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768 Aquatic Dr RES20-0280 Permit PacketOWNER:ADDRESS:CITY:STATE:ZIP: MORRIS TAYLOR 768 AQUATIC DR ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233-3826 COMPANY:ADDRESS:CITY:STATE:ZIP: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: REAL ESTATE NUMBER:ZONING:BUILDING USE GROUP:SUBDIVISION: 171818 5256 AQUATIC GARDENS JOB ADDRESS:PERMIT TYPE:DESCRIPTION: VALUE OF WORK: 768 AQUATIC DR RESIDENTIAL WINDOWS/DOORS WINDOWS, DOORS AND SIDING $7000.00 FEES DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QUANTITY PAID AMOUNT BLDG 2ND PLAN REVIEW FEE 455-0000-322-1006 0 $50.00 BUILDING PERMIT 455-0000-322-1000 0 $90.00 BUILDING PLAN CHECK 455-0000-322-1001 0 $45.00 STATE DBPR SURCHARGE 455-0000-208-0700 0 $2.78 STATE DCA SURCHARGE 455-0000-208-0600 0 $2.00 TOTAL: $189.78 LIST OF CONDITIONS Roll off container company must be on City approved list . Container cannot be placed on City right-of-way. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. MUST CALL INSPECTION PHONE LINE (904) 247-5814 BY 4 PM FOR NEXT DAY INSPECTION. ALL WORK MUST CONFORM TO THE CURRENT 6TH EDITION (2017) OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, NEC, IPMC, AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CODE OF ORDINANCES . ALL CONDITIONS OF PERMIT APPLY, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. 1 of 2Issued Date: 11/2/2020 PERMIT NUMBER RES20-0280 ISSUED: 11/2/2020 EXPIRES: 5/1/2021 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 2 of 2Issued Date: 11/2/2020 PERMIT NUMBER RES20-0280 ISSUED: 11/2/2020 EXPIRES: 5/1/2021 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY PAID PermitTRAK $189.78 RES20-0280 Address: 768 AQUATIC DR APN: 171818 5256 $189.78 BLDG SUBSEQUENT PLAN REVIEW FEES $50.00 BLDG 2ND PLAN REVIEW FEE 455-0000-322-1006 0 $50.00 BUILDING $90.00 BUILDING PERMIT 455-0000-322-1000 0 $90.00 BUILDING PLAN REVIEW $45.00 BUILDING PLAN CHECK 455-0000-322-1001 0 $45.00 STATE SURCHARGES $4.78 STATE DBPR SURCHARGE 455-0000-208-0700 0 $2.78 STATE DCA SURCHARGE 455-0000-208-0600 0 $2.00 TOTAL FEES PAID BY RECEIPT: R14004 $189.78 Printed: Monday, November 2, 2020 1:39 PM Date Paid: Monday, November 02, 2020 Paid By: MORRIS TAYLOR Pay Method: CREDIT CARD 391653733 1 of 1 Cashier: CG Cash Register Receipt City of Atlantic Beach Receipt Number R14004 ~+; CENTRALSQUARE Building Permit Application City of Atlantic Beach Building Department 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Phone: (904) 247-5826 Email: Updated 10/9/18 ••ALL INFORMATION HIGHLIGHTED IN GRAY IS REQUIRED. Job Address: -4,..,J~~...L--w<-~~"---'-'CJ.-..__ ________ Permit Number: K &s 20 ~ D ZBD Legal Description ~{....._.1.+-..L.J.-t!:::.L---=:~~~~~~"---'"4-LJCl:ll,,l.u...:.l~--u.4-..J~~ ~ RE# 11 IS l B -5 2 '=>'2 Valuation of Work (Replacement Cost) $~'4LJ..,L..:C:..:L.i.,..t:~ ____ Non-Heated/Cooled. ____ _ • Class of Work: □New □Addition □Alteration ~epair □Move □Demo □Pool~indow/Door • Use of existing/proposed structure(s): □Commercial ~esidential • If an existing structure, is a fire sprinkler system installed?: □Yes □No • Will tree s be removed in association with ro osed ro·ect? □Yes Florida Product Approval # __________________ for multiple products use product approval form Pro Na --~~IC---YA~~~~+-----...,...Address -1{:8: A?«zlfc L£ City _....J:?-_L~ftt:~f.r,i!:L.Uj.':.,,1/,,.~ __..__Zip $l,~j'J /phone.fp/-jJy-657" E-Mail _,~~1¥6"--,~=-(J:::..L.~~~~~~p.L-______________________ _____..,! Ownero Contractor Information Name of Company ________________ Qualifying Agent _______________ ......; Address City ________ State ___ Zip _____ ___,; Office Phone Job Site Contact Number _______________ _ State Certification/Registration# E-Mail. _____________________ ---' Architect Name & Phone# __________________________________ _ Engineer's Name & Phone# _________________________________ --,- Workers Compensation Insurer _______________ OR Exempt o Expiration Date _______ _ Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all the laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, etc. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECQ~Pl,\;l-vo NO E O COMMENCEMENT. (Signature of Contractor) Signed and sworn to (or affirmec!} before me t.~is 4 day of Signed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me this __ day of Qc .. +J~ ,e, c_ c/<.O b:1 Core=:: T?!.YL<>v h'«rit. ___ _, __ ___J by ________ _ ~ CL , f? ti ~ ( .v:-:Ui7 · a r of Notary) (Signature of Notary) /t,m:~•·"i}1 ERIKA SLAWSON / \':it , ;i Notary Public· Stat, of Florida i--J1>ersonally Known OR ··-:1 ~-' Commission t GG 286725 [ ] Produced ldentificatio ... ~~-~jj'" My Comm. Explre-s Dec 25 2022 -~~~~on~d~Pd~t~hr;ou;;;gh~N;;a:uo:::;na~I :No~ta:r;~A:_:;sin~. ,_ Type of Identification: [ ] Personally Known OR [ ) Produced Identification Type of Identification: _____________ _ Owner Builder Affidavit City of Atlantic Beach Building Department 8 00 Se minol e Rd , Atlantic Beac h, FL 32 233 Phone: (904) 247-5826 Email : **ALL INFORMATION HIGHLIGHTED IN GRAY IS REQUIRED. PERMIT#: ______ _ I. FLORIDA STATUTES; CHAPTER 489, FLORIDA STATUTES, PART 1 "CO NSTRUCTION CONTRACTING" REQUIRES OWNER/ BUILDER TO ACK NOWLEDGE THE LAW: DISCLOS URE STATEMENT FOR SE CTION 489.103(7), FLORIDA STATU TES: STATE LAW REQUIRES CONSTRUCTIO N TO BE DONE BY LICE NSED CO NT RACTORS. YO U HAVE APP LI ED FOR A PER M IT UNDE R AN EXEM PTIO N TO TH AT LAW. THE EX EM PTION ALLOWS YOU, AS THE OWNER OF YOUR PROPERTY, TO ACT AS YOU R OW N CONTRACTOR EVEN TH OUGH YOU DO NOT HAVE A LICENSE. YOU MUST SUPERVISE THE CONSTRUCTION YOURSELF. YOU MAY BUILD OR IMPROVE A ON E OR TWO FAMILY RESIDENCE OR A FARM OUTBUILDING. YOU MAY ALSO BUILD OR IMPROVE A COMMERCIAL BUILDING AT A COST OF $25,000.00 OR LESS. THE BUILDING MUST BE FOR YOUR USE AND OCCUPANCY. IT MAY NOT BE BUILT FO R SAL E OR LEASE. IF YOU SELL OR LEASE A BU ILDING YO U HAVE BUILT YOURSELF WITHIN ONE YEAR A FT ER THE CONSTR UCTION IS COMPLETE, TH E LAW WI LL PRESUME THAT YOU BUILT IT FOR SALE OR LEASE, WHIC H IS IN VIOLATIO N OF THIS EX EMPTION. YOU MAY NOT HIRE AN UNLICENSED PERSON AS YOUR CONTRACTOR . YOUR CONSTRUCTION MUST BE DONE ACCORDI NG TO THE BUILD ING CODES AND ZO NING REGULATIONS. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE SURE THAT PEOPLE EMPLOYED BY YOU HAVE LICENSES RE UIRED BY STATE LAW AND BY COUNTY OR MUNICIPAL LICENSING ORDINANCES. II. INJURY LIABILITY; SINCE OWNERS MAY BE LIABLE FOR INJURIES TO WORKERS THEY HIRE, T HE BUILDING DEPARTMENT SUGGESTS WORKER'S COM PENSAT ION INSURANCE BE PURC HASED .. Ill. IRS WITHHOLDING; OWNERS HIRING WORKERS BECOME EMPLOYERS AN D SHOU LD ALSO OBSERVE IRS WITHHOLDING TAX AN D/OR FORM 1099 REQUIREM ENTS ON T HE WORKERS THEY EM PLOY ON TH EIR IMPROVEMEN T TRADES. IV. PENALTY; UNLI CE NSED CONTRACTORS CA NN OT BE EMPLOYED UNDE R A NY CIRCUMSTANC ES. OWNERS BEING SUBJECT TO $5,000 PE NALTY UN DER FLORIDA STATUT E NO. 455-228(1). A N "OCCUPATI ONAL LICE NSE" IS NOT ADEQUATE . THE OWNER SHOULD PHYSICALLY SEE THE CO UNTY "CERTIFICATE OF CO M PET ENCY" OR TH E FLORIDA "CON TRACTORS CERTIFICATE" TO ASCERTAI N IF A PERSO N IS A LICENSED CONTRACTOR. CON TACT TH E BUI LDI NG DEPARTMENT (904- 247-5826 OR BUILDING-DEPT@COAB.US ) IF IN DOUBT. V . ACKNOWLEDGEMENT; I HEREBY ACK NOWLEDGE T HAT I HAVE READ TH E ABOVE DISCLOS URE STATEME NT AND THAT I COMPLY WITH ALL TH E REQUIR MENTS FOR THE ISSUANCE OF AN OWN ER -BUIL DER PERM IT. I Jo b Address: ~ ,-VJ~.,,,, ~ ~ ~ Ow ner Name:,...1,,...:&..&..1.,,-,1~-r--...,.~LJ.LIL--~'-""--'-''--•'"'--____,,--· --, __ Pho ne Num ber: s?u3/-S3f-/~5Y Ma i ling Address: ~"'-W'--......... ~..,_._.._.....a.,,.___~_ City: /JL!al;b-t &) St ate: FL . Zip: .3:iQ s3 Th e for e 1 ~i ng instr ument was acknowl of ~ u \fu \ I ••• ,;:~• •ii:--... ERIKA SLAWSON 1 /f~"ij._\ Notary Pub lic · State of Florida \~OOi! Commission # GG 286725 I -..,1,ot f\.r ,.-My Comm. Expires Dec 25, 20 22 Bonded through Nationa l Notary Assn . ged before m e this __lQ_day of 0C:,Wbe1"-20~in t he St at e of Flo rida, County Signatu re of Notary Public ~};q k~ [efe°rsonally Known OR [ ] Pro duced Identification Type of Identification: ___ ,..._.J_(_\'"'"V'--(-'-{S __ L_\_OL_._.vt_~-"'--------- Updated 10/24/18 PRODUCT APPROVAL INFORMATION SHEET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA (*REQUIRED) *Project Address: 768 Aquatic Drive Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 •owner/Project Name: Gregory Taylor and Summer Morris Permit#: __________ _ As required by Florida Statute 553.842 and Florida Administrative Code Rule 9B-72, please provide the information and product approval number(s) for the building components listed below as applicable to the building construction project for the permit number listed above. You should contact your product supplier if you do not know the product approval number for any of the applicable listed products. Information regarding statewide product approval may be obtained at: category/Subcategory Manufacturer Product Description Umitation of Use State# Local# A. EXTERIOR DOORS 1. Swinging Plastpro 3RF3cG Pre Hung FL-28093 2. Sliding 3. Sectional 4. Garage Roll-Up 5. Automatic 6. Other B.WINDOWS 1. Single h ung 2. Horizontal slider Wincore 8400 Vinyl Horizontal Sliding Non Impact FL-16092.1 3. Casement 4. Doubl e hung 5. Fixed 6.Awning 7. Pass-through 8. Projected 9. Mullion 10. Wind breaker 11. Dua l action 12.0ther Page 1 of 4 Updated 10/17/18 Category/Subcategory Manufacturer Product Desaiption Limitation of Use State# Local# C. PANEL WALL 1. Sid i ng Nichiha Fiber Cement Products Panel Walls/Siding FL 12098-RS 2. Soffits. 3. EIFS 4. Storefronts 5. Curtain walls 6. Wall louvers 7. Gl ass block 8. Membrane 9. Greenhouse 10. Synthetic stucco 11. Other D. ROOFING PRODUCTS 1. Asphalt shi ngles 2. Under layments 3. Roofing fasteners 4 . Nonstructural metal roof 5. Built-up roofing 6. Modified bit umen 7. Single p ly roofing 8. Roofing tiles 9 . Roofing insulation 10. Wat erproofing 11. Wood shingles/shakes 12. Roofing slat e 13. Liquid applied roofing 14. Cement-adhesive coats 15. Roof til e adhesive 16. Spray appl ied pol yurethane roof 17. Other Page 2 of 4 Updated 10/17/18 In addition to completing the above list of manufacturers, product description and State approval number for the products used on this project, the Contractor shall maintain on the job site and available to the Inspector, a legible copy of each manufacturer's printed specifications and in stallation instructions along with this Product Approval Sheet. I certify that this product approval list is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that use of different components other than the ones listed in this document must be approved by the Building Official. /) ---l 9 ':)u,vvtftlJ.i Nlo v lll5 *Contractor Name (Print Name):vl,✓e'~Qv~ \/JLf Ov . Contractor Signatur~.i~t.'i-:..~~......:::.-...d~-....,.:::.;,__ _______ _ *Company Name: __ \)_.._{ .... A ________________________________________ _ *Mailing Address, 1:1,,JJ !\i Nut:{Z-:])YI ,;.e., *City: ~1)~ ~ *State: & *ZipCode:..,..3.._2._____;J_---'3"--3....__ ___ _ *Telephone Number, 9o~ 8(£? 'e · 3bB B *E-mailAddress, ~v\10 lb @~oo. Cryy}, Cell Phone Number: ____ v_L _____ v_L _____ Fax Number: _____ l9--+/-+k_;_ ______________ _ Page 4 of 4 Updated 10/17 /18 Florida Building Codes Nichiha Fiber Cement Products NichiProductsTM  FBC-NP 0.1 • • BCI S Home I Lo g In I Us e r Re g is t ra tio n Hot T opics I Submi t Su rcha rg~ I Sta ts & Fa cts I Publica t ion s I FBC Staff I BCI S Si te M ap I Lin ks I Sea rch I d ~r ~~~:~~:-.. , Product Approva l Me nu > Product o r Aeelk ation Search > A pplication Li s t Search Criteria Co de V er si on Ap p l icati o n Type Ca t egor y Appl icati o n St a tus Quali t y A ssu r ance Entit y Pr o d u ct Model, Number or Name Approved for use in HVH Z I m p act Resist a nt Ot h e r Search Resu lt s -Annfication s 2017 ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL Fl# Ty(!e Manufacturer FL # Pr o d u ct Man u fact u rer Subcategory Comp l ian ce Meth o d Quali t y A ssu r ance Ent it y Co n t r act Expi red Pr o d u ct De scriptio n Approv e d for use outsid e HV HZ De sig n Pr essur e Validated BY. FL 120 98 -R6 Re v isi on Mich i ha USA, I n c. I n terte k Te s t i n g S ervi ces NA, I nc. H ist O[Y. Cat egory: Pa n e l Wal ls (6 04} 520 -3 3 21 Subca t egory: Si di ng *App ro..,ed b y OBPR, Appro va ls by DBPR s h a ll be re v ie wed a nd ra ti fie d by t h e POC a nd/or t h e Co mm,ss,on ,f n ecessary , Refine Sear ch , 1 20 9 8 ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL Status Appr ov ed " - •• KCHITECTUKAL 327 Tresca Road □ SALES CONTRACT □ PROPOSAL INDOWS & Jacksonville, Florida 32225 DATE: DATE: ~ (904) 725-8495 a...=-:..:.:..=..=====;;:;:;;;.._--=-=-.:.:..=:..,;====----1 '-..tABINETS, Inc. Fax: (90 4) 7~7_9341 _1_N_vo_1c_E_N_o_._: ___________ _ SOLD TO: SHIP TO: NAME NAME I \ ~ ) /' 1 ,., ~Ji::~ ~ .1 ~ ~ 1·, , Jf-j • ADDRESS LOT BLOCK SUBDIVISION . C ITY. STATE Z IP ADDRESS CUST. ORDER NO . SALESPERSON TERMS CITY. STATE ZIP Qty. Size • Description Unit Price ' ,, -~ ~.,;;z._-~ ; , I , • I J --~ V ,_ )_ ~ ... )( & I l ') , . ) '"j l ~ r~~ -/4 f • ~ • 7i · ~ ' •"~....: • 'I '} I -,_~ I .c •fff I J/. ~. 1 . • j t I ■ i "' . • ... I" • --~ , , . --' ; I I ') , • ,<-JI ~ - ~ _c,, ,, ~ .I\. .tl \ . ...., A "J _I • • -.... i , • ' \ 'I -~uM . i ' ,\ ~ ■\\. l-. I .., ' : I )~ ~~~ .t'> J • ~~ ). L ~ ?:e ·2z ·--·~ i ~•-J t 'r ,.; , ..c r , .J l I ---' ~~ ' I /?' _,, .. r:. ~ ), I -' ~' ·-. . .. •,•d . :: .. . ACCEPTED BY: _______________ _ DATE: _________________ _ - ·-"--~ -'~ ~) - . . . -. . ' Materials Tax Installation TOTAL ' _, ' ' Total It f ...... N en 0 I.O r;' _, LL d, ;,: ""D .--i N en 0 I.O r;' _, LL -::: C ~ ::, u -.,; en C ·3: ~ 0 ' ~ Q) :E vi lii C 2 "§ I N en 0 I.O r;' _, LL -.,; 1 a. a. <( -u ::, ""D e 0.. "' ""D "§ u::: ' <( r::::-z w z <( 2 ex: w 0.. ~ 0 u C I C .!!! 250 Staunton Turnpike, Parkersburg, WV 26104 8400 Series Vinyl Horizontal Sliding Windo w "NON-IMPACT' GENERAL NOTES 1. This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the 6th Edition (2017) Florida Building Code (FBC) structural requirements excluding the "High Velocity Hurricane Zone" (HVHZ). 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details. Anchor embedment to base material shall be beyond wall dressing or stucco. 3. When used in areas requiring wind borne debris protection this product is required to be protected with an impact resistant covering that complies with FBC Sections 1609.1.2 & R301.2.1.2. 4. For 2x stud framing construction, anchoring of these units shall be the same as that shown for 2x buck masonry construction. 5. Site conditions that deviate from the details of this drawing require further engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registered architect. TABLE OF CONTENTS SHEET# DESCRIPTION Typical elevations, design pressures and general notes 2 Horizontal cross sections 3 Vertical cross sections 4 Buck and frame anchoring 5 Components 6 Bill of materials & glazing details I - I ( . ' . ) I - m I I ( . ' . ) L U [ I j ~ I < ( 0 B : _ J < ( c i 0 > < < ( > < ~ < ( ¼ - ~ - 0 ~ - - - - - - - - - - 9 6 " M A X O . A . F R A M E W I D T H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 4 3 . 4 3 " M A X . I D . L . O . W I D T H I X X I I 7 4 . 0 " X 6 2 . 0 " 3 2 . 4 3 " X 5 4 . 0 " G 1 , G 3 + 5 0 . 0 - 5 0 . 0 8 4 . 0 " X 6 3 . 0 " 3 7 . 3 7 ' X 5 5 . 1 2 " G 1 , G 3 + 5 0 . 0 - 5 0 . 0 9 6 . 0 " X 7 2 . 0 " 4 3 . 3 7 ' X 6 4 . 1 2 " G 1 , G 3 + 4 0 . 0 - 4 0 . 0 7 4 . 0 " X 6 3 . 0 " 3 2 . 4 3 " X 5 5 . 0 " G 2 , G 4 + 6 0 . 0 - 6 5 . 0 8 4 . 0 " X 6 3 . 0 " 3 7 . 3 7 ' X 5 5 . 1 2 " G 2 , G 4 + 6 5 . 0 - 6 5 . 0 9 6 . 0 " X 7 2 . 0 " 4 3 . 3 7 ' X 6 4 . 1 2 " G 2 , G 4 + 5 0 . 0 - 5 0 . 0 . . . . . ( / ) 2 : ~ < . ' . > O ~ 2 : a - . J < ( ( / ) 2 : · f f i L u B J 0 2 : ~ i = = = L u ( / ) : < ( < . ' . > 0 m ~ ~ 0 ' . : : ! : - . J w W C I ) ' < I - e n c o e n - . J w < ( ( 3 § § t = - = a : : u - c n = > 0 ~ t 3 0 I - 0 a : : 0 : : a : : < ( Q a . . a . . ~ ~ . . J . . J ~ ~ . . . , . . J ~ 0 0 E : ~ . . . . . . . . . I ~ N . . J " I ~ - 0 0 ~ ~ I ~ C l . . I ~ ( / ) 8 N 8 w z V ) N 0 w V ) u 5 2 : : ~ 2 : : w ~ ( 0 < ( l ( ) ~ 2 e : 2 ~ e t : ~ L L I : ! w ~ I : ! 2 c § a c § c § C l . . a C l . . C l . . : : i < ( : : i : : i " ( 0 l ( ) t " ) G G - ~ ~ w ~ R G ~ t 0 ( 0 - ' < t - t " ) C ' l - 0 z D A T E : 1 2 / 0 5 / 1 2 S C A L E : N . T . S . D W G . B Y : J K C H K . B Y : L F S D R A W I N G N O . : F L - 1 6 0 9 2 . 1 S H E E T 1 O F 6 o...._ _____________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . . . . ; ; . _ _ . . . . . ; ; . ; ; . . . . . . . i -:-: ex: c i ~ I l l I - z ~ . J : : J I l l z □ ( ) I ! ) ~ 0 . 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J <t: 1 - - - - - - ~ : J ~ D W G . B Y : J K m ~ HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION H O R I Z O N T A L C R O S S S E C T I O N H O R I Z O N T A L C R O S S S E C T I O N . . _ c H - K . - B Y - , _ L _ F _ s - - - 1 ~ 8 Shown w/ 2X buck S h o w n d i r e c t t o m a s o n r y D R A W I N G N o . : [ I ' . C N ·i F L - 1 6 0 9 2 . 1 0 C N .!!:! S H E E T _ 2 _ O F _ § _ @ o.__--------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - _ _ ; = ; ; . . _ - = = - . . . 1 <'. a: R:\Clients\Wincore PERMANENT\A -Florida Product}\_pprovals\FL-16092 Horizontal Slider\C -Drawings\Current\FL-16092.1.dwg, 3.1 ~~ ~:ia ::, :::! t~ ~r-o-n C :ia nQ r:;-c.., c.., ~ :::! 0 ~ (.I) :::, ~ a. ~- n ...... ...... 0 ~ :ia :::! ~ r- n :ia 3~ @ c.., . d • • • d ,1.0 r,, d ,,,,,---=i· • H/4"MIN. i EMB. 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J I JK I PART OR ASSEMBLY: I I LFS VERTICAL BY CROSS SECTIONS 7, Z..o.r7 1-1/4" MIN. EMB. (TYP.) ,,,,11111,,,, ,,, SCH•~ ,,, ',, ~. ······ .. "'J/-.'>-'", ' "---'"•• ••V ~ , v.••. ,cEN~~ ••. .,. ' .· ,_. ~-.. --:-. ::: .· ·. _,, ' . . ' :: : No. 43409 • •• . * =* Documents Prepared By~PQ \ STATE OF .• fY, -'~••b ••~~ Lyndon F. Schmidt ~ ~ft ••.:,-~OR\0~.•• ,-~ ,.:.. P.E. No. 43409 .,.., '1~ •••••••• ~'-',' "1,,,f,ONA'-t;,,' CD BUILDING CONSULTA~ I l~b'.' J\_, w P.O. Box 230, Volrico, FL 33595 Phone No.: 813.659.9197 FBPE C.A. No. 9813 © 20 1 2 R.W. BUILDING CONSULTANTS INC. ' ~ a, }:! vi 7§ C 0 N -~ I N en 0 <D '-;' _J u.. ~ ro > e Q. Q. <t 2X BUCK~ MASONRY \ OPENING . \ : .... q .. 7 2" (TYP.) BUCK ANCHORING r M H ( T ¢ ~ . ) , C J - t = ~ ~ j " . : : (T Y P . ) F R A M E 2 X B U C K . · . . . . . " . . I I 6 . S ' ( T Y P . ) 1 2 5 . 5 " [ T Y P . ) 7 L L = a . : L O ~ I A S O N R Y K l u < a . . v . , _ , 2 X B U C K l X B U C K D I R E C T T O M A S O N R Y ( T Y P . @ J A M B ) I I I H E A D ) I I I I I I I I I I I I F R A M E A N C H O R I N G 2 X B U C K l X B U C K D I R E C T T O M A S O N R Y ( T Y P . @ S I L L ) < = > C , w ( " ) u 7 . S ' [ T Y P . J ~ a : : u . J ( / ) 0 0 ' < I - C X ) t , ' . , . ' . ( . ) : : : : > 0 0 0 : : Q . ( . ' . ) : z : i i : : a o : z : : r : ~ < ( 0 : z : m : : : . : : : < ( ~ ~ u . J w ( / ) e n ~ ( / ) ~ < L L 0 : : 0 I - 0 : : ~ 0 0 ~ ~ N I ' - ' < I - ( 5 a o Q " " ( / ) " " a L L J ( / ) . N c i L L J z E J 1 n w ~ o w ( / ) e n ~ ~ i : ! : w > CONCRETE ANCHOR NOTES: t 0 c ? I J ) ~ w 1. Concrete anchor locations at the comers may be adjusted to maintain the min. 0 L L o 0 : : o : : : edge distance to mortar joints. f - - - 3 : f - - - L L 2. Concrete anchor locations noted as "MAX. ON CENTER" must be adjusted to ~ ~ ~ ~ < ( < ( < ( maintain the min. edge distance to mortar1·oints, additional concrete anchors a a a a Q a Q Q may be required to ensure the "MAX. ON CENTER" dimension are not exceeded. : : : ) < e : : : ) = = > C l z ~ 3. Concrete anchor table: " ( 0 I J ) I < ) ~ ~ - - ~ - w z e ·.· .. ·.·.·.· .·.· .··.··. ·.··. ·.· ·.•.··. ·. · · •.· · . . . . .. . .. . . MIN:>CtEARANCE MIN/CLEARANCE < t ':;; ANGI-IOR / ANCHOR · ... MIN. TOMASONR'f < T<JAPJA¢ENi ~ ] TYPE SllE EMBEDMENL EDGE ANCHOR ( ( ) ~ - ' < I - ~ ~ ITW 1/4" 1-1/4" 2" 4" ' < I - I ' ) " " ~ ~ 8 5 TAPCON® I ! ! ~ D A T E : 1 2 / 0 5 / 1 2 Z w ELCO ® 1/4" 1 1/4" 2-1/2" 3" 0 ~ ULTRACON • S C A L E : N . T . S . ~ ~ HILTI l/4" l-l/4" 2_112., 311 D W G . B Y : J K I l l ~ KWIK-CON II+ L F S 3 : ! ~ ~ 8 WOOD SCREW INSTALLATION NOTES: D R A W I N G N O . : C l ' . ·= 1. Maintain a minimum 5/8" edge distance, 1" end distance, & 1" o.c. spacing of F L _ 1 6 0 9 2 . 1 N i wood screws to prevent the splitting of wood. ~ a, S H E E T _ 4 O F _ 6 " " ·-..... --------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . L - - - = = - _ _ ; = : : : ; . . . . . . i - . \ , l , 9: ex: ,-f u-i di ;;:: ""CJ .-i f'i CJ'> 0 <D '-;' _J LL -c C ~ ::, i Cl C -~ ~ 0 ' u -c QJ :E vi ro c 2 "§ I N CJ'> 0 <D '-;' _J LL -;;:; ro e'i 0.. Q. <( -u ::, ""CJ 0 ti: ro ""CJ "§ U::: ~ z LU z <( 2 Cl:'. LU c.. QJ 0 u C i c -~ 0 <. Cl:'. 0 SUDER PULL STILE -j I • 1.r· ;;:1 tD-0.07' 14 REINFORCEMENT Common Rail 1 1 - - - - - - - 3 . 9 2 " - - - - - - 1 1.9"1 0.07'=01 l - 1 ~ 0 . 0 8 " ~ I 1 0 . 3 4 " ~ ~4 L J : : J ~ 1 . 3 S ' ~ t 0 GLAZING BEAD © SUDER C O M M O N R A I L l l S I L L T R A C K F u l l w i d t h ci l S REINFORCEMENT Lock Stile 1 6 R E I N F O R C E M E N T K e e p e r a n d P u l l S t i l e ® S U D E R S A S H R E T A I N I N G C L I P - 1 A F 3 6 ( 1 - 1 / 2 " B r i c k M o u l d ) j O P T I O N A L C O S M E T I C F L A N G E S 1 2 H E A D T R A C K 6 " L o n g 0 . 6 7 ' @ F L A N K E R S T O P 1 1 . 2 1 " 1 1 - . - - - - - . - 1 7 Q I _ J - l f - - 0 . 0 8 " ( / ) L w a : : L w ~ ( / ) 0 m 0 : : a : w ' < I - ( / ) c o ( / ) < ( , : . . : C l : : u 0 : : : ) 0 f - 0 C l : : C l : : < ( C L C L [ 2 [ 2 ~ - - - I - - - I - : , ~ z L w z 0 Q ~ 0 ( . ) [ 2 r - J i l l ( / ) z 0 u i ~ a : : : t J z 1 / l f - z i . J : : J 1 / l z - s t - r r i C \ 1 ~ 0 D z u _ . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . _ . _ _ . _ _ , _ _ . I ! ) D A T E : 1 2 / 0 5 / 1 2 z S C A L E : N . T . S . g 1 - - - - - - - - ~ : : J D W G . B Y : J K I D C H K . B Y : L F S 3 1 - D _ R A _ W _ I N _ G _ N _ 0 _ . : _ _ _ - 1 r r N F L - 1 6 0 9 2 . 1 ~ 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 ~ S H E E T - 2 _ O F _ Q _ " " L------------------------------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L - . . . ; ; = _ _ , ; = ; ; . . . . . J " " " .--I '° c:n ;: -0 .-i N 0) 0 \.0 r;' __J LL ~ C ~ :, ~ en C ·:;: ITEM# A B C D E F G H J K L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 14 15 16 BILL OF MATERIALS DESCRIPTION 1 X BUCK SG >= 0.42 2X BUCK SG >= 0.42 1/4" MAX. SHIM SPACE 1 /4" X 2-3/4" PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW MASONRY -3,000 PSI MIN. CONCRETE CONFORMING TO ACI 301 OR HOLLOW BLOCK CONFORMING TO ASTM C90 #10 X 3" PPH WOOD SCREW (1-3/8" MIN. EMBEDMENT) #10 X 1-3/4" PPH WOOD SCREW (1-1/8" MIN. EMBEDMENT) #10 X 2-1/2" PPH WOOD SCREW (7/8" MIN. EMBEDMENT) 1/4" X 2-1/4" ITW CONCRETE SCREW 1 /4" X 3-1 /4" ITW CONCRETE SCREW 1 / 4" X 3-3/ 4" ITW CONCRETE SCREW FRAME* SLIDER PULL STILE* LOCK STILE* KEEPER STILE* GLAZING BEAD* SLIDER COMMON RAIL* BALL BEARING ROLLER WEATHERSTRIP (0.230") WEATHERSTRIP (0.380") SILL TRACK HEAD TRACK SLIDE RAIL REINFORCEMENT {6063-T6 ALUM) REINFORCEMENT (6005-T5 ALUM) REINFORCEMENT (6005-T5 ALUM) MAT E R I A L W O O D W O O D - ST E E L CON C R E T E ST E E L ST E E L ST E E L ST E E L ST E E L ST E E L P V C P V C P V C P V C P V C P V C - - - AL U M AL U M AL U M AL U M AL U M 1 / 2 " G L A S S - - - - i - - - i B I T E 1 / 1 6 " X 1 / 2 " G W I N G T A P E B Y L A M A T E K 1 1 " T H I C K G L A S S □ D ~ ~ - - - ~ " ~ L - - _ - _ - _ _ _ L i ~ J 1 . # ~ 1 / 8 " A N N E A L E D § G L A Z I N G D E T A I L l / ' l ' G L A S S 7 B I T E 1 A I R S P A C E 1 / 8 " A N N E A L E D I N T E R C E P T S P A C E R 1 / 1 6 " X 1 / 2 " G W I N G T A P E B Y L A M A T E K 1 " T H I C K G L A S S 1 / 2 " G L A S S - B I T E ® G L A Z I N G D E T A I L 1 / 1 6 " X 1 / ' l ' G W I N G T A P E B Y L A M A T E K 1 / 8 " A N N E A L E D A I R S P A C E 1 / 8 " A N N E A L E D I N T E R C E P T S P A C E R . _ : . . : ( . ) = > 0 0 C l : : Q _ ~ c t : L u ( / ) 0 0 , ; / - c o f - 0 : : < ( Q _ 17 SLIDER SASH RETAINING CLIP AL U M 18 #8 X 1" PFH SMS ST E E L 19 FLANKER STOP NY L O N 22 #8 X 5/8" (#6 head) PFH SMS ST E E L l1J ; □ □ , _ . . . . . . . _ . , , _ _ _ - - - - 1 l / 8 " T E M P E R E D ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ G - 0 0 ~ C ' - l ( l ) C ' - I Q _ § L u a ~ . N · L u ~ 0 * THE APPROVED WHITE RIGID PVC EXTERIOR EXTRUSIONS FOR WINDOWS ARE TO BE PROD U C E D B Y 1 A I R S P A C E 1 / 1 6 " X 1 / 2 " 8 t i ) 8 ~ ~ :i: EXTRUDERS LICENSEES IN "AAMA CERTIFICATION PROGRAMS FOR RIGID PVC EXTRUSIONS". G W I N G T A P E L u ( / ) u i ij B Y L A M A T E K E ~ ~ ~ > w - 1 / 8 " T E M P E R E D 1 / 2 " G L A S S ~ . . . _ ~ , - - = S o u . : o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 < ( < ( < ( ~ a a a a <C o. 1 / 8 " T E M P E R E D 9 : : 9 9 : : 9 : : 0 z ~ I N T E R C E P T S P A C E R B I T E [ l " T H I C K G L A S S 1 - - - : s : 1 - - - u . : A G 2 G L A Z I N G D E T A I L . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , ~ ~ ~ i o i i i i i i i i Q _ _ _ J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ] □ - - - - - - - - - 0 . 0 3 0 " S A F L E X ® P V B s s : s ~ ~ "' I N T E R L A Y E R o ~ " ' o < e ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ o m ~ 1 / 8 " T E M P E R E D ' - 1 - 1 0 " ' ~ o ~ ;? A I R S P A C E i - - - _ . . _ . . . . . . _ _ . . . _ . _ _ . . _ z . . . . . . , . ~ ~ D A T E : 1 2 / 0 5 / 1 2 z ~ l / 8 " T E M P E R E D S C A L E : N . T . S . g 2 ~ ffi I N T E R C E P T S P A C E R D W G . B Y : J K r n i ~ ~ ~ ~ c - ~ _ - _ B Y _ : _ _ i f _ S _ _ ~ c i . : : : : y D R A W I N G N O . : N % F L - 1 6 0 9 2 . 1 0 C N .!!! S H E E T _ § _ O F _ § _ 9.'