06-08-20 Regular Commission Meeting Adopted MinutesOm'p.+ MINUTES Sc) Regular City Commission Meeting Monday, June 8, 2020 - 6:30 PM S* Commission Chamber INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Norris led the invocation. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. City Clerk Bartle called the roll. ROLL CALL: Present: Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1 Cindy Anderson, Commissioner- Seat 2 (District 1308) Blythe Waters, Commissioner- Seat 3 (District 1307) Candace Kelly, Commissioner- Seat 4 (District 1306) Brittany Norris, Mayor Pro Tem/ Commissioner - Seat 5 (District 1312) Also Present: Shane Corbin, City Manager(CM) Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA) Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM) Lori Diaz, Deputy City Clerk 1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1A. Approve minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting on March, 9, 2020. 1B. Approve minutes of the Commission Workshop on April 20, 2020. Mayor Glasser asked if there were any corrections or changes needed. There were no corrections to the minutes. Mayor Glasser stated the minutes stand as submitted. 2 COURTESY OF FLOOR TO VISITORS PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Glasser explained the process for public comments and opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. City Clerk Bartle called each speaker to the podium. Nancy Decandis spoke regarding agenda item 4A. and referred the Commission to a booklet which provides a widely used method for having discussions on race and race relations. DCM Hogencamp to distribute the booklet to the Commission. Loren Rellah spoke regarding concerns regarding a City official's Facebook post on a neighborhood group page, is in favor of learning more about a citizen's review committee and Regular City Commission June 8,2020 personally denounced racism, prejudice, bias, exclusion and anything that divides our community. Mayor Glasser suggested later discussion about the post being made part of the record. Penny Hamish related good experiences with the AB Police Department, suggested the Commission to take time in this process, be careful to thoroughly review policies before taking actions. Suggested members of a citizens review committee have law enforcement acumen. Rick Carper spoke about recent comments by an AB resident on a Facebook live post. He stated he will not accept racist, sexist, or bigoted behavior and wants to be part of the solution. Melinda Goins is in favor of a Citizens Review Committee and for growth and change for the better. James Johnson expressed his support for AB Police Dept., he stated it has to be the person themselves to stop discrimination. Noah Stone presented recommendations of banning use of chokeholds, requirement of officers to intervene, report fellow officers violations, establish a citizens review committee, provide Police Dept. guidelines on use of force on the website, and open the collective bargaining agreement. Aline King is not in favor of an elected official using social media to introduce topics and give personal opinions, and encouraged attendance to the AB Citizens Police Academy, to research what the police do, to educate ourselves and others before going to social media to state what needs to be taken away from AB Police. Joann Wallace applauds elected officials for addressing racial equity, in support of a Citizens Review Committee with guidelines. Ms. Bartle read the written comments of the following: David and Wendy Harvey, (which are attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as ATTACHMENT A). Mayor Glasser recognized former Mayor Mitch Reeves. ATTACHMENT A- Written Comment, Regular Commission Meeting, June 8, 2020 3 CITY MANAGER REPORTS 3A. City Manager's Report Seminole Road project moving along as planned, recent light flooding. Completed the 12th Street dune walkover. Hurricane season prep underway. City Hall still closed. Working on a new policy for reserving of pickleball, racquetball and tennis courts. Regular City Commission June 8,2020 3B. Accept the 90-Day Calendar Calendar was discussed during closing comments. 