06-22-20 Commission Workshop Adopted minutesfMINUTES Commission Workshop Meeting r;Monday, June 22, 2020 - 5:30 PM 91 Commission Chamber ATTENDANCE: Present: Ellen Glasser, Mayor- Seat 1 Cindy Anderson, Commissioner - Seat 2 (District 1308) Blythe Waters, Commissioner - Seat 3 (District 1307)- arrived at 5:33 p.m. Candace Kelly, Commissioner- Seat 4 (District 1306) Brittany Norris, Mayor Pro Tern/ Commissioner - Seat 5 (District 1312) Also Present: Shane Corbin, City Manager(CM) Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM) Lori Diaz, Deputy City Clerk Kim Flower, Records Clerk CALL TO ORDER Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. 1. TOPIC - 18TH STREET BEACH ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS Commissioner Waters arrived at 5:33 p.m.) A. Beach Parking Cost - Share Eligibility in the Context of 18th and 19th Street CM Corbin introduced the workshop topic and requested City Engineer (CE) Steve Swann to provide an overview of Cost - Share Eligibility for Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and beach re-nourishment as detailed in the agenda packet. In summary, with the addition of bike spaces we would be able to remove (8) eight parking spaces between the two accesses without affecting FDEP cost-share eligibility. CM Corbin introduced Joe Loretta, design consultant with HALFF, who stated a field visit today revealed that with the addition of the bike racks full removal could actually be (11) eleven parking spaces. B. HALFF Concept Plans for 18th Street Parking Redesign Mr. Loretta presented an overview of four concepts for 18th Street Beach Access Improvements, which are included in the agenda packet. Mr. Loretta recommended to focus on option 1B. ,which meets the overall intent and includes: Commission Workshop June 22,2020 ability for 40 to 41 parking spaces nice landscaping maintain the native buffer on the northern side truly removes 11 parking spaces He also recommended redeveloping the dune accessway and presented options that are included in the agenda packet. CA Durden requested the dimensions of the parking spots in Option 1 B, Mr. Loretta replied that they are a standard 9 feet wide by 18 feet long. She spoke regarding our zoning code,questioned liability associated with the current design,and spoke regarding discretionary decisions and tort liability. C. Input from and Q & A with Commissioners There was CONSENSUS to table Commission questions to another agenda to allow time for public comments. Commissioner Kelly questioned the steepness of the stairs in consideration of handicap citizens. Mr. Loretta to give further review. Commissioner Anderson questioned trees/vegetation impairing visibility for cars. Commissioner Waters requested additional trash receptacles, and a pervious design. Mayor Glasser asked if any of these options precluded add-ons. Mr. Loretta replied the options do not preclude add-ons,they are for working on sizing criteria. D. Community Input and Q & A with Public and Commissioners Angela Waters stated she is opposed to the addition of the sidewalk,opposed to concrete and removal of the trees. She suggested a walk space. Colonel John Reich spoke regarding the agreement that Duval County signed with FDEP, specifically #15DU1 and Attachment B, Funding Eligibility for Duval County Shore Protection Project, stating it lists all streets in Atlantic Beach used for funding but does not list 18th Street. He stated according to #15DU1, the last re-nourishment was funded without including 18th Street. Nancy Whittington spoke about being on the parking committee and the challenges of getting correct information. Requested Commission to reconsider the previous recommendation for 18th Street presented by Mr. Tari on February 25, 2019. David Bennett requests a meeting with Kevin Bodge for explanation of the "complex math" used for our beaches re-nourishment. He stated parking spots donated by Commissioner Waters's family are not listed on the DEP map and 18th Street was not counted for the beach re-nourishment. Commission Workshop June 22,2020 Seth Dalton stated Andrew Briscoe spoke with him regarding how beach re- nourishment funding works, he stated he would like to see a map of the overlap and additional nullifications with regard to the access points. He stated he does not believe 18th Street is safely maintained,a sidewalk will not be utilized and requests not spending tax dollars on an unverified project. Dr. Mike Waters spoke regarding 18th Street sanitation, congestion and safety problems getting worse. In favor of paid parking and proactive policing of the area. Not in favor of spending tax dollars on "beautification" at 18th Street at this time, opposed to removing thirty healthy trees and stated this project should not proceed without answers to questions. Stated a sidewalk will not be utilized and is concerned with legality and honesty in regards to 18th Street. Kim Reich reiterated that the last re-nourishment was funded without the counting of parking spaces at 18th Street, stated there are over seventy spaces in a one block residential area. She suggests converting to parallel parking with a sidewalk on the north side and expressed frustration regarding many unanswered questions, and untruths from Olsen& Associates and the City. Suzi Ritter spoke about the plans proposed. Stated the "beautification" project will not solve the problems. Mark Stuart stated that starting on a project should begin with recognizing exactly what the problems are and stated these options do not solve the problems. Presented data on resident impact. Diane Waters stated she is opposed to 18th street"beautification". Shared concern with submitting mails and not receiving any responses and requests to know where the idea to beautify 18th Street versus making it safe came from. Colonel John Reich spoke regarding the misrepresentations in agreement#15DU 1 and Olsen and Associate's. He recommended the City to request a new parking space count by a new subcontractor. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Glasser adjourned the meeting at 6:32 PM. Attest: I 424-tet ViSti4Atee, der Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk E en Glasser. Mayor SYzv Date Approved Commission Workshop June 22,2020