----------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L : . : . : . : : . : . . . = = ~ : . . = ; ; ; ; ; . . J © er:: Revision Request/Correction to Comments **ALL INFORMATION HIGHLIGHTED IN GRAY IS REQUIRED. City of Atlantic Beach Building Department 800 Seminole Rd, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Phone: (904) 247-5826 Email: PERMIT #: _____________________ Revision to Issued Permit OR Corrections to Comments Date: ________________ Project Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Contractor/Contact Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ Contact Phone: ______________________________ Email: _________________________________________________ Description of Proposed Revision / Corrections: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ I_______________________________ affirm the revision/correction to comments is inclusive of the proposed changes. (printed name)  Will proposed revision/corrections add additional square footage to original submittal? No Yes (additional s.f. to be added: _____________________________)  Will proposed revision/corrections add additional increase in building value to original submittal? No *Yes (additional increase in building value: $____________________) (Contractor must sign if increase in valuation) *Signature of Contractor/Agent: _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Office Use Only) Approved Denied Not Applicable to Department Permit Fee Due $_______________ Revision/Plan Review Comments_______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Department Review Required: Building _____________________________________________ Planning & Zoning Reviewed By Tree Administrator Public Works Public Utilities _____________________________________________ Public Safety Date Fire Services Updated 10/17/18 □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ NichiProducts™ Installation Guidelines Construction Requirements • NichiProducts™ can be installed directly on braced wood or steel stud (20GA or heavier) construction spaced at a maximum of 24” o.c. or over sheathing with solid wood or steel backing. • A weather resistive barrier is required in accordance with local building codes when installing NichiProducts. Use the approved weather resistive barrier (WRB) as defined by the 2007 IRC. Nichiha is not liable for water infiltration. • When installing NichiProducts, it is recommended that an APA rated 7/16” OSB or plywood sheathing be used. NichiProducts may be installed over non-structural sheathing such as foam, fiber builder board, and gypsum type panels. Non-structural sheathing thickness shall not exceed 1”. Due to the compressive nature of some non-structural sheathings, care must be taken not to overdrive the fastener and compress the sheathing. The fastener length must be increased by the thickness of the non-struc- tural sheathing. • Please consult with your local dealer or Nichiha directly when using NichiProducts on large projects, such as 45’ or higher buildings or three (3) stories or greater buildings. Some special reinforcements may be required. Product Inspection • Inspect all products thoroughly prior to installation. Do not install any product which may have been damaged in shipment or displays damage to the primer or finish coat. • Contact your local dealer or Nichiha Customer Service toll-free at 1-866 424-4421 should you have any questions about NichiProducts. Storage & Handling • NichiProducts MUST be stored flat and off the ground prior to installation. Nichiha recommends storing on pallets. • NichiProducts MUST be kept dry, and stored in a covered area or covered with a tarp before installation. Moisture saturation before installation may cause shrinkage and board damage. Do not install saturated boards. • Carry the products on edge. Do not carry or lift NichiProducts flat. Improper handling may cause cracking or board damage. • Nichiha is not responsible for damage caused by improper storage and handling of NichiProducts. Minimum Clearances • Maintain a minimum 1” - 2” clearance between NichiProducts and decking, walks, steps, and hard surface driveways. (Fig. 1.1) • Maintain a minimum clearance of 6” above finished grade or in accordance with local codes if greater than 6” clearance is required. (Fig. 1.2) • At roof and wall junctures and according to roofing manufacturer’s instructions, flashing and counter-flashing are required. NichiProducts must be installed with a minimum 1” clearance from roofing. (Fig. 1.3) • A “kickout” flashing must be present at roof – wall intersects to direct roof water away from the siding and trim. (Fig. 1.4) General Instructions for All NichiProducts™General Instructions for All NichiProducts™ Fig. 1.1 Fig. 1.3 Fig. 1.4 1 2 Fig. 1.2 Cutting • For best results, cut NichiProductsTM face down. Also ensure the board is fully supported along its length. Recommended blade: Tenryu Board-Pro Plus PCD Blade (#BP-18505). Electric and pneumatic shears may be used for cutting 5/16” thick products. Models are available that can make straight or radius cuts. Shears cannot be used for cutting NichiTrimTM or Sierra PremiumTM Shake or Smooth boards. A jigsaw fitted with a carbide-tipped blade may be used for cutting service opening holes, irregular shapes, radii, and scrollwork. Fastening • Nichiha products may be hand fastened or fastened with pneumatic tools. When using pneumatic tools, set the pressure of compressor so that the fastener is driven snug or under-driven to the surface of the board; then hand drive with a smooth faced hammer until the fastener head is flush to board surface. • Pressure from compressors can vary depending on tank volume and number of lines connected to the unit. For best performance, always test and adjust pressure before beginning installation. • Corrosion resistant fasteners, such as hot-dipped galvanized nails and screws that are appropriate to local building codes and practices must be used. Stainless steel fasteners are highly recommended in high- humidity and high-moisture regions. Nichiha is not liable for corrosion resistance of fasteners. DO NOT use aluminum fasteners, staples, clipped head or T-head nails, or fasteners that are not rated or designed for intended use. • When using pneumatic tools, ensure the tool has an adjustable depth of drive or flush mount attachment to control nail seating depth. DO NOT use framing nailers. • The fastener head must be flush to the board surface. DO NOT over drive or under drive fasteners. ReFeR TO THe NICHIHA SAFeTy GuIDelINeS AND OSHA GuIDelINeS FOR IMPORTANT SAFeTy PRACTICeS FOR yOuR AND OTHeRS’ PROTeCTION. Whenever drilling, cutting, sawing, sanding or abrading the product, users should wear proper protective equipment such as safety glasses, work gloves, etc. as prescribed by OSHA and your employer. Industrial dusts can irritate and abrade the eyes and lungs and can cause respiratory problems and diseases. use best practices to reduce airborne dust concentrations such as: • Position the cutting table where wind will carry dust away from the user and others in the area. • Work outdoors when feasible; otherwise use mechanical ventilation. • For dust control, use a dust-reducing circular saw with a vacuum attachment in combination with a diamond-tipped or carbide-tipped blade for general cutting. • For best results the dust collector should be connected to a HEPA vacuum. Recommended circular saw: Makita 7-1/4” Circular Saw with Dust Collector (#5057KB). • Wear properly fitted NIOSH/OSHA approved dust masks or respirators, in accordance with applicable government regulations. See 29 C.F.R. § 1910.134; 29 C.F.R. § 1910.1000; 42 C.F.R. § 84. For more information visit for the various types of masks and respirators that NIOSH recommends. • Comply with all applicable OSHA PELs. • Notify others in the immediate area to take appropriate precautions. • Consult with your employer about keeping the worksite clean and ways to reduce or eliminate any take-home exposures to dusts and chemicals. Safety Instructions Nichiha MSDS’s for all products are available on, at your local NICHIHA dealer, or through NICHIHA directly. Call toll-free at 1.866.424.4421. Silica Dust Warning: NICHIHA products may contain some amounts of crystalline silica [a.k.a. sand, silicon dioxide], which is a naturally occurring mineral. The amount will vary from product to product. Inhalation of crystalline silica into the lungs and repeated exposure to silica can cause health disorders, such as silicosis, lung cancer, or death depending upon various factors. To be conservative, Nichiha recommends that whenever cutting, sawing, sand- ing, sniping or abrading the product, users observe the Safety Instructions above. For further information or questions, please consult the MSDS, your employer, or visit SLTC/silicacrystalline/index. html and The MSDS for Nichiha products are available at, at your local Nichiha dealer or through Nichiha directly at 1.866.424.4421. FAILURE TO ADHERE TO OUR WARNINGS, MSDS, AND OTHER INSTRUCTION MAY LEAD TO SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH. Finishing and Maintenance • Use an exterior grade high-quality sealant that complies with either ASTM C-834 (for primed products) or ASTM C-920 (for finished products) requirements for all gaps that require filling with sealant. FOllOw THe MANuFACTuReR’S INSTRuCTIONS FOR uSe. • All exposed field cut edges (i.e. outside edges, butt joints or bottom ends of corners and window trim), must be covered with primer, sealant, or paint. • Dents, chips, scratches, etc. on the products shall be filled with exterior grade cementitious patching or putty. FOllOw THe MANuFACTuReR’S INSTRuCTIONS FOR uSe. • All unfinished (pre-primed) products must be painted within 12 months of installation. exterior grade 100% acrylic latex paints are recommended. FOllOw THe MANuFACTuReR’S INSTRuCTIONS FOR uSe. • • • NichiBo~arcrdr'•-------- 1" 2" · _i __ :un . -r-- Sheathing Weather Resistive Barrier Concrete foundation Stud NichiBoard " Vertical Joint Placement • All NichiBoard vertical joints must land or “break” over studs or framing in both conventional wood and metal construction. • Metal off-stud joiners may be used to join boards not broken over framing. • When possible, use factory sealed or finished ends at butt joints. Position cut ends where boards meet trim attachments. • If cut ends are used at butt joints they must be sealed with primer, sealer, or paint. NEVER leave exposed cut edges uncoated. • For better appearance, offset butt joints 32” (two studs) or more. Avoid creating a “step” or “ladder” pattern. Joint Treatment Joint Installation Using Flashing (recommended) (Fig. 4.2) • The use of a joint flashing behind the butt joints is recommended. • Suitable materials for joint flashing include anodized or PVC coated coilstock and code approved weather resistive barriers. • The joint flashing should be at least 3” in width and long enough to extend above the board width a minimum of 1-1/2”. • Install NichiBoard™ boards over joint flashing with moderate contact. Joint Installation Using Caulk (Fig. 4.3) • Leave appropriate gap (minimum 1/8”) between board ends and fill with a quality exterior grade caulk. Ensure caulk meets ASTM 834 or ASTM C-920 requirements and is approved for use at butt joints. Siding to Trim Joints (Fig. 4.4-4.5) • Where board ends and edges meet trim at inside and outside corners, door, window and other trim attachments, leave a minimum 1/8” gap and caulk with a quality caulk as described above. • Trim attachments must be of sufficient thickness. The overlapped boards must not extend beyond the face of the trim. • A flashed 1/4” clearance must exist over horizontal trim. Finishing Follow all general finishing instructions on page one of this guide. NichiBoard™NichiBoard™ Preparation Follow all general instructions on page one of this guide. • NichiBoard™ can be installed directly on braced wood or steel stud (20GA or heavier) construction spaced at a maximum of 24” o.c. or over sheathing with vertical solid wood or steel backing. (Fig. 3.1) • When installing NichiBoard, it is recommended that an APA rated minimum 7/16” OSB or plywood sheathing be used. NichiBoard may be installed over non-structural sheathing such as foam, fiber builder board, and gypsum type panels. Non-structural sheathing thickness shall not exceed 1”. Due to the compressive nature of some non-structural sheathings, care must be taken not to overdrive the fastener and compress the sheathing. The fastener length must be increased by the thickness of the non-structural sheathing. • Ensure all weather resistive barriers are in place in accordance with local code. • Framing misalignment or irregularities in the sheathing application should be corrected prior to siding installation. These irregularities may mirror through the finished installation. Fastening • Corrosion resistant fasteners, such as hot-dipped galvanized nails and screws that are appropriate to local building codes and practices must be used. Stainless steel fasteners are highly recommended in high- humidity and high-moisture regions. Nichiha is not liable for corrosion resistance of fasteners. Do not use aluminum fasteners, staples, clipped head or T-head nails, or fasteners that are not rated or designed for intended use. • Corrosion resistant, full round head siding nails or appropriate screws may be used to install NichiBoard to wood and steel framing members. Fasteners must penetrate into wood a minimum of 1” or into a 20 gauge steel stud a minimum 1/2”. • The fastener head must be flush to the board surface. Do not over drive or under drive fasteners. Installation Follow all general instructions on page one of this guide. Starter Strip & First Course (Fig. 3.2) • A starter strip is required to set the first course on the proper angle and to create a drip edge at the bottom course of siding. The starter strip material may be a cut piece of NichiBoard, FS 1005 Nichiha Spacer, PVC, or pressure treated lumber. Do not use untreated lumber, plywood, OSB, or other engineered wood products as a starter strip. • Install the starter strip level with the bottom of the wall sheathing or mudsill. • Ensure the first course of boards is level as it will be the guide for entire installation. Use a level and chalk line to establish a level and straight reference point for the first course. Continue to check for level lines throughout installation. • The first course of siding must hang below the starter strip a minimum of 1/4”. • The siding should not extend below the corner trim. • The bottom edge of the first course must have at least 6” clearance above finished grade. • It is recommended the course heights remain aligned and transfer around corners. Overlap (Fig. 3.3-4.1) • A minimum overlap of 1-1/4” is required. Blind Nailing (Fig. 3.3) • For a more aesthetically pleasing installation, NichiBoard may be installed in a hidden, or blind nail application. • Position the fastener between 3/4” and 1” down from the top edge of the board and no closer than 3/8” from the board ends. • Fasten from one end of the board to the other. Face Nailing (Fig. 4.1) • It is permissible to install NichiBoard in a face nail type installation to meet certain installation requirements or when specified by local code. • Position the fastener a minimum distance of 3/4” up from the bottom edge of the board and no more than 1”. This ensures the fastener will penetrate through the overlap and through both courses. Place the fastener no closer than 3/8” from board ends. • Fasten from one end of the board to the other. Fig. 3.1 Fig. 4.2 Fig. 4.3 Fig. 3.2 Fig. 3.3 Fig. 4.1 Fig. 4.4 Fig. 4.5 3 4 -------------. -- Fi nish nail patter Staggered n . DOUBLE WAL L CONSTRUCTION ---Mi n. 6" clearance above finished grade Sheathing Concrete foundation Stud x--r ~ \-~"-mm ~ NichiBoard: Starte r Strip Overhang 24 " o.c. max Stud BLIND NAI L Weat he r Resistive Barrier Stud 24" o.c. max , Weather Res istive Barr ier 1-1/4" min. overlap 1-1/4" min. overlap FACE NAIL JOINT INSTALLATION Stud USING FLASHING 1-1/2"~ s ~::b::::J:::====~~:=.--~-::,·)@-@Tu~~ Install boards in moderate contact \ 1" from pane l top 1 -3/8 " from pane l ed ge t We ath er sistive Barrier athing Starter Strip Weather Re sistive Barr ier Nichi Trim '" Stud JOINT INSTALLATION USING CA ULK l "f ---==-rom pane l top 8" from panel edge Nichi Board '" Leave appropriate gap between boards , then ca ulk i----NichiBoard'" Do not caulk. Flashing 1/4" gap t . . . Stud 1/8" gap 1/ NichiBoard'" NichiShake™ Individual Shakes NichiShake™ Individual Shakes Shake to Trim Joints (Fig. 6.2-6.3) • Where shake ends and edges meet trim at inside and outside corners, door, window and other trim attachments, leave a minimum 1/8” gap and caulk with a quality caulk that meets ASTM 834 or ASTM C-920 requirements. • Trim attachments must be of sufficient thickness. The overlapped shakes must not extend beyond the face of the trim. • A flashed 1/4” clearance must exist over horizontal trim. Finishing Follow all general finishing instructions on page one of this guide. Preparation • Follow all general instructions on page one of this guide. • NichiShake™ individual shakes must be installed directly on minimum thickness 7/16” thick APA rated OSB or plywood sheathing. • Ensure all weather resistive barriers are in place in accordance with local code. • Framing misalignment or irregularities in the sheathing application should be corrected prior to siding installation. These irregularities may mirror through the finished installation. • Due to overlapping of shakes, no sealant or caulk is required at shake to shake joints. Fastening • Follow all general fastening instructions on page one of this guide. • Corrosion resistant fasteners, such as hot-dipped galvanized nails and screws that are appropriate to local building codes and practices must be used. Stainless steel fasteners are highly recommended in high- humidity and high-moisture regions. Nichiha is not liable for corrosion resistance of fasteners. Do not use aluminum fasteners, staples, clipped head or T-head nails, or fasteners that are not rated or designed for intended use. • Use a corrosion resistant, min. 1-1/2” length, full round head siding nail or appropriate screw to install the shake to the sheathing. • The fastener head must be flush to the shake surface. Do not over drive or under drive fasteners. • NichiShake must be fastened through previous shake course. Installation Follow all general instructions on page one of this guide. Starter Strip & Starter Course (Fig. 5.1) • A starter strip is required to set the first course on the proper angle and to create a drip edge at the bottom course of siding. The starter strip mate- rial may be a cut piece of NichiBoard™, FS 1005 Nichiha Spacer, PVC, or pressure treated lumber. Do not use untreated lumber, plywood, OSB, or other engineered wood products as a starter strip. • Install the starter strip level with the bottom of the wall sheathing or mudsill. • In addition to the starter strip, a starter course is required to provide solid backing and keyway coverage for the first row of shakes. Use 8-1/4” or 9-1/4” NichiBoard for the starter course. • Ensure the first course of shingles are level. Use a level and chalk line to establish a level and straight reference point for the first course. Continue to check for level lines throughout installation. • The shingles should not extend below the corner trim. • The bottom edge of the first course must have at least 6” clearance above finished grade. • For best appearance, it is recommended the course heights remain aligned and transfer around corners. Installing Shake Courses (Fig. 5.2-6.1) • Begin the installation by placing the first course of shingles flush with the bottom edge of the starter course and securing with the appropriate fastener. Alternatively, strike a chalk line 18” above the bottom edge of the starter course and position the top edge of the shingles even with the chalk line. • Space shingles 1/4” to 5/16” apart. A common practice is to use a 1/4” shim or small piece of shake as a spacer. • To position the next course, measure 8” up from the bottom edge of the installed course of shake. Strike a chalk line. Position the bottom edge of the second course of shakes along the chalk line. Position fasteners between 8 ¼” and 9” up from the bottom edge of the shake where the fastener will penetrate through both courses. • Position fasteners 1/2” to 1” in from the side edges of the shake. • When installing, mix the 6-1/4”, 8-1/4”, and 12” shake widths in a random manner and avoid creating a repeating pattern. Layout of the course may be needed to help avoid stacked keyways. • Shake keyways from one course to the next should not line up and be offset a minimum of 1-1/2”. Fig. 5.1 Fig. 5.2 Fig. 6.1 Fig. 6.2 Fig. 6.3 5 6 Con crete fo undat ion ------------NichiSha ke111 8-1/4" or 9-1/4" l ap sid in g Starte r Str ip Weather Resistive Barr ier Nailable sheathing 1/4" -t 18" --r- 18" max. 1 exp:sure Position nai l s to secu re through previous courses, not above. NichiShake• (I ndividua l) Leave a minimum 1-1/2" between keyways on successive cou rses. Trim 24" o.c. max 1/8" gap Weather Resistive Barrier 7/16" Sheathing for c~r . ..,.,.....,....,.....,,,,,,.,a,'tffl'r..,,.,,,,..,,,...,....,.., ' "' J 8" max. ~~==-..i.~l.lllll¥UJLLlL"--~..JL__-~l 6" 8-1/4"or9-1/4" min. (NichiBoard •) Pos ttion na ils to secure through previous courses , not above. 1-1/4 • Starter strip Weather Resistive Barrier Sheathing Stu d 7/16 " rl __ _/ Sh ea thi ng ~/Wea th er 7 .,,,/ Res istive -..,,,,,-/ Barri er NichiSh ake ™ (Indivi dua l) LT Do not caulk. 1/ ____ 11_4 •_,· g'--ap ·.•• ~Flashing '• ........ NichiStaggered™ and NichiStraight™ Shake Panels NichiStaggered™ and NichiStraight™ Shake Panels Installing Shake Courses - NichiStraightTM (Fig. 8.1-8.2) • Ensure the first course of panels are level. Use a level and chalk line to establish a level and straight reference point for the first course. Continue to check for level lines throughout the installation. • Install the panels starting at one end and working across the wall. • Begin the installation by trimming the first panel to ensure the panel end falls or breaks over framing. Trim the panel end which is nearest the corner board. • On applications where the panel will butt to door, window, or corner trim, cut the upper edge of the panel so it is even with the keyway. • When installing NichiStraight panels, place the first course of panels flush with the bottom edge of the starter course and secure with the appropriate fastener. As an alternative, strike a chalk line 16” above the bottom edge of the starter course and position the top edge of the shingles even with the chalk line. • For best appearance, the bottom edge of the panels should align with the corner trim. • Leave a 1/8” gap between the panel edge and any trim attachment. • Bring panel edges together in moderate contact. • To begin the second course, measure and chalk a line 7” up from the top edge of the first course to use as a guide when installing the second course of panels. Alternatively, a chalk line may be placed on the face of the previous course 7” up from the panel’s bottom edge. • Measure and trim the first piece in the second course so it is one stud cavity less in length than the first piece on the previous course. • If framing is spaced 16” on-center, begin the third course by again cutting the panel one stud cavity less than the first piece on the second course. • For subsequent courses, position panels in a manner that avoids creating a pattern. • Drive fasteners into framing where possible. • Position the fastener approximately ½” to ¾” above the top of the keyway and through the underlying courses. DO NOT position fastener in the upper portion of the panel. See Fig. (8.1) • Position fasteners no closer than 3/8” from the panel edge. • For best appearance, it is recommended the course heights remain aligned and transfer around corners. • Shake keyways from one course to the next should not line up and be offset a minimum of 1 ½”. NichiStaggeredTM / NichiStraightTM Panel to Trim Joints (Fig. 8.3 - 8.4) • Where panel ends and edges meet trim at inside and outside corners, door, window, and other trim attachments, leave a minimum 1/8” gap and caulk with a quality caulk that meets ASTM 834 or ASTM C-920 requirements. • Trim attachments must be of sufficient thickness. The overlapped panel must not extend beyond the face of the trim. • All horizontal trim must be flashed. Leave a 1/4” gap between the siding and flashing. Do not caulk this gap. Do not use raw aluminum flashings. Flashings must be galvanized, anodized, or PVC coated. Preparation • Follow all general instructions on page one of this guide. • NichiStaggered and NichiStraight shake panels can be installed directly on braced wood or steel stud (20GA or heavier) construction spaced at a maximum of 24” o.c. or over sheathing with vertical solid wood or steel backing. • When installing shake panels, it is recommended that an APA rated 7/16” OSB or plywood sheathing be used. NichiStaggered and NichiStraight panels may be installed over non-structural sheathing such as foam, fiber builder board, and gypsum type panels. Non-structural sheathing thickness shall not exceed 1”. Due to the compressive nature of some non-structural sheathings, care must be taken not to overdrive the fastener and compress the sheathing. The fastener length must be increased by the thickness of the non structural sheathing. • Ensure all weather resistive barriers are in place in accordance with local code. • Framing misalignment or irregularities in the sheathing application should be corrected prior to siding installation. These irregularities may mirror through the finished installation. • NichiStaggered and NichiStraight panels may only be installed on vertical walls and is not intended for use on Mansford or Gambrel type roofs. Fastening • Corrosion resistant fasteners, such as hot-dipped galvanized nails and screws that are appropriate to local building codes and practices must be used. Stainless steel fasteners are highly recommended in high- humidity and high-moisture regions. Nichiha is not liable for corrosion resistance of fasteners. • Do not use aluminum fasteners, staples, clipped head or T-head nails, or fasteners that are not rated or designed for intended use. • Corrosion resistant, full round head siding nails or appropriate screws may be used to install shake panels to wood or steel framing members, or to minimum thickness 7/16” OSB or plywood sheathing. Nails may be smooth or ring shank. When nailing into vertical framing fasteners must penetrate into wood a minimum of 1” or into a minimum 20 gauge steel stud ½”. • When installing over minimum 7/16” OSB or plywood sheathing, space fasteners a maximum of 12” apart. • The fastener head must be flush to the panel surface. Do not over drive or under drive fasteners. Installation Follow all general instructions on page one of this guide. Starter Strip & Starter Course (Fig. 7.1) • A starter strip is required to set the first course on the proper angle and to create a drip edge at the bottom course of siding. The starter strip material may be a cut piece of NichiBoard lap siding, FS 1005 Nichiha Spacer, PVC, or pressure treated lumber. Do not use untreated lumber, plywood, OSB, or other engineered wood products as a starter strip. • Install the starter strip level with the bottom of the wall sheathing or mudsill. • In addition to the starter strip, a starter course is required to provide solid backing and keyway coverage for the first row of NichiStraight or NichiStaggered panels. Use 8 ¼” or 9 ¼” NichiBoard for the starter course. Installing Shake Courses - NichiStaggeredTM (Fig. 7.2) • Ensure the first course of panels is level. Use a level and chalk line to establish a level and straight reference point for the first course. Continue to check for level lines throughout the installation. • Install the panels starting at one end and working across the wall. • Begin the installation by trimming the first panel to ensure the panel end falls or breaks over framing. Trim the panel end which is nearest the corner board. • On applications where the panel will butt to door, window, or corner trim, cut the upper edge of the panel so it is even with the keyway. • When installing NichiStaggered panels, if desired, the bottom of the first course may be trimmed to create a straight edge even with the starter course. Place the first course of panels flush with the bottom edge of the starter course and secure with the appropriate fastener. • As an alternative, strike a chalk line 16” above the bottom edge of the starter course and position the top edge of the shingles even with the chalk line. • For best appearance, the bottom edge of the panels should align with the corner trim. • Leave a 1/8” gap between the panel edge and any trim attachment. • Bring panel edges together in moderate contact. • To begin the second course, measure and chalk a line 6” up from the top edge of the first course to use as a guide when installing the second course of panels. • Measure and trim the first piece in the second course so it is one stud cavity less in length than the first piece on the previous course. • If framing is spaced 16” on-center, begin the third course by again cutting the panel one stud cavity less than the first piece on the second course. • For subsequent courses, position panels in a manner that avoids creating a pattern. • Drive fasteners into framing where possible. • Position the fastener approximately ½” to ¾” above the top of the keyway and through the underlying courses. DO NOT place fastener in the upper portion of the panel. See Fig. (7.2) • Position fasteners no closer than 3/8” from the panel edge. • For best appearance, it is recommended the course heights remain aligned and transfer around corners. • Shake keyways from one course to the next should not line up and be offset a minimum of 1 ½”. Fig. 7.1 Fig. 7.2 7 8 Fig. 8.1 Fig. 8.3 Fig. 8.4 Fig. 8.2 1/8" gap fo r cau lk Th ird course Second co urse 1-1/4" Starter stri p Fi rs t course 8-1/4" or9-1/4" (NichiBoard i Only when applica1ion is to minimum 7/16" Ulick APA rated sheathing, position nails at 12"' o.c . Place nails into Ira ming through previous courses. Allow 3/8" from pane l edges. first course 8-t/4" or 9-1/4" (Nichi8oard1 1-114" Starter strip 1/8 " gap for caulk 16" Only when appli calion Place nails inlo is to minimum 7/16 " fra ming through thick APA ra(ed sheath ing, previou s courses. po sition nails at 12" o.c. Allow 3/8" from panel edges. 