09-11-19 Special Called Meeting of the City Commission Amended MinutesAMENDED MINUTES
Special Called Meeting of the City Commission
Wednesday, September 11, 2019 - 6:00 PM
Commission Chamber
Following the Invocation and Pledge to the Flag, Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
City Clerk Bartle called the roll.
Present: Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1
Cindy Anderson, Commissioner - Seat 2
Blythe Waters, Mayor Pro Tem / Commissioner - Seat 3
Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4
Brittany Norris, Commissioner - Seat 5
Also Present: Joe Gerrity, City Manager (CM)
Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA)
Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC)
Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM)
CM Gerrity noted the documents attached and as listed on the agenda:
Charter Article III. - The City Manager
City Manager Job Description
In-house Vacancy Announcement
Shane Corbin's Resume August 2019
Memo from HR Director to City Manager about Reference Checks
CM Gerrity reviewed the timeline and due diligence taken to fill the upcoming City Manager
vacancy that began on August 12, 2019 up to this meeting.
Mayor Glasser explained the process of the meeting to interview Shane Corbin.
Shane Corbin addressed the Commission. Mr. Corbin reviewed his resume covering his
education, qualifications, and employment history including the past two years as the COAB
Planning Director.
Mr. Corbin stated why he would like to be the City Manager of Atlantic Beach. He enjoys being
challenged and progressing to the next level. As City Manager he will see the projects initiated
by the Planning Department continue to move forward. Mr. Corbin expressed that the staff of
Atlantic Beach is outstanding and he has no reservations in continuing to work with them. Mr.
Special Called Meeting of the City Commission
September 11, 2019
Corbin stated he has enjoyed building relationships and communicating with business owners,
neighborhood leaders, staff, elected officials, and residents in the day-to-day operations, finding
solutions for issues when they arise. In closing, Mr. Corbin expressed his appreciation in being
Commissioner Kelly
Inquired if Mr. Corbin has familiarized himself with all the COAB departments, in particular
during the budget process.
Mr. Corbin responded he did not have the opportunity to shadow CM Gerrity during
the budget meetings process, but has reviewed the budget.
Commissioner Norris
Inquired how Mr. Corbin envisions creating a high functioning management team at COAB.
Mr. Corbin expressed his confidence in the current team/staff. In following CM
Gerrity's management he stated he would not be making any drastic changes. CM Gerrity
always empowered and allowed staff to do their jobs - demanding but not micro -
managing. Mr. Corbin also stated he believes in continuing education and will be
encouraging that for staff.
Commissioner Waters
Asked Mr. Corbin to describe his leadership style by providing generic examples of handling
difficult situations.
Mr. Corbin stated he likes to empower employees to enjoy doing their work, take
ownership, and achieve fulfillment. If a problem arises he will analyze, identify all
options for a solution, and bring staff together through trust.
Commissioner Anderson
Asked Mr. Corbin to describe the role of City Manager relating to the citizens and addressing
their comments, questions, and concerns.
Mr. Corbin responded he starts each day by reviewing/answering all emails and voice
mails received since 5:00 PM of the previous day. He believes in responding, or at least
acknowledging inquiries within 24 hours.
Mayor Glasser
Asked Mr. Corbin to provide an example of a complex situation that he worked through with
the Commission and/or the citizens.
Mr. Corbin spoke about the Selva Marina PUDs and the rezoning of same to RS -1. An
Open House was scheduled and then it would go before the Community Development
Board (CDB). The citizens/public showed up at the Open House and staff quickly
learned that the idea to rezone to RS -1 was not their idea nor the best idea! Staff went
back to the drawing board and began the process all over.
Special Called Meeting of the City Commission
September 11, 2019
Mr. Corbin met with CM Gerrity, City Attorney Durden, the Mayor, staff, and citizens
to develop a better solution to resolve all the variance requests. After several weeks an
idea developed of setbacks based on the road frontage, which was a similar issue he
worked on in Savannah, GA. Another Open House was scheduled to introduce a new
presentation and by the time it went before the CDB all concerns had been resolved and
there was no opposition by the CDB nor the Commission.
