09-21-20 Commission Workshop - Agenda City of Atlantic Beach Agenda Commission Workshop Monday, September 21, 2020 - 6:00 p.m. Via Videoconference Page(s) CALL TO ORDER 1. TOPICS: PRIORITIZATION OF PARKS PROJECTS 1.A. Public Comment Notice and instructions for viewing and commenting 3 - 4 1.B. Staff Presentation COAB Parks Master Plan - Draft Projects -Cost Estimates 5 - 19 1.C. Commission Discussion ADJOURNMENT This meeting will be live-streamed and videotaped. To access live or recorded videos, click on the Meeting Videos tab on the city's home page at www.coab.us. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk’s Office by Noon, the Friday prior to the meeting. Page 1 of 19 Page 2 of 19 NOTICE OF COMMISSION WORKSHOP MEETING BEING HELD VIA VIDEOCONFERENCE Notice is hereby given that the Atlantic Beach City Commission will hold a workshop at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, September 21, 2020 to discuss prioritization of parks projects. Due to these extraordinary times, the City Commission will not be meeting in person; rather, the meeting will be held via videoconference. Pursuant to Governor DeSantis’ Executive Order Number 20-69, issued on March 20, 2020, as extended by Executive Order Numbers 20-179 and 20-193, “Local government bodies may utilize communications media technology, such as telephonic and video conferencing, as provided in Section 120.54(5)(b)2. Florida Statutes.” Pursuant to Section 2-403, Code of Ordinances, and to an emergency order executed March 27, 2020, as re- instituted by the Mayor and City Manager, the City Manager has adopted administrative rules that are necessary and appropriate to implement communications media technology, and to set the time, place, rules of conduct and procedure for the September 21, 2020 Commission Workshop. Public input may be made in advance by email; by placing written comments in the drop box located in front of City Hall, 800 Seminole Roa d, Atlantic Beach; or during the meeting via video conference. Instructions are provided below. This meeting will be live-streamed and video recorded, as usual. The video recording will be posted on the City’s website at www.coab.us. To live-stream the meeting or to access the video recording afterward, click on the “Meeting Videos” tab on the City’s home page. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation for this hearing should contact Donna Bartle, City Clerk, at (904) 247-5809 or dbartle@coab.us by noon Friday, September 18, 2020. Please Note: Two or more members of any board or committee of the City of Atlantic Beach may be in attendance. INSTRUCTIONS FOR VIEWING AND PROVIDING PUBLIC COMMENTS: SEPTEMBER 21, 2020 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ELECTRONIC COMMISSION WORKSHOP The September 21, 2020 Commission Workshop will be a webinar conducted electronically (or “virtually”) with no public in attendance in the City Hall Commission Chamber. Members of the public may provide written comments (1) to be read during the meeting or (2) to be entered into record without being read during the meeting. To do this: 1. Email your comments and/or materials to City Clerk Donna Bartle by noon, September 21, 2020 at dbartle@coab.us, or place them in the Drop Box outside of City Hall, 800 Seminole Road, by noon, Friday, September 18, 2020, 2. Title your comments: “Written Comments for Commission Workshop, September 21, 2020”, 3. Provide your name (required), address and email address, and 4. If you desire for your written comments to be read into the record during the meeting, please indicate so and limit them to 300 words. Only written comments of 300 or fewer words will be read into the record during the meeting. All other written comments received by the deadline will be entered into the meeting record and distributed to the City Commission and the appropriate staff before the start of the meeting. Agenda Item #1.A. 21 Sep 2020 Page 3 of 19 Members of the public who opt to comment during electronic meetings – rather than providing written comments before the meeting -- may do so by registering to provide public comment. To register, click on the “Register to Provide Public Comment” link at https://www.coab.us/506/Meeting-Videos. Please register only for the meeting you wish to provide public comment on at least one hour before the meeting starts. If you wish to provide public comment on more than one meeting you must register for and join each meeting separately. When you connect, you will see the message “Please wait, the meeting host will let you in soon”. For additional information or assistance, please contact the following before the meeting:  Public comment questions: Donna Bartle, City Clerk, dbartle@coab.us. or 904) 247-5809.  