8-1/4" or 9-1/4 " (Ni chiBoa rdi 1-1/4" Starter st rip 1/8" gap for caul k Th ird course Second course Stud 1-1/4" Sta rte r strip 7/16" Fi rst co urse 8-1/4" or 9-1/4" (Ni chi Boardi Sheathing ~,__ =--~ -----Weather ----...._ ---~/ Resis~ive 1/8 ~----__,,/-__,.,,--7 Barner NichiStaggered111 or Ni chiS trai gh t"' Starter Strip ~--""-, NichiStaggered • or Weat her Resistive Barrier Sheathing I I NichiStraighr ~ 8-1/4" or 9-1/4" lap siding J \I Do not ca ulk. LJ y 1/4"gap ~---=:::,,, -· i--_Fla shin g NichiStaggered™ and NichiStraight™ Shake Panels NichiStaggered™ and NichiStraight™ Shake Panels 9 10 NichiStaggeredTM / NichiStraightTM Alternative Corner Treatments (Fig. 9.1) • NichiStaggered and NichiStraight may be installed in a laced or staggered corner application. • Nichiha requires installing a galvanized, coated aluminum or vinyl PVC flashing over the building corner prior to beginning a laced corner application. • Use a polyurethane adhesive where laced panels join. • Do not miter NichiStaggered or NichiStraight panel edges. NichiStaggeredTM / NichiStraightTM Installation at Gables (Fig. 9.2-9.4) • Due to various framing sizing and spacing encountered at gables, it is recommended that a minimum 7/16” APA rated plywood or OSB sheathing be used. • Install the starter strip and starter course as described above. • Locate the center of the gable and mark a vertical, plum, centerline from the gable peak to the gable bottom. • Place the center of the panel in alignment with the vertical centerline to ensure an even symmetrical appearance. Alternatively, the panel edge may be aligned with the vertical centerline. • For the second course, place the panel edge 16” back from the centerline. Subsequently, for the third course place the panel edge back 32” from the centerline. • Using either a framing square or a pattern made from the rake angle, mark and cut the panels to evenly fit the rake or soffit leaving a 1/8” gap for caulking. • On these angle cuts, due to the keyways in the shingle panel, the panel may be weakened and require special care in handling. Also, it may be necessary to secure the panel with face nails in these areas. If the cut completely separates a piece of the siding from the panel use face nails to secure. Face nails will also be required to secure the top pieces. Finishing • Follow all general finishing instructions on page one of this guide. • Nichiha primed products must be painted within 12 months of installation. • Ensure all keyway edges and panel bottom edges are painted. • Exterior grade, 100% acrylic latex paints are recommended. Do not use oil or alkyd based paints. • Do not use stain on NichiProductsTM. Fig. 9.3 Fig. 9.4 Fig. 9.2 Fig. 9.1 Stud Staggered Butt Joint 1-1/4 " Starter strip Secu re to solid wood sheathing Panel centered on gable center Face nail Flashing small pieces Trim board Preparation • Follow all general instructions on page one of this guide. • NichiPanel™ can be installed directly on braced wood or steel stud (20GA or heavier) construction spaced at a maximum of 24” o. c. or over sheathing with vertical solid wood or steel backing. (Fig. 11.1) • When installing NichiPanel, it is recommended that an APA rated 7/16” OSB or plywood sheathing be used. NichiPanel may be installed over non-structural sheathing such as foam, fiber builder board, and gypsum type panels. Non-structural sheathing thickness shall not exceed 1”. Due to the compressive nature of some non structural sheathings, care must be taken not to overdrive the fastener and compress the sheathing. The fastener length must be increased by the thickness of the non- structural sheathing. • Ensure all weather resistive barriers are in place in accordance with local code. • Framing misalignment or irregularities in the sheathing application should be corrected prior to siding installation. These irregularities may mirror through the finished installation. • On multi story structures, avoid spanning over 1st-2nd , or 2nd-3rd story floor systems as distortion of the panel from settling of the structure can occur. The panel horizontal joint should always occur at the wall framing top plate or floor system rim joist. • NichiPanel must be installed with the long dimension of the panel vertical and parallel to wall framing. • The bottom edge of the panel must have at least 6” clearance above finished grade and 1” to 2” clearance above decks, walks, and hard surface driveways. • All panel edges must be supported by solid framing. Fastening (Fig. 11.2) Follow all general fastening instructions on page one of this guide. • Corrosion resistant fasteners, such as hot-dipped galvanized nails and screws that are appropriate to local building codes and practices must be used. Stainless steel fasteners are highly recommended in high- humidity and high-moisture regions. Nichiha is not liable for corrosion resistance of fasteners. Do not use aluminum fasteners, staples, clipped head or T-head nails, or fasteners that are not rated or designed for intended use. • Corrosion resistant, full round head siding nails or appropriate screws may be used to install NichiPanel to wood and steel framing members. Fasteners must penetrate into wood a minimum of 1” or into a minimum 20 gauge steel stud 1/2”. • Fasten panels a maximum 6” o. c. on all panel horizontal and vertical edges. Position fasteners at intermediate framing no greater than 12” o. c. Fasten at all stud locations. • The fastener head must be flush to the board surface. Do not over drive or under drive fasteners. • Fasteners should be placed no closer than 3/8” from panel edges and 2” from corners. Installation Follow all general instructions on page one of this guide. • Begin the installation by establishing a level and straight guideline for positioning the panels. • If necessary, cut the long edge of the panel so that panel vertical edges fall or “break” over framing. • Corner trim may be installed prior to panel installation, or alternatively, installed over NichiPanel. If butting to corner trim, leave 1/8” or appropriate gap and caulk. NichiPanel Grooved 8” o. c. • When installing NichiPanel Grooved 8” o. c. panels, layout of the application may be required to ensure a symmetrical or “even” appearance of the Grooved 8” o. c. accent grooves. Also, on multi-story structures or at gable ends, align accent grooves vertically for best appearance. • When beginning the installation, trim the full thickness or “square” panel edge so the detailed grooved edge will land or break over solid framing. • In some cases it may be necessary to add a stud or blocking to provide additional nailing area. Avoid nailing through panel edge accent groove. Joint Methods Vertical Joints (Fig. 12.1-12.3) Join NichiPanel vertical joints by one of the following four methods: • Cover the joint with a minimum 1-1/2” width batten strip. The batten strip may be fiber cement, wood, or PVC material. Caulk the vertical edge between the batten strip and NichiPanel. (Fig. 12.1) • Leave appropriate gap and caulk according to caulk manufacturer’s recommendations. (Fig. 12.2) • Use metal or PVC H-channel connector in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. (Fig. 12.3) • Join the panels in moderate contact. DO NOT install tight or force panels in place. NichiPanel™NichiPanel™ Fig. 11.1 Fig. 11.2 11 Horizontal Joints (Fig. 12.4-13.1) • Where panels are “stacked” on multi-story applications the horizontal joints must be properly flashed with a corrosion resistant galvanized, coated aluminum, or vinyl/PVC “Z” type flashing to minimize any water penetration. • Position and secure “Z” flashing over top edge of panel with the vertical bend behind the weather resistive barrier. • A gap of 1/4” must exist between the flashing and next course of panels. DO NOT caulk this gap. • Ensure flashing is sloped away from the wall and not “flat” . • If a horizontal band board or trim attachment is used at horizontal joints, flashing must be in place that extends over the panel and trim attachment. (Fig. 12.4) Trimming Openings (Fig. 12.4-13.2) • When trim is applied around doors, windows, and other openings prior to NichiPanel installation, ensure that flashings are in place over all horizontal trim. Install panels with a 1/4” gap between the flashing and siding. • Leave a 1/8” or appropriate gap between the siding and trim and caulk in accordance to caulk manufacturer’s recommendations. (Fig. 13.2) When trim attachments are to be applied over NichiPanel (most common application) special steps must be taken prior to the panel installation. • Install a 5/16” thick shim over the door or window the same length and width dimensions as the horizontal trim. • Install the flashing on top of the shim. • Install panels with a 1/4” gap between the flashing and siding. • Install horizontal trim over shim and under flashing. Fig. 12.1 Fig. 12.2 Fig. 12.3 Fig. 12.4 12 Weather Resisti'le -Ba rrier Bracing Every 6"~·. • · · · : .. · · ~; J , ,· , , '-<-I ·.· ¥"·. ~tc./11\M. ~ .. ~·-~ r:-~ finish nail patter~' -4-.-Nic hiPanei• ----~ Every 6" ' Min 6" Staggered nail pattern clearance above DOUBLE WALL CONSTRUCTION Keep na ils 3/8 " min . from panel edges. Stud fin is hed grade SINGLE WALL CONSTRUCTION ;.. ;.. weather Resistive Barrier NichiPanel" - Moderate contact Leave appropriate ga p between panel s, then caulk. Weather Resistive Barrier Sheathing NichiTrim" Nich iPanel" Do not caulk. 1/4" gap ... I ·. •. · .. ~Flashing I • • • I •• : , Preparation Follow all general instructions on page one of this guide. • NichiTrim™ can be installed directly on braced wood or steel stud (20GA or heavier) construction spaced at a maximum of 24” o.c. or over- sheathing with solid wood or steel backing. • A weather resistive barrier is required in accordance with local building codes when installing NichiTrim. Use the approved weather resistive barrier (WRB) as defined by the 2007 IRC. Nichiha is not liable for water infiltration. • Please consult with your local dealer or Nichiha directly when using NichiTrim on large projects, such as 45’ or higher buildings or three (3) stories or greater buildings. Some special reinforcements may be required. Product Inspection • Inspect all products thoroughly prior to installation. Do not install any product which may have been damaged in shipment or displays damage to the primer. • Contact your local dealer or Nichiha Customer Service toll-free at 1-866-424-4421 should you have any questions about NichiTrim. Storage and Handling • NichiTrim MUST be stored flat and off the ground prior to installation. Nichiha recommends storing the trim on pallets. • NichiTrim MUST be kept dry, and stored in a covered area or covered with a tarp before installation. Moisture saturation before installation may cause shrinkage and board damage. Do not install saturated boards. • Carry the products on edge. Do not carry or lift NichiTrim flat. Improper handling may cause cracking or board damage. • Nichiha is not responsible for damage caused by improper storage and handling of NichiTrim. Minimum Clearances • Maintain a minimum 1” - 2” clearance between NichiTrim and decking, walks, steps, and hard surface driveways. • At roof and wall junctures and according to roofing manufacturer’s instructions, flashing and counter-flashing are required. NichiTrim must be installed with a minimum 1” clearance from roofing. • A “kickout” flashing must be present to direct roof water away from the siding and trim. • Maintain a minimum clearance of 6” above finished grade or in accordance with local codes if greater than 6” clearance is required. Cutting • Refer to the Nichiha Safety Guidelines and OSHA guidelines for important safety practices for your and others’ protection. • Work outdoors where feasible, otherwise use mechanical ventilation. Position cutting bench so that wind will carry the dust away from the user and others in the work area. • Always wear safety glasses and NIOSH/OSHA approved respirator with a rating of N100, O100 or P100 whenever cutting, drilling, sawing, sanding or abrading the products. Refer to the Safety Instructions in this guide for more details. • Use a dust-reducing circular saw with a vacuum attachment in combina- tion with a diamond-tipped or carbide-tipped blade for general cutting. • The dust collector must be connected to a HEPA vacuum. Recommend- ed circular saw: Makita 7-1/4” Circular Saw with Dust Collector (#5057KB). • Recommended blade: Tenryu Board-Pro Plus PCD Blade (#BP-18505). Fastening (Fig. 14.1) Follow all general fastening instructions on page one of this guide. • NichiTrim may be hand fastened or fastened with pneumatic tools. If hand nailing, pre-drilling may be necessary in some applications. When using pneumatic tools, set the pressure of compressor so that the fastener is driven snug or under-driven to the surface of the board; then hand-drive with a smooth faced hammer until the fastener head is flush to board surface. • Pressure from compressors can vary depending on tank volume and number of lines connected to the unit. For best performance, always test and adjust pressure before beginning installation. • Corrosion resistant fasteners, such as hot-dipped galvanized nails and screws that are appropriate to local building codes and practices must be used. Stainless steel fasteners are highly recommended in high humidity and high-moisture regions. Nichiha is not liable for corrosion resistance of fasteners. Do not use aluminum fasteners, staples, clipped head or T-head nails, roofing nails, or fasteners that are not rated or designed for intended use. For best aesthetics on door and window trim, use a minimum 15 gauge finish nail. • Finish nails, smooth shank siding nails, or appropriate screws may be used to secure trim to wood and steel framing members. Fasteners must penetrate into wood a minimum of 1” and ½” into steel framing to ensure trim is securely fastened. • When installing NichiTrim with finish nails, position nails no closer than 1/2” from board edges and 1” from board ends. Place a minimum of two nails every 16”. On 11-1/4” trim, apply 3 to 4 finish nails at 16” intervals. • When installing NichiTrim with siding nails or screws, position fasteners no closer than 1” from board edges and 3” from board ends. Stagger fasteners on alternating edges every 16”. On 11-1/4” trim, additional fasteners may be applied. • The fastener head must be flush to the board surface. Do not over drive or under drive fasteners. NichiPanel™NichiTrim™ Fig. 14.1 Distance from edge NichiTrimTM Fastening Specifications Distance from ends Spacing Spacing pattern Finish Nail Siding Nail 1/2” 1” 1”3” 16” 16” Stacked Staggered 13 14 Finishing Follow all general finishing instructions on page one of this guide. Fig. 13.1 Fig. 13.2 Sheathing Weather Resistive Barrier Stud Nichi Pane1 • I Weathe r Resistive Barrier 1 Stagger weather I Bracing cuts at least 1' , 24" o.c. rmax. Min. 6" clearance above finished grade _Finish nail pattern DOUBLE WALL CONSTRUCTION I 1 Staggered nail pattern I 1 SINGLE WALL CONSTRUCTION 15 16 Finishing Follow all general finishing instructions on page one of this guide. • Use exterior grade high-quality sealant that complies with either ASTM C-834 (for primed products) or ASTM C-920 (for finished products) requirements for all gaps that require filling with sealant. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use. • All exposed field cut edges (i.e. outside edges, butt joints or bottom ends of corners and window trim), must be covered with primer, sealant, or paint. • Dents, chips, scratches, etc. on the products shall be filled with exterior grade cementitious patching or putty. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use. • All unfinished (pre-primed) products must be painted within 12 months of installation. Exterior grade 100% acrylic latex paints are recommended. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use. NichiTrim™NichiTrim™ Trimming Inside and Outside Corners (Fig. 15.1) • NichiTrim may be used in a single or double corner trim method. • When corner height exceeds 10’, join stacked boards using a min. 22.5 degree weather cut angled away from wall. Keep weather cuts a minimum of 12” apart on adjacent boards. Trimming windows, Doors & Openings (Fig. 15.2) • When picking up NichiTrim™ off the pallet, you must turn it on its edge. • When using NichiBoard™, NichiShake™, and Sierra Premium™ products, trim all openings prior to siding installation, and follow window, door, vent manufacturer’s installation instructions. • Leave a minimum 1/8” gap between trim and siding and apply sealant in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. • All horizontal trim must be flashed. Leave a 1/4” gap between the siding and flashing. Do not caulk this gap. Do not use raw aluminum flashings. Flashings must be galvanized, anodized, or PVC coated. • Install door and window trim in the “cap-over” method. Ensure the top trim board spans over the top of the vertical or side trim pieces. (Fig. 15.2) • When applying trim around windows with a nailing flange, it may be necessary to install a thin shim beside the flange to provide a flat, even surface level with the flange. This will allow the trim to remain “flat” on the wall. Fascia, Frieze Boards, Rake Trim & Band Boards (Fig. 15.3-15.5) • NichiTrim products used in fascia and rake board applications must be fastened over a continuous wood or steel subfascia. • On runs exceeding 10’ use a weather cut to join trim boards. • Horizontal band boards must be flashed with a 1/4” gap between the siding and trim. Also, adequate flashing must be present between NichiTrim and any brick or masonry ledge. Fig. 15.2 Fig. 15.3 Fig. 15.1 Fig. 15.5 Fig. 15.4 Integral J Channel Flashing Installation (Fig. 16.2) • Please contact window manufacturer for required installation of window. • Before first course of NichiBoard™ is applied under window, the installer must place a piece of Non-Corrosive Flashing material from the bottom nailing flange of the Integral J Window and over the course of NichiBoard™. This may require a secondary piece of window tape. • Flashing must be 4’’ x Depth Of Course that will allow flashing to lap over siding course below by minimum of 1’’. • All cut ends of NichiBoard™ must be sealed with a primer, paint, or caulk. However, it is not recommended to fill the entire J channel of the window with caulk. Blocked Penetration (Fig. 16.1) • Penetrations larger than 1½” in diameter must use a blocked penetration to avoid water infiltration. • Installer can use 4/4” or 5/4” NichiTrim™ material for desired thickness. • It may be necessary to cut blocked penetrations with a 22.5 degree weather cut to enable the use of a dryer vent or penetration that may be existing on home. • Make sure to flash over top of Blocked Penetration using a ¼’’ gap between flashing and siding material. Do Not Caulk ¼’’ Gap. Fig. 16.1 Fig. 16.2 22.5 0 -45 0 ~ea t hercut -- Weathe r ~~a:~:ncau lk a_long top edge. Resistive Barrier g requi red ove r trim. Nichi Trim'" Caulk is op tional . J/l 6" NichiTrim"on ly Nichilrlm" Soffit pane l Nichilrim" 2x su_b fascia N1chiTrim'" ~ Leave a · · 118 .. m1mmum gap, then caulk. Weather , ~ Resistive Barrier I Sheathing I • I NichiBoard" 1 Do not caulk Blocking/Support 1/4" gap I • Flash ing NichiTrim • We ather Resistive Barr" i .___Caulk Roof sheeti ng ----N· ' ichiBoard" '\ ~ @· >-9;· 514 .. an Sh im~ 414" Nich il~im" 7/!6" Nichilrim" N1ch1Board'" --------------Roofing .------Roof underlayment Dr ip, edge flashing NicliliTri m" Sub fasc ia Soffit pan el Wea the r Re sist ive Bar ri er Weat her Re sisti ve Barr ie Ni chiha l ap Siding Window Fastener ii I Ni chiBo ard '" / Do not caulk 1/4" gap ! l Fl as hin g J Channe l Window Overlap (Fig. 18.1-18.2) • A minimum overlap of 1-1/4” is required. Blind Nailing (Fig. 18.1) • For a more aesthetically pleasing installation, Sierra Premium™ Shake Plus and Smooth boards may be installed in a hidden, or blind nail application. • Position the fastener 1” down from the top edge of the board and no closer than 3/4” from the board ends. • Fasten from one end of the board to the other. Face Nailing (Fig. 18.2) • It is permissible to install Sierra Premium™ Shake Plus and Smooth boards in a face nail type installation to meet certain installation requirements or when specified by local code. • Position the fastener a minimum distance of 3/4” up from the bottom edge of the board and no more than 1”. This ensures the fastener will penetrate through the overlap and through both courses. Place the fastener no closer than 3/4” from board ends. • Fasten from one end of the board to the other. Vertical Joint Placement (Fig. 19.1) • All Sierra Premium™ Shake Plus and Smooth board vertical joints must land or “break” over studs or framing. • If OSB or plywood sheathing is used, boards must be secured with a corrosion resistant, #8, ribbed, buglehead screw at each butt joint. • When possible, use factory sealed or finished ends at butt joints. Position cut ends where boards meet trim attachments. • If cut ends are used at butt joints they must be sealed with primer, sealer, or paint. NEVER leave exposed cut edges uncoated. • Shake keyways from one course to the next should not line up vertically. Layout of the application may be necessary to avoid stacked keyways. Staggering the Shake Boards (Fig. 18.3) • All boards are identical. They have a right-hand and a left-hand side. (see sketch). • The right-hand side has its first shake 4-5/16 wide, second one in is 7”, third one in is 8-5/8”, 4th one in is 5”, 5th one in is 5-1/8” wide (see sketch). • All boards must be installed in the same orientation (no flipping boards). • All cuts must be made from the left side of the board. 17 18 Fig. 18.1 Fig. 18.2 Sierra Premium™ Shake & Sierra Premium™ SmoothSierra Premium™ Shake & Sierra Premium™ SmoothPLUS PLUS Course Stairstep Stagger Measure from cornerboard to 7th stud and cut shake board. Measure from cornerboard to 5th stud and cut shake board. Measure from cornerboard to 3rd stud and cut shake board. Measure from cornerboard to 6th stud and cut shake board. Measure from cornerboard to 5th stud and cut shake board. Pattern repeats (same as course 1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 4-7/16”7” 8-5/8” 5-3/8” 7-1/8”5-1/8”6-7/8” 6-7/16”4-1/4”5-5/8” 7-1/4” 5”7-1/2”5-1/8” 5” 8-5/8” 7”4-5/16” 1. Board Orientation (5-1/8” and 5”) shakes AlwAyS to the right side. Sketch of Sierra PremiumTM Shake Plus Board left Right Fig. 18.3 16” O.C. Studs 6 course is the same layout as 1st Course1 5 4 3 2 1 5 Studs 6 Studs 3 Studs 5 Studs 7 Studs left Right Recommended layout for Nichiha Sierra PremiumTM Shake Plus 16”32” 48” 64”80” 96”112” Tr im Board Stud Stud Stud Stud Stud Stud Course Stud Preparation Follow all general instructions on page one of this guide. • Sierra Premium™ Shake Plus and Smooth boards can be installed directly on braced wood construction spaced at a maximum of 24” o.c. or over sheathing with vertical solid wood backing. Please contact Nichiha regarding installation over steel frame construction. (Fig. 17.1) • When installing Sierra Premium™ Shake Plus and Smooth boards, it is recommended that an APA rated 7/16” OSB or plywood sheathing be used. Boards may be installed over non-structural sheathing such as foam, fiber builder board, and gypsum type panels. Non-structural sheathing thickness shall not exceed 1”. Due to the compressive nature of some non-structural sheathings, care must be taken not to overdrive the fastener and compress the sheathing. The fastener length must be increased by the thickness of the non structural sheathing. • Ensure all weather resistive barriers are in place in accordance with local code. • Framing misalignment or irregularities in the sheathing application should be corrected prior to siding installation. These irregularities may mirror through the finished installation. Fastening • Corrosion resistant fasteners, such as hot-dipped galvanized nails and screws that are appropriate to local building codes and practices must be used. Stainless steel fasteners are highly recommended in high- humidity and high-moisture regions. Nichiha is not liable for corrosion resistance of fasteners. Do not use aluminum fasteners, staples, clipped head or T-head nails, or fasteners that are not rated or designed for intended use. • Corrosion resistant, full round head siding nails or appropriate screws may be used to install Sierra Premium™ Shake Plus and Smooth boards to wood framing members. Fasteners must penetrate into wood a minimum of 1”. • The fastener head must be flush to the board surface. Do not over drive or under drive fasteners. Installation Follow all general instructions on page one of this guide. Starter Strip & First Course (Fig. 17.2) • A starter strip is required to set the first course on the proper angle and to create a drip edge at the bottom course of siding. The starter strip material may be a cut piece of Sierra Premium™, FS 1010 ½” Nichiha Spacer, PVC, or pressure treated lumber. Do not use untreated lumber, plywood, OSB, or other engineered wood products as a starter strip. • Install the starter strip level with the bottom of the wall sheathing or mudsill. • Ensure the first course of boards is level as it will be the guide for entire installation. Use a level and chalk line to establish a level and straight reference point for the first course. Continue to check for level lines throughout installation. • The first course of siding must hang below the starter strip a minimum of 1/4”. • The siding should not extend below the corner trim. • The bottom edge of the first course must have at least 6” clearance above finished grade. • It is recommended the course heights remain aligned and transfer around corners. Fig. 17.1 Fig. 17.2 SINGLE WALL Weather Resistive Barrier Stagger weather, Brac ing CONSTRUCTION "' cuts at least 1' I ..,, 24 " o.c. max. j '-F Sheathing Sheathing Weather Resistive Barrier Concrete foundation . Starter Strip Stud -f,:min. --- Sierra Premium• Shake pl~$ Stud 1-1/4" min. overlap Stud q_.