Commissioner Kelly
Spoke about the City receiving the LEED Certification, a project Mr. Corbin participated in
during his first two years with the COAB. Ms. Kelly inquired about the next step following
Mr. Corbin explained the certification process required the submittal of strategies for
what is next, so this step has been started. The plan is to look for opportunities for cost
savings, such as building retrofits, looking at energy resources (solar), changing light
bulbs, and adding insulation. Currently the Environmental Stewardship Committee
ESC) is working on a priority ranking for these strategies and they will present this at
their next meeting on September 25, 2019.
Commissioner Norris
Asked Mr. Corbin about his experience with emergency planning and storm recovery mitigation,
including any NIMS training with FEMA.
Mr. Corbin stated he has received certification for Incident Command System 100. While
with the City of Savannah he experienced Hurricanes Michael and Irma and performed
damage assessments, completed the required forms, and inventoried properties. Recently
during Hurricane Dorian he spent time with Chief Cook at the Police Department during
storm preparation to observe and be available to assist. Mr. Corbin stated he plans to
continue with the FEMA training.
Commissioner Waters
From his background with redevelopment projects, Commissioner Waters inquired how those
experiences would carry over as City Manager and how they may shape your vision for the
COAB as the City Manager.
Mr. Corbin stated development is about money, having an acceptable and achievable
vision plan, and convincing property owners it's in their financial interest to do
something different with their property. Using Mayport Road as an example, he said
more work is needed to determine incentives for property owners and/or potential
developers, such as looking for outside funding sources and/or tax abatements, etc.
Commissioner Anderson
Asked Mr. Corbin to provide specific examples of effectively managing and controlling City
finances. Describe your knowledge of the current financial status of the COAB.
Special Called Meeting of the City Commission
September 11, 2019
Mr. Corbin stated he has been responsible for budgets over the past twelve years and has
used a similar process to what is used at the COAB.
Mr. Corbin stated the COAB annual budget is approximately $40 million with 40% in
Reserves. The two biggest parts are the Enterprise Fund and Utilities Fund, then followed
by the General Fund. As City Manager he would rely upon the Finance Director while
learning about specific details of each department budget.
Mayor Glasser
Spoke about COAB having a Commission/City Manager form of government. She stated the
Commission is elected for set terms and is responsible for hiring or firing a City Manager. Mayor
Glasser asked what is the City Manager's authority and does he have more power than the elected
Mr. Corbin responded that a City Manager does not have more power than the elected
officials. The Commissioners have the ultimate authority and represent their constituents
and the desires of the people. The City Manager provides the Commission with direction
and guidance, and is responsible for hiring and/or firing staff that are subordinate to the
City Manager.
With the Commission/City Manager form of government Mr. Corbin stated the power
structure is more decentralized.
Commissioner Kelly
Spoke about Home Rule issues being a big part of the last two legislative sessions. It is
anticipated the next session will involve the 'hostage taking' of computer systems. Commissioner
Kelly inquired if Mr. Corbin can assess our strengths and explain how to protect against that
type of threat.
Mr. Corbin stated he has some familiarity with Ransomeware and stated that our IT
Department is aware and very capable. Mr. Corbin also said he has heard that there is to
be no discussion of this in a public meeting.
Commissioner Norris
Referring to the City Manager Job Description, Commission Norris asked Mr. Corbin how he
would create an environment of trust and credibility.
Mr. Corbin stated transparency is most important, along with the willingness to
Commissioner Waters
Asked Mr. Corbin to elaborate on his educational path and how it led to his current position with
Mr. Corbin stated that after graduation his career choice was to work as a Park Biologist
but found himself working as a Chemist in a distillery. Being in that industrial occupation
Special Called Meeting of the City Commission
September 11, 2019
was not the direction he wanted to continue in and his search and continued education
led him to City Planning, then into Public Administration, and now where he is today.
Commissioner Anderson
Asked Mr. Corbin what evaluation process improves performance objectives for the City
Mr. Corbin spoke about the Commission's Annual Strategic Goals and Planning process
and stated that could be involved in the City Manager's objectives and evaluation. Also
there could be input and feedback from the public - citizens, Board and Committee
Mayor Glasser
Spoke about the COAB branding project to promote identity and the story of Atlantic Beach.