Questions on connecting to the electronic meeting: Bob Cimon, IT Senior Systems Engineer, rcimon@coab.us or (904) 518-0783. Agenda Item #1.A. 21 Sep 2020 Page 4 of 19 09-16-20 1 2030 PARKS MASTER PLAN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR RECOMMENDATIONS PARK: Aquatic Dog Park COST ESTIMATE NOTES Community Input Adopt-a-park Volunteers Staff time to coordinate Membership $100 Staff time to coordinate and stickers/membership card Make larger Vague - not sure of scope of suggestion Staff Input (Public Works and Recreation) Add pervious asphalt path around pond $90 to $95 K Dog obstacle course $6 to $10 K Re-sodding a couple of times per year $25 K Fountain in pond difficult to maintain $1,500 - $2,000 (Repair) $5,000 - $6,00 (Replace) Recommendations Green infrastructure - littoral zone plantings at some locations $5,000 Plantings can be planted by staff Pervious asphalt walking path around pond $85,000 In budget Dog obstacle course $8,838 In budget Work with neighboring prop. owner to install mural on “blank” white wall along the western edge of park $10,000 PARK: Beach Accesses COST ESTIMATE NOTES Community Input Improve 19th Street access Vague - not sure of scope of suggestion Right-of-way Vague - not sure of scope of suggestion No more beach walkovers 0 More beach parking and Town Center parking $20,000 - $50,000 Agenda Item #1.B. 21 Sep 2020 Page 5 of 19 09-16-20 2 Staff Input (Public Works and Recreation) Recommendations Max. number of benches and trash/recycle bins 0 Set as a policy Min. number of bike racks 0 Set as a policy Discourage and remove landscaping at beach accesses that create the image of private property or has the effect of appropriating pubic property for private use $10,000 Staff time by Public Works – would need to add sod back where items (rocks, bushes, etc.) are removed Reduce or consolidate signage at beach accesses $63,000 Price includes all beach access points but this could be done in a phased approach. Create consistent hardscape and landscape for all beach accesses $50,000 - $100,000 Depends on size of beach access and hardscape All enhancements, hardscapes or improvement should be approved by the city manage or designee 0 Set as a policy PARK: Bull Memorial COST ESTIMATE NOTES Community Input Adele Grage needs better signage with lights for events Done Sculpture Park, UNF $2,000 - $20,000 Marked parking spaces $1,000 Marquee sign $10,000 Recommendations Remove and fill the berm located near the memorial seating area $2,000 Mostly staff and requirement – includes re- sod of area Bicycle parking at entrances and other visible locations $3,000 Relocated postal drop off box in order to create additional parking spaces $25,000 -$35,000 Depends on amount of asphalt needed Add historical marker at Adele Grage Center $2,500 Move curb and sidewalk along 7th St. north to create room for on-street parking $75,000 - $100,000 Improve crosswalks at E. Coast Drive and Ocean Blvd intersection with 7th St (min. crossing distances, ped. Crossing signals, high visibility crosswalk and lighting) $20,000 - $25,000 When large palm in memorial seating is remove – repurpose area to include multi-purpose stage $10,000 -$15,000 Tree removal and patch concrete work Agenda Item #1.B. 21 Sep 2020 Page 6 of 19 09-16-20 3 PARK: Donner COST ESTIMATE NOTES Community Input Attractive landscaping Vague - not sure of scope of suggestion Bat boxes $1,000 Fully fence fields $5,000 Teach gardening for kids $5,000 Can use volunteers to help 4 permanent pickle ball courts Completed Kids pickleball $25,000 Rain gardens $15,000 Public art $2,000 - $20,000 Music and public events Unknown HC parking and parking spaces $10,000 Windscreens that maintain view for pickle ball $5,000 Parking at north end Splash pad near basketball courts $250,000 - $350,000 Mural at basketball $5,000 Seating/bleachers at pickleball and baseball with shad trees/canopy $2,000 Expand multi-use fields – keeps baseball diamond but remove pitcher’s mound $15,000 Move existing bleachers and add bleachers for multi-use fields $2,000 Bocce court $3,000 Provide seating for pickleball/bocce court $2,000 Shade trees around the restroom building for multi- use $1,000 Drinking station at pickle ball court restrooms $1,200 Remove court and provide youth activities (potential splash pad) $250,00 - $350,000 Est. for splash pad - Depends on size and features Provide on-street 90 degree parking Art mural option for either pump station wall or buffer wall $5,000 Planting areas around community center $5,000 Recommendations Bicycle safety course $60,00 - $85,000 Expand the multi-use field by removing pitcher’s mound and fencing on the baseball field $15,000 - $25,000 Baseball league does not support this recommendation Agenda Item #1.B. 21 Sep 2020 Page 7 of 19 09-16-20 4 Splash pad $250,000 - $350,00 Depends on size and features Parallel parking on George St. $100,000 to $150,000 Walking/running path along perimeter of park with shade trees and exercise stations $100,000 Path with 5 stations Bottle filling stations $2,400 Cost assumes water & electric Shade structures or shade trees near pickleball courts Structure$15 to $20 K Improve park entrance from Dudley Street (landscaping, bike racks, sign and widened path) $15,000 Replace mural on bathrooms $5,000 Maybe have community participate Install mural or buffer wall at lift station $5,000 Convert western basketball court into a children’s size basketball and Ada accessible basketball court $20,000 Plant podocarpus or another shrub to screen and soften southern and western perimeter $5,000 PARK: Dutton Island Preserve COST ESTIMATE NOTES Community Input Naming opportunity 0 Floating dock $50,000 - $100,000 Trail around pond with native plants $35,000 Bat boxes $1,000 Non-chemical insect control Maintain natural landscape, no structures 0 Staff time Beaches signage/directional trails $10,00 Educational markers along trail $10,000 Benches on loop trail $4,000 Form “Friends of Dutton Island” 0 Staff time & Volunteers Canoe/kayak concessionaire Eco restoration, more maintenance Vague - not sure of scope of suggestion Rename pond Staff time More trail maintenance, natural grass plantings, bio swales Staff time Water trails Vague - not sure of scope of suggestion Trail maintenance Staff time Bugs are bad Bat boxes $1,000 Camp sites need maintenance Staff time Platform for camp sites Completed Agenda Item #1.B. 21 Sep 2020 Page 8 of 19 09-16-20 5 Friends of “Dutton Island” 0 Staff time and Volunteers Design park for resiliency Study needed Trash bins at trailheads $2,000 Staff Input (Public Works and Recreation) In process of reparing floating docks Completed North FL land Trust won’t allow any more boardwalks piers Waiting on grant to remodel/update showers, add picnic tables, grills and benches Did not get Updated bat boxes $1,000 Update/redesign camping numbering Completed Add a fire pit are to camp site #2 Done Adding another one to # 8 Remove dead pine trees 80% done Completed Hard to maintain due to size and vegetation growth Problems with the homeless Recommendations Wayfinding at each trailhead $15,000 Maintain, replace and add educational/interpretive signage along trails $20,000 Elevate camping sites as need to prevent flooding Completed Bike rack at preserve entrance & fishing piers $2,000 Add Recycling bins, cigarette butt receptacles and fishing line recycling $1,500 Maintain, replace and add new bat boxes $3,000 Works with volunteers to complete Seating and shade at each boardwalk overlook $5,000 Do friendly amenities such as dog waste bags, dog water fountains, etc. $3,500 Trash bins at all trail entrances $2,500 Install trail surfacing/edging $20,000 Permeable Stabilize trail surfaces in low-lying wet areas $15,000 Add skylights to restrooms $4,000 Remove exotic and invasive species 0 Staff time Restore freshwater pond to its natural condition (remove exotic vegetation) 0 Staff time PARK: Fairway Villas COST ESTIMATE NOTES Community Input Benches $2,000 Public art $2,000 -$10,000 Depends on the art piece and size Agenda Item #1.B. 21 Sep 2020 Page 9 of 19 09-16-20 6 Staff Input (Public Works and Recreation) Keep grass cut 0 Staff time Added picnic tables in the last but removed at request of residents 0 Completed Recommendations Add sign