\ _ 24 " o.c . max Weat her Resi st ive Barr ier Sierra Prem iu m" Shake pl/Ag Sheathing 1-1/4" mi n. l7 overlap _ lfac~ H n sistive 1-1/4 '; min./ Barrier overlap um" Shake piOS u I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NichiFrontier™ Preparation Follow all general instructions on page one of this guide. • NichiFrontier™ boards can be installed directly on APA rated sheathing, braced wood or steel stud (20GA or heavier) construction, spaced at a maximum of 24” o.c. or over sheathing with vertical solid wood backing. Fasteners must penetrate wood studs a min. of 1” and 1/2” in steel studs. (Fig. 20.1) • When installing NichiFrontier™, it is recommended that an APA rated minimum 7/16” OSB or plywood sheathing be used. Boards may be installed over non-structural sheathing such as foam, fiber builder board, and gypsum type panels. Non-structural sheathing thickness shall not exceed 1”. Due to the compressive nature of some non structural sheathings, care must be taken not to overdrive the fastener and compress the sheathing. The fastener length must be increased by the thickness of the non-structural sheathing. • Ensure all weather resistive barriers are in place in accordance with local code. • Framing misalignment or irregularities in the sheathing application should be corrected prior to siding installation. These irregularities may mirror through the finished installation. Fastening Follow all general instructions on page one of this guide. • Corrosion resistant fasteners, such as hot-dipped galvanized nails and screws that are appropriate to local building codes and practices must be used. Stainless steel fasteners are highly recommended in high-humidity and high-moisture regions. Nichiha is not liable for corrosion resistance of fasteners. Do not use aluminum fasteners, staples, clipped head or T-head nails, or fasteners that are not rated or designed for intended use. • Corrosion resistant, full round head siding nails or appropriate screws may be used to install NichiFrontier™ boards to wood framing members. Fasteners must penetrate into wood a minimum of 1” or 1/2” into metal. • The fastener head must be flush to the board surface. Do not over drive or under drive fasteners. • For special applications, such as areas with high wind loads, please contact the Nichiha Technical Department. Installation Starter Strip & First Course (Fig. 20.2) • A starter strip is required to set the first course on the proper angle and to create the drip edge at the bottom course of siding. The starter strip material may be a cut piece of NichiBoard™, FS 1005 Nichiha Spacer, PVC or pressure treated lumber. Do not use untreated lumber, plywood, OSB or other engineered wood products as a starter strip. • Install the starter strip level with the bottom of the wall sheathing or mudsill. • Ensure the first course of boards is level as it will be the guide for the entire installation. Use a level and chalk line to establish a level and straight reference point for the first course. Continue to check for level lines throughout installation. • The first course of siding must hang below the starter strip a minimum of 1/4”. • The siding should not extend below the corner trim. • The bottom edge of the first course must have at least 6” clearance above finished grade. • It is recommended the course heights remain aligned and transfer around corners. Overlap • A minimum overlap of 1-1/4” is required. Blind Nailing (Fig. 20.3) • For a more aesthetically pleasing installation, NichiFrontier™ boards may be installed in a hidden, or blind nail application. • Position the fastener 1” down from the top edge of the board and no closer than 1/2” from the board ends. Fasten from one end of the board to the other. 19 20 Fig. 20.1 Fig. 20.2 Fig. 20.3 Sierra Premium™ Shake & Sierra Premium™ Smooth Joint Treatment Joint Installation (Fig. 19.1) • The use of a joint flashing behind the butt joints is required. • Suitable materials for joint flashing include anodized or PVC coated coil stock and code approved water restive barriers. • The joint flashing should be at least 3” in width and long enough to extend above the board width a minimum of 1-1/2”. • Install Sierra Premium™ Shake Plus and Smooth boards over joint flashing with a minimum 1/8” gap between board ends. This gap may be filled with a quality exterior grade caulk. Ensure caulk meets ASTM 834 or ASTM C-920 requirements and is approved for use at butt joints. Siding to Trim Joints (Fig. 19.2-19.3) • Where board ends and edges meet trim at inside and outside corners, door, window and other trim attachments, leave a minimum 1/8” gap and caulk with a quality caulk as described above. • Trim attachments must be of sufficient thickness. The overlapped boards must not extend beyond the face of the trim. A continuous solid shim or “build out” behind the trim may be necessary. • A flashed 1/4” clearance must exist over horizontal trim. Alternative Corner Treatments (Fig. 19.4-19.5) • Sierra Premium™ Shake Plus and Smooth boards may also be installed with mitered corners. For best results, use a compound miter saw to accurately cut the 45 degree miter cut and slope angle. • Sierra Premium™ Shake Plus and Smooth boards may also be installed in a laced or staggered corner application. • Nichiha requires installing a galvanized, coated aluminum, or vinyl PVC flashing over the building corner prior to beginning a mitered or laced corner application. • Use a polyurethane adhesive where mitered or laced boards join. Fig. 19.4 Fig. 19.5 Fig. 19.2 Fig. 19.3 Finishing Follow all general finishing instructions on page one of this guide. Fig. 19.1 We ath er Resistive ,~""-,,,., Bar ri er - Stud Sheath ing 1" from panel topi'= .. ·~: , 3/4 " from panel edge I I l J_j J _ Sierr a Pre mium 1/8" gap and ca ul k (op ti ona l) Shake pl/Ag Vertical Joint Weather Resistive Barrier NichiTrimh Po lyurethane adhesi ve Weather Resistive Barrier Sierra Premium· Shake pit)S Sierra Premium· Shake pt~S 1/4" gap Flashing Stud =---~ -= Sheathing ~-Weather · Resistive Barrier Stud Compound Miter 45 ° Sierra Premium · Shake pllJ.S Weather Re:sistive Barrie r Poly--__ -=:'.::::~=::::~-:-=.::::;;.:~-Staggered urethane -----Butt Joint Sealan t 1 SINGLE WALL : . CON STRUCTION Stag:ger weath er Bra cing cuts at least 1' 1 24" o.c. max . ~ Fi nish Staggere d na il pattern ; 1c Min. 6" 1 clearanc e ab ove DOUBLE WALL CONST RUCTION fi nish ed grade She athin g Weather Re sisti ve Barrie r Concret e fo unda tio n Starter Strip 6" min. ~ Ni chiFrontier'" ~ 24 " o.c. max ~ Stud I--- NichiFrontier™NichiFrontier™ Alternative Corner Treatments (Fig. 22.1-22.2) • NichiFrontier™ boards may be installed in a laced or staggered corner application. • Nichiha requires installing a galvanized, coated aluminum, or vinyl PVC flashing over the building corner prior to beginning a laced corner application. • Use a polyurethane adhesive where mitered or laced boards join. 21 22 Face Nailing (Fig. 21.1) • It is permissible to install NichiFrontier boards in a face nail type installation to meet certain installation requirements or when specified by local code. • Position the fastener a minimum distance of 3/4” up from the bottom edge of the board and no more than 1”. This ensures the fastener will penetrate through the overlap and through both courses. Place the fastener no closer than 1/2” from board ends. • Fasten from one end of the board to the other. Butt Joint Placement • All NichiFrontier™ board vertical joints must land or “break’ over studs or framing. • If cut ends are used at butt joints they must be sealed with primer, sealer, or paint. NEVER leave exposed cut edges uncoated. Staggering the Shake Boards • There are 3 different boards that have different shake patterns. This allows for 6 different shake patterns when the boards are flipped. • This is done for ease of installation. Joint Treatment (Fig. 21.2) • The use of a joint flashing behind the butt joints is required. • Suitable materials for joint flashing include anodized or PVC coated coil stock and code approved water restive barriers. • The joint flashing should be at least 3” in width and long enough to extend above the board width a minimum of 1-½”. • Install NichiFrontier™ boards over joint flashing with a 1/8” gap between board ends. As an option, this gap may be filled with a quality exterior grade color-matching sealant. Ensure sealant meets ASTM C-920 requirements and is approved for use at butt joints. Siding to Trim Joints (Fig. 21.3) • Where board ends and edges meet trim at inside and outside corners, door, window and other trim attachments, leave a minimum 1/8” gap and caulk with a quality sealant as described above. • Trim attachments must be of sufficient thickness. The overlapped boards must not extend beyond the face of the trim. A continuous solid shim or “build out” behind the trim may be necessary. • All horizontal trim must be flashed. Leave a 1/4” gap between the siding and flashing. Do not caulk this gap. Do not use raw aluminum flashings. Flashings must be galvanized, anodized or PVC coated. Fig. 21.1 Fig. 21.2 Fig. 21.3 Fig. 22.1 Fig. 22.2 Finishing Follow all general finishing instructions on page one of this guide. Stu d Shea thing 1-1/4" min. overlap Weather ~esisti ve 1-1/4'; min . Ba mer overlap TT"" ~Weather Res isti 1 Barri Stud She athin g 1" from panel toir ---; Nichif rontier" 1/8" gap and caul k (opti onal) Vertical Joint Stud Ni chiFronti er· Weather Resistive Barrier Sheathing Nich iTrim" Poly - urethane Sealant , ~---Nichifront ier• 1/4" gap Flashi ng Stud Sheath ing Weather Resistive Barrier FIBER CEMENT AT ITS BEST, NICHIBOARD, NICHIFRONTIER, NICHIPANEL, NICHIPRODUCTS, NICHISHAKE, NICHISOFFIT, NICHISTAGGERED, NICHISTRAIGHT, NICHITRIM and SIERRA PREMIUM are trademarks of Nichiha USA, Inc. ©2012 Nichiha USA, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. DG 05/12 8K NI-1000 • NichiBoard™, NichiFrontier™, NichiPanel™, NichiShake™, NichiStaggered™, NichiStraight™, Sierra Premium™ Smooth and Sierra Premium™ Shake Plus - lifetime limited warranty*. • NichiTrim™ and NichiSoffit™- 25-year limited warranty*. *See Nichiha warranties for detailed information on terms, conditions and limitations. Visit for easy downloadable warranties or call toll-free 1.866.424.4421 for a copy. Nichiha MSDS is available at, at your local NICHIHA dealer or call NICHIHA direct, toll-free 1.866.424.4421. Nichiha warranties* 23 NichiSoffit™ Preparation Follow all general instructions on page one of this guide. • These instructions are only intended for site construction applications. For applications on modular, panelized, or manufactured housing, please contact Nichiha directly. • NichiSoffit™ panels can be installed directly on braced wood or steel stud (20GA or heavier) construction spaced at maximum 24” on center with the long dimension of the panel perpendicular to framing. • All NichiSoffit panel edges must be supported by framing. Ensure that all necessary framing supports, nailers, ledgers, and sub-fascia are in place prior to installation. Fastening Follow all general fastening instructions on page one of this guide. • Corrosion resistant fasteners, such as hot dipped galvanized nails and screws that are appropriate to local building codes and practices must be used. Stainless steel fasteners are highly recommended in high- humidity and high-moisture regions. Nichiha is not liable for corrosion resistance of fasteners. Do not use aluminum fasteners, staples, clipped head or T-head nails, or fasteners that are not rated or designed for intended use. • Use a corrosion resistant, min. 1-1/2” length, full round head siding nail or appropriate screw to install the soffit to the framing. • The fastener head must be snug or flush to the panel surface. Do not over drive or under drive fasteners. • Fasteners must penetrate wood framing a minimum of 1” and at least 1/2” into metal framing. • NichiSoffit must be joined at a framing member. • Position fasteners a minimum of 3/8” from soffit panel edges and ends, and 2” away from corners. • Place fasteners a maximum of every 8” o. c. at panel edges and intermediate framing members. Installation (Fig. 23.1) • All NichiSoffit panel edges must be supported by framing. Ensure that all necessary framing supports, nailers, ledgers, blocking and/or sub-fascia are in place prior to installation. • NichiSoffit must be installed to minimum nominal 2x4 framing or 20 gauge steel construction spaced at a maximum 24” o. c. • The long dimension of soffit board must be perpendicular to framing. • Position vented soffit panels with the vent holes toward the outside (toward fascia) for optimum airflow. Soffit vents can be installed into unvented NichiSoffit. • If corners are mitered, install blocking from wall corner to inside of fascia corner. • Ensure rafter tails and sub-fascia are of uniform length and width. • The use of a string guide or chalkline is recommended to aid in positioning of the soffit panels. Joint Methods (Fig. 23.2) Join NichiSoffit panel ends by one of the following four methods: • Join the panels in moderate contact. • Leave appropriate gap and caulk according to caulk manufacturer’s recommendations. • Cover the joint with a batten strip. • Use metal or PVC H-channel connector in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Fig. 23.1 Fig. 23.2 Nichiha USA, Inc. 6659 Peachtree Industrial Blvd. Suite AA, Norcross, GA 30092 Toll Free: 1.86 NICHIHA 1, (866) 424-4421 P. (770) 805-9466 F. (770) 805-9467 Product Certifications: Report No. ESR-2894 (wood) Sub-fascia NichiSoffil" ( Fascia Venting to )1 outside of eave 1 Shi m Modera te contact beh ind tr im Butt-to Siding · Framing member Shim Siding :ij l Trim Over Sid ing · Fram ing member H-connector · Framing membe r Leave appropriate gap and caulk intertek Total Quality. Assured. Code Compliance Research Report CCRR-0258 DIVISION: 07 00 00 -THERMAL ANO MOISTURE PROTECTION Se ction: 07 45 00-Fiber-reinforce d Cementitious Panels REPORT HOLDER: Nichiha USA Inc. 6465 E. Johns Crossing, Su it e 250 Johns Creek, Georgia 30097 REPORT SUBJECT: Nich iProducts™ Fiber-Cement Siding Products 1 .0 SCOPE OF EVALUATION 1 .1 This Research Report addresses compliance with the following Codes: 2018, 2015, and 2012 International Building Code 9 (IBC) 2018, 2015, and 2012 International Residential Code 3 (IRC) 2017 Florida Building Code -Building (FBC) and Residential {FRC) (including HVHZ) (see Section 9) 2016 California Building Code -Building (CBC) and Residential (CRC) (see Section 9) NOTE: This report references 2018 International Code sections. Section numbers for the 2015 IBC, 2017 FBC and 2016 CBC are noted in parentheses where different. 1.2 The NichiProducts"' siding products described in this report have been evaluated for the following properties (see Table 1): Physical properties Wind resistance Surface burning characteristics Noncombustibility Weather protection 1.3 The NichiProducts™ siding products have been evaluated for the following uses (see Table 1): Use as an exterior wall covering i n accordance w ith IBC Section 1405.16 and IRC Section R703.10. Use on ext erior walls in Types I, 11, Ill, and IV const ruction Issue Date: 10-31-2016 Revision Date: 10-25-2019 Renewal Date: 10-31-2020 Use on exterior wal ls permitted to be of Type V construction. 2.0 STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE The NichiProducts™ siding products recognized in this report comply with the Codes li sted in Section 1.1, for the properties stated in Section 1.2, and uses stated in Section 1.3, when installed as described i n this report, including the Conditions of Use stated in Section 6. 3 .0 DESCRI PTION 3.1 NichiProducts™ Fiber Cement Siding Products: The siding products are used for lap and panel siding. A description of the sid ing products, their dimensions and their intended appl ication is in Table 2. 4 .0 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 4 .1 Physical Properties: The siding products comply with ASTM C1186, Type A, Grade 11, in accordance with 2018 IBC Section 1403.10 [1404.10) and IRC Section R703.10. 4.2 Wind Resistance: The maximum allowable w ind pr essure for each of the siding products is described in Tables 3, 4, 5 and 6 . 4.3 Surface Burning Characteristics: The siding products have a flame spread index of O and a smoke-developed index of 0, when t ested i n accordance with ASTM E84. 4 .4 Noncombustibility: The siding products are noncombustible building construction materials complying with IBC Section 703 .5 as determined by testing in accordance with ASTM E136 . 4.5 Weather Protection : Sid ing products are installed in accordance with Section 5.2 of this report. 4.6 Fire -resistance-ra ted Construction: Fire-resistance - rated construction is outside the scope of this report. ~ 130 Derry Court •York• Pennsylvania • 17406 lntertek PCA·101 Version: 6 April 2017 Code Compliance Research Report CCRR-0258 Page 2 of 25 5.0 INSTALLATION 5 .1 General: The siding must be installed in accordance with the Nichiha USA Inc., published installation instructions, the applicable Code, and this Research Report. A copy of t he manufacturer's instructions must be available on t he jobsite during installation. 5.2 Application: Under the 2018 IBC, the siding products must be installed over a water-resistive barrier complying with Sections 1403.2 [1404.2) and 1402.5 [1403.5) and must be attached as described for t he specific assembly in Tables 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Under the IRC, the siding products must be installed over a water-resistive barrier complying with Section R703 .2. Lap siding and panel siding may be installed as described in Table R703.3{1), for areas in which the design pressure does not exceed 30 pounds per square foot and the mean roof height does not exceed the limits in Table R703.3.l, o r as descr ibed i n Tables 3 through 6. For conditions that exceed these limits, the panels must be installed as described in Table 9 . 6 .0 CONDITIONS OF USE 6.1 Installation must comply with this Research Report, the manufacturer's published insta llat ion instructions, and the applicable Code. In the event of a conflict, this report governs. 6 .2 When allowable wind speed is determined in accordance with Table 3, t he allowable wind speed must be equal to or greater than the design wind speed ca lcu lated in accordance with t he applicab le Code. 6 .3 When the wall const ruction includes a combustible wa t er-resistive barrier and is required to be of Type I, II, Il l, or IV construction, use of the siding products is limited to a maximum 40 feet in height above grade plane except under t he 2018 [2015) IBC where data has been presented to the buildi ng official demonstrating compliance w ith the Exce ption t o Section 1402.5 (1403.5). 6.4 The NichiProducts"' siding products are produced under a quality control program with inspections by lntertek Testing Services NA, Inc. 7 .0 SUPPORTING EVIDENCE 7 .1 Reports oftests in accordance with ASTM Cl186, AST M E84, ASTM E136, and ASTM E330. 7 .2 l ntert ek Listing Report "Nichiha USA, Inc. - NichiProd ucts'" Fiber-Cement Siding Products" on t he lntertek Directory of Building Products. 7 .3 Documentation of an lntertek approved quality control system for the manufacturi ng of products recognized in this report. 8.0 IDENTIFICATION The NichiProducts"" si ding products are identified w ith the Nichiha USA Inc., name, and address, the product name, t he lntertek Mark as shown below, and the Code Compliance Research Report number (CCRR-0258). 9 .0 OTHER CODES CODE COMPLIANCE ~ lntertek CCRR,0258 9 .1 California Building Code 9.1.1 Scope of Evaluation: The NichiProducts'" sidi ng products were evaluated for compliance with the 2016 California Bu ilding Code, includi ng Cha pter 7A. The siding products are noncombust ible materials as defined i n CBC Section 202 and as per mitted for use on exterior walls in CBC Section 707A.3. 9 .1 .2 Conclusion: The siding products, described in Sections 2.0 through 7 .0 of this report, comply with the 2016 Ca l ifornia Building Code, subject to the conditions noted in Section 6.0 of th is report. Section numbers for the CBC -Building and Residential correspond to the 2015 IBC and IRC section numbers. 130 Derry Court• York• Pennsylvania• 17406 = AIX'fl)ll!lJ ·--- lntertek Version: 6 April 2017 P CA-101 Code Compliance Research Report CCRR-0258 Page 3 of 25 9.2 Florida Building Code 9.2.1 Scope of Evaluation: The NichiProducts'M sid ing products were eva luated for compliance with the 2017 Florida Building Code - Building a n d Florida Building Code -Residential. 9.2.2 Conclusion: The siding products described in Sections 2.0 through 7.0 of this report, comply with the 2017 Florida Building Code -Building and Florida Building Code -Residential, subject to the following conditions: Use of the NichiProducts Siding in Types I, II, Ill or IV construction, is as permitted in Florida Building Code - Building, Section 1406.2.1. Attachment of NichiProducts for compliance w ith the High-Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ) provisions of the 2017 Florida Building Code -Building and the Florida Building Code -Residential is described in Table 8 of this report. In HVHZ applications, the NichiProducts siding must be installed over CBS construction or 5/8 in. (5-P ly) plywood supported by 2 by 6 wood or No. 18 gage metal studs, spaced at 16 inches on center. Section numbers for the FBC -Building and Residential correspond to the 2015 IBC and IRC section numbers. lntertek is an approved evaluation entity and quality assurance entity pursuant to Florida Statute 553.842 - Product Evaluation and Approval. 10.0 CODE COMPLIANCE RESEARCH REPORT USE 10.1 Approval of building products and/or materials can only be granted by a building official having legal authority in the specific jurisdiction where approval is sought. 10.2 Code Compliance Research Reports shall not be used in any manner that implies an endorsement of the product by lntertek. 10.3 Reference to the is recommended to ascertain the current version and status of this report. This Code Compliance Research Report ("Report") is for the exclusive use of lntertek's Client and is provided pursuant to the agreement between lntertek and its Client. lntertek's responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. lntertek assumes no liability to any party, other than to the Cli ent in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use of this Report. Only the Client is authorized to permit copying or distribution of this Report and then only in its entirety, and the Cl ient shall not use the Report in a misleading manner. Client further agrees and understands that reliance upon the Report is limited to the representations made therein. The Report is not an endorsement or recommendation for use of the subject and/or product described herein. This Report is not the lntertek Listing Report covering the subject product and utilized for lntertek Certification and this Report does not represent authorization for the use of any lntertek certification marks. Any use of the lntertek name or one of its marks for the sa le or advertisement of the tested material, product or service must first be approved in writing by lntertek. ~ lntertek Version: 6 April 2017 130 Derry Court• York• Pennsylvania• 17406 PCA-101 Code Compliance Research Report CCRR-0258 Page 4of 25 TA BLE 1-PRO PERTIES EVALUATED PROPERTY 2018 and 2015 2018 and 2015 2017 FBC -2017 FBC-2016 CBC1 IBC SECTI ON1 IRC SECTION 1 Building1 Residential' Physica l properties 1403.10 R703.10 1404.10 R703 .10 1404.10 (1404.10] Surface bu rning charact eristics 1403.10 R703.10 1404.10 R703.10 1404.10 (1404.10] Noncombustibi lity 703.S NA 703.5 NA 202, 703.5 Wind resistance 1404.16 R703.16 1405.16 703.1.2 1405,16 [1405.16] Weat her resistance 1403.2 (1404.2] R703 .2 1404.2 R703 .2 1404,2 1 Section numbers may be different for earlier versions of the International, California, and Florida Codes. Product Name NichlBoard"' plank NichlPanel'" sheets NichiStraight'" and NlchiStaggered'" lap panels N ichlShake '" cladding NichiSoffit"' lntertek Version: 6 April 2017 TABLE 2-NICHIHA SIDING DESCRIPTION Nominal Thickness Siding Dimensio ns Inte nded U se (in.) Width: 5.25, 6.25, 7.25, 8 .25, 5/16 9.25 a nd 12 inches Lap siding Length : 12 feet 4 feet by 8 feet 5/16 4 feet by 10 feet Panel sidi ng 4 feet by 12 feet 5/16 16 inches wide by 4 foot l ong Lap panel siding Width: 6.25, 8.25 and 12 5/16 inches Lap shingle siding Length: 18 inches 12, 16 inches wide by 12 feet 1/4 long; Soffi t 24, 48 inches wide by 8 feet long 130 Derry Court• York• Pennsylvania• 17406 Descripti on Smooth or Cedar finish Cedar, Smooth, Stucco and Grooved-8-in.- oc-Ceda r fin ish Designed to look like individual cedar shakes Designed to look like i ndividual cedar s hakes Vented or Nonvented; Smooth or Cedar finish rm ACC"flllTTIJ ·-- PCA-101 Sid ing Type 5 .25" / 6.25" NichiBoard'" 5.25" / 6.25" NichiBoard'"' 5.25" / 6.25" NichiBoard™ lntertek Version: 6 April 2017 Code Compliance Research Report CCRR-0258 Ta ble 3 -Design Loads for Nega tive Tr ansverse W i nd Load (NichiBoa rd™ Pl ank)1 •4 •7 Siding Fas tener5 6d Double HD MAZE (Oil Nail MA2E 8d nall -2-1/2 Inches long, 0.279-inch d ia. head, 0.123-inch d ia. shank 6d Double HD MAZE COil Nail Effective Fastener Spacing Allowablte Building Fram e/ framing Desig n He ight Face/Blind Ho rizo ntal Fiel d (in) Type Preuure (psf)6 (ft) (In ) 15 20 25 5.25/6.25 SPF --49.5 30 40 50 16 60 15 20 25 DF -76.5 30 40 50 Face 60 15 20 25 SPF -33.0 30 40 so 24 S.25/6.25 60 15 20 2S OF -51.0 30 40 50 60 15 20 16 5.25/6.2S SPF -85 2S 30 40 so 60 15 20 25 16 S.2S/6.2S SPF •35.l 30 40 so Bl ind 60 15 20 25 24 5.25/6.25 SPF -23.4 30 40 so 60 130 Derry Court• York • Pennsylvania• 17406 ASCE 7-05 Basic Wind S pe ted (MPH)2 Exp 8 Exp ( Exp 0 143 130 118 143 126 115 143 124 113 143 121 111 138 118 109 133 115 106 130 113 105 170 162 147 170 157 144 170 154 141 170 151 139 170 146 135 166 14 3 132 162 140 130 117 106 97 117 103 94 117 101 93 117 99 91 112 96 89 109 94 87 106 92 86 146 132 120 146 128 117 146 126 11S 146 123 113 140 119 110 135 117 108 132 115 106 170 170 155 170 166 1S1 170 162 148 170 159 146 170 154 142 170 150 140 170 14 7 137 12 1 110 100 12 1 107 97 121 104 96 121 102 94 116 99 92 112 97 90 110 95 88 99 90 - 99 87 - 99 85 - 99 -- 95 -- 92 -- 90 -- Page S of 25 ASCE 7•10 or ASCE 7 -16 Ultima te Wind Speted (MPH)3 [Mp 8 Exp( Exp 0 185 168 153 185 163 149 185 160 146 185 156 144 178 152 140 172 148 137 168 146 135 210 209 190 210 203 185 210 199 182 210 195 179 210 189 174 210 184 171 209 181 168 151 137 125 151 133 122 151 130 119 151 128 117 145 124 114 141 121 112 137 119 110 188 171 155 188 166 151 188 162 149 188 159 146 180 1S4 14 2 175 151 1 40 171 148 137 210 210 200 210 210 195 210 209 191 210 205 188 210 199 184 210 194 1 80 210 190 177 156 142 129 1S6 138 126 156 135 123 156 132 121 150 U8 118 145 125 116 142 123 114 127 116 - 127 112 - 127 110 .. 127 108 .. 122 -- 118 -- 116 -- PCA-101 Siding Type 5.2 5" / 6.25" NichiBoardr• 5.25" / 6.25" NichiBoard""' lnte rtek Version: 6 April 2017 Code Compliance Research Report CCRR-0258 Siding Fastener5 Face/Blind Double HD MAZE Asphalt & Fiberglass Shingle Nail Blind Face Aerosmith Fastening Systems, VersaPin allnd Table 3 -Continued (NichiBoard™ Plank)1•4 •7 Effective Fastener Spacing Allowable Building frame/Horizontal Framing Design Height (in) field (in) Type Pressure (Dsf)6 (ft) 15 20 7/16" 2.5 12 5.25/6.25 -41.0 30 OSB 40 50 60 15 20 7/16" 25 -30.7 30 05B 40 so 16 S.25/6.25 60 15 20 25 SPF -56.1 30 40 50 60 15 20 7/16" 25 -20.5 30 0S8 40 50 24 S.25/6.25 60 15 20 25 SPF -37.4 30 40 50 60 15 20 20GA 25 16 S.256.25 -136.3 30 Steel 40 50 60 15 20 20GA 25 24 S.25/6.25 -90.9 30 Steel 40 50 60 15 20 20GA 25 16 5 .25/6.25 -27.5 30 Steel 40 so 60 130 Derry Court• York• Pennsylvania• 17406 ASCE 7 -05 Basic W ind Speed (MPH)2 Exp B Exp C Exp D 130 118 108 130 115 105 130 113 103 130 110 101 125 107 99 121 105 97 ll8 103 95 113 103 93 113 100 91 ll3 98 89 113 96 88 108 93 86 105 91 - 103 89 - 153 139 126 1S3 135 123 153 132 121 153 129 119 147 125 116 142 122 113 139 120 112 92 -- 92 -- 92 -- 92 -- 89 -- 86 -- --- 125 113 103 125 110 100 125 108 99 125 105 97 120 102 94 116 100 93 113 98 91 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 160 170 uo 156 170 168 154 170 164 151 170 159 147 170 156 144 170 153 142 107 97 88 107 94 86 107 92 - 107 90 - 103 88 - 99 86 - 97 -- Page 6 of 25 ASCE 7 -10 Ultimate W ind Speed (M PH)3 E,cpB 168 168 168 168 162 157 153 146 146 146 146 140 136 132 197 197 197 197 189 183 179 119 119 119 119 114 111 108 161 161 161 161 154 150 146 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 138 138 138 138 132 128 125 Exp C 153 149 145 142 138 135 133 132 129 126 123 120 117 115 179 174 170 167 162 158 1S5 108 105 .. .. .. .. - 146 142 139 136 132 129 127 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 206 201 197 125 122 119 117 113 111 109 ■ .IIX'fl)ll!lJ ·--- PCA-101 Exp D 139 136 133 131 128 125 123 120 117 115 113 111 108 107 163 1S9 156 153 149 146 144 - -.. -- - - 133 130 127 125 122 119 118 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 207 202 198 195 190 186 183 114 111 109 107 -- - Code Compliance Research Report CCRR-0258 Siding Type 5 Siding Fastener 7.25" NichiBoard'" 6d Double HD MAZE Coil Na il MAZE 8d nail -2·1/2 inches long, 0.279- inch d ia. head, 0.123- Inch d ia. shank lntertek Version: 6 April 2017 Face/Blind Face Blind Face Table 3 -Continued {NichiBoard™ Plank)1·4•7 Effective Fastener Spacing Allowable Frame/Hori2ontal Framing Design Building Height (ft (in) Field (In) Type Pressure ( psi) 6 15 20 25 SPF -42.7 30 40 50 16 7.25 60 15 20 25 DF 30 -66.0 40 so 60 15 20 25 SPF 30 -28.4 40 so 24 7.25 60 15 20 25 DF -44.0 30 40 so 60 15 20 25 16 7.2S SPF -26.l 30 40 so 60 15 20 16 7.25 SPF -85 25 30 40 so 60 130 Derry Court• York• Pennsylvania• 17406 ASCE 7-05 Basic Wind Speed (MPH>2 Exp B ExpC ExpD 133 121 110 133 117 107 133 115 105 133 113 103 128 109 101 124 107 99 121 105 97 166 150 136 166 146 133 166 143 131 166 140 129 159 136 125 154 133 123 150 130 121 109 99 90 109 96 88 109 94 86 109 92 .. 