1021 Atlantic Blvd 953-975 Marco's Pizza MECH20-0011OWNER:ADDRESS:CITY:STATE:ZIP: EQUITY ONE ATLANTIC VILLAGE INC 1600 NE MIAMI GARDENS DR NORTH MIAMI BEACH FL 33179 COMPANY:ADDRESS:CITY:STATE:ZIP: United Fire Protection 2900 Shader Road Orlando FL 32808 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: REAL ESTATE NUMBER:ZONING:BUILDING USE GROUP:SUBDIVISION: 177602 0040 SECTION LAND JOB ADDRESS:PERMIT TYPE:DESCRIPTION: VALUE OF WORK: 1021 ATLANTIC BLVD 953- 975 MECHANICAL COMMERCIAL SEPARATE PLANS OTHER FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM 1-6 GALLON $2400.00 FEES DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QUANTITY PAID AMOUNT FIRE DEPARTMENT FEE 45500002080800 0 $150.00 MECHANICAL BASE FEE 455-0000-322-1000 0 $55.00 STATE DBPR SURCHARGE 455-0000-208-0700 0 $2.00 STATE DCA SURCHARGE 455-0000-208-0600 0 $2.00 UNLISTED MECHANICAL FEE 455-0000-322-1000 0 $20.00 LIST OF CONDITIONS Roll off container company must be on City approved list . Container cannot be placed on City right-of-way. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. MUST CALL INSPECTION PHONE LINE (904) 247-5814 BY 4 PM FOR NEXT DAY INSPECTION. ALL WORK MUST CONFORM TO THE CURRENT 6TH EDITION (2017) OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, NEC, IPMC, AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CODE OF ORDINANCES . ALL CONDITIONS OF PERMIT APPLY, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. 1 of 2Issued Date: 7/27/2020 PERMIT NUMBER MECH20-0011 ISSUED: 7/27/2020 EXPIRES: 1/23/2021 MECHANICAL COMMERCIAL SEPARATE PLANS PERMIT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD TOTAL: $229.00 2 of 2Issued Date: 7/27/2020 PERMIT NUMBER MECH20-0011 ISSUED: 7/27/2020 EXPIRES: 1/23/2021 MECHANICAL COMMERCIAL SEPARATE PLANS PERMIT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY PAID PermitTRAK $229.00 MECH20-0011 Address: 1021 ATLANTIC BLVD 953-975 APN: 177602 0040 $229.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT FEE $150.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT FEE 45500002080800 0 $150.00 MECHANICAL $75.00 MECHANICAL BASE FEE 455-0000-322-1000 0 $55.00 UNLISTED MECHANICAL FEE 455-0000-322-1000 0 $20.00 STATE SURCHARGES $4.00 STATE DBPR SURCHARGE 455-0000-208-0700 0 $2.00 STATE DCA SURCHARGE 455-0000-208-0600 0 $2.00 TOTAL FEES PAID BY RECEIPT: R12420 $229.00 Printed: Monday, July 27, 2020 9:07 AM Date Paid: Monday, July 27, 2020 Paid By: United Fire Protection Pay Method: CREDIT CARD 348345163 1 of 1 Cashier: CG Cash Register Receipt City of Atlantic Beach Receipt Number R12420 Heat: Duct Systems: Heat: Duct Systems: Mechanical Permit Application City of Atlantic Beach Building Department 800 Seminole Rd, Atlantic Beach, FL32233 Phone: (904) 247-5826 Email: Bui!M Unit Quantity _ BTUs per Unit Total CFM Unit Quantity _ BTU's Per Unit Total CFM Seer Rating (REQUIRED) (Requires 3 sets of plans) (Requires 3 sets of plans) (Requires 3 sets of plans) (Requires 3 sets of plans) (Requires 3 sets of plans) (Requires 3 sets of plans) I ursceILANEoUS: Automobile Lifts Boilers **ALL INFORMATION HIGHLIGHTED IN GRAY IS REQUIRED. pERMIT g. CoMM20-00-10 BTUs BTUs Enne PREVENTToN Quantity Quantity Value Quantity Quantity Quantity 1.6 GALLON (atv; Elevators/Esca lators Heat Exchanger Pumps Refrigerator Condenser Solar Collection Systems Tanks (gallons) Wells ffi JOB ADDRESS:102,I ATLANTIC BLVD PROJECT VALUE s?,4qQ E Ntw AtR coNDrnoNtNG & HEATTNG sysrEM rNsrALLATroN ARt # (REeutRED) _fr Air Uandling Equipment Onty fl Condenser Onty il nir Handling uitit & CondenserAirConditioning:UnitQuantity-TonsperUnit Seer Rating (REQUIRED) EnepucEMENT AtR coNDtnoNtNG & HEATTNG sysrEM !NsrALLATtoN ARt # (REQUIRED) fl Air Hondling Equipment Only fl Condenser Only fl Air Hondling Unit & CondenserAirConditioning:UnitQuantity-TonsperUnit Fire Sprinkler System Fire Standpipe Underground Fire Main Fire Hose Cabinets Commercial Hoods Fire Suppression Systems Inne PLAcES Prefabricated Fireplace Gas Piping Outlets flau- orHER GAs prprNG Quantity of Outlets # Vented Wall Furnaces # Water Heaters Permit becomes void if work does not commence within a six month period or work is suspended or abandoned for six months. I hereby certify that I have read this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this work will be complied with whether specified or not. The permit does not give authority to violate the provisions of any other state or local law regulation construction or the performance of construction. owner Name:E oil rry Q a) E *ftA a nc b:' i L t *r; E /r.jC .Phone Number: Mechanical Company: F&C CAPOZZoLI,INC./UNITED FIRE PROTECTION Office phone. 407 -299-0201 Fax407-296-3126 Co. Address: 2900 SHADER RD.City: oRLANDO State: FL Zip: 32808 License Holder: FRANK CAPOZZOL,I State Certification/Registration #49598100012004 Notarized Signature of License Holder The forego instrument was acknowledged before me this --1|- Signature of Notary Public ally Known OR [ ] Produced ldentificationT-urlG M BAY-s H ota r-y i, u t i c-Stal e- o^t j]91!a l?''6"-r.it.i"n # GG 924706 lS -r',tv commission E^lP^,I"' hovemuer 03,193x County of ype of ldentification: Updoted 10/9/18 MECH20-0011 RECEIVED By Toni Gindlesperger at 4:47 pm, Ju107, 2020 ~\Ni.O tt"''''. (\\,0(\ 0\" .\le f,re t're"e lot\<50 (\'" ~\.)\.. '1 \ 1~1~ UQOn iKtMCkan.1 .. '~Q)IIn.otaoon CIoI!' fNFPA 17,.,-2013edJ If buacs;rc is eqUIpped Co" Aud~ I risuII device ~I tM! ~ by others AlD«nGl.AIatm~Piumtlirl,~ tt O t;)tC.t;91 \ONS ~ t;)tc.t;1'1101~S p.S .i'I.~. _ St\"t;1# ~ r/A./5lU- T!? ~~~~.1urhoritftl "l'ndon. "'~ncu.h..a ~ Pf'OPe' ~01 pt.c:etnn'I'I' And S«Ufcd by DIhcn Irw proper IIQZ]ltlXJOoenrce I:<&as file e:Jillncuishfor wu ~ ~Ged it Requited and wppWd it tIftded.. """''-tjAS S."JT ... <" "T)pz i-r r-tC""ifrnt> I 6'1~£i!S ~"- !TATI'" £;Jt.JHlST .::'1UNJ Y·~{)rTO .. 01'1£ - ;,;---~ .... V \ I J/~j}'1DI5I"IS.2-~ _33-01>"" .... ,. .. r::s2iJ..... i #'1.3'..,IPTlI ~ .!f3.'-~£PTIf HEA1"INf, ZIJN£ ,J 7°· ;. OWN /)J'lVt: PIZZA OVEN t:~1/Irvsr 1/",6 ", ,;wJ N'~ P~1£Cf1H6 DUCT AUA DP£P1I'J6!. DI'I rAUl ~/PC "r lIND ,1,';0 J,.JI N6'J.lt£S P!Z,r~/""~ ?t£IJV~ ,,11 r ~(..J/ SI/J£'.. /..] aB. (y]A~CO~ -PI Z 2j. ,O:U (trIA TlC. iJLJ/lJ ~") A-T.iArV77c.. i3~ J:.l. , i 1/11, ();t AtCal£ DfVIC; in"fH(CJ!D ar DTHD --A · y I::~ III @ """"""" 4"'--'19-i'-"F AU"'~isl/rblactir'DfJ~ Upon .IC1Mtion a. e~I"nd fLoeI WuR:e:lO Sh.il ~,tquimf toshuc down.. ~ • IMUlllItionol the PI~npnt'<eledUUOO .q-/o;t ~G;IIlkJlt ..... 'chemiQlr&tf: SU~sysrem To fNl)uf~n!'P«'st. HFPACD(ja (NFPA17A--20013ed) fNfPA961104edJ I"PC ..... ' SystrmUks /4 otd8..U01¥PDinU MATU!W. H0221LS ..iL IN-ROW lW.1FLOW ~1Wa2ftOW _ 2llOomow If-lflow __ 3N-3R.OW ",,"2flOW :!L.l~S:2fUJW _2""2FlQw _290:02A..OW fUSlBlf UN", ? _36000 __ ·4SODG~SOOOG TAmes USED s ~] GAlLON CVUUDER __ 15 GAlWtf CYUNOER ~~ LtL"'/ .1. "bM/.:ltJd4 - CO~. ~.,.£: UNrT£~ FIR." Pcz.oTEc..T'ON J(;/~D~ 2'100 SHAO E"R. jl.O OflLMl()O f"L . ~-'leoa ' W?/MiddlebyTmrMarshalt' CO NVEYORS OF EXCELLENCE TOP VIEW PS67O $eries Direct Gas Fired Gonveyor Oven slDE vtEw O Cur Uti,lity Con:nection Electrical Utility Connection PS67O.2 Double Oven with 19" legs REAR VIEWS PS670G Rev 8 (1/16) FRONT VTEWS WrlMiddlebyTmailviarshal-' CONVEYORS OF ExcELLENcE Direct Gas Fired RECOMMENDED MINIIUUM CLEARANCES PS67O Series Gonveyor Oven Rear of Oven to Wall Control end of conveyor lo wall Non-control end of conveyor to wall 0'(0mm)0" (Omm)0" (Omm) GENERAL S PECIFICATIONS Shlp ShipWt Cube Bake'l'imo Range Max.Helght Temp Eelt Width Depth Heatlng BakingZone Area Bell Lsnglh 15.5sq.ft. 106'43.31', 70'(483mm) lE extensions 1778nun 1.44fff 2690mm 813mm 1599mm 11CE9m PS670-3 with outrigger Base 21u" 46,5sq.f1, 106- 32' 5334mm $2tf 2690mm B13mm 21 0-46,ssq.f|, 1599mm 1581mm 63"62.2t 550{F 3:00-30:N 2880C 550F 3:00 - 30:00 2880C 160ft3795k9 4.5m3 ps670-2!vith te,, 140. 3lsq.ft. 106* 32" 63; - 70'(4S3mmlleoextensiom 3556mm 2,88nf 2690mm 8'13mm ,599mrn l664mm 2880C 1589kg g.0m3 PS670-3 with 210' 40.5sq.1t, 106-32' 6y ffi.rr 55trF 3:00 - 30:00 5250tbs. 480n! Standard casters 5334mm 4.32m2 2690mm B13mm 15g9mm 1619mm 2880C 238414 13.5m4 53501bs. 2426kq 480ft3 13.5m3 Modol Verslon Voltage ELEGTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSPhase Freq Amps.Supply Breakets 208-240v 50/60 Hz 2 pole, 3 wire (2 l'rot, 1 gmund) As per local codes ' The current draw rating shown abovo are maximum values for normal operation, amperago drErw will be /ess fhan the tisted value. NOTE: Each oven includes a 6' cord wllh NEMA# L6-20P plug, Customer to provtde NEMAI L6-ZOR raceptacte one t-114'(12.hm NPT branch to lower oven cavlty wilh lndlviduaJ tull-flow shulot valve &12.W.C. (14.9-29.8 mbar) Ratod H6at lnpul (4/t.1 kcal, 51.3 kWhD per cavlty GAS SUPPLY SPECIFICATTONS Mln, Gar Plpo slze Supply Gas prEsBure 2" (50.8mm) Propane Gas 2" (50.8mm) maln One 1-114'(12.7mm NPT branch lo lower oven cavity with lndivldual tull-fl olv shutoff valve 6-12',WC,. (14.9-2S.8 mbar) 175,000 BTU (44.1 kcal, 51.3 kwhr) per cavity * The gas supply pressures shown are for ovens installed in North Am8rica. The required gas supplypressuresofotherlocationsaredependantonthelocal gastypeandonall applicablocodes,-- Each oven comes with l1l 1-114, NpT x 48, flexible vinyl coated gas hose. {1wt mponsv coamnfiuY TT'E EEAA'O BE "NO T"E BPAA'DS 1400ToastrnasterDrive,Elgin'lL60120.g272,U5a_.@ 741.0015 ps670c Rav I (r/16) www.middleby-marshalt,com ALL SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WTHOUT NOTICE. MiddlgbVt o2ol6MiddtebyMarsh€l. tnc Marshall ":ll#iiJ,yi1:'3:ffiH,i.X1ili#Hh:"#flInf:::l"J:"#i3iiJ"ffi:'J::I:lH,.ing changes, lmprovm€nls, addilion6, orreplac€monts ftr p.eviously purchased equipmant- i Nt--l iiJl oi---- ,ot*rr*rrrrttlbi-*--o------''TT NT l s rcGo (a) H F N Tl ii*L__l : 3'e. 0[[., ii,.-,,.,'..'-*.1."- -.qirlu lr It li ii li {t N.l! dr t"\ 3 \