11-09-20 Regular Commission Final Agenda City of Atlantic Beach Final Agenda Regular City Commission Meeting Monday, November 9, 2020 - 6:30 p.m. Commission Chamber City Hall, 800 Seminole Road INVOCATION AND PLEDGE TO THE FLAG CALL TO ORDER Page(s) 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1.A. Approve minutes of the Budget Workshop on July 23, 2020. 07-23-20 Budget Workshop Minutes 5 - 33 * 1.B. Approve minutes of the Budget Workshop on July 30, 2020. 07-30-20 Budget Workshop Minutes 35 - 89 * 1.C. Approve minutes of the Budget Workshop on August 6, 2020. 08-06-20 Budget Workshop Minutes 91 - 124 2. COURTESY OF FLOOR TO VISITORS * 2.A. Recognition of Outgoing Commissioners, Blythe Waters and Cindy Anderson PUBLIC COMMENT 3. CITY MANAGER REPORTS 3.A. City Manager’s Report 4. REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS FROM CITY COMMISSIONERS 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS FROM PREVIOUS MEETING None. 6. CONSENT AGENDA None. 7. COMMITTEE REPORTS None. Page 1 of 152 Regular City Commission - 09 Nov 2020 8. ACTION ON RESOLUTIONS * 8.A. RESOLUTION NO. 20-55 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH EXTENDING THE TERM OF JEB T. BRANHAM AS SPECIAL MAGISTRATE FOR ONE YEAR; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH AND AS NECESSARY TO EFFECTUATE THE PROVISIONS OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Resolution No. 20-55 125 - 126 9. ACTION ON ORDINANCES 9.A. ORDINANCE NO. 20-20-158, Public Hearing and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2020 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Ordinance No. 20-20-158 127 - 128 * 9.B. ORDINANCE NO. 20-20-159, Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2019 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2020, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Ordinance No. 20-20-159 129 - 132 10. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS None. 11. CITY ATTORNEY/CITY CLERK REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS 12. CLOSING COMMENTS BY CITY COMMISSIONERS AND CITY MANAGER RECESS OF RETIRING COMMISSION (PENDING CERTIFICATION OF ELECTION RESULTS) OATHS OF OFFICE FOR NEW COMMISSION (PENDING CERTIFICATION OF ELECTION RESULTS) A. Commissioner-Seat 2 B. Commissioner-Seat 3 C. Mayor-Seat 1 Page 2 of 152 Regular City Commission - 09 Nov 2020 CALL TO ORDER OF NEW COMMISSION (PENDING CERTIFICATION OF ELECTION RESULTS) 13. COURTESY OF FLOOR TO VISITORS 14. ACTION ON RESOLUTIONS 14.A. RESOLUTON NO. 20-49 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE POLICE DEPARTMENT TO PURCHASE THREE FLEET VEHICLES DURING THE 2020- 2021 FISCAL YEAR. Resolution No. 20-49 133 - 136 * 14.B. RESOLUTION NO. 20-52 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AWARDING BID NO. 2021-01 MULTI-YEAR CONTRACT FOR ORTHOPHOSPHATE. Resolution No. 20-52 137 - 140 * 14.C. RESOLUTION NO. 20-53 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AWARDING BID NO. 2021-02 MULTI-YEAR CONTRACT FOR POLYMER FOR THE PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT. Resolution No. 20-53 141 - 143 * 14.D. RESOLUTION NO. 20-54 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AWARDING RFP NO. 21-01 MULTI-YEAR CONTRACT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY SERVICES. Resolution No. 20-54 145 - 147 15. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS FOR ACTION * 15.A. Accept the 90-Day Calendar (November 2020 through January 2021) 90-Day Calendar 149 - 152 16. ANNOUNCEMENTS/COMMENTS 17. ADJOURNMENT This meeting will be live-streamed and videotaped. The video recording will be posted within four business days on the City's website. To access live or recorded videos, click on the Meeting Videos tab on the city's home page at www.coab.us. If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting, such person may n eed a record of the proceedings, and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Page 3 of 152 Regular City Commission - 09 Nov 2020 Any person wishing to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. For your convenience, forms for this purpose are available at the entrance to the Commission Chamber. Every effort is made to indicate what action the City Commission is expected to take on each agenda item. However, the City Commission may act upon any agenda subject, regardless of how the matter is stated on the agenda. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk’s Office by 5:00 PM, the Thursday prior to the meeting. Page 4 of 152 Budget Workshop July 23, 2020 MINUTES Budget Workshop Meeting Thursday, July 23, 2020 - 6:00 PM via Videoconference ATTENDANCE: Present: Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1 Cindy Anderson, Commissioner - Seat 2 (District 1308) Blythe Waters, Commissioner - Seat 3 (District 1307) – arrived at 6:15 PM Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 (District 1306) Brittany Norris, Mayor Pro Tem / Commissioner - Seat 5 (District 1312) Also Present: Shane Corbin, City Manager (CM) Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM) Lori Diaz, Deputy City Clerk 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Pursuant to Governor DeSantis' Executive Order Number 20-69 and COAB Emergency Order, the meeting was held via videoconference. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT DCM Hogencamp stated there were no written comments received. Mayor Glasser requested IT Senior Systems Engineer Bob Cimon to confirm speakers on the platform who wish to speak. Mr. Cimon reported one speaker, Rick Carper. Rick Carper stated the draft budget was not user friendly, does not include a summary and listed numerous items that required explanation. He requested the Commission consider an increase in the stormwater utility fee. Mayor Glasser closed Courtesy of the Floor. 