06-15-20 Commission Workshop Adopted minutesATTENDANCE:
Also Present:
Commission Workshop Meeting
Monday, June 15, 2020 - 6:00 PM
Commission Chamber
Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1
Cindy Anderson, Commissioner - Seat 2 (District 1308)
Blythe Waters, Commissioner - Seat 3 (District 1307) — arrived at 6:08
Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 (District 1306)
Brittany Norris, Mayor Pro Tem / Commissioner - Seat 5 (District 1312)
Shane Corbin, City Manager (CM)
Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA)
Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM)
Lori Diaz, Deputy City Clerk
Police Chaplain, Bishop Percy Golden provided the invocation, followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag.
Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
A. Introduction: First in a series of workshops to define, design, and organize racial
equity plans and activities across this local government and community.
This workshop is for discussion, education, and public input, no voting on legislation at
this time. The City of Atlantic Beach is voluntarily starting these conversations
prompted by the death of George Floyd, and both peaceful and violent actions over the
last few weeks around the country. Discussion is prompted by police policies. Due to
space, department heads are watching on standby.
B. Public Comment
C. Discussion
Commissioner Waters joined at 6:08 PM)
CM Corbin provided a summary of community demographics based on the 2010
Commission Workshop
June 15, 2020
Interim Chief Vic Gualillo provided an update on policy reviews. Areas for immediate
improvement are:
Rules of Conduct
Duty to Intervene
Human Diversity
Interim Chief Gualillo stated our officers are committed to be a part of community
discussions and participate in town hall meetings. He also provided an update on the
body camera program stating it will require additional commission discussions to be
fully funded this year. He requested the Commission to consider officer wellness as
part of the holistic solution, as trauma experienced in years of service can take a toll on
police officers.
Commissioners Waters discussed:
Workforce promotions.
Afterschool care, challenges to childcare, working parents.
Good stories.
Supporting education, improvement to school programs, mentorships &
education investments.
Commissioner Norris presented stats from previous years showing a decline in African
American population and spoke regarding:
Spending across the city.
Racial equity impact assessment.
HR issues to include hiring.
Complete streets.
Climate survey.
Mayor Glasser spoke regarding the meaning of promoting racial equity which includes:
Setting examples.
Observe and listen — community engagement, town halls.
Public declarations — commit resources, etc.
Dedicating infrastructure.
Committing to policy changes.
Creating a formal plan promoting racial equity.
Mayor Glasser spoke regarding her support for COAB Police Department and shared
that she has not received any complaints about ABPD. She stated they are doing good
Mayor Glasser's discussion included:
Community policing.
Officer wellness.
Evidence based training, titles of training can be misleading.
Mayor Glasser also added the time has come to reconsider district voting.
Commission Workshop
June 15, 2020
Commissioner Kelly thanked Public Works Director Scott Williams for the turnaround
as to how and where money is spent throughout the City.
Mayor Glasser opened Discussion - beginning with police practices.
Commissioner Anderson thanked Chief Gualillo for taking suggestions seriously and
asked if body cams would need to be added to the budget for next year to which he
replied yes. She inquired how they are attached, how they work, is it easy to remove
should an altercation occur?
Interim Chief Gualillo stated that all body worn cameras attach a little differently
depending on the manufacturer and that there will be a policy in place that states that
the body cam is to be worn at all times while on duty.
Commissioner Anderson asked Chief Gualillo what ABPD's position is on community
policing. Interim Chief Gualillo replied that he directs all of his officers to participate
in community -oriented policing. Discussion ensued regarding more manpower for
community policing.
Commissioner Anderson proposed to prohibit choke holds and is aware that in some
jurisdiction these are prohibited and questioned why we don't.
Chief Gualillo responded that ABPD hasn't taught what is known as a lateral vasc/neck
restraint in many years and suggested to provide wording within a policy statement that
states "vasc/neck restraint would only be used as a last resort to stop something bad
from happening to you or someone else", much like the use of a firearm.
Commissioner Anderson asked about other non -lethal force options officers of Atlantic
Beach have at their disposal. Chief Gualillo replied de-escalation techniques, a
chemical agent, taser and a baton. She asked that in regard to the "Duty to Intervene",
can the verbiage be changed from "will" to "must" in which Chief Gualillo replied
Commissioner Kelly questioned if using the cameras would require additional staffing
to manage.
Chief Gualillo replied that they had staff to manage what was necessary and will be
using a Cloud based system to download the data, which only requires minimal costs
on the service end and would not require additional IT staff
Commissioner Kelly inquired about a trade-off between cost of the system and the
need for a system to which Chief Gualillo replied that while this is the new trend it
would take at least 5 to 10 years to determine that.
There was further discussion regarding the budget for the body cameras.
Commission Workshop
June 15, 2020
Commissioner Norris suggested a policy for destroying of evidence, stating how
missing camera time will be addressed. Chief Gualillo replied he believes it can be
covered in policy unless it was of a level that would need handled by the State
Attorney's office.
Commissioner Waters inquired about the nature of calls for service and asked about
data available for criminal vs. non -criminal activity. Chief Gualillo stated the job of an
officer is often a calming voice, if required, assistance may be implemented through
referrals to resources such as the Juvenile Notice to Appear Program and the
Neighborhood Accountability Boards of Duval County.
Commissioner Waters asked Chief Gualillo how ABPD measures equality and if they
sort calls by race regarding the diversion programs to which Chief Gualillo stated the
Atlantic Beach juvenile arrest rate is low for misdemeanors. Will provide race
demographics of juveniles referred to diversion in the last year.
Commissioner Norris shared concern about needing a policy on demilitarization and
inquired about the HR Policy in hiring officers that had been fired or resigned while
being investigated from other agencies; how to spot problem officers.
