1021 Atlantic Blvd SIGN20-0005 Marco's PizzaOWNER:ADDRESS:CITY:STATE:ZIP: EQUITY ONE ATLANTIC VILLAGE INC 1600 NE MIAMI GARDENS DR NORTH MIAMI BEACH FL 33179 COMPANY:ADDRESS:CITY:STATE:ZIP: TAYLOR SIGN & DESIGN, INC.4162 ST AUGUSTINE RD JACKSONVILLE FL 32207 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: REAL ESTATE NUMBER:ZONING:BUILDING USE GROUP:SUBDIVISION: 177602 0040 SECTION LAND JOB ADDRESS:PERMIT TYPE:DESCRIPTION: VALUE OF WORK: 1021 ATLANTIC BLVD 953- 975 SIGN WALL wall sign for Marco's Pizza $2350.00 FEES DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QUANTITY PAID AMOUNT BUILDING PERMIT 455-0000-322-1000 0 $65.00 BUILDING PLAN CHECK 455-0000-322-1001 0 $65.00 SIGN WITH OR WITHOUT ELECTRIC 455-0000-322-1000 21.72 $65.00 STATE DBPR SURCHARGE 455-0000-208-0700 0 $2.93 LIST OF CONDITIONS Roll off container company must be on City approved list . Container cannot be placed on City right-of-way. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. MUST CALL INSPECTION PHONE LINE (904) 247-5814 BY 4 PM FOR NEXT DAY INSPECTION. ALL WORK MUST CONFORM TO THE CURRENT 6TH EDITION (2017) OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, NEC, IPMC, AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CODE OF ORDINANCES . ALL CONDITIONS OF PERMIT APPLY, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. 1 of 2Issued Date: 6/30/2020 PERMIT NUMBER SIGN20-0005 ISSUED: 6/30/2020 EXPIRES: 12/27/2020 SIGN PERMIT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 STATE DCA SURCHARGE 455-0000-208-0600 0 $2.00 TOTAL: $199.93 2 of 2Issued Date: 6/30/2020 PERMIT NUMBER SIGN20-0005 ISSUED: 6/30/2020 EXPIRES: 12/27/2020 SIGN PERMIT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY PAID PermitTRAK $199.93 SIGN20-0005 Address: 1021 ATLANTIC BLVD 953-975 APN: 177602 0040 $199.93 BUILDING $130.00 BUILDING PERMIT 455-0000-322-1000 0 $65.00 SIGN WITH OR WITHOUT ELECTRIC 455-0000-322-1000 22 $65.00 BUILDING PLAN REVIEW $65.00 BUILDING PLAN CHECK 455-0000-322-1001 0 $65.00 STATE SURCHARGES $4.93 STATE DBPR SURCHARGE 455-0000-208-0700 0 $2.93 STATE DCA SURCHARGE 455-0000-208-0600 0 $2.00 TOTAL FEES PAID BY RECEIPT: R12201 $199.93 Printed: Tuesday, June 30, 2020 9:35 AM Date Paid: Monday, June 29, 2020 Paid By: TAYLOR SIGN & DESIGN, INC. Pay Method: CHECK 19005 1 of 1 Cashier: LE Cash Register Receipt City of Atlantic Beach Receipt Number R12201 Building Permit Application City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road, At lantic Beach, FL 32233 Phone: (904) 247-5826 Fax: (904) 247-5845 JObAddress !OU At ltHltiC 17lvd . #'2.-t1 PermitNumber __ --;----:-_-:-:-,..-;-:_ Le rtlf,rr!1sn ~ -I . 0 RE# III ~O l -OD4 D valdalion 01 Work ofe-~ent Cost) $ Z2')V . 0 -'-''4--''-'-_ Non-Heated/Cooled f\J fA £'""'\ I • Class of Work (Circle one): ~ Addition Alteration Re air Move Demo Pool Window/Door • Use of existing/proposed structure(s) (Circle one): Commercia Residentia l • '_J--'-"''-V--'---L.Ll.>.L~",-"",-_______ for multiple products use product approval form City ~f-1--'Jr!l-J-I*+-J.I-¥!-'-!