and entrance feature $3,000 Maintain existing trees and look for more opportunities to restore canopy 0 Will be included with phase 2 COJ tree planting Transition to xeriscape in select area to reduce water and maintenance $10,000 PARK: Howell Park COST ESTIMATE NOTES Community Input Bat boxes $1,000 Directional signage Replace boardwalks, signage Upcoming Eagle Scout project Replace rotten railroad ties DONE Clear out overgrowth Restore coquina paths DONE Completed Gazebo $20 to $50 k depending on size Thin out junk DONE New wood Vague - not sure of scope of suggestion ADA parking $5,000 Friends of “Howell Park” 0 Staff time and volunteers Crime/upkeep Fake surveillance cameras Pond? Vague - not sure of scope of suggestion Smell/stagnant creek Public art $2,000 - $20,000 Walkways and beds need maintenance $10,000 Retention pond Vague - not sure of scope of suggestion Sidewalk/hard surface Vague - not sure of scope of suggestion Containers for residents to remove air potatoes vines Rubber Maid trash cans $50. each Broken pipe at edge of park Completed Agenda Item #1.B. 21 Sep 2020 Page 10 of 19 09-16-20 7 Staff Input (Public Works and Recreation) Updated bat boxes $1,000 Clean ditch every 3-4 years 0 Staff time Planted 40+ trees Completed Cleaned up around turtle pond Completed Updated bridges Completed Added new picnic tables Completed Replaced several RR ties Completed Gazebo for special events Completed Recommendations Maintain and update educational signage $2,500 Install gazebo for special events $15,000 Bike parking at all entrance $2,000 Plant landscaping around lift station to screen $1,000 Add ADA parking in parking lot off Palm Ave $5,000 Wayfinding signage around trailheads/entrances $3,000 Create a pervious pavement path to connect Jack Russell to Bull Park $10,000 PARK: Jack Russell Park COST ESTIMATE NOTES Community Input Bat boxes $1,000 Public art $1,000 - $10,000 Depends on art Remove pine trees for soccer field $10,000 Naming opportunities for ball field 0 Staff time Color palette for buildings 0 Staff/Volunteer time Bike loop and new bike racks Maintain/pressure wash skate park 0 Staff time Update mural on racquetball court $5,000 Playground equipment for older kids Depends on layout/equipment Repurpose racquetball courts $150,000 to $200,000 All street style skate features $50,000 - $70,000 Spend money on improving existing vs doing new things Agenda Item #1.B. 21 Sep 2020 Page 11 of 19 09-16-20 8 Renovate skate park $50,000 Depends on the amount of renovations Improve grass outfield-baskeball $10,000 Increase path from 4’ to 8’ + lighting $150,000 Fitness stations $30,000 10 stations Art studios at racquetball courts $1,000 - $75,000 Depends on if adding electric, water and roof Art garden $10,000 Imagination play space/nature play $10,000 Native plants Lighting/safety improvements along path $70,000 - $100,000 Bottle refill $3,600 Splash pad $250,000 - $300,000 Depends on size Bocce, horseshoes, shuffle board $25,000 Practice tennis courts $100,000 Ping pong $15,000 Demo gardens at city hall $20,000 -$40,000 Wayfinding $10,000 More parking at tennis courts $30,000- $40,000 Sand volleyball $40,000 Climbing wall/climbing play equipment $100,00 Parking Not sure where/what Bike racks $3,000 Younger kids skate park $50,000- $100,000 Staff Input (Public Works and Recreation) Recommendations Rain gardens and bioswales along ditch $35,000 -$45,000 Widen existing sidewalks along Seminole and Plazas to create an 8’ path $90,000 - $100,000 Plant Oak trees along walking path to fill in missing link 0 Phase 2 of COJ tree planting plan Bike parking at Seminole at tennis courts, entrance at Plaza, entrance at Clipper Ship lane and along Plaza near fields $3,500 Install low-light and low-level ped. Lighting along walking paths $70,000 - $100,000 Repurpose racquetball courts – art studios, pickleball courts and tennis practice courts $1,000 - $75,000 Depends on if adding electric, water and roof Benches by basketball court $2,000 Agenda Item #1.B. 21 Sep 2020 Page 12 of 19 09-16-20 9 Water bottle filling stations $2,400 Cost assumes water and electric Replace mural on racquetball court $5,000 Install community garden between skate park and tennis courts $15,000 PARK: Johansen COST ESTIMATE NOTES Community Input ADA walking trail $120,000 Activate Vague - not sure of scope of suggestion Disk golf $25,000 - $30,000 18 holes Physical activity stations $30,000 Approx. 