Chief Gualillo stated there were initial discussions regarding legality of this with
candidates if Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) did not revoke their law
enforcement certification. ABPD relies on intense background investigations.
Human Resources Director Cathy Varian addressed the Commission and spoke
regarding hiring process changes to the police officer candidate psychological
evaluation, in an attempt to recognize an aggressive approach to policing.
Commissioner Norris requested adding "if fired or resigned while under investigation"
as a disqualifier, to evade police officers with a questionable record. To be discussed
between HR and legal.
Commissioner Anderson inquired if ABPD had the ability to look through closed
FDLE files, State of Florida personnel files and Florida disciplinary records of police
officers. Chief Gualillo replied yes.
Commissioner Anderson asked what was needed for a police officer wellness program,
Chief Gualillo stated the following:
Peer support (training of officers in what to look for).
Training to look for pre -suicide indicators (can be used for both the officer and
the public).
Peer team of officers.
An intervention hotline (anonymous).
Training on holistic approach for stress indicators (financial counseling, healthy
habits, i.e., sleep, eating, recreational).
Commission Workshop
June 15, 2020
We currently use Jacksonville Sheriffs Office (JSO) Critical Incident Stress
Management (CISM) team.
Interim Chief Gualillo can move forward now but it will take time. He will seek
assistance from Commission should support be needed.
Commission in support of reaching out to our legislators for support for creation of a
statewide intervention hotline.
Chief Gualillo to utilize JSO and the FBI for trainings.
Mayor Glasser thanked Bishop Golden for being here as he made his way to the
Bishop Percy Golden stated his position and shared his experience in the community
and being a champion for the importance of peer support.
Commissioner Kelly spoke regarding promoting equity through all avenues of the city,
such as advertising of contractor bids to reach more minority companies. She requests
each department see where there are ways to improve.
Commissioner Norris shared concerns about the problems surrounding the data from
the climate survey and should consider a redo.
Commissioner Waters requested analyzing rate of pay's within the City by gender and
ethnicity, opportunities for advancement and continuing education. We need to
identify the inequalities through data.
Mayor Glasser stated that due to the climate survey being of public record and in city
government, information gets suppressed and there are some practical items lacking.
Commissioner Kelly spoke regarding ability to evacuate if necessary due to income or
Mayor Glasser added same conflict for access to COVID testing.
Mayor Glasser had an ongoing discussion with Sgt. Hundley regarding the topic of
police, the public's fear of police officers, the stress level of the community, and if he
has concerns with the department finding quality police officers. Sgt. Hundley stated
the officers are treated with respect even with today's stress and this is a topic of
discussion daily in roll call and due to the lack of popularity of this job it does make it
more difficult to find quality officers.
Mayor Glasser asked Sgt. Hundley if he conducts the de-escalation training to which
he replied that he does. He spoke about what is included in the training. Mayor Glasser
thanked Sgt. Hundley for attending and for his service.
Commission Workshop
June 15, 2020
Mayor Glasser addressed some emails received as to whether our officer training is
evidence based to which Chief Gualillo replied yes. Mayor Glasser requested the
trainings the officers receive be made public. Chief Gualillo and Sgt. Hundley to
provide who the trainings come from, and topics discussed.
Mayor Glassser inquired about the demographics for traffic stops that were made
framed in the context "driving while black" and retrieving that data to which Chief
Gualillo stated there were about 2500 traffic stops with a split of about 80/20
Caucasians to African American with a small number Hispanic. About 11% African
American. He will look into providing that data
Mayor Glasser suggested conversation regarding using a 3rd party for a climate survey
or do it in-house. CM Corbin stated all of it or a good bit could be done in-house.
Commissioner Norris emphasized the climate survey should be done in-house and
requested an overview of what CM Corbin has in mind for racial equity assessment
Mayor Glasser stated we will proceed with a few town halls for community input, that
the Commission will be presenting a Proclamation recognizing Juneteenth and also a
Resolution to promote racial equity.
D. Public Comment
Joanne Wallace - Thanked Chief Gualillo for his information and provided suggestions
for job candidate feedback, inclusion, web -based surveys and "words that matter".
Kira Mauro - Spoke regarding gentrification impacting the loss of black property
ownership. Requests the racial equity assessment include the percentage of properties
in historically black neighborhoods that were purchased due to tax liens or other debts
on the property. Inquired if the City has any legal aid or assistance programs to assist
residents with handling probate, inter -generational title transfers, navigating of
property taxes, or to prevent the loss of properties in this matter.
Rick Carper - Spoke on the historic spending by Public Works sharing a 10 -year-old
study, shared that Beaches Resource Center, located at Fletcher High School, provides
mental health counseling and serves all schools at the beach and suggests working with
Beaches Habitat on workforce housing.
Susan Vanliery - Suggested more de-escalation training. Is race data correctly
identified according to drivers' license?
Al Frosio - Requested status of after school summer programs since COVID. Mayor
Glasser advised we will answer at the end of public comment.
Bishop Percy Golden - Thanked Atlantic Beach for being proactive in this pandemic
and addressing racial equity. He shared his family history with Atlantic Beach and the
lack of opportunity for the African Americans working for the city and being passed
Commission Workshop
June 15, 2020
over for promotions.
Sgt. Hundley provided a review of the Police Department's training objectives as
related to de-escalation.
Mayor Glasser closed Public Comment.
Mayor Glasser asked CM Corbin about summer camps during COVID to which CM
Corbin stated that the number is at 12 due to social distancing requirements. Recreation
department is at 24 kids as of the first day.
Mayor Glasser adjourned the meeting at 8:33 PM.
adannottai J1A4Zet,
Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk len Glasser, Mayor
DateDate Approved
Commission Workshop
June 15, 2020