-r'-"-"'-'-'--'-'lf"---,-,-,-\~~~d g~ I ~ ~ N ~h ~l l L1~ if ~ ~ 0°£ E-Mail State Certification/Registration # --""'"'-'-='-'""-"'-'-'-'-_ Architect Name & Phone # e~ . -;; . Engineer's Name & Phoni:Lmf1C[f1}1 811 1£ q Workers Compensat,on ._(E --1.-u:al ~Z_ Ct T ~~~~~~~'~~'~,e-m-Pt-/~'n~su-re-r-/~Le-,s-e-'m-p-,O-Ye-e-s/-'-'p-'r-at-'o-n-o'-te------------ Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work wil l be performed to meet the standards of all the laws regulat iong construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING , SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS , and AIR CONDITIONERS, etc. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE Rj RDING YOU OTICE COMMENCEMENj 0."""' "~G. Notary Public State of FI . j ~ ~ ': Howell Ruehl .,. c. ... .1 My Commission GG 969300 1 Personally Known 0 "?Of: ... ,. Expires 03/1512024 [ 1 Produced Identifica~"",/OoJ"""''''';V'I'''';V'I'''';V'I'''';V'I..ar Type of Identification : ____________ _ i~"'''~ Notary Public Slate of Flofida Jr . ~I ": Howell Ruehl ~ , i My ConvniSiion GG 969300 Personally Known OR "?OJ,,"~ Expiretofl1512024 [ 1 Produced Identificati~"",/OoJ"""''''';~AI~-''V'''''''-''V'''''''~ Type of Identification: _____________ _ Regency Centers. City of Atlantic Beach Building and Zoning 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach , Florida 32233 March 25, 2020 RE : LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION One Independent Drive Suite 114 Jacksonville, FL 32202 9045987000 RegencyCenters.com FOR MARCO'S PIZZA AT ATLANTIC VILLAGE DUVAL COUNTY To Whom It May Concern: This authorizes Taylor Sign & Design, Inc. as licensed sign contractor (or Agent or Subcontractor) for the tenant to secure permits, variances and perform sign installations , removals or maintenance at the property located at 953 Atlantic Blvd Atlantic Beach , FL 32233 (Atlantic Village). Please feel free to call me if you have any questions 904-598-7710. By:, ~ ~cill~ Ann Gallaher, Property Manager Regency Centers , As Agent for Owner STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DUVAL Notary Public , State and County Above My commission Expires: 11/20/22 WENDIHILL Commilslon N GG 24Q.C68 Expires November 20, 2022 Bonded TIvu BudgoI Nobry_ Calculations Allowed Signage: 1 Ft2 per LnFt x 22'-0" Proposed Signage: 17" x 15'-4" = 21.1:.A,r., 1'----------22'-0"----------.1 'r M ARCO~S PIZZ 23" --1 1----------------------15'-4"--------------------~ TAYLOR.. ~ign & De~ign . :Inc. CO MMERCIAL SIG N TECH NOLO GIES Stule C~rtjfi,,-d# ES120001l 7 www.TaylorSignCo .com 4162 St. Augustine Rd . Jacksonville, FL 32207 Phone: 904/396-4652 • Fax 904/396·3777 COMPANY: Marco's Pizza MmARCO'S ' ... PIZZA. CONTACT: Keith Edwards PHONE: 228 .223 .0587 EMAil: edkernal @yahoo.com ADDRESS: 953 Atlantic Blvd #29 At lantic Beach, Fl32233 DATE: 04/29/2020 VERSION/REVISION: FI NAL ZONING: AT l BCH F... .... N .... _ Black Returns/Trim Cap _ Oracal 8500-031 -Red • c=J Oracal 8500-020 -Golden Yellow I c:J 3/16" White Acrylic Faces Ilfl4lII\1 White LEDs Flush-Mount Channel Letters (LED) Aluminum Ret urns 5" ~ ps .