04-13-20 - Adopted Minutes -Reg. Commission MeetingMINUTES Regular City Commission Meeting Monday, April 13, 2020 - 6:30 PM via Videoconference INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The invocation was led by Commissioner Anderson. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. City Clerk Bartle called the roll. ROLL CALL: Present: Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1 Cindy Anderson, Commissioner - Seat 2 (District 1308) Blythe Waters, Commissioner - Seat 3 (District 1307) Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 (District 1306) Brittany Norris, Mayor Pro Tem / Commissioner - Seat 5 (District 1312) Also Present: Shane Corbin, City Manager (CM) Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA) Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM) Lori Diaz, Deputy City Clerk 1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1A. Approve minutes of the Board and Committee Member Training on December 10, 2019. 1B. Approve minutes of the Board and Contmittee Member Training on December 18, 2019. IC, Approve minutes of the Commission Workshop on February 10, 2020. 1D. Approve minutes of the Education Forum on February 11, 2020. 1E. Approve minutes of the Commission Workshop on February 24, 2020. 1F. Approve minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting on February 24, 2020. Mayor Glasser asked if there were any corrections or changes needed. There were no corrections to the minutes. Mayor Glasser stated the minutes stand as submitted. 2 COURTESY OF FLOOR TO VISITORS PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Glasser explained the process for public comments for electronic meetings and opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. Regular City Commission April 13, 2020 Mayor Glasser requested IT Senior Systems Engineer, Bob Cimon, to call names of registered speakers. There were none. DCM Hogencamp stated there were no written comments received. 3 CITY MANAGER REPORTS 3A. City Manager's Report CM Corbin requested Interim Police Chief Gualillo to provide his report. Chief Gualillo reported on COVID related items •Personnel staffed at 100%. •Providing extra duty officers on Fridays/Saturdays/and Sundays. •Required personal protective equipment (PPE) supplies met for personnel. •Continue to meet with the City of Jacksonville Emergency Operations Center (EOC) twice daily, seven days weekly. Commissioner Anderson inquired about increases in crimes during COVID. Chief Gualillo responded that COAB has not seen an increase in crimes reported. CM Corbin provided a slide presentation for review of staff and City business amid the. COVID situation, the presentation titled City Manager Report - April 13, 2020 (is attached hereto and made part of this official record as ATTACHMENT A) The report included the following: • City Hall remains closed to the public and to COAB staff. • Staff are working remotely from their homes, when possible. The City IT staff is providing the necessary equipment - lap top computers, phones, etc. • DCM Hogencamp is providing all COVID related messaging out to the public and to staff. • Planning Department is working on the Tree code with the ESC for a Commission workshop scheduled for May 4th. • Work is in process with the Sign code. • A Commission workshop is scheduled for May 20th for the 18th Street Beach Access Improvements. • COAB staff meeting with CA Durden pertaining to returning to regular public City meetings and requirements for conducting quasi-judicial meetings. • Public Works is working on the 12th Street beach walkover. • Seminole Road project delayed by the consultant and contractor due to COVID. • Recreation Department working on establishing a 'virtual' platform. They held a virtual Easter Egg Hunt contest. • The Building Department is accepting/processing/issuing permits limited to essential work only - electrical, HVAC, plumbing, fixtures, roof repair/replacements. Plan Review is continuing and virtual technology is being utilized for inspections. • Zoom platform for meetings used by COAB staff and the public to continue interactive communications during