11-23-20 Budget WS Adpoted MinutesMINUTES Budget Workshop Meeting = Thursday, July 23, 2020 - 6:00 PM via Videoconference ATTENDANCE: Present: Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1 Cindy Anderson, Commissioner - Seat 2 (District 1308) Blythe Waters, Commissioner - Seat 3 (District 1307) — arrived at 6:15 PM Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 (District 1306) Brittany Norris, Mayor Pro Tem 1 Commissioner - Seat 5 (District 1312) Also Present: Shane Corbin, City Manager (CM) Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM) Lori Diaz, Deputy City Clerk 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2, 3. Pursuant to Governor DeSantis' Executive Order Number 20-69 and COA13 Emergency Order, the meeting was held via videoconference, PUBLIC COMMENT DCM I-Iogencamp stated there were no written comments received. Mayor Glasser requested IT Senior Systems Engineer Bob Cimon to confirm speakers on the platform who wish to speak. Mr. Cimon reported one speaker, Rick Carper. Rick Carper stated the draft budget was not user friendly, does not include a summary and listed numerous items that required explanation, He requested the Commission consider an increase in the stormwater utility fee. Mayor Glasser closed Courtesy of the Floor. .i+Y2020-21 BUDGET UPDATE CM Corbin presented a PowerPoint presentation titled Fiscal Year 2020-21 Budget Commission Workshop #1 July 23, 2020, (which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as ATTACHMENT A). Budget workshop July 23, 2020 CM Corbin provided an overview of the slides and requested Commission feedback. (Commissioner Waters arrived at 6:15 PM) Finance Director (FD) Melissa Burns reported that the projected losses were based on networking and previous years. ATTACHMENT A - Fiscal Year 2020-21 Budget Commission Workshop ##1 July 23 2020 4, CITY COMMISSION COMMENTS/QUESTIONS Commissioner Anderson requested explanation of line items with large increases, and what types of services falls under Professional Services and the Communications line item. Commissioner Kelly requested addressing 2020 Priorities that don't cost any money, and requested that the Revenues Impacted by Covid-19 Update slide be publicized. Commissioner Norris conceded with comments for a more user friendly budget, stated she is not against use of the Reserves to cover budget shortfalls and requests department heads attend next budget meeting. Commissioner Waters questioned the use of the Reserves to cover budget shortfalls that are recuiTing expenses. Mayor Glasser requests FD Burns to research uses for the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act for assistance, requests department heads attend next budget meeting. Questions and discussion ensued regarding, guidance for staff. Commission requested: • Clarify that the proposed budget for FY21 assumes approximately $338,000 in last revenue. • Provide status of the transfer of the re -surfacing increase to the General Fund. • Provide options for use of the FY20 Unspent Funds. Provide a list of proposed projects that have not yet been done. • Use money from the Re -development Fund for mural/art. • Regarding Reduce or Eliminate 3% Cost of Living Salary Increase: To remain as an option. • Regarding Creating an In -House Position for City Attorney: Provide cost savings, and proposed salary of an In -House position. CM Corbin shared a wish lists of projects by department which included projects that were cut. He proposed the possibility of using FY20 Unspent Funds in this area which would lower the projected expenses. Budget Workshop July 23, 2020 5. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Glasser adjourned the meeting at 7:41 PM. Attest: Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk El n Glasser, Mayor 0111 120 Date Approved Budget Workshop July 23, 2020 ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes ATTACHMENT July 23, 2020 Minutes ATQTIC BEACH CITY BUDGET PROCESS UNDER WAY;,� HEARINGS SET FDR SEPT. 14, SEPT. 28 The City of Atlantic Beach is developing its budget for fiscal year 2020-21 which begins Oct. 1. 2020. Public input to City std1f and the City Commission is welcome throughout the process. Here is the Fy 2020-21 budget workshop and public hearing calendar, which is subject to ch anger luly 23 First City Commission budget workshop; 6 p.m. July 30 Second City Commission budget workshop;.6 p.m Aug. 6 Third City Commission budget workshop [if needed]; 6 p -m. Sept. 14 First of two City Commission public hearings and votes on the budget/millage rate Sept. 28 Second of two City Commission public hearings and votes on the budget%rnillage rate FOR MSR 8 PROVIDE INPUT TO CITY STAFF, CALL 247.5804 OR EMAIL INFO@COAG-US_ TO PROVIDE IRPl1T TO THE CITY COMMISSION, EMAIL FLECTEDOFFICIALSKIIABAS. ATTACHMENT July 23, 2020 Minutes 2020 Priorities • Adv ancing Racial Equity • Environmental Leadership • Multimodal Mobility and Safety • Mayport Road • Capital Planning and Budgeting • Quality of Life • Partner Development ozo-u Budget H-Ighlip A balanced budget Maintains ad valorem rate of 3.2255 mills; lowest in Duval co. Completion of major capital projects: - South Seminole drainage, sidewalk - Aquatic Gardens stormwater improvements - Donner Road improvements - Marshside septic -to -sewer i azo-zi Budget Highl-IR 3% salary increase for all employees; additional increase for sworn police personnel Community -oriented policing initiative Police body cameras Security cameras in three locations Promoting racial equality initiative ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes AT_L.