09-21-20 Commission Workshop Adopted MinutesMINUTES Commission Workshop Meeting 7.3-1. Monday, September 21, 2020 - 5:30 PM ns.);- via Videoconference ATTENDANCE: Present: Ellen Glasser, Mayor- Seat 1 Cindy Anderson, Commissioner- Seat 2 (District 1308) Blythe Waters, Commissioner- Seat 3 (District 1307)—connected at 6:14 p.m. Candace Kelly, Commissioner- Seat 4 (District 1306) Brittany Norris, Mayor Pro Tem/Commissioner- Seat 5 (District 1312) Also Present: Shane Corbin, City Manager(CM) Brenna Durden, City Attorney(CA) Donna Bartle, City Clerk(CC) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager(DCM) CALL TO ORDER Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. Pursuant to Governor DeSantis' Executive Order Number 20-69 and COAB Emergency Order, the meeting was held via videoconference. 1. TOPICS: PRIORITIZATION OF PARKS PROJECTS A. Public Comment Mayor Glasser requested IT Senior Systems Engineer Bob Cimon to confirm speakers on the platform who wish to speak. Mr. Cimon reported there were no speakers. DCM Hogencamp reported there were no written comments received. Mayor Glasser closed Public Comment. B. Staff Presentation COAB Parks Master Plan - Draft CM Corbin reported the budgeted amount to use towards the projects is $141,000 and is on page 118 of the budget. The line item is titled Parks Master Plan Improvements. He added that the Better Jax Fund can also be used towards park improvements, quality of life improvements, infrastructure work, land purchases, and installation of parks equipment. He reported the Better Jax Fund balance as currently over$1,700,000. CM Corbin introduced staff on hand for presentations. Commission Workshop September 21,2020 Planning and Community Development Director (PCDD) Amanda Askew reported on goals of the Parks Master Plan. Public Works(PW)Director Scott Williams requested Commission feedback on priority of projects that are listed in the agenda packet. Commissioner Waters connected at 6:14 p.m.) Cultural Arts and Recreation Director Timmy Johnson emphasized the need for additional parking at Donner Park Discussion ensued regarding clarification of the budget for the park projects, grants, and park by park priorities. City Engineer (CE) Steve Swann clarified that we can safely assume the CDBG grant money for Donner Park will be received. CE Swann to call the Neighborhoods Division tomorrow about allowance to use funding for a splash pad instead of the resurfacing, if decided. C. Commission Discussion There was lengthy discussion regarding prioritization of the recommendations for Aquatic Dog Park and Beach Accesses, page 5 of the agenda packet. Mayor Glasser emphasized the objective of this meeting is to prioritize the budget for parks improvements. In the interest of time, policy decisions should be made in a different meeting. There was discussion regarding prioritization of the recommendations for Bull Memorial Park, page 6, and Donner Park, page 7. PW Director Williams reported on the recommendation of creating additional pickle ball courts at Donner Park and reported residents have requested to please add more pickle ball courts. He reported the cost estimate as $50,000. He also suggested using the grant funds for this project. Commissioner Norris suggested to defer some of the recommendations at this park until there is adequate parking. (CE) Swann reported on costs and grant money for funding of the splash pad and projected costs at $200,000 to 300,000. He also reported he is working on a grant that could cover at least 50%of the splash pad costs. There was additional discussion regarding the recommendation of the splash pad.Mayor Glasser mentioned reaching out for assistance, and that the Rotary is interested. Discussion ensued regarding recommendations for Dutton Island Preserve,page 8 of the agenda packet. It was determined that the projects listed are small ticket items and are already in progress. PW Director Williams was commended. Commission Workshop September 21,2020 CPDD Askew to follow up regarding use of Tree Mitigation dollars for planting saltwater tolerant Cypresses at Dutton Island Preserve. PW Director Williams reported park benches, bike racks, and trash cans, are already covered and will not come out of the $141,000. CM Corbin requested CE Swann to report on the marsh study. CE Swan stated he has submitted a grant request through FEMA for funding of a marsh study. Discussion ensued regarding recommendations for Fairway Villas Park and Howell Park. PW Director Williams and Mr. Johnson provided input regarding the recommendation of installing a gazebo. Mayor Glasser expressed the need to receive public input on this before making a decision. There was discussion regarding ADA parking at our parks. Commissioner Waters concurred with Mayor Glasser regarding receiving feedback regarding installing a gazebo at Howell Park before a decision. Commissioner Kelly is in favor of installing a gazebo at Howell Park. Discussion ensued regarding recommendations for Jack Russell Park, page 7 of the agenda packet. Commissioner Waters requested consideration of a Community Garden at Jack Russell Park. CM Corbin provided feedback on a Community Garden. Discussion ensued regarding recommendations for Johansen Park,page 13 of the agenda packet. Commissioner Anderson provided input, and recommended public art. Discussion ensued regarding recommendations for Jordan Park, page 10 of the agenda packet. The recommendations were to add parking. Commissioner Kelly requested input from Chief Gualillo regarding parks and crime, specifically Jordan Park and Dutton Island. CM Corbin to follow up with the Chief. Mayor Glasser mentioned Safety Town and suggested Jordan Park as a possibility. Discussion ensured regarding Marvin's Gardens Park and Riverbranch Preserve. Mayor Glasser suggested look into our policy on naming of parks. PW Director Williams spoke regarding kayak signage. There were no comments regarding Selva Preserve. CM Corbin reported on installing bat boxes at Tide Views Preserves. Commissioner Waters stated that bat boxes are best in small groupings and suggested them for the ditch Commission Workshop September 21,2020 from 17th to 18th Street along Seminole Road. Further discussion ensued regarding other recommendations. Discussion ensued regarding recommendations for Veterans Park and Waters Park,page 15 of the agenda packet. Commissioner priorities stated as follows: Commissioner Anderson - bathroom at Veterans Park, additional parking where needed, art at Johansen Park. Commissioner Kelly- parking and bathrooms where needed. Commissioner Norris - parking at Donner and Jordan Parks, splash pad if grants, ADA paved spot at Howell Park, bathroom at Veterans Park, art and more bridges at Johansen Park, mitigating tree loss,updating the kayak path signage, and a pathway to Tide Views parking lot Commissioner Waters- parking where needed, pickleball courts, bathroom at Veterans Park, kayak path signage, bike access to Atlantic Blvd, plant trees at Johansen Park, splash pad, and bike park. Mayor Glasser - parking where needed, pickleball courts, beach access signage, bathroom at Veterans Park, splash pad, bat boxes, and water bottle refill stations in the parks. Her additional recommendations require public input first. She commended staff for their work on the draft, she mentioned connectivity, and ADA access and expressed concerns regarding filling parks too full of amenities. CM Corbin requested feedback on adding a coquina drive on the north side of Jack Russell Park. Commissioners are amenable to the recommendation. Commissioner Norris mentioned that Rose Park was not on the list and recommended additional benches near the soccer field. PW Director Williams reported the LED lighting at Rose Park was a placeholder but has been deferred due to Mr. Carper's comments regarding public input being against it. Commission requested to further research before completely scratching the project. ADJOURNMENT Adjourned at 8:04 p.m. Attest: 4114W/ Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Ellen Glasser, Mayor Date Approved 23/20 Commission Workshop September 21,2020