to the Commission regarding 16th Street, inquiring if re -decking of the section that goes onto the sand is permissible. 18th Street Beautification and Enhancements. Commissioner Anderson and Mayor Glasser are in favor of parking space redistribution in an effort to increase safety and beautification. Commissioner Norris is in favor of relocating the parallel parking spots and prefers to keep as much parking spaces as possible. Discussion ensued regarding creating an additional sidewalk, bike rack, an improved buffer, and a crosswalk on Seminole Road. Commissioner Norris suggested green screening to create a tall barrier and to coordinate a plant pallet with the Environmental Stewardship Committee (ESC). The City will be providing opportunities for public input. Donner to Dutton Island Road Drainage Improvements. This is a planning project designed to improve drainage/control flooding along Francis Road, Mayport Road, and Donner Road to Dutton Island Road. CE Swann spoke regarding gaining easements from land owners in order to clean, deepen and widen ditches and replace smaller pipe with larger pipe in order to ease drainage. Hopkins Creek Drainage Expansion. Project proposes to deter water backup during heavy rain. The plan is to replace the culvert into the shopping center with a larger culvert, and clean and widen the drainage ditch. Donner Park Parking Expansion. The City has applied for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) through the City of Jacksonville for creating additional parking at Donner Park and Gail Baker Center. The Grant will not be awarded until October 2021 and Mayor Glasser stated she would prefer the improvements to begin sooner. CM Corbin stated this project for additional parking is a result of the charrette with the landscape architects. Donner Road Realignment. This project will realign and upgrade Mayport Road to Sandpiper Road. Proposal includes an 8' pathway from Sandpiper to Francis and moving the sidewalk off the pavement from Mayport Road to Francis Road. Commissioner Anderson questioned the proposal of the City replacing the fences of private citizens and requested a cost analysis for landscaping options vs. a fence. Mayor Glasser recalled Chris Lambertson, a developer, being interested in assisting to offset the cost of the fence. Proposed date to start project is June with a projection completion date of January/February 2021. Commission Workshop January 27, 2020 Citizen notification would occur upon approval of the project. Aquatic Gardens Drainage Improvements. Improvement for the pumping system at the Aquatic Gardens pond to improve drainage and alleviate standing water. This project will be completed in two phases. Seminole Road Drainage and Mulit-Use Path. Project goal is to improve water drainage from the south end of the park down to David Street on Seminole. This will be accomplished by replacing the old pipe with larger pipe. Sidewalk will be replaced by an 8' multi -use path. In order to save the seven mature live oaks and cut costs, the contractors are required to hand dig around the trees and use air to blast the dirt out from under the roots and thread the pipe under the tree roots. CM Corbin suggested an informational web -page and/or a P.R. blitz to keep citizens informed of the project's progress. Discussion ensured regarding extending the multi-purpose path to both sides of Seminole south to Atlantic Blvd and north to the Police Station. PWD Williams addressed the Commission regarding extension of the sidewalk. He stated it would require a separate contract as the bid for the current project has been completed. The Commission requested proposed costs of extending the sidewalk. Commissioner Norris suggested the use of a web -page become standard procedure on all new projects. PWD Williams spoke regarding costs and bids. CE Swann reported on the major capital projects of the Public Utilities Department , including: Waste Water Treatment Clarifier Drive Replacement. Project to perform maintenance work replacing classifier drives. All Water Treatment Plants High Service Pump Upgrades. Project will provide maintenance/replacement of pumps to maintain reliability. Water Treatment Plant #2 - New Water Storage Tank. Install a 1/2 million gallon water storage tank to improve reliability, water quality, and increased pressure throughout the City. Discussion ensued regarding additional projects including: Improvements to the Dog Park Donner Park Safety Town Bicycle Park Selva Marina DCM Hogencamp addressed the Commission and provided clarification of the budget for the three projects. Any money left over would go to road resurfacing. ATTACHMENT A- 2020 Capital Projects Public Works & Public Utilities Commission Workshop January 27, 2020 2. PUBLIC COMMENT None. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Glasser adjourned the meeting at 6:20 PM. Attest: 00,01141,4_ viSulte. Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Ellen Glasser, Mayor Date Approved: Commission Workshop January 27, 2020 ATTACHMENT A January 27, 2020 Minutes 2020 Capital Projects Public Works & Public Utilities 2020 PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS January 27, 1 - DONNER RD IMPROVEMENTS 2 - PUBLIC WORKS STORAGE BUILDING 3 - 18TH ST ENHANCEMENTS 4 - 12TH ST DUNE WALKOVER 5 - 16TH & 20TH DUNE WALKOVER IMPROVEMENTS 5 - BACKUP GENERATOR 7 - AQUATIC GARDENS DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 3 - SEMINOLE RD STORMWATER UPGRADE HOWELL PARK BRIDGE REPLACEMENT 10 - DONNER PARK - PARKING IMPROVEMENTS 2020 PUBLIC UTILITIES PROJECTS 1 - WTP #2 - POTABLE WATER STORAGE TANK 2 - MARSHSIDE SEPTIC -TO -SEWER 3- SCADA UPGRADE AT WWTP SCADA UPRADE AT WATER TREATMENT PLANTS 5- WTP HIGH SERVICE PUMP REPLACEMENT 3- WWTP DIGESTER BRIDGE REPLACEMENT 7 - WWTP CLARIFIER DRIVE REPLACEMENT 3- VALVE MAINTENANCE - CITY WIDE 3- HYDRANT REPLACEMENT - CITY WIDE TTACJ-IMEPJT A 2020 Minutes 45TH ST iTR ST 77 1- ATTACHMENT A January 27, 2020 Minutes 2020 Public Works Projects ATTACHMENT A January 27, 2020 Minutes 12t" Street Dune Walkover ATTACHMENT A January 27, 2020 Minutes 16t" Street Walkover Rehabiliation ATTACHMENT A January 27, 2020 Minutes 20t" Street Walkover Rehabiliation ATTACHMENT A January 27, 2020 Minutes 18t" Street Beautification ATTACHMENT A January 27, 2020 Minutes Donner to Dutton Island Road Drainage Improvements ATTACHMENT A January 27, 2020 Minutes Hopkins Creek Drainage Improvements ATTACHMENT A lanuary 97 91191) Mini itPs Donner Park Parking Expansion ATTACHMENT A January 27, 2020 Minutes Donner Road Realignment ATTACHMENT A January 27, 2020 Minutes Aquatic Gardens Drainage Improvements Seminole Rd Drainage and Multi -Use Path ATTACHMENT A January 27, 2020 Minutes 2020 Public Utilities Projects ATTACHMENT A January 27, 2020 Minutes WWTP Clarifier Drive Replacement ATTACHMENT A January 27, 2020 Minutes All Water Treatment Plants High Service Pump Upgrades ATTACHMENT A WTP #2 - New Water Storage Tank