4 REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS FROM CITY COMMISSIONERS 4A. Promoting Racial Equity (Mayor Glasser) Mayor Glasser spoke regarding discussions for developing a blueprint for racial equity. The plan would consist of community meetings, policy review and creation of a report that will become the blueprint. Commissioner Kelly in favor of the starting point being to collect community feedback. Commissioner Norris in favor of a Roundtable, spoke regarding wanting to hear from members of our minority community, and agreed to take the lead on this part of developing the blueprint. Commissioner Waters suggested to consider a standing committee dedicated to racial equality and the City work to create an open dialogue. Commissioner Anderson in favor of starting with citizen feedback first. Staff to propose dates. Interim Chief Gualillo addressed the Commission and presented a PowerPoint of Current Events and City of Atlantic Beach Police Procedures, (which is attached hereto a made part of this Official Record as ATTACHMENT B). Interim Chief Gualillo expressed his readiness to meet with the community in whatever format is most comfortable for them. He answered questions regarding training, citizen complaints, internal/whistleblower complaint process, and topics for the proposed Roundtable. Commissioner Norris spoke in defense of Commissioner Anderson using social media and stated she also posted a list of ideas for gathering insight. She spoke about the history of racism. She recognized the standards of excellence in COAB Police Department. Commissioner Waters recognized the standards of excellence in COAB Police Department. She spoke of the history of police issues in Minneapolis. Commissioner Anderson thanked Commissioner Norris, stated she will continue to practice her First Amendment right as each citizen should, looks forward to continuing the conversation with our community. Mayor Glasser spoke regarding the social media comments, does not have an issue Regular City Commission June 8,2020 with it, requests to put party politics away and to act in a nonpartisan way, and believes this is an opportunity to do better. Mayor Glasser called for a five minute recess at 8:27 PM. Meeting resumed at 8:32 PM. ATTACHMENT B - CURRENT EVENTS AND POLICE PROCEDURES 5 UNFINISHED BUSINESS FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS None. 6 CONSENT AGENDA None. 7 COMMITTEE REPORTS 7A. Recommendation for Appointment to the General Employees' Pension Board of Trustees - Fifth Member Finance Director Melissa Burns reported on the recommendation to appoint Mr. Kenyon, as detailed in the agenda packet. MOTION: To appoint Nicholas Kenyon to the General Employee's Pension Board of Trustees to fill the unexpired term of fifth board member beginning immediately and ending December 31, 2020. Motion: Brittany Norris Second: Cindy Anderson Ellen Glasser For Cindy Anderson (Seconded By)For Blythe Waters For Candace Kelly For Brittany Norris (Moved By) For Motion passed 5 to 0. 7B. Recommendation for Appointment to the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee Commissioner Norris reported on the recommendation to appoint Ms. Brooksher, as detailed in the agenda packet. MOTION: To appoint Barbie Brooksher to the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee to fill an unexpired term as a regular member effective immediately and expiring December 31, 2021. Regular City Commission June 8,2020 Motion: Cindy Anderson Second: Candace Kelly Ellen Glasser For Cindy Anderson (Moved By) For Blythe Waters For Candace Kelly(Seconded By) For Brittany Norris For Motion passed 5 to 0. 8 ACTION ON RESOLUTIONS 8A. RESOLUTION NO. 20-19 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE ENGINEERING EVALUATION OF WATER TREATMENT PLANT NO. 1. Mayor Glasser read the Resolution by title. CM Corbin stated Interim Public Utilities (PU) Director Troy Stephens and City Engineer (CE) Steve Swarm will provide the report. Mayor Glasser welcomed Interim PU Director Stephens noting this is his first time presenting to the Commission. He provided a brief background of his 31 years of employment with COAB and reported on the recommendation to approve the engineering evaluation of Water Treatment Plant No.1, as detailed in the agenda packet. CE) Swarm responded to questions regarding life span of the water tank, efficiency and the complicated nature of evaluating the options. He stated that J. Collins Engineering has a long history of working with COAB's water system. All further questions were answered. MOTION: To adopt Resolution No. 20-19. Motion: Cindy Anderson Second: Brittany Norris Cindy Anderson (Moved By) For Ellen Glasser For Blythe Waters For Candace Kelly For Brittany Norris (Seconded By) For Motion passed 5 to 0. Regular City Commission June 8,2020 9 ACTION ON ORDINANCES 9A. ORDINANCE NO. 20-20-156 Public Hearing