06-08-20 Regular Commission meeting notesKEY White = Agenda Item Blue = Mayor's Notes Green = City Clerk's Notes Yellow = Commission CITY COMMISSION AGENDA FOR JUNE 8, 2020 6:30 PM Next Regular Meeting is Monday, June 22, 2020) 1A. Approve minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting on March, 9, 2020. Invocation and pledge to the Flag Mayor Glasser Calls the Meeting to Order i/ Commissioner Norris to give invocation. "''. 1 Call to order 1A. Approve minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting on March, 9, 2020. 1B. Mayor Glasser Calls the Meeting to Order i/ Ask "Are there any corrections to the minutes?" If there are no corrections, state: "There being no corrections, the minutes stand." Ask City Clerk to Call the Roll OR If there are corrections, have them exlain the changes, then: Ask "Are there any additional corrections to the minutes?" Once the corrections are made, state: "There being no additional corrections, the minutes are approved as corrected." a -ANDERSON KELLY evINTORRIS ti -/WATERS V‘ASSER 1 Approval of the minutes 1A. Approve minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting on March, 9, 2020. 1B. Approve minutes of the Commission Workshop on April 20, 2020. i/ Ask "Are there any corrections to the minutes?" If there are no corrections, state: "There being no corrections, the minutes stand." Ask City Clerk for any written comments for Courtesy of the Floor. OR If there are corrections, have them exlain the changes, then: Ask "Are there any additional corrections to the minutes?" Once the corrections are made, state: "There being no additional corrections, the minutes are approved as corrected." 2 Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors City Manager Reports Ci Mana ' er Re s ort Call on City Manager Shane Corbin to give his report. Public Comments iExplain the process for public comments and state the time limit for each speaker. Ask City Clerk to call names of speakers for Courtesy of the Floor. V Donna will call names of speakers for Courtesy of the Floor. Ask City Clerk for any written comments for Courtesy of the Floor. Donna reports and/or reads written comments for Courtesy of the Floor. i Mayor Closes Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors City Manager Reports Ci Mana ' er Re s ort Call on City Manager Shane Corbin to give his report. 3B. Accept the 90 -Day Calendar City Manager Shane Corbin to report. Need consensus to accept the 90 -Day Calendar for June through August 2020. 4 Reports and/or Requests from City Commissioners 4A. Promoting Racial Equity (Mayor Glasser) 7.7' Mayor Glasser to report. of Discussion Have City Clerk call out names of City Commissioners/Mayor to report. City Clerk calls on each Commissioner. Commissioners/Mayor give their reports. 5 Unfinished Business from Previous Meeting None. 6 Consent Agenda None. 7 Committee Reports 7A Recommendation for Appointment to the General Employees' Pension Board of Trustees - Fifth Member 7.7' Call on Finance Director Burns to explain GEPBOT's recommendation. of Suggested Motions: Appoint Nicholas Kenyon to the General Employees' Pension Board Trustees to fill the unexpired term of fifth board member beginning immediately and ending December 31, 2020. Motion by Seconded by Discussion 1-, i -, Vote ANDERSON Aye or Nay KELLY Aye or Nay NORRIS Aye or Nay WATERS Aye or Nay GLASSER Aye or Nay 7B. Recommendation for Appointment to the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee 8A. Call on Commissioner Norris to explain BMRC's recommendation. Suggested Motions: Appoint Barbie Brooksher to the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee to fill an unexpired term as a regular member effective immediately and expiring December 31, 2021. Motion by all Seconded by Discussion Motion: Adopt Resolution No. 20-19. Vote (roll call or voice ANDERSON Ae) or Nay KELLY de or Nay 0 NORRIS or Nay WATERS or Nay GLASSER Ay or Nay 8 ACTION ON RESOLUTIONS 8A. RESOLUTION NO. 20-19 Mayor Glasser will read Resolution Title. v