Town Hall - 10 Oct 2020 - Agenda - Pdf City of Atlantic Beach Agenda Town Hall Meeting Saturday, October 10, 2020 - 10:00 a.m. via Videoconference Page(s) CALL TO ORDER 1 TOPICS- THE FLU SEASON, THE IMPORTANCE OF FLU SHOTS, CURRENT COVID-19 TRENDS, AND THE IMPORTANCE OF MASKING 1A. Introduction by Joe Metrick, Baptist Medical Center-Beaches President and President of Transitional Care for Baptist Health 1B. Presentation by Dr. Vincy Samuel, Baptist Medical Center-Beaches Epidemiologist and Director of Employee Health 2 PUBLIC COMMENT - OPEN TOPICS Notice and instructions for viewing the meeting and providing public comments. 3 ADJOURNMENT This meeting will be live-streamed and video recorded. Here is the link to live-stream the meeting: https://atlanticbeachfl.swagit.com/live/ In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation for this meeting should contact Kim Flower, Records Clerk, at kflower@coab.us, by 10 a.m. Friday, Oct. 9, 2020. Page 1 of 3 Page 2 of 3 NOTICE OF CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PUBLIC MEETING VIRTUAL TOWN HALL WITH DR. VINCY SAMUEL, BAPTIST MEDICAL CENTER- BEACHES EPIDEMIOLOGIST AND DIRECTOR OF EMPLOYEE HEALTH BEING HELD VIA VIDEOCONFERENCE (ZOOM) 10 A.M. SATURDAY, OCT. 10, 2020 Notice is hereby given that the City of Atlantic Beach will hold a public meeting at 10 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 10, 2020. Due to these extraordinary times, the meeting will not be held in person; rather, the meeting will be held via videoconference. At the Virtual Town Hall, Dr. Samuel will discuss the flu season, the importance of flu shots, current COVID- 19 trends, and the importance of masking. Pursuant to Governor DeSantis’ Executive Order Number 20-69, issued on March 20, 2020, “Local government bodies may utilize communications media technology, such as telephonic and video conferencing, as provided in Section 120.54(5)(b)2. Florida Statutes.” Pursuant to Section 2-403, Code of Ordinances, and to an emergency order executed March 27, 2020 as re-instituted by the Mayor and City Manager, the City Manager has adopted administrative rules that are necessary and appropriate to implement communications media technology, and to set the time, place, rules of conduct and procedure. This meeting will be live-streamed and video recorded. Here is the link to live-stream the meeting: https://atlanticbeachfl.swagit.com/live/ In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation for this meeting should contact Kim Flower, Records Clerk, at kflower@coab.us, by 10 a.m. Friday, Oct. 9, 2020. Please note: Two or more members of the City Commission or any board or committee of the City of Atlantic Beach may be in attendance. INSTRUCTIONS FOR VIEWING AND PARTICIPATING: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN HALL WITH DR. VINCY SAMUEL, BAPTIST MEDICAL CENTER-BEACHES EPIDEMIOLOGIST AND DIRECTOR OF EMPLOYEE HEALTH BEING HELD VIA VIDEOCONFERENCE (ZOOM) 10 A.M. SATURDAY, OCT. 10, 2020 Due to these extraordinary times, the meeting will not be held in person; rather, the meeting will be held via videoconference. Residents in the area of the proposed roundabout are particularly encouraged to attend and participate in the meeting; we want to hear their thoughts, concerns and questions. Information about the project is published at www.coab.us/MainRoundabout. This meeting will be live-streamed and video recorded. Here is the link to live-stream the meeting: https://atlanticbeachfl.swagit.com/live/. Here is the link to access the video afterward: https://atlanticbeachfl.swagit.com/specialty To attend the meeting, and to be assured that you will have an opportunity to make comments and/or ask questions, register here no later than 10 a.m. Friday, Sept. 9: https://www.coab.us/506/Meeting-Videos. People who register to make comments and/or ask questions during the meeting will receive a confirmation email with further instructions. Those instructions will containing the unique webinar identifier and password to join as an attendee. Everyone who registers to speak and/or ask questions must enter the meeting no later than 10 a.m. At 10 a.m. p.m. sharp, the meeting will be locked by the host. In this case, the meeting can still be viewed at https://atlanticbeachfl.swagit.com/live. During the meeting, the host will ask attendees to raise their hand (tap the “raise hand” button on their computer or device) if they want to speak. Attendees will remain in the background unseen or heard until the host calls on them. Members of the public may provide written comments (1) to be read during the meeting or (2) to be entered into record without being read during the meeting. To do this: 1. Email your comments and/or materials to Kim Flower by noon, Friday, October 9, 2020 at kflower@coab.us or place them in the Drop Box outside of City Hall, 800 Seminole Road, by noon, Friday, October 9, 2020, 2. Title your comments: “Written Comments for Town Hall meeting, October 10, 2020”, 3. Provide your name (required), address and email address, and 4. If you desire for your written comments to be read into the record during the meeting, please indicate so and limit them to 300 words. Only written comments of 300 or fewer words will be read into the record during the meeting. All other written comments received by the deadline will be entered into the meeting record and distributed to the City Commission and the appropriate staff before the start of the meeting. If you have difficulty with the registration process, or if we can be of additional service, please email flower@coab.us or call (904) 247-5810. Agenda Item # 10 Oct 2020 Page 3 of 3