and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2019 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2020, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Glasser read the Ordinance by title. Finance Director (FD) Melissa Burns addressed the Commission and stated this Ordinance is to fund Building Department vehicles and items that were not budgeted for, as detailed in the agenda packet. Mayor Glasser opened the Public Hearing. There were no speakers. There were no speakers present or written comments. Mayor Glasser closed the Public Hearing. MOTION:To adopt Ordinance No. 20-20-156 as read. Motion: Candace Kelly Second: Brittany Norris Ellen Glasser For Cindy Anderson For Blythe Waters For Candace Kelly (Moved By) For Brittany Norris (Seconded By) For Motion passed 5 to 0. 9B. ORDINANCE NO. 75-20-23 Public Hearing and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CHAPTER 21, TRAFFIC AND MOTOR VEHICLES, ARTICLE II — STOPPING, STANDING AND PARKING ON PUBLIC PROPERTY, SECTION 21-17 PROHIBITED IN SPECIFIC AREAS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT, FOR SEVERABILITY, AND FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Glasser read the Ordinance by title. CM Corbin provided a brief background as detailed in the agenda packet. Mayor Glasser opened the Public Hearing. There were no speakers present or written comments. Mayor Glasser closed the Public Hearing. Regular City Commission June 8,2020 MOTION:To adopt Ordinance No. 75-20-23 as read. Motion: Cindy Anderson Second: Blythe Waters Ellen Glasser For Cindy Anderson (Moved By) For Blythe Waters (Seconded By) For Candace Kelly For Brittany Norris For Motion passed S to 0. 9C. ORDINANCE NO. 75-20-24 Public Hearing and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, AMENDING CHAPTER 21,TRAFFIC AND MOTOR VEHICLES, ARTICLE II, STOPPING, STANDING AND PARKING ON PUBLIC PROPERTY, SECTION 21-44, METERED PARKING CHARGES; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT, FOR SEVERABILITY, AND FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Glasser read the Ordinance by title. CM Corbin provided a brief background, which is detailed in the agenda packet. Mayor Glasser opened the Public Hearing. Bryan Major stated he is not in favor of the three (3) free hours of parking for residents as it does not promote walking and/or biking. Mayor Glasser closed the Public Hearing. Mayor Glasser closed the Public Hearing. MOTION: To adopt Ordinance No. 75-20-24 as read. Motion: Candace Kelly Second: Brittany Norris Commissioner Norris clarified the three (3) free hours is only for AB residents in AB specific spots. Commissioner Waters stated this is being done in response to citizens input and a second opinion given in writing by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). Commissioner Anderson thanked the speaker for his comments but added that not all AB residents are able to walk or bike, i.e., elderly or distance. Regular City Commission June 8,2020 Mayor Glasser reported data so far shows most patrons stay less than three (3) hours, objective is turnover for the business center, and insists on a smooth implementation. Candace Kelly (Moved By) For Brittany Norris (Seconded By) For Ellen Glasser For Cindy Anderson For Blythe Waters For Motion passed 5 to 0. 10 MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS 10A. Fund Balance Policy CM Corbin reported that FD Burns has developed a draft Fund Balance Policy for Commission review and discussion, it is included in the agenda packet. FD Burns presented a PowerPoint (which is attached and made of this Official Record as ATTACHMENT C). Discussions ensued regarding suggested revisions. ATTACHMENT C - Proposed Fund Balance Policy Presentation 10B. Report on results of Actuarial Valuation of Police and General Employee Pension Funds. FD Burns presented slides and reported on the Actuarial Valuations as detailed in the agenda packet. Discussion and questions ensued regarding the half cent sales tax revenue streams, the need for long range planning, where do our percentages fall in relation to other cities, and addressing shortfalls as quickly as possible. 