05-18- 20 Commission Workshop Adopted minutesATTENDANCE:
Also Present:
Commission Workshop Meeting
Monday, May 18, 2020 - 6:00 AM
via Videoconferencing
Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1
Cindy Anderson, Commissioner - Seat 2 (District 1308)
Blythe Waters, Commissioner - Seat 3 (District 1307)
Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 (District 1306)
Brittany Norris, Mayor Pro Tem / Commissioner - Seat 5 (District 1312)
Shane Corbin, City Manager (CM)
Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA)
Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC)
Kevin flogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM)
Lori Diaz, Deputy City Clerk
Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at
6:00 PM.
Due to extraordinary circumstances, the meeting will be held via videoconference, pursuant to
Governor Desantis's Executive Order Number 20-69 and COAB Emergency Order.
A. Beaches Town Center Paid Parking
CM Corbin provided an overview of the paid parking program at Beaches Town Center
adding new information from the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) stating
residents could be offered free parking while charging non-residents, as detailed in the
staff report included in the agenda packet.
Community Planning and Development Director (CPDD) Amanda Askew presented a
PowerPoint on history, intent, legislation and program details of the paid parking
Commissioner Anderson posed concerns as to who is receiving the monthly reporting
requirements, how do we get access to what has been reported over the last six months,
the content of information in reports i.e. written records of inconsistencies. In response,
CPDD Askew stated reports (spreadsheet with data) are provided to city managers then
passed along to the finance director. CM Corbin confirmed spreadsheets only no written
Commission Workshop
May 18, 2020
CM Corbin to forward data to Commissioners via email and will request a more formal
written memo from Neptune Beach.
Commissioner Kelly spoke regarding signage, sign pollution, visibility and if a summary
of complaints and concerns were being reported and tracked.
DCM Hogencamp clarified that the monthly reports from the parking program is the data
itself — no summary on delay of enforcement as of yet.
Mayor Glasser discussed feedback on the visibility of signage, clear picture regarding
kiosk, website not correct, and software slow to download on the app as well as merchant
understanding of hours of operation.
Commissioner Norris spoke regarding resident discount, how to apply, pricing and the
app issue.
Commissioner Waters spoke regarding issues with the app rates.
Discussion ensued regarding changes to the FREE parking for residents, how will time
limit be enforced, how to continue to improve turnover, and paid parking expansion vs.
time limits.
Interim Police Chief Vic Gualillo spoke regarding parking at 18th Street, and stated
lifeguards have been hired as parking attendants as part of their duty. The parking
attendants have been successful in limiting the volume that travels down 18th Street and
will be staffed through the summer.
Mayor Glasser stated they will hold a more comprehensive parking discussion about
peak seasons, and timed enforcement at another time.
Commissioner Norris spoke regarding the parking administrator's role and options to
work with someone else.
Mayor Glasser questioned overnight parking, time limits, and enforcement. CPDD
Askew stated times are found in Exhibit A to Resolution 19-54 showing hours of
Discussion ensued regarding non -enforcement of kiosks and to bag the kiosks as an
Mayor Glasser presented various options for discussion:
50% discount 11 am —12 pm
Stay the same
Offer free first 3 hours — or different number
Offer it free for registered Atlantic Beach residents with no time limit
Provide take-out space limited to 30 minutes
Commission Workshop
May 18, 2020
Discussion ensured regarding Mayor Glasser's options.
CA Durden reminded the Commission to recall the purposes, such as turnover. Concern
if free with no time limit you will be diluting the purposes.
Commission agreed to make the free time limit 3 hours.
Commission discussion revealed 15 -minute limit was sufficient for the take-out space.
Commissioner Kelly discussed the overcharging, the medallions being too small,
signage, asking how will this be resolved?
Mayor Glasser will pull together a list of complaints and submit to Neptune Beach.
CA Durden noted in Interlocal agreement Neptune Beach has authority to operate the
parking program itself after 90 days' notice to Atlantic Beach without third party DPO.
CPDD Askew reviewed actions for staff direction to parking program ordinance as:
Allow free parking for registered residents for a limit of 3 hours.
Solution for overnight parking.
Get a written report from Neptune Beach.
Allow one parking space on Ocean Boulevard 15 -minute limit for take-out only.
Get a report on private lot details and how they handle take out.
Get a response back from Neptune Beach regarding the overcharging, increase
size of medallions and a time line base on their changes.
Wait to collect date on making decisions on a seasonal basis whether to charge
during down times.
Address signage directing people to the kiosk.
CM Corbin to direct staff to provide a draft for the final agenda of next Tuesday's
meeting to move forward with the ordinance.
Mayor Glasser adjourned the meeting at 7:12 PM.
Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Ellen Glasser, ayor
Date Approved
Commission Workshop
May 18, 2020