3. FY2020-21 BUDGET UPDATE CM Corbin presented a PowerPoint presentation titled Fiscal Year 2020 -21 Budget Commission Workshop #1 July 23, 2020, (which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as ATTACHMENT A). Page 1 of 29 Agenda Item #1.A. 09 Nov 2020 Page 5 of 152 Budget Workshop July 23, 2020 CM Corbin provided an overview of the slides and requested Commission feedback. (Commissioner Waters arrived at 6:15 PM) Finance Director (FD) Melissa Burns reported that the projected losses were based on networking and previous years. ATTACHMENT A - Fiscal Year 2020-21 Budget Commission Workshop #1 July 23, 2020 4. CITY COMMISSION COMMENTS/QUESTIONS Commissioner Anderson requested explanation of line items with large increases, and what types of services falls under Professional Services and the Communications line item. Commissioner Kelly requested addressing 2020 Priorities that don't cost any money, and requested that the Revenues Impacted by Covid-19 Update slide be publicized. Commissioner Norris conceded with comments for a more user friendly budget, stated she is not against use of the Reserves to cover budget shortfalls and requests department heads attend next budget meeting. Commissioner Waters questioned the use of the Reserves to cover budget shortfalls that are recurring expenses. Mayor Glasser requests FD Burns to research uses for the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act for assistance, requests department heads attend next budget meeting. Questions and discussion ensued regarding guidance for staff. Commission requested: • Clarify that the proposed budget for FY21 assumes approximately $338,000 in lost revenue. • Provide status of the transfer of the re-surfacing increase to the General Fund. • Provide options for use of the FY20 Unspent Funds. • Provide a list of proposed projects that have not yet been done. • Use money from the Re-development Fund for mural/art. • Regarding Reduce or Eliminate 3% Cost of Living Salary Increase: To remain as an option. • Regarding Creating an In-House Position for City Attorney: Provide cost savings, and proposed salary of an In-House position. CM Corbin shared a wish lists of projects by department which included projects that were cut. He proposed the possibility of using FY20 Unspent Funds in this area which would lower the projected expenses. Page 2 of 29 Agenda Item #1.A. 09 Nov 2020 Page 6 of 152 Budget Workshop July 23, 2020 5. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Glasser adjourned the meeting at 7:41 PM. Attest: Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Ellen Glasser, Mayor _______________________________ Date Approved Page 3 of 29 Agenda Item #1.A. 09 Nov 2020 Page 7 of 152 Page 4 of 29 Agenda Item #1.A. 09 Nov 2020 Page 8 of 152 Fiscal Year 2020-21 Budget Commission Workshop #1 July 23, 2020 ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes Page 5 of 29Agenda Item #1.A.09 Nov 2020Page 9 of 152 ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes Page 6 of 29Agenda Item #1.A.09 Nov 2020Page 10 of 152 2020 Priorities •Advancing Racial Equity •Environmental Leadership •Multimodal Mobility and Safety •Mayport Road •Capital Planning and Budgeting •Quality of Life •Partner Development ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes Page 7 of 29Agenda Item #1.A.09 Nov 2020Page 11 of 152 FY 2020-21 Budget Highlights A balanced budget Maintains ad valorem rate of 3.2285 mills; lowest in Duval Co. Completion of major capital projects: - South Seminole drainage, sidewalk - Aquatic Gardens stormwater improvements - Donner Road improvements - Marshside septic-to-sewer ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes Page 8 of 29Agenda Item #1.A.09 Nov 2020Page 12 of 152 FY 2020-21 Budget Highlights 3% salary increase for all employees; additional increase for sworn police personnel Community-oriented policing initiative Police body cameras Security cameras in three locations Promoting racial equality initiative ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes Page 9 of 29Agenda Item #1.A.09 Nov 2020Page 13 of 152 Postponed projects Department/Division Project Approx. Amount Beautification Flyover mural $50,000 Park Maintenance Selva Marina path $50,000 Park Maintenance Aquatic Dog Park improvements $50,000 Street Resurfacing $50,000 Park Maintenance 20th Street Beach Walkover $125,000 Beautification 18th Beach Access $125,000 Recreation Events and Programs $20,000 TOTAL $470,000 ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes Page 10 of 29Agenda Item #1.A.09 Nov 2020Page 14 of 152 Projected Fund Balances 9-30-21 Fund Potential Projects *Projected Balance General Fund Reserves (Restricted)$3,774,233 General Fund Reserves (Unrestricted)3,476,330 Public Utilities 2,114,569 Stormwater Reserves Drainage 711,249 Better Jax Transportation; quality of life / economic dev. / public facilities 1,304,505 Sanitation 1,300,002 Local Option Gas Tax Road and drainage systems 73,141 Tree Protection Tree planting/preservation 50,538 Convention Development Tax Park acquisition/dev.; lifeguard stations; ballfields; tourism promo 50,000 •Projected balance as of 9-30-21 ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes Page 11 of 29Agenda Item #1.A.09 Nov 2020Page 15 of 152 General Fund Reserves At-A-Glance General Fund Operating Budget $15,096,930 % of General Fund General Fund Reserves (Restricted) $3,774,233 25% General Fund Reserves (Unrestricted) 3,476,330 23% General Fund Reserves TOTAL $7,250,563 48% * Projected balance as of 9-30-21 ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes Page 12 of 29Agenda Item #1.A.09 Nov 2020Page 16 of 152 Available Funding Sources Fund Potential Projects Projected Balance Tree Protection Tree planting/preservation $50,539 Convention Development Tax Acquisition and development of parks, lifeguard stations and/or athletic fields; tourism promotion 50,000 Local Option Gas Tax 73,141 Better Jacksonville Tax Share Transportation; environment/quality of life/ targeted economic development/public facilities 1,304,505 ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes Page 13 of 29Agenda Item #1.A.09 Nov 2020Page 17 of 152 Departmental Overviews ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes Page 14 of 29Agenda Item #1.A.09 Nov 2020Page 18 of 152 Governing Body, City Administration & Recreation •$150K legal budget •Continuing Recreation internship program •New dog festival ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes Page 15 of 29Agenda Item #1.A.09 Nov 2020Page 19 of 152 Planning and Building •Development review and permitting •Continuing development of a parks master plan •Environmental Stewardship •LEED initiatives •Tree Plantings •Tree Code Update ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes Page 16 of 29Agenda Item #1.A.09 Nov 2020Page 20 of 152 Public Safety •4-7 Vehicles •Expanding Body Camera Program •Community Oriented Policing (COPs program) •Security Cameras •18th Street Beach Access •Tideviews •Town Center ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes Page 17 of 29Agenda Item #1.A.09 Nov 2020Page 21 of 152 Public Works •Aquatic Gardens Stormwater Improvement Project •Donner Road and Sidewalk Improvement Project •Maintenance of Buildings, Beach, Parks and Public Rights- of-Way ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes Page 18 of 29Agenda Item #1.A.09 Nov 2020Page 22 of 152 Public Utilities •Completing the Marshside Septic-to-Sewer Project •Lift Station Repairs •Selva Marina Forced Main Extension •Donner Road Forced Main Replacement •Odor Control •General Maintenance ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes Page 19 of 29Agenda Item #1.A.09 Nov 2020Page 23 of 152 Proposed budget assumes approximately $338,000 in lost revenue. ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes Page 20 of 29Agenda Item #1.A.09 Nov 2020Page 24 of 152 Pg. 9 ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes Page 21 of 29Agenda Item #1.A.09 Nov 2020Page 25 of 152 General Fund Reserves At-A-Glance General Fund Operating Budget $15,096,930 % of General Fund General Fund Reserves (Restricted) $3,774,233 25% General Fund Reserves (Unrestricted) 3,476,330 23% General Fund Reserves TOTAL $7,250,563 48% * Projected balance as of 9-30-21 ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes Page 22 of 29Agenda Item #1.A.09 Nov 2020Page 26 of 152 Pg. 5 ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes Page 23 of 29Agenda Item #1.A.09 Nov 2020Page 27 of 152 Considerations and Guidance •Revenue Loss May be Less Than Projected: $388K •Consider Funds from FY 20 Budget Unspent: $400K •Utilize Unrestricted Reserves: $3,476,330 •Create In-House Position for City Attorney •Make Additional Reductions from General Fund •Police •Public Works •City Administration •Reduce or Eliminate 3% Cost of Living Salary Increase (77k per percentage point) ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes Page 24 of 29Agenda Item #1.A.09 Nov 2020Page 28 of 152 ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes Page 25 of 29Agenda Item #1.A.09 Nov 2020Page 29 of 152 Priorities (est. January 2020; amended July 2020) ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes Page 26 of 29Agenda Item #1.A.09 Nov 2020Page 30 of 152 Priorities (est. January 2020; amended July 2020) ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes Page 27 of 29Agenda Item #1.A.09 Nov 2020Page 31 of 152 Priorities (est. January 2020; amended July 2020) ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes Page 28 of 29Agenda Item #1.A.09 Nov 2020Page 32 of 152 Priorities (est. January 2020; amended July 2020) ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes Page 29 of 29Agenda Item #1.A.09 Nov 2020Page 33 of 152 Page 34 of 152 Budget Workshop July 30, 2020 MINUTES Budget Workshop Meeting Thursday, July 30, 2020 - 6:00 PM Commission Chamber ATTENDANCE: Present: Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1 Cindy Anderson, Commissioner - Seat 2 (District 1308) Blythe Waters, Commissioner - Seat 3 (District 1307) – arrived at 6:07 PM Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 (District 1306) Brittany Norris, Mayor Pro Tem / Commissioner - Seat 5 (District 1312) Also Present: Shane Corbin, City Manager (CM) Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA) Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM) 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Pursuant to Governor DeSantis' Executive Order Number 20-69 and COAB Emergency Order, the meeting was held via videoconference. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT DCM Hogencamp stated there were no written comments received. Mayor Glasser requested IT Senior Systems Engineer Bob Cimon to confirm speakers on the platform who wish to speak. Mr. Cimon reported one speaker, Rick Carper. Rick Carper stated that the draft budget contains significant revisions but still with no explanations or a summary. He requested explanations of the following: • Purpose of the Debt Service Fund - a new entry. • The Building Departments $35,000 transfer, to line is blank. • The Public Safety Police Administration Division's Pension costs increase of over $200,000 • Tree Mitigation Funds- none were shown or expected. • Street Re-surfacing projected costs for this year. • Purpose of the Local Option Gas Tax Fund $212,000 transfer to the General Fund. • Parks Division increase of $163,00 in Contract Services and $40,000 increase in Professional Services. • Parks Division $56,000 decrease in Repairs, Maintenance and Operating Supplies, and • Public Utilities Dept. $400,000 increase in Operating Expenses. Page 1 of 55 Agenda Item #1.B. 09 Nov 2020 Page 35 of 152 Budget Workshop July 30, 2020 He stated there is still no long term financial plan shown in the budget. 3. FY2020-21 BUDGET UPDATE CM Corbin presented a PowerPoint presentation titled Fiscal Year 2020 -21 Budget Commission Workshop #2 July 30, 2020, (which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as ATTACHMENT A). (Commissioner Waters arrived at 6:07 PM) He provided an overview of the slides, explaining the changes that were made in response to feedback provided at the previous Workshop. He reported since the receipt of revenues, the projected lost revenue amount decreased and Better Jax money was more than budgeted. This resulted in being $338,670 under budget. CM Corbin opened staff presentations. Public Works and Public Utilities City Engineer (CE) Steve Swann presented a PowerPoint titled Public Works & Public Utilities Capital Projects FY19/20 Carry Over & FY20/21 Proposed, (which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as ATTACHMENT B). He reported that several projects have been delayed due to COVID and Public Utilities Dept. staff changes. He provided an explanation of the Capital Projects. Public Works (PW) Director Scott Williams provided an explanation of the Carry Over Projects. Further discussion and questions ensued regarding timelines, costs and proposed projects for 20/21. All questions were answered. CE Swann to present the Commission with the full list of long deferred projects for beyond 20/21. Police Department Interim Chief Vic Gualillo reported on the $250,000 increase in the requested budget from last year’s amount. He explained this being due to the need to fund the Special Pay category, equipment upgrades and building maintenance. Discussion and questions ensued regarding the Special Pay category, upgrade of the lifeguard station, and reasons for staff of two animal control officers. Interim Chief Gualillo was asked what the Professional Services and Contract Services line item amounts are used for? Interim Chief Gualillo reported that Professional Services would be used for pre-employment testing, psychological screening, Hepatitis B testing/vaccinations, COVID testing, filling forfeitures, and other state fees. Contract Services are