� TIC .BEACH Postponed projects Beautification Park Maintenance Park Maintenance Street Park Maintenance Beautification Recreation Flyover mural Selva Marina path Aquatic Dog Park improvements Resurfacing 20th Street Beach Walkover 18th Beach Access Events and Programs $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $125,000 $125,000 $20,000 TOTAL $470,000 ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes ATLjkNTIc BEACH �� r�:.r'_•.`l �... � ref ; Projected Fund Balances 9-30-21 General Fund Reserves (Restricted) General Fund Reserves (Unrestricted) Public Utilities Stormwater Reserves Better Jax Sanitation Local Option Gas Tax Tree Protection Convention Development Tax • Projected balance as of 9-30-21 $3,774,233 3,476,330 2,114,569 Drainage 711,249 Transportation; quality of life / 1,304,505 economic dev. / public facilities 1,300,002 Road and drainage systems 73,141 Tree planting/preservation 50,538 Park acquisition/dev.; lifeguard 50,000 stations; ballfields; tourism promo ATTACHMENT July 23, 2020 Minutes ATLANTIC BEACH General Fund Reserves At -A -Glance Genera! Fund Reserves $3,774,233 25% (Restricted) General Fund Reserves (Unrestricted) Genera! Fund Reserves TOTAL * Projected balance as of 9-30-21 3,476,330 $7,250,563 23% 48% ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes Available Funding Sources Tree Protection Tree planting/preservation $50,539 Convention Development Acquisition and development of parks, Tax lifeguard stations and/or athletic fields; tourism promotion Local Option Gas Tax Better Jacksonville Tax Transportation; environment/quality of Share life/ targeted economic development/public facilities 50,000 73,141 1,304,505 ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes ATLA.NTIC BEACH Z�Z Departmental Overviews ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes Governing Body, City Administration & Recreation • $150K legal budget • Continuing Recreation internship program • New dog festival ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes Planningand Building • Development review and permitting • Continuing development of a parks master plan • Environmental Stewardship • LEED initiatives • Tree Plantings • Tree Code Update ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes Public Safety • 4-7 Vehicles • Expanding Body Camera Program • Community Oriented_ Policing (COPS program) • Security Cameras 18th Street Beach Access Tideuiews • Town Center ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes Public Works • Aquatic Gardens Stormwater Improvement Project • Donner Road and Sidewalk Improvement Project • Maintenance of Buildings, Beach, Parks and Public Rights - of -Way ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes Public Utilities • Completing the Marshside Septic -to -Sewer Project • Lift Station Repairs • Selva Marina Forced Main Extension • Donner Road Forced Main Replacement • Odor Control • General Maintenance ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH REVENUES IMPACTED BY COVID-19 UPDATE Compared same time period Fiscal Year 2020 to Fiscal Year 2019 Revenue Source Public Service Tax Franchise Fees Revenue Sharing '/2 Sales Tax Convention Dev Tax Local Option Gas Tax Better Jax '/z Cent Sales - Total El FY20 292,024.59 $ 369,099.02 242,436.25 823,753.90 64,069.06 256,571.92 521,124.71 FY 19 315,531.28 374,776.91 266,483.07 1,105,974.20 88,428.91 281,658.28 535,955.94 $ 21,569,079.45 $ 2,9689808.59 Difference -8l -2% -10% -34% -38% -10% -3% -131 Proposed budget assumes approximately $338,000 in lost revenue. Resource Allocation Personnel Services Opoerafing Expenses Capital Outlay Debt SeNi-ce Transfers Total Beginning Fund Balance ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes 7,63-5,383 4,085,372 495,782 -104,225 12,224,762 8,755}0-65 4,787.233 542, 622 14,-065.420 Actual Actual 2017-2418 2018-2019 8,898 ,U5 4;076,36} 696.484 9,175,809 5.921,121 3'10.02 14,56.9.M 15,415.952 Budget Budget 2019-2020 2020-2021 7,05 223 7.077,821 6,791,915 6,428.809 2T7,784 -944,761 (376;462) 111111111111MR�.L�Tl'Lzl.Ltm Increase (Decrease) 36�16) ATTACHMENT July 23, 2020 Minutes ATLANTIC BEACH General Fund Reserves At -A -Glance General Fund Reserves $3,774,233 (Restricted) General Fund Reserves (Unrestricted) General Fund Reserves TOTAL * Projected balance as of 9 -3❑ -21 (:31476,330 $7,250,563 25% 23% 48% ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes Summary of All Departments Combined Summary of Expenses Actual 2017-2018 ExRenses, Actual Budget Budget 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 M_- Actual ` Increase (Decrease) Governing Body 38.722 40,207 55,876 52,223 (3,653) City Administration 2.730,766 2.864.567 3.047,218 