\. ttO-"£ " I/L nUll - ] ~ J2w2 1it2 Irim !,;;;gt,! .-r ~ Aluminu m backlno 'I 3[16" ocr~lIc foce LED modu les I ~~ Low voltage wiring from LED to transformer ~ .. Qls,"c[lcw:;1 Swlk:b ~ Weep holes (for drainage) /' . LED Power supplV housed In weathe r- proof box. .. / LED Powe, s«o:: . / i'II"'_' r---/ :~ :\ V!~ , .~., .. UL Lis ted flex coble GroundlQQ Une Ref Anchor Schoo Existing WaH Ijj.'\L ALL SIGNS '!Y U.L. LISTED I SALES PERSON: Sean Tay l o r This artwork protected under copy right law and is the property of DESIGNER: Howell Rue h l SCALE: 1/4"=1' "1'o r Sign & Design, Inc. An is not t o be duplicated, reproduced, or distributed without w ritte n permission. @201S T~y l or Sign & Design, In<. This s ign meets or exceeds 132 MPH wind zone requirements as per 2017 Florida Building Code, PORTRAYED ON PROOF MAY NOT MATCH FINAL PRODUCT DUE TO THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DIG ITAL AND PIGMENTED COLORS . ONCE PLEASE ENSURE ALL CO LORS , DIMENS IONS, VERBIAGE, LAYO UT, ETC. ARE CORRECT BEFORE APPROVING RE NDER ING. COLORS ( ) ARTWORK IS APPROVED YOU WILL BE RESPO NSIBLE FOR 1/2 THE RE·MAKE COS T SHOULD ANYPRO BLEMS BE FOUND AFTER INSTA LLATION . APPROVED BY DATE I I I 0 0 NN ~M >.~~ ~M ~ :r:~M ~, e c ;::: ~£~ ~.'" ~~~ u~ 00 e:i'" i "l ~ +1 bl~ e e .-0 "N -g. v~ "" . • 0--.. e . ~M eN :5..e E ~ o ~ U e ~~ ,.. ~ x'" ·0 E " <e<.:l oui m'" 11 0 -" ~" ",,,, ~q cil "'-Vi~ '" ~'C! ,0 ,:r; II Ntto ~~ , 0 ou ~-g • 0 u~ ~o .~ VI "'« -E.y E ~ o ~ m 0 Ii ~ >w °Vi ':"0 ,,< wo V~ "'0 <z § Genera I • Design is ill acto/dance with the requi rements of the f la Bldg (ode 6th Ed (2017) for use within &: outside the High Velocity Hurricane lone (HVHI) .• This eng ineerirllj certifies only the sl!U(tural in!~rity of tho~ systems, comrKments, and/or other mnstfUltioo explidtly spl?<ifie<! herein .• Electri(al not~, de tails, &: slM'<ifications are proVide<! by and are the sole responsibil ity of th e electri(al (ootraclor. No ell?<lrical review has been performed and no certifica ti on of such is inlende<! .• Structura l design meets requirements of ,1,(1318 -14. AISC 360-10, ADM 1-15. &: NOS-IS. Notes: as app li cable .• Steel components mall be coated, painte<!, or othe rWise protected aga inst corrosion per FBC Sc< 2203.2/2212.6 .• Alum components in contad with steel or embedded in coocrete sh.1I be painted or prot&ted OIS prescribed in ADM1 -1 S(la), or plasticlneoprme spacers provided .• All exposed fastencrs shall be 5.5. or have a protectiVl' coating for cOfrosion protection .• All welding mall comply with AW5 requirements .• Steel welds: E70xx electrodes. • Aluminum we lds: 4043 fille r alloy .• Alum extrusions: 6063 -16 or stronger, U.N.O. Flush-Mount Channel Letters (LED) Al uminum ReturN 5" r--=--i ~ /2-Phl lU ps -",,-. .-'-. ). J~litll!:i!!l !:,;QQ ..... Aluminum bocklna 3/16" acrylic face lED modules Low voltage wiring from LED 10 tronSformer ./ "~,,," • Weep hOles /,L-. (for drainage) LED Power supply hou$8Clln weather· proof box. f / ~D'-:: : I G), ~ R: Ul l lsied flex • coble .