104 89 .. 101 87 .. 99 86 ·- 135 123 111 135 119 109 13S 117 107 135 114 105 130 111 102 126 108 100 123 106 99 104 95 86 104 92 ·- 104 90 .. 104 88 ·- 100 85 - 97 -- 95 -- 170 170 155 170 166 151 170 162 148 170 159 146 170 154 142 170 150 140 170 147 137 Page 7 of 25 ASCE 7·10 Ultimate Wind Speed (MPH)3 Exp B 172 172 172 172 165 160 156 210 210 210 210 205 199 194 140 140 140 140 135 130 127 175 175 175 175 167 162 158 13S 135 135 135 129 125 122 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 ExpC Exp D 156 142 152 138 148 136 145 134 141 130 138 128 135 126 194 176 188 172 184 169 181 166 175 162 171 159 168 156 127 116 124 113 121 111 119 109 115 106 112 - 110 - 158 144 154 140 1S1 138 147 136 143 132 140 130 137 128 122 111 119 108 116 106 114 - 110 - 108 - 106 - 210 200 210 195 209 191 205 188 199 184 194 180 190 177 ■ l<X"fllITTlJ ·--- PCA·101 Code Compliance Research Report CCRR-0258 Siding Type 5 Siding Fastener Double HD MA2E 7 .25" NlchlBoard"' Asphalt & Fiberglass Shingle Nail MA2E R·104 11 -3/4 7.25" NichiBoard lntertek Version: 6 April 2017 in. long, 0.144 in. shank, 0.326 in, he ad) Face/Blind Blind Blind Table 3 -Continued (NichiBoard"' Plank)1,4,7 Effecti~ Fastener Spacing Allowable Building Fra me/Horizontal Framing Design Heisht (in) Field (in) Typ e Pressure (psf)6 (ft) 15 20 25 30 7/16" 40 12 7.25 OSB -35.3 50 60 15 20 25 30 40 24 7 .25 SPF -2S.2 50 60 15 20 16 7 .25 SPF -53 25 30 40 so 60 130 Derry Court• York• Pennsylvania• 17406 Page 8 of 25 ASCE 7--05 Basic ASCE 7-10 Ultimate Wind Speed (MPH)2 Wind Speed (MPH,3 ExpB E,cp < £,cp C E,cp I Exp C EkP 0 121 110 100 156 142 129 121 107 98 156 138 126 l21 105 96 156 135 124 121 102 94 156 132 122 116 99 92 150 128 118 113 97 90 145 12.5 116 110 95 89 142 123 114 102 93 -132 120 109 102 90 .. 132 117 106 102 88 .. 132 114 - 102 87 -132 112 - 98 --127 108 - 95 --123 106 - 93 --120 -- 148 135 122 192 174 158 148 131 119 192 169 154 148 128 117 192 165 151 148 125 115 192 162 149 142 122 112 184 157 145 138 119 110 178 153 142 134 116 108 173 150 140 PCA-101 Code Compliance Research Re port CCRR-0258 Siding Type Siding Fastene,5 Aerosmith Fastening 7.25" NiohiBoard'" Systems, versaPin 6d Double HD MAZE Coi l Nail 8.25" NlchiBoard'" MAZE Sd nail -2- lntertek Version: 6 April 2017 1/2 inches long, 0.279-inch d ia. head, 0. 123•inch dia. shank Face/Blind Faco Face Fa ce Ta b le 3 -Co ntin ued (NichiBoard"' Pl ankl1•4 •7 Effective Fastener Spacing Allowa Building Frame/Horizontal Framing hie (in) Field (in) Type Oe,si Height (ft 15 20 25 30 20GA 40 16 7.25 Steel •ll7.5 50 60 15 20 25 30 20GA 40 24 7 .25 Steel -78.3 50 60 15 20 25 30 SPF -37.5 40 so 60 15 20 25 16 8.25 30 DF -58.0 40 so 60 15 20 25 30 SPF ·25.0 40 50 60 15 20 24 8.25 25 30 DF ·38.6 40 so 60 15 20 16 8.25 SPF -SS 25 30 40 so 60 130 Derry Court• York • Pennsylvania• 17406 Page 9 of 25 ASCE 7-05 Basic Wind Speed (MPH)2 ExDB ExDC ExDD 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 167 170 170 164 170 170 162 170 164 149 170 159 145 170 156 143 1.70 152 140 170 148 137 168 145 134 164 142 132 125 113 103 125 110 100 125 108 99 125 105 97 120 102 95 116 100 93 113 98 91 155 141 128 155 137 125 155 134 123 155 131 121 149 127 118 144 124 115 141 122 113 102 92 - 102 90 -- 102 88 .. 102 86 .. 98 .. .. 95 --- 92 .. -· 127 115 104 127 112 102 127 109 100 127 107 98 122 104 96 118 102 94 115 100 93 170 170 155 170 166 151 170 162 148 170 159 146 170 154 142 170 150 140 170 147 137 ASCE 7-10 Ultimate Wind Speed (MPH,3 EXDB 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 161 161 161 161 155 150 146 200 200 200 200 192 186 182 132 132 132 132 126 122 119 164 164 164 164 157 152 148 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 EXD C 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 205 201 197 .191 187 183 146 142 139 136 132 129 127 182 177 173 169 164 161 158 119 116 114 111 108 105 - 148 144 141 138 134 131 129 210 210 209 205 199 194 190 ■ l<X"fllITTlJ ·--- PCA-101 ExDD 210 210 210 210 210 210 209 192 188 184 181 176 173 170 133 130 127 125 122 120 118 165 161 158 156 152 149 146 108 106 -- - - - 135 132 129 127 124 121 120 200 195 191 188 184 180 177 Code Compliance Research Report CCRR-0258 Siding Type Siding Fastener5 Double HD MAZE Asphalt & Fiberglass Shingle Nail MAZE R-104, 1- 3/4" tong, 0.326 in . dia. head, 0.144 in. dia. shank 8.25" NichiBoard™ Aerosmith Fastening Systems, VersaPin lntertek Version: 6 April 2017 Face/Blind Blind Face Table 3 -Continued (NichiBoard'" Plank)1,4•7 Effective Fastener SoacinR Allowa ble fram~/Horizontal framing Desi Building (in) Field (in) Type gn Height (ft Pressure 15 20 25 30 40 50 7/16" 12 8.25 OSB -29.5 60 15 20 25 30 16 8.25 SPF -46 40 so 60 15 20 25 20GA 30 16 8.2S Steel ·103.3 40 so 60 15 20 25 20GA 30 24 8.25 Steel -68.8 40 so 60 130 Derry Court• York• Pennsylvania• 17406 Page 10 of 25 ASCE 7-05 Basic Wind Speed (MPH)2 ExoB ExoC ExoO 111 100 91 111 98 89 111 96 87 111 94 86 106 91 - 103 89 - 100 87 - 138 116 114 138 122 111 138 119 109 138 117 107 133 113 105 128 111 103 125 108 101 170 170 170 170 170 167 170 170 164 170 170 161 170 170 157 170 166 154 170 163 151 169 153 139 169 149 136 169 146 134 169 143 131 162 139 128 157 136 126 153 133 124 ASCE 7-10 Ultimate Wind Speed (MPH)3 ExoB 143 143 143 143 137 133 130 178 178 178 l78 171 166 162 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 203 198 Exo ( 130 126 123 121 117 114 112 162 157 154 1$1 146 143 140 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 198 193 188 185 179 175 172 = J<X'fl)ITTg ·--- PCA-101 ExoO 118 115 113 111 108 106 - 147 143 141 139 13S 132 130 210 210 210 208 203 199 195 180 176 173 170 165 162 160 Code Compliance Research Report CCRR-0258 Siding Type Sid ing Fastener5 6d Doub le HD MAZE Coil Nail 9.25" NichlBoard™ MAZE 8d nail -2-1/2 inches long, 0.279· inch d ia . head, 0.123- inch dia. shank Double HD MAZE Asphalt & Fiberglass Shingle Nai l 9.2S" NlchiBoard'" MAZE R-104 nail : l· 3/4" long, 0.326 in. dia. head, 0.144 in. dia. shank lntertek Version: 6 April 2017 Face/Blind Face Bl ind Table 3 -Continued (NichiBoard"' Plankl1•4•7 Effective Fa<t ener Spacing Allowable Buildi ng Frame/Horizontal Framing Design Height (in) Field (in) Type Pressure losfl6 (ft) 15 20 25 30 40 SPF -33.4 so 60 15 20 25 16 9.25 30 40 OF -51.7 so 60 15 20 25 30 SPF 40 -22.3 so 24 60 9.25 15 20 25 30 40 OF -34.S so 60 15 20 16 9 .25 SPF -85 25 30 40 so 60 15 20 25 30 7/16"0S8 40 12 9.25 ·23.5 50 60 15 20 16 9.25 SPF -34 25 30 40 so 60 130 Derry Court• York• Pennsylvania• 17406 Page 11 of 25 ASCE 7-05 Basic Wind Speed {MPH)2 ExpB Exp C Exp I 118 107 97 118 104 95 118 102 93 118 100 92 113 97 89 110 94 88 107 93 86 147 133 121 147 129 118 147 126 116 147 124 114 141 120 1\1 136 117 109 133 115 107 96 87 - 96 .. - 96 .. .. 96 - - 92 - - 89 - - 87 .. .. 120 109 99 120 106 96 120 103 95 120 101 93 115 98 91 111 96 89 109 94 87 170 170 155 170 166 151 170 162 148 170 159 146 170 154 142 170 150 140 170 147 137 99 90 - 99 87 .. 99 85 - 99 -- 95 .. - 92 --- 90 - - 119 108 98 119 105 96 119 102 94 119 100 92 114 97 90 110 95 88 108 93 87 ASCE 7-10 Ultimat e Wind speed (MPH)3 Exp B Exp C 152 138 152 152 152 146 141 138 189 189 189 189 182 176 172 124 124 124 124 119 115 113 154 154 154 154 148 144 140 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 127 127 127 127 122 118 116 153 153 153 153 147 143 139 134 131 129 125 122 120 172 167 163 160 155 152 149 113 110 107 ·- .. .. .. 140 136 133 131 127 124 122 210 210 209 205 199 194 190 116 112 110 108 - -- - 139 135 132 130 126 123 120 = l<X!iflllm' ·--- PCA-101 Exp 0 125 12.2 120 118 115 113 111 156 152 150 147 143 140 138 - .. .. - --.. 127 124 122 120 117 115 113 200 195 191 188 184 180 177 105 .. - -- - - 126 123 121 119 116 114 112 Code Compliance Research Report CCRR-0258 Siding Type Siding Fastener5 Aerosmith Fastening 9 .25" Nlchi Board'"" Systems, Versa?in lntertek Version: 6 April 2017 Face/Blind Face Table 3 -Continued (NichiBoard "' Plank)1,4,7 Effective Fast ener Allowable Building Frame/Horizontal Framing Design Height (in) Field (in) Type Pressu re (pst)6 (ft) 15 20 25 30 20GA 40 16 9.2S Steel -92.1 50 60 IS 20 25 30 20GA 40 24 9.25 Steel -Ql.4 50 60 130 Derry Court• York• Pennsylvania• 17406 Page 12 of 25 ASCE 7-05 Basic ASCE 7-10 Ultima te Wind Speed I M PHl2 Wind Soeed IMPHl3 Exp B ExpC Exp I Exp B Exp C Exp D 170 170 161 210 210 208 170 170 1S7 210 210 203 170 169 155 210 210 200 170 165 1S2 210 210 196 170 160 148 210 207 191 170 157 145 210 202 188 170 154 143 210 199 185 160 145 132 206 187 170 160 141 129 206 182 166 160 138 126 206 178 163 160 135 124 206 174 160 153 131 121 198 169 156 148 128 119 192 165 153 145 126 117 187 162 151 = J<X'fl)ITTg ,_ -- PCA-101 Code Compliance Research Report CCRR-0258 Page 13 of 25 Table 3 -Continued (NichlBoard™ Plank}1•4 •7 Effective Fastener Spacing Allowable Building ASCE 7·05 Basic ASCE 7·10 Ultimate Siding Fas tener5 Frame/Horizontal Framing Design Height Wind Speed (M PH)2 Wind Speed (MPH)l Siding Type Face/Blind (In) Field (in) Type Pressure (psf)6 (ft) Exp B Exp C Exp D Exp B 15 103 94 85 134 20 103 91 .. 134 25 103 89 -134 30 103 87 -134 SPF -25.8 40 99 - -128 so 96 -.. 124 60 94 -.. 121 15 129 117 106 166 20 129 113 104 166 25 129 111 102 166 16 12 30 129 109 100 166 40 123 106 97 159 OF -39.8 50 120 103 96 154 60 117 101 94 151 15 ----109 20 -.. .. 109 25 ---109 30 ---109 SPF -17.2 40 --.. - Gd Double HD so ----- 12" NichiBoardn• MAZE Coil Nail Face 60 --.. - 15 105 95 87 136 20 105 93 -136 25 105 91 .. 136 24 12 30 105 89 -136 40 101 86 .. 130 DF -26.6 50 98 126 -·- 60 95 --123 15 170 156 142 2 10 20 170 151 138 2 10 25 170 148 136 210 30 170 145 133 210 20GA 40 165 141 130 210 16 12 Steel ·71.0 50 160 138 128 206 60 156 135 126 201 Aerosmith 15 140 127 116 181 Fastening 20 140 124 113 181 25 140 121 111 181 12" NichiBoardN Systems, Face 30 140 119 109 181 versaPin 20GA 40 135 115 106 174 24 12 -47.3 Steel 50 130 112 104 168 60 127 110 103 164 Notes: l. NichiBo,ud '"' fiber cement '4!p siding m~y only be inst.1lled on Ver-tit.ill ~lls. FilsUme"S must be installed in i-wa.y th.iat dO'is not dc1mt1ge the bo.ird during instilllt11ion. Where necessary, pre-drilled holes may be us.ed in combination with hand-nailed fasteners. to avokl damage to the fiber cement product. 2.. ASCE 7-0S 8.aslc Wind Speeds based upon ocwpancy c.ategory II, a wind directionality fact°' (Kd) equal to 0.8S, an Internal pressure coefflclent (GCplJ equal to •/-0.18, .1nd an cxtcm.11 pressure coefficient (GCp) cqu.11 to •1.4. The effects of lopogr.1phic fc-atures h.1ve not been considered ;md the wind s~d h.1s been limited to 170mph. 3. ASCE 7•10and SCE 7•16 Ultimate Wind Speeds are based upon a wtnd directionality factor (Kd) equal to 0.85, an Internal pressure coeffldent (G(.pl) equal to +/.0.18, and .1n cnctemi.ll pressure coefficient IGCpJ equ,;af to •1,4. Under ASCE 7-16, the wind spe«ls ;ue b,1scd on Ke =-1.0. The effects. or topographic reo1turcs h,1ve not been consider12:d and the wind speed h;u been limited to 210mph. 4. The values in this tabl e are based on testing per ASTM E3:30 and represent the allowable capadty of the siding to resist the Wind pressures associated with the corresponding wind speed. S. Fastener specifications for tho$(! us.ed in testing are outlined in Table 9 of this lntertek CCRR. These specifications mav be used by the designer of record to determine the ilCCeptibllity of alternative faneners . 6 . Allowable design pressures In highlighted cells have been adjusted based on the listed a.tl1;1wable wilhdra.wal c;apadty of the tested fastener. 7. Framing and bracing are beyond the scope of this evaluation report. Exp C Expo 121 110 118 108 115 106 113 - 110 - 107 - 105 - 151 137 147 134 143 131 140 129 136 126 133 123 131 121 - - .. ---.. --.. -------- 123 112 120 109 117 107 115 105 111 -- 109 - 107 - 201 183 196 179 191 175 187 172 182 168 178 165 175 162 164 149 160 146 156 143 153 141 149 137 145 134 142 132 8. Allowable design press.ures for assemblies de$Cribed in this t;ible may be applied where the Nic.hiBoard Plank is aUached to ASTM C90 fulty-grouted CMU blQCk w all using ITW Ramset TE Serles power actuated fasteners IICC~ES ESR-1799). Minimum futenerembcdmcnt Is 1 inchj fasteners must be pl.1ced a mjnlmum of 5.1 inches f rom the edge of the wall. lntertek Version: 6 April 2017 130 Derry Court• York• Pennsylvania• 17406 ■ AIX"fl)ll!lJ ·--- PCA-101 5 Panel Fastener 6d Double HO MA2E Coil Nail 6d Double HO MA2E Coil Nall MAZE CEM-6 nail: 2 in. long, 0.278 in. head, .119 in. shank 6d Double HO MA2E Coil Nail lntertek Version: 6 April 2017 Code Compliance Research Report CCRR-0258 Table 4 -Design Loads for Negative Transverse Wind Load (NichiPanel"' Sheet)l.4,7 Fastener Spacing Perimeter (in) Fleld(in) 6 12 8 8 6 6 4 4 Building ASCE 7-05 Basic Framing Framing Allowable Design Height Wind Soeed {MPHi2 " Type Spacing Pressure (psf) (It) Exp B Exp C Exp D lS 109 99 90 20 109 96 88 25 109 94 86 30 109 92 - SPF Lumber 40 105 90 -16110.c. -28.7 so 101 87 - 60 99 86 - lS 134 121 110 20 134 118 108 25 134 115 106 30 134 113 104 16"0.c. 40 128 110 101 -43.0 50 124 107 99 60 121 105 98 15 112 102 93 20 112 99 91 25 112 97 89 SPF Lumber 30 112 95 87 -30.4 40 108 92 85 24"o.c. so 105 90 - 60 102 88 - 1S 170 160 146 20 170 156 142 25 170 1S2 139 30 170 149 137 40 169 145 134 16"o.c. .75 so 164 141 131 60 160 139 129 1S 130 118 107 20 130 11S 10S SPF Lumber 25 130 112 103 30 130 110 101 40 125 107 98 24"o.c. -40.6 50 121 104 96 60 118 102 95 15 170 170 156 20 170 167 152 2S 170 163 149 30 170 160 147 16"o.c. 40 170 155 143 -85.9 so 170 151 140 60 170 149 138 15 159 144 131 20 159 140 128 SPF Lumber 2S 159 137 126 30 159 134 124 24"o.c. -60.9 40 153 130 120 50 148 127 118 60 144 125 116 130 Derry Court• York• Pennsylvania• 17406 Page 14 of 25 ASCE 7-10 Ultimate Wind Speed (M PH)l Exp B 141 141 141 141 135 131 128 173 173 173 173 166 160 157 145 145 145 145 139 135 132 210 210 210 210 210 210 206 168 168 168 168 161 1S6 152 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 205 205 205 205 197 191 186 ExpC ExpD 128 116 124 113 122 111 119 109 116 107 113 - 111 - 157 142 152 139 149 136 146 134 142 131 138 128 136 126 132 120 128 117 125 115 123 113 119 110 116 108 114 106 207 188 201 183 196 180 192 177 187 173 182 169 179 167 152 138 148 135 14S 133 142 130 138 127 134 125 132 123 210 201 210 196 210 193 206 189 200 185 195 181 192 178 186 169 181 165 177 162 174 159 168 156 165 152 162 150 = AIX'fl)ll!lJ ·--- PCA-101 Panel Fastentr5 8d Masonite Sid ing Nails 8d Masonit e Sid ing Nails 8d Masonit e Siding Nails lntertek Version: 6 April 2017 Code Compliance Research Report CCRR-0258 Table 4 -Continued {NichiPanel™ Sheet)1•4•7 Fastener Spacing Building ASCE 7 ·05 Basic Perimeter Framing Framing Allowable Design Height Wind soeed IM PH)2 " (in) Fleld(ln) Type Spacing Pre ssure (psf) (ft) Exp 8 ExpC Exp D 15 129 117 106 20 129 114 104 25 129 111 102 30 129 109 100 40 124 106 98 16"o.c . ·39.9 50 120 103 96 60 117 101 94 15 105 95 87 20 105 93 - SPF 25 105 91 - 6 12 Lumber 30 105 89 - 40 101 86 -24"o.c. ·26.6 50 98 -- 60 95 -- 15 158 143 130 20 158 139 127 2S 158 136 125 30 158 133 U3 ·59.9 40 151 129 119 16"o.c. 50 147 126 117 60 143 124 115 15 129 117 106 20 129 114 104 SPF 25 129 111 102 8 8 Lu mber 30 129 109 100 24"o.c. -39.9 40 124 106 98 50 120 103 96 60 117 101 94 15 170 165 150 20 170 161 147 25 170 157 144 30 170 154 142 40 170 149 138 16"o.c. -79.9 50 169 146 135 60 165 143 133 15 149 135 123 20 149 131 120 SPF Lu mber 25 149 128 118 6 6 30 149 126 116 •53.3 40 143 122 113 24"o.c. so 138 119 110 60 135 117 109 130 Derry Court• York• Pennsylvania• 17406 Page 15 of 25 ASCE 7·10 Ultimate W ind Soeed IMPH)3 Exp 8 166 166 166 166 160 155 151 136 136 136 136 130 126 123 204 204 204 204 195 189 185 166 166 166 166 160 155 151 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 192 192 192 192 184 179 174 Exp C Exp O 151 137 147 134 143 131 141 129 136 126 133 123 131 122 123 112 120 109 ll7 107 llS 10S Ill - 109 - 107 - 185 168 180 164 176 161 172 158 167 154 163 151 160 149 151 137 147 134 143 131 141 129 136 126 133 1 23 131 122 210 194 207 189 203 186 199 183 193 178 188 175 185 172 174 1.58 169 155 166 152 162 149 158 145 154 143 151 140 ■ l<X"fllITTlJ ·--- PCA-101 5 Panel Fastener Sd Masonite Siding Nalls lnte rtek Version: 6 April 2017 Code Compliance Research Report CCRR-0258 Table 4 -Continued (NichiPa nel™ Sheet)1•4•7 Fastener Spacing Building ASCE 7-05 Basic Perimeter Framing Framing Allow able Design Height Wind Soeed IMPH>2 P ressu~ (psi) (in) Field(ln) Type Spacing (ft) EXpB Expc ExpD 15 170 170 170 20 170 170 170 25 170 170 170 30 170 170 170 16"o.c. ·119.8 40 170 170 169 so 170 170 166 60 170 170 163 15 170 165 150 20 170 161 147 SPF 25 170 157 144 4 4 Lumber 30 170 154 142 40 170 149 138 24"o.c. -79.9 50 169 146 135 60 16S 143 133 130 Derry Court• York• Pennsylvania• 17406 Page 16 of 25 ASC E 7-10 Ultimate Wind Soeed I M PHi3 Exp B 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 Expc ExpD 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 194 207 189 203 186 199 183 193 178 188 175 18S 172 = J<X'fl)ITTg ·--- PCA-101 Panel Fastener5 Grabber #8 Flat Wafer Head Screws Grabber ns Flat Wafer Head Screws lntertek Version: 6 April 2017 Code Compliance Research Report CCRR-0258 Table 4 -Continued {NichiPanel"' Sheet)1•4•7 Fastener Spacing Building ASCE 7-05 Basic Perimeter Framing Framing Allowable Design Height Wind Speed (MPH)2 ~ (in) Field(in) Type Spacing Pr~sure (psi) (ft) ExpB ExpC Exp D 15 152 138 126 20 152 134 123 25 152 131 120 30 152 129 118 40 146 125 115 16"o.c. -55.9 50 142 122 113 60 138 120 111 15 124 113 103 20 124 110 100 SPF 25 124 107 98 Lumber 30 124 105 97 40 119 102 94 24"o.c. -37.3 50 116 100 92 60 113 98 91 15 142 129 117 20 142 125 114 25 142 123 112 30 142 120 110 40 136 116 108 16"0.c. -48.5 50 132 U4 105 60 129 112 104 6 12 15 116 W5 96 20 116 102 93 20GA 25 116 100 92 Steel 30 116 98 90 40 111 95 88 24"o.c. -32.4 50 108 93 86 60 105 91 - 15 170 169 154 20 170 165 150 25 170 161 147 30 170 158 145 40 170 153 141 16"o.c. -83.8 50 170 149 138 60 169 147 136 15 152 138 126 20 152 134 123 SPF 25 152 131 120 Lumber 30 152 129 118 40 146 125 115 24"o.c. -55.9 50 142 122 113 60 138 120 111 15 170 158 143 20 170 153 140 25 170 150 137 30 170 147 135 40 167 143 132 lG"o.c. -72.8 50 162 139 129 60 158 137 127 8 8 15 142 129 117 20 142 125 114 20GA 25 142 123 112 Steel 30 142 120 110 40 136 116 108 24"o.c. -48.5 50 132 114 105 60 129 112 104 130 Derry Court• York• Pennsylvania• 17406 Page 17 of 25 ASCE 7-10 Ultimate Wind Speed (MPHi3 ExpB 197 197 197 197 189 183 179 161 161 161 161 154 149 146 183 183 183 183 176 170 166 l.50 150 150 150 144 139 136 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 197 197 197 197 189 183 179 210 210 210 210 210 209 204 183 183 183 183 176 170 166 ExpC ExpD 179 162 173 158 170 156 166 153 161 149 158 146 155 144 146 132 142 129 139 127 136 125 132 122 129 119 126 117 166 151 162 148 158 145 155 142 150 139 147 136 144 134 136 123 132 121 129 118 127 116 123 ll3 120 111 118 109 210 199 210 194 208 190 204 187 198 182 193 179 190 176 179 162 173 158 170 156 166 153 161 149 158 146 155 144 204 185 198 181 194 177 190 174 184 170 180 167 177 164 166 151 162 148 158 145 155 142 150 139 147 136 144 134 = AIX"fl)llTlJ ·-- PCA-101 Panel Fastener5 Grabber #8 Flat Wafer He ad Screws Grabbe r #8 Flat Wafer Head Scre ws lntertek Version: 6 April 2017 Code Compliance Research Report CCRR-0258 Table 4 -Continued (NichiPanel™ Sheet)1•4•7 Fastener Spacing Buil ding ASCE 7-05 Basic Perimeter Framing Fra mi ng Al low a bl e Design Height Wind Speed (MPH)2 " (in) Field (in) Type Spaci ng Pressure (psi ) (ft) ExpB ExpC Exp D 15 170 170 170 20 170 170 170 25 170 170 170 30 170 170 167 40 170 170 163 16"o,c. -111.8 50 170 170 160 60 170 170 158 15 170 160 145 20 170 155 142 SPF 25 170 152 139 Lumber 30 170 149 137 40 169 144 133 24"o.c. -74.5 50 164 141 131 60 160 138 129 1S 170 170 166 20 170 170 162 25 170 170 159 30 170 170 156 40 170 165 152 lG"o.c. -97.0 50 170 161 149 60 170 158 147 6 6 15 164 149 135 20 164 145 132 20 GA 25 164 141 130 Steel 30 164 138 127 40 157 134 124 24"o.c. -64.6 50 152 131 122 60 149 129 12 15 170 170 170 20 170 170 170 25 170 170 170 30 170 170 170 40 170 170 170 16"o.c. -136.0 50 170 170 170 60 170 170 170 15 170 170 160 20 170 170 156 SPF 25 170 167 153 Lumber 30 170 164 151 40 170 159 147 24"o.c. •90.6 50 170 156 144 60 170 1S3 142 15 170 170 1 70 20 170 170 170 25 170 170 170 30 170 170 170 40 170 170 1 70 16"o.c. -136.0 50 170 170 170 60 170 170 170 4 4 15 170 170 160 20 170 170 1S6 20GA 25 170 167 153 St eel 30 170 164 151 40 170 159 147 24"o.c. -90.6 50 170 156 144 60 170 153 142 130 Derry Court• York• Pennsylvania• 17406 Page 18 of 25 ASCE 7-10 Ultimate Wind Speed (MPH)3 Exp B 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 206 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 203 197 192 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 Expc Expo 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 207 210 203 206 187 200 183 196 180 192 176 186 172 182 169 179 166 210 210 210 209 210 205 210 201 210 196 208 192 204 189 192 174 18 7 170 183 167 179 164 174 160 170 157 167 15S 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 207 210 202 2 10 198 210 195 206 190 201 186 197 183 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 207 210 202 210 198 210 195 206 190 201 186 197 183 ■ AIX"fllITTlJ ·--- P CA-101 Code Compliance Research Report CCRR-0258 Page 19 of 25 Table 4 -Continue d {NichiPanel'" Sheet)1•4 •7 Fa stener Spacing Building ASCE 7·05 Basic ASCE 7·10 Ultimate Perimeter Framing Framing Allow able Design Height Wind Speed IMPH)2 W ind Speed I MPH>3 s Pressure (psf)6 Panel Fastener {I n) Field (In) Type Spacing (ft) Exp 8 ExpC Exp D 15 110 100 91 20 110 97 89 25 110 95 87 30 110 93 86 Aerosmith Fastening 20GA 40 106 90 -Systems, VersaPin 6 12 Steel 16"o.c. -29.3 so 102 88 - 60 100 87 - 15 135 123 111 20 135 119 109 25 135 117 107 Aerosmith Fastening 30 135 114 105 20GA 40 130 111 102 Systems, VersaPin 8 8 Steel 16"o.c. -43.9 so 126 108 100 (,() 123 106 99 15 156 141 129 20 156 137 126 25 156 135 123 Aerosmith Fastening 30 156 132 121 20GA 40 150 128 118 Systems, VersaPln 6 6 Steel 16"o.c. ·58.5 so 145 125 116 60 141 123 114 15 170 170 158 20 170 169 154 25 170 165 151 30 170 161 148 16"o.c. -87.9 40 170 157 145 so 170 153 142 60 170 150 140 15 122 110 100 20 122 107 98 Aerosmith Fastening 20GA 25 122 105 96 Systems, VersaPin 4 4 Steel 30 122 103 95 24"o.c. -35.6 40 117 100 92 so 113 98 90 60 110 96 89 Notes: 1. NichiPanel'" fiber cement flat sheet siding mav only be Installed on vertical walls. Fasteners must be Installed In a way that does not damage the board during installation. Where necessary, pre-drilled holes may be used in combination with hand-nailed fasteners to avoid damage to the fiber cement product. Exp B Exp C ExpD 142 129 117 142 126 115 142 123 113 142 120 111 137 117 108 132 114 106 129 112 - 174 158 144 174 154 140 174 150 138 174 147 135 167 143 132 162 140 129 158 137 127 201 183 166 201 178 162 201 174 159 201 170 156 193 165 152 187 161 149 183 158 147 210 210 203 210 210 199 210 210 195 210 208 192 210 202 187 210 198 183 210 194 180 157 143 129 157 139 126 157 136 124 157 133 122 151 129 119 146 126 117 143 124 115 2. ASCE 7-05 Basic W ind Speeds are based upon occupancy category II, a wind directionality factor (Kd) equal to 0.85, an internal pressure coefficient (Gcpi) equal to•/· 0.18, and an external pressure coefficient (GCp) equal to -1.4. The effects of topographic features have not been considered and the wind speed has been limited to 170mph. 3. ASCE 7·10 and ASCE 7 ·16 Ultimate Wind Speeds are based upon a wind directionality factor (Kd) equal to 0.85, an internal pressure coefficient (Gcpi) equal to +/·0.18, and an external pressure coefficient (GCp) equal to •1.4. Under ASCE 7-16, the wind speeds are based on Ke = 1.0. The effects of topographic features have not been considered and the wind speed has been limited to 210mph, 4. The values in this table are based on testing per ASTM EBO and represent the allowable capacity of the s iding to resist the wind pressures associated with the corresponding wind speed. S. Fastener specifications for those used in testing are outlined in Table 9 of this lntertek CCRR. These specifications may be used by the designer of record to determine the acceptability of alternative fasteners. 6 . Allowable design pressures in highlighted cells have been adjusted based on the listed allowable withdr,.wal cap,.city of the tested fastener. 7. Framing and bracing are beyond the scope of this evaluation report. 8 . Allowable design pressures for assemblies described in this table may be applied where the Nichi Panel is attached to ASTM C90 fully-grouted CMU block wall using llW Ramset TE Series power actuated fasteners (ICC-ES ESR-1799). Minimum fastener embedment is 1 inch; fasteners must be placed a minimum of 5.1 inches from the edge of the wall. lnte rtek Version: 6 April 2017 130 Derry Court• York• Pennsylvania• 17406 PCA-101 Code Compliance Research Report CCRR-0258 Page 20 of 25 Table 5 -Design Loads for Negative Transverse Wind Load (NichiStraight™/NichiStaggered™ Lap Panel)1 A,7 Effecti ve Fastener Spacing Allowable Building ASCE 7-05 Basic ASCE 7 ·10 Ulti mate Siding Fastener5 Frame/Horizontal Frami ng Design Height Wind Speed (MPH)2 Wind Speed (MPH)3 Si ding Type Face/Blind (In) Fleld (ln) Type Pressure(psfl6 (ft) Exp B Exp C Exp D 15 99 90 - 20 99 87 - 25 99 85 - 30 99 -- 7/16 " 4 0 9S --12 8.62S OSB -23.5 50 92 - - 60 90 -- 15 122 111 101 20 122 108 98 25 122 10 5 96 30 122 103 95 Blind 4 0 ll7 100 92 16 8.625 SPF -3S.9 98 so 113 91 60 111 96 89 6d Double HO MAZE 1S 100 90 - Coil Nail 20 100 88 - 25 100 86 - NichiStraight"' / 30 100 -- Nic hiStaggered1 .. 4 0 96 --24 8.625 SPF -23.9 50 93 -- 60 90 -- 15 170 155 14 1 M AZE Sd nai l: 2·1/2 20 170 150 137 25 170 147 1 34 In. long. 0.279 I n. d la. Blind 16 8.625 SPF -70 30 170 1 44 132 head, 0.1 23 in. dia. 40 164 140 129 shank so 158 136 1 27 60 154 134 125 1S 144 130 118 20 144 127 116 25 144 1 24 114 #8-18 Wafer Head Blind 30 144 121 112 NichlStraig ht'" / 20 GA 40 138 118 109 NichiSt aggered'" ROCK-ON,. Screws 24 8.625 St eel -49.6 so 133 115 107 60 130 113 105 Notes: 1. NlchlStralght-/NlchiStaggered-Lap Panel f iber cement siding may only be Installed on vertical walls . Fastene rs must be Inst alled In a way that does not damage the board d ur ing installation. Where necessary, pre-drilled holes may be used in combination with hand-nailed fast eners to avoid damage to t he fiber cement product. Expo ExpC Expo 128 116 105 -128 113 .. 128 110 ·- 128 108 - 122 -- 119 -- 116 -- 158 143 130 158 139 127 158 136 125 158 133 122 151 129 119 146 126 117 143 124 11S 129 117 106 129 113 - 129 111 .. 129 109 .. 