10 stations Don’t manicure Community wildlife NWF habitat garden $5,000 Pollinators Vague - not sure of scope of suggestion Shelters Vague - not sure of scope of suggestion Shade Vague - not sure of scope of suggestion Native plants including understory $5,000 Art $2,000 - $20,000 Challenging playground equipment $30,000 - $70,000 Bat boxes $1,000 Arboretum $10,000 Garage cans and benches $7,000 - $10,000 More bridges Vague- not sure of scope of suggestion Benches $5,000 Tables for small gathering $5,000 Picnic tables Wayfinding Park Hours Dog stations Educational signage Public art Active play Cross walks Covered pavilion Improve send of public space at north end Improve drainage Maintain festival space Agenda Item #1.B. 21 Sep 2020 Page 13 of 19 09-16-20 10 Walking path Vegetation Swale Clear safety points Maintain trees Add shady understory Butterfly/pollinator native plants Flowering plants Pocket park at NE extension Fix planter Keep passive Improve bike/walk routes on Selva Marina “ “ on Saturiba Dr. “ “ to March Oaks Recommendations Refurbish/restore memorial planter $4,000 Add pervious walking trail along drainage swale that connects southern park to northern park $120,000 Approx. 3,000 linear feet Wayfinding and education signage $10,000 Dog waste bag stations $2,000 Picnic benches/tables $5,000 Public art $2,000 - $20,000 Depends on the art piece and size Trash cans $2,000 Butterfly garden $20,000 - $30,000 Native plants and preserve select areas as natural areas with min. to no maintenance $15,000 Replace dead trees $5,000 Educational signage for trees/plants $8,000 Maintain and add bat boxes $1,000 Bike racks at entrance near Seminole Rd $1,800 Entrance sign at northern end of park at Saturiba Dr $2,000 Park signage, wayfinding signage and path to the walking trail from the entrance on Park Terrace East $5,000 PARK: Jordan COST ESTIMATE NOTES Community Input Retention Vague - not sure of scope of suggestion Agenda Item #1.B. 21 Sep 2020 Page 14 of 19 09-16-20 11 Fence $5,000 Signage $5,000 Public events Vague - not sure of scope of suggestion Parking and signage for bike access $3,000 Pump track –need public input $250,000 - $400,00 Depends on scale and features Lighting $50,000 - $100,000 Staff Input (Public Works and Recreation) Added new play set within the last 2 years Completed Added new bike path Completed Resurfaced basketball courts Completed Periodically repair lighting On-going Crime is a problem in the evenings Recommendations Add angled parking to the dirt right-of-way on the north side of the park. $100,000 Parallel parking added along Jordan $50,000 - $60,000 Install/improve lighting $75,000 - $100,000 Walking path along perimeter of city-owned parcels north of Jordan park $110,000 - $150,000 Add multi-use path through park that connects with Jordan St. to provide ped. and bicyclist and off-street route to travel to Donner Rd. $30,000 - $50,000 Exercise equipment for all ages along new sidewalks $20,000 - $30,000 Bike racks at all entrances (Francis Ave. and Jordan St. $3,000 Enhance Jordan St. entrance with park sign, clear path and enhanced landscaping $15,000 PARK: Marvin’s Gardens COST ESTIMATE NOTES Community Input Sign or rename after a person $2,000 Leave as-is 0 Staff Input (Public Works and Recreation) Surrounding residents maintain park Agenda Item #1.B. 21 Sep 2020 Page 15 of 19 09-16-20 12 Recommendations Make area feel like it is a city owned pocket park (sign, split rail fencing to match other parks, etc.) $5,000 Upgrade play equipment to standard city type of equipment $5,000 - $30,000 Depends on equipment Add park sign See Kevin, he suggested there might be a name change PARK: Riverbranch Preserve COST ESTIMATE NOTES Community Input Coordinate with North FL Land trust regarding structures, overlooks, etc. Recommendations Educations sign/marker at the west 6th Street marsh overlook to education visitors of the history and purpose of the preserve $4,000 - $6,000 Maintain and repair kayak route signage $5,000 PARK: Selva Preserve COST ESTIMATE NOTES Recommendations Delay improvements/plan until city has better understanding of proposed development to the north 0 Add “No Trespassing” and/or warning signage to alert public about overgrowth and wildlife $100 