~. Groundi!:!;B \Joe Ref Anchor SChad .. Existing Wa ll ® ALL SIGNS • U.l. LISTED 'o '~ ~.~ ~.~ • Anchors (Ref Anchor Schedule) ANCHOR SCHEDULE "ALL FASTENERS SHAH BE SPA CED EVENLY" QTVor WAll MATERIAL ANCHOR TYPE SPACING • Electrical Connection to Primary 1/4" T HREADED RODS WITH MIN LOCATIONS 2" EMBED IN ADHESIVE AS SHOWN CONCRETE (3ksi) or 1/4" TAPCONS (OR EQUIV) WITH LOCATIONS HOLLOW MASONRY 1.75" EMBED AS SHOWN 1/4" EXPANSION ANCHORS W ITH LOCATIONS 2.5" EMBED AS SHOWN 1/4" TOGGLE BOLTS LOCATIONS 1/2" PLYWOOD AS SHOWN (NO ACCESS BEHIND) 1/4" WOOD SCREWS, FULL EMBED LOCATIONS AS SHOWN METAL STUDS OR #14 METAL SCREWS TO MIN 18ga LOCATIONS METAL PA N ELS STEEl OR 0.090" ALUM AS SHOWN HOlLOW WALL 1/4" THRUBOlTS OR LAGS TO LOCATIONS (BLOCKING BEHIND) SOUD BLOCKING BEHIND AS SHOWN ? .fJ( .~ ~ ~ (. . (" "' /. V • • ( '0 ~ • . o .. O . 0 ." " . ~ ----'" • • ", 11111'fl1IO • .11 •• il .1 1 .1 \.. .. .) ~. ./ <---. ./ /. /l . I I • n . I I ., ,., ,., r -• • • • I • .1 I • / <. • ~ . / . . \ . • TAYLOR ~ign & De~ign. :Inc. COMM ERCI AL SIG N TECH NOLOGI ES SfIIlt! Certified /I £s 1]000 11 7 www.TaylorSignCo.com 4162 St. Aug ust ine Rd . Jackso nville, Fl32207 Phone : 904/39&-4652 • Fax 904/39&-3777 • • • o COMPANY: Marco's Pizza MmARCO'S .... PIZZA. CONTACT: Keith Edwards PHONE : 228 .223 .0587 • • o • • • • • o • • • • ADDRESS: 953 At la nti c Blvd #29 • • Atla nti c Beach, Fl 32233 • • • • • • • • • • • • o • • • DATE: 04/29/202 0 VERSION/REVISION: FINAL ZONING: ATL BC H • • • • SALES PERSON: Se an Taylor DESIGNER: Howell Ruehl SCALE: 1/4"=1' r • • This artwork protected under copyright law and is the property of ":rlor Sign & Design, Inc. An is not to be duplicated, reprod uced, or distributed without written permission. Cl01S Taylor Si«n & Design,lnc. This sign meets or exceeds 132 MPH wind zone requirements as per 2017 Fl orida Building Code. PLEASE ENSURE ALL COLORS, DIMENSIONS , VER BIAGE , LAYOU T, ET C. AR E CO RRECT BEFOR E APPROV ING REND ERI NG . COLORS ( ) POR TRAYE D ON PROOF MAY NOT MATCH FINAL PRODUCT DUE TO TH E DIFFERENCE BElWEEN DIGITAL AND PIGMENTED COLORS . ONC E APPRO. VED BY DATE ARlWORK IS APPROVE D YOU WILL BE RESPONS IBLE FOR 1/2 THE RE ·M AKE COS T SHOULD ANY PROBL EMS BE FOUND AFT ER INSTALLATION. ~£ O ~, ·0'" :0::: "0_ .... ;:: 0 '0:: 0 .... t5 a:~ ~ ... -'" "v", $~:: :I:~'" ~~~ ~9~ ~~gg ztOOfl OU~ ~g i "l ~ +< .. Vi ~~ .-0 ~t-:J u ~ .. ~ ~ Co E~ .", e N 8.+< E ~ o • U e ~ 0 ON 3:. ~ x'" E1f .:e" 0"; "'''' II 0 -" ..:"0 0>'" 'v ci :I: . eli 0>-;;;~ " 2~ VI II ... tc /:'~ OU 0>"0 ~ 0 a.3 ~O .!!! V'I ~« -a~ E ~ o " ~8. :J!tti °Ui ':"0 ..... "'0 U-' "'0 "Z ;t Ge n e ra I • Oesign is in accordan<f with tnt reqUirem ents 01 tnt Fla Bldg Co de 6th Ed (2017 ) lor use within & outside tne High Vflocity Huftic~ne 20M (HVHZ) •• This engineering w1ifi~ only the l1!uctural Integrit y of those s)'5tems. components, and/or other (onstruction explicitly IpKified her~n .