Contribution Scores, Application Guidelines Package, and Applications of OrganizationsCARAC CONTRIBUTIONS FY 2020.21 ORGANIZATIONS: REQUESTED AMOUNT FINAL AVG FINALAVG% Atlantic Beach Elementary RECOMMENDATIONS TU,ke trot $2,500 125 26 650 Beaches fine art $3,000 157 56 $1,740 OMI $3,000 184 SS $2,550 FACE 52,500 182 83 $2,075 Oetk the Chairs $2,800 124 25 $700 NewAge Hl $1,660 172 73 51,212.00 Word Revolt Ari Gall 1,000 171 72 475.00 AirdSofFite $1,500 163 64 $960 Beaches Museum $2,655 151 52 $1,381.00 Tackwondo $3,000 360 61 $1830 Connecting Thru Music $3,000 181 82 $2,460 Beaches Go Green $3,000 1451 461 1.350 Meraki Wellness $3,000 178 791 $2,370 Kiogdom Builders $3,000 153 54 $1,620 ORGANIZATION TOTAL: k3m,15 ronn"Ving Thru Muslr 200 200 BUDGET: $19,001 - 178 196 t $1,602.60 SCHOOLS: ANN OBNARSSON PAULA 018ANNON Atlantic Beach Elementary $15,500 144 45 $7,000 Flelther High $14.000 173 74 $10,360 Mayert Middle $10,000 187 88 $8,800 "DOLS TOTAL: $34,500 8eachesline art BUDGET:528 500 $2,340 CARAC CONTRIBUTION SCORES FY 2020-21 LARAOF1111AL 5CORES ANN OBNARSSON PAULA 018ANNON MATEO IURAVC CAROL 511COLt EASTMAN CURTIS MAURIC1060NIALEZ Turkeywrq 0 110 138 160 151 1137 8eachesline art 50 2D0 1450 174 160 199 OMI 200 200 187 170 1a1 168 FACE 200 141) 180 lea 176 168 oecklheChairs 0 140 330 135 160 174 New Age Nippy 150 190 190 385 147 171 Ward Revolt As I 6,111MV 200 200 175 14S 125 182 girds of Fire 200 200 141 145 125 163 Reaches Museum 150 200 180 130 161 135 Taekwondo 200 200 177 )35 120 125 ronn"Ving Thru Muslr 200 200 14S 17o 178 196 Beaches Gu Green 50 190 )35 150 163 199 Merakl Wellness 200 200 155 17p 1G1 179 Kingdom Builders 501 200 1531 1701 1731 177 SCHOOLS: Atlan* Reach Eleyiwowwy 50 ini 190 17SI 150 166 FI*1chtr16 h 1501 2001 10 1851 142 198 INlaypott Middle 2001 200 19013851 1701 165 �].+`J. Axa 1]9 City of Atlantic Beach Contribution Awards: Cultural Arts and Recreation Programs FY2020-2021 Application Guidelines Package For OR ANIZA TIONS APPLICATION GUIDELINES FOR FY2020-2021 CONTRIBUTION AWARDS Funding Availability: The City Commission has allocated funding for FY2020-2021 to support artistic, recreational, or cultural programs, events or projects which benefit the residents of Atlantic Beach. Applications for contributions are invited from eligible non-profit, 501(c)(3) community organizations, prodding extra-curricular/extra mural programs, arts, cultural and recreation programs, activities or events that serve Atlantic Beach residents. Only one (1) Contribution application may be submitted per eligible non-profit, 501(c) (3) community service organization, with award request of $100 - $3,000 per applicant. Final Contribution Award amount may be allocated as determined by the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee. Please note relevant code pertaining to contributions: Sec.2-2. Chaiiiablecoutributiousprohibited. The City shall not contribute City funds to any charitable, non-profit, or other %vorthy rause. However, the City may contribute City funds or other support to artistic, recreational, or cultural programs, events or projects %% hich benefit the residents of Atlantic Beach, as follows. (1) Requests for contributions to such programs, events or projects shall be submitted to the Cultural Arts and Recreational Ad%visary Committee. (2)The Cultural Arts and Recreatioma Ad%isory Committee «ill make recommendations on any such requests to the City Commission, ubo wilt then matte the final decision on funding the request. (3)Any request for contributions %%Udl are not artistic, recreational, or culture! in nature shalt bt submitted directly to the City Commission for consideration. (Ord. '.%o. 95-91-50, § 1, 10-28-91, Ord.1To. 05.02-37, § 1, 7-8-02) Editor's note— Ord. No, 95-91.50,,a 1,, adopted Oct. 28, 1991, amended the Code by adding $ 1-�(b). For purposes of dassfuation, 4 1-5(b) has been codified asp '_' at the discretion of the editor. In the event that the amount awarded is less than the amount requested, applicants must be prepared to submit a revised program budget and description reflecting changes in scale if applicable. REQUIRED APPLICATION DOCUMENTS Documents Required for Submittal: All applicants must complete the attached application form and provide the following documents: ❑ Completed Application Farm 0 Summary of organization's current budget ❑ Program budget ID Proof of current Non -Profit 501(c)(3) certification form issued by the State of Florida LI List of Current Organization's Board of Directors ❑ Most current IRS W-9 Form ELIGIBLE NQN4PROFITORGANIZATIONS ONLY Applications will not be processed for review if complete package is not received together Nonprofit organizations which have officially filed as a non-profit with the State of Florida must attach a copy of its current year 501(c) (3) non-profit certification form. For organizations filed with the State, the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee, at its discretion, may consider their application. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 4:30 p.m., August 21, 2020 Applications must be RECEIVED by deadline time and date 4:30 p.m. August 21, 2020. No Exceptions. Hand deliver applications to: Adele Grage Community Center 716 Ocean Blvd, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Mail applications to: Must be RECEIVED in The Recreation Office by August 21, 2020 NOT postmarked by this date City of Atlantic Beach Recreation & Special Events Contribution Application 716 Ocean Boulevard Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 For more information contact: City of Atlantic Beach Recreation Office: Email (preferred method of contact) t'ohnson@coab.us or call (904) 247-5828. DISQUALIFICATION CRITERIA ATTIMIEOF SUBMITTAL ]Any applications received after the deadline time and date are immediately disqualified from funding consideration. No exceptions. ➢ APPLICATIONS RECEIVED AFTER DEADLINE DATE ARE NOT ACCEPTED. ➢ E-MAILED APPLICATIONS ARE NOT ACCEPTED, 1 QUALIFYING CRITERIA^ Applications are limited to non-governmental, non-profit organizations serving the Atlantic Beach community. Excluded entities include the following: municipal organizations, state or local government organizations and private individuals. (NOTE: Duval county schools applying for funding for extra -curricular or extramural activities/programs/services, after-school programs, or authorized student activity organizations that serve Atlantic Beach residents should apply using the SCHOOL_ application package). Organizations already receiving funds or financial support from the City of Atlantic Beach FY 2020-2021 may not apply for additional funding. PROPOSAL GUIDELINES --- - /Applications will be fudged and selected for funding consideration by the Cultural Arks and Recreation Advisory Committee on a number of criteria. 1. Serves Atlantic Beach residents. Proposal describes how many residents of Atlantic Beach are expected to participate and how many hours participants will be engaged in the program or event. The event or program is open to all residents of Atlantic Beach, and is non-discriminatory and free from inherently religious activities. 2. Cultural, Arts and Recreation: Program, event or activities are cultural arts and recreation in nature (or support access to participation in cultural, arts, recreation programs or events). 3. Community treed: The proposal addresses an existing need in the community (for example there is currently a need to increase opportunities for cultural, arts and recreation programs or activities for teens and young adults, and there is currently a need for programs and events in Jordan Park and Donner Parte areas of Atlantic Beach), 4. Evidence Based: The program or event is supported by evidence of successfully achieving expected outcomes 5. Affordability: The event or program is free or made affordable to residents of Atlantic Beach. Proposal describes planned steps to ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay the registration or other related fees. 6. Accessibility. The program or event is made accessible so that residents of Atlantic Beach who do not live near the programlevent location and/or who do not have transportation can still participate 7. Program Costs: Fair and justifiable program costs (detailed program/event budget required). 8. Adequately resourced: The proposal includes evidence of supplemental funding, such as leveraging matching funds, collaboration, volunteers or other resources. 9. Originality and creativity. Applications of projects or programs that are new and unique to the community or which provide a new or unique twist on an existing program are strongly encouraged. 3 10. Evaluation: There is in evaluation plan that measures participation/impact and will provide usefullactionable data. 11. Timely: Completion of Special EventlProgram Activity between; October 2020 and September 30, 2021, CONTRIBUTION AWARD EXPENDI7URES Contributions will be funded upon approval of the City Commission and announcement of recipients. Expenses must be directly related to proposed program or event services, materials or activities occurring within the award period. Awardees will be required to maintain financial records to support claimed expenditures and project accomplishments. Funds for the proposed special event or program activity must not be used to replace or offset funding sources normally available for any portion of the special event or program activity, nor be used by the applicant to fund/supplement its own monetary giving, Funds may not be used for capital expenses, lobbying or other excluded activities. Funding may not be used for inherently religious activities. FINAL REPORT AND RECEIPTS I The City Staff will review submitted copies of paid receipts/invoices and a written final report to ensure that funds were spent in compliance with the approval application. Applicant will be required to reimburse the City of Atlantic Beach for all inappropriately spent funds. Final Report is due 30 days following completion of the program or event. PRIOR FINANCIAL. ASSISTANCE Information provided on application will be used to review prior performance history. Significant non-compliance issues will be taken into consideration and may affect future funding decisions jointly made by the City Commission. NOTE: Eligibility for FY2020-2021 Contribution Awards may be affected if an organization has previously received a Contribution Award by the Atlantic Beach City Commission, or has not fully disclosed that a Contribution Award was not fully expended, or did not complete required financial or other reporting requirements for a previous Contribution Award. All eligibility criteria is administered and determined by the Recreation Director, and Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee. All decisions made on eligibility by the Atlantic Beach City Commission, the Recreation Director and the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee are deemed final. CONTRI6U TION AWARD MAXIMUM AWARD AMOUNT Contribution Awards: Most of the award amounts are expected to be between $100 and $3,000 *NOTE: The City Commission and/or the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee, at its discretion, may modify the Contribution award to qualified recipients based on merit of proposal, number of other qualified applications received and other criteria_ The Contribution award may not exceed the maximum amount of available financial resources for the FY2020-2021 Annual Atlantic Beach Community Contribution Program as approved under the City's Annual Operating Budget. KEY TIMELINES FOR FY202o-2021 PROGRAM PERIOD — 1 July 13, 2020 Distribute Request for Proposals (RFP) and issue press notification (Notice of RFP will also be included in newsletter distributed September 25, 2020 City Commission approval of total funding amount for FY2020- 2021 Contributions Program August 21, 2020 Deadline for FY2020-2021 Contribution Awards proposals. The Recreation Director will review each application as they are received and forward eligible applications to the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee within 3 business days of receipt August 25, 2020 Notify semi-finalists who will be required to present a brief summary of their proposal/answer questions to the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee September 8, 2020 MANDATORY presentations to the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee are required by all short-list semi- finalists. The Recreation Director will calculate final scores based on both proposal content and presentations. October 12, 2020 City Commission Approval: City Commission awards Contributions and appropriates funds at Regular City Commission Meeting October 15, 2020 Applicants notified regarding application outcome October 22, 2020 Contribution Awards Disbursed: All FY2020-2021 Contribution awards released to award recipients FINANCIAL AND OUTCOME REPORTING FOR AWARD RECIPIENTS FY2020.2021 LETTER NOTIFICATION: Upon completion of the program or event, all FY2020-2021 award recipients will be notified to submit their final reports and copies of receipts. DEADLINE. All FY2020-2021 award recipients must submit copies of paid receipts/invoices and a written report, including number of Atlantic Beach citizens served and program or event outcomes within 30 da sof completion of the program or event. If the paid receipis/invoices and written report is not received, the award recipient will be required to immediately reimburse City of Atlantic Beach Contribution funds. General guidelines for reports Deport should clearly state how deliverables described in the proposal were met Report should be clear regarding how funding was used to benefit residents of Atlantic Beach. Describe what was accomplished in general and pertaining to A8 specifically, Description of the steps taken to reach out to AB residents to participate or attend the program Report how many from AB attended/participated (number and percent of total participants is preferred) Include feedback received from participants, especially highlight any from AB. Include evaluation results Submit the paid receipts showing how the money from COAB was used Note: All Contribution Award recipients' final reports will be submitted before the Recreation Director for approval of expenditures. If determination is made that funds were expended inappropriately, the Recreation Director will direct award recipients to reimburse the City of Atlantic Beach. APPLICATION FORM WITH SCORING AND REVIEW CRITERIA AND GUIDANCE Funding amount requested, $ Dates of event/program start -end Yes/No Conditions A, l=air and justifiable program costs (Program/Event Budget required) Yes/No B. Serves Atlantic Beach residents Yes/No C. Programlevent pertains to cultural, arts, recreation Yes/No D. Program/event activities completed by September 30, 2021 Yes/No E. Programlevent is non-discriminatory Yes/No F. Is the event free from inherently religious activities? Yes/No NOTE: If the Yes/No conditions are not met, the application is not eligible for funding, and will not be processed for review. NOTE: Questions reviewers will consider are listed in Italics as a helpful guide for applicants 1. Participants (Maximum 35 points) Location(s) where program/event will take place Total estimated number of participants Number and percent of participants who are Atlantic Beach residents # % Total number of hours each participant will be directly engaged in program/event Frequency and duration of program/event (e.g. 1 time event for 2 hours, or 1 xlmonth for 1 hour) Is the event open to all residents of Atlantic Beach who may want to participate? Is the event to occur in Atlantic Beach or to serve primarily Atlantic Beach? NOTE: An important criteria for funding is to ensure that an adequate number of Atlantic Beach residents will benefit from the programlevent relative to the amount of funding requested. To address this criteria, a per -person -per -hour cost will be calculated by the reviewers. 2. Need (Maximum 20 points) Briefly describe any community needs or gaps that the program/event is intended to address. Please state if the program/event targets a population or age group that is currently underserved in Atlantic Beach. NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: Is there a demonstrated need for the program/event? Is the program/event duplicative of other programs/events in the area? Is the program/event a response to a need articulated from the community? Does the program/event target a population group that is currently underserved? (e.g. teens, children with special needs, low-income residents, etc.) 3. Description of program/event 3.1 Describe the goals and objectives of the program/event, and benefits to the residents of Atlantic Beach, please make sure goals and objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused and time -bound (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Are the goals and objectives described in the application SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused, and time- bound) o How will the program/event benefit residents of Atlantic Beach (pertaining to cultural arts and recreation? o Are the goals and objectives artistic, recreational and/or cultural in nature 1.1 Describe program/event activities (Maximum 40 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o How appropriate are these activities are in terms of achieving the stated goals and objectives o Originality and creativity — is the program or event new and unique to the community or provide a new or unique twist on an existing program or event? o Is this a family oriented and wholesome event that City funding should support? 1.2 Describe how the program/event will be advertised too ensure adequate participation (Maximum 5 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan for promoting/marketing the program/event? o Is this plan likely to be effective and feasible? 2 Describe how you will facilitate access to the program or event so that residents of Atlantic Beach who do not live near the program/event location and/or who do not have transportation can still participate. (Maximum 10 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan to ensure that access is not a barrier? o Is this plan effective and feasible? 3 Describe if the program is evidence based (i.e. has a record of achieving expected outcomes) (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is the program or event based on published evidence? o Does the program or event have a demonstrated history of success (in other contexts or similar cities, or in previous years)? 4 If there is a fee or cost to participate, describe how you will ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay any registration or other related fees or costs. If there is no fee or cost please state N/A (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is the program/event free for residents of Atlantic Beach? o If there is a fee or cost, does the proposal describe steps to ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay fees or costs? 1. Evaluating Success (Maximum 30 POINTS) Briefly describe how you will measure success. This should include how you will assess participant satisfaction, number of participants and (if applicable) changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills or behaviors. Describe data collection methods and who will be surveyed. Please also describe how data will be used to inform program improvement. NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there an adequate evaluation plan for measuring participation, participant satisfaction and (if applicable) changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills or behaviors o Will data provide actionable information for future planning? o Will results be useful for dissemination to the community? o Does evaluation include feedback from participants/audience as well as planners/ organizers and volunteers? 2. Resourcing (Maximum 15 POINTS) Please describe any plan to leverage additional resources (e.g. other funding, volunteers, in-kind donations) or collaboration with others to offset expenses NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan to leverage additional resources (other funding, volunteers, and/or in-kind donations)? o Is there collaboration with other organizations that will help to offset resources and expenditures? o Is this a for-profit event? Indemnification Contribution Award applicants and recipients agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City from any and all liability, defense costs, including other fees, loss or damage which the City may suffer as a result of claims, demands, costs or judgment against it, arising from all activities engaged in by Recipient in its use of the public funds. Site Visits Applicants must be available for site visits during the application process and successful applicants must be available for site visits during program activities or events Save the pate It is recommended that all applicants consider holding time on their calendars for a 10 minute presentation on SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 in the event that they should make the short-list of semi- finalists (applicants may send any member of their staff or team to represent the application at the presentation). All decisions are final. 2.1 City of Atlantic Beach Contribution Awards: Cultural Arts and recreation Programs FY2020 -2021 Application Guidelines Package For SCHOOLS APPLICATION GUIDELINES FOR FY2020-2021 CONTRIBUTION AWARDS Funding Availability: The City Commission has allocated funding for 1=Y2020-2029 to support artistic, recreational, or cultural programs, events or projects which benefit the residents of Atlantic Beach. Applications for contributions are invited from eligible Duval County Public Schools district, providing extra-curricular/extramural programs, arts, cultural and recreation programs, activities or events that serve Atlantic Beach residents. Only one (1) Contribution application may be submitted per eligible school, with award request of $100 - $15,500 per applicant. Final Contribution Award amount may be allocated as determined by the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee. Please note relevant code pertaining to contributions, Sec. 2-2. Cb aritablecan crib utiousprohibited. The City shall not contribute City fonds to any charitable, non-profit, or other ttcrthy cause. However, tate City may contribute City funds or other support to artistic, recreational, or cultural programs, events or projects which benefit the residents of Atlantic Beach, as follows: (1) Requests for contributions to such programs, events or projects shall be submitted to the Cultural Arts and Recreational Ad%isory Committee_ (2) The Cultural Arts and Recreational A&isory Committee still make recommendations on any such requests to the City Commission, apho %rill then make the final decision on funding the request. (3) Any request for contributions which are not artistic, recreational, or cultural in nature shall be submitted directly to the City Commission for consideration_ (Ord. No. 95-91-50, § 1, 10-28-91, Ord, No. 05.02-37, § 1, 7-8-02) Iditor`s note— Ord. No. 95-91.50,x, adopted Od. 28, 1991, amended the Code by adding_ ;.1_5(b). For purpose= of classification, 4 I�5(b) has been codified as ; _'-? at the, discretion of the editor. In the event that the amount awarded is less than the amount requested, applicants must be prepared to submit a revised program budget and description reflecting changes in scale if applicable. REQUIRED APPLICATION DOCUMENTS Documents Required for Submittal: All applicants must complete the attached application form and provide the following documents: Completed Application Form Summary of organization's current budget Program budget Most current IRS W-9 Form ELIGIBLE SCHOOLS ONLY Applications will not be processed for review if complete package is not received together Schools must be public schools in the Duval County Public Schools District serving students who are residents of Atlantic Beach, APPLICATION DEADLINE: 4:30 p.m., August 21, 2020 Applications must be RECEIVED by deadline time and date 4:30 p.m, August 21, 2020. No Exceptions. Hand deliver applications to: Adele Grage Community Center 716 Ocean Blvd, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Mail applications to: Must be RECEIVED in The Recreation Office by August 21, 2020 NOT postmarked by this date City of Atlantic Beach Recreation & Special Events Contribution Application 716 Ocean Boulevard Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 For more information contact: City of Atlantic Beach Recreation Office: Email (preferred method of contact) t'ohnson coab.us or call (904) 247-5828. DISQUALIFICATION CRITERIAAT TIME OF SUBMITTAL — - — Any applications received after the deadline time and date are immediately disqualified from funding consideration. No exceptions. ➢ APPLICATIONS RECEIVED AFTER DEADLINE DATE ARE NOT ACCEPTED. �, E-MAILED APPLICATIONS ARE NOT ACCEPTED. QUALIFYING CRITERIA lApplications are limited to Duval County Public Schools applying for funding for arts, recreation or cultural programs that are extra -curricular or extramural or after-school programs. Schools already receiving funds or financial support from the City of Atlantic Beach FY 2020-2021 may not apply for additional funding, PROPOSAL GUIDEUNES Applications will be lufted and selected for funding consideration by the Cultural Arks and Recreation Advisory Committee on a number of criteria. 1. Serves Atlantic Beach residents. Proposal describes how many residents of Atlantic Beach are expected to participate and how many hours participants will be engaged in the program or event. The event or program is open to all residents of Atlantic Beach, and is non-discriminatory and free from inherently religious activities. 2, Cultural, Arts and Recreation: Program, event or activities are cultural ails and recreation in nature (or support access to participation in cultural, arts, recreation programs or events). 3, Community need: The proposal addresses an existing need in the community (for example there is currently a need to increase opportunities for cultural, arts and recreation programs or activities for teens. 4. Evidence Based: The program or event is supported by evidence of successfully achieving expected outcomes S. Affordability: The event or program is free or made affordable to residents of Atlantic Beach. Proposal describes planned steps to ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay the registration or other related fees. 6. Accessibility: The program or event is made accessible so that residents of Atlantic Beach who do not We near the program/event location and/or who do not have transportation can still participate 7. Program Costs: Fair and justifiable program costs (detailed program/event budget required). 8. Adequately resourced: The proposal includes evidence of supplemental funding, such as leveraging matching funds, collaboration, volunteers or other resources_ 9. Originality and creativity. Applications of projects or programs that are new and unique to the community or which provide a new or unique twist on an existing program are strongly encouraged. 3 10. Evaluation: There is in evaluation plan that measures participation/!mpact and will provide useful/actionable data. 11. Timely: Completion of Special Event/Program Activity between: October 2020 and September 30, 2021. CONTRIBUTION AWARD EXPENDITURES Contributions will be funded upon approval of the City Commission and announcement of recipients. Expenses must be directly related to proposed program or event services, materials or activities occurring within the award period. Awardeea will be required to maintain financial records to support claimed expenditures and project accomplishments. Funds for the proposed special event or program activity must not be used to replace or offset funding sources normally available for any portion of the special event or program activity, nor be used by the applicant to fund/supplement its own monetary giving. Funds may not be used for capital expenses, lobbying or other excluded activities. Funding may not be used for inherently religious activities. FINAL REPORTANDRI:CEIPTS - - The City Staff will review submitted copies of paid receipts/! nvo ices and a written final report to ensure that funds were spent in compliance with the approval application. Applicant will be required to reimburse the City of Atlantic Beach for all inappropriately spent funds. Final Report is due 30 days following completion of the program or event. PRIOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Information provided on application will be used to review prior performance history. Significant non-compliance issues will be taken into consideration and may affect future funding decisions jointly made by the City Commission. NOTE: Eligibility for FY2010-2020 Contribution Awards may be affected if a school has previously received a Contribution Award by the Atlantic Beach City Commission, or has not fully disclosed that a Contribution Award was not fully expended, or did not complete required financial or other reporting requirements for a previous Contribution Award. All eligibility criteria is administered and determined by the Recreation Director, and Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee. All decisions made on eligibility by the Atlantic Beach City Commission, the Recreation Director and the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee are deemed final. LCONTRIBUTION AWARE] MAXIMUM AWARD AMOUNT i� Contribution Awards: Most of the award amounts are expected to be between $100 and $15,000 *NOTE: The City Commission and/or the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee, at its discretion, may modify the Contribution award to qualified recipients based on merit of proposal, number of other qualified applications received and other criteria. The Contribution award may not exceed the maximum amount of available financial resources for the FY FY2020-2021 Annual Atlantic Beach Community Contribution Program as approved under the City's Annual Operating Budget. KEY TIMELINES FOR FY2020-2021 PROGRAM PERIOD -- ` .July 13, 2020 Distribute Request for Proposals (RFP) and issue press notification (Notice of RFP will also be included in newsletter distributed September 25, 2020 City Commission approval of total funding amount for FY2020- 2021 Contributions Program August 21, 2020 Deadline for FY2020-2021 Contribution Awards proposals. The Recreation Director will review each application as they are received and forward eligible applications to the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee within 3 business days of receipt August 25, 2020 Notify semi-finalists who will be required to present a brief summary of their proposal/answer questions to the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee September 8, 2020 MANDATORY presentations to the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee are required by all short-list semi- finalists. The Recreation Director will calculate final scores based on both proposal content and presentations. October 12, 2020 City Commission Approval: City Commission awards Contributions and appropriates funds at Regular City Commission Meeting October 15, 2020 Applicants notified regarding application outcome October 22, 2020 Contribution Awards Disbursed: All FY2020-2021 Contribution awards released to award recipients FINANCIAL AND OUTCOME REPORTING FOR AWARD RECIPIENTS FY2020-2021 LETTER NOTIFICATION: Upon completion of the program or event, all FY2010-2020 award recipients will be notified to submit their final reports and copies of receipts. DEADLINE. All FY2020-2021 award recipients must submit copies of paid receiptslinvoices and a written report, including number of Atlantic Beach citizens served and program or event outcomes within 30 days of completion of the program or event. If the paid receipts/invoices and written report is not received, the award recipient will be required to immediately reimburse City of Atlantic Beach Contribution funds. General guidelines for reports Report should clearly state how deliverables described in the proposal were met Report should be clear regarding how funding was used to benefit residents of Atlantic Beach. Describe what was accomplished in general and pertaining to AB specifically, Description of the steps taken to reach out to AB residents to participate or attend the program Report how many from AB attended/participated (number and percent of total participants is preferred) Include feedback received from participants, especially highlight any from AB_ Include evaluation results Submit the paid receipts showing how the money from CQAB was used Note: All Contribution Award recipients' final reports will be submitted before the Recreation Director for approval of expenditures. If determination is made that funds were expended inappropriately, the Recreation Director will direct award recipients to reimburse the City of Atlantic Beach. APPLICATION FORM WITH SCORING AND REVIEW CRITERIA AND GUIDANCE Funding amount requested: $ Yes/No Conditions Dates of event/program start -end 1 A. Fair and justifiable program costs (Program/Event Budget raquired) Yes/No B. Serves Atlantic Beach residents Yes/No C. Programlevent pertains to cultural, arts, recreation Yes/No D. Programlevent activities completed by September 30, 2021 Yes/No E, Programlevent is non-discriminatory Yes/No F. Is the event free from inherently religious activities? Yes/No NOTE: If the Yes/No conditions are not met, the application is not eligible for funding, and will not be processed for review. NOTE: Questions reviewers will consider are listed in italics as a helpful guide for applicants 1. Participants (Maximum 35 points) Location(s) where program/event will take place Total estimated number of participants Number and percent of participants who are Atlantic Beach residents # % _ Total number of hours each participant will be directly engaged in prog ramlevent Frequency and duration of program/event (e.g. 1 time event for 2 hours, or 1 xlmonth for 1 hour) Is the event open to all residents of Atlantic Beach who may want to participate?, Is the event to occur in Atlantic Beach or to serve primarily Atlantic Beach? NOTE: An important criteria for funding is to ensure that an adequate number of Atlantic Beach residents will benefit from the program/event relative to the amount of funding requested. To address this criteria, a per -person -per -hour cost will be calculated by the reviewers. 2. Need (Maximum 20 points) Briefly describe any community needs or gaps that the program/event is intended to address. Please state if the program/event targets a population or age group that is currently underserved in Atlantic Beach. NOTE. Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: Is there a demonstrated need for the program/event? Is the program/event duplicative of other programs/events in the area? Is the program/event a response to a need articulated from the community? Does the program/event target a population group that is currently underserved? (e.g. teens, children with special needs, low-income residents, etc.) 3. Description of program/event 3.1 Describe the goals and objectives of the program/event, and benefits to the residents of Atlantic Beach, please make sure goals and objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused and time -bound (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE. Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Are the goals and objectives described in the application SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused, and time- bound) o How will the program/event benefit residents of Atlantic Beach (pertaining to cultural arts and recreation? o Are the goals and objectives artistic, recreational and/or cultural in nature 1.1 Describe program/event activities (Maximum 40 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o How appropriate are these activities are in terms of achieving the stated goals and objectives o Originality and creativity— is the program or event new and unique to the community or provide a new or unique twist on an existing program or event? o Is this a family oriented and wholesome event that City funding should support? 1.2 Describe how the program/event will be advertised too ensure adequate participation (Maximum 5 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan for promoting/marketing the program/event? o Is this plan likely to be effective and feasible? 2 Describe how you will facilitate access to the program or event so that residents of Atlantic Beach who do not live near the program/event location and/or who do not have transportation can still participate. (Maximum 10 POINTS) NOTE. Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan to ensure that access is not a barrier? o Is this plan effective and feasible? 3 Describe if the program is evidence based (i.e. has a record of achieving expected outcomes) (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is the program or event based on published evidence? o Does the program or event have a demonstrated history of success (in other contexts or similar cities, or in previous years)? 4 If there is a fee or cost to participate, describe how you will ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay any registration or other related fees or costs. If there is no fee or cost please state N/A (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE. Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is the program/event free for residents of Atlantic Beacch? o If there is a fee or cost, does the proposal describe steps to ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay fees or costs? 1. Evaluating Success (Maximum 30 POINTS) Briefly describe how you will measure success. This should include how you will assess participant satisfaction, number of participants and (if applicable) changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills or behaviors. Describe data collection methods and who will be surveyed. Please also describe how data will be used to inform program improvement. NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there an adequate evaluation plan for measuring participation, participant satisfaction and (if applicable) changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills or behaviors o Will data provide actionable information for future planning? o Will results be useful for dissemination to the community? o Does evaluation include feedback from participants/audience as well as planners/ organizers and volunteers? 2. Resourcing (Maximum 15 POINTS) Please describe any plan to leverage additional resources (e.g. other funding, volunteers, in-kind donations) or collaboration with others to offset expenses NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan to leverage additional resources (other funding, volunteers, and/or in-kind donations)? o Is there collaboration with other organizations that will help to offset resources and expenditures? o Is this a for-profit event? Indemnification Contribution Award applicants and recipients agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City from any and all liability, defense costs, including other fees, loss or damage which the City may suffer as a result of claims, demands, costs or judgment against it, arising from all activities engaged in by Recipient in its use of the public funds. Site Visits Applicants must be available for site visits during the application process and successful applicants must be available for site visits during program activities or events Save the Date It is recommended that all applicants consider holding time on their calendars for a 10 minute presentation on SEPTEMBER 6, 2020 in the event that they should make the short-list of semi- finalists (applicants may send any member of their staff or team to represent the application at the presentation). All decisions are final. Funding amount requested: $15,500 Dates of event/program start -end _915/2(0 - 5/31/2021 Yes/No Conditions A. Fair and justifiable program costs (Program/ vent Budget required) /No B. Serves Atlantic Beach residents /No C. Program/event pertains to cultural, arts, recreation YUNo D. Program/event activities completed by September 30, 2021 Y@VNo E. Program/event is nondiscriminatory /No F. Is the event free from inherently religious activities? /No NOTE: If the Yes/No conditions are not met, the application is not eligible for funding, and will not be processed for review. NOTE: Questions reviewers will consider are listed in italics as a helpful guide for applicants 1. Participants (Maximum 35 points) ❑ Location(s) where program/event will take place Mayport Middle, Fletcher Middle, Fletcher High School ❑ Total estimated number of participants 60-75 ❑ Number and percent of participants who are Atlantic Beach residents #3x45 %50% ❑ Total number of hours each participant will be directly engaged in program/event 18-20 hours for middle school participants, 36-40 hours for high school participants ❑ Frequency and duration of program/event (e.g. 1 time event for 2 hours, or 1 x/month for 1 hour) 1 hour, 2xlmonth at 2 schools ❑ Is the event open to all residents of Atlantic Beach who may want to participate? Yes, all students ❑ Is the event to occur in Atlantic Beach or to serve primarily Atlantic Beach? 