used to cover payment of vendors. Chief Gualillo was asked what the criteria is for determining when to replace police department vehicles. He stated on average seven (7) years or $100,000 miles per vehicle. Page 2 of 55 Agenda Item #1.B. 09 Nov 2020 Page 36 of 152 Budget Workshop July 30, 2020 Further discussion and questions ensued regarding staffing, status of a Community Policing Officer, the parking attendant position, costs to monitor 18th Street and the reason for the increase of Pension payments. Finance Director (FD) Burns replied regarding the increase of Pension payments. She reported it is due to an increase in wages and was in relation to the Special Pay. She added that Special Pay and overtime are considered salary, as far as Pension. FD Burns to look into how this was budgeted for previously, to explain why it showed up as such a large increase this year. CM Corbin requested guidance regarding proposed projects on slide 10 of the PowerPoint. ATTACHMENT A - Fiscal Year 2020-21 Budget Commission Workshop #2 July 30, 2020 ATTACHMENT B - Public Works & Public Utilities Capital Projects FY19-20 & FY20-21 4. CITY COMMISSION COMMENTS/QUESTIONS Commissioner Kelly is in favor of continuing Park Maintenance. Commissioner Norris concurred with Commissioner Kelly. Commissioner Anderson concurred with Commissioner Kelly and Commissioner Norris. Commissioner Waters spoke regarding the improvements that have been done to the parks and inquired about the status of the draft Parks Master Plan. She would like to see it soon. Mayor Glasser inquired about the status of the draft Parks Master Plan. She would like to see it soon. For the next workshop she requested for staff to address Rick Carpers questions, to see a list of the park projects that can be completed and for all department heads to attend. 5. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Glasser adjourned the meeting at 7:55 PM. Attest: Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Ellen Glasser, Mayor ______________________________ Date Approved Page 3 of 55 Agenda Item #1.B. 09 Nov 2020 Page 37 of 152 Page 4 of 55 Agenda Item #1.B. 09 Nov 2020 Page 38 of 152 Fiscal Year 2020-21 Budget Commission Workshop #2 July 30, 2020 ATTACHMENT A July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 5 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 39 of 152 ATTACHMENT A July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 6 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 40 of 152 Draft 2 Updates •More User Friendly •Table of Contents •Page Numbers •Description of Funds •Revenues and Expenses •3rd Draft •Definition of Elements •Separate Parks and Recreation •Maps •Revenues and Expenses ATTACHMENT A July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 7 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 41 of 152 FY 2020-21 Budget Highlights A balanced budget Maintains ad valorem rate of 3.2285 mills; lowest in Duval Co. Completion of major capital projects: -South Seminole drainage, sidewalk -Aquatic Gardens stormwater improvements -Donner Road improvements -Marshside septic-to-sewer ATTACHMENT A July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 8 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 42 of 152 FY 2020-21 Budget Highlights 3% salary increase for all employees; additional increase for sworn police personnel Community-oriented policing initiative Police body cameras Security cameras in three locations Promoting racial equality initiative ATTACHMENT A July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 9 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 43 of 152 Proposed budget assumes approximately $338,000 in lost revenue. ATTACHMENT A July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 10 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 44 of 152 Pg. 9 1st Draft 1st Draft ATTACHMENT A July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 11 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 45 of 152 Pg. 9 2nd Draft = $207,029 Less Combination of Variables ATTACHMENT A July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 12 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 46 of 152 2019-2020 Budget Modification •2019-2020 Unspent = $440,000 (Now to reserves) •2 Patrol Vehicles $110,000 •1 Det. Vehicle $40,000 •Radio Console Upgrade $61,000 •8 Laptop Computers $19,200 •9 Police Portable Radios ($4500 ea.) $46,000 •Police Radio Console Data Connection upgrade $17,500 •$293,700 Taken Out of 2021-2022 •$146,300 Under Budget ATTACHMENT A July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 13 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 47 of 152 Considerations and Guidance •Revenue Loss May be Less Than Projected: $388K •Consider Funds from FY 20 Budget Unspent: $440K •Utilize Unrestricted Reserves: $3,476,330 •Create In-House Position for City Attorney •Make Additional Reductions from General Fund •Police •Public Works •City Administration •Reduce or Eliminate 3% Cost of Living Salary Increase (77k per percentage point) ATTACHMENT A July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 14 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 48 of 152 •Better Jax = $500,000 more than budgeted for •Balanced = $166,330 $ 333,670 Under Budget •Public Works Projects (Donner Park, Beach Walkovers, Park Maintenance, etc.) •Create Land Acquisition Fund (2020 Priority) •Police Pension (Ongoing Need) •Reserve Fund to receive approximately $440,000 of unspent revenue Considerations and Guidance ATTACHMENT A July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 15 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 49 of 152 General Fund Reserves At-A-Glance General Fund Operating Budget $15,096,930 % of General Fund General Fund Reserves (Restricted) $3,774,233 25% General Fund Reserves (Unrestricted) 3,476,330 23% General Fund Reserves TOTAL $7,250,563 48% * Projected balance as of 9-30-21 ATTACHMENT A July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 16 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 50 of 152 Departmental Overviews ATTACHMENT A July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 17 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 51 of 152 Pg. 5 ATTACHMENT A July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 18 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 52 of 152 ATTACHMENT A July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 19 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 53 of 152 Available Funding Sources Fund Potential Projects Projected