10C. Revenue Projections - COVID - 19 FD Burns presented slides and reported on the potential impacts on revenues due to COVID - 19, which are included in the agenda packet. Discussion and questions ensued regarding the projections and the need for more data. 11 CITY ATTORNEY/CITY CLERK REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS CC Bartle - Reminded Commission to return Financial Disclosure Form 1 to Mike Hogan's office by July 1. CA Durden - Reminded the Commission of training date and Financial Disclosure Form. Regular City Commission June 8,2020 12 CLOSING COMMENTS BY CITY COMMISSIONERS AND CITY MANAGER Commissioner Waters suggested developing policy/guidelines for Facebook posting. Commissioner Anderson believes being a public servant involves having a public voice, and using that voice in any way that is possible and legal, restricting that would be illegal. Stated she believes a social media policy designed to restrict City Commissioners from speaking about public issues is one that would be found to be illegal. Mayor Glasser spoke regarding Facebook - unsure about it, it is an unusual situation but we need to engage community as much as we can, 12 active COVID - 19 cases in AB. There was further discussion for scheduling of meetings. The following meetings were confirmed; Roundtable June 15, 2020 - Racial Equity, Workshop June 22, 2020 - 18th Street parking and design, June 22, 2020 Regular meeting - Mosquito Control under Courtesy of the Floor. Town Hall dates were not confirmed. 13 ADJOURNMENT There being no further discussion, Mayor Glasser declared the meeting adjourned at 9:54 PM. Attest: AViirrz-et 2& Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Ellen Glasser, Mayor 16g/40 Date Approved Regular City Commission June 8,2020 ATTACHMENT A June 8, 2020 Minutes Bartle, Donna From: David Harvey <harveydm@bellsouth.net> Sent: Monday,June 8, 2020 7:56 AM To: Bartle, Donna Cc: Anderson,Cindy Subject: Commissioner Anderson's Proposal for Safe Policing We are unable to attend because of quarantining, please read for us. We strongly support Commissioner Anderson's four proposals for ensuring safe policing in the City of Atlantic Beach. These interventions will certainly go a long way toward preventing dangerous and divisive problems from occurring in our City. They will support a community culture of mutual respect among our officers and the public, which we are sure is what we all want. Thank you for carefully considering this proposal. David and Wendy Harvey 1667 Park Terrace East Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 904-247-0014 1 ATTACHMENT B June 8, 2020 Minutes CURRENT EVENTS AND POLICE PROCEDURES Atlan each Police Department ATTACHMENT B June 8, 2020 Minutes Use of Force Bias Based Profiling Recruiting and Retention ANNUAL REVIEW REPORTS ATTACHMENT B June 8, 2020 Minutes 2019 Annual Report 22,066 Calls for Service 10 Response to Resistance Reports 9,968 contacts that could have led to a custody situation Total contacts requiring Response to Resistance 0. 1 % Contacts that required arrest 3.5% Total arrests 352 Arrests requiring Response to Resistance 2.84% USE OF FORCE ATTACHMENT B June 8, 2020 Minutes Race Arrest % Response to Resistance % Caucasian 68.46 80 African American 24.72 20 r; Other 6.82 0 USE OF FORCE ATTACHMENT B June 8, 2020 Minutes ragartitai Forfeitures 1 Caucasian 100 % (1 seizure) Hispanic 0 African American 0 American Indian 0 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 0 Traffic Stops 2054 Caucasian 67% (1367) Hispanic 10% (21 1 ) African American 19% (385) Asian 2% (43) Other 2.% (48) BIAS BASED PROFILING ATTACHMENT B June 8, 2020 Minutes Search Warrants 6 mit Hispanic 0 PRIMP African American 17% ( 1 ) Caucasian 83% (5) Asian 0% Native American 0% Hawaiian and Pacific Islander 0% Citizen Complaints of Bias Base Profiling 0 Hispanic 0% African American 0% Caucasian 0% Asian 0% Native American 0% Hawaiian and Pacific Islander 0% BIAS BASED PROFILING ATTACHMENT B June 8, 2020 Minutes ABPD Sworn ABPD Civilian ABPD Total City of AB Members Members Members Diversity Overall 31 15 46 13,608 White 24 (77%)13 (87%) 37 (80%) 83.2% Black 3 ( 100) 1 4 (9%) 7% Hispanic 1 (3%) 1 (7%) 2 (4%) 6.2% Asian 3 ( 10%) 0 3 (7%) 2.2% Native 0 0 0 0% American Male 26 (84%) 5 (33%) 31 (670) 49.4% Female 5 (16%) 10 (67%)15 (33%) 50.6% RECRUITING AND RETENTION ATTACHMENT B June 8, 2020 Minutes Continuously Train Recruiting and Retention Build Community Trust Transparency and Accountability STRATEGIC PLAN 2019 - 2020 ATTACHMENT B June 8, 2020 Minutes Accredited 2019 239 Standards Re-accredited every 3 years 2-3 accessors on site for 3 days FL Accreditation Commission - 5 Sheriffs, 5 Chiefs of Police, 1 Rep. appointed by State LE Chiefs Assn, 1 Rep appointed by FL League of Cities, 1 County Commissioner appointed by FL Assn of Counties, 1 Appellate or Circuit Ct. Judge, 1 Rep. appointed by the Office of Chief Inspector General FLORIDA