506/6 of the program occurs in Atlantic Beach. NOTE. An important criteria for funding is to ensure that an adequate number of Atlantic Beach residents will benefit from the programlevent relative to the amount of funding requested. To address this criteria, a per -person -per -hour cost will be calculated by the reviewers. 2. Need (Maximum 20 points) Briefly describe any community needs or gaps that the program/event is intended to address. Please state if the program/event targets a population or age group that is currently underserved in Atlantic Beach. NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: ❑ Is there a demonstrated need for the programlevent? ❑ Is the programlevent duplicative of other programslevents in the area? ❑ Is the programlevent a response to a need articulated from the community? ❑ Does the program/event target a population group that is currently underserved? (e.g. teens, children with special needs, low-income residents. etc.) There is a need in our community to increase opportunities for cultural, arts, and recreation programs or activities for teens. Over the past several years, we've seen a decrease in students coming into high school interested in participating in Band and Color Guard. The goal of this program is to increase the number of students who will become active members of the arts programs in high school. Music programs in schools receive little to no funding in the school budget. In fact, this last year, the band program at Mayport Middle School was at risk of being cancelled because of decreased interest in the class. The Fletcher HS Band Educational Outreach Program invites students of all backgrounds to learn how to use the instruments and equipment involved in band & color guard programs. We know that Fletcher HS Band students benefit from their involvement in many ways. They are a part of a dedicated community that continuously seeks excellence. Many students find that their experience in high school band and color guard not only benefits them during their time in high school but also opens up opportunities to college admissions and scholarships after they graduate. Our goal is to reach as many beaches -area middle school students as possible and to remove the real or perceived barriers to them pursuing music programs in middle school and high school. 3.1 Describe the goals and objectives of the program/event, and benefits to the residents of Atlantic Beach, please make sure goals and objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused and time -bound (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Are the goals and objectives described in the application SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused, and time- bound) o How will the programlevent benefit residents of Atlantic Beach (pertaining to cultural arts and recreation? o Are the goals and objectives artistic, recreational andlor cultural in nature e goal is to increase the number of middle school students who: - Have equitable access to music education programs in middle school and high school. - Are interested and comfortable in becoming involved in band or color guard at the middle school or high school level. - Have age and experience -appropriate proficiency with the instruments & equipment used in middle school and high school band & 3.2 Describe program/event activities (Maximum 40 POINTS) NOTE. Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o How appropriate are these activities are in terms of achieving the stated goals and objectives o Originality and creativity - is the program or event new and unique to the community or provide a new or unique twist on an existing program or event? o Is this a family oriented and wholesome event that City funding should support? _.M_ ___. _.. � �____._�—. --- - _._.. Each mon during the school year, the Fletcher HS Band Director, Coaches, and members of the Pride of the Beaches Marching Senators will conduct 2 after school workshops at each area middle school. During these 1 -hour workshops, the middle schoolers will get small -group Instruction which will allow them to become familiar with the different instruments and equipment involved in high school band & color guard. Students that are interested in one specific instrument will receive specialized instruction for that instrument. 3.3 Describe how the program/event will be advertised too ensure adequate participation (Maximum 5 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan for promotingimarketing the programlevent? o Is this plan likely to be effective and feasible? will promote the Fletcher HS Band Educational Outreach Program by working with the administrators rs at Mayport Middle School ai etcher Middle School to distribute a flyer includingram information to all parents and guardians with students at the school. We I also promote it on our Fletcher High School Band social media pages and groups and in local middle school parent groups. 4 Describe how you will facilitate access to the program or event so that residents of Atlantic Beach who do not live near the program/event location and/or who do not have transportation can still participate. (Maximum 10 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan to ensure that access is not a barrier? o Is this plan effective and feasible? rgiciale cienool Flarticir)ants: I his program takes place immediately after school so students don't have to travel to the program and can make use of the DCPS activity buses for transportation home after the program. High School_ Participants: Transportation from the high school to the middle school sites is included in the program budget. 5 Describe if the program is evidence based (i.e. has a record of achieving expected outcomes) (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is the program or event based on published evidence? o Does the program or event have a demonstrated history of success (in other contexts or similar cities, or in previous years)? now that there are countless studies that describe the benefit of music education in schools. We also know that many children have equitable access to this education privately and that funding for these programs in public schools is limited or non-existent. 6 If there is a fee or cost to participate, describe how you will ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay any registration or other related fees or costs. If there is no fee or cost please state NIA (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is the programlevent free for residents of Atlantic Beacch? o If there is a fee or cost, does the proposal describe steps to ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay fees or costs? There is no fee or cost for middle school or high school students to participate in the Educational Outreach program. The high scho participants must be a part of the Fletcher HS Band program which requires an annual "Fair Share" fee. Band members have many opportunities throughout the year to participate in fundraisers to offset or completely cover the Fair Share fee. 7. Evaluating Success (Maximum 30 POINTS) Briefly describe how you will measure success. This should include how you will assess participant satisfaction, number of participants and (if applicable) changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills or behaviors. Describe data collection methods and who will be surveyed. Please also describe how data will be used to inform program improvement. We will measure success in 2 ways: Participation and Survey. Participation: The goal is to serve at least 15 middle school students participating at each school (Mayport Middle School and Fletcher Middle School) and at least 10 high school students at Fletcher High School. Survey: We will survey the students as they start and complete this program. The survey will consist of 3 statements and ask students to respond on a Likert Scale (Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree). - I am comfortable participating in band programs in middle school and high school. - I'm interested in being a part of the Fletcher HS Band or Color Guard in the future. I feel like I've learned more about the instruments & equipment used in middle school and high school band & color guard. - I would recommend the band or color guard program to a friend. Our goal by the end of the program is for all middle school participants to respond positively to these 4 statements. We will also ask students what instruments and types of music they'd like to continue to pursue and for feedback about the program and will use that information to improve the program in future years. 8. Resourcing (Maximum 16 POINTS) Please describe any plan to leverage additional resources (e.g. other funding, volunteers, in-kind donations) or collaboration with others to offset expenses MOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan to leverage additional resources (other funding, volunteers, and/or in-kind donations)? o Is there collaboration with other organizations that will help to offset resources and expenditures? o Is this a for-profit event? The Ed ucation a1 Outreach program uses some existing instruments, equipment and coaching/clin►cian staff funded by the Duncan U Fletcher Band Boosters Association as well as high school student volunteers. The Band Boosters Association conducts year-round fundraising activities to cover costs related to the Fletcher HS Band including some budget items for coaching/clinicians and maintenance of existing instruments/equipment. Indemnification Contribution Award applicants and recipients agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City from any and all liability, defense costs, including other fees, loss or damage which the City may suffer as a result of claims, demands, costs or judgment against it, arising from all activities engaged in by Recipient in its use of the public funds. Site Visits Applicants must be available for site visits during the application process and successful applicants must be available for site visits during program activities or events Save the ®ate It is recommended that all applicants consider holding time on their calendars for a 10 minute presentation on SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 in the event that they should make the short-list of semi- finalists (applicants may send any member of their staff or team to represent the application at the presentation). All decisions are final. Fletcher High -3223 Detailed Category Summary - All Transactions To Date Report #2 AMERIS BANK 07/01/2018 .... 08/20/2020 School Generated Funds Date ... Ranee Summary for: Band Cat. #: 2.2001.00 Date Transaction Contact Person: Balance Forward: $99.32 Descriotion Dehit nn--dit Tax Pairi Tax RahAF- C'IParPri Raianra 10/31/2018 Check 37147 FLETCHER HIGH BAND BOOSTERS State Competition Inv# 376554 $7,000.00 j i 1-71 ($6,900.68) 10/31/2018 Transfer 265 I Band Competition $2,000.00 I ($4,900.66) 10/31/2018 Transfer 265 LOAN for Band Competition T $5,000.00 , L^_i $9932 12/05/2018 Transfer 267 Mr. Ugly $30.00 I $69,32 12/14/2018 Transfer 269 Snarl $50.00 $119.32 04/29/2019 Check 37938 STUDENT TRANSPORTATION OF AMERICA Band & Chorus Buses Inv# 376376 $2,825.01 ® I ($2,705.69) 06/10/2019 Check 38090 STUDENT TRANSPORTATION OF AMERICA Transportation Inv# $127.50 ® ($2,833.19) 06/18/2019 Deposit 1913 ; Bus Overage $2,833.19 ® $0.00 10/31/2019 Deposit 1993 Band Buses $878.60 ® $878.60 10/31/2019 Transfer 286 Snarl Activities $10.00 IRI $888.60 i 11/04/2019 Check 38523 STUDENT TRANSPORTATION OF AMERICA Fernandina, Orlando, & Fleming island Inv# 984527 $3,217.90 ® ($2,329.30) 11/05/2019 Deposit 1996 Bus Transportation $2,339.30 ® $10.00 12/16/2019 Deposit 2024 Holiday Extravaganza $1,960.00 ® $1,970.00 12/17/2019 Check 38745 STUDENT TRANSPORTATION OF f AMERICA Transportation Inv# 997864 $1,119.90 ® $850.10 04/26/2020 Check 39162 STUDENT TRANSPORTATION OF AMERICA Band Buses Inv# 957260 $1,591.00 ' 1 I ® ($740.90) I 05/01/2020 Deposit 2077 Bus Payment $1,092.49 ` ® $351.59 05!19!2020 Deposit 2079 i Band Buses 1 $500.00 i ® J $851.59 Opening Balance: $99.32 $15,911.31 $16,663.58 $851.59 15,911.31 16,663.58 0.00 $851.59 © 2020 KEV Group Page 1 of 1 8/20/2020 1:13:31PM ii rjj[1111111 The Duncan U Fletcher HS Band Educational Outreach Program is designed to provide Atlantic Beach, Neptune Beach, and Jacksonville Beach middle school students the opportunity to experience music & dance instruction through regular clinics conducted by local musicians, color guard coaches, and Fletcher High School students. The participants in this program are 60-75 students at Mayport Middle School, Fletcher Middle School, and Fletcher High School. Approximately half of the students involved are Atlantic Beach residents. Middle School Participants: This program is open to any student at these middle schools that wishes to participate regardless of income, gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation. The program would serve 15-30 students at Mayport Middle School and 15-30 students at Fletcher Middle School. Hicah School Participants: This program is open to any member of the Fletcher HS Band program that wishes to participate regardless of income, gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation. The program would include 10-15 students from Fletcher High School. Additional Activities: The Educational Outreach program also includes annual performances at elementary schools including the 540 students at San Pablo Elementary. We have a goal to expand this program into other beaches -area elementary schools including Mayport Elementary, Atlantic Beach Elementary, and possibly Finnegan Elementary. The program equipment requested in this application would be used to expose the elementary students to higher level music programs as well. Duncan U. Fletcher HS Band Educational Outreach Program City of Atlantic Beach Contribution Awards: Cultural Arts & Recreation Programs FY 2020-2021 There is a need in our community to increase opportunities for cultural, arts, and recreation programs or activities for teens. Over the past several years, we've seen a decrease in students coming into high school interested in participating in Band and Color Guard programs. The goal of this program is to increase the number of students who will become active members of the arts programs in high school. Music programs in schools receive little to no funding in the school budget. In fact, this last year, the band program at Mayport Middle School was at risk of being cancelled because of decreased interest in the class. The Fletcher HS Band Educational Outreach Program invites students of all backgrounds to learn how to use the instruments and equipment involved in band & color guard programs. We know that Fletcher HS Band students benefit from their involvement in many ways. They are a part of a dedicated community that continuously seeks excellence. Many students find that their experience in high school band and color guard not only benefits them during their time in high school but also opens up opportunities to college admissions and scholarships after they graduate. Our goal is to reach as many beach -area middle school students as possible and to remove the real or perceived barriers to them pursuing music programs in middle school and high school. The goal is to increase the number of middle school students who: * Have equitable access to music education programs in middle school and high school. * Are interested and comfortable in becoming involved in band or color guard at the middle school or high school level. ® Have age and experience -appropriate proficiency with the instruments & equipment used in middle school and high school band & color guard. Each month during the school year, the Fletcher HS Band Director, Coaches, and members of the Pride of the Beaches Marching Senators will conduct 2 after school workshops at each area middle school. During these 1 -hour workshops, the middle schoolers will get small -group instruction which will allow them to become familiar with the different instruments and equipment involved in high school band & color guard. Students that are interested in one specific instrument will receive specialized instruction for that instrument. We will promote the Fletcher HS Band Educational Outreach Program by working with the administrators at Mayport Middle School and Fletcher Middle School to distribute information to all parents and guardians with students at the school. We will also promote it on our Fletcher High School Band social media pages and groups and in local middle school parent groups. Middle School Participants: This program takes place immediately after school so students don't have to travel to the program and can make use of the DCPS activity busses for transportation home after the program. High School Participants: Transportation from the high school to the middle school sites is included in the program budget. We know that there are countless studies that describe the benefit of music education in schools. We also know that many children don't have equitable access to this education privately and that funding for these programs in public schools is limited or non-existent. Here are some excerpts from an overview of the many educational, cognitive, and social benefits of music education: a Children who study a musical instrument are more likely to excel in all of their studies, work better in teams, have enhanced critical thinking skills, stay in school, and pursue further education (Arte Music Academy. "Statistical benefits of music in education." Statistical -Benefits -Of -Music -In -Education. Accessed July 17, 2014. 0 Four of the top five benefits teachers see in the potential of music education to help students express themselves (cited by 92 percent of teachers), become more confident (90 percent), and develop better practice habits (89 percent) and more self-discipline (88 percent) (NAMM Foundation and Grunwald Associates LLC, 2015. Striking a Chord: The Public's Hopes and Beliefs for K-12 Music Education in the United States: 2015). Students in high-quality school music education programs score higher on standardized tests compared to students in schools with deficient music education programs, regardless of the socioeconomic level of community (Nature Neuroscience, April 2007). httDS:://www.nammfoundation.oro/articles/2014-06-09/how-children-benefit-music-Educat ion, schools# —:text=) %20non,,roft%a20oroanization ). Social %20Benefits%2FFacts%3A. further%o20edu_cation%20(Arte%2®Musi_c%20Academ f, A There is no fee or cost for middle school or high school students to participate in the Educational Outreach program. The high school participants must be a part of the Fletcher HS Band program which requires an annual "Fair Share" fee. Band members have many opportunities throughout the year to participate in fundraisers to offset or completely cover the Fair Share fee. We will measure success in 2 ways: Participation and Survey. Participation: The goal is to serve at least 15 middle school students participating at each school (Mayport Middle School and Fletcher Middle School) and at least 10 high school students at Fletcher High School. Survey: We will survey the students as they start and complete this program. The survey will consist of 3 statements and ask students to respond on a Likert Scale (Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree). I am comfortable participating in band programs in middle school and high school. ® I'm interested in being a part of the Fletcher HS Band or Color Guard in the future. I feel like I've learned more about the instruments & equipment used in middle school and high school band & color guard. 1 would recommend the band or color guard program to a friend. Our goal by the end of the program is for all middle school participants to respond positively to these 4 statements. We will also ask students what instruments and types of music they'd like to continue to pursue and use that information to improve the program in future years. The Educational Outreach program uses some existing instruments, equipment and coaching/clinician staff funded by the Duncan U Fletcher Band Boosters Association as well as high school student volunteers. The Band Boosters Association conducts year-round fundraising activities to cover costs related to the Fletcher HS Band including some budget items for coaching/clinicians and maintenance of existing instruments/equipment. There are no funds included in the 2020-2021 Fletcher High School budget for the band program. In the band program budget provided, you'll see that expenses for the regular band program are reimbursed by the band boosters. The instruments included in the program budget are intended to provide access to instruments that are commonly used in the high school band program. Having access to a tuba, baritone, clarinet, and glockenspiel will allow the middle school students to gain experience with instruments that aren't commonly available in lower level school music programs. The color guard equipment in the program budget will be used to allow middle school students to become familiar with skills involved in tossing flags, rifles, and sabres. This type of equipment is typically not available in lower level school music programs. Transportation costs are for the high school students to be able to transport the instruments and equipment to the middle schools. * Music Library costs will cover copyrights and access to the music needed for the program. Instrument cleaning costs will cover the supplies needed to clean the instruments to keep students safe and healthy. Fletcher High School Band Educational Outreach Program Budget For School Year 2020-2021 Description Expenses Clinicians Equipment - Practice Color Guard Equipment Instrument - Yamaha Concert BB Flat Tuba Instrument - King Baritone Instrument - Contrabass Clarinet Instrument - Adams Traveling Glockenspiel Equipment - Consumable Instrument Accessories (mallets, reeds, etc) Instrument Cleaning Music Library Transportation for High School Students Marketing Costs - Flyer Design Budget Amt $0.00 Funded by Band Boosters I $1,000.00 $8,795.00 $2,700.00 $2,000.00 $4,135.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $3,000.00 $1,000.00 $100.00 Proposed Budget Totals $24,230.00 d Funding amount requested: $jA= Dates of event/program start -end July 26 -Aug A. Fair and justifiable program costs (Program/Event Budget required) Yes/No B. Serves Atlantic Beach residents Yes/No C. Program/event pertains to cultural, arts, recreation Yes/No D. Program/event activities completed by September 30, 2021 Yes/No E. Program/event is non-discriminatory Yes/No F. Is the event free from inherently religious activities? Yes/No NOTE: If the Yes/No conditions are not met, the application is not eligible for funding, and will not be processed for review. NOTE: Questions reviewers will consider are listed in italics as a helpful guide for applicants 1. Participants (Maximum 35 points) J Location(s) where program/event will take place Maypori Coastal Sciences Middle School Total estimated number of participants 200 Number and percent of participants who are Atlantic Beach residents #_150—% 75 Total number of hours each participant will be directly engaged in program/event 40 Frequency and duration of program/event (e.g. 1 time event for 2 hours, or 1 x/month for 1 hour)_5 days (oi5hours Is the event open to all residents of Atlantic Beach who may want to participate? Yes Is the event to occur in Atlantic Beach or to serve primarily AtlanticBeach? Yes NOTE: An important criteria for funding is to ensure that an adequate number of Atlantic Beach residents will benefit from the program/event relative to the amount of funding requested. To address this criteria, a per -Person -per -hour cost will be calculated by the reviewers. 2. Need (Maximum 20 points) Briefly describe any community needs or gaps that the program/event is intended to address. Please state if the program/event targets a population or age group that is currently underserved in Atlantic Beach. NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: Is there a demonstrated need for the program/event? Is the program/event duplicative of other programs/events in the area? Is the program/event a response to a need articulated from the community? J Does the program/event target a population group that is currently underserved? (e.g. teens, children with special needs, low-income residents, etc.) As the only public middle school in Atlantic Beach, we have the privilege and honor of providing a top- notch school for our Atlantic Beach residents. The strength of our school is a reflection of the strength of our community. Academic data demonstrates the need for enrichment programs as identified in our School Improvement Plan. 3.1 Describe the goals and objectives of the program/event, and benefits to the residents of Atlantic Beach, please make sure goals and objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused and time -bound (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Are the goals and objectives described in the application SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused, and time- bound) o How will the program/event benefit residents of Atlantic Beach (pertaining to cultural arts and recreation? o Are the goals and objectives artistic, recreational and/or cultural in nature Sharkbites is an established program that supports the Atlantic Beach community and fosters growth within our neighborhood school. This program helps provide supervision, recreational and academic enrichment during the summer. During Sharkbites, students can attend cultural events such as Timucuan Preserves and Dutton Island. Sharkbites is a yearlong academic and recreational enrichment which provides a well-rounded and comprehensive learning experience for Atlantic Beach students and residents. During the school year, students will have the opportunity to be exposed to live theater, after reading the text of the same play. This will allow students to make connections between what they have read what they see live. 3.2 Describe program/event activities (Maximum 40 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o How appropriate are these activities are in terms of achieving thestated goals and objectives o Originality and creativity — is the program or event new and unique to the community or provide a new or unique twist on an existing program or event? o Is this a family oriented and wholesome event that City fundingshould support? The program provides an opportunity for incoming 6th graders to become acclimated with their new campus and instructors prior to the first day of school; thus, making it an easier transition into middle school for students and giving parents the assurance they need as they send their former elementary students into middle school. 3.3 Describe how the program/event will be advertised too ensure adequate participation (Maximum 5 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan for promoting/marketing the program/event? o Is this plan likely to be effective and feasible? A flyer is created and distributed to all Atlantic Beach Elementary Schools, announcement posted to social media; as well as, mailed with incoming 61" grade student information packet. At the end of the school year, the director of the program visits with the incoming6 graders to share information about the program. 4 Describe how you will facilitate access to the program or event so that residents of Atlantic Beach who do not live near the program/event location and/or who do not have transportation can still participate. (Maximum 10 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan to ensure that access is not a barrier? o Is this plan effective and feasible? Work with local afferschool/community centers to arrange transportation to the program. 5 Describe if the program is evidence ,based (i.e. has a record of achieving expected outcomes) (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is the program or event based on published evidence? o Does the program or event have a demonstrated history of success (in other contexts or similar cities, or in previous years)? Both Sharkbites camp and ongoing enrichment have been hugely successful in strengthening our school community. We follow research -based best practices to achieve the intended outcome. 6 if there is a fee or cost to participate, describe how you will ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay any registration or other related fees or costs. If there is no fee or cost please state N/A (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE.- Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is the program/event free for residents of Atlantic Beacch? o If there is a fee or cost, does the proposal describe steps to ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to theirinability to pay fees or costs? There is no fee to students or families. 7. Evaluating Success (Maximum 30 POINTS) Briefly describe how you will measure success. This should include how you will assess participant satisfaction, number of participants and (if applicable) changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills or behaviors. Describe data collection methods and who will be surveyed. Please also describe how data will be used to inform program improvement. NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there an adequate evaluation plan for measuring participation, participant satisfaction and (if applicable) changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills or behaviors o Will data provide actionable information for future planning? o Will results be useful for dissemination to the community? o Does evaluation include feedback from participants/audience as well as planners/ organizers and volunteers? The impact is far reaching. Sharkbites -parent appreciation letters (sent by parents directly to principal, camp director and CD,4B) state school grades -provided to the public, discipline, attendance, grades, and extracurricular are improved. 0. Resourcing (Maximum 15 POINTS) Please describe any plan to leverage additional resources (e.g. other funding, volunteers, in-kind donations) or collaboration with others to offset expenses NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan to leverage additional resources (other funding, volunteers, and/or in-kind donations)? o Is there collaboration with other organizations that will help to offset resources and expenditures? o Is this a for-profit event? Military Life Support provides counseling during Shark Bites and Beaches Resource Center provides assistance for Shark Bites as funds are available and application is approved. MIME SCH00t Building a Culture where Academic Achievement is Celebrated! 2600 Mayport Road Atlantic ch, Florida Latrise Smith, Camp Director August 21, 2020 Timmy Johnson, Director Parks and Recreation City of Atlantic Beach 716 Ocean Boulevard Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Transition camp and enrichment descriptions and invoice for the upcoming 2021 school year. Our summer transition camps and year-long enrichment programs focus on preparing students for the social and academic challenges they will encounter at the next grade level, Transition Summer Camps & Continuing Enrichment Activities ® Summer Camp provides the rising 6" graders with preparation for their first year of middle school ® Curriculum planners and supplies ® Character Ed Curriculum ® Enrichment activities and incentives will provide students with continuing support throughout the year ® Instructors preparation and salaries ® Parents Seminar: lessens the anxiety for the entire household when the morning of school day one arrives ® catered breakfast ® Information on transitional challenges, school wide policies and procedures, and community resources provided to them in order to engage in discussion about the different challenges ® Student presentations of camp activities Pre -Advanced Placement Summer Camp, AVID & Continuing Agriscience Enrichment Activities ® Students spend four days in rigorous activities which prepares the students for the Pre -Advanced Placement courses during the school year ® Enrichment activities and incentives will provide students with continuing support throughout the year ® High School Transitional activities ® Parent Seminars — inform parents of the Pre -AP and AVID expectations Thank you for supporting your community Middle School's Programs Chris Koek, Principal Brooke Hitzeman, Assistant Principal, Transition Summer Camp Administrator Christy Carson, Assistant Principal, Accelerated Placement Summer Camp Administrator Latrise Smith, Camp Director Michelle Oglesby, Bookkeeper (904) 247-5977 x1094 tuna: 10000 - Cameral FundsCtr: 3254-Heyporttmaddle Drill FuncVFurdsCtr BUDGETED COIZUT ITE14S EN CES CI PR Expense 2,444,125.40 0.00 0.00 CI PR 10000 -General 2,444,125.40 0.00 0.00 GI PR 3254-Mavport Middle 2,444,125.40 0.00 0.00 CI PA Revenue 0.00 0.00 0.00 CI PR 10000 -General 0.00 0.00 CI RR 3254-Mayport Middle OAC ' 0.00 0.00 CI PR Total 2,444,125.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 EXPENDITURES UNEXPENDED 123,233.33 2,320,892.07 123,233.33 2,320,892.07 123,233.33 2,320,892.07 3,000.00- 3,000.00 3,000.00- 3,000.00 3,000.00- 3,000.00 120,233.33 2,323,892.07 APPLIICAInCIN CORM WITH SCORING AND' REVIEW CRITERIA AND GUIDANdC Funding amount requested: $ i CJ, 500 Dates of eventlprogram eta rt -and p G12 i Yes/No Conditions A. Fair and JustMable program coal (Program/Event Budget required)a No B. Serves Atlantic Beach residents a No C. Programlevent pertains to cultural, arts, recreation o D. Programlevent activities completed by September 30, 202'1 a No E. Programievent In non-discriminatory a Na F. Is the event free from inherently religious activities? a No NOTE: If the YeslNo conditions are not met, the application is not eligible for funding, and will not be processed for review. NOTE: Questions reviewers will consider are lister! In italics as a helpful guide for applicants I. Participants (Maximum 35 points) AT' ANTIC REACH E LFME NTA4q L1 Locatlon(s) where programievent will take place 11 Total estimated number of participants , 1.1 Number and percent, of participants who are Atlantic Beach residents #—% 11 Total number of hours each participant will be directly engaged in programtevent 1. iO&V pts WeeV— �Oir � We` ' ❑ Frequency and duration of programleve t e.g. 1 time event for 2 hours, or 1 xlmonth for 1 111? t .2o?J 5001 t0 F1 Is the event open to ail residents of Atlantic Beach who may want to participate? I Is F] is the event to occur in Atlantic Beach or to serve primarily Atlantic Beach? &tive, NOTE. An important criteria for funding is to ensure that an adequate number of Atlantic Beach residents will benefit from the programlevent relative to the amount of funding requested. To address this criteria, a per -person -per -hour cost will be calculated by the reviewers. 2. Need (Maximum 20 points) Briefly describe any community needs or gaps that the programlevent is intended to address. Please state if the programtevent targets a population or age group that is currently underserved in Atlantic Beach. IVOTE. Reviewers will consider the thilowing questions when assigning points. ❑ is there a demonstrated need for the prograrWavent? o Is the programlevent duplicadva of otherp"rsms/events in the area? 0 is the programlevent a response to a need articulated from the community? LJ Does the program/event target a population group that is currently underserved? (e.g. teens, children with special needs, low-income residents, etc.) S CC/ 00% w e* On _Fgid S i -ett 3.1 Describe the goals and objectives of the program/event, and benefits to the residents of Atlantic Beach, please make sure goals and objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused and time -bound (Maximum 15POINTS) NOTE. Reviewers will consider the fallowing questions when assigning points. o Are the goals and objectives described in the application SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused, and time- bound) o How will the program/event benefit residents of Atlantic Beach (pertaining to cultural arts and recreation? o Are the goals and objectives artistic, recreational and/or cultural in nature 3.2 Describe program/event activities (Maximum 40 POINTS) NOTE Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points. o How appropriate are these activities are in terms of achieving the stated goals and objectives o Originality and creativity -- is the program or event new and unique to the community or provide a new or unique twist on an existing program or event? o Is this a family oriented and wholesome event that City funding should support? Vii_` G'(I',�> j` ®�� ' �, �! �� 3.3 Describe how the program/event will be advertised too ensure adequate participation (Maximum 5 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: ® Is there a plan for promoting/marketing the program/event? o Is this plan likely to be effective and feasibl ? C; f l i oil) 4 Describe how you will facilitate access to the program or event so that residents of Atlantic Beach who do not live near the program/event location and/or who do not have transportation can still participate. (Maximum 10 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan to ensure that access is not a barrier? o Is this plan effective and feasible? 5 Describe if the program is evidence based (i.e. has a record of achieving expected outcomes) (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is the program or event based on published evidence? o Does the program or event have a demonstrated history of success (in other contexts or similar cities, or in previous y ar j? 6 If there is a fee or cost to participate, describe how you will ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay any registration or other related fees or costs. if there is no fee or cost please state N/A (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE. Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o /s the program/event free for residents of Atlantic Beacch? o if there is a fee or cost, does the proposal describe steps to ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay fees or costs? T. Evaluating Success (Maximum 30 POINTS) Wm rB r i- • r_ , rF 1. �. •- • r. r. • .r- r .rr, -- NOTE. Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there an adequate evaluation plan for measuring participation, particlpant satisfaction and (if applicable) changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills or behaviors ® Will data provide actionable information for future planning? o Will results be useful for dissemination to the community? o Does evaluation include feedback from participants/audience as well as plannersl organizers and volunteers? funding,Resourcing (Maximum 15 POINTS) Please describe any plan to leverage additional resources (e.g. other in-kind donations) or collaboration with others r offset expenses NOTE. Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan to leverage additional resources (other funding, volunteers, and/or in-kind donations)? o Is there collaboration with other organizations that will help to offset resources and expenditures? o Is this a for-profit event? 2.. (deed Statement Students enrolled at ABE who qualify for free and reduced lunch are entitled to financial scholarships offered by the program. These scholarships do not go unused. The donations given to us by the City of Atlantic Beach have provided us the privilege of not turning any students away who need this assistance. We have also been able to offer our classes at a lower rate than other schools in the district largely in pari to the contributions made to us by the city of Atlantic Beach, creating a safe and scholarly after-school environment for all who attend. Many of our program instructors are teachers at Atlantic Beach that will take a skill or hobby they have developed and share it with the students through our After School Enrichment (ASE) program. We love having our teachers involved it the program, and the kids enjoy interacting with them outside of the classroom. Teacher/student relationships are formed based not only on knowledge but on common interests as well. To ensure participation, we supplement what the district would pay them hourly with your contribution as a kind gesture. Our other instructors have been pre -approved by Duval County Schools and their classes are offered in several elementary and middle schools in the district. These instructors bring classes that are in high demand with our parents and they provide opportunities our students do not receive from their everyday teachings. The Cultural Arts program within ASE addresses the needs of all students at Atlantic Beach Elementary, especially the lower income children who otherwise would not be exposed to educational demonstrations and musical / dance performances influenced by cultures from various regions throughout the world. 3. Description of Program/Event 3. 1.) The ASE program offers students and residents of Atlantic Beach an integral platform to explore and further develop interest in a variety of recreational and educational activities, highlighted by the cultural arts. ASE offers working parents and caregivers of lower income households an affordable way to not only meet their employers' expectations, but also provide their children crucial exposure to arts and sciences that otherwise could not be found at a reasonable price. 