Mayor Glasser asked Mr. Corbin to describe Atlantic Beach to someone who does not live here.
Mr. Corbin stated COAB is a very beautiful, quaint, small beach town with all the
amenities and access to cultural experiences that a large city affords, with a low crime
rate and an excellent tree canopy.
Linda Lanier spoke favorably about her experiences working with Mr. Corbin through the
Community Development Board, the Mayport Road project, and several other projects. Ms.
Lanier stated Mr. Corbin will be a great asset to the City, as City Manager.
Bruce Andrews spoke in favor of Mr. Corbin as the candidate for City Manager. He spoke
about how the City has been operating in a very respectful manner under Mr. Gerrity and stated
Mr. Corbin is a great candidate for this position.
Sarah Dark spoke in favor of Mr. Corbin as City Manager and reviewed her experiences
working with him through the ESC. Ms. Dark stated his description of the COAB is the perfect
representation of our city, understanding what we want and our mission.
Mayor Glasser submitted three letters of recommendation on behalf of Shane Corbin, which is
attached and made part of this Official Record as Attachment A.
A recess was called at 7:00 PM by Mayor Glasser. The meeting reconvened at 7:05 PM.
Mayor Glasser inquired if there was consensus to proceed based on the qualifications presented
by this candidate or to conduct a search for candidates.
There was consensus from the Commission to proceed.
Special Called Meeting of the City Commission
September 11, 2019
MOTION: To offer the position of City Manager to Shane Corbin.
Motion: Brittany Norris
Second: Cindy Anderson
Commissioner Norris spoke about changeover in city government, consistency, and building
from qualified internal resources to fill gaps in leadership.
Commissioner Waters spoke about previous experiences conducting external searches versus
internal searches. Shane Corbin has proven he is the best candidate for this position.
Commissioner Anderson spoke about how well the City has been operating with CM Gerrity's
leadership. In Mr. Corbin's current position as Community Planning Director he knows and
supports and can move forward with the vision for our city. Commissioner Anderson spoke in
support of Mr. Corbin.
Commissioner Kelly spoke about external searches versus internal searches. She spoke about
Mr. Corbin's experience and familiarity with city projects and stated our citizens have had the
opportunity to see the results of that work. Commissioner Kelly stated he is a great choice.
Mayor Glasser spoke about the search process, transparency, and promotion from internal
resources. She spoke about Mr. Corbin utilizing his planning perspective as City Manager and
continuing to implement what the community wants in the city. Mayor Glasser stated Mr. Corbin
displays confidence, willingness and enthusiasm. He finds solutions to complex problems.
Mayor Glasser extended her thanks to CM Gerrity for building a great team and stated she
supports Mr. Corbin as City Manager.
Brittany Norris (Moved By) For
Cindy Anderson (Seconded By) For
Candace Kelly For
Blythe Waters For
Ellen Glasser For
Motion passed S to 0.
Mayor Glasser explained the next steps are to negotiate a contract, execute the contract, and
have consensus on who will act as the negotiator. Mayor Glasser suggested having the Mayor
Pro Tem, Commissioner Waters, negotiate the contract. Commissioner Waters acknowledged
and accepted.
Mayor Glasser explained there is a copy of CM Gerrity's contract and a copy of City Manager
salaries of comparable sized cities. CM Gerrity added that this will be an item on the September
23, 2019 meeting agenda.
Special Called Meeting of the City Commission
September 11, 2019
Mayor Glasser suggested a starting salary of $130,000, with an evaluation period, and if said
evaluation is suitable then the salary will be brought up to the current CM salary.
Commissioner Anderson suggested a starting salary of $125,000 based on no prior experience
as a City Manager. Ms. Anderson also wanted to make sure the contract had the jurisdiction and
venue provision, and an ADR provision.
There was consensus from the Commission for the Mayor Pro Tem, Commissioner Waters, to
negotiate the contract and bring back the proposed contract at the September 23, 2019 meeting.