Balance Tree Protection Tree planting/preservation $50,539 Convention Development Tax Acquisition and development of parks, lifeguard stations and/or athletic fields; tourism promotion 50,000 Local Option Gas Tax 73,141 Better Jacksonville Tax Share Transportation; environment/quality of life/ targeted economic development/public facilities 1,304,505 ATTACHMENT A July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 20 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 54 of 152 Postponed Projects and Other Unspent Revenue Department/Division Project Approx. Amount Beautification Flyover mural Move to Redevelopment $50,000 Park Maintenance Selva Marina path $50,000 Park Maintenance Aquatic Dog Park improvements $50,000 Street Resurfacing $50,000 Park Maintenance 20th Street Beach Walkover $125,000 Beautification 18th Beach Access $125,000 Recreation Events and Programs $20,000 Various Other ????? TOTAL $440,000 ATTACHMENT A July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 21 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 55 of 152 Projected Fund Balances 9-30-21 Fund Potential Projects *Projected Balance General Fund Reserves (Restricted)$3,774,233 General Fund Reserves (Unrestricted)3,476,330 Public Utilities 2,114,569 Stormwater Reserves Drainage 711,249 Better Jax Transportation; quality of life / economic dev. / public facilities 1,304,505 Sanitation 1,300,002 Local Option Gas Tax Road and drainage systems 73,141 Tree Protection Tree planting/preservation 50,538 Convention Development Tax Park acquisition/dev.; lifeguard stations; ballfields;tourism promo 50,000 •Projected balance as of 9-30-21 ATTACHMENT A July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 22 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 56 of 152 General Fund Reserves At-A-Glance General Fund Operating Budget $15,096,930 % of General Fund General Fund Reserves (Restricted) $3,774,233 25% General Fund Reserves (Unrestricted) 3,476,330 23% General Fund Reserves TOTAL $7,250,563 48% * Projected balance as of 9-30-21 ATTACHMENT A July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 23 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 57 of 152 Priorities (est. January 2020; amended July 2020) ATTACHMENT A July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 24 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 58 of 152 Priorities (est. January 2020; amended July 2020) ATTACHMENT A July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 25 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 59 of 152 Priorities (est. January 2020; amended July 2020) ATTACHMENT A July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 26 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 60 of 152 Priorities (est. January 2020; amended July 2020) ATTACHMENT A July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 27 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 61 of 152 Page 28 of 55 Agenda Item #1.B. 09 Nov 2020 Page 62 of 152 Public Works & Public Utilities Capital Projects FY19/20 Carry Over & FY20/21 Proposed ATTACHMENT B July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 29 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 63 of 152 Public Works Projects ATTACHMENT B July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 30 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 64 of 152 ATTACHMENT B July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 31 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 65 of 152 Donner Road Reconstruction ATTACHMENT B July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 32 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 66 of 152 Public Safety Storage Building ATTACHMENT B July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 33 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 67 of 152 Aquatic Gardens Drainage Improvements ATTACHMENT B July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 34 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 68 of 152 Aquatic Gardens Drainage Improvements ATTACHMENT B July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 35 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 69 of 152 Seminole Rd Drainage and Multi-Use Path ATTACHMENT B July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 36 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 70 of 152 ATTACHMENT B July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 37 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 71 of 152 Donner Park Improvements –New Parking & Basketball Court Rehabilitation ATTACHMENT B July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 38 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 72 of 152 Public Works Building Design & Engineering ATTACHMENT B July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 39 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 73 of 152 16th Street Walkover Engineering ATTACHMENT B July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 40 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 74 of 152 Public Utilities Projects ATTACHMENT B July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 41 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 75 of 152 ATTACHMENT B July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 42 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 76 of 152 WTP No. 4 Tank Rehabilitation ATTACHMENT B July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 43 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 77 of 152 WTP No. 1 Modernization ATTACHMENT B July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 44 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 78 of 152 WWTF Digester Bridge Rehabilitation ATTACHMENT B July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 45 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 79 of 152 WWTF Clarifier Drive Replacement ATTACHMENT B July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 46 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 80 of 152 ATTACHMENT B July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 47 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 81 of 152 Potable Water Distribution Improvements 4 Projects Planned to Increase Fire Protection New Connection across Mayport Rd ATTACHMENT B July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 48 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 82 of 152 Marsh Oaks Septic to Sewer ATTACHMENT B July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 49 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 