3.2) Our program runs three, six-week sessions per year and includes an additional week for any missed or unavoidable cancellations. The typical class begins at 3pm and runs until 4pm, but we do have some that may run a little longer. The majority of our classes are taught by teachers, ABE parents, or business vendors ... all local to our area. We also have some students from Fletcher High School who have taught a few classes as well. Our course offerings vary by session, but some that you will find include: Chess, theater, dance, football, basketball, running, leadership, string instruments, ballet, Our Cultural Arts program has grown to include a weeks worth of festivities and cultural knowledge. The adventure begins in October1 lasts through During Cultural Arts week, which takes place in May, there will be exhibits excitement for ! 1 musical • artistic performances E , storytellers, native foods, crafts and other activities that are indicative of the region. In the past we visited Asia,• the Caribbean. is going to be focused on Egypt. In the months leading up to Cultural Arts week, students will study monthly topicsi geography, sports, the educational_ etc. These presented through the morning announcements, resource classes and a dedicated section R Egypt in the library. 3.3) Our courses are highly anticipated, and students eagerly await the announcement of our first, fall session. We advertise through a brochure that is distributed to every student. Brochures are at the front office to allow all who enter a chance to quickly pick one up. Some brochures are set up at the Adele Grage Community Center in hopes of attracting AB residents whose children - • attend ABE.An announcement.1' every Ute, on our ♦ ni` news that is broadcasted in every classroom by our ABE Video News Crew. We also send out a blast of our monthly newsletter via email to all ABE parents. Lastly, we promote the program on the school marquee. Accessibility Typically,!- who sign up for the program ar_ staying an _ iafter school. Classesbegin right begin at 4pm. If this li-- happen, responsibility of parent or resourcescaregiver to bring the student back to school. Unfortunately, we do not have the i provide transportation to and from our classes. 5.) Evidence Based Yes, this program is very successful. It is highly anticipated every year and students enjoy the many choices that are offered to them. Our classes fill up on a consistent basis as evidenced by only three classes cancelled in the last 5 years for lack of sign-up interest out of a total of 100+ classes that were scheduled during that time period. We offer 3 days of registration and parents begin to line up 3 hours beforehand to make sure that their child gets into their desired class. A.) Our Cultural Arts festival is also a highly successful, yearly event attended by all enrolled students at ABE. This year, we have 512 total students with 136 enrolled in Duval HomeRocm. Students, teachers, and parent volunteers enjoy the creative and fun learning experience that this program provides. B.) There are other programs offered outside of ASE that are also successful, such as musicals, Run Club, and Green Team. All of these are successful in their own way, but none on the scale of ASE. 6.) Affordability Our classes run anywhere from $45 ® $85 per six week session. For our families in need of the scholarship, we provide a section on our brochure for them to fill out. Some of these classes cost a bit more than others to account for any necessary supplies. Also, many third party vendors offer below market pricing to make the program viable. The funds that we have received in the past from the City of Atlantic Beach have allowed us to keep our prices lower than other programs through Duval County. We have not come across an instance where we had to deny participation to a student who is financially unable to pay for our classes as we have been able to offer 30 financial scholarships a year. Moving forward, we hope to be able to continue to offer these scholarships as well as the same great classes taught by our teachers and parents all at a low rate. The activities and events hosted during our Cultural Arts festival are free to all ABE students and their families. In the past, this program has cost anywhere from $2500 to $4000 depending on the cost of performances as well as any donations that are made directly to the program such as food and crafts. We try to limit our budget to $3500 and do our best to get donations of goods and time whenever possible. 7.) Evaluating Success To measure success, we will focus on feedback from the respondents most closely tied to the program's success, the students and the parents/caregivers of those students. We also ask for feedback from our teachers and instructors. We collect suggestions and ideas for improvements they may have, as well as an opportunity to provide verbatim feedback of the role ASE plays in their child's development and testaments to the role ASE plays in making sense of the juggling act so many parents/caregivers play between work and parenting. These will be reviewed by the Community Education Director, Community Education Assistant, and Principal and will be considered for the following term. To follow suit, our Cultural Arts chair is available and respondent to any suggestions or improvements, as well as measurable responses related to the effectiveness of the program. These will be analyzed and addressed for the following year. 8.) Resourcing We rely on the tuition for courses we offer and your contribution to offset expenditures. We do occasionally have Fletcher High School students looking to fulfill some of their community service hours by volunteering to teach classes offered by our program. We will continue to utilize the Interact program at Fletcher High School to help enlist more students. Their youthful insight provides a fresh outlook providing new and innovative ideas. We will also look for donations of supplies from parents for some of our classes and continue to request discounted rates from our business vendors. The Atlantic Beach Elementary PTA, and parent volunteers assist with the Cultural Arts festival. Our business partners are contacted for any in-kind donations, and we do our best try to find performers that will offer discounted rates. All of these things will remain in place for this year. AMERIS BMK Schcol Generated Funds � S willilary tor. COMED DISTRICT TR -(Fund 100 Cat. 0, 8.614un mgffTlwr =%I SY44 Date.Transaclion Des n .. 07106/2020 rect Deposit 9 TRUST FO SE SUPPUEs Debit Credit Tax Paid 56,138.37 Tax Rebate Cleared Balance -$6139.37 $6,138.37 I I . I 1 111111 11 ; i I! III IF IF S4imm8fY for,Cuftm Arts Trust cat 0: 6-61SSR--- =1 OPOning Balance: K477.91 OAG 0,138.37 0.00 10 2020 KEV Group Page 9 of 1 SM11112M0 9:48:47AM 10006 - clo—mnitpEducoti - n F12ndsci r-: 3065'- ZLt:LaLatic Bgarh Expanse mm 120 --Class ot:�e7 Purctasa(i 3_ -Fees 758 -Temporary Personne Totaa 32,653 42 1 0.00 321,653:42 0.00 0.00 11 71711.14, 26,515.05 108.00 0. 0 324.00 6,138 3726,515 05 A 7,4 00, 174. O(J' I 30, 693 . e,� 1D9 99 4 9. 5 120. GO 32,653.42 0 Do o 0.00, 0.01 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 1 6,138.37 26,515.05 0.00 6,138 3726,515 05 0.00 0.00 I fim-, 0.00 0 0.00 0 17 41 00 2A ct# S3 49 " 3.48 9..09;. 000 ti.10 30 5k 0,00 S� Lyyj s, 0.30 0.00 ac, 0-00 120.0.0 m -V 4..a- 0.00 I6,138.37 26, 515.05 L! on the following dates: Saturday, March 21st 9:00am-12:00prn Classes are 6 weeks long and will run from March 30,h_MaV Stn Make up classes will be held the week of may 11th Michelle Fronek michellefronek@gmaii.com 904.608.7154 YOU WILL BE ALLOWED TO I REGISTER I PERSON, BESIDES THOSE IN YOUR L ImmEDIATE FAMILY. Student Parent/Guardian Address Cell Phone Teacher/Grade Emergency Contact & Phone # Information we need to know about your child (allergies, custody issues, etc.) Class Name Cost Make checks payable to: Atlantic Beach Elementary Check here for financial scholarship Getting ome ±L_ —1 will pick up my child at car -riders circle (front parking area) —My child will walk home (will exit at car riders) —My child will go to extended day For the safety of our students new dismissal policies are in place. Please choose from one of the above. After School M Enrichment Thank you to the City of Atlantic Beach for supporting our Cultural Arts Program Grades 3-5 3:00-4:00 Basketball Fun! Teaching children the fundamentals of the game. Working on developing the basic skill of dribbling, passing, and shooting. Taught by Coach Carper! i 45 Spanish Grades 3-5 3:00-4:00 Come and learn Spanish with Senora Linda through songs, games, cultural activities and conversation Senora Linda has over 20 years of Spanish Instruction, she earned a BA in Spanish, and has experience teaching students in Preschool- High School levels. $45 French Grades K-2 3:00-3:45 Come and learn French with ABE parent Mrs. Sara Kunz. She will teach French vocabulary with games, rhymes, songs and poetry. 45 Bricks 4 Kidz Grades K-3 3:00-4:00 The Bricks 4 Kidz workshop uses the Lego bricks that kids love, to deliver hands-on lessons that correlate to cross -disciplinary curriculum objectives. The Bricks 4 Kidz approach to learning is imaginative, multi -sensory and above all fun! This program is guaranteed to create a dynamic learning experience for your student. 55 Tuesdav Fitness Plavtime with Stretch—n-Grow Grades VPK-2 3:00-3:45 Classes are designed to use a variety of equipment, songs and games. Routines are set to songs and themes. Have fun while learning to love exercise! Taught be ABE parent, Mary Schrock. Cannot accept late registrations for this class. $55 S anish Grades 1-2 3:00-4:00 Come and learn Spanish with Senora Linda through songs, games, cultural activities and conversationi Senora Linda has over 20 years of Spanish Instruction, she earned a BA in Spanish, and has experience teaching students in Preschool- High School levels. $45 Spring Musical Grades 2-5 3:00-4:30 "Summer Camp: a musical caper about finding a place to belong" Boys and girls are needed to play many parts in this delightful musical. Students will perform for the school at the end of the session. Please bring a snack and water. Directed by professional actress Alexia Adcock -Stanford. 45 Thursda The Knight School — Chess Grades K-5 3:00-4:15 The Knight School is a unique, revolutionary, high-energy chess class. Replete with fast, clock -slapping chess games, a dizzying array of super -fun chess activities, driving music, and hilarious instruction. Comejoin the funl! Cannot accept late registrations for this class. $65 Engineering Grades K-2 3:00-4:10 Children will learn about Aerospace, Chemical, Marine and Civil Engineering. They will also be introduced to robotics and electronics. 85 � Grades 4-5 3:00-4:00 Come and enjoy some delicious treats! Students will learn basic cooking skills and techniques to use in the kitchen, while they prepare and feast on their creations. $55 Grades 1-5 3:00-4:00 Was your child in Spanish last session with Senora Linda? If so, this is the next level for your childl She will continue to build on the material they learned last session, growing their knowledge of the language. $45 Engineering Grades 3-5 3:00-4:10 3rd -5th graders will be tackling Aerospace, Chemical, Marine and Civil Engineering, and will also get a chance to work with Droids, electronics and 3D printing and design. $85 Tastu Te Ryu Karate-Jutsu 13e inners class Grades 3-5 3:00-4:00 Did you know that Martial Arts is 10 times better than team sports in developing a child's self-esteem and confidence? This program will help your child increase their confidence, self- esteem and discipline all while teaching them skills that will last them a lifetime. Price includes uniform. $65 If you took the class last session and are taking this session price is $50 Please D® NOT send registration in with your child or hand over to their teacher. Class sizes are limited and spots will not be held. Thank you! Funding amount requested: $_3_-000__ Dates of eve ntlprogram start -end 1=0 6120 YeslNo Conditions A. Fair and justifiable program costs (Program/Event Budget required) No B. Serves Atlantic Beach residents iNo C. Programlevent pertains to cultured, arts, recreation Ce NO D. programlevent activities completed by September 30, 9021 4OWN0 E. programlevent Is non-discriminatory (aft R Is the event free from Inherently religious activities? MNo NOTE: If the Yes/No conditions are not met, the application Is not eligible for funding, and will not be processed For review. NOTE: Questions reviewers will consider are listed in Italics as a helpful guide for applicants 4. Participants (Maximum 36 pointe) Location (s) where programlevent will take place Tentative Ade! Grage, Donner, Jordon radlilles Total estimated number of participants 3e n Number and percent of participants who are Atlantic Beach residents # 100 i Total number of hours each participant will be directly engaged in programlevent 311h, Frequency and duration of programlevent (e.g. 1 time event for 2 hours, or 1 xlmonth for 1 hour) 1hr phvk for 0 months L Is the event open to all residents of Atlantic Beech who may want to participate? Yea Li Is the event to occur in Atlantic Beach or to serve primarily Atlantic Beach? Yes NOTE. An important criteria for funding is to erasure that an adequate number of Atlantic Beach residents will benefit from the programlevent relative to the arnount of funding requested. To address this criteria, a per -person -per -hour cost will be calculated by the reviewers. 2, Need (Maximum 20 points) Briefly describe any community needs or gaps that the programlevent is intended to address. Please state If the programlevent targets a population or age group that is currently underserved in Atlantic Beach. NOTE. Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: I. i Is there a demonstrated need for the programlevent? C Is the programlevent duplicative of other programslevents in the area? n Is the programlevent a response to a treed articulated from the community? Owes the program/event targol a population group that is currently underserved? (e.g. teens, children will) special needs, low-income residents, o1c.) 1. STEAM Program provides participants with access to advanced Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM). This is needed because many of the youth we serve do not have access to advanced STEAM programs. YT-Faate, our organize ons the only program who otters a vance programs or an Ic eac esi ens. ere as no been idents that this Is neeoea as It nelps ineir cnildren advance educationally. is open to all recidentc reaardl cs of ethnicity or socioeconomic statusIodties, and youth with learning challenges are not being served by any other advanced STEAM program. 3. Description of program/event 3.1 Describe the goads and objectives of the program/event, and benefits to the residents of Atlantic Beach, please make sure goals and objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused and time -bound (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Are the goals and objectives described in the application SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused, and time- bound) o How will the programlevent benefit residents of Atlantic Beach (pertaining to cultural arts and recreation? o Are the goals and objectives artistic, recreational andlor cultural in nature 1. The goat of the program is to measure each participants level of mastery in their chosen STEAM elective. Each student is evaluated periodically over a six month period using our Mastery Rubric. Our Mastery Ru6nc measures Perseverance/ Completeness, Skill & Consistenc ent, and 4 SupedeLbaloo the highest scare attainable 2. The benefit that the residents will receive is an increase in educational and employment opportunities which directly impacts the COAB community min Increaseusp 3. The specific elective objectives offered by our STEAM program encompasses artistic, recreational, and cultural components. 3.2 Describe program/event activities (Maximum 40 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o How appropriate are these activities are in terms of achieving the stated goals and objectives o Originality and creativity — is the program or event new and unique to the community or provide a new or unique twist on an existing program or event? o Is this a family oriented and wholesome event that City funding should support? The proposed program activities will include robotics enoineerini� classes electronics engineering classes UGV1 UAV training classes, professional urban dance classes, and Work -ready job training, and we reserve the right to add, change or modify our program offerings to any program re a e o 3.3 Describe how the program/event will be advertised too ensure adequate participation (Maximum 5 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider, the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan for promoting/marketing the program/event? o Is this plan likely to be effective and feasible? Our who have joined our mailing list. We wt ma e t vers an n ace 4 Describe how you will facilitate access to the program or event so that residents of Atlantic Beach who do not live near the program/event location and/or who do not have transportation can still participate. (Maximum 10 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan to ensure that access is not a barrier? o Is this plan effective and feasible? To be honest, this a _stion is unfair hecaua . we cannot control u�eth r a reGidPnt v^II h^vP arrPec to ^ for^tjon In tha 2 st .. tried to hold events near target locations, but the Parks and Rec Dept denied our request to use certain facilities. So in short, If we are denied access to facilities where ntinue to do is try to place _ % s,a r r m +tier. • C �- u ted. y vvavad lra I honesty, access to our program has.never been an issue. 5 Describe if the program is evidence based (i.e. has a record of achieving expected outcomes) (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is the program or event based on published evidence? o Does the program or event have a demonstrated history of success (in other contexts or similar cities, or in previous years)? Our program is based upon evidence provided by Pew Research Center: What Unites and Divides Urban, Suburban and Rural Commun les, — a er, Juliana MenasceHorowitz, narown, rc ar ry, era o n an u g erni , ay Our program has documented success localiv and similar nro.1rams have similar success in other cities and countries Citation: Solanki S. McPartlan P, Xu D, Sato 13K (2019) Success with EASE: Who benefits from a STEM learning community? PLoS ONE 14(3): e0213827.^ haps:lldoi.org/tai flijrnzrrTaf.T - 6 If there is a fee or cost to participate, describe how you will ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay any registration or other related fees or costs. If there is no fee or cost please state N/A (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is the program/event free for residents of Atlantic Beach? o If there is a fee or cost, does the proposal describe steps to ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay fees or costs? At the moment, we do not charge a fee for access to our program. This could change if our target numbers increase or if we have an increase rental expt_ ... --- However, if there is a fee, we do have a economic hardship form that parents can -fill and fees will be waived, Economic hardship waivers are handed [�t�r"rtrrrt atPo71�-��- _. __ - -. i. Evaluating Success (Maximum 30 PINTS) Briefly describe how you will measure success. This should include how you will assess participant satisfaction, number of participants and (if applicable) changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills or behaviors. Describe data collection methods and who will be surveyed. Please also describe how data will be used to inform program improvement. (VOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there an adequate evaluation plan for measuring participation, participant satisfaction and (if applicable) changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills orbehaviors o Will data provide actionable information for future planning? o Will results be useful for dissemination to the community? o Does evaluation include feedback from participants/audience as well as planners/ organizers and volunteers? 1. Again, we will use our Mastery Rubric to measure individual program success which by default measures changes in knowledge skills, attitudes 2. We will_mainrain attan ianrp to Aatr rmtnc nt �diri i n r 3.Our data results are used internally to provide actionable information for future planning. 4. Data r u s can issemina e m nus any eni tying ta, sucr� as name, agar s, geogro-9ic i en i ng. its m orma ion can be purchas 5. Parlicipants are afforded theportunitto provide feedback on all affects of ourrogram. including staff/ volunteers. 5. Resourcing (Maximum 15 PINTS) Please describe any plan to leverage additional resources (e.g. other funding, volunteers, in-kind donations) or collaboration with others to offset expenses (VOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan to leverage additional resources (other funding, volunteers, and/or in-kind donations)? o Is there collaboration with other organizations that will help to offset resources and expenditures? o Is this a for-profit event? 1. We plan to leverage funding for our donor base to fund certain aspects of our program 2. We will leverage inkind donations from our corporate partners. 3. We will requ s a e i y o is eac prow a ee access to programs a nee el as i les i a ai a e, an a our funding not be used t 4. We have collaboration with other partnering organizations who will help offset the cost or resources and expendatures. 5. All of our programs are or pro i . " — O.M.I. International Operational Budget Income Contributions Gifts -in-kind Community Organizations G ra nts Membership Fees Program Revenue Total Income Expenses PersonelExpenses Salaries & Wages Compensation Reimbursments Tota! Office Expense Telephone Utilities Postage, Shipping, Delivery Supplies Copies Total Rental & Maintenance Contracts Lease/ Rental Equipment Maintenance Equipment Maintenance Building Total Programs COE Program Health & Nutrition Brigade Veterans Housing assist International outreach Total Other Operating Expenses Insurance Advertising Outside Printing Total Total Expenses Net Increase or (Decrease Fiscal Year ---�� 20-21 55,000.00 27,905.56 1,500.00 205,500.00 0.00 0.00 289,905.56 1,977.60 1,158.75 1,411.10 2,575.00 1,802.50 8,924.95 6,180.00 1,287.50 7,467.50 135,455.56 43,750.00 22,000.00 43,583.11 244,788.67 600.00 5,300.00 5,000.00 10, 900.00 -- 272,081.12__ 17,824.44 O.M.►. International CDEP Program Budget Income Contributions Royalties Gifts -in-kind Partnerships Membership Fees Grants Total Income Expenses Personel Expenses Salaries & Wages Compensation Reimbursments Office Expense Telephone Utilities Postage, Shipping, Delivery Supplies Copies Total Total Rental & Maintenance Contracts Lease/ Facilities & Equipment Total Programs C.D.E. Program Materials Accreditations/ Certifications Technology (hardware & software) Insurance/Legal/Taxes/ Fees Program Consultants Program Contractual Professional Services Staff Training/ Conferences Total Other Operating Expenses Total Expenses Net Increase or (Decrease) Fiscal Year 18,455.56 0.00 100,000.00 2,500.00 0.00 9,000.00 129,955.56 75,000.00 75,000.00 9,905.56 8,000.00 19,905.56 650.00 5,000.00 3,494.44 6,237.00 1,500.00 .54,692.56 Total ----�----- -- 129,692.56 263.00 shi /ZZ - Funding amount requested: ® Dates of event/program start -end A. Fair and justifiable program costs ,., BudgetC. , Program/event pertains r cultural, arts, recreation A TNo eventD. Program/event activities completed by September 30, 2621 0 E. Programievent is non-discrimin.atory F. Is the religious activities? ,}] . 9to NOTE: If the Yes/No conditions are not met, the application is not eligible for funding, !will notbe processed for review. NOTE: Questions reviewers will consider are listed in italics as a helpful guide for applicants 1. Participants (Maximum 36 points) ❑ Location(s) where program/event will take place ❑ Total estimated number of participants ❑ Number and percent of participants who are Atlantic Beach residents % ❑ Total number of hours each participant will be directly engaged in program/event__ _ ❑ Frequency and duration of program/event (e.g. 1 time event for 2 hours, or 1 x/month for 1 hour) ❑ Is the event open to all residents of Atlantic Beach who may want to participate?_ ❑ Is the event to occur in Atlantic Beach or to serve primarily Atlantic Beach? NOTE: An important criteria for funding is to ensure that an adequate number of Atlantic Beach residents will benefit from the program/event relative to the amount of funding requested. To address this criteria, a per -person -per -hour cost will be calculated by the reviewers. 2. Need (Maximum 20 points) Briefly describe any community needs or gaps that the program/event is intended to address. Please state if the program/event targets a population or age group that is currently underserved in Atlantic Beach. NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: ❑ Is there a demonstrated need for the program event? ❑ Is the program/event duplicative of other programs/events in the area? ❑ Is the program/event a response to a need articulated from the community? ❑ Does the program/event target a population group that is currently underserved? (e.g. teens, children with special needs, low-income residents, etc.) October 15, 2020 Applicants notified regarding application outcome October 22, 2020 Contribution Awards Disbursed: All FY2020-2021 Contribution awards released to award recipients FINANCIAL AND OUTCOMEREPORTING RECIPIENTS FY2020®2021 LETTER NOTIFICATION: Upon completion of the program or event, all FY2020-2021 award recipients will be notified to submit their final reports and copies of receipts. DEADLINE: All FY2020-2021 award recipients must submit copies of paid receipts/invoices and a written report, including number of Atlantic Beach citizens served and program or event outcomes within 30 days of completion of the program or event. If the paid receipts/invoices and written report is not received, the award recipient will be required to immediately reimburse City of Atlantic Beach Contribution funds. General guidelines for reports 1. Report should clearly state how deliverables described in the proposal were met 2. Report should be clear regarding how funding was used to benefit residents of Atlantic Beach. 3. Describe what was accomplished in general and pertaining to AB specifically, 4. Description of the steps taken to reach out to AB residents to participate or attend the program 5. Report how many from AB attended/participated (number and percent of total participants is preferred) 6. Include feedback received from participants, especially highlight any from AB. 7. Include evaluation results 8. Submit the paid receipts showing how the money from COAB was used Note: All Contribution Award recipients' final reports will be submitted before the Recreation Director for approval of expenditures. If determination is made that funds were expended inappropriately, the Recreation Director will direct award recipients to reimburse the City of Atlantic Beach. ._ FORM WITH SCORING AND REVIEW CRITERIA AND GUIDANCE 3.1 Describe the goals and objectives of the program/event, and benefits to the residents of Atlantic Beach, please make sure goals and objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused and time -bound (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Are the goals and objectives described in the application SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused, and time- bound) o How will the programlevent benefit residents of Atlantic Beach (pertaining to cultural arts and recreation? o Are the goals and objectives artistic, recreational andlor cultural in nature 3.2 Describe program/event activities (Maximum 40 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o How appropriate are these activities are in terms of achieving the stated goals and objectives o Originality and creativity — is the program or event new and unique to the community or provide a new or unique twist on an existing program or event? o Is this a family oriented and wholesome event that City funding should support? 3.3 Describe how the program/event will be advertised too ensure adequate participation (Maximum 5 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan for promoting/marketing the program/event? o Is this plan likely to be effective and feasible? 4 Describe how you will facilitate access to the program or event so that residents of Atlantic Beach who do not live near the program/event location and/or who do not have transportation can still participate. (Maximum 10 POINTS) (VOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan to ensure that access is not a barrier? o Is this plan effective and feasible? 5 Describe if the program is evidence based (i.e. has a record of achieving expected outcomes) (Maximum 15 POINTS) (VOTE. Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is the program or event based on published evidence? o Does the program ore vent have a demonstrated history of success (in other contexts or similar cities, or in previous years)? 6 If there is a fee or cost to participate, describe how you will ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay any registration or other related fees or costs. If there is no fee or cost please state N/A (Maximum 16 POINTS) (VOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is the program/event free for residents of Atlantic Beach? o If there is a fee or cost, does the proposal describe steps to ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay fees or costs? Connec+Ing ,4 w A Music Program for Childwn with Sporial Nerals in Duval Cminty Application for The City of Atlantic Beach Contribution Awards: Cultural Arts and Recreation Programs August 19,2020 Submitted by Karen Demuth OSN, MBA parent, founder Executive Director CTM NBC FY 2020-2021 Application for Schools Cvrmecting thru Midi - Neptune Beach Elementary Schaal Special Needs Wing Mission Statement To provide music enrichment and other music experiences to facilitate and enrich the physical. emotional, cognitive and social needs of the students with special needs at Neptune Beach Elementary School. Funding amount requested: $3,0100 -which is 13.6% of direct music costs for ABE ESE students. 35% (35 of the 99) children at NBE Special Needs Wing are Atlantic Beach Residents*. This year the number of students enrolled is approximately 99 with 78 attending school in person and 21 virtually through Duval Homeroom. last year there were 13 classrooms with 110 children Including 3 classrooms of Emotional/Behavlor Impaired students. When we are able to provide music therapy and music services in person, the direct time that the children have with the music therapist and music teacher is 1.5 hours per week of music enrichment. Due to COVID we are not currently allowed In the building however we have developed a unique recorded weekly Individualized program which will support the teachers, students and parents until we are again able to provide services In person with even more direct time being provided. We plan to provide this program to the students that are attending school In person and through the virtual program. This is extremely important and beneficial as children with special needs are currently more isolated at home due to the pandemic and in many cases do not understand why these significant changes have happened in their world, Dates of event/program start -end: 8/31/20 -6/1/21— The program will be a hybrid of virtual and In person classes so that the children will receive this important education tool regardless of the pandemic situation. 5umrnlsry Proposal Guidelines 1. CTM serves Atlantic Beach Residents 35% (35 of the 99) children at NBE Special Needs Wing are Atlantic Beach Residents* 2. CTM pertains to cultural arts and education through music 3.There Is no other music -based program/music provided by a music therapist for AB children with special needs. 4. The program Is based on documented research / providers collect and utilize data to assure positive outcomes. WHERE WC ROS FAIL MUSIC S(IFAVS Follow us Connectingthrumusic.cam/Facebook & Instagram Connectingthrumusic Contact us 904.330.4527 / Info@connectingthrumusic.com Connec+in� )I" Thru Music L A Music Progrum fort~luldren with spocial Nccds in Duval County S. There is no fee charged for services b.The program Is accessible to all ESB students at NBE 7.Program costs are consistent with regional music services -see budget Information B.The program Is adequately resources by fundraising, grants and donations. 9.CTM Is unique, Inspiring and effective. Please see our website Connectingthrum usic.com and Facebook/ ConnectingthrumusicNBE, ConnectingthrumuslcCommunity & connectingthrum usicMV E. 10.CTM Board oversees data and program to assure useful actionable data. 11.CTM will complete this school year of service by 6/1/21 * This is a close estimate provided by NSE as enrollment Is currently Influx. Syne parents have not decided whether to have their children attend school, enroll in Duval Nome Room Virtual or Homeschool and have reported that they are awaiting to see what happens with the pandemic. CTM plans to provide services to all AR ESE children enrolled in a DCPS program and will also provide the virtual/recorded service to AB residents who plan to horneschool if we are able to identify. We expect in school enrollment to normalize once the Pandemic Is stabilized and children do not need to wear masks to school which car+ be extremely difficult to impossible for a child with special needs. Conditions: a CTM program costs are fair and justifiable (we provide services at 50% of what Medicaid would reimburse if each child had Staywell or WellCare, only Insurance companies currently covering (our goal Is to Increase this trend based on data, research and results) * The program serves Atlantic beach residents -children with special reeds who are eligible to attend NBE (the DCPS school which serves this(high) level of special needs at the Beaches and In Jacksonville. • CTM pertains to cultural, arts and recreation: music and movement, education through music CTM is non-discriminatory • CTM Is free from inherently religious activities All conditions are met. I. Participants (35 points) A. Location- Neptune Beach Elementary School, 1515 Florida Blvd, Neptune Beach 32266- Special needs wing which services moderate to severely handicapped children from Atlantic Beach, Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beach and Duval County B. Total estimated number of participants is 90-110 depending on enrollment Currently 35/99,35% are Atlantic Beach Residents. * C. Total number of hours each participant will be directly engaged in the program is 1.5 hours per week with a music therapist and a music teacher. During COVID, WHIFRf WORDS FAH Ml1SIC SPEAKS Fallow us Connectingthrumusle.com/Pacebook & Instagram connectingthrumusle Contact us 904.310AH27 / infoomconnectingthrurntusic.com Connlec+ing '.r A Music r'rogram tur Children with 8peciid Needs In Duval County until we can return to the school, in collaboration with the teachers and administration, CTM together with First Coast Music Therapy (FCMT) has developed a unique recorded/virtual program. Each class will receive a lesson plan which will include five to seven videos which will teach the ULS curriculum, core words, vocabulary lists, somal emotional lessons, movement exercises, information about DAVID effectively through music. A music therapist will communicate with the classroom teacher at the beginning of the week and again at the end to assure and assess that the lesson has been utilized correctly and to establish data on the number of children who had access to the lessons and how we can add to or Improve the lesson in subsequent weeks. As this Is a supplement and not a replacement for live music therapy and music classes, the therapists and teachers will return to the classroom as soon as possible. D. Each child will receive 30 minutes of music on Magical Music Fundays from Bach to Rock or Kindermusik and 2 -30-minute sessions by First Coast Music Therapy owned by Steve Amburn MT -8C, owner FCMT, E. The event is not open to all AB residents, however it is open to all students that are eligible to attend the special needs wing at NBE* Additionally, we can work with other AB families who have children with special needs to provide options to receive our services. There are not any programs similar to CTM offered in AB for children with special needs. F. CTM is a program within the special needs wing at NBE. CTM Is also providing the program at Mandarin Oaks Elementary School. CTM recently adjusted our model to fund NSE and MOE and then to partner with community schools /programs and community classes with a fee for service or grants so that we can remain self - sustainable and be able to continue to fund the 2 public schools, However due to COVID our donations and funding has been drastically affected. We need the communities support to maintain our In -school program. CTM has grown and we now work with 5 music therapists, 4 who are masters prepared and relocated here from other states. The growth has primarily occurred because of a grant that we received from The Kids Hope Alliance to provide after school and camp services throughout Duval County for children with special needs. A vison and goal of our organization is to increase the understanding and advocacy of music therapy being an effective and necessary tool for all children with disabilities. In NE Florida, there are approximately 20 music therapists (5 which are part of our program) This compares to the 200+ music therapists that are In the Minnesota, twin cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, In the Northeast, Minnesota, Texas, California music therapy is well supported and funded by the states, schools and WHFRF WORDS FAIL MUSIC SPEAKS Follow us Connectingthrumusic.cora/Far.ebook & Instagram Connettingthrumusic Contatt us 904.310,027 / info@conneetingthrumusic.com Connecting r ,r 1 Thru Music V '' w< A Mmic Pmgrutn for Children with Special Needy in Duval County insurance company. We at CTM are partnering with local organizations like the Cummer Museum and Jacksonville University to raise awareness and to bring this important resource to our region. 2. Need (Maximum 20 points) NBE has a dedicated wing for children with moderate to severe handicaps including Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Rhett's Syndrome, San Filipe Syndrome, Phelan-McDermid Syndrome, as well as those with hearing, vision, and physical impairments and other genetic issues. NBE services children with special needs from the tri -city beach area and throughout Duval County. The wing is staffed with dedicated special needs teachers, therapists, nurses and paraprofessionals who are all trained to promote the learning, growth, care and safety of these very special children. There are 99 students In the program ranging from VPK - 5th grade. We also provide services to the ESE Emotional 1 Behavior Impaired Students at the school. The classroom instruction is differentiated to meet the diverse and complicated needs of the students. Currently this age group of special needs children in Atlantic Beach and throughout Duval County are not receiving special music classes/music therapy in the public -school setting or elsewhere. There is significant research which indicates that children with special needs who receive music/music therapy have significant cognitive, physical, emotional, social and physical growth. St Johns County (through the Ponte Vedra Community Center) has provided MT for a portion of their ESE students for 12 years. locally Nemours, Wolfsons, Mayo,Community Hospice and Brooks Rehabilitative Center are providing MT for their clients. Public school systems in Minneapolis, Atlanta, Massachusetts, Maine and Columbia South Carolina have integrated MT into their programs for special needs children. These are primarily community funded. Partly because a Music Therapist obtains a certification in addition to their degree (rather than a license,) there is insufficient reimbursement for MT. There is a significant need for this program in Atlantic Beach/Neptune Beach Elementary School/Duval County. Research indicates that children with special needs who receive music therapy services alongside their academic instruction and support therapies experience significant physical, emotional, cognitive and social growth and development. WHt=HP W0110S FAIL MUSIC SPEA10 Follow us connectingthrumusic.com/Facebook & instagram Connectingthrumusic Contact its 904-310-4827 / info@connectingthrumuslc.com Connec+inc ThrLi MUSIC A Music Program for Children with Special Needs in Duval County 3.Description of program 3.1Goals and Objectives (15 points) The goal is to provide the current services at NBE for school year 2020-2021 which are: 1. Magical Music Fundays: Kindermusik and Bach To Rock provide each classroom with 30 minutes of dynamic interactive music education and fun weekly. (To the 10 classrooms on the ESE Wing) 2. Music enrichment sessions provided by First Coast Music Therapy, LLC -will provide 2- 30 -minute sessions weekly based on class assessment, goals, curriculum, core words, vocabulary and social emotional emphasis The providers will be collaborating with the classroom teachers to base their program plans on the curriculum and on identified group and individual goals. The music therapists and music teachers will be collecting data to assure that these goals are met and to adjust lessons plans during the school year. Next year's program will be based on results and process improvement from data gathered lessons learned. 