123 106 - 120 -· .. 117 -- 210 200 181 210 194 177 2 10 189 174 210 186 171 2 10 180 167 205 176 163 199 173 161 185 168 153 185 163 149 185 1 60 14 7 185 157 144 178 152 140 172 149 138 168 14 6 136 2. ASCE 7-05 Basic W ind Speed s are based upon occupancy category II, a w ind d irectionality ractor (Kd) equal to 0.85, an internal pressure coefficient (Gcpi) equal to+/· 0.18, and an external pressure coefficient (GCp) equal to -1.4. Under ASCE 7-16, t he wind speeds are based on Ke= 1.0. The effects of topographic feat ur es have not been considered and t he wind speed has been lim ited to 170mph. 3. ASCE 7-10 and ASCE 7-16 Ultimate Wi nd Speeds are based upon a w ind d irectionalit y ractor (Kd) equal to 0.85, an internal press ure coefficient (Gcpi) equal to +/-0.18, and an external pressure coefficient (GCp/ equal to -1.4. Under ASCE 7-16, the w ind speeds are based on Ke~ LO. The effects of topographic features have not been considered and t he w ind speed has been i m1ted t o 2 10mph. 4. The v alues in t his table are based on t est ing per ASTM E330 and represent the allowable capacity of the siding to resist the wind pressures associated w i t h the corresponding wind speed. 5. Fastener specifications for those used in testing are outlined in Table 9 of this l ntert e k CCRR. These specifications may be used by the designer of record to det ermine the accept ability of alt ernative fasteners. 6. Allow able d esign press ures in highlighted cells have been adjusted based o n the listed allowable withdrawal capacity of t he t est ed fa stener. 7. Fram ing and bracing are beyond t he scope or this evaluation report. 8. Allowable desig n pressures for assemblies described in this table may be applied where the NichiStraight/NichiStaggered lap panels are attached to ASTM C90 fully- grouted CMU block w all using ITW Ramset TE Series power actuated fasteners (ICC-ES ESR-1799}. M i nimum fastener embedment is 1 inch; fast eners must be placed a minimu m of 5.1 inches from the edge of the w all. ~ lntertek Version: 6 April 2017 130 Derry Court• York• Pennsylvania• 17406 PCA-101 Code Compliance Research Report CCRR-0258 Page 21 of 25 Table 6 -Design Loads for Negative Transverse Wind Load (NichiShake™ Shingles)1 A ,7 Fasteners per Shake Allowable ASCE 7 -05 Basic ASCE 7-10 Ultimate Siding 6-1/4" 8-1/4" Sheathing Design Pressure Building Wind Sneed IMPHl2 Wind •-eed IMPHl3 Fast~ner Ull,l•h >Al1 ,l•h 12" W idth Type , __ ,.6 Height (ft) E><DB E><DC EXDO 15 113 102 93 20 113 99 91 25 113 97 89 6d Double HD MAZE 30 113 95 88 40 108 93 85 Coil Nail 2 2 3 7/16" OSB -30.6 so 105 90 -- 60 102 89 - Notes: 1. Nic:hishake· .. fiberacement shingle siding may only be inst,;dled on vertical w.;1lls. Fasteners m u st be installed in a way that does not damage t he board during installation. Where necessary, pre-drilled holes may be used In combination with hand-nailed fasteners to avoid damage to the fiber cement product. EXD B EXD C E><D 0 146 132 120 146 128 117 146 126 115 146 123 113 140 119 110 135 117 108 132 115 106 2. ASCE 7-05 Basic W ind Speeds are based upon occupancy category II, a wind d irectionality factor (Kd) equal to 0 .85, an internal pressure coefficient (GCpi) equal to+/· 0.18, and an external pressure coefficient (GCp) equal to -1.4. Under ASCE 7-16, the wind speeds are based on Ke = 1.0. The effects of topographic features have not been considered and the wind speed has been limited to 170mph. 3 . ASCE 7-10 and ASCE 7-16 Ult imate Wind Speeds are based upon a w ind d irectionality factor (Kd) equal to 0.85, an internal pressure coefficient (GCpi) equal to •/·0.18, and an external pressure coefficient (GCp) equal to ·1.4. Under ASCE 7-16, the wind speeds are based on Ke= 1.0. The effects of topographic features have not been considered and the w ind speed has been limited to 210mph. 4. The values In this table are based on testing per ASTM E330 and represent t he allowable capacity of the siding to resist the wind pressures associated w ith the corresponding wind speed. 5. Fastener specifications for those used in testing are outlined in Table 9 of t his lntertek CCRR. These specifi cations may be used by the designer of record to determine the acceptability of a lternative fasteners. 6. Allowable design pressures in highlighted cells have been adjust ed based on the listed allow able withdrawal capacity of the tested fastener. 7. Framing and bracing are beyond the scope of this evaluation report. ~ lntertek Version: 6 Apri( 2017 130 Derry Court• York• Pennsylvania• 17406 ■ J.CC'fl)ll!lJ ,_ -- PCA-101 1-3/4-in.-long Maze double hot dippe d galvanized r ing- shank nails (0.125- in. shank dia., 0.365- in. head d ia .J MA2E CEM -6 nail: 2 In . long, 0.278 In . d ia. head. 0.119 In. dia. shank 1 -1/2-in.-long 4d hot d ipped galvanized r ing• shank nails (0.120- In. shank dla., 0.219- in. head dia.J Gd lap siding nails (0.12-in shank dia., 2-ln. long, 17 /64-ln. head dia.) #8 • l -1/4-ln. s elf• piercing lath screws lnte rtek Version: 6 April 2017 Code Compliance Research Report CCRR-0258 Table 7 -Design Loads for Negat i ve Transverse Wind Load {NichiSoffit™) Fastener Spac ing (in.) 8 6 8 8 8 ASCE 7--05 Basic Allowable Building Wind Speed (MPH)' Framing Framing Type Spac ing (in.) Des ign Height Pressure (psi) (ft) Ek p B b p C Ekp D 15 170 169 154 20 170 165 150 12 25 wood, 2 x4, 170 161 147 min. specific -84.4 30 170 158 145 Max. 16,inch- gravity 0.42 w ide panels 40 170 153 141 so 170 149 138 60 169 147 136 lS 170 15S 141 20 170 1S0 137 Wood, 2 x4, 16 25 170 147 134 min. specific -7 0 30 170 144 132 gravity 0.42 Max. 24-inch- wide panels 40 164 140 129 50 158 136 127 60 154 134 12S 15 124 113 103 24 20 124 110 100 Wood, 2 x4 25 124 107 98 min. specific -37.6 gravity 0 .42 Max. 16-inch-30 124 105 97 wide panels 40 119 102 94 50 116 100 92 60 113 98 91 15 --- 24 20 ---Wood, 2x4, min. specific gravity -18.3 25 --- Max. 48-inch• 30 ---0.42 wide panels 40 --- 50 --.. 60 .. -.. 15 96 87 .. 24 20 96 -- No.20gage 25 96 -- -21.6 30 96 -- steel Max. 48-inch- 40 92 --wide panels 50 89 -- 60 87 -- 130 Derry Court• York• Pennsylvania• 17406 EkpB 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 20S 199 161 161 161 161 1S4 149 146 109 109 109 109 - - .. 124 124 124 124 119 115 113 Page 22 of 25 ASCE 7-10 Ultimate Wind Spee d (MPH)' Ekp C 210 no 208 204 198 193 190 200 194 189 186 180 176 173 146 142 139 136 132 129 126 - - - - - -- ... 113 110 107 - -- - EkpD 199 194 190 187 182 179 176 181 177 174 171 167 163 161 132 129 127 125 122 119 117 - -- - - .. .. --.. - -- - = J<X'fl)ITTg ·--- PCA-101 Code Compliance Research Report CCRR-0258 Page 23 of 25 Table 7 -Continued Notes: L NichiSoffit* sheets may only be installed on soffits. Fasteners must be installed in a way that does not damage the board during installation. Where necessary, pre~drilled holes may be used in combination w ith hiitnd -nailed f asteners to avoid damage to the fiber cement product. 2. ASCE 7-05 Basic Wind Speeds are based upon occupancy category 11, a wind directionality factor (Kd) equal to 0 .85, an internal pressure coefficient (GCpi ) equal to+/· 0 .18, and an external pressure coefficient (GCp) equal to -1.4. The effects of topographic features have not been considered and the wind speed has been limited to 170mph. 3. ASCE 7•10 and ASCE 7-16 Ult imate Wind Speeds are based upon a w ind d irectionality factor (Kd) equal to 0.85, an internal pressure coefficient (GCpi) equal to +/•0.18, and an external pressure coefficient (GCp) equal to •1.4 . Under ASCE 7-16, the wind speeds are based on Ke= 1.0. The effects of topographic features have not been considered and t he w ind speed has been limited to 210 mph, 4. The values in this table are based on testing per ASTM E330 and represent t he allowable capacity of the siding to resist the wind pressures associated w ith the corresponding wind speed. s. Fastener specificat ions for those used in testing are outlined In Table 9 of t his lntertek CCRR. These specifications may be used by the designer of record to determine the acceptability or alternative fasteners. 6. Allowable design pressures i n highlighted ce lls have been adjust ed based on t he listed allowable withdrawal ca pacity of the tested fastener. 7. Framing and bracing are beyond the scope of this evaluation report. ~ lntertek Version: 6 April 2017 130 Derry Court• York• Pennsylvania• 17406 PCA·101 Code Compliance Research Report CCRR-0258 Page 24 of 25 Table 8-Design Loads for Negative TAS 202 and TAS 203 Transverse Load {Florida Building Code) Siding Type Fastening And No m inal Framing Material f asteners and Fastening Allow able Design Pressure (psi) M ethod Thickness {In.) 2x4 S.P.F. studs FACE MAZE 8d CEM 8 nail (2·1/2 i n. long. 0.279 in. dia. NichiBoard up to 9 .25" 16" o.c. head, 0.123 in. dia. shank) through p lywood into -85 psf w idth (S/16" thick) 5/8" APA Plywood Nail studs 16 in. o.c. NichiPanel 2x4 S.P.F. studs FACE MA2E CEM-6 nails (2 in. long, 0.278 in. di. Head, (5/16") 16" o.c. Nail 0.119 in. dia. shank) through plywood into studs -75 psi 5/8" APA Plywood every 6 in. perimeter and field NichiStaggered/ 2x4 S.P.F. studs MA2E 8d CEM-8 nail (2·1/2 in. long. 0.279 in. dia. NichiStraight 16-"' o.c. BLIND head, 0.123 in. dia. shank) through p lywood into -70 psi (5/16") 5/8" APA Plywood Nail studs 16 in. o.c. NichiSoffit up to 24" width 2x4 S.P.F. studs FACE MAZE CEM·6 nails (2 in. long. 0.278 in. dia. head, (1/4" thick) 16" o .c. Nail 0.119 in. dia. shank) into studs every 6 in. -70 psr perimeter and field Notes: 1. NichiPanel prod ucts may only be installed on vertical walls. NichiSoffit may only be installed on soffits. Fasteners must be installed in a way that does not damage the board during installation. Where necessary, pre-drilled holes may be used in combination with hand-nailed fasteners to avoid damage to the fiber cement product. 2. The values in this table are based on testing per TAS 202 and 203 and represent the allowable design pressures of the siding . 3. framing and bracing are beyond the scope of this evaluation report. lntertek Version: 6 April 2017 130 Derry Court• York• Pennsylvania• 17406 = J<X'fl)ITTg ·--- PCA-101 Code Compliance Research Report CCRR-0258 Table 9 -Specifications of Tested Fasteners Head Shank Minimum Length Diameter Diameter J~i~rial Sidinbype Fastener Penetration Siding Fastener (in) (In) (In) Into Material (In) NichiPanel~ 1 "/,. NichiBoard~ (Facel 1'/ NichiBoardN (Blind) 111 /1, SPF NichiStraight~/ NichiStaggered™ l'I, NichiBoard~ (Face) I'/, OF Nichi8oard'" (Blind) 111/,, 2 0.237 0.099 NichiStraight'"/ 6d Double HD MAZE Coil 1/,." OSB NichiStaggered',.. 1/v, Nail 1/,i' 0S8 11,. Nichi$h,3ke'"' NlchiBoard~ (FaGe) 1'/, 2.5 0.236 0.097 SPF NichiBoard~ (Blind) 2'/,. NichiFrontlern( {F~ce} 1'/, SPF NichiFrontier•• (Blind) 1•1 .. NlchlStraight™ / ,,,, Gd Ring Shank Double HD MAZE '/,." OSB NichiStaggered'" Coil Nail 2 0.233 0.105 SYP 8d Masonite Siding Nails 2.5 0.313 0.118 SPF NichiPanel"" 2'/,. NichiBoard~ (Face) 11/, SPF NlchlBoardN (B lind) 1'/,. Double HO MAZE ASphalt SYP NichiBoard'" (Blind) l7/1, & Fiberglass Shingle Nail 1.75 0.365 0.125 NichiBoard™ (Face) ,,,. '/10 OSB NlchlBoard~ (Blind) ,,,. Grabber #8 Flat wafer SPF NichiPanel1 • l'/,. Head Screws 6 1.625 0.406 0.166 20GASteel NichiP~nel'"" -- NichiPanel~ - Aerosmlth Fastening 1 .5 0.301 0 .106 20 GA Steel NichlBoard~ (Face) - Systems, VersaPin 7 NlchlBoardN (Blind) - 1.375 0.251 0 .107 20GA Steel NichiPanel'"" - #8-18 Wafer Head ROCK-ONN Screws8 1.625 0.395 0.162 20GA Ste<!I NlchlStralghtN/ NichlStaggered'" -- Concrete NichiBoard'" (Face) 3/4 1.25 0.300 0.145 Block Aerosmith Fastening NichiBoard'" (Blind) 1'/, Systems, SurePin• Concrete NlchiStraight'" / 2 0.300 0.145 Block NichiStaggered'" 1 1/, Note$'. 1. SPF (Spruce•Pine-firl fn1mina: milterial is auumed to have a Specifte Gravity of 0.42 ot greater. 2. Of (Douglas Fir) framing m are rial is assumed to have a ~cifk Gravity of O.S or gre.ater. 3. OS8 sheathing m.1tcrlal Is as.sumed to have a Specific Gravity of 0.5 or greater. Where fasteners arc Installed through 058 sheathing Into SPF $lud1,, a S~tfic; Gravity of 0.42 .$h.,lt be aswmed for the entire fastener penet~Hon de-pth. 4-. SYP (Southern Yellow Pine} f~mi na: material is ,usu med to hiil\le i Sp4;:cific Gr~ity ot 0.5 or greiter. S. Alte rnative fa.stenef'l mu,-t meet the minimum he.t1d and shank diametef'l lh,ted in Table 8. The required length \Vld withdrawal c:apadty .shall be determined by the design pf'Ofessi o~I of rl!t ord in ;ic:cord41ni;e with the f't!quirements of T41ble 3. 4. 5. 6, 41nd 7 of this lntertek CCRR,. 6. Fastener pull-out capacity based on manufacturer (Grabbb Const ruction Products, Inc.) technical data sheet and a sarety factor cf 3 . 7. fastener pul l -out C.lpi]dty based on PEI Product Report PER·06014 and a s.1fety faaor of 3. 8. f.istener pull-out c.ipilcity ~scd on ITW Buildcx and Illinois Tool Works1 Inc. Product Report No. 02722 .1nd ,1 s.ifety factor of 3. 9. Fntener pull400t capacity based on PEI Product Report PER..07021 and a safety factor of S . lntertek Version: 6 April 2017 130 Derry Court• York• Pennsylvania• 17406 Page 25 of 25 Fasten•• Withdrawal Value(lbs) 42.2 34.4 42.2 34.4 53.1 6S.2 16.9 16.9 45.9 S3.6 29.8 41.4 17.9 65.2 35.5 45.4 70.1 21.3 21.3 85.0 88.3 94.7 94.7 94.7 94.7 95.0 233.1 233.8 233.8 = l<X!iflllm' ·--- PCA-101 Revision Request/Correction to Comments **ALL INFORMATION HIGHLIGHTED IN GRAY IS REQUIRED. City of Atlantic Beach Building Department 800 Seminole Rd, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Phone: (904) 247-5826 Email: PERMIT #: _____________________ Revision to Issued Permit OR Corrections to Comments Date: ________________ Project Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Contractor/Contact Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ Contact Phone: ______________________________ Email: _________________________________________________ Description of Proposed Revision / Corrections: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ I_______________________________ affirm the revision/correction to comments is inclusive of the proposed changes. (printed name)  Will proposed revision/corrections add additional square footage to original submittal? No Yes (additional s.f. to be added: _____________________________)  Will proposed revision/corrections add additional increase in building value to original submittal? No *Yes (additional increase in building value: $____________________) (Contractor must sign if increase in valuation) *Signature of Contractor/Agent: _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Office Use Only) Approved Denied Not Applicable to Department Permit Fee Due $_______________ Revision/Plan Review Comments_______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Department Review Required: Building _____________________________________________ Planning & Zoning Reviewed By Tree Administrator Public Works Public Utilities _____________________________________________ Public Safety Date Fire Services Updated 10/17/18 □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ NichiProducts™ Installation Guidelines Construction Requirements • NichiProducts™ can be installed directly on braced wood or steel stud (20GA or heavier) construction spaced at a maximum of 24” o.c. or over sheathing with solid wood or steel backing. • A weather resistive barrier is required in accordance with local building codes when installing NichiProducts. Use the approved weather resistive barrier (WRB) as defined by the 2007 IRC. Nichiha is not liable for water infiltration. • When installing NichiProducts, it is recommended that an APA rated 7/16” OSB or plywood sheathing be used. NichiProducts may be installed over non-structural sheathing such as foam, fiber builder board, and gypsum type panels. Non-structural sheathing thickness shall not exceed 1”. Due to the compressive nature of some non-structural sheathings, care must be taken not to overdrive the fastener and compress the sheathing. The fastener length must be increased by the thickness of the non-struc- tural sheathing. • Please consult with your local dealer or Nichiha directly when using NichiProducts on large projects, such as 45’ or higher buildings or three (3) stories or greater buildings. Some special reinforcements may be required. Product Inspection • Inspect all products thoroughly prior to installation. Do not install any product which may have been damaged in shipment or displays damage to the primer or finish coat. • Contact your local dealer or Nichiha Customer Service toll-free at 1-866 424-4421 should you have any questions about NichiProducts. Storage & Handling • NichiProducts MUST be stored flat and off the ground prior to installation. Nichiha recommends storing on pallets. • NichiProducts MUST be kept dry, and stored in a covered area or covered with a tarp before installation. Moisture saturation before installation may cause shrinkage and board damage. Do not install saturated boards. • Carry the products on edge. Do not carry or lift NichiProducts flat. Improper handling may cause cracking or board damage. • Nichiha is not responsible for damage caused by improper storage and handling of NichiProducts. Minimum Clearances • Maintain a minimum 1” - 2” clearance between NichiProducts and decking, walks, steps, and hard surface driveways. (Fig. 1.1) • Maintain a minimum clearance of 6” above finished grade or in accordance with local codes if greater than 6” clearance is required. (Fig. 1.2) • At roof and wall junctures and according to roofing manufacturer’s instructions, flashing and counter-flashing are required. NichiProducts must be installed with a minimum 1” clearance from roofing. (Fig. 1.3) • A “kickout” flashing must be present at roof – wall intersects to direct roof water away from the siding and trim. (Fig. 1.4) General Instructions for All NichiProducts™General Instructions for All NichiProducts™ Fig. 1.1 Fig. 1.3 Fig. 1.4 1 2 Fig. 1.2 Cutting • For best results, cut NichiProductsTM face down. Also ensure the board is fully supported along its length. Recommended blade: Tenryu Board-Pro Plus PCD Blade (#BP-18505). Electric and pneumatic shears may be used for cutting 5/16” thick products. Models are available that can make straight or radius cuts. Shears cannot be used for cutting NichiTrimTM or Sierra PremiumTM Shake or Smooth boards. A jigsaw fitted with a carbide-tipped blade may be used for cutting service opening holes, irregular shapes, radii, and scrollwork. Fastening • Nichiha products may be hand fastened or fastened with pneumatic tools. When using pneumatic tools, set the pressure of compressor so that the fastener is driven snug or under-driven to the surface of the board; then hand drive with a smooth faced hammer until the fastener head is flush to board surface. • Pressure from compressors can vary depending on tank volume and number of lines connected to the unit. For best performance, always test and adjust pressure before beginning installation. • Corrosion resistant fasteners, such as hot-dipped galvanized nails and screws that are appropriate to local building codes and practices must be used. Stainless steel fasteners are highly recommended in high- humidity and high-moisture regions. Nichiha is not liable for corrosion resistance of fasteners. DO NOT use aluminum fasteners, staples, clipped head or T-head nails, or fasteners that are not rated or designed for intended use. • When using pneumatic tools, ensure the tool has an adjustable depth of drive or flush mount attachment to control nail seating depth. DO NOT use framing nailers. • The fastener head must be flush to the board surface. DO NOT over drive or under drive fasteners. ReFeR TO THe NICHIHA SAFeTy GuIDelINeS AND OSHA GuIDelINeS FOR IMPORTANT SAFeTy PRACTICeS FOR yOuR AND OTHeRS’ PROTeCTION. Whenever drilling, cutting, sawing, sanding or abrading the product, users should wear proper protective equipment such as safety glasses, work gloves, etc. as prescribed by OSHA and your employer. Industrial dusts can irritate and abrade the eyes and lungs and can cause respiratory problems and diseases. use best practices to reduce airborne dust concentrations such as: • Position the cutting table where wind will carry dust away from the user and others in the area. • Work outdoors when feasible; otherwise use mechanical ventilation. • For dust control, use a dust-reducing circular saw with a vacuum attachment in combination with a diamond-tipped or carbide-tipped blade for general cutting. • For best results the dust collector should be connected to a HEPA vacuum. Recommended circular saw: Makita 7-1/4” Circular Saw with Dust Collector (#5057KB). • Wear properly fitted NIOSH/OSHA approved dust masks or respirators, in accordance with applicable government regulations. See 29 C.F.R. § 1910.134; 29 C.F.R. § 1910.1000; 42 C.F.R. § 84. For more information visit for the various types of masks and respirators that NIOSH recommends. • Comply with all applicable OSHA PELs. • Notify others in the immediate area to take appropriate precautions. • Consult with your employer about keeping the worksite clean and ways to reduce or eliminate any take-home exposures to dusts and chemicals. Safety Instructions Nichiha MSDS’s for all products are available on, at your local NICHIHA dealer, or through NICHIHA directly. Call toll-free at 1.866.424.4421. Silica Dust Warning: NICHIHA products may contain some amounts of crystalline silica [a.k.a. sand, silicon dioxide], which is a naturally occurring mineral. The amount will vary from product to product. Inhalation of crystalline silica into the lungs and repeated exposure to silica can cause health disorders, such as silicosis, lung cancer, or death depending upon various factors. To be conservative, Nichiha recommends that whenever cutting, sawing, sand- ing, sniping or abrading the product, users observe the Safety Instructions above. For further information or questions, please consult the MSDS, your employer, or visit SLTC/silicacrystalline/index. html and The MSDS for Nichiha products are available at, at your local Nichiha dealer or through Nichiha directly at 1.866.424.4421. FAILURE TO ADHERE TO OUR WARNINGS, MSDS, AND OTHER INSTRUCTION MAY LEAD TO SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH. Finishing and Maintenance • Use an exterior grade high-quality sealant that complies with either ASTM C-834 (for primed products) or ASTM C-920 (for finished products) requirements for all gaps that require filling with sealant. FOllOw THe MANuFACTuReR’S INSTRuCTIONS FOR uSe. • All exposed field cut edges (i.e. outside edges, butt joints or bottom ends of corners and window trim), must be covered with primer, sealant, or paint. • Dents, chips, scratches, etc. on the products shall be filled with exterior grade cementitious patching or putty. FOllOw THe MANuFACTuReR’S INSTRuCTIONS FOR uSe. • All unfinished (pre-primed) products must be painted within 12 months of installation. exterior grade 100% acrylic latex paints are recommended. FOllOw THe MANuFACTuReR’S INSTRuCTIONS FOR uSe. • • • NichiBo~arcrdr'•-------- 1" 2" · _i __ :un . -r-- Sheathing Weather Resistive Barrier Concrete foundation Stud NichiBoard " Vertical Joint Placement • All NichiBoard vertical joints must land or “break” over studs or framing in both conventional wood and metal construction. • Metal off-stud joiners may be used to join boards not broken over framing. • When possible, use factory sealed or finished ends at butt joints. Position cut ends where boards meet trim attachments. • If cut ends are used at butt joints they must be sealed with primer, sealer, or paint. NEVER leave exposed cut edges uncoated. • For better appearance, offset butt joints 32” (two studs) or more. Avoid creating a “step” or “ladder” pattern. Joint Treatment Joint Installation Using Flashing (recommended) (Fig. 4.2) • The use of a joint flashing behind the butt joints is recommended. • Suitable materials for joint flashing include anodized or PVC coated coilstock and code approved weather resistive barriers. • The joint flashing should be at least 3” in width and long enough to extend above the board width a minimum of 1-1/2”. • Install NichiBoard™ boards over joint flashing with moderate contact. Joint Installation Using Caulk (Fig. 4.3) • Leave appropriate gap (minimum 1/8”) between board ends and fill with a quality exterior grade caulk. Ensure caulk meets ASTM 834 or ASTM C-920 requirements and is approved for use at butt joints. Siding to Trim Joints (Fig. 4.4-4.5) • Where board ends and edges meet trim at inside and outside corners, door, window and other trim attachments, leave a minimum 1/8” gap and caulk with a quality caulk as described above. • Trim attachments must be of sufficient thickness. The overlapped boards must not extend beyond the face of the trim. • A flashed 1/4” clearance must exist over horizontal trim. Finishing Follow all general finishing instructions on page one of this guide. NichiBoard™NichiBoard™ Preparation Follow all general instructions on page one of this guide. • NichiBoard™ can be installed directly on braced wood or steel stud (20GA or heavier) construction spaced at a maximum of 24” o.c. or over sheathing with vertical solid wood or steel backing. (Fig. 3.1) • When installing NichiBoard, it is recommended that an APA rated minimum 7/16” OSB or plywood sheathing be used. NichiBoard may be installed over non-structural sheathing such as foam, fiber builder board, and gypsum type panels. Non-structural sheathing thickness shall not exceed 1”. Due to the compressive nature of some non-structural sheathings, care must be taken not to overdrive the fastener and compress the sheathing. The fastener length must be increased by the thickness of the non-structural sheathing. • Ensure all weather resistive barriers are in place in accordance with local code. • Framing misalignment or irregularities in the sheathing application should be corrected prior to siding installation. These irregularities may mirror through the finished installation. Fastening • Corrosion resistant fasteners, such as hot-dipped galvanized nails and screws that are appropriate to local building codes and practices must be used. Stainless steel fasteners are highly recommended in high- humidity and high-moisture regions. Nichiha is not liable for corrosion resistance of fasteners. Do not use aluminum fasteners, staples, clipped head or T-head nails, or fasteners that are not rated or designed for intended use. • Corrosion resistant, full round head siding nails or appropriate screws may be used to install NichiBoard to wood and steel framing members. Fasteners must penetrate into wood a minimum of 1” or into a 20 gauge steel stud a minimum 1/2”. • The fastener head must be flush to the board surface. Do not over drive or under drive fasteners. Installation Follow all general instructions on page one of this guide. Starter Strip & First Course (Fig. 3.2) • A starter strip is required to set the first course on the proper angle and to create a drip edge at the bottom course of siding. The starter strip material may be a cut piece of NichiBoard, FS 1005 Nichiha Spacer, PVC, or pressure treated lumber. Do not use untreated lumber, plywood, OSB, or other engineered wood products as a starter strip. • Install the starter strip level with the bottom of the wall sheathing or mudsill. • Ensure the first course of boards is level as it will be the guide for entire installation. Use a level and chalk line to establish a level and straight reference point for the first course. Continue to check for level lines throughout installation. • The first course of siding must hang below the starter strip a minimum of 1/4”. • The siding should not extend below the corner trim. • The bottom edge of the first course must have at least 6” clearance above finished grade. • It is recommended the course heights remain aligned and transfer around corners. Overlap (Fig. 3.3-4.1) • A minimum overlap of 1-1/4” is required. Blind Nailing (Fig. 3.3) • For a more aesthetically pleasing installation, NichiBoard may be installed in a hidden, or blind nail application. • Position the fastener between 3/4” and 1” down from the top edge of the board and no closer than 3/8” from the board ends. • Fasten from one end of the board to the other. Face Nailing (Fig. 4.1) • It is permissible to install NichiBoard in a face nail type installation to meet certain installation requirements or when specified by local code. • Position the fastener a minimum distance of 3/4” up from the bottom edge of the board and no more than 1”. This ensures the fastener will penetrate through the overlap and through both courses. Place the fastener no closer than 3/8” from board ends. • Fasten from one end of the board to the other. Fig. 3.1 Fig. 4.2 Fig. 4.3 Fig. 3.2 Fig. 3.3 Fig. 4.1 Fig. 4.4 Fig. 4.5 3 4 -------------. -- Fi nish nail patter Staggered n . DOUBLE WAL L CONSTRUCTION ---Mi n. 6" clearance above finished grade Sheathing Concrete foundation Stud x--r ~ \-~"-mm ~ NichiBoard: Starte r Strip Overhang 24 " o.c. max Stud BLIND NAI L Weat he r Resistive Barrier Stud 24" o.c. max , Weather Res istive Barr ier 1-1/4" min. overlap 1-1/4" min. overlap FACE NAIL JOINT INSTALLATION Stud USING FLASHING 1-1/2"~ s ~::b::::J:::====~~:=.