05-11-20 Commision Workshop Adopted MinutesATTENDANCE: Present: Also Present: MINUTES Commission Workshop Meeting Monday, May 11, 2020 - 5:30 AM Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1 Cindy Anderson, Commissioner - Seat 2 (District 1308) Blythe Waters, Commissioner - Seat 3 (District 1307) Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 (District 1306) Brittany Norris, Mayor Pro Tem / Commissioner - Seat 5 (District 1312) Shane Corbin, City Manager (CM) Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA) Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM) Lori Diaz, Deputy City Clerk CALL TO ORDER Following the Pledge to the Flag, Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 5:30PM. 1. TOPICS A. Discuss the Proposed Sign Code - Ordinance No. 60-20-21. CM Corbin reported on the progression of the proposed Sign Code Ordinance. It is on the agenda for action at tonight's Regular Commission meeting. Planning and Community Development Director (PCDD), Amanda Askew, addressed the Commission and provided background regarding the City's Sign Code, as detailed in the agenda packet. PCDD Askew presented a PowerPoint titled Sign Code Update, of highlights of the proposed changes to the sign code (which is attached hereto and made part of this official record as ATTACHMENT A). Discussion ensued about flags. CA Durden spoke about how the City may properly address flags, as detailed in her Memorandum included in the agenda packet. Discussion continued regarding moving forward without language regarding flags, flags on private property and on commercial property, feather flags/banners, temporary signs, and enforcement. All questions were answered by staff. CA Durden informed the Commission of other places in the Code where the word flag" is utilized, should they choose to exempt flags from the Sign Code. ATTACHMENT A - Sign Code Update Commission Workshop May 11, 2020 ADJOURNMENT There was no further discussion and Mayor Glasser adjourned the meeting at 6:13PM. Attest: Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk 91l,v7--z-- Ellen Glasser, Mayor Y/ii)/.2 20 Date Approved Commission Workshop May 11, 2020 ATTACHMENT A May 11, 2020 Minutes SIGN CODE UPDATE ATTACHMENT A May 11, 2020 Minutes SIGN CODE UPDATE 1966 First sign code adopted Amended 19 times 2013 Definition and size restrictions on flags added Not more than two flags per parcel. If two flags then one must be USA flag. Non -USA flag limited to 24 sq ft.) 2016 Commission signed Resolution No. 16-04 Unconstitutional for the 1st Amendment Directed staff to observe what other Cities develop Bring amended version back to City and make it fit local preferences ATTACHMENT A May 11, 2020 Minutes SIGN CODE UPDATE CDB Comparisons to Nearby Communities Temporary signs: Residential vs Commercial Number, Size, & Duration? Temporary Sign Regulations (codes updated after 2015) Residential Number Size Height Duration lax Beach 8 4 Aft 6 ft 7 days after event 8 4 sq ft 6 ft 7 days after event St. Augustine Beach St. Johns County 2 6 sq ft 6 ft Fernandina Beach 8 6 sq ft 15 ft Flagler Beach 1 16 sq ft 6 ft Atlantic Beach Proposed 8 4sgft Oft 7 days after event 30 days or 3 days after event 90 calendar days 7 days after event, except one year around Commercial Number 4 4 4 4 1 2 Size 16sgft 16sgft 32sgft 32sgft 32 sq ft 16 sat Height 6ft 6ft 6ft 15ft 6ft 6ft Duration 7 days after event 7 days after event 7 days after event 30 days or 3 days after event 90 calendar days 7 days after event, except one year around Request for ATTACHMENT A Mac 11, 2020 Minutes 45 requests for public input from City Hall: 8 Website Posts/Updates 9 Facebook Posts 4 Next Door Post 8 Email Newsletter Articles/ Graphics City of Atlantic Beach. Florida - Government May 6at533rh;-i Did you know. AB? The City of Atlantic Beach adopted its first sign ordinance in 1966 and has updated it 19 times to address new issues. In 2013. the Atlantic Beach City Commission specifically added flags to its sign regulations by a unanimous vote. without public opposition during either reading of the ordinance The 2013 ordinance amendment (see http_ coab us/DocumentCen._ View/11811; Ordinance -No -60-13-18) defined flags and restricted the number of flags to two (2) per pa... See More mew rs WI C. MM. 11111; mil 171: 6714 411111111111111. RIM "—MN hoNammur miamposilow ATTACHMENT A Community 11, 2020 Minutes • Request City of tlantic Reach CITY COMMISSION 5:30 P.M. WORKSHOP 6:30 P.M. MEETING BEING HELD BY VIDEOCONFERENCE MONDAY, MAY 11 WORKSHOP TOPIC: SIGN REGULATIONS UPDATE For the agendas and for instructions on how to view and/or listen to the meeting. and how to make public comment. please visit www.coab.us/calendar. Questions? Email info@coab.us or call 247-5809 1 Utility Bill Monthly Newsletter 1 Visual Preference Survey 7 Newspaper Notices 7 Public Meetings Sign Regulations Update Let's Hear From You! What's your preference? ATTACHMENT A May 11, 2020 Minutes SIGN CODE UPDATE PROPOSED REGULATIONS 3) flags of any kind totaling 80 ft2 (1) 1 ft2 sign 4) 4 ft2 yard signs (1) 30 ft2 banner Community Ih tit/ Feedback 6 people have contacted staff: Flags should be exempt or silent in the code Allow more than 4 temporary signs Defer the sign code ATTACHMENT A May 11, 2020 Minutes Commission Requested changes from 1st Read: 1. Section 17-42 (17): delete from this section as it is covered in section 17-26 (b)(5) 2. Flags (Sec. 17-34): Allow up to 3 flags, no flag can be larger than forty (40) square feet with the total combined sign face area not to exceed 80 square feet 3. Definitions of flag and banner: - staff bring forward language for more detailed definition of a flag and banner (Sec. 17-2) 4. Add allowance for banners in residential areas but limit to one banner, no more than 30 square feet and displayed no more than 7 days 5. Reduce the total allowed temporary signs in residential (17-33) - allow up to 4 signs (365 days per calendar year or seven (7) days after an event)