COVID. Regular City Commission April 13, 2020 • Farmers Market moved to City Hall and has been very successful for all - the vendors and the customers. • Increase in solid waste and bulk junlc during COVID. • Long term financial effects on City budgets - CM Corbin and Finance Director Burns concurred it is too soon to tell at this time. Discussions are ongoing to develop a forecasting model and work will continue on this topic. • Moving forward with Virtual Budget meetings schedule and will be sending that information out. • Paid Parking Program not being enforced during COVID. CM Corbin also clarified that Free Parking to residents can be offered and those details will be presented when we resume the Paid Parking after COVID. Commissioner Anderson inquired about the status of the March 2020 Financial Report and if the City is experiencing any loss of revenue due to COVID. FD Burns responded the March report will be available at the end of the Month of April. They are always submitted at the last monthly Commission meeting. At this time there is no loss of revenue to report. ATTACHMENT A- City Manager Report - April 13, 2020 4 REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS FROM CITY COMMISSIONERS 4A. Proclamation recognizing April as Water Conservation Month (Mayor Glasser) Mayor Glasser stated this Proclamation will be posted on the City website to educate citizens about saving Florida's precious water resources. Mayor Glasser also provided inforrnation about the watering schedule for residential and commercial customers. Mayor Glasser recognized and extended gratitude to the Emergency Communications Officers (Dispatchers) and the Animal Control Officers. These public servants are officially being recognized this week. Commissioner Waters • Expressed thanks to City staff on moving the Farmers Market to City Hall. • Expressed thanks to the Police Department for all their efforts and work during COVID. • Appreciates everything that all the City staff are doing to help citizens maintain a sense of normalcy during this time. Commissioner Anderson • Thanked staff for all their work on signage for social distancing and for the ideas put out for citizens to discover Iocal parks and our new trails. • Spoke about emails she has received about beach access and reopening the beach. Commissioner Kelly • Bravo to the entire City staff for their creativity and flexibility put forth to keep everyone connected during COVID. Regular City Commission April 13, 2020 • Inquired about use of the drone and if it has been used. Mayor Glasser • Acknowledged all of the City staff and the Police Department for developing the walking/jogging trails for our citizens as an effort to work on eliminating the Beach Ave. congestion. • Spoke about restaurants doing take-out service and acknowledged Code Enforcement Officer Irizarry for working out some issues so they can continue to do business. • Spoke about emails she has received about beach access restrictions and reopening the beach. 5 UNFINISHED BUSINESS FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS None. 6 CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Glasser read the description by title. 6A. Acknowledge receipt of the Monthly Finance Report for February 2020. MOTION: To approve consent agenda as read. Motion: Blythe Waters Second: Brittany Norris Ellen Glasser For Cindy Anderson For Blythe Waters (Moved By) For Candace Kelly For Brittany Norris (Seconded By) For Motion passed 5 to 0. 7 COMMITTEE REPORTS None. 8 ACTION ON RESOLUTIONS 8A. RESOLUTION NO. 20-14 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ENDORSING AND SUPPORTING EMERGENCY DECLARATIONS PERTAINING TO THE CORONAVIRUS, COVID-19 PANDEMIC, ISSUED BY THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE AND BY THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH; ENDORSING AND SUPPORTING THE EMERGENCY ORDERS ISSUED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SUSPENDING ALCOHOL SALES AND TIME, PLACE AND RULES OF CONDUCT OF THE COMMISSION AND OTHER BOARDS AND COMMITTEES PERTAINING Regular City Commission April 13, 2020 TO THE PANDEMIC; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH TO CANCEL EMERGENCY DECLARATIONS AND OTHER EMERGENCY ORDERS PERTAINING TO THE PANDEMIC AS THEY DEEM APPROPRIATE AND NECESSARY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Glasser read the Resolution by title, CA Durden stated this is standard practice following the declaration of emergency. MOTION: To adopt Resolution No. 20.14, Motion: Brittany Norris Second: Candace Kelly Candace Kelly (Seconded By) For Brittany Norris (Moved By) For Ellen Glasser For Cindy Anderson For Blythe Waters For Motion passed 5 to 0. 