--~-::,·)@-@Tu~~ Install boards in moderate contact \ 1" from pane l top 1 -3/8 " from pane l ed ge t We ath er sistive Barrier athing Starter Strip Weather Re sistive Barr ier Nichi Trim '" Stud JOINT INSTALLATION USING CA ULK l "f ---==-rom pane l top 8" from panel edge Nichi Board '" Leave appropriate gap between boards , then ca ulk i----NichiBoard'" Do not caulk. Flashing 1/4" gap t . . . Stud 1/8" gap 1/ NichiBoard'" NichiShake™ Individual Shakes NichiShake™ Individual Shakes Shake to Trim Joints (Fig. 6.2-6.3) • Where shake ends and edges meet trim at inside and outside corners, door, window and other trim attachments, leave a minimum 1/8” gap and caulk with a quality caulk that meets ASTM 834 or ASTM C-920 requirements. • Trim attachments must be of sufficient thickness. The overlapped shakes must not extend beyond the face of the trim. • A flashed 1/4” clearance must exist over horizontal trim. Finishing Follow all general finishing instructions on page one of this guide. Preparation • Follow all general instructions on page one of this guide. • NichiShake™ individual shakes must be installed directly on minimum thickness 7/16” thick APA rated OSB or plywood sheathing. • Ensure all weather resistive barriers are in place in accordance with local code. • Framing misalignment or irregularities in the sheathing application should be corrected prior to siding installation. These irregularities may mirror through the finished installation. • Due to overlapping of shakes, no sealant or caulk is required at shake to shake joints. Fastening • Follow all general fastening instructions on page one of this guide. • Corrosion resistant fasteners, such as hot-dipped galvanized nails and screws that are appropriate to local building codes and practices must be used. Stainless steel fasteners are highly recommended in high- humidity and high-moisture regions. Nichiha is not liable for corrosion resistance of fasteners. Do not use aluminum fasteners, staples, clipped head or T-head nails, or fasteners that are not rated or designed for intended use. • Use a corrosion resistant, min. 1-1/2” length, full round head siding nail or appropriate screw to install the shake to the sheathing. • The fastener head must be flush to the shake surface. Do not over drive or under drive fasteners. • NichiShake must be fastened through previous shake course. Installation Follow all general instructions on page one of this guide. Starter Strip & Starter Course (Fig. 5.1) • A starter strip is required to set the first course on the proper angle and to create a drip edge at the bottom course of siding. The starter strip mate- rial may be a cut piece of NichiBoard™, FS 1005 Nichiha Spacer, PVC, or pressure treated lumber. Do not use untreated lumber, plywood, OSB, or other engineered wood products as a starter strip. • Install the starter strip level with the bottom of the wall sheathing or mudsill. • In addition to the starter strip, a starter course is required to provide solid backing and keyway coverage for the first row of shakes. Use 8-1/4” or 9-1/4” NichiBoard for the starter course. • Ensure the first course of shingles are level. Use a level and chalk line to establish a level and straight reference point for the first course. Continue to check for level lines throughout installation. • The shingles should not extend below the corner trim. • The bottom edge of the first course must have at least 6” clearance above finished grade. • For best appearance, it is recommended the course heights remain aligned and transfer around corners. Installing Shake Courses (Fig. 5.2-6.1) • Begin the installation by placing the first course of shingles flush with the bottom edge of the starter course and securing with the appropriate fastener. Alternatively, strike a chalk line 18” above the bottom edge of the starter course and position the top edge of the shingles even with the chalk line. • Space shingles 1/4” to 5/16” apart. A common practice is to use a 1/4” shim or small piece of shake as a spacer. • To position the next course, measure 8” up from the bottom edge of the installed course of shake. Strike a chalk line. Position the bottom edge of the second course of shakes along the chalk line. Position fasteners between 8 ¼” and 9” up from the bottom edge of the shake where the fastener will penetrate through both courses. • Position fasteners 1/2” to 1” in from the side edges of the shake. • When installing, mix the 6-1/4”, 8-1/4”, and 12” shake widths in a random manner and avoid creating a repeating pattern. Layout of the course may be needed to help avoid stacked keyways. • Shake keyways from one course to the next should not line up and be offset a minimum of 1-1/2”. Fig. 5.1 Fig. 5.2 Fig. 6.1 Fig. 6.2 Fig. 6.3 5 6 Con crete fo undat ion ------------NichiSha ke111 8-1/4" or 9-1/4" l ap sid in g Starte r Str ip Weather Resistive Barr ier Nailable sheathing 1/4" -t 18" --r- 18" max. 1 exp:sure Position nai l s to secu re through previous courses, not above. NichiShake• (I ndividua l) Leave a minimum 1-1/2" between keyways on successive cou rses. Trim 24" o.c. max 1/8" gap Weather Resistive Barrier 7/16" Sheathing for c~r . ..,.,.....,....,.....,,,,,,.,a,'tffl'r..,,.,,,,..,,,...,....,.., ' "' J 8" max. ~~==-..i.~l.lllll¥UJLLlL"--~..JL__-~l 6" 8-1/4"or9-1/4" min. (NichiBoard •) Pos ttion na ils to secure through previous courses , not above. 1-1/4 • Starter strip Weather Resistive Barrier Sheathing Stu d 7/16 " rl __ _/ Sh ea thi ng ~/Wea th er 7 .,,,/ Res istive -..,,,,,-/ Barri er NichiSh ake ™ (Indivi dua l) LT Do not caulk. 1/ ____ 11_4 •_,· g'--ap ·.•• ~Flashing '• ........ NichiStaggered™ and NichiStraight™ Shake Panels NichiStaggered™ and NichiStraight™ Shake Panels Installing Shake Courses - NichiStraightTM (Fig. 8.1-8.2) • Ensure the first course of panels are level. Use a level and chalk line to establish a level and straight reference point for the first course. Continue to check for level lines throughout the installation. • Install the panels starting at one end and working across the wall. • Begin the installation by trimming the first panel to ensure the panel end falls or breaks over framing. Trim the panel end which is nearest the corner board. • On applications where the panel will butt to door, window, or corner trim, cut the upper edge of the panel so it is even with the keyway. • When installing NichiStraight panels, place the first course of panels flush with the bottom edge of the starter course and secure with the appropriate fastener. As an alternative, strike a chalk line 16” above the bottom edge of the starter course and position the top edge of the shingles even with the chalk line. • For best appearance, the bottom edge of the panels should align with the corner trim. • Leave a 1/8” gap between the panel edge and any trim attachment. • Bring panel edges together in moderate contact. • To begin the second course, measure and chalk a line 7” up from the top edge of the first course to use as a guide when installing the second course of panels. Alternatively, a chalk line may be placed on the face of the previous course 7” up from the panel’s bottom edge. • Measure and trim the first piece in the second course so it is one stud cavity less in length than the first piece on the previous course. • If framing is spaced 16” on-center, begin the third course by again cutting the panel one stud cavity less than the first piece on the second course. • For subsequent courses, position panels in a manner that avoids creating a pattern. • Drive fasteners into framing where possible. • Position the fastener approximately ½” to ¾” above the top of the keyway and through the underlying courses. DO NOT position fastener in the upper portion of the panel. See Fig. (8.1) • Position fasteners no closer than 3/8” from the panel edge. • For best appearance, it is recommended the course heights remain aligned and transfer around corners. • Shake keyways from one course to the next should not line up and be offset a minimum of 1 ½”. NichiStaggeredTM / NichiStraightTM Panel to Trim Joints (Fig. 8.3 - 8.4) • Where panel ends and edges meet trim at inside and outside corners, door, window, and other trim attachments, leave a minimum 1/8” gap and caulk with a quality caulk that meets ASTM 834 or ASTM C-920 requirements. • Trim attachments must be of sufficient thickness. The overlapped panel must not extend beyond the face of the trim. • All horizontal trim must be flashed. Leave a 1/4” gap between the siding and flashing. Do not caulk this gap. Do not use raw aluminum flashings. Flashings must be galvanized, anodized, or PVC coated. Preparation • Follow all general instructions on page one of this guide. • NichiStaggered and NichiStraight shake panels can be installed directly on braced wood or steel stud (20GA or heavier) construction spaced at a maximum of 24” o.c. or over sheathing with vertical solid wood or steel backing. • When installing shake panels, it is recommended that an APA rated 7/16” OSB or plywood sheathing be used. NichiStaggered and NichiStraight panels may be installed over non-structural sheathing such as foam, fiber builder board, and gypsum type panels. Non-structural sheathing thickness shall not exceed 1”. Due to the compressive nature of some non-structural sheathings, care must be taken not to overdrive the fastener and compress the sheathing. The fastener length must be increased by the thickness of the non structural sheathing. • Ensure all weather resistive barriers are in place in accordance with local code. • Framing misalignment or irregularities in the sheathing application should be corrected prior to siding installation. These irregularities may mirror through the finished installation. • NichiStaggered and NichiStraight panels may only be installed on vertical walls and is not intended for use on Mansford or Gambrel type roofs. Fastening • Corrosion resistant fasteners, such as hot-dipped galvanized nails and screws that are appropriate to local building codes and practices must be used. Stainless steel fasteners are highly recommended in high- humidity and high-moisture regions. Nichiha is not liable for corrosion resistance of fasteners. • Do not use aluminum fasteners, staples, clipped head or T-head nails, or fasteners that are not rated or designed for intended use. • Corrosion resistant, full round head siding nails or appropriate screws may be used to install shake panels to wood or steel framing members, or to minimum thickness 7/16” OSB or plywood sheathing. Nails may be smooth or ring shank. When nailing into vertical framing fasteners must penetrate into wood a minimum of 1” or into a minimum 20 gauge steel stud ½”. • When installing over minimum 7/16” OSB or plywood sheathing, space fasteners a maximum of 12” apart. • The fastener head must be flush to the panel surface. Do not over drive or under drive fasteners. Installation Follow all general instructions on page one of this guide. Starter Strip & Starter Course (Fig. 7.1) • A starter strip is required to set the first course on the proper angle and to create a drip edge at the bottom course of siding. The starter strip material may be a cut piece of NichiBoard lap siding, FS 1005 Nichiha Spacer, PVC, or pressure treated lumber. Do not use untreated lumber, plywood, OSB, or other engineered wood products as a starter strip. • Install the starter strip level with the bottom of the wall sheathing or mudsill. • In addition to the starter strip, a starter course is required to provide solid backing and keyway coverage for the first row of NichiStraight or NichiStaggered panels. Use 8 ¼” or 9 ¼” NichiBoard for the starter course. Installing Shake Courses - NichiStaggeredTM (Fig. 7.2) • Ensure the first course of panels is level. Use a level and chalk line to establish a level and straight reference point for the first course. Continue to check for level lines throughout the installation. • Install the panels starting at one end and working across the wall. • Begin the installation by trimming the first panel to ensure the panel end falls or breaks over framing. Trim the panel end which is nearest the corner board. • On applications where the panel will butt to door, window, or corner trim, cut the upper edge of the panel so it is even with the keyway. • When installing NichiStaggered panels, if desired, the bottom of the first course may be trimmed to create a straight edge even with the starter course. Place the first course of panels flush with the bottom edge of the starter course and secure with the appropriate fastener. • As an alternative, strike a chalk line 16” above the bottom edge of the starter course and position the top edge of the shingles even with the chalk line. • For best appearance, the bottom edge of the panels should align with the corner trim. • Leave a 1/8” gap between the panel edge and any trim attachment. • Bring panel edges together in moderate contact. • To begin the second course, measure and chalk a line 6” up from the top edge of the first course to use as a guide when installing the second course of panels. • Measure and trim the first piece in the second course so it is one stud cavity less in length than the first piece on the previous course. • If framing is spaced 16” on-center, begin the third course by again cutting the panel one stud cavity less than the first piece on the second course. • For subsequent courses, position panels in a manner that avoids creating a pattern. • Drive fasteners into framing where possible. • Position the fastener approximately ½” to ¾” above the top of the keyway and through the underlying courses. DO NOT place fastener in the upper portion of the panel. See Fig. (7.2) • Position fasteners no closer than 3/8” from the panel edge. • For best appearance, it is recommended the course heights remain aligned and transfer around corners. • Shake keyways from one course to the next should not line up and be offset a minimum of 1 ½”. Fig. 7.1 Fig. 7.2 7 8 Fig. 8.1 Fig. 8.3 Fig. 8.4 Fig. 8.2 1/8" gap fo r cau lk Th ird course Second co urse 1-1/4" Starter stri p Fi rs t course 8-1/4" or9-1/4" (NichiBoard i Only when applica1ion is to minimum 7/16" Ulick APA rated sheathing, position nails at 12"' o.c . Place nails into Ira ming through previous courses. Allow 3/8" from pane l edges. first course 8-t/4" or 9-1/4" (Nichi8oard1 1-114" Starter strip 1/8 " gap for caulk 16" Only when appli calion Place nails inlo is to minimum 7/16 " fra ming through thick APA ra(ed sheath ing, previou s courses. po sition nails at 12" o.c. Allow 3/8" from panel edges. 8-1/4" or 9-1/4 " (Ni chiBoa rdi 1-1/4" Starter st rip 1/8" gap for caul k Th ird course Second course Stud 1-1/4" Sta rte r strip 7/16" Fi rst co urse 8-1/4" or 9-1/4" (Ni chi Boardi Sheathing ~,__ =--~ -----Weather ----...._ ---~/ Resis~ive 1/8 ~----__,,/-__,.,,--7 Barner NichiStaggered111 or Ni chiS trai gh t"' Starter Strip ~--""-, NichiStaggered • or Weat her Resistive Barrier Sheathing I I NichiStraighr ~ 8-1/4" or 9-1/4" lap siding J \I Do not ca ulk. LJ y 1/4"gap ~---=:::,,, -· i--_Fla shin g NichiStaggered™ and NichiStraight™ Shake Panels NichiStaggered™ and NichiStraight™ Shake Panels 9 10 NichiStaggeredTM / NichiStraightTM Alternative Corner Treatments (Fig. 9.1) • NichiStaggered and NichiStraight may be installed in a laced or staggered corner application. • Nichiha requires installing a galvanized, coated aluminum or vinyl PVC flashing over the building corner prior to beginning a laced corner application. • Use a polyurethane adhesive where laced panels join. • Do not miter NichiStaggered or NichiStraight panel edges. NichiStaggeredTM / NichiStraightTM Installation at Gables (Fig. 9.2-9.4) • Due to various framing sizing and spacing encountered at gables, it is recommended that a minimum 7/16” APA rated plywood or OSB sheathing be used. • Install the starter strip and starter course as described above. • Locate the center of the gable and mark a vertical, plum, centerline from the gable peak to the gable bottom. • Place the center of the panel in alignment with the vertical centerline to ensure an even symmetrical appearance. Alternatively, the panel edge may be aligned with the vertical centerline. • For the second course, place the panel edge 16” back from the centerline. Subsequently, for the third course place the panel edge back 32” from the centerline. • Using either a framing square or a pattern made from the rake angle, mark and cut the panels to evenly fit the rake or soffit leaving a 1/8” gap for caulking. • On these angle cuts, due to the keyways in the shingle panel, the panel may be weakened and require special care in handling. Also, it may be necessary to secure the panel with face nails in these areas. If the cut completely separates a piece of the siding from the panel use face nails to secure. Face nails will also be required to secure the top pieces. Finishing • Follow all general finishing instructions on page one of this guide. • Nichiha primed products must be painted within 12 months of installation. • Ensure all keyway edges and panel bottom edges are painted. • Exterior grade, 100% acrylic latex paints are recommended. Do not use oil or alkyd based paints. • Do not use stain on NichiProductsTM. Fig. 9.3 Fig. 9.4 Fig. 9.2 Fig. 9.1 Stud Staggered Butt Joint 1-1/4 " Starter strip Secu re to solid wood sheathing Panel centered on gable center Face nail Flashing small pieces Trim board Preparation • Follow all general instructions on page one of this guide. • NichiPanel™ can be installed directly on braced wood or steel stud (20GA or heavier) construction spaced at a maximum of 24” o. c. or over sheathing with vertical solid wood or steel backing. (Fig. 11.1) • When installing NichiPanel, it is recommended that an APA rated 7/16” OSB or plywood sheathing be used. NichiPanel may be installed over non-structural sheathing such as foam, fiber builder board, and gypsum type panels. Non-structural sheathing thickness shall not exceed 1”. Due to the compressive nature of some non structural sheathings, care must be taken not to overdrive the fastener and compress the sheathing. The fastener length must be increased by the thickness of the non- structural sheathing. • Ensure all weather resistive barriers are in place in accordance with local code. • Framing misalignment or irregularities in the sheathing application should be corrected prior to siding installation. These irregularities may mirror through the finished installation. • On multi story structures, avoid spanning over 1st-2nd , or 2nd-3rd story floor systems as distortion of the panel from settling of the structure can occur. The panel horizontal joint should always occur at the wall framing top plate or floor system rim joist. • NichiPanel must be installed with the long dimension of the panel vertical and parallel to wall framing. • The bottom edge of the panel must have at least 6” clearance above finished grade and 1” to 2” clearance above decks, walks, and hard surface driveways. • All panel edges must be supported by solid framing. Fastening (Fig. 11.2) Follow all general fastening instructions on page one of this guide. • Corrosion resistant fasteners, such as hot-dipped galvanized nails and screws that are appropriate to local building codes and practices must be used. Stainless steel fasteners are highly recommended in high- humidity and high-moisture regions. Nichiha is not liable for corrosion resistance of fasteners. Do not use aluminum fasteners, staples, clipped head or T-head nails, or fasteners that are not rated or designed for intended use. • Corrosion resistant, full round head siding nails or appropriate screws may be used to install NichiPanel to wood and steel framing members. Fasteners must penetrate into wood a minimum of 1” or into a minimum 20 gauge steel stud 1/2”. • Fasten panels a maximum 6” o. c. on all panel horizontal and vertical edges. Position fasteners at intermediate framing no greater than 12” o. c. Fasten at all stud locations. • The fastener head must be flush to the board surface. Do not over drive or under drive fasteners. • Fasteners should be placed no closer than 3/8” from panel edges and 2” from corners. Installation Follow all general instructions on page one of this guide. • Begin the installation by establishing a level and straight guideline for positioning the panels. • If necessary, cut the long edge of the panel so that panel vertical edges fall or “break” over framing. • Corner trim may be installed prior to panel installation, or alternatively, installed over NichiPanel. If butting to corner trim, leave 1/8” or appropriate gap and caulk. NichiPanel Grooved 8” o. c. • When installing NichiPanel Grooved 8” o. c. panels, layout of the application may be required to ensure a symmetrical or “even” appearance of the Grooved 8” o. c. accent grooves. Also, on multi-story structures or at gable ends, align accent grooves vertically for best appearance. • When beginning the installation, trim the full thickness or “square” panel edge so the detailed grooved edge will land or break over solid framing. • In some cases it may be necessary to add a stud or blocking to provide additional nailing area. Avoid nailing through panel edge accent groove. Joint Methods Vertical Joints (Fig. 12.1-12.3) Join NichiPanel vertical joints by one of the following four methods: • Cover the joint with a minimum 1-1/2” width batten strip. The batten strip may be fiber cement, wood, or PVC material. Caulk the vertical edge between the batten strip and NichiPanel. (Fig. 12.1) • Leave appropriate gap and caulk according to caulk manufacturer’s recommendations. (Fig. 12.2) • Use metal or PVC H-channel connector in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. (Fig. 12.3) • Join the panels in moderate contact. DO NOT install tight or force panels in place. NichiPanel™NichiPanel™ Fig. 11.1 Fig. 11.2 11 Horizontal Joints (Fig. 12.4-13.1) • Where panels are “stacked” on multi-story applications the horizontal joints must be properly flashed with a corrosion resistant galvanized, coated aluminum, or vinyl/PVC “Z” type flashing to minimize any water penetration. • Position and secure “Z” flashing over top edge of panel with the vertical bend behind the weather resistive barrier. • A gap of 1/4” must exist between the flashing and next course of panels. DO NOT caulk this gap. • Ensure flashing is sloped away from the wall and not “flat” . • If a horizontal band board or trim attachment is used at horizontal joints, flashing must be in place that extends over the panel and trim attachment. (Fig. 12.4) Trimming Openings (Fig. 12.4-13.2) • When trim is applied around doors, windows, and other openings prior to NichiPanel installation, ensure that flashings are in place over all horizontal trim. Install panels with a 1/4” gap between the flashing and siding. • Leave a 1/8” or appropriate gap between the siding and trim and caulk in accordance to caulk manufacturer’s recommendations. (Fig. 13.2) When trim attachments are to be applied over NichiPanel (most common application) special steps must be taken prior to the panel installation. • Install a 5/16” thick shim over the door or window the same length and width dimensions as the horizontal trim. • Install the flashing on top of the shim. • Install panels with a 1/4” gap between the flashing and siding. • Install horizontal trim over shim and under flashing. Fig. 12.1 Fig. 12.2 Fig. 12.3 Fig. 12.4 12 Weather Resisti'le -Ba rrier Bracing Every 6"~·. • · · · : .. · · ~; J , ,· , , '-<-I ·.· ¥"·. ~tc./11\M. ~ .. ~·-~ r:-~ finish nail patter~' -4-.-Nic hiPanei• ----~ Every 6" ' Min 6" Staggered nail pattern clearance above DOUBLE WALL CONSTRUCTION Keep na ils 3/8 " min . from panel edges. Stud fin is hed grade SINGLE WALL CONSTRUCTION ;.. ;.. weather Resistive Barrier NichiPanel" - Moderate contact Leave appropriate ga p between panel s, then caulk. Weather Resistive Barrier Sheathing NichiTrim" Nich iPanel" Do not caulk. 