3.131593 84.375 General Government 4,186,185 1,674.407 2,776,890 Z731,920 (11.442) Planning 562,328 540.117 731,196 662,209 (68,987) Public Safety 5.967.302 6.736 464 6.815.826 7,194,185 378.359 Parks and Recreation 1,285.292 1,429,768 1,463,363 1,646,655 183,292 Public Works 5,072,603 5,384,701 8,594.289 8,975,967 381,678 Public Utilities8,300.891 12,207,733 14,582,617 2,3747884 Building 780,721 550,654 612,919 602,178 (10.741 ) Pension 2,171,334 2,669,092 2,318,256 2,260,568 (57,688) Total Expenses 31,363,007 30,190,890 38,623,566 41,840,115 3,250,077 ATTACHMENT July 23, 2020 Minutes Considerations and Guidance • Revenue Loss May be Less Than Projected: $388K • Consider Funds from FY 20 Budget Unspent: $400K • Utilize Unrestricted Reserves: $3,,476,,330 • Create In -House Position for City Attorney • Make Additional Reductions from General Fund • Police • Public Works • City Administration Reduce or Eliminate 3% Cost of Living Salary Increase (77k per percentage point) ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes ATLA,NTIC BEACH CITY BUDGET PROCESS UNDER WAY; HEARINGS SET FOR SEPT. 14, SEPT. 28 The City of Atlantic Beach is developing its budget for fiscal year 2020-21 which begins Oct. 1. 2020. Public input to City staff and the City Commission is welcome throughout the process. Here is the F4 2020-21 budget workshop and public hearing calendar, which is subject to change= July 23 First City Commission budget workshop; 6 p.m. luly 30 Second City Commission budget workshop; b p.nti Aug. 6 Third City Commission budget workshop [it needed); 6 p.m. Sept. 14 First of two Cita Commission public hearings and votes on the budget/millage rate Sept. 28 Second of two City Commission public hearings and votes on the budget/mil Inge rate ATIOH, OR TO PROVIDE INPUT TO CITY STAFF, CAL 04 -OWU IHFOUDAB_nS. TO PROVIDE INPUT TO THE CITY C0MMISSI 0N, EMAIL ELECTED 0fFICIALS@C0ARAS. ATTACHMENT July 23, 2020 Minutes ATLANTIC BEACH Priorities (est. January 2020; amended July 2020) ADVANCING RACIAL EQUITY An initiative to strengthen the City leadership's knowledge and capacity to eliminate racial disparities, heal racial divisions, and build a more equitable community via: • Starting a community conversation on race. ■ Observing and listening to voices in the community; to people already focusing on racial equity in the community; and to the associated data. Making a public declaration demonstrating the City's commitment to racial equity. • Creating a racial equity plan. Fri6. ENVIRONMENTAL LEADERSHIP --`' An initiative validating COAB's commitment to Being a sustainable, resilient community via: ■ Improving the LEED silver -certified community performance score across the five categories -- energy, water, waste, transportation, and human experience • Advocating a no -net -loss of the tree canopy by planting trees and updating the tree -protection code • promoting plastic -reduction measures • Promoting the four Rs (refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle) ■ Maintaining the Tree City USA designation by meeting certain criteria, including celebrating Arbor Day event, spending at feast $2 per -capita on urian forestry ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes 'r rr}= ATLA,,NTic BEACH Jit Priorities (est. January 2020; amended July 2020) ulIj91A18Is] *7ilq MOBILITY & SAFETY An initiative to provide safe, convenient and of automobile, bicycle and pedestrian travelways citywide via: • Developing a complete streets policy ■ Establishing/developing a system of sidewalks/multi-use paths • Improving pedestrian/bicycle crossings • Initiating a public relations campaign to promote roadway safety • Parking and traffic calming measures MAYPORT ROAD An initiative to improve safety, business and cultural opportunities, quality of life, and neighborhood identity via: • Strengthening the city's position on securing future state complete streets/road diet/safety- enhancement funding ■ Updating the Comprehensive Plan to incentivize redevelopment • Growing the public art grant program • Growing the facade-improvementllandscaping grant program • Mural painting at the Atlantic Boulevard interchange ATTACHMENT A July 23, 2020 Minutes t � ATLjk,,NTIc BEACH Priorities (est. January 2020; amended July 2020) CAPITAL PLANNINGIto & BUDGETING A financial and infrastructure planning initiative prepare future needs via: ■ Adopting a reserve fund policy • Establishing a property acquisition and development fund to aggregate capital for land conservation/green space and other real esta purchases ■ Updating the 10 -year capital improvement pla • Developing a sea level rise adaptation plan • Implementing the stormwater and parks -to - marsh master plans QUALITY OF LIFE An initiative encompassing people, parks. beach accesses and neighborhoods to improve quality of life indicators via: • Beautifying parks, beach accesses and rights of - way • Reducing sign pollution§ ■ Promoting art and history • Improving recreation/wellness programming for youth and senior citizens • Promoting recreation and cultural opportunities at Beaches Veterans Memorial park and other parks west of Mayport Road