3.2 Describe the program (40 points) Connecting thru Music was founded by a parent after significant progress and trs msformative changes were noted with her son (who was horn ,with Downs Syndrome, Autism and without an esophagus) when he started Kinderm;usik lessons, tntegratiiag music/music enrichment with a music therapist into the school curriculum has been noted by teachers, parents, therapists and administrators to positively impact the learning of the ESE children at NBE. Bach to Rock is a local music school, that transforms music and mush~ lessons into a social experience, adding a strong group incentive to playing, learning, and practicing. They have found that maximum progress is achieved through a blend of individual instruction and playing with one's peers in bands. Website: Jaxbeach.bach2rock.com Kindermusik is dedicated to using the power of music to help children grow during the years most critical to brain development. ❑ i na h lee.ki nd erm u sik.co m Music Enrichment sessions provided by a board- certified music therapists at First Coast Music Therapy (FCMT) owned by Steve Amburn MT -BC the music therapists will communicate and collaborate with teachers and parents to address specific concerns and learning opportunities for the children in their classrooms. WFIrHf WORUa FAIL MU IL SPEAR'. Follow us Connectingthr,umuslc.corn/Facebook 8 Instagram Connect ingthrumusle Contact us 904.310.4827 J info@connedfngtitru+nusic.com t . Connec+IrI5 . f' A * .:r r } •� bl_ � A Music Pragmm for Children with Special Meals in Duval County Music Enrichment by a Music Therapist can address many goals including: Cognition: Attention, Impulse Control, Sequencing =Communication: Speech, Nonverbal Communication, Receptive listening •Socialization: Imitation, Sharing, Bonding Emotion: Coping, Self-expression PhysicallSensorimotor: Endurance, Balance, Fine & Gross Motor Skills Our objective is to positively impact the physical, emotional, cognitive and social growth and development of the special need's children at NEE. These results will be measurable, achievable, results- focused and time -bound as evidenced by ongoing data collection, interpretation and reporting. A long- term goal is to partner with a local school of higher education to conduct a research study to publish the results that we know will occur for our children with this program/tools. This is an original and creative program specific to NBF, In addition to providing music as some school districts/organizations do throughout the country, CTM Is providing many aspects of music including In -school and in-home use of instruments, Music Enrichment by Board Certified Music Therapists and Magical Music Fundays. This is a family/community-oriented program as music connects and will benefits will extend far outside the classroom. The program, CTM will benefit the City of Atlantic Beach by 1. Developing the potential of these special needs children so that they can lead healthier more productive, joyful lives. 2. Assisting the families so that they can care for a child that is physically, emotionally and cognitively healthier which will in turn increase their physical and emotional health. 3. Decrease medical costs and other resources needed from our community as the child will require less. (This is documented in the literature.) 4. Increase out sense of pride as a conun.unity, knowing that we axe making a difference in the lives of our special need's children. S. Protect the children from possible abuse/substandard care. Music can assist children with special needs to gain skills and independence that otherwise may not occur. As the child grows in size, weight and strength, the better they can communicate/provide self- care, the less potential for injury of child or care provider and will potentially increase the positive relationship between the two, WHFRF WORMS FAK MI15K SPFAK5. Follow us Connectingthrumusic.com/Facebook & Instagram Connectingthrumusir. Contact us 904-310.4827 / irrfo@connettingtitrumuslc.,com Connec+ing,� Thr Mmsi� A Mueia Program for Children with SImciel Nct& in Duval Cou»ty 3.3 Advertisement Outreacb (S points) Mow CTM will be advertised to ensure adequate participation. While participation is limited to the students of the special needs wing and EIB students at this point, we will ensure that there is marketing of the program to gain and sustain community support for inspiration, connections and funding. This will occur through: • Social Media- Connectingthrumusic on Facebook and Instagrarn • Website- ConnectingthruMusic.com • Community events • Fundraisers • Stories on printed, online and TV -have been on News4Jax and Action news 8 times • Networking with other MT programs locally and nationally • Share storieslinformation on Duval Digest, Atlantic Beach living, Jacksonville Times and Beaches Leader. • Create community sponsors and partners Cummer Museum, Jacksonville University, etc. • Creating community and afterschool classes in the community cased on a fee (separate from this grant) 4.Facilitatcing access (10 points) See above, VVe will encourage residents and community members to attend events and to learn more about CTM. As parents learn about the excellent special needs program at NBB with CTM being a component, families with special needs children will be drawn to relocate to AB and surrounding areas. We are providing after school, weekend and holiday classes in the community this year. S. Describe how CTM is evidence based (15 points) There is extensive research is the literature that indicates that music therapy has a positive impact an the learning of special needs children especially when combined with academic learning and other licensed therapies. CTM conducted a 10- week pilot in the Spring of 2918 which proved positive. We continue to collect, evaluate, report data and enrich our program through ongoing process improvement based on our data, parent/teacher surveys and educator feedback. (Data is available upon request) &.There is no fee to the children to participate in CTM. All funding is secured through our fundraising efforts. W14ERE WORDS FAll MILISiC "PFAICS Fallow us Connectiialgthrumusic.Kam/Facebook & Instagram Connectingthruntusic Contact us 904.310AS27 / info@connectingthrumusic,com Thru WAllc' 4� A Music Program for Children with 5peclal Needs in Days] County 7.Evaluating Success (Maximum 30 points) CTM will measure success by the following. • Data collection, evaluation and reporting • Parent, teacher and therapy surveys • Growth of the program to other special needs classrooms in Duval County • Research results as we partner with University Programs • The palpable joy any observer will feel when they enter the classroom • The recruitment and relocation of music therapists to our region • A consensus in our region that music enrichment by music teachers and music therapists are important to the growth and development of children with special needs. + CTM will be sharing this information to the community via their webpage, Facebook pages and quarterly newsletter. B. Resourcing (Maximum 15 points) CTM is working closely with the community to increase awareness and support, Many community members did not realize that NBE has a wing for special needs children for our residents. There has been a tremendous show of love, kindness and support for these very special children and our program. Our budget for 2019-2020 is $59,400 for direct music hours 1$139,400 total CTM in school budget. To raise these needed funds and to assure that the program continues to grow we are looking to the following sources to assist us*: • Grants • Community partners • Donors • Employee contributions from local businesses • Fundraising events • Sales of products • Sponsors • In kind donations from local community + Fee for service outside the public -school system • Partnering with UNF SEDC and the Not For Profit Center to receive professional analysis, coaching and assistance to create a strong viable organization and to reach our goal of raising awareness of the value of music therapy for people with special needs, raise funding and to attract /relocate music therapists to our region so that music therapy becomes a gold standard of education for people with special needs. • *We are in critical need of funding for our inschool program, the $3000 requested as noted covers a small percentage of our costs for AB residents attending NBE Thank you for your kind consideration of awarding Connecting thru Music NBE funding so that we are able to continue our program. .,'I ii I { 1 '.1,,J i' - i I it I. 1 1, . , i 1 Follow us Connect Ingthrumusic.torn/Facehook & Instagram Con nectingthrumusic Contact us 904.310.4827 / info@cant)ectingthrumusic.com Connecti" Tt u music k h A Mwlc Orogrnm for Lhll M w1% Sp4dat Nagds to Duval County Summary of CTM 2021 Budget Connecting Thru Music's 2020-2021 budget is based on 2 programs. 1- CTM In -School program which consists of music therapists and music teachers providing 1.5 hours (3 weekly classes) to each of the 180+ children in 23 classrooms with moderate to severe special needs at Neptune Beach and Mandarin Oaks Elementary Schools, This program was started in 2016 and currently we have 501c3 status (since 2010). This program cost has a $129,400 with $97,000 of this budgeted for direct music providers, As you can see our overhead is low. The direct provider cost is $59,400 at NBE and $37,800 at MOE respectively. Total costs for NBE is $75,400. Our goal is to expand our in school so that we have an even tighter economies of scale. There is one employee, Executive Director Karen Demuth, volunteers and a Board of Directors along with community partners including business partner First Coast Music Therapy which has enabled our organization to thrive and snake an extraordinary difference in the lives of children with special needs In our region. 2_ CTM's After School Program is funded by The Kids Hope Alliance. We serve over 200 children in afterschool programs and summer/holiday camps. CTM has currently successfully transitioned to an effective 1:1, class and recorded virtual platform so that we can continue to meet the children's, educators and parent' s needs during the pandemic. The budget reflects reasonable expenses and d, se irW ne ,1 grants, donations and fundraising. We respectively request that this committee considers awarding CTM the full $3000 requested. Although at first glance our music therapists' costs may seem high, please understand that these are board- certified professionals with master's degrees and we are paying them below current Medicaid approved rates. The problem is that only 2 insurance companies are covering music therapy so at (Ills time our program is community funded, Our long-term vision is to advocate for state and insurance -based funding for music therapy similar to speech, physical therapy, ABA therapy and occupational therapy. Music therapy is widely utilized throughout our country. There are 200 music therapists in Minnesota vs 20 in NE Florida. Together we can change this picture. Respectively, Karen Demuth, Executive director, Founder and mother of Dante Connecting Thru Music Income Non -Profit Incorno Donations End of YearlGiving Seasan Misc & Recurring Web Total Donations Donors Donors (E=ntitles $1,000 - $4999) Donors (Entities =>$5,000) Total Donom Events Grants KHA Grant Private Grants Total Grants Merchandise Sponsors Corporate Sponsors individual Sponsors Total Sponsors Total Non-Proffk Inoome Total Income GROSS PROFIT Expenses Advertising & Marketing Marketing (Web and Scciaf Media) Promotional T" tai AdveftIng & Markaling Bank Charges & Fees Consultants Contractors Ehomentary Schools KHA Total Oontraotom Development Organizational Professional Total Development Dues & Subscriptions Event Expense Information Technology Connecting Thru Music Inc BUDGE=T OVERVIEW. FY 2021 - FY21 P&L July 2020 - June 2021 Friday. August 21, 2020 11:09 AM GMT -04:00 lvlp%L 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 1$,OOD.00 20,000.00 80,000,00 100,000.00 5,000.00 160,000.00 10,000.00 170,000.00 500.00 1-1,200,00 5, 600.00 16,800.00 318,300,00 $310,300.00 $310,900.00 6,000.00 3,1500.00 8,600.00 300,00 2,400.00 97,200-00 135,000,00 232,200.00 600,00 800.00 1,200.00 500,00 200.00 112 BUDGET OVERVIEW: FY 2021 e FY21 P&L July 2020 m June 2021 Friday, August 21, 2020 11:09 AM GMT -04:00 2/2 TOTAL Website Design and Hosting 1,200.00 Total Inflormad®n Tec;hnology 11,200,0D Instruments and Repair 2,400.00 Insurance 2,000.00 Meals & Entertainment 2,000.00 Office Suppfies & Software 600.00 Other Business Expenses 1,200.00 Payroll Expenses Executive Director Salary 30,000.00 Taxes 3,000.00 ToW Payroll Expensm 33,000.00 Taxes & Licenses 600.00 Thi Expensm $289,400.00 NET OPERATING INCOME $20,900.00 NET INCOME $20,900.00 Friday, August 21, 2020 11:09 AM GMT -04:00 2/2 REQUIRED rpu T,DOCUMENTS ct l; r--A-Cq KWO Documents Required for Submittal: All applicants must complete the attached application form and provide the following documents: 1,,, -Completed Application Form ff Summary of organization's current budget Program budget C4/Proof of current Non -Profit 501(c)(3) certification form issued by the State of Florida &--'List of Current Organization's Board of Directors [Most current IRS W-9 Form Applications will not be processed for review if complete package is not received together Non-profit organizations which have officially filed as a non-profit with the State of Florida must attach a copy of its current year 501(c) (3) non-profit certification form. For organizations filed with the State, the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee, at its discretion, may consider their application. plications must be RECEIVED by deadline time and date 4.30 p.m. August 21 2020 No Exce tions. Hand deliver applications to: Mail applications to: Must be RECEIVED in The Recreation Office by August 21, 2020 NOT postmarked by this date Adele Grage Community Center 716 Ocean Blvd, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 City of Atlantic Beach Recreation & Special Events Contribution Application 716 Ocean Boulevard Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 For more information contact: City of Atlantic Beach Recreation Office: Email (preferred method of contact) tjohnson@coab.us or call (904) 247-5828. Funding amount requested: $ mo i) 0 ® Dates of event/program start -end ue 1 �_& Yes/No Conditions I A. Fair and justifiable program costs (Program/Event Budget required) Nes-o B. Serves Atlantic Beach residents Aeo o C. Program/event pertains to cultural, arts, recreation D. Programievent activities completed by September 30, 2021 oE. Program/event is non-discriminatoryoF. Is the event free from inherently religious activities? o NOTE: If the Yes/No conditions are not mei, the application is not eligible for funding, and will not be processed for review. NOTE: Questions reviewers will consider are listed in italics as a helpful guide for applicants 1. Participants (Maximum 35 points) ❑ Location(s) where program/event will take place iii L ❑ Total estimated number of participants I t ❑ Number and percent of participants who are Atlantic Beach residents 0 °/ ❑ Total number of hou s e ch participant will be directly engaged in program/event ❑ Frequency and duration ofpro ram/event (e.g. 1 time event for 2 hours, or 1 x/month for 1 hour {SDam ❑ Is the event o en to all residents of Atlan is Beach who may want to participate? S ❑ Is the event to occur in Atlantic Beach or to serve primarily Atlantic Beach? NOTE: An important criteria for funding is to ensure that an adequate number of Atlantic Beach residents will benefit from the program/event relative to the amount of funding requested. To address this criteria, a per -person -per -hour cost will be calculated by the reviewers. 2. Need (Maximum 20 points) Briefly describe any community needs or gaps that the program/event is intended to address. Please state if the program/event targets a population or age group that is currently underserved in Atlantic Beach. NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: ❑ Is there a demonstrated need for the program/event? ❑ Is the program/event duplicative of other programs/events in the area? ❑ Is the program/event a response to a need articulated from the community? ❑ Does the program/event target a population group that is currently underserved? (e.g. teens, children with special needs, low-income residents, etc.) 3.1 Describe the goals and objectives of the program/event, and benefits to the residents of Atlantic Beach, please make sure goals and objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused and time -bound (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Are the goals and objectives described in the application SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused, and time- bound) o How will the program/event benefit residents of Atlantic Beach (pertaining to cultural arts and recreation? o Are the goals and objectives artistic, recreational and/or cultural in nature 3.2 Describe program/event activities (Maximum 40 POINTS) NOTE. Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o How appropriate are these activities are in terms of achieving the stated goals and objectives o Originality and creativity ® is the program or event new and unique to the community or provide a new or unique twist on an existing program or event? o Is this a family oriented and wholesome event that City funding should support? 3.3 Describe how the program/event will be advertised too ensure adequate participation (Maximum 5 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan for promoting/marketing the program/event? o Is this plan likely to be effective and feasible? 4 Describe how you will facilitate access to the program or event so that residents of Atlantic Beach who do not live near the program/event location and/or who do not have transportation can still participate. (Maximum 10 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan to ensure that access is not a barrier? o Is this plan effective and feasible? 5 Describe if the program is evidence based (Le, has a record of achieving expected outcomes) (Maximum 16 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is the program or event based on published evidence? o Does the program or event have a demonstrated history of success (in other contexts or similar cities, or in previous years)? 6 If there is a fee or cost to participate, describe how you will ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay any registration or other related fees or costs. If there is no fee or cost please state N/A (Maximum 16 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is the program/event free for residents of Atlantic Beach? o If there is a fee or cost, does the proposal describe steps to ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay fees or costs? 7. Evaluating Success (Maximum 30 POINTS) Briefly describe how you will measure success. This should include how you will assess participant satisfaction, number of participants and (if applicable) changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills or behaviors. Describe data collection methods and who will be surveyed. Please also describe how data will be used to inform program improvement. NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there an adequate evaluation plan for measuring participation, participant satisfaction and (if applicable) changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills or behaviors o Will data provide actionable information for future planning? o Will results be useful for dissemination to the community? o Does evaluation include feedback from participants/audience as well as planners/ organizers and volunteers? 5. Resourcing (Maximum 15 PINTS) Please describe any plan to leverage additional resources (e.g. other funding, volunteers, in-kind donations) or collaboration with others to offset expenses N®TE. Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan to leverage additional resources (other funding, volunteers, and/or in-kind donations)? o Is there collaboration with other organizations that will help to offset resources and expenditures? o Is this a for-profit event? Meraki wellness, Inc. Beaches WellFest - Spring 2021 TBD at Johansen Park Funding amount requested, $3000 Dates of eventlprogram stark -end: Spring 2029 TQD Burd of Directors: Tracy Marko - President 1 Director Thomas Marko - Vice President / Director Jena Pugh - Director Elizabeth Brown - Director Budget: As an organization, we do not have any operating costs nor has any member of our Board of Directors ever been financially compensated for time or work within our organization. Startup costs were incurred in 2019 for the first event however each event at this point is a completely separate budget and is the total of all money in/out for our non-profit. For our 2020 event, we more than doubled our attendance over the first event in 2019: Our event budget below shows the grant funds from the City of Atlantic Beach and the cost we incurred to run our most recent event (February 29, 2020). We anticipate the creeds for our Beaches 2021 event to be more costly as the hope to increase our advertising, use AS police to block off streets for our 5k Run WellFest, and establish a more effective on -lure pre -registration for small -group education sessions with a potential second smaller stage area. Event Budget - Beaches WellFest 2020 Grant Funding from COAS $1.830.00 Perk Fee 525.00 Printing: Advertlslnpl: Day of Needs: Pre-Evonl Flyers/ PWura •52'53.78 Day O1 Flyers 412,07 Yard Slgnege -$178,87 Stage 04nner -3207.60 Facebeok Advardsamernts -$190.00 Tables 1 Chslns -3161.06 Pnalesl Wash Slalions 4480.90 Sound Equipment 4150.00 Live fuiusle 4700.00 EvehUStage Ineurancs $95.00 Athletic Trainer -S180.00 Race Fuel (be nonasloranges) 441,64, Polka 4895.00 E'eaeh 6u99y$ 5720.00 Palet for Community Mursl 4101,5o Supplion fur Mum -S95a7D Stege Ranlal 44130.00 Meraki Wellness, Inc. Beaches WeliFest - Spring 2021 (TBD) at Johansen Park Funding amount requested: 33000 Dates of eventlprogram ,start -end: Spring 2021 TBD Potential Dates Dependant Upon Allowance of Large Events/Gatherings in AB: February 27th, March 6th, March 13th, March 20th Yes/No Conditions: A. Fair and justifiable costs (ProgramlEvent Budget required) Yes B. Serves Atlantic Beach residents Yes C. Program/event pertains to cultural, arts, recreation Yes D. Program/event activities completed by September 30, 2021 Yes E. Programlevent is non-discriminatory Yes P. Is the event free from inherently religious activities? Yes Application Questions: 1. Participants Location: Johansen Park Estimated Participants: 750+ people AB Residents: 500165-70% estimated Participant Engagement: Full 6hours of the event Frequency 1 Duration: 1 day event for 6hours - 10am to 4pm Open to all AB residents: Yes Event to occur in AB: Yes 2. Need The goal of WellFest has and will always be to provide education to the beach communities on the importance of a healthy lifestyle and the various options in which to achieve success in self and family wellness. Now, more than ever, our community needs an event that focuses on health. The global pandemic we are all facing has made that more evident than ever. It has become clear that certain underlying health conditions or lifestyle choices make an individual more susceptible to a severe case of COVID-19; of those listed, obesity, diabetes, history of smoking, and high blood pressure are all directly correlated to healthy lifestyle choices. The goal of WeliFest will continue to be to provide lifestyle information and screenings to help build awareness of health risks and provide information on how an individual can make behavioral changes to enhance his or her health, as well as the health of their families, In our community the pieces we need to make this happen are right in front of us - and this is how we put them all together. This is our chance to educate our community. Although we continue to be flooded with information for business and services claiming to be about health, obesity percentages continue to grow throughout Duval County and the State of Florida. In Florida, approximately 29% of the population is categorized as obese; and in Duval County the statistics show closer to 30% are obese. The State of Florida is ranked 8th highest in childhood obesity. Information is available on health and wellness, but it's overwhelming for most and our community is suffering. Obesity has been linked to an increase of other health conditions including hypertension, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke, sleep apnea, some cancers, and even mental illness such as depression and anxiety. Focus should be on what is needed, what is effective, and what is available to support a lifestyle change that provides a connection between the resource and the target audience. That is where WeIlFest will bridge the gap; allowing attendees to discover health and connect local. With 93.7% of our City having access to exercise and 26% continuing to be inactive, there is a reason we're missing the connection; and it's time to make changes. WeIlFest does not just focus on exercise, but also brings in local resources providing education on other health related topics such as nutrition, sexual health, mental health, and basic health screenings. Education that is provided on site, or the availability for off site screenings and access for all despite insurance coverage. WeliFest's success is in the event's ability to connect the community with resources that will facilitate behavior changes resulting in an overall improvement in well-being. We strongly believe, along with each of our sponsors, that health should be available to all, without limitation; which is why Wel/Fest will always be open and available to all. 3.1 Goals and Objectives WeIlFest was built on the foundation of providing education to communities and empowering individuals to take control of the health of themselves and their families. To do that we need to build a strong network of local businesses that want to work together for the greater good of their community. This network will allow for individuals to be supported on their health journeys. Outside of our big picture goal of building networks and educating the community, we set a goal from our first event in 2019 to have every person who walked through our festival leave with one piece of information they can immediately put into practice to improve their health. After our events in 2019 and 2020 we sent out a survey through Faeebook and every single response confirmed that we had met our goal and that our beaches community wanted a WellFest 2021 as well as a return of Run WellFest_ We were even able to provide attendees with a survey card at the 2021 event to allow us to collect more data on the needs, wants, and success of our event and the only requested change for our 2021 event was that we needed more food trucks, Our main proposed goals from the beginning of the concept of WellFest are listed below, and we believe aur events have met these goals and as we grow we will continue to focus on these and create the community impact needed to make a change. • Educating out community on impactful and immediate ways to improve health and well-being: Every attendee of the event will have their own personal understanding and background into what health and wellness means to them. The overall goal of the event and the selected sponsor representation is to expose the attendees to every facet of a healthy lifestyle, including those that may not have been a previous focus, With the event, we aim to have each attendee walk away having learned at least one new thing they can change Immediately to improve their overall health. Specifically, something that doesn't require a product or membership. + Raising community awareness thrnugh local small businesses. By focusing on local businesses as sponsors for the event, attendees will have the opportunity to be face-to-face with companies in our neighborhood. The availability of local resources allows for reinforcement of the convenience and accessibility of health and wellness providers. + Partnering with health professionals and local resources to promote a healthy and mindful lifestyle. Opportunities for sponsorship will include a range of fitness, physical health, mental health, nutritional health, and environmental sustainability organizations. By having representation from various health and wellness resources, attendees will be exposed to the ecosystem of health that includes a holistic approach to a healthier lifestyle. We strive to make WeIlFest as hands-on as possible, meaning that not only do we allow our sponsors to set up their space as they see fit, but we encourage demonstrations and interactive activities throughout the day to enhance the educational opportunities at the event. Our main stage set up allows for presentations and classes throughout the day. In 2020 we were even able to partner with a local artist to have a community mural project which we would like to display somewhere in Atlantic Beach leading up to the 2021 event. We plan to expand into smaller breakout sessions to allow for small -group learning and education to encourage interaction with our sponsors and attendees. We would like to invest in the capability to allow for on-line registration to allow attendees to set up their own schedule for the day as well, which is something we hope to use our grant funds for. Also for 2021, (North Florida Green Chamber has asked to bring the first Green Zone to North Florida. We plan to advertise our next event more heavily than we have in the past, We had posters and flyers placed around the beaches, not just at the locations of our sponsors but at other businesses as well. We distributed over 2000 flyers to the local schools to be sent home with students. We also had event listings online and/or print with Void, Jax Moms Blog, and Natural Awakenings Magazine. A website, facebook page, and instagram page was also established for the event. We want to keep our event in Atlantic Beach so over marketing is not something we plan to do. We know we have the capability to hold more people than in 2020 and we would like to see our event touch more lives in our community. At our 2020 event we offered bike valet as well as transportation with Beachside Buggies from City Hall to Johansen Park. Transportation with Beachside Buggies was also available from Johansen Park to the 15th Street beach approach for Run WeIlFest. We believe this gave alternatives to accessing Johansen Park for those either unable to drive and those with difficulty parking close to the event. The City Hall lot provided overflow parking and closer access for those needing city bus transportation as it is closer to the Plaza Road bus stop. We also believe that promoting the bike valet encouraged attendees to be active and ride to the park. 5. Evidence Based Statistics on the increase of preventable health-related chronic illness with behavior risk factors, as pulled from the Department of Health, show the need for this type of event. For example, in Florida, approximately 29% of the population is categorized as obese; and in Duval County the statistics show closer to 30% are obese. In 2016, only 21.7% of adults aged 18 and older in the state of Florida met the physical activity guidelines for both aerobic and muscle strengthening activities. Diabetes, the nation's seventh -leading cause of death, has had a steady increase in death rates in Duval County since 2014. Although we are aware that there are varying factors to chronic illness, consistent lifestyle changes in regards to physical activity and nutrition are documented to have positive effects and improved wellbeing. These statistics only touch the physical and nutritional side of what WeIlFest is all about. We also include mental health and environmental sustainability as two other focus areas at our events and truly believe that research backs the need for education and accessibility to resources for improving individuals, families, and communities. Our 2020 sponsors are ready for our next event. And we are ready to bring this event back to Atlantic Beach, bigger and better than ever. There is no cost or fee to attend the program or participate in any of the activities provided throughout the day by our sponsors. We also offer free participation to other 501c3 companies wishing to participate. 7. Evaluating Success As with our previous event we plan to send out surveys through social media following the 2010 event. We also plan to continue with the survey cards that we had at our most recent event. We also truly believe the success of the event is shown not just in the returning of our sponsors/vendors, but also the increased number of sponsors and vendors and the community attendance and participation. Our inaugural 2019 event had consistent rain throughout the day and we still had 30+ attendees on their mats, in the rain, for our 10am kick-off yoga class. Our 2020 event had 80+ participants on their mats for the 10am yoga and 150 people on the beach running the first ever Run WeIlFest. We estimated 250-300 people at our 2019 event and 800+ at our 2020 event. We have mentioned our survey for attendees, but we did also send satisfaction and feedback surveys to our sponsors to ensure that their specific goals and expectations for the event were met and we plan to continue to do so, improving in any areas needed as we grow. We truly believe in building community connections and networks and will keep that at the core of every event. For the 2020 event we were lucky to be a community partner with the University of North Florida's Public Health Department. With this we presented to the students and were assigned three volunteers who helped not only at the event but also helped up establish some marketing for our non-profit. For our upcoming event, our volunteer plans continue to include reaching out to local schools and community groups and extend invitations to provide community service hours. In terms of other funding and donations, our sponsorships and grant funding from the City of Atlantic Beach allowed us to cover the cost of the event. We currently have not looked into opportunities for other donations or grant fundings at this time. No payments have ever been made to any of our members of the Board of Directors. In-kind donations allowed us advertising in multiple outlets as well as all of our graphics, and we plan to explore those options for future events as well. : 4 V �.tRhll� 1TF SC[� I A P IGATi i' Funding amount requested: $2500 Dates of event/program start -end: Sept 120 May '21 Yes/No Conditions A. Fair and justifiable program costs (ProgramlEvent Budget required) MbNo D. Serves Atlantic Beach residents e o C. Program/event pertains to cultural, arts, recreation n D. Program/event activities completed by 9ept@mber. 3,, gU2'1e o E. Programlevent Is non-discriminatory c F. Is the event free from inherently religious activities? (ONO NOTE: If the Yes/No conditions are not met, the application Is not eligible for funding, and will not be processed for review, NOTE: Questions reviewers will consider are listed in italics as a helpful guide for applicants 9. Participants (Maximum 35 points) Locatlon(s) where programlevent will take place: Atlantic Beach Elementary Total estimated number of participants: up to 20 students with another 250 virtual online Number and percent of participants who are Atlantic Beach residents #_250 %-90 Total number of hours each participant will be directly engaged In programlevent 8 j Frequency and duration of programlevent (s,g. 1 time event for 2 hours, or I xlmonth for I hour) 7 hour per week, 8 -weeks sessions Is the event open to all residents of Atlantic Beach who may want to participate?_only students Is the event to occur in Atlantic Beach or to serve primarily Atlantic Beach? ASE NOTE: An important criteria for funding is to ensure that an adequate number of Atlantic Beach residents will benefit from the programlevent relative to the amount of funding requested. To address this criteria, a per -person -per -hour cost will be calculated by the reviewers. 2. Need (Maximum 20 points) Briefly describe any community needs or gaps that the programlevent Is Intended to address. Please state if the programlevent targets a population or age group that Is currently underserved in Atlantic peach, NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: Is there a demonstrated need for the programlevent? Is the programlevent duplicative of other programslevents in the area? Is the programlevent a response to a need articulated from the community? D®es the program/event target a population group that is currently underserved? (e.g. teens, children with special needs, low-income residents, etc.) See attached Summary. Also, students are hand selected from Administration at Atlantic Beach Elementary and shared for online distance learning students (Merl Waddill) �,. 3.1 Describe the goals and objectives of the program/event, and benefits to the residents of Atlantic Beach, please make sure goals and objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused and time -bound (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Are the goals and objectives described in the application SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused, and time- bound) o How will the program/event benefit residents of Atlantic Beach (pertaining to cultural arts and recreation? o Are the goals and objectives artistic, recreational and/or cultural in nature While fitness training for young people is important, character building is essential. The purpose of FACE4Kids is to turn troubled students into classroom leaders by working with school administrators to select ideal candidates for the program. Through on-going weekly classes children improve both physically and mentally allowing them to more easily learn and retain core curriculum in the classroom. Online FACE4Kids workout available for all students. 3.2 Describe program/event activities (Maximum Ota POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o How appropriate are these activities are in terms of achieving the stated goals and objectives o Originality and creativity — is the program or event new and unique to the community or provide a new or unique twist on an existing program or event? o Is this a family oriented and wholesome event that City funding should support? FACE strives to improve the lives of the children through an effective, holistic system designed to give them the individual tools to self- empower and the confidence and skills they need to learn, grow and mature through their empowerment 3.3 Describe how the program/event will be advertised too ensure adequate participation (Maximum 5 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan for promoting/marketing the program/event? ® Is this plan likely to be effective and feasible? Atlantic Beach Elementary Administration will select up to 15 students per session to be in the FACE4Kids program during the school day for each session. Permission slips will go home for Each student, where a guardian or parent will sign off on release form in order to attend program 4 Describe how you will facilitate access to the program or event so that residents of Atlantic Beach who do not live near the program/event location and/or who do not have transportation can still participate. (Maximum 10 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan to ensure that access is not a barrier? o Is this plan effective and feasible? The program targets 3rd thru 5th grade children, ages 8-11 in ABE. FACE4Kids directly impacts 300+ participants and indirectly impacts over 3000 people in the Duval county public school system each year.The program is during school hours thus selected children go directly to a dedicated class room or class location on site. No transportation is needed. 5 Describe if the program is evidence based (i.e. has a record of achieving expected outcomes) (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is the program or event based on published evidence? o Does the program or event have a demonstrated history of success (in other contexts or similar cities, or in previous years)? YES ... details at www.FACE4Kids.org/Metrics The FACE4Kids program has been implemented in elementary schools since 2004. Pre -Post Survey Data Metrics have been done in over 90 different 8 -week sessions, and over 1,000 students have seen benefits in the 5 different categories (fitness, confidence, school effort, social skills, and behavior choices. 