9 ACTION ON ORDINANCES 9A. ORDINANCE NO. 90-20-245 - Public Hearing and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, COUNTY OF DUVAL, STATE OF FLORIDA, TRANSMITTING PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO THE STATE OF FLORIDA'S VARIOUS AGENCIES FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT; PROVIDING FOR ADOPTION OF SAID AMENDMENTS UPON RECEIPT OF SAID COMMENTS AND COMPLETION OF THE STATE COORDINATED REVIEW PROCESS; PROVIDING FOR PURPOSE AND INTENT; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Glasser read the Ordinance by title. (Continuing Public Hearing previously set for Feb. 10, 2020 and March 23, 2020) Link to Notice of Meeting and Instructions for public comments Planning and Community Development Director (PCDD) Amanda Askew addressed the Commission and reviewed the Ordinance as detailed in the Staff Report which is included in the agenda packet. She provided a PowerPoint presentation titled Comprehensive Plan 2030 Update, (which is attached hereto and made part of this official record as ATTACHMENT 1I), for review of the proposed amendments. Reguhrr City Commission April 13, 2020 Public Hearing Mayor Glasser opened the Public Hearing. IT Senior Systems Engineer, Bob Cimon, confirmed there were no registered speakers. Mayor Glasser closed the Public Hearing. A brief discussion and question session ensued. CA Durden responded to a question about Section I and Section 2 of the Ordinance, where a date is required and is left blank in both sections. PCDD Askew and CA Durden confirmed that if the Ordinance is adopted at this meeting, the date April 13, 2020, would go in the blanks. There was a question pertaining to incentives for affordable housing, PCDD Askew responded that at this time no percentages are being proposed and would have to be deterred to the Land Developrnent Regulations. ATTACHMENT B • Comprehensive Plan 2030 Update MOTION: To approve Ordinance No. 90-20-245 as read by title. Motion: Brittany Norris Second: Cindy Anderson Commissioner Kelly • Spoke in favor of affordable housing. Commissioner Norris • Spoke about Complete Streets language. Commissioner Waters • Stated this is a great job streamlining and cleaning up the Code. Commissioner Anderson • Thanked PCDD Askew for her work on the Code. Ellen Glasser For Cindy Anderson (Seconded By) For Blythe Waters For Candace Kelly For Brittany Norris (Moved By) For Motion passed 5 to 0. Regular City Commission April 13, 2020 10 MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS 10A. Facade Improvement Grant Request - 797 Mayport Road PCDD Askew addressed the Commission and reviewed the Facade Grant application as detailed in the Staff Report which is part of the agenda. Staff recommends approval. MOTION: To approve the Facade Improvement Grant request for 797 Mayport Road in the amount of $5,000.00. Motion: Cindy Anderson Second: Blythe Waters There was a question if this was the first request and PCDD Askew responded that it was the first one. Cindy Anderson (Moved By) For Brittany Norris For Ellen Glasser For Blythe Waters (Seconded By) For Candace Kelly For Motion passed 5 to 0. 11 CITY ATTORNEY/CITY CLERK REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS City Clerk Bartle inquired how the Commission wanted to handle their mail. Commissioner Norris - will pick up Commissioner Waters - will pick up Commissioner Anderson - will pick up Commissioner Kelly - will pick up Mayor Glasser - will pick up CA Durden • Thanked staff for working with her on the notices for these public meetings online. • Thanked IT Senior Systems Engineer Bob Cimon for his work getting us and keeping us all connected. • Spoke about conducting Quasi -Judicial public hearings online. • Thanked everyone involved to continue to conduct our City meetings and making it possible for our citizens to be involved and heard. 