COMMISSION ON ACCREDITATION ATTACHMENT B June 8, 2020 Minutes Policy - It is the poll R_ - only that degree of force which is reasonable and necessary to affect an arrest or to protect themselves or_o f_,• pers,• n•l_.a • ck, physicalresista e • At • deal `CFA 4.01 M._ The ision to u n must be base pan state and federal laws and the circumstances that the officers reasonably believed to -. ist at that time. Non-deadly force should only be used when absolutely necessary and only to the degree needed to affect a lawful arrest, overcome resistance, or protect the officer or another person from bodily harm. In doing so, the officer must consider all factors: S'- erity of the crime/situation at iss 2. Whether the person is resisting the officer's attempt to place him in custody, or attempting to evade an officer by flight; Whether the person poses an imminent threat to the safety of the officer(s) or others; or ti . The de• ree of force shall be consistent with training and the iamb NON LETHAL FORCE ATTACHMENT B June 8, 2020 Minutes Deadly Force Policy [CFA 4.07] a me f 0, 0- is acceptabl only under the following circumstances ; [CFA 4.0. Officers may use deadly force when the officer reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to themselves or another person; LETHAL FORCE ATTACHMENT B June 8, 2020 Minutes Policy - Police officers are entrusted by law with the responsibilit to enforce the law objectively and without prejudice and are empowered with the authority to perform those acts necessary v- •,0: • .- > -nt • olice officers must perform their duties within the guidelines and restrictio s of their legally mandated authority. . , u -s f arrest. Because the physical arrest or a person Is a legally sanctioned deprivation of that person's constitutionally guaranteed freedom, physical arrests must conform to those constraints established by law and the procedures established herein. 0 - .,• , - arres °..r. se en ion a ey nowany or s ould know is not in accordance with law and department procedures. ARREST ATTACHMENT B June 8, 2020 Minutes Academy Use of Force - 168 Hours Field Training Use of Force - 24 Hours In service Use of Force - 20 Hours TRAINING ATTACHMENT B June 8, 2020 Minutes k, Human Diversity - 2 Years Beach Drivin Use of Force - 1 Year Emerg. Veh. Op - 2 Years Firearms - Biannual Defensive Tactics - 2 Years Domestic Violence - 4 Years Ethics - 2 Years Juv. Sex Offender - 4 Years De-escalation - 2 Years Discrim. Profiling Traffic- 4 Years Report Writing - 2 Years Bias Based Profiling - 1 Year Building Searches - 2 Years Non-Lethal Force - 1 Year Stop Stick - 2 Years PR First Aid - 2 Years Active Shooter - 2 Years TRAINING REQUIRED CJSTC AND ABPD ATTACHMENT B June 8, 2020 Minutes 105.100 Authority All department members at each level shall have the latitude to enable them to make necessary decisions and exercise iscretion to effective) execute their dutie Each emp oyee shall be held fully accountable for the application of, or failure to apply, the authority delegated to them. 105.300 Unlawful Orders [CFA 2. 4 105.400 Obedience to Improper Orders 105.500 Reporting/Appealing Unlawful or Improper Orders [CFA 2.04M] onflictin CFA 2.04MgOrders l _ DUTY TO INTERVENE ATTACHMENT B June 8, 2020 Minutes Rules of Conduct 119.400 Minor/Serious Misconduct Employees shall serve the public by direction, counsel, and other. ways that will not interfere esponsibility They shall respect and protect the rights of indivi • • a nd perform m. fidelity, and sound judgment. All employees shall maintain command of temper, and display patience and discretion. They shall at all times act with firmness, but should refrain from coarse, profane, or insolent language. Human Diversity awareness and sensitivity will be demonstrated at all times. DUTY TO INTERVENE ATTACHMENT B June 8, 2020 Minutes 119.500 S.- Miscond Mental or physical abuse of any person in custody or the use of unnecessary force in making an arrest or preventing an escape is prohibited. DUTY TO INTERVENE ATTACHMENT B June 8, 2020 Minutes 110.200 Processing Complaints [CFA 20.01 M(D)] Any member, sworn or civilian, who observes, suspects, or is informed of misconduct by an employee is responsible for reporting the alleged or suspected violation(s) to a supervisor or directly to the Commander over Internal Affairs. If the allegation concerns a potential criminal violation by an employee, the notification should be immediately made to a supervisor or directly to the Chief of Police. DUTY TO REPORT ATTACHMENT B June 8, 2020 Minutes 