83 of 152 Selva Marina Dr Forcemain Extension ATTACHMENT B July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 50 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 84 of 152 Donner Rd Forcemain Replacement ATTACHMENT B July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 51 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 85 of 152 Cavalla Water Service Upgrade ATTACHMENT B July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 52 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 86 of 152 Puckett Creek Forcemain Crossing ATTACHMENT B July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 53 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 87 of 152 WWTF Emergency Outfall Repair ATTACHMENT B July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 54 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 88 of 152 Reclaimed Water Improvements ATTACHMENT B July 30, 2020 Minutes Page 55 of 55Agenda Item #1.B.09 Nov 2020Page 89 of 152 Page 90 of 152 Budget Workshop August 6, 2020 MINUTES Budget Workshop Meeting Thursday, August 6, 2020 - 6:00 PM Commission Chamber ATTENDANCE: Present: Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1 Cindy Anderson, Commissioner - Seat 2 (District 1308) Blythe Waters, Commissioner - Seat 3 (District 1307) Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 (District 1306) Brittany Norris, Mayor Pro Tem / Commissioner - Seat 5 (District 1312) Also Present: Shane Corbin, City Manager (CM) Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA) Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM) 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Pursuant to Governor DeSantis' Executive Order Number 20-69 and COAB Emergency Order, the meeting was held via videoconference. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Glasser requested IT Senior Systems Engineer Bob Cimon to confirm speakers on the platform who wish to speak. Mr. Cimon reported one speaker, Rick Carper. Rick Carper spoke regarding ways to create a user friendly budget, and additional comments regarding the 3rd draft budget. He requested the Commission to look for more money for street resurfacing. CC Bartle reported that there were no written comments received. Mayor Glasser closed Courtesy of the Floor. 3. FY2020-21 BUDGET UPDATE 3A. FY2020-2021 Proposed Budget - 3rd Draft CM Corbin presented a PowerPoint presentation titled Fiscal Year 2020-21 Budget Commission Workshop #3 August 6, 2020, (which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as ATTACHMENT A). Page 1 of 34 Agenda Item #1.C. 09 Nov 2020 Page 91 of 152 Budget Workshop August 6, 2020 CM Corbin reported that department summaries will be included in the budget for the September 1st hearing, that department heads are present for questions and he stated that we are now $75, 000 under budget. Shortfalls were less than expected. CM Corbin opened Department Overviews. ATTACHMENT A - Fiscal Year 2020-21 Budget Commission Workshop #3 August 6, 2020 3B. Department Heads Building Building Official Dan Arlington provided an overview of slide 11 of the PowerPoint. He answered questions regarding the Contract Services line item. Mayor Glasser asked for clarification that this draft included the 3% increase for staff salaries. CM Corbin replied yes. Finance Finance Director (FD) Melissa Burns provided an overview of slide 12 of the PowerPoint. She answered questions regarding training for Pension Board members and her Professional Services and Contract Services line items. Human Resources Human Resources (HR) Director Cathy Varian provided an overview of slide 13 of the PowerPoint. She reported that everything else remains the same and answered questions regarding trainings. Commissioner Kelly emphasized career development training for all departments. HR Director Varian reported that although her budget amount did not go up things were rearranged and will need to be reallocated. She reported on HR's use of the Professional Services and Contract Services line items. Information Technology DCM Hogencamp provided an overview of slide 14 of the PowerPoint. IT Senior Systems Engineer Bob Cimon answered questions regarding the Communications and Contract Services line items. Mayor Glasser asked where Cyber Security is budgeted for and what are we doing in regards to cyber security? Mr. Cimon replied it is budgeted for in Recurring Expenses for software services. He stated we have layers of tested procedures in place. HR Director Varian reported that insurance for security breach is budgeted for in the General Liability Fund. Mr. Cimon reported we have layers of data recovery/back up capabilities. Page 2 of 34 Agenda Item #1.C. 09 Nov 2020 Page 92 of 152 Budget Workshop August 6, 2020 Planning Planning and Community Development Director (PCDD) Amanda Askew reviewed slide 15 of the PowerPoint. She answered questions regarding the increase in the Communications and Contract Services line items. Public Works Public Works (PW) Director Scott Williams provided an overview of slide 16 of the PowerPoint. He answered questions regarding the canopies at Vet Park and Sunset Pier, priorities of the projects, the recurring costs of a splash pad, and the uncertainty of projects without having an approved Parks Master Plan. There were additional questions regarding the savings of installing LED lights at the Rose Park Soccer Field, street paving being in the budget, and the 50% increase in the Contractual Services line item. PW Director Williams replied he did not know. Mayor Glasser requested CM Corbin to provide a breakdown of that line item and the General Fund for Landscaping increase. FD Burns stated the reason for the increase in the General Fund for Landscaping was that previously it had not been budgeted properly. PW Director Williams provided an update on the status of the budget for sidewalks this year. Mayor Glasser requested sidewalk repair at the stretch between Ahern Street, East Coast Drive and Beach Avenue. PW Director Williams stated he is working on a plan for that area. Commissioner Anderson requested a better delineation in the budget of what the Public Works Contract Services line item includes. CM Corbin stated the specifics will be provided for next meeting. Recreation Cultural Arts and Recreation Director Timmy Johnson provided an overview of slide 18 of the PowerPoint. He answered questions regarding the budget for after school programs. Commissioner Kelly suggested hiring more interns. Director Johnson answered questions regarding his department’s use of Contract