A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE ENGINEERING EVALUATION OF WATER TREATMENT PLANT NO. 1. all on City Manager Shane Corbin. Recommended Motion: Adopt Resolution No. 20-19. Motion by a> ,., ) Seconded by N oft c Discussion I/ ote (roll call o(voice3 V ir ANDERSON A e or Nay KELLY ' ye or Nay NORRIS` `e or Nay WATERS 4;•! orNay GLASSER 'Aye , or Nay 9A. ORDINANCE NO. 20-20-156 Public Hearing and Final Reading ziRAFFIC Mayor to read title of ordinance. V `,Call A RDINANCE AMENDING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2019 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2020, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 1- 911 on City Manager Shane Corbin. Open the Public Hearing. Ask City Clerk to call names speakers for this public hearing. Donna calls names of speakers for this public hearing. Ask City Clerk for any written comments submitted for this public hearing. Donna reports - There were none. Recommended se the public hearing. ecommended Motion: Approve Ordinance No. 20-20-156 as read. t; al Moved by j , Seconded by 'h o' Z. ikussion KELLY Ate, or Nay NORRIS o0410rNay Vote (roll call or voice) GLASSER • ye 7 pr Nay ANDERSON`, or Nay KELLY "Aye ' or Nay NORRIS A -or NayT WATERS Aye or Nay GLASSER (--4,..g.:) or Nay 9B. ORDINANCE NO. 75-20-23 Public Hearing and Final Reading ziRAFFIC A -ORDINANCE, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CHAPTER 21, AND MOTOR VEHICLES, ARTICLE II — STOPPING, STANDING AND PARKING ON PUBLIC PROPERTY, SECTION 21-17 PROHIBITED IN SPECIFIC AREAS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT, FOR SEVERABILITY, AND FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. V `,Call on City Manager Shane Corbin. Open the Public Hearing. Ask City Clerk to call names speakers for this public hearing. Donna calls names of speakers for this public hearing. Ask City Clerk for any written comments submitted for this public hearing. Donna reports - There were none. pose the public hearing Recommended Motion: Approve Ordinance No. 75-20-23 as read by title. Discussion 4 l" ( iJd Jt; al Vote (roll call o voic- ANDER • N (• e or Nay KELLY Ate, or Nay NORRIS o0410rNay WATERS or Nayalp GLASSER • ye 7 pr Nay 9C. ORDINANCE NO. 75-20-24 Public Hearing and Final Reading 10A. Mayor to read title of ordinance. Call on City Manager Corbin. t..../,, N., ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, AMENDING HAPTER 21, TRAFFIC AND MOTOR VEHICLES, ARTICLE II, STOPPING, STANDING AND PARKING ON PUBLIC PROPERTY, SECTION 21-44, METERED PARKING CHARGES; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT, FOR SEVERABILITY, AND FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Call on City Manager Shane Corbin. Open the Public Hearing. Ask City Clerk to call names speakers for this public hearing. 3Y ).y\ a Cb CS Donna calls names of speakers for this public hearing. 1 Ask City Clerk for any written comments submitted for this public hearing. Donna reports - There were none. klose the public hearing Recommended Motion: Adopt Ordinance No. 75-20-24 as read . f Moved by f Seconded by fl oivt a„ 1 Discussion Vote (roll call or oice ANDERS or Nay KELLY • ;_ .1 or Nay NORRIS - • _ . or Nay WATERS A or Nay GLASSER ye or Nay 10 Miscellaneous Business 10A. Fund Balance Policy Call on City Manager Corbin. Discussion 10B./ t,unds. Report on results of Actuarial Valuation of Police and General Employee Pension 1/ Call on City Managerer Corbin. Discussion 10C. evenue Projections - COVID - 19 Call on City Manager Corbin. Discussion 11 City Attorney/City Clerk Reports and/or Requests Call on City Attorney and City Clerk. 12 Closing Comments by City Commissioners and City Manager Ask City Clerk to call names for closing comments. City Clerk calls names of City Manager and Commissioners 13 /Adjournment Adjourn the meeting a) of: 5 0\ l- , Date: DISCUSSIONS/REPORTS ANDERSON KELLY NORRIS WATERS GLASSER Page: of a NORRIS WATERS ANDERSON KELLY GLASSER 9 A WATERS ANDERSON KELLY NORRIS GLASSER ANDERSON KELLY NORRIS WATERS GLASSER KELLY NORRIS WATERS ANDERSON GLASSER WATERS