• El lK trical notE'S, details, & spe<ifi(atioru ~re provided by ilOO are the sole relponsibility mthe electr ical (ootr~tor. No electri(al review hal befn perlormed and no (er tificat lon of such is imended .• Stru ctural design meets r~uirements of flCI J 18-1., Als( 360-10. ADM 1-1 S, & NOS-IS, Note s: ~s applicable .• Steel components shall be (o~ted, painted, or otherwise protectE'd ~g~imt (orrosion pcr rBe Se< 2203.212222.6.· Alum components in (onla(t with steel 01' embedded in concrete Ihall be pointed or prote<ted as prel<ribed in ADM1·1S(la), or piastklnl'Opl'ene !pacers provided .• All eqlOsed fasteners shall be SS. or have a protecli'fl' coating lor corrMion ptote<ti oo .• All welding sha ll (omply wilh AWS r~uirements .• Steel weldl: OOxx ele<trodes .• Aluminum welds : 4043 filler alloy .• Alum extrulionl: 6063·16 or stronger, U.N .O. Calculations Allowed Signage: 1 Ft2 per LnFt x 60'-0" Proposed Signage: 333/4" x 12'-7 112" r---------------------60'-0"" '';j 0 C") 46" I I I /~Q..!)Y ~\I TA.YLOR. ~ign & De:iign , lnc. COMMERCIAL SIGN TE CHN OLO GIES Sture Certified H ES 110001 J 7 www.TaylorSi gnCo .co m PI COMPANY: Ma r co's Pizza gmARCO·S .... PIZZA. 8'4" ~, .oil""" ADDRESS: 953 Atlantic Blvd #29 1 4162 St. Augustine Rd . Jac kso nv ille , Fl 32207 Phone: 904/396-4652 ' Fax 904/396-3777 CONTACT: Keith Edwards PHONE: 228.223 .0587 EMAIL: edkernal@yahoo .com Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 PLEAS E ENS URE ALL COLORS . DIME NS IONS , VERBIAGE . LAYOUT, ETC . ARE CORRECT BEFORE APPROV IN G RENDERING . COLORS PORTRAY ED ON PROO F MAY NOT MATCH FINAL PRODUCT DUE TO THE DIFFERENCE BETW EEN DIG ITAL AND PIGMENTED COLORS . ONCE ARTWORK IS APPROVED YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR 1/2 THE RE-MAKE COST SHOULD ANYPROBLEMS BE FOUND AFTER INSTALLAT ION . --' C") DATE: 04/29/2020 VERSION/REVISION: FINAL ZONING: All BCH _ Black Returns/Trim Cap _ Oracal B500-031 -Red c::J Oracal 8500-020 -Golden Yellow c::J 3/16" White Acrylic Faces I'llIlIl\1 White LEDs Flush-Mount Channel Letters (LED) Aluminum Returns 5" r---=-----i 12 " Phillips -• "\.. ttO-"'£" I - j " J!i!;w!il;lit2 Irim !::QQ ~I Aluminum backina 31l6 " acrvllc face LED modules Low voltage wlring LED Power supply housed In weather- proof box. :~// r---. ~Q~We'S"D: Prim :~ :) Iv(j . UL Listed flex cable I ~~ from LED to transformer ~). Groundi!:!9 Una ~ .. .p Q ISCQ[lD~t Swlk;;b T . Weep holes Ifor drainage} • Ref Anchor Sched Existing Wall Ijj:\L ALL SIGNS \:!y U.L LISTED SALES PERSON: Sean Taylor Thi s artWo rk protected under co pyr ig ht law and is t he property of DESIGNER: Howell Rueh l SCALE: 1/4"=1' Taylo r Sig n & Design, Inc. An d is not to be duplic ated, re produce d, or distributed with out wri tten permission. @201STaylo r Sign&Design,l nt. This sign meets or exceeds 132 MPH wind zone require me nts as per 2017 Florida Building Code. is NN ~M >.'<tM >M~ >M ~ :r:~M -~. ~ c:~r::: ~OM ~~ffi 2"''9 gE: .... N~ i "' g +1 on b'lv o 0 .-0 'ON ;;:. u~ "" ~ • c. Eeq ~"' ON o +0 0. .. E ~ o ~ u 0 = 0 "N :s: • ~ ~~ E " ",\0 0", "'~ J!.lf ",'0 ",,,, ~q c: II "'-Vi~ '" 2~ Vi II ... 