1/4" gap ... I ·. •. · .. ~Flashing I • • • I •• : , Preparation Follow all general instructions on page one of this guide. • NichiTrim™ can be installed directly on braced wood or steel stud (20GA or heavier) construction spaced at a maximum of 24” o.c. or over- sheathing with solid wood or steel backing. • A weather resistive barrier is required in accordance with local building codes when installing NichiTrim. Use the approved weather resistive barrier (WRB) as defined by the 2007 IRC. Nichiha is not liable for water infiltration. • Please consult with your local dealer or Nichiha directly when using NichiTrim on large projects, such as 45’ or higher buildings or three (3) stories or greater buildings. Some special reinforcements may be required. Product Inspection • Inspect all products thoroughly prior to installation. Do not install any product which may have been damaged in shipment or displays damage to the primer. • Contact your local dealer or Nichiha Customer Service toll-free at 1-866-424-4421 should you have any questions about NichiTrim. Storage and Handling • NichiTrim MUST be stored flat and off the ground prior to installation. Nichiha recommends storing the trim on pallets. • NichiTrim MUST be kept dry, and stored in a covered area or covered with a tarp before installation. Moisture saturation before installation may cause shrinkage and board damage. Do not install saturated boards. • Carry the products on edge. Do not carry or lift NichiTrim flat. Improper handling may cause cracking or board damage. • Nichiha is not responsible for damage caused by improper storage and handling of NichiTrim. Minimum Clearances • Maintain a minimum 1” - 2” clearance between NichiTrim and decking, walks, steps, and hard surface driveways. • At roof and wall junctures and according to roofing manufacturer’s instructions, flashing and counter-flashing are required. NichiTrim must be installed with a minimum 1” clearance from roofing. • A “kickout” flashing must be present to direct roof water away from the siding and trim. • Maintain a minimum clearance of 6” above finished grade or in accordance with local codes if greater than 6” clearance is required. Cutting • Refer to the Nichiha Safety Guidelines and OSHA guidelines for important safety practices for your and others’ protection. • Work outdoors where feasible, otherwise use mechanical ventilation. Position cutting bench so that wind will carry the dust away from the user and others in the work area. • Always wear safety glasses and NIOSH/OSHA approved respirator with a rating of N100, O100 or P100 whenever cutting, drilling, sawing, sanding or abrading the products. Refer to the Safety Instructions in this guide for more details. • Use a dust-reducing circular saw with a vacuum attachment in combina- tion with a diamond-tipped or carbide-tipped blade for general cutting. • The dust collector must be connected to a HEPA vacuum. Recommend- ed circular saw: Makita 7-1/4” Circular Saw with Dust Collector (#5057KB). • Recommended blade: Tenryu Board-Pro Plus PCD Blade (#BP-18505). Fastening (Fig. 14.1) Follow all general fastening instructions on page one of this guide. • NichiTrim may be hand fastened or fastened with pneumatic tools. If hand nailing, pre-drilling may be necessary in some applications. When using pneumatic tools, set the pressure of compressor so that the fastener is driven snug or under-driven to the surface of the board; then hand-drive with a smooth faced hammer until the fastener head is flush to board surface. • Pressure from compressors can vary depending on tank volume and number of lines connected to the unit. For best performance, always test and adjust pressure before beginning installation. • Corrosion resistant fasteners, such as hot-dipped galvanized nails and screws that are appropriate to local building codes and practices must be used. Stainless steel fasteners are highly recommended in high humidity and high-moisture regions. Nichiha is not liable for corrosion resistance of fasteners. Do not use aluminum fasteners, staples, clipped head or T-head nails, roofing nails, or fasteners that are not rated or designed for intended use. For best aesthetics on door and window trim, use a minimum 15 gauge finish nail. • Finish nails, smooth shank siding nails, or appropriate screws may be used to secure trim to wood and steel framing members. Fasteners must penetrate into wood a minimum of 1” and ½” into steel framing to ensure trim is securely fastened. • When installing NichiTrim with finish nails, position nails no closer than 1/2” from board edges and 1” from board ends. Place a minimum of two nails every 16”. On 11-1/4” trim, apply 3 to 4 finish nails at 16” intervals. • When installing NichiTrim with siding nails or screws, position fasteners no closer than 1” from board edges and 3” from board ends. Stagger fasteners on alternating edges every 16”. On 11-1/4” trim, additional fasteners may be applied. • The fastener head must be flush to the board surface. Do not over drive or under drive fasteners. NichiPanel™NichiTrim™ Fig. 14.1 Distance from edge NichiTrimTM Fastening Specifications Distance from ends Spacing Spacing pattern Finish Nail Siding Nail 1/2” 1” 1”3” 16” 16” Stacked Staggered 13 14 Finishing Follow all general finishing instructions on page one of this guide. Fig. 13.1 Fig. 13.2 Sheathing Weather Resistive Barrier Stud Nichi Pane1 • I Weathe r Resistive Barrier 1 Stagger weather I Bracing cuts at least 1' , 24" o.c. rmax. Min. 6" clearance above finished grade _Finish nail pattern DOUBLE WALL CONSTRUCTION I 1 Staggered nail pattern I 1 SINGLE WALL CONSTRUCTION 15 16 Finishing Follow all general finishing instructions on page one of this guide. • Use exterior grade high-quality sealant that complies with either ASTM C-834 (for primed products) or ASTM C-920 (for finished products) requirements for all gaps that require filling with sealant. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use. • All exposed field cut edges (i.e. outside edges, butt joints or bottom ends of corners and window trim), must be covered with primer, sealant, or paint. • Dents, chips, scratches, etc. on the products shall be filled with exterior grade cementitious patching or putty. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use. • All unfinished (pre-primed) products must be painted within 12 months of installation. Exterior grade 100% acrylic latex paints are recommended. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use. NichiTrim™NichiTrim™ Trimming Inside and Outside Corners (Fig. 15.1) • NichiTrim may be used in a single or double corner trim method. • When corner height exceeds 10’, join stacked boards using a min. 22.5 degree weather cut angled away from wall. Keep weather cuts a minimum of 12” apart on adjacent boards. Trimming windows, Doors & Openings (Fig. 15.2) • When picking up NichiTrim™ off the pallet, you must turn it on its edge. • When using NichiBoard™, NichiShake™, and Sierra Premium™ products, trim all openings prior to siding installation, and follow window, door, vent manufacturer’s installation instructions. • Leave a minimum 1/8” gap between trim and siding and apply sealant in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. • All horizontal trim must be flashed. Leave a 1/4” gap between the siding and flashing. Do not caulk this gap. Do not use raw aluminum flashings. Flashings must be galvanized, anodized, or PVC coated. • Install door and window trim in the “cap-over” method. Ensure the top trim board spans over the top of the vertical or side trim pieces. (Fig. 15.2) • When applying trim around windows with a nailing flange, it may be necessary to install a thin shim beside the flange to provide a flat, even surface level with the flange. This will allow the trim to remain “flat” on the wall. Fascia, Frieze Boards, Rake Trim & Band Boards (Fig. 15.3-15.5) • NichiTrim products used in fascia and rake board applications must be fastened over a continuous wood or steel subfascia. • On runs exceeding 10’ use a weather cut to join trim boards. • Horizontal band boards must be flashed with a 1/4” gap between the siding and trim. Also, adequate flashing must be present between NichiTrim and any brick or masonry ledge. Fig. 15.2 Fig. 15.3 Fig. 15.1 Fig. 15.5 Fig. 15.4 Integral J Channel Flashing Installation (Fig. 16.2) • Please contact window manufacturer for required installation of window. • Before first course of NichiBoard™ is applied under window, the installer must place a piece of Non-Corrosive Flashing material from the bottom nailing flange of the Integral J Window and over the course of NichiBoard™. This may require a secondary piece of window tape. • Flashing must be 4’’ x Depth Of Course that will allow flashing to lap over siding course below by minimum of 1’’. • All cut ends of NichiBoard™ must be sealed with a primer, paint, or caulk. However, it is not recommended to fill the entire J channel of the window with caulk. Blocked Penetration (Fig. 16.1) • Penetrations larger than 1½” in diameter must use a blocked penetration to avoid water infiltration. • Installer can use 4/4” or 5/4” NichiTrim™ material for desired thickness. • It may be necessary to cut blocked penetrations with a 22.5 degree weather cut to enable the use of a dryer vent or penetration that may be existing on home. • Make sure to flash over top of Blocked Penetration using a ¼’’ gap between flashing and siding material. Do Not Caulk ¼’’ Gap. Fig. 16.1 Fig. 16.2 22.5 0 -45 0 ~ea t hercut -- Weathe r ~~a:~:ncau lk a_long top edge. Resistive Barrier g requi red ove r trim. Nichi Trim'" Caulk is op tional . J/l 6" NichiTrim"on ly Nichilrlm" Soffit pane l Nichilrim" 2x su_b fascia N1chiTrim'" ~ Leave a · · 118 .. m1mmum gap, then caulk. Weather , ~ Resistive Barrier I Sheathing I • I NichiBoard" 1 Do not caulk Blocking/Support 1/4" gap I • Flash ing NichiTrim • We ather Resistive Barr" i .___Caulk Roof sheeti ng ----N· ' ichiBoard" '\ ~ @· >-9;· 514 .. an Sh im~ 414" Nich il~im" 7/!6" Nichilrim" N1ch1Board'" --------------Roofing .------Roof underlayment Dr ip, edge flashing NicliliTri m" Sub fasc ia Soffit pan el Wea the r Re sist ive Bar ri er Weat her Re sisti ve Barr ie Ni chiha l ap Siding Window Fastener ii I Ni chiBo ard '" / Do not caulk 1/4" gap ! l Fl as hin g J Channe l Window Overlap (Fig. 18.1-18.2) • A minimum overlap of 1-1/4” is required. Blind Nailing (Fig. 18.1) • For a more aesthetically pleasing installation, Sierra Premium™ Shake Plus and Smooth boards may be installed in a hidden, or blind nail application. • Position the fastener 1” down from the top edge of the board and no closer than 3/4” from the board ends. • Fasten from one end of the board to the other. Face Nailing (Fig. 18.2) • It is permissible to install Sierra Premium™ Shake Plus and Smooth boards in a face nail type installation to meet certain installation requirements or when specified by local code. • Position the fastener a minimum distance of 3/4” up from the bottom edge of the board and no more than 1”. This ensures the fastener will penetrate through the overlap and through both courses. Place the fastener no closer than 3/4” from board ends. • Fasten from one end of the board to the other. Vertical Joint Placement (Fig. 19.1) • All Sierra Premium™ Shake Plus and Smooth board vertical joints must land or “break” over studs or framing. • If OSB or plywood sheathing is used, boards must be secured with a corrosion resistant, #8, ribbed, buglehead screw at each butt joint. • When possible, use factory sealed or finished ends at butt joints. Position cut ends where boards meet trim attachments. • If cut ends are used at butt joints they must be sealed with primer, sealer, or paint. NEVER leave exposed cut edges uncoated. • Shake keyways from one course to the next should not line up vertically. Layout of the application may be necessary to avoid stacked keyways. Staggering the Shake Boards (Fig. 18.3) • All boards are identical. They have a right-hand and a left-hand side. (see sketch). • The right-hand side has its first shake 4-5/16 wide, second one in is 7”, third one in is 8-5/8”, 4th one in is 5”, 5th one in is 5-1/8” wide (see sketch). • All boards must be installed in the same orientation (no flipping boards). • All cuts must be made from the left side of the board. 17 18 Fig. 18.1 Fig. 18.2 Sierra Premium™ Shake & Sierra Premium™ SmoothSierra Premium™ Shake & Sierra Premium™ SmoothPLUS PLUS Course Stairstep Stagger Measure from cornerboard to 7th stud and cut shake board. Measure from cornerboard to 5th stud and cut shake board. Measure from cornerboard to 3rd stud and cut shake board. Measure from cornerboard to 6th stud and cut shake board. Measure from cornerboard to 5th stud and cut shake board. Pattern repeats (same as course 1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 4-7/16”7” 8-5/8” 5-3/8” 7-1/8”5-1/8”6-7/8” 6-7/16”4-1/4”5-5/8” 7-1/4” 5”7-1/2”5-1/8” 5” 8-5/8” 7”4-5/16” 1. Board Orientation (5-1/8” and 5”) shakes AlwAyS to the right side. Sketch of Sierra PremiumTM Shake Plus Board left Right Fig. 18.3 16” O.C. Studs 6 course is the same layout as 1st Course1 5 4 3 2 1 5 Studs 6 Studs 3 Studs 5 Studs 7 Studs left Right Recommended layout for Nichiha Sierra PremiumTM Shake Plus 16”32” 48” 64”80” 96”112” Tr im Board Stud Stud Stud Stud Stud Stud Course Stud Preparation Follow all general instructions on page one of this guide. • Sierra Premium™ Shake Plus and Smooth boards can be installed directly on braced wood construction spaced at a maximum of 24” o.c. or over sheathing with vertical solid wood backing. Please contact Nichiha regarding installation over steel frame construction. (Fig. 17.1) • When installing Sierra Premium™ Shake Plus and Smooth boards, it is recommended that an APA rated 7/16” OSB or plywood sheathing be used. Boards may be installed over non-structural sheathing such as foam, fiber builder board, and gypsum type panels. Non-structural sheathing thickness shall not exceed 1”. Due to the compressive nature of some non-structural sheathings, care must be taken not to overdrive the fastener and compress the sheathing. The fastener length must be increased by the thickness of the non structural sheathing. • Ensure all weather resistive barriers are in place in accordance with local code. • Framing misalignment or irregularities in the sheathing application should be corrected prior to siding installation. These irregularities may mirror through the finished installation. Fastening • Corrosion resistant fasteners, such as hot-dipped galvanized nails and screws that are appropriate to local building codes and practices must be used. Stainless steel fasteners are highly recommended in high- humidity and high-moisture regions. Nichiha is not liable for corrosion resistance of fasteners. Do not use aluminum fasteners, staples, clipped head or T-head nails, or fasteners that are not rated or designed for intended use. • Corrosion resistant, full round head siding nails or appropriate screws may be used to install Sierra Premium™ Shake Plus and Smooth boards to wood framing members. Fasteners must penetrate into wood a minimum of 1”. • The fastener head must be flush to the board surface. Do not over drive or under drive fasteners. Installation Follow all general instructions on page one of this guide. Starter Strip & First Course (Fig. 17.2) • A starter strip is required to set the first course on the proper angle and to create a drip edge at the bottom course of siding. The starter strip material may be a cut piece of Sierra Premium™, FS 1010 ½” Nichiha Spacer, PVC, or pressure treated lumber. Do not use untreated lumber, plywood, OSB, or other engineered wood products as a starter strip. • Install the starter strip level with the bottom of the wall sheathing or mudsill. • Ensure the first course of boards is level as it will be the guide for entire installation. Use a level and chalk line to establish a level and straight reference point for the first course. Continue to check for level lines throughout installation. • The first course of siding must hang below the starter strip a minimum of 1/4”. • The siding should not extend below the corner trim. • The bottom edge of the first course must have at least 6” clearance above finished grade. • It is recommended the course heights remain aligned and transfer around corners. Fig. 17.1 Fig. 17.2 SINGLE WALL Weather Resistive Barrier Stagger weather, Brac ing CONSTRUCTION "' cuts at least 1' I ..,, 24 " o.c. max. j '-F Sheathing Sheathing Weather Resistive Barrier Concrete foundation . Starter Strip Stud -f,:min. --- Sierra Premium• Shake pl~$ Stud 1-1/4" min. overlap Stud q_.\ _ 24 " o.c . max Weat her Resi st ive Barr ier Sierra Prem iu m" Shake pl/Ag Sheathing 1-1/4" mi n. l7 overlap _ lfac~ H n sistive 1-1/4 '; min./ Barrier overlap um" Shake piOS u I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NichiFrontier™ Preparation Follow all general instructions on page one of this guide. • NichiFrontier™ boards can be installed directly on APA rated sheathing, braced wood or steel stud (20GA or heavier) construction, spaced at a maximum of 24” o.c. or over sheathing with vertical solid wood backing. Fasteners must penetrate wood studs a min. of 1” and 1/2” in steel studs. (Fig. 20.1) • When installing NichiFrontier™, it is recommended that an APA rated minimum 7/16” OSB or plywood sheathing be used. Boards may be installed over non-structural sheathing such as foam, fiber builder board, and gypsum type panels. Non-structural sheathing thickness shall not exceed 1”. Due to the compressive nature of some non structural sheathings, care must be taken not to overdrive the fastener and compress the sheathing. The fastener length must be increased by the thickness of the non-structural sheathing. • Ensure all weather resistive barriers are in place in accordance with local code. • Framing misalignment or irregularities in the sheathing application should be corrected prior to siding installation. These irregularities may mirror through the finished installation. Fastening Follow all general instructions on page one of this guide. • Corrosion resistant fasteners, such as hot-dipped galvanized nails and screws that are appropriate to local building codes and practices must be used. Stainless steel fasteners are highly recommended in high-humidity and high-moisture regions. Nichiha is not liable for corrosion resistance of fasteners. Do not use aluminum fasteners, staples, clipped head or T-head nails, or fasteners that are not rated or designed for intended use. • Corrosion resistant, full round head siding nails or appropriate screws may be used to install NichiFrontier™ boards to wood framing members. Fasteners must penetrate into wood a minimum of 1” or 1/2” into metal. • The fastener head must be flush to the board surface. Do not over drive or under drive fasteners. • For special applications, such as areas with high wind loads, please contact the Nichiha Technical Department. Installation Starter Strip & First Course (Fig. 20.2) • A starter strip is required to set the first course on the proper angle and to create the drip edge at the bottom course of siding. The starter strip material may be a cut piece of NichiBoard™, FS 1005 Nichiha Spacer, PVC or pressure treated lumber. Do not use untreated lumber, plywood, OSB or other engineered wood products as a starter strip. • Install the starter strip level with the bottom of the wall sheathing or mudsill. • Ensure the first course of boards is level as it will be the guide for the entire installation. Use a level and chalk line to establish a level and straight reference point for the first course. Continue to check for level lines throughout installation. • The first course of siding must hang below the starter strip a minimum of 1/4”. • The siding should not extend below the corner trim. • The bottom edge of the first course must have at least 6” clearance above finished grade. • It is recommended the course heights remain aligned and transfer around corners. Overlap • A minimum overlap of 1-1/4” is required. Blind Nailing (Fig. 20.3) • For a more aesthetically pleasing installation, NichiFrontier™ boards may be installed in a hidden, or blind nail application. • Position the fastener 1” down from the top edge of the board and no closer than 1/2” from the board ends. Fasten from one end of the board to the other. 19 20 Fig. 20.1 Fig. 20.2 Fig. 20.3 Sierra Premium™ Shake & Sierra Premium™ Smooth Joint Treatment Joint Installation (Fig. 19.1) • The use of a joint flashing behind the butt joints is required. • Suitable materials for joint flashing include anodized or PVC coated coil stock and code approved water restive barriers. • The joint flashing should be at least 3” in width and long enough to extend above the board width a minimum of 1-1/2”. • Install Sierra Premium™ Shake Plus and Smooth boards over joint flashing with a minimum 1/8” gap between board ends. This gap may be filled with a quality exterior grade caulk. Ensure caulk meets ASTM 834 or ASTM C-920 requirements and is approved for use at butt joints. Siding to Trim Joints (Fig. 19.2-19.3) • Where board ends and edges meet trim at inside and outside corners, door, window and other trim attachments, leave a minimum 1/8” gap and caulk with a quality caulk as described above. • Trim attachments must be of sufficient thickness. The overlapped boards must not extend beyond the face of the trim. A continuous solid shim or “build out” behind the trim may be necessary. • A flashed 1/4” clearance must exist over horizontal trim. Alternative Corner Treatments (Fig. 19.4-19.5) • Sierra Premium™ Shake Plus and Smooth boards may also be installed with mitered corners. For best results, use a compound miter saw to accurately cut the 45 degree miter cut and slope angle. • Sierra Premium™ Shake Plus and Smooth boards may also be installed in a laced or staggered corner application. • Nichiha requires installing a galvanized, coated aluminum, or vinyl PVC flashing over the building corner prior to beginning a mitered or laced corner application. • Use a polyurethane adhesive where mitered or laced boards join. Fig. 19.4 Fig. 19.5 Fig. 19.2 Fig. 19.3 Finishing Follow all general finishing instructions on page one of this guide. Fig. 19.1 We ath er Resistive ,~""-,,,., Bar ri er - Stud Sheath ing 1" from panel topi'= .. ·~: , 3/4 " from panel edge I I l J_j J _ Sierr a Pre mium 1/8" gap and ca ul k (op ti ona l) Shake pl/Ag Vertical Joint Weather Resistive Barrier NichiTrimh Po lyurethane adhesi ve Weather Resistive Barrier Sierra Premium· Shake pit)S Sierra Premium· Shake pt~S 1/4" gap Flashing Stud =---~ -= Sheathing ~-Weather · Resistive Barrier Stud Compound Miter 45 ° Sierra Premium · Shake pllJ.S Weather Re:sistive Barrie r Poly--__ -=:'.::::~=::::~-:-=.::::;;.:~-Staggered urethane -----Butt Joint Sealan t 1 SINGLE WALL : . CON STRUCTION Stag:ger weath er Bra cing cuts at least 1' 1 24" o.c. max . ~ Fi nish Staggere d na il pattern ; 1c Min. 6" 1 clearanc e ab ove DOUBLE WALL CONST RUCTION fi nish ed grade She athin g Weather Re sisti ve Barrie r Concret e fo unda tio n Starter Strip 6" min. ~ Ni chiFrontier'" ~ 24 " o.c. max ~ Stud I--- NichiFrontier™NichiFrontier™ Alternative Corner Treatments (Fig. 22.1-22.2) • NichiFrontier™ boards may be installed in a laced or staggered corner application. • Nichiha requires installing a galvanized, coated aluminum, or vinyl PVC flashing over the building corner prior to beginning a laced corner application. • Use a polyurethane adhesive where mitered or laced boards join. 21 22 Face Nailing (Fig. 21.1) • It is permissible to install NichiFrontier boards in a face nail type installation to meet certain installation requirements or when specified by local code. • Position the fastener a minimum distance of 3/4” up from the bottom edge of the board and no more than 1”. This ensures the fastener will penetrate through the overlap and through both courses. Place the fastener no closer than 1/2” from board ends. • Fasten from one end of the board to the other. Butt Joint Placement • All NichiFrontier™ board vertical joints must land or “break’ over studs or framing. • If cut ends are used at butt joints they must be sealed with primer, sealer, or paint. NEVER leave exposed cut edges uncoated. Staggering the Shake Boards • There are 3 different boards that have different shake patterns. This allows for 6 different shake patterns when the boards are flipped. • This is done for ease of installation. Joint Treatment (Fig. 21.2) • The use of a joint flashing behind the butt joints is required. • Suitable materials for joint flashing include anodized or PVC coated coil stock and code approved water restive barriers. • The joint flashing should be at least 3” in width and long enough to extend above the board width a minimum of 1-½”. • Install NichiFrontier™ boards over joint flashing with a 1/8” gap between board ends. As an option, this gap may be filled with a quality exterior grade color-matching sealant. Ensure sealant meets ASTM C-920 requirements and is approved for use at butt joints. Siding to Trim Joints (Fig. 21.3) • Where board ends and edges meet trim at inside and outside corners, door, window and other trim attachments, leave a minimum 1/8” gap and caulk with a quality sealant as described above. • Trim attachments must be of sufficient thickness. The overlapped boards must not extend beyond the face of the trim. A continuous solid shim or “build out” behind the trim may be necessary. • All horizontal trim must be flashed. Leave a 1/4” gap between the siding and flashing. Do not caulk this gap. Do not use raw aluminum flashings. Flashings must be galvanized, anodized or PVC coated. Fig. 21.1 Fig. 21.2 Fig. 21.3 Fig. 22.1 Fig. 22.2 Finishing Follow all general finishing instructions on page one of this guide. Stu d Shea thing 1-1/4" min. overlap Weather ~esisti ve 1-1/4'; min . Ba mer overlap TT"" ~Weather Res isti 1 Barri Stud She athin g 1" from panel toir ---; Nichif rontier" 1/8" gap and caul k (opti onal) Vertical Joint Stud Ni chiFronti er· Weather Resistive Barrier Sheathing Nich iTrim" Poly - urethane Sealant , ~---Nichifront ier• 1/4" gap Flashi ng Stud Sheath ing Weather Resistive Barrier FIBER CEMENT AT ITS BEST, NICHIBOARD, NICHIFRONTIER, NICHIPANEL, NICHIPRODUCTS, NICHISHAKE, NICHISOFFIT, NICHISTAGGERED, NICHISTRAIGHT, NICHITRIM and SIERRA PREMIUM are trademarks of Nichiha USA, Inc. ©2012 Nichiha USA, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. DG 05/12 8K NI-1000 • NichiBoard™, NichiFrontier™, NichiPanel™, NichiShake™, NichiStaggered™, NichiStraight™, Sierra Premium™ Smooth and Sierra Premium™ Shake Plus - lifetime limited warranty*. • NichiTrim™ and NichiSoffit™- 25-year limited warranty*. *See Nichiha warranties for detailed information on terms, conditions and limitations. Visit for easy downloadable warranties or call toll-free 1.866.424.4421 for a copy. Nichiha MSDS is available at, at your local NICHIHA dealer or call NICHIHA direct, toll-free 1.866.424.4421. Nichiha warranties* 23 NichiSoffit™ Preparation Follow all general instructions on page one of this guide. • These instructions are only intended for site construction applications. For applications on modular, panelized, or manufactured housing, please contact Nichiha directly. • NichiSoffit™ panels can be installed directly on braced wood or steel stud (20GA or heavier) construction spaced at maximum 24” on center with the long dimension of the panel perpendicular to framing. • All NichiSoffit panel edges must be supported by framing. Ensure that all necessary framing supports, nailers, ledgers, and sub-fascia are in place prior to installation. Fastening Follow all general fastening instructions on page one of this guide. • Corrosion resistant fasteners, such as hot dipped galvanized nails and screws that are appropriate to local building codes and practices must be used. Stainless steel fasteners are highly recommended in high- humidity and high-moisture regions. Nichiha is not liable for corrosion resistance of fasteners. Do not use aluminum fasteners, staples, clipped head or T-head nails, or fasteners that are not rated or designed for intended use. • Use a corrosion resistant, min. 1-1/2” length, full round head siding nail or appropriate screw to install the soffit to the framing. • The fastener head must be snug or flush to the panel surface. Do not over drive or under drive fasteners. • Fasteners must penetrate wood framing a minimum of 1” and at least 1/2” into metal framing. • NichiSoffit must be joined at a framing member. • Position fasteners a minimum of 3/8” from soffit panel edges and ends, and 2” away from corners. • Place fasteners a maximum of every 8” o. c. at panel edges and intermediate framing members. Installation (Fig. 23.1) • All NichiSoffit panel edges must be supported by framing. Ensure that all necessary framing supports, nailers, ledgers, blocking and/or sub-fascia are in place prior to installation. • NichiSoffit must be installed to minimum nominal 2x4 framing or 20 gauge steel construction spaced at a maximum 24” o. c. • The long dimension of soffit board must be perpendicular to framing. • Position vented soffit panels with the vent holes toward the outside (toward fascia) for optimum airflow. Soffit vents can be installed into unvented NichiSoffit. • If corners are mitered, install blocking from wall corner to inside of fascia corner. • Ensure rafter tails and sub-fascia are of uniform length and width. • The use of a string guide or chalkline is recommended to aid in positioning of the soffit panels. Joint Methods (Fig. 23.2) Join NichiSoffit panel ends by one of the following four methods: • Join the panels in moderate contact. • Leave appropriate gap and caulk according to caulk manufacturer’s recommendations. • Cover the joint with a batten strip. • Use metal or PVC H-channel connector in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Fig. 23.1 Fig. 23.2 Nichiha USA, Inc. 6659 Peachtree Industrial Blvd. Suite AA, Norcross, GA 30092 Toll Free: 1.86 NICHIHA 1, (866) 424-4421 P. (770) 805-9466 F. (770) 805-9467 Product Certifications: Report No. ESR-2894 (wood) Sub-fascia NichiSoffil" ( Fascia Venting to )1 outside of eave 1 Shi m Modera te contact beh ind tr im Butt-to Siding · Framing member Shim Siding :ij l Trim Over Sid ing · Fram ing member H-connector · Framing membe r Leave appropriate gap and caulk