12 CLOSING COMMENTS BY CITY COMMISSIONERS AND CITY MANAGER Commissioner Waters • Spoke about looking at reopening the beach. • Spoke about offering free parking to residents when the parking program resumes. Commissioner Anderson • Expressed concerns about the effect COVID will have on future City finances, Regular City Commission April 13, 2020 revenues, and the Pension Program. • Requested reminders for any/all meetings that requires the Commission to participate. CM Corbin • Thanked the Commission and staff for adapting to all the new changes. Mayor Glasser • Mayor Curry has extended the State of Emergency or another 30 days. • Spoke about the beach closures and restrictions and Police/workforce resources. • Spoke about the Paid Parking Program and allowing free parking for our residents when it resumes, • Provided some COVID statistics and encouraged people to stay home if possible. • Thanked all the First Responders, Health Care Workers, and all Essential Workers and asked for everyone to applaud them! 13 ADJOURNMENT There being no further discussion, Mayor Glasser declared the meeting adjourned at 7:56 PM. Attest; _;:je,„114-1,a, 6-6v7 Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk El en Glasser, Mayor Date Approved (12_2/22:.) Regular City Commission April 13, 2020 ATTACHMENT A April 13, 2020 Minutes City Manager Report—April 13, 2020 • State of Emergencies • Stay at Home Orders • All City Hall Employees Working Remotely With Limited Exceptions • IT working diligently on ZOOM • Laptops and cell phones City of Jacksonville, Florida SAFER AT HOME ORDER ro further combat the spread of COVID• l9 in Jackoonvdle, Mayor Curry has issued a Safer at Warne Girder directing all Guvai Canary rodents to shutter of home and arm movements outside of :her Mmes beyond essenti a! Dred s. YOU CAN Go to the grocery. convenience or warehouse store Go f0Ihe pharmacy to pck up medicalluns and other healthcare nese=shies Go to medical appointments (check wills your doctor or provider kV) Go lo , restaurant for take-out,dohvery m drwe•thru Go far a run, take a walk ride yarr )he. enjoy u hike. and be in nature fpr eserdae - just keep n kart 6 feel hetween yourself and others Walk your pets and take them to the veterinarian if necessary Core for or 00pport o friend or [amity member Help someone 10 get 00000:009 auppliea Receive deliveries from any husine a which delivers YOU SHOULD NOT • Go to work unlet: you are providing e03Mtrat rhurter as defined by this order • Visit friends and family d [here is no mgcnr need Maintain less than 6 feet or distance from others when you go out Voliiloved ones in the hospital, noes, og home. aki[led nursing facility of other residential cote lacrlily, except for limned exceptions as provided on the facrliry website; What is the difference between •Soler at Home- and ^Social Distaneinq•7 Safer at home is a atrleler!Chin 0! 'acral distancing. Safer at home means' Stay borne (stay unexposed and do not expose chief Si - Only go out for essential servicr_ • Stay. 6 fees or more away from Milers • pont gather in groups PLEASE VISIT JAXREAPY.COMMRUS FOR COVID-19 INFORMATION AND UPDATES. ATTACHMENT A April 13, 2020 Minutes City Report—April • Messaging (VVe b s 1 te and SM) "Glorious Gallivant of Dutton" • Social Distancing Efforts Restaurant Trice -Out & Delivery 9 Tips/Guidelines SIX FEET fi APART i.COMMUNICATEI COMMUNICATE! COMMUNICATE! WITH YOUR CUSTOMERS AND YOUR STAFF! 2.UPDATE YOUR RUSIHE55 WEBSITE AND SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS. MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE 111 NEW OPERATING HOURS 121 CURRENT MENU: 171 ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS. 3.001,17 FORGET TO UPDATE TRURO -PARTY DELIVERY SERVICE MENUS ORUBHUS, 000RDASHI 4 ENCOURAUE PREORDERS VIA APP. ONLINE, PHONE. 