126.500 Procedures for Handling of Complaints of Bias Based Profiling The Atlantic Beach Police Department will respond to and investigate all allegations of bias based profilin • made a •• ainst an member of No person will be discouraged, intimidated, or coerced from filing such a complaint or discriminated against because they have filed such a complaint. DUTY TO REPORT ATTACHMENT B June 8, 2020 Minutes 110.300 Investigating Minor Misconduct [CFA 20.01 M(A)] Complaints of a minor nature may be handled and resolved between the complainant and the officer's immediate supervisor. An inquiry conducted by the immediate supervisor regarding an internal or external minor complaint or possible violation that is not expected to result in formal discipline. 2016 - 0 2017 - 1 2018 - 6 2.: OFFICER COMPLAINTS ATTACHMENT B June 8, 2020 Minutes 110.400 INTERNAL AFFAIRS REVIEWS - Conduct that involves criminal violations of the law or actions on the part of the employee which warrant a detailed investigation .y 91 - al A fair Commander or desi • nee and; ich could le. . to'suspension demotion, reduction in pay, or cismissal of the employee. 2016 - 1 Policy violation - Written wa` 2017 - 1 Policy violation - Counseling 2018 - 1 Policy Violation - Unfounded Y OFFI ERCCOMPLAINTS ATTACHMENT B June 8, 2020 Minutes The Department is in the process of purchasing and launching an On Officer Camera Program in FY 2019. COVID has delayed the timeline but we are moving forward ON OFFICER CAMERAS ATTACHMENT B June 8, 2020 Minutes The ABPD sponsors a Citizens Police Academy every year to help inform citizens about their police department. We encourage all our citizens to participate because it creates dialogue and builds relationships COMMUNITY RELATIONS ATTACHMENT B June 8, 2020 Minutes 2019 - 228 Officers lost their lives to Suicide Holistic Officer Wellness can address the problems that lead to a good officer using excessive force because of psychological stress or injury iloommookik OFFICER WELLNESS ATTACHMENT C June 8, 2020 Minutes Y -ATI4Nflc BEACH PROPOSED FUND BALANCE POLICY Jiil r Jy ATTACHMENT C June 8, 2020 Minutes 4L ATLANTIC BEACH FUND BALANCE POLICY - WHY? Defines types of Fund Balance pursuant to Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 54 Outlines the order that the types of fund balance can be used Formalizes how much should be kept in reserves ATTACHMENT C June 8, 2020 Minutes ATLAN"Ic BEACH zY."._ FUND BALANCE POLICY - HOW IT WAS DEVELOPED Utilized Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Best Practice on Fund Balance Guidelines for the General Fund Asked for and received policies from several different local governments Fund Balance Guidelines for the General Fund ATTACHMENT C June 8, 2020 Minutes f ''.ATLANTIC BEACH i u;s,,%' ySib Types of Fund Balance Non-Spendable — Not in spendable form or legally required to remain intact Restricted — Amounts that can be spend for specific purposes stipulated by external resource providers (creditors, grantors, laws of other governments) Committed — Amounts to be used for specific purposes determined by the City Commission through resolution Assigned — Amounts established by City Management for specific purposes Unassigned — Residual amount that is neither restricted, committed or assigned ATTACHMENT C June 8, 2020 Minutes eTi'' 1 -"thil,;_:!> tATLANTIC BEACH How Much to Maintain in Unassigned Fund Balance ? City of Atlantic Beach through Resolution 04-10 adopting Budget Policies provided for an "operating reserve" which is 25% of payroll and operating expenses combined. (This is an Assigned Fund Balance) GFOA's best practice recommends that a local government should maintain at least two months of operating expenses. This draft policy recommends 20% of operating expenses be maintained in the Unassigned Fund Balance ATTACHMENT C June 8, 2020 Minutes JrJ; ATLANTIC BEACH 4,;i),,_ What Are Other Governments Doing? Local Government Policy Hillsboro County 25% Ft. Lauderdale 2 Months Operating Expenditures Tarpon Springs 20% Winter Haven 17% Kissimmee 20% Palm Coast 10-20% of Total Budgeted Expenditures St. Augustine 4-5 Months of Operating St. Augustine Beach 20% Orange Park No less than 33% (4 months) and No more than 67% 8 Months) ATTACHMENT C June 8, 2020 Minutes rSLy ATLANTIC BEACHJ 1 J Current Fund Balance Current Operating Budget $13,702,582 1,141,881 Per Month Fund Type Amount Months of of Operating Operating Assigned for 3,372,416 2.95 25% Operating Reserves Unassigned Fund 3,852,477 3.37 28% Balance Total 7,224,893 6.33 53%