Mayor Glasser advised Mr. Corbin the Commission voted unanimously to offer him the position
of City Manager, contingent upon negotiating a satisfactory contract.
Mr. Corbin expressed his gratitude and appreciation for this opportunity.
There being no further discussion, Mayor Glasser declared the meeting adjourned at 7:38 PM.
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Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Ellen Glasser, Mayor
Date Approved
Special Called Meeting of the City Commission
September 11, 2019
Shane Corbin
Attachment A
September 11, 2019 Minutes
John Walling <wallingjc@gmail.com>
Sat 8/24/2019 7:49 PM
To:Elected Officials <electedofficials@coab.us>;
To all.
It was my good fortune to work with and engage Shane for some 4-5 years as he managed the zoning affairs of The City of
Jeffersonville, IN. I workecl for a private developer. We had a working relationship founded on trust and mutual respect. I always
respected Shane and knew I had to have my projects in line to gain any support. He is an asset to any one that has him. I truly
miss having him in Jeffersonville. I also know he has since built many relationships and done yeoman's work.
He is ably suited to take on more and serve the community. You are quite lucky to be able to consider Shane.
Best Regards.
Sent from my iPhone
John Walling
Director of Real Estate Development(ret)
The Koetter Group
August 28, 2017
Atlantic Beach City Commissioners
800 Seminole Road
Atlantic Beach, FL 32233
RE: City Manager Position
Shane Corbin
Dear Commissioners:
Attachment A
September 11, 2019 Minutes
Alan M. Applegate
aappleeateP afpfirm.com
I am writing this letter in support of your consideration of Mr. Shane Corbin as your City Manager. I have
known Mr. Corbin for many years; as I met him during his tenure as the Planning and Zoning Director for
the CityofJeffersonville, Indiana.
I am an attorney licensed in Indiana, Kentucky and Florida, with an office situated in Jeffersonville, Indiana.
My practice consists primarily of real estate law. As such, I had many dealings with Mr. Corbin on behalf of
many different clients. Those dealings involved many different facets of real estate law including zoning
entitlements, zoning appeals, variance requests, code enforcement and other issues involving the City of
While my client's position was often at odds with that of the City, I could always count on Mr. Corbin to be
informed, responsive, polite and reasonable. I believe that all of these traits would be a benefit to your City
and Mr. Corbin's leadership would only assist Atlantic Beach in reaching its goals.
Alan M. Applegate
Applegate Fifer Pulliam LLC
428 Meigs Avenue, Jeffersonville, IN 47130
812.284.9499 1812.282.7199 fax I www.afofirm.com
City Manager
Attachment A
September 11, 2019 Minutes
Ryan Giannoni<ryan@savfoodtruckassociation.com>
Sun 9/1/2019 10:23 PM
To:Elected Officials <electedofficials@coab.us>;
Dear City of Atlantic Beach,
It's my absolute pleasure to recommend Mr. Shane Corbin for city manager of COAB.
Shane and I worked together in Savannah to establish an ordinance that would allow food trucks to legally operate in our city.
I thoroughly enjoyed my time working with Shane, and came to know him as a truly valuable asset to every project he is a part of. He is
friendly, intelligent, and incredibly hard-working. Beyond that, he is an impressive hands-on employee who puts himself in the shoes of
a resident to make the best decisions.
His expertise in zoning/planning was a huge advantage to our entire city. He worked one on one with food truckers, residents,
organisers, developers, govt officials, and everyone in between to create an ordinance that would allow a new industry to thrive while
also protecting the historic aspects of our city.
Along with his undeniable talent, Shane has always been an absolute pleasure to work with. I even drove to COAB on March 7, 2018
when i heard about the city visioning work shop and Shane's newest project.
Without a doubt, I confidently recommend Mr. Shane Corbin to join your town as city manager. As a dedicated and knowledgeable
employee and an all-arotmd great guy, I know that he is the right choice for the City of Atlantic Beach.
Please feel free to contact me by phone or email should you like to discuss Mr. Corbin's qualifications and experience further. I'd be
happy to chat with y'all anytime.
Ryan Giannoni
President of Savannah Food Truck Association
Organizer of Savannah Food Truck Festival