6 If there is a fee or cost to participate, describe how you will ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay any registration or other related fees or costs. If there is no fee or cost please state N/A (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is the program/event free for residents of Atlantic Beach? o If there is a fee or cost, does the proposal describe steps to ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay fees or costs? NO (N/A) FACE benefits from strategic partnerships that allow the program to be offered in schools where principals and teachers recognize the positive impact FACE makes in the lives of their students. i. Evaluating Success (Maximum 30 POINTS) Briefly describe how you will measure success. This should include how you will assess participant satisfaction, number of participants and (if applicable) changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills or behaviors. Describe data collection methods and who will be surveyed. Please also describe how data will be used to inform program improvement. NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o is there an adequate evaluation plan for measuring participation, participant satisfaction and (if applicable) changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills or behaviors ® Will data provide actionable information for future planning? o Will results be useful for dissemination to the community? o Does evaluation include feedback from participants/audience as well as planners/ organizers and volunteers? The proof is in the Data m as every school has improved from Pre survey scores to Post survey scores In over 90 different FACE4Kids sessions since initiating the Metric surveys In 2015. We hold each School accountable with both Pre and Post Surveys from the teachers, and details can be viewed at www.FACE4K!ds.org/Metrics ti. Resourcing (Maximum 15 POINTS) Please describe any plan to leverage additional resources (e.g. other funding, volunteers, in-kind donations) or collaboration with others to offset expenses NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan to leverage additional resources (other funding, volunteers, and/or in-kind donations)? o is there collaboration with other organizations that will help to offset resources and expenditures? o Is this a for-profit event? Applying for grants thru Full Service Schools (BRC) and Kirbo Charitable Trust Fund Also, after school FACE programs help subsidize the FREE public school sessions. Fitness And Character Education, Inc. (FACE) is a nonprofit youth leadership organization helping today's youth become tomorrow's successful leaders. FACE4kids motivates elementary youth to build fitness, self-esteem, and character before it's too late. Investing within FACE4Kids will leave an imprint that will last a lifetime. FACE programs have been shared at over 50 different public elementary locations in Northeast Florida since 2004, while expanding to Phoenixville PA during 2012 school year. Introduction Fitness and Character Education (FACE) is a cutting edge program resulting in improved agility, coordination, focus, and timing. FACE incorporates self-esteem building and character education through public speaking on a specific word or theme within every class session. This arrangement allows FACE to enhance both academic and life skills development. FACE includes a strong focus on fitness to help reduce obesity in kids. While fitness training for young people is important, character building is equally essential. FACE helps at -risk and often troubled students, become classroom leaders. Since its inception in 2004, FACE has reached more than 25,000 students through both its core program and assembly presentations. Mission Motivating elementary school children to build fitness, self-esteem and character before it's too late. FAC1E41ads: Helping today's youth become tomorrow's successful leaders. In 1997, Kirk Farber responded to a request to be part of a youth leadership program in Jacksonville Florida, started by Ms. Peggy Johnson. It was for the juveniles in jail, who made a mistake (incarcerated) and were generally missing a'father figure' or mentor. The program used the toastmaster's protocol of public speaking, while using the mentoring and character education discussions by two male athletes (Kirk Farber - Martial Arts, Almon Gunter - Track). '1 "1 In 2003 Kirk developed FACE (Fitness And Character Education) for elementary children, He took the best of his martial arts, jumping rope and juggling training and added the public speaking and character education portion from the jail program while focusing on a "preventive maintenance" philosophy — earlier than later! Goals & accomplishments of the organization The three main beneficial aspects of FACE4Kids are seen in the changes that take place in the life of the individual student. Teachers and faculty have observed the following: 1) Increased self-esteem. As students reach new levels of skill coordination and complete exercises in character building, such as public speaking, they are "promoted" with different color t -shirts, certificates and ribbons denoting their accomplishments. This is reinforced through praise and reflection upon how much they have accomplished, with focus on being a leader. 2) Increased self-confidence. This is exemplified both inside the classroom where students are less afraid to participate in learning activities and outside the classroom where students interact more positively with others. 3) Aggression Management. Students prone to disciplinary problems find physical and emotional outlets through exercise, mental stimulation, and accomplishment. Background / Conditions FACE benefits from strategic partnerships that allow the program to be offered in schools where principals and teachers recognize the positive impact FACE makes in the lives of their students. Often these students come from communities that suffer from extreme poverty, high crime rates, high unemployment, and fractured homes. FACE work in the lives of these students and the resulting community engagement are best reflected in the large number of schools that continue to request FACE each academic year. Some 50+ schools can be found at www.face4kids.oru Objectives and Evaluations FACE metrics (Pre/Post survey) on each student in 5 different categories (Fitness, Confidence, School Effort, Social Skills, and Behavior Choices). Though testimonials and requests for FACE to return each year is documented, the Metrics align with the focus in the following areas: 1. Attendance -- Teachers cannot educate students who are not in class. FACE creates incentives for students to attend school to participate in the program. 2. Homework Completion — A high percentage of students do not complete their daily homework assignments. This high percentage creates obvious difficulties for teachers. FACE participants will be required to complete their homework to successfully remain in the program. 3. Disciplinary Incidents — Using teacher evaluation metrics, students participating in FACE will be monitored for decreased incident rates relative to their peers. The proof is in the Data — as every school has improved from Pre survey scores to Post survey scores in over 90 different FACE4Kids sessions since initiating the Metric surveys in 2015. We hold each school accountable with both Pre and Post Surveys from the teachers, and details can be viewed at www.face4kids.oretrics Strategy Holding students accountable for their actions. They graduate with awards (T-shirts, diplomas and various prizes) when they meet the goals which are discussed with teachers. FACE4Kids works as a unique combination of fitness while focusing on character education from a mentor perspective for the youth. Treatment / Solution FACE strives to improve the lives of the children through effective and holistic solutions, while holding students accountable for their actions. With FACE4Kids in every community across the country, every child can have access to fitness, leadership and character skills that will last a lifetime. With your partnership, FACE has an opportunity to provide a solution with a solid foundation to empower at -risk children while monitoring their academic improvements and data metrics. Please consider making a difference by contributing to the success of FACE4Kids. Kirk Farber, Executive Director Fitness And Character Education, Inc. www.face4kids.org FACE41(ids - Organization Budget 2017 2018 2019 2020 Est.. 2020 Actual Revenues Grants /SBA loans Donations $41,725 $53,750 $57,000 $28,750 2020 2019$40,925 83.47% 79.04% Private Schools/Camps $4,910 $20,547 $3,850 $14,935 $4,300 $9,846 $5,000 $12,000 $4,000 11.61% 6.32% Miscall $469 $422 $68 $950 $1,650 $42 4.79% 14.4896 0.12% other revenue (bank interest) $123 $57 $37 $50 $0 0.10% 0.00% TOTAL Revenue $66,974 $60,989 $68,000 $75,000 $34,442 0.05% Expenses Salaries and benefits $36,000 $42,000 $42,000 $42,000 $28,000 EE Benefits (Insurance Premiums) Payroll Taxes and Filings $2,754 $3,262 $3,262 $8,940 $3,500 $4,053 $2,191 Legal/Professional (ADP, CPA, Legal, Instructors) $5,383 $3,104 $3,120 $3,400 $645 BOD expenses $802 $779 $928 $1,000 Supplies/Equipment $1,031 $632 $1,535 $1,600 $347 Office/Printing $709 $493 $1,203 $1,200 $122 Website/Marketing $223 $746 $110 $300 $85 Insurance $350 $368 $368 $500 Tshirts (Awards) $3,411 $2,593 $2,532 $3,000 $267 Travel/Hotel $965 $0 $661 $1,000 Miscell. (Subscript,advertising, Refunds, etc) $1,981 $1,795 $6,154 $2,000 $776 Rental Fees $1,993 $1,105 $992 $1,000 Mileage Reimbursement ($.575 per mile) $4,093 $3,867 $3,814 $4,000 $1,035 Sub -Total Expenses $23,695 $18,743 $24,679 $22,500 $9,521 TOTAL Expenses $59,695 $60,743 $66,679 $73,440 $37,521 Profit/Loss As of7/31/20 $7,278 $246 $1,321 $1560 -$3,079 PPP Loan - May 7,2020:$12,500 6i17L Loan - April 20,2020:$1,000 Checks done within PPP covered period r®j ect Budget r Sponsored School Fitness And Character Education, Inc. ctivity l+iJl.d,l3udget RequestedBudget School Per School �qTimePer rofessional Services $5,000 $1,500 [FACE program and General Assembly p to 45 children for 24 classes during calendar school year. Teach-the-Teacher Training all day for up to 2 $1,500 $ 250 See above teachers per school. Training includes both `during' classes' observation and assistant teaching, alona with follow up with admin. Training Manual and website access for Teacher $ 500 $ 150 ®® support (login credentials for repository of files with online support). FACE4Kids follow-up with counselor for each $ 500 $ 100 -® graduating student (character education details) in a lunch-bunch 8-weekArg am Recognition $ 1000 $ 300 —— �® T-shirts, jump ropes, awards and personalized diplomas earned at FACE graduation (up to 45 students) Administrative expenses including travel for $750 $150 -® classes and graduations, General Liability Insurance ($2 Mil. polio ��------� --- Miscellaneous $ 250 $50 2_. Supplies: Karate boards and awards, Assemblies, email Virtual online FACE program Total Program Request Budget $ 9,500 $ 2,500 12 —� "Per School/Program ® Budget Includes FACE program, Assemblies, Teach-the-Teacher training, FACE training manuals, supplies, support and graduation awards ® Teach-the-Teacher facilitator is required to keep FACE Inc. and sponsor updated on each session progress along with survey of metrics from each group. FACE has been implemented in over 80 different Duval County FL. and Chester County PA. public elementary schools since 2004 Each sponsored school (either FL or PA) is 10 months of classes and 2 months of metrics/evaluations. Current Metrics (pre/post surveys) can be found at www.face4kids,org/metrics Funding amount requested: $ 10,360 Dates of event/program start -end 1 ®c2020 rough 30 Sep 2021 Yes/No Conditions A. Fair and justifiable program costs (Program/Event Budget required) il B. Serves Atlantic Beach residents C. Program/event pertains to cultural, arts, recreation D. Program/event activities completed by September 30, 2021 E. Programlevent is non-discriminatory F. Is the event free from inherently religious activities? NOTE: If the Yes/No conditions are not met, the application Is not eligible for fundina, and will not be processed for review. NOTE: Questions reviewers will consider are listed in italics as a helpful guide for applicants 1. Participants (Maximum 35 points) Gail Baker Community Center / ❑ Location(s) where program/event will take place or 7th St Beach Access (Adele rge) ❑ Total estimated number of participants 35 ❑ Number and percent of participants who are Atlantic Beach residents # 10 % 9 ❑ Total number of hours each participant will be directly engaged in program/event 1.5 hours ❑ Frequency and duration of program/event (e.g. 1 time event for 2 hours, or 1 x/month for 1 hour) 12 times a month (3x classes/week, /F) Is the event open to all residents of Atlantic Beach who may want to participate? Yes ❑ Is the event to occur in Atlantic Beach or to serve primarily Atlantic Beach? Yes NOTE: An important criteria for funding is to ensure that an adequate number of Atlantic Beach residents will benefit from the programlevent relative to the amount of funding requested. To address this criteria, a per -person -per -hour cost will be calculated by the reviewers. 2. Need (Maximum 20 points) Briefly describe any community needs or gaps that the program/event is intended to address. Please state if the program/event targets a population or age group that is currently underserved in Atlantic Beach. NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: ❑ Is there a demonstrated need for the program/event? ❑ Is the programlevent duplicative of other programsJevents in the area? ❑ Is the programlevent a response to a need articulated from the community? ❑ Does the programlevent target a population group that is currently underserved? (e.g. teens, children with special needs, low-income residents, etc.) This program will provide Olympic style Taekwondo martial arts training to anyone in the Atlai Beach area Participants primarily local youth between the ages of 5 to 15 will receive high_ intensity aerobic conditionina. core strength, and focused control over their bodies. Instructioi a a 3. Description of program/event area 3.1 Describe the goals and objectives of the program/event, and benefits to the residents of Atlantic Beach, please make sure goals and objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused and time -bound (Maximum 15 POINTS) towards are NOTE: Reviewers will consider the hollowing questions when assigning points: o Are the goals and objectives described in the application SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused, and time- bound) o How will the program/event benefit residents of Atlantic Beach (pertaining to cultural arts and recreation? o Are the goals and objectives artistic, recreational and/or cultural in nature Increase physical conditioning and increased capability in all future sports for all part Increase mental discipline self control and leadership/team building abilities that ag; nprove Performance in other areas such as school and work. Riiirl community ties with positive models of hard work and achieving something togs 3.2 Describe program/event activities (Maximum 40 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o How appropriate are these activities are in terms of achieving the stated goals and objectives o Originality and creativity — is the program or event new and unique to the community or provide a new or unique twist on an existing program or event? o Is this a family oriented and wholesome event that City funding should support? F11 Each class is 1.5 hours long broken into 30 minute blocks. The first block is half warmup that includes iumpingjacks laps push-ups sit-ups and stretches followed by performing all blocks, strikes and kicks (20-30 different techniques x 10 reps x both right/left sides in various stances. The second and third blocks include various "applications" such as combinations "forms" of 20 techniques in series, "one-step" techniques, self defense counters, and sparring. Most classes end with"competition" relay races of all techniques that students know. We currently have and absolutely support multiple siblings and parent/child participants in the Atlantic Beach school. With the corona virus, we have shifted our training to "on the Beach" outside at the 7th Street access in front of Adele Grage, and have had dozens of inquiries and 12 walk-ons this summer. Friday classes end at noon, and about 6-10 families (parents and younger siblings) have lunch together. Currently, we are conducting an "Advanced Class" for an hour and a half after lunch. 3.3 Describe how the program/event will be advertised too ensure adequate participation (Maximum 5 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan for promoting/marketing the program/event? o Is this plan likely to be effective and feasible? We are currently advertising classes through Community Center managers and our Facebook, Instagram and YouTube pages All Yesha Taekwondo schools are advertis via the organization's main website https://yeshatkd.org. We also conduct local exhibit at local events such at the Seawalk Pavillion and ARC. Additional advertising efforts i handing out flyers and networking with local leaders and organizations. 4 Describe how you will facilitate access to the program or event so that residents of Atlantic Beach who do not live near the program/event location and/or who do not have transportation can still participate. (Maximum 10 PINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan to ensure that access is not a barrier? o Is this plan effective and feasible? Some current students are within short walkinq distance of Donner Park and attend after school programs at the Gail Baker Community Center Public transportation via Mayport Rd is one block away if needed. Instructors have heard of no cases where transportation was a barrier to attendance. 10 of 35 students we have an address for list an Atlantic Beach address. 5 Describe if the program is evidence based (i.e. has a record of achieving expected outcomes) (Maximum 15 PINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is the program or event based on published evidence? o Does the program or event have a demonstrated history of success (in other contexts or similar cities, or in previous years)? Yesha Taekwondo provides training to nearly a thousand students tests and "promotes" 200+, and awards over 25 black belts every year. Success stones range from at risk youths using the physical and mental discipline to stay out of trouble bullied teens regaining their confidence to hundreds of former students going on to succeed in school, business, and community leadership Current student numbers during the pandemic is between 150-200 across all schools, with many locations stili closed. 6 If there is a fee or cost to participate, describe how you will ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay any registration or other related fees or costs. If there is no fee or cost please state N/A (Maximum 15 PINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will considerthe following questions when assigning points: o Is the program/event free for residents of Atlantic Beach? o If there is a fee or cost, does the proposal describe steps to ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay fees or costs? Yesha Taekwondo is a 501(c)(3) non profit that has provided free or low cost martial arts training in Jacksonville for 34 years. Based on the support amount from the city we can provide either completely free, or minimal cost ($60/year registration/insurance + 40 uniform) options Internally, Yesha provides scholarships for anistuTent where finances provide a challenge. 7. Evaluating Success (Maximum 30 POINTS) Briefly describe how you will measure success. This should include how you will assess participant satisfaction, number of participants and (if applicable) changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills or behaviors. Describe data collection methods and who will be surveyed. Please also describe how data will be used to inform program improvement. (VOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there an adequate evaluation plan for measuring participation, participant satisfaction and (if applicable) changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills or behaviors o Will data provide actionable information for future planning? o Will results be useful for dissemination to the community? o Does evaluation include feedback from participantslaudience as well as planners/ organizers and volunteers? Success in martial arts is normall measured b maste of increasin I challen in techniques and advancement to the next "belt level" every 3 months. Every student receives s Ce feedback on each techni ue as the are erformed, lus e�dend of class overall feedback on areas o stren th and ones t at re uire more attention ort. Im ortant but dr icult to measure are increased focus and se f -discipline. ore thae is earned since 2 1 sta S. 1 1 c asses to 24 unique students. 8 onner + 4 Beac c asses See 2019 Summary Report to COAB for detailed data and positive response on social media. 6. Resourcing (Maximum 15 POINTS) Please describe any plan to leverage additional resources (e.g. other funding, volunteers, in-kind donations) or collaboration with others to offset expenses (VOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points. o Is there a plan to leverage additional resources (other funding, volunteers, and/or in-kind donations)? o Is there collaboration with other organizations that will help to offset resources and expenditures? o Is this a for-profit event? Costs are kept to an absolute minimum through volunteer instructors who receive no com ensaton, re uestin free access to local ms and activitycenters, and stron local support for Yesha KD. Having a strong track record of responsibility and success plus supporting our loco communr tes as yie a requen conte u ions rn support o equipment and student needs. 2019 additional/external funding included: $1165 in donations for student scholarships, cash contributions of $242 for wood for breaking seminars, $126 for sparring gear, and a donation of a padded wavemaster. 2020 additional/external funding to date includes $1200 in donations for student scholarships. $1350 for 2019 and $700 for 2020 in belt testing came from student parents. Indemnification Contribution Award applicants and recipients agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City from any and all liability, defense costs, including other fees, loss or damage which the City may suffer as a result of claims, demands, costs or judgment against it, arising from all activities engaged in by Recipient in its use of the public funds. Site Visits Applicants must be available for site visits during the application process and successful applicants must be available for site visits during program activities or events Save the ®ate It is recommended that all applicants consider holding time on their calendars for a 10 minute presentation on SEPTIEMBEER 8, 2,020 in the event that they should make the short-list of semi- finalists (applicants may send any member of their staff or team to represent the application at the presentation). All decisions are final. Yesha Store Inventory am= r 37851 1 Jan 20 60671 20 Aug 20 2282 ------------ ----------- — i 10,388 ------ - ----- --- ------------- _ _, _----- --- -- - 1 Student Registration 38401 Belt Testing 7720 Seminars 3341 Donations i 2946 Insurance ; 2578 Web & E -Commerce 27731 Regulatory & Taxes 492 Office Costs ( 71951 Yesha Store 1 71751 1 20 Aug 2020 To: City of Atlantic Beach Subject: Application for Contribution Awards: Cultural Arts and Recreation Programs Respectfully submitting our package for consideration for the COAB Contribution Awards for Cultural Arts and Recreation Programs for FY2020-2021. Yesha Taekwondo has partnered with the City of Atlantic Beach Recreation Department since February 2013 to provide no -cost Taekwondo training at the Gail Baker Community Center and on the Beach in front of Adele Grage Community Center when the Gail Baker Center was unavailable. Thanks in large part to previous city and community contributions, we have expanded the program from two to three classes a week are and requesting an increase in support from the city if the board sees the value in our program. Yesha Taekwondo has been offering affordable Taekwondo to northeast Florida for over 36 years. Yesha Taekwondo is also the largest non-profit, Olympic sanctioned, Taekwondo organization in Florida. We give our time and energy to those willing to learn of all ages. We are able to offer free or minimum cost Taekwondo training thanks to our volunteer instructors, institutions willing to let us use their facilities at no cost, and a sustainable non-profit model. For our organization, Taekwondo is more than a recreational activity - it fosters discipline and leadership as much as physical conditioning. Self control and the ability to defend oneself enhance lifelong safety and welfare. As our classes begin right at the end of regular after school programs, they augment and enhance current programs. We believe that close relationships with city recreation leadership, community organizations, and parents can build a coordinated environment of upright character and responsible behavior. Our instructors emphasize the benefits of hard work, respect, humility, control over our words and actions, and building a more peaceful world. Thank you for your consideration, C170v-18,5 GA%. Charles W. Coker Chairman and Grandmaster Baca' KgPl6w Buck Kaplan Senior Instructor Atlantic Beach W_M' i 11 117• _. 1. Name of Organization: Yesha Taekwondo Mailing Address: 9378 Arlington Expressway #325 Jacksonville FL 32225 Contact Person: Charles W. Coker Daytime Phone: (904) 838-8585 Evening Phone: Email Address: cwcokerC�3lifethrive com 2. Organization certified as a Florida Non -Profit Corporation? Yes X No State of Florida Non -Profit 501(c)(3) Corporation Certification Nbr: N05000009126 Federal EIN Number: 20-3451003 y 3. Has your Organization ever received financial assistance from the City of Atlantic Beach before? Yes X No If yes, what activities and which fiscal year? FY2018-19 X1800 for student registration for zero registration cost classes at the Gail Baker Communis Center. 100% of funding was executed on student registration fees, with insufficient city funding to provide uniforms or belt progression testing. 4. Amount requested for FY 2018-2019: $ 10.360 Funds must be used for services and materials directly associated to proposed special event activity that Atlantic Beach residents can benefit from. 5. Title of Proposed Special Event/Program/Service: Atlantic Beach Taekwondo Attachment 1: Summary Report for FY2018/2019 Contribution Award From: Buck Kaplan To: City of Atlantic Beach, Attn: Timmy Johnson Date: 8 Jan 2020 Subject: Summary Report from Yesha Taekwondo to the COAB Recreation Department The City of Atlantic Beach provided an $1800 grant to Yesha Taekwondo under the Contribution Awards, Cultural Arts and Recreation Programs category in November of 2018. The express purpose was to conduct no cost Taekwondo training to the Atlantic Beach community at the Gail Baker Community Center. From Oct 1 2018 through Sep 30 2019, we have conducted 121 1.5 hour Taekwondo classes to a total of 124 unique students. Summary Data Requested Number of participants: 124 Average number per class: 12 Number of participants that lives in Atlantic Beach: 10 Number of classes conducted: 121 Number of teachers 1 Primary, 8 Guest Cost per student: 0 Detailed Student/Class Metrics over 2019: Mon/Weds classes: Average attendance: 11 students; # regular (w/i last month): 27; Unique (ever): 68 Friday classes: Average attendance: 14 students; # regular (wA last month): 24; Unique (ever): 56 Totals: 182 hours of instruction total during 121 total classes Grand Total (students each class x hours x number of classes) to date: 2,184 student hours Notes: At the end of the year, we were seeing over 50 students regularly each week (32+ on Mon/Weds & 19 on Fri). 34 of these students have passed a "belt test" showing their proficiency at basic martial arts skills. A grand total -of 124 students have taken at least one Taekwondo class at Donner Park. 1. In addition to registration costs exceeding grant funding, there was significant additional funding from other sources in 2019: $168 Yesha contribution for sparring gear from one of our parents plus 3 sets given $90 cash contribution of wood for 5 breaking seminars from parents $876 Yesha contribution for 22 student uniforms, plus 4 uniforms from parents $1000 Yesha contributions for belt testing scholarships $2134 Total This translates to an exceptional cost effectiveness of the grant funding provided by the city. COAD Waived Facility Fees: $3025 Actual ($3450 planned) Details on how we've met program objectives: Every student that has attended a single class has learned how to pay attention, take a defensive stance with their hands out in a guard position, and has performed basic blocks and kicks. Nearly all have learned the mental capacity required to defend themselves effectively, 80% can kick and punch effectively, and most have learned timing and how to block effectively. 34 of our 51 of our regular students (67%) have mastered the martial arts skills required to achieve a White Advanced belt tanking. All these students performed over a dozen Taekwondo stances, blocks, punches, and kicks to an exacting standard with no assistance in front of the instructor and the entire school at least twice in a 5-10 minute demonstration test. Additionally, all mastered a 20 move sequence of turns, blocks, punches, and kicks and performed to standard and without guidance. 13 of these students have advanced more than once performing increasingly difficult techniques to achieve another 30 belts of rank. All students have benefited from the physical conditioning. All students can do at least 30 minutes of medium or higher levels of aerobic exercise, and all can maintain a very high level for at least two minutes during sparring while they execute repeated high kicks and rapid stance movement. Most students can perform at least 5 pushups and 25 sit-ups and these numbers increase monthly. All students are developing their character. Every student continuously demonstrates their willingness to work hard to master physical and mental skills. All students have demonstrated team building and support for one another in paired activities, synchronized movements, sparring, and team relays. Every regular student has led warmups multiple times, and over half have taught 5-10 minutes on a technique they excel at (by themselves, to the whole class). 3 Miscellaneous: Steps taken to reach Atlantic Beach residents: We advertise all classes through Community Center managers and posted calendars, the City of Atlantic Beach Calendar of Events, and at least two Facebook groups. All Yesha Taekwondo schools are advertised the organization's main website https://yeshatkd.org, and we get 2-4 new students a month via the main Yesha website. Positive feedback received: Numerous verbal comments by parents to include anecdotes about increased confidence, ability to deal with bullies, overcoming anxiety, and being better able to handle their emotions. I receive frequent student and parent thank you's after classes (esp the harder classes). Some of the feedback and positive recommendations from social media for the program at Donner Park are attached at the end of this report. How we've met the COAB's general proposal guidelines for grants (p. 4-5 of FY2018/19 Contribution Awards: Cultural Arts and Recreation Programs guidelines): Serves Atlantic Beach residents —30%. Supports access and participation in recreation. Meets community need for programs at Donner Park. Evidence of 100% physical benefit and —70% of students mastering basic Taekwondo techniques. Affordability and accessibility is zero cost to students to receive training and our class policy is that anyone can take part. We are resourced adequately between COAB's grant and waived fees, along with parent and other contributions plus Yesha corporate support. I would conclude by saying that Yesha Taekwondo training is a unique and beneficial addition to our city's sports and recreation program. I hope that the data above demonstrates our positive impact to the members of community. Respectfully submitted, Buck Kaplan, 3rd Dan Senior Instructor, Yesha TKD 4 Yesha Taekwondo Atlantic Beach School Budget FY 2020-2021 Line Item Cost x # Required Student Registration $60 x 30 Students Uniforms $40 x 20 Students Student Manuals $20 x 20 Students Testing $50 x 10 Students x 4 Quarters Equipment Rebreakable Boards Wood Boards Sparring Gear Facility Fees $19 x 10 Boards $35 x 6 6' Boards $125.90 x 12 Sets $25 x 46 Weeks x 3 Days/Week ill $190 $210 $1510.50 $3450 �� a i iT-1,012001:111711l • i� Funding amount requested. $3,000.00 Dates of event/program start -end 101112oi 5/311121 Yes/No Conditions & Fair and Justifiable program costs (ProgramlEvent Budget required) C a No B. Serves Atlantic Beach residentsa No C. Programlevent pertains to cultural, arts, recreation a No D. Programlevent activities completed by September 30, 2021 a No E. Programlevent is non-discriminatory a No F. Is the event free from inherently religious activities? a /No NOTE: If the Yes/No conditions are not met, the application is not eligible for funding, and will not be processed for review. NOTE: Questions reviewers will consider are listed In italics as a helpful guide for applicants 1. Participants (Maximum 35 points) I � Location(s) where program/event will take place _St. Paul's by -the -Sea Episcopal Church ii Total estimated number of participants 12,000 Number and percent of participants who are Atlantic Beach residents #100 r 26% per Total number of hours each participant will be directly engaged in even e� programlevent 20 hours Frequency and duration of program/event (e.g, 1 time event for 2 hours, or 1 xlmonth for 1 hour) 10 times for 2 Hours i Is the event open to all residents of Atlantic Beach whu may want to participate? Yes 11 Is the event to occur in Atlantic Beach or to serve primarily Atlantic Beach? No NOTE: An important oriteria for funding is to erasure that an adequate number of Atlantic Beach residents will benefit from the programlavent relative to the amount of funding requested. To address this criteria, a per -person -per -hour cost will be calculated by the reviewers. 2. Need (Maximum 20 points) Briefly describe any community needs or gaps that the programlevent is intended to address. Please state if the programlevent targets a population or age group that is currently underserved in Atlantic Beach, NOTE: Reviowors will consider the following questions when assigning points: I is there a demonstrated need for the pmgrarnlevent? I i !s the progran7levent duplicative of other programslevents in the area? Is the programlevent a response to a need articulated from the community? I Does the program/event target a population group that is currently underserved? (e.g. teens, children with special needs, low-income residents, etc.) For Ai seasons, Beaches Fine Arts Series has offered concerts and educational outreach programs reasuring world-renowned artists, free of charge to all people In our community. Our free programming has been embraced by the beaches' communities and beyond, supporting our mission: To enrich our communities by sharing the transforming power of music and art, free io all, To appeal to a wide spectrum, we focus on a variety of genres, from classical to Jazz to world music and reach thousands of people each season, many of whom cannot afford the price of an admission ticket to other concerts. While many cultural opportunities exist In Duval County, we recognize that a large part of our population cannot afford to attend most of them, and our high-quality concerts fill that gap. Our free programs are attended by a large number of retirees and people on fixed incomes. In addition, many parents bring their chiidren to our programs to introduce them to great music. Based on our most recent zip code survey In 2019-20, nearly one quarter of our audiences reside in Atlantic Beach. Please note the support letter from former Atlantic Beach Mayor Mike Borno, a longtime AB resident. Our award-winning educational outreach programs bring those same artists to children in our community, where our programs range from targeted Title One schools to college master classes. We also bring at least one artist per year to after school programs for disadvantaged youth. In addition, we pay for bus funding so that public school children can reach our free educational outreach performances without cost. Annually, a special themed program for children is offered featuring the LJNF Orchestra, 1200 elementary school students attend this program. 13FAS is unique in Its commitment to bring the finest performers to our community, free of charge. The City of Atlantic Beach has recognized our contributions to the beaches, and has for several years supported our efforts. In addition, many residents of Atlantic Beach are donors to our organization, Making annual contributions to support our mission, 3. Description of programlevent 3.1 Describe the goals and objectives of the programlevent, and benefits to the residents of Atlantic Beach, please make sure goals and objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused and time -bound (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: • Are the goals and objectives described In the application SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused, and time -bound) o How will the programlevent benefit residents of Atlantic Beach (pertaining to cultural arts and recreation? o Are tho goals and objectives artistic, recreational and/or cultural In nature Goal and Objective#1: Beaches Fine Arts Series will present free concerts and educational outreach programs for the beaches' community and Northeast Florida, Due to COVia 19, the numbers of programs may fluctuate, initially, the series was planned to have 10 concerts with accompanying outreach programs. Al the time of this application, two of those concerts have been cancelledlposiponed for the fall, and we wait to determine the rest of the fall's schedule. Goal and Objective #2: Beaches Fine Arts Series will work with the Duval County Music Education department to schedulefreschedule when possible and present Its free programs, particularly benefiting Title One schools, but open to all students, as soon as field trips are re -Instituted. Goal and Objective #13: Beaches Fine Arts Series will present virtual programs when possible. Already scheduled Is a virtual concert to be aired an October 4 to replace the live concert scheduled by Parker Quartet for that time If the November 15 live concert is possible, featuring FTHt=L and Robert Mlrabal in "The fiver", BFAS will work with the National Park SetvicelTimucuan Preserve to record the previously planned children's program for 4"' graders and distribute the recording to all elementary schools in Duval County for use by that age group In their studies of Florida history, Goal and Objective #4: Beaches Fine Arts Series will use social media o►itlets as well as print media to advertise our programs for the community. BFAS has always maintained the goal to bring the highest quality performances to the area, Our bellef In the power of great music and art to inspire, educate, and enhance the lives of all people In our community, regardless of iheir economic standings, undergirds our mission to offer our programs free of charge. Our educational outreach programs follow the same goal to bring the arts to children who have little or no access to them in their daily lives; with the continual reducllon of arts as part of school curriculum, we fill a void. Our artists are selected From among the most renowned performers today, and come to us from all over the world. Past examples Include the Soweto Gospel Choir, Tokyo String Quartet, Joshua Bell, Chamber Orchestra Kremlin, Spanish Brass, Los Angeles Guitar Quartet, and others. Our sizable loyal audience includes regular Atlantic Beach attendees and supporters. In 2013, BFAS was awarded the Florida Music Educators Association's Dlstingulshed Service Award for Its work with youth in our communities, Previous recipients of this state-wide award were Disney World and Apple Computers. In 2015, BFAS received the "Give Back" award from Beaches Watch for its contributions to the beaches' communities. The majority of our concerts are hold at St. Paul's by -the -Sea Episcopal Church in Jacksonville Beach. Seating is first come, first served, and the doors open 45 minutes prior to the concert. Our concerts are followed by receptions, where a local artist Is featured In an art exhibit, and the audience may view that exhibit as well as talk with the performers. To support our free programs, we must maintain many sources of Income, One of these is our major fundraiser, First Coast Dancing with the Stars. BFAS chooses 12 local celebrities for this popular event, and pairs them with professional ballroom dancers from Monarch Ballroom and Bance Alday, both with studios at the beach. 