0= ~~ ~ 0 ou 2''0 -" " 0 u~ ~o ~:2 "'U 0.- E ~ o " "' 0 ~o. :!!JS 0Vj ";'0 ...... ~g ~~ jE Genera I . D~gn is in a<corciancf with th~ requi rements of the Fla Bldg (ode 6th Ed (2017) for use wi th in & outside the High Velocity Hunkane Zone (HVHZ) .• This engineering certifi~ oo ly the strudural im~rity of thOSl' systems, components, and/or other (oostructioo explicitly spedfiro herein .• Electrical notes, details, & specificatioJlS are providro by and are the so le r~ponsibility of the electrical {ootrador. No electrical review has been [Jeiformed and no (ertificatioo of such is imendro •• Stru(tural de~gn meets req uirements of ACI3 18-14. Als( 160-11), ADM 1·15, & NDS-1S, Notes: as appli(able.· Steel (omponents shall be coated, ~inted, or otherw ise protectro aga inst corrosion pel" faC Sec 2103.212222.6.· Alum (omponents in wnta(1 with steel or embedded in (oouete sha ll be painted 01 protected as prescribed in ADMl-lS(la). or p!astidneoprene s~(ers prov ided.· All exposed fastem,fS shall be S5. or have a protectil'C coating for corrosion protection.· All weld ing shall (omply with AWS requirements.· Steet welds: E70xx eledrod~.· Aluminum welds: 4041 fi ller alloy.· Num eXlrusioos: 6063-l6 or mongel, U.N .O. • Atlantic Village 9 953 -990 Atlantic Boulevard, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 :fV I I \ k'" \ ...?'I ~ rt L A I F I TNESS 1ii.;;IWOiiiiI -r---...-2 12 15 168 17 18 19 Z2 3 100 A 98·10 ~,I 1111 I II ,~ 11III III 1111 I 08 ." 7 " ~r-~-I~TT.-TT '-.- "--;--"-::-..~ !'~ =t =f I"' 1 + T~ ... I __ .l. ± --l--t-Xl 0 » I ij" t i 11 ..t. r II g i riif~~ )AI( FEDERIIL » ATM . 1 r L ~'ffi!' "I .. ···r " .... :j J . OUTPARCl L NAP " NAP g NAP ..I. " --n .... __ It Xl ~ r :;; r :s 0 Xl ATLANTIC BLVD o i'\ AVAILABLE 0 LEASED 0 NAP (NOT A PART) 1 of 1 \. 904 598 7450 Regency Centers. Eric Apple Leasing Contact ~ EricApple@regencycenters.com I Center Size: 109,687 SPACE TENANT 11 AVAILABLE 5 AVAILABLE 9B-l0 AVAILABLE 04 THE U P S STORE DB H & R BLOCK lOB GREENBERG DENTAL 12 BLOOM BEHAVIORAL SOLUTIONS 1·3 lUMPIN' lAX HOUSE OF FOOD 15 VINTAGE BARBER SHOP 16B DOLLAR TREE 17 CREATIVE NAILS & SPA 18 LA FITNESS 19 SOLA SALON STUDIOS 22 PET SUPPLIES PLUS 23A SLEEK (THREADING SALON) 24 SMOKER'S BAY 25 ADVANCE AMERICA 27 -27B CULHANE'S IRISH PUB 28 NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 29 MARCO'S PIZZA 6 BREWZ 7 HOP SHING CHINESE REST. ATM-l WELLS FARGO BANK -ATM OUTPAR< PAN ERA BREAD Updated: SF 1.400 1.045 1.500 1.050 1,200 3,780 4,965 3,150 1,086 9,375 1,750 39,795 4,BOO 10,998 996 1,002 1,002 4 ,200 4 ,020 1,500 1,045 900 0 4,12B May 11 2020 Th is site plan is not a represemalion. warranty or guarantee as 10 Sile, I()(<'ltion, identity 01 any lenam, the suile number. address or any other physicalll)dic<'lIOr or ptlrameler of the properly arid for use as approximated information on ly. The improvements afe SUbJel:110 changes. addit ions. and deletions as the architect, landlord. or any go~emmel1tal agency may dlre<:t or determ ine in their abso lute discretion.