Services and Communications line items. There was further questions and discussion regarding Contributions, and the budget for Senior Programs. Mayor Glasser requested ongoing suggestions for additional Senior Programs. She also suggested supporting non-profit community agencies with a donation. FD Burns confirmed there is $6000 budgeted for this purpose. Public Utilities CM Corbin presented slide 26 for viewing and reported this department was discussed at length at the previous workshop. Commissioner Kelly requested explanation of the Delinquent Charges line item for $181,000 on page 76 of the budget. Public Utilities (PU) Director Troy Stephens referred to FD Burns to explain. FD Burns reported they Page 3 of 34 Agenda Item #1.C. 09 Nov 2020 Page 93 of 152 Budget Workshop August 6, 2020 are utility late charges in collections. Mayor Glasser requested FD Burns to ensure this amount does not include charges on hold during the COVID period. She also requested PU Director Stephens or CE Swann to provide her the projects presentation from last workshop. Legal Counsel CA Durden reported on slide 23 of the PowerPoint. She stated based on her experience this is an appropriate amount. The budget amount is accepted until other options are explored. This has nothing to do with the quality of work provided by CA Durden. City Clerk CC Bartle provided an overview of slide 24 of the PowerPoint. There were no questions for CC Bartle. Mayor Glasser mentioned the upcoming performance evaluations of Charter Officers. She stated that a correction will be forthcoming for CC Bartle to receive her 3% raise from this time last year. She stated it was delayed due to conversations regarding renegotiation of her contract. CM Corbin confirmed the money for her raise needs budgeted. City Manager CM Corbin reviewed slide 25 of the PowerPoint. There were no questions. Public Safety CM Corbin presented slide 27 for viewing and reported this department was discussed at length at the previous workshop. Mayor Glasser inquired if there is County money assistance for employee COVID testing. Chief Gualillo stated it is most beneficial to contract with a private entity. 4. CITY COMMISSION/QUESTIONS Commissioner Norris requested the presentation of the Parks Master Plan. Mayor Glasser expressed concerns and suggested a joint workshop so everyone is on the same page. Commissioner Kelly spoke regarding the efficiency of the new Environmental Stewardship Committee (ESC) Chair and is confident it will be presented soon. She requested CPDD Askew provide a status of how it is progressing on the ESC's agenda. Mayor Glasser spoke regarding the public input from the workshop and the need for ESC to be aware and synchronized with this information. Commissioner Anderson spoke regarding jurisdiction of ESC and the need to move forward. Page 4 of 34 Agenda Item #1.C. 09 Nov 2020 Page 94 of 152 Budget Workshop August 6, 2020 Mayor Glasser and CM Corbin confirmed it is part of ESC duties to make recommendation on parks, etc. CC Bartle stated she needs to add the money for her cell phone to her budget. Mayor Glasser stated to provide the information to CM Corbin. Mayor Glasser confirmed with CM Corbin that no additional information was needed. He thanked the Commission for their time and input. 5. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Glasser adjourned the meeting at 8:11 PM. Attest: Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Ellen Glasser, Mayor _______________________________ Date Approved Page 5 of 34 Agenda Item #1.C. 09 Nov 2020 Page 95 of 152 Page 6 of 34 Agenda Item #1.C. 09 Nov 2020 Page 96 of 152 Fiscal Year 2020-21 Budget Commission Workshop #3 August 6, 2020 ATTACHMENT A August 6, 2020 Minutes Page 7 of 34Agenda Item #1.C.09 Nov 2020Page 97 of 152 ATTACHMENT A August 6, 2020 Minutes Page 8 of 34Agenda Item #1.C.09 Nov 2020Page 98 of 152 Draft 3 Updates •Separated Parks Maintenance from Recreation •Moved Tree Protection Fund into Planning •Revenues and Expenses •Better Revenues Than Expected •Fixed Several Accounting Errors •Moved Capital Expenses to Better Jax •Approximately 75k Under Budget as Proposed •Final Draft •Definition of Elements •Department Summaries ATTACHMENT A August 6, 2020 Minutes Page 9 of 34Agenda Item #1.C.09 Nov 2020Page 99 of 152 Pg. 9 1st Draft 1st Draft ATTACHMENT A August 6, 2020 Minutes Page 10 of 34Agenda Item #1.C.09 Nov 2020Page 100 of 152 2nd Draft = $207,029 Less Combination of Variables ATTACHMENT A August 6, 2020 Minutes Page 11 of 34Agenda Item #1.C.09 Nov 2020Page 101 of 152 Pg. 10 3nd Draft = $74,468 Under Budget Better than Expected Revenues / Capital Expenses to Better Jax ATTACHMENT A August 6, 2020 Minutes Page 12 of 34Agenda Item #1.C.09 Nov 2020Page 102 of 152 Pg. 6 ATTACHMENT A August 6, 2020 Minutes Page 13 of 34Agenda Item #1.C.09 Nov 2020Page 103 of 152 Proposed budget assumes approximately $338,000 in lost revenue. ATTACHMENT A August 6, 2020 Minutes Page 14 of 34Agenda Item #1.C.09 Nov 2020Page 104 of 152 General Fund Reserves At-A-Glance General Fund Operating Budget $15,096,930 % of General Fund General Fund Reserves (Restricted) $3,774,233 25% General Fund Reserves (Unrestricted) 3,476,330 23% General Fund Reserves TOTAL $7,250,563 48% * Projected balance as of 9-30-21 Approximately $400,000 Unspent Funding Returning to Reserves. ATTACHMENT A August 6, 2020 Minutes Page 15 of 34Agenda Item #1.C.09 Nov 2020Page 105 of 152 Department Overviews ATTACHMENT A August 6, 2020 Minutes Page 16 of 34Agenda Item #1.C.09 Nov 2020Page 106 of 152 Building Building Department budget remained basically flat except for: •Decrease in salaries should not be, one unfilled position •Increase in Pension is due to re-allocation of employer contributions •Decrease in Contractual Services, CRS consultant services no longer needed •Not purchasing vehicles in FY21 as we did in FY20 ATTACHMENT A August 6, 2020 Minutes Page 17 of 34Agenda Item #1.C.09 Nov 2020Page 107 of 152 Finance •Increase in professional services due to usual annual increase in audit fees •Increase in postage – third party vendor for utility bills increase in fees •Training shows a $1,975 increase, but will be going down. A conference scheduled in October will more than likely be virtual thus reducing the cost. ATTACHMENT A August 6, 2020 Minutes Page 18 of 34Agenda Item #1.C.09 Nov 2020Page 108 of 152 Human Resources •The pension item was reduced $12,234. This reduction was because the required contribution by the employer for the General Employees’ Pension went down. •The increase in salary of $6,452 was