3.2 Describe programlevent activities (Maximum 40 POINTS) NO TE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points; a Now appropriate are these activities are in terms of achieving the stated goals and objectives • Originality and creativity— is the prugram or event now and unique iothe community or provide a new or unique twist on an existing program or event? o is this a1 family orlonted and wholesome event that City funding should support? Due to COVID 19 Pandemic, our concerts and educ$tianal outreach programs are currently subject to change. However, here is an overview of the season's planned activities, all open, free of charge to Atlantic Beach residents_ 181 BFAS Concert and Outreach Season: October 4: The Parker Quartet This live concert, coupled with a master class, had to be rescheduled due to the pandemic, but the quartet, in residence at Harvard, will perform a virtual concert on this date, with narrative. BFAS hopes to reach not only our regular audiences with this performance, but also expand our reach. November 1: Maria Dolores Galtan, Spanish concert pianist This live concert and outreach have been rescheduled for June 4 due to the pandarnic. November 15: ETHEL and Native American flutist Robert Mirabal In "The River". While this concert is still or) our schedule, SFAS Is working to record the educational outreach. Originally, the outreach was scheduled to take place at Timucuan PreservelFort Caroline, targeting 4r' graders as part of their study of Florida history. Since field trips have been cancelled for the fall due to the pandemic, DFAS Is working to possibly record the program on site and distribute that to all elementary schools In Duval County for use In their 4' grade classrooms. December B: Manhattan Chamber Players This concert Is on our schedule to be performed. We ara still working on resolving the educational outreach portion, which was Intended to be presented to elementary schools. SFAS may attempt to take the ensemble on site to a school, stili TI3D, January 10: David Hurd, organist in concert at St. John's Cathedral Educational outreach planned for January 11 at 5t. John's Cathedral, targeting elementary schools In our program "Introduction to the King of Instruments", Each child has a chance to "play" the organ during this outreach. January 31: Kenny Broberg, Silver Medalist of the Van Cliburn International Plano Competitioii, in concert and In a master class for advanced piano students at UNF Fine Arts Center on February 1. February 1 A, John Pizzarelli In residency at UNF with the UNF Jazz Ensemble 1 and the Jazz Studies prograrn, with free concert at UNF following the residency, February 25: VOCESB, British vocal ensemble, In concert. Educational Outreach will focus on high school choral ensembles March 14: Canadian Brass will perform in concert, followed by an outreach for middle/high school students on March 15. April 3Q: The Kingdom Choir will perform In concert. This British a cappella ensemble performed at the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Originally scheduled for October 13, the UNF Orchestra Educational Outreach, "Happy Birthday, Seethaven", with readings from "Beethoven Lives Upstairs" will be rescheduled for a time In the spring. 3.3 Describe how the programlevent will be advertised too ensureadequate participation (Maximum 5 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan for promotinglmarketing the program/event? * 1s this plan likely to be effective and feasible? We maintain a mailing list of over 5000 people, and we also utilize Constant Contact to keep them apprised of our programs. We advertise on WJCT and In Arbus Magazine, Beaches Leader announces our concerts and other activities with articles and photos. We have established relationships with Fleet Landing, Pablo Towers, and other retirement facilities so that their residents can attend our programs. Our website (www,beechesfinearts,arpl and social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) also spread the word about our concerts. 4 Describe how you will facilitate access to the program or event so that residents of Atlantic Beach who do not live near the program/event location and/or who do not have transportation can still participate. (Maximum 10 POINTS) NOTE, Reviewers will consider than following questions when assigning points: Is there a plan to erasure that access is not a barrier? o Is this plan effective and feasible? While as a free concert series, SFAS cannot pay for transportation to our venues for our audiences, we have on occasion been able to pair residents who live nearby to travel together to concerts. When an Individual contacts us to ask about transportation, we look at our list of frequent/regular attendees and contact them to try to help with transportation. Importantly, the Fleet Landing bus brings their residents to our concerts regularly. Our educational outreach programs Include bus funds to pay for transportation of all children to our activities. 5 Describe if the program is evidence based (i.e. has a record of achieving expected outcomes) (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning paints: Is the program or event based an published evidence? r. Does the program or event have a demonstrated history of success (inother contexts or similar cities, or in previous years)? Beaches fine Arts Series rrwiratains full houses for nearly all of Its concerts, which is one measure of Its success, At each concert, our audience members are asked to rill out as demographic survey that also allows space for comments about the event. These comments allow us to ascertain the success of a particular event. As discussed later in the application, (lie annual SFAS surveys are useful tools in our assessment strategies. B If there is a fee or cast to participate, describe how you will ensure that participants arenot denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay any registration or other related fees or costs. If there is no fee or cost please state NIA (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points; • Is the program/event free for residents of Atlantic beach? o If there is a fee or cost, does the proposal describe steps to ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to theirinability to pay fees or costs? All of our programs are offered to the public free of charge. 7, Evaluating Success (Maximum 30 POINTS) 13riefly describe how you will measure success. This should include how you will assess participant satisfaction, number of participants and (if applicable) changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills or behaviors, Describe data collection methods and who will be surveyed. Please also describe how data will be used to inform program improvement. NOTE. Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: • is there an adequate evaluation plan for measuringpadicipation, participant satisfaction and (if applicable) changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills or behaviors o Will data provide actionable information for future planning? n Will results be useful for dissemination to the community? o Does evaluation include feedback from participants/audience as wellas planners/ organizers and volunteers? Each year, BFAS conducts an annual survey, distributed through our internet mailing list. The survey ascertains which of our concerts were most highly regarded and why, Based on the results and sugyeslions, 13FAS works to adjust our programs. Our surveys have always resulted in great approval ratings, and we do receive constructive criticism which we evaluate in order to Improve our offerings. We utilize Survey Monkey for our collection method. Every year, we also take a zip code survey at our concerts in order to learn demographics of our audiences. (During the past season, one quarter of our audiences came from Atlantic Beach,) In addition, we ask our audiences to fill out donor envelopes with information and give them an opportunity to add their thoughts about specific concerts. All of these metrics are Important to our improvement of our programs. Dur results from our surveys are available to the community, and we do release them as part of grant applications as well. In order io Improve our educational outreach programs, we conduct an annual survey of all teachers whose students partioipatad in our programs. While the percentage of return on these surveys is not Ideal, at about 10%, we do receive thoughtful feedback regarding how effective and engaging our performers are, and how relevant the programs are to their curriculum. This feedback helps us to adjust our programs for upcoming years. SFAS also reaches out to the Duval County Music Specialists to ascertain whet €advice they might share regarding future programs, Recent conversations with them may result In a realistic recording of the Timucuan Preserve proposed program (as discussed in 3.2) to be sent to all of the schools. 8. Resourcing (Maximum 15 POINTS) Please describe any plan to leverage additional resources (e.g. other funding, volunteers, in- kind donations) or collaboration with others to offset expenses NOTE. Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o is them a plan to leverage additional resources (other funding, volunteers, and/or in-kind donations) ? o Is there collaboration with other organizations that will help to offset resources and expenditures? o is this a for-profit event? BFAS maintains a faithful cadre of volunteers, numbering around 50, who help us with fundraising events and our concerts and educational outreach programs. I iistorically, each of our concerts has a community host, which Is a local organization. However, due to COVID, we have determined that once the concerts resume, we may not have receptions, and will not engage community hosts for this season. We will resume that custom as soon as it becomes sensible to allow people to gather and share food and drink. Our success depends upon the contributions of Individual donors; long-time falthful corporate and municipal support (Wells Fargo Bank; PGA Your; City of Atlantic Beach; Cultural Services Grant from City of Jacksonville; State of Florida Division of CLdtural Affairs; Community Foundation; Publix; Mayo Clinic; and others.); and foundation support (Community Foundation; Lazzara Family Foundatlon; New Music LISA). We seek out new support regularly through corporations, grants, and foundations. In addition, BFAS receives great In-kind support from local restaurants, who provide post - concert meals for our artists and also participate as donors in our fundraisers. Notable among these are local restaurants, OCFAN 50; CARRABBAS; GUSTO; MATTHEWS, and TACO LU, as well as BISTRO AIX, bb's; SEASONS 52; FOGO DE CHAO; and ORSAY. Beaches Fine Arts Series collaborates with other arts organizations, including relationships with Beaches Historical Museum, Players by the See, and Don't Miss a Beat. Our longstanding partnership with University of North Florida brings our artists to their students, and allows our organization to present concerts there annually, specifically the UNF Jazz concert and the children's concert with UNF Orchestra. We also partner with Jacksonville University and a faculty member there is a new member of our board. Our home venue, St. Paul's by-the-Saa, provides free concertloulreach and off lee space for RFAS, St, John's Cathedral in downtown Jacksonville also provides free concertloutreach space for E3FAS. Beaches Fina Arts Series is a 501-c3 nonprofit, and none of its programs are "for profit". REVENUE EXPENSES Concert Income Concert Expensus - Artists Carporate Gifls & Grants 20,000 Artist Fccs 71,500 Foundation Support 7{1,(10 Concert Expenses - Prograin Cusis Local Government 3:,,0Un fducational Outreach - Musing 2,(100 Includes Culu mil Council Gnim Artist Lodging 9,000 State Government T #,(1{1u Artist Meal, 4,000 inriudm State cr.,nr Advertising & imsign 7,000 Federal Government :48,000 Other Concerl Lxp. 4,000 Private Donations 73,000 Printing 4,000 Fundraising, Income Receptions 30000 Special Events 75,000 executive Director Salary i Salary & Taxes 67,000 General Adminislrative Salary & Taxes 54,0110 Computer 1,11(10 Development Dues k Subscriptions 2,000 Utilities 4,000 Liability Insurance 3,000 Postage 5(10 Financial Review/Tax )'reparation 3,(11){1 Printer Lease 3,000 Supplies 1'mm Fundraising Expenses 21,00() REVENUE EXPENSES Concert Income Concert Expenses - Artists Corporate Gifts & Grants 20,000 Artist Fees 71,50f) Foundation Support 10,00() Conrert Expenses • Program Costs local Government 32,000 Educational Outreach - Busing 2,00(1 City of Allanilc Reach 3,000 Artist Lodging 9,000 State Government 14,{)00 Artist Meals 4,0011 Includes Stair Granl Advertising & Design 7,000 Federal Government 311,000 Other Concert Exp. 4,000 Private Donations 73,000 Printing 4,000 Fundraising Income Receptions 3,000 special Events 75,000 Executive Director Salary Salary & Taxes 67,000 General Administrativt Salary & Taxes 54,000 i:nmputcr 1,000 Development 1,000 Dues & Subscriptions 2,000 Utilities 4,000 Liability Insurance 3,()()O Postage 500 Financial Reviewffax Preparation :i,000 Printer Lease 3,000 Supplies 1,()()0 Fundraising Expenses 21,001) .+ AQ A n't. Funding amount requested: $ 3,000 pates of event/program start -end 02i2QI21, Yes/No Conditions A. Fair and justifiable program costs (Program/Event Budget required) 41a�/No B. Serves Atlantic Beach residents YbAlNo C. Programlevent pertains to cultural, arts, recreation {YiiINo D. Programlevent activities completed by September 30, 2027 "VINo E. Programlevent is non-discriminatory F. Is the event free from Inherently religious activities? _YeslNo NOTE: if the Yes/No conditions are not met, the application is not eligible for funding, and will not be processed for review. NOTE: Questions reviewers will consider are listed in italics as a helpful guide for applicants 7. Participants (Maximum 35 points) [.l Location(s) where program/event will take place Veterans Memorial Park W, 1 st 5t. U Total estimated number of participants 260 F1 Number and percent of participants who are Atlantic Beach residents #2FL_°lo Q Total number of hours each participant will be directly engaged in program/event 4 fl Frequency and duration of program/event (e.g. 1 time event for 2 hours, or 1 xlmonth for 1 hour) 6 Hrs./1x Event 11 is the event open to all residents of Atlantic Beach who may want to participate?. r7 Is the event to occur in Atlantic Beach or to serve primarily Atlantic Beach? Yes NOTE: An important criteria for funding is to ensure that an adequate number of Atlantic Beach residents will benefit from the program/event relative to the amount of funding requested. To address this criteria, a per -person -per -hour cost will be calculated by the reviewers. 2. Need (Maximum 20 paints) Briefly describe any community needs or gaps that the program/event is intended to address. Please state if the programlevent targets a population or age group that is currently underserved in Atlantic Beach. NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: U Is there a demonstrated need for the prograrwevent? ❑ Is the program/event duplicative of otherprogramslevents in the area? Cl is the program/event a response to a nood articulated from the community? D Does the programlevent target a population group that is currently underserved? (e.g. teens, children with special needs, low-income residents, etc.j The Veteran Command Call Greet and Meet Your Veteran Hero Initiative is a family cammunfty driven program that is designed to bride qaps between disabled and retired military veterans and citizens of Atlantic Beach. This attem # f�rpmote a synthesis delween morel and welfare fpr elf citfxans of Atlantic Beach Is at the heart of this Initiative. It Is our goal to recognize Isolated veterans and civilians that live In hidden ppqkets within in the area that have been Suffering fro_m_a lack of morale and welfare. The "Great and Meet Your Community Hero initiative" will a_stabll_sh_ and reinforce a heartfelt emotional and physical attachment to the people of Atlantic Beach, 3. description of programlevent 3.1 Describe the goals and objectives of the program/event, and benefits to the residents of Atlantic Beach, please make sure goals and objectives are specifle, measurable, achievable, results -focused and time -bound (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE.' Reviewers will consider the Hollowing questions when assigning points: a Are the goals and objectives described in the application SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused, and time- bound) o How will the programlevent benefit residents of Atlantic Beach (pertaining to cultural arts and recreation? o Are the goals and objectives artistic, recreational andlor cultural In nature the benefits of this meet and qreat community moral progrem Initiative "Veteran Command Call" will het the oo imuntly of Atlantic Beach and veterans residing within that community better understand the Fundamental desires of each other's _res group. This will pave the way for real social polftical and T economic growth in the Atlantic_ Beach area. The overall ournmitted goal Is toImprove the reputation of the Atlantic Beach community.This program will help solidify a new found sense of commonality and mulualistic trust that is essential to Veterans. 3.2 Describe program/event activities (Maximum 40 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o How appropriate are these activities are In terms of achieving the stated goals and objectives o Originality and creativity — is the program or event new and unique to the community or provide a new or unique twist on an existing program or event? o Is this a family oriented and wholesome event that City funding should support? This Program is all inclusive and will meet and si)an ati speclnims of society. Th_e 1VCC Inilhflve is regardsd to as, "The Bridge the closes all claps between genders aye, race, color, culture, or nationality. veterans, and clyilianlnon-military personnel." Persons tha. t participate to in this proc r. i am will he able to accomplish what most Communitles In Jacksonville Florida, have not been able to achieve by comity . to ether under one umbrella of honor and respect to acknowledge very Import members of sociely without violence or hate. Based on the contingency of funds that will be allocated to rovlde a iovlal. accepting_ environment that promotes food, fun, entertainment and fellowship will determine how wide spread we can promote this program. 3.3 Describe how the program/event will be advertised too ensure adequate Participation (Maximum 5 POINTS) NOTE., Reviewers will consider the hollowing questions when assigning points: 0 is there a plan for promotingfmarketing the programlevent? a Is this plan likely to be effective and feasible? We will be contacting the WCGL im 84.7 radio station am 13.60. We will send out flyers to the local VFW. We will send advertisement to be laced In the local military newspaper.WWe'll also utilize local television alalions for community adyertlsement. We'll also put local fivers in the VA offices. 4 _ 4 Describe how you will facilitate access to the program or event so that residents of Atlantic Beach who do not live near the program/event location and/or who do not have transportation can still participate. (Maximum 10 POINTS) NOTE. Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o is there a plan to ensure that access is not a barrier? o Is this plan effective and feasible? This program will be acceselble for the Community due to the events bele held at local city or state parks in the area. All events will be able to be reached through public or private tra 'orlation. 5 Describe if the program Is evidence based (Le. has a record of achieving expected outcomes) (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o is the program or event based on published evidence? o Does the program or event have a demonstrated history of success (in other contexts or similar cities, or in previous years)? This program has the real world capability of being practloally implemented on every Army, Airforce, Navy, Coast uard or Marine Base in the United States. The City of Mantic Beach will get this opportunity to be the starting point for this exceptional program. As retired Milltary personnel of twenty-three years (23) and 4 combat tours. I_ understand the mind of Veterans, I have tried to be an active participant of every communfly In which i have lived. Atlantic Beach is a community that Is prime for success, This program has had over a 400 -year success rete through Implantation by the US Military in every City or State within the USA and overseas. 6 If there is a fee or cost to participate, describe how you will ensure that participants are not dented the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay any registration or other related Fees or costs. if there is no fee or cost please state NIA (Maximum 16 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the foilowing questions when assigning points: o is the programlevent free for residents of Atlantic Beach? o if thea is a fee or cost, does the proposal describe steps to ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay fees or costs? Based_on the contlnyenc of f funds, this program will be adjusted to meet the financial statues of excellence - The buildInsl of this program has the ability throu h the amount of funds allocated to ptRsent the entrance of every participant into the pronrarn for free to anyone who chooses to participate,whether thou are from Atlantic Beachpr Dot.— _ — -- the 7. Evaluating Success (Maximum 30 POINTS) Briefly describe how you will measure success. This should Include how you will assess participant satisfaction, number of participants and (if applicable) changes In knowledge, attitudes, skills or behaviors. Describe data collection methods and who will be surveyed. Please also describe how date will be used to inform program improvement, NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning prints: a is there an adequate evaluation plan for measuring participation, participant satisfaction and (if applicable) changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills or behaviors o Will data provide actionable Information for future planning? o Will results be useful for dissemination to the community? o Does evaluation include feedback from participantslaudience as wall as plannersl organlrers and volunteers? This )ram m will be easily tracked and monitored for success. A counting method of participants/ attendees will be checked at a welcome table upon ehterin info the park. Partici ants will be consulted to see If we have met the vanjno scope of their needs, Demographics make mention of two hundred and six veterans that ml g ht live In the local area. Secondllythere will he a follow up connection Inquiry done anon mously__ based via text, email, or survey to stay connected. This includes future invites and quarterly dlelouue _ between us and the Community of Atlantic Beach. 5. Resourcing (Maximum 15 POINTS) Please describe any plan to leverage additional resources (e.g. other funding, volunteers, in-kind donations) or collaboration with others to offset expenses NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: a is there a plan to leverage additional resources (other funding, volunteers, andlor in-kind donations)? o Is there collaboration with other organizations that will help to offset resources and expenditures? o Is this a for-profit event? This prograrn has a built 1n contingency plan that will he Implemented in case there is found to be limltad resourcelfunds allocation. This includes a donations stem and we will also be setUnp up recruitment networks in the area, Upon approval, a list of l,te-screened and accepted veteran and community volunteers will assist in various areas, _. _� — _ Veterans Command Call 2020Program Budget Unrestricted Restricted Total Contributions 5,000.00 5,000.00 Gift -in-kind 1,000.00 1,000.08 Organization Partnership 3,000'00 3,000.00 Grants 3000.00 300000 Total 12000.00 ' 1200800 EXPENSE 8yprogram activities Contract Sevices 8,00I00 8,00.80 Setup 500.00 SOU/DQ Gifts -Door Prizes 2,000.00 I'OOO.UU Administrative 500.08 500.00 Travel Expense 1,000.08 1,008.00 Tota! I200000 - 2200000 1�guruf Operational Budget Income Contributions Gifts -in-kind Community Organizations Grants Total Income Expenses Personel Expenses Salaries & Wages Compensation Reimbursments Total Administrative Expense Telephone Utilities Postage, Shipping, Delivery Supplies Copies Total Rental & Maintenance Contracts Lease/ Rental Equipment Maintenance Equipment Maintenance Building Total Programs KBFGWC Missions Accad. Veterans Command Call Happy Box Sidewalk Talk Total Fiscal Year 20-21 21-22 75,000.00 80,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 50,000 50,000.00 • 111 99,000.00 316,000.00 329,000.00 6,000 .00 .iii 11 24,000.0024,000.0 1 4,320.00 4 i 11 1,080.001,080.0 i 1,200.001,200.0 1 36,600.00 Ill 1 26,400.00 34,320.00 2,880.00 2,880.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 30,480.00 38,400.00 225,000.00 225,000.00 12,000.00 13,500.00 6,000.00 7,500.00 3,600.00 _4,600.00 246,600.00 250,600.00 other Operating Expenses Insurance 800.00 800.00 Advertising 1,200.00 1,200.00 Total 2,000.00 2,000.00 BE CHES m u s e u m Culture 9 History • Community 1li�11111111111111,111111,111111�illilljlllllllI - Christine Hoffman Executive Director Funding amount requested: 2555 Dates of event/program start -end 10/20/ 9/21 A. Fair and justifiable program costs (Program/Event Budget required) /No B. Serves Atlantic Beach residents /No C. Program/event pertains to cultural, arts, recreationUS/No D. Program/event activities completed by September 30, 2021 /No E. Program/event Is non-discriminatory /No F. Is the event free from inherently religious activities? /No NOTE: If the Yes/No conditions are not r application is not eligible for funding, and will not roreview. NOTE: Questions reviewers will consider are listed in italics as a helpful guide for applicants 1. Participants (Maximum 35 points) ❑ Location(s) where program/event will take place Beaches Museum, 381 Beach Boulevard ❑ Total estimated number of participants Annually 15,000 visitors per year/20,000 online users ❑ Number and percent of participants who are Atlantic Beach residents # 3,750 %25 ❑ Total number of hours each participant will be directly engaged in program/event 2 H Frequency and duration of program/event (e.g. 1 time event for 2 hours, or 1 x/month for 1 hour) time, 2 hours ❑ Is the event open to all residents of Atlantic Beach who may want to participate? Yes ❑ Is the event to occur in Atlantic Beach or to serve primarily Atlantic Beach? Beaches Area NOTE: An important criteria for funding is to ensure that an adequate number of Atlantic Beach residents will benefit from the program/event relative to the amount of funding requested. To address this criteria, a per -person -per -hour cost will be calculated by the reviewers. Please note: These numbers are based on Museum attendance. The program we are requesting funding for does not require attendance however will benefit limitless amounts of residents for an unlimited amount of time. 2. Need (Maximum 20 points) Briefly describe any community needs or gaps that the program/event is intended to address. Please state if the program/event targets a population or age group that is currently underserved in Atlantic Beach. NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: ❑ Is there a demonstrated need for the program event? ❑ Is the programlevent duplicative of other programs/events in the area? ❑ Is the program/event a response to a need articulated from the community? ❑ Does the program/event target a population group that is currently underserved? (e.g. teens, children with special needs, low-income residents, etc.) The program will greatly enhance the access to and understanding of the history of Atlantic Beach. Donated in 2017 and in 2020, the Harcourt Bull Collection is largely unexplored and is not currently preserved. 6camining, cataloging and preserving this collection will benefit the historical understanding of the community in perpetuity. fi • •.. •`. .._ _ 3.1 Describe the goats and objectives of the program/event, and benefits to the residents of Atlantic Beach, please make sure goals and objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused and time -bound (Maximum 15 POINTS) (VOTE. Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Are the goals and objectives described in the application SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused, and time- bound) o How will the program/event benefit residents of Atlantic Beach (pertaining to cultural arts and recreation? o Are the goals and objectives artistic, recreational and/or cultural in nature The main goal will be to process the Harcourt Bull Collection to make it accessible to researchers and usable for exhibits and other public activities. Processing includes scanning or photographing hundreds of fragile documents and photos to preserve them before they deteriorate. The archivist will train volunteers to perform the scanning and phototography with an estimated 150 hours required. Once reproduced, they will be made available online. 3.2 Describe program/event activities (Maximum 40 POINTS) (VOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o How appropriate are these activities are in terms of achieving the stated goals and objectives o Originality and creativity ® is the program or event new and unique to the community or provide a new or unique twist on an existing program or event? o /s this a family oriented and wholesome event that City funding should support? The family of Harcourt Buil, one of the founding fathers of Atlantic Beach, has donated their extensive collection to the Beaches Museum. The collection provides insight in io the developmental history of Atlantic Beach from its founding well in to the mid -20th century including documents, correspondance, maps, images and otehr personal and organizational records. The organizations icnlude RCBS Corp., Atlantic Beach Corporation and the Florida East Coast Railway Co. It also contains documentation of Manhattan Beach, the African American Beach located at current day Hanna Park. Understanding of Atlantic Beach history requires examining these papers. 3.3 Describe how the program/event will be advertised too ensure adequate participation (Maximum 5 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan for promoting/marketing the program/event? o Is this plan likely to be effective and feasible? The Museum will use it's traditional methods of promoting this partnership and the donation of the Bull Collection through social media, blast emails, press release and printed newsletter. 4 Describe how you will facilitate access to the program or event so that residents of Atlantic Beach who do not live near the program/event location and/or who do not have transportation can still participate. (Maximum 10 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan to ensure that access is not a barrier? o Is this plan effective and feasible? The end result of this program will be an accessible collection documenting the early days and the founding of Atlantic Beach. It will be accessible in person, via phone and online. It Is also very likely that future researchers may use this Information for articles, books and other publications about Atlantic Beach history. 5 Describe if the program is evidence based (i.e. has a record of achieving expected outcomes) (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is the program or event based on published evidence? o Does the program or event have a demonstrated history of success (in other contexts or similar cities, or in previous years)? The Beaches Museum (Beaches Area Historical Society) has a 42 year history of preserving and sharing the history of the Beaches area. We are a resource for researches, residents, local governments, citizens and visitors who want to learn more about their community. We currently maintain the Virgil Deane Photo Collection, the archives of the Beaches Leader, historic archives for dubs and organizations, and much more. 6 If there is a fee or cost to participate, describe how you will ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay any registration or other related fees or costs. If there is no fee or cost please state N/A (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE. Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is the program/event free for residents of Atlantic Beach? o If there is a fee or cost, does the proposal describe steps to ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay fees or costs? Access to this information is free to all. Costs may be incurred for reproductions, prints, or additional research time by staff. 7. Evaluating Success (Maximum 30 POINTS) Briefly describe how you will measure success. This should include how you will assess participant satisfaction, number of participants and (if applicable) changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills or behaviors. Describe data collection methods and who will be surveyed. Please also describe how data will be used to inform program improvement. NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there an adequate evaluation plan for measuring participation, participant satisfaction and (ff applicable) changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills or behaviors o Will data provide actionable information for future planning? o Will results be useful for dissemination to the community? o Does evaluation include feedback from participants/audience as well as planners/ organizers and volunteers? Success will be measured against a timeline of benchmarks including training of volunteers, processing of the collection, scanning, replicating (for pieces beyond repair), cataloging and making accessible in person and online the collection. S. Resourcing (Maximum 15 POINTS) Please describe any plan to leverage additional resources (e.g. other funding, volunteers, in-kind donations) or collaboration with others to offset expenses NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan to leverage additional resources (other funding, volunteers, and/or in-kind donations)? o Is there collaboration with other organizations that will help to offset resources and expenditures? o Is this a for-profit event? Additional costs associated with this effort will bourne out of the general fund budget of the Museum. Should Atlantic Beach support this effort, that partnership will be leveraged to seek additional interested parties. Volunteers of the Museum, existing equipment and space will be used to offset additional costs. Indemnification Contribution Award applicants and recipients agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City from any and all liability, defense costs, including other fees, loss or damage which the City may suffer as a result of claims, demands, costs or judgment against it, arising from all activities engaged in by Recipient in its use of the public funds. Site Visits Applicants must be available for site visits during the application process and successful applicants must be available for site visits during program activities or events Save the ®ate It is recommended that all applicants consider holding time on their calendars for a 10 minute presentation on SEPTEMBER 0, 2020 in the event that they should make the short-list of semi- finalists (applicants may send any member of their staff or team to represent the application at the presentation). All decisions are final. 11:08 AM Beaches Museum 02/07/20 Profit & Loss Budget Overview Accrual Basis October 2099 through September 2020 Oct '19 - Sep 20 Ordinary Income/Expense Income 42000 • IN-KIND DONATIONS 0.00 40000 - ADMISSIONS 40020 - Donation at Entrance 3,600.00 40015 - Museum Admission 0.00 40010 • School S Group Tours 2,500.00 Total 40000 - ADMISSIONS 6,000.00 40100 - ARCHIVE S EXHIBITS INCOME 40160 - Art Work 1,500.00 40110 - Exhibit Underwriting 2,000.00 40130 - Image Reproductions 2,500.00 40120 • Publication -Royalties 100.00 Total 40100 - ARCHIVE & EXHIBITS INCOME 6,100.00 40200 - MEMBERSHIP 40220 - Memberships - General 15,000.00 40210 - Membership - San Pablo Society 30,000.00 Total 40200, MEMBERSHIP 45,000.00 40400 • ANNUAL FUNDRAISING 41500 - Holiday in the Park 3,000.00 40466 - Legends of the Beaches 150,000.00 40495 - Donations or Gifts in Memory of 0.00 40470 - Individual Contributions 3,000.00 40480 - Foundation Contributions 10,000.00 40490 • Corporate Contributions 3,000.00 40430 - Fletcher 17,000.00 Total 40400 - ANNUAL FUNDRAISING 186,000.00 40500 • MUSEUM STORE 40640 - Merchandise 1,000.00 40610 - Books 4,000.00 Total 40500 • MUSEUM STORE 5,000.00 40600 - GRANTS 40610 - Cultural Council 53,689.00 40620 - Other Public Grants 18,000.00 Total 40600 - GRANTS 71,689.00 40700 - DIVIDEND & INTEREST INCOME 0.00 41000 - PROGRAMS 41070 - Concerts 41070.1 - Concert Underwriting 10,000.00 41070 - Concerts - Other 33,500.00 Total 41070 - Concerts 43,500.00 41200 - Art Fest 2,000.00 41100 - Program/Lectures/openings 5,000.00 Total 41000 - PROGRAMS 50,500.00 40900 - RENTAL 40910 • Chapel -Taxable 40,000.00 40920 - Chapel -non taxable 22,000.00 40999 - Other 0.00 40930 - Museum 5,000.00 Total 40900 • RENTAL 67,000.00 49999 - MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 0,00 Total Income 437,289.00 Page 1 11:08 AM Beaches Museum 02/07120 Profit & Loss Budget Overview Accrual Basis October 2019 through September 2020 Oct'19 - Sep 20 Cost of Goods Sold 70000 - Cost of Goods Sold 2,000.00 Total COGS 2,000.00 Gross Profit 435,289.00 Expense 69900 - POS Inventory Adjustments 0.00 51100 - Freight and Shipping Costs 0.00 50400 • Payroll 50410 • Salaries 180,000.00 50420 - Payroll Taxes 16,000.00 Total 50400 - Payroll 196,000.00 60370 - Depreciation 0.00 60000 - MUSEUM MARKETING 60040, Program Marketing 3,500.00 60030 • Facility Rental Marketing 12,000.00 60020 - Email/Constant Contact 1,000.00 60010 - Website 250.00 Total 60000. MUSEUM MARKETING 16,750.00 50800 • OFFICE SUPPLIES 50870 - Computer Hard/Software/Consult 3,000.00 50820 - Postage 1,500.00 50810 • Office Consumables 1,000.00 Total 60800 • OFFICE SUPPLIES 5,500.00 50300 • ADMINISTRATION/MUSEUM BUSINESS 50350 - Meeting Expense 2,500.00 60490 • MISC. Admin Expense 0.00 50900 - Travel 50915 - Administrative Mileage 0.00 50910 • Administrative 0.00 50900 - Travel - Other 250.00 Total 50900 • Travel 250,00 50330 - Professional Fees 2,000.00 50310 • Bank Charges 50313 • Service -Credit Card Processing 3,000.00 50311 • AccountlBank Charges 2,000.00 Total 50310 • Bank Charges 5,000.00 60360 - Licenses & Permits 350.00 60340 - Entertainment -Team Building 1,000.00 50320 - Dues & Subscriptions 1,750.00 Total 50300 • ADMINISTRATIONIMUSEUM BUSINESS 12,850.00 60200 - FACILITIES 50299 - KITCHENIBULKICLEANING SUPPLIES 1,000.00 50201 • BUILDING AND MAINTENANCE 64220 - Historic Buildings 15,000.00 54210 - Train Bldg & Museum 7,689.00 Total 60201 • BUILDING AND MAINTENANCE 22,689,00 50202 • Computer Systems Maintenance 600.00 50203 • Fire System 1,500.00 50204 • Cleaning Service 7,680.00 50205 - Copy Machine 6,000.00 50206 - Elevator 1,500.00 50210 - Utilities 22,000.00 Page 2 11:08 AM Beaches Museum 02/07/20 Profit & Loss Budget Overview Accrual Basis October 2019 through September 2020 Page 3 Oct '19 a Sep 20 60270 - Grounds and Landscaping 50271 - Heritage Garden 500.00 50270 • Grounds and Landscaping - Other 7,500.00 Total 60270 - Grounds and Landscaping 8,000.00 50211 • Alarm Monitoring 3,000.00 50212 • Telephone/Data 5,000.00 Total 60200 • FACILITIES 78,969.00 63000 - PROGRAM EXPENSES 63156 • Art Fest 500.00 53170 • Concerts 21,600.00 53160 • Misc. Program Expense 500.00 53160 - Staff Development 500.00 63110 • Archives/Library/Newspapers 500.00 63120 - Programs and Lectures 5,000.00 53130 • Children Education 250.00 63140 • Publicatlons/Pastperfect 250.00 Total 63000 - PROGRAM EXPENSES 29,000.00 64000 - EXHIBITS 64020 • Permanent Exhibits 1,000.00 54010 - Temporary Exhibits 5,000.00 Total 64000 - EXHIBITS 6,000.00 55000 • FUND RAISING 63180 • Holiday in the Park Expenses 2,500.00 65750 • Membership - San Pablo Society 1,500.00 55466 • Legends Expenses 50,000.00 65700 • Membership - General 1,500.00 55200 • Fletcher 5,000.00 Total 55000 • FUND RAISING 60,500.00 58000 - INSURANCE 58900 • General Liability 58960 • Liquor Liability 1,045.00 58900 - General Liability - Other 1,980.00 Total 68900 • General Liability 3,025.00 58600 - Flood Insurance 4,000.00 58800 - Workers Compensation 5,000.00 58500 • Commercial Property 14,600.00 58400 • Business Owners 1,635.00 68100 • Crime 560.00 58300 • Directors/Officers Insurance 900.00 Total 58000 • INSURANCE 29,720.00 Total Expense 435,289.00 Net Ordinary Income 0.00 Other Income/Expense Other Income 40702 - Endowment Fund Contributions 0.00 31601 • Endowment Fund Unrealized GIL 0.00 40701 • Endowment Fund Earnings Income 0.00 40350 - Oesterrelcher-McCormick CapFund 0.00 40300 • PRESERVATION CAPITAL CAMPAIGNS 40320 • Oldest House Campaign 0.00 40300 - PRESERVATION CAPITAL CAMPAIGNS - Other 0.00 Total 40300 • PRESERVATION CAPITAL CAMPAIGNS 0.00 31600 • Unrealized Gains/Losses 0.00 31700 - Realized GainslLosses 0.00 Total Other Income 0.00 Page 3 11:00 AIN Beaches Museum 02/07/20 Profit & Loss Budget Overview Accrual Basis October 2019 through September 2020 Oct '19 - Sep 20 Other Expense 59000 - CAPITAL PROJECTS 59001 • Renovatlons-Capital Improvement 59200 - Oldest House 59299 - Oldest House-Misc. Expense 59220 - Oldest House Construction Total 59200 - Oldest House Total 59000 • CAPITAL PROJECTS Total Other Expense Not Other Income Net Income 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page 4 BE: CHES Culture - "Moty - community Budget Item Amount AB Museum In -Kind Staff support Direct Archivist Time $1,920 $1,920 Providing Volunteer Training $320 $320 Archival Supplies Acid Free Boxes $180 $180 Acid Free Folders $185 $ 18-5 Paper, protective covers, etc. $50$50 Volunteer Time $2,500 $2,500 Museum equipment Copier, scanners, etc. $1,000 $1,0001 I I Im I , 0, f 0 rr YeConditions NOTE. If the VeWNo conditions are not met, the application is not eligible t®r funding, and will not be processed for review. NOTE: Questions reviewers will consider are listed in italics as a helpful guide for applicants 1. Participants (Maximum 35 points) ,i' Location(s) where program/event will take place Total estimated number of participants Plumber and percent of participants who are Atlantic reach residents Total number of hours each participant will ,be di ectly engaged in program/event ii i t t \AvI U45r`t�� Frequency and duration bf prograrn/event (e.q. 1 time ev nt fr�r 2 hours, 0 1 x/month_for 1 hour) La t alt. f r} �" Is the event open to all residents of Atlantic Beach who may want to participate? ,11' Is the event to ocGur in Atlantic Beach or to serve primarily Atlantic Beach? Cr MOTE: An important criteria for funding is to ensure. that ars adequate number of Atlantic Beach residents will benefit from the programlevent relative to the amount of funding requested. To address this criteria, a per -person -per -hour cost will be calculated by the reviewers. 