PARK: Tide Views Preserve COST ESTIMATE NOTES Community Input Bat boxes $1,000 Shade $5,000 Assumes shad sails Purchase junkyard adjacent to park unknown Bike pump track on adjacent city owned land $250,000 - $400,00 Depends on scale and features Public art $2,000 - $20,000 Depends on art piece and size Junkyard – check on violation and pollution into area Sampling? – can not go onto private property to sample Agenda Item #1.B. 21 Sep 2020 Page 16 of 19 09-16-20 13 Enhance/maintain trails $10,000 Clear-out homeless campers 0 Staff time Improve connectivity Signage/wayfinding $10,000 Street tree planting along Camelia St Completed with the 20 trees for the class of 2020 Redo bathroom $10,000 - $15,000 Butterfly planting $5,000 Preservation area (less structured plantings) 0 Direct staff not to cut certain areas Connect to beach bikeway Link to Tide view Local art duplicate 2nd bathroom at north dock $50,000 - $100,000 Mitigate pollution from junkyard Depends on scope Plants – green education $5,000 Can get volunteers to help Tidal education $5,000 Can get volunteers to help Picnic $2,000 Bike connection to Atlantic Improve sense of safety at parking Adding cameras ADA access to piers $10,000 - $15,000 Link to kayak trail Bike repair station $2,000 Staff Input (Public Works and Recreation) North Fl land trust won’t allow any more boardwalks/piers Hammock village added to Bennet area Completed Commission approved pavilion in Bennet area Donation Walking trail around pond ad connect to rest of trails $30,000 Problem with homelessness Staff to monitor and cameras added Recommendations Signage at kayak launches that shows the bluewater/kayak trails $10,000 Bike racks at each entrance to park $3,000 Seating and shade along city’s drainage pond $15,000 - $30,000 Pervious walking path round city’s drainage pond that connects to existing trails. Start at Camelia St parking lot, go round pond and continue down the alley of palm trees to the W 1st St. parking lot. Also $30,000 - $50,000 Agenda Item #1.B. 21 Sep 2020 Page 17 of 19 09-16-20 14 have portion along the DOT pond to the kayak ramp at the NW corner of the pond. Wayfinding signage at the trailheads $10,000 Continue to maintain and add educations/interpretative signage along trails $5,000 Fishing line recycling to the fishing piers $1,500 Entrance sign to Camelia St entrance $2,000 Bike racks at each entrance $3,000 ADA access to “Sunset Pier” $10,000 - $15,000 Path to proposed walking path around the drainage pond from Camelia St. entrance $30,000 PARK: Veterans COST ESTIMATE NOTES Community Input Water fountain $1,200 Model gardens $5,000 Bat boxes $100 Pavilion with bathrooms and kitchen $120,000 - $200,000 Buy adjacent property for senior center Unknown – requires appraisal Military flag project More shade $3,500 to $10,000 Can use trees and shad sail to accomplish Shade sail $3,500 - $4,000 Cost to replace Add bathroom $20,000 - $50,000 Add trees along trailer park Done Completed Staff Input (Public Works and Recreation) Updated sidewalk to playground area Completed Re-surface basketball courts $75,000 - $100,000 Playground in great shape Add side to sun shade Completed Added new windscreen adjacent to Mayport Rd Completed Recommendations Plant shade trees to provide shade for attendees $3,000 - $5,000 Grade lawn area to create gradual slope to emulate “stadium seating” $30,000 - $50,000 Agenda Item #1.B. 21 Sep 2020 Page 18 of 19 09-16-20 15 Wrap electrical box with American flag or red, white and blue design $2,000 -$3,000 Plant bushes or install fencing around electrical substation $1,500 - $3,000 Identify parking area with signage or marking ground $2,000 - $5,000 Pavilion and grill $15,000 - $30,000 Water/bottle filling station $1,200 Signage about the purpose, value and history of park $2,000 - $5,000 Restrooms $20,000 -$50,000 Bike parking at entrance $3,000 Park sign at Mayport Rd. entrance $2,000 PARK: Waters COST ESTIMATE NOTES Community Input Clear underbrush for visibility 0 Staff time Crime? Clean up dead branches on trees and plant more trees 0 Staff time Staff Input (Public Works and Recreation) Add turf block parking $30,000 - $50,000 Add playground $20,000 -$60,000 Recommendations Turf block parking $30,000 - $50,000 Keep park natural and limited facilities 0 Staff time Agenda Item #1.B. 21 Sep 2020 Page 19 of 19