offset by the reduction in pension of $12,234, which left an overall decrease in the HR budget of $5,571. ATTACHMENT A August 6, 2020 Minutes Page 19 of 34Agenda Item #1.C.09 Nov 2020Page 109 of 152 Information Technology •Reductions of $18,000 in contractual services due to performing work in- house. •Virtual server/document management initiative to save $80,000 per year. •Job Title/Restructuring - $17,000 ATTACHMENT A August 6, 2020 Minutes Page 20 of 34Agenda Item #1.C.09 Nov 2020Page 110 of 152 Planning •Contract Services $30,000.00 •Adaptation Planning and Other Grants •Printing and Publishing $15,000.00 •Public Notifications •Environmental Stewardship Committee Projects •Decrease in Expenses •Redevelopment Fund Not Showing – To be Resolved •Accounting Salary Error Resolved ATTACHMENT A August 6, 2020 Minutes Page 21 of 34Agenda Item #1.C.09 Nov 2020Page 111 of 152 Public Works Parks Projects •Pavilion at Tideview Preserve •Pavilion at Howell Park •Replace Canopy at the end of walkway at Sunset Pier •Replace canopy over stage at Vet Park •Change all Tennis Courts and pickle ball courts lighting to LED at Donner Park •Lighting at the Rose Park Soccer Field •Donner Park Improvements Streets Projects •Complete three different projects on Seminole and have an 8’ bike path from Atlantic Blvd. to the City Hall •Milling and paving City Streets (approx. $200K to 300K) •Donner Road Reconstruction Project ATTACHMENT A August 6, 2020 Minutes Page 22 of 34Agenda Item #1.C.09 Nov 2020Page 112 of 152 Public Works Stormwater Projects •Aquatic Storm water project •Purchase of a Vac-Con camera for viewing inside of the pipes •Purchase of a Mini skid steer for cleaning beach accesses walkovers •Purchase of Mulcher attachment for our skid steer Special Projects •16th Street Beach Walkover design and Engineering •Design and Engineering of Public Works building •Design and Engineering of replacing the Dutton Island Road Bridge ATTACHMENT A August 6, 2020 Minutes Page 23 of 34Agenda Item #1.C.09 Nov 2020Page 113 of 152 Recreation Recreation budget remained basically flat: •Summer Internship Program •Overtime to staff events •Senior and After school Program •Atlantic Beach Youth Council • ContribuƟon Program •Events which will include a Dog Festival ATTACHMENT A August 6, 2020 Minutes Page 24 of 34Agenda Item #1.C.09 Nov 2020Page 114 of 152 ATTACHMENT A August 6, 2020 Minutes Page 25 of 34Agenda Item #1.C.09 Nov 2020Page 115 of 152 Available Funding Sources Fund Potential Projects Projected Balance Tree Protection Tree planting/preservation $50,539 Convention Development Tax Acquisition and development of parks, lifeguard stations and/or athletic fields; tourism promotion 50,000 Local Option Gas Tax 73,141 Better Jacksonville Tax Share Transportation; environment/quality of life/ targeted economic development/public facilities 1,304,505 ATTACHMENT A August 6, 2020 Minutes Page 26 of 34Agenda Item #1.C.09 Nov 2020Page 116 of 152 Projected Fund Balances 9-30-21 Fund Potential Projects *Projected Balance General Fund Reserves (Restricted)$3,774,233 General Fund Reserves (Unrestricted)3,476,330 Public Utilities 2,114,569 Stormwater Reserves Drainage 711,249 Better Jax Transportation; quality of life / economic dev. / public facilities 1,304,505 Sanitation 1,300,002 Local Option Gas Tax Road and drainage systems 73,141 Tree Protection Tree planting/preservation 50,538 Convention Development Tax Park acquisition/dev.; lifeguard stations; ballfields; tourism promo 50,000 •Projected balance as of 9-30-21 ATTACHMENT A August 6, 2020 Minutes Page 27 of 34Agenda Item #1.C.09 Nov 2020Page 117 of 152 General Fund Reserves At-A-Glance General Fund Operating Budget $15,096,930 % of General Fund General Fund Reserves (Restricted) $3,774,233 25% General Fund Reserves (Unrestricted) 3,476,330 23% General Fund Reserves TOTAL $7,250,563 48% * Projected balance as of 9-30-21 Approximately $400,000 Unspent Funding Returning to Reserves. ATTACHMENT A August 6, 2020 Minutes Page 28 of 34Agenda Item #1.C.09 Nov 2020Page 118 of 152 Legal Council •No Change - $150,000.00 ATTACHMENT A August 6, 2020 Minutes Page 29 of 34Agenda Item #1.C.09 Nov 2020Page 119 of 152 City Clerk •Overtime – decrease– staff utilizes Comp Time option •Professional Services – None anticipated – this is typically used for employee screening •Other Contractual Services - Increase - higher hourly rate of pay for contractor hired to help with minutes. •Repairs and Maintenance - Increase - iCompass’ annual fee increased •Operating Supplies –overall increase- increased picnic allowance + budgeted notary renewal for city clerk ATTACHMENT A August 6, 2020 Minutes Page 30 of 34Agenda Item #1.C.09 Nov 2020Page 120 of 152 City Manger •Salaries and Wages decreased by $5,596 •Operating Expenses increased $ 1,428 ATTACHMENT A August 6, 2020 Minutes Page 31 of 34Agenda Item #1.C.09 Nov 2020Page 121 of 152 Public Utilities Proposed budget increase of $1.5M •New development requiring improved Fire Flow •Required Critical Maintenance Activities: Lift Station Repairs Force Main Repairs •System Improvements: Odor & Corrosion Control Selva Marina Force Main Extension Septic to Sewer - Marsh Oaks •Donner Road Rebuild: Replace Emergency Outfall Line Replace Donner LS Force Main ATTACHMENT A August 6, 2020 Minutes Page 32 of 34Agenda Item #1.C.09 Nov 2020Page 122 of 152 Public Safety •City Pension Contribution $250,000 •Special Pay $152,000 •Body Camera Phase II $50,000 •Community Security Cameras $43,000 •Communications Consoles $60,000 •Administrative Staff Step Plan •Emerg. Comm. Off. Step Plan ATTACHMENT A August 6, 2020 Minutes Page 33 of 34Agenda Item #1.C.09 Nov 2020Page 123 of 152 Pg. 5 ATTACHMENT A August 6, 2020 Minutes Page 34 of 34Agenda Item #1.C.09 Nov 2020Page 124 of 152 m.H>~«hHaNH~.OH».H Quit.Ora>H4F.>zH.Hnuw~m>G= 002:5-mm—02_<=wH...~ZO >0uH2U>5.575_N¢mO_r.:G_...20.MOAMM mC.w~<=.H.-._mUW!”>=Wm_N_.._NN.._v?Ooaa—w5.nO_.n01:0:nOWIOGH A.OU><»mU>.u.-muZO<0n:CG1U.NONO _<-HH,...20HU>H.uHuZO<0_1UW..C.MONO .w>O_AQ~w0C2H:.1700:0‘01\.Z._N:ZOWGNGIOO:n..n.Onm<52‘.mnnnz?avxhmc.._...W..N=w:u_..._n0 mm..<aNwmnmn.m_.:uwmm.:.:o3:nm..::§onm.,omE,a_:mnoaom:wo_.oa.:m_:.n_N..—mm.O:mnewnuwomman9:3 ..:u9a..mWm53‘an:mommmwQma:m_uu:nww_n,:..soon...man»2::man.N.TGown...”::.:.n€m_OOn_mom:5 Q?om>:m::nmama?Em82:omz?..:NWmm....NnmW19.96vx?mwBEEwecaGxn???aa3.,oaaxvén...H3; awBmo_::o:019300.?Oo:_::mm.o:. .wCUD.w.F.uE:::w10-.mvmnrz_.:mm.m:.m...mmmeiaam€<NmmEu..o<ma_:En...<NONO4N_ _u...n_WOnCwonocz.Z0.oo_-_com.m~A.u3.:=5.u.:c:_:owm~.rooo. 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