ABCC Russell Park Rental ApplicationI left a voice mail regarding the correct application. Please call me back at your earliest convenience. From: recreation [mailto:recreation@coab.us] Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2017 5:38 PM To: Myra Ybanez <myra.ybanez@atlanticbeachcountryclub.com> Subject: RE: ABCC Russell Park Rental Application Application received; we will contact you tomorrow to discuss. Thank you. From: Myra Ybanez [mailto:myra.ybanez@atlanticbeachcountryclub.com] Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2017 10:44 AM To: recreation <recreation@coab.us <mailto:recreation@coab.us> > Subject: ABCC Russell Park Rental Application Good Morning, Please see attached application. Thank you, Myra Ybañez Human Resources and Payables Coordinator Atlantic Beach Country Club 1600 Selva Marina Drive Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 o. (904) 372.2222 www.atlanticbeachcountryclub.com <http://www.atlanticbeachcountryclub.com/>