2. (Maximum 20 points) Briefly describe any community needs or gaps that the program/event is intended to address. Please state it the program/event targets a population or age group that is currently underserved in Atlantic Beach. NOTE: Reviewers will consider the fallowing questions when assigning points: Is there a demonstrated need for the progranVevent? Is the programle vont duplicative of other prograrnslevents in the area? Is the programlovent a response to a need articulated from the community? Dees the prograrnlevent target a population group that is currently underserved? (e.g. teens, children with special needs, low-income residents, etc.) � � � ' r" a :x � .� s_ -'= „ • =; I ` 1 • � x 1 � 1 NOTE Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: Are the goals and objectives described in the application SMART pecific, measurable, achievable, results -focused, and time- bound) How will the programlevent benefit residents of Atlantic Beach (pertaining to cultural arts and recreation? Are the goals and object es artistic, recreational and/or cultural in nature 3.2 Describe program/event activities (Maximum 40 POINTS) (VOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: How appropriate are these activities are in terms of achieving the stated goals and objectives Originality and creativity ® is the program or event new and unique to the community or provide a new or unique twist on an existing program or event? Is this a family oriented and wholesome event that City funding should support? i._pnsM_qoeqUate- participation (Maximum 5 POINTS) NOTE. Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: Is there a plan for is this plan likely t ng the programlevent? feasible? Describe how you will facilitate access to the program or event so that residents of Atlantic Beach who do not live near the program/event location andlor who do riot have transportation participate. (Maximum 10 NOTE. Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: there a plan to ensure that mess is not a barrier? !s this plan effective and feasible? 5 Describe if the program is evidence based (i.e. has a record of achieving expected i • iPOINTS) NOTE. Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: s the program or event based on published evidence? >--Does the program or event have a demonstrated history of success (in other contexts or similar cities, grin previous years)? M 6 If there is a fee or cost to participate, describe hove you will ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay any registration or other related fees or costs. If there is no fee or cost please state N/A (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is the programlevent free for residents of Atlantic Reach? o If there is a fee or cost, does the proposal describe steps to ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay fees or is? NOTE,,Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: Is there an adequate evaluation plan for measuring participation, participant satisfaction and (If applicable) changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills •"i• vlors data provide actionable information for future planning? Will results be useful for dissemination to the community? ��oes evaluation include feedback from participantslaudience as well as plannerslorganizers and volunteers? 8. Resouraing (Maximum 15 POINTS) Please describe any plan to leverage additional resources (e.g. other funding, volunteers, in-kind donations) or collaboration with others to offset expenses NoTf ' Viewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: is there a plan to leverage additional resources (other funding, volunteers, � '5r in-kind donations) ? /s there collaboration with other organizations that will help to offset resources and expenditures? Is this a for-profit event? jt �k indernnificafion Contribution Award applicants and recipients agree to indemnif y and hold harmless the City from any and all liability, defense costs, including other fees, loss or damage which the City may suffer as a result of claims, demands, costs or judgment against it, arising from all activities engaged in by Recipient in its use of the public funds. Site VISIts Applicants must be available for site visits during the application process and successful applicants must be available for site visits during program activities or events Date It is Save the applicants i... holding time i.. their calendars presentatio-n on SEPTEMBER 9, 2020 in the event that they should make the short-list of semi - f inalisis (applicanis may send any member of their staff or team to represent the application at the presentation). All decisions are final. ®S The Beaches Go Green Octopus Garden at Deck the Chairs (DTC) fills the need in our community for a free, outdoor, artistic, family -friendly (alcohol free) winter holiday gatheringl For many years, our beaches area was void of a winter event where people could gather safely with their families to celebrate the holiday season. Deck the Chairs is a unique opportunity for businesses and nonprofits to bring the community together in a showing of unity during the holiday season between Thanksgiving and New Years. Our beach residents seem to always seeks ways to engage within our community whether it's at the beach, our parks or community events like Deck the Chairs. Because the program is FREE and ALCOHOL FREE, it serves residents of all socio-economic levels, individuals, families, teens, special needs residents and pretty much anyone who wants to enjoy some holiday lights and community spirit! Octopus3.1 The goal of the Beaches Go Green • iengage obeach community in a fun, creative, artistic and educational manner while influencing behavior changes through education and awareness. We are impacting residents of all ages by entertaining .._,. around plastic pollution and the waste that we produce. We have received so much positive feedback on our display through the media coverage, social media posts and have been recognized as an award finalist by the Ponte Vedra Cultural Center at the BEACHES, A 2018and theDTC BEST IN SHOW 2019.exhibit_. =. to the public . ■ open • all Atlanticresidents as well as visitors to our beaches. With sustainability as a major focus for the City of ■ur creative art installation It's not just educational but fun. Our exhibit entertains small children with bubble machines • children ._ +,.. with our "stuffed snowball" snowballfightson weekends.photo opportunitiesendless..d thereflections the octopus eyes area favoritephoto addition, localBGG volunteers feel pride in seeing what they helped to create on display at the beaches. r • `l 0...0.,f 3.2 The Beaches Go Green Octopus Garden is a single -use plastic art installation located at the Deck the Chairs in Jacksonville Beach ,FL. We used metal frames and single -use plastic bottles to adorn the giant metal frames then covered them in lights to create beautiful Octopus and Jellyfish sculptures. Our extraordinary exhibit will be lit up every night from 11/21/20- 1/2/21 and is also available for viewing in the daytime ® two totally different artistic looks! We tied plastic usage statistics of the artistic materials to real life consumption statistics to create awareness and drive change in consumption behaviors. The sheer size (100' in diameter and 16' tall) and the method of creating this art makes it one of kind! It thrills children and adults alike as they enter the Octopus garden, see their own reflection in its eyes, pop the bubbles, and have "snowballs" fights with family and friends! Again, so many photo spots and opportunities to make memoriesl All that while learning about how they can change their habits to protect our beaches and our planet! 3.3 The Beaches Go Green Octopus Garden at the Deck the Chairs will be promoted in multiple ways and because the community embraces this event, it is at little or no cost to us. Deck the Chairs •o_ a great•i in publicizing event across Jacksonvilleand beyond with media and print coverage as well as social media promotion. Beaches Go Green will also be promoting t• _:those'. print - mediavenues Including our 1 1 Facebook and 5,000 followers on Instagram. Our past attendance has been over 65K visitors over 6 weeks and we plan to surpass this number this yearl Especially during this time of COVID, people are looking for a "feel good" story and family safe event where they can social distance and be outside ♦ this is a greatoption. 4. The Beaches Go Green Octopus Garden is located within the Deck the Chair event at the Seawalk Pavillion in Jacksonville Beach, FL. It is a free event with free parking at the beach. The event is easily walkable and bikeable for many residents. In addition, partners like Beach Buggies & Dial -a -ride will provide free transportation to beach residents to the eventl Driving past Seawalk Pavillion and through the park is also a option for an alternative way to enjoy it! 5. The Deck the Chairs event has proven - Green Octopus Garden enhances the experience of attendees with our huge, impressive exhibit. As proof of the effectiveness and desire to keep it going in the community, both the City of Atlantic Beach, City of Jax Beach and more have provided funding and other concession -- to help make it happen. As far as the Octopus Garden within Deck the Chairs, you can ask City of AB officials about the value of the partnership with Beaches Go Green in creating opportunities for the residents to give back, engage in volunteer events and learn more about being better environmental stewards — this is just another way that we do it. Deck the Chairs has been a successful event since 2013 and Beaches Go Green has been a part of it since 2018 and the numbers of attendees continues to grow with exposure and interesti 6. There is no fee to participate in the event as a visitorl There are also many volunteer *pportunities to engage people of all ages! There are no reasons that we can think of to exclude anyone for participating and attending! amount7. The of workf •. - Into our Octopus Gs r more we ever anticipated. By the time the exhibit went live last November, we were nearly exhausted and burned out. What revitalized us and showed us the effectiveness of our efforts was walking around, watching and listening to the engagement of the families and visitors. People -awed by the educational signage, having a blast with the "snowball" fights, taking SO MANY photos, sharing them on social media and having REAL discussions about making changes in their lives. The greatest proof that we have of our success is the people asking us about this year's display and the repeat visitors coming weekend after weekend and year and year. The Jellyfish Park of 2018 (the precursor to the Octopus Garden) won the DTC CREATIVE APPRECIATION AWARD and the Octopus Garden of 2019 did DTC BEST IN SHOW — all voted by attendees! We were also a finalist Ponte Vedra Cultural Center's: BEACHES, A Celebration of Arts Gala. After this year's DTC zvent, we plan to run a SurveyMonkey survey in January 2021 after the exhibit's closure to learn more about our audience and get more direct feedback on our area of the park. We �.lways release the results on our surveys on our social media and in our Monthly Impact Alepo__. Servicess. 8. Beaches Go Green leverages community volunteers as our number one resource. We have partnered in the past with Atlantic Beach's own Artistic Contractors to consult & build the metal forms of our exhibit. We have partnered with and requested funding from Republic i is a partner. In past years, Republic Services also provided us with MOST of the recyclables used in the display. Since we are gaining more exposure each year, we have had several other y.• 3. and organizations reach out to us who want to be a part of the Octopus Garden — one such group is Ocean Sole (based out of Ponte Vedra) with art constructed out of reclaimed • flopsif . partner .-d forward thinkinF-4-apanizations who su 4fort the 4Rs — REFUSE, REDUCE, REUSE & RECYCLE. This �,s a f tee event. Beaches Go Green does not profit at all from this event monetarily only in exposure and education.einvestment - progression of our beach communityl THANK Y®U! i 1 660 00 2/2021 3/2021 Funding amount requested: $ Dates of evenilprogram start -end Yes/No Conditions A. Fair and justifiable program costs (Program/Event Budget required)eilln le No B. Serves Atlantic Beach residents No C. Program/event pertains to cultural, arts, recreation No D. Program/event activities completed by September 30, 2021 No E. Program/event is non-discriminatory%/No No F. Is the event free from inherently religious activities? NOTE: If the Yes/No conditions are not met, the application is not eligible for funding, and will not be processed for review. NOTE: Questions reviewers will consider are listed in italics as a helpful guide for applicants 1. Participants (Maximum 35 points) o Location(s) where program/event will take place _ _Donnor Park Community Center ity C u Total estimated number of participants 50 L Number and percent of participants who are Atlantic Beach residents # 100% Total number of hours each participant will be directly engaged in program/event 16 hours u Frequency and duration of program/event (e.g. 1 time event for 2 hours, or 1 x/month for 1 hour) l hour 2x a week for 8 weeks/ total 16 classes. D Is the event open to all residents of Atlantic Beach who may want to participate? Yes u Is the event to occur in Atlantic Beach or to serve primarily Atlantic Beach? Both NOTE: An important criteria for funding is to ensure that an adequate number of Atlantic Beach residents will benefit from the program/event relative to the amount of funding requested. To address this criteria, a per -person -per -hour cost will be calculated by the reviewers. 2. Need (Maximum 20 points) Briefly describe any community needs or gaps that the program/event is intended to address. Please state if the program/event targets a population or age group that is currently underserved in Atlantic Beach. NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: ❑ Is there a demonstrated need for the program/event? ❑ Is the program/event duplicative of other programs/events in the area? L Is the program/event a response to a need articulated from the community? Does the program/event target a population group that is currently underserved? (e.g. teens, children with special needs, low-income residents, etc.) The Life in Balance program (Balance, Strength, Flexibilty, Mindfulness) is a specialized program designed for the local population ages 50 and older. These classes can be performed seated or standing and provides fall prevention exercises with more daily activity options and awareness, for all levels of well- being. This program is important to ensure proper balance to reduce falls and injuries. ily life skills. Tha high rata of partiripatinn inrliratPrl the naari tnr mnra alanr�/F�3jl �jra_�antinnnrp These classes will .provide a variety of skills for fmg>rovinU ones health, that normally_ _ are not available in this community for free. 3. Description of program/event 3.1 Describe the goals and objectives of the program/event, and benefits to the residents of Atlantic Beach, please make sure goals and objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused and time -bound (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will considerthe following questions when assigning points: o Are the goals and objectives described in the application SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused, and time- bound) o How will the programlevent benefit residents of Atlantic Beach (pertaining to cultural arts and recreation? o Are the goals and objectives artistic, recreational andlor cultural in nature The q���oafs for Life in Balance classes are improve the wellbeing for Atlantic Beach Residents, teach ways to enhance Fa as ce, -s renes, co"ni[ive funcTion, TiexIil� �'F .,, -_.. g., g yant c c3�crease G le nst� oTl� aria orintury. --" 3.2 Describe program/event activities (Maximum 40 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o How appropriate are these activities are in terms of achieving the stated goals and objectives o Originality and creativity — is the program or event new and unique to the community or provide a new or unique twist on an existing program or event? o Is this a family oriented and wholesome event that City funding should support? Life in Balance classes will be scheduled 2 times a week -1 hour a class for 16 weeks. Classes are designed for all levels of wellness and can be done seated or standing. Using a blend of Tai Chi/Qi on�c moves, breath work, stren thenin drills, stretchin for e er exl _ t y, an�J min" u Hess c is enges, prove es some imr everyone o enjoy, ---"" and down with confidence, reach for an item while k' I' ­ Life in Balance is a great community program and a wonderful opportunity for the City of Atlantic Beach to support. 3.3 Describe how the program/event will be advertised too ensure adequate participation (Maximum 5 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: pity. o Is there a plan for promoting/marketing the program/event? o Is this plan likely to be effective and feasible? This program will be advertised through our local paper, social media, and flyers _ _--. _ _ We will ask the City of Atlantic each to add it to the monthly calendar, newsletter and website. ._.. We w41—use all social media opportunities with handouts and flyers distrbuted throughout the neighborhood. These free classes, available to the residents of Atlantic Beach, bring community together with social interaction in a healthy positive atmosphere. Describe how you will facilitate access to the program or event so that residents of Atlantic Beach who do not live near the program/event location and/or who do not have transportation can still participate. (Maximum 10 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan to ensure that access is not a barrier? o Is this plan effective and feasible? Donnor Park Community Center is handicapped accessible and centerally located for residents of Atlantic beach. T�Te classes wiif e prom erj monfl s fn advance 10-5liow in Ivlrtua s o make ra onsp anon arrangements. Classes are free making it feasible and effective for increased attendance. 5 Describe if the program is evidence based (Le. has a record of achieving expected outcomes) (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will considerthe following questions when assigning points: o Is the program or event based on published evidence? o Does the program or event have a demonstrated history of success (in other contexts or similar cities, or in previous years)? Our Certified Specialized Instructors have been creating and desi nig these classes for over 3 ears, p with posifive feee- a—Ck on t e Improvemen s 7e s uc ents recelve p ystca y, menfiafry anc emo lona y. ____ Life in Balance classes combine fa_llprevention skills with Tai Chi forms that are evidence base & suppor e y e r n Is oun a ion, al c t or ea ns t u e an menca al t Igong ssociation. Previous programs h' ve-been offered of several locaf community Centers, churches, parvcs & loc- of businesse 6 If there is a fee or cost to participate, describe how you will ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay any registration or other related fees or costs. If there is no fee or cost please state N/A (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is the program/event free for residents of Atlantic Beach? o If there is a fee or cost, does the proposal describe steps to ensure that participants aro not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay fees or costs? ---N/A 7. Evaluating Success (Maximum 30 POINTS) Briefly describe how you will measure success. This should include how you will assess participant satisfaction, number of participants and (if applicable) changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills or behaviors. Describe data collection methods and who will be surveyed. Please also describe how data will be used to inform program improvement. NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there an adequate evaluation plan for measuring participation, participant satisfaction and (if applicable) changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills or behaviors o Will data provide actionable information for fixture planning? o Will results be useful for dissemination to the community? o Does evaluation include feedback from participants/audience as well as planners/organizers and volunteers? In order to insure that the program meets the needs of each particpants, we will provide _ _ �-- _ Each class provideses certain subtle testing to rate students than a/im rovements in sstrength r future planninq.lnstruciors will express their personal findinr� in the final report. The final report will be available to the City of Atlantic beach for dissemination. 8. Resourcing (Maximum 15 POINTS) Please describe any plan to leverage additional resources (e.g. other funding, volunteers, in-kind donations) or collaboration with others to offset expenses NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan to leverage additional resources (other funding, volunteers, and/or in-kind donations)? o Is there collaboration with other organizations that will help to offset resources and expenditures? o Is this a for-profit event? We will reach out to local businesses to support our classes by displaying fliers in their store. We will askTor-discobnted rates w en c611ng i5uslness%r mm t end, copses—eTc: -- Will ask-fo7-V01UnMT9-16_s�rri cli�tiil li�sllilo ire oval cpm -i iurtliTe m '_ This is rTot-&jor-pmfrtuvL1rtt: --_— Ordinary Income/Expense Income Direct Public Support 734.29 individ, Business Contributions Total Direct Public Support 734.29 500.00 Grants Program Income 450.00 EWE 02/20 196.50 EWE 11119 1,875.77 Program Service Fees 1,570.68 Wine Tasting - _—_ _.. _ Total Program Income 4,092.95 5,327.24 Total Income Expense 10.00 bank service charge Business Expenses 91.25 Business Registration Fees _ Total Business Expenses 91.25 Contract Services 1,028.99 Outside Contract Services 0.00 Contract Services - Other_.— Total Contract Services 1,028.99 Facilities and Equipment 28.75 Rent, Parking, Utilities Total Facilities and Equipment 28.75 Operations 9.99 Books, Subscriptions, Reference 4.97 Postage, Mailing Service 82.19 Printing and Copying 190.43 Supplies 599,00 Telephone, Telecommunications 886.58 Total Operations 98.94 Other Types of Expenses Program Expense 286.86 Balance Matters 563.87 EWE 02120 802.95 EWE 11119 471.94 Wine Tasting 2,125.62 Total Program Expense Travel and Meetings 40,00 Conference, Convention, Meeting Total Travel and Meetings 40.00 _ -- 4,310.13 Total Expense-- 1,017.11 Net Ordinary Income Page 1 8:34 Am Now Age nippy 08115120 Profit & Loss Accrual Basis August 2019 through July 2020 Aug '19 - Jul 20 Other Income/Expense Other Income Interest Total Other Income Net Other Income Net Income 2.03 2.03 2.03 1,019.14 Page 2 Life in Balance Program Budget February 2021 -March 2021 Certified Instructor 16 hours@$65.00 ® $1,040.00 Rental Fee @ Dutton Park Community Center $25.00 an hour for 16 hours®$400.00 If City waives Fee- deduct $400.00 Materials and Printing $60.00 Advertising and Promotion $100.00 2 video's available to all students through our $60.00 website Total $ 1,660.00 New Age Hippy, Inc. 222 Oleander street Neptune Beach, Florida 32266 904-234-0038 www.newagehippy.org Funding amount requested: Dates of event(program start-ondLy2L Yes/No Conditions A. Fair ijustifiableprogram Budget s q _ t%.. 0: B. Serves Atlantic Beach residents No C. Program/event pertains to cultural, arts, recreation No D. Programlevent actMties completed by September 30, 2021 No E. ii non-discriminatory _ ',t F. Is the event free from inherently religious activities? es No 40TE: If the Yes/No conditions and will not be processed for review. NOTE: Questions reviewers will consider are listed in italics as a helpful guide for applicants 1. Participants (Maximum 35 points) I Location(s) where program/event will talcs place Total estimated number of participants vea�5 Number and percent of participants who are Atlantic Beach residents L. total number of houfs each participant will be directly engaged in program/event', L. Frequency and'du tion of program/event (e.g. 1 time event for 2 hours, or 1 x/month for 1 hour) tit L.. is the event open tdall residents of Atlantic Beach who y want to participate? L_ Is the event to occur in Atlantic Beach or to serve primarily Atlantic Beach? NOTE. An important criteria for funding is to ensure that an adequate number of Atlantic Beach residents will benefit from' the program/event relative to the amount of funding requested. To address this criteria, a per -person -per -hour cost will be calculated by the reviewers. 2. Need (Maximum 20 points) Briefly describe any community needs or gaps that the program/event is intended to address. Please state if the program/event targets a population or age group that is currently underserved in Atlantic Beach. NOM Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: 7 Is there a demonstrated need for the prograrnlevent? D Is the program/event duplicative of other programs/events in the area? :1 Is the program/event a response to a need articulated from the community? 71 Does the program/event target a population group that is currently underserved? (e.g. teens, children with special needs, low-income residents, etc.) s— -71 1 d� "�� G.'L7�f,h� /,''s I't►tr`E.�i �5 11 Z Q Vt `sL1AC I1 c_ E i Description of pro event I .1 Describe the goals and objectives of the program/event, and benefits to the I residents of Atlantic Beach, please make sure goats and objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused and time -bound (Maximum 95 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: E o Are the goals and objectives described in the application SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused, and tune- bound) o plow will the programlevent benefit residents of Atlantic Beach (pertaining to cultural arts and recreation? f o Are the gals and objectives artistic, recreational rind/or cultural in n tune t,f7i� ,%sr c r, ,}. 55"Met � f. vty • . C5e eta r ramlevent 6W ti ( 'mum POINTS) . �escdbe p ckgI NOTE: Reviewers will consider the fallowing questions when assigning points: j o How appropriate are these activities are in terms of achieving the stated goals and objectives o Originality and creativity — is the program or event new and unique to the community or provide a now or unique twist on an existing program or event? o is this a family oriented and wholesome event that City funding should support? Ii -y J �4- km-,- � t , 20 �j 3.3 Describe how the program/event will be advertised too insure adequate participation (Maximum 5 POINTS) NOTE, Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: t. 9 o Is there a plan for prom®tinglmarketing the program/event? 4 Describe how you will facilitate access to the program or event so that residents of Atlantic Beach who do not live near the programlevent location and/or who do not have transportation can still participate. (Maximum 10 POINTS) NOTE., Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan to ensure that access is not a barrier? o Is this plan effective and feasible? 5 Describe if the program is evidence based (i.e. has a record of achieving expectQi- outcomes) (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE., Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is the program or event based on published evidence? o Does the program on event have a demonstrated history of success (in other con ext8 or similar cities, orevio 18 Le-71 % '9r� �;rrP''r? �t ,: �- ` r •'�,`1 t "vl�'t fir' ��r�,t X171 l"111L.LG�' ia'11� C/Ie .t v— re el C 6k� / c rdrY) J 11e 5'rr lv r 6 If there is a fee or cost to participate, describe how you will ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay any registration or other rotated fees or costs. If there is no fee or cost please state NIA (Maximum 15 DINTS) NOTE. Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is the program/event free for residents of Atlantic Beach? o If there is a fee or cost, does the proposal describe steps to ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay fees or costs? i �'U e Ve r r� 1' � ,' ,ice. c � �r�►►77 C�.y9-r�,� �.: e p i �t4ni ate�'` 'd� ��� y,.f t�hem i 10 7. Evaluating Success (Maximum 30 POINTS) 1-1 in WIMA .� -. - • M IN R �- .r 1. E. .r r •r - NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there an adequate evaluation plan for measuring participation, participant satisfaction and (if applicable) changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills or behaviors o Will data provide actionable information for future planning? o Will results be useful for dissemination to the community? a Does evaluation include feedback from participants/audience as well as planners/ organizers and volunteers? U Resourcing (Maximum 15 POINTS) Please describe any plan to leverage additional resources (e.g. other funding, volunteers, in-kind donations) or collaboration with others to offset expenses 91_vct `i 5 fa.. NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points. a Is there a plan to leverage additional resources (other funding, volunteers, and/or in-kind donations)? o Is there collaboration with other organizations that will help to offset resources and expenditures? o Is this a for-profit event? (' -VV 51'-V3 Indemnification Contribution Award applicants and recipients agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City from any and all liability, defense costs, including other fees, loss or damage which the City may suffer as a result of claims, demands, costs or judgment against it, arising from all activities engaged in by Recipient in its use of the public funds. Site Visits Applicants must be available for site visits during the application process and successful applicants must be available for site visits during program activities or events Save the ®ate It is recommended that all applicants consider holding time on their calendars for a 10 minute presentation on SEPTEMBER 0, 2020 in the event that they should make the short-list of semi- finalists (applicants may send any member of their staff or team to represent the application at the presentation). All decisions are final. 'a 01mr-OWITI, � M-� Office Supplies 200 Printing and Publishing 500 Receptions 900 Building/Venue Rentals 600 Gas and Mileage 400 Entertainment 3000 Equipment and Maintenance 2000 Advertising/PR 2000 Social Media Services ----1200 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Calendar of Events Jan — Martin Luther King Program Feb - Black I-Estory Month Program Mar — Spring Festival April — Arts in the Park May — Gospel in the Park June — Tumbling Waters Campground Program (North Carolina July, August, September — Recording and various community outreach October ® Birds of Fire community camping and picnic Nov — Fall Festival Dec — Community Christmas Program Funding amount requested: $2,800 Dates of event/program start -end: 11/21/20 - 1/1/21 Yes/No Conditions A. Fair and justifiable program costs (Program/Event Budget required) Yes B. Serves Atlantic Beach residents Yes C. Program/event pertains to cultural, arts, recreation Yes D. Program/event activities completed by September 30, 2021 Yes E. Program/event is non-discriminatory Yes F. Is the event free from inherently religious activities? Yes NOTE: If the Yes/No conditions are not met, the application is not eligible for funding, and will not be processed for review. NOTE: Questions reviewers will consider are listed in italics as a helpful guide for applicants 1. Participants (Maximum 35 points) Atlantic Beach City Hall and ❑ Location(s) where program/event will take place Jacksonville Beach Seawalk Pavilion L-1 Total estimated number of participants - 65,000 - 100,000 Number and percent of participants who are Atlantic Beach residents #5000 % 6 Total number of hours each participant will be directly engaged in program/event N/A Frequency and duration of program/event (e.g. 1 time event for 2 hours, or 1 x/ month for 1 hour) ®pen Eve Day for 6 weeks Is the event open to all residents of Atlantic Beach who may want to participate? Yes Is the event to occur in Atlantic Beach or to serve primarily Atlantic Beach? Yes NOTE: An important criteria for funding is to ensure that an adequate number of Atlantic Beach residents will benefit from the program/event relative to the amount of funding requested. To address this criteria, a per -person -per -hour cost will be calculated by the reviewers. 2. Need (Maximum 20 points) Briefly describe any community needs or gaps that the program/event is intended to address. Please state if the program/event targets a population or age group that is currently underserved in Atlantic Beach. NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: ❑ Is there a demonstrated need for the program/event? ❑ Is the program/event duplicative of other programs/events in the area? ❑ Is the program/event a response to a need articulated from the community? 11 Does the program/event target a population group that is currently underserved? (e.g. teens, children with special needs, low-income residents, etc.) Deck The Chairs, in its eighth season, would like to engage the youth in Atlantic Beach by challenging them to a Chair Decorating Competition on behalf of the City of Atlantic Beach. Two lifeguard chairs will be made available — one at Atlantic Beach City Hall and one at Jacksonville Beach Seawalk Pavilion. 3.1 Describe the goals and objectives of the program/event, and benefits to the residents of Atlantic Beach, please make sure goals and objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused and time -bound (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Are the goals and objectives described in the application SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused, and tune- bound) o How will the program/event benefit residents of Atlantic Beach (pertaining to cultural arts and recreation? o Are the goals and objectives artistic, recreational and/or cultural in nature The goal is to inspire young minds to concept, create and build. The greater oective is to challenge the youth to share their stories in a creative way using the theme "What Does Living in the City of Atlantic Beach Mean to You?. 3.2 Describe program/event activities (Maximum 40 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o How appropriate are these activities are in terms of achieving the stated goals and objectives o Originality and creativity– is the program or event new and unique to the community or provide a new or unique twist on an existing program or event? o Is this a family oriented and wholesome event that City funding should support? Deck The Chairs was launched in a season with no holiday decorations. The unique quality of DTC is that the decorated lifeguard chairs each tell a story, Orqanizations and businesses participate because they know their creative efforts bring ioy to thousands of visitors. DTC would like the children of Atlantic Beach to experience that sense of accomplishment and pride by decoratinq lifeguard chairs for their community. 3.3 Describe how the program/event will be advertised too ensure adequate participation (Maximum 5 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan for promoting/marketing the program/event? o Is this plan likely to be effective and feasible? DTC has a strong social following and local media will cover several unique stories. We hope to make this effort part of the special Human Interest story for 2020. 4 Describe how you will facilitate access to the program or event so that residents of Atlantic Beach who do not live near the program/event location and/or who do not have transportation can still participate. (Maximum 10 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan to ensure that access is not a barrier? o Is this plan effective and feasible? With two lifeguard chairs committed to this effort, we imagine the decorated lifeguard chair at Atlantic Beach City Hall will be seen by most of your residents. 5 Describe if the program is evidence based (i.e. has a record of achieving expected outcomes) (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is the program or event based on published evidence? o Does the program or event have a demonstrated history of success (in other contexts or similar cities, or in previous years)? This is a first run of the Dr000sed Citv of Atlantic Beach Chair Decoratinq Competition. We hope it gets a lot of interest. 6 If there is a fee or cost to participate, describe how you will ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay any registration or other related fees or costs. If there is no fee or cost please state N/A (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is the program/event free for residents of Atlantic Beach? o If there is a fee or cost, does the proposal describe steps to ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay fees or costs? This will be free for young children and high school students to participate. We propose one lifeguard chair for kids 8-14 and a second lifeguard chair for students 15-18 years old. The grant will be split between Chair Sponsorship (two chairs at non profit rate of $700 each) and $1,400 for lighting and build materials. i. Evaluating Success (Maximum 30 POINTS) Briefly describe how you will measure success. This should include how you will assess participant satisfaction, number of participants and (if applicable) changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills or behaviors. Describe data collection methods and who will be surveyed. Please also describe how data will be used to inform program improvement. NOTE. Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there an adequate evaluation plan for measuring participation, participant satisfaction and (if applicable) changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills or behaviors o Will data provide actionable information for future planning? o Will results be useful for dissemination to the community? o Does evaluation include feedback from participants/audience as well as planners/ organizers and volunteers? The wonderful quality of the DTC exhibit is that every decorator is quilded through a process so that they can achieve ultimate success in decorating and lighting. If the lifeguard chairs are decorated and built well and the creativitt_ hi s — it will be a success. 