5.60 TOUCHLESS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. ENCOURAGE PAYMENT AT TIME OF ORDER. MINIMIZE FACE-TO-FACE INTERACTIONS. 5 MAKE SURE STAFF 1S ADHERING 70 STA TE•APPROVEO F000 SAFETY SANITATION PRACTICES. INCREASE FREQUENCY OF CLEANING AND DISINFECTING BION -TOUCH SURFACES USING AN EPA -REGISTERED PRODUCT. REFER TO PRODUCT LABEL FOR DIRECTIONS. 7 OFFER REGULAR AND/OR CURBSIDE DELIVERY. ASR YOUR CUSTOMER TO WAIT IN THEIR CARS UNTIL THEIR FOOD 1S READY. R. LIM1T THE NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS INSIDE YOUR BUILDING. CURBSIDE DELIVERY 1S ER000502E0115 THAT'S NOT AN OPTION, MEET 00118 CUSTOMERS AT THE ODOR. 9 DESIGNATE THE WATT AREA WITH FLOOR MARKINGS. LEAD YOUR CUSTOMERS BY EXAMPLE BY TAPING THE FLOOR OR SIDEWALK WITH 0'5 SPACED 5 FEET APART. �r STOP DIStAa CE 1 STRONGER Priam tram aiineds. MUwe t Millkwasoo mile alms Dristor HIaM14! } f Roue* 2 mics (rowed kW] • Lon Pair C/onrxr Far* and Mixon li Axid Pmern d Benches ▪ liratar Rwrrtrniar ! R+s[roamF . s...P., 1.. Pft r 1L it 1T 01 1 f 1 -•,, A..anr...A. 'r L a.w.wr a4 r I �Wc+r..... 11 et Zi +45ll • t. ti►! l: 5 1S 5 City of Atlantic Balm. Florida - Govemment ATTACHMENT A April 13, 2020 Minutes City Manager Report —April 13, 2020 Planning and Community Development • Tree Code Workshop Delayed • Sign Code Workshop Delayed • 18th Street Beach Access Improvements Virtual Workshop • Discussion with City Attorney on Meetings Parking, City emit Tat no deem to IotapukEng spaces as It prorfd. money rodnt d with Moir EteiCn Rn+wtlrfahm.nt plan. _ However parking spam • 1 MEv spat. [6' wide x SO' long] 1 Parking space . 5 bicycle a P]cea 2 Paddng *paces • 10 bicycle space. (20' wide • 6'd..P) a •1a-nn,.e•mr ism. +n -IF two -any road Iced: 10 ▪ P..er i... * m•r- Rw--r - .•drae,ita..r.. Norco, •cgc„vye...Loon -tww. weeweaw Me lo kete P114 41 • . meme.rw ow a,.•. • ere..rwre. 10TH STREET BEAUTIFICATION 1 SITE CONSTRAINTS rRg.w ...re. soot., Coo. . woo* fen. o nag xer.e.wd HALFF ATTACHMENT A April 13, 2020 Minutes City Manager Report Public Works • 12th Street Beach Walkover • Maintaining Parks and ROWs • Seminole Road Project Delayed April 13, 2020 mit .. ATTACHMENT A April 13, 2020 Minutes City Manager Report — April 13, 2020 Recreation Department • Virtual Activity Programs THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH VIRTUAL EGG HUNT 10 FIND THE EGGS HIDDEN ON OUR WEBSITE! Al& .41k, Alk Virtual Egg Hunt Public Hosted by City of Atlantic Beach Recreation & Special Events ✓ Going me ATTACHMENT A April 13, 2020 Minutes City Manager Report —April 13, 2020 Building Department • Limiting Issuance of New Permits • Plan Review Continues • Virtual Inspections • Virtual Development Review Mtgs. Essential work includes: _. Repair or replacement of Electrical. HVAC. and Plumbing equipment and fixtures, and roof repair/replacements, 2 Continuing already permitted work, with some conditions. ;.Other essential or critical work, determined on a case by case basis. Until further notice, only essential and critical work will be considered. Building permits for essential work will be given out without payment of permit fees. Permit fees can be paid at a later date. - Building permits will not be issued for non-essential enclosed construction projects, until further notice. We are accepting permit applications without the required notarized signatures for essential and critical work. There are remote notary services, available on line, as well. ATTACHMENT A April 13, 2020 Minutes City Manager Report — April 13, 2020 City Hall Farmers Market ATTACHMENT A April 13, 2020 Minutes City Manager Report—April 13, 2020 • Increased Waste — Spring Cleaning • Finance Looking into Long Term Impacts — Too Soon to Model • Virtual Budget Meetings Beginning in May • Paid Parking Clarification • Parking May be Free to Residents if it Stays Open to Public ATTACHMENT B April 13, 2020 Minutes Comprehensive Plan 2030 Update ATTACHMENT B Hprri 1 Why? • Last spring the city finished the State required Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) of its Comprehensive Plan and adopted the 2030 Comprehensive Plan on April 8, 2019. However, the city was still working on our Water Supply Facilities Work Plan (WSFWP) for 2020-2040. The city submitted the WSFWP to the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) for approval in the fall of 2019. It was approved but the SJRWMD requires that the WSFWP be adopted in the Comprehensive Plan. Since the Comp Plan required updating the city is taking the opportunity to recommend other modifications. ATTACHMENT B HPTil Fi, 2UZU Minutes Project Status • Approved by CDB with conditions on 1-15-2020 • Workshopped by Commission on 2-20-2020 and deferred by March 23rd Commission (for community input, research into workforce housing and Floor Area Ratios) • March 23rd Commission mtg — cancelled • First read by Commission 4-13-2020 ATTACHMENT B April 13, 2020 Minutes Water Supply Facilities Work Plan 2020 - 2040 City of Atlantic Beach, Florida U Data and Analysis —Public Water System Service Area and Potable Water Facilities D Consumptive Use Permit J Capacity, Supply and Demand Projections Table 5-2— Atlantic Beach Service Area Summary Table BEBR & Census Data 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 Projected Population* 25,670 27,474 29,055 30,5Q9 31,857 Projected Water Demand 3_07 3.26 3.44 3.60 3.75 CUP Allocation 3.75 3.75 3/5 3.75 3/5 WTP Capacity (Combined) 8.52 8.52 8.52 8.52 8.52 BEBR & Census Data ATTACHMENT B April 13, 2020 Minutes Water supply Facilities Work Plan 2020 - 2040 City of Atlantic Beach, Florida UReclaimed Water, Conservation Practices and Source Projection UCoordination within the region LJCapitaI Improvement Projects Table 4-1— Atlantic Beach Service Area Per Capita Residential Water Use Projections Year Projected Population* . Projected Per Capita Usage (gpd) Projected Demand (MGD) 2020 25,670 94 2.41 2025 27,474 94 2.58 2030 29,055 94 2.73 2035 30,509 94 2.87 2040 31,857 94 2.99 1r BEBR & Census Data ATTACHMENT B April 13 20 0 Minutes Infrastructure E ement Change REASON: Required by Saint Johns River Water Management District. The WSFWP was not complete at the time of the previous update. ADD the following policy Policy C.1.2.3 The City's Water Supply Facilities Work Plan 2020-2040 is adopted by reference as part of the comprehensive plan. New ATTACHMENT B April 11 2020 Minutes Future LandUse Element Changes REASON: To make consistent with the Land Development Regulations — removed the minimum but kept the maximum Table A-1. Residential Land Use Classification and Permitted Density Residential Land Use Classification Maximum Density Permitted per Acre Residential --- Low Density (RL) Up to six (6) Dwelling Units Residential — Medium Density (RM) Seven (7) Up to fourteen (14) Dwelling Units Residential — High Density (RH) Fifteen (15) U� to twenty (20) Dwelling Units ATTACHMENT B April 13, 202utes Future Land Use Ekment C REASON: Conflicts with the Land Development Regulations and should not be in the Comprehensive Plan DELETE the following policy and table... Policy A.1.5_9 The City spa; z p rmit non residc-itia'' d2uc lcpmctit only in compliance with tic folly �� g rl Pcsidcr .tial intensity sto nt cr ds for co mmc rdioF and ir..4. ustriax ;1^d !Jsc cIossif=:aatia r,s dcficrot2d thc Future L:r;c1 Usc 70.:;p ur2.1 iraceciciorcc k;.ith i tic follcing, �_l1�4ca Table A 2. Non Residential Intensity Standarc�� Ct3ssifiration E4eor , rea R•3tio: 1-nipErvious 5urfocL Aire 4irit -:nn2"r.71-i- -i--i fl C:--ir, - :;.rr. -i P nil in 7E''''/;. _=i _7 r '.?.k1r 1 TFr.. CL::', BULj[iLY -.: !_: Fitm mfr_":..; P Liu 7G17:1; :i tii ice. .50 .7D ii:u3I:lii1L;lr: r1JstrioI F :: Arc,-..; Rjtio 0 im.:m .25 .7'D r rrc no -q:- ='nc Srn-ii r` ib :`= 7 F+-`L.9.r A.. r E'+a{,, 70% 1+_i".iun- _50 rr The rloc A --e d> err rind b'r, d7.';;.-1',ng the gro: x ai'_ o c` `b -r' w71[12.-, curri, ATTACHMENT B April 13, 2020 Minutes What Is the Floor Area Ratio (FAR)? The floor area ratio (FAR) is the relationship between the total amount of usable floor area that a building has, or has been permitted to have and the total area of the lot on which the building stands. The ratio is determined by dividing the total or gross floor area of the building by the gross area of the lot. A higher ratio is more likely to indicate a dense or urban construction ATTACHMENT B Hprn li, Luz() iviinutes Since 1990: 59 Commercial Properties have been developed/redeveloped • 55 were less than the required FAR 1 exceeded the FAR 4 meet code ATTACHMENT B Aprit Y3, 2626 Minutes LDR have the following controls that facilitate building design and aesthetics: Max. height limit 35 feet (set by Charter) • Setbacks per zoning districts 24-171— Commercial Development Standards No flat roofs No open bay doors will open towards streets • Exterior building finished shall be woods, bricks, stucco, etc. No metal buildings No blank walls facing streets (must have doors, windows, and architectural details) No burglar bars, metal awnings, steel roll down curtains, etc. 10 foot wide landscape buffer adjacent to street 6 foot wide landscape area between bldg. and parking area ATTACHMENT B April 13, 2020 inutes Housing Land Use Element C EXISTING GOAL F.1 : The City of Atlantic Beach shall provide opportunities for decent, safe and sanitary housing in suitable neighborhoods at affordable costs to meet the needs of the present and future residents of the City as well as ensure the stability and integrity of sound residential neighborhoods. Policy F.1.1.1 The City shall support the efforts of the City of Jacksonville Housing Commission and assist with efforts to determine needs and develop sites and programs on a region -wide basis for housing for very low, low and moderate - income persons. Policy F.1.1.3 The City shall promote the use of alternative zoning techniques and mechanisms to provide a mix of housing types within residential neighborhoods. Policy F.1.1.7 The City in its Land Development Regulations, may provide incentives such as higher densities or scecia[ desigm considerations to encourage the building of housing for very low, low, and moderate -income families. ATTACHMENT B April 13, 2020 Minutes WHO LIVES IN AFFORDABLE HOUSING? The Workforce... Affordable housing is sometimes referred to as "workforce housing." 'This is because affordable housing serves the needs of people employed in the jobs that we rely upon to make every community viable. They are people such as teachers, teacher's aids, nursing assistants, medical technologists, retail workers, government employees, emergency services providers and law enforcement. These are some of the low- and very- low-income members of your community. A person ►vorking as minimum wage job in Florida earns approximately 516848 per year. assuming they work 40 hours per week. 52 weeks per year_ They are people such as teachers. teacher's aids. nursing assistants. medical technologists, retail workers, government employees. emergency services providers and law enforcement. A'•LORtDA HOUSING COALITION PUBLICATION Ce^•_ I i'; .?,aRINERSHP SV[TF+Tti ;INANCECO?iRA-ir'S'a ATTACHMENT B April 13, 2020 Minutes JOB COAB Police Officer Duval Co. Teacher STARTING SALARY S40,425 00 539,500.00 Jacksonville F refight Sr 34, 06S 00 ATTACHMENT B April 13, LULU iviirfliteS Proposed New POLICY Poly F. 1.1.1 The- C ices 'and Development Regi rations,. may pride- incentives sucl as higher ierisities or spscie . design oprisideratton{ tc• enc m m = t buildinp of housing for very low, Iola, , and m dem :e -interne Fa mil. e.. Transportatioggem,n Changes REASON: Promote safer alternative transportation options Modify the following Objective and add a new policy Objective B.2.3 Provision of Bikeways and Multi -use Facilities All new right-of-ways established within the City shall be of adequate width to provide for bikeways, sidewalks or similar facilities as required to encourage safe and increased pedestrian and bicycle activity. Where possible- existing right-of-ways should provide for bikeways, sidewalks or similar facilities to encourage safe and increased pedestrian and bicycle activity. Politer B.2.3.3 All existing rights-of-way shall be reviewed when resurfaced, redesigned or modified to provide for bikeways, sidewalks, multi -use paths, or similar facilities throughout the city to provide linkages to schools, parks, and other destination points_ New <New m