8. Resourcing (Maximum 15 POINTS) Please describe any plan to leverage additional resources (e.g. other funding, volunteers, in-kind donations) or collaboration with others to offset expenses NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan to leverage additional resources (other funding, volunteers, and/or in-kind donations)? o Is there collaboration with other organizations that will help to offset resources and expenditures? o Is this a for-profit event? DTC will need some support from a few Atlantic Beach city leaders to move this project forward. Deadlines are critical and we know this will require a team that is not solely lead_ by DTC volunteers. Deck The Chairs 2020 Proposed Budget Summary Program Budget Projected Chair Sponsorship Projected PROPOSED INCOME 2020 [ash Trade TOTAL PROPOSED EXPENSES 2020 Cash In Kind Total Inklnd 1BDTC Event Sponsorships _ $41,200 $51,400 $92,600 DTC Development & Event Mgmt $10,925 $0 $10,925 Merchandise Sales $21,000 $2,250 $23,250 Capital Improvements $3,000 — $0 $3,000 Grants/Donations/Social Fundraising $11,000 $0 $11,000 _ 1BDTC Event Operationsm, $31,863 $42,300 $76,163 Merchandise Fundralsing Program $2,000 $0 $2,000 _ Contributions $5,000 $0 $5,000 Total Projected Income 1 � _ $73,200 5 $53,650. $126,850 Total Projected Expenses $52,788 �_ ... _. $42,300 $97,088 Program Budget Chair Sponsorship $1,400 Lighting & Build Materials Total �� $1,400 $2,800 Thanks ivin Nlornin Virtual ® tion and Live 5k 7am-10am / lim A. Fair and justifiable program costs (Program/Event Budget required) /No B. Serves Atlantic Beach residents Y-es/No C. Program/event pertains to cultural, arts, recreation /No D. Program/event activities completed by September 30, 2021 /No E. Program/event is non-discriminatory /No F. Is the event free from inherently religious activities? No -_ .. • • and will not be processed for NOTE: Questions reviewers will consider are listed in italics as a helpful guide for applicants 1. Participants (Maximum 35 points) Location(s) where program/event will take place Ocean Blvd/Towne Cente Atlantic Beach_ Total estimated number of participants_2250�imited number this year due to CV -19) Number and percent of participants who are Atlantic Beach residents 600 %20 -,--- Total 20Total number of hours each participant will be directly engaged in program/event 3 Frequency and duration of program/event (e.g. 1 time event for 2 hours, or 1 x/month for 1 hour) 1 time Is the event open to all residents of Atlantic Beach who may want to participate? Yes _ Is the event to occur in Atlantic Beach or to serve primarily Atlantic Beach? Yes _ NOTE: An important criteria for funding is to ensure that an adequate number of Atlantic Beach residents will benefit from the program/event relative to the amount of funding requested. To address this criteria, a per -person -per -hour cost will be calculated by the reviewers. Briefly describe any community needs or gaps that the program/event is intended to address. Please state if the program/event targets a population or age group that is currently underserved in Atlantic Beach. NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: J Is there a demonstrated need for the program/event? J /s the program/event duplicative of other programs/events in the area? J Is the program/event a response to a need articulated from the community? J Does the program/event target a population group that is currently underserved? e.g. teens, children with special needs, low-income residents, etc.) grace ZU15, we have hosted Tom Turke Trot in Atlantic �each�an annual fundraising event with a 5k and fun run on Thanksgivingmomin . Not onl does this event offers a safe and fun o odunit Lor healthy exercise on a da of lar a calorie intake but we also rovide education on brain in'u p rotection for outh s orts and su ort brain in'ur survivors. Our event is o en to anone re andless of a e ordisabilit and discounts are made available for low income militaM and TBI survivors. 3.1 Describe the goals and objectives of the program/event, and benefits to the residents of Atlantic Peach, please make sure goals and objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused and time -bound (Maximum 15 POINT'S) !VOTE. Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Are the goals and objectives described in the application SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused, and time- bound) o How will the program/event benefit residents of Atlantic Beach (pertaining to cultural arts and recreation? o Are the goals and objectives artistic, recreational and/or cultural in nature Our main objective is to generate awareness of brain inlunes and support brain inAtg survivors in our local community. Last year we also launched a campaign on promotinchelmet safet in ouch sports and provided the Fletcher Htelh school �ovs Lacrosse Team (34) all new safest most advanced helmets on the market.Ti's Turkey Tint is our only annual fundraising event for our organization and one of the gals of this event is to offer an opportunity for health exercise before the holiday meals on Thanks ivinq morning We measure our effectiveness by conducting apost- eventsurvey. OF Health will be a co -host this ey ar to hel us provide a safe environment with safety measures inlace fora virtual and limited 5k live event. 3.2 Describe program/event activities (Maximum 40 POINTS) !VOTE. Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o How appropriate are these activities are in terms of achieving thestated goals and objectives o Originality and creativity ® is the program or event new and unique tothe community or provide a new or unique twist on an existing program or event? o Is this a family oriented and wholesome event that City funding should support? Tom's Turks Trot is an event that starts in the hear` of Beaches Towne Center starting at Ocean BlvWAhern St and takes runners down Ocean Blvd and over to Selva Marina Dr to % turn by Atlantic Beach Country Club and then back. This is our 60 year and even thou h we had a tremendously larcie turnout and huge success last year we have adjusted our event this yes ar to meet with safety and social distancing practices during this pandemic. While we still want to be able to provide local AB nssidents an outlet to have a healthy exercise opportunit we have made many chanoes to work with the socialdistancing guidelines. We will NOT have the 9- mile fun run walk,pie eating contest local vendors_orawards ceremony following the event. We will have a staocered start and limit the number of narttcinants to 22sn WP have vn. Face coverinc 3.3 Describe how the program/event will be advertisedtoo ensureadequate participation (Maximum 5 POINTS) (VOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan for promoting/marketing the program/event? o Is this plan likely to be effective and feasible? Our event is heavily advertised though local media including digital billboards TV, and radio. Last year our event was published on the front cover of the Florida Times Union newspaper. We also participate in local City of AB events, such as last year we had a table at the healthy trick or treat and Saturday Arts event in Maypori We also visit the local schools- specifically Atlantic Beach Elementary. School and d offer a discount to the students. We also place door handers on all city of AB residents aong the race course prior to the event. 4 Describe how you will facilitate access to the program or event so that residents of Atlantic Beach who do not live near the program/event location and/or who do not have transportation can still participate. (Maximum 10 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan to ensure that access is not a barrier? o Is this plan effective and feasible? Our event is open to anyone and they can get to us via bike, golf cart, car, Uber, or bus. We have anmmnriate transnnrfation arranaed with Brooks Rehabilitation to pet those with brain iniuries to attend our event. This year we will also be offering a VIRTUAL 5k option and participants may unload their results through our race app & runAvalk their own course at their convenience. 5 Describe if the program is evidence based (i.e. has a record of achieving expected outcomes) (Maximum 16 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is the program or event based on published evidence? o Does the program or event have a demonstrated history of success (in other contexts or similar cities, or in previous years)? Since our first Turkey Trot in AB in 2015, we have seen tremendous growth every year. Our first event had 300 Participants, 2016 had 1000, 2017 had 1675, 2018 had 2250, and last year we had over 3000 participants and over 4000 in attendance with over 100 volunteers and local vendors. In 2019 we were voted Best of Beaches 5k by Folio 6 If there is a fee or cost to participate, describe how you will ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay any registration or other related fees or costs. If there is no fee or cost please state N/A (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is the program/event free for residents of Atlantic Beach? o If there is a fee or cost, does the proposal describe steps to ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to theirinability to pay fees or costs? Registration fees are $30 for the Virtual 5k and $40 for the Live 5k. TBI survivors and children under 4 are free and there is a military discount. Funds are available to cover race registration costs for those cannot afford it. No one has ever been denied the opportunity to participate due to 7. Evaluating Success (Maximum 30 POINTS) Briefly describe how you will measure success. This should include how you will assess participant satisfaction, number of participants and (if applicable) changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills or behaviors. Describe data collection methods and who will be surveyed. Please also describe how data will be used to inform program improvement. NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when o Is there an adequate evaluation plan for measuringparticipation, participant satisfaction and (if applicable) changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills or behaviors o Will data provide actionable information for future planning? o Will results be useful for dissemination to the community? o Does evaluation include feedback from participants/audience as well as planners/ organizers and volunteers? Every year after our event, we send a follow up to all of our participants including our volunteers to assess participant satisfaction, solicit opinions on ideas and ways to improve our event We then incorporate any lessons learned into the following year's event. We learn valuable lessons, sue as par rnq oestrone,o ab a for et oca ions, an crow con rol t at cou e useful for 8. Resourcing (Maximum IS POINTS) Please describe any plan to leverage additional resources (e.g. other funding, volunteers, in-kind donations) or collaboration with others to offset expenses NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o is there a plan to leverage additional resources (other funding, volunteers, and/or in-kind donations)? o Is there collaboration with other organizations that will help to offset resources and expenditures? o Is this a for-profit event? As described above, our event is a nonprofit fundraising event to raise funds and raise awareness of brain injuries and support survivors. We rely on a small anny of volunteers and sponsors to make our event a success. Many of our volunteers and sponsors are local: including our top sponsor Wolf which this year will inc/ude new safety and social distancing measures safety canes, dual boards and additional police coverage. IN 4 kV ,I TONYS Kamm FOR BRAIN INJURY AAR NESS IH PARTNERSHIP WITH LTHeedfli UNIVERsiTYOF FLORIDA HEALTH The Tony f'+,7eduri TBI Fund Inc. is excited to announce that OF Health Jacksonville will co -host the 6th Annual Tony's Turkey Trot to expand brain injury awareness and brain injury care. Home to Northeast Florida's only adult and pediatric Level I trauma center, OF Health Trauma®ne, OF Health has a long history of treating patients who experience traumatic brain injuries, or TBIs. TBIs are most commonly caused by falls, motor vehicle and motorcycle accidents, sports -related injuries and assaults. OF Health physicians, nurses, therapists and other health care providers are dedicated to providing cutting-edge care. By participating in the 6th Annual Tony's Turkey Trot, you advance lifesaving care during the early critical stages of the injury and support the holistic care of TBI survivors in our community. 2020 e ToayMeduri TBI FundInc perating Budloret Expenses TOTAL EXPENSES Estimated _--- Actual 66,250.0 a.®® 2020 The TonvMeduri TBI Fund Inc Prouam Budget-TTT Expenses TOTAL EXPENSF-S Estimated 1 Actual $6 $ Race timing set up fee I bibs for runners $655.00 9 a Funding requested: ♦3Q . Dates of event/program start -end Yes/No Conditions A. Fair and justifiable program costs (Program/Event Budget required) Yes/No B. serves Atlantic Beach residents Yes/No C. Program/event pertains to cultural, arts, recreation Yes/No ?0S D. Program/event activities completed by September 30, 2021 Yes/No E. Program/event is non-discriminatory Yes/No F. Is the event free from inherently religious activities? Yes/No NOTE: If the Yes/No conditions are not met, the application is not eligible for funding, and will not be processed for review. NOTE: Questions reviewers will consider are listed in italics as a helpful guide for applicants 1. Participants (Maximum 35 points) Word VevoL4_ Ov 1- y-�l-ery l2y61 M 0 M or+ %Ld . ❑ Locations) where program/event will take placeAtm+, , Fl— ❑ Total estimated number of participants i WO _ ❑ Number and percent of participants who are Atlantic Beach residents # % Iq or gore/ ❑ Total number of hours each amici ant will be direct) engaged in W53 p ylege-i&. rC " program/event Z-10 -X V �� 5e%f Idt^a'f`j " Fuce�d'Q us A 3 44,e event res,Qer,+a �eugh rhanY Ag ar+;s++ce3idcnn Qd4e.nd. ❑ Frequency and duration of program/6vent (e.g. 1 time event for 2 hours, or 1 x/month for 1 hour) l e-een+ y-� o VNours ❑ Is the event open to all residents of Atlantic Beach who may want to participate? Ves ❑ Is the event to occur in Atlantic Beach or to serve primarily Atlantic Beach? NOTE: An important criteria for funding is to ensure that an adequate number of Atlantic Beach residents will benefit from the program/event relative to the amount of funding requested. To address this criteria, a per -person -per -hour cost will be calculated by the reviewers. 2. Need (Maximum 20 points) Briefly describe any community needs or gaps that the program/event is intended to address. Please state if the program/event targets a population or age group that is currently underserved in Atlantic Beach. NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: ❑ Is there a demonstrated need for the programlevent? ❑ Is the programlevent duplicative of other programslevents in the area? ❑ Is the programlevent a response to a need articulated from the community? ❑ Does the programlevent target a population group that is currently underserved? (e.g. teens, children with special needs, low-income residents, etc.) M. - dLQ Sr- 6 P a On - 3.1 Describe the goals and objectives of the program/event, and benefits to the residents of Atlantic Beach, please make sure goals and objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused and time -bound (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Are the goals and objectives described in the application SMART (speck, measurable, achievable, results -focused, and time- bound) o How will the program/event benefit residents of Atlantic Beach (pertaining to cultural arts and recreation? o Are the goals and objectives artistic, recreational andlor cultural in nature S }�o5i oJIP �r2F �',v�' f th 2 b2n �i. b�orkuwti-.es� vws�,- e,der.•e-s .��� oMne� f1m-ps /cJnc�r,•',-�eS, 3.2 Describe program/event activities (Maximum 40 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o How appropriate are these activities are in terms of achieving the stated goals and objectives o Originality and creativity -® is the program or event new and unique to the community or provide a new or unique twist on an existing program or event? o Is this a family oriented and wholesome event that City funding should support? ssVA`` n`'_cU'�(�soca CAf�ed�a, o.ti,•�f eG-c�. I k e�CW-4"-1 r-tmlrci (Una t mMu nt'4,J rril!}-J��nrlrt?r-tie ,a� i Q� k 'r , s N"y S', 1 Clk M()L; A 4 c e. L v uc};yii t arm;nsk-LLk\a-yiDn IAaM.P GAJ(fr"A�0r���rr�ons{��;�r� 'A. ills.n�;�,,.wU te,v-rd i rS irft \, 0,1f �6V1«t �mr� r-� + lJiarz_•l �;caho�ns 0.rf hence '�� cv�nman�dve ®-C AG f Jrec4Cr_Suci£soovi(le , A" (yxi vSi o n o.P ",a if ,-Dt k An, C -)o.4. _ enc , 3.3 Describe how the program/event will be advertised too ensure adequate participation (Maximum 5 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o is there a plan for promoting/marketing the program/event? o is this plan likely to be effective and feasible? sn �rtn�. san�lrrner�l-�.Q. ,rynie.rin�� � c�emon50-rr,�4e, o._,r ;�ex.R. .t .each, ►� 4 Describe how you will facilitate access to the program or event so that residents of Atlantic Beach who do not live near the programlevent location and/or who do not have transportation can still participate. (Maximum 10 POINTS) NOTE Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan to ensure that access is not a barrier? o Is this plan effective and feasible? -tt� c�r�er �� r� � 1�®nne r 9a 2 , "t -e' �e- ++on 50Wt71F.,��r �c,� Vorlchaal� QCC r2S5 e bi �7s., G1't QC 4611 S§" (Q f (j '1-� 1 5 Describe if the program is evidence based (i.e. has a record of achieving expected outcomes) (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is the program or event based on published evidence? o Does the program or event have a demonstrated history of success (in other contexts or similar cities, or in previous years)? n a -v pa1 abl e on VJ vrd revolt . Lam under 6 If there is a fee or cost to participate, describe how you will ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay any registration or other related fees or costs. If there is no fee or cost please state NIA (Maximum 15 POINTS) NOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is the program/event free for residents of Atlantic Beach? o If there is a fee or cost, does the proposal describe steps to ensure that participants ars not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay fees or costs? a Briefly describe how you will measure success. This should include how you will assess participant satisfaction, number of participants and (if applicable) changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills or behaviors. Describe data collection methods and who will be surveyed. Please also describe how data will be used to inform program improvement. (VOTE: Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there an adequate evaluation plan for measuring participation, participant satisfaction and (if applicable) changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills or behaviors o Will data provide actionable information for future planning? o Will results be useful for dissemination to the community? o Does evaluation include feedback from participantslaudience as well as planners/ organizers and volunteers? B. Resourcing (Maximum 15 POINTS) Please describe any plan to leverage additional resources (e.g. other funding, volunteers, in-kind donations) or collaboration with others to offset expenses (VOTE. Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: o Is there a plan to leverage additional resources (other funding, volunteers, and/or in-kind donations)? o Is there collaboration with other organizations that will help to offset resources and expenditures? o Is this a for-profit event? G..rl UTA�I a�-iu� iY®lydl ` G1s# i��P�►?'3 li�y� vis li��� a(Xt vh C as W V�o4 l,t %-la.Q.Ql v�G ��� rbm L kepi, br .S�4�e_ in amoanf-o /WO �#Or usc- ;n. Ma.rwo4- , 67 "rh � 5 i 5 �. � b� d P r�.4-t+� Ur o � QQ,r• a, r� , v� t C.r� r��a, � }-- � Sh Word Revolt Art Gallery Inc. Yearly Budget and Projection 'Tables, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 Prepared b. Secretary, Theresa Rykaczewsk! I vmc A I I Travel Table Travel Expenses Gas: Gas to and from Insurance: Yearly Totals Category- events, artist/artwork Insurance of the gallery $0 $350 pickup and deliveries, work van. moving gallery supplies 2018 _ . $90 � $720 $810 2019 $122 $720 $842 2020 ,--_ ^.$150. _ $840 _ �----_ $990 2021 — $150 $840 _.. $990 Changes: 2020 Vehicle insurance went up this year by $10/month. Marketing Table 8 2019 2020 2021 Category- F $0 $0 $350 __ ___ pp Printed News Media: News a per advertisement we are currently in the Beaches Leader, free local printed newspaper advertisement. Possible Expansion to local magazine Void or Folio, cost of small article $350. We were going to do this in 2020 but due to the pandemic have decided to aim for 2021. $100 $100 $500 1$500 Social Media: Facebook and Instagram, Meetup, Linkedin, Nextdoor, promotion of events, this year adding more paid campaigns on Facebook and Instagram to'the social media promotion. Grant Funding: Word Revolt Art Gallery Inc. is pleased to be a recipient of grant funds from the FL Dept. of State for use in the category of Marketing in the amount of $1000 for 2020/2021. Funds will be recorded in this category of marketing. $280 $280 $280 $280 Website: The website domain is an important part of our promotion, when visitors search for us on the web to learn more, to donate, and access portal for the calls for entry. $864 $864 $864 $864 Annual Internet Expense: To work on the website, communicate with artists, design posters, review applicants, and mentor artists the internet is often used on site at the gallery. $72/month. $172 $250 $300 $500 Gallery Exhibition printed materials (Event posters, fliers and brochures, title tags, catalogues etc. Costs have been cut in this category to $25/month. We aim to increase spending in 2021 to create higher quality printed material. $210 $210 $210 $210 Business Cards: We order business cards every 2 months for $35/box. $1140 $1740 $1000 $1600 Art Markets and Festivals: Each week WR has a booth at the Riverside Arts Market (RAM) to promote the gallery at $54/week. In 2018, we were able to attend RAM 18 times, totaling € $1020 for the year increased this number to 30+ times per year. WR also has a booth at the North Beach Arts Market (NBAW) for $10/month, totaling $120/year. Eventually we hope to attend events and festivals, such as the Mandarin Arts Festival ($220) and more. ! Due to COVID 19, we have dramatically cut back our presence at markets and festivals though we are still attending select events and intent to return to regular events or simply choose wisely in the coming year. $0 $360 $150 $600 Participation in community meetings and city art events: Jacksonville Cultural Council of the Arts, Every Single Artist Lounge, Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce Meetings, grant information and other seminars, etc. Last year we only attended free events, but have invested more in 2019 attending paid events at roughly $30/month. In 2020, we had hoped to expand but are scaling back to take the year tentatively as these types of physical events have decreased. WR aims to join more art funding organizations in Florida and the I Beaches Chamber Division as a member next $2,766 year at $250/year. $3,804 $3304) $4904 Totals Remaining Operating Expenses Table 2018 12019 1 2020 $0 1 $50 1 $160 2021 -$-i 5-0 $30 1 $45 $60 $60 $125 $125 $125 1 $125 Category Workshop Demonstration Supplies: Last year at the UNF Guild Preparing Your Art for Exhibition Workshop a canvas wire hanging art - preparing demonstration, other demos viewed in a digital presentation. After reviewing feedback and observation, it is important that the students also perform framing and matting. Materials: frame, wire, tools, canvas, d -rings, eye hooks, mat board, acid free backing, plexi- glass, paper etc.) In 2021 we would like to add further materials funding for art supplies for workshops. General Gallery Installation Supplies: Tools, hardware, nails, wire etc. Gallery Preparation: After each exhibition the gallery walls must be C 4 patched and touched up with wall paint, same with the floor. Floor paint, wall paint, spackle, spatulas, and paintbrushes are required, Wall paint, about 3-4 cans per year at $20 ea. Floor paint once per year $35 Ig. bucket. $120 $120 $180 $180 Cleaning and Sanitary Supplies: Clorox general purpose, window cleaner, paper towels, toilet paper, trash bags, costs have gone up to Table Totals for Programming Expenses (*Programming costs only, not Including rent/utilities, see below) Year 2018 $3,851 2019 $4,986 2020 $4,759 2021 $6,409 Rent 202WThis year's rent has gone up$1102/month, $13224/year Last year's rent in%O19: $1075/monthat $12900/venr Qtilitieo$142J/»ear $20,958 Total Revenue 2019 includes our covered expenses from programming, rent, utilities and other contributions from public donations inthe amount nf$1G5O $19,308 Total Expenses 2019 from programming, rent and utilities. Amount requested for COAB Grant Funding: $1OOO A grant in this amount would be most helpful to our programming initiatives to hostexhibitions and events, with funds specifically allocated in the budget categories of marketing and remaining operating expenses. Legal status of the applicant: Non-profit organization, tax-exempt, gallery/exhibit space for the visual arts. 1. Word Revolt Art Gallery serves Atlantic Reach residents by hosting free events that contribute to the culture and vibrancy of our city and to the Jacksonville, FL area. Word Revolt Art Gallery is on Mayport Road in Atlantic Reach and is currently the only completely free gallery for artists in its area. Since our initial launch in January of 2017, this section of Mayport Road has transformed from empty storefronts to hip and successful businesses with art and craft enthusiasts bringing valuable interest, potential and in turn safety to the area encouraging plans by the city of Atlantic Reach and other entrepreneurs to transform this section of Mayport Road into an arts district. Word Revolt Art Gallery Inc. hosts curated pop-up exhibitions and events, once a month for artists and charities. 100°x6 of proceeds raised from the events and go directly through the artists, non-profit or charity featured. Artists include but are not limited to local university and high-school students as well as emerging and established artists. These artists receive mentorship on how to prepare their artwork for the gallery, with insight into curating and installation, while gaining valuable skills and experience to expand their network and opportunities. 2 Goals 1. Host one free exhibition event per month 2. Events are beneficial to an artist, group of artists, non-profit, or charity 3. Provide arts mentorship 4. Support community access to the arts. 2. Help artists achieve positive career steps in visual arts through access to mentorship, exhibition opportunities, and experience. 3. Provide artists with a free platform. Artists keep and conduct %100 of their own sales and %100 of any commissions they attain exhibiting at Word Revolt. Artists have the opportunity to receive mentorship on pricing, marketing skills such as having business cards, a web presence, an artist statement and how to conduct sales through digital applications. 4. Prepare artists for exhibition with proper wall hanging equipment, display information. 5. Help artists secure future opportunities. Word Revolt is happy to write letters of recommendation or help with portfolios for exhibited artists applying for further arts education at a school, program, residency, arts related jobs, or other galleries. 6. Host events with other non -profits or charities that are in some way linked to the arts, raising funds through an art auction, raffle. Activities 1. Networking occurs through forming strong relationships with local artists, schools, colleges, community outreach about the events and opportunities through social media, printed media, art markets, events and workshops. 2. Managing website access to calls for entry, promotional and information documents, images, and web -based communications. 3. Physical maintenance: curatorial activity and installation of the gallery space, including supplies for demonstration of art preparation and wall hanging. 4. Identifying Candidates 3 important questions when identifying candidates for exhibitions and events are: 11 ® Will the event be beneficial to the artist(s) and/or charity applying? ® Will the event be beneficial to the community, the arts and general public of Atlantic Beach and greater Jacksonville, FL? ® Will the event or exhibition fulfill the non-profit mission of Word Revolt Art Gallery Inc.? Word Revolt has worked with a variety of artists, charities and institutions. Relationships with these parties have been formed overtime however no formal agreements exist. Examples of past collaborations: University of North Florida March 2018, March 2019, March 2020 The Painting and Drawing Guild of UNF have been exhibited annually for three years for Bachelor Fine Arts Students preparing for graduation. The students apply for the show to learn about gallery applications and what is on a prospectus. A workshop is provided by Word Revolt with demonstrations on how to frame, mat, wire and prepare the work for exhibition, with topics including title tag information, what to wear, bring, and how to price artwork. Often, this is the student's first professional gallery exhibition experience. In 2020, students also learned to create a video interview for the online component of their exhibition and received tailored guidance in crafting artist statements and biographies for virtual guests to learn about them and their artwork. Link to 2020 Virtual Exhibition: https:flwordrevolt.com/unf-capstone-exhibition.html Hope At Mand & Give Back Jax March 281h 2019. A demonstration by non-profit Hope at Hand's poetry workshop programming geared for at risk youth. They held an art raffle and were allowed to demonstrate their programming for free, keep the proceeds from their raffle and donations. More about Hope At Hand and Give Back Jax here: A https://www.hopeathand.orcg/ and https://www,meetup.com/givebackjax/ The Foundation Academy, a private k-12 school in Jacksonville has high- school students and art faculty pair to feature in an exhibition together to learn about life as a professional artist. Letters of recommendation and help with portfolios are prepared for students pursuing the arts. April 2018, April 2019. https://drive.9oogIe.com/file/d/1 Dh2AoyfoZW7UR2- QMo1ILZragNgKgFCC /view?usp=sham Sisters of the Sea, non-profit local to the Jacksonville FL beaches supporting breast cancer awareness and encouraging young women athletes, specifically surfing, was featured in the Surf Art exhibition in June 2019. A painting was sold by silent auction to benefit Sisters of the Sea, a non-profit local to the Jacksonville FL beaches supporting breast cancer awareness and encouraging young women athletes and surfers. An Atlantic Beach resident won the bid. Other paintings sold that evening include artwork of a resident of Atlantic Beach and another produced by a student in her first ever gallery exhibition that sold to the owner of the Atlantic Beach Arts Market. The show featured Surf and ocean art, photography, painting, sculpture, woodworking and painted surfboards. Beaches residents who produce handmade wood surfboards Randy and Josiah Nichols proposed the show. The St® Elisabeth Convent, exhibition of icon art. The art created by the convent is contemporary but made using centuries old techniques, including glazing, tapestry, and precious metal work. The visiting sisters of the convent give workshops regarding the traditional art making techniques and their charity to shelters for men, women, and the disabled, November 2019. htttas://wordrevolt.com/exhibitions.html I4 (October 2020 through September 2021) * Please Note: Due to COVIDto postponement, cancellation or adaptation to virtual hosting. October 2020: Abstraction & The Surreal, themed art exhibition of contemporary abstract and surreal artwork, this show celebrates the beauty of the materials and dreamlike creativity of the artists to experience the more sublime works our art community has to offer. This show is an open call for entry as many artists have expressed their desire for an exhibit on this theme. Select artwork will be auctioned to benefit Indigo Art Therapy Studio in Jacksonville, a small arts non-profit dedicated to making the healing power of art safe and accessible, "Our approach helps individuals of all ages and abilities learn new ways to express themselves and experience healing through the creative process." httns://www.indigoarttherapy.com/ December 2019, Studio time. Typically we do not host exhibits in December due to the holiday season and end of the year preparations. January 2021, Techno Gala, An exhibition of technology themed work, may include visual depictions of the subject; works in digital, projection, virtual reality or new media as a forward look into the future or creative take on the technology of the past. Non-profit spotlight: Girls Who Code is an international non-profit on a mission to close the gender gap in technology and to change the image of what a programmer looks like and does. They host free afterschool programs and club meetings for youth at local libraries all around Jacksonville. 0 February 2021: Fibers Art, This group exhibit on the theme of fibers, fabric and all things threaded, quilted and stitched, explores artwork composed with manmade or natural fibers in mind. Local charity highlight: Rethreaded, who's mission is to renew hope by providing employment opportunities for survivors of human trafficking in Jacksonville, Florida. March 2021: Print An exhibition dedicated to all things printed, printmaking, words, letterpress, intaglio, lithography, photography and the like. Opportunity for local artist workshop / artist talk. April 2021 Graduate Showcase, This exhibition is set to feature graduating BFA or MFA students in the class of 2021 in honor of their accomplishments artwork in completion of their thesis. May 2021 Art for Mental Health Month, Show theme reveals the incredible healing power of art. More info TBA. June 2021 Elemental, (Earth, Fire, Water, Wind) themed art exhibition to explore the elements, may include ceramic sculpture, stone sculpture, carred wood, 2D or 3D artwork on the theme of the elements. Informational highlight to promote awareness of The Beaches Watch, Established in 2004 by concerned citizens of Atlantic, Neptune and Jacksonville Beaches, Beaches Watch is a non-profit, non-partisan, citizen -based organization that promotes and facilitates educated and productive citizen involvement in government decisions that impact the quality of life of our Beaches communities in Duval County, Florida. July 2021 Surf Art, back due to immense popularity, this surf, ocean and beach themed art exhibition features an open call for entry and select artwork auctioned to benefit Surfers for Autism, unlocking the potential of children and adults with Autism, through advocacy and support of scientific research, while educating the public and uniting communities through volunteerism. August 2021: Filen, themed art show inspired by the media of film. Works include those in tribute of popular culture, original works using the media of film and a live mini screening event for our local filmmakers for a fun time had by all. September 200 Non-profit meeting and Word Revolt's Birthday Party. This event is our annual fundraiser, which celebrates the accomplishments from the year from our team and gallery while providing a look to see what great things are in store for the coming season. a. Impact According to our Facebook poll data, Word Revolt Exhibits are attended by an average of 18% of guests specifically stating they are from Atlantic Beach. We hold 10 to 11 events per year with opportunity for public participation involving 50 to 100 artists per year. Each exhibition typically features between 5 and 20 participating artists, who bring their friends, family, teachers and co workers to the event, along with those reached through promotion interested in attending. Word Revolt Digital Statistics Snapshots: htti�)s:Hdrive.goorale.com/drive/folders/1 iiTNZ6gAVemciznRgEs- XRWbva7vNZeuL?usr)=sharinq Wow many Adults will be engaged per year? 1,000. Most monthly events draw in between 40 and 200 guests throughout the course of the event. Other adults involved include artists and participants from other organizations. er Area Impact Since opening, our immediate area, Mayport Road has transformed from empty storefronts to new small business leading to economic change of the location. Mayport Road, previously identified a blighted area, is now in focus for art and safety initiatives by the City of Atlantic Beach. Community e Why %100 Free? The artists featured at Word Revolt Ari Gallery are given the opportunity to apply, exhibit, commission and sell their art entirely for free. The artists conduct and keep %100 percent of their own sales, helping them to continue following their passion for art, while the public get the added benefit of supporting their local artists at non -inflated prices. The artists perform their own sales transactions, not Word Revolt, as an important professional learning experience. They are instructed on how to conduct their own sales and types of digital sales apps prior to their event. This is an important skill for emerging artists who wish to become professionals in the field, making a living from art. In a typical gallery setting an artist will pay up to $50 to apply for an exhibition with no guarantee of entry, and 30% to 50% commission to the gallery for a sale. Though these are valid fund generating efforts for many galleries, it can sometimes leave emerging artists with little profit or reason to continue. Free applications, exhibitions and zero commission allow emerging artist to pursue their art career at less financial risk. For example, if an emerging artist spent $25 on supplies to make a work of art, $25 on an entry fee, and sold the art for $100 at a %50 commission, they would actually net zero profit from their art, not to mention the time and effort they spent to making and showing the art. Furthermore, a less established artist starting with high the prices is not always met with success among the buyer base. To allow artists to sell at affordable rates if they wish to has led to growth in success for emerging artists we have shown. One successful example of this was The Survivor Collection, May 2017, a solo exhibition of works by Jacksonville artist Naomi McDonald. The featured work spoke out against violence and sexual mistreatment of women. A graduate of the Douglas Anderson School of the Arts on Jacksonville, her work made a powerful statement in support of protection of rights for women. Over 17 works were sold, resulting in the artist being able to buy transportation, a motor scooter, to her new job in the field of law to continue fighting for women. The majority of the artwork was priced at affordable marks between $50 and $100 resulting in a nearly sold out show with overwhelming viewer support. This was Naomi's first ever gallery exhibition. Other artists have gone on to do amazing things not only locally but also internationally. Atlantic Beach artist and UNF graduate Mark Lester exhibited for the first time in the UNF student exhibition at Word Revolt, Unconventional Flexures 2019, which led to an exhibition at the Jacksonville Library and Adele Grange Cultural Center. Lester has since traveled to Germany to add world studies to his art career. Multiple emerging artists in the Jacksonville area credit Word Revolt as the place they had their first exhibit or sold their work of art for the first time, leading to further success in their art career along with finding other creative support from established artists, businesses and community collaborations. Evaluation At the end of the fiscal year (12/31), all receipts are reviewed to record the actual amount attributed to each category of expenses along with testimonials from the artists and community, numbers from social media events of people who were reached, number of people interested, and number of attendees will be accounted for and compared. This result is compared with the projections for the year, to see what areas can be modified or improved and determine if a particular mode should be stopped or continued. See attached Programming Budget Document. Applicant has no paid management staff. Hours: Event based, open by appointment. 11 Accssibili The nearest bus stop to Word Revolt Art Gallery is at Mayport Rd & Donner Rd, a 2 -minute walk of 450 ft. for attendees in need of public transportation. Our facility is handicap accessible with handicap parking, wheelchair access ramps, appropriate doors and restroom railing. We have a separate room where guests relax if the main gallery becomes too noisy and calming Zen garden outside in the back. We are willing to turn down or turn off music, help or make other adjustments at request. Our organization does not discriminate against disability, age, race, ethnicity or gender. Our team regularly engages in discussion to assess what it means to provide a safe and equitable gallery experience for all. Word Revolt has completed the Section 504 Self Evaluation Workbook from the National Endowment for the Arts accessibility checklist on 6/1/2019. I. Attachments and Support Materials Submission Packet Includes; • COAB Grant Proposal 2020 20211 Word Revolt Art Gallery Inc. Programming & Impact Document • Word Revolt Non Profit Board Members I Members List • Substitute W-9 • Word Revolt Art Gallery Dept. of State of Florida Certificate of Corporate Status • Letter of Determination as a 501c3 Non Profit Organization • Itemized Budget of Programming and Expenses Theresa Rykaczewski, Curatorial & Program Director Word